Curios and Relics – How and Why

by | Oct 5, 2020 | Guns, Products You Need, Second Amendment | 179 comments

No, not that kind of relic.

Curios & Relics

Talk of guns these days seems to revolve largely around CCW pieces and modern sporting rifles, and that’s great.  But there are literally millions of older guns out there on the market; many are fine and yet very affordable, and others are seriously expensive collector’s pieces, with every variation in between those poles.

In the United States, these older guns fall into the legally defined class of Curios & Relics.  As a fan of older guns and something of a curio and relic myself, I have quite a few of these guns in my collection.  To that end, I have for quite a while had a special kind of Federal Firearms License; this would be a Type 03, Collector of Curios and Relics.

Here’s why you might want one too.

The Reason

Now, I don’t like the current state of gun laws and regulations any better than anyone else, and less than most.  I don’t like having to get a permission slip from the Imperial government to exercise my hobby.  But as my alternatives are to either not exercise my hobby or to do so with a deal more difficulty, well, then, I’ll go ahead and get their damn permission slip.

And for qualifying arms, the Curio & Relic (C&R) license does make the acquisition of old guns a lot less hassle.  It opens the interstate market for not only long guns but also handguns that are deemed curios and relics and allows the licensee to have these guns shipped directly to the address listed on the license.

I like old guns.  I understand changing markets and am a firm believer in the principle of “every cat its own rat,” and my late Grandpa used to say.  But I like old guns.  I like walnut and blued steel.  I grew up in an era when every kid afield with his H&R Topper or J.C. Higgins pump-gun dreamed of the day when he could afford an Auto-5 or a Model 12, both of which were the cat’s own ass in those days.

So, sure, there’s an element of nostalgia to acquiring guns I longed for when I was young but can afford now.  That’s my reason.  Your mileage may vary, but if you have any interest in guns made before (this year) 1970, a C&R license may be worth the shekels.  And it’s not that many shekels – $30 for a license good for three years.

Ten bucks a year for having your collectibles (including qualifying handguns) shipped directly to you isn’t bad.  If you buy one qualifying gun every three years you’ve saved more or less the going rate for an FFL transfer.  I buy more than that.

Here’s what you can get, and how you can get it:

The Law

These are both C&R eligible.

Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 478.11, defines a firearm as a curio or relic if it falls into any one (or more) of these categories:

  • Firearms manufactured more than 50 years prior to the current date, not including replicas
  • Firearms certified by the curator of a municipal, State, or Federal museum that exhibits firearms as curios or relics of museum interest
  • Any other firearms that derive a substantial part of their monetary value from the fact that they are novel, rare, bizarre, or because of their association with some historical figure, period, or event. Proof of qualification of a particular firearm under this category requires evidence of present value and evidence that like firearms are not available except as collector’s items, or that the value of like firearms available in ordinary commercial channels is substantially less.

The regulation includes manually operated (e.g. bolt guns) and semi-auto rifles issued for military purposes before 1970.  This means that Great War rifles and World War 2 pieces are C&R eligible, including the M1 Garand and the M1 carbine, as long as they were manufactured before 1970.

There is another catch; if it’s a former military weapon, the gun must be in the original as-issued condition.  As an example, even though my reliable old Thunder Speaker was built on a large-ring 98 Mauser action made in Berlin in 1910, BATFE does not consider it C&R eligible as it has been sporterized, with a new barrel, stock, and altered to accommodate a scope.  Only in its original, issue condition as a 1908 Brazilian contract DWM Mauser would this rifle be eligible.

Note that this doesn’t apply to civilian-market sporting or target guns, for the most part.

Collectors are not dealers, and have no privileges for non-C&R firearms; with this license you are intended to purchase qualifying guns for your personal collection and not to engage in the “business of buying and selling guns.”  BATFE does now know where the threshold of “engaging in the business” is, and neither does anyone else.

You can of course sell guns acquired through this process, to a regular FFL dealer, another C&R collector, or a private citizen, following of course the laws of your jurisdiction.

