Sorry these are late. However, Brett did use his one phone call to make sure you got a new post. And you thought he didn’t care!
Since I’ve been super busy today, and these are last minute, you get no fancy formatting or guarantee that these links are fresh!
Trump Silenced Fauci h/t Mexican Sharpshooter
This should surprise exactly nobody
Impulse control of a 3 year old
And I’m out.
Have a great afternoon, kids!
The funniest thing about the DNC is that it has caused Trump to gain in the polls.*
*polls are still worthless, but it’s funny anyway.
UnCivilServant, citation?
How do you view a post DNC poll if the DNC hasn’t ended? Can I borrow John Titor’s time machine when you’re done with it?
It doesn’t have to be a post event poll. Mid convention he’s gone up.
Just make sure you don’t lock the keys in Titor’s time machine. Its a bitch picking the hatch open, and you might have to overnight parts from 2481 AD Japan.
That guy hasn’t been here since the distant past.
Well, he does have to take the long way back to this time zone.
*twirls keys while whistling*
“And you thought he didn’t care!”
I just thought he was passed out somewhere.
He isn’t?
He is, but he cares that he his passed out. Baby steps.
“At least they aren’t linking about me!”
[before Swissy edits his post to have a photo]
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Who let the hobo in here?
We call him Hobo Ken.
He grew up just across the Hudson.
If you rub his belly I hear it’s good luck.
“He’s now home and resting,” an NIAID spokesperson tells NPR. “Expect him to be completely resting his voice at least through the weekend.”
Let’s hope it lasts longer.
He’ll be deep-throating big pharma again in no time.
“This should surprise exactly nobody”
Stupid Apple News links.
Fucking Hunter Biden is talking tonight at the DNC. Hilarious.
Oh, that’s rich.
Yes he is.
What Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto did was seen.
Here have another shit article from Axios:
Even for the DNC that’s tone deaf.
They let Art Acevedo participate as part of police reform – tone deaf is what they do best.
The guy who is all for unquestioningly defending lethal no-knock raids on innocent people based on falsified paperwork?
Way to surf the wave of the zeitgeist.
Now let’s see if the RNC has the balls or the smarts to go after that.
If he’s not behind a big desk, smoking a big cigar, and with a hot woman on each arm, I’m going to be disappointed.
A smudged up mirror with razor blade and rolled up Benjamin on the corner of the desk and a glassy stare will finish it off nicely.
Someone should take the audio from his speech and and dub Scarface.
Hiya Glibs. It’s been a bit since I’ve commented. Had a busy summer, new baby shitlord born, etc., etc. Been lurking a bit, but haven’t been as engaged in the comments.
Started back up to work on campus and have to say, this whole movement to stop the spread makes me crazy. I wish people would think through this nonsense. Masks piss me the hell off.
Hope you all are well. Thank goodness for the sanity presented in this haven. If not for you all (thanks for covering for Brett, SP), this last 6 months would have been even more rough.
the stop the spread nonsense is fucking insanity at the colleges.
Definitely. I’ve got to be careful about running my mouth off about it to the wrong people. You’d think at a place that allegedly teaches thinking things through that thought would go into this, but not in the bizzarro world in which we live.
Then you’ll love this story!
That’s because for the entire fall semester — the next 14 weeks — students cannot leave the campus’s 4.5-mile perimeter, under penalty of suspension. Nor can they have outside visitors — including family — without prior approval, normally about five days notice, according to a recent email from school officials.
“We also have to agree to sign up for a phone app which tracks our movements,” said Bakker.
I think it’s great they came up with a way to break the kids’ phone addictions.
Hey kid, the app doesn’t track your movements, its tracks your PHONE’s movements. **hint hint**
Kid: “I don’t get it. Isn’t that what I said?”
* Starts printing fake maps of prohibition-era tunnels under campus *
Why is your nickname “Two Phones” Jones?
If you don’t have a Faraday bag for your phone, well, you just aren’t as cool as you should be.
In case anyone remembers about the step kid’s overseas semester than turned into remote learning from her US home….
