Sports…lol. No sports. They’re too busy protesting or something.

“The keys are in the ignition”
British automaker Charles Rolls was born on this day. He shares it with serial killer Ed Gein, football coach Frank Leahy, warmongering president LBJ, writer Ira Levin, lovely actress Barbara Bach, wrestler Sgt Slaughter, actor Pee-Wee Herman, political lobbyist and flamboyant dresser Roger Stone, guitarist Alex Lifeson, MTV’s Downtown Julie Brown, actor Aaron Paul, and baseball players Peanuts Lowery, Joe Cunningham, Ernie Broglio, Ed Herrmann, Brian McRae, and Jim Thome.
I wonder who I missed? I’ll find out in the comments. But first…the links!

I guess “mostly” is good enough, eh CNN?.
The CNN spin machine is working overtime. Pretty sure none of the crises are of their making, as much as you want them to be. Also, check out the chyron in the pic here. They’ve become laughably retarded.
The hurricane tore the asshole out of Lake Charles. There’s not really much else to say right now. This is going to be really, really bad.

Don’t trust Laura. Laura is asshoe!
These are the same stores many politicians bemoan as bad for people. Good thing they’re there. Otherwise a lot of people would be screwed. Oh yeah, that’s the goal of the politicians complaining about them.
Minneapolis is going insane again because of…a murder suspect killing himself. That’s right. He allegedly killed somebody and then killed himself. And people are rioting and looting. Because…why the fuck not.
They need to change their nickname. How about “the city that sleeps on the sidewalk”?
I assume this story will be repeated across the country. It’ll be interesting how this plays out. Hopefully with some serious criminal justice reform where a lot of crimes without actual victims are either not prosecuted or even removed from the books. But I doubt we’ll be that lucky. No, it probably ends with a bunch of no-shows and people being shot by cops when they’re picked up months from now.

Shoulda rioted instead, I guess.
A peaceful protester is arrested. No seriously. Guess he should have joined a mob and chucked bottles of piss at cops instead.
Say goodbye to your tax base, Chicago. But don’t despair. The cops are protecting the mayor’s house around the clock and forbidding people from using the public sidewalks there to voice their displeasure at the absolutely horrific job she’s done.
Oh the humanity! What will the city do? This is horrible. People selling something others want in a free exchange. Somebody better do something. They might accidentally park in the spot a bum was planning on taking a shit or shooting up in.
Oh give me a fucking break. The mask nazis are going too far here. Hopefully there’s some pushback soon. This is absolutely traumatizing small children.
Here’s a lovely song. Banjos dislikes it, but nobody’s perfect.
Now have a great day, dear friends!
Inshallah I have beaten Brochetwrdad to the coveted FIRST. Morning, Glibs.
mashAllah!!!!!!!11 He has willed it!
He never wakes up this early. He usually shits on the midday/afternoon posts.
I was about to mention that. Its far too early.
Well, in that case I suppose I cheated, which makes it an even more empty, and shameful firsting.
Firsting is empty and shameful by definition.
Did you say fisting?
That is only shameful and empty if you’re doing it right.
Well duh, but I think I just managed to exceed the envelope on both counts.
Saying you have beaten Brochetwrdad is even lamer than his shtick, which is impressive
The bar knows no limit to the depths to which it may be lowered, evidently.
just like peak derp
Was it slashdot that had the script in place that if a first post had the word first in it (or obvious mispelling, like frist) it got a 30 minute timestamp delay?
Some site did it 20 years ago. It should just be standard by now.
/. didn’t do that back when I was there. They may have added it with all of the other changes they made to the site since.
But you were 100% guaranteed to get modded down to negative for first posts. I do remember watching First Post eventually devolve into Frosty Piss…
I stopped reading it when Taco sold out, so I have no idea what happened later. It was probably some other site then. I liked it.
I stuck around until they went to the new “improved” commenting system.
“They’ve become laughably retarded.”
Yes, although it isn’t anything recent.
“Adding to the awfulness of another police shooting of a Black man and the shooting of two protesters (by an apparent Trump supporter) and the pandemic about to claim its 180,000th American victim, a monstrous hurricane tore towards the Gulf Coast.”
And how are any of those Trump’s fault?
He’s working with Israel and the secret Russian Nazis using (((weather control))) devices to undermine the postal service so that he can steal the election and force all right-thinking people to inject beach and drink fish tank cleaner.
I think the beach is injecting itself instead of the other way around. At least in Lake Charles and Beaumont.
A wonderful unhinged rant derailed by a typo.
I thought the typo was on purpose to give it that sense of unhinged passion
I’m not that clever (usually).
Also note, if you suspected of supporting Trump (i.e. not immediately uttering the required shibboleths against him), you are not allowed to defend yourself. Remember, if you aren’t 110% against Trump in constant, affirmative, vitriolic #RESISTANCE, then you might as well just give up.
“the shooting of two protesters (by an apparent Trump supporter)”
*checks calendar*
Nope. 48 hours not up yet.
Whether he is a Trump supporter is irrelevant.
…to the shootees…
“Trump supporter or not, the suspect will be held accountable by a legal process. But the incident is sure to spark more debate about the extent to which the demagogic approach the President has taken towards racial tension and violence influences the actions of impressionable individuals at a volatile moment.”
Ignoring all the looters, arsonists, etc. who won’t be held accountable by a legal process, what the fuck does that even mean?
It means, get fucked we don’t care about your right to self defense.
It means Trump supporters are too stupid to have agency, and be accountable for their actions, because Trumps doubleplusbad words made them act bad, unlike the doubleplusgoodthinkers who support Biden who aren’t controlled by Biden’s words.
/Newspeak translation
Here, hold this cloth to your nose, it help keep the blood in.
The term I’m hearing is Trump is acting as a “stochastic terrorist” using “implied orders.”
He truly lives rent free in their heads.
Is it even worth asking what the fuck ‘stochastic terrorist’ is supposed to mean?
Has ‘stochastic’ replaced ‘praxis’ as the latest buzzword that pseudo-intellectual proggies repeat endlessly like a bunch of sugar-binging 3-year-olds?
It’s just yet another method of attempting to sound smart on the internet, but revealing yourself to be painfully stupid.
And really, he’d be more aleatoric than stochastic.
Praxis? the game company?
Taxes are the price we pay to be lectured about civilized society.
It’s the Danegeld the top men collect to remind us we live but by the grace of their mercy, and that too much complaining will lead to less of what we produce in our own pocket. To teach us to be grateful they don’t take it all…
I find this appropriate. It also goes to show that Harrison was the best Beatle.
This is going to be really, really bad.
Oddly enough, the nonstop barrage of “WOLF WOLF WOLF!” has left me largely indifferent to the claims of apocalyptic destruction and months of “uninhabitable” swathes of the south.
At this point I am worried that if I were to be told bad orange man actually did something bad, I wouldn’t care out of spite. The wolf crying abuse has really removed my usual dislike and distrust of the political class when it comes to this guy.
mornin’ ya’all
what is that supposed to mean huh?
He hates Dacia.
ya’all = you all. Though should be spelled “y’all”. It’s a southern thing.
It’s like yinze, only sexier when a young girl says it.
They need to change their nickname. How about “the city that sleeps on the sidewalk”? – I blame evil landlord. Apartment vacancies are high in NY. why should those apartments stay empty instead of being given to The People?
That’s probably coming soon. And then the people in those building will really get pissed.
Or pissed on.
This is more likely.
The weird engineering of a class war within the progressive enclaves, with those who actually pay taxes vs those who don’t. Ultimately, who has more political capital? Do the have nots ultimately realise they only had any to begin with because it was convenient for the Marxist takeover, when those in power backtrack from the progressive warpath they’ve been on to try winning back their tax cows?
You’re framing that wrong, IMO. Large cities with dense concentrations of wealth can afford to pay a lot more “insurance” in the form of free or subsidized services to the have nots to keep most of them happy enough not to bother the haves. If the political class wants to make shit difficult for the haves, they leave. If paying off the politicos and the have nots becomes unrealistic for the haves, they leave. If the have nots start rioting and making life dangerous for the haves, they leave.
Whatever the reason, once enough haves leave, the point where you “run out of other people’s money” comes quickly. San Francisco was already on the border of this. It will probably substantially hollow out. NYC surprised me. I assumed that (a) the mayor understood his job was to keep the rich people happy. Even Rudy Giuliani figured that out. And (b) keep the have nots from substantially bothering the haves. Sure, you might run into a crazy guy on the subway on your commute, or get pitched by a bum on your way to dinner, but anyone who can afford a cab to and from their night-life was supposed to be substantially safe. I assume NYC is big enough and dense enough it will always attract more wealth, but it might not be on the scale of the early 2000s.
Deblasio is a no-shit true believer, a Marxist to the core. I don’t think anyone counted on that. The only question is how much damage can he do before 2022, and whether someone even worse is to follow. But in the meantime I take solace in the fact that by most measures we are still far better off than in the 70s.
/glass half-full
Marxism is never a battle of the have-nots against the haves. The proletariate suffers too much false consciousness to shake off their shackles. Marxist takeovers are always a battle of have against have. The revolutionary vanguard is middle class or better, and they are believers in the cause because they have forsaken belief in anything else. That’s how you got the Soviet fascination with anyone in the party who actually came from the peasant class – OMG, they’re so AUTHENTIC!!! This should be sounding familiar.
Police spokesman John Elder said the department was able to release the city camera footage because the officers were not involved in deadly use of force. The officers’ body cameras were on, but those images won’t be immediately released, he said.
They would fought tooth and nail to keep that footage secret if the cops had shot him. That’s good to know.
Not to defend the cops policy, but I think this is SOP for body cams because they don’t want to get sued by people who were caught on video in a potentially private space and the video gets released without their consent. The city cameras only record in public spaces so there’s no expectation of privacy.
Now, I’d like to know why the fuck the city is able to record people in public spaces at all times.
Not defending the trigger happy assholes, but the fact they feel obligated to immediately prove they didn’t kill some asshat so a bunch of fucking shitheads just looking for any excuse to loot and destroy don’t go into action worries me far more. When a society reaches the point where you have a bunch of pirates looking to practice their trade and are just looking for any reason to do so, that society is on the verge of collapse. Sooner than later, these people will realize they can manufacture their own reasons to loot and destroy, and they will not just wait for some incident to provide them with cover. Our political class is inept and broken, despite all its credentials. And if they keep doing more of the same, the people will decide to take matters into their own hand. And even the fact that they let the looters off but prosecute those protecting their property and lives will not stop that. In fact, it will force people to gun for these scumbag leaders that are more worried about political power than doing their job.
The city cameras only record in public spaces so there’s no expectation of privacy.
