Tuesday Afternoon Links

by | Aug 18, 2020 | Daily Links | 352 comments

Not much going on today. Plus Sloopy posted a bajillion links. SMDH.


I guess this means Hillary is officially out for 2020. Unless Bill dies.

Swiss Servator, call your home office, its raining cocoa!

This is pretty cool. Fresh water from sunlight.


About The Author

Brett L

Brett L

Brett set out to find America, the real America, the America of strip malls and serial killers, of butthole waxing and kelp smoothies, of cocaine and maggots. He sought it in the most American part of America—Florida: swamp gas and fever dreams, where love arrives on a rickety boat and leaves when it doesn't have the money for its fourth abortion. Oh, where has Brett gone? He’s drinking at the neck of America’s wang, chewing its foreskin and working its shaft. Brett is becoming legend. Brett can never die. Brett can never die. Brett is America, facedown in his own patriotic puke: the red his blood, the white his stomach lining, and the cold, cold blue his gas station slushie, spiked with coconut rum and tetracycline.


  1. KibbledKristen

    * moves to Switzerland *

    • Brochettaward

      My First would have been better.

      • KibbledKristen

        Neener neener

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        But She’s on topic and not a Clown,
        KK get’s the Real First

      • KibbledKristen

        Thanks, man! I’ve been having a Day. Firsting is the only thing good that has happened.

      • Nephilium

        Oh… Firsting…

        That changes things.

      • Brochettaward

        Never let it be said that I am not a benevolent. The First of benevolence, even.

      • Surly Knott

        That would be a first.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        Your first probably cried.

      • Brochettaward

        They all cry.

    • blighted_non_millenial

      Story reminds me of going to Avery Island, La. As soon as you open the car door, it’s like you stepped into a giant bottle of Tabasco.

  2. Count Potato

    “EXCLUSIVE: ‘Would you mind giving it a crack?’ Bill Clinton leans back and smiles while receiving neck massage from Epstein victim, 22, in never-before-seen photos during trip on pedophile’s plane to Africa in 2002 – as he addresses Dem convention TONIGHT”

    Well, she’s 22 though.

    • UnCivilServant

      Now, or when the picture was taken?

      • Brochettaward

        See, Epstein wasn’t really, technically a pedophile. He had a thing for teens. He was basically just a statutory rapist.

      • Brochettaward

        Basically he was a pimp with a harem of strung out teens who got to live the high life on a billionaire’s dime.

      • J. Frank Parnell


        Davies, now in her early 40s, said of the massage pictures: ‘Although the image looks bizarre, President Clinton was a perfect gentleman during the trip and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him.’

      • Plisade

        “Well played.”

        –Ghost of [your pick of dead Clinton Associates]

    • KibbledKristen

      There was a scene in Memoirs of a Geisha where the girl had to massage the old lady’s yellow, wrinkled chicken-neck.

      I imagine that’s what ol’ Bill’s neck feels like.

      • Mojeaux

        The Obnoxious Uncle™ in my family looks just like Bill Clinton and I do not see the attraction.

      • KibbledKristen

        POWAH…your Uncle needs to get some o’ dat

      • leon

        My understanding is that Clinton has a way of making you feel very important.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes. My OU isn’t like that.

      • TARDIS

        What do you think of his voice? I was so sick of it by the end of his second term.
        Instant Mute.

      • KibbledKristen

        Never heard a pol that didn’t get an instant mute from me

      • Rhywun

        Bill is probably the most tolerable one of any president since Raygun. He’s just a lil rascal, inne?

    • Mojeaux

      Yeah, she doesn’t look like she’s being forced, but who knows.

      • Count Potato

        “In the photos, Clinton sits comfortably and laughs as Chauntae Davies, then a 22-year-old massage therapist who acted as Epstein’s personal masseuse, rubs her hands into his shoulders to get out the kinks in his neck.”

        Not unless she was forced through massage therapy school.

      • Plisade

        “get the kinks out”

        Of course… After he got his kink on he needed to get it out.

  3. Count Potato

    “BERLIN (AP) — Residents of a Swiss town got a bit of a shock when it started snowing particles of a fine cocoa powder after the ventilation system at a chocolate factory malfunctioned.”

    Chocolate rain?

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Add some Blueberries and what do you get?

      • Count Potato

        Purple rain?

      • Yusef drives a Kia


    • Don did not Escape Bama

      Translation problem? I mean: no matter how screwed up a comfort ventilation system is, I’m hard-pressed to see how it could elevate powder in a room even from open containers, vats, or vessels; and then in gets spewed outside? That doesn’t make sense.

      Neither does a lot of dust in a work space in Europe: they don’t play games with industrial hygiene. Plus dust means waste which is expensive (muda!). So it’s not that.

      So what we’re really talking about is a pneumatic transfer system where the blow pipe came apart or the end-of-the-line baghouse failed . . . that sort of thing?

      • Mad Scientist

        Reporters are ignorant morons who can’t get a story right, no matter how simple. I’d blame them long before the translator.

      • Don did not Escape Bama

        I don’t think anyone much knows anything anymore except how to order lunch and make pie charts in PowerPoint. We’re cranking out whole generations now that are as useless as tits on a boar.

      • Cancelled

        But those generations can explain why the saying ‘useless as tits on a boar’ demonstrates transphobia.

  4. Count Potato

    “In tests, the new MOF, called PSP-MIL-53, was able to produce 139.5 liters of clean freshwater per kilogram of MOF per day.”

    That doesn’t sound very fast.

    • Count Potato

      “”Desalination has been used to address escalating water shortages globally,” lead study author Huanting Wang said in a news release.”

      ghost penis?

      • UnCivilServant

        No, that’s his porn screen name.

      • KibbledKristen

        I’ve been Huanting a Wang for a while now.

        Hashtag dry spell

      • TARDIS

        Not touching that comment, even with a ten foot pole.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        I just keeps coming back and hanging around.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I read it scales nicely,

      • Plisade

        The haunting wang?

    • Nephilium

      Enough for about 40 people a day. The questions are cost, size, scalability, and maintenance/changing out the MOF.

      • Count Potato

        That’s less than a gallon a day.

      • Not Adahn

        140L? Check my math, but that’s 35 gallons.

      • Count Potato

        Then divide by 40.

