Pretty good Day.
The PGA Championship got off to a decent start. And ESPN’s coverage went where it always goes: straight to 24/7 Tiger coverage while ignoring almost everybody else, including the 32 guys that are ahead of or tied with him. The Red Raiders fired a coach who appears to be a sociopath. And UCL matches are back today with Man City and Real Madrid facing off in a HUUUUUGE game. Enjoy that.

Tedious man (stock image)
Big birthdays today are noted female serial killer Elizabeth Bathory, revolutionary general Nathanael Greene, dancer and spy Mata Hari, hurler Don Larsen, groundbreaking marathoner Abebe Bikila, tedious radio personality Garrison Keillor, actor and sex addict David Duchovny, actress Charlize Theron, hockey player Sidney Crosby, and quarterback Kyler Murray.
Right-o. Now here come…the links!

Scumbag grifter asshole (stock image)
Bernie Sanders doesn’t understand much about where wealth is kept. Or about how its legitimately accumulated. Or about much of anything, aside from being a piece of shit thief.
I wonder how soon before the mayor and governor blame Trump? Because blaming federal leaders from the GOP is what usually happens when a bad storm hits the city right on the water at sea level.
The clock is ticking. Tik-tok. Tik-tok. Tik-tok. Shit is gonna go crazy if this doesn’t get resolved in 45 days.
This girl is gonna grow up to be a busybody asshole. I feel bad for any guy who hooks up with her in college but doesn’t have plenty of evidence that the hookup was her idea.

Sick pervert kiddie-porn watcher goes free.
Our Limey cousins also have a two-tiered justice system. What a fucking creep.
Gee, nobody in the world could have seen this coming. Unless, you know, they were merely paying attention. Anyway, the solution s going to be more taxpayer money being pissed away. That part you can count on.
“Don’t you know who I am? I’m important!” What an asshole.
Enjoy one of the greatest music videos of all time. You’re welcome.
Now get to there and have a great day…and an even better weekend, friends!
Guten Morning All!
Goood morning!
Grüß Gott!
I mean it was, then I woke up.
Is that supposed to be some sort of bird-dog?
No, its a dog-bird.
Oh, okay.
The “Make Billionaires Pay Act” would impose a one-time 60% tax on wealth gains made by billionaires between March 18, 2020, and Jan. 1, 2021.
Sounds awfully specific, discriminatory and unconstitutional*.
*I know, I know…
Why do you hate poor people?
Because they are stinky and take their wash to the laundromat in splitting orange garbage bags?
You left out “ex post facto law”
Update from Ohio. DeWine’s second COVID test has come back negative. You can all breathe a sigh of relief that we won’t be robbed of this
great manasshole.It might be a false-negative.
Test him again.
Throw him in solitary confinement for 14 days.
Just toss him in his house for 14 days to be safe. Pass his duties off to the Lt Gov.
Not so fast, they were in close contact at some point over the past 14 days. Both should be in isolation for 14 days. I’ll be willing to chip in to cut off their phone lines, internet, and cell service during this time as well.
They obviously did not put the swab far enough up his nose.
But! But! Science! All the results are true! And the more tests, the more positive results! Which means more virus! Shut! It! Down!
He only got sick, because he’s a numbskull. Right Murphy?
He’s a knucklehead!
But that definitely isn’t happening for a regular person who tests positive and must quarantine for 14 days after waiting 10 for the original result just to be sure. Just him.
That tax is nothing more than straight up envy. It has lasting purpose except to screw people who Sanders doesn’t like.
I say we institute a 100% tax on all book sales by politicians.
Only if the money is refunded to taxpayers.
Defund politicians!
I propose a 100% tax on socialists and communists, they didn’t build that!
My idea is that for 10 years after they’re out of office, tax all income above what they made in office at 100%.
They are bi-partisan grifters. That sensible idea would never fly.
“Low-grade” depression. That’s like saying “Obama” depression.
Trump would only have the best depression.
Hey, that victim cred won’t just jump into your pocket…
“High-grade depression! The best! Low-grade depression. That’s just sad. Sad for America… We’re gonna build a Great Depression for our Country, greater than we’ve ever seen!”
Sanders for President!
He truly has his finger on the pulse of the nation.
I thought it was his teeth.
Good one!
First they came for Bezos and Musk and I didn’t say anything…
Chewbacca’s idea for treatment for her depression is to put everybody else on Prozac.
I think it’s more akin to the basement room with a floor drain, like her heroes liked to use.
Oh and fuck that cunte Oprah. She can die of an infarction yesterday.
Seeing as Michelle Obama has constantly agitated on the racial relations (first family is so oppressed) she can fuck off trying to get people to feel bad for her.
Maybe she’s depressed because she sent her daughter to intern for a noted sexual predator and is wondering how that went.
Just kidding. That noted sexual predator raised a lot of money for her husband. So she’s probably fine with it.
Reminded me of this from 11 years ago.
Just try to imagine the conflict in his mind – “She’s so damn Hot/She’s the President’s daughter…”
To a sexual predator, those would probably both go into the “reasons to assault” column.*
*although saying “she’s so damn hot” about Malia Obama needs to go into the “reasons to go see an eye doctor” column.
I’m not an Ephebophile so I claim ignorance. Michelle is ugly but her daughters are kinda pretty.
Their other daughter Sasha is quite fetching. Malia looks like she got hit in the face with a shovel.
Youth has its own appeal. My standards have slipped some since I became one of the invisible ones. You are right and I am wrong. Your music selection today was terrible though so at least I got that going for me.
I can’t find the scene in the barracks from Biloxi Blues online to post here that covers that situation.
She’ll feel better when she gets the VP nom.
You really do want me to squirt in the toilet and puke in the tiny garbage can. Thanks, Dad.
She just needs more cock I presume
Michelle Representing!
Today is Mike Trout’s birthday. He is already over 70 WAR at age 29. Impressive.
Larsen is 5th on the WAR list, but more important than #2-4.
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say
Today is Mike Trout’s birthday.
I thought it was pretty clear.
Who is Mike Trout?
What is the gibberish about warring?
I think he’s a gay fish, that’s why I’m voting Kanye 2020!
Baseball talk. America’s sport!
You’re obviously not a golfer
Not enough shade. And I can’t afford another expensive, time-consuming hobby.
goddamnit i messed that up it was Obviously you are not a golfer
WAR is spreadsheet logic trying to explain a game that runs on feelings. Most people that use that metric can’t even throw a pitch. It’s the nerds at their table judging the jocks. It works but it doesn’t explain intangibles.
but can they match pitch?
Obviously you’re a glee fan,
Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical.
That leaves -40% for feelings and intangibles.
Just twisting your tail a little, Friend.
“I’m not an athlete, I’m a ballplayer!” — most accurate sports statement ever
That was Kruk, right?
John Kruk, Siren
WAR. What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing.
I laffed
Say it again.
Trout’s most similar by age list (thru 2019 season):
Mantle, Robinson, Griffey Jr, Aaron, Cabrera, Mathews, Pujols, Ott, Andruw Jones, Dimaggio.
7 HOFers, 2 active players, and possibly* the best defensive CF ever.
*At least in his prime.
^Young ‘un never saw Willie Mays play.
Anyway I would take Torii Hunter over Junior defensively.
Torii Hunter made the best throw I have ever seen in baseball during a Midwest League game I attended. Absolute rocket from the warning track to home. Catcher caught the ball one foot up the line one foot off the ground. Runner on third tagged, ran half way down, saw the throw, and hustled back to 3rd. He would have been out by a good 10 feet.
Junior isn’t in the discussion defensively.
Hunter made 3 impressive throws in that game, that was the best of them. They were impressive enough I looked up and remembered the name of an A ball player.
We can agree to disagree on Jones vs. Hunter. Both were great, but I thought you were going with the standard trope about Junior being so great. Glad you were not.
I give Hunter the edge over Jones because of the horrible stadium he played in.
Junior was in the HOF category. He was below average defensively for the first half of his career. Never near the best of all time.
That is the argument. And I will say it without weasel words. Jones in his prime was a better defensive centerfielder than Mays in his prime.
No one else is even in the discussion.
He’s incredible.
Crowded hallway!!!! OH nos!!!!!
The need of some adults to put children into constant states of irrational fear is sick.
Yes, it is. If you’re a sadistic piece of shit and want to ruin your kids, making them afraid of everything is at least as good a way as beating or molesting them.
When will we have common sense biker control?
Friday is the official start of the 80th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, where 250,000 people are expected to gather in the South Dakota town of that name for nine days of defying proven precautions against the spread of COVID-19.
“Nobody is social distancing and none of them are wearing masks,” local psychologist Michael Fellner told The Daily Beast. “None.”
Fellner is originally from Brooklyn in New York City, which was once the nation’s COVID-19 epicenter but has just reported three straight days without a single death from the virus. The transformation is almost certainly the result of the same precautions the bikers in Sturgis are ignoring.
Rod Florquest of Wyoming was among the thousands who had arrived early.
“You really have to look to see someone wearing a mask,” he reported, as though this was a good thing.
The Festival Of Dirtbags has got some panties knotted up in a big way.
I guess we’ll have to send in the Army Corps of Engineers to dig mass graves and bulldoze the rotting contaminated corpses into them. Burn them with napalm, too.
“defying proven precautions against the spread of COVID-19.”
Proven!!!! Not like that hydrophobiaclean!!!
I’m assuming this is an outdoor event? Then it must be similar to the effects of the rioting. Publici health harpies can go eat a bag of leprous dicks. If you are going to Green light riots, then you have no leg to stand on.
I’m assuming this is an outdoor event? Then it must be similar to the effects of the rioting.
I don’t think I understand the question. ::dithers until clock runs out::
The transformation is almost certainly the result of the same precautions the bikers in Sturgis are ignoring.
That is even bigger bullshit. The ‘transformation’ is because most of the susceptible population has already been hit.
You know… I’m not a biker, but for some reason I feel like Sturgis would be better then watching everything get closed around me.
I’m not a biker either but managed to hang out in one of their bars for a few years without any problem whatsoever (aside from the ever-simmering chili pot).
