Brett may, or may not have done this.
Don Brett may have gone a bit overboard in the animal testing of his new… product line. He left a rather cryptic voice mail about not being able to make it in, because trippin’ gators. Well, this beats wrangling the cryptids, so I volunteered to pick up the links.
Without any further delay, here are your links!
- New York, New York is a hell of a town! Crime is up and morale is down… I boggle at the idea that people can see what happens when you put a feckless socialist in charge of your big city and say “I want me a piece that for my town!” [NOTE: I do not equate arrests with justice – but when you have lots of murdery, stealy and shooty stuff going on, I would expect a few people who are not NAP fans to be caught and charged]
- I think SEA SMITH owes us some answers.
- We cannot allow this! Especially if you have a harder time acing yourself in response.
Comments at your leisure. Or not. I’m neither your supervisor, nor am I detaining you.
“Brett may, or may not have done this.”
Translation: Brett totally did this.
But we did not encourage him to do so, at all, in even the tiniest way. At all.
“Then, he may, or may not have eaten the alligator.”
How Switzerland plans to beat its butter shortage (again)
I’m sure some clever person will churn up with a solution.
I refuse to participate in spreading more puns.
“To beat the shortage, the Swiss government will temporarily relax its strict import rules to allow for more foreign butter to slide across Swiss borders.”
Just skimming a little off the neighbors cows?
Last Tango is Switzerland?
I’m going to lard it up.
These puns are a bit on the margarine.
My wife usually has buttered toast for breakfast, but today we were out of bread, and she’s subsequently been grouchy all day.
I think she’s lacktoast intolerant.
Ghee whiz, that’s a good one.
They’ll find a whey somehow.
*strongly narrows gaze at the entire lot of ye*
Way to stick it to those punsters!
There’s not much margarine for error.
If you think it’s butter, but it’s snot,
Its Chiffon.
Hmmm… All pat answers I see…
The Ocean eats the oil, this is known
/the Bacteria anyway
I was trying to imagine how much oil was spilled in the Atlantic and Pacific during WWII.
No kidding, yet the Fishes live on for some reason,
It is impossible to quantify. What already burned, what has hardened in the depths, what is leaking, what is already leaked.
According to this report, ~7807 ships were sunk during WWII, including ~799 tankers. The linked report discusses locations, numbers, possible sources of leakage, maritime law etc. but doesn’t attempt to quantify the oil.
The USS Arizona continues to leak bunker oil, one drop at a time, and will do so for the foreseeable future.
““There is some anger and some criticism from the civil society that the government may have taken too much time to respond,” Tatayah said. The ship was grounded for nearly two weeks before it started leaking oil.”
What about Nagashiki Shipping and Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd?
It took 6 years for things to get interesting in Beirut. I guess they figured they had plenty of time.
If only they had built it with 6001 hulls!
Home is where the hanging is.
“ALBANY — Visitors from Hawaii, South Dakota and the US Virgin Islands coming into New York will have to quarantine for two weeks, as Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the additions to his travel advisory on Tuesday.”
“Our numbers continue to remain low and steady, which shows this virus will respond to an approach based on science, not politics,” Cuomo said in a statement.”
It’s called herd immunity. “Quarantining” healthy visitors will do nothing.
See! It’s working!
Its amazing that he doesn’t realize he is the 2nd worst governor at this (NJ has taken the lead). Not that it is entirely his fault that NYC was the epicenter in the US. But it is his fault that it spread.
South Carolina cases peaked 24 days ago, deaths peaked 13 days ago.
New York was 122 and 115 respectively. We kept the NY flu out of SC for over 3 months.
I’ll pile on Cuomo as much as anyone, but at the end of the day, what was he going to do that was acceptable from a freedom standpoint?
Because he’s Cuomo, nothing.
Now, what could a hypothetical NY Governor do that would be acceptable?
Let’s start with what the non-hypothetical SD Governor did.
South Dakota isn’t a densely-populated magnet for international travelers.
Are residents of densely populated magnets for international travellers less deserving of liberty that residents of other places?
I didn’t say that anywhere.
But to clarify, I am specifically questioning what he should/could have done to “prevent the spread” outside of New York.
There’s absolutely nothing he could have done to prevent the spread outside of New York, acceptable from a freedom standpoint or not.
Hell, the ChiComs couldn’t keep it from spreading outside Wuhan.
You assume the Chicoms didn’t intend it to spread from Wuhan?
Not internally in China, no.
He could have not ordered infected patients into nursing homes.
This times 8,000.
He never even used the USS Comfort or Javitz Center, which were intended for this very purpose
We’re number one!
But Andy shook his Magic 8-Ball and today’s lucky winners are residents of Alaska, New Mexico, Ohio and Rhode Island – plan your vacations today!
“I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”
Wouldn’t it just be easier to name the states lucky enough to be able to visit NY right now?
There may be an influx of Swiss tourists soon. NYC seems to have a number of residents who have demonstrated their willingness to carry out assisted suicide.
Visit Chicago’s entertainment venues, it’ll be an adventure you’ll wish you missed.
Since the Swiss links are small, here’s another.
The latest NYPD data shows, though, cops have made nearly 10,000 fewer arrests over the last month — a 56 percent dip compared to last year. For the year, arrests are down almost 40 percent.
See, lockdowns work.
To beat the shortage, the Swiss government will temporarily relax its strict import rules to allow for more foreign butter to slide across Swiss borders.
I’ll gladly trade some butter for GP11.
Sounds like a new respect for the 2nd Amendment to me. Also, rejecting quotas for traffic fines.
/AIDS Fonzie
I interrupt this Afternoon Links post to bring you a programming note.
OMWC has kindly given up his Jewsday spot this evening so we may run a very timely new The Hat & Hair Animated from CPRM!
No! Rusty tin can lids were not in any way involved in OMWC’s decision. Why would you think that?
I now return you to your Afternoon Links snarking and commenting.
*sets hair on fire, runs around in circles*
[slams hat on his head to extinguish burning hair]
Jewrsday instead?
Rusty tin can lids were not in any way involved in OMWC’s decision.
So the Jewsday subject was gonna be a bris?
The Clown Prince strikes!
Gov. Chris Sununu is issuing an emergency order that requires face masks be worn at any scheduled gatherings of more than 100 people in the state.
The move comes less than two weeks before Laconia Motorcycle Week, and Sununu said he was prompted to make the order in part because of video from the Sturgis motorcycle rally showing large crowds of attendees not wearing masks.
There have also been concerns about a tent revival event being set up this week in New Ipswich. Organizers have said they did not plan to enforce physical distancing or other measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Sununu said organizers or hosts of such events could face fines if they willfully disobey the order. The amount of the fine has not yet been determined.
Governors creating criminal law out of thin air with no legislative input…and no one is challenging this because….?
What a fucking shit-show.
Legal challenges in NH, so far at least, have gone nowhere. Courts have sided with the Clown Prince.
CBS news told me just last night that the pen-and-phone model of executive lawmaking was unconstitutional. I can’t wait to hear them weigh in on this.
Well the timing is convenient. Pretty much every sitting legislator in the country is currently concerned with either getting re-elected or elected to a higher office. So the last thing any of them have a desire to do is their actual jobs. COVID-19 gives them additional cover to avoid doing so.
In NH, the Democrat dominated legislature has only one quibble with the Clown Prince: How he is spending Federal money.
Soo…. “spontaneous” protests are a-ok, huh?
So… just don’t schedule the event to have more than 100 attendees?