  5. KibbledKristen

    I haven’t had a mouse trap go off in over a year. Today I go in the kitchen and the motherfucking light is blinking on the trap. I can’t explain how much I hate and fear those diseased asshole rodents.

    • UnCivilServant

      Need to borrow an air rifle?

      • KibbledKristen

        I’m a good shot, but not that good. Things are about an inch long

      • UnCivilServant

        you have tiny mice, those I’ve shot have been over two inches.

        But they’ve also first been immobilized, otherwise I’d never manage to load the rifle before they’re gone.

      • KibbledKristen

        Yeah, the electric traps are enclosed, so they’re already super-dead. But I wouldn’t mind shooting one just out of spite.

      • Not Adahn

        …I don’t think those are mice.

      • KibbledKristen

        THey’re little baby field meeses

      • UnCivilServant

        So what type of vermin do we think KK has?

      • Count Potato

        Baby rats?

      • Not Adahn

        That small? I can only think of shrews, but I don’t know that they invade houses.

      • KibbledKristen

        (they’re about an inch not including the tail…maybe and inch and 1/2)

      • Count Potato

        Is the tail as long as the head and body combined, or is it shorter?

        Does it have a big head and big feet, or big ears?

      • KibbledKristen

        They’re small and dirty gray and fast as fuck.

        They’re about the size of the toys I used to have for my cat

      • Count Potato

        Both mice and young rats can fit that description.

        Dirty grey is more likely to be rats.

      • KibbledKristen

        Nope, mice. They’re mice. Totally mice. All mice. Mice mice mice.

      • UnCivilServant

        Lord Nightshade is wrong about the color being a rat indicator. A lot of house mice are gray.

      • blackjack

        My cat kills one a day, but she brings them in from outside. Never seen a live one that she didn’t first bring in and then kill. The trash pickers must get pissed off when they see them on trash day, LOL.

      • blackjack

        My cat kills one a day, but she brings them in from outside. Never seen a live one that she didn’t first bring in and then kill. The trash pickers must get pissed off when they see them on trash day, LOL.

      • Count Potato

        I didn’t say it was an indicator, just what is more likely.

    • UnCivilServant

      Mice keep trying to get in from behind my washer/dryer and get caught in my traps. Somewhere back there is the point of entry into the house for the monsters. They all get caught trying to go from behind the machines to into the kitchen, none in the other direction. (there’s no route that isn’t covered by traps). There’s no signs of a population in the house, and the lack of signs or of mice elsewhere (ie, anywhere further in the house) makes me wonder if the epicenter of the problem isn’t the neighbor (close to an apartment building)

      • Bobarian LMD

        Steel wool will keep mice out of extremely small holes. Their skeletons flex so they can enter in holes that you can’t get your finger in.

        They won’t chew thru steel wool.

      • UnCivilServant

        I can’t find the actual entrance.

      • Plisade

        Dryer vent?

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s my suspicion, but I need a second person to help move the darn thing.

    • Broswater

      One word : Cat.

      • KibbledKristen

        I miss my putty tat, but he was a useless mouser.

        True story: I was living in DC (rodent paradise in more ways than one) and my cat was being playful. I had my laundry bag on the floor, and the cat pounced on the bag. I thought he was playing with one of his little rabbit fur toys. So I reached into the laundry bag and pulled the “toy” out to throw it for him. Imagine my shock and horror when the “toy” jumped out of my hand and ran behind the armchair!

        I jumped on the couch and started screaming like in the Tom & Jerry cartoons of yore.

      • Not Adahn


      • UnCivilServant

        Excuse me for laughing at the mental image evoked.

      • KibbledKristen

        I look back and laugh

        A few years ago, a mouse got itself stuck in my bathtub. I called my dad and said “there’s a motherfucking mouse in my motherfucking bathtub”.

        Anyhoo, I just slid an electric trap in there, went out to run errands, and the light was blinking on the trap when I got home. I did bleach the ever-loving hell out of the tub after that, though.

      • Count Potato

        “The role of KK will be played by Samuel L. Jackson”

      • Ted S.

        I imagined KK getting electrocuted from leaving something electric in the bathtub.

      • Rhywun

        I had a cat back in Buffalo in the 90s who woke me up playing with a mouse. She played with the thing all night while I chased it around.

        No mice in my NYC places so my poor kitties never got the chance for that fun 🙁

      • Bobarian LMD

        My Mom had a cat and dog. The cat thought that the dog was its mother and would bring her gifts.

        She’d go out and catch field mice and lizards and release them live into the house. The little mutt dog would then go apeshit tearing around the house chasing her gift until it escaped or died.

        I chased around the house with her once, moving furniture. I thought the mouse had escaped when I then heard little mouse bones snapping in the dogs mouth.

      • Broswater

        Yeah, I had to catch a chipmunk that spent at least a week under the oven.

        We also caught the huntress trying to bring him a live friend.

        I do understand revulsion for the damn things. I once had to deal with a Norway rat. That was…. bad.

      • EvilSheldon

        Psh, forget cats. You need a good-sized rat snake to take up residence. Those guys will go through rats like I go through beers. Added bonus, rat snakes actually eat the rats, instead of just killing them and leaving their diseased corpses lying around.

        Let me know, I’ll catch you one and send him out FedEx.

      • blackjack

        To get a mouser, you have to start from a kitten and raise it around a cat that already hunts. They literally teach them. They do a way better job than our local teacher’s union does with our kids.

      • KibbledKristen

        Also, some folks use poison around here, so I would hate for a cat to eat a mouse and poison itself in turn.

      • Count Potato

        Cat food have vitamin K though.

    • KibbledKristen

      DO y’all reckon a compost drum could attract them? Seems one of my neighbors has a plastic drum on the side of the building. It looks like it’s well-sealed, but it does have small vent holes (I saw wasps going in and out). I wonder if the smell attracts varmints.

      I really don’t want to go Karen on this issue. But I’m not sure it’s wise to have a composter on the ground in an urban area (if it were on the roof or a balcony it wouldn’t bother me).

      • Rhywun

        Deblasio started a pilot composting program. In a city where nobody has a backyard. Last I heard it was still “voluntary”. It hit my last apartment (a three-unit of flats) around the corner after I moved to my current place (big apt. bldg.) That whole block has compost bins out every week and it stinks to high heaven.


