GlibFit 4.0 – Coronavirus Edition XXVIII: Suck It Up Buttercup

by | Sep 27, 2020 | Fitness, GlibFit | 237 comments

I may have been wallowing in negativity the past few weeks.  If so, sorry about that.  No one comes here for that.

I pulled my head out of my ass and got back to it this week.  I needed to mix up my routine for a few reasons.  First, something was going on with my right knee when I did bodyweight squats three times a week.  Second, it felt like I was doing enough to get by but not enough to be challenging.  Third, my routine was getting stale, so I needed to do something to keep it interesting.

I did pullups, pushups, and ab work Monday and Friday.  Wednesday was a new bodyweight leg routine that was a swift kick in the ass.  Tuesday and Thursday, I jumped rope. I’m continuing to improve with my pullups. I’m actually seeing some lat development.  I’llpost a photo when I have bat wings.

My jump rope times are also improving. I did 15 and 18 minutes this week. I could have gone longer but had a commitment, so I had to break it off. I’m really enjoying it and appreciate it is a good substitute for running when I don’t have the time, or my knees are bothering me.

I’m investigating buying a better jump rope. What I have is fine, but the rope is getting worn down. The jump rope market appears to be highly segmented. Nearly everything available is in the $5-$25 range. Then there is CrossRope.

I don’t have the faintest idea if their products are worth the money. They are saying all the right things: ease of use, adjustability for height and weight, high quality, multiple types of exercise, etc. They also have a ton of positive reviews. If anyone has used these then please post a comment. I’m tempted but don’t want to throw my money away on slick marketing.

My state’s autocrat governor has implemented a Covid rating system that remains a headscratcher to me. I can’t help but notice the number of deaths, hospitalizations, and hospital capacity are omitted from the criteria. I guess I’m not up on SCIENCE!

The good less shitty perplexing news for my county is we entered the red zone. Somehow that’s better than purple. I’m still wondering how entering the red zone is a good thing when warning people of danger. Anyway… this means my local gym just reopened subject to capacity restrictions and having to wear a facemask while working out.

I’m not worried about the capacity restriction because there isn’t a lot of competition for space at 0 dark 30. As for facemasks, weeks (or maybe months) ago some of you had some great suggestions about the neck gaiters you use as masks.  Please post suggestions in the comments.

This week’s music choice.

About The Author



I'm looking California but feeling Minnesota


  1. DEG

    Sorry about your knee.

    My state’s autocrat governor has implemented a Covid rating system that remains a headscratcher to me. I can’t help but notice the number of deaths, hospitalizations, and hospital capacity are omitted from the criteria. I guess I’m not up on SCIENCE!

    My eyes glazed over when I tried reading that site.

    The folks behind the site that is better than PornHub sent me a mailing. They sent me a paper copy of the recall petition. uhhh…. I don’t live in California.

    Anyway… this means my local gym just reopened subject to capacity restrictions and having to wear a facemask while working out.

    It’s good that your gym is open. Sorry about the face diaper bullshit.

    Despite the update to the Nashua, NH mask ordinance, my gym is continuing to ignore the ordinance. They just ask that we follow the Clown Prince’s rules: Wear a face diaper in the lobby, and it’s not required anywhere else. The increase in percentage of people wearing face diapers has leveled off. I want it to decrease, but I want a lot of things I don’t get.

    I like the music selection.

    This week wasn’t a good week for me and workouts. I only made it to the gym three times this week. Two conditioning days and one day of weights. Except for a set back with pull-ups, I am improving. Less leg pain and lower back pain from the herniation. Body weight is up, though I purposefully ate a bit more than usual last week. I’ll be back to a caloric deficit starting tomorrow.

    • blackjack

      Sign it anyways. They’ll figure it out, if they need to.

  2. blackjack

    Great song, thanks. Apparently, Tommy moves around more in the studio. Never seen a more sedate rock guitarist.

    • Tundra

      When you are that good, you really don’t need to move to call attention to yourself. See John Entwistle.

    • Chafed

      I saw them on The End tour. There’s Iommi blasting out monster riffs and rarely moving on the stage. I would wonder what’s going on except he has always been that way.

  3. DEG

    Oh, I also approve of the feature picture selection.

    • SP

      You’re welcome.

      • DEG

        It’s a good find. Thanks!

    • Sean


      • Drake

        It’s funny they did that instead of seating paying customers.

  4. Drake

    I have an old ankle injury visiting right now so I’ve limited cardio to 20 minutes and been doing heavy lifts. This of causes my weight to go up. Most it’s muscle but I’d rather be leaner.

    • blackjack

      If they asked me that question, I’d say, “wait, you’re telling me some of them are still alive?”

    • Rhywun

      Sometimes running with identity politics bites you back.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      He’s on ice at Area 51, duh.

    • Count Potato

      I think gays reclaimed the triangle thing during the AIDS crisis (“Silence equals death”), and the star always belonged to the jews.

    • Rhywun

      I had no idea you could combine them. ?

  5. Drake

    I bought a pack of the cheapest neck gaiters I could find on Amazon. I pretend to wear it going into the gym then generally have it off most of the time.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      the fleeve lined ones are nice for the cold, also Amazon

      • Drake

        The opposite of what want in the gym.

  6. Yusef drives a Kia

    Fleeve? what is that?

  7. Annoyed Nomad

    This past Monday my exercise was moving dirt. Mrs N won a charity raffle that included delivery of three yards of yard material. We had two large trees removed from our yard in the Spring (they were deteriorating and leaning towards our house), so we opted for three yards of dirt – to put over the ground-up stumps so we could plant grass seed. We also had a bunch of divots in the yard from when the trees fell, so used the dirt to fill those in. Damn, but that’s a crapload of dirt! No surprise, we had dirt left over, but I had to move it from the driveway to a spot in the backyard. I feel like I did the equivalent of digging two graves.

    We also did a 21 mile bike ride this week.

  8. Count Potato

    “NFL legend Joe Montana and his wife stopped a kidnapping when they wrestled their grandchild away from a home intruder, per @TMZ_Sports

    The grandchild is safe, and the intruder was arrested on kidnapping and burglary charges”

  9. KSuellington

    Glad you’re getting back into the swing of your workouts and feeling better Chafed.