Sturgis dumps a lot of money in the economy up there, but it does so by taking an area which is beautiful, quiet, and uncrowded and packing it full of rowdy people. I fully understand the ambivalence of the locals lol.
The only proven precaution so far is to avoid public transportation.
The only proven precaution so far is to avoid public
transportation.respiration.Just stop breathing. It’s the only way to be sure!
Those dirt-bags have been exposed to every disease under the Sun. What’s a little commie cough when you proudly display your Red Wings?
I’m guessing a bunch of rebels who ride vehicles that are riskier than cars by one or more orders of magnitude have a more realistic assessment of the ChiCom Flu peril than the person who wrote this article.
Bernie Sanders doesn’t understand much about where wealth is kept. Or about how its legitimately accumulated. Or about much of anything, aside from being a piece of shit thief. – well legitimate is just a random word ya know
But seriously
Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Ed Markey, D-Mass., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., on Thursday introduced the “Make Billionaires Pay Act,” which would tax tech’s top leaders tens of billions of dollars in wealth made during the pandemic.
The “Make Billionaires Pay Act” would impose a one-time 60% tax on wealth gains made by billionaires between March 18, 2020, and Jan. 1, 2021.
March 18? really? Are so many people seriously so fucking stupid to buy this shit?
Yes. People are, seriously, so fucking stupid to guy this shit.
*buy. Dammit. Words are hard.
in that case we are doomed so might as well drink up….
If this shit passed billionaires should just dump stock on the market in December until their gains go away… cause that is what they woulds have to do anyway to pay
All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives…
Oh, yes, stupid they are, beyond accounting.
It’s not revenue. It’s a penaltax
I wonder how soon before the mayor and governor blame Trump? Because blaming federal leaders from the GOP is what usually happens when a bad storm hits the city right on the water at sea level. – if they only had more offshore windfarm… or wait are those good or bad in a storm? I forget… should be good plenty of wind so what could go wrong? anyways more offshore windfarms
Winsmills have a very narrow range of windspeeds they can run at. During a storm they get shut off – and snap to pieces anyway.
Winsmills sounds like some shitty Irish Whiskey.
a Wins in hand is worth two Bush on the shelf
I think I’ll use it as a brand name in the Tarnished Sterling universe.
Goes on the shelf alongside Isla Sangre, Teknika, and Vintergeist.
You laugh but Cuomo has been pushing offshore windfarms for years. He thinks they will replace the nuclear power plants he’s shutting down.
Yes, he is that stupid.
PS. The residents are pushing back. Nothing has been built. One major nuke shuts down next year. I’m looking forward to the rolling blackouts.
There won’t be any. He’ll just have the power diverted from upstate. What are those dumb hicks going to do, not vote for him?
In the never-ending battle for the title of Peak Stupidity in the tri-state area, Murphy has a leg up on Cuomo here.
I look at the pushback against natural gas and have to laugh. I envision horse-drawn coal carts in your future.
Oh man the MSM is going to eat that shit up. The taxpayers, not so much, I would hope.
Most of the taxpayers vote in Connecticut
It’s bizarro world. Real estate prices in NJ are skyrocketing as people of means flee NYC. Unfortunately I can’t leave just yet, but if DeBlasio and company can keep up their bullshit for another year or two I will be in great shape. Crossing my fingers.
Rhywun, I’m hoping your recovery is going well. I’ve been thinking of your experience, I’m up early today to head to my own abdominal surgery in an hour. Two hours for pre-op, then on to the fun.
Oh, shit. Good luck!
I’m doing fine. All the equipment is now functioning more or less normally. Still some residual aches/pains & weakness, and I’m still worried about what my new belly-button will look like after the bits of tape fall off, and whether it will perform adequately in the long run. ??
Does your belly button perform?
Uh-oh, Is there something wrong with mine?
Yes, but all I ask of it is to keep my insides from spilling out.
Post-birth it’s a cosmetic feature. They could have removed it entirely without causing issues.
Good point. And it’s not like I’m going to be inflicting the sight of my fatbody on anyone. Alien-looking or otherwise.
Ah crap, Buddy. Hopefully it goes as well as mine did. In and out in five hours. Fingers and toes and the other digit crossed!
Late to the party, hoping all went well. Expect to hear from you as soon as the drugs wear off. Better yet, before they wear off.
Large portions of Manhattan in New York City were without power Friday morning as at least 1.3 million people are still without power along the East Coast after Isaias wreaked havoc on the region earlier this week.
This only happened because the GOP does not fully and unquestioningly support the
religionscience of climate change.Oh-Oh Baby Boom in May 2021 in NYC
More likely Abortion Boom November 2020.
Have you seen the men representing the five boroughs lately? Your fears are largely unfounded, Sir.
I haven’t seen that in decades! Not my favorite song, but no issues with the video!
Huh. I have that tape deck.
Who doesn’t want a Nakamichi Dragon?
Although the model that mechanically flipped the tape over to play the second side was definitely cooler.
Definitely still would:
“I was concerned for the safety of everyone in that building and everyone in the county because precautions that the CDC and guidelines that the CDC has been telling us for months now, weren’t being followed,” Watters said.
Ok, Karen.
Just wear the swastika, so we will know you’re one of us
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday said wearing a mask is the single most important thing Americans can do to contain the coronavirus pandemic and get the U.S. economy back on its feet, setting up a contrast with President Trump, who rarely wears a mask.
“I’ve been promoting mask-wearing, we’ve been doing it in the Senate since the first of May when we resumed in-person sessions. It’s the single most significant thing everybody in the country can do to help prevent the spread,” McConnell said in an appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street.”
“Wear a mask, practice social distancing,” the GOP leader added.
The GOP leader made the comment when asked by host Jim Cramer whether governors should be instructed to reopen state economies and schools with the proviso that people be required to wear masks.
Wearing a mask is like a metaphor for Congress. It is an empty act, imposed on others, presenting the appearance of doing something while having, at best, no real positive effect. Good work, Mitch.
Wear that useless article of clothing or else.
If Congress did nothing but empty acts, we’d be a lot better off financially and freedom-wise in this country.
Re: the story about spiking lithium into the drinking water,
SLD, it’s something I read so it could be complete bullshit, but…
There are communities where the municipal groundwater percolates through lithium carbonate bearing rock, and those places did have a lower incidence of [whatever mental health issue was being reported on] that surface water communities or groundwater communities without lithium.
Somewhat related, the EPA changed the acceptable levels of arsenic in drinking water to 0.1 of the previous level once (late ’90s? Early ’00s?) Many Oklahoma aquifers have arsenate minerals as part of their structure so overnight water sources that people had been drinking from for generations suddenly became unsafe. It’s like that SHAZAM! moment at 00:01 when someone goes from being a completely immature child to a sexually cognizant adult.
I seem to remember a short story dealing with something like that… I think it was Stephen King. Scientists had found a small town that had a far below average rate of violence, and they had an impurity in the water supply that wasn’t common elsewhere. Based on the short study, they decided to put that impurity in the water supply across the country, and the world. The long term effects weren’t studied, which was that it turned everyone into a moron.
So that’s what happened…
My retort to the assertion by a certain writer that “Violence is the last resort of the incompetent” is that competent people know to deploy it sooner.
I need that t-shirt.
This is the correct interpretation of that character’s/author’s assessment.
I seem to remember the story as well. It was written like a diary and the last words were something like “now we are all dumdums and dingbats”
I must have read it in Omni magazine back in the day. I miss that magazine, it was such a great way for a nerdy kid to get lost for a while every month.
Subscription. That and National Lampoon and Heavy Metal. Gee, wonder how I wound up on this site?
No doubt, I had subscriptions to Nat Geo, Omni, Popular Science, Motor Trend, and Popular Mechanics. I traded mags with my best friend as he had MAD magazine and Hot Rod.
My folks got a lot of the “buy one subscription and get 5 for free” offers.
Later I got Spin, Playboy, and Wired added once I went to college.
I remember the story, but I had no idea that it was Stephen King who wrote it. I must have read it in Omni, too. What a great magazine that was.
I believe that’s it! Thanks for enacting my labor!
The original discovery of lithium as a treatment for bipolar disorder, IIRC, came from linking a region which had very low incidence of mania to its naturally high amount of lithium in the local water supply. It might have been somewhere in Australia. Too distracted to look it up right now.
The Clinton administration set that arsenic level as they were leaving office as a sop to their environmental allies and as a “screw you” to the incoming Bush administration.
Going bankrupt in China
Bo Li, Jacopo Ponticelli 06 August 2020
The lack of an efficient and independent judicial system can impede economic development by negatively affecting firms’ ability to invest, innovate, and reallocate capital towards more productive projects. This is indeed a concern for China. This column exploits the introduction of specialised bankruptcy courts in different Chinese cities between 2007 and 2017 to examine its effects on the local economy. Specialisation leads to faster resolution of bankruptcy cases, especially for state-owned firms. It also increased local firms’ average product of capital and decreased the share of labour employed in zombie-intensive industries compared to cities where insolvency is still resolved exclusively by civil courts.
It is illegal to go bankrupt, Kulak.
You can go bankrupt, but in order to make sure you aren’t faking they torture you until you give up your hidden money. If you die without giving it up they then torture your family until they give it up. If you all die without out giving up the money they issue the order clearing your debts.
“I’m waking up in the middle of the night because I’m worrying about something or there’s a heaviness,” Obama said. “I try to make sure I get a workout in, although there have been periods throughout this quarantine, where I just have felt too low.”
Ladies and gentlemen, I present your future
vicepresident.We’re disappointing her.
Soccer Mom numero Uno.
I don’t fear pro-fa, boogaloo bois or radicals and reactionaries of any sort. I’m scared of Karens. They’re the ones that are going to upset our delicate system just because the centerpiece wasn’t “just so”. They’re doing it right now. As we speak!
I’m definitely more concerned about elected officials prescription med histories than their tax returns.
“’m worrying about something”
Getting the VP nom and getting trounced by bad orange man even though your dreamy hubby was stumping for you the entire time?
IOW, go the fuck away.
Scary shit for sure.
Racism at home and racism abroad are inextricably interlinked. The belief that people of color are expendable is what murdered 100,000 people in #Hiroshima 75 years ago today and what murdered George Floyd three months ago.