“We said only 99 people could show up, but gosh darnit, there’s 200 people here. Oops.”
Also, he’s going to use the Liquor Commission to step up enforcement of his guidelines on bars and restaurants.
Why doesn’t everyone just pretend to be rioting and troll these assholes?
“at any scheduled gatherings”
So flash mobs mobs are exempted.
And a Chicagoan throwing shade at NYC about crime? Da nerve!
Sadly college football this fall not looking good. Pac 12 and Big 10 are out.
contestant: What are two conferences that don’t really matter?
Trebek: correct for $400
Now you’re just trying to pick a fight with the fans of a university in the state of Ohio.
THE state of Ohio.
Fire Larry Scott and Make Pacific-8 Great Again.
Which should be done anyways.
As long as the SEC and the Clemson Support Conference find a spot to bring Ohio State in, they can still have a playoff. Maybe bring Oklahoma in to for the annual “semifinal ass whipping”
Daily Fail misses opportunity to show High School girls in LBD.
Lesbian Bed Death?
Hope they quarantine at the lake. I call it Lake Allthetuna.
Tard Tuesday: North Korea Is Organic Korea
Nothing says organic like the general population infested with internal parasites.
Dear Leader has solved the obesity problem.
“Left Review”
So, lies. I wonder what “non-organic” techniques North Korea was practicing before? The most advanced fertilizers, right…?
There’s actually no such thing as organic at the mass market level. That’s the stuff you got when the mega-farms wrote all this legislation to define what is required to put an organic labels on produce. Oddly, for some reason, none of those requirements have anything to do with organic, only stuff that small farmers could not afford to implement, and so they got crushed. Then the mega-corp farms threw out all the boring organic stuff, dumped more pesticides on their crops, didn’t wash it and slapped organic labels on it. There’s your organic.
If you want organic, better grow it yourself.
After 102 days without virus transmission in New Zealand, there are 4 new cases in the same family. Auckland goes into lockdown for 3 days: working from home unless you’re an essential worker, schools, restaurants, bars, etc. closed.
Welcome to the future. It sucks donkey dick.
Inter-species erotica.
Science demands it. You wouldn’t want to be anti-science.
Experts say just that.
Science demands a sacrifice.
How the fuck are people shitting their pants so badly over this fucking slightly bad cold?! The fuck?!
“A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.”
This is sadly hilarious. WTF does a 3 day lock down do to interrupt a transmission cycle that is longer than that?
The population has already been disarmed. Now all they have to do is weld everyone’s doors shut.
Even better if they get everyone to weld their own door shut. Saves on dispatch costs.
“experts” in NZ are already warning the lockdown will probably have to go longer than three days.
I noted this in the AM links but they were nearly dead. In addition to the increase to alert level 3, she’s raised the alert level in the WHOLE COUNTRY to level 2 (restrictions on how many people can be in restuarants). Because 4 people in a country of about 5m tested positive, if you live in Invercargill – which is over 700 miles away on another island – you’ve got new restrictions.
Oh, and travel into Auckland is banned.
Now thanking my lucky stars that I didn’t move to NZ when we considered it.
I was also considering it. But looks like they’ve gone full retard and are getting praised for it in the “international community” (while Sweden is being vilified)
I have a client trapped there since March. They’re loving it.
You both do know that furerners are prohibited from owing property there?
Must be somewhat new, no restrictions back when I was looking.
Same as when I was looking, and citizenship wasn’t that hard to get, either, IIRC.
Unless it’s changed.
2018: Labour had been critical of Chinese buying property (especially in Auckland) saying that speculation was making housing unaffordable for New Zealanders (there must have been speculation because I’m sure that zoning, regulation, and green space had no impact).
But, when you’re a progressive, you can’t really pass a law called “Ban Chinese from Buying Houses in New Zealand” so you just ban almost everyone although, (as with most things) there are loopholes.
That’s been an issue in Vancouver and in San Francisco too, among other places. Chinese buying up houses so they have a place to flee too if they ever decide to permanently cut ties with the PRC.
See, an intelligent city would go
“Wait, there are rich people who want to buy houses here and pay property taxes but never burden our infrastructure? Let’s make sure our local construction industry knows this, so they can put up lots and lots of houses that will sit empty that we can use as a way to drain wealth from China into our city at almost zero cost to us.”
Like the absolutely ideal thing from a city finance department is a Chinese billionaire who buys a big house and mails his property taxes from Shanghai every year, but never sends a kid to school or calls the cops. That’s free money.
Oh, and if you actually make landlord friendly tenant laws, these absentee owners will rent the house out. Double benefit.
My dad’s caregiver is from Tonga. Apparently Chinese are buying up land there too, and it’s causing tensions. They are also worried about rising oceans due to climate change. I told her that if she’s really concerned about climate change, then this is the perfect time to be selling to the Chinese.
“experts” in NZ are already warning the lockdown will probably have to go longer than three days.”
Huh, I remember someone saying something like that before…
Wait until democrats get all the power they want. Then one person having the common cold will lock the entire nation down.
Why? Because ‘experts’ have determined that the ‘novel’ commie flu has morphed in such a way that we can no longer know it from the common cold or flu. Anything can now be the commie flu, which will have it’s named changed to the ‘Trump flu’. So, just expect to not go out of the house again unless you have all your papers in order and only for official government business.
Then one person having the common cold will lock the entire nation down.
They may try, but they won’t succeed. How could the feds possibly enforce such a thing, if it was not supported by the states? Any attempt to try would really ramp up the divisions in this country and make a divorce more likely.
Sadly college football this fall not looking good. Pac 12 and Big 10 are out.
I have lost the will to care.
Ad from the World Health Organization: https://i.imgflip.com/4b50jc.jpg
The World Health Organization already announced that canines cannot spread the coronavirus, and should be released from quarantine.
So WHO let the dogs out.
BOO! (Actually, that is great).
10 outa 10!!
Tard Tuesday: Thou Shall Not Insult Great (Mass-Murdering) Leader
Chairwoman Meow.
I made it about two lines before having to run to the hospital because my eyes rolled to far back in my head.
Oh, bother.
The real irony is that Xi and the modern economy is the greatest insult laid at the feet of Mao short of total repudiation of the party.
Can you imagine what dorks make into and up the political ladder there – considering what we get here.
I have no clue what this is about.
It’s 1 + 2 + 2 + 1.
There are too things on Twitter about which I have no idea what is going on.
I would have lost a lot of money if you guys had taken me up on my bets.
Who is running this crazy train at the Biden Campaign?
They’re hoping that Kamala will bring back some law and order voters based on her record in Cali.
How they square that with the rabid left in the party should be interesting.
Joe Biden wasn’t law n’ Order enough.
Let the campaign Advertisements roll.
Pool chain/Pound me in the ass prison 2020!
I’m voting for Biden/Harris because i think we need to end these republican wars and stop arresting people for being black!
Didn’t she argue as CA AG that the state should not be forced to release prisoners that had been ordered released because they needed them for labor?
The Democrats have come full circle.
I’m assuming they’ve got some kind of polling that the “defund the police” groups are v. small in number and/or going to vote Dem anyway.
The rabid left love her, though. She’s a WOC.
She gets the “YASS QUEEN” demographic.
Umm, I dunno. The original impression I’m getting by zooming around the web, is that the Bernie bros are not happy with this pick. They wanted that Bass chick, they don’t like Harris and do not consider her progressive. We’ll see.
Bass had the Scientology albatross. And it is and albatross, believe it or not.