Classes we’re supposed to start yesterday. Tuesday night the school overseas emailed her and said the thing was cancelled
Fuck sticks. So Wednesday she calls her school and tries to scramble to sign up for classes. All her classes in her major were already filled – she would have had first crack at sign up but because she was enrolled overseas there was no need to. The dean said he would make sure she would retain her full time status and would see to it that she is allowed to take courses beyond the standard limit next semester (she won’t have a problem passing them). So she has three gen ed courses and that’s it. She can do those remote which is good since it is too late to get housing by school now and it’s not worth it anyway for three gen ed courses.
But it kills the daytime job she was going to do near home.
Fuck government and their academia sycophants.
“I want a refund.”
If she’s remote learning, why are there even caps on class sizes? I guess there’s a limit on how many assignment a teacher + TAs can grade, so it would make sense to have limits when there are essays and long-form answer tests, but lots of basic classes tend to be just lecture + multiple choice, so you’d think school capacity would increase with and increase in remote learning students.
They are down one instructor in her major this semester (planned sabbatical) which is most of the reason she chose to do the semester overseas in the first place.
But did insanity give consent?
It’s hard to tell with the masks, words are muffled and can’t tell a smile from a frown.
The weather was glorious today so I took a nice walk to a nearby park – hardly a mask in sight here in lockdown NYC. Fathers and sons playing baseball and tennis. Moms and kids in the playground. People huffing and puffing up and down the hills. I really needed the diversion.
And some colleges want to impose mask-wear on campus grounds. It is laughable.
That’s the “recommendation” here. I’m in a very conservative part of Utah (in fact, our county passed a resolution that would allow the county fair to still happen and blocking the governor-R from cancelling it), and yet the University tries pushing a lot of this. I’m intrigued to see what happens when students are back on campus next week.
Bill Door, masks in news:
‘DNR tells employees to wear masks during Zoom calls, even when they are alone at home
Patrick Marley, Milwaukee Journal SentinelPublished 11:02 a.m. CT Aug. 10, 2020 | Updated 11:44 a.m. CT Aug. 10, 2020’
DNT, I had seen something about that, as well as WHO (I think, I can’t be bothered to look because it is nonsense) recommending wearing masks in the home. R C Dean’s sum-up on the subject the other day was great. These people are insane, and yet, they’ve taken over the asylum.
It’s fucking puppet theater.
Not first! With story to Bill Door…
Congrats on your baby.
Thank you.
#metoo Bill Door, congrats on your baby.
Thank you!
Bill Door, you are welcome.
Congratulations on your new shitlord.
Congratulations on the new shitlord!
Thanks Count!
Awww. Congratulations! I hope you bestowed an appropriate glib name on the little one.
Named the tyke Cache (like Cash or Ca$). That way I can call him “Cache Money” like the capitalist pig I am. His middle name was going to be “Golden” (which is a family surname), but my wife nixed it for a different family name, much to my chagrin.
I suppose changing a messy diaper is referred to as “clearing the Cache.”
“Wipe it, like with a cloth?”
Ha ha. That’s right. ? I’ve gotta figure out how to implement Rhywun’s comment into conversation with my wife. She’ll get a kick out of that.
You’d naturally need a good sized staff to spend the close to $1bn she has been alleged to have spent while be unable to account for any of it.
Love this quote:
“That article [referring to The City story] didn’t take into account the work that’s being done,” de Blasio said. “This work is about the needs of the people of this city.”
Needs of the city = McCray’s ego
In The Wrath of Khan, Spock says, ‘Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.’ Right before committing suicide to save ship and crew. McCray’s sacrifice?
We had to take the money to prevent the people from wasting it.
The corruption of this administration is breathtaking.
In this case, her husband threw that billion dollars at her to “fix mental health”. What little is known is that she spent some money on trendy, feel-good shit like seminars and “help lines”. Not one dime is known to have gone towards, for example, alleviating the plague of mentally-ill homeless people shuffling around the streets in certain neighborhoods.
You can’t fool me. He’s just going to use the GoFundMe money for meth.
I gave $20.
“He added, “The mental health crisis is much deeper because of the coronavirus, across the whole city, that’s one of the things she’s been working on intensely, but also as the co-chair of the internal task force this extraordinary task force on racial inclusion that has been moving big policy changes.”