BATFE does publish a list of C&R approved guns, but they also point out that it is updated irregularly and that the default position is that if a gun is over fifty years old, it qualifies.

For really fun stuff:

Please note that firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) may be classified as C&R items, but still may be subject to the provisions of the NFA. If your C&R item is an NFA firearm (e.g., Winchester Trappers) and you desire removal from the NFA status, you must submit it to FATD for evaluation and a formal classification.

So much for the easy purchase of my Marble’s Game-Getter.

You can sell interstate to a regular FFL or another C&R holder, but there are rules on shipping firearms (of course) and those rules are the same for C&R guns and modern guns, as far as I’m aware:

The U.S. Postal Service recommends that long guns be sent by registered mail and that no marking of any kind which would indicate the nature of the contents be placed on the outside of any parcel containing firearms.

You cannot ship a handgun or ammunition through the U.S. Postal Service. A commercial carrier must be used to ship a handgun. Please check with the specific carrier before shipping to ensure your package meets all of legal requirements.

So are these.

If really old guns strike your fancy, it’s important to note that guns manufactured before 1898, even cartridge guns, are considered antiques by BATFE and may be bought, sold and shipped most places with no licenses required, pending on your local jurisdiction; I know, for example, that New Jersey doesn’t recognize the BATFE allowance on either C&R or antique guns.

Which, if you ask me, is pretty damn stupid.  Why?  Well, the application process tells you why.

I don’t think I need to tell you that the few anti-gunners that are aware of the C&R process are adamantly against it.  I mean, all these dangerous middle-aged people out there buying up old Winchesters and Brownings!

I’m a bit surprised we haven’t seen an attempt to eliminate C&R licenses at the Imperial level, and I’ll be incredibly surprised if we won’t see such an attempt in the near future.

A word of warning:  On the online markets, you will find some dealers that will not accept a C&R license regardless of their local regs, for unknown reasons.  One such responded to a query from me stating they “don’t accept C&Rs from basement collectors because it’s just some game BATFE is running.”  My reply was on the order of “I’m sorry to hear that, because I spend a pretty fair amount of money on my hobby, and now you won’t see any of it, because I don’t play the self-important cock-holster dealer game.”

I never heard from that guy again.  No loss.  But there are jerks like him out there.

The Requirements

To get a C&R license, you obviously have to be twenty-one or older, and be able to pass the usual NICS background check, although I am told that the background check done for licenses is somewhat more stringent.  A full list of requirements is found here.

To apply, the first thing you have to do is download the application here.  Note that one application is used for a range of Federal Firearms License (FFL) types, so make sure you’ve checked “Collector,” as otherwise you’ll be asked for a photo, a fingerprint card, to submit to an interview and a host of other nonsense.

You will be asked to submit the $30 fee with the application.  You will be asked to notify local law enforcement of the application, but at least in the case of the C&R, you are not required to submit or even receive a reply; I CC the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s office on my renewals and have never received a reply.  Once that is done, here is what BATFE happens next:

Once the application fee is processed, the Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC) will enter your application information into its database and commence a full review of your application.  For all license types, except type 03, (type 03 being the C&R license) required supporting materials, including fingerprint card(s) and photograph(s) will also be reviewed.

As required by law, the FFLC will then conduct an electronic background check on all the Responsible Persons you have identified on your application. ATF defines a Responsible Person (RP) as a sole proprietor, partner, or anyone having the power to direct the management, policies, and practices of the business or activity as it pertains to firearms. In a corporation this includes corporate officers, shareholders, board members, or any other employee with the legal authority described above.  All responsible persons must complete their own Part B – Responsible Person Questionnaire of the ATF Form 7/7CR.

For all license types, except type 03 (onsite inspections are not required for Collector of Curio and Relics FFLs), the FFLC will then send the applications to the nearest ATF field office having responsibility for the area in which the business is located.