Yeah, but Kamala has the hateful Beeotch albatross. I still say, not sure how much that will resonate well with black men.
Rumor is that sending this card to Joe put her over the top.
One of the worst campaigners in the primary field.
Zero “home state” advantage for the Dems.
Probably not much net intersectional pickup. Women as VPs don’t motivate women to vote for the ticket. Having a black person on the ticket may help with black turnout; who knows?
As a former AG, can’t be popular with the hard left.
On the whole, though, trying to parse how she make affect voting is probably a waste of time. Because its not the votes that count . . . .
The daughter of an (dot) Indian and a Jamaican, who grew up in affluent suburbs in California and Canada. But the color of her skin is right.
I don’t think she ever got out of single digits in the dem primaries.
Wow her lips, mouth, and knees must be tired. That was a long process and there had to be a lot of DNC operatives that needed to be “convinced”
Yep, now I’m picturing her sucking off Joe’s old….balls.
All in a days work for her.
She’s not known as Horizontal Harris for no reason.
I can only assume that they think she will pick up law and order votes in states they need at the expense of anti-cop votes in states they will win anyway. I doubt it will work, but I’ve been wrong about everything in politics since 2016, and that winning streak has continued with this pick, so what the hell do I know?
If Trump’s team doesn’t release an anti-Biden ad that starts with a clip of Harris calling Biden a racist at the debates followed by clips of Biden say racist/racially insensitive stuff, then they do not deserve the money they are making.
Is everyone excited for President Kamala? Looks like that’s our other “choice”.
Look on the bright side,
:turns page, sees Cthulhu:
:mind melts:
hand me that book
The idea of that authoritarian whack job wielding executive orders, which can now apparently say whatever you like and have the force of law, terrifies me.
“Democratic National Convention tentative lineup includes:
MONDAY: Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders
TUESDAY: Jill Biden, Bill Clinton, AOC
WEDNESDAY: Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama
THURSDAY: Joe Biden, Tammy Duckworth, Kamala Harris”
That’s only four circles of hell.
Better hope they don’t win, We get to see the other three,
“I have the great honor to announce that I’ve picked @KamalaHarris
— a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants — as my running mate.”
Hey now, lets not impugn Willy Browns manhood, Joe.
I laughed.
That’s a strange way to to say she sucked his dick.
An authoritarian imbecile who slept her way up the ladder and isn’t even African-American in any real sense (but that didn’t stop Obama either). Go Team Joe! Can’t wait for all of the #defundpolice loons to band together behind VP I’ve sent parents to prison for their children’s truancy.
She ran a really terrible campaign for the nomination.
And then her staff blamed MISOGYNY, in their own primary!? WTF
Well, she is Hillary with a tan.
Only much more unlikable. I’m not sure how hard that is to do, but she’s way more abrasive and unlikable than Hillary.
That’s going to persuade those swing state voters who are on the fence.
“she’s way more abrasive and unlikable than Hillary”
That is an accomplishment.
People were saying that the female of color requirement was an insult to her, rather than picking her as the best possible choice and having it “happen” to be a black woman.
But i don’t think she’s even the best choice out of the Women of Color.
Her being a cop is not gonna play well with ANTIFA.
We’ll see how much power the establishment has over them or they’ve slipped the leash. Should portend what happens after November.
I think that once the Dems take power, ANTIFA will find their funding dry up all the sudden.
“I think that once the Dems take power, ANTIFA will find their funding dry up all the sudden.”
I don’t think so, a good willing brownshit army is always a requirement for a commie regime.
No way. They’ll simply be redeployed.
Not if Tulsi Gabbard is considered “a woman of color”.
Not colorful enough.
Where was that argument fifty years ago when they coined “affirmative action”?
Also, I don’t see Tulsi getting up on stage in her BLM gear and screaming at people about reparations with a raised fist.
She is African-American, but she did have a privileged upbringing.
I take “African-American” to mean having ancestors who were American slaves. I don’t think Jamaica counts.
But since we’ve moved back to “Black” it doesn’t really matter any more.
Since we change the terminology periodically, I’m hoping “Blackrican-American” is next up.
True, lots of ‘Ricans ARE black.
I don’t. People from Africa who are American are also pretty much always referred to as African American. But it’s true she’s from Jamaica. Even then, her ancestors were probably slaves though. Yeah it’s a lousy talking point.
NYC is loaded with African immigrants. Nobody calls them “African-Americans”. In fact, both sides take offense at it.
Absolutely. AA is as much – more, really – a cultural thing than “color”.
Yeah I was about to say, to me African-American is someone who is the descendant slaves, who traces their roots back to slavery. There is a difference between the Obamas and Harris’s of the world, and someone who’s ancestors were slaves, then freed sharecroppers, then second-class citizens under Jim Crow. It’s a different identity.
It’s something I find very curious about the Democratic Party. They say they want black voices, but they don’t seem to actually promote black Americans who have those essential roots of slavery and government oppression.
Like, here in VA, Douglas Wilder was the son of working class black parents, who went to Korea and won a medal, came home put himself through law school. Then he got into politics, and when he ran for Lt. Governor he went on a drive through backwoods VA. Like, genuine racist peckerwood country. He was probably in actual danger in some of these places. He talked to actual racist Virginians, and won their support, and the election. Then he ran for Governor and was the first black man to be Governor of a Southern state not put in place by Federal occupation. Just a fundamentally serious man, who earned everything he ever had in life.
Contrast that with Obama. Obama is black because his white mother married an African student at University of Hawaii. He’s not the descendant of slaves. He’s, to be frank, the child of a bigamist who happened to be black. His dad skipped town and saw him only once more. He was raised by his white mother and grandparents, attended a private school in Hawaii, and then went to Columbia. Basically, if Ann Dunham had the hots for some Norwegian classmate back in 1961, there would have been no President Obama.
Urthona: I worked with a girl whose parents were both Jamaican who immigrated to the US. She would go off on a rant if anyone called her African-American. This was back in the late 90’s.
AA meant black. How many times was Obama called AA, when his black father’s ancestors were never shipped to America as slaves?
Yup. I thought we hashed this out about 12 years ago.
They were wrong then and many people called them out on it. ?♂️
She’s not an ADOS, American Descendant of Slavery.
Has anyone seen her lately? Does she still look like the Joker from her plastic surgery?
I bet the voting public doesn’t.
Most of the voting public has no idea who those people are.
And with modern voting fraud, they don’t need to! Another motor-voter success story.
Also this:
How the fuck are people shitting their pants so badly over this fucking slightly bad cold?! The fuck?!
Twenty Eight Days Later was a documentary!
Just when you think the year can’t get any crazier…
Biden taps Kamala Harris
So, apparently Kamalama(ding-dong) is the VP pick.
Will someone come over here and pick that baggie up for me?
Dude! It fell out of your ass!
The DNC just wants to make sure that they lose because racism rather than mere incompetence.
This summer, we went to Idaho to a summer lake shore house. It was awesome, and coming from a commie state like California, was a nice change of pace. Very little mask wearers (we saw a school festival going on, water parks were open,etc, people gathering). We saw people on motorcycles without helmets, trump signs on garage doors, no traffic and less people overall. I was in heaven. Anyways, it got me thinking about moving out of California after I retire (5+ years…). Of course, one of the problems we see everywhere are that people are leaving their own hell place, move and then continue to vote the same way, bringing hell with them. Not to mention college towns where students can vote in local elections.