      • KibbledKristen

        Are those areas having rodent issues? I mean, more than usual?

      • Rhywun

        Well, there was never a rodent issue in the 4 or 5 years I lived there. But it’s reasonably clean around here. Rodents are a people issue. Messy people leads to rodents.

        I always said if he tried to force that shit on me I would refuse. That is a hill I will die on; because I am not finding room in my kitchen to store a container of rotting food. No way.

      • Not Adahn

        It could attract bugs, which would attract shrews.

  6. DEG

    Davies, now in her early 40s, said of the massage pictures: ‘Although the image looks bizarre, President Clinton was a perfect gentleman during the trip and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him.’

    Nothing to see here. Move Along.

    Combined with strong winds on Friday morning, the powder spread around the immediate vicinity of the factory, leaving a fine cocoa dusting.

    This probably isn’t as good as it sounds.

    The new technology is attractive, he said, because other desalination processes — such as thermal desalination and reverse osmosis — are energy intensive and potentially bad for the environment.

    What about towing icebergs into harbors and taking water from them as the melt?

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      You would kill off the Sea life in the area pretty well,

      • DEG

        It’s an “Oath of Fealty” reference. If I remember correctly, the iceberge was also contained in a tub.

    • leon

      I saw absolutely no foul play involving him

      Isn’t that what the one guy who “committed suicide” said in his “suicide note”?

    • B.P.

      “Saw absolutely not foul play” = “I don’t want to die”

    • Brochettaward

      Trying to stop the spread of nuclear weapons is completely futile on a long enough timeline. Any determined country is going to get them at some point.

  7. Count Potato

    “Russia DID interfere in 2016 election, Donald Trump’s associates wanted to exploit Kremlin aid and campaign chief Paul Manafort worked with a Moscow spy, Senate Intel committee report reveals – but does NOT conclude there was collusion

    Donald Trump’s campaign’s interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a ‘grave’ counterintelligence threat, a Senate panel concluded Tuesday as it detailed in a report how associates of the Republican candidate had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin’s help.

    Russia launched an aggressive effort to interfere in the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Trump, and associates of the Republican candidate who were in regular touch with Russians throughout the campaign were eager to benefit from the help, the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded in the fifth and final report in its investigation.

    Though the report from the Senate intelligence committee does not reach a conclusion about whether the Trump campaign and Russia criminally conspired to sway the election, it nonetheless describes the eagerness of Trump associates to exploit the Kremlin’s aid, particularly Democratic emails that were hacked by Russian military intelligence officers and disclosed by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks in the run-up to the election.”


    I wonder who was on the committee?

    • leon

      How dare the American people know how corrupt their politicians are.

      • Brochettaward

        I still have yet to see a single piece of credible evidence that Russia provided the emails to Wikileaks. Other “interference” charges would all fall under the second amendment. A troll farm that posts crappy memes is not a grand conspiracy or illegal because foreigners do it.

      • Fatty Bolger

        There were some harmless emails “stolen” by “Russian” “hackers,” which was supposedly why CrowdStrike was brought in. And then a few weeks later, a whole bunch of damaging emails were lifted and given to Wikileaks, after CrowdStrike had locked down the system from outside attack and implemented 24/7 monitoring on all traffic. Taken in the middle of a work day, in fact.

      • kbolino

        There’s apparently a new campaign to claim that Wikileaks was “trustwashed” by reporters, implying that

        1. Wikileaks was a “Russian disinformation op” from day one (as if it ever was)
        2. Reporters should never report on any stories until they’ve vetted their sources with the CIA(‘s Democratic Party hacks)
        3. When the matters involved are Really Important (TM) the sources should be given extra special scrutiny

        And you know the anti-trustwashers (or whatever you’d call them) are totally serious thinkers because everything they know they learned on social media.

      • Fatty Bolger

        FFS. The CIA was probably behind most of the disinformation in this whole BS “collusion” campaign.

    • kbolino

      As usual, the media is factual but not truthful.

      That is the conclusion of some senators but not of the committee. The closest thing to conclusions in this volume are suggestions for further legislative and executive action that Congress and the executive agencies, respectively, should take.

      Parts of the report are redacted but there’s no new information in here, from my quick scan, and thus no new “conclusions”.

    • Drake

      Does the name “Charlie Trie” ring a bell? China, Israel, the Ukraine, and probably a dozen other countries exert far more influence in our elections.

      Right now our media is making a big deal out of an election in Belarus – acting like that woman candidate who doesn’t even live there could have won. It’s obvious meddling.

      • Hyperion

        Arab Spring! Funny how the Middle East just suddenly, after thousands of years of tribal warfare just suddenly turned on to democratic socialism!

      • Viking1865

        The sudden pushing of the Belarus thing is what I can’t puzzle out.

        Like, does the media and their Democrat handlers actually think that the swing Midwest Obama/Trump voter has a genuine attachment to foreign wars? That he and she are itching for their nephew the soldier to die to liberate Minsk?

        Then again, they seem to also genuinely think John Kasich moves the needle, so who the fuck knows.

      • Hyperion

        Just what I posted above. Arab Spring! See those protesters! They support us! They want social democracy now! It’s a world wide movement, we’re on the right side of history!

        It’s that.

      • Cancelled

        I freely admit I know nothing about Byelarus except where it is. However, from knowing where it is I know two things:

        1. Not our circus, not our monkeys
        2. Nationbuilding there is tweaking the Russians in their backyard.

        and from that I can conclude that we should leave it the hell alone.

    • KibbledKristen

      I have such a loathing for the “cases” metric

  8. Not Adahn

    at hte bottom of the AP story:

    BERLIN (AP) — One of Germany’s best-known food companies said it will rename a popular spicy dressing because of the racist connotations of its name.

    Food company Knorr will change the name of its “Zigeunersauce,” or “gypsy sauce” to “Paprika Sauce Hungarian Style,” the German weekly Bild am Sonntag reported Sunday.

    They said the Z-word!

    • Count Potato

      Zigeuner, please.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I Laughed, oh yeah!

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


    • KibbledKristen

      I remember a couple years ago how this lefty I know in the Netherlands was resistant to giving up the Zwarte Piet thing. “But it’s tradition!!”