Once your background check is complete, which to my recollection only took a few days, this is the last step for a C&R:

This process will take approximately 60 days from the receipt of a properly completed application.

It has been a long time since I initially applied, so my memory of how long it took from application to receipt is lost in the mists of time.  My tri-annual renewals are generally processed in 30-45 days.

You are required to keep a bound book of your purchases and any sales, and if you ever surrender your C&R license, which I plan to do on the moment of my death, you are supposed to send the bound book in to BATFE.  Should the law be changed, and C&R licenses revoked, I’m sincerely hoping that my bound book won’t be lost in a tragic canoeing accident on my way to send it to BATFE.

The Benefits

Well, it’s fun.

Personally, I don’t collect any single type of gun in particular, although I’m partial to Belgian Browning Auto-5s and pre-64 Winchester Model 12s.  Here at the Casa de Animal we have a couple of Ithaca 37s in the rack along with the Brownings and Winchesters, and I’ve dabbled in a few older hammer doubles, an early Ruger Single-Six and a Colt Officer’s Target for my current pair of .22 revolvers, all bought with the C&R process.

Two I bought in gun shops, handed over a copy of my C&R and walked out.  The others were bought through online auctions and shipped directly to my house.

I would point out that as far as I was able to ascertain while writing this article, the first few years of Colt’s AR-15 production is now C&R eligible, as are such things as the first Ruger 10-22s and a bunch of other “modern” guns.

Collecting and shooting old guns is fun.  My best and oldest buddy Dave is a C&R holder like me, but his thing is mostly unfired Colt revolvers and autos still in the original boxes.  My thing is finding old guns to shoot and occasionally a fixer-upper to spend a few happy hours restoring.  Almost any shooter could find something in the C&R lists they’d enjoy.  The possibilities are endless, as a pretty fair proportion of the 3-500 million guns now in private ownership in the U.S are eligible.

As Arlo Guthrie would say, you can get anything you want.

About The Author



Semi-notorious local political gadfly and general pain in the ass. I’m firmly convinced that the Earth and all its inhabitants were placed here for my personal amusement and entertainment, and I comport myself accordingly. Vote Animal/STEVE SMITH 2024!


  1. Brochettaward

    You can take my First from my cold, dead hands. Seconder scum.

  2. UnCivilServant

    I can’t afford the ammunition, let alone the guns 🙁

    I should have bought that pump action .30-06 when I saw it.

  3. Not Adahn

    Something for Animal in .458 Lott

  4. DEG

    But as my alternatives are to either not exercise my hobby or to do so with a deal more difficulty, well, then, I’ll go ahead and get their damn permission slip.

    This is why I got a C&R.

    If really old guns strike your fancy, it’s important to note that guns manufactured before 1898, even cartridge guns, are considered antiques by BATFE and may be bought, sold and shipped most places with no licenses required, pending on your local jurisdiction; I know, for example, that New Jersey doesn’t recognize the BATFE allowance on either C&R or antique guns.

    Note the NFA and GCA have slightly different definitions of antique firearms.

    You are required to keep a bound book of your purchases and any sales

    From what I’ve read, any C&R eligible firearm you acquire while you hold your license has to go into the book, even if you didn’t use the license to facilitate the sale.

    thanks Animal!

    • Animal

      From what I’ve read, any C&R eligible firearm you acquire while you hold your license has to go into the book, even if you didn’t use the license to facilitate the sale.

      Those are about the only guns I buy any more, so it works.

      • DEG

        I’ve got a mix of antique, C&R, and modern guns. Some of the C&R guns were acquired before I received my license. Those don’t have to go in the book unless I sell them as I understand it. My master inventory and my C&R book are very different.

      • R C Dean

        Two sets of books, eh?

        *taps side of nose*

        Prudent. Very prudent.

        *grabs shovel, heads into desert to enlarge off-site gun storage facility*

    • UnCivilServant

      Wasn’t he the same asshole who supported 10 round magazine limits?