    I already had two neck gaiters for being out on the water fishing. They are handy for that instead of having to reapply sunscreen all day. They are super cheap and also show you are doing the absolute least possible to comply with the charade. I have my kids calling them masquerades.

  10. blackjack

    Got a text from Jo.

    Jo: we’re just wondering if we can count on your vote?

    me: Well, I won’t be voting for anyone who supports violent marxists burning, looting and attacking innocent people.

    Jo: so who will you be voting for?

    me: I’m voting the only guy who’s in favor of stopping the riotous criminals from harming the innocent.

    • Drake

      I used to believe “libertarian” was the opposite of communist. My betters disagreed.

      • Gustave Lytton

        You’ll be able to stay up late and eat ice cream whenever you want* in the camps!

        *ice cream subject to availability

      • Drake

        I don’t suppose there will be a wide selection of flavors.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Of course there will be!

        (Flavors may taste exactly alike and not resemble their names)

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Ned Flanders ice milk: both wintergreen and unflavored.

      • Hyperion

        Unfortunately, we have to ration the ice cream once again, because despite the increased beatings, moral has yet to improve.

      • Gustave Lytton

        That is a brilliant John-o there.

    • creech

      ” Well, I won’t be voting for anyone who supports violent marxists burning, looting and attacking innocent people.”

      What bullshit is this? Jo Jorgensen supports nothing of the kind.

      • blackjack

        Google “Jo Jorgensen on Black Lives Matter” She says we should support these protests and these protests are marxists looting, burning and attacking innocent people. She makes no distinction between what we’re seeing and any actual protest. It’s not bullshit.

      • The Hyperbole

        Googled – “I think we should support the protesters, but, at the same time, get rid of the opportunistic people hijacking the movement.” Jorgensen points to the people who have used the protests to loot and commit violence: “They are going around basically inserting themselves into peaceful protest. And I’ve seen many clips of the protesters saying, ‘Stop it. Go away. You’re not helping us. We don’t want you here.'”

        Sounds like she’s making distinctions.

      • blackjack

        Later, she applauds a company for firing a lady who posted “all lives matter” on her personal facebook. Anyone who doesn’t understand that black lives matter is a marxist and anti American orginization is way worse than someone who doesn’t know where Aleppo is. It’s been months. There have been scarce few peaceful protests. They mostly include arson, violence and looting. Pretending otherwise is silly. There’s no peaceful movement in favor of police reform. It is violent at it’s core. And, it’s driven by criminals and marxists, period.

  11. IRBE

    HI Chafed, Thanks for the new edition and greetings from NOCal. I am purple with envy over your county red status. Workout wise, it is always good to mix things up to keep things fresh and zesty. As I planned for the last month, I finally did the 3 day fast (70 hrs to be exact). Starting weight 175.6; end fast weight 169.5. Weight this morning 171.7. Well, the first 48 hours were OK. Really hungry at 24 hrs and 48 hrs. Slept well but really weird dreams. At 60 hrs, the anticipated fasting high did not occur unless feeling really drained is a high. Went on a moderate hike before end of fast feed. Did not set any speed records, felt like Joe Biden. At refeed I had 3 eggs and pork tenderloin. Mild discomfort from first meal. All tolled, interesting experience but a little disappointed that I did not feel better at 60+ hrs. I think I will stay with the 48 hr fasts since they are easier and give me about the same benefit.

    Workout wise, I did less hiking this week. Too many meetings during prime hiking times.

    Looks like Gavin has taken some notes from Trump on laser pointers with cats. I dig your style Trump watch this… No cars, color codes and doods can incarcerate with the ladies if they so identify. Look here and not at the open air prison, state fires, looming large municipality/state bankruptcies and not enough electricity with planned outages…but with the car thingy–he went too far.

    Have a great week and skip a meal or 3.

    • IRBE

      I did do an interesting G-fit activity. While waiting for another meeting to start, I was perusing YouTube and a video of this Polish guy, named Wim Hoff came up. He uses breathing techniques (hyperventilating) and breath holds to do superhuman feats. Anyway, I tried his technique and it was interesting. You can really increase your hold breath time and afterward I did some push-ups and exceed my current personal best by almost 20 while not breathing.

      Anyone else try it…

      • Tundra

        Jim Nestor’s book, Breath, came up on Friday in the literary column.

        He’s got a bunch of videos on his site. I’ve tried a few and they are pretty amazing. Some are almost a workout.

        My Garmin watch has a breathing program, as well. I’m kind of nerding out on the breathing thing lately.

      • IRBE

        I have thought for a long time that breathing is really important…

      • Sean

        Oh sure, if you want to spread covid and kill grandma.

      • IRBE

        Seriously..when it came to athletic performance, I know I have a tendency to hold my breath. First tee jitters, free throws and such and there was never anything available to coach proper breathing techniques for different activities from strenuous physical to getting to sleep fast.

        I have measure different breathing techniques in terms of blood pressure and it is amazing how much it can affect readings.

      • Tundra

        Our bodies are amazing machines. Too bad we spend so much time throwing gravel into the gears!

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Coming soon, to a Democratic Presidential administration near you

    The steps to reducing inequality are clear: rebuild the institutions and policies that provide workers leverage and bargaining power in labor markets, or build new ones.

    Policymakers should re-target genuine full employment (the Fed is making good steps in this direction). The federal minimum wage should be substantially increased. The right to form unions should be vigilantly protected. The unemployment insurance system should be modernized and made substantially more-generous, both as a safety net during bad times but also to make the threat of job loss less corrosive to workers’ confidence in wage-bargaining with employers.

    Top tax rates should be raised, and taxes on capital incomes should be pushed much closer to taxes on labor income. Key sources of economic security that workers currently have to bargain over with employers — like pensions and health insurance — should be instead provided universally through public programs. Social Security should be made more generous and a robust expansion of public health insurance — Medicaid and Medicare and public options in Obamacare — should be undertaken.

    The real obstacle to this agenda is not finding the perfect technocratic policy design, it’s raw political power. The real innovation we need is a genuine social movement dedicated to a more equal economy.