HISTORY go figure… But when it comes to nukes we can always blame (((them)))
The comments revive an ever-so-slight faith in humanity.
A professional navel-gazer, probably one of the most tedious people you could meet a ta dinner party.
And a bit of a nutjob
What the fuck is a “General Theory of Value”? Does she sort coinage to winnow out the silver ones?
It is, or ought to be, a study of what, if anything, unites economic, esthetic, moral/ethical, and other values under the unifying abstraction ‘value’.
So basically some sort of Ivory Tower tower gibberish. Now I get it.
I LOLed, my boy. That is something that actually is true, maybe on a lesser scale. Who wouldn’t celebrate finding a silver 1/4?.
le sigh
You know, i’m willing to hear arguments about why nuking wasn’t necessary.
Saying it was only done because of racisim is not an argument i’m going to entertain.
It was done at the order of a known racist who interned a bunch of people on the basis of ethnicity. The reason for it was about not having to invade Japan and kill much of the population as they bitterly defended their emperor. The result was the ending of the internment camps.
So, arguably, the inadvertent effects were the opposite of racist, whatever the motivation.
FDR RIP 4/12/45
Hiroshima RIP 8/6/45
Truman didn’t open the internment camps.
He was just a place-holder President until Dewey won in ’48!
It was done because taking Okinawa took three months and 70K casualties, and Okinawa is barely a speck on the map compared to Japan proper. The US military has been issuing Purple Hearts that were manufactured in anticipation of the invasion of Japan for 75 years and only now are they reaching the end of the supply.
Wait, Asians are POC now? I thought they were the new wypipo. I’m getting old, can’t keep up with these rapid changes.
Goalposts are not immutable characteristics you bigot!
Yeah, don’t tell that to Deblasio’s racist schools chancellor.
Asians are the chameleons of the POC hierarchy – they’re POC only if it suits the narrative. If “too many” of them are getting into Harvard — they get demoted to white.
Asians starching your shirt are down-trodden, Asians that teach your spoiled children are an abomination and should wiped from the earth. See? Easey-peasy!
What if they teach your children how to starch shirts?
The only thing that spared Germany from the nukes was timing. They surrendered before the bombs were ready. Multiple German cities were firebombed into oblivion.
They were doing just fine before the first bomb dropped. I still hold to the belief that Truman could have called truce for a week and set up a demonstration for those poor Japs.
Friday Funbags make Mammary Monday look like Titty Tuesday.
#20 is nicely thicc.
You guys must be rubbing off on me or maybe it’s the early onset but I find myself checking out “tractor-bums” much more frequently lately. I blame society. And age.
That is a damn lie, I have never rubbed off on you,
Unless you secretly worked at the Spearmint Rhino in the ’90s…
I’m sure this is a great way to sell your beer. Brewers… stop sticking your dicks into politics. Especially during a big downturn in sales, when you were already in financial trouble.
Happy International Beer Day.
Yesterday was National IPA Day, so I had that going for me. Here’s a nice somber write up of what’s going on in the industry at the present. No closings in my area that I’ve heard about yet (and one brewery opened a second location just a couple weeks ago). Of course, restaurants are closing, and over half of them are saying they can’t continue this way for the rest of the year.
Very keto friendly link you got there.
Did you see on the sidebar that Stone lost their CEO?
It took them a year to find one last time.
“We were doing okay, so no big hurry.”
Yeah. I’ve also seen that Stone got involved in another bad (in my opinion) lawsuit against Sawstone brewing. There was an opinion piece I read that was basically pleading for Stone to man up and realize they’re not the little guy anymore. Then brought up Sierra Nevada… there’s almost no bad press about Sierra Nevada, most people wouldn’t even know who Ken Grossman is, and they continually put out good product at competitive prices. The article said something along the lines of, “SN may have heavies going out to the bars to make sure that the Pale Ale is on tap throughout the nation, but you never hear about it.”
Someone once described A-B as Sierra Nevada plus 5 generations. It might be accurate, might not be, but at this time, SN just does their job and doesn’t get involved in things. I have no idea of Grossman’s politics. I could guess, but he isn’t vocal about it.
But then again Stone has been loud from the beginning. Arrogant Bastard isn’t something that SN would have ever done.
robc: SN moving on like that may be possible. The point the column was making was that Stone is still fighting like they’re the small independent brewery they were in the past. But with two failed overseas expansions, and a failed expansion in the East, they either need to realize they should stay small, or start taming down some of their positions. One of which is to stop the (to my mind) huge number of trademark disputes (89 since 2/2018). The one against Keystone is probably valid (as their advertising Keystone as Stone beer). Most of these other ones are beers that happen to have the word stone in their title/brewery name. No gargoyles, different colors, almost no chance of confusion.
Their shit’s outrageously overrated anyway.
They’ve got some decent stuff, but I can easily put them in a beer of last resort category now. Especially when I’ve got over 30 locals to support as well.
I’m not at all shocked that a beer company sustained by hipsters is going all Ben & Jerry’s. Mark me down as another person who wasn’t exactly wowed by their offerings. Good beer, but I concur that it’s way overrated.
That is what happens when you sell your company to the employees.
Or something.
In his letter, Fechheimer asks us to imagine a world where your favorite six pack no longer cost $10, but maybe $100 dollars,
That’s a lot more likely to be the result of hyperinflation caused by spending untold wealth on bullshit climate initiatives than because of actual global warming, you stupid fucking asshole.
My God. They. Never. Stop.
Apparently no one sent him the memo that they found the way to put the boot on our necks using a virus, and so his particular panic to bootneck us is so last year.
That sucks. I like their beer. Oh, well, plenty of other good beers I will be drinking instead.
Agreed. Well, I’ll find something good to replace Fat Tire…
Oh fuck off
Today’s featured “improbable curiosity” is especially disturbing. Well done.
Tiger’s Life Matters
Pass. Hate watching isn’t as fun as it used to be.
I dont know, I think I could watch the Germany-Brazil World Cup semi over and over again.
Oh, definitely. I should have clarified that I hate both teams.
I said it before but interest evaporated for me.
Didn’t Lebron just say yesterday he doesn’t care if people don’t watch because they disagree with his loser activism?
I don’t feel good about it, but I am taking City to win the whole thing.
Perhaps my most loathed team in the world. Maybe that prick Sterling will break a leg or something.
I know, I know.
I’ll hope for RB Leipzig, but City seems to be the hottest team at the moment.
They can’t keep it going forever. For fuck’s sake.
Fuck Pep.
I heard Michelle’s spiel on the radio last night. First of all, there’s something about the way she speaks that grates.
Second, it was low-grade stupid vapid and verbose non-sense teetering on condescending and disingenuous pomposity.
She couldn’t care less about those people. What exactly did her empty suit husband do for them while in office for eight years remind me?
How anyone could think she and Barry are grand intellects is beyond me.
Democrats are looking in all the wrong places to help America. Here, Michelle was hitting ‘wealth distribution’. How about you shift some of that $65 million you got in a book deal there Michelle over to the people you claim to care about?
The inner party needs their better lifestyles to be able to focus on guiding your existence.
Yeah, I’ve always had a “spidey-sense” about the Wookie and her kept man. Just No.
“Biden said he wanted to ‘clarify’ comments he had made earlier in the day and that ‘in no way did I mean to suggest the African American community is a monolith—not by identity, not on issues, not at all.'”
By “clarify” he means plead forgiveness and insist that he didn’t mean exactly the plain language of what he said.
That was hilarious.
It’s MIND-BOGGLING how this guy can remotely be a threat to Trump.
He’s beyond the absurd in his stupidity.
A semi-bright cocker spaniel would have a lock on about 183 electoral college votes against any Republican.
If you want to send a hardcore prog into fits of rage or denial, tell them that if Trump had run and won as a moderate Democrat, they would have voted for him in 2016 and would vote for him again in 2020.
I ain’t gonna lie, if the dems ran a Border Collie, I’d vote for it.
It would arguably make the best president since Coolidge. Pocket veto of legislation every time, so nothing gets passed that doesn’t have 2/3 override in both houses. No Executive Orders. Etc.
Plus it could literally round up all the congresscritters and keep them under control.
GSD for the lolz.
183 electoral college votes against any Republican
yes, it’s as simple as ^^ this ^^
* sips coffee, waits for next TRUMP LANDSLIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!! *
LOL. Never apologize, stupid.
In order to be an out-of-state competitor at a NY pistol match, the event has to be sanctioned by the NRA. By dissolving the NRA, NY would make it illegal for out-of-staters to compete. I’m assuming that there might be a interstate commerce argument to be made if the competitions offered cash prizes.
But I think it’s far more likely the NRA will sacrifice someone for financial misdeeds and pay a shitton of money to Cuomo and continue to exist.
I would think an emergency board meeting to re-charter the organization would be in order. Just like how NYC repealed the gun law being challenged at the Supreme Court – oh lookie there, the matter is now moot.
I don’t think this is a shakedown, so much as an attempt to neutralize the (extremely effective) lobbying and political action arm of the NRA, by tying them up in a bunch of legal red tape.
First counter punch thrown – suit against the AG in federal court. Have fun bitch.
Look, if you can’t promise to ues the power of your office to prosecute political enemies, then what is the point of running for AG?
The Wicked Witch of the Left is quite a cunte.
Pelosi said, “Perhaps you mistook them for somebody who gives a damn for what you just described. That is the problem. See, they don’t believe in governance. They don’t believe in governance. That requires some acts of government to do that. But just what you describe is what Mr. Schumer, Chuck Schumer, is proposing that we do with some of the resources in the bill. You described Chuck Schumer’s proposal exactly.”
She added, “If we are going to juggle this money lets focus it where it is going to do the most good. And basically, economists tell us spend the money, invest the money for those who need it the most because they will spend it and it will be a stimulus or at least a stabilization.”
Not the first time she has said that, and I don’t know how anyone can insinuate that the GOP is an anarchist political party (especially since they were founded as the big-government party of the time…They have remained largely unchanged whereas the DNC has been co-opted by socialists/commies)
I feel sorry for any group of people who think any group of politicians give a damn about them
Of course, “governance”, to Nazi Pelosi means, tax and spend into oblivion.