Now, I’d like to know why the fuck the city is able to record people in public spaces at all times.
My caff isn’t kicked in yet…what did I miss between these two sentences? Or in them, I mean. Not trying to be an ass, I’m seriously questioning my reading comprehension here.
You’re rights go until
another person’s starssomeone in government decides that they don’t like you.In short, Ammon Bundy gets fucked, because people don’t like him. It helps to have powerful allies.
If government takes a negative interest in you you’re fucked. Three felonies a day and all that.
That book failed to live up to the title. We don’t commit 3 a day, most likely none at all.
It’s an average? 😛
The title was a lie.
Good thing I quit reading years ago. Decades? Calendars were included.
“Food pop-ups are taking over the Bay Area – but they’re technically illegal”
That’s terrible, now if you’ll excuse me I need to go take a shit on the sidewalk.
See, there’s all the proof of the unsanitary conditions of these “businesses”.
Even by the standards of 2020, it was a disorienting night. Adding to the awfulness of another police shooting of a Black man and the shooting of two protesters (by an apparent Trump supporter)
And there is absolutely no other context to these events.
and the pandemic about to claim its 180,000th American victim, a monstrous hurricane tore towards the Gulf Coast.
Likewise, no context to these events. Did you really have to get my bp up this early?
The CNN spin machine is working overtime.
The reporter has ear protection and goggles to protect him from the peace.
Good morning, Sloopy!
Fuck me, this is getting crazy.
Fuck you, Star Tribune. Did anyone have a moment’s doubt what color he was? And since when is it capitalized?
And burning Brit’s Pub? Nice job assholes. I’m sure your lives will be much better when the whole fucking city is a smoldering pile of rubble.
I’m actually a little heartbroken over this. I loved my city.
Well anyway Banjos is wrong this time. This was a staple of my youth. Good stuff!
Well amigos, it’s a shitshow out there, but at least we have each other, right?
Stay safe down there, Suthen.
The various newspapers had a powwow and decided to capitalize black (but not white, specifically). It was fairly contentious news back when this garbage all began.
“was wanted for the slaying of another man earlier”
We know the murderers race but what about this guy. My bet is that it’s a Black life that I guess doesn’t actually matter.
It only matters when the marxists can use it to advance their agenda. Otherwise, it is just something they feel should be ignored. After all, eventually they plan to kill a shit ton of people to save Gaia or something when they get their way.
Probably, and correct.
Don’t despair Tundra. Your precious Wild are getting woke AF (although it is easy to concentrate on social justice when you’ve been eliminated from the playoffs again).
“To raise awareness about the killing of George Floyd.”
If anyone was unaware they’ve probably been in a coma for a year.
Well you can’t spell Matt Dumba without dumb.
I wish.
See previous thread. Tiresome virtue signaling is tiresome.
Wanna have lunch at Brit’s?
Are they open? Or are we just going to bring our own crackers, marshmallows and chocolate and make smores?
So apparently fentanyl may have been what actually killed ol’ George. That would explain why he was saying he couldn’t breath even when half-seated in the back of the squad.
This has been pretty much known here since a couple weeks after the incident when they released the autopsy.
The problem the local leaders have is that realistically they should change the charges to manslaughter at best (and drop them against the rookie cops hwo just stood by), but if they do that the local agitators are going to flip out again.
Thought the full tox report didn’t come in until the end of May (when the DA worked to keep it under wraps). It’s out now because it is a defense exhibit.
Sure. It was just a coincidence that a 200 pound man was pressing on his chest when it happened.
Sorry, but that shit doesn’t fly for us plebeians, and should apply to the kings men (but usually does).
This. The police assumed responsibility for his welfare once they made the arrest.
There was a distinct lack of trauma to Floyd’s neck – which means that Chauvin (asshole that he seems to be) was not pressing down. Likewise with the chest – if the lungs were already edemic, the problem wasn’t that he was being compressed (though that obviously was of no assistance to his condition). He was complaining about not being able to breath when he was upright.
Uffda. I didn’t mean that the drugs meant the cops get to walk scot free.
I do think that it does mean that charging them with Murder is overcharging. I am ok with charging them with Manslaughter because they were indifferent to his suffering and their negligence led to his death.
If this situation had involved a bouncer instead of a cop, would anyone be calling for a Murder charge? (Maybe the family, which I understand).
Overcharging him will just lead to Chauvin being acquitted and shit hitting the fan all over again. And I hate where they charge him with all sorts of Murder and Manslaughter charges so the jury can pick the one they want.
Right, right. And as every EMT knows, kneeling on somebody’s neck for 9 minutes until they stop breathing is the first line of defense against fentanyl overdose. I guess those cops are a bunch of fucking heroes.
Yes, that is exactly what I called them – heros.
Stupid pills kicking in?
Juris you MUST EMBRACE THE NARRATIVE! The world is binary and if you say the knee on the neck did not cause the death you are totally saying that all police are saintly defenders of liberty and perfect in every way! Chauvin must be executed for murder, regardless of whether he actually committed murder, because only in that way can he atone!
We are always last to the party…
The party being the post-season, apparently.
Target, Foot Locker, drug stores, and those bars really had it coming.
How dare they?
Earlier this week, a group of mask-less protesters — many of whom were armed — forced their way past police and stormed the Idaho statehouse. Why? Because they believe that the state government is overstepping its authority in trying to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. Yes, you read that right. Doing too much to contain the pandemic.
Cillizza: Finish this sentence: “The reaction to the Covid protocols tells us ________ about the current state of Idaho politics.” Now, explain.
Davlin: “Everything.”
It exposes infighting in the Idaho Republican Party, as well as long-running tension between the executive and legislative branches. It shows that people who are skeptical of science have an immense amount of power in state and local politics. It highlights inconsistencies in how the legislature and state treat protesters. And, sadly, it demonstrates how misinformation is steering much of the discussion.
Anti-SCIENCE misinformation.
Just for fun, I’d like to hear somebody ask one of these people, “How can it be that you have been so consistently wrong in your pronouncements and predictions?”
If you think the government shouldn’t be empowered to do anything it wants and should have limits, your anti-science.
It’s not that leftist journalists don’t understand this distinction, the understand. They just want to let the government do what it wants and make you look dumb is the easiest way to counter it.
ask one of these people
“We aren’t paid to be right, we are paid to keep your eyes glued to our outlet.”
I don’t like using cases, but it gives a clear graph of the two waves. You can’t see it in that graph, but the first wave and second wave are almost* entirely different states. Duh. The first wave is Northeast states and the second wave is southeast and AZ. You can see a 3rd wave building at the far right, Iowa and ND leading the way (along with Virgin Islands and Guam).
*Thanks, Louisiana!
Its almost like the exact map you would expect if it started in NYC and spread out from there.
A first wave that starts at different times in different places is exactly what is seen here.
That graph is useless since testing protocols and availability have been completely different across the timeline.
Sketchy, but still useful. Deaths gives the same generally look, only lumpier and with weird spikes due to date death is recorded as COVID related instead of actually date of death.
Why are hurricanes named “cute” people names? Why aren’t they named Fucker, Asshat, destroyer, Lucifer, hell balls, dick smasher? .. stuff like that
Also in civilized Europe, due to government healthcare, we don;t really get hurricanes.
To be fair, Dick Cheney’s weather machine isn’t aimed that way!!!!!!!!!!
Due to the Gulf Stream we so graciously send your way – otherwise you’d be hunting mastodons nest to glaciers.
didn’t know mastodons built nests
You learn something new every day.
Not sure I’d want to be caught up in Hurricane Asshat.
Are you sure you aren’t already?
It’s been blowing since early April.
That was the double-secret identifier for Crossfire Hurricane – leaker!
How dare you.
+1 Dildozer
“Hurricane Menopause”
*screams and runs around in circles*
There’s a Ledger story for everything!
Two-tier legal system supported by two-tier big tech.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense fundraiser taken down. I’m sure the Bundy’s don’t even bother trying with Go-Fund-Me. But they still are still raising all kinds of cash for BLM bail.
This was expected.
Rittenhouse has been charged with first degree homicide, a charge which does not seem to align with the factual account of the shooting as revealed by overwhelming exculpatory video evidence.
No shit.
So does this make GoFundMe a publisher? //jk
Just makes them assholes.
/SLD – it’s their right to be assholes
“George Floyd’s family GoFundMe page has racked up the staggering sum of $14.7 million”
Probably the best thing Floyd ever did for his family.
You don’t take fentanyl behind the wheel of an SUV without good intentions.
He had a big heart.
They don’t call it the ghetto lottery for nothing.\
This story is going to disappear fast.
Regardless the laws the kid broke putting himself in that situation, and it seems he broke several, once people are attempting to murder you via Molotov Cocktails all bets are off.
Other than being 17, what laws did he break? (I had several 17-year-old squad mates in Boot Camp who got to handle similar firearms)
I thought crossing state lines with a firearm without it being registered in that state with no notice given to the state you’re crossing over to was a felony in itself.
I could easily be wrong.
I think that it depends on the state. Many states don’t register weapons.
Many states don’t
register weaponsillegally restrict a fundamental human right defined in the Constitution.Yep, you’re wrong.
Only a few states have firearms registries. Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois do not. There’s no national registry, either.
Unless it was an SBR.
Dammit! I put the “pedant” tags on that comment, but they don’t seem to have come through.
Huh. I knew there wasn’t a national registry but I have a dim recollection of reading stories about people being charged with illegally moving firearms across state lines despite their perceived intent not being connected to guns smuggling by the states involved. Then again, I just wake and backed and could have easily pulled that recollection out of my ass…I often treat my time at Glibs similar to a bar conversation. Meaning, I’m just shooting the shit half the time without first referencing sources to my thoughts(shocking, right?).
Every one of those stories I have seen involved New York and New Jersey, otherwise known as the lands where the Bill of Rights may not enter.
Eh, we’ll allow it.
I’m pretty sure it was a 16” gun, though.
Fifth –
Those stories might involve *selling* guns across state lines, which indeed is broadly illegal without a Federal permission slip.
It’s illegal in MN for a 17 year old to carry an “assault style weapon” except when certain criteria are met.
Shit, and now I realize that I’ve been reading MN laws all morning, not WI laws…
So you’re admitting it a weapon of war? Thus exactly the same as M4 or M16. Please be cautious in how you defend against the stupid, don’t enable it.
I wouldn’t trust the Molotov cocktail report yet. That could easily be manipulated video.
48 hour rule definitely applies.
Fair enough.
Doxing like this is often inaccurate.
Twitter in a nutshell for me:
*reads something*
*guardedly agrees*
*rolls eyes, hates everyone*
*rolls eyes, hates everyone*
Just skip straight to that step, you’re always going to end up there anyways.