    Josh Bevins is director of research at the Economic Policy Institute.

    Invasion of the nannybots. EQUALIIIIIIZE!

    • LJW

      Economic equality meaning everyone is poor… Except for the political class.

      • Hyperion

        No one else is going to top that response, so I quit. /sulks out of chat room

    • Gustave Lytton

      The real obstacle to this agenda is not finding the perfect technocratic policy design, it’s raw political powerthe reality that there are limited resources and unlimited wants.

    • Hyperion

      “rebuild the institutions and policies that provide workers leverage and bargaining power in labor markets, or build new ones.”


    • Rhywun

      Policymakers should re-target genuine full employment

      …by pushing a laundry-list of policies which will do the exact opposite?

    • Animal

      The real innovation we need is a genuine social movement dedicated to a more equal economy.

      Fuck off, slaver.

      • Rhywun

        But their ideas are innovative. Why do you hate new stuff that nobody has ever thought of before?

    • Drake

      “Walking loot boxes” lol

      Exactly what I was thinking.

      • Sean

        WTS: AR15. Like new, only dropped once.

    • Hyperion

      They’ll shoot their eye out.

    • Pine_Tree

      I see stuff like that and immediately wonder several of my standard things:
      – What do these folks do for a living? (yeah, I know, the answer is “vote”)
      – Where’d they get the gear? Like, did a Soros-mobile just hand it out the other day, or did they have it all a year or so ago, or what?

    • Sean

      I’m pretty sure I saw that guy outted on Twitter as a felon. So I’m guessing that is not “his” rifle.

      • Sean

        Or maybe having committed domestic violence and therefore a prohibited person.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      Rittenhouse’s damage cheat code enabled…

  13. Hyperion

    Everyone goan die!

    “20 million Americans could immediately lose health coverage”

    • Grumbletarian

      The right of the government to force you to buy stuff they say is good is in peril!

    • IRBE

      For grins, I looked up my health insurance costs in 2010 and compared them to costs for 2021. The normalized costs increased by 3X for roughly the same coverage with more copays and higher deductibles.

      I don’t know how many of the 20MM I am subsidizing, but I am reaching a limit.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        But your health insurance in 2010 wasn’t real insurance!!!

      • Drake

        I had an HMO in 2009 that seemed cost next to nothing.

    • Rhywun

      It must be daunting holding the lives of 20 million Americans in your hands.

      • IRBE

        It is…but you can’t hold all them at once

  14. SP

    I’m at Day 56 of 100% plant-based, with no forays into the Land of Cheese whatsoever. That’s been the hardest thing to give up.

    • hayeksplosives

      I found a low sodium “cheese powder” to help make Mac and cheese, broccoli soups, etc without messing up my salt intake.

      Everyone has to find their own little food helps.

    • Hyperion

      Did you try the plant based cheese? I thought some of it was OK.

    • Mojeaux

      Giving up cheese would be a solid nope, so hat’s off to you! Is the diet still treating you well?

      • Hyperion

        Cheese is curdled cow milk, many of the pricier types, molded. Nummy!

      • Mojeaux


        Cheese is made from goat’s milk too.

        I tasted a Spanish cheese at the local chichi cheese store. Udder heaven. Also udderly out of my budget ($30/lb).

      • Hyperion

        OK, curdled goat milk. You ever smell curdled milk? I guess since some people drink butter milk, that’s not rare that someone would like that smell. I find that repulsive. But I still eat cheese, so…

      • kinnath

        And sheep’s milk

      • Mojeaux

        I drink buttermilk.

      • Hyperion

        I’ll eat most things. 4 things on my ‘will not eat’ list.



        Sweet Potatoes



      • Mojeaux

        I will eat canned pears. I like beets, too. One of very few veggies I will eat.

        Sweet potatoes, not unless they’re in a pie with pumpkin spice, also known as “yammer pie” at Gates BBQ.

      • kinnath

        I got 6 pears off of one of my trees this year.

        They were yummy.

      • Gender Traitor

        D’Anjou pears, in my experience, lack the grainy texture that always turned me off more common varieties of pear (especially the type you get in canned fruit salad.) They are awesome.

        I’m with you on beets.

      • Hyperion

        I call pears sand apples. If you just roll your apples around in sand, you get the same effect.

        Moj, are you not eating your leafy greens? Please tell us you’re eating your leafy greens.

      • Fourscore

        Kinnath, I wrapped my baby apples trees with aluminum foil today, mouse proofing them, I hope.

      • westernsloper

        Buttermilk is only good for pancakes.
        Sweet potato fries are da’bomb.
        Pickled beets are as well.

      • Mojeaux

        I do not like leafy greens, except, if I have enough good toppings, I will eat iceberg lettuce. I have a thing about texture with fruits and veggies, although just the smell of celery makes me puke.

        I like pears because they’re grainy.

        Buttermilk is just liquid sour cream.

      • Hyperion

        “Pickled beets are as well.”

        I like pickled things, but beets, no way.

        My favorite picked thing, is corn. If it’s done right, it’s the best pickled thing there is. Also, kraut made out of half cabbage and half zucchini is the best kraut ever.

      • blackjack

        AHEM! Artichoke hearts?

      • Hyperion

        “I do not like leafy greens, except, if I have enough good toppings, I will eat iceberg lettuce.”

        I hope you’re taking vitamins then. Iceberg lettuce is basically textured water. There’s not much nutritional value there.

        I love my leafy greens and also broccoli, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, and most green veggies.

      • Mojeaux

        I like pickled things such as pickles, sauerkraut, sausages (I know, that’s not a veggie). I really do like tart and sour things. I’ve never had pickled beets or eggs.

        I have never had artichokes.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes, I have a very good vitamin regimen.

      • Gender Traitor

        The only thing I remember from my copy of The Joy of Cooking is its description of cheese as “milk’s leap to immortality.” Truer words…

      • Hyperion

        Yeah, I know. If they ever find some in a Egyptian sarcophagus, it will go at auction for a million dollars an ounce, even if dust is all that is left of it. I can just see some self described elitists sitting around a table with the ‘dust cheese’ and a $30,000 bottle of mediocre tasting wine.