Pew, The Economist and even the NYT in the past couple of years all showed how left the DNC has gone while the GOP remains stable.
Anyone can see this is the case.
They don’t believe that i should rule you! I saw a somewhat similar thought process go through when Michael Malice was talking to some twitter rando (the difference being that Malice is an anarchist). Some people cannot wrap their head around the idea of not being ruled. When Malice said “I don’t think anyone is in the moral position to rule me” she said “Yeah, then why do we have Presidents and Congress?”.
That’s crazy. She clearly forgets they’re CIVIL SERVANTS serving and representing the people as sovereign citizens.
Not rulers FFS.
She’s not wrong. The part she left is that her party doesn’t believe in it either. They both believe in rule. Governance, on the other hand, requires compromise and planning. All these people want is to win elections and not get caught diddling the pages or stealing from the till.
Mojo should do a needle print of that quote and start selling it on Etsy.
Serious answer: I don’t like stitching words.
Silly answer: ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY? That would get me cancelled.
Nah. You just need to put a little 8-bit mirror shades or police baton on there, and it’s a South Park reference then.
I’m closer to the sea than those dopes and no issues here. ??♂️
To be fair, I’m more elevated but I bet their issues are more related to old equipment than elevation.
And when she saw that little had changed after that, she told CNN’s Laura Coates on Thursday, she felt she had to share what it looked like inside the school. So, she took a photo of the scene and posted it to social media.
“I was concerned for the safety of everyone in that building and everyone in the county because precautions that the CDC and guidelines that the CDC has been telling us for months now, weren’t being followed,” Watters said.
She was concerned. Those people were flouting RULES. Something had to be done.
Such noble. Beatify her in the great cathedral of SCIENCE.
I don’t get why she was suspended by the school. It seems like she’s achieved the learning objectives of the public school system: Blind trust in designated authorities, Snitching, and sanctimony.
It’s against their rules to take pictures of other students during school time and post them on social media.
I’m actually kind of ok with this rule.
I figured it was about taking a photo of students. I was just trying to make a funny, about how this behavior is the exact kind of behavior i would expect from someone educated by the public school system.
It’s bananas how they cling on to agencies like they do.
I never ever follow government guidelines. How many times over the years have they shown themselves to be clueless? They’re incapable of understanding or accepting we’re capable of adjusting protocols. Apparently only Dr. Fauci matters to them which is RETARDED.
The government sends us their idiotic food guidelines, we laugh and then throw it in the garbage.
The last one was a ridiculous ‘wokish’ update.
The thing about those guidelines is that it completely omits cultural realities. Indians, Arabs, Asians, South Americans, etc. all have different and diverse food diets. None of them probably even know it exists. Which leads me to think they’re made for ‘native whites’ or the truly clueless who can’t cook or something. No one with a grasp on diet can possibly take it seriously.
I so want this to be real.
Actress Zoe Saldana has apologised for playing Nina Simone in a heavily criticised 2016 biopic.
The Marvel star, who is of Dominican and Puerto Rican descent, wore a prosthetic nose and skin-darkening make-up for the role.
All I know is Nina Simone’s voice scares me.
I want Jamie Foxx to gouge his own eyes out.
Wow I honestly can’t believe this is where we are at. A black lady isn’t black enough for a role.
You can get away with wearing blue-face or green-face, but not black-face.
So an actress of mixed ancestry, clearly including African, can’t play a woman of a different mix of ancestry? How far down the stack is this going to be enforced? If an actor is 13% Mandingo, 12% Castillian 45% Caribe 10% Ulsterman and 20% County Cork can they only play people who match that ancestry? Or is it purely by skin shade? If it is by skin shade do we end up with contracts that obligate the actor to scrupulously expose their skin to the sun for a precise number of hours a day to maintain the proper hue?
It’s our human color wheel, it goes all the way from Seal, to Seal’s teeth!
You are going to hell…
It’s like it finally occurred to the activists that all actors are professional liars.
Good thing they already made the Lord of the Rings movies, real Hobbit actors are really pricey.
I always assumed that they were cheap considering how many they rounded up for The Wizard of Oz
That was all shortface!
TW: NYT Columnist. Twain said there’s lies, damn lies and Statistics, but i don’t think this is even statistics. I’ve seen the left really push taht all the good was Obama, and that Trumps influence only started in March 2020. What about the 3 years where unemployment got even lower than it ever was during Obama. If anything the graph he posts is an indictment of Obama/Biden Policies. They literally had 8 years to enact policies for them and they got shit done.
That is some malicious horseshit right there.
Every link has COVID PANIC! in their sidebars. FFS.
Brace yourself, it’s gonna get worse through November.
There is not a person I talk to on any side that doesn’t think it’s political at this point and won’t be over till after the election.
MN figures through yesterday
Deaths: 1,636
Deaths among cases that resided in long-term care or assisted living facilities: 1,240
Short answer. Old and sick people die
My brother would beg to differ. The EOs and shutdowns imposed by politicians are not political, because if you contest them you’re immoral and wrong, and once it’s labeled as morality it can’t be political. That’s seriously what he said.
Most of the people I interact with are people who work for a living at their job physically and had to throughout this thing.
once it’s labeled as morality it can’t be political
Tell him to do abortion now.
Chinese virologist whistleblower. Advice to turn caption on and read while slightly buzzed. Will induce immature humor. At on point her speech was so hard to pick up it read ‘Kobe-19’. On a serious note though, she’s got a set of balls. The U.S. should offer her a hand.
Elaine Scarry is an American essayist and professor of English and American Literature and Language. She is the Walter M. Cabot Professor of Aesthetics and the General Theory of Value at Harvard University.
A case study in brand destruction.
Now that is some long-term thinking.
It highligts the impracticality of his and Warrens “wealth tax plan”. Their plans are always 1 time expropriations, that are somehow supposed to fund something that we all know wont be ended in 1 year. He is literally just trying to get people to take the first hit of socialism, the first try is always Free.
the second order effects are going to be extreme, especially as it expands to the rest of us. they already over-incentivize spending over saving. flat out confiscation of surplus will drive that to the extreme, which bodes very poorly for even the slightest downturn.
To think that this man almost became the Dem nominee. And that the newcomers behind him are even worse and are taken more seriously.
Does not bode well for the future of liberty in this country.
And then the slow die-off begins since you have completely destroyed the American economy. Super genius.
I wonder what Trump is thinking wrt banning tiktok and these other apps and companies. I can only see it being politically unpopular with Americans who use those services. Maybe he smells blood in the water and is hoping China is weaker than it seems and is hoping to get major concessions before the 45 days are up.
Donald J. Trump
Just like Radical Left New York is trying to destroy the NRA, if Biden becomes President your GREAT SECOND AMENDMENT doesn’t have a chance. Your guns will be taken away, immediately and without notice. No police, no guns!
I don’t disagree, but it would be nice if you’d be more proactive on the issue and work to expand 2A.
Repeal the NFA. Make the BATFE a Big Box Store.
Well it *is* the UK after all.
The last thing I have seen from Sargon is that there is some rape gang that is know but not being captured and prosecuted because muh-racism. It’s sad, really, how far the English have fallen and come to hate themselves. Same for the Scots and Irish (and perhaps the Welsh?).
“Welsh” is just a term ugly Englishmen use to make themselves feel better.
The Scots and Welsh are too preoccupied with leftist separatism movements to give a shit about larger issues impacting the UK.
If you haven’t managed to liberate yourselves for more than 500 years, it’s time to stop pretending you’re a separate nation.
But I think it’s far more likely the NRA will sacrifice someone for financial misdeeds and pay a shitton of money to Cuomo and continue to exist.
WHAAAAA? It’s a shakedown, you say?
I, uh….
It isn’t self-dealing and corruption when we do it.
AG settlement slush funds make the corruption of yesteryear look like child’s play.
such settlement funds should either be refunded to the taxpayers on a per capita basis or burned. anything else is rife for corruption.
They’re likely already illegal. The government isn’t supposed to spend money except as appropriated by law. The notion that a bureaucracy can keep money that it raises via fines or settlements and spend it however it wants is inconsistent with the way our government is supposed to work.
See, also, asset forfeiture.
The election of AGs makes no damn sense. They are part of the executive branch and should answer to the governor/president. But, because they are elected, they don’t answer to anyone except the voters. And, in practice, they aren’t even part of the executive branch, instead not fitting neatly within any branch and yet still wielding considerable power. They are essentially the modern day equivalent of Roman consuls.
Having a republican AG to countermand our nanny dem Gov here in KY is currently working out.
Stupid shit said by my FB friends…
Ivy League educated.
“Ivy League educated”
That explains it then.
He does realize that the “coming era of reconstruction” will end with him being eaten by the woke revolution, right?
I figured they still taught a little history at the Ivies.
I think that speaks quite accurately to what the Ivy League has always been – the playground of the well-to-do and not-very-bright.
Yeah, the whole “the Supreme Court only rules my way 95% of the time so the solution is to destroy the country by packing it full of Neo-Marxists” is quite the example of Ivy League Logic.
I also must assume that they have a way of never loosing control of the government, because then they would just invite the GOP to pack it themselves, and then seal it.
Since the worthless Republican Party appoints Justices from the same two fucking leftist law schools, it wouldn’t matter. Every Democrat Justice, and half the Republican Justices are leftists.
They did loose to Donald Trump. I think playing against a team that likes to loose with dignity has weakened them.
I think your spellchecker is editing the word “lose” incorrectly.
We’ll blame the spellchecker.
Something about the word lose really bothers me. The sound being inflected differently is not the vowel. It is the `s`. So why should Lose nod be spelled with a `oo` as that is the sound being made. Lose looks like it should be pronounced ‘nose`
But the Republican Party still plays in the box drawn by the Left. They accept the leftist definition of “qualified” for every appointment.
“Qualified” means an Ivy League person who operates from the moral and philosophical world view of Earl Warren. You can extend that logic to every single other appointment. They constantly allow the Left to set the terms of debate, to set the Overton Window.
There’s no difference between RBG on the Court, and someone like Alan Gura on the Court, but only one is acceptable to the academics and the media.