This news comes as the mayor is considering laying off up to 22,000 municipal workers in the fall due to budget constraints related to COVID-19.”
The mental health crisis is due to your stupid lockdowns. Then you spend money on a racial inclusion task force, while firing a bunch of blacks and hispanics.
This scam started several years ago – long before the ‘vid provided a handy excuse for him to claim the crisis is “much deeper”.
As for the 22,000 workers… LO-fucking-L. He’s added way more than that during his reign. He threatens to take us back to… OMG, 2014! When it’s really more like a couple hundred thousand that are gonna have to go to have any hope of balancing the budget.
McCray’s office provided The CIty with names of eight full-time employees whose salaries added up to about $1.1 million.
Only $1.1 million? Why isn’t she paying them a livable wage?
Anthony Ainley Born:August 20, 1932, Stanmore, Middlesex, England Died: May 3, 2004, Harrow, London, England
Sylvester McCoy August 20, 1943, Dunoon, Argyll and Bute, Scotland
Sophie Aldred August 20, 1962, Greenwich, London, England, UK
James Wesley Marsters, August 20, 1962, Greenville, California, U.S.
Gauleiterin Whitmer is displeased her subjects want to repeal her emergency powers – part one
People collecting signatures to repeal the emergency law Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is using to address the coronavirus pandemic are using “unscrupulous measures,” including lying about what the petition drive would do, Whitmer alleged Wednesday.
“This effort to repeal the 1945 (Emergency Powers of Governor) Act is very dangerous, and they’re using unscrupulous measures to try to collect signatures,” Whitmer said at a news conference in Lansing.
Part two
Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been leading the state’s coronavirus response efforts for five months. At a press conference Wednesday, she asked residents not to sign a petition that would strip the Office of the Governor of its emergency powers.
The group called Unlock Michigan is trying to repeal a 1945 law that gives the governor of Michigan emergency powers to take executive action including declaring a state of emergency.
The petition was started by people unhappy with Governor Whitmer’s response to the coronavirus pandemic in Michigan. Wednesday, she called the groups’ methods “unscrupulous.”
“So, I ask people to decline to sign if you see that out there because we know these actions have saved us. The vast majority of people in this state get it and support this.”
What are the odds it passes?
The Free Press article says they are 2/5ths of the way to getting the required number of signatures. I don’t know if there is a deadline to get the required signatures. I think it was about a month or so ago that petitioning started.
There will certainly be challenges to the signatures, so they’ll need way more than the required number. If I remember correctly, here in NH when the LPNH gathers ballot access petition signatures, they expect about 25% of submitted signatures will be successfully challenged.
unscrupulous measures to try to collect signatures,
Those sons of bitches are asking people to sign…voluntarily!
‘we know these actions have saved us”
We know that because you are still here.
Thank you for sharing this!
I’m still chuckling over Count Potato’s remark “Gretchen Whitmer became Govenor of Michigan after a house fell on her sister.” I’d be pleased we’re a house to drop on her as well.
In the interest of science, I fully approve of throwing her into Lake Michigan to see if she floats.
Well, just to improve the accuracy of the test, I’d go for ‘off the highest point of the Mackinac Bridge’.
“his most unusual DNC wraps up tonight with a huge roll of the dice. They’re risking letting Biden off-leash for an acceptance speech. Who knows, maybe they’ve been drilling him for months on this and he will actually pull it off. Or he’ll drop trou halfway through and yell, “I HAVE A PONY NAMED JEFF!””
Afaik, all the speeches were pre-recoded. Joe is going to go live?
“I’m Joe Biden, and I third the nomination of Bernard Sanders from Vermont!”
They’ll tell you it’s live, but no way it’s live.
“Hi, I’m Joe Biden and it’s today. It’s definitely today at right now.”
“My doc says I don’t have Alzheimer’s, dementia, or Alzheimer’s.”
They don’t even have to tell HIM it isn’t live.
They’re letting him go live?
Tomorrow morning is gonna be fun.
They’re going to pump him full of amphetamines and lord knows what else beforehand. Gonna be a tough week for Joe, coming down.
Please please please let him start talking about how the kids like his hairy legs again.