    • Fatty Bolger

      Oh, so that’s why the men laid their money down. For the Zigeunersauce.

      • Mojeaux

        She was 16. He was 21.

      • Fatty Bolger


      • Fourscore

        Her daddy wouldn’t have killed him, had he known

      • C. Anacreon

        Preach a little gospel, sell a couple bottles of Doctor Good

      • Mojeaux

        My people!

    • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

      When I lived in eastern Europe I wanted to order a ciganska pecienka, or a gypsy roast, but the guy behind the counter was a gypsy, and I couldn’t bring myself to do it. My coworker said, “he wants the gypsy roast but he’s too polite to say it”. The guy behind the counter got a good laugh from it.

  9. Not Adahn

    Bill Clinton grins with pleasure as he enjoys an intimate neck massage with a young Jeffrey Epstein victim in never-before-seen photographs obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com.

    The troubling pictures are an ill-timed reminder of Clinton’s links to Epstein as the former President, 72, prepares to endorse Joe Biden tonight at the Democratic Convention.

    Clinton traveled numerous times on the dead pedophile’s private Jet, the Lolita Express, socialized with his alleged Madame, Ghislaine Maxwell, and faced a slew of sexual misconduct accusations himself during his years in public life.

    Oh you British tabloid writers! You’re more entertaining than BBC pidgin.

    • leon

      But no worries, those geniuses are the only ones qualified to manage our money.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Next stimulus will be $1,200 in coins.

      • kinnath

        A single $1200 coin.

      • kinnath

        Just a cup of coffee.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t drink coffee.

      • Chafed

        That would be hysterical.

    • UnCivilServant

      Fake news.

      Those quarters never leave the laundromat, they just keep circulating between dispensors and machines.

    • Brochettaward

      I’m not buying the official explanation for the coin shortage. I really doubt it’s caused by the actions of consumers. The Top Men fucked up and are using it as an excuse. It’s a supply chain issue.

    • Rhywun

      impacting laundromats

      The machines in my building don’t even use coins; never have in my eight years here.

    • KibbledKristen

      Luckily the coin search livestream I watch twice a week only does 1/2 dollars, which haven’t been minted for circulation since – what? – 2002? He’s been havin decent luck lately in finding silver in his 1/2 dollar boxes after a few months’ drought. He had 59 silvers in one box last week.

    • kbolino

      Isn’t the whole point of fiat money that the money supply and the coinage are not related? Just make more damn coins.

      • Fourscore

        Too expensive, have to make it up in volume

      • Fourscore

        Too expensive, have to make it up in volume

    • blackjack

      Of course! They gave it all as “spare change” to the homeless.

      Btw, how cheap do you have to be to give your kid less than a dollar for losing his tooth? My kid gets five bucks.

      • Fourscore

        Glad I didn’t live next door to you.

        “Mr Blackjack’s kids get $5 from the tooth fairy. Our tooth fairy brings 50 cents.”

      • TARDIS

        Same as strippers nowadays, I hear.

  10. Warty



    Republicans are Democrats too

    • Mad Scientist


    • Not Adahn

      Nah. Republicans are better looking than Democrats. It’s been scientistically proven.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      90s Democrats

    • Cancelled

      So are Libertarians. Guess we’re hosed.

  11. The Late P Brooks


    A woman who lost her father to the coronavirus excoriated the President on the first night of the Democratic National Convention, declaring in a pointed speech that her father’s “only preexisting condition was trusting Donald Trump.”
    Kristin Urquiza, whose father Mark Urquiza died from the virus in June, said in a video message Monday night that he “paid with his life” by trusting the President’s repeated insistence that the pandemic would go away.
    “The coronavirus has made clear that there are two Americas: the America that Donald Trump lives in and the America that my father died in,” she said.
    “Enough is enough. Donald Trump may not have caused the coronavirus, but his dishonesty and his irresponsible actions made it so much worse.”

    The comments marked one of the most poignant moments of the night as Democrats kicked off the DNC with a two-hour virtual event built on a theme of unity.

    Trump smothered him in his hospital bed.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Cut the power to his ventilator,
      Wait… that’s Gavin Nuisance

    • Brochettaward

      Nothing says “unity” like blaming Trump for a single covid death.

    • Mad Scientist

      I find it simply amazing that some people have this unquestioning belief that the government can be anything other than utterly ineffective at containing a contagion.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      “The coronavirus has made clear that there are two Americas: the America that Donald Trump lives inwants to force communism on everyone and the America that my father died in,” she said. does not not

      What she and the DNC really means.

      • C. Anacreon

        Yet no one on the D side ever says what they would have done differently at each stage based on what was known at the time, only that “Trump bungled!” And if they did have a better idea along the way, why not publicize their plan? No, it was just always “he’s wrong!” and attempting to undermine the administration’s efforts daily.

        Imagine if every day of WW2 was Republicans saying “Roosevelt bungled this war from day one!” There should have been a team approach to deal with the virus, but Ds decided it was more important to make the whole thing a political weapon against Trump. If anyone should be blamed for deaths, how about those who refused to set politics aside for the better good of helping the country to get through this?

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        C’mon man. There was a playbook. A rubrik. Procedures to be followed.

        Not that they would have made a difference, because everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face.

    • Broswater

      Political grandstanding on your father’s grave. Charming.

      • Rhywun

        The party of unity.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Mentally unstable is a great look for the Democrats.

      • Surly Knott

        Well, at least it’s accurate.

    • Viking1865

      She straight up lied about not having a preexisting condition. Obesity is well documented as a comorbidity.

      • kbolino

        I can’t figure out if I’m supposed to think obesity is a fat-phobic slur or I’m allowed to use it but only to call attention to how thin privilege oppresses fat people, but either way I’m pretty sure you’re a bigot for talking about it like that.

      • Viking1865

        Yeah people acting like its the newest form of bigotry is even more asinine than most SJWism. I honestly try not to be an asshole about it, but I was over 400 pounds at my highest weight, and I lost over 200 pounds. I truly fundamentally understand the struggle with it. But it’s just a straight up lie to say that her dad had no preexisting conditions. He died of a disease that really hammers people with obesity and its related consequences like diabetes and high blood pressure.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        They probably chose him on purpose, because if anyone points out that he was obese, the Dems could have cried about how mean the haters are.