“Big cross” is Jewish? Huh.
I keep harping on the two-tier justice system because that goes to the very heart of what being American is supposed to mean – equality before the law. And probably why people like Soros have spent fortunes getting radical DAs elected to destroy that tradition. Just like the old Jim Crow system, it is meant to degrade, humiliate, and intimidate.
This tweet sums up the Jim Snow system.
when you’re thinking about Kyle Rittenhouse’s first degree murder charge remember this black kid got probation and anger management for a blatant murder of a 59 year old man
Oh, for fuck’s sake. I never thought I’d be one to say this, but just start shooting looters, already.
Once again (like Kenosha) most of the world hears about the
police incidentexcuse simultaneously with the new riot. That’s how well organized our professional rioters are now.Remember when Rodney King got beat up and new replayed it non-stop? The riot didn’t occur until a year later when the cops weren’t convicted in the first trial.
I think this is what everyone is thinking in their heads.
I’ve always said that. Of course, when they are on your property they should be fair game, but I’m considering expanding that to streets, etc.
If your car is in the public ROW it is still your property and you can defend it.
We aint too far from that.
The hurricane tore the asshole out of Lake Charles.
Bitch definitely holding a fair amount of strength and organization as it comes inland as well.
baseball players Peanuts Lowery, Joe Cunningham, Ernie Broglio, Ed Herrmann, Brian McRae, and Jim Thome.
That, my friends, is some fine trolling. And he still missed WAR #2 Buddy Bell, son of Gus and father of Mike and David.
You know how Brochetta always gets a swollen dick about “First”? Well I’m here to tell you that when it comes to commenting on the overnite links Festus is always LAST! Suck it, Brosuckatard!
Apparently he’s not a morning person, so my hollow victory is emptier than the Boötes Void.
Mornin’ Uncle F.
So in case you’re keeping track, being very frustrated by the continual and unpunished killing of Black people by police that you decide to burn and loot —bad. If you’re so frustrated by some protesters burn and loot that you decide to kill some of them—totally understandable.
Right… those two things are the same
Let’s see if I can do this right:
YoUr nOT deFENdiNg YouRSelF rIgHt!!!
Saw a YouTuber say this but about protesting. Yeah. I’d say arson and looting are not protesting right.
See, was that so hard? She managed to figure it out in the first shot – maybe she’s not as grotesquely stupid as everyone says she is!
How about “political violence always ends in tears”?
Um, yes? Pretty much exactly this?
If you go out and burn and loot, you are an asshole and you deserve to be put down like a rabid dog. I don’t care about your cause in the slightest – I would think the same about pro-gun, pro-drug, pro-porn, anti-tax rioters.
Look on the bright side: at least all of you are helping me pay for it.
Cities nationwide need to loosen up the zoning laws to allow flophouses again, it’d be a godsend for everyone including the homeless.
I don’t think zoning is the specific problem there, I think that kind of housing has been outright banned.
Yeah, it’s more having to get the homeless off the street during COVID but this wouldn’t be needed if they had a place to go. It seems like they could put them up in much cheaper places though.
Yeah, and flophouses had their own problems. No easy answer here. “Stop making it worse” would be a nice start in general.
Exactly. Cities banned the SRO’s because teh drugz but it just put the people on the street without making any difference in drug use.
No sports? Just another White Sox victory 10-3 over the Yinzers.
Or a 7-1 victory of the Lightning over the Bruins…
Barbara Bach was pretty fine but I always preferred the young Shelly Long from the masterpiece named “Caveman”.
You must be joking.
Just so we’re clear here: you have the hots for KellyAnne Conway and you think Shelly Long was hotter than Barbara Bach in Caveman.
The fuck us wrong with you, man?
Atuke alunda Alanda, Alanda alunda Atuke?
I saw that one in the theater…Ringo’s best work.
I find it amusing that Ringo and Joe Walsh are brothers-in-law (sorta), as they married sisters.
You know, you’re on your own with this right? I’m under no obligation to side with any other Canadians on this site.
Toddler’s mask refusal gets mom, 6 kids kicked off JetBlue flight
Trying to get a toddler to cooperate with this would be like trying to make my cat wear a mask.
I’m torn on this one. On the one hand, fuck masks and anyone who makes me wear one. On the other hand, toddlers should not be allowed on passenger aircraft.
I don’t mind if they want to ride on the wing.
At least in California kids under 2 don’t need to wear a mask. It seems that some discretion could have been used in this case.
Those are the same stores that sell a lot of Made in China too.
“Police almost immediately shared surveillance video of the suicide, but it did little to calm crowds who broke windows at retail stores, restaurants, bars and coffee shops.”
So they are just looking for an excuse to steal shit.
They’re mostly paying for the items they’re taking.
A mostly peaceful property transfer.
Speaking of anti-SCIENCE misinformation
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday the state won’t follow new federal guidance on coronavirus testing and urged others to do the same after CDC quietly revised its recommendations to downplay the importance of testing people without symptoms for Covid-19.
“Shame on the people at the CDC,” Cuomo said, calling the change “indefensible.”
Defund the CDC!
California will not abide by new guidelines from the CDC that do not recommend Covid-19 testing for those without symptoms, the governor says
Guess he is admitting he only believes in the science that backs his agenda, huh?
Ever notice how they only follow their own science?
This thing is officially out of control now. Imagine if the CDC said enough with the masks – which they ABSOLUTELY should – how they’d react?
The WHO can come out and say ‘the pandemic is over’ and NY and CA will scream ‘anti-science!’
Which puts the media in a bind I would think. They’re fond of saying Trump doesn’t follow the science or just plain ‘follow the science’. Up until now that usually meant, I’m assuming (because who the frick knows who this cult gets their cue from?), Dr. Fauci God esq. and the CDC.
Now what? Do they follow known medicine man Cuomo? Do they pick and choose what science they like and just spin away?
Oh what a tangled web we weave.
“Which puts the media in a bind I would think”
The last 8 months can be divided up into press narratives that were completely contradictory- “Look at these prepper nuts!” “Oh shit take this serious!” “Stop hoarding masks!” “Wear your mask!” “Peaceful protests” “Wait, violence because of the Right!”
They have no shame. They will tell you two completely opposite things over two days and give you that wink and a smile as they say it- because they know. They know that they are behind the camera broadcasting to millions and you cannot do a thing about it. They aren’t in a bind. They are exactly where they want to be.
Most libs have been conditioned to accept 180 degree changes at the drop of a hat without even wondering if they were being played. Whatever you get told is the truth of the day, is the truth. Don’t think about it: accept it and believe it, or else face excommunication.
That’s their audience. Not thinkers.
Has anyone been able to get in touch with the league’s fan?
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· 13h
JUST IN: The WNBA has postponed all three of its games scheduled for tonight.
I heard that kid from the Kenosha shooting is from Illinois, so now I’m fine with whatever jail time they give him.
The Kid wen’t looking for trouble, and found it. Still the parts of the shoot i saw looked like self defense. I’m not going to say he should jut be abandoned to the machine that is letting arsonists off the hook.
The only way I can see him getting clear of this if the building he and his friends were guarding early in the night was a relative or close friend’s.
If he just went to Kenosha and guarded some random strangers building, I think it will be really really hard to get the jury to let him off. He’s gonna look like a crazed wannabe soldier who seized a chance to jump state lines and kill people.
On the other hand, he was clearly being attacked by some very unsavory characters.
something, something, stupid games, something
Oh hes 100% in the clear from a straight up self defense perspective. He was literally running away from all 3 people he shot, all 3 people were armed and committing violent acts against him.
I’m saying that the Kenosha DA can paint him to the jury as an unhinged rightwing militia lunatic who wanted to murder people and possibly get a conviction, and a big thing that will help the scum in doing that is to say “This wasn’t his house, or his store, or any of his family members. He came down to Kenosha armed with an ASSAULT WEAPON looking for trouble.”
Maybe. It all depends on the jury. I can easily see a jury believing that, while he should have stayed home instead of putting himself in a volatile, dangerous situation, he (a minor) was set upon by grown men, all of whom are ex-cons, and while he might be guilty of a lesser offense, they’re not going to convict him of murder one and send him to prison for life.
Correction: all of whom were ex-cons….hahahaha….no tears here for rioting commie scumbags.
Any info on the ex-con claim?
“The suspected teen shooter who killed two Kenosha protesters and injured a third Tuesday night was photographed cleaning graffiti in the city just hours before the violence.”
“It was a traumatizing flight experience that left a mom’s family of seven stranded and forced all the passengers to deplane.”
Deplane! Deplane!
/narrows gaze.
I have some montebalm that should help alleviate the discomfort from your chapped ass.
Did their mom get a tattoo to commemorate the occasion?
I believe they ended up going to some village, chaise, maybe?
Romanian press reports Romania passed the “psychological threshold” of 1500 cases in one day. Off course the translation may not be accurate to the Romanian prag psihologic a massively overused phrase in Romania which is mostly meaningless, but I don’t see why the fuck 1500 would be such a threshold.
It just is! Shut up! #science
Sounds like a grim milestone, which is the preferred phrase here.
The notion of “biological sex” was developed for the exclusive purpose of being weaponized against people. Courts are recognizing it. Now you should too.
Form the comments
There is no principled way to define “biological sex” so as to include all cis women and exclude all trans women. Perhaps it’s a useful heuristic for worms. But we are higher beings.
XX – women
XY – men
other combos – other
Okay, I know you all all know this, but I dont twat so I have to rant here.
I am more of a fan of gametes than chromosome but they mostly overlap
Stop the planet, I want off.
Whoever wrote that reply don’t know much bout nuffin.
There is no principled way to define “biological sex”
There is a biological way to define biological sex.
The new guidance, published Monday, says people without symptoms who were in close contact with an infected person for at least 15 minutes “do not necessarily need a test.” The guidance still recommends testing for vulnerable people if they’ve come within 6 feet of someone with a confirmed infection for at least 15 minutes.
“We’re not going to follow the CDC guidance. I consider it political propaganda. I would caution private companies against following the CDC guidance. I think it is wholly indefensible on its face. I think it is inherently self-contradictory. It is the exact opposite of what the CDC has been saying,” Cuomo said on a conference call with reporters. “So either the CDC is schizophrenic or they are admitting error in their first position or this is just political dictations.”
Later Wednesday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom joined Cuomo in rejecting the CDC’s new guidance. “This will not be the policy of the state of CA,” Newsom said over Twitter.
Politicians want to get the politics out of public health. Sounds legit.
I posted a picture of Capt. Renault in response to one FB friend’s post on this – with the caption “I am shocked to find politics going on in government”.