I had an idea, that I haven’t thought it completely through, but thought I’d present it for feedback.
Would it be possible (legally) and practically to require residency requirement for say 5 years before one could vote? I.E., to vote in a town election, you’d have to be a resident of that town for 5 years, for a county, same idea, for a state, same idea – and for a country, same idea – although for the country, we already have that with citizenship requirement that takes a number of years to achieve. In this way, it allows for more assimilation before one could completely change the character of an area. I can see that could make the voting process more complicated, even less secret, but wonder what other things I’m not taking into consideration. Thoughts?
Crap, that last line should’ve been deleted.
And now it is.
If you are talking Theoretically, i think there are some arguments to be made for it. If you are talking current reality, i think the SCOTUS already said that you can’t do that.
Overturn Baker v. Carr and Reynolds v. Sims.
Those cases, particularly Sims, are two of major blows to the American system.
Senator Dirksen
The balance of the system as established was that large cities could dominate the House, and control the Governor’s mansions due to their large population, but could never have untrammeled control over the entire state government because of the Senate.
But that was interfering with the socialist project, so Warren struck it down.
There are a few things I would change: 1. In the Declaration of Independence change ‘happiness’ to ‘property’ to lay the groundwork for allodial title. 2. Add some kind of penalty besides impeachment and recall elections for officials that violate the constitution and now what you just said. Yes, I think it would be a good idea.
I’d add about a hundred more additions to the BoR.
But as we’ve seen in the current BoR, the supremes just keep inventing new ways to render them worthless anyways.
I want to commemorate this beautiful day. The nation is one year away from having it’s first Black Female President.
And 13 months from it’s second civil war?
More likely we are 3 months from having our second failed female VP candidate.
Err, third.
Harris (I hope).
Forgot about her. Blocked out everything having to do with McCain.
wouldn’t it be third?
Fritz and Tits?
Didn’t the LP run some dame as veep? And I”m sure the greenies did too.
Yep. And she got an electoral college vote too.
Yeah, if you count minor parties there’s quite a lot of them. Including Jo Jorgenson who was Harry Browne’s veep.
But, major parties with a chance of winning? Yeah, she’s #3.
And two years from re-education prisons!
Two? Aren’t you the optimist…
Year? If Joe wins he’ll break the Harrison record for shortest presidency.
Looks like tonight’s cartoon is prescient.
Oh geeze.
I laughed.
Eggs, broken
Big companies are going bankrupt at a record pace, but that’s only part of the carnage. By some accounts, small businesses are disappearing by the thousands amid the Covid-19 pandemic, and the drag on the economy from these failures could be huge.
This wave of silent failures goes uncounted in part because real-time data on small business is notoriously scarce, and because owners of small firms often have no debt, and thus no need for bankruptcy court.
“Probably all you need to do is call the utilities and tell them to turn them off and close your door,” said William Dunkelberg, who runs a monthly survey as chief economist for the National Federation of Independent Business. Nevertheless, closures “are going to be well above normal because we’re in a disastrous economic situation,” Dunkelberg said.
While the businesses are small individually, the collective impact of their failures could be substantial. Firms with fewer than 500 employees account for about 44% of U.S. economic activity, according to a U.S. Small Business Administration report, and they employ almost half of all American workers.
Neil Kashkari sez “Good riddance.”
I have noticed that those omelets always turn out to be a shit sandwich.
And every day we take another bite.
Oh. No problem, then. Just keep spinning up new firms over and over again.
There is a commenter here that has been predicting Heels Up Harris as VP for three years now. Can’t quite remember his name, think it rhymes with Wellington.
I predict El Trumpo will prevail, with more EC votes than last time, as he will likely take Colorado now that Yeezy is on the ballot there.
I’m at a point in my manic/depressive cycle where I’m thinking the Dems pushing the COVID panic to crater Trump’s re-election is going to work.
Not by taking away his economic pitch, which was Plan A.
By setting the stage for the kind of strategic voter fraud they need to steal a couple of key states. When the panic kicked off in March, nobody thought it would run into the election. But it will, and kicks the door wide open for fraud.
That’s been my thinking too.
I know they have been trying to work around the EC but have they been successful?
I’m not thinking they will work around the EC. I think they will weaponize COVID and mail-in voting:
I’m thinking they will use their control of large urban machines in battleground states (and the Post Office) to misplace outgoing ballots to Republican areas, misplace incoming ballots from Republican areas, “harvest” votes for Biden, make in-person voting as difficult as possible, force people who didn’t get their mail-in ballots to cast “provisional” votes (that won’t be counted), and drag out the counting process so they know how many votes to “discover” and where to “secure” enough states/EC votes to win.
I wouldn’t say you were wrong RC, and I am sure that is a consideration for continuing the panic. But I really don’t think they are gonna be able to pull it off. They’ll get a few more votes in California for sure and likely a few other states. But Harris is a major turn off for a lotta middle of the road voters and I think most people know that the VP will have a much higher chance of getting to Top Dog within a couple years this cycle with Biden being so out of it.
Unless there is some major event the panic won’t be enough to swing it to the Donks. Im gonna be laying down some large bets on it soon.
Maybe her nomination will be enough for the dems to defund antifa/BLM and stop the riots, switching tack to being pro law and order. Silver lining?
At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump wins the popular vote as well as the electoral one. I’d be surprised if Jo Jorgensen gets the same number of votes that Gary Johnson got in 2012, let alone 2016. I expect many people who voted for GayJay in 2016 will be voting for Trump simply because of how off the deep end the Democrats have gone in the last fours years, while Kamala Harris isn’t going to motivate the ‘abolish the cops’ morons to go vote.
“many people who voted for GayJay in 2016 will be voting for Trump”
I’ll be one of them.
Not me. This year there are so many good candidates to vote for.
Obviously there’s Zombie Almanian, but there’d also Kanye West, Banginglc1, and I’ve heard rumors there might even be a Border Collie!
It’s an embarrassment of riches in 2020!
You make a strong case.
I thought about it, but no. The EOs are too much, and he expects to be politically rewarded for really fucking over the Constitution. Not by me.
Why do you hate America Juris?
Guess where I’m going at the end of Sept???? GUESS!! You’ll never guess.
Somewhere with snow?
If I’m lucky! But I’m looking at average temps in the 60’s and a really cool governor who made me want to spend my money there.
Hmmm. Not Gary Herbert then.
I am not a ski guy so I have no idea where there would be skiable snow this time of year. Somewhere north with mountains?
There are…hills. But no skiing that I know of. The hills are dark in color.
And they have skiing there.
I doubt in Sept, though. I just needed a getaway to a state that is…sane.
Yeah, Sept would be too early for skiing; hell it’s too early for pheasant hunting.
South Dakota?
They also have an aviation museum by Ellsworth. Military, but I won’t be picky. Maybe there will be some training exercises I can spot, too.
I just applied for job in Rapid City, SD. Looks nice.
I’m excited…I’ll give you a report if you don’t get out there before me
My wife is an inverse KK. Below 75 she starts shivering. Otherwise I would be trying to sell her on moving to SD.
We’ve narrowed down our Alaska search to three general locations. And we’re trying to run the timeline down as soon as we can get this house ready to sell.
Glibertopia, folks, with Canucks between us and the crazies. Think it over.
I’m totally down for AK…which areas are you looking at?
Big Lake, Highway 1 from the Wasilla limits to as far north as Willow, and Palmer and the Glenallen Highway as far out as Chickaloon.
