So last night was probably a shit show if you live in Kentucky. There, I mentioned it.
Now for the links!
The Trump Administration imposes new restrictions on specific Cuban made goods that were already restricted for import in the US….like cigars and rum. It also includes restricting American travelers from staying at hotels owned by the Cuban government which I assume is pretty much all of them.
In a speech to the UN, Nicolás Maduro said…meh. Its the UN, who cares?
Brazilian Trump blames indigenous people for the fires. According to the headline anyway, what he actually said:
“The fires practically occur in the same places, on the east side of the forest, where peasants and Indians burn their fields in already deforested areas,” Bolsonaro said.
Which is true. In order for the poorer areas of Brazil to develop, they might have to clear and burn their land.
I thought Obama made sure we all had health insurance under penalty of the PenalTax?
“Verónica decided with another colleague to put together pieces of T-shirt fabric and, with daily sanitary pads and hair ties, make protective masks.” They hocked that idea from OMWC.
Some local columnist doesn’t like the UFC’s best pound for pound fighter, and one of Phoenix’s popular sports figures, is a Trump supporter.
Good luck trying to cancel this guy.
No one will take a way his titles and his fame. If anything, he’s gaining notoriety of a different kind. The one that comes with being associated with Trump.
José Algel Alvarez of the Spanish-language Univision TV network tweeted that Cejudo said that he “supports Trump simply because he loves him.”
No wonder the Trump camp loves parading him. What’s not to like about the support of a son of undocumented immigrants turned mixed martial arts champ, right?
I share the profound disappointment of many Arizona Latinos. And all I can say is I hope it is worth it, Henry Cejudo.
Emphasis mine. Fun fact: Mexicans like fighting.
Here’s some tunes from Kentucky!
Brazilian Trump blames indigenous people for the fires. According to the headline anyway, what he actually said: – I can’t really trust that guy though. Seems a piece of shit overall. But he is a South American politician so redundant…
Seems a piece of shit overall. But he is a
South Americanpolitician so redundant…Hey. He’s dung the best he can.
They will just keep giving him crap
^ heh
Being the leader of a country is hard, cut him some slack. He’s pooped
Doesn’t he have a second-in-command, so to speak, that could help? You know – a Number Two?
He’s wiped out too
Maybe they should just dump the whole thing.
As South American politicians go he’s one of the better turds in the bowl.
Now you’re just papering over it
I need to let this digest a little longer before I can respond.
Really, I come here for threads like these. That they’re scatological is just a bonus.
I thought Obama made sure we all had health insurance under penalty of the PenalTax?
Whycome you wish death on people???
Sometimes the best use of tax cattle is the slaughterhouse.
Some local columnist doesn’t like the UFC’s best pound for pound fighter, and one of Phoenix’s popular sports figures, – I could take that guy.
Sure but not in an open air setting.
Black Stone Cherry is from the same very small town as my Fatther.
Looked them up on wikipedia, I wonder how many I am related to? Probably all, but based on last names, at least one.
One of the members is a son of a Kentucky Headhunter, which explains a lot.
Well shit robc we might be related through marriage.
Cool, I guess?
Might come in handy if one of us needs a kidney or something.
Through marriage? In Kentucky?
Well I am at this place so…
Typically, in Kentucky, being related by blood and marriage is the same thing.
Uncle Grandpa.
I share the profound disappointment of many Arizona Latinos. And all I can say is I hope it is worth it, Henry Cejudo.
We wear the chains we forged in life.
That attitude always bothers me. Everyone grows up with certain advantages and disadvantages. Do you let that rule your life?
You’re a white guy, right? That explains everything.
Fifteen yards, for taunting
President Donald Trump took a swipe at the Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle on Wednesday after comments she made urging fellow Americans to vote in the upcoming presidential elections.
“I’m not a fan of hers and I would say this, and she probably has heard that, but I wish a lot of luck to Harry — he’s going to need it,” Trump told press at a White House news briefing.
I have seen a few photos of them together (like the one accompanying this “news story”), and Harry always seems to have a “What have I done to myself?” look on his face.
Trump really is entertaining.
He can really land some zingers.
Wow. ?
” the Duchess of Sussex…”
I thought she renounced that title. Or did she have her fingers crossed at the time?
You think NBC remembers that long ago?
Just the “highness” portion of the title….they didnt want to lose all of their money and fame.
“He’s going to need it.”
He’s not wrong. (Trump, that is)
I Larfed.
So last night was probably a shit show if you live in Kentucky.
Thanks for destroying any chance of actual police reform, idiots.
Yep, shortly after Floyd even right wingers and boomer Republicans were calling for meaningful reform. Now states are passing laws with extra legal protections for police. They managed to fuck up a sure thing, on purpose IMHO.
Absolutely on purpose, the division and animosity is good for the left’s power.
I’ve been saying this since BLM first appeared with the “Hands up, don’t shoot” nonsense. If one was looking for a way to stymie any chance of police reform, one would be hard-pressed to come up with a better way of doing so than the BLM movement. I’m convinced they are a false-flag type organization; I mean, they can’t be so stupid and shortsighted that they think these tactics work, can they?
Stupid or malevolent…..why not both?
I think the street level dupes believe this stuff, the higher ups and shadow financiers not so much.
I think linking BLM with police-reform, regardless of as an advocate or an obstacle, is starting with a false premise.
They are a Marxist front organization. Their goal is insurrection and putting the right people in charge. Police reform is just a politically correct cover.
Absolutely but doing this not only provides cover, the results of doing this, people digging in their heels and a right wing backlash, sows chaos which can advance their cause if they manage to ride the tiger skillfully. They’re a malevolent bunch.
I’d say they are pretty stupid, they are Marxists after all. Just a new branding on the Black Panthers. Read the interview with Eldridge Cleaver at reason to get an idea.
“Pretty stupid” netted them hundreds of millions in donations
Generally I don’t think Marxists are stupid. They know what they want and they’ve been generally patient about infiltrating all the brainwashing institutions and watch the long game—until now with the out-of-control zealots, the useful idiots. It remains to be seen if they’ve set their movement back or not.
I still maintain most of the rioters do not know BLM is a Marxist front. They’re just envious toddlers throwing a tantrum.
I believe that they are LED by Marxist Toddlers and their sturmgruppen are a bunch of malcontents and previous felons AKA “Useful Idiots”. My own brother would fit right in with their philosophy. The politics of envy.
You said it much better than I.
Birds of a feather
Bored, not envious. Boredom is a sure sign of cultural decadence.
Do you mean the useful idiots are bored but not envious? Yes. I can see bored AND envious, though.
OTOH, if they’ve got iPhones and still live off mommy and daddy, I can see why they might not be envious of material things, but they are envious of attention and power. Look at all the white chicks posing as black women and then, when it doesn’t get them the attention they really want, they confess.
A lot of these asshats are pissed that they don’t automatically have the same living standards of their parents. Having to work for 20 or 30 years to get that standard is not something they want to do. These douchebags are the result of decades of participation trophies and being told they should have a ton of self esteem even though they have accomplished absolutely nothing to merit that.
I blame the Boomers that helicopter parented the first generation of these kids and made them so fragile and stupid, and then this was just something that kept being done to the generations that followed. The fight against a meritocracy has consequences…
“Boredom is a sure sign of cultural decadence.” – stealing that line. It’s quite true.
One of my favorite authors is Dorothy Sayers. She’s mostly known for the Peter Wimsey mystery series, set between the world wars. When she’s setting up a character (usually young-ish, decadent, morally unrooted), she often has them describe anything normal and decent in society as “boring”.
The world’s been wrecked around them, and another wreck is surely coming, and they’re only inwardly-focused on their own entertainment. They disconnect from the folks in the once-strong culture around them trying to pick itself up.
Police reform would be a lot easier if we had better behaved criminals.
Protest comedy – laying front of cops on mountain bikes doesn’t work.
The cop wasn’t ON the bike, he just rolled the bike over the guy while walking beside it.
Missed opportunity
The US Senate failed to agree on language for a resolution honoring the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a sign of how divided the chamber is over the Supreme Court vacancy.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer tried to pass a resolution by unanimous consent Tuesday to commemorate the liberal icon’s life and legacy, but with language that Ginsburg’s seat not be filled until the next president is sworn in.
“Republicans came to us with this resolution, but it ignored Justice Ginsburg’s dying wish, what she called her most ‘fervent wish’ that she not be replaced until a new president is installed,” Schumer said on the Senate floor. “So we simply have added it to the exact same text of the resolution the Republicans gave us.”
“All the kind words and the lamentations about Justice Ginsburg from the Republican majority will be totally empty if those Republicans ignore her dying wish and instead move to replace her with someone who will tear down everything she built,” he added.
We could have had a breakthrough in bipartisan consensus, but those mean old Rethuglitards spoiled it.
Now RBG will never take her rightful place at God’s side in the Hall of Saints.
I want to hit anyone who blubbers about her “dying wish” over the head with a fucking crowbar.
Just laugh and tell them to call “Make a Wish”.
Make a wish foundation cuts off at age 17.