Them’s some meaty lynx and I must agree with your better half, that song is an abomination. We want Banjo’s songs. Attcica! Atticca! Atticca!
There is only One True meaty Lynx, and they ain’t playing.
You know what is even stupider than thinking people care about NBA athletes think? Thinking they care about what WNBA athletes think.
Let me show you the way.
Those poor (local) peaceful protesters in Kenosha! Proof that outside militias are being recruited to come in and suppress the peaceful protesters 1A rights!
The narrative needs to be set that self-defense is NOT allowed. If the shooter in Kenosha isn’t sent to prison for a long time, the party will be over for the peaceful protesters. They need to get the 2 Minutes of Hate machine fired up here.
So the mainstream media’s take is that it just fine and dandy for out of towners to caravan to a city to wreak havoc and the residents are expected to tuck their balls and kowtow to the bullies? Not happening.
Only bigots don’t want their businesses to get burned down.
“ The narrative needs to be set that self-defense is NOT allowed”
So much this….
They want people left with only the option of accepting whatever fucked up shit they allow. It is plain and simple extortion by the credentialed marxist political class.
Terrorism, attempted murder, and arson.
#Antifa militants in Seattle used quick-drying cement to barricade a police precinct door while simultaneously setting the building on fire. One man from Alaska has been arrested & is now in federal custody pending federal charges.
Andy Ngo has been invaluable through all of this. I assume he doesn’t go out on the scene anymore since he was assaulted?
Face masks can come in handy. There have been some instances of random Asian guys getting beaten by Antifa on the off chance they are Ngo.
The irony, it burns.
I can’t imagine being that angry about politics. I mean, I used to get angry enough to punch holes in drywall but then I stopped being 15 years old.
Yeah, now when you’re upset, you find a KellyAnne Conway or Shelly Long slideshow to jack off to.
I don’t know which is worse: rioting or your sexual attractions.
Now you know “My Struggle”.
“Hold my beer, Portland.”
Regarding Mr. Rittmeyer’s age and implications (since it looks like there were some comments about it last night but I didn’t participate), in the spirit of JATNAS:
– So evidently there’s a law against carrying arms around if you’re younger than 18. Some folks are imagining that obviously he knew that so that by itself was a deliberate criminal act. Baloney. When I was 18 I’d been carrying long arms around unaccompanied for ~7 years (hunting of course), and had not the slightest suspicion that it would be illegal. Yeah, I was in the country, not Kenosha. But this apparent law is fantastically non-obvious to me.
– No idea at all what his thoughts and plans were, since I’m not good at divination like the media. But on the off chance he showed up as one of the “good guys”, then to me he could be considered part of the unorganized militia. Also no idea whether there’s any statutory magic number assigned to this, but I’ve told my kids that it’s 15.
They’re just fishing for an excuse to condemn the guy. Ask them if they’d be OK with what he did if he was 18.
I would have guessed 18, but 17 it is!
(a)The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b)The classes of the militia are—
(1)the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2)the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
I think it goes “Ignorance of the Law is no excuse” with a sub-head that reads FYTW. Panicky kid should have stayed home instead of playing real-life Call of Duty.
He shouldn’t have been there but he was quite the opposite of panicky.
That was some John Wick stuff – fighting off 3 guys from the ground.
And he was pretty accurate too. Three targets engaged, three targets hit.
I think he fired a few times at the first goblin, and twice at the second. 3 casualties on ~10 rounds expended maybe? Not bad. Maybe the Army can use him for marksmanship training.
And they were coming in from all angles. He was amazingly cool headed and effective. I’m pretty sure that’s why they stopped coming at him – the first hyenas who saw him on the ground, smelled blood, and came in for a bite were sent on their way in short order. After that nobody seemed to want to play anymore.
And smart – the “paramedic” was trying to pull a false surrender then kill him.
Yep. He didn’t start spraying the crowd when things went sideways – he tried to exit the area and only shot again when he was attacked.
I’m not even convinced he shouldn’t have been there. Like I said – not into divination.
The “powers that be” in various localities have sent a convincing message over several weeks that they’re not only going to let violent riots take place, but are even wink-and-a-nudge encouraging them. So if your great-grandma lives alone in a little old house 2 blocks off the commercial strip where the riots are, and can’t leave, what are you going to do? Show up and be ready for anything, because the city has de facto announced that she’s fair game. And so maybe you’re the young and athletic one, so you head out to just your side of the event horizon to watch, so you know whether trouble’s coming your way and you can either call back or pull back to the house where the rest of the family is. And it moves too fast for you, so now you’re caught behind the enemy advance and defending yourself.
I made that up. But there are ways to end up in a bad situation that can get out of your control. That’s what rifles are for.
I’m not even convinced he shouldn’t have been there.
I agree Pine_Tree. If he went there to defend his community from rioters, then that was good on him for taking a stand against evil. My quibble is that he shouldn’t have been alone but rather joined up with a group of similar minded citizens.
He was, earlier in the night. There’s video of him and some other dudes geared up. Why he was by himself later on, I don’t know.
Well, in my hypothetical, the person is a scout who got cut off by events that moved too quickly and had to fight his way out.
I’d really like to see someone square “ignorance of the law is no excuse” with “mens rea.”
Not a lawyer, but I would start by arguing that even if you don’t know that the particular act is against the law, you intended to do it. Even more so if you try to cover up the act.
On the other hand, it really chaps my ass when courts determine that cops don’t have the requirement to know the law.
Look sir, i don’t make the laws. hell I don’t even know them. I just Enforce it. Selectively and at my discretion.
The only two that could even possibly apply are (1) and (7). Premeditation is gonna be really tough to prove out, especially with the videos of him being chased and assaulted. That leaves (7)… murder while committing a felony crime to further terrorism.
The felony in question?
Kid’s fucked.
I don’t know what Minnesota’s stance on justifiable killing is in relation to ineligible firearm possession, but the kid’s one chance is relying on this statute:
Also that the qualifier (7) charge would be a great big honkin’ selective prosecution. Buncha armed rioters? The DA’s fine with that. Kid defending himself? Not fine, huh? Selective as all get-out.
As I mentioned above, these are all Minnesota statutes, not Wisconsin. Oops. They all look alike anyway…
If you’re white and not ashamed, you’re a racist
How are you not gonna be ashamed that everything you’ve gotten in America was easier?
Am I curious how exactly this alleged white supremacy made things easier for all white people…
Curiosity is not needed – you will accept the articles of faith or be canceled as a heretic.
Yeah I just received a notification that I have yet to take a mandatory diversity training class at work, and I am sure when I take it I will be in bigger trouble.
Yeah I just received a notification that I have yet to take a mandatory diversity training class at work, and I am sure when I take it i
Looks like you’re in…
[dons sunglasses]
double trouble.
All white people should be ashamed of what it means to be white in America. I see nothing wrong with that comment. And if you read the replies, the people who aren’t, clearly are racist. I don’t know how you can see the situation, fight for justice, and not be ashamed.
“You should be ashamed of your immutable melanin content.”
“YOU are a racist if you are not ashamed of your immutable melanin content.”
I don’t think I’m gonna waste a lot of time being ashamed that my ivory-American parents boinked and popped me out.
For a bunch of supposed athiests, the progs are sure big on the sins of the father…
Uffda. After reading this story I would say that President has again gotten off too lightly and justice was not done.
His picture looks about how you would expect President Pimpin to look. But seriously, a guy with priors rapes a woman and he gets 2 years and 9 months? Did he get leniency when his lawyer showed videos of him peacefully protesting the shit out of Minneapolis?
See this is much more rape culture than drunken college sex. Was there clear evidence of rape? because it does not make sens.
Um, yeah.
Unless you are going to go full pedant and say that since she was unconscious, how does she know it was him who raped her?
Rape kit? Biological evidence? Video?
If it is just her word it is off course not enough evidence, unconscious or not
If you had clicked through on the embedded link, they had a DNA match.
it wanted me to turn off my add blocker
The rapist and whoever gave him that name should be thrown in a prison camp.
Talcum-X is asshole.
To the Kenosha Police Department,
If you do not name the officer who brutally shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, we will simply begin naming officers from your department who may or may not be him.
Fuck it.
Your protection of his identity is unethical.
What’s his name?
Ethics might not be your strong point.
He’s giving white people a bad name.
Tucker Carlson is like Metallica: You either have to think he fucking rules or that he is pure evil. You can’t just be like, “Tucker is all right. Sometimes he’s good. Sometimes he’s pretty lousy.”
I disagree. I neither love nor hate Metallica, I think they are good though. Tucker I mostly dislike bu8t he makes the occasional good point.
I love the Kill Em All through And Justice For All Metallica and mostly hate the Metallica that followed.
He calls out hypocrisy pretty well but he has his blinders on when it comes to the WOD and a lot of other things that the Government has no business meddling with. I give him a B-
I thought that line was usually drawn with Rush.
Never play Rush on a date.
Rush has a huge male/female split, not so much love/hate.
That’s probably a better comparison. I think (?) most people like the Black album by Metallica, except a fraction of “real” fans who see it as a deviation from the first four albums.
Metallica takes a lot of crap for not releasing Master of Puppets every God damn year, but what band was able to nail every album?
Eh….the Black Album is OK on its own, but a lot of Metallica fans dislike it because it marked the beginning of their decline from their ’80s peak. I’m not a huge fan because, in general, I much prefer fast metal and they slowed down dramatically with that album.
And some “real” fans say it was all down hill after they booted Mustaine.
The Four Horsemen > Mechanix.
Tucker is all right. Sometimes he’s good. Sometimes he’s pretty lousy.
Tucker is alt right you mean… easy typo to make
I swear to God, I called this. Back when all this crazy lockdown started I told my wife this has never been done before and that the unintended consequences were going to be entirely foreseeable. That this would go down as the greatest fuck up in modern history rooted in panic and not science. I have my own notes (I’ve been chronicling the hysteria in real time) and my family as my witness (sister, BIL). I also predicted they would cop to it and the main excuse would be ‘but we didn’t know!’ I think most of us here probably ascertained as much. I have a friend who just swallowed all this crap up including the masks and I envision him saying as much as if this is acceptable. When I tried to explain to him the day we locked down the potential fall out I barely formulated my argument before he went full ‘this is about granny and the economy is just money! on me. I mean he went straight for my moral and humanity and twisted the knife deep. I still resent it. I was shocked and dismayed at his superficial, one-dimensional, submission to authorities. Not a single shred of independent thought. Then, I did the mistake some time down the road of praising Sweden. Wanna see an NPC-Corona pornster lose it? Mention Sweden. ‘i have no time for this shit. You can’t compare!’ And then proceeded to compare all nations to bash Sweden. Apparently, if the world did it they were right and Sweden was wrong. It could not enter his head that maybe just maybe most countries were wrong and were over reacting. I think this became crystal clear in May. Then the mask Nazis took over.
