No, thumbs up TO you, man.
Lots of talk that the college football season is gonna get cancelled sometime today. Meanwhile, almost all of the players want to play. So much for it being about them. Morikawa distanced himself from a crowded field with an eagle on 16 to win his first major at 23. That was a ballsy decision on the tee. And nothing else much in the world of sports happened.

Big birthdays today were military loser William Howe, Mexican revolutionary Vicente Guerrero, Nestle founder Henri Nestle, president Herbert Hoover, actor Jack Haley, guitar genius Leo Fender, slugger Rocky Colavito, actor Antonio Banderas, boxer Riddick Bowe, and attention whore Kylie Jenner.
And now we get to…the links!
I guess this was too local for the media to jump all over. Yeah, right. It just doesn’t serve the narrative and sow discord.

CNN, you been trolled again.
Oh look, another “sources say” piece from the NYT and CNN. I’m sure its legit and the sources needed to keep their anonymity due to the severe national security implications. No way is it just a load of bullshit.
Can somebody refresh my memory what she said about DACA? She is correct, by the way. But she’s also a giant fucking hypocrite.
So much for Kamala Harris. No, not the sociopathic asshole who put people in jail with bogus evidence. This was the good Kamala.

Sorry, folks. No fun allowed.
Wow, what a departure from her statements on protests/riots/looting. Then again, Beetlejuice hasn’t been consistent on much of anything aside from being consistently bad at her job. (To be continued.)
(Cont.) And I bet she won’t come out and harshly condemn this either. Because she’s a fucking imbecile.
How do these people print shit like this with a straight face? Oh yeah, because they’re politically motivated and have short memories and/or blinders on.
Sorry, Karens. Y’all could always join in the fun or mind your own business, you know.
Here you go. Enjoy the greatness.
Now have a great start to the week, friends!
Cancelling sports was just plain stupid. Young athletes are the least at risk.
Can’t they just play on line, like the rest of the college kids? College is college, right? And a valuable learning experience.
Meanwhile, the last I heard, 67 NFL players are hiding behind the sofa.
I have a feeling any player taking the opt out may find they have less prospects when they return.
Which will of course be due to racism.
First one to take the opt-out.
I’m giving this one a pass.
If they do play, football players already have a mask, about the same effectiveness. But now, it won’t just be the refs calling face mask penalties, it’ll be the health department too!
*Whistles – throws flag* 5-yrd penalty for tortured attempt at a joke, remains 1st down.
Ballsy decision and damned near perfect execution. Mornin’ Sloop.
” It just doesn’t serve the narrative and sow discord.”
Well, same with Chicago, etc. Only some black lives matter, apparently.
Those stupid meddlesome republicans and damn Indiana guns. If they were gone, Second City would be a utopia!
Why does no one ever ask why the rest of Illinois doesn’t have the same gun violence problem as Chicago? That stateline runs all the way down to the southern end of both states.
The ones shot by cops matter, the ones shot by other blacks don’t matter at all.
Even if those blacks are cops.
“Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown and Mayor Lori Lightfoot are scheduled to hold a press conference Monday at 8:00 a.m. to discuss the overnight violence.”
And they’ll blame it on a lack of gun control.
Gun control would result in far more deaths than the present shooting styles learned from watching TV.
But it looks so much cooler when I hold the pistol on its side!
MythBusters tackled this one. It may “look cool”, but – hold onto your hat – it’s not effective.
I have a 9mm that pops brass over my shoulder and sometimes bounces it off the top of my head. It might work for me.
Meh, it works just fine with a little practice at typical gang-banging ranges.
Dismounted, or leaning out of a moving vehicle?
More details.
I’m sure it was all just a misunderstanding. Fine watches for everyone!
“Authorities said someone spread false information to the group that police had shot and wounded a child.”
So the logical response would be?
“The looters and vandals rushed through the city’s Magnificent Mile and other parts of downtown, where they were seen carrying bags full of stolen goods, the Tribune reported.”
I heard from a person with knowledge how Trump thinks, who spoke anonymously, that he also wants to replace the statue of liberty with a giant gold T. Surprisingly, it’t not a T for Trump, instead it is in honor of Titan Tower from Teen Titans Go! which is Trump’s favorite show. He watches it all day in his Batman and Robin onsie.
Do you mind if we link to your story?
-NPR, NYT, WaPo, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, AP, Reuters, etc, etc, etc.
Not even far from the mark in these difficult times. James Gang was a good band.
Joe deserved a much better fate than *Spits* The Eagles.
Look if NYT says it is true it must be so
I’m not joking if trump mike dropped at the convention that he was putting his head on mount rushmore at the republican convention via executive order there would be no way I couldn’t vote for him.
Trumps wanton disregard for the expectations of a sitting president is perhaps his only redeeming quality… That and his hair.
Good morning, Sloopy.
Geez… re: the CNN Mount Rushmore story, even if every word is true, so what? A man who becomes President has the aspiration about getting added to Rushmore, says he’s always wanted that. Well, DUH. The type of person that would run for President would (barring Silent Cal probably) want statues / memorials in their honor and want to be worthy of getting on one of our biggest Presidential honors/memorial/monument.
In other news, water is wet and CNN sucks.
Yeah, “pen & phone” was unconstitutional crap then and still is now. Having the power of the budget rest in Congress (and primarily in the House) is rather fundamental to separation of powers and all… so maybe Congress should step up and stop delegating everything to Executive/Regulatory agencies already…
And in other dream worlds:
Yeah, working in/near the Bay Area for 20 years now, I can’t tell you how much it has moved from a somewhat Libertarian streak to a bunch of hard-right Trump-istas… Someone switched from the pot brownies to the magic fungus this week, I think.
That the president uses and abuses the “pen and phone” power should surprise no one.
The Left love to grant them selves sweeping new powers, and I suppose they are so short sided that they think the opposition party will never be in power again.
Harry Reid is still crying in his corn flakes. Whatta maroon.
‘…I suppose they are so short sided that they think the opposition party will never be in power again.’
I’m constantly reminding my Republican/Pro Trump friends of this everytime they rah-rah his executive overreach. Take this current example. If Congress allows this to proceed or it somehow clears the courts, whe can fully expect that the next time a Democratic takes the office that federal unemployment benefits(which shouldn’t exist, BTW) will be allocated and proportioned based on one’s race, gender, and sexual orientation. Mark my words.
“BUT BUT WE WILL HAVE A PERMANENT MAJORITY!!!!!!!” – every fucking idiot prognosticator ever
I think they’ve decided based on the crap they get away with in CA that once they get enough power, they know the right changes (ballot harvesting, vote by mail, jungle primaries, etc.) to effectively lock out any token opposition. Oh, and pack the Supreme Court as needed to ensure it all sticks.
What worries me the most is that I’m fairly certain they’re right if they get all that crap in for enough of the country.
I wonder how many millions are waiting in the “add Obama to Mt. Rushmore” fund.
If you mean moving him and his wife into the shack up behind the heads and leaving him there, I’d kick in a buck.
+1 NxNW
(I’m pretending this isn’t too far off-topic.)
1. Saw my first real Biden sign in the wild this weekend (had seen a bumper sticker once before). Driving through small-town/country Georgia, you see dozens of signs for Trump. Somebody in one town had put 2 big Biden signs up on their fence.
2. Anybody got a reco for who’s got large-quantity 5.56 and 9mm these days? I usually try to do the LGS here, but that’s not so easy.
I’ve seen a few bumper stickers in NJ. Usually accompanied by the usual other commie virtue signal stuff about racism or whatever.
Yeah I’m starting to see little flags by people’s mailboxes that say “in this house we believe black lives matter” and a few other things but in too busy rolling my eyes to read them all.
We have one of those in our neighborhood. Same house had a Pete Buttigieg sign up long after he had thrown in the towel.
I still see Romney 2012 stickers every once in a while. I don’t know what compels people to keep stickers of losing candidates in their car for so long.
Wanna hear something truly weird? At the local little league parking lot, on multiple occasions I’ve seen a new Camry with a “Reagan-Bush ’84” bumper sticker. So either this guy has been hanging on to the sticker for 36 years or someone printed up some new stickers for a 36 year old election.
Yeah, down the street from me is a newish Outback with a Gore sticker. And I know she wasn’t old enough to vote then.
Code for “Please don’t burglarize this house.”
“in this house we believe black lives matter”
I see those as well. Almost exclusively in upper middle class/wealthy, lily white neighborhoods. Because black lives matter to them…just not enough to live around black people, or spend money at their businesses or in their communities, or send their kids to school with black kids, and if a group of black people happened to be in their neighborhood after dark they would be pissing themselves and calling the cops in a heartbeat.
“In this house, we think social signaling is really important!”
I’m not sure anyone’s got large-quantity 9mm at the moment. It’s a Gobi Desert-like drought out there for nines.
If you find it, it’s gonna be super expensive.
I grabbed a bunch of 9 mm Federal HST about a month ago on sgammo. They’ve had more bulk 9 mm since then but it goes crazy fast.
Bulkammo had 5.56 in last week for near $700. It seems like prices doubled in May/June and then increased another 50% now.
All I’ve been able to buy was a couple of boxes of Federal FMJ target rounds from Ammo.com. I just happened to check there when they had some in stock, they were gone quickly.
I’ll throw it out there if I can find some more.
Ammoman.com has Federal XM193 for $635/1000 rnds.
Mile High Shooting has had fairly consistent case lots of 9×19 and 5.56. Expect to pay $300+ for the pistol ammo, and $450+ for the rifle.