Poor Davo…
Funny how the Dems can’t hide their intentions while lying. Any normal person would have said “elected” or maybe “inaugurated” or “sworn in”. Installed insinuiates the court or Congress had something to do with it.
Yep. And the minute after almost all democrats were using that language. They want a king.
A military coup.
Trump should have fired all the hostile elements of the military immediately.
The top brass put in place during the Obama years was mostly people promoted for political reliability and loyalty to the left than ability to fight wars. That was by design. These are the people that pushed hard for the military to force countless hours of useless sensitivity and diversity training on sailors, soldiers, marines and airmen, leaving them little time to actually learn how to fight ships, fly planes, or even do the basic shit they are expected to do (kill fuckers and break their shit).
It is not an accident that we have had ships with the most sophisticated GPS systems crash into others recently.
Yeah, see, this is kinda the problem. Trump can’t really fire anyone except his own appointee level positions. Everyone else is pretty much immune – bureaucrats and military alike. That’s why you really don’t see that much partisan nonsense in those ranks – their bread is buttered regardless of who sits in the White House.
While he can’t get rid of the mid-level types, he should have wiped out everyone at the top. The problem is that practically every qualified candidate is more likely to be a card carrying member of the swamp league, more concerned with protecting their fiefdom and hereditary class of inept credentialed cuntes, than someone willing to do the work of the electorate. Trump simply was working against unbelievable odds since he was, and remains, surrounded by enemies of the people.
The layer he can touch is an inch-deep, while the rot runs for miles. Even the SES is it’s own bureaucracy between the appointees and civil service.
That’s the unfortunate reality, but he needs to reverse the trend that promoted woke idiots to the top brass.
That trend is not a product of the previous administration; it is what the bureaucracy is churning out all on its own. The President is in reality extremely limited in what he can do.
Further, as you can easily note – many of Trump’s directives have been slow-rolled (effectively countermanded) by subordinates. Since Trump has such a limited attention span, it is works quite well to maintain the bureaucratic order from the disruptions he would otherwise introduce.
As I understand it, the upper echelon of the military are proggies and anti-Trump.
Truman fired MacArthur. Surely the current commander in chief can also fire anybody he wants to.
If he fired all the affected asshats, he would cause serious harm to the military’s ability to do its work. But he was definitely not diligent enough in putting a system in place to replace these people once Flynn was railroaded because of the risk he posed to keeping the lie that the Obama admin was scandal free. Obama was horribly effective promoting only people loyal to his crazy shit. That is why the military is forcing all this diversity and sensitivity shit on the troops, ignoring real abuses and terrorists in the ranks, and more importantly, wasting billions on green shit while ignoring the various branches readiness capabilities.
MacArthur was attempting to run a war the way he saw fit. Truman had the support of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (all military) that relieving MacArthur was the right thing.
But no, the President simply cannot fire people, save those who serve at his pleasure (appointees).
About McArthur…..
I think she just said “installed” because there’s still 3 months after the election to apppoint someone.
She meant to say “Inshallah” but spit out her top plate.
Bipartisan means giving the Democrats what they want.
They keep saying “new president” also versus “after the election”. So if Trump is re-elected, I assume they mean we’ll be holding out for another 4 years before an appointment is made if they were to get their way.
‘They keep saying “new president”’ — DrOtto
I’ve seen the argument made that SCOTUS needs more justices because of the workload and Biden should take care of that.
My response has been “So then you’ll be fine with Trump packing the court if he wins?”
I read somewhere that Ginsburg’s corpse was lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda with an honor guard of her former law clerks.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they have her stuffed and put on permanent display in a glass coffin–like Lenin and Stalin.
Or maybe like Snow White in hopes of a handsome prince kissing her back to life.
Sitting position and put her in a dunk tank.
I like your idea.
Alex Zedra’s Gun Collection… & A SWORD?! Part 2
So two questions:
Which glib can top that?
Not a gun guy but, also applying to demolition ranch, that Barrett thing looks bad ass.
Better than a Barrett
sub-MOA .50BMG
Hungarian, and only 60,000 Lei.
Like most things Hungarian, link don’t work.
Me want. The reciprocating barrel looks badass.
I can! I have two swords! And not the replica variety – I have a 1919 Patton cavalry sword and a Japanese WWII NCO sword.
On an interesting note – there is a pretty big gun store here in Tampa that has a small museum of firearms and weapons between the store side and the range. I had at least one example of the weapons that are on display in each of the cases in my collection. I knew I should have taken them all out with me in the canoe when I was clearing the pond…
How big are your tits, comparatively?
Smaller, and much hairier.
But sadly not THAT much smaller – the COVID lockdowns have hit my exercise regime hard…
A cup. Maybe a B come the summer months. Why do you ask? *sashays away*
Like all manufactured goods, modern swords are vastly better performers than antiques. I’ve got a 19th C. oxtail dao that I love using for forms but would never dream of using for cutting.
When I’m doing tameshigiri, I use a modern American-made sword in L6 bainite, which is so over the top for that purpose that really, I’m just doing it to flex. I used one in S7 for cutting through hard targets back before the rotator cuffs told me to stop doing that.
Oh, I don’t argue the effectiveness of modern vs. historic blades. I’d never grab either of the two that I have if I needed to actually use it for self defense (that would be my KA-BAR kukri machete that I use to trim my banana trees). I was more referring to the $50 replica swords you see advertised at 03:00.
The Japanese sword is absolute crap – mass produced, poorly. Looks like a katana, but the handle is stamped metal to look like it was traditionally wrapped. One of my history professors in college had a true katana (his house was like a museum, and he had historic weapons dating back 1000 years sitting around his house), and the difference was stark.
Patton sword is like brand new – still has it’s packing grease on the blade. Don’t think it’s ever been sharpened. Scabbard is a bit bent from my grandfather storing it standing up/blade down for about 60 years. But the blade itself is still perfectly straight.
I’d call that a good start. Not much more. No full-auto. Little more than just AR’s and AK’s. No HK? (other than the UMP) No CZ/VZ? No hi-cap shotguns?
is the level of thiccness a good start as well? More or less meat on the bones for your taste?
OT but not OT post recycled from the dead thread. Premier of our Province called a “snap” election last weekend instead of waiting for the mandated time. All of the nodding heads were opining on their media whether or not he would do so. Two days later there are fifty tons of ballots and other electoral paraphernalia sitting at the rear of my warehouse. They planned this for months. Those semi trailers were loaded weeks ago. Amazon can’t pull off a delivery like that. Leftists lie, they always lie. Everything is clearly marked for each electoral district and perfectly lined up. Diggy asked me if I took photos but I’m not that clever. If that shit is still there tomorrow expect some and maybe an actual article. I’m a little perturbed.
Still no pictures though.
How can they print ballots like that I’d they don’t know who the candidates are going to be in each riding?
Emoji shrug. It might be blank ballots thus far but the point being is that they have been planning this. Scheming, as it were.
VDH identifies the root of our problem.
Civilization Requires Collective Common Sense
It’s sort of Lysenkoism writ large with ideological based problem solving taking precedence over what works or at least stands a chance of working. He’s right, we’re in trouble.
*Scratches head, checks wikipedia…
Yes, of course, good point.
I think it requires a belief in its own superiority, and that history’s demonstrated that basically forever, but that even suggesting anything like that these days gets you accused of all sorts of -isms that are officially out of fashion.
Yeah, what I’m seeing is a desire to wallow thru the mud.
Every nation has travesties to its name. Should we abandon the entire project because of it?
“Specifically, the Democratic leader wants to add a statement that Justice Ginsburg’s position should not be filled until a new president is installed, purportedly based on a comment Justice Ginsburg made to family members shortly before she passed,” Cruz said on the Senate floor.
Days before her death, Ginsburg dictated to her granddaughter that her “most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” NPR reported.
“That, of course, is not the standard,” Cruz said. “Under the Constitution, members of the judiciary do not appoint their own successors.”
What a bully.
Big ole Meanie! No wonder he murdered all of those people in San Francisco! It was pretty funny to watch.
In regards to the Arizona Latinos article…
Fun fact: Having lived my entire life along the Mexican border I have had the privilege of observing how middle class American born Hispanics treat illegal lower class Hispanics. It ain’t pretty. Some of the most racist and vitriolic comments I’ve ever heard have been between middle class assimilated Mexicans and lower class Mexican immigrants. Funny how that is never discussed.
On a similar note, I remember my neighbor across the street telling my mom once “We’re TEXAS Mexicans. We’re not like all these California Mexicans.” This was in a majority Mexican neighborhood in California. The implication being that they weren’t a bunch of lowlifes like the other neighbors, I guess.
Tribalism has no color.
It has three colors.
fingertip golf clap
It is often discussed in prison, when it comes time to determine which gang you are most likely to assimilate with (Northern vs. Southern Mexicans).
If you’ve spent enough time around them you get a feel for the differences between first, second, third, and forth+ generations. And those living farther from the border are much the same after the second generation.