I’d be up for the east side of Anchorage (skiing!), but it doesn’t look like much in the way of residential over that way. Maybe Indian, AK?
I may look at Alyeska, but ski towns tend to be pricey
We drove into Girdwood this last trip, and it took us about five minutes to go “oh hell no.” But then we aren’t ski people. I’d want to be out in the woods where I can shoot, brew my own whiskey, and walk around my yard butt-nekkid if I feel like it.
I want the same things, but easy access to skiing would be #1 priority. Looks like Wasilla is about 1.5 hours from Alyeska, which is actually within range AFAIC.
Try Cordova. A nice drinking town with a fishing problem. They have a ski area and its the base for heliskiing in the Chugach range. Check out some of the Points North videos.
Just think, you drive ten minutes outside of any town there, and you can lay on your back on a blanket in a field, turn on flighttracker, and keep a running tab on which you see more of — aircraft, satellites, or shooting stars.
(Aside… thanks for making me aware of the TWA hotel at JFK. If I ever have a reason to go to NYC, I know where I’ll be
obsessively planespottingstaying).It’s soooo beautiful (the TWA)…I just lay in my bed and watched and watched and watched. The rooftop is a GREAT spotting location. I was there in December, and there was nobody up there. I just walked around the roof snapping pics.
I’ll be in my bunk
Will take a day trip up to Deadwood (not on the interstate) and over to Sturgis and back down to RC
Since juris guessed correctly – any Glibs around the Rapid City area?
You’re coming to the Honey Harvest! Oh my, it’s going to be the bigliest ever. Hey everybody, KK is coming!
Well, no, she didn’t say that exactly but where else does anyone go in late Sep (on the 20th).
Tulip was asking the same thing, but I thought it would be too far from Rapid City? Am I wrong? I’ll be arriving on the 21st, but I’m 100% a bee-lover and would love to come if it’s, like, a 3 hour drive or less?
(I am all over apiarist Youtube…someday I hope to have a few colonies)
Too far, KK, you’ll have more fun in Rapid City anyway, rather than hanging out with Jimbo and Mike S. Kidding, of course, but it is a long drive, maybe 6- 8 hours. Rapid City would be my choice of retirement, I think, if I hadn’t grown up here.
Can I pepper you with beekeeping questions anyway? (of course, I can’t think of any at the moment!)
I’ll see about coming next year!
“Voters rejected Harris, they smartly spotted a phony. But not Joe Biden, he’s not that smart.” LOL.
That job sucks. I’d rather see you starve.
The California judge who ordered Uber and Lyft to begin classifying drivers as employees “saw straight through” the companies’ “bogus argument” that drivers prefer the flexibility of being independent workers, according to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who brought the lawsuit against the ridesharing companies.
In an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Alley” on Tuesday, Becerra agreed with the prior day’s decisioin. On Monday, a judge granted a preliminary injunction requiring the companies to reclassify their workers as employees within 10 days.
“What worker doesn’t want to have access to paid sick leave?” Becerra said. “What worker doesn’t want to have unemployment insurance at a time of Covid-19 crisis? What worker doesn’t want to know that they’ll get paid for overtime if they work 60 hours in a week or 12 hours in a day?”
Becerra and three California city attorneys alleged Uber and Lyft broke California’s new law, Assembly Bill 5, which aimed to secure benefits for gig workers by classifying them as employees. Both companies said Monday they would appeal the court’s ruling.
Uber and Lyft’s framing of worker classification as a trade-off between flexibility and benefits is a “false choice,” Becerra said in the interview.
What worker wouldn’t rather have no job at all?
And what does that have to do with anything Judge?
What worker wouldn’t like to be assigned shifts rather than pick up work when they felt like it or the pricing was good enough?
They should get Flexibility AND Benefits. Magic Hat Economics.
Do Uber and Lyft have to buy medallions? It has nothing whatsoever to do with this ruling, I am just curious.
Not in NYC, but the taxi cartel got a bit of their pound of flesh and have limited the number of operators.
They were too useful to the enlightened progs in the city that they couldn’t be fully squashed.
They’ve also regulated the shit out of them to the point where it costs just as much as the old “car service” system. For all intents and purposes, it IS the old limo system + a web app.
In the battle between low-income people who need access to convenient and affordable transportation and the drivers the state wants to unionize, is it any surprise who wins?
Sorry, the poor. Cough up double or triple fares or stay the fuck home.
to: press@innocenceproject.org
from: notadahn@rattusnorvegicus.no
Dear xir,
Could you please forward me a list of all the people wrongfully convicted by the state of California between 2004 and 2010?
Thanks and toodles.
This story seems less like a last gasp to get Kamala considered, and more like an attempt to try to rehabilitate her.
If all of the coming spin could be harnessed, we’d all have electric cars that would never need recharging.
” I’m a defense attorney and even I think…”
Yeah, whatever. Blow it out of your ass. We know what we are looking at.
Sign me up!
I blame the reckless exporting of cowbutts for the butter shortage!
Out of the park, every time.
Fortunately the left keeps them in an endless supply of balls.
They’ve gone meta:
Becerra said he wasn’t concerned about the potential for Uber or Lyft to leave the state if forced to pay their drivers as employees.
“Any business model that relies on short-changing workers in order to make it probably shouldn’t be anywhere, whether California or otherwise,” he said.
Fucking crypto-Stalinist moron.
If you can’t bear these taxes and regulations, you don’t deserve to be in business, he said while collecting a fat government paycheck paid from those taxes, while not doing anything.
Wellity wellity well…looks like Biden’s gonna have California sewn up. Sweet Jesus, worst pick ever.
You expected different? The party only chose her because Elizabeth Bathory was unavailable.
If they had gone with Madame LaLaurie they could have put Louisiana in play…
Rice would have been a safer pick, Abrams would have gotten the leftist youth excited at least. Harris is a bitchy law and order prosecutor when the left’s agitating for abolishing police departments. Good luck parlaying that into support.
Maybe Joe had a flashback to his tough-on-crime days?
Joe ‘All Darkies are just alike’ could’nt help but pick the one that called him out on his obvious racism on stage.
Good God, this is going to be a clown show.
I am sure Obumbles and The Hildebeast put the squash on Rice. They dont want to hear the word ‘Benghazi’ coming up in debate.
You know the Trump campaign already has the commercial cut with that clip in it. The only question is timing.
Abrams is also literally insane. You can’t have a presidential ticket with two obvious mental defectives. At least one or the other has to be able to be drugged or ECT’d through a typical press conference.
She wasn’t even the favored candidate for president in the CA primary. Weirdly, she doesn’t show up in the results at all – how did she get off the ballot? Even Gabbard won some votes in CA – Harris is a total no-show.
She was there, just under the table working the poles.
I saw that.
She dropped out early, right? Because her popularity just plummeted.
Look, there’s only so many black women, and Oprah and Michelle both said no.
A lot of people don’t remember this, but Kamala also said she believed Joe’s sexual harassment accuser.
What ever happened to that?
Someone should ask her if she still believes.
“Look, that doesn’t matter. I’ve already picked out the commemorative pillow I’m gonna hold over his face on inauguration day.”
I would imagine that ad from the Trump campaign quoting her is already in the works, assuming they didn’t prepare it in advance.
Oh hell, I forgot about that.
Are they throwing the election?
“Water under the bridge.”
These things will be conveniently forgotten – just like their tiff over “busing”.
I still think Trump is gonna screw it up. He has an endless supply of ammo for this duo and he’s going to fall flat.
Quite possible. He’s not particularly bright.