      • Not Adahn

        Yup he was a Fudd. But now he’s dead and more enlightened minds have taken over his company.

    • l0b0t

      I had the iteration of the P series in .40. It was the most unreliable handgun I’ve ever owned; it would stovepipe every four or five rounds, regardless of the ammo used. I sold it and picked up a Para Ordnance 1245 with which I’ve been a smitten kitten.

      • R C Dean

        Para P-14 45 represent!

        I think I can recall one failure to feed. I’ve had it for *takes off shoes* over 20 years. Sadly, probably only about 1,000 rounds fired. Fully loaded, its a brick (the ammo alone weighs a pound), but it shoots.

      • UnCivilServant

        “Heavy is good. Heavy is reliable. If it doesn’t work, you can always hit them with it.”

      • R C Dean

        Heavy soaks up recoil, and helps you stay on target, as well.

        The 300 Win Mag is also a beast. To the point that offhand shooting requires a weight training regime (at my age at least). But for a magnum, the recoil is quite manageable. After a shot, I’ve seen deer drop through the scope.

      • Sensei

        Before the boating accident. My P90DC (.45ACP) was reliable as could be.

        Mind you it’s huge.

      • l0b0t

        There’s the rub. My dad has the .45 and a friend has the 9mm, neither have had the problems mine suffered.

  5. WTF

    I like walnut and blued steel.


    • Sean

      I like them all.

      • WTF

        Again, yes.

    • R C Dean

      I’m partial to stainless and non-wood stocks; I don’t own a single gun with wood furniture. I guess I look at guns like I do knives; they are tools for which practicality is all. Probably also why I’m not really a collector of either, really. Although I have been more tempted by some “collector”-grade knives than I have guns.

      • Not Adahn

        I’m ecumenical. I love stainless AND wood.

    • zwak

      This guy gets it.

    • blackjack

      My Colt .45 is blue and case hardening color, my .44 magnum is nickel plated and my .22 is blue/case also. My shotgun is regular ole blue/walnut. Most of my past guns were stainless or nickel. I prefer silver guns because they are easier to keep nice. Bluing is fragile. I’ve actually done some primitive case hardening with steel motorcycle parts that I made. It worked well. I just heated the part red hot and then dunked it into dirty motor oil. I did it maybe 5 times. It gets that paisely look of case hardening and doesn’t rust very easily.

    • WTF

      Sounding more and more like a deliberate operation by deep state mole.

      • R C Dean

        Nah. It runs through networks; the White House staff and campaign staff are a network.

      • WTF

        That would be my thought in normal times with no verified swamp obviously out to take down Trump, but tinfoil hat fodder seems more realistic lately.

      • R C Dean

        If the President was deliberately infected, I wonder what crime that would be? Aggravated assault? Attempted murder?

      • Hyperion

        Being what we are being spoon fed by the media as doctor approved certified science, I would say not even mass murder would be appropriate. Genocide is the answer.

      • Drake

        I’m suspicious.

      • leon

        I imagine that they are all tested routinely, at least once a week, if not daily. So yeah i’m not surprised that when the infection has made its way in, you start to see lots of people in the network testing positive.

      • UnCivilServant

        “If I just catch it already, will you stop poking my brain with a q-tip?”

      • Hyperion

        Nope, we can never be too careful, see you on the next round of the commie cootie testing conveyor belt.

    • Rebel Scum

      Not my girl, Kayleigh!

      But she’ll probably be fine.

      • R C Dean

        The estimate for her age range is one (1) death for every 5,000 infections. For someone like her who seems free of any comorbities, its likely much less.

      • Chipwooder

        Trump would seem to be the highest risk due to his age and weight, but he seems to be doing fine, and most of the rest of them seem to be low risk for anything more than flu-like symptoms.

  6. SandMan

    Interesting article Animal, some food for thought. You mention M1 carbines are C&R if “manufactured” before 1970. A “friend” of mine has one issued through the Civilian Marksmanship Program, and I’ve heard some of those are put together from various spare parts (?, not sure if that’s correct). Any clear cut answer to determine when it was “manufactured”?