Someone with truly boundless optimism staked out a bunch of Jorgensen/Cohen signs along my work commute in Tyson’s Corner, VA. I’m shocked that none of them have been vandalized.
Currently their website lists things as either “out of stock” or “call for availability.”
And someone is actually answering their phone at 7:40 Denver time!
They might have some 9mm tomorrow.
Saw my first real Biden sign in the wild this weekend (had seen a bumper sticker once before).
They multiplied in my neighborhood. Most aren’t Biden signs, per se. One with Trump hair on top of “No”. A few generic leftist virtue signal signs. A few “Vote Biden and downballot democrats” signs. 5 or 6 Biden to 3 or 4 Trump signs in my suburban Dallas neighborhood.
I didn’t tell you this…
Herters target ammo from cabelas/bass pro is the cheapest stuff you can find right now at ~20cpr. It goes in-stock once or twice a day for about 2 to 5 mins. The only way to nab it is to constantly refresh their websites every few minutes. No joke, this is the only way to get it. there are a ton of gun forums that link to it when it’s in stock, plus the other thousands of people that have set up in-stock alerts. When its posted people will buy nearly 2-5k rounds at a time, many of whom turn around and sell it for twice the price on gunbroker or armslist.
Good luck.
talk that college football season is gonna get cancelled sometime today
We wouldn’t want the healthiest and least susceptible people to risk catching a cold.
What, you mean the Marlins aren’t all dead at this point? We’re coming up on 14 days since they had 20 players test positive for it.
So, we are suspending their scholarships for the year too?
Why would you? They all want to play and so do their coaches.
This is bullshit signaling from school presidents.
I hope the players and coaches announce they’ll be playing as a club sport this year, ask a local/regional stadium if they can rent their facility for a handful of Saturdays this fall, and tell the NCAA they can eat a bag of dicks.
Nope. All fun is cancelled until November 3rd.
I think the bigger problem is state governors. The school presidents don’t want to risk losing funding for all their other money-losing programs,
It’s simple fear. Nobody wants to be the one who had an outbreak on their watch, and even more so if someone happens to get seriously sick. The safe thing right now from a bureaucratic perspective is to close it all down…the low grumbling from postponement is nothing compared to the shrieks that will result if they play games and someone catches the plague.
Can’t have even the slightest appearance of normalcy.
Uh-oh. I hope my spousal unit doesn’t find out about Leo Fender’s Bday. He’d come up with a story about how he has to buy another guitar in recognition of the High Holy Days of guitar.
Won’t that cut into his travel funds?
It’s no different from women wanting to buy another pair of shoes.
Hmmmmmm, thanks for the idea,
Good Morning
Maybe he’d just get drunk for several days instead. I’ve heard lots of serious guitarists go on Fender benders to honor his b-day.
Unlike recently in Romania, your silly American beer is starting to appear on mainstream supermarket shelves. I don’t like it. Taking shelf space from hones Romanian beer. There ought to be a law.
* there was a bill in parliament requiring all stores to have 50% of shelf space dedicated to products made i Romania but it did not get anywhere
Your blood banks fly stuff in?
the damn Chinese are price dumping everything
But then you are hungry again an hour later.
::golf clap::
This reminds me of what happened after the first season of SCTV. There was a government rule about there needing to be a certain percentage of “identifiably Canadian content” during broadcasts on the channel. Ans SCTV was warned about it after the first season. Being comedians and not generally fond of this sort of thing, their response was “so you want identifiably Canadian content? Okay.”
CFNY (“The Spirit of Radio”)’s required “Canadian content” introduced me to tons of bands I still like. ??♂️
CFNY was great. If you couldn’t get a college radio station, CFNY was the only way to get exposed to alternative music.
Alan Cross and the History of New Music program was one of the best things every to air.
Then there was this little band from TO who sent in a tape for the battle of the bands contest with the song “I’m In Love With a McDonald’s Girl”. That was the Bare Naked Ladies, and their first album “Gordon” is amazing. (Later albums, not as much)
Yeah, “Gordon” is very good. Only one I have.
Also it is expensive at 12 lei a piece
Just a garland of flowers? Sounds pretty cheap.
there was some Hawaii thing which is strange as it cant be cheap to import
Kona brewing? If so, they’re owned by the Craft Brew Alliance, which completed their sale to AB InBev earlier this year IIRC. So that beer could be made anywhere that AB InBev has a brewery.
yeah that’s the one. I did not read the bottles for that one but others do say they are made in the United States
“Facebook, Google and Twitter are making the same mistakes the news media made decades ago, looking for balance rather than confronting the plain reality of the moment.”
That’s just straight up gaslighting.
I prefer the term bullshit. Gaslighting is a proggie word and I feel dirty using it.
I never thought it was a proggie word.
I wasn’t aware of that either.
It’s part and parcel of the vocabulary of certain subset. It gets used interchangeably with “denying lived experiences” and “erase the existence of.”
Nobody should be dead-naming a valuable phrase like that.
I’ll let Derpy know that you need to get a Certificate of Shibbolethery toot sweet.
If I were on my PC, I’d link to a pic of saucy young Angela Lansbury.
They are not using it correctly. My Gma used to do that shit very effectively and my son’s attempting it. Constantly feeling like you’re losing your fucking mind is a real bummer. I use the term as it is intended.
I’m pissed off that they’re appropriating the term instead of admitting they’re being trolled, where “trolled” is so obvious it’s meant to be caught. It’s a shaming tool.
^^^ Gaslighting is a very real thing. The left also calls everything rape, doesn’t mean rape isn’t a good word to for… rape.
Wasn’t it someone here who said “the left takes Trump literally but not seriously and the right takes Trump seriously but not literally”?
I think Scott Adams coined that term.
I believe it was John Podheretz at NY Post who wrote that, but I could be wrong. I had a link to that article he wrote but I can’t find it. I thought it was one of the best political pieces written on Trump, but it was waaaayyyyy back from 2016 or so, I think.
I guess this was too local for the media to jump all over. Yeah, right. It just doesn’t serve the narrative and sow discord. – I don;t want to minimize the tragedy, but 17 with a kid and a second on the way is not necessarily the best of life choice…
Eh, he was an innocent murder victim at a party. I’m not gonna call him out for shit that has nothing to do with him getting waxed in a drive-by.
I know it just jumped at me as a bit strange…
Happens on the Rez on the regular. Not the murdering (as much) but the birthin’ babies, I mean. And lotsa murders.
I know a gal who became a grandma a couple weeks ago, she’s 36.
My Mom had my elder brother at 15 and Grandma dropped my Aunt two weeks later. Mother, in tears, “I’m Pregnant!” Grandma, also weeping’ “So am I !”
Your poor grandfather . . . I can only imaging those 9 months.
Heh, Irish cousins.
slugger Ricky Colavito
Rocky’s brother?
Newsham says there were multiple shooters involved in the incident when shots were fired at a gathering at approximately 12:20 a.m. in the 3300 block of Dubois Place.
Gang violence, I assume. Clearly we need more unconstitutional weapons restrictions. That will solve the violence problem.
“The parties, he said, actually consist of watching sports and talking”
What sports?
Baseball with cardboard cutouts in the stands? Virtual racing?
Hockey’s on.
which is strange in August as figure skating is a winter sport…
They “skate for black lives” now, hater.
That’s right, forgot about that one… since it’s August and all.
They could have been watching Base Jumping as well (in local news).
Mixed gender authentic Greco-Roman wrestling. With period authentic costume.
I’m sure there’s a Pornhub channel for that already
Evolved Fights.
Both mixed gender and women-women bouts.
Anyone that is having regular sex parties on that sort of schedule isn’t throwing them for cishetfolx.
To my Minnesoda Glibrethren.. Soory aboot that! First time my team won a series in nine years.
You are absolutely welcome to it. I haven’t watched one minute of the shit-fest, so an early Wild exit is not only meaningless but expected.
Truth to tell, I haven’t watched any sports for about four years. I didn’t even know until a couple of days later.
I tapped out when the Rangers folded like a cheap suit last week.
My Bruins have been playing like a tired cheap suit. They’d have had trouble beating the Rangers.
Good morning, Sloopy!
I… got nothing.
Still, though, the James Gang was a solid band, the sun is shining after a night of crazy storms and I’m still on the right side of the turf.
So, have a great day and keep on truckin’.
According to a 2018 interview with Noem, the two struck up a conversation about the sculpture in the Oval Office during their first meeting, where she initially thought he was joking. “I started laughing,” she said. “He wasn’t laughing, so he was totally serious.”
I find it believable that Trump wants his face on Mt. Rushmore. That he would talk about it seriously with the SD gov. on the other hand…sounds more like a Bee article.
I can easily imagine it.
“Hey SD Gov.. how’s Rushmore?”
“Cool, cool…”
“Yeah, you know… I always wanted to make it up there. That would be great, the best, the most awesome.”
“Um…. yeah, sure. Whatever.”
England ‘almost reaching herd immunity’ as COVID wards empty, death toll plunges
I’ve been assuming that’s how this will go: March through the population, burn itself out. Just like SARS.
“Flattening the curve” just prolonged the agony, particularly when it comes to indirect effects, like economy, depression, uncertainty, untreated other illnesses…
Yes – we should have let the younger people get it and spread it among themselves as much as possible while quarantining the elderly and sick. So we did the opposite.