A buddy of mine from university was a child of 3rd & 4th generation parents. He married a lady who was Mexican – had never lived in the US. She was a Tiger mom to make any Asian jealous. Raised three kids – two medical doctors and a PhD engineer. She knew she’d gotten ahead of the curve and nobody was going to fall behind.
What the parents place value on is instrumental in the success of the children.
This is what is lacking in the current discussion of race-based outcome comparisons.
And it isn’t just about the inner city, I’ve got kin in Appalachia who have a sincere distaste for exceeding your roots. I can’t stand it.
Any conversation where this important fact was shared would not serve agenda of the people that see the education system as a means to create more government dependent drones. Hence it will NEVER happen. You will be accused of all sorts of isms for pointing out that parents that tell their kids schools is for chumps and they will not be given a fair treatment even if they get a good education all but make sure their kids will fail at life…
Seriously. Every time I hear the phrase, “He’s forgot where he came from (sic),” I want to hit someone with a parking meter.
Anybody ever accused of “forgetting where they come from” are actually the ones never forgot which is the reason they busted ass to make that where they came “from”, and not where they are now.
When I hear that “forget where he came from” I want to reply – “Hell, you didn’t come from there neither. You just never left!”
MCHammer went broke not forgetting where he came from.
The driving desire of my childhood to adulthood journey was climbing the ladder out of the shithole from whence I (and my family) came. My sister and I were the first people in the entire family, paternal or maternal, to attend college. I do not go back to where I came from because it is an even worse shithole than when I was there. I ‘member ‘where I came from’ perfectly- it’s why I don’t go back. But some of my childhood friends are still there – and I love them, I really do – but there’s a reason they’re still there… and it is not “The Man’s” fault.
I have family who are the same way. My father was the first to put himself through college and have a white collar job. He grew pretty disconnected from his family because of the “think yer better’n me?” vibe he got from a lot of them.
This is one of the reasons I don’t go back to the place I grew up. Too many of the people I grew up with never realized their potential because it would be “showing up” the rest of their family. Rather than being proud that Chuy made it out, his brothers would have called him a sell out and “too proud”.
My aunt is Mexican born and its the opposite. Her house is clean like a museum, and she happily feeds everyone that comes over.
She eventually finished school and is now a nurse, but both my cousins are adults and they still live at home.
I mean, he probably shouldn’t have done that, but I can still laugh at it.
HEY! If he keeps that up, he might break that guy’s middle fingers. And then how could he engage in peaceful protests?
I’m generally of the opinion that if you chuck a Molotov at anyone, you’re asking to be justifiably shot.
Don’t you “mostly peaceful protest”, brah?
What would you get between Evan Williams Single Barrel and Four Roses Single Barrel ? The flower one is 10 US pricier. is it worth it?
For $10 probably, but EW is generally the best value you can get. If the price is marked up in Romania it probably isn’t worth it.
Four Roses Single Barrel is 39 USD. Evan Williams Single Barrel is 30.
That is high for EW, but probably about right considering shipping.
EW single barrel is the best bang for the buck, in my opinion. I used to be able to buy it in KY in low 20s, usually about $22.
What I like about the Four Roses is the 50% abv to EW 43… I generally like higher abv
Nothing wrong at all with the 4 Roses, but that is also why the price point is higher.
Can you get the EW White label? Should be cheaper, higher abv, still solid.
Nope. Looking again all EW seems out of stock on two of the main sites. A third one just has the single barrel but for 36, pricier than the out of stock one at 30.
Sadly, for some fucked up reason, many large retailers in western Europe do not deliver to ROmania. Fuckers deliver to Poland or Hungary but not to us.
oh wait the EW is out of stock.
The Four Roses Small Batch is very similar to the 4RSiB, but cheaper.
Rhywun vindicated? Wood chippers are now equal to helicopters for disposal in memes.
Protestors are now going restaurant by restaurant to chant at diners on Beach Dr. in St. Pete. A lot of diners yelled back, starting multiple confrontations. This one was the most significant. Protestors took over a couple’s table. Not sure why they were targeted specifically.
— Josh Fiallo (@Josh Fiallo)1600907691.0
reporter for the Tampa Bay Times
St. Pete = St. Petersburg, Florida
Its like watching the one bully kid in class that destroys the smart kids science project just because. Its just ignorance and hate.
‘Its like watching the one bully kid in class that destroys the smart kids science project just because. Its just ignorance and hate.’ — Ownbestenemy
While the adults watch and do nothing…
I love when she clocks the bully on the bus in “Gifted” if anyone’s seen it.
They were targeted because they looked old and frail.
When was Louisville moved to Tennessee, and did Tennessee consent?
“starting multiple confrontations”
Yeah, I don’t think the diners started shit.
Not this?
Fun fact: Mrs. McGinty used to manage a rock band and Black Stone Cherry opened for them. She knows them very well as she’s from that area. We saw them perform and chatted with them afterwards. Nice group of guys.
Do you want to give a more detailed answer on “from that area” so I can more accurately calculate the odds of being related?
My Dad was from Metcalfe Co, my Mom from Cumberland Co, so I have two barrels of potential relations. It mostly just means I am related to everyone in the area twice.
Butler County, so the chances are slim.
Happiest state of US overall Hawaii
Happiest state of US emotional and physical well being New Jersey
Happiest state of US work environment Utah
Happiest state of US work community and environment Utah
2020’s Happiest States in America
Adam McCann, Financial Writer • Sep 22, 2020
Happiest state of US emotional and physical well being New Jersey
They’re happy since they know what’s good for them, capisce?
Whadda bout omerta?
‘Wut.’ — Certified Public Asshat
Their process…
You still have to be seriously cooking the books to make NJ come out on top of happiness.
I’ve lived in NJ all my life, and I can confirm that ranking is complete bullshit.
I just caught a 7 day Twitter ban for mocking the fellow who tried to block the police bicycles.
if you don’t get fired for it it is still good.
Twitter should just ban itself.
Twitter used to be my go-to. Now everything is politicized and my romance community is über Woke, more than years ago. I can’t stand it.
You still have us, Sweet Mojo. Buck up!
Yes, you are the remaining community that I actually participate in, although I’m slowly finding groups that don’t allow discussion of politics. “Stick to the topic” is strictly enforced.
As long as that includes both sides, I’m alright with that.
Yes, this is on FB too. Any mention of politics, even a one liner bashing Trump, will get the comment deleted and a warning issued.
I’m in two romance book groups where this goes, one cross stitch group where this goes, and the last cross stitch group is for selling and swapping only, so even posts/comments about actual cross stitching get deleted.
I can’t say the same for the cross stitch subreddit where lefty stuff is encouraged and people who like to stitch crosses and Bible verses get downvoted.
Have you learned your lesson and purged your mind of wrongthink?
Now I love you even more.
Re: the rioting du jour, this is one of those examples that Eddie wrote about wherein the DA uses the grand jury to cover for his decision not to indict. If literally anyone else killed someone by accident it would be manslaughter. Hell, If I fire a shotgun at an intruder and one pellet goes wide and strikes a bystander, I’m liable.
Someone was going to be fed to the dogs. It’s not like the AG has the power to end the war on drugs or no-knock raids.
There was a legal warrant. To me, there is a difference between a cop acting on his own authority, at a traffic stop or something, and a cop on judge authorized raid. A judge said “Using physical force, enter this person’s home with guns drawn to search for drugs.” I think there should be a shield of liability for cops executing warrants in certain situations, and taking fire from inside the house is certainly one of them.
Breona Taylor being held up as a victim of police brutality is, plain and simple, a lie. Breona Taylor is a victim of the Drug War. The cops did everything by the book, the problem is the book itself is wrong. If the cops are to be indicted, then so should the judge, and so should the legislators.
Yeah, don’t care. If the warrant is enough to excuse negligent weapons use, then the one cop who is being charged for his bullets entering a nearby apartment should likewise be immune.
If you shoot and kill someone who is not threatening you you have committed a grievous harm. If you’re driving you in-labor wife to the hospital, hit an icy patch, and kill someone with your vehicle you don’t get to say “but I had the right to drive my wife to the hospital!”
You can guarantee that if untermenschen like us kill somebody who is not a threat, while shooting at someone in legitimate self-defense, we are going to be indicted for manslaughter. And if you spray bullets around so they enter a residence, you’re going to get more indictments for reckless endangerment. At a minimum.
This is another case where the police chose to create a dangerous situation by serving a warrant at 3 a.m., and I would be shocked if the “knock and announce” was done in a way that any reasonable person would think gave the residents a legitimate chance to answer the door, given that it was 3 a.m.
I thought our protection against unreasonable searches was meant to preclude middle-of-the-night raids? Oh wait -I am forgetting the illicit substances exemption, written right into the 4th Amdt – somewhere.
The cops did everything by the book, the problem is the book itself is wrong. If the cops are to be indicted, then so should the judge, and so should the legislators.
Individuals have responsibility for their own actions. Police do not get to hide behind the legislators when they commit heinous acts. They always have the choice of refusal or resigning.