Lose, Nose, Dose, there is no standard sound for that -ose
I am Qualified to sit on the supreme court by the actual requirements.
I have very strict constitutionalist views on the law.
Appoint me.
Sure but the `o` sound in Nose, and Dose are the same. It’s in lose that it makes an `oo` sound . (sorry for the lack of technical terms, i don’t know them and could never keep “long” and “short” straight. I think lose has a ‘long’ o sound).
Lose is not an oo sound unless you are actually pronouncing it loose.
You’re looking for [u:] – a long u sound.
If they held all 3 branches, and the press that wouldn’t be all that hard to arrange.
Yeah they’d pack it with Ivy League lawyers instructed by the Laurence Tribe’s of the world in the finer points of emanations and penumbras.
When my party takes control, i want them to stomp on the opposition and make sure that they have no hope. I want them to Absolutely destroy them and teach them that we will not be fucked with. I want the Millennium of domininace of leftist ideas that i was promised when Obama was president.
See, everyone who voted for the current president was actually a traitor who we need to strip of their rights until we have ensured that their deviations won’t happen again.
See, everyone who voted for the current president was actually a traitor who we need to strip of their rights until we have ensured that their deviations won’t happen again.
I’m not sure how to phrase this exactly, but I think this where we are headed. Right now the lay dems have such anger towards Trump. I’ve never heard anything like it when I talk to my colleagues. It’s couched as personal attacks, but it’s really the policies. Those policies are supported by tens or even hundreds of millions of their fellow countrymen. That includes those who don’t necessarily support Trump but are opposed to a Marxist takeover by Dems.
I think we’re seeing the slow-motion nudges needed to shift that vitriol from Trump himself to those supporting him or at least opposed to Dems. It started with Obama’s “clinging to gun and religion” and was hammered home by Clinton’s “basket of deplorables”.
They still remain intentionally dumb though when it comes to the NRA. As if the NRA is some sort of nebulous, independent entity instead of the combined funds and energy of millions of 2nd A supporters.
It cliche, but the urge to control and dominate the “other” is ingraned into human society. What else do you expect to happen then, when you create a system which is designed to “change hands” between two groups of people for whom proximity has only breed contempt.
I’m sad because i wish this could end peaceably, but the desire to utterly control the other is very strong. From what i see on the left, there is still a underlying belief that what they see and want is overwhelmingly popular, and it is just a tiny minority of the populace that opposes them. It seems to me that many on the left see themselves returning, enacting the policies they want to stamp out deviations, and think it would be generally accepted. I think this is in part because the left generates its views from their bubble of corporate media, in which they are always right.
That is a long winded way of saying, i think they will not attempt to leave the game, because they think the path to victory is easy.
Chief Justice Obama, don’t care which one
Have either of them practiced law in the last few decades?
expand the size of the Supreme Court to 11 or 13
Pack the court to make it less activist/partisan…
The Democrats know what the Court is: a super legislature. So they want party hacks on it. This is why they win. They grasp every little bit of power they can, in every possible sphere of American life. They actually treat politics as war by other means, and they are very good at it.
So if workload is the reason for the need to expand to 13 from 11, then it should probably be done even if Trump wins then, right?
Or Trump shouldn’t wait for the election and just expand SCOTUS to 51 justices or so right now.
Then you would hear some wailing….
Nono, because their work load will be undoing all of ORANGEMANBAD’s damage.
They couldn’t think of everything, but the founders really needed my 18 year SCOTUS term rule. Each term ends in a odd year and Prez can pick replacement. You elect a President, he is getting 2 or 4 (if reelected) Supreme Court picks. Period, end of story. Senate still has to ratify, but you know exactly when the picks are coming. Every odd summer will be ratification hearing time.
This is too sane and reasonable to be acceptable. Having a partisan crisis every time one of them dies or retires is much more fun.
The Founders didn’t create the Supreme Court to be the arbiter of constitutionality.
The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;–to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;–to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;–to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;–to Controversies between two or more States;–between a State and Citizens of another State;–between Citizens of different States;–between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.
In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.
The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment; shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.
They created a court to hear cases that didn’t properly fit in any State’s courts. John Marshall sowed the seed that made the Court a Super Legislature, then never used that power. Decades later that seed sprouted. Your system would change nothing.
^^^ John Marshall was a lying dickbag.
Meh, I think that goes a bit far.
He made the quintessential conceit of top men, which is to believe that everything can be trusted to top men.
He said one thing in the Federalist Papers when he was trying to get the constitution ratified, and then completely dropped it once he was SC justice.
Are you thinking of Jay? He wrote part of the Federalist Papers.
John Marshall is also known as the Witch-King of Angmar this is known.
The Founders didn’t create the Supreme Court to be the sole arbiter of constitutionality.
Each branch of the government has an independent obligation to consider the Constitutionality of what the government does. Legislatures should not pass unconstitutional laws. Presidents should not sign unconstitional laws. The courts should not enforce unconstitutional laws.
It gets a little stickier at the next level. Should a President refuse to carry out a law that is on the books that he believes is unconstitutional? Should a court strike laws it believes are unconstitutional? Where exactly does a court get the authority to remove a statute from the books, as opposed to refusing to enforce it (although, to be fair, technically courts have often not removed such statutes – some states had their pre-Roe abortion statutes on the books long after Roe; not sure how many still do).
It’s hard for me to imagine any white male being for this coming “reconstruction”. They are literally telling you they hate you and specifically want your shit and for you to have less rights/privileges it’s not even about equity at this point the activists are openly saying they want to take your job and your rice bowl because of your race.
Give it to the one with the bigger dick.
That is exactly why I am on MySpace. I never get anything like that there.
Actually, I never get anything there. Social media perfection. Thanks Tom for being a friend!
So… who wants to wade through the counts of reported issues here in Cleveland?
My personal favorites were over 400 complaints against personal residences, 31 complaints against the public transit group (RTA), 11 complaints against the Cuyahoga County Administration office, and 152 complaints of “nonessential”. Total complaints were over 2,800.
Good morning, Sloopy!
Solid goddamn video. I have always loved Billy. He understood his job perfectly, as this 1978 gem demonstrates.
Have a great day, y’all!
So what is this rumor I hear about CA cutting off people’s electric if they’re found to be having a party in their house? I mean I know it’s a communist country, but that can’t be true, can it?
From CBS Local news. It came across my newsfeed yesterday and I put it up in the links.
CBS left off the bit about “Does not apply to certified A-list celebrities who are outspoken against Trump.”
Gotta love how the fat, fugly, wokester doing the sign lingo is letting the deaf and mute know that they will also obey or else.
This shit is beyond Orwellian. Who votes for these people?
The Root noticed: Joe Biden Says ‘Unlike African Americans’ the Latino Community is ‘Incredibly Diverse’ And…Well…This Election ‘Bout to be Long AF
Listen: I know we all want Cheeto McButthole-Mouth out of the White House, but as Biden’s dog whistle slowly but surely morphs into a bullhorn, it’s getting harder and harder for us to justify casting that ballot in his name.
Biden’s strategy from here on out should be to shut the entire fuck up until November and let Trump continue digging his own grave. Maybe choosing a Black woman as a running mate who will snatch his caucasity-filled ass up when he starts to speak wrong will also help.
Otherwise, this election bout to be long as fuck and I might not make it to the mountain top with y’all.
“Rest assured that I will still vote for this white racist honky, I just won’t be happy about it.”
Trump is the real racist though, because he said Elijah Cummings district is rat infested.
Pay no attention to the rats visible in the background.
Canceling the debates and hiding Biden away would be the smartest thing they could do right now. Sure it’d be damaging but less so then the diarrhea that comes out of his mouth when they let him talk…no debates, no press conferences, no nothing. Then again, if they do that and Trump can somehow restrain himself and be presidential (I know, I know) it’ll be a death sentence for his campaign.
-1 Hidin’ Biden …
It might be the better of the options for Biden but Trump would just call him a wuss that can’t handle the heat. And really, if he can’t deliver an address, answer questions and debate then he has no business being president.
That is what would happen. Showing concern for poor old Joe who’s being victimized by those around him would also work and might be more effective because it’s obviously true.
I agree him shitting his pants on stage during a 2 hour debate would not be a good look no matter how many segments CNN ran about how presidential that particular shit was and how it was a statement on Trumps administration.
So Biden was right?
PS. English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?
Using “Black woman as a running mate” and “snatch” in one sentence means it’s Kamala, right?
I don’t see where that rules out the Wookie.
The Woman part.
Furriners be meddlin’
Facebook said Thursday that it has taken down a number of fake accounts and pages associated with a Romanian-based troll farm that pretended to represent Black Americans who support President Trump.
Facebook’s July Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior Report said the company took down 35 accounts, three pages and 88 Instagram accounts that were part of the operation for violating its policy “against foreign interference which is coordinated inauthentic behavior on behalf of a foreign entity.”
The company said people behind the operation were using the fake accounts “to pose as Americans, amplify and comment on their own content, and manage Pages including some posing as President Trump fan Pages.”
Some of the topics the pages would post about included African American support for the president’s campaign, Christian beliefs and the QAnon conspiracy theory, Facebook said in its report.
The report also featured screenshots of some of the posts promoted by the network’s accounts, including one that came from a “BlackPeopleVoteForTrump” Instagram page that featured a Black man wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap.
Facebook said it detected the network as part of its “internal investigation into suspected coordinated inauthentic behavior ahead of the 2020 election in the US.”
Nathaniel Gleicher, who is the company’s head of security policy, told NBC News on Thursday that the motives behind the operation are unclear.
When they saw the part about black people voting for the Cartoon Villain, they knew it had to be fake.
Their motives are unclear? They want their man in the White House for four more years, destroying democracy.
There are a shit ton of pro Trump black guys on YouTube making videos. I wonder if they’re actually Romanians too.
Funny how FB was considered a gold standard for establishing accounts with real human identities. Not so much maybe?
If Bernie wants to redistribute someone’s ill-gotten pile of money, maybe a good start would be the billions of endowment funds that Harvard and he rest of the ivy league schools are sitting on. That would pay for a lot of community college and vocational training.
Harvard’s money isn’t ill-gotten. Only Koch’s money or the money residing in your McDuck Bin that was gifted you by grateful consumers of your goods or services is ill-gotten.