        ‘Let me describe it. A little rat fur with a slight odor of old newspapers, and an excellent earthy aftertaste. The texture, the texture, it’s like old cobwebs. Best cheese ever!’.

      • blackjack

        Once, I went to an art show with some friends. They had a huge canvas with arbitrary paper mache in random patterns. It was probably 5′ by 8′ and nothing but swaths of red and yellow and blue paper glued on it. I said really loudly, ” What’s this one called, ‘bottom of the dumpster at the art gallery?” Lotta stink eye and some scattered giggling.

    • blackjack

      I looked. There was a California Lottery commercial where some guy is looking down an aisle of cheese and he says, ” I can totally afford all of this cheese” I wish I could find it. It was funny. It was early nineties.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Aaah! I think about that ad a lot. POV camera from the shopping cart handle. Why IS it so hard to find?

    • Tundra

      Great job!

      Are you doing any bloodwork during? Are you seeing the results you were hoping for?

      • Hyperion

        SP is not woke, but many brave. Admitting to eating vegan around here is just asking for it. Well, probably not for her, since she has ban hammer powers.

    • Mad Scientist

      with no forays into the Land of Cheese whatsoever. That’s been the hardest thing to give up.

      Yes! Welcome to the dark side, SP!

      • Hyperion

        Look guys, we’ve found another closet vegan here, and this one does not have ban hammer powers. ATTACK!

      • Mad Scientist

        Vegans are nut jobs. But not quite as nutty as people who like cheese.

      • Hyperion

        Vegans are nut jobs, but people eating plant based diets may be right on the money as far as healthy diet is concerned. It’s the same thing, but one group are definitely kooks because they can’t shut up about saving the planet.

    • Chafed

      Wisconsin misses you.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      I could, if I wanted (which I don’t) become vegetarian, but there’s no way I could give up cheese.

      • Hyperion

        There’s plant based cheese. It doesn’t feature anything curdled or molded, but I found it to be OK. I like the vegan butter better though.

    • westernsloper

      All afternoon I have been watching pizza making youtube. I would be unable to give up cheese due to my lack of a backbone.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    I’m at Day 56 of 100% plant-based, with no forays into the Land of Cheese whatsoever. That’s been the hardest thing to give up.

    You’re a lot tougher than I am. I could never manage that.

  16. Mojeaux

    Related to GlibFit only in my head: Elastic Habits? Anybody read this? I’m wondering how it stacks up against Atomic Habits or if they can be used in conjunction.

    • Ted S.

      Atomic habits for radioactive nuns.

      • blackjack

        They’re hard to break!

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      I just downloaded to my Kindle. After just a quick look I’m not horribly impressed. Sort of saying you need different responses to different situations.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes. I saw a Reddit post on it this morning and wondered if that was all there was to it.

        “Exercise daily” (in some manner) vs “exercise daily” (with a workout list). If your day changes, just change your exercise, time, and duration.

  17. Tundra


    So glad our positive ass-kicker is back. Also great to hear you are back to the gym!

    Never used the rope, but it looks pretty good to me. What the fuck, it’s just money.

    I hate bodyweight squats. Hate.

    When I got back into the gym and started real squatting again it was like I had done absolutely nothing and, in fact, took me awhile to find my groove.

    Fuck bodyweight squats. 😉

    As far as neck gaiters, I have this one and this one. Surf Monkey makes their stuff here and I can’t recommend them highly enough.

    I had a great week. Still logging miles every day (8.5 this morning) and lifting three days. I did a deload week this week so added a yoga class. There were a lot of very nice, bendy young ladies in the class. Will attend again.

    Good luck this week, peeps! Make the ‘vid your bitch!

    • IRBE

      Have you managed to keep your weight off from the 75day thing you did or was it 57 days.

      • Tundra

        75 days and yes.

        But I finished that on 7/25. Ask me in a year!

      • IRBE

        That’s great! I will try to remember to ask. Did you add ethanol back into your diet or are you keeping with the program.

      • Tundra

        I did, but I’m finding that it affects my inner ear/vertigo bullshit.

        Because I’m science-minded, though, further experimentation is warranted!

        As sad is it is to say, beer may not be my bestie.

        The challenge is quite simple: I feel, perform and test out waaaaaaay better on a low-ethanol plan.

        Why do you hate me, God?

      • IRBE

        Falling down drunk is bullshit. Sorry..I can’t help myself.

        Speaking of vertigo, I had a friend that was practicing kayak Alaskan Indigenous Peoples (eskimo) rolls in his pool and he developed vertigo as a result. It really messed him up for about a year. Take care with that!

        Your 75 days brings up a good point. If you want/need to measurably improve and maintain health for the better you need to do more than just eat better and get some exercise. You really need to change your life and change at least 3 elements. Find the 3 that work for you.

      • Tundra

        Find the 3 that work for you.

        I like that!

        It’s completely true. The idea of moderation works for people who are already metabolically, mentally and physically consistent.

        Otherwise fuck that. Be hardcore and go get it! Worry about moderation once you have accomplished something.

      • IRBE

        Yeah sometimes you gotta go hard core.

        It reminds of a friend I was trying to help. He is sort of metabolically broken and really over weight. I said to him if you do these 3 things you can lose weight fast. He was like, whoa there I don’t want to lose the weight too fast…WTF, so it your way.

        2 yrs later, he is yo-yo ing at the same weight. Mission accomplished!

      • Ted S.

        Because God hates Minnesoda?

    • Chafed

      Thanks Tundra. Are those gaiters “breathable” while weight lifting?

      • Tundra

        I can see through them.

  18. Fourscore

    I finally got back on the exercise program, gained a few lbs (4) from so much eating from the garden, then HH came and so much stuff that was left over and left with me to safeguard. Lots of desserts, not enough floor polish.

    I haven’t did any exercise all summer due to garden work, which isn’t really strenuous. Today I walked 1.25 @ 3.1 and some weight work, Tomorrow I’ll add another 1/4 mile and jack the rate up to 3.2. In 10 days or so, I’ll be back to 4 MPH and soon be doing 4 miles. My goals are somewhat different than most others, deer season coming and I want some conditioning for that and just maintain a level of fitness.