Yes, they should all be indicted. However, the lack of indictment for judges and legislators does not absolve individual LEOs of their complicity.
Breona Taylor is a victim of shacking up with a worthless piece of shit.
2 years before? What’s the expiration date on poor dating decisions… asking for a “friend”.
Tell your friend to stay away from people on the wrong side of the law. If it’s a bad law, wait until there’s a better one.
Legal warrant? How many warrants have been obtained by police lying under oath – and never being punished for that? How many judges have been held to account for being rubber-stamps?
The legitimacy of a warrant is a slender reed on which to stand.
Just follow the advice I got from a nun in catechism class back about 1959: Avoid bad companions.
Don’t enable my tendency to be a recluse.
Let me simply point to the utter absence of any illicit substances, accessories or cash – all that was supposed to be there per the sworn affadivits in support of the warrant.
You want to suck a liar’s dick – I sure as hell ain’t trying to stop you.
The Judge and who ever filed the warrant (which I’m going to guess was the detective who got charged and was fired) should be the people that the hounds are baying for.
For the other two guys, something something… the process is the punishment.
Guessing that Breona’s housemate or whatever was a sketchy character is not sucking anybody’s dick.
I think they were actually investigating a different guy, who used to be her boyfriend/something. The guy who shot at the cops is not who they were investigating. I think he (rightly) wasn’t charged in a vanishingly rare case where shooting a cop was viewed as legitimate self-defense.
I think there should be a shield of liability for cops executing warrants in certain situations
I agree. However, I think that shield should be narrowly tailored to cover the consequences of having arrest power, and nothing more. Essentially, they should get stand your ground, writ large. Nothing more, nothing less.
Breona Taylor being held up as a victim of police brutality is, plain and simple, a lie. Breona Taylor is a victim of the Drug War. The cops did everything by the book, the problem is the book itself is wrong. If the cops are to be indicted, then so should the judge, and so should the legislators.
I sit somewhere in the middle on this. Victim of the drug war? yes. Does increased police accountability for their violence change the result? I’m not sure.
Either way, I agree that this doesn’t fit in the “police brutality” bucket. Panic firing while being shot at is something else.
The real problem with The War on Drugs is that narcotics officers become as callous and dangerous as any drug dealer. Except the drug dealers will be held to account by the law.
You break down my door in the middle of the night – you’re goddam right I’m shooting at you. Unless you have a bullhorn, lights and sirens running.
Which was the unforgiveable bullshit in the killing of Jose Guerena – he was armed and DID NOT fire and the cops went full panic mode anyway. I want cops that do that off the force – by any means necessary.
Sorry for missing your post last night, Evan. Keep fighting the good fight.
#metoo. Got home too late to reply directly. What a Trooper!
One can dream this proggie scream inducing act would actually happen…
“In Lieu Of New Justice, Trump Announces He Will Simply Grant Clarence Thomas Two Votes”
Ha ha ha!
It is official. I am now completely relating to the Russians during the Soviet days in regards to reading news stories and parsing what wasn’t said.
This story about how scary the Rona is is what made me realize that I wasn’t just reading the story for the basic facts.
The story is by the local commie rag’s court stenographer who dutifully copied down what the govt types said in their daily Rona presser. The message of the day was that Rona is super dangerous and people need to keep obeying govt edicts.
Sounds bad, right? But my takeaway was that no one died, and no one went to the hospital because that would have been trumpeted if it had happened. So my actual response is 50 people tested positive and no one died or went to the hospital? That is good, doesn’t seem so bad.
And it is rich by the govt types to try to scare people about funerals. If I was a reporter, I would have asked “So was this funeral about the same as the George Floyd funeral? You know that one where all the politicians packed the service?”
Oh, it isn’t just funerals. Halloween is totes bad too.
My personal favorite CDC guideline for Halloween:
I can’t remember the last time I read a news story and simply accepted the reporting as facts. Now I’m constantly trying to understand the spin, the angle, and what is being left unreported. I didn’t want to be a suspicious conspiracy nut, but here we are.
“I can’t remember the last time I read a news story and simply accepted the reporting as facts”
For me it was 1984, coincidentally, when I read an article that stated facts I knew were bullshit, in the NYT of all entities, and everyone took them for granted because there was no way to tell people they were being snowed back when these assholes had a monopoly on information. It took almost 40 years for people to find out Ted Kennedy had gone to Moscow to ask the fucking commies for help to defeat Reagan…
I read the book too, it, in fact ,is now fact
You would be surprised how many people tell you it can’t be true and when shown it is refuse to accept it…
Cause team players, but especially team blue players, don’t want to admit their icons are all crooked fucks.
Without evidence
President Trump warned tech companies he is “watching them very closely during this election cycle” as his administration proposed stripping online platforms of long-held legal protections.
“We see so many things that are unfair,” Trump said during at a White House discussion with Republican state attorneys general about social media. “It’s very serious. Very bad. Very serious.”
Trump has increased his attacks on social media platforms as both Twitter and Facebook have moved more aggressively to label or even remove his posts that break their rules on inciting violence or spreading misinformation about the election or the coronavirus.
Republicans have long argued that the platforms censor conservative voices, without offering clear evidence to support their claims. Trump repeated those accusations on Wednesday.
Pressure has been growing on both sides of the political divide to overhaul the liability shield. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has said Section 230 should be “revoked”, arguing that tech companies should be held to the same standards as media companies, which can be sued for printing falsehoods.
Congressional Democrats have balked at the Trump administration’s approach to cracking down on social media platforms, however. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., one of the original authors of Section 230, accused the Trump administration of trying to intimidate tech companies.
He said in a statement: “Attorney General Barr’s DOJ is continuing to act as an arm of the Trump campaign, trying to work the refs ahead of the election. This proposal is a warmed-over mishmash of existing Republican proposals to force private companies to host lies, misinformation, hate speech and other slime online.”
Anything which does not promote the new New Deal is right wing hate speech, and must be purged.
Marxism uber alles!
Instagram model who poses as Catwoman jailed for masked robberies
Nothing stabby on her rap sheet… I’m thinking she’s on the right side of the crazy/hot matrix.
She’s a tranny?
Hypothetically, based RBG’s written opinions, would RBG vote for/against rabbi singing religious song @ service inside government building with corpse present?
If Goldberg was (((Jewish))) shouldn’t her body have been in the ground already?
Ooops..Ginsburg. Can’t keep (((them))) straight.
It would be interesting to get OMWC’s take. I read that it is against Jewish “law” to lie in state. Of course, it should surprise no one that a lefty like Ginsburg (and her family) aren’t observant Jews.
My uncle was hospitalized with CV-19 the other night. They gave him convalescent plasma. Overnight he went from feeling like he was on deaths bed to a mild fever the next day. Now he’s slowly recovering from the pneumonia. Sounds like this plasma treatment is the real deal.
Glad to hear the treatment worked for him. That’s great news.
Mind if I ask how old he is?
Late 50s. As far as I know he is pretty healthy.
but have they done a double blind study yet?
They need CDC, FDA, WHO, and USAMRID approval before they can proceed. Expect results in 20 years.
“Expect results in 20 years.”
And a cost of $80,000 for a single dose.
Spray painting Biden 2020 on their garage seems fishy to me. That doesn’t seem to be something that real mostly peaceful protesters would be advocating.
Heh, that was funny your holiness…
That seemed the least plausible part to me as well. Either way, some asshole almost killed a bunch of dogs.
I’d bet false flag. It’s too on the nose.
A few days ago, one of y’all, I’m sorry I forgot who, mentioned having a Looft Lighter. I’m intrigued by this thing and was wondering if it might be employed as a handheld broiler or spot searer? Peter Luger Steakhouse makes their bacon in the Salamander (1300° for 45 seconds) and I want to replicate that in the home.
The Beefer
Snakes on an inclined plane.
Snakes have no brakes…
Get those mutherfucking snakes off my mutherfucking incline plane.
Not a good idea to get in the water wit an anaconda. They hug you long time.
Willem DeGaga
Willem AKB48
I’m confused
I think that is the point
After reading the CDC guidelines for a safe Halloween, I’m hoppin’ ass mad and ready to go all-out with tricks-and/or-treats this year. Full size candy bars for the kids, wee airplane bottles of booze for the parents.
I am gonna hire a stripper to swing from the light post in my yard…
So same as last year?
Last year, and the previous years I add, I had a candy vending machine….
Giving these kids free shit is why they are all pro socialism…
Kids are too old this year and boy am I glad. We’re going to shut down our house so we won’t get trick-or-treaters. In the past, this neighborhood has had very few children and the ones that were here were older and went to the rich neighborhoods. Now we’ve got kids running out our ears, but we’re tired of minding the door.
Our house is at the end of a 100 yard long dirt driveway lined with old oaks with Spanish moss hanging off them. Oh, and only one light at the very end of the driveway.
I don’t think we would have gotten very many trick or treaters down this way regardless of the Corona.
That is the perfect spooky approach. Lean into it.
Yeah, very Great Pumpkin.