I was told Harvard’s endowment value dropped by 30%. They just sent out a “retirement incentive” packet to almost every employee over the age of 60. After they go through that wave, there will probably be layoffs.
I wouldn’t if I was a trucker. Once this all dies down a bit the insurance companies will have something to say about that too I would think.
Yeah, they will.
“Your premiums are going up because our CEO is woke, and if you complain we’ll drop you, you bigot.”
Oops. Sorry, Tish. Back to the drawing board!
“I want to prosecute fraud in the NRA…”
Ok. . .
“with the goal of dissolving the NRA.”
It’s the same as their strategy to go after Exxon. They want to end Exxon, not help the shareholders. The problem is that when you state your motives so openly up front it becomes hard to deny that it’s a malicious prosecution. I mean, I appreciate the honesty, but it’s a strategically unsound move.
And of course the only reason she wants to end Exxon is to load up the coffers with cash that she can launder over to the DNC.
But we’re not gonna take yur guns you dumb fudd!
The 14th Amendment incorporation doctrine only applies when they like the outcome, I guess.
Be vewwy cawreful, I’m hunting depwowabwls!
Big if true.
Doesn’t matter if true. The truth will come out only after the election. Meanwhile, the NRA will be spending its campaign money on lawyers not “get out the vote.” And, if true, the case will be quietly dropped after the election so as not to embarrass Ms. James when she runs for Governor of New York.
I like the way this crown fits, I’ll keep wearing it
Mayor Bill de Blasio signed an order Thursday extending the state of emergency for New York City another 30 days in light of the coronavirus outbreak.
“#NEWS: Today,@NYCMayor signed Emergency Executive Order 138 extending the existing State of Emergency declaration for another 30 days. #ExecutiveOrder #NYC,” the counsel to the mayor tweeted.
The order states that due to the COVID-19 health threat, its highly transmissible quality, and “because the actions taken to prevent such spread have led to property loss and damage,” executive action No. 98 had to be extended for another month.
“I’m not done making things worse.”
Poor DeBlasio, he always wanted to be Stalin and this is as close as he can get.
It wouldn’t be quite so bad if he wasn’t making exceptions to the rules based on political ideology in a manner that blatantly violates the Equal Protection Clause and that gives lie to their assertion that this is about health.
I guess not enough businesses have gone bankrupt yet. What a piece of shit.
It’s really hard to believe this is a real person at this point. Arizona shut down night clubs that was it.
Oh Yeah!? Wisconsin wasn’t even having ‘second wave’, but we got a state wide mask mandate, because #science!. Do better Arizona! It’s current year!
But the Shutdowns have to work! Otherwise we did this all for naught!
Fauci is way up the chain of where the info originated. Ever play “whisper down the lane?” Someone gathers info and issues a memo. His boss tells her boss who tells another boss and eventually someone tells Fauci “Arizona really clamped down on gatherings.” Same shit happens with Trump. Think back to some events in your career where a big boss exaggerates or says something in error in a meeting, and you later question it and are told “but that information originated with you.”
“We saw in Arizona, which was a good example, they went up [in cases] and they started to really clamp down and do things right. And the cases came right down,”
I’m hearing this a lot. And there is a correlation between the new lockdown and a downturn in new cases a week or so later.
Only one problem: the curve in AZ looks a lot like the curve in other places that don’t have the same imposition of a lockdown a week before their peak. There’s no way to know, as is so confidently claimed, that the lockdown is responsible for new cases rolling over.
Yeah, the bureaucrats working for the clampdown saved us. Never mind that this virus seems to have the same six-week-bump as 99% of all viruses.
Public health mandates and lockdowns had ZERO effect on the virus.
Reading that hyperventilating Daily Beast story about Sturgis over a few times, it dawned on me what was really aggravating me the most about it. The woman getting the lion’s share of the quotes about how horrified she is was described thus:
“…..retired school counselor Linda Chaplin of Sturgis….”
So of course this pinch-faced scold doesn’t care if business owners lose immense sums of money if the rally was cancelled – she’s got a government pension. Her income is secure. The sheer fucking gall of this bitch!
The quickest way to normalcy is the schools going back in and people realizing this thing isn’t capable of killing anyone. They can’t have that.
Also was at a bar last night getting wings and when I walked in three dudes were arguing with a lady about going back to normal and how schools should be open. The lady was a school teacher saying she wanted school to be open but not till it’s safe and all three guys were openly mocking and laughing at her telling her she was full of shit and pointing to the fact she was at a bar. It. Was. Awesome.
I keep saying this: the people suffering from this are not supporting this.
That is exactly it. People with their income secured are screaming the loudest to STAY HOME! while those that have lost their jobs or have been sidelined due to governments closing down businesses are left trying to hustle income, find a way to get schooling for their kids, etc etc. Even my leftist brother can see that, though it doesn’t deter him from still saying we should have an Australian type lockdown nationwide for 2 weeks.
I really let my mother have it the other day over this. She works for a large public university, all her friends are lawyers, managers at well funded nonprofits, teachers, etc. Just a whole collection of Boomer White Liberal Women. None of them have missed a check or had their pay cut. The only inconvenience is that Book Club is now being hosted in turn instead of them going out to brunch.
So they just sit on Facebook all day, bash Trump, scream for more lockdowns. So I kind of brought that up, that her and her friends were enthusiastically supporting the impoverishment of millions because TEAM BLUE, and instantly its a backpedal of “Well I don’t want this to happen BUT PANDEMIC.” Pointing out facts does nothing, they just go back into CNN links.
“those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience”
Aldous Huxely
In all honesty if they hadn’t had enhanced unemployment benefits this would have been over in march. Also if the teachers/government drones had actually had to go without a paycheck or god forbid even just losing their paid leave/sick days it would have never been shutdown.
I didn’t believe this would be able to last past Memorial Day… and now Labor Day is creeping up on us. Any area that was dependent on tourism is really hurting now.
Vegas was hammered during ’08 and now that conventions are shutdown for who knows how long, it isn’t looking pretty. Casinos opened up is good, but outside of the Strip, its depressed.
Don’t know if you saw, but Viva for next year has already been pushed back. They’re now targeting September 2021, as they don’t know if the restrictions will be lifted by next April.
How fucking depressing is that?
If Vegas stays under lockdown long enough, it will become a ghost town.
I blame the Raiders. They ruin everything.
I didn’t either I underestimated people’s capacity for fear. When this first broke I actually thought 500k-1.5 million deaths were possible and I still didn’t think any forced lockdowns were worth it. We’ve had all the same data since at least mid march about who this impacts it’s incredible to me that less than 15k under 55 have died (who knows how many of those of those actually died of and not just with) and people are honestly still acting this hyperbolic.
And consider that the real fallout hasn’t even started yet. The printing presses can’t run forever.
I eagerly await the memory-holing of teachers insisting they aren’t as essential as grocery store clerks next time they demand big raises.
I give up. I can’t even tell which meeting I’m in anymore. This isn’t the daily status meeting, it’s the resource licensing meeting, or was it the CTO meeting?
Why would your CTO be in your daily status meeting?
I don’t know, but the guy from the websphere group crashed the meeting too.
Good tidings to you all, Glibs! I missed you! This has sure been a wacky few months, huh?
I share because I care:
Well that was stupid.
Those clothes should be provided by the state, commrade. Nice blue jumpsuit. Practical.
The best way to revoke a communist card is a .45 slug to the forehead
Being that overweight would get her communist card revoked. Who ever heard of a communist that had too much food.
She’d be a member of the nomenklatura, of course.
But the Shutdowns have to work! Otherwise we did this all for naught!
Exactly. They have made a Clouseau-level mistake, and now they’re stuck hoping some miraculous coincidence will come along and bail them out.
And don’t talk about Sweden!
At some point they will simply declare victory (especially if Biden wins) and move on. The MSM will instantly declare that the goal posts were always there and that the Vid has been conquered.
They’re finally redoing a show that was so bad it’s impossible to ruin. Also, related from another ruined show:
You know they’re going to screw it up beyond recognition, right?
Tranny Michelle Knight? I mean, gender-swap is so last decade.
+1 Hawaii 5-0
+2 Magnum PI
I refused to even watch an episode of that, so i can still pretend there is only one.
I’m still irritated that the original is no longer available on Prime Video. It was such a fun show and a great character – the impossibly good-looking Navy SEAL war hero who nevertheless is kind of a screwup and beach bum.
It threw me for a loop many year later to discover that John Hillerman, who played Higgins, is actually a native Texan.
My kid and I started watching it together a few years ago and he absolutely went crazy for it. Probably watched the whole series at least twice.
That’s how you know it was a well written and acted show.
Is it back on Netflix or maybe Hulu?
Doesn’t look to be available for subscription streaming. But it does appear to be able to be purchased on Amazon and Google Play.
They already tried this in like the mid 2000’s.
I know KITT was a Trans AM, but, yeah, we have a deal with Ford now, so it’s a Mustang…
RIP my adolescence.
Also. Madonna, go away. Nobody wants to see elderly Madonna.
Agreed, I much prefer the circa 1985 version with the big hair and the fishnet stockings.
Don’t we all?
Yes. The current version is a freak show.
I would argue that she WANTS to be a freak show (or at least, the kind she used to be, when she stirred all the Karens to battle), but she’s simply pathetic.
True. It fails in that I completely ignore her, and have since about 1990.
I preordered Crusader Kings 3. I’ll let you know if it’s worth upgrading to.
I had leave to burn, so I took that week off too.
I may give an individual assessment of how much has been left out for DLC morsels.
Probably some, I don’t mind too much because even after purchasing DLC’s Paradox games still get me that 1$ per hour of game play experience where i rate it a fair purchase.
I did spring for the more expensive pre-order that does give you the first DLC they launch so…
But from what i’ve seen they have tried to incorporate the most popular features of CK2 DLC into the base game, so i don’t feel like they are just rehashing the game, and a lot of new features that will make the gameplay different and more exciting. (Cadet Branches are what i’m most excited for, something i think that would have really added to the CK2 gameplay).
I am never not going to make fun of Paradox’s DLC policy, regardless of how many Paradox games I may or may not own.