Manic Monday: Something I Hadn’t Even Considered
I don’t know, and I don’t want to know, but Tulsi Gabbard had the best ass.
that was an awesome video.
I’d like to see a reboot of the old SNL game show spoof featuring Bill Murray as the smarmy host. Replace “quien es mas macho” with “who has the nicest tits”, and the immigrant “contestants” with swamp critters. Q. can reprise the Bill Murray role.
Is Schumer chopped liver?
Don’t insult chopped liver
Why not? Coffee is for closers and liver is for losers.
Then we’re taking yours away.
Hope you brought you heavy lifting gloves.
In some circles he is known as El Gourd-o.
Lightfoot is trying to out-stupid DeBlasio, but she has a long way to go. Still, closing off the beaches like that is telling the people who swung the election your way (over Preckwinkle) to go to hell.
She probably didn’t even honeymoon in Cuba. SMDH.
“Donald Trump has tweeted that it ‘sounds like a good idea’ to put him on Mount Rushmore, after the New York Times claimed that a White House aide reached out to the governor of South Dakota to discuss the plan.
The president, who has long floated the idea, denied on Sunday evening that he had ever requested having himself added to the monument.
But, he said, it was a fine idea, given his accomplishments.
‘This is Fake News by the failing @nytimes & bad ratings @cnn,’ he tweeted, in response to the article.
‘Never suggested it although, based on all of the many things accomplished during the first 3 1/2 years, perhaps more than any other Presidency, sounds like a good idea to me!’ ”
Trump reportedly asked for a full body sculpture, rather than the traditional head-only, so the artist could depict drugs falling out of his ass.
That’s not how that meme, as tired as it is, even works.
You know who else didn’t know how a meme worked?
Meme policing? Bad form.
The art of the
dealtroll. He planned it three years ago FFS!I support this. Not because I loke Trump, but because the wailing of spergs is my music of the night.
Mammary Monday is busty breasts and bountiful bodacious boobs.
#2 is always a welcome repeat. See her iChive gallery.
#17 also has a good iChive gallery.
Hello #33
Is #42 an alien? Something is off about her.
#48 – Nice outfit. Nice iChive gallery.
#55 – wow.
“Politically motivated” will do.
“AG Bill Barr says ‘socialist’ Black Lives Matter protesters have created ‘urban guerrilla warfare’ in cities across the country because of their desire for a left-wing ‘utopia'”
Calling them “socialists” is better than Trump calling them “anarchists”, but they should call them communists.
I’m happy that anyone in the FedGov is willing to call them out period. Listening to the Jackasses bray about how they’re peaceful and need to be protected from the jackbooted thugs is embarrassing and ridiculous.
communists are a subset of socialists so it sort of works. I am sure there are many flavors of socialism in the mix they are not all commies. But the difference is in the end negligible
The point isn’t if it makes sense, the point is to label them as bad as possible, but truthful enough so it still sticks.
More greatness.
“If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try, and try again”
Well shit. My last hope for being able to go to an event in the foreseeable future has been “indefinitely postponed”. BrewDog’s AGM (Annual General Mayhem, which is the annual stockholder’s meeting), now to fight with the hotel to cancel my reservation without a fee (or just continue postponing the reservation until the new dates are announced).
Can somebody refresh my memory what she said about DACA?
Or the PPACA when questioned on its constitutionality. She can fuck right off.
She is correct, by the way.
the powerful, befuddled new referees of public debate, Google, Facebook and Twitter.
Public debate needs no referees. I don’t care about the details of who is gaming the officials and how although it does provide some insight into the character of the players. If the only discussion is about how the refereeing is done, we’re screwed.
Listen, the public has no responsibility in deciphering fact from fiction or which opinion-filled article is to be trusted. We need all stories to be filtered so the correct narrative is the only one printed.
Otherwise, you end up with a handful of Russian trolls “handing the election to Trump” or some other ridiculous claim.
The Trump campaign thanks you for your contribution.
They’re one bump stock away from meeting their maker.
“We’re gonna burn your building down” is a legitimate threat. The police need to arrest that person.
Bring in the fucking machine guns.
And claymores
They are rapidly getting to the point where if they were gunned down, few would have sympathy.
They got the shit kicked out of them by an angry mob in Ft. Collins a couple days ago and the comments on the article were almost universally “Good for the citizens! Next time send them to the morgue!”
Commie revolutionaries want a fight, I think they will get one.
Interesting. I didn’t see that. Do you have any link?
Best line from the pro-police side. “Everybody keep your hand off your weapons. Keep punching in the face, just don’t shoot anyone”.
They showed a lot of restraint while beating the shit out of Antifa. It looks like one of the Antifa guy drew a knife to stab someone in the back, a pro-police guy called it out on a bullhorn and he was immediately disarmed.
Gateway Pundit is pretty biases so I would expect a lot of hate toward ProFa; I picked it because it’s got the best videos. The comments advocating violence against ProFa were at some other much more “neutral” website, I don’t remember which one.
Oh yeah, I saw that video over the weekend. It was delightful.
These fucks are such pussies unless they have a huge numbers advantage and can gang up on old women. Then they’re super tuff guys.
When the wife and I were house-hunting last year, one of the criteria I had was “out in the boonies in case of civil unrest”.
So, I went from a town that anti-fa would love to pillage (one of the wealthiest suburbs of the suburbs adjoining Cambridge/Boston) to one where you need to walk five minutes to get to the next house.
About once a month, a neighbor living about a half mile away bangs away with a shot-gun. I’m not sure who it is doing it, and nobody on the road bats an eye. This comforts me.
I doubt the violent commies would be able to make their way over here to begin with, and once they were here, they’d probably find a gun behind every blade of grass. I don’t mind the long drive to get groceries and the hugely diminished choice in eating establishments.
Fencing was erected outside a Chicago beach to prevent people from accessing the closed area after the city’s mayor blasted non-socially distant beachgoers for their “reckless behavior.”
The beachgoers must be from unregulated beach places like Indiana.
In Indiana we’ve shut down a number of beaches because of too many people coming in from Illinois.
Let me see if I can ‘Sheep think’ re masks.
It’s about science but not science. They seem to combine two things. One, is the specious claims it helps to stop the spread. Two, you wear it as a reminder we’re all this together and that we do it protect each other out of common love.
Are they prepared, then, to wear a mask all year round since the common cold virus is out there pretty much all year round as well as when it’s flu season? No one dies from the old fine. But the flu kills about 620 000 people around the world each year. Shouldn’t we try and save every single one of those lives?
The interesting part about masks, is in my research, they’ve been conducting studies as a result of the Spanish flu and most of the studies focused on the flu I’ve read going back as far as 1999 show quite clearly the effectiveness is inconclusive. I’ve read around 20 of them. So the science, to me, clearly falls on the side of skeptics.
Research showing some benefits of mass mask usage began to pop up really in 2020. But even in the most cited ones, the language really boils down to ‘there are benefits’ but never conclusive to justify mandating them. I just find it bizarre at first the WHO and Fauci (as well as our doctors here correctly explained why masks are ineffective (leaving aside the idea of wanting to head them for health care workers) and then shifted a couple of months later. After 25 years of research, did studies suddenly show they worked in those two months? Something is off in that equation. Was it incompetence? Politics? Letting people direct policy out of pure fear? They don’t wear the masks in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Holland. Does anyone not see that and use this as a reference point?
Then comes the next level of getting people to wear them through emotional manipulation. You’re selfish if you don’t. Your asymptomatic ass is threatening lives (we should all be concerned with the idea of the idea of viewing healthy people as a threat to others. That can go into dark places) Even here it’s unclear how asymptomatic people transmit the virus. The WHO was likely correct when they said it’s rare but had to retract it for some reason. I read in one of many articles out there about the pandemic arguing that the Diamond Princess is turning out to have been the perfect incident showing us how the virus acts and moves. According to the person, 20% of the ship got infected and 1% (14 in total) died. Over half the ship was asymptomatic. If you look at the numbers now based on the the data, isn’t this pretty much what it boils down to? The original flawed models would have predicted 116 deaths on the ships. It also predicted 96 000 deaths in Sweden and up to 40 000 in Canada by April. Dr. Tam here actually publicly used that figure. All she accomplished was to scare people and show how foolish public health officials are.
Alas, we’re considered ‘covidiots’ for asking questions. I still hear ridiculous nonsense like, ‘Oh, well this Covid is NOT the flu and wait until someone you know gets it’. A statistical improbability at this point. And ‘you know more than public officials?’
The last part intrigues me. The former points to people now resorting to outliers which can be explained to them, but the latter is more tricky. It points to people losing the confidence in assessing and researching the facts for themselves. Implicit in the statement is ‘momma knows best’ except here it’s the state – as in bureaucrats. And in this case politicians who have been spectacularly wrong and inconsistent.
It’s not about ‘knowing more’ it’s about informing yourself to inoculate against government over reach.
I’ve gone on long enough. /takes a light bow. Runs off hands in face to boos and hisses.
I’d like to add. The other part that’s odd is people don’t seem to mind when politicians are caught either exempting themselves or not following their own excessive draconian protocols.
They seem to blindly believe or blankly think, ‘Yes, but they protect us’.
Where they should be outraged, they tolerate hypocrisy.
The fact politicians don’t follow the rules is a clear indication of how seriously they believe in the danger of the virus. To me anyway.
The first bit of research actually came out in 1920. Up until that point the medical establishment had assumed the masks had to be of _some_ reasonable utility even if they were hardly foolproof. But the 1918 influenza outbreak and subsequent mandates caused them to study the issue and they were shocked to find out how ineffective they were at stopping the spread.