Get a load of this:
Glad you realized it fuckhead. They should NOT be left off the hook. They will but public health officials who keep this charade going RIGHT NOW should be FIRED. NOW.
“Then the mask Nazis took over.”
The mask Nazis aren’t the problem; real Nazis are the problem. Every Nacht is now Kristallnacht.
Unrelated Rufus, but have you seen this:
No. I’ve stopped following sports.
/raises fist.
The WSJ ran an editorial warning that the Dems will give statehood two Puerto Rico and DC (along with the Senate Seats) along with packing the Supreme Court if they win. They’ll also rig the elections through ballot harvesting and mandatory mail in voting to never lose another election (especially when combined with adding new Democrat voting states and rubber stamp SC). I remember last year the same editorial page was laughing about this possibility and dismissing as absurd conspiracy theories.
If the Dems do take a clean sweep and do this, what happens next? I do not think any of the options look good, except a peaceful dissolution which also seems the most unlikely.
The More Important Election
*to not two. Need an edit button and more coffee
It would take a consitutional amendment to make DC a state
Does it matter if a packed Supreme Court okays it anyway?
Or a pliable Supreme Court…
DC statehood makes no sense to me. I may be wrong, furriner here, but I thought the point was that the capital is not in any state. Otherwise return Washington area to whatever state it was before, because I assume it was included in one colony or the other
Yes, that was the point – that if the capital is not in one of the states, then it won’t be partial to any one of them.
What they should do instead is retrocession – return much of the territory to Maryland, as it originally was, and have a tiny DC.
That would be the legitimate and constitutional solution but that interferes with Democrats lust for power.
^^This^^. Draw the line to maximize government buildings in the new tiny DC with only one residential building: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
I’ve said it before. DC needs a Lateran Treaty.
If not this election, then the next. The Free Peoples of america need a better strategy than “Win every election for the rest of time”. States really need to have plans drawn up for leaving.
They can’t “give” statehood to PR and they definitely can’t give it to DC. But this (and the court-packing and other stuff) shows where their minds are. They want power and control by any means necessary.
I do not think any of the options look good, except a peaceful dissolution which also seems the most unlikely.
Constitutionally a state can secede for any or no reason. But we saw what happened the last time that was tried. It will be a poetic irony when the Democrat* party is using force of arms to prevent Republican states from leaving the union.
*Granted these commie Democrats are not the same as the Democrats of 1861, although they seem to still support slavery, just in a different form (i.e. everyone enslaved to the gov’t).
That’s the thing. Despite the fact that they could push through their commie agenda if they let the states that want out out, the left will not allow that to happen peacebly because the desire to dominate is so prevalent in modern America.
“Giving” statehood is pretty much how it works. It only takes an Act of Congress and the President’s signature. It is typically implemented as referendum followed by constitutional convention followed by admission but there’s no rule saying it has to go that way.
This country has seen and survived bigger and more effective political machines than the modern Democratic Party. I’m more worried that lots of people think fucking over their neighbors in the name of politics is okay than I am that any of the major parties is about to take over forever.
^^^ THIS, and thank you for saying it.
So let’s all vote for Jo Jorgensen and teach those other parties a lesson they won’t soon forget.
Well, we could worry less about the President and more about Congress.
I’m not really clear on the difference between the Libertarian Party and the Democrats anymore.
There remain genuine policy differences but they spend so much time engaged in culture war bullshit that those get drowned out, except when useful to play gotcha games. All of which probably means that enacting those policies wouldn’t matter much if they did ever win any elections.
Yeah, well Germany was never fascist until it was. Just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it can’t happen under the right circumstances.
With the Dems in control, no peaceful dissolution/secession is possible. Period. Full stop. Never happen.
Here’s the Dem game plan for ruling a permanent one-party state, I believe:
Normalize mail-in balloting, with its opportunities for voter fraud, to win elections.
Use their control of the federal government to pack the Supreme Court, rendering Constitutional issues academic and thus irrelevant.
Legalize and extend voting rights to non-citizens, to further cement electoral control.
Make DC and Puerto Rico states, to further cement control of the Senate.
Pass federal laws on “ballot access” and “voting rights” to require the remaining non-Dem states to wreck their ballot security to ensure reliable apparatchiks control elections at every level.
Pass “hate crimes” laws and gun confiscation laws to prosecute opposition to/opponents of the above.
This has all been pretty clearly telegraphed and even beta tested, in part. And it will be done with the eager collaboration of the administrative state and selected judges. Pelosi’s recent statement that Republicans are per se enemies of the state was just a trifle premature:
I think its very likely that when (not if, when) the Dems get control of the federal government again, this will be their program.
And it will last about as long as it takes for one of them to stab another in the back, which is to say about 5 minutes.
The intra-Party disputes will not threaten the Party’s control.
They rarely do in other one-party states. Why would it be different here?
Apart from that brief period of time when the Democratic-Republican Party was the only party, and it ran 4 candidates in one election, the U.S. has not ever been a one-party state. Even when the Democrats dominated the national legislature for 40 years, the Republicans won plenty of Presidencies and governorships.
They want a one-party state but they’re not going to get it.
Yeah, well Germany was never fascist until it was. Just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it can’t happen under the right circumstances.
Abby Johnson’s comments about her adopted Black son are problematic. Here’s why.
The inability of white parents to racially socialize Black children was outlined in the National Association of Black Social Workers’ (NABSW)
1972 position statement on transracial adoptions. The importance of Black children’s socialization and racial identity continues to be relevant today.
“The socialization process for every child begins at birth and includes his cultural heritage as an important segment of the process. In our society, the developmental needs of Black children are significantly different from those of white children. Black children are taught, from an early age, highly sophisticated coping techniques to deal with racist practices perpetuated by individuals and institutions. These coping techniques become successfully integrated into ego functions and can be incorporated only through the process of developing positive identification with significant Black others. Only a Black family can transmit the emotional and sensitive subtleties of perception and reaction essential for a Black child’s survival in a racist society.”
The proper response to this spew would be “get stuffed.”
Our adopted daughter’s “racial” background is mixed, Arabic and French-Canadian. What should we have done raising her, taught her to hate Jews but love poutine?
If you accept the importance of black racial identity and cultural heritage, then you have to accept the importance of white racial identity and cultural heritage. Seems to me that only reinforces the status quo as they have defined it.
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.
Oh my has Brookings fallen or what?
If you were to find the nexus of evil that turned the civil rights movement from a positive to a negative force in American society, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better starting place than that organization.
I rather thought the RNC’s messaging was right on cue. I liked the speeches. Sure, cliched in some parts but overall? Far more sane than they insanity in the DNC.
No one seems to be a tad concerned that a 45 years swamp creature is suddenly babbling socialist nonsense?
David Brooks, naturally, had to chime in with his useless fake-conservative, pseudo-intellectual blathering specifically tailored for the NYT audience, saying that Tucker Carlson is part of the ‘crazy train’.
No, Dave. You’re the conductor of that train. All aboard!
/bites head of bat.
You got that wrong. First you let doves out of the cages and then exit stage left so you can get your bat-fix. God. I feel like the Hair lecturing Donald.
What you think of Erin O’Toole boy?
I think the name says it all.
David Brooks, Warmongerer.
He’s a really edgey conservative, for the NYT.
Well, one bright side to this dark cloud that descended on our Civilization – Punk Rock will make a comeback! I was never a great fan but I always admired their energy. And the stinky girls. That’s for my Grandsons to figure out. With that, I’m away! Good Night my fellow Glibs, wherever you are…
“Minneapolis is going insane again because of…a murder suspect killing himself. ”
My family has lived in this city since the 1930s. Someone in my family has worked downtown since the 1930s. Me more than 40. Glad I retired six weeks go.
So some guy gets into an altercation with two other people in a downtown parking ramp. That’s just stupid on its face, but that’s another discussion. So the guy shoots the people with whom he’s altercating. Kills one of them. Then when the cops close in on him, he kills himself. So people loot Target, smash blocks and blocks of windows and burn down Britt’s Pub.
It’s been well known around here since the days of TOS that I am no fan of the cops, but for people to assert the problem is with the police is willfully dishonest.
Glad I retired six weeks go. – planning to get out of town?
I don’t know. Thanks for asking. I retired 18 months sooner than I had planned. I worked on the Nicollet Mall for two decades — last went into the office on March 22. I have no interest in going back downtown ever again. And I say this as someone who spent years working with the Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce as well as the Minneapolis Downtown Council. As a younger man, I figured I’d retire down in Louisiana. Great state. Doesn’t get below zero very often and the seafood’s great. So yes, I’m thinking about getting out.
You’re in luck. They’re about to have a lot of unimproved land available in coonass country.
Congrats on the retirement!
“‘They keep killing us,” said Marques Gales, explaining why he came. “Every day of my life I wake up and I’ve got to fear for my life.” Tre Brown, Jay Jamison and a pair of other friends came downtown. They were still unclear on what had happened when they arrived, but later said they weren’t convinced that the man killed himself”…Uhhh, ok, so you don’t know exactly what happened, and instead of waiting to hear the facts, you go downtown to start shit. Wonderful. Too many people have lost their damn minds.
Minneapolis is gone. Portland and Seattle as well. They won’t be back for 30 years at least.
Same for San Francisco. But that was coming due to the Corona and a decade of retarded policies rather than rioting.
NYC may not be hit as hard as those cities, but its going to be hit pretty damn hard. It will be interesting to see how many of the finance firms that formerly “couldn’t leave the world capitol of finance” discover that they actually can.
A sport I would totally watch if it was on TV. And why don’t we have a team? I was in a tank battalion in the National Guard, I could scrape together a team if Uncle Sam loaned us an M-1.
I have a friend whose son is turning 2 soon. She’s worried that he won’t wear a mask. (The age for masks is 2 and up here). My advice to her was to just tell people he’s not 2 yet. It’s not like they’re checking birth certificates. Yet.
Birth certificates? Scan the barcode, bro.
Fucking insanity. The mask zealots are fundamentally anti-human.
Interesting about the molds. So the modern plastic figs are actually, like, good? My last new pieces were purchased around the turn of the century, still pewter.
The detail is extraordinary.
Some pieces were obviously designed on a computer because of the mental twists it takes to figure out how they’re supposed to go together, and others end up with details on the inside of enclosed compartments as a result. Some of the detail elements are pushing the limits of the strength of the plastic in how fine they can be made, but yeah, the plastic minis are really high quality these days, and aside from those detail pieces I mentioned, tend not to break.
My BIL showed me a tabletop figure 3D printed by his company. The detail was amazing! They don’t do the whole extrusion thing, so they can get much finer detail than consumer grade printers.