    • Stillhunter

      My understanding is all CMP M1 are C&R but obviously any of the current manufacture Springfield are not. Either way, it’s moot if you get one from CMP since they ship directly to you assuming you meet the criteria.

  7. Rebel Scum
    • leon

      The president’s drive-by visit, during which he wore a mask and never left his vehicle, prompted stars including Bette Midler, Jim Carrey, Patton Oswalt, and Michael Moore to express their rage and disbelief on social media.

      If he’s so worried, maybe he should get the vaccine.

    • The Other Kevin

      To paraphrase a comment from the AM Links: Trump did X, impeach him!


        if x != action.resign

  8. leon

    Collectors are not dealers, and have no privileges for non-C&R firearms; with this license you are intended to purchase qualifying guns for your personal collection and not to engage in the “business of buying and selling guns.” BATFE does now know where the threshold of “engaging in the business” is, and neither does anyone else.

    So… You’re saying it’s a fairly non-liquid investment.

    • R C Dean

      “We know it when we see it.”

      Ladies and gentlemen (and confused otherkins), your “Rule of Law”.

  9. Sukkoi19

    I had my 03 for years before deciding to get my 07. I will say if you are interested in collecting and live in friendly zoning area the 07 is only $50 a year and if you do a transfer or two a month the BATFE will be satisfied with the commercial use provision. Plus that opens up the 02 SOT license.

  10. Rebel Scum

    Orange Man Bad.

    The reason why Trump did it, then? There are actually two.

    1) He is increasingly concerned that being in the hospital makes him look weak in the eyes of voters. And for Trump, there is NOTHING worse than looking weak. He has spent his whole life projecting a tough-guy image and deriding those who he views to be less tough. Trump has released multiple videos from Walter Reed making sure his supporters know that while he’s in the hospital he is still working — and not laid low by the virus. But that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted more of a show, more of a “moment” that would make clear that he was holding up against the virus. And so, the parade.

    2) He needs to hear the cheers and applause of his most ardent backers. When Trump heard that there were people waving flags and standing vigil for him outside the hospital, it was like a moth to a flame. Trump has long believed that his raucous campaign rallies are the lifeblood of his campaign, and it’s become increasingly clear how much he depends on them. This is a President who desperately needs to be affirmed for every word he says and action he takes. The applause, the chants, the MAGA hats — they all fuel him. It’s how he does what he does. And in the hospital, he hasn’t been able to hold any rallies or even see people cheering for him. And so he leaped at the chance to do so.

    Trump didn’t think about anyone else — and what his stunt might mean for them — because that is not what he does. As he has proven time and time again as both a candidate for president and during his first term, he lacks the empathy gene. Trump views the world through a very simple lens: Is this good for me or bad for me? If the former, he does it. If the latter he doesn’t.

    • Chipwooder

      It’s downright hilarious how they’re working this damned hard to create a scandal out of this nonsense.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      The Secret Service driver / escorts volunteered, apparently.

      He does like adulation.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I wouldn’t be surprised if they did volunteer. I’ll bet Trump treats the Secret Service quite well.

        Particularly compared to his predecessors.

      • UnCivilServant

        I just don’t understand people who would be rude to the people tasked with making sure they don’t get murdered.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        Supposedly Obama didn’t have the time of day for his staff, but Michelle and the kids were much more personable.

      • UnCivilServant

        That doesn’t sound out of character for him. I can’t speak to the personality types of the family, so I’m not getting an instinctual read on the credibility of that part of the claim.

      • R C Dean

        When you are a Person Who Matters, nearly everyone else is Little People, who merit little consideration, in any way.

      • UnCivilServant

        “People Killed by their own Bodyguard” is a category with a long history, the Roman Praetorian Guard even made a business out of it.

      • R C Dean

        Isn’t Sadat on that list?

      • UnCivilServant

        I can’t remember. I do know Indira Gandhi is.