My parents snowbird to Florida every year, and their neighborhood there has quite a bit of Spanish moss hanging from the
tree branches. Every time we visit Mom inevitably will say, “the interesting thing about Spanish moss is it’s neither Spanish nor moss!”
My neighborhood has always had a bunch of trick or treaters. A bunch of folks come in from other neighborhoods. This year, I imagine we will either be one of the only houses handing out candy, which will be a nightmare, or we’ll close it all up and hide (I wish). It’s my wife’s favorite holiday so the second option doesn’t seem likely.
The number of trick-or-treaters to my house has declined over the past couple of years. It’s getting to the point I may make the switch over to full sized bars to reward the small number who come.
In years past the first handful of kids got the leftover full sized bars from the ones picked up for s’mores over the spring/summer/fall.
If you hand out full-size candy, the kids will expect the same next year, and the next…
Our neighborhood gets a decent amount of kids, but we always put a bucket on the porch and shut down the house as we are out taking our kids on their candy-begging mission a couple neighborhoods over (where the kids go to school and will see their friends while candy-begging).
We usually get lots of trick or treaters (100+). I have no idea what will happen this year.
One trick or treater in the past thirty years, none in the past twenty at my house.
My neighborhood has houses close together on one-way streets with lots of decorations. People who used to live here bring their kids (small houses and lots of first time homebuyers who move after second kid). High participation in giving out candy. I buy huge bags and give until it runs out which means refilling the bowl 3-4 times. I think I’ll buy one bag this year and close early
Semirural road, no sidewalks, houses often set back so they go elsewhere with better candy to walking ratios. Until recently, I’d say the average age of my neighbors was late career to retired empty nesters.
In Brooklyn, the TorT is mostly directed to local merchants; stores all have candy buckets. Some kids in buildings go apartment to apartment but we did not have a single masker in our 8 years there (20 unit, 5 story building). The Rockaways is more like proper Halloween. The neighborhood we go to is packed with kids of all ages out until around midnight; it’s also host to the annual (40+ years now) silly string/shaving cream/water balloon fight amongst the middle school kids at my kid’s school (some of their teachers were also students there in the ’70s/’80s and participated in the fun then).
Like most things that get discussed, I don’t see the issue.
Halloween has never been mandatory. It is generally understood that if you don’t want trick or treaters, you leave your lights off. This year if you really don’t want to do it, take an extra step and make a sign that says “Not home.”
It was more mandatory back when the “trick” portion was socially acceptable.
Well, it’s 2020 so the trick part might be back in style. Detroit already had a Halloween arson tradition, why not expand across the country?
“This house has no lights on! They don’t even have a BLM sign! Light ’em up!”
ROK official defects, gets slaughtered, burned by Nork guards not informed of the defection
WTF is wrong with you that defecting to the DPRK seems like a good idea?
Would not be surprised he was a sleeper trying to get back, and he was lit up by the incompetent “lets kill everything that moves” crowd.
I’m pretty sure that all NORK troops for decades have been under orders to kill anything trying to cross the border in either direction. A sleeper would have known this and would have established procedures for getting back to the worker’s paradise.
One could ask the same thing of a sizable percentage of American youth.
I think the norks may have taken the crown back from the Aussies and Chinese on dealing with covid.
How many corruption charges were they facing?
Two guys are sitting in a bar. The teevee is on, and the news comes on. The news reader starts talking about a guy on a roof, threatening to jump. There are people milling around in the street, and cops on the roof trying to talk him out of it, a big production. One guy turns to the other, and says, “I bet you a beer he jumps.”
Second guy says, “You’re on.”
The shitshow continues for a while, and then the guy leaps off the roof, into the crowd.
Guy Number Two shakes his head, and waves to the bartender. “Get my friend a beer.”
Guy one laughs and says, “You don’t owe me a beer. I watched that same thing earlier. I knew how it was gonna end.”
Second guy says, “Yeah, I saw it, too. I never thought he’d jump a second time.”
Is America going to jump a second time, and re-elect President Cartoon Villain? There are going to be some really surprised people.
If blood pressure too low, read this:
well dammit….
This is how they make sure people know that resisting them will have a cost. I sure hope that someone doesn’t gets pissed by this sort of injustice and decides to take out one or more of these Sorros appointed scumbags abusing the law to protect the left’s coup agenda out when they simply have had enough of their abuses.
I for one do not expect to get just treatment under the law anymore. From the FBI down to the blue state crooks running the legal system, the whole thing is rotten to the core and political in nature. That can’t stay that way without eventually the people having enough of the abuse, and taking justice in their own hands.
‘I for one do not expect to get just treatment under the law anymore.’ — AlexinCT
What do about it?
Avoid having to deal with the law for as long as possible, and when they force it on me, go out in a blaze of glory…
‘Avoid having to deal with the law for as long as possible, and when they force it on me, go out in a blaze of glory…’
SBC = Plan A?
Lets go with that….
*crouches down and waits for impact*
I’ve been refusing to talk about that case, for fear that anything I say could be held against me in the future.
(Until now, I suppose…)
I hadn’t read the full details. there are no words.
jfc. It’s over.
Once more, folks: don’t duck jury duty. You might pull a case like this and help ensure justice is done.
I’ve got nothing. The country has gone mad.
Yup. Too many are in the “tried by 12 or carried by 6” zone.
Oh, and fuck the landlord who evicted the businesses, too.
This shit will continue unless and until the right has had enough and embraces the left’s tactics of visiting violence upon the landlords, DAs, etc. that pull this shit. But they support the police, so it won’t happen.
‘Police overreact to fire, Molotov cocktail, and other acts of violence. Just like when the feds attacked peaceful protesters in July.’
The riot in quotes while referring everywhere else as protests is particularly irksome. Months ago, some readers questioned why the rag wasn’t calling them riots, and the reporter said they would only do so if the police declared a riot because they didn’t want to unfairly mislabel the activities. As if riot was a technical or legal term only. And now they’re walking back from that standard.
Just noticed the url title for the article. Eve is the night before, not after.
I said it upthread and I’ll say it again.
People throwing Molotovs should be responded to with deadly force.
Ideally, just moments before they launch their fiery missile so it lands at their feet.
If I were on a jury I can’t imagine voting to convict anyone for shooting someone throwing one.
They are literally weapons of war that have been used to kill people in battle.
<a href="" title="That's how Comrade Dragonsky earned his Hero Of The Soviet Union medal.” target=”_blank” >That’s how Comrade Dragonsky earned his Hero Of The Soviet Union medal.
Whoops. Try this –
Also, the squirrelly police said while reporting the rioters in objective terms.
Police press release for the same
Good morning, Señor Sharpshooter!
Thanks for all the lynx!
Say, is something going on in Kentucky?
I thought Obama made sure we all had health insurance under penalty of the PenalTax?
I’m not exactly sure what we got, but I’m pretty sure there are ample medical resources for poor people. But still, why not scamper across the border and pay less? That seems smart.
The butthurt about the fighter is both entertaining and pathetic. Lefties simply can’t conceive of a world where everyone doesn’t agree in all things. Stupid.
I hope you all have a great day! No rioting, now. I mean it.
Our health insurance premiums went through the roof with Obamacare. However, that toothpaste is out of the tube. Repealing Obamacare isn’t going to make them go down now.
That SOB cost me a whole shitload of money with the ACA.
All for the privilege of not having my insurance accepted at a significant percentage of doctors.
Oh right! You provide health insurance to your employees, IIRC?
No. I’m too small to afford that. I can’t get a group rate.
I’m on individual insurance and all the economical options from reputable insurers vanished overnight.
So now I’m stuck playing the tax game so I don’t have to pay $2500/month for a $15000 deductible. And my options in doctors have gone to shit.
I’m sorry. That must bite. We could never afford all the mental health treatment (me, the kids) and surgeries (Mr. Mojeaux) we need if we had a deductible that high and we’d all be complete wrecks.
Obamacare was designed to make sure people like you would fall in line and just accept government controlled healthcare as an alternative…
it cost us thousands when we moved from TX to VA in 2017. you can’t back date the policies and you have to prove residency (and wait at least 2 weeks) to get a policy, so my wife’s ob visits and blood work were out of pocket.
The only thing that will make them go down is competition. Preferably on both the insurance and delivery sides.
And really, who wants competition? Certainly no one on the supply side – and they matter most, don’t they?
You don’t even have to touch all the Gubbmint Gimme programs. You could have pro-supply increase reforms and not make a single cut to Medicare or Medicaid, just eliminate all the red tape on medical training, medical infrastructure, drug development, etc etc and watch the cost of things fall.
The butthurt about the fighter is both entertaining and pathetic.
I imagine they’d attempt Sepukku if Larry Fitzgerald game out with a similar position. Not that he would make a political statement.
Speaking of US whiskey, more and more store here are starting to include Rye as a separate category, no longer included in Bourbon.
The again The GlenAllachie Rye Wood Finish 9 is now in the rye tab.
That’s because it IS a separate thing from Bourbon.
I know. In the past everything from the US was Bourbon. Jack Daniels still is.
Rye isn’t bourbon.