But I’m afraid we’re stuck with them for the foreseeable future
They’ve outsourced their thinking to the corporate media. So many people are just repeating (almost verbatim) what they read on the New York Times or CNN, and then they brag about their devotion to logic, reason, science, rationality, evidence, and so on. They’ve never read a study, only headlines about studies.
Green Laser Eye Protection In The Wild. The commies have picked up on a non-lethal but potentially crippling weapon. Lethal force is legal when faced with that kind of assault, but not sure I’d like to try my luck in court against a Soros bought prosecutor.
It’s no different than an acid attack; unlikely to be fatal but disabling and disfiguring. I agree with the author that the best course of action is to avoid the conflict completely, but if you’re in a situation in which you can’t you have to fight back. Best option in that situation, IMO, is a shotgun. As you can see from the video, there are front line agitators and the laser soldiers are behind. A shotgun blast to one of the front liners (even with your eyes closed) is likely to disperse the crowd, or at least get the lasers off you for follow up shots.
They have organized themselves into a kind of ancient phalanx with shield-bearers in the front and slingers behind. Not going to work well when this goes kinetic.
“Low-cost measurement of facemask efficacy for filtering expelled droplets during speech”
Some masks were worse than no mask.
Now you post this after I post a long-winded comment? Lol.
I think I’ve reached my 140 character max.
For those looking for an oasis of calm through all of this shit. One small independent book store here in Cleveland has started a promotion that may appeal to this crowd. They’re allowing groups of 8 (or less) to rent them out for 90 minutes. For $50, they’ll provide a two topping large pizza, a bottle of wine (or assorted beverages), and 90 minutes to browse the bookstore.
I’m waiting for a place to offer drive-thru pizza. Does it exist?
We’ve got at least one pizza place around the corner from me that has a drive thru window for pick up orders. I’m sure there’s a couple others scattered around as well, mostly in old converted fast food buildings (mostly Taco Bell in the area).
For an additional service charge, they will provide a link.
Bah… fine:
Or if you want to go to the bookstore’s site itself:
Well I’m done for the day. Sunday nearly ended me. Have fun Glibbies!
Biden names nurse as VP!
Hellooooooooooooooooooooo nurse!
Does this qualify as civil unrest?
Nope, mostly peaceful.
Snopes sez: True. Mostly peaceful. Just like the Germans were mostly peaceful during WWII.
I mean, they have a point. They didn’t get 51% of the population conscripted did they?
France was mostly peaceful under the German occupation.
When it hits a spot like that with plenty of tourists I’d say….yes?
We watched the Chicago philharmonic (at least I’m pretty sure it was) practice in Millennial Park while downing a couple of Goose Island beers.
Look guys. We just have to get used to the new normal.
People will loot your town, It’s just your capitalist white privledge to have lived in a time when your village didn’t get looted. Communists will stop you and detain you in the street, and attempt to blind you, and you can’t do anything about it. this is just how life is now.
People are morons if they think electing Senile Joe will put a stop to this. Their paymasters may have that as their goal, but this is tiger-by-the-tail big time. These people hate Biden almost as much as Trump and if anything it’ll escalate with Biden because they will get a taste of success.
No, it will stop because these people are only able to actually do this with the support of the State. If Biden wins, the state and local authorities will turn the cops loose and round these people up. They are a tiny tiny group of people. If Biden wins, the Portland PD and Oregon State Police will pocket the federal courthouse, crack heads, and this time the local judges won’t turn them loose.
Remember, this really isn’t widespread. This is happening down at the federal courthouse. It’s not an inability to stop these people, its a deliberate policy choice by the local authorities. That will change if Biden wins, these catspaws will have served their purpose.
The riots in Kenton, Laurelhurst, and Montavilla are not downtown by the courthouse. Nor were the previous illegal freeway occupations.
Yes, it is being enabled but Wheeler won’t act until his re-election if at all. Brown is also weak and wishy washy and won’t act either unless she has to, and probably won’t until after November to not hurt the prospects of Democrats that are running.
And the federal courts are doing the same revolving door releases (ROR or minimal bail) as the local courts. Any sort of restriction (because holding them in jail is too much) from going back to the riots is being challenged by commie lawyers bankrolling the releases.
What will probably end it is the weather and boredom. Once antifa starts losing the shields of “innocent” “protestors” and “media”, they are a lot more vulnerable.
The more worrisome part is this is providing training in street fighting for a cadre of radicals.
WATCH: Looters break in to State Street Potbelly restaurant
WATCH: Best Buy looted near North, Clybourn in Chicago
WATCH: ATM stolen, left in downtown Chicago street
WATCH: Gunshots heard during live report on looting
Who needs sports? And they said the revolution wouldn’t be televised.
And they said the revolution wouldn’t be televised.
Yes, they did
Yes, they did.
I’m confused. Or maybe I’m not. English sucks.
And that song was always stupid. The first time I heard it I was “wtf are you smoking? There is NO WAY it’s not going to be on TV.”
Oh, he’s got much worse than that. As a public service, I will refrain from linking any of it.
“BLM is trying to disprove that crime is disproportionately commited by black people by posting stats which show that crime IS disproportionately commited by black people”
Not that it matters, why not just ignore race, and stop police from killing people over petty bullshit?
Now it’s just stirring chaos for its own sake. I think that’s the point.
Lenin smiles with pride.
In good news, everybody likes to drink and drive equally.
*spits out coffee*
Stelter hosts a weekly panel discussion show that is laughably named Reliable Sources. It’s always a hodgepodge of far-left guests talking about far-left things and pretending that they are representing the mainstream in American political thought. The show’s most recent episode featured what is either the most egregious lack of self-awareness or the most blatant disingenuousness I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been writing about liberal media bias for almost two decades.
One of Stelter’s guests on Sunday was Errin Haines, who founded a news site called The 19th, which purports to be nonpartisan. A quick perusal of its homepage will dispel that notion.
In a truly stunning moment, Stelter asked Haines, “When you see entire media companies essentially exist to tear down Joe Biden, is there an equivalent of that on the left, tearing down Trump?”
Is this real life?
#resist #thelincolnproject
Speaking of the Lincoln Project, Rick Wilson managed to shine yet again when he started mocking Tulsi Gabbard for losing the nomination for her seat…..when she was not running for re-election.
“Poppin’ Fresh”
The Left believes that Fox News is the entire media, and every other outlet is just some ragtag outfit struggling against the leviathan to bring you the truth every day.
I’ve met people who legitimately believe that the media was unfairly hard on Obama.
PNW Glibs, a get together is scheduled for Saturday, August 15 at 2 pm at the Big Barn Brewing Company in Mead, WA.
sodium at proton mail dot com
Good morning, I’m going back to bed.
Rant about NY’ers, episode N+1:
Not only are they more panicky than Texans (maybe because of the lack of “cowboy up” being a part of childrearing?) they are flipping xenophobes.
Texans are propagandized to think that Texas is the greatest place ever, so it makes sense to them that everyone else should want to come there. And they’re happy to show them hospitality, there’s room enough for everyone.
New Yorkers are propagandized to think that New York is the greatest place ever, and think that outsiders are jealous and want to steal this great thing from them.
I’ve seen this xenophobia at play most recently at the gun club. At Steel Challenge yesterday there were zero masks. After all, NY has beaten the ‘vid. HOWEVER, they have closed the event to non-members because people from other clubs might be travelling to other filthy contaminated states and that could kill us all.
Native New Yorkers are assholes, don’t trust us.
On this Day, in 1821, Missouri was admitted to the Union. I think it was uncontroversial.
:grumble: that was supposed to be a new comment.
Yesterday, the Olympics would’ve had the closing ceremony. Now I have to go through the dread for another year.
Eh, I say better than 50/50 it doesn’t happen next year either.
Not too long after that, they ran the Mormons out of the state and declared open season on them in an act that wasn’t repealed until 1976.
Not too long after THAT, a Mormon leading a team based in Jackson County won the Superbowl.
Signs of the times eh?
There’s some debate going on among USPSA leadership about whether that’s legal for a sanctioned club.
To save ammo, I’m switching to .22 for Steel Challenge. My open sighted pistol in that caliber is in gun jail, so I brought the 10/22 (which has no rear sight). It is embarrassing how much faster that little guy is than my handgun that costs 5x as much.
Unfortunately for my ammo supply/wallet, the guy organizing it is alternating SC with USPSA practice.
Rimfire Steel Challenge is the most competitive division, at least in my area.
One of these days I’ll make it to one of the locals. They do all eight stages, morning and afternoon relays, and you can shoot up to three guns per relay. In theory, you could shoot 1200 rounds between six different guns in one day.
LOL you haven’t been to central or western New York, have you.
I still don’t know WTF the different areas are. I guess I’m in the “Capital Region,” though some people have told me Saratoga County is “Southern Tier.” People here might look a bit side-eyed at NYCers but they definitely thing that NYS is the best place, it’s just those downstaters that are causing all the problems.
LOL no.
Southern Tier is the counties that border Pennsylvania.
Yeah, you can’t be north of the finger lakes or albany and be ‘southern tier’
What I have learned from living here is:
The Adirondacks are gorgeous, though with far too many marshes for a mountain range. The land between them and Canada (looking at you Ogdensburg) is boring AF.
The Catskills are also very pretty.
The Berkshires are nice, but below the Green Mountains, as well as the others previously listed.