*fingers crossed*
I’m hoping in the middle of his speech he suddenly starts singing the Big Bopper’s “Chantilly Lace” and jukes around.
Thinking there’s a decent chance it happens, just remember you heard it hear first.
CNN fact checkers put Donald Trump’s facts in check.
So if the Kiwi outbreak isn’t much of an outbreak. Whats to stop me from concluding locking down the entire country and postponing their election over 5 cases is not an overreaction?
Just because you’re cynical, it doesn’t mean you’re wrong. (TM)
Imma guess that might not be the real reason they’re postponing the election?
I believe all the polls had St. Jacinda up big.
CNN: NZ postponing elections because virus. Yea! Trump opposed. Bad Trump! Bad Trump!
CNN: Trump proposes postponing elections because virus. No election should ever be postponed. Democracy! Bad Trump! Bad Trump!
If CNN didn’t have double-standards, they’d have no standards at all.
CNN has standard. Motto (not an exact quotation): ‘Facts first. CNN second.’
Facts which CNN readers would never have heard had Donald not opened his big mouth.
Funny, that.
‘Facts which CNN readers would never have heard had Donald not opened his big mouth.’
Facts first. CNN second.
“Lining the background behind Warren as she addressed the Democratic National Convention were block letters inside cubbies: B L M [Black Lives Matter].”
Excuse me while I go barf.
She’s so clever. She really has a plan for everything! Squeeeeeeee!
/sarc off
Count Potato,
‘So many trolls flooded a Democratic Convention Native American Caucus meeting where Elizabeth Warren was slated to speak that organizers disabled a chatroom accompanying the livestreamed event.’
And they keep opening the chat rooms for each new caucus and they keep getting crashed.
one true Athena, good to know
How they thought having open chat rooms was a good idea is beyond me. Has no one in charge there ever been on the internet? This is an entirely foreseeable and even expected outcome.
They found out about this new chatroom thingy that just got invented and they wanted to impress everyone with how youthful and tech savvy Joe is.
No comment about Elizabeth Warren redoing self-identifying Native American?
I guess no one is surprised.
One thing you have to enjoy about Elon Musk is how he feels about regulators. EVs since 2020 have been required to play sounds at low speeds for “pedestrian safety”. Now Porsche, being Porsche, charges you $500 for EACH spiffy sound the Taycan makes in addition to default sound it comes with.
OTH in addition to the stock Jetsons sound Tesla plans to offer:
I have a hard time not liking Elon.
Me too.
Because if I got the kind of pay day he did after Ebay I would have done a Mcafee and purchased my own island somewhere. You think I’m going to do both an auto and an aerospace startup? (Pay no attention to Solar City… I repeat…)
But, Buffalo Billion! Another win for Cuomo!
Scruffy Nerfherder: ‘I have a hard time not liking Elon.’
Even if business models rely on soaking taxpayers?
Cheaper than ULA, by a factor, Piss off DNT
And Bundy killed less people than Mao. Musk > United Launch Alliance not Elon = hero. Donation not taxation.
True, everything he does seems to rely on public funding.
But on the other hand, he actually produces, and is focused on real progress rather than milking the system forever.
If they have to give our stolen tax money to someone, him or NASA, I know which I favor, the guy who gets real sciencey stuff done, instead of creating a bigger bloated agency that can’t get any sciency stuff done.
If you like your SpaceX, you can keep your SpaceX as long as the money is voluntary. Donation not taxation.
“Even if business models rely on soaking taxpayers?”
Compare his input vs. output to NASA over the last decade?
And Bundy killed less people than Mao. Musk > NASA not Elon = hero. Donation not taxation.
As far as real progress in science goes, for anyone who cares about human space flight, he is a hero.
Elon is the only guy around landing rockets on landing pads after they flew into space. How can you not like that?
He is not a technical person.
*aside from all of us in the form of taxpayer subsidies.
Doesn’t matter. Elon gets technical guys and produces real results. NASA gets technical guys and apparently sends them off to research Muslim outreach and not get jackshit done.
Upgrades for your truck
Real deal. Love that he puts the bell on too.
Probably better that I don’t have a set. I might be tempted to drive through Portland at night.