    Garden is finished for this year, got a few things to eat fresh yet but winding down. My gym is in the garage, enough equipment to hurt myself if I tried to hard but being a little lazy isn’t too dangerous.

  19. Gender Traitor

    My current YMCA of choice – the fourth area location I’ve tried – suddenly started up swim lessons Thursday in the time block when I always reserve my lap lane. That means doubling up in fewer available lap lanes again, which reduces the relaxation factor. Serendipitously (love that word!) I realized that on Tuesdays in that time slot they offer a “Butts & Guts” exercise class, which addresses exactly what I want to improve. Thus, in about 90 minutes I should be able to reserve a slot in that class. I’ll try swimming just once a week – on Thursdays, later in my work week when I need the relaxation more. If the conditions no longer provide the reward I want, I’ll try something else.

  20. Mojeaux

    The Philadelphia Eagles’ logo looks like my kids’ high school logo.

    • Tres Cool

      I cant handle the fake crowd noise.

      • Rhywun

        Indianapolis has a small crowd on CBS here so no fakery that I can tell. Jets are their usual shit.

      • Mojeaux

        Totally with you on that.

    • Hyperion

      Eagles are racist birds.

      • Rhywun

        Philadelphia Football Team incoming

  21. westernsloper

    Bummer on the knee Chafed.

    My check in is a failure (again). I started going in to work an hour earlier last week. To do this I get up at 3:30 so I can get in at least an hour of coffee time. If I don’t my day sucks. But it cut down my morning time so I stopped my short morning workouts, as they were. After work I am wiped and just don’t have it in me to do anything. My body is adjusting so maybe I can get back at it. I did get a lot of shovel time in last week so that is something. Soreness of the good kind was felt.

    And ya, the neck gator is the way to go. I picked mine up in a shop somewhere I don’t remember. It is so thin I can pull it up over my eyes and safely drive but you can’t tell that due to the camo pattern.

    • Rhywun

      get in at least an hour of coffee time

      I need to set my alarm an hour or so earlier. I have daily 6am meetings last week and next week and wouldn’t you know it turns out that getting up at 5am to shower etc. isn’t cutting it but instead is leaving me in a state of walking dead until around 8am when the Tylenol starts kicking in…. “What do you mean I can’t wake up and be fresh as a daisy 15 minutes later any more?” FML.

      • IRBE

        Have a cold shower, throw some ice cubes into the tub. That will wake you up..fresh and zesty..maybe a little frost bitten.

      • Rhywun

        Ugh. I guess I’m awake enough – it’s more the aches and pains and creaks and inflexibility that take time to fade.

        My sleep routine and equipment are absolute shit – I know I need to put more attention there.

      • Tundra

        My sleep routine and equipment are absolute shit…

        Join the club.

        Get some blue-blocking apps for your phone and computer. Maybe even those expensive glasses.

        This works great and I dig how comfortable it is.

      • Rhywun

        Get some blue-blocking apps for your phone and computer.

        Yeah, I do that. I don’t go to the extreme end of the scale, though.

        Interesting mask. I have a cheapo one that I haven’t used in ages.

        What I really need to figure out is how to not wake up in pain every morning. I fear the solution(s) won’t be cheap and/or will involve sleeping on my back which gives me night terrors. Yay.

      • IRBE

        I have tried for years to learn to sleep on my back. No joy there…

        But the mask really works to block out all light

      • Gustave Lytton

        Have a cold shower, throw some ice cubes into the tub.

        The Bangkok bath, minus stitches?

  22. Nephilium

    Here in Cuyahoga county, we’ve been out of the “red” for our state COVID briefings for weeks. But there’s no talk of reducing the lockdowns.

    The studio I go to for spin classes has added a bunch of bikes back in the studio, so there’s at least some positive progress on that front.

    Weight trend line is still pointing down, which is all I can hope for on that front.

    • hayeksplosives

      Yay! Even “not gaining” is better than gaining.

      I managed to knock off another 5 lbs off my weigh-in. Long way to go, but the effects are now making themselves show and be felt. So that’s encouraging.

      The sit-stand desk at work is helping with my back and hips too, plus it keeps me from sitting there like a lump for hours.

      Still masking it at work, but nobody is in a tizzy about the type of mask, so my georgette ones and neck scarf with ear loops are fine.

      • Tundra

        Great job!

        I find that taking breaks throughout the day to do anything physical makes a huge difference. Even a walk around the building and some stretching works.

      • DEG

        Congratulations to you and Nephilium on your weight loss!

  23. Sean

    The Five is replaying parts of Bidens presser from earlier today.

    I swear it’s been doctored to hide how bad Joe looked in the live feed.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Random muse:

    What might the down-the-road effects of breathing various mask fiber particle into your lungs be? Especially for children.

    • LJW

      I was just discussing that with my wife yesterday. 10 years from now, how many people are going to have issues from inhaling cotton fibers. Also did someone post an article on here the other day that noted cloth masks shed cotton fibers that can hold the virus? I could swear I read an article linked on here.

    • IRBE

      I see the wheels turning there…class action lawsuit..for the childrens

  25. The Late P Brooks

    I managed to knock off another 5 lbs off my weigh-in. Long way to go, but the effects are now making themselves show and be felt. So that’s encouraging.


    • hayeksplosives

      In a few months, I might have to buy new clothes! What a shame (yay!)

  26. hayeksplosives

    I picked about two dozen lemons from the yard yesterday. Apples and pears are done. That should about do it until spring.

    I juiced the 2 dozen lemons and now have no idea what to do with all that delicious juice…

    • Sean

      Watch out for lemon thieves.

      • Sean

        I did!

      • Tres Cool

        …great minds!

      • Sean

        I will admit to seeking out the full video. For research purposes. Was easy to find.

    • Mojeaux

      1 c lemon juice
      1 c Splenda
      6 c water

      Little more tart than most people drinkit (Splenda doesn’t cut tart like sugar does), but lovely just the same.

    • Suthenboy

      “…and now have no idea what to do with all that delicious juice…”

      Ice cube trays, freezer then ziplock bag and back in the freezer.