      • robc

        When your Sikh bodyguard murders you, you have really done something wrong.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        People who crave power for to salve their insecurities are rarely kind to those beneath them on the totem pole.

      • The Other Kevin

        Then it must be true!

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yeah, former agent and someone ‘associated’ with Walter Reed….hard…hitting… propaganda journalism

      • Mojeaux

        “Here’s a twenty.”

        “I’m sorry, Mr. President, but we can’t accept tips.”

        “Oh, right. Right.”

        … two days later …

        “Here’s a twenty.”

      • Ted S.

        The same one as downtown.


        The most believable.

    • Sean

      I love that he sent out gifts & pizza to them too.

    • leon

      I don’t doubt #1. Any leader worth his salt doesn’t want to appear weak.

      The idea that this was some kind of travesty is ridiculous. But CNN so yeah.

      • EvilSheldon

        For the CNN types, looking (and being) weak is a virtue. Toughness, self-reliance, and coping skills, are all signs of toxic masculinity.

      • R C Dean

        Members of the nomenklatura are well-advised to cultivate an appearance of relative weakness, lest they be perceived as a threat by the apparat or, worse, the Dear Leader.

    • Mojeaux

      there is NOTHING worse than looking weak

      He needs to hear the cheers and applause of his most ardent backers.

      I don’t think that’s wrong, but he’s not as authoritarian as other leaders who are known for their narcissism (e.g., Pooh Bear Un).

    • The Other Kevin

      Ah, another article based on mind reading. Who’d have thought just a few decades ago that “Here’s what I think another person thinks” would be considered hard-hitting journalism.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Not sure how accurate the volunteering part is, as it came from Corey Lewandowski, or how enthusiastically they did if so. Obviously it comes with some time off.

      I heard Ford was rude to his agents. I wouldn’t have guessed that.

      • Not Adahn

        Well, they kept tripping him.

      • Toxteth O'Grady


    • Hyperion

      I don’t think we have to worry about these people too much longer. All of them over 20 will be dead from stress related illness long before Trump’s next 4 years over.

  11. UnCivilServant

    No fair, someone took away Glibs while I was in need of it.

  12. Rebel Scum

    Cuck Schumer.

    COVID is having a domino effect in the Capitol, and we need transparency and tracing.

    3 GOP Senators have already tested positive, and we do not yet know the full extent of exposure.

    If it’s too dangerous to have the Senate in session, it’s too dangerous for committee hearings.

    • UnCivilServant

      You can feel free to resign from the senate at any time, Chuck.

      Ten years ago would be good.

    • R C Dean

      I fully expect reports of Dems on the Judiciary Committee reporting they have the ‘Vid, to force a delay of the Barrett confirmation. Its not impossible, they share networks with Repubs, but I will be pretty skeptical.

      • The Other Kevin

        Nothing is off the table. Even lying about medical tests.

      • Ownbestenemy

        My original read, in the beginning, back in the yesterdays, was that celebrities, media personalities, and politicians would be making this claim. That they got it! That was when the “14 days to flatten the curve” narrative was set. Then those goal post changed and it became about the cases so none of the above wanted to be on that list and survive, it would counter the deadliest virus known to man idea.

        But now, now I fully expect all of DC to become a victim for their own causes using a test of any sorts to proclaim their rightful judgement upon us. “I went through it and by God, you will stay at home because no one should ever have to endure what I did”.

        And the people will nod and sit on their hands and accept it.

      • R C Dean

        using a test of any sorts

        Including imaginary tests. Some of these people, after all, believe that biology is a social construct.

    • Hyperion

      No problem, Shmoobz, don’t have a committee meeting, let them vote Barrett in without one, ya fuckstick.

  13. Scruffy Nerfherder

    They haven’t brought the Christian Nationalist boogeyman in a while.

    She drags out ALL the strawmen.