Don’t tempt me. I just realized I could probably make a removable mount in the “frunk” of my Model 3 and fit one these with almost no effort. Battery is right there.
Locomotive e-bell
or crossing bell!
Anyone in Portland who might be driving near a riot should get these.
The temptation would be too much.
Along with heat seeking missile launchers.
*woohoo! They done blew up real good!*
I do like how some people like to play with certain people!
EVs since 2020 have been required to play sounds
And I don’t mean Tesla’s sounds.
That’s awesome.
Where’s ‘splosives? I want her take on this.
It’s close. Not exactly the same. I was taking some license.
Hourglass? That is more like my bottle of Willett’s
Also, there is nothing ‘inner’ about her geisha.
Nope. Voluptuous.
Your odds of dying in an auto accident this year (all ages): 1 in 9,100
Your odds of dying of Covid (< age 65): 1 in 10,300
Source: CDC/NTSB/US Census
Age distribution is much much worse for car accidents too.
In a year when driving is way way down as well.
Drove through WV this morning on the Robert Byrd Appalachian Highway project. We really did build some nice roads there.
I’m not normally one for riding motorcycles on the highway, but I’ll make an exception for that one. It’s a nice piece of road.
I hear you. Semis make me nervous.
“Robert Byrd Appalachian Highway project.”
BLM protesters all over the place, correct?
Naw, BLM cleared out BLM because of the threat to the migratory house mouse.
“The luxury lifestyle of triple-amputee Iraq vet and his TikTok star wife who ‘bought boats, an SUV, jewelry and plastic surgery with $350,000 that was stolen from We Build The Wall donations'”
I, you and everyone we knew, were certain this would be in the story: “their life on the Florida panhandle “
So how much are 3 limbs worth?
Jeebus, Bannon looks like a meth addict.
“Girl, 16, is ‘gang-raped by 30 men’ in an Israel hotel as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls the attack a ‘crime against humanity’
The first suspect was reportedly arrested after messages emerged showing that there was video footage of the alleged rape.
Police say the girl was not a guest at the hotel, but had gone to the bathroom after drinking there with some of her friends.
She was then allegedly taken to one of the hotel rooms and raped by the group of men, who did not all know each other.
One suspect claims that the men ‘lined up’ outside the girl’s room before going inside to assault her.”
None of the suspects have names?
In some countries they don’t release the names until the trial or maybe after. Sometimes you will see the first name and initial, like Adolf H.
Yeah, New Zealand has pretty much automatic name suppression for the accused and the prosecutor and/or press have to get a judge to order it lifted.
From a civil liberties perspective it makes sense. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.
The perp walk is barbaric.
Huh. I didn’t know that existed.
If you are not shooting anything what exactly are you practicing?
Trigger press. Mechanics of the presentation. Grip. Vision. Dry practice is an important part of building shooting skill.
That said, the DryFireMag is kind of twappy.
Isn’t improving accuracy the point, without firing anything how do you know if all this practice is actually improving that. What is the feedback that tells you you aren’t training bad habits instead of good ones? I’d think it would be like spending hours swinging a one wood with out hitting any golf balls, you may get that swing dialed in but then find out you just perfected a duck hook shot.
Sometimes improving speed is the point, but we’ll leave that aside for now.
The feedback comes from watching your sights. You can tell where the shot is going to go, by watching the sights when you press the trigger.
You do need to be able to press the trigger without disturbing your sight picture, and learning to do that will require live practice. Dry fire isn’t a replacement for live practice, it’s a supplement.
Equivalent to the ‘dime-washer drill’?
Place dime balanced on the barrel of the weapon and practice squeezing the trigger while staying on target without dropping the dime.
Will help cure jerking the trigger.
Man, that’s a pistol drill that I wish had never been invented.
Something that I tell my students – we don’t want to learn to not jerk the trigger. We want to learn to jerk the trigger as fast as possible, without disturbing the sight picture on the target.
Not cheap…
Apologies if already referenced today, but Australia continues to lose its mind.
“The WA Government is set to force people considered a flight risk from COVID-19 hotel quarantine to wear electronic monitoring bracelets in an effort to stop them from moving around and spreading the virus…Premier Mark McGowan said those wearing the bracelets would potentially have to stay in a separate hotel with higher security.”