/not 100% sure I’m talking about the same topic, but I think I am
Sort of, PFW and I were discussing Games Workshop’s output, they do mass runs of injection-molded minis. I don’t know the exact process used to make the molds, but they’ve gotten to the point where the detail is insane, even compared to just ten years ago. They probably don’t 3d print because of the number of units they have to move, unless it’s an element of the initial mold-making process to get the model from the computer to meatspace.
They might be 3d printing the master to make the molds from?
Back in the day somebody was handsculplting it, resulting in details you’d then go to paint and be like “wait, I thought this was part of that scroll over here…yeah, it was, now it’s part of this grenade over here…..”
I’d imagine 3d modeling helps eliminate those sorts of problems.
Oh, duh, or just 3d printing the mold itself?
I haven’t gotten into 3d printing at all despite the precipitous price drop. Still too much for what I’d play with it for.
I think printing the master makes more sense if you’re making molds for injection molding.
For sure. We use 3D printing for tweaking designs, but our molds are machined.
Yeah, Trashy was talking direct-printing models, I was spitballing how 3d-printing might still be part of the mold process.
I need to work on my clarity. Between seeing red, overcaffeination, etc my thoughts don’t make it to the page as cleanly as I’d like.
The more universities in a country, the faster its economic growth
or vice-versa
England has 2 Universities right? They need to pump those numbers up.
The Oxbridge corridor is the only important one in the UK. It is known.
Good fucking grief…this is on a soccer blog I follow:
Question: What does Aurier being black Have to do with him being boneheaded?
Answer: The “boneheaded” label has connotations that point towards undeveloped, thick-skulled mongrelism that, in conjunction with a black footballer, can become suuuuuuuuuper problematic. It’s a pretty “fan-nish” word that gets thrown around a lot, and honestly I used it without a whole lot of critical thought. I shouldn’t have.
It doesn’t change the fact that Aurier makes a lot of mistakes (which is not in dispute), but I should’ve been more judicious with my word choices.
Why don’t you just come out and say that any criticizim of someone who is black is racist?
Ah, not just criticism, but if you praise him for his athleticism, you are engaging in subtle racism as well.
You’re very existence is a sin.
Goddamn it. I have the day off and I decided to wake and bake.
Heap what abuse upon me as you deem fitting. I deserve it.
If everything is racist then nothing is.
LOL, it’s not going to protect you. Bonehead.
That’s a parody, right?
It is not
If you’ve not read it, Ira Levin’s This Perfect Day is worth your time.
How many of you are getting “500 Internal Server Error” messages just trying to load glibs most attempts?
No 500s yet but it’s definitely slow.
If I were only dealing with slowness from the site, I’d be fine. It’s the HTTP error messages that cause me consternation.
I got it once.
Ironically, that comment posted really quickly.
WordPress is being all WordPressy. I expect the grey lettering before the week concludes. Thank the heavens for *SP deciding to humor the Old Man and clean these things up.
*note to self: throw them some more fetti soon.
I’m not, but it’s taking quite a while to post new comments or to refresh the page.
I see the talking points have been distributed.
NPR is referring to the shooter as a “17 year old man” and alternatively “17 year old white man.”
They are hyping the shit out of his race, leaving unsaid that the three guys he shot were also white.
I found it a refreshing contrast with the “26 year old children” who need to stay on their parent’s health insurance.
Oh, and they reported “We know three things about him: He wants Trump to be re-elected, he lives guns, and he was a big Blue Lives Matter supporter.”
I know none of those things about him. Has the guy that he ammoned (Moj knows) been arrested for attempted murder? I would be inclined to believe this wasn’t political if you know, the guy who was about to kill him was also arrested and charged.
The leftists, like the lying scum they are, are saying he shot “civil rights protesters” clearly implying he shot black people. In fact, all involved are pasty white boys. Because only white leftists are stupid enough to charge at a guy with an AR15 who’s already shot one guy right through the fucking head.
Hmm, if the dumb lefties get killed off, then Darwin says the smarter ones will reproduce.
Kill them all, let Marx sort them out.
Whereas 19 year old criminals are called teenagers when the narrative requires it. Technically correct, but ignores the fact that they are adults.
Looking through today’s most excellent links makes me ponder about the increasingly tiny corner of reality which the Babylon Bee is getting painted into.
I posted on FB (as part of my series “Not the Bee”) the story about President Pimpin Austin.
Because that’s the word the players used dum-dum.
She doesn’t want to be reminded that America is going to boycott sports now.
A child molester, a domestic abuser, and a commie all walk into a riot.
Here is an interesting video from earlier in the night without Rittenhouse. The commies who got shot were trying to get other guys with guns to shoot them. They eventually got their wishes.
I guess his n-word pass was revoked.
I’d say they all got a little carried away.
I’m tapping out. This has the potential to turn into one of the most egregious miscarriages of justice you’ll ever see.
Aaaaand- here it comes
One of the Kenosha protesters killed by a gun-toting vigilante was identified Wednesday as a talented skateboarder who died while trying to disarm the gunman.
Anthony Huber, 26, of Silver Lake, Wis., has been identified as one of two people allegedly killed by teen militia member Kyle Rittenhouse during violent protests in Kenosha Tuesday night, a local CBS affiliate reported.
“He is a peaceful person,” Huber’s friend told the station. “He didn’t go out looking to beat people up. He’s more of a defender. And he put his life on the line for others. That’s what he did.”
Huber’s partner, Hannah Gittings, told the outlet Huber was a skilled skater who was performing at a semi-professional level in his late teens. Gittings said a memorial skate ride is being organized at a Kenosha skate park to honor his memory.
Rittenhouse, 17, has been charged with first-degree intentional homicide and is awaiting extradition from Illinois, where he was arrested.
The teen was allegedly out in Kenosha Tuesday night with a small but heavily armed militia group when police said he shot three protesters, killing two, according to reports and officials.
He just went downtown to buy a pack of smokes, and that lunatic started shooting at him. He was the kindest most gentlest guy ever.
One of the Kenosha protesters killed by a gun-toting vigilante was identified Wednesday as a talented skateboarder who died while trying to disarm the gunman.
An austere x-games Scholar.
When cops won’t protect peoples property, then you will get vigilantes.
Video evidence indicates otherwise.
As does the police record of battery and domestic abuse.
Court evidence of domestic abuse also indicates otherwise
Also his history of domestic abuse.
Did you guys know he had a history of Domestic Abuse too?
He beat his wife because the drugs she was smuggling for him fell out of her ass.
God, I love this site.
Abused commenters always say that.
I was following the Elijah Shaeffer twitter feed that night. Before the shooting I saw that fuck with the skateboard, and anyone who has watched videos from Portland would know that he had it there to beat people with it.
Semi-pro skater in his teens, and that is the highlight of his life at age 26. Says so much more than was intended.
If they can’t see reality, no reason to engage them. They want what they think they want. Bad idea.
These fucks really have no shame don’t they?
A GoFundMe launched for Gittings has raised more than $29,000 within just six hours of its launch. The fundraiser describes Huber as a peaceful protester who acted selflessly in the last moments of his life.
“On Tuesday 8/26 Anthony decided to use his voice and stand up for a cause that meant something,” wrote the organizer, Danielle Rasmussen. “While peacefully protesting Anthony selflessly tried to Aid in taking down an attacker when he was gunned down.”
And there you have it. The unvarnished truth.
This all coalesced awfully quickly.
When someone flees and you chase after them and try to kill them, i think that makes you the attacker.
See below, that depends. Where they are mob chasing him to beat and kill him? Or were they trying to peacefully detain him for the police?
I think it is clearly the former, but there are situations where it could be the latter (not this one).
Any charges filed against him for his actions prior to the video? If not, why? Because if they didn’t file charges for whatever he did then it probably didn’t require a citizens arrest that seems to have escalated to what appears from the initial footage to be attempted murder by an angry mob.
Paraphrasing Orwell, it’s only an angry mob if the state says it’s an angry mob. The state says the violent, armed mob were peaceful protesters.
They weren’t trying to detain him, since he wasn’t trying to get away until they announced their intention to attack him.
Watch the video of the first shooting. He stands by his mortally-wounded attacker, out of the way of the people rendering first aid, ports his rifle and starts to dial his cell phone. The story I read said he called 911 to report the shooting.
Then they start screaming to “get him” and he takes off running… towards the police line.
If I were the defense attorney, I’d be *very* comfortable taking this to trial… I’d be confident of acquittal or hung jury.
“While peacefully trying to take someone’s head off with a skateboard….”
I need to stop reading this shit. It ain’t good for my health. I can’t believe how mendacious and dishonest these people are.
LARPers that were shot the other day by the kid they chased down and beat up, nowidentified here – – and to my surprise they all are criminal elements. But the kid is whom our overlords will seek to punish. At the risk of being accused of being evil, I think they should give him a medal for ridding society of these 2 assholes, then take it back for not finishing the job with the third cunte.
Better yet
I hesitate to call these particular people LARP’ers. They’re actual sociopaths taking advantage of the chaos.
They are likely being paid to do this and at least before they go out there to burn and destroy, given marching orders. This is not random shit. They would love people to believe it is, but it is not. You are correct that the people recruited to go out and destroy shit are sociopaths, but leaving it at that gives a pass to their puppet masters. Do you think they would be out there if they knew there would be serious consequences? They are doing what they are doing because they now have protection to do it.
The criminal record of the third guy seems to be victimless crimes.
Apparently he’s been charged before with felony burglary, along with other misdemeanor theft crimes. Don’t know if he was convicted or not.
I’ve seen a bunch of people saying he is a felon and thus illegally possessing the pistol. I have no idea if that’s true or not.
In any case, since he was trying to shoot the kid when he got a large chunk of his arm blown off, I’m not sure it matters.
Ok. I feel really bad for that kid because he is going to get the book thrown at him. Some Judge is going to talk about how he tried to assume the powers of the state to himself, and that is a cardinal sin to government.
What is crazy to me is that we are all supposed to operate under the fiction that because we have cops who are empowered to punish thefts, and rioters, that we the ‘people’ are not allowed to do anything. This is the tyranny of being forced to be defenseless and left at the mercy of barbarians. Of course you are going to get people who say fuck this. I think a lot of people are being forced to think what they would be willing to be prosecuted for murder for. Asking people to give up their livelyhoods and buisnesses, their families and homes is, of course, a small price to pay to the people who run our governments.
It’s also going to open up questions about where people are willing to live. There are places in this country where the local gov will support citizens defending themselves with lethal force.
“…citizens defending themselves with lethal force.”
…while down on the ground being attacked by multiple felons.
This may end up like the NM case.