    Under Trump, such religious nationalism has reached a fever pitch as a reactionary movement that includes technocratic billionaires, televangelists, and armed militias has taken root with a simple enough message: God loves white Christian America, favors small government and big business, and rewards individualism and entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, the poor, people of color, and immigrants are blamed for society’s problems even as the rich get richer in what’s still the wealthiest country in the history of the world.

    Should be unsurprisingly noted that the author is a Presbyterian theologian.

    • EvilSheldon

      So the poor, PoCs, and immigrants can’t be entrepreneurial and individualistic? What a fucking racist!


        Prog response: No, you!

      • Hyperion

        It seems apparent to me that the dems have written off blue collar workers, Christians, Jews, Hispanics, white people, and the middle class in general, in favor of coastal elites, the permanently unemployed, and people we used to keep in asylums.

      • R C Dean

        Incredibly, the coalition of coastal elites, the permanently unemployed, and people we used to keep in asylums gives them a solid floor of 45% of the voters.

      • EvilSheldon

        You’re forgetting the state and federal government employees. That’s the Democrats’ largest voting bloc, and it’s a solid one.

      • Ownbestenemy

        A few outliers, but yeah otherwise its vote Dem with all my peers. Seems out here in the field, its more diverse though; we all love our guns and we have all apparently had lots of boating accidents.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t get the impression that my coworkers are even going to vote.

    • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

      God loves white Christian America, favors small government and big business

      Funny, I’ve worshipped in white minority congregations, nearly 100% white congregations and everywhere in between. You know what none of them have ever supported? Racialism of any stripe. To the extent that race does come up, it’s primarily in the context of adapting our outreach to work better with their cultures. Resistance against socialism isn’t white nationalism, no matter how much this commie wants it to be.

      favors small government and big business, and rewards individualism and entrepreneurship.

      Most Christians, even mega church evangelicals, are somewhat skeptical of big business, if only because of how many times they’ve been burned by leftist HR and marketing departments. That said, the definitions of “small government”, “individualism” and “entrepreneurship” as used in this article are so milquetoast that you’d have to be a commie not to support them. They essentially mean you don’t support the most blatant tyrannical authoritarianism.

      • leon

        Resistance against socialism isn’t white nationalism, no matter how much this commie wants it to be.

        So much this. Being against Critical Race Theory is not racisim.

  14. zwak

    I have deliberately NOT gotten a C&R due to the sad fact that I occasionally like to have some emergency room on at least one of my credit cards. And a functioning bank account.

    That said, I did see a very nice round butt M&P on Gunbroker recently…

    • R C Dean

      Given what’s going on in the ammo and accessories market, I’m struggling to keep my gun spending in bounds without even thinking about buying another gun (well, since I got the Shotgun of Doom earlier this year). Shockingly, I got it out of inventory at my local and paid list. And was grateful.

    • EvilSheldon

      I have enough guns at the moment, but I do need to start thinking about moving some of them to off-site storage.

      Ammo and reloading components remain a major cost center.

      • zwak

        I am a blue steel and walnut kind of guy, the most modern things I have are a Winchester 100 and a BHP. And I don’t shoot what I have often enough to justify (ha!) buying another safe.

        That said, I have been thinking about a Mossberg MVP patrol.

      • zwak

        It would be a bit, as I just invested in a K22 and a set of barrister bookcases.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        Well, and I just looked again (haven’t shot it in a long while). It’s not a MVP, It’s an ATR 100. My bad

      • EvilSheldon

        I still have a soft spot for Browning P35s. Even though shooting a stock P35 will make my hands bleed. Pretty but painful; sounds like my love life…

  15. Rebel Scum

    Take your meds.

    “Well, when I watched that — I’m watching that car, the parade yesterday with him in the car, that was right out of a dictator’s playbook, you know? Parade the dictator around so that the world and America — the country can see that he’s still alive and he’s still robust. But, you know, I thought to myself — usually, the hostages are not driving the car. The thing about getting it, he certainly gets it now. Now that I get it, this coronavirus, it’s not a hoax anymore. That’s what he learned. He didn’t learn that 200,000 people and counting have died from this.”