WTF Australia.
Well, I guess they are just honoring their proud penal colony heritage.
And I thought the insanity was confined to Victoria.
/non-cynical sad shake of the head
Premier Mark McGowan said those wearing the bracelets would potentially have to stay in a separate hotel with higher security
At what point does a facility transform from being a “higher security” “hotel” and become a minimum security prison?
You’re past that point when they don’t let you leave.
But you can check out any time you like.
Hotel Australia
In other STEVE SMITH news, Webdom met a man named Steve Smith the other day and burst into uncontrollable giggles.
She did not explain.
She met the guy on ESPN and didn’t punch him?
Carolla’s a good guy, way better than Jimmy Kimmel.
It does not matter how many times I see BLM Black Lives Matter, I will NEVER not see Bureau of Land Management.
@Bill Door, CONGRATS! on the wee shitlord. Cache. That’s awesome.
Demonstrations, hashtags, murals, … ‘Black Lives Matter’, not Bureau of Land Management?
*makes note*
Thanks Mojeaux!
Growing up I had an uncle who worked for the BLM (the latter, not the former). When he made us mad, we called the BLM the “Butt Lovin’ Momma’s”. Yeah, we were real mature… And creative…
LOL I had a good friend who was a firefighter for the BLM and he would often say it was the best welfare program in the country. He bred Jack Russell terriers and sailed on his sailboat in his off hours.
Gah. Stuck behind a Forest Service fire truck yesterday. Probably a seasonal hire. Girl could not drive it. Pulls out in front of me and the rest of the highway traffic and procedes to drive under the speed limit while riding the brakes downhill. I wonder if there was any lining left when she was done.
Oh, they definitely take care of theirs. In youth, I underestimated this uncle. He was a good guy. Passed away a few months ago at 53-y.o., but left his wife, my dad’s sister, with a lot of money from a pension.
Bio seems to indicate he graduated in 2017.
Huh. My 17yo XX makes $11.00 at Walmart, starting out. She’s got her sights on management now more than ever. She found out she was a leader-type. *wipes away motherly tear of pride*
How easily can you be replaced? If there is a sea of people willing and able to do the same work readily available, you’re not worth as much as if you’re irreplacable.
No one is irreplacable.
You say that now.
Who would replace The Hyperbole if he quit Glibs?
Another Tulpa
There’s plenty of curmudgeons in the nursing homes.
Not anymore. Andy and Gretchen got to them.
For certain, we couldn’t get that kind of input for free any longer.
No one is irreplacable.
Technically this is correct, but as a practical matter it is wrong. There are many people who have the right combination of qualities that are desired for a position but said combination is rare enough that if they leave they cannot actually be replaced, at least not in such a way as to fulfill the same role exactly.
I’ve been that guy
and I’ve even been fired while I was that guy
I know a guy that was uniquely qualified to save Chesapeake Energy a few years back.
He was fired.
I would imagine that “the ability to not get fired” would be one of the criteria for being considered uniquely qualified to do a job.
Unless a senior VP wants you gone because it interferes with his plan for a golden parachute.
and I’ve even been fired while I was that guy
Sometimes the most replaceable people are at the top.
The best kind of correct.
39K as starting salary for writing about sports isn’t that bad. You shouldn’t get paid too good until you show you can cut the mustard.
Meritocracy? You monster!
Next you’ll want them to be able to get views on the ads.
“Pay transparency is important”
What the fuck does that mean? Even telling anyone else your salary at my client’s organization is strictly forbidden, and I get it. What are we supposed to do, just post everyone in the country’s wages online?
Let’s just settle it, just pay everyone in the country $15 an hour. Everyone. That will have zero unintended consequences and will bring harmony to the planet.
These people are fucking insane. Every idea they come up with is crackpot batshit insane bullshit.
Envy is an ugly emotion.
Ugly, and dangerous.
I consider it a fireable offense as it is guaranteed to start major headaches for everyone.
My pay is a matter of public record, and can be looked up online. I’ve never seen the point in hiding that information even when I was in the private sector.
I agree. I’ve worked at companies where the secrecy over wages was toxic. Or at least exacerbated the toxicity already in place.