The Taconic Parkway is overrated as far as drives go, and is the lamest excuse for a major highway I’ve even encountered.
Washington Country is also pretty boring, but in a bucolic sort of way. There is good cheese and also mediocre cheese there.
New York is a swamp. Of course our mountains are swampy.
You will find that anything called a “parkway” in NYS likely pre-dates modern highways like the Interstates. Which is why trucks aren’t allowed, for example.
Hmmm. Walsh, it does look like another time of people being hypersensitive and dramatic.
I don’t know how I feel about this one. The vag button that emits strange noises is, erm, not something I’m gonna let in my house. On the other hand, I’m not big on the “children’s industry is run by pedophiles” conspiracy theory that comes part in parcel with many of these panics.
That said, this isn’t some thing where you have to squint and turn your head sideways to see the innuendo. It’s a crotch button that emits sounds I’d expect out of a tickle me elmo. How that made it past a single level of review is perplexing.
I think that’s a fair take. I don’t know how that made it past review, and i wouldn’t buy it either. But i’ve seen lots of stupid things that people weren’t thinking about, and i have a hard time attributing this to “Corporations want to corrupt teh yutes.”
Never too young to learn about buttplay.
*Ziggy Freud nods*
If you spanked Tickle me Elmo it set off the button too. The best was a dog toy that was a stuffed monkey, when you spanked the money it would make excited noises.
When I spanked my monkey it would let out an ejaculation of surprise.
My girlfriend has the same button, allegedly, but I don’t have time to go looking for it.
This is why they never sold pull string sex dolls.
Woman in video: WOOOOOULLLD.
Why do people hate doll clits?
But when Texas businesses began to reopen, so did the sex parties.
*Raises Fist*
First they came for the sex partiers. But I did not speak out because
I’m not a man whoreI was not invited.And the very real possibility that SP gave Banjos a rusty can lid as a wedding gift….
Are we in trouble? This is….erm…..troubling…..
Ozy, you want to handle this one?
Of course a lawyer and a bioethicist are involved.
A lawyer, bio-ethicist and Fauci walk into a room….
Clang, they were locked in the cell.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Bioethicists seem to be invariably evil.
The Field of bioethics seems to be entirely influenced by Waldemar Hoven.
I think they take some cues from the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army and Shiro Ishii as well.
I believe I have already made my contribution, My Northern Brother.
(Available to the public, even!)
I could pull the chapter that discusses Joint Biologic Project 2020 (JBP20) but I’m too lazy and want to keep my BP down.
But Here we are 20 years after I originally wrote that (in 2000 or so) and wouldn’t you know? There’s a pandemic that will require a vaccine for the whole population.
Quelle surprise!
Don’t pull it. Which one was it? I have your post up.
Ah. Age has ruined my acronym recall:
The office in charge was the JPOBD: Joint Program Office for Biologic Development. The program to acquire vaccines and to use the military in a civil defense management role was part of a Presidential Decision Directive, PDD-63. The specific program was called the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program (JVAP) and “Joint Vision 2010.”
Start looking around page 245 or so – “Chapter 20: Why?”
I am a proud owner of that horror story. Thanks to you and Mo for making it happen.
Oh look. This degenerate prick Dr. Michael Ledermanis.
Wait. It may not be the same guy. Not sure.
Fuck these guys.
It’s shit like this that gives me a murderous tingle.
It’s fricken evil to its core.
This kind of rhetoric is all over Quebec papers.
If you would be so kind as to show me where I signed the social contact, okthxbai.
That footprint when you were born.
By living in our society, duh. If you don’t like it you could move to Somolia!
Yeah that makes me touch steel and do my best Doc Holliday.
“I’m your huckleberry.”
I’ll go along with forced vaccinations in order to protect the social contract if they will go along with helicopter rides for socialists for the same reason. Well actually, no I won’t because that would be morally repugnant, but thinking about it will give me a chuckle.
Do not allow objections for personal preference, which violate the social contract.
Oh, shitbirds, there’s a whollllllle lotta violating the social contract going on lately. Forgive me if I am spectacularly unmoved by that bullshit.
I think we all know this is coming.
Yes. With the amount of anger and fear over the CV, you know that they are going to mandate the vaccine.
My body, my choice! What was that? Oh, we can’t say that with this? Well that’s okay because I am malleable.
Also, most Branch Covidians are saying that herd immunity will never be achieved and it will continue to kill in exponential numbers unless a vaccine is developed. If herd immunity actually happens, they’re going to look like asses. They’re probably going to roll out some vaccine (whether it works or not) so they can take credit for stopping the virus in its tracks.
Government is good at that – taking some kind of ineffective or counterproductive action against some problem that was going away on its own, then taking all the credit for stopping it.
Sure but I am not holding my breath.
“This document clearly shows that the FBI was continuing to mislead regarding the reliability of the Steele dossier,” Graham said in a statement announcing the release of an eight-page briefing document that the FBI provided to the Senate Intelligence Committee in February 2018. …
According to Graham, the newly declassified FBI memo shows that the bureau did not disclose any of the dossier’s red flags in the Senate Intelligence briefing document.
“Somebody needs to go to jail for this,” Graham said Sunday.
Pelosi slams Trump’s executive actions on coronavirus relief: ‘Absurdly unconstitutional’
Is she serious?
Heh. I know what you did last comment.
Somebody doesn’t want to go to Camp Reeducation.
Professor who may be fired for refusing to undergo diversity training is not backing down
Diversity of opinion is not in the syllabus.
Interesting. Most of the stuff I’ve heard about – say, the required training in Seattle or NYC – is explicitly racist brainwashing. But good on him. I hope he’s ready to retire.
He is in South Carolina. I doubt the school really wants this in front of a local jury.
I now know what it’s like to cringe. *Lowers self in molten metal*
I don’t even know what that is supposed to mean.
Or what the seventies porn extra is doing there.
“I Won’t be back”
BTW, the soho debate of libertarians for 1) Trump 2) Biden 3) Jorgensen was awful. Wonder if you saw it.
No i didn’t. To my shame, i think i’ve only listened to 2 soho debates all the way through. Tom Woods vs Malice, and Epstein vs Wolfe. What was so bad? just bad arguments or bad moderation? I can imagine trying to moderate 3 teams is difficult.
Trump is worse cuz statist! No Biden is worser as a statist! Jo can’t win! It was absurd.
So we had an internal meeting with financial data which is certainly not good due to covid. And the system had a way for anonymous questions. And among all the business stuff there was a question about diversity and more women on the board of directors. Which off course was followed by one along the line wait a minute diversity is more than women how about non Caucasians. Which was funny because all non Caucasians are the same right… There are not enough people on the board to cover all the diversity requirements.
well Pie, maybe if you had more women on the board, your company wouldn’t be having financial issues? I mean easily that would be a 25% savings on salaries of the top.
Maybe they could also get people to buy more cars in a pandemic
This is the Don Boudreaux argument against the male/female wage difference. If there was really a difference, then the people claiming so could create a business primarily hiring women and make a huge amount of money due to it. It is a classic arbitrage opportunity.
Jonathon Pie
except men hate women more than they like saving money
Hating women is a good way to save money.
well given the price of good whisky I am not sure
It’s only fair that your country should be rotting from the inside, too.
multinational corporation I doubt those things came from Romania
Are there many non-Caucasians in Romania? I wouldn’t have expected that.
I visited the UK in the mid-80’s. They had to import a lot of vibrants in order to make sure they could insist on diversity.
What do you mean? Romania isn’t even in the Caucuses. I’d be surprised if they could find any Caucasians.
not about Romania multinational corp
Hey Fatty – If you are going to riot / shoplift, do some cardio first.
would not last a day in zombieland
So, not the Bee. A sign of our litigious times.
Just the straight new from Los Angeles times. Look, I don’t even know why people have to go to school to become a journalist, it’s clear that the only requirment be being a political agitator.
Alas, we’re considered ‘covidiots’ for asking questions. I still hear ridiculous nonsense like, ‘Oh, well this Covid is NOT the flu and wait until someone you know gets it’. A statistical improbability at this point. And ‘you know more than public officials?’
The last part intrigues me. The former points to people now resorting to outliers which can be explained to them, but the latter is more tricky. It points to people losing the confidence in assessing and researching the facts for themselves. Implicit in the statement is ‘momma knows best’ except here it’s the state – as in bureaucrats. And in this case politicians who have been spectacularly wrong and inconsistent.
It’s not about ‘knowing more’ it’s about informing yourself to inoculate against government over reach.
Thank a teacher!
Seriously, government indoctrination centers (there’s no point in bothering to call them schools) have created the necessary foundation on which to build this house of marked cards.
It’s the same thing they’ve done with climate change.
They’ve taken something that has at least a grain of truth to it, but then bundled it with all these other political propositions, and if you disagree with any part of it or the policy ideas based on it, you’re branded as a “science denier”.
It’s like if I said that dietitians agree that refined sugar is bad for you and should be minimized, then followed up by saying that it should be a Schedule 1 controlled substance with harsh prison time for consumption, possession, manufacturing, or sale. Then I screamed “why don’t you believe in science??” at anyone who questioned the second part.
Oh, Kristi.
Kristi Noem
South Dakota is open for a presidential #debate.
Debates are a critical part of the election process. The American people deserve the opportunity to contrast the candidates’ positions and intellect in an unscripted setting.
Such a shame she’s already married.
“contrast the candidates’ positions and intellect”
Oh I am literally shaking.