    • dbleagle

      Well start making French 75 cocktails. (I use St Germain instead of simple syrup.)
      2 oz gin
      1 oz St Germain
      1 oz lemon juice
      Shake with ice- pour into glass
      2 oz champagne


      • Mojeaux

        I think she’s tee totaling.

      • hayeksplosives

        Yes, I am indeed. Husband isn’t though, and I do think he’s planning to make little lemon juice ice blocks for storage.

        I might make at least one lemon pound cake. Maybe some lemon chicken later this week…

      • Hyperion

        ‘tee totaling’

        We drunks call it ‘on the wagon’.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        For health, not due to misbehavior.

      • Hyperion

        The devil’s dishwater! Repent ye sinner!

      • Rhywun

        Last week I ate a package of “lemon madeleines” that I found at a shop across the street and might become addicted to if I’m not careful.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        +1 Proustian rush

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      lemon bars! with gingersnap crust.

      • hayeksplosives

        Ginger snap crust? I haven’t tried that—sounds good!

        There is a fresh nut farm really near where I live, so I’m going to make sure their shop is open and go get some pecans. Then I can make a nice low carb crust as an option.

  27. J. Frank Parnell

    The good less shitty perplexing news for my county is we entered the red zone.

    Are you in OC?

    We went to a restaurant last week and sat indoors. I can’t even remember the last time we did that. They had half the booths open, but all the free-standing tables have been moved outside. We also went to a brewpub this morning after breakfast, and it’s possible that at this point they are benefitting from all this – the tables inside were opened up and filled with people watching football, and the “temporary” “beer garden” they set up in the parking lot was probably 80% full by the time we left.

    More on-topic for Glibfit:
    After living in California my whole life, I finally, this summer, decided to take up surfing. Unfortunately, I went out in the afternoon last week in some water that was a bit too rough, and the tendonitis in my left arm went from “low level thing that I’d been ignoring” to “crippling agony”, so now I’m taking a couple of weeks off.

    • westernsloper

      I finally, this summer, decided to take up surfing.

      Good for you. I envy surfers. I tried it a few times but never lived anywhere with waves long enough to catch the bug.

      • blackjack

        Meh, too cold on the west coast, and the waves come when they want. Skateboarding is whenever you want. It does hurt a lot worse than it used to to crash. The kids love to hear stories about skating in the 70’s.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        Yeah, I’ve thought about skateboarding again, but the pavement does seem a lot harder now.

        I used to joke that at some point my kids would get into skateboarding and I’d take them to a skate part one day and be like, “Here, watch what your old man can do,” and that’s how I would die.

      • blackjack

        Yeah, I skate a bit with my kid, but I’m way more cautious than I used to be. It’s fun and rewarding nonetheless.

      • westernsloper

        My first snow board was a wooden Burton (1984-5?) and we wore Sorel’s for foot gear. I picked that up in a day. Surfing not so much and just ended up with some epic sand rash. We never had skate parks like you cool kids in Cali but we did try to dress like you with checkered Vans on our feet. Fast Times was an influence.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Wow, early adopter.

      • westernsloper

        Some years ago (2008-10?) I was boarding in Utah. Don’t remember which ski area but they had an exhibit borrowed from the “Snow Board Museum”. Girlfriend laughed at me when I pointed at the first three and said I had those! My current board, that I have not ridden in a few years is one of these. from probably 2008’ish. The thing is beautiful. It is a work of art and super easy to ride compared to the boards of the early days. It looks like varnished mahogany.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Learned about windsurfing when I was in the Philippines in the 90s. These days…everything stateside is more expensive – even when I go to the beach in NC I never go in the water.

        Maybe at some point in the future.

      • westernsloper

        I got into windsurfing in the early 90’s too. Miami, and then went all the time when stationed in Key West. It is a hoot but I never got good enough to water start so never advanced to a short board. I even bought one back in the late 90’s and I still have it as a dust collector. In spite of having it all I haven’t dug out the windsurfing gear in years. With age has came a laziness I did not expect. Kite surfing caught my eye in the early 2000’s and gave that a try numerous times. Windsurfing is way easier.

      • blackjack

        I went snowboarding with Lonnie Toft around 1980. We just found a good, small canyon and tried to use it as a half pipe. Early days of Sims. No bindings, although at least one of the boards had a rubber waterski type of foothold. I think one had a bungee cord you held in your hand. Most were just the board. We were trying to get air on each side. It was all about air, back then. Maybe it Gordy Lienemann. Dunno.

      • westernsloper

        Sims were definitely the pioneers. The really good guys at the one ski area that would let us ride a lift in CO back then, Berthoud Pass, all rode Sims boards.

    • IRBE

      You should look into an elbow brace with compression pad to alleviate the pain. They really work. The problem with tendons is they take forever to heal. Like 12-14 weeks depending on not re-injury.

      • blackjack

        Aleve works great for me.

      • IRBE

        NSAIDs are great for pain relief and inflammation but not so good on the liver..then again why not both.

      • blackjack

        My doctor had me getting cortisone shots. I told him that it was causing side effects like sleeplessness and food tasting bad. He prescribed naproxen. It’s just Aleve. It worked at least as good and cost pennies on the dollar. This was all for tendonitis. It worked great.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        Something like this?

        I’ve been wearing a compression sleeve, but I’ve also been resting my arm, so I’m not sure which helps more.

      • IRBE


        The descriptor is here: Golf Tennis Elbow Brace with Compression Pad with 4 Adjustable Band Straps 2-Count Arm Wrist Brace Fit for Women, Men and Kids,Pain Relief for Tendonitis on Amazon.

        Depending on the source of the pain there is an adjustment provided.

        There are also some PT exercises provided after the pain subsides some.

    • Chafed

      JFP I’m in Riverside County.

      • blackjack

        I’m in Toluca Lake. Half mile from Universal Studios.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’ve had problems with tendonitis in both my arms, off and on, for many years. I’ve tried various kinds of physical therapy, compression, deep tissue massage, dry needling, all kinds of shit. What finally cleared it up forever was this:

  28. Suthenboy

    Huh. Trump on Fox now.

    Apparently he has stolen material from me and is reading it now….