I think everything depends on the first shooting details. If he had reason to fear for his life, then the first shooting is justified, and the 2nd and 3rd obviously are also.
If the first isnt, then even the 2nd and 3rd become questionable. It depends if he retreated or was fleeing those trying to detain him. Can you separate the incidents? I think once they start kicking and hitting him, then the 2nd and 3rd are justified too, but that is a little more questionable if the 1st is a murder.
I would guess that the first is a good shoot, so the latter are also, and that is how it will play out eventually. But a lot depends on the actual details of the first shot.
And this is why the rush to judgement charging him is bad. They need to investigate, collect evidence and decide whether to submit to a grand jury.
The rush to judgement to charge him is to make him an example. Just like the people that defended their own property were charged down south by a Soros AG, this is about letting the public know they are not to interfere with the ruling class’ decision to let the mob run rampant in order to extort the people into letting the marxists get what they want regardless of how unpopular what they want is to the rest of us.
If this shit is allowed to go unchallenged, we are screwed. Hopefully some will come to the aid of this kid and cock block these cuntes and their disdain for us serfs. If they used the law to tell these rioting assholes that was not allowed, we wouldn’t be here.
He’s fleeing a mob of people in the second shooting. He’s not fleeing a cop, or even a couple of reasonable people telling him to disarm and turn himself in. He calls someone on his cell phone after the first shooting, and I think that was 911. If it was 911, that’s another point in his favor. Then he runs as the mob turns angry. He is fleeing an angry mob, and is running toward the police lights when he trips and is attacked on the ground.
Have you seen the video of the first shooting victim screaming at the guy, “Go on! Shoot me nigga!” over and over again. It’s out there and doesn’t make the first victim look to be anything other than an enraged lunatic. *Fog of war and all, but I believe that video is legit*.
Yes, and I said I think the first shoot is a good shoot, but the fact the guy was yelling like that isn’t life threatening in and of itself. I think the shootee escalated after that, and thus a good shoot, but that is what an investigation should discover. If he really threw a molotov cocktail, its a no-brainer. If he threw something else that seemed threatening, even if it wasnt, ditto. But we should wait and see.
See my comment below – what might be the crucial point is that Rittenhouse didn’t fire the first shot. One of the rioters shot into the air while the kid was fleeing, which is the point at which he turns and starts firing.
You’ve got congress critters already calling him a murderous white supremacist. I don’t set the timeline, the goddamn media and leftist government officials did. I don’t want to make a call right now, but these fucking douchebags are forcing the issue.
I think in any event, “first degree murder” is a bazonkers charge. If you want to argue that he did a series of ill-advised things that led to an escalation, fine. But the idea that he went there specifically to murder people is absurd.
DA just doesn’t want the mob at his doorstep.
The DA probably needs to start worrying about which mob is going to show up on his doorstep.
I looked at the relevant statute, and I think the charge may actually be correct (now that I’m looking at the right state’s laws). Basically, the state charged him with this :
relevant portions of subsection (2):
The state would concede one of the above points if they only charged second degree homicide.
The throwing part isn’t relevant. Trying to determine what was thrown or if the object was threatening is an incidental distraction. The video shows the first shot guy chasing Rittenhouse down. Rittenhouse was well within his rights to shoot for that reason alone.
It depends if he retreated or was fleeing those trying to detain him.
Their actions when the caught up to him make it hard to argue that they were trying to detain him, IMO.
As soon there is a confirmed legit legal defense fund for the kid, he’ll get some of my cash and I don’t have a lot to share these days.
This worked so well for republicans when they tried to do it with Obama.
I suspect a lot more time and energy will be expended on questioning (undermining) Rittenhouse’s reasons for being on that street than will be spent on examining what his “victims” were up to.
of course, and the fact that he was supposedly committing a felony by carrying the “assault rifle” will be the headline.
Yeah but he wasn’t from around there. Anyone know where the dead men were from?
I think the first guy was actually from Kenosha.
Apparently the first guy was actually from Kenosha, the others were from towns around there. Skater boy lived in a town just north of the shooter.
He actually didn’t live far from Kenosha, Less than 30 miles. Both Kenosha and the town he’s from are near the Illinois/Wisconsin border. Most big cities one end of the suburbs to the other is WAY more than that.
Laura damage.
That gave me chills.
Anyone know where the dead men were from?
*Anthony Huber, 26, of Silver Lake, Wis.*
That was the skateborder. No idea how far that is from Kenosha.
Half hour drive.
TW: Twitchy….OK, things are getting a bit clarified now. A NYT reporter, of all people, has put together a sober recounting of the Kenosha shooting and the events leading up to it.
Something I hadn’t noticed that strikes me as crucial for his defense – when the sawed-off asshole he capped first was chasing him, what caused Rittenhouse to turn and fire was…..a gunshot from someone else. One of the the rioting halfwits fired a shot in the air. At this point, Rittenhouse stops and turns, ostensibly because he believes he’s being fired upon. When he does turn, he sees Stubby the molester lunging at him, and he fires. With the caveat that I’m not a lawyer and don’t know what Wisconsin law says about self-defense, that would seem to go a long way towards bolstering his self-defense claim.
The one thing i keep coming back to is, even granting that some poor choices were made, that still doesn’t amount to pre-meditated murder.
No, not even close. Leaving aside the fact that going out there was ill-advised, all of the video evidence would seem to indicate that he tried to get away from the confrontation, that he was pursued by several people screaming threats and throwing something at him, and that someone else fired the first shot. Given all those facts, it seems that he was overcharged by quite a bit.
And you think that matters to a DA (most likely a Democrat)?
An excellent recounting, good on that reporter.
I noticed that even after the shooting, when he’s trying to get to the cops, there are bunch of shots in the background. Or maybe fireworks?
And that goes a long way to verifying the first shot was justified. I don’t see any conviction out of this, maybe a gun charge. I cant believe (I can, actually, but in a sane world I wouldnt believe it) the DA would charge prior to the investigation. Too much stuff to make a decision on whether to charge and what charge yet.
“Go on! Shoot me nigga!”
In retrospect, this may have been ill-advised.
There is nothing a white supremacist hates more than being called a nigga. [Predicted line defending the narrative]
No, no, no, it confuses their defense protocols, like electronic jamming.
I mean, except this time.
“15% of the time, it works every time.”
Really? These LARPers were told they had a just cause and could say & do anything they wanted…..
The Trump team are at it again
I’d say that’s one of the stupidest tweets I’ve ever seen but it isn’t. Still colossally stupid though.
Team Hair
With hair like Soave, you always knew he was a closeted Proud Boy.
Didn’t some twidiot claim a candidate was a racist because his hair looked like Richard Spencer’s?
Lol, Robby is now part of the “Trump Team”
It’s like everything leftists push is ass backwards from observable reality.
I love that they are calling it a “conspiracy theory”.
That crazy pro-Trump NYT!
Dead end…
Went to the gym this morning which opened under new regs despite the fact that the governor denied their petition (because the Gov is mad that they sued him last month). Anyhow, most noticeable was the news media outside as I pulled up, bravely doing their civic duty of speaking support to power by televising a public snitching and shaming.
Just smile and tell them “this is how you fight the ‘vid, bitches!”
I hope it was a good workout.
Went fine. The real issue is that this sort of thing is a marathon, not a sprint. And the constant opening up and getting shut back down does a real number on the progress you’re trying to make.
In general that’s been among the hardest parts of all of this: my life is organized around structure and a plan to try and get me where I want to be. The COVID theatrics do a great job of taking a blow torch to said plan, and then making it hard to try and come up with a new one. It’s infuriating.
Agree 100%. It’s why I got a little fanatical about my diet. It’s the one thing I can control.
I’ve been lifting again since June. My numbers still suck, but they are moving the right direction and each session feels better.
Good luck!
Thanks, you too.
Not being able to go to the gym was detrimental to my emotional homeostatis. I’m glad that the gyms here opened up fairly quickly
Mrs. Dean’s gym remains open and business as usual, even though their initial application was also denied.
Incredibly, it was denied because it has an essay section, and the DHS drone who reviewed it said that even though it met the bare minimum requirements, other applications had gone beyond those requirements, and so they would have to resubmit with a promise to do more than was required to get permission to open.
Ducey is a vile, petty little man. I’m glad his political career has been nuked by the virus.
Am I seeing this correctly Trump and Biden tied in Minnesota?
I know it’s August but jesus It’s looking like a Trump by a sizable electoral margin at this point.
The polls are largely junk still even though I’m liking what they’re saying more.
Kurt Schlichter’s right in one regard. I know nobody who has gone from Trump to Biden. I’ve talked to plenty who have gone from Hillary to Trump.
I’ve been tracking the relative movements and the polling this time vs 2016, and they have definetly shifted towards trump. What the absolute levels are? I don’t know.
FWIW, I saw someone link the other day to Frank Luntz on Twitter where he showed Biden, while still holding a lead in all these states, running well behind 2016 Hillary’s numbers in states like Michigan, PA, Wisconsin, and other swing states.
If the Democrats can’t figure out that rioting right up through the election is going to cost them, then they deserve 4 more years of Trump.
I can’t imagine why, what with Minneapolis degenerating into Beirut status and all.
Mogadishu, man, not Beirut.
So the libertarian moment has finally arrived?
Just wait. Kenosha is going to crack through the media’s downplaying of the “protest” situation, and make people realize that it’s not just a big city problem any more.
Um, Kenosha isn’t a small town, it’s a suburb of Milwaukee, one of the biggest cities in the country.
Yes, exactly. It’s a suburb 30 miles away from the nearest big city. Who said anything about small towns?
Well, you said ‘it’s not just a big city problem’; to me that implies Kenosha itself isn’t a big city and thus a small town. Kenosha is contiguous with Milwaukee, for all intents and purposes it is Milwaukee.
It’s not a big city, or a small town. It’s in the gap between. There’s a huge number of people living in that gap, and they tend to be swing voters.
Also, an analogy regarding the guy that got partially, um, disarmed:
What follows is a from-memory thing, and as he’s not really a corpsman/medic or wearing the right marking (prominent white/red cross), this is, again, just analogy. But he IS wearing a hat with a big prominent “PARAMEDIC” on it. IIRC Geneva Conventions only let corpsmen/medics carry weapons and act in self-defense or defense of others. Wearing the markings and then making offensive of arms, as he’s obviously doing, is pretty dang near, if not black-letter war crime.
There is actually photographic evidence of this “PARAMEDIC” guy advancing with his hands raised – as if surrendering – on Kyle R. (butt on the ground) just before drawing his handgun.
So now we’re going with international law? Is that really how you want to play this?
So writing that it’s an analogy twice wasn’t enough for you?
It’s not really an analogy though.