  12. Rebel Scum

    This is why women shouldn’t vote. ///jk

    Kathy Hochul

    As highest ranking woman elected official in New York and on behalf of Susan B. Anthony’s legacy we demand Trump rescind his pardon.

    She was proud of her arrest to draw attention to the cause for women’s rights, and never paid her fine. Let her Rest In Peace,

    • Brochettaward

      Trump could make the least offensive comment in history, something like fuck cancer, and these people would twist themselves into knots defending cancer.

      • Mojeaux

        He could CURE cancer and they’d find a way to hate him for it.

      • Homple

        If Trump said it would be a good idea to breathe now and then, 30% of the population would smother themselves trying to prove him wrong.

    • TARDIS

      If I had a Bleeter account, I’d write, “My wife is voting for Trump…because I told her to.”

    • B.P.

      “I hereby appoint myself spokesperson for someone who is dead.”

    • Chafed

      That’s… insane.

    • Rhywun

      Legit LOL.

      The troll-in-chief does it again.

  13. Rebel Scum

    When leftists accuse you of . . .being a communist…

    CNN analyst Asha Rangappa took to Twitter on Tuesday to offer sensationalized and baseless “would have been” accusations about Republican Sen. Marco Rubio becoming a “Castro crony” if he had stayed in Cuba.

    “Rubio would have absolutely been a Castro crony. Likely a low-level member of the secret police, the guy people would come and report their neighbors to for not clapping loudly enough at the last Communist rally, then he’d take their rice rations not to ‘write them up’,” Rangappa wrote, all in speculation.

    • Brochettaward

      Rubio is just about as milquetoast a Republican as it gets. Often goes against Trump publicly and sides with the left.

      • The Hyperbole

        So Asha is right and he is a commie.

      • leon


    • Rhywun

      If anyone is intimately familiar with the operations of a communist dictatorship, it’s a CNN analyst. Because they want it here.

      • blighted_non_millenial

        Asha should be put to work on a Cuban sugar cane farm for 5 years, so he can be a real expert.

      • Count Potato

        She’d never make it. CNN doesn’t know the difference between a machete and a cane knife.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        There sure seems to be a lot of leftist Indian women in media and politics these days. I’m curious as to why.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        IME, a lot of Indian women are rich white fashion mall bitches with more melanin. Highest of the upper crust back home, they’re put off when they’re not treated like royalty here. That mentality, combined with a somewhat cloistered culture, has resulted in some of the most cluelessly entitled brats I’ve ever come across, and usually the second-generation is worse than the immigrant generation.

        The Indian women I’ve encountered in engineering were nothing like this. The ones I have encountered in law are invariably very leftist and very entitled.

        /overgeneralizing, I’m sure

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I figured it might have something to do with the caste system.

      • kbolino

        I was going to say Kshama Sawant was dalit, but according to Wiki her family’s brahmin so it holds up.

      • EvilSheldon

        If you want a recipe for a truly sick society, the caste system would be a good place to start.

    • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto


  14. kinnath

    I need to find a pick up or SUV that can pull a fold-up camping trailer for my daughter to replace the Xterra that was totalled.

    Assuming a budget of $5K, what should be we looking for?

    • TARDIS

      Time travel that results in death for everyone responsible for Cash for Clunkers?

    • Sean

      Another $5k.


    • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

      The pop up trailer shouldn’t exceed any towing limits that I’m aware of, even for the small SUVs, so size would have more to do with how much cargo y’all want.

      is this a daily driver that needs to be able to tow on occasion, or will it only be for towing the camper?

      • kinnath

        Daily driver. Towing for vacations. The 2002 Xterra (180 hp) had no problem pulling the trailer.

        Reliability is probably the number one concern at this point.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Kia Sedona, 3400 V6, she’ll do it and she’s got a cave in back for storage, it’s not small, more ligh truckish

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        in the SUV/wagon category, around here $5k or so gets you an ’04 Escape (badged as Mazda or Mercury) with less than 100k miles, an ’02 forester right at 100k, an ’07 Mazda cx-7 right at 100k, and a few jeeps that I wouldn’t buy even if they were the only choice.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Ugh, maybe a Durango.

      *Goes to take cold shower*

    • Aus

      Toyota. The answer is always toyota.

      Save up until you can afford a used one. You’ll likely end up saving lots in the long room due to the reliability, lack of problems.

    • Trolleric the Goth

      another xterra or frontier?

      • kinnath


        I would certainly lean that way.

        Cash for Clunkers fucked the market royally.

        The derecho last week probably destroyed many hundreds of vehicles locally.

        I want more options that what I am familiar with.

      • DrOtto

        Or the similar Pathfinder. That 3.5 was a great V6, my daughter’s is nearing 300k.

    • kinnath

      Honda Pilot

      Any experience?

      • blighted_non_millenial

        Not a Pilot, but I was very happy with my Element. I did not use it to tow and have no idea what it’s capacity would be (if you can even find em with hitches).

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        I have a 2011 Honda Pilot. 100k miles with no issue of any kind. We plan on keeping it at least another decade.

        We got the Pilot over the Highlander because the Pilot came standard with a factory package and 4wd. It’s pulled its weight of various trailers over the years. I’ve told this before but a couple times now an F350 carrying a trailer with 300 bales of hay couldn’t make it up the dirt hill to the barn. I chained my Pilot to the F350 and got it + the trailer up the hill.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        *factory tow package

      • kinnath


        Heading out to look at one now.

  15. B.P.

    My kid had the NBA playoffs on the teevee. All the cool players had personalized social justice phrases on their jerseys. One rangy white dude’s phrase was “ally”.

    • Brochettaward

      I wonder why their ratings suck.

      • Bobarian LMD

        I wonder why they have ratings at all.

      • The Hyperbole

        Because a lot of people like watching basketball and don’t give a fuck about politics or virtue signaling?

    • Grosspatzer


      Hmm… Maybe he digs Castaneda?

      • C. Anacreon


        Maybe he’s just telling everyone where he goes bowling?

    • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

      I’m a fan of CJ McCollum because he went to my alma mater. I was pleased that his jersey was “Education Reform”. It allows me to believe that he wants school choice.

    • kinnath

      Florida Woman.

      Why can’t someone like that run in my district in Iowa?