    • Hyperion

      His true key to success is to read Glibs on a regular basis.

  29. LCDR_Fish

    Since it was nearly exactly 6 months from my last gym visit, I had to tone most of my weights down by 10-20 lbs just to be safe. I’ll start working back up next week on some weights and give another week before I start adding on to some of the other exercises.

  30. DEG

    Man vs. Lilacs – halfway there.

    I wrapped up, about twenty minutes ago, ripping up another patch of lilacs. This lilac stand grew and took over a large chunk of a flower bed. In the middle of the stand is a herbaceous peony.

    I cut back the stand a patch at a time. I’m less likely to work to the point where I get tired and do something bad to my back and disc herniation.

    A patch I cut back a few days ago exposed the peony. Today I removed a patch behind the peony (the dark mulch in the picture).

    The tools lying on the ground show about where the lilac stand had grown to. I started cutting the stand back in late August when the weather got better and my back improved to the point where I felt comfortable doing a little bit of heavier yard work.

    I picked out the lilac from this stand that I’ll keep. The rest will go.

    I expect to have this stand taken care of before the end of October.

    • dbleagle

      Not sure how I feel about this until more is known. If they were blocking the roads w/o a permit and were threatening her then I will apply the same rules as if the sides were reversed. If she was in open traffic and turned in order to do this then try her and if convicted, prison.

      • Hyperion

        Yeah, this. I’ll reserve judgement until we see clear video evidence.

        What I read is that she just got into her car and intentionally plowed into them. We’ll see.

      • Sean

        “The incident reportedly took place in a parking lot.”

        I wasnt happy this morning when I thought they were blocking roads.

    • Mojeaux

      Were they deliberately blocking her? Were they threatening her?

      If the Trump supporters were doing the same thing BLM does, I don’t see why a car shouldn’t plow through them.

      If they were just standing around and she plowed through them randomly, then good, she gets what she deserves.

      I just don’t think someone driving a car through people pounding on it and threatening the driver—no matter who it is—should be charged.

    • blackjack

      It was obviously intentional. It was a parking lot. They switched drivers so she could do it. Guy got both his legs broken. Targeted and the driver was a BLM organizer. It’s way different than those cases of accidental turning and just trying to drive down a street. The hollywood ones were clearly the opposite.

    • blackjack

      No. She was frustrated by them and tried to harm them. Could have backed out and left easily. The video is clear. They switched drivers and the BLM lady smashed right into them, trying to cause harm. The cops wouldn’t have charged her if she hadn’t have tried to cause damage. They only charge those who might calm the BLM crowd down, unless it’s obvious and it was obvious.

      • Hyperion

        “She was frustrated by them”

        Oh, they triggered her with their micro-aggressions.

        Obviously justified then.

  31. Ozymandias

    I got through the first 11 days of my personal pullup program (1/2/3 – pull/push/squat). I was also back in the gym working out and helping coaching and let my ego get the better of me past Wednesday. There was a ‘hero’ workout with a bunch of pullups in it (100 total). I had planned to cut the volume, but in the heat of the moment with the other horses running, I got a little frisky… Today was the first day I could straighten my arms all the way. So… a little more discretion in my valor, but I’ll be back at it again tomorrow.

    Otherwise, I’m noticing the body starting to tighten up a little bit, losing some of the ‘doughy-ness.’ It also helps the temps are finally dropping out of the triple-digits, so I can start running again. This week is a big week. If I can get another solid week of workouts in, I know I’ll be close to ‘habit’ (once again!) and then the fitness really starts to kick in.

    Make this week count, Glibs!

  32. Ownbestenemy

    So SDNY finally leaked the Trump tax info/records? Or were they from another source?

    Honestly at this point if the media or Dems think its going to sway anyone they are probably wrong

  33. Hyperion

    On the Glibfit, I’ve managed to lose 3 lbs. in 2 weeks, most of that in the past 2 days. Simply by stopping beer. Yeah, it’s painful. But I’m tired of being fat and not feeling well.

    The first week of no beer, I was just woofing down junk food all day, I assume by body was desperately attempting to make up for all those calories. The the ravenous appetite gradually subsided and I started shedding weight since days ago. I need to start walking and exercise. 214 to 211. 36 lbs to go to my target weight. I managed to do it last year, going from 230 to 170, pretty much by walking/running 5-10 miles a day, diet, and little beer.

  34. Trials and Trippelations

    I got myself and the family cool lite Buffs with insect shield.

    Pretty versatile and light. We ended up not really needing them as masks hiking on the trails, and just wore them on our necks as additional insect repellent

    • Hyperion

      That’s what my son uses at work. He can’t WFH and they make them wear masks at work, so he has to wear these all day and he said those are the most comfy. I guess they’re really popular around there.

      They look sort of bulky to me though, just for commie cootie pretend.

  35. Scruffy Nerfherder

    I’m trying dammit. I’m going to sound all whiny now.

    Neuropathy has morphed into pain and the muscle tightness is overwhelming. My overall health is otherwise good.

    Doc thinks I have a dopamine deficiency causing the problems. So I’m starting on a Parkinson’s drug. Yay.

    On the bright side, it should make me horny as a side effect.

    • Hyperion

      I had peripheral neuropathy in my right hand last year late winter after I got out of the hospital. It would only bother me when I’m using my computer mouse a lot. So every day working and anytime playing PC games.

      It’s sort of mostly went away. I rarely get it now and it’s not as bad. I played the new Mafia game yesterday for about 6 hours and it never showed up. So I guess it can go away on it’s own. I never took any medicine for it.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I wish. My feet and hands are buzzing, it climbs up into my ass and back when it gets bad. Then it turns into pain.

        I know it’s not actual pain, it’s a phantom, but it sucks.

        Hard aerobicic exercise can ameliorate it, but I can’t pull that off everyday.

      • Hyperion

        My right hand would go into painful also, for months after it started. Probably because I couldn’t take a break from using my mouse, because work. I can’t even count the times that I had to stop gaming because of it though. Fortunately for me, it was only my right hand, and thank God it’s virtually gone now. I was worried it would never stop and that it would spread elsewhere.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Computer work aggravates it, but it has been going on for a couple years now regardless of what I do

      • Hyperion

        I hope you and your doc figures out something that will help.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


        Whining over

    • Hyperion

      “Doc thinks I have a dopamine deficiency causing the problems.”