I keep hearing that yet he is a multi-billionaire and POTUS. He is like the drunken Kung-Fu master….I wouldn’t bet against him.
Agree that winning the presidency is an amazing accomplishment, although there’s some level where skepticism comes in. Joe Biden is a millionaire who has managed to stay on the public dime for 5 decades. You might think that takes a high IQ, but…
Trump made his money in the private sector…granted he had a leg up, but he has dealt with unions, pols, etc and been successful.
Biden got elected as Senator in a state not much bigger than my parish and had a leg up too. His money comes from selling his office….any moron can do that. Look at H. Clinton.
Toe to toe Joe doesn’t stand a chance.
I literally asked my wife if she would vote for a semi-bright cocker spaniel over Trump. She said yes. And that was before they picked a black(ish) VP.
My brother literally included me in a mass text that said, “Yes, Biden sucks, but …” and the urged people to turn out for him anyway because it would feel good.
And these are two very smart people. Most people vote for the party, not the candidate.
if she would vote for a semi-bright cocker spaniel over Trump.
To be fair I’d vote for a semi-bright dog of any breed (except those tiny little fuckers that may as well be rats) over any of the major party choices I’ve ever had.
Most people don’t think deeply about a philosophy to live by. Man is a rationalizing animal, not a rational one.
yet he is a multi-billionaire and POTUS
Citation needed on the first one, and as seeing who the last few presidents before him were the second is really not much of an indicator of brightness.
Correct. The American presidents category is mainly composed of dim fascist assholes.
He isn’t Einstein but he’s not stupid either. I’d give him a solid 125 IQ but not more than that.
Pretty much where I am.
One thing, though, is that he came up through commercial real estate. That requires cunning and ruthlessness in addition to being not-stupid. I don’t which tank has the more vicious sharks – commercial real estate or Wall Street.
Their shot at cratering him with the economy has fizzled. Not being able to have his signature rallies is going to hurt.
We could be looking at a replay of the last election – Hillary was the only candidate Trump could beat, and Trump was the only candidate who could beat Hillary. The Dems may have succeeded in finding the only candidate who can substitute for Hillary in that equation.
He’s an idiot savant. Not smart enough to shut his piehole when a great big mug of Shut the Fuck Up would be optimal, but bright enough about politics to understand the term “swing state” and thread the needle on the electoral college.
Have no fear – AG Tish is gonna take him down via his tax returns.
Correct. Remember, Creepy Joe was VP.
VPs are life insurance policies for the President.
I thought I posted a response to this. Damn squirrels.
I know it won’t happen, for a variety of good reasons, but it’d be hilarious if Trump got Tulsi has his new VP pick.
VP debate would be LIT. lol
Tulsi for SecDef.
Sorry, guys, Tulsi couldn’t even hang on to her seat in the Congress. You ain’t going to see that much more of them tits, give it up.
Tulsi chose not to run, because she was running for POTUS. She didn’t lose her seat, she was giving it up voluntarily.
Tulsi for SecDef.
*pulls lever*
Tulsi’s a commie, folks.
Tulsi first day in office:
“Hello… pooh b… uhh, I mean great dear leader Xi?”
“Yes, this great honorable leader, show me your tits!”
show me your tits!
You drive a hard bargain, H, but I’m sold on Tulsi now.
It would be hilarious but not worth the price of admission.
That will never happen. Tulsi is on board with Trump’s ‘no foreign adventures’ line of thinking. That is why she never got any real traction.
The entire establishment is looting the hell out of the country with those foreign adventures. If the two of them won the election there would be civil war.
” Tulsi is on board with Trump’s ‘no foreign adventures’ line of thinking. ”
Geeze. I just wish we could see some work done in that line of thinking.
I was very, very disappointed when Trump caved on reversing his order to remove troops from Syria. I dont know what to make of it. They showed him the Zapruder film footage?
We will see what he does after November.
If the Repubs don’t hold the Senate and take the House, his second term will be like his first.
And if he doesn’t get a functional plurality of Repubs who aren’t TDSers, his second term will be like his first.
Pretty much a placeholder, whose legacy will be severely damaged institutions (granted, the damage was done by his enemies, but still).
All true, but the Supreme Court is a big deal.
There was a lot of talk about that when Shrub was in the Oval Office, and look what that got us. John Fuckin’ Roberts.
So far Trump has done….ok? Okish? I would have chosen fire breathing originalists but neither of his picks have turned out that way.
Justice Willett for SCOTUS!
(Kavanaugh hasn’t made much of an impression on me, but I think Gorsuch has done a fine job)
He’s a tough talker but he’s a compromiser at heart and he bluffs and backs down if he thinks he needs to. I suppose it served him well in his various business dealings over the years but, yeah, a full withdrawal from Syria would have been nice.
NOVA against the rest of us? I like our chances.
“VP debate would be LIT. lol”
Mike Pence tags her in for the foreign policy and criminal justice sections.
So I guess this means the Donks have finally realised that law’n’order is the issue that’s going to screw them. But they might just find that it’s not so easy to stop being the Party of Chaos.
Mattis is going to be Kampala’s VP pick?
How’s the going to sync with shrew Harris getting up on stage with BLM attire and screeching about defunding the cops? Because I think she already committed to that.
Also, a former prosecutor who send black men to prison in droves, and she’s going to defund the police. I mean at the same time as being the law and order side of the dem ticket?
Something sounds to me like they don’t know what the fuck they are doing? Are you guys going full on prog and defunding the cops or are you the law and order ticket?
It’s going to be fun watching my liberal acquaintances who’ve been on this defund the police kick have to reconcile the fact that they are basically voting for two people who wrote and enforced the laws that created this shitty situation in the first place.
Never underestimate the power of cognitive dissonance.
Most of my liberal acquaintances are a little peeved about the announcement but they will all do their duty and vote Democrat. That’s whatever but I’m always amazed that in 2016, the Left admonished the Republicans for abandoning their principles for Trump and saw voting for him as a way to gain power. But yet the Democrats can consistently throw out their principles, put up two middle fingers at the groups they pretend to support during an election and be looked at as noble.
This pick was a huge fuck you to the black community and those that (supposedly) support criminal justice reform but at the end of the day, Orange man is bad, so fuck our principles and lets win.
If Biden and Harris win, and if they retake the Senate, then Pelosi will set the legislative agenda.
Gosh, I can’t wait till San Francisco remakes America in their image.
I cannot wait until Trump compares his record on criminal justice wrt race and Harris’s.
You nailed it. A democrat is a great liar and their media has their back. But I don’t know how they spin that.
“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week.”
George Orwell, 1984.
That’s how they spin it. They fucking say what they have to say on any given day, and it all gets believed by the true believers, because Orange Man Bad.
“I feel strongly, both ways.”
It will never penetrate their bubble.
Who, that they read/see, is going to report any of that?
They are whatever might put them over the top. Defund the cops: absolutely; More cops: absolutely.
Yes. They are nihilists. Their only guiding principle is power. All for me, none for you.
+1 magical mail in ballots
They’ve also realized that black women vote D about 98% of the time, and show up to vote in droves. I know a lot of black women, and they’re all gonna vote Biden come hell or high water.
The disconnect between what people believe and who they vote for never ceases to amaze.
*sez the guy who will likely vote for Trump*
If I vote for Trump, it will 100% be out of spite.
What? What guy here would vote for Trump? Who, who will not wear the ribbon!?