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Meh, but would,

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Guaranteed to be stabby crazy.

      Still would.

    • mrfamous

      She’s running against Charlie Crist. The idea that a sentient human could vote for Crist against for any reason other than pure graft…

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Tyrant in training

    Hotels and short-term rentals in New York City are now required to make out-of-state guests fill out a traveler form before giving them access to their rooms, to ensure that they quarantine if warranted.

    Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday signed an executive order requiring the traveler health forms be completed by people coming from states on the restricted list during the coronavirus pandemic.

    “If they don’t have that form from the traveler, they should not give them access to that room, period,” de Blasio said at his daily press briefing.

    A 14-day quarantine is mandatory for travelers from the state’s travel advisory list, which includes 32 states and two US territories.

    New York City Sheriff Joseph Fucito warned that travelers who refuse to fill out the form could be charged with a class B misdemeanor — or face civil commitment, penalties and fines.

    “Noncompliance … is a crime,” he said.

    It would be a tragic shame to see de Blasio hanging upside down from a lamppost.

    • B.P.

      Meanwhile the governor is begging people to come back to NYC.

    • KibbledKristen

      Does that go for Queens also? Because TWA Hotel. Getting back there seems more & more out of reach.

      • DEG

        Queens is part of New York City, so, yes.

        New York City Sheriff acts as the sheriff for all five county/boroughs in NYC.

      • Rhywun

        I’ll be honest – I didn’t even know NYC had a sheriff until current year. That person was never, ever in the news.

      • kbolino

        Most places have sheriffs, but their offices are usually dwarfed by the main police force. In a place like New York, the sheriff’s office is probably a couple hundred years older than the police department.

      • kbolino

        Well, I was half right. The sheriff’s office in New York is younger than the NYPD, but that’s because from 1626 until 1942 there county-level sheriff’s offices, which were later consolidated, while the NYPD was founded in 1845.

    • Grosspatzer

      At first glance, this seems incredibly stupid; why have a policy that discourages tourism when you’re already short on revenue? But on the other hand it keeps the rooms available to house the homeless. That’s probably far more important in these trying times.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Just keep killing yourself.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    On Tuesday, Alaska and Delaware were added onto New York State’s travel advisory list.

    The list includes: Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Virgin Islands and Wisconsin.

    States get added if virus data shows a positive coronavirus test rate higher than 10 per 10,000 residents over a seven-day rolling average, or a 10 percent or higher positivity rate over the same period. Those metrics were established by the state Department of Health.

    If you only test symptomatic people, it would be hard not to get that result. I would be astounded if any of the states on that list have anywhere near the per capita fatality rate of New York.


  18. mikey

    I’ve missed Marianne.

    Marianne Williamson: DNC ‘Like Binge Watching a Marriott Commercial’. https://tiny.iavian.net/12xjb

    • Hyperion

      Her and Tulsi are pretty much the only thing the democrats have even worth watching. The rest of them are hateful batshit crazy low life commies, fuck all of them.

    • KibbledKristen

      LOL that is a great turn of phrase

  19. grrizzly

    Too bad I missed the mask thread this afternoon. My approach to them is simple. I ignore any kind of signs requiring masks at the store/business entrance. I don’t really know or care if the business genuinely wants to impose the face mask wearing requirement or is afraid of the government. I live in the place where the face mask wearing mandate is imposed by the government. The town where my local Costco is located introduced the mask requirement before Costco did it as its corporate policy. If the store/business wants me wear a mask then their employees have to ask me to put it on. I’ll either comply or leave the store, depending on how essential shopping is there for me. As I posted many times, I was able to shop and get services in many, many places without donning a mask. It is possible. I think people are too obedient, they comply too eagerly with this nonsense.

    • Nephilium

      I don’t want the bars and restaurants I’m patronizing to risk their liquor license because I’m not putting on a mask. At least one place was getting mask complaints called in on them before they opened, most likely because the owner posted anti-mask things on social media.

      • The Hyperbole

        Yep, if you are the one risking getting fined for not masking, I’m all for it, great, keep on keeping on, fight the man, etc, etc… Not the same, If you are merely passing the consequences of your virtue signalling onto the businesses and their employees.

      • grrizzly

        Virtue signaling: behaving like a sane person in a madhouse.

      • The Hyperbole

        Fair enough, I should have said civil disobedience, but the gist is the same. Are you bearing the brunt of your actions or is somebody else?

      • grrizzly

        There’s no brunt to speak of. I happen to live in a place where 95% of pedestrians wear a mask while walking on the street. I’m the only person inside a store without a mask. My actions are too small to trigger a reaction from Karens. People, including on this board, are too scared and exaggerate the negative consequences of non-compliance to themselves and private businesses. Sometimes, I think they do it because of their own cowardice. Here it’s just the libertarian flavor of cowardice: I comply with everything like a good sheep but I do it not because of negative consequences to myself but to private businesses. Sounds almost like masks are there to protect other people.

      • grrizzly

        I don’t go to bars. As for restaurants, I’ve only been to those with outdoor dining. When at one restaurant I was asked to put on a mask on my way to a table, I put it on. The other restaurants didn’t ask me to do something this stupid. Why should I volunteer?

  20. Hyperion

    District 7

    OK. So she lives in Middle River, which is not Baltimore City. For what it’s worth, almost none of District 7 is Baltimore City, at least none of it is in the hellhole wasteland she’s showing in that video. I’m in her district. I guess I’m voting for her when I do straight Republican ticket. I guess she could can win in this district. The thing she has going against her is being Republican, so she probably can’t win.

    • KibbledKristen

      She can WORK those shoes on those crusty-ass streets, too. I tried shoes like that in Old Town Alexandria once. Once.

      • Hyperion

        She won’t be walking around in those shoes in West Baltimore without a security detail. They’d probably murder you down there for a pair of those, or even less. Middle River is about as white as you can get.

      • Hyperion

        She’s right though about the city. I mean she’s being about as nice as you can get about it and still try to make a point. But I’m afraid there is nothing she can do or anyone else. It’s just impossible to vote the democrats out of here, they’re safe until the sun goes red giant on us, the people in the inner city are institutionalized multi-generational welfare serfs, the schools completely worthless, and we almost cannot get through one mayor without them being removed from office on federal charges of some sort. The corruption is so deep it’s not solvable by any means.