In the US, a bourbon whiskey is required to made form at least 51% corn. A rye whiskey requires at least 51% rye.
Don’t forget aged at least 10 seconds in new charred oak barrels.
Bourbon must be distilled to no more than 80% ABV, and matured in charred new oak containers. It must go into the barrel at no more than 62.5% ABV and be bottled at a minimum of 40% ABV.
Rye Whiskey
Aside from its mashbill, the requirements for rye whiskey are identical to bourbon.
Are there aging requirements for bourbon and rye?
No. While almost all types of American whiskey must be stored in oak containers for some amount of time, that length of time isn’t specified and there is no minimum. However, the “straight” whiskey designation requires two years. All bourbons aged less than four years must bear an age statement.
Okay, what’s a straight whiskey?
A whiskey distilled to no more than 80% ABV, placed in new charred oak containers at 62.5% ABV or less (except for corn whiskey, which must be put in used or uncharred oak containers), and aged for at least two years qualifies as a straight whiskey and can be labeled as such. A straight whiskey can be a blend of different straight whiskeys, as long as they’re all made in the same state. If any of the straight whiskeys in the blend are less than 4 years old, an exact age statement is required on the label. There are straight bourbons, straight ryes, straight corn whiskeys, etc.
*waits for “Bottled in Bond”*
What’s a bottled in bond whiskey?
Bottled in bond whiskeys, also called bonded whiskeys, meet the requirements of the Bottled-in-Bond Act of 1897. Don’t remember it? Bonded whiskeys must be produced in a single season (spring or fall) at a single distillery, aged for at least four years in a U.S. bonded warehouse, and bottled at 50% ABV. While most bottled-in bond offerings are bourbons, there are also bottled-in-bond ryes, corn whiskeys, and even brandies.
as I remember bottled in bond is at least 4 year age and at least 50% abv
I found the bottled in bond Old Granddad to be a delightful mixin’ whiskey. It was assertive enough to get noticed, but did not have the keroseney throat-burn that I often find in the cheap stuff (100 Pipers brand Scotch whisky, I’m looking at you).
Rain makes corn
Corn makes whiskey
Whiskey makes my baby
Feel a little frisky
Any ideas how/where statistics deaths because Chinese flu instead deaths with positive test Chinese flu?
Now I’m confused
The University of California was found to have admitted at least 64 students over more qualified applicants because of the students’ connections to university staff or donors, according to a California state audit released Tuesday.
The audit investigated four campuses — UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego, and UC Santa Barbara — from academic years 2013-14 through 2018-19 and found that the campuses failed to evaluate students fairly and to develop adequate and standardized admissions processes.
Auditors found that UC Berkeley admitted 42 applicants because of their connections to donors and university staff, including one example where a regent violated university policy by improperly advocating for a student. Most of these applicants were white and at least half had annual family incomes of $150,000 or more. These students do not include two already identified in the 2019 national college admissions scandal, according to the audit.
“The pervasiveness of this problem at UC Berkeley demonstrates that campus leadership has failed to establish a campus culture that values commitment to an admissions process based on fairness and applicants’ merits and achievements,” auditors stated in the document.
Are we in favor of strict merit-based enrollment, now?
The University of California was found to have admitted at least 64 students over more qualified applicants because of the students’ connections to university staff or donors, according to a California state audit released Tuesday.
Funny how that analysis was deemed impossible when looking at race preferential admissions
And so Aunt Becky was the one to get jail time?
She bribed an individual. Bribing the university is acceptable. And she fucking merited what she got.
They needed a sacrificial lamb to allow them to claim the issue was handled before they can go back to selling access to rich libs without too much scrutiny.
“Are we in favor of strict merit-based enrollment, now?”
Sure, as long as the merit-based person ain’t no wypipo.
Illinois laughs at their small numbers.
Yeah, is this an audit or a coverup? Those 4 schools have 115,000 students. They found less than 0.1% were admitted under questionable circumstances, and that’s “pervasive”?
Drank beer and came up with a list of things you need to believe in 2020:
-Obviously mentally ill people and criminally minded nutjobs are fighting for the Platonic ideal of justice.
-Racism is invisible to those who claim they aren’t racist and so they should trust strangers who claim to have cracked the code.
-Speech that offends the dogma proves the dogma is correct in attacking them.
-Your party would act differently if the shoe was on the other foot.
-Convincing the dumbest people you know to get out and vote is a virtuous endeavor.
-California’s morals should be Alabama’s morals and vice versa.
-A dude winning the women’s 100m should be celebrated.
-You party hasn’t ever slaughtered foreign non combatants.
-YouTube is better without Alex Jones.
-Aunt Jemima is racist but Mrs. Buttersworth isn’t.
-That dog whistle you’re hearing doesn’t mean you’re insane.
-Being an average Joe has an advantage over being a chick with a nice ass and tits.
-Trump is the cause of the freakouts.
That’s all I could come up with for now.
That list looks like a LOT of beer was involved straff…
I think better with a lot of beer. I think.
If I recall correctly from the time my dad was stationed in South America and I lived there, there was some guy that had a song about how those that drank to excess always were left thinking that it made them smarter, their reflexes faster, and life better. I don’t think the song ended well for them though, and I am hoping that is not the way things work for you brah.
Then again, I have myself been accused of consuming too much alcohol, despite the fact that I tell them I need to keep my blood thinned properly.
I’m not saying I believe that stuff, just that the media and academia is saying I should.
Ah OK, if they say so, then you MUST comply…
Otherwise they will label you an enemy of the people man.
Well one must wash down the taste of Japanese whiskey with something…
Chanting magic words can prevent plagues.
I’m going to go have a drink myself now.
Inconsistencies and a lack of policies preventing implicit biases could also play a role on who is accepted and who isn’t at the university, according to the audit. The audit found a demonstrated lack of consistency for the ways applications were evaluated across campuses and within individual institutions themselves. These inconsistencies could heavily influence the chances of an applicant being accepted depending on who read it, the audit stated.
No shit, Shirley?
Random lottery, it is. That will ensure a high quality educational experience for everyone involved.
“Latino families in the Rio Grande Valley who lack medical insurance and resources are crossing the border for affordable medical visits and medicine.”
“In mid-summer, Evelia Sáenz started a 25-mile journey that she hoped would save her husband’s life: it was time to cross from the United States to Mexico.”
Oh, muh Godz! No one has ever travelled 25 miles for health care! I mean even if it was by donkey, that’s not an insurmountable task. It was by donkey, right? I’m sure since that’s the MSM, there’s a donkey in there, along with commie cooties, of course.
Wait, are they saying she got health care? Well, it looks like there’s not a problem then.
How can they lack medical insurance? Obamacare ensured that everyone was covered!
I’ve gone 25 miles for a hamburger.
Well, when….. when I had the chance to talk with, well you know what I mean, Trump wats to talk all the time but I spoke with salad, you know, Russian dressing…. I think my time is up. No? ok. Well, lets talk women. I Have a black woman, Campari Harrison, and ……… snore.
Norm (can I call him Norm?) just can’t not say what everyone less demented than Joe is thinking.
About right…
It’s been reported that according to the CDC, excessive deaths for this year are at 200K. But looking at their excessive death tracking site, it only shows about 91K since 2/1/2020. So what gives? Where does the 200K number come from?
“Where does the 200K number come from?”
Pulled out of an ass somewhere, as is typical these days.
1. I had the vague impression the 200K was the “with/from/same-county-as” Covid thing, which is not really credible for a stack of reasons.
2. If I understand how they handle the data, the next 6-12 months (or something like that) should show a dip in the excessive deaths chart, since much of what Covid’s doing is pulling some deaths (elderly folks) forward by several months. Doubtless a few will still be counted as a net “excess”, but a whole lot will really be a pull-forward.
#2 seems extremely likely, when you look at the categories with the highest number of excess deaths. Alzheimer and dementia is by far the highest, followed by hypertensive diseases, ischemic heart disease, and diabetes.
Be on the lookout in the next 6-12 months for bureaucrats like Fauci/CDC taking credit for that dip and pretending there was no pull-forward.
How are you getting 91k?
From that graph alone I get 254k: sum the predicted deaths less expected deaths for all weeks in 2020 with more predicted deaths than expected deaths. Of course, many weeks had fewer deaths than expected, but not enough to get down to 91k.
The 200k number appears to come either from subtracting out the excess deaths not attributable to COVID-19 and/or using the “upper bound” estimate of expected deaths instead of the “average” estimate of expected deaths.
I hate their data by the way. You either get way more than you want (every week in every state since 2017) or you get it in a format you can’t use effectively (seriously, you sort dates by alphabetical ordering?).
I looked at total number above average by cause.
That table is specifically the comorbidities. Anyone who died of/with COVID-19 and none of those selected other causes/factors is not included there.
(lest you think I pulled that out of my ass, read the section “Cause of Death” under “Technical Notes”)
OK, that makes more sense. So looking at one of the other charts, they are estimating 30-90K excluding COVID involved deaths, and 208-274K total, including COVID involved cases.