      Can you just buy that bulk dopamine powder and make milkshakes out of it? I totally have no clue what I’m talking about obviously. But I slept at … well, I slept at home last night, so I guess I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. /Science!

    • Hyperion

      It freaks me out now when I hear Parkinson’s drug. My BIL is on it, but because he was just diagnosed with Parkinson’s. My sister is really having a rough time, the guy is in bad shape. He’s having hallucinations among other things and the drug isn’t helping yet. I feel really bad for her, she had just retired, and now this. Of course I feel bad for him too, his brother died of Parkinson’s.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        This is just a dopamine precursor so it can be adjusted.

        Sucks about your BIL.

      • Ted S.

        Ugh, those symptoms also sound like Lewy body dementia.

      • Hyperion

        He has that also. Not sure if that typically comes with Parkinson’s. But when I read the symptoms, they seem to overlap to a certain extent.

      • Ted S.

        My understanding is that Lewy body dementia is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s because of the similar symptoms. Think Robin Williams.

      • Tejicano

        That’s how my father went out. Anybody going through that – including their spouse – has my deepest sympathies.

        I’ve heard there could be an inheritable genetic tendency for this so I have it on my mental dashboard. If I ever have a solid diagnosis for this myself I will plan the rest of my life in stages and take the exit before the last stages while I still can act on my own.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Mostly peaceful

    After a day of mostly peaceful protests staged by ideologically opposed groups in volatile Portland, Oregon, the demonstrations turned violent as night fell Saturday, prompting police to declare a downtown gathering unlawful and make several arrests.
    Police confiscated numerous weapons as well, they said.
    Portland has been the site of regular protests against police brutality and racial injustice since Minneapolis police killed George Floyd in May. The demonstrations found renewed intensity after Kenosha, Wisconsin, police shot Jacob Blake last month and again after last week’s announcement that only one of six Louisville, Kentucky, policemen would be charged in connection to Breonna Taylor’s fatal shooting, but not for the killing itself.
    Around 8:30 p.m. (11:30 p.m. ET) Saturday, several hundred demonstrators converged on Lownsdale and Chapman squares, across the street from the Multnomah County Justice Center building that houses the Portland Police Bureau, and began blocking a nearby intersection, police say.

    Who could that have been, I wonder. Most likely the Proud Boys.

    • Hyperion

      How much did Proud Boys burn and loot? I want to ask mayor wokeness that question. Any guesses on if she lies or not?

    • hayeksplosives

      When they start blocking traffic, self defense measures are on the table for drivers, IMO. A crowd of people surrounding your car and pounding on the hood is a threat of violence to you and vandalism to your property.

      There’s a track record of these “social justice” mobs dragging drivers out of their cars and beating the shit out of them, so I say if the “protesters” block your car, driving through them is justified.

      Cow catcher attachment optional.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    After a traffic stop about three blocks from the justice center, during which a drone was seized, officers were targeted with more projectiles — believed to be ball bearings fired from slingshots. police said.

    Justice nuggets.

    • Hyperion

      One of those to the head can definitely be lethal. Attempted murder would be a justified charge.

      • robc

        “Attempted murder,” now honestly, did they ever give anyone a Nobel prize for “attempted chemistry?”

      • Hyperion

        If you’re just standing around, or doing your job, and I shoot at your head with a rifle, but miss, what would that be called? Being a bad shot?

      • kinnath

        No harm, no foul.

      • Hyperion

        OK. I get it. But is it OK if I go outside every day and fire shots right at my neighbor with full intent to harm him, but I’m just a really bad shot, so that’s OK?

      • Drake

        Like the Bernie Bro who shot up the GOP softball team.

  38. hayeksplosives

    Larry Elder linked an old op-Ed from 1996 about the OJ trial and how a high school teacher’s black and brown students saw and interpreted it vs what the teacher perceived as truth.

    Just a friendly reminder that the Social Justice warriors of color are not operating under the same rules as the rest of American society. They aren’t going to be content with a “dialog” or with sports league gestures.

    Link is New Republic. 3 free articles.

    • blackjack

      Larry Elder can be cool. I’m just put off by his cop sucking. Otherwise, I like him.

  39. Not an Economist

    Good luck with the knee Chafed. They can be pains. I hurt mine last year and it still bothers me.

  40. Lackadaisical

    Still working out 3x a week, missed on Thursday though. Had a great workout on Saturday, blasted my triceps (in a good way). Looking to do more pull ups too… maybe do that now before it gets dark.

  41. Not Adahn

    Glibfitish: Somehow I managed to pull my back at the shoot today.

    The Great Ammo Price Kersplosion is annoying. Last year, I vastly improved because I was going over to the range five days a week. I can’t afford to do that anymore. Now, I’m only shooting on weekends, and I’m not improving. I will say that I am vastly faster than I was last year, but most of that has to do with confidence: I’m willing to actually run with a gun gun my hand, and take shots on the move. And I am starting to learn how to slow down when I need to (which on steel actually speeds up my final time).

    New record attendance at our little event, including good shooters and a surprising number of noobs. Likewise attendance at the pistol licensing classes is way up. Some jackhole at the live fire qualification got booted for unsafe gun handling. I don’t know if we get to keep all of the $200, of if NY still gets its money even though they’re not issuing a permit.

    • Drake

      I’m not shooting anything except .22 these days.

    • Tejicano

      “…slow down when I need to (which on steel actually speeds up my final time).”

      Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast!

  42. Tejicano

    AS far as GlibFit stuff… I got into the gym and continued my revival of lifting heavy twice last week.

    I added a new supplement which was recommended by a random retired military guy at the PX – “Animal Stak”. This is supposed to increase testosterone to increase muscle mass. As I have passed the three-score point in life I feel like this is something I might need to help maximize my strength gains in the gym. I figure I will try this product and see if it seems to give me any edge over how I was doing without it.

    If anybody has any input on this kind of natural testosterone enhancer I would be happy to hear what your experiences have been.