Not included yet: merchant republics, nomadic governments, imperial government types.
There were… issues with the CK2 implementation of those governments.
Also, they let out Aztec invasions.
From the way the map has crept into Burma, I get the feeling they want to sell a China DLC.
I wonder if they’ll include the ability to raze a holding.
Looks like Twatter has banned BitChute links:
Totally not a tech cartel, like not at all.
Has it also banned link shorteners that point to bitchute?
Like tinyurl you mean? Not sure…
Somebody tested it, and apparently the answer is yes.
I’m sure the net neutrality crowd will pop up any minute to talk about how this isn’t honoring the principles of net neutrality.
Any minute now…
Heh. I got into a lot of… discussions… with my former co-workers about Net Neutrality. No matter what i said they couldn’t/woudln’t grasp that the very companies pushing net neutrality as the good of freedom stood to benefit a lot from it, by essentially nationalizing in part the infrastucture built by communications companies. All they could see was “Comcast evil, i hate comcast”.
Yeah, the ISPs did not do themselves any favors for about a decade by acting like dicks. Why “my ISP acts like a dick” = “nationalize my ISP” I have no friggin clue; you’d think going after the local franchise agreements would be more effective than getting the FCC to pass stupid rules, especially among people who should know about the debacle that was AT&T’s monopoly.
But it was difficult to get anyone on the pro-NN to see the incentives and structures at play, and why ISPs couldn’t just spend oodles of cash all at once to fix everything. Indeed, it took a while but the ISPs did eventually catch up, at least in the places where it was cost effective to do so. And that was the crux of many of the pro-NN arguments, they were coming from classist and elitist positions with no care for how the day-to-day operations of IT at the hardware level actually work. The less you know about something, the easier it looks.
Don’t get me wrong. I do think an ISP with a local monopoly filtering or throttling packets they don’t like can constitute a conflict of interest. But the solution to that conflict is to take the issue up with arbitration, then the local franchise administrator, then the state telecommunications or consumer agency if there is one, then the FTC or FCC (anti-competitive behavior is a trade issue after all). I just don’t see how putting the FCC in charge of the nation’s telecom infrastructure was going to solve that problem once and for all.
And now, anyway, we face a bigger risk to the Internet remaining a free(-ish) and open(-ish) place which is companies that control key infrastructure like Cloudflare and companies that control funding like Paypal. That still doesn’t mean we should nationalize them (hardly) any more than the ISPs, but people should focus their attention where it’s due.
It was a solution in search of a problem.
The entire thing was designed to put government directly in charge of network traffic. They would instantly become the arbiter of all of it.
With my slow ass internet it got old real fast uploading to both youtube and bitchute, and since bitchute was less intuitive I just gave up on it.
Can’t wait for all the hand-wringing about Halloween this year. What do you all see as the decrees from our betters being?
I can envision a few things:
1. Churches can’t do their Trunk-or-Treats or Fall Harvest Festivals that they traditionally do.
2. Extremely early curfews in place such as 6pm or some nonsense.
3. Halloween bashes will be targeted and held to the alter of the MSM gods as ushering in the ‘3rd wave!’
4. No groups larger than 4, must all be living in the same household, no going out with friends.
5. Wear a mask, under your mask.
6. Only approved costume this year is to dress like Fauci (but not Baseball Fan Fauci)
Children are at risk of getting Covid from candy wrappers. Be sure to soak their candy in bleach first.
My 7yr old nephew, who already had an addiction to his tablet because my sister likes that it shuts them up, has lost all interest in being outside because he was locked up this whole time. It’s really sad. I was going to take him and his sisters to a museum and the zoo last weekend, but at the last minute she got scared they’d get sick. So instead I brought them to my house where they played on their tablet and watched TV, same as at home.
Yeah, I’ve seen very little in the media about how a whole generation of kids has been brain-fucked.
not really news
15 years ago I asked my son’s buddy to go to the range with us. This kid’s grandfather was a Green Beret, and he’s in the Army now, but we went without him: he stayed home and played video games
My teens are on the reverse effect. If I offer them outside activities they jump at it now that they have been forced to stay at home.
Fishing, camping, going out to the desert shooting with grandpa, etc, etc. Maybe it speaks more to their character. Don’t get me wrong here though, they will lounge all day inside if not prodded.
This is a kid that 6 months ago loved playing outside and going places. Now he doesn’t like to leave the house.
I’ll be honest. In the eighties I much preferred sitting home with a book or the rare video game (at someone else’s house) to “the outdoors”. Unless it was riding my bike – alone. I basically hated other kids.
The correct answer is roving SWAT teams and camps.
I have little doubt that cities won’t create Kompliance Ambassadors Readily Ensuring Nagging positions to watch over that night.
What a disappointment this morning. Went for the morning walk and decided to listen to Penn’s Sunday School podcast. I think Penn Jillette is funny and smart and worth listening to. But I dropped his podcast back in 2016 because of a combo platter of TDS and too much time talking about his weight loss (not bad, just got tedious). So added his feed again and tried. The TDS is even worse and he has completely bought into the Vid scare.
Sad to hear one of the people who made libertarianism “cool” talk about how we needed govt to order us to social distance and wear masks because we wouldn’t voluntarily do it and were going to kill us all.
So any other suggestions for good podcasts? Too many of mine have been infested with TDS. (I’m not even a Trump bobo, but he also isn’t the debbil).
Part of the Problem – Dave Smith
Your Welcome – Michael Malice
Free Man Beyond the Wall – Pete Raymond
Death to Tyrants – Buck Johnson
Tom Woods
Lions of Liberty, Adam Carolla’s podcast, The Delingpod if you like snarky British humor (the last two not libertarian but libertarianish). Everything mentioned above
The Scott Horton Show too if you’re interested in foreign policy.
The ones i listen to are:
Part of the Problem
Lions of liberty (really just Electric Liberty Land, the wednesday podcasts)
Short Circuit (IJ’s podcast, good to get that blood pressure up)
Tom Woods
Bob Murphy Show
Your Welcome
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History.
I’m not a podcast guy at all, but I do enjoy Hardcore History. Blueprint for Armageddon, his WWI series, was spellbinding even though it ran for something like 20 hours.
He’s a great storyteller. I find myself listening to hours of stuff I’m not all that interested in when he’s doing it.
Will also recommend Hardcore History. I’ve been slowly working through all of the episodes while traveling for work, although that’s been halted due to covid.
If you liked Blueprint for Armageddon, definitely check out Ghosts of the Ostfront.
Yup. Love Hardcore History. He also has Hardcore History Addendum which is interesting too.
What makes HH so good is that I listened to another pod cast Carlin did that covered current topics and he is actually a pretty progressive guy and he manages to keep all that out of HH.
which You’re Welcome ?
Not that one.
I like James Altucher’s. He’s not too into politics, and I like that he interviews people for his own knowledge, meaning that he doesn’t ask a lot of the same questions.
Revisionist History with Malcolm Gladwell is my current favorite. He’s great about investigating things from a different perspective and I always learn something, and sometimes change my mind about things.
I listen to my neighbors having sex. Seems libertarian.
I hope you imagine them as hot lesbians, otherwise you’re a perv.
Do Japanese people like to shout Banzai where they’re finishing? I’d like to think they do for some reason.
Ten thousand years. That would make for one helluva flood story.
I havn’t listened to it, but Andrew Heaton’s latest podcast is called ‘The Political Orphanage’ I believe, his last one (Somethings Off With Andrew Heaton) was good, but I just don’t do podcasts that much.
“Lockdowns Are Bullsh!t” – the episode we’ll never get
The only podcast I listen to is for brushing up on my German. Otherwise avoid like the plague.
how I rate my podcasts on a 100 point must
100 Fifth Column
88 Reason Interview
82 Advisory Opinions
80 Soho Forum Debates
75 Reason Roundtable
72 Radio Lab
68 Remnant
65 Dispatch
50 Economist Radio
30 Carolla
25 Federalist
20 Bill Burr
15 Making Sense
Reason roundtable has become intolerable. Although Gillespie being treated like a leper because he’s insufficiently woke is hilarious. Sounds like he gets into it with the staff quite a bit about their pantsshitting.
Let me guess – Billy Binion is the lead pantshitter? Can’t fucking stand that guy.
Binion’s not on their. But you can literally here KMW, Welch and Suderman’s eye’s roll out of their head anytime Gillespie says anything.
I stopped listening to 5th column a good while back as Kmele was the only one of them I could stand.
It also demonstrated the problem with our media. All those people did is talk about what other journalos had written or done (or had on as guests).
Maybe stop worrying about other journalos and their takes and start interviewing people who are subject matter experts on various subjects?
I think the straw that broke me was a special episode where Moynihan interviewed Tina Brown and all they talked about was who did what at White House cocktail parties.
They can be funny at times, but it gets tedious.
all fair points
All those people did is talk about what other journalos had written or done (or had on as guests). FWIW that is their stated scope.
start interviewing people who are subject matter experts on various subjects? There have been some philosopher kings, but it’s still mostly writers
I think the straw that broke me was a special episode where Moynihan interviewed Tina Brown and all they talked about was who did what at White House cocktail parties. That truly sucked; Fifth is never good when an unalloyed host runs it for the week: most of the value is in the contrast and conflict of world views between the guys. I seldom agree with anyone on much (being the One True Libertarian, like 200 other Glibs), but the neighborhood barbecue quality of the show is attractive to me; I also prefer well-read, well-traveled folk who speak at least a second language.
What really drove me around the bend were the guests.
I could put up with silliness from the hosts, but none of their guests were anyone I wanted to hear from. Worst was Dreyfuss’ kid who works at Mother Jones now. Uffda.
no doubt
They’re looking for other perspectives, I suppose. Sometimes that’s fun (Yang), but a slew put me off: Kat Timpf, Bari Weiss, some Rusky chick (maybe I’m just an misogynist?), Ross Douthat, Jesse Singal . . . old news in young packaging.
Coaston, French, Goldberg were okay. Of course, in a range of interests, the same folk keep popping up, just guesting on each others’ shows.
No econtalk?
It and Hardcore History are the top of my list.
I’m new to the medium. I’ve added many of the recommendations here today to see.