I’m not voting “for” Trump. I’m voting for Biden and the Dems to go fuck themselves until they bleed to death. Kind of like last time, but with more fervor.
I could be wrong, but I do not think that a black woman VP will convince black men to vote D, if they were otherwise not going to do it.
Just a thought. I know the dems are convinced they own the black vote, so that it does not matter.
My question is, if it does not matter, why did they feel it necessary to to it?
Here’s the thing. We already know she isn’t even popular among Democrats. She was literally just running and they rejected her swiftly.
She never got out of single digits in the dem primary. She’s a very hateful, abrasive, unlikable person.
I guess the dems are going with the senile/beeotch ticket.
I suspect that black women who are regular D voters will continue apace, but those ladies live in solidly blue districts anyway. The election is not turning on them. I would bet that this isn’t going to play well with the far left and won’t do anything for centrists, either. I just have a very, very hard time believing that anyone voting on the “law-and-order” plank is going to vote for Biden just because he picked Kamala Harris.
CNN is already furiously laying the sexist/racist groundwork. And that’s gonna be fuckin’ hilarious considering she banged a married politician to advance her career and then did as much as anyone could to send politically-vulnerable people of color to prison.
I don’t know. It’s not the just the far left.
Uptight Republican media sources tend to be nicer than I expect. Go read what the folks At National Review have to say. Wish washy never trumpers? Not if she’s on the ticket.
They despise her so hard.
If any moderate Republican was thinking ‘joe might be a little more palatable, well if think he just got a lot less so.
Ok there were like 30 typos in that. Fuck this phone and its tiny keyboard.
Gotta be KDW…
Nice rundown on how awful she is. It hadn’t occurred to me that she’s just the left-coast version of NY’s parade of terribles.
Tip of the iceberg. And that dude doesn’t even like Trump much.
No, he doesn’t. That’s why I was eagerly awaiting his take on Harris.
I think he’s often a little full of himself, slightly too hard on Orange, but generally is on point.
Kamala Harris Is Farther Left Than Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders
Well, there was a ton of pressure from the Progressive/SJW wing of the party to pick a black woman, and because the Dems have been taken over by that faction nobody dares do anything other than voice their full-throated support for that strategy even if they disagree. In other words, he couldn’t have even picked Warren, who would’ve theoretically appealed somewhat to the Bernie crowd. Then Biden put his foot in it by saying that he planned on picking a woman of color as VP a while ago.
Now, why didn’t he pick Rice? Why not that Congresswoman, the veteran double-amputee who thinks statues of George Washington should be torn down because he owned slaves? I think it’s because the Dems sense that the average voter isn’t all that woke and is tired and scared of all these peaceful protests raging through cities like a Mongol horde.
So, because they’re stupid and racist, they figure one black woman’s as good as another but they’d better try and lock down the law-and-order angle, so they pick Kamala Harris. And if Tom Perez takes an all expenses paid trip to Mar-a-lago after Trump’s re-elected, I’m just sayin’ I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
“A majority of American adults say they are not confident that the November elections will be conducted in a fair and equal way, data from the NBC/ Survey Monkey Weekly Tracking Poll says.”
Trump has destroyed our democracy
Interesting that Repubs are more skeptical than Dems and Independents.
Republican voters have noticed the blue shift, and they know it stinks to high heaven.
And those 20+ house seats that had a R with small leads late election night, but all flipped D the next day or two.
Regarding the Japanese oil ship, could you send in smaller ships to offload the oil? Do companies not have plans in place to handle these types of situations?
I learned a new word today: Derecho
We were without power and internet for 28 hours.
No damage at my place, but both of my kids have some damage on their houses.
We had a derecho in the the DC area a few years ago. I had a weekend work task and had to drive to a hotel parking lot to steal their wifi
Did anything interesting happen while I was away.
I’ll see your Derecho, and raise you a Santa Ana,
A weather station about 10 miles from my house reported 112 mph wind yesterday.
I’m guessing there are thousands of 100 year old oak trees lying in tatters around here.
My daughter will be lucky to have power in a week. The power company still needs to come get the downed line off of her house. Or course it is entangled in downed trees in front of and behind her house.
Yowza. At least she’s OK (she is OK, right?) Replacing stuff and repairing damage sucks, but can be done.
Daughter and family is fine
Son and family is fine (he has minor house damage as well).
But this could be the demise of the 2002 Xterra that I bought brand new and gave to her in 2014.
The back window was blown out and buckets of water were blown in. The interior was saturated. All the cabin electrical appears to be shot.
The insurance company is already making noises about totaling the vehicle.
Wow. By comparison, Isaias was a minor inconvenience.
108 for Santa Anas, I had 200 feet of fence blow down one year, and never founds the double 8′ gates,
good times
*throws down a Chinook*
(The wiki page is absolute garbage. They’re unseasonable and rare warm winds, in winter time.)
I’ve done both. If you exclude fires, derechos are worse.
This map has hardly changed since I looked at it 24 hours ago. Peak listed about 470,000 customers w/o power.
In my town we had some good 70+ gusts that knocked down a bunch of trees, and also blew down a building. Power never flickered once. A few rural customers are still w/o power though.
Knowing SF writes by the seat of his pants to remain topical, I cannot WAIT to see tomorrow’s Hat & Hair.
Sup Tres! I’m warming up with some Tall Cans! Gonna play some 5 O’clock Death Heat Golf, it’s only 114, but Breezy!
Ive been through too many today already.
God speed, Yufus
Gad Saad on Kamala Harris complete with an unfavorable comparison to Ted Bundy:
I get the distinct impression he doesn’t care for her.
He likes to post pics of himself as a young man, but the old Gad is waaaaaaaayyyyyy hotter.
Some people age well… and I hate them for it.
And I hate you too,
*throws tall can in Yusef’s general direction*
So, is that guy a right wing extremist? Never heard of him, just trying to sort the comments.
He’s kind of like a Jordan Peterson/Stefan Molyneaux combo? I like him in general, though. He’s a prof at McGill IIRC.
Nah, not an extremist but a Canadian right winger and an evolutionary psychologist. He’s a smart dude.
Ah, so like Kristen said, A Jordon Peterson like guy. So I can assume none of those comments are from would be dem voters. I has a sadz.
Jordan, sorry…
LOL, he called Biden an avocado. Paging Suthen!
“A shortage of butter supply, especially at the end of the year, must be prevented.”
Damn right. I put butter on damn near everything when I cook.
Paula Deen says hi.
I had a small stroke two years ago and when I told the doctor my diet, she told me to cut out slathering butter on everything. I use butter but a little less than I used to.
Alcohol cuts through all that yummy Butter fat, More Butter= More Beer!
Seriously, take care, strokes ain’t cool Bro,
It was scary as fuck. After that episode, I started taking better care of myself and learned how to not get so stressed out.
Hence my move to BhC, the stress was killing me,
“Kamala Harris’s selection means that the Democratic ticket will not have someone with an Ivy League degree for the first time since 1984”
Party of the people!
Trump has one.
LOL. That might come up during the campaign.
The Ivies are probably one of the last bastions of classism but yet the Progressives who are all about the people always confer great knowledge and expertise to those that attended the Ivies.
Malice is having fun
*Dons tinfoil hat*
I know it’s far-fetched, but suppose something unfortunate were to happen to DJT? I don’t think the pachyderms have anyone warming up in the bullpen, so game over?