Hey Glibs! My neighborhood got power back last night. I didn’t because my meter apparently got fried and the power company will need to come out to replace that before I get it. At least my ISP connection is back, so I can run the computer off the genny and go back to work…. How are you doing? Anyone else in “The People’s Republic of Connecticut” get hammered real bad by that storm we had last week?
Our power wasn’t out for long, but there are neighborhoods in NJ that are still don’t have power. A few of our neighbors lost tress.
I had several trees come down on my property. Had to cut two rather large ones that fell across my driveway. One missed my old shed by a meter or so (I wish it had busted that old thing so I could file a claim for a new one). None came close to the house but it was ugly.
“meter”? That’s funny – I thought you were American…
The military teaches us the metric system…
Eh, we lost power for 2 days, Sandy was much worse here.
A guy about a half mile down the road bought it when he went outside to start cleaning up shortly after the storm passed. A power line was down on his property, he stepped on the lawn…
Glad you made out OK, too bad you didn’t get a new shed. I’d like to replact the one in my backyard which functions mainly as a roof for a groundhog condominium.
“Ellen DeGeneres reportedly fat-shamed a young boy in the 1970s.”
outrage archeology
Thought she liked chubbies.
Yeah, but half a century ago she made a kid feel bad because he was fat.
I mean how old was Ellen? 12?
“Fat-shamed”….anyone who uses this phrase should be kicked repeatedly
Gunny Hartman approves.
“Because you are a disgusting fatbody!”
And then she gave him a noogie. OMG CANCEL CANCEL!!
Maybe they could also get people to buy more cars in a pandemic
“Riding the bus/subway/train could KILL YOU! Buy a car and save your life.”
Barr said on Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin” that he has been “appalled” by the blatant violence seen in Portland but lamented that the “partisan” mainstream media are feeding Americans a “lie” when it comes to what they show on their cable stations.
“They are projecting a narrative,” Barr told host Mark Levin. “When the word narrative came into currency, I knew we were in trouble because the word narrative really suggests there is no objective truth. There is no real story of what happened, it’s just everyone has their own narrative, and you get to then the press can justify presenting a story that doesn’t really correspond to the objective truth, but it’s our narrative. We have a narrative. You have a narrative.”
I wonder if there was a narrative
See also “lived experience”. All part of the same bullshit they pull.
“”While we’re working to abolish the police, we must also work to dismantle what the police were put here to protect: property.””
The CEO of Condé Nast should lead by example
Wow. At least the mask is off now.
eh it is probably trolling at this point
I think someone should liberate the author’s iPhone, laptop, etc. Can’t be having property like that, eh tovarisch?
that is personal property not private. Educate yourself.
You’re good at that, Pie. Almost…..toooooooo good.
He has some lived experiences to fall back upon.
The sad thing is, that will be how they try and define it and people will gobble up that and nod.
And then wake up in the projects to the horrified realization that the projects are quite literally what you get when you eliminate private ownership of land.
I have a vague memory that there was a Proglodyte that argued exactly that line.
Seattle Dems tryna keep a black woman down.
The Seattle City Council’s budget Committee passed a series of amendments this week, cutting at the budget for the Seattle Police Department. One of the ways they’re saving money is to significantly cut the salary of Chief Carmen Best, with many SPD executives potentially seeing a pay cut as well.
Chief Carmen Best’s attorney Anne Bremner says the move is purely retaliatory in nature, and a result of Chief Best criticizing the council and the defund movement. She joined the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH to discuss.
“The reaction is that this is really troubling and outrageous. Carmen Best has been an amazing police chief for Seattle. She, of course, has gone through the issues with the economy, with COVID, with Black Lives Matter, with issues of defund the police,” she said.
“She and Jenny Durkan gave a press conference where they were critical of the council. In my view, this was retaliation because as soon as they did that, the council — in a vote that was not publicized, that was not on the agenda publicly — voted to reduce her salary. This is the first black female police chief in the country. Her salary was reduced to $100,000 less than a white woman chief’s salary, namely Kathleen O’Toole.”
Game over, man!
Joe Biden on Saturday utterly devastated one of President Donald Trump’s most repeated attack lines against the former Vice President. And the irony is Fox News helped him do it.
On the day that Trump was at his ritzy, exclusive country club in Bedminster, New Jersey, that reportedly has a $350,000 admission fee, Biden did what so many typical Americans do for recreation: He rode a bike.
The former vice president, who was wearing a mask, was accompanied on his bicycle ride by a few others on the streets of his home state of Delaware when they were approached by Fox News’ Peter Doocy. The Fox reporter yelled at the bike-riding Biden: “Mr. Vice President have you picked a running mate yet?” to which Biden responded, “Yeah I have.” Doocy then followed up, “You have? Who is it?” to which Biden jokingly replied, “You!”
It’s certainly true that Trump has made Biden’s stamina — as well as the former vice president’s mental capacity — an issue in this campaign. Voters don’t necessarily agree: a poll in early July found that 52% of voters believe Biden has both the mental and physical stamina to be president versus only 45% for Trump. But here’s an idea that might convince even higher numbers. Instead of a fourth debate that Trump’s team wants, why not hold a good old-fashioned bicycle race between the two?! Trump loves ratings and this would no doubt attract millions! I can’t even imagine how many will tune in just to see if Trump can even balance on a bicycle, let alone ride one.
Compare those images to Biden on the bicycle. There’s no indication that this was a contrived photo op. It appears to be simply be Biden being Biden. He went out for a bike ride and Fox News happened to capture it. It’s the same as Trump just being Trump over the weekend where he palled around with his rich friends at his private country club and then abruptly ended a press conference after being caught lying by a reporter.
The contrast for voters this November could not be starker.
Take that, Fat Stupid Orange Man! Joe can ride a bike and wear a mask, at the same time. Proof of his fitness for the Presidency.
The desperation is palpable.
CNN has been taking Neph’s spin classes.
This is CNN.
And riding a bicycle has what, exactly, to do with dementia?
You never forget how to ride a bike.
(Sorta NSFW)
Wait, is OMWC Freddy Mercury?
Oh My Gosh…. This song was made for Joe Biden….
I think i would no shit donate $100 if Trump made a campaign ad of Joe, overlaying this part of the song.
Yeah! Take that! Biden can ride a bike!
Go Get em Joe!
There’s no indication that this was a contrived photo op.
We just happened to be in the area, after getting a tip that he will be riding his bike with his mask on.
All photos of politicians are contrived photo ops but some people believe the world is flat also.
Like the camera crew which just happened to catch Deblasio riding the subway that one time he did it.
Better than his daughter…
What is amazing, well really not, but this is the same CNN that just happened to be sitting in front of Roger Stone’s house when the FBI
raidedserved a warrant for his arrest.Also the same that questions if there is a network out there that is 24/7 anti-Trump.
There’s no indication that this was a contrived photo op.
Pull the other one. Its got bells on.
Live in Alameda County and need some cash? Just catch the commie-cough.
Damn it Trump. This is too much! Especially with the aluminum can supply running low already.
The washing machine tariff has cost US citizens about $1.5B alone.
I don’t think Trump has read Adam Smith. Or a book.
Between the tariff on Scotch and Canada being closed which keeps me out of the duty-free shop, I’ve been hating ORANGETEATOTALLERBAD for a long time now.
Thought experiment:
gold standard.
No income tax.
No tariffs.
You can pick any two for the American economic policy. Which two do you pick?
Do I have to pick two?
Gold standard and No income tax. And I think No Income Tax is the most important one. The voluntary payment of taxes was the single greatest piece of leverage the American taxpayer ever had against the govt. Direct deposit and income tax made us all slaves.
If you pick no income tax and no tariffs, what tax is going to replace them?
Personally, I’d go with even simpler things to get things moving in the correct direction. No withholding, no “employer share” of taxes, medical insurance either is deductible or it isn’t (no difference for having it company provided or self provided).
“If you pick no income tax and no tariffs, what tax is going to replace them?”
Modern Monetary Theory. Printing press goes BRRRRRRR.
Taxes have little to do with revenue and more to do with controlling (and targeting) inflation. Money printer go brrrrrrrrr, bills all paid. Uh oh, too much money out there! Tax!
Gold Standard and No Income Tax.
As much as i am a free trader, i’d be willing to have the fights be over Tarriff policy, rather than them rasing taxes on income or inflating away their spending.
Yeah that’s my thinking. Along with the fact that tariffs have the built in relief valve of smuggling. If you set the tariffs too high, people just go around them. Kind of hard to do that with the national income tax that comes out of your paycheck before you ever see it.
She’s our modern day Joan of Arc
A teen who shared a photo of a crowded hallway at her Georgia high school last week says she has been receiving threats after the image went viral.
North Paulding High School sophomore Hannah Watters told CNN she and her family and friends have been receiving screenshots of group chats with threatening language against her.
One message said “I know where this girl lives,” she said. Other threats included, “We’re going to jump every girl named Hannah in the tenth grade,” and, “Hannah is going to have a rough day at school on Monday,” Hannah told Boris Sanchez Sunday night on CNN’s “Newsroom.”
The teen said she understands why people are upset but said she shared the photo because she felt like it was the right thing to do.
Blah blah blah if it’s not 100% safe we can’t do it. It would be wrong of me to hope you fall down a flight of stairs.
there was this thing about snitches
80s Joan of Arc
Huh, I think this when I think 80s Joan of Arc.
Jane Wiedlin.