I used to work at a consulting company where everyone knew what everyone in the company made, within a reasonable margin of error. I’ve also worked places where compensation was strictly private. I’m not sure there’s a right answer, since not every company is the same – at the consulting outfit, you had a set of expectations that were based on your job title/level, and so those same expectations were on everyone at that level – and you also knew what was expected of the higher and lower levels too. Most companies (especially smaller ones) are not like that, and people theoretically at the same level may be doing wildly different work. So I suppose it’s really “whatever works best for your company”. I have seen companies with strict privacy expectations around pay and (inevitably) some info got out, and talk about increasing the toxicity…
So he managed to more than double his salary in 3 years ($21k as an intern) and is bitchy about it?
The increase from $39k to $46k is 15%. That’s 5% per year. My annual raises are in the 2% range.
Today, this wins the internet.
While Trump just talks about grabbing them by the pussy, Joe Biden actually does it. Who do you want as President, the man who’s all talk, or the man of action? Vote Biden!
You should send an oped to the NYT.
Where’s the biker chick he made sit on his lap. That’s one of my favorite Joe photos.
Pardon if drugs emerge from this story’s backside, but a trio of Florida Men are once again demonstrating the species’ penchant for impulse control and thinking things through.
There’s stupid and then there’s stupid.
Two of them have stupid written all over their face.
A couple of good threads here:
Remember, Hillary shrieked at every stump speech that “we need to get the money out of politics and overturn Citizens United”.
“Get the money out of politics!”
(Outspends her opponent 2:1)
These people don’t even try to pretend anymore.
Let them eat bagels.
LOL, look at this guy over here!
She and her staff are in the city, and arguably they are people.
OMG…that woman with Biden…??
Here’s another one!
Please let this be a thing.
I love it.
“Live outside the Delaware arena where Creepy Joe will be giving his sleepy acceptance speech tonight
Trump supporters outnumber Biden supporters 100:1
Not a good start Joe!”
Well, you know, that’s because Trump supporters want people to die!
They don’t need to win, they just need to muddy the waters sufficiently to launch another coup.
you mean Civil War, followed by mass Left wing death?
At a friend’s house having beer & pizza. It’s almost like normal life.
P.S. said friend may join us for Zoomies. Y’all be nice to her and try not to be RAYCISS!
Nice? You DO know where you are and who you’re talking to, right?
As long as she isn’t white.
Kristen wants people to die.
In my mental storyboard for the remainder of “Prince of the North Tower”, there is a fight scene against generic enemies that I could replace with a named character. The only problem is, there is nothing that particular character would contribute to a fight scene that is different from earlier fights in the book. I prefer to not have repeditive action scenes, so I’m trying to brainstorm ideas. Note – this is not supposed to be a long fight.
Have it turn out that he was dead all along.
Won’t work, this character doesn’t deal with the undead.
Have it turn out that the enemy and the hero are the same person.
Instead of describing the fight scene as it goes, how about describing the aftermath only?
Because that would break the flow of the longer sequence.
Not necessarily. Instead of the fight scene, you put in the descriptions of dead bodies/blood splatter etc in that place.
I came up with a better idea.
The named character who would be in the way was never foreshadowed as anything but a snooty jerk, and not any sort of combatant. Rather than try to hold the line, he turns tail and runs, allowing the scene to continue on to the more impressive setpiece that is supposed to be next.
I’m glad I was here for you to come up with a better idea yourself.
A lot of times, all I really need to do is to try to explain the issue and it will get the gears turning.
But the scene I’m plotting out is intended to be one long, continuous sequence from the break of dawn until the end of the fighting. Skipping ahead to an aftermath doesn’t fit in the middle of that.
If I didn’t want my ideas dismissed out of hand, I wouldn’t have gotten married. Your dilemma being solved is my satisfaction.
And just in case… 😉
Audio of Goodyear’s woke meeting is leaked. They lied.
My shocked face, let me show it to you.
They’ll say someone went rogue or that they misinterpreted company guidance. Now buy our tires you racist.
I see you and I have the same thoughts.
Goodyear = bad faith
It doesn’t help them, but I think they can still claim some third party went “off script”.
I think the damn well knew, but they still have plausible deniability.