“Predicted” numbers of excess deaths. We won’t know the actual excess deaths from 2020 until probably March, at the earliest.
I believe it’s based on Column A (Observed Number) – Column B (Upper Bound Threshold) for all of the weeks from w/e 3/28/2020 to 9/05/2020
If you look at the Excel sheet that underlies the Tableau graph, you can see a Column M (Total Number of Excess Deaths Over Upper Bound). It just repeats the total “208390” over and over. If you take Col A – Col B for the dates I listed above, this is the total you’ll get.
As several people have already pointed out, this is already well into GIGO territory.
I always thought it was baffling how the left managed to get everyone to believe that enemies of the US would find Trump more palatable than people like Obama or Clinton, whom we were constantly told held great approval ratings with those that wanted America to fail and fall, but revelations like this one make it clear that the claims Trump was favored were nothing more than made up bullshit to hide the fact that team blue people, being enemies of America and American success, were the ones the bad guys really root for.
Boy, Brennan’s just been knee deep in this Russian collusion bullshit from the beginning, huh? It’s almost as if it was a Brennan operation or something.
Obama ordered him to do this. Brennan has already come out to warn Obama – indirectly, in one of those “interviews” he does on the dnc operative with bylines networks – that if he is made to go down for this, he will take Obama with him…
Brennan is a POS bar none.
If anyone should be tried for treason, it’s him.
When the fuck are any of these fucks going to be brought to court? Trump seems to have wasted four years letting Clinton, Comey, Brennan, etc. slide. Is it all that the media would try to crucify him? Aren’t they doing so anyway? It really doesn’t look hopeful that Trump, should he be re-elected, will go after this cabal in the next four years either.
Interesting. I don’t doubt that Obama was involved, though I haven’t seen any real proof, and don’t expect any because they would have kept their interactions verbal and unrecorded.
Do you have a link to the interview or a transcript of it?
Use something other than Google to look at John Solomon’s work, and you will be left with no doubt Obama was behind this whole shitshow…
All righty, folks. It’s been fun. I now must go make lasagna. The not-marinara will take a while.
It’ll be the best lasagna you ever made.
Is that like fondueing?
Is it just me, or does Kaepernick have the weirdest fro ever? It’s like there’s this white boy and someone stole a fro off some black dude from the 70s and just stuck it on top of Kaepernick’s woke head. Am I just imagining that because systemic racism?
He has to have the ‘fro because if he was in boot camp (all his hair shorn off) he would have to explain that he is black – and most wouldn’t believe him.
Nah, they ain’t commies
The fact that they thought they could just say they were commie fucks back when, but now feel compelled to hide it, tells me that whatever their plans were, they are not unfolding as they expected, and now they feel compelled to hide their true nature again..
Douchebag marxists must hide what they are doing until things have broken down completely, because sane people will not want any of that…
Covid rant that I promised a while back:
My Father started coughing on the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend, temp spiked Sunday night, my Mom got him to the hospital about 2 AM Monday morning. They covid tested (negative), he had a rhinovirus (the common cold!) and it had developed into pneumonia. He went into hospice care on Thursday and died the following Monday. His death was very typical for someone with late stage dementia.
We were in town for my parents 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday before he got sick, I hadn’t seen them since December and wasn’t going to miss that. My Mom needed someone there who knew what day it was. My Dad enjoyed the cake we brought. We left on Saturday morning, as I mentioned back then, my wife went to urgent care on Sunday, same thing my Dad had, as it turns out. Me and my Mom also came down with it the next week. We aren’t sure where it came from, but it looks like my Dad had it first. Doesn’t really matter, its the freakin’ common cold, you can’t avoid it.
My Dad was in isolation at the hospital, my Mom wasn’t allowed to go be with him until Wednesday night? It wasn’t even due to covid concerns, that came back negative on Tuesday. As the doctor said, the rhino virus was far more contagious than covid.
Standard actuarial tables said my Dad had 5 years of expected life. When I left on Saturday, not knowing he was sick, I thought it was the last time I would see him. I figured 2 months. Maybe he would make it to the Holidays and we would get back to see him again, but probably not. Regardless of the length he had left, he had approximately zero quality of life. The pneumonia was a blessing.
I think his situation is not uncommon for those who have died of covid. While it has cut some lives short, I think a lot of them were on the edge, going to die with the next respiratiry infection that hit them. And covid got to be the winner.
I want to see how my Dad’s death is listed, I wonder if it will be pneumonia or dementia or the common cold or a combination. It least is isn’t covid. I am glad he avoided that statistic.
Somehow this has made me even more pissed off about the whole covid thing.
The fact people are seriously pretending we can keep the economy running like this for another 6 months is the most distressing thing I have ever witnessed as a human being. We are going to all be dirt farming by december. Leaving aside the actual covid health outcomes nonsense.
also sorry for your loss.
The people clamoring to keep everything closed are the ones who haven’t missed a paycheck and are complaining about gaining the pandemic 15. The ones who lost the pandemic 15 are getting pissed.
When can you get a death certificate?
My Mom should be receiving them any day now. I actually expected them to arrive yesterday.
My dads has covid aggravated pneumonia as a contributing factor (or something like that), but primary cause was acute kidney failure. His stage 4 cancer wasnt helping the situation along.
I suspect as you have said, of he developed pneumonia from any of the number of causes the result would have been the same.
Sorry for your loss robc
Condolences robc.
Sorry for your loss, dude.
sorry for your loss and the whole experience…
Sorry for your loss.
So sad, robc.
Sorry, rob. I understand where you’re coming from with the ‘blessing’ – my Dad hung on for months in hospice. I stayed with my Mom when it started to creep up on her so she could live at her home. She only spent one night in hospice.
Someone’s fishing for dick pics.
We know Mr. Choom swings that way…. Ask the Wookie.
Nazis under our beds
Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said Wednesday during his confirmation hearing that white supremacists have become the “most persistent and lethal” internal “threat” to the U.S.
“White supremacist extremists, from a lethality standpoint over the last two years, particularly when you look at 2018 and 2019, are certainly the most persistent and lethal threat when we talk about domestic violent extremists,” said Wolf, who has been heading the DHS in an acting capacity since November.
The Senate committee hearing came just a few weeks after a whistleblower, Brian Murphy, who served as an undersecretary in the Homeland Security Department’s intelligence office, said Wolf told him to squash information regarding the threat of white supremacy and assessments of Russian interference in the U.S. election to better fit President Donald Trump’s agenda.
Wolf’s assessment during the hearing of the threat from white supremacy is rhetorically different from that of Trump and and Attorney General William Barr, who have sought to portray the nation as being under attack by “left-wing mobs” and antifa agitators. They have notably intensified this rhetoric since the protests against racial injustice sparked nationwide this summer.
Antifa – short for “anti-fascists” – refers to loosely affiliated, left-leaning anti-racist groups that have been involved in some violent clashes in recent years. The movement has no unified structure or national leadership but has shown up at some protests.
I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.
The follow-up question any normal person would have asked: “Who has been killed by this lethal threat? How many dead are we talking about?”
Bureaucrats gonna bureaucrat. Success is proof we need more money, the same as failure.
How many fractions of a McVeigh do all those attacks in 2018 and 2019 add up to? I’d be willing to bet it’s well under 1.
The body count I saw for the left-wing riots was north of 30.
Under the broadest conceivable definition of white supremacist, I can think of maybe 5? And that includes the 2 killed by the Kenosha Kid.
Well none of that happened in 2018 or 2019. I don’t know if Wolf intentionally omitted the current year, if the DHS just hasn’t published the stats yet, or what. Given that they seem to think Antifa is an inscrutable non-organization that can’t be tracked or investigated, I’d be doubtful they’ll attribute those 30 deaths to them (also, can I roll my eyes any harder? these people can track down Osama’s brother’s assistant’s valet’s third cousin’s second wife-to-be but they can’t find anyone affiliated with Antifa?).
So anyone white?
And yet…
Some good stats/charts on hate crimes by race are down further in the article.
“Antifa – short for “anti-fascists” – refers to loosely affiliated, left-leaning anti-racist groups that have been involved in some violent clashes in recent years. The movement has no unified structure or national leadership but has shown up at some protests.”
Why doesn’t Trump can this ass clown?
I think he nominated him.
Joe Biden calls it a day at 9am again today. Like everything else in 2020, this is getting absurd.
He can’t possibly do the debates.
He might show up so juiced on speed he appears okay. Or it might be a debacle. It will get a huge audience just to see which.
“Mr. Biden could you please sit down? And for the last time, this is national television, you can’t keep calling the President ‘Fucko.'”
I don’t think that is how dementia works. If there was a cocktail to make people lucid wouldn’t we be giving it to all dementia patients?
Psilocybin cures everything – Joe Rogan
Adderal and similar stimulants can help for a short while.
In five days, they give him a massive dose of adderall. He has a heart attack behind the podium and dies. The House immediately launches an impeachment investigation based on whistleblower evidence that Putin poisoned Biden at Trump’s behest. The media is 24/7 “Vote For Kamala, it’s what Uncle Joe Wanted.”