But I’m constantly throwing something away. A recent Glib recommendation turns out to be conspiracy theory babble, for example. I like cool academics, preferably writers; relatable regular joes speaking to the masses aren’t really my cup of tea; give me lectures and debates.
Yeah, but i mean it’s called the lions of liberty Conspiracy Corner podcast, i thought you would have figured that.
I get ya. I like a bit of both. I Listen to podcasts when i run/workout rather than music (the beat of music will throw me off on my pace when i run), so i like throwing in regular joe speaking to the masses for that, rather than stuff i feel like want to concentrate on and listen to.
I do think Bob Murphy does a good job at being academic, but accessible, and simple to understand.
New Books in History: interviews with the authors.
Econtalk probably fits your criteria well. Not much debate, as Russ Roberts is generally too nice. Sometimes, I want him to push harder, but he gets everyone because he interviews on an even keel. But he is very aware of bias, especially his own.
BBC’s In Our Time is great. It’s mostly apolitical, although I really did enjoy the Paris Commune episode where the the government sent troops from the Vendee into Paris to crush the Commune and the pinko historians were all “Oh why oh why did these troops massacre the Communards?? It’s such a mystery?!?!!”
Deep Dive and Short Circuit from Institute for Justice. Mike Rowe The Way I Heard It. Econ Talk. The MeatEater Podcast even if you aren’t a hunter is really cool. Joe Rogan Experience, obviously, although I tend to pick and choose which ones to listen to. Fifth Column is ok, but they should shut up Welch and let Kmele talk more. Hardcore History, naturally. I also listen to some sports podcasts, Ryen Russilo and the PFF podcasts.
For actually listening, I use the Castbox app, really like it.
I can’t listen to econtalk anymore after the Cowen/Russ episode when the pandemic broke. I almost broke my phone in rage listening to them talk about it.
Yeah I knew that one would be trash, so I didn’t bother.
The one I couldn’t actually finish was Binyamin Applebaum. NYT Econ guy, who’s book postulates that government has been cut over the last 30 years and that’s the source of problems.
See, if I brought him on, I’d just endlessly interrupt him every time he asserted the government has been cut, because it hasn’t.
They didn’t get the full increases they wanted. That’s a cut, you dummy.
Yeah they live in a fantasy world where its perpetually 1924 or something. Andrew Mellon is writing American economic policy. There are no social programs.
Like, just talk about education with a leftist. They are absolutely 100% convinced that funding has been cut. This is objectively false, there is no way you can assert that it’s true, and yet they believe it.
Leftism is religious, not rational.
Somebody should do a TV show, maybe call it “Bullshit”, that gores people’s sacred cows.
I’ve got no podcast suggestion, just echoing it’s a damn shame about Penn and his TDS. But he’s not the only one who has gone nutsy, just perhaps one of the most surprising.
Freakonomics podcast
Air Safety Institute accident analysis (youtube)
I hear Alyssa Milano has a podcast.
“Nobody is interested in things that come out of your mouth honey.”
Also why are so many podcasts giving up on self-publishing and moving to Spotify or other platforms? History on Fire and Last Podcast on the Left both moved to other platforms and it is disappointing. I don’t like them enough to sign up for the other apps.
My go to’s are
Scott Adams Says
Art of Manliness
Joe Rogan Experience (really depends on the guest) The last one was two guys from the Innocence Project if you want to get your libertarian hate for prosecutors on.
Is there a clause in there that forces the Dodgahs to move back to Brooklyn?
Out of morbid curiousity, I watched the first episode of ‘Lower Decks’ through… ‘alternate’ channels.
I expected cringe. There was cringe.
I did not expect to laugh. There were a few points where it was actually funny.
The characters… I can’t even remember their names. So I’m going to have to use nicknames.
Manic Psycho is downright abusive towards Blue-Haired Soyboy, even to the point of inflicting physical injury in the pre-credits sequence. This dynamic does not improve over the course of the episode.
Cyborg and Green Girl have their own side plots, which actually go just fine. Surprisingly, there was comfortable mediocrity in those elements that make me go “yeah, it’s not great, but I wouldn’t make an effort to avoid it”. This does not carry over to the resolution of the main plot.
Asshole Captain assigns Blue-Haired Soyboy to report regulations violations by Manic Psycho since they are on the same work team. I think the part where Asshole Captain can’t get his name right is supposed to be a gag, but I can’t remember their names, so I blame it on them being shallow charicatures at this point.
So Manic Psycho
stealsprobably replicates farm equipment to give/sell/trade to some locals without authorization. This leads to a “humorous” encounter with a farm animal for Blue-Haired Soyboy which leads to the “comedic” resolution of the B plot. During this sequence Manic Psycho shouts the line “I am right, and I am always right!” with no sense of irony or that the audience is expected to disagree with her. I strongly disagreed with her.The second failure point in the main plot is after the action-related issues were resolved, Stockholm syndrome set in and Blue-haired soyboy failed to report Manic Psycho’s many misdeeds to Asshole Captain. That was the point I concluded that whoever is running this show has no interest in storytelling. If you want to have some room for character growth in Blue-Haired Soyboy and to show that Manic Psycho is not just some raging bitch with mommy issues (she’s the daughter of Asshole Captain), have Blue-haired Soyboy make the reports honestly, and introduce evidence that the unhinged personality is an affectation resulting from the stress of expectation upon Manic Psycho (In addition to captain mother, father is shown to be an admiral). As it stands, unhinged appears to be her ground state, and there is no reason for Blue-Haired Soyboy to support her, especially with the way she acts and mistreats him on a regular basis.
But I probably put more thought into the characters than the writers did.
..and the world, the rules, the fan base…
I have read that three times and came to three different interpretations of your meaning. Care to elaborate for me?
No one involved gives a shit about Star
WarsTrek.Tawny Newsome as Beckett Mariner: An ensign aboard the U.S.S. Cerritos.[1] Newsome described the character as irreverent and someone who does not follow the rules, though she is actually “very good at all things Starfleet, she just doesn’t care”
Dawnn Lewis as Carol Freeman: The captain of the Cerritos.[1] Described as a capable Starfleet captain whose starship is not very important
So the flaws of the female characters, in a comedy series, is that they’re too capable and too competent for their jobs.
I’m sure it will be full of laughs.
The flaws were that they were an asshole, and completely fucking deranged.
Those two characters did not generate any laughs, but some of the others did.
Neither one has any modicum of interpersonal skills, and the captain is shown actively erasing the contributionss of the junior staff to the resolution of issues. So she is a terrible manager, and not what I would classify as a capable captain.
As for Manic Psycho, its not protrayed as not caring, but actively undermining the rules, which can work, but is not well-implemented. She’s not irrevent, but quite overbearing to hostile.
Critical Drinker
I decided to give it an honest chance and did not watch anyone else’s commentary before going in.
And that appears to be from before the episode actually dropped.
Totally unfair to judge something on by the trailer.
Tailers always lie.
Though I admit, it set the low expectations I went in with.
I have watched none of the TV shows beyond the original. The latest movies were boring.
Bashir – “Of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren’t?”
Garak – “My dear Doctor, they’re all true.”
B. – “Even the lies?”
G. – “Especially the lies.”
Yeah, there’s nothing to compare in this offering thusfar.
OTOH, the TNG episode “Lower Decks” was decent.
There is virtually nothing the two have in common. A name and a setting. Kinda like most reboots.
That was the reference I was expecting.
Question to alcohol glibs. Wild Turkey 101 Rye made its way to good old Romania for 42 of your American dollars for a liter bottle. Is it worth buying at that price? The 101 bourbon aint bad but it’s cheaper.
It’s $34.49 a liter here in Ohio, so that’s not too bad of a mark up for it going that far.
but is it any good?
I think it’s a solid rye for the money. Not top shelf, but eminently drinkable.
There are days I’m so happy with my avatar.
“Yeah? Duck you too.”
Because I’m a basic bitch.
do you have ugg boots ?
I do not. They are ugh.
defying proven precautions against the spread of COVID-19.
“Proven”…like how the mask contracts on your face when you breathe in (closing voids), and expands from you face when you breathe out (creating voids). Hmm…I wonder why the air filter in my house is on the intake side…
Reality has been Cancelled
Helen Dale reviews Cynical Theories, by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay
The graphic on that book cover seems somehow familiar…
Good Lord, there is an awful lot of funny in the comments today. Did everyone stop drinking the lithium water?
Let the crazy out.
As noted in the comments, an excellent quarantine song.
And then lithium fell out my ass.
Well Now Trump stepped in it. He said that after Joe’s Comments yesterday he doesn’t deserve the Black Vote. Twitter people will tell you that that is just very offensive to characterize the voting block as monolithic.
Biden will turn many black voters off leading to them staying home, Trump won’t do anything to convince them to pull the lever for him, and in the end Trump will be blamed for suppressing turnout.
What does a toddler covering her eyes and saying “You can’t see me!” for $400, Alex.
Wait, that isn’t right…
There, simplerer
Re posting my shoddy work. Be careful or I’ll make it a Glib’s Friday Funnies custom.
Sorry, TJ. Spent the night with the wife. We went out for a nice sushi dinner. Had cocktails and I listened to her go on about her days, what was bothering her, her worries about our kid. After about 2 hours of this she finally asks me, “What are you thinking about?” Was conflicted on whether or not to tell her the truth. “I was trying to start a joke where the punchline is ‘It’s not a zero cum game.'” Instead I told her that I was just enjoying listening to her talk.
“My internet friends want to see you star in a Bukakke video” is surely the best way to answer that.
Good hubby.
You forgot to pat his head.
You made the right move. I hereby award you the Up-Skirt award for bravery in the face of impossible odds. May your example shine through for every Man in the Corps! Three cheers for the Gaijin!
Does that award come with a gold plated shoe mirror?
Too gaudy. Don’t try to draw attention. Fucking Rookies…
Good man!
Well played.
Especially since that is an excellent punchline in search of a setup.
In other words, the chaos will escalate unless the republic collapses.
legit Lol
Name-sake Kitteh finally goes to the vet today. Pray for Festus.
Aw, is he OK? Or the other kind of trip? Sorry 🙁