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, there is a solution… but you may want to be outside the blast radius first.

      • Ed Wuncler

        The Southside of Chicago is like that too. Jesse Jackson, Jr rep’d my parent’s district in Congress and dude was being invested by the FBI and he still won re-election.

        The guy could not have given two shits about the district he represented but he was still kept in office because of low voter turn out, complacency, and name recognition.

      • creech

        I remember when my congressman, Curt Weldon (R) lost re-election because his daughter was being investigated by FBI. Shortly after the election, “nothing to see here folks; sorry for troubling you.” I guess some voters celebrate criminality in their representatives.

    • Viking1865

      Baltimore City, at least none of it is in the hellhole wasteland she’s showing in that video.

      Yeah Wiki breaks it down this way

      Median income $60,929[1]


      59.1% black
      34.9% white
      3.6% Asian
      1.7% Hispanic
      0.2% Native American


      66.8% White-collar
      17% Gray-collar
      16.2% Blue-collar

      So my guess is a bunch of black government employees live in the district. D+26. But hey, if Twitter likes were votes the Dems would have a Sanders/Gabbbard ticket.

      • Hyperion

        The nicer areas in the district are infested with hipster progtards, so there’s no getting rid of the democrats, ever.

    • Rhywun

      Am I crazy or does the map cover what looks like half of Baltimore City?

      • Hyperion

        Yes, but the district by percentage is largely outside of Baltmore City. I guess I should have not said it exactly the way I did. Population wise, I’m sure most of it is in the city.

  21. Yusef drives a Kia

    Trumps right down the street! in Yuma, he’s talking about 122 degree heat, Love it!

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Trump sounds like he reads the Glibs sometimes, he’s a Fucking Gem of Fun and ‘Murica!

  22. KibbledKristen

    I just…what?

    Warren speaking at the DNC native american meeting

    • Rhywun

      I think this is evidence I’m dissociating and I’ve lost it.


      I’ve noticed that the Dems’ habit of just flat-out ignoring anything that happened more than a year or so ago is stronger than ever. It’s jaw-dropping.

    • B.P.

      She missed an opportunity to lay down a parable or two from her tribe.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I got nuthin’

    • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

      “I’m gonna go grab myself some firewater”.

    • KibbledKristen

      That’s awesome!

    • UnCivilServant

      is it just me, or does ‘ lol ‘ in the default font look like a person having trouble swimming?

      • Fatty Bolger

        To me it looks like a ref signaling touchdown.

      • Rhywun

        It does now.

    • Sean


  23. Yusef drives a Kia

    He’s crushing Socialism by name and calling out the Dems as Socialists, I will vote for him this time

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      He just called out a candidate for my district, and just now called out another one, Ha!
      and he’s playing to the Base, 2nd Amendment Forever!

    • creech

      Apparently, some black lives don’t matter to other blacks.

  24. Yusef drives a Kia

    He’s calling out the NFL for kneeling, he says he just turns the station, ouch!

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      wants to eliminate Big pharma charging the US insane prices as opposed to the rest of the World, not bad………

      • Mad Scientist

        What’s his position on free ponies?

      • UnCivilServant

        They shoulkd be rounded up and turned into meat.

    • Hyperion

      We can’t stop riots and looting, but we can stop you minding your own business and going about your daily life.

    • Rhywun

      FFS Australia, what the hell is wrong with you?! I had no idea they’d lost the plot so bad.

      • kbolino

        They seem to have taken the American response up to 11, ignore then go overboard.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Person of Interest is looking more and more like a documentary.

  25. Hyperion

    “This is pretty cool. Fresh water from sunlight.”

    Desalinization is impossible, because we’re almost out of water because global warming. Now shut up and be afraid!

    • C. Anacreon

      Even worse, once they start using up all the ocean water, the oceans will become dry and all marine life will die!

    • UnCivilServant

      Claim it’s against your religion and just stink up the office?

      • Hyperion

        There ain’t no office. I guess Bernie didn’t go far enough. No one needs more than any different deodorants.

    • KibbledKristen

      Awwww shit…I use Degree too. Fuckin-a.

      • Hyperion

        I use whatever sprays that my wife buys for me. That stick stuff is shit, I threw all that in the trash. I like a good ozone hole with my daily hygiene.

      • Brochettaward

        We all know you prefer spray on deodorants to stay musky for your homo excursions.

      • Brochettaward

        Excursions is the wrong word. That implies they are mere dalliances with homosexuality when we all know you are compulsively gay.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        You forgot something.

    • Brochettaward

      Now I have to give up Pokemon.

      Did you know that I was the First to catch them all? It’s true.

      • Hyperion

        We’re sure if anyone caught any ‘Pokes’ maan, it was you, Broketard. Broketard loves to get poked, maan, lol.

    • Rhywun

      I like Dove Dry Spray… made by Unilever – the same company that owns the company that makes Degree. 🙂

      I wouldn’t bother wasting your time on boycotts. You’ll go crazy when you realize it’s everyone doing it.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Speed stick and Axe Apollo Body Wash, Wendy bought it for me cause she liked it,Haters…….

      • Hyperion

        Dove is for girls! And… oh wait, it’s Dove I’m using. But it’s Dove MAN care! For men, damnit!

      • Rhywun

        Yes, Man Care. I would never buy girlie stuff.

      • TARDIS

        Man Care = Code for thorough washing.

      • C. Anacreon

        Manly, yes, but you like it too.

        /old Irish Spring commercial

      • Sean

        Just let me tilt at windmills. It’s largely harmless and mitigates my anger.

      • UnCivilServant

        Windmills are pretty big, a lance wouldn’t do enough damage to knock it down.

      • Rhywun

        Oh, I know. I’m tempted myself but at the end of the day it’s just exhausting. They won.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Thai Crystal

      Cheap and it works.

    • But Enough About My Prostate


      • C. Anacreon

        So you didn’t use your deodorant yesterday, and you may not today?

        /old Mitchum commercial

      • But Enough About My Weird Culinary Fantasies

        Works for me.

    • Timeloose

      Old Spice high endurance. Works great smells good.

      They make mild smelling stuff that the ladies can use as well.