And they add Warren to the ticket.
*starts prepping new zombie
presidential candidatevice president episodes*Doesn’t matter – if he gets through the debate without literally shitting his pants, the media will proclaim it a Biden triumph.
Kamala has not answered a single live question since being named the nominee.
He’s standing in front of a mirror and reciting “Yeah, but Trump!”
“Debate prep”. 10 hours a day? Can’t take even a half hour off for a quick presser?
Bullshit. And not just bullshit, insulting bullshit.
Maybe they’re altering his sleep schedule and he is going to bed at 9am now. It makes sense. Most dementia hits in the evening right? So adjust his schedule to the debate is in the “morning” for him.
“Senate report links Hunter Biden to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’ ”
“Hunter Biden received $3.5M wire transfer from Russian billionaire: Senate report ”
Nothing to see here.
The prostitution thing really doesn’t bother me. It salacious but I just don’t care. The $3.5M is what matters.
Well, if someone can’t keep their own son from breaking the law….
The left are making prostitution equivalent to human trafficking. I had to sign an acknowledgment for work that prostitution is human trafficking and that I would avoid accepting such services, even in places where it is legal and on my own time, or risk termination. Strip clubs are a grey area.
“The left are making prostitution equivalent to human trafficking.”
There are plenty of pro sex work activists on the left. More like the deep state, along with socons, swerfs, etc.
Socons may want to end prostitution on misconceived morals, but the push to equate it with human trafficking is solidly from the progressive left.
The left being divided on issues is nothing new. Look at JK Rowling. It’s a coalition of victims and grievance mongers with their own priorities.
“the push to equate it with human trafficking is solidly from the progressive left”
I haven’t seen that.
I think it revolves around consent and the notion that all prostitutes are victims who can’t give consent.
It’s mostly coming from the left. Look at the people pushing it: News media, entertainment industry, academia. This is one of those cases where law enforcement is happy to jump on the bandwagon.
What relevance does that have to your employer? At least the drug test has a nominal workplace safety justification.
Progressive priority. Same with support/fundraising for BLM or now giving out financial bounties for recruitment of anyone but white males.
Is this for work trips specifically? Like, if they send you to a convention in Vegas, sort of thing? Otherwise, it just seems a straight-up invasion of an employee’s personal life.
It’s for anytime and not restricted to work trips.
Flow down of federal contract clauses
I file the prostitution thing under “make them live up to their own standards”. It sounds like this could be actual human trafficking, too, given that the women were from Russia and the Ukraine and forwarded the money back to those countries.
It could be sex trafficking given the countries, but the way prostitution and human trafficking has been conflated recently, makes it too easy for me to hand wave the whole thing away.
If this was one of bad orange man’s kids,you know that it would be dominating the news cycle 24/7 as they demanded impeachement…
Truly, the sort of heroes America needs in these trying times
he board that runs the small town of Swastika, New York, voted unanimously to keep its controversial name that it says came long before the Nazis used it as their symbol.
Swastika is a tiny hamlet located in Black Brook, a town in Clinton County which sits about 45 miles south of the border with Quebec.
Over the summer, a New York City resident, Michael Alcamo, was cycling through the Adirondack Mountains when he came across a street sign that caught his eye.
The brown street sign read ‘Swastika Road.’
Alcamo couldn’t believe that a town would take on the name of the notorious Nazi-era symbol even though there were cemeteries nearby where World War Two veterans were buried.
‘So the effect was just jarring and profoundly, I thought, disrespectful,’ he said.
‘I think it should be obvious that the town should update its name and should pick a name that is not so offensive to so many Americans and so emblematic of intolerance, hate and tyranny.’
Alcamo asked county officials in August if they would be willing to consider changing the name of the hamlet.
He was told to speak to the supervisors of Black Brook, a town with a population of just 1,500 people.
On September 14, the town’s four councilors held a meeting where they voted on whether to change the name.
After a five-minute discussion, the councilors unanimously voted to keep the name.
They should have slapped him with a fine for wasting their time. Or shipped him off to the loony bin for evaluation.
A prime candidate for Not the Bee. You couldn’t make up a story that was so on the nose. A cyclist, from NYC, rides out into the countryside, gets offended by a road sign, and goes to the local officials to get it changed? It’s like a perfect parody of left-wing activism.
NYC resident decides he needs to teach the hick how to live.
Also, notice the difference between English and NY definitions of “town.”
Black Brook?! ¡More racism!!!
Ugliest Tesla ever.
Kamala has not answered a single live question since being named the nominee.
“I’ll ask the questions, around here.”
“‘Honor her wish’: Crowds boo Donald and Melania Trump as the first couple pay their respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Supreme Court”
Fuck them. He needs to focus on getting his SCOTUS nominee in and approved, cause that will be the best sort f payback.
It sounded like a good idea at the time.
Do stupid tricks, win stupid prizes?
“Deeply disappointing to see Henry Cejudo support this candidacy, especially after the many times president Trump has attempted to pin down Dreamers, squash access to healthcare during COVID19 pandemic, and injure our community with insults and falsehoods,” Galindo-Elvira told me in a text message.
Go fuck yourself.
‘get back in line, beaner’
They booed Trump and Melania as they were paying their respects to Ginsberg.
Remember when the left made fun of Manicheanism?
He ain’t perfect, but he is my kind of dude….
Look, you’re just not cherry-picking the stats the right way. Sure, NYC has terrible stats overall. But if you just cherry-pick an arbitrary start date, they look a lot better! Also, ignore other states and localities that don’t agree with the chosen hypothesis.
But I keep being told I should believe and bow down to the expert classes…..
Fuck these assholes in the ass with a giant cactus.
Also ignore that Cuomo sent the infected into nursing homes and DeSantis didn’t. Then you can make Cuomo into a saint and DeSantis into a demon – simple (by means of which party label they attach to their names).
Also ignore that Cuomo ignored the Naval hospital ship Trump had ordered to the area which went unused while old folks in NY got sick and died.
Of the many questions Cuomo hasn’t been asked, at the top of the list should be “Why didn’t you follow the Highly regarded New York state plan for pandemic management, put together after the H1N1 pandemic?”
He ain’t?
Wonder what they were actually cited and booked for.
I though fly over country was the most free part of the country.
Attempted murder?
I was able to move my schedule around this morning. Yay! I’m about to head out for an 8 mile run in a nasty rain storm. 59°F and verrry wet here in Seattle. Have a Glibtacular day, y’all!
“Police in Vietnam have confiscated an estimated 345,000 used condoms which had been cleaned and resold as new, state media reported
The owner of the warehouse said they had received a “monthly input of used condoms from an unknown person,” state newspaper Tuoi Tre reported.”
Common thread of advice for American travelers overseas – bring plenty of rubbers.
wut dafuq
That’s really quite impressive.
That person wasn’t the previous user. They just collected them.
WTF . . .no pun intended.
WTF kind of hourly rate does that translate into?
That depends on how fast she worked,
From Alex’s Rand link:
Fauci told the senator that Sweden was not an appropriate comparison to make to the United States because the populations and circumstances were different.
Like a kid playing cowboys and indians: “Haha! Ya missed me!”
Much to unpack in this “question”:
“Transferal”? I had to look it up, so it is actually a word.
The journalist actually asks him if he will transfer power if he wins the election. And, of course, if there’s a tie, its up to the House, so he’s also asking if Trump will transfer power without going through the Constitutional process of the House vote.
The pivots to rioting are also a tell of some kind. None of the riots have to do with the election. From what I can tell, they aren’t even really anti-Trump riots, and I seriously doubt very many of the rioters are Biden supporters. They certainly aren’t pro-Trump riots. What’s the reporter getting at, here? Is this just brainless free-association of everything bad with Trump?
What he should say is that he’ll follow the Democrats example. If he loses he’ll accept the results just as the Democrats have accepted his winning the presidency.
I guess he’s calling the shots on the riots from his volcano lair.
Trap question, and he fell into it. The correct response would have been “Yes, of course. Next question.”
“reporter: But people are rioting”
Oh, so if people are rioting, then we get to pick who they want?
So, sure, if antifa and blm riot and block people from getting to polling places, and they’re stuffing ‘drop boxes’ full of millions of fake ballots, then OK, sure, that’s the way it’s supposed to work, right?
We can almost guarantee that people will have trouble getting to polling places in certain cities, you know, because they’re trying to protect people from getting the virus. I mean THE virus, the one that is more deadly than Bubonic plague, Anthrax, and Ebola combined times eventyleve111!!!.
What’s the reporter getting at, here? Is this just brainless free-association of everything bad with Trump?
He’s lying on the floor, kicking his feet and screaming, “Trump’s America sucks! I want it to be over!”
Just to be fair, it is their turn, right? Or else we’re just being big mean poopy heads.
Fun fact: Mexicans like fighting.
Mexico has two national sports: boxing and drunk driving.
Lasagnas in the oven with enough not-marinara to feed XY for a day. Note: It’s enough to feed a large family with leftovers–if none of them are teenage boys.