Never seen it. ??♂️
Fat shaming the old fashioned way
I thought it was going to be this.
We have a narrative. You have a narrative.”
All God’s chilluns got a narrative.
Looters and arsonists aren’t fascists. Hmmm, how about this guy?
Current year in a nutshell.
JuSt fOLloW thE LaW!
Yes, he’s a POS.
There was an explosion in Baltimore that knocked down three houses….dayum
Someone hit a fucking gas line.
Yep. Somebody didn’t call Miss Utility before they started digging.
There she is….
Baltimore heard Beirut’s challenge and answered, defending its title of worst place to live on Earth.
My kids fingers are crossed that us “rich” or well-to-do families will not be given Chromebooks for the upcoming stay-at-home-its-summer-all-year-long school year. The schools want this madness, provide the means because there is no way my kids are logging onto school networks from their personal laptops.
Also – its dangerous to go to in person classes, but you can still get bused to get the free food at the school and no one blinks an eye at that.
The COVID can’t get you if you’re eating or drinking, as long as it’s not too late, and you’re sitting down (outside, in some jurisdictions).
Or if you’re at a peaceful protest against racism. So if you wear a button that says “end racism”, you should be OK to go anywhere and do whatever you want since you’re constantly protesting racism.
2 + 2 = 5 here too.
Because that risk is born by poor black and brown kids, not the children of the important white liberals.
That’s because the “free” shitty food comes with a nice fat federal subsidy that the schools take a profit on.
Just saw a CNN story (on my phone, so no linky) about the hordes of Americans renouncing their US citizenship. Because President Cartoon Villain, duh. And, if by some miracle he gets re-elected, there will undoubtedly be a tsunami of cancelled passports. Because Intolerable Orange Man is intolerable.
To be sure there are tax laws which some may find burdensome, or even onerous, but I think we can all agree it’s really Trump’s fault.
So by this logic, the hordes of people leaving NYC and NYS is due to Deblasio and Cuomo?
Ah yes. Lets see carry the one, divide by 60 and add in some white nationalism. Looks like 5000 or so in 6-months, so….
0.0014% They are leaving in droves!!!!!!
I remember when pointing out record number of people renouncing their citizenship was totes racist. Looks like 2015 was the old champion
Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean you should be allowed to do it
Authorities say he is acting within his rights, but his continued presence has caused a stir in the local community.
The Bennington Police Department said O’Dell is not violating any laws — a statement echoed by Bennington Town Manager Stuart Hurd, State’s Attorney Erica Marthage and state Sen. Dick Sears, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Vermont is an open carry state, meaning it allows people to carry openly visible firearms in public. Nationwide, 44 states permit the open carrying of long guns, though two states have limitations in certain cities, according to data from Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
As for handguns, 31 states allow their open carry without any license or permit, the policy organization’s data shows.
The Bennington Police Department said it has received numerous complaints about O’Dell’s masked and armed presence — and continues to do so whenever he is out on the streets.
BPD officers spoke with O’Dell on July 24, said assistant police chief Lt. Camillo Grande. O’Dell told them he was “exercising his constitutional right and that he didn’t have any intention of harming himself or anyone else,” Grande said.
The state’s attorney said she understands the nervousness and fear his behavior has caused among some community members. “For that reason, I would like to see this individual thoughtfully consider how his actions impact our community as a whole and the dialogue around firearms,” Marthage said.
Bennington Select Board Chairman Donald Campbell said he thinks O’Dell just wants public attention, and that the attention he gets will encourage others to follow suit.
State Sen. Brian Campion, who represents Bennington, said community members have talked about “the incitement of fear in the downtown by a masked person brandishing what is effectively a weapon of war.” He said people have the right to feel safe and secure going downtown, and he doesn’t want them avoiding the area out of fear.
Bennington taxpayers, Campion said, have committed a lot of time and resources into building a higher quality of life and creating economic opportunities downtown. “It would be a shame to have that work undone through the menacing acts of one individual,” he said.
Actual peaceful protest.
State Sen. Brian Campion, who represents Bennington, said community members have talked about “the incitement of fear in the downtown by a masked person brandishing what is effectively a weapon of war.” He said people have the right to feel safe and secure going downtown, and he doesn’t want them avoiding the area out of fear.
They keep using that word brandishing in all the various news media markets when its not, so I suspect that is their new go-to word to scare people.
I’ve seen them characterize open carry as brandishing.
If they’re that scared why don’t they move the fuck out of Vermont?
Shouldered or holstered ain’t “brandishing”.
Yep. Its just redefining a word or action to make it seem scary and they will succeed. It will make its way into police training that merely having it near your person will be brandishing the firearm and you must be taken down accordingly, regardless if you are following commands. That last part was added for extra measure by all the police departments in Arizona.
Carrying concealed makes sense from tactical standpoint. However, I can’t help but think that the 2nd A was lost as soon as the Overton Window shifted to open carry being out of the ordinary.
While I prefer concealed carry myself, I appreciate seeing open carry as others doing their part, however little, to try and push back against the Overton Window shift making guns a scary and taboo item to only be seen while hidden in one’s home or at a certified facility.
I think it also makes sense from a societal standpoint. You’re less likely to randomly mess with people if they *might* be carrying.
Open carry has always been out of the ordinary.
Even as late as the 70s, racks openly sporting rifles and shotguns were routinely visible in pickups across rural high school parking lots during hunting season.
I’d say that falls under sporting equipment. Carrying a weapon which has the purpose is protection from 2 legged predators has almost always been done in concealed fashion.
Open carry of an AR or tactical shotgun is an assertion of your rights, it’s not practical self defense. Practical self defense, to me, is a concealed handgun, a discretely stored AR15 in the trunk of your car, a tactical shotgun or a second AR set up for a night engagement close to your bed, perhaps a third gun kept close to the primary door of your home.
IMO, the ideal situation is you always have a gun on you, and you’re 30 seconds away from a long gun at any given moment.
It’s different but I think still an excellent example of how the view of firearms, regardless of purpose, has shifted considerably in recent times. Try parking in a high school lot with openly displayed hunting rifles now.
I don’t know enough about the history to make a supported argument, but I have trouble imagining people didn’t open carry rifles pr have open carry pistol holster. Perhaps rifles weren’t regularly openly carried in big cities, but I doubt the residents freaked out when seeing one either. There were no car trunks to store your long guns. There wasn’t the wide availability of concealable yet highly effective handguns we have now though of course there some easily concealable options.
Interesting question.
When the country was founded, I doubt concealed carry v open carry was even a thing. “Concealed” carry probably happened when you had your coat on,
I think when revolvers started being a thing, people were interested in having a small, light one just because it was easier to carry. And also happened to be more likely to be carried in a way that was “concealed”.
It would be interesting to know more about the history, though.
What I’m saying is that those rifles were sporting arms. You didn’t park in the HS parking lot with an M14, you parked with a hunting rifle. So it’s not quite the same situation.
People in rural areas would take to the field for hunting, riding the herds, etc with long arms, but you didn’t carry them when you went to town. Violent crime wasn’t very common, most people didn’t arm themselves in rural and small town America.
“There wasn’t the wide availability of concealable yet highly effective handguns we have now though of course there some easily concealable options.”
Talking about urban environments specifically in the period say 1875-1950, people didn’t sling on a gun belt with a full sized revolver and a bunch of spare rounds. They slipped a small revolver or pistol in their jacket pocket. Remington Model 95 Derringer debuted in 1865. SW Safety Hammerless in 1887. The Model 1903 and 1908 Pocket Hammerless. Guns like these were extremely popular among urbanites. Certainly you’d rather have a modern 9mm, but the market niche was well developed 100 or even 150 years ago: you live in a big city, crime is pretty high, the cops aren’t everywhere, but you don’t want to strap up like Wyatt Earp.
Was a common sight at my high school in the early ’90s
Curious question. Say you are going to go stand in a line and a gentleman or lady is in front of you open carrying, do you step a little to the left/right (depending on which side they are carrying) so they know your presence?
My wife finally asked me, why aren’t you standing behind this person and off to the side? I told her because he is armed and since I don’t know him/her I want them to know that someone is behind them. I don’t know, maybe I am crazy.
Yeah, that’s a little paranoid. You’re both standing in line. Somebody behind when you are standing in line isn’t exactly unexpected.
People in NV are crazy yo!
Its all the residual radiation from the nuke tests. Duh.
It still makes you look like a dick.
brandishing what is effectively a weapon of war
*rolls eyes*
people have the right to feel
menacing acts of one individual
Standing while armed and inviting conversation is menacing?
Wonder if they ever used ‘menacing acts of..’ in any of their reporting on the
riotspeaceful protesters freeing the confined and locked up goods.An alternative solution: ban face masks in public.
A teenage father is dead and 20 people were injured including an off-duty D.C. police officer early Sunday morning at a block party in Southeast Washington.
I thought DC had strict gun control? How could this have happened?
Pelosi called the president’s actions “unconstitutional slop,” referencing a statement made a day earlier by Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb.
Now she cares about the Constitution. Oh right, it’s convenient to her now.
If Trump wanted the Lil Rona insanity to end, he’d cut off the Federal money, not continue it.
The Juxtaposition of the two Chicago stories (the fence at the beach and the looting) beautifully shows what a piece of shit the mayor is.