“a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.”
This wasn’t for that purpose, you didn’t compare or contrast, you simply stated international law and applied it to this situation.
So you really couldn’t tell that it was specifically for the purpose of explaining/clarifying that he’s a bad actor?
Look, I don’t put any energy into keeping up with who the resident trolls are here, so I don’t know if you’re being serious or not. Done, though.
According to the Author Bio on my Hat and Hair cartoons I am an ‘organic troll farmer’, but here I am being serious, you’re trying to give weight to international law with no justification other than it is international law.
But he IS wearing a hat with a big prominent “PARAMEDIC” on it.
A more irrelevant point is hard to imagine. I get what you’re saying about international law, but the antifa concept that people wearing paramedic or media badges are immune from legal or other consequence is, well, completely wrong.
And your last sentence is completely right. My point is that it’s exemplary of (and relevant to) his bad-actor-ness.
Even in the international law example, the immunity that attaches to medical personnel goes with 1) wearing the obvious badge and 2) not engaging offensively. He’s trying to (in the analogy) have #1 but still violate #2.
So, yeah, a hat that says PARAMEDIC is all by itself irrelevant. But when you wear it and still act offensively, then you’re (still in the analogy world) in war-crimes territory.
Kona brewing Hanalei IPA is bad. I liked both the Stone brewing and Sierra Nevada well enough, but this kona stuff I don’t like.
I mean I rarely pour half a beer down the sink (that’s alcohols abuse) but this was it
It said “IPA” right on the bottle.
[insert eyeroll emoji here]
It had a hoppy bitterness which I assume meant to convey IPA but t bitterness (and I like most bitter things) and it was devoid of any good flavor. Bitterness should enhance not replace good flavor
Kona is owned by AB-Inbev. Not that it necessarily matters. Kona was part of the CBA – Craft Brewers Alliance, that AB owned 31.2% of. In 2019 AB-Inbev bought the remaining 68.8%.
CBA brand’s include Kona Brewing, Widmer Brothers, Redhook, Omission, Square Mile Cider, Wynwood Brewing, Cisco Brewers and Appalachian Mountain Brewery, as well as the pH Experiment. The portfolio of brands will join A-B’s craft division, the Brewers Collective, which includes acquired brands such as Goose Island, Elysian, 10 Barrel, Golden Road, and Wicked Weed, among others.
well it costs the same as the Stone and Sierra Nevada stuff which is better so I will not purchase from them again.
Don’t listen to him, Joe!
Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a lifelong Republican who bucked his party last week to endorse Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, is calling on the former vice president to condemn the violence and rioting taking place amid peaceful protesters in Wisconsin.
Speaking Wednesday on CNN, the 2016 GOP presidential hopeful called it “absolutely imperative” for Biden to denounce the looting taking place in the wake of the shooting of Jacob Blake — the father of six shot Sunday by a Wisconsin police officer.
“Violence has no place. Martin Luther King took the beatings, the gassings, the jailings, and said, ‘We will not respond with violence,’” Kasich, a CNN contributor, told the network.
“I believe that it is absolutely essential for the Democrats to say, ‘While we support protesters, this violence is abhorrent and actually sets back the ability to get change,’” he continued.\
Don’t fall into that “bad people on both sides” trap. Hold firm to the narrative. Peaceful people, driven by conscience to speak out against injustice.
Oh Fuck, did i side with the radical left? / Kasich
Damned if they do and damned if they don’t
the butthurt about the CDC change in guidelines in not recommending asymptomatic testing is as predictable as it is sad. These people are completely and utterly broken by hysteria and it will take them years to heal. People are still suggesting Hospitals are at capacity everywhere and we are all going to die. There is a difference between being presymptomatic and asymptomatic. Which is why they had the guideline in the first place, but all the doomers are left with is screaming about cases here and there and without that they’d have nothing. I never ever again want to hear how much smarter we are now than salem puritan’s and witch hunters. In other news we are getting football in stadiums shortly which will blow some people’s minds as the media has refused to acknowledge that even the liberal pussies in soccer are allowing in person viewing at this point.
Cuomo is a son of a bitch who should be in prison.
I have far more beef with Fauci than meatball.
We are all going to die.
But yeah, we’re surrounded by fucking Puritans.
Kona brewing Hanalei IPA is bad.
The Longboard is okay.
“Lunacy: CNN’s Nia-Malika Henderson viciously claims the McCloskey’s pulled guns on protesters for being black. She seems incredulous that black @realDonaldTrump
supporters don’t believe America is racist. Then pretends it’s racist to be against burning down cities.”
The Bee!
Y’all need to chill the fuck out. Keep biting eachothers heads off. Here listen to a song by some dirty hippies.
I’LL CHILL YOU THA F…sorry, deep breaths.
Different musical direction
He’s a surly brilliant bastard.
I’m gonna guess that the erstwhile actor is about to get a time out from Jack Dorsey for that one.
I seem to recall a story about James Woods killing a guy in a bar fight and skating on a self-defense claim. So I guess he might have more than the usual insight…
Oh now that’s just brilliant! Gotta hand it to him this time.
“CDC Walks Back Change To Testing Guidance, Caving To Pressure From Democrats: Live Updates“
Why don’t the Dems want to follow the science?
LOL ridiculous. America, please stop feeding these trolls.
Nick Sandmann’s attorney, Lin Wood, is working to put together a legal team for Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense:
Lin Wood
My colleague at #FightBack Foundation John Pierce has assembled legal team to defend Kyle Rittenhouse. They need to be retained by Rittenhouse family so we need family contact info. They are prepared to fly out tonight. Please DM contact info to me or John at
Well good. On a related note, a YouTube bloviator was saying it’s rumored Sandmann got an 80 million payout. If that’s the case that lawyer definitely knows their stuff.
I mean, Wood isn’t a criminal attorney, but I imagine he’s a sharp guy who will hook the kid up with a quality team so he doesn’t have to use a public defender.
Probably close to that cause CNN “analyst” straight up disparaged him again on air, which now is okay cause he is a known “public” persona.
Sturgis has an official 70 cases total tied to it. This is an event that had over 200k(conservatively) attendees who engaged in maskless socializing, strip club body shots and debauchery. The pandemic is over and all restrictions need to be lifted.
70 cases? 70????? ZOMG PANNNNNNNNNIC!
“I don’t think that there should be any debates,” says
. “I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States.” #Election2020
It begins.
I think i had said this was going to be a tact they were going to take. But maybe i didn’t. They are going to say that Trump is such a horrible person that allowing him air time is only supporting him. The Networks are going to see agitation from their employees and management to not host the debates because it validates white supremacy.
Couple that with the whole of CNN and MSNBC editorializing the RNC convention it is an all out attack.
I was waiting for when this would be announced.
ACKSHUALLY – about 9 months ago, perusing the list of possible DNC candidates, I thought that if they went with Biden they would really be phoning it in – total abdication and hope the VP would bring enough voters in. He’s a fossil in the age of 30-somethings. He doesn’t know what day it is unless somebody writes it on his palm.
We all knew this was coming.
Gonna see a lot of these trial balloons floated, as they desperately try to find one that doesn’t get shot down by a skeptical electorate.
It would be an even stupider decision than picking Kamala so of course they will do it.
CDC Walks Back Change To Testing Guidance, Caving To Pressure From Democrats
Don’t let the wrong people politicize SCIENCE!
Says something about the CDC and the follow the science crowd. When it’s the science they like it’s kosher when it contradicts the feels it’s time to burn a witch. Basically what this says to me is the CDC should not exist as an organization.
Look, we saw it with the masks: the moment the political winds changed, the “science” changed. You can’t fight these battles case by case. The only way to fight this is in the general area of what government is and isn’t allowed to do. The government should not be allowed to do what they’ve done, that’s where this should be fought. Arguing over whether this is a “good” or “scientific” reason to do these things is the wrong battlefield.
But phenology proves we should eradicate the Jews! it’s #science!
It’s not science because they were wrong /IFLS
When the CDC said masks were bullshit they were just playing 3D chess. That’s a stance that sounds awfully familiar.
So because 2020 is insane, i’m giving higher probability that no one wins the EC and the election goes to the house. Then you’ll see the shit fly.
Please God no, that’d be the end.
See minds melt when the 26 states controlled by GOP vote for Trump and he’s elected, despite a dem house majority?
OK, I’m in for those lulz.
If that happens, I’m gonna place a higher probability on the possibility that we’re living in a computer simulation run by an arsehole. Or in a universe with an interventionist deity who is an arsehole. Assuming there is any difference between the two.
Assuming there is any difference between the two.
Nothing like dragging out the sprinkler to get the rain clouds to…oh, no, not rain clouds, just enough wind to blow the sprinkler output into the driveway away from my pots.
The other day, it did actually rain after I pulled the dribbler (different attachment) out, so I run out and turn off the hose when I hear the rain start banging on my awnings. Stops 10mins later and the sun comes right back out and burns off all the moisture, not a cloud the rest of the afternoon.
If the weather ever personifies into human form it better stay the fuck outta my arms reach. Pan Fried Wayne Brady would definitely have to choke a bitch.
So my anime service has decided to raise prices while pretending to give people “more”.
[UNITED STATES] Crunchyroll Introduces New Membership Tiers, Offers Even More Access to Anime
I’m constantly amazed at the work marketing people do to convince us a turd sandwich isn’t a turd sandwich.
However, that made me want to figure out what’s up.
WarnerMedia Shopping Crunchyroll Sale
That makes more sense. They want to pretend the subscriber base will both renew and upgrade subscriptions based on higher rates instead of likely stay the same or even decline. Seriously – who in their right mind will pay $1.5bn for 3m subscribers in a niche market? There is little to no growth here, This isn’t something mainstream or sports. You are going to get what you get and who the hell can make those economics work. That’s $500 a subscriber at an average annual charge of something like $70/year. Seriously?
They must be run by the same people who run the cable company.
My ESPN+ subscription auto-renewed a few days ago. I was torn on whether to just cancel the fucking thing because, you know, sports is garbage now. But it’s only five bucks a month….
Five bucks a month adds up over time. Pretty soon you’re talking real money. If you’re not using it, can it.
Why yes – Time Warner ATT!
Tempest in a teapot?
I’ve discovered that almost every single article on the Scots version of Wikipedia is written by the same person – an American teenager who can’t speak Scots
‘Bout as accurate as anything else on Wikipedia these days.
I think its funny to see the reactions from the left to the RNC. Saw a video saying lastnight was the “Worst Night Yet” of the RNC. Now maybe it was, but i’ve otherwise heard nothing but good stuff about the RNC.
I don’t watch conventions.
And “worst yet” might mean “worst for the Dems” as much as “worst for the Pubs”