However, if the guy speaking was a Goodyear employee, that’s going to make it a bit tougher.
If you really want to hurt Goodyear, attack them for not being woke enough. Push them to go even further and then watch them descend into madness. 20th Century Motor Company wasn’t salvageable once it started on it’s insane path and attempts to stop it early would’ve been futile.
What stupid.
Nope, they were disingenuous as has been pointed out with their careful phrasing. Hearing the audio, that was from a factory manager. I think they were absolutely correct in the statement, technically. It wasn’t a diversity class nor was it training. It was a dress code and conduct policy coverage or something similar. The guy on the audio sounds exactly like my boss when he has to shovel a shit sandwich down to our team.
Have been very happy with my silent armors ever since it first came out. Too bad. Guess its off to find a new brand.
Congrats Bill Door. (Always hear Bill Door Baggins in my head). Anyway, probably covered, but some things are worse than others:
Enthusiasm gap intensifying.
I drove from Elkins, WV to northwest NJ today without going through Philly – so that’s mostly red country. Saw countless Trump signs and flags, a single Jorgensen sign, and zero Biden signs or stickers. (Did see one BLM sign in a college town)
Sure seems like a big gap.
I haven’t seen any Biden stickers. When Obama was running for both terms, they were everywhere around here. I think I saw 1 or 2 Hillary stickers in 2016.
Seems the democrats are losing enthusiasm and Slo Jo and Camela are not up to bringing it back.
Lori Lightfoot defends the protest ban in her neighborhood.
“. I have an obligation to keep my home, my wife, my 12-year-old and my neighbors safe. … I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure my home is secure. We have a right to our home to live in peace.”
All said without irony.
The balls on these people.
Security for me but not for thee. It’s hypocrisy at its worst but will her constituents do a damn thing about it? I doubt it.
Nope, they will just keep voting her back in. And she knows it, that’s the problem.
I was right. This was covered already two minutes in the future.
You gave the excerpt, so I can’t complain.
Same chick who got her hair done while the plebes were forbidden.
“Chick”. Someone’s feeling generous today.
That’s a chick?
And I mean did she actually pay to look like an ugly version of Alfalfa?
Oh. And don’t you dare try to defend yourself and your family. We can’t have any of that.
Sure, you have that right. And no one else in the city does. Sounds legit. Who is the bigger hypocrite worthless piece of dung, her or de Assholio?
“NEW VIDEO: Exposing The Faces of the MAP Community
Pedophiles are now so comfortable that they’re ditching anonymity and posting their faces with “PEDO PRIDE”
Is this evidence that the normalization they want is slowly, but surely happening?
Why does this anti Pedo sentiment come in waves? Better than it just being ignored, but I don’t understand why it restarted recently. Was it the Netflix thing?
Yes, the Netflix thing. There’s a lot of chatter going on about that (which is, admittedly, fairly egregious).
Everything is all fucked up anymore. First, you have a documentary about Epstein, where 22 year old women sit around crying for what seems like fucking forever, about how Epstein stole their innocence when they were barely 18 … I really wanted there to be a story about that one, there isn’t, it’s nothing but a 3 hour long victim marathon. And then you have real fucking pedo child abusers and people are cool with that?
Fuck this spinning rock we’re on, I want the fuck off.
Does this make sense? I wonder if I just look like a creep for making it.
We were talking about it so I get it. I’m not sure I would otherwise to be honest.
The BIPOCS and Binary Rainbow Furries, and others, are not going to be happy when the PEDOs take their spot on the diversity totem pole.
“Delta has banned the Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden for refusing to wear a mask”
Obviously, after getting OBL, killing grandma is the next step.
Wait, I thought that Obama killed Bin Laden?
Blowback is real.
The doctor who failed to effectively treat the kidney failure that killed him was a Seal? Well I’ll be…
*adjusts tin foil hat*
Meh, looks like the ban was for not wearing a mask and being a douche bag about it. I’m okay with that.
That’s why no one will take me anywhere
Man, I hate this kind of shit. Say “Libertarian” not “Woman”. Playing this dumb game where who you are is more important than what you say is a fool’s game.
Yet so fitting for Jo’s campaign.