“According to daily social media advertisements and a flyer found crumpled in the yard of neighbors, the gatherings aren’t just any parties: They are sex parties,” KENS 5 reported. “The [graphic] advertisements ask for a $10 donation and, in exchange, condoms, personal lubricant, towels, alcohol, snacks and more are provided. Social media advertisements indicate the parties happen sometimes twice a day from noon to 3 p.m. and from 5 p.m. until the evening hours.”
I never get invited to the good parties.
Nashua, NH is updating its mask ordinance. The Board of Alderman will have a Zoom meeting tomorrow about it. My take on it is since the city police won’t enforce it, the city will use its business licensing division to go after business licenses.
That is how Nevada went except we have a newspeak term “Compliance Ambassador”. However, our guv was upset that people just were not following his ever changing last minute orders so they scrapped the phased openings and we are now completely disengaged from science and health and its whatever he decides to have a functional state.
I actually prefer that they go after businesses instead of random citizens. You know how the latter plays out w/ the cops.
Sounds like you support looting.
This is what Coonman started doing here in VA, threatening businesses with heavy fines if customers aren’t wearing them.
Easy way to “defund the police”, I guess. Outsource it.
Except his E.O. has an exception for medical conditions. Unless that has changed, a few places I still go have plenty of people not wearing masks. It is pleasing to see people ignore the “mandate”.
Do people who are immune to the disease have to wear them?
Or is that just so rare since so few people have actually had it.
They are finding cross-immunity in people who had SARS-1 and other coronaviruses, and/or simply “baseline” immunity that means if you are exposed you don’t get sick. Asymptomatic people have some level of immunity.
So the cure to Wuhan is the Common Cold?
Possibly, as long as your common cold’s due to one of the coronavirii, rather than (say) rhinovirii.
Although I wouldn’t say cross-reactivity’s a “cure,” but I’d take it nevertheless.
So it’s a good thing we never found the cure for that common cold, huh?
Of course. And that was predicted from the beginning.
I’m just talking about people we know are immune because they already had it.
It does, and I’ve used that line, and been refused entry anyway.
I fucking hate 2-factor authentication.
Yesterday, I got caught out on the lake in a deluge. I thought my phone was in my pocket, but it was actually in a bucket in the boat. Probably wouldn’t have been too bad, but the screen was cracked, so of course it didn’t react well to being dunked.
Put it in some uncooked rice overnight and this morning I could get it to flicker on for 5 minutes or so at a time. Just long enough for me to painstakingly be able to authenticate with various work sites and move to another phone i have.
So I am finally able to prove to my overlords that I really am who I say I am.
2-factor wouldn’t be so bad if you were allowed several devices to be registered. But too many sites restrict you to just one device. And doG help you if that device gets destroyed.
Not only that, but the “Send the second factor via SMS” is really not that secure.
I’m with you. 2-factor authentication is a huge increase in annoyance for a trivial increase in security.
Honestly a secure password manager is much better. Memorize one very long, very strong password, and then use the manager to manage your list of randomly generated passwords.
2-factor wouldn’t be so bad if you were allowed several devices to be registered. But too many sites restrict you to just one device. And doG help you if that device gets destroyed.
Some also give you the option of a list-one time codes for just such occasions. I have these printed off and stored in the safe.
Facing bleak November, Republicans look to stoke BLM backlash
Facing possible electoral calamity, Republicans are now turning to a familiar playbook: stoking fear by trying to redefine the Black Lives Matter movement as a radical leftist mob looking to sabotage the white, suburban lifestyle.
“Redefine” a group whose leadership unabashedly call themselves trained marxists? Sorry you guys thought that America was ready for that and decided to rip that mask off, but go fuck yourself.
OK, then. ?
the Black Lives Matter banner — which is now considered to be the largest racial justice movement in the history of the country
Oh, fer fuck’s sake.
trying to wed the entire movement to the personal beliefs of a pair of self-described Marxists who formed the Black Lives Matter
They just founded the organization. No need to think that their beliefs are congruent with the organization.
The phrase racial justice is in and of itself Marxist rhetoric.
Fine, forget the “official” BLM organization. The people doing the rioting in their black skinny jeans and hoodies, the pasty white ones screeching “Black lives matter”…..yeah, they’re Marxists as well. So what’s the point?
No, don’t forget the “official” BLM organization. This is them just playing Motte & Baily.
From what I’ve seen, I don’t think it’s the Repubs who are facing a “bleak November”…
Politico: just another “bubble” publication that desperately needs some fresh oxygen.
A bubblication?
The Repubs didn’t have to redefine anything. BLM accepted Antifa types into their crowds and allowed it to be co-opted themselves. If they were marching down the sidewalks and in front of the mayor houses and police stations, they would probably have nearly all of America’s support. They had a few lone voices try to push the crazies out but they were shuttered and pushed down in the name of their glorious revolution they are trying to start.
No matter how hard the media has spun this as peaceful protests, we are met with nightly images of looting, rioting, blocking public accessible streets, trespassing, threatening remarks to burn houses down, etc, etc.
Yup, when anyone who criticized the looting and rioting was labeled a racist, and not helping the cause, because you can’t tell the oppressed people the right way to protest, you went down the wrong path.
It was always a communist front group. Controlled and funded by commies. Antifa and BLM are like Chevy and Buick – different badges but same corporation.
Yeah, no kidding.
I feel bad for the black protesters who tried to speak up/prevent shitty white Antifa kids from fucking up their protests.
Too bad it was entirely predictable.
a radical leftist mob looking to sabotage the white, suburban lifestyle
It doesn’t really take much effort to go to the ‘about’ page on the BLM website to read what they believe and what their goals are.
These are the same people who will say “they should ban AR-15s” and in the very next breath “nobody is trying to take your guns away”.
They have no use whatsoever for ideological consistency.
Which it is.
Every single person in America wants safe streets, good schools, well maintained infrastructure. No one wants the opposite.
/looks at the Police Unions and teachers unions
You sure about that? 🙂
Who you gonna believe, my narrative or your lyin’ eyes?
Peacfully crashing an Audi into a store to peacefully loot it.
I’ve heard it both ways.
Nothing a few Molotovs from the roofline wouldn’t fix.
But was the Audi peaceful? What about the store? We need more peacefulness.
Nah, it was a white Audi. Highjacking a peaceful protest to keep the black man down.
Clearly, the store leapt in front of the Audi and started throwing merchandise at the protesters, who didn’t want to take any of it.
So white supremacists drive Audis now?
It was a White Audi
Audi is a german brand, so totes nazi
Just like Saudis. Coincidence?
Audis have replaced BMWs in the pricks and porcupine joke.
Raw desperation. I mean, it’s only an Audi, not a Bentley.
“If you don’t want looters then don’t build a fuckin economy based entirely on raw desperation.” – Posted by a friend on FB about the looting in Chicago last night.
My response: Go down to the 100’s and tell my parent’s and their neighbors that. My parents along with their neighbors were scared shitless to leave their houses for a couple of days because of the looting and rioting on Halsted and having the feeling of helplessness because the police didn’t give a shit nor did the folks who supposedly care about the black community.
Fuck your friend, sorry to be that blunt, but we don’t need apologists for bandits and thieves. Looting has nothing to do with “desperation” these people aren’t looting food. They are all wearing cloths much more expensive than I. It’s about envy, and not giving a fuck about the guy they are taking it from.
Oddly enough this was the guy who turned me to libertarianism but now he’s a full blown socialist. He’s a good friend but comes from an upper class family (like old money sort of shit) who without ever knowing it has this internalized guilt about his family’s money and privilege along with this paternalistic notion that as a result of past grievances, black people aren’t able to fully enjoy the fruits of the American dream.
If you don’t want looters then don’t
build a fuckin economy based entirely on raw desperationlet looters go unshotIn the Northwest Suburb where I live, the police made it clear that if the protests where peaceful, they won’t bother anyone but the moment there is an attempt to tear down shit and loot, they will use any means to stop it.
did you ask for some clarification? Because I’d say that needs some clarification. As in, to me, it is jibberish.
Avoid communism.
Mstly peaceful
A fire lit inside a police union building by a small fraction of protesters in Portland overnight led the authorities to declare the situation a riot and then use flashbang munitions and smoke canisters to force hundreds away from the area.
The flare-up in the Oregon city marred demonstrations that took place across Portland this weekend as part of protests that have continued daily, calling for police restructuring and systemic anti-racism reforms, since George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis in May.
Portland protests had been in a calmer vein since federal law enforcement agents withdrew in late July, but early Sunday saw a clash at the scene of the arson attack.
It was the second time such a fire has been set in recent days. Though both fires were quickly put out, the incidents brought criticism of individuals who have been provoking police by damaging property and other belligerent tactics, in contrast to much wider, calmer protests, according to a report by the Oregonian.
Three officers were hurt during efforts to clear a crowd of several hundred people outside the Portland Police Association building, police said in a statement.
A few bad apples are being used to slander the noble “protestors” who only want peace and harmony.
The Guardian says, “Hold my beer, CNN.”
I’ll tell you what, if this is an issue that keeps happening, a reporter might wonder, “why” does a small group of extremists keep getting a pass from the protestors?
And like seventy-one nights in a row.
Using arson as an “excuse” to label a peaceful protest as a riot is something which could only happen in Trump’s America.
I’ll tell you what, if this is an issue that keeps happening, a reporter might wonder, “why” does a small group of extremists keep getting a pass from the protestors?
White privilege, duh.
internalized guilt about his family’s money and privilege along with this paternalistic notion that as a result of past grievances, black people aren’t able to fully enjoy the fruits of the American dream.
That’s an ugly cocktail.