      • But Enough About My Weird Culinary Fantasies

        I like the smell of Old Spice, but all their deodorant sticks have given me a nasty rash. Turns out that’s a problem that’s fairly well-known.

    • kbolino

      I’m looking forward to when we find out these organizations everybody is rushing to donate to are spending most of the money on hookers and blow.

      • UnCivilServant

        But how much of the money was wasted?

      • kbolino

        The rest, of course.

      • Rhywun

        The fantasy in my head is they all publicly offer mea culpas for throwing the public’s money at commies.

    • Pine_Tree

      Don’t use deodorant. I haven’t for years.

      Use rubbing alcohol instead.

      Splash some in your hand and rub in in the opposite pit (and surrounding area). Bad odor comes from bacteria, and the rubbing alcohol kills it. In my experience it lasts longer than deodorant, doesn’t stain nice shirts, and avoids whatever various nasties might be in it.

  26. KibbledKristen

    Why doesn’t Bonchon Chicken have the sweet crunch flavor anymore???? * sobs *

  27. Hyperion

    I don’t even get the payroll tax thing. From what I understand, it’s a deferral, so you have to pay it back? WTF? LOL, is that a joke? Why would you want to defer taxes now that you have to pay back later? Sounds like an adventure in personal finance mismanagement to me. Also, I understand it’s voluntary so employers don’t even have to do it?

    I just don’t get why that was worth doing. Give us a real tax break, again, and cut spending. And please, no more fucking stimulus checks. I mean, if you have to do it, give it to individuals, but don’t do it.

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m guess it’s because he doesn’t have the authority to make it a permanant reduction.

      • Hyperion

        He doesn’t, but the token gesture doesn’t make any sense to me. You can already defer taxes, if you can’t pay them, just call the IRS, they’re easy as hell do deal with.

      • Not Adahn

        Paychecks get bigger before the election = better re-election chances, followed by bigger bills on 4/15 when he’s safely ensconced?

    • Nephilium

      When Trump first signed the EO, he also was saying that he would push to make the taxes that were deferred into a real break. That’s been downplayed since… probably because he’s aware that even if he wins, the Republicans probably wouldn’t be on board with it.

      • Hyperion

        Well, they’re not going to defund medicare and SOS. So yeah. But another permanent payroll tax cut would be great. I’d like an option to opt out of SS and Medicare. Give me half of what I’ve paid in to date, and I’m out, you can keep the rest.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Half? HAHAHA, I’ll just take getting out while I’m still alive,

    • TARDIS

      I kind of got the impression that if reelected he would twist Congress’s arm to make it a refund.

      • TARDIS

        NM ^what Neph said.

  28. KibbledKristen

    Neighbor just texted me and said we may be getting something to put in our peace pipes this evening! Please, sweet baby jeebus let this be true.

    • UnCivilServant

      “Pipe cleaners?”

      “You can’t have a dirty peace pipe.”

    • Hyperion

      Aren’t you still in VA?

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I feel for you, not having cheap and easy access like the rest of the Country……
      /Really, it must suck,

    • KibbledKristen

      She says after midnight…s’okay. Without it, I haven’t been getting to sleep til 2am anyway.

    • C. Anacreon

      “Drugs will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no drugs”.

      -The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers

      • KibbledKristen

        Damn right

    • Ted S.

      Enjoy the meth!

  29. Mojeaux

    OT: I’m trying to photograph some things for my Etsy shop. You know what? Photography R hard.

    • UnCivilServant

      Yes, it is.

      What kind of camera do you have?

      • Mojeaux

        Ha! My phone. *sigh* I don’t do this enough to justify buying an actual camera, though, so…

      • UnCivilServant

        The tech they manage to cram in there isn’t bad as far as capturing images, the biggest problem I have is the interface.

        You may want to look for tutorials for cheap lighting options. The lighting can make a massive difference.

      • Mojeaux

        I’ve got a white display board, poster board, warm light diffused over my object. No shadows. It took me forever to find a backdrop to show the linen. I got a decent photo, but not really representative of it.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m not a pro, so we’re at the limits for my advice.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Take a LOT of pictures, look at them on your PC so you can really see what your doing. Notice your lighting, and Contrast, sometimes light can be a nice effect, sometimes Glare can ruin a shot. Since Smart phones, I learned a lot more than the old 35mm days, I can afford film!

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Example, for every 10 pictures in my articles, I probably take over 100 pictures, and many duplicates, don’t forget duplicates,

      • mikey

        Product photography is really hard. If the product is fabric it’s even harder. You don’t want much in the way of shadows,but the only way the texture of the fabric shows up is via shadow. In addition to the main lighting washing out the unwanted shadow, I’d use a flash or other light source offset to the side at about a 45-degree angle. Less srong than the main lighting it would add enough shadow to show the fabric texture. Much fiddling required, but fillm is free nowadays.

      • But Enough About My Weird Culinary Fantasies

        If you were anywhere near me I’d just say “Bring it over to the studio and we’ll shoot it.”

        Just Googled “how to photograph fabric” and there seems to be some good, short videos on the subject.

      • Mojeaux

        but the only way the texture of the fabric shows up is via shadow

        Yes! It’s driving me batshit, especially since what I’m photographing is linen.

  30. KibbledKristen

    Speaking of photography, I got a bluetooth remote and tripod for my trip to SD. Only way to get full-length, full-context pictures of myself. So when I write up a trip report for y’all, I hope you appreciate my making myself look like an Instagram hipster douche in front of the locals.

    • Nephilium

      I think for that, you’ll need to walk around with a selfie stick.

      • KibbledKristen

        I have one, but I’m looking for less selfie-ish and less “smile & pose” and more action/candid shots at more of a distance.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        My brother calls those narcissi-sticks.

    • Tundra

      Going to Sturgis?

      We have had a selfie stick and tripod for years. It’s become a running joke with the kids, but the selfies we have taken around the world are some of my favorite memories.

      The remote control tripod is the bomb.

      • KibbledKristen

        I’ll be passing through Sturgis…gonna take a long drive through the hills in a circuit from south to north.

      • Tundra

        The Black Hills are one of my favorite places on the planet. Don’t miss the State Game Lodge. Silent Cal’s summer White House!

      • KibbledKristen

        No shit???? I’ll check it out!

      • hayeksplosives

        They have some good cave tours in the Black Hills too.