*removes tinfoil, surveys landscape, sobs uncontrollably*
*gets home, changes, pours glass of wine, starts on dinner*…
*Checks news alert on phone…laughs*
I fucking knew it was going to be Horizontal Harris. I’m amused and, frankly, terrified that there is a possibility of her being president. Whatever. This election season should be fun.
I’ll be placing my annual order with Amish Country Popcorn soon. Probably need to double last year’s.
Order? I can get Amish popcorn at the local grocery store. There are at least small advantages to being in fly-over country.
Damn your flyover privilege!
We had a farmer’s market in Jersey City every week, with a strong Amish presence – they would dress in full regalia. Probably to amuse all the Indian IT workers.
Check out all the Federalist headlines.
This is fun.
*Quadruples popcorn order*
Seriously, buy Conagra* stock now.
*(the owner of the OR brand)
suppose something unfortunate were to happen to DJT? I don’t think the pachyderms have anyone warming up in the bullpen, so game over?
There’s the christfag Pence. Given his head, he’ll probably tack somewhere slightly to the right of Mittens.
Given his head
I believe that’s Kamala’s turf.
So I tried “birch beer.” It’s awfully sweet. But with gin, it’s surprisingly less terrible than you’d think.
I love it, try Maple Beer next, Really
i even like it without gin.
My go-to drink at age 4. Bars were fun at that age, learned how to shoot pool and play shuffleboard in some fine establishments.
I like birch beer.
Tastes like Pepto to me
I believe that’s Kamala’s turf.
Does that mean Missus Pence will be there, observing?
Taking notes, even.
So I tried “birch beer.” It’s awfully sweet. But with gin, it’s surprisingly less terrible than you’d think.
Stoli ginger beer is pretty tasty.
Birch beer tastes of sassafras and wintergreen.
Whenever I go to Missouri I pick up some local Sarsaparilla and Birch Beer 4 packs. Good stuff although the brand escapes me.
Speaking of ginger beer, the new Monster Ginger Beer drink isn’t too bad – although I prefer a good Crabbies. I don’t normally keep limes (or ice) on hand though, so I tend to take a while to work through them.
Tee hee.
My favorite so far: “I thought Kamala Harris died after Tulsi murdered her in that debate last year”.
I want a hellfuckdeathbringer Mk5
#meToo, lol
Here’s the video of it:
Oh sorry, that was the hellfuckdeathbringer Mk6
The mark five is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlmfdwCEIak
downthread, I lol’d at this one:
To be fair, Goldfap is better armored. If she plays defense and uses the leaf blower to gently air massage Cleatus’ nethers, she could strike a killing blow.
Nah, nevermind. She’d have to be topless with a great rack. Deathbringer for the win.
Ummm… “Cleatus Bowjangles” is an East Texas name. Matt Carricker (DOCTOR Carricker to you) is obviously from Central Texas.
The Toyota 4runner parts car went down the road a little while ago. YAY! One more thing off the list.
Maple makes everything except pancakes worse. Ham, doughnuts, bacon, Canada…all better off without any maple.
I agree on the maple+meat but other than that you’re completely wrong. The glace d’erable you can get all over MTL in the summer is awesome, as are maple Old Fashioneds, and these maple shortbreads are the best bought cookies I’ve yet found.
Trump agrees. He’s better off without Marla.
“Maple makes everything except pancakes worse. ”
Not true. Avacados. It does not make avocados worse.
You know, I’ve saved this card neat to my “I have black friends” and my “I love you, I’m just not in love with you” card, but I’m slapping down my “no true libertarian hates….” maple…card.
Sir, maple is the finest sugar god ever created.
I used to make a rum and a vodka out of it, so I lived in environment where every Monday I would get 100 pounds of pure fuckjng maple.
Makes for a great BBQ sauce as well.
Fuck off with your “no maple” and “pineapple deep dish” bullshit nonsense.
^^ This
I’ve never cared for the flavor. My school took a field trip once to Genesee Country Village and all I got was a sack of maple candy. Yuck.
I recognize your right to be completely wrong about maple. And, I have to say, I respect the aplomb with which you defend your syrupy sap obsession. Truly, you are more disgusting than anything SugarFree has ever dreamt up.
Maple syrup is thickened tree jizz. Get your sugar from slave-harvested giant grass as Thomas Jefferson intended, you tree-sucking Yankee schmucks!
Judging by the torrent of twitters happening now, I’m starting to think that this Kamala sent a lot of black men, many of them innocent to jail thing is not going to get swept under the rug.
The pre-primary dems were the worst pols I have seen in my life. Hasn’t Creepy Joe already promised key positions to even the worst of them? Now Harris for VP?
I’m trying to think of who did worst in that, and I can’t think of anyone who did worse than Harris. Maybe some of them were just that forgettable.
I dont remember either. Duke Nukem?
The only one I hate worse than Harris is Warren.
That’s who Biden wanted to pick. That’s what took him so long.
‘But I’m Senator and I can pick who I want!’
‘Joe, you’re not Senator anymore, you’re running for president’
‘What were we talking about? I thought someone was bringing me some minty tea, and a nice young girl who has good smelling hair, I’ll read her a story, and…’
‘Joe, focus! Repeat again ‘Im picking Kamala Harris for my running mate”.
‘Who? Where’s my tea?’.
There’s 3 choices Biden could have made in ascending order of horribleness.
1. Warren.
2. Hillary.
3. Warren.
Congrats, you got the worst.
Truest typo ever.
Wait’ll Joe wins and he names Susan Rice as SecState. You think Bush was a warmonger?
Umm, he’s going to make Bernie chief economic adviser and Gulag Barbie, secretary of the treasury. Then he’s going to have a major stroke and we’re fucked.
Bought some scifi comics from this guy last year on indiegogo – and just ordered his new “Sh*tposts” book. Good stuff. Straight up sugarfree territory. Can not recommend enough.
Since I apparently can’t “Moderate” my own post and I’m tired of waiting.
Bought some scifi comics from this guy last year on indiegogo – and just ordered his new “Sh*tposts” book. Good stuff. Straight up sugarfree territory. Can not recommend enough.
Additional comics on his twitter – or the links in my pending post.
Ham, doughnuts, bacon, Canada…all better off without any maple.
You forgot scallops. Why would anybody ruin a perfectly good scallop with maple syrup? Butter in pan. Scallop in butter. Sizzle, eat.
Maple on scallops is even worse than ketchup on steak.
Ketchup on steak is good.
1. Open live scallops, remove meat
2. Quickly slice meat and arrange on plate
3. Drizzle sizzling hot chili oil over sashimi
4. Eat, and ponder how you’ve wasted your life doing anything else other than eat these.
“Remember when Joe accidentally fell down the stairs coming out of Air Force One? That little girl was me.”
I laughed.
Biden’s campaign song.
Today, in non sequiturs:
If you can punish a teenage girl for spaghetti straps, you can enforce a mask mandate
Democracy Dies In Dementia
I wish it would die in diarrhea. I’ve had all the democracy I can stand.
How would you know the difference between this democracy and diarrhea?
(Rhetorical question. Please don’t answer)
I’m not a teenage girl, and people who tell me what to do in public will wish they hadn’t.
I am friends with a lot of Brits on FB and they’re all freaking out about thunderstorms. Poosies!
They’ve had thunderstorms in UK for a long time. I know, I saw it in those old movies with castles.
They need to go to Oklahoma and see about some real storms.
Heh, I was just about to advise having the limeys spend spring and summer in Central Indiana or anywhere in Iowa. They’ll be soiling their bloody trousers, they will.
And you’re interested in making limeys soil their trousers because you’re German?