    • Lord Humungus

      You know who else had a copy of the dictator’s playbook…

      • Mojeaux

        LH!!!! YOU’RE BACK!!!!!

        {{{{LH hugs}}}}

      • Lord Humungus

        It’s been a long time. At least someone cares 😉

      • R C Dean

        Great to see you and Elspeth dropping in.

      • Sensei

        More folks into audio and automobiles is always a good thing!

      • Sean



      • Mojeaux

        Many people around here care. They may not be in this comment thread, but they’re around.

      • banginglc1

        Does this mean you’re posting sex questions to Dear Diedre in the links again?

        I missed those.

      • The Other Kevin

        Great to see you back. I saw you comment on a Scott Adams tweet once and it made me smile.

      • blackjack

        I’m happy to see you guys back also.

      • leon

        Welcome Back.

      • Surly Knott

        Glad, very glad, to see you and EF back!

      • Timeloose

        Very glad to have ya’ll back.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I feel compelled to always say welcome back!

      • Hyperion

        I’m being cautious and trying to zoom in as close as possible on that hat to try to identify it…

      • Lord Humungus

        thanks y’all. I’ll give some life particulars (and apologies) next thread.

      • But Enough About My Wild Culinary Fantasies

        Good to see you hangin’ out here again, Oh Humungous One. (Avatar upgrade looks good, too . . . )

      • DEG

        Welcome back!

      • l0b0t

        HUZZAH for Lord Humungus and Elspeth! It’s very nice to see y’all around.

      • db

        ho-lee shit

    • leon

      Trump. Dictator, and General Mean Dude.

    • Sean

      He’s leaving the hospital tonight at 6:30.

      The left are gonna be mad.

      • R C Dean

        Without seeing his chart, I can’t say for sure, but I seriously doubt he would have been admitted to the hospital if he weren’t President.

      • Rebel Scum

        Done out of caution because he’s the president and he doesn’t even get to decide that probably, being an asset to the citizens and all.

        But, he wasn’t exactly on deaths doorstep when he went in the first place.

      • Drake

        This grumpy “conservative” Jewish man is “irate“.

      • Hyperion

        This is getting really weird, even for the left. They must be convinced beyond any doubt that they are going to lose the election.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Her/his twitter rants are almost as insane as Trumps earlier.

      • Ownbestenemy

        ‘Don’t Be Afraid of COVID. Don’t Let it Dominate Your Life’ – Trump making statements like that is sure to launch the Left into “THE TEST WAS FAKE!”

  16. Sean

    I hate Wolf, but Murphy is such a bigger asshole.

    The governor also noted “reports suggest the event itself may not have complied with our current rules, which may have put others at risk, and we continue to investigate these reports.”

    “To put it bluntly, the actions leading up to, and during, this event have put lives at risk,” Murphy said Monday afternoon during his latest coronavirus briefing in Trenton. “That trip was completely unacceptable, completely reckless, and completely uncalled for.”

    • Rebel Scum

      I don’t recall Washington complaining when he visited Trenton.

    • Drake

      Murphy is what Wolf would be with gigantic Democrat majorities in both houses of the legislature and an even more leftist state supreme court.

      • Sensei

        I just said as much to one of my friends in PA.

    • R C Dean

      “This isn’t a matter of politics but a matter of humanity,” Murphy said.

      I laughed. Audibly, even.

      All attendees “should self-monitor for potential symptoms” and those in close contact with the president or his staff members should be in a 14-day quarantine period, Murphy said.

      Seriously, this guy cracks me up.

  17. Not Adahn

    I’ve got one pistol and one shotgun in blued/walnut, one pistol in stainless, and everything else is some variant of Post-WWII materials and finish. I don’t have the budget to acquire guns just to have, though once I do I’ll have CGW hard-chrome an SP01 for me. But I’ll undoubtedly run the hell out of it so it won’t really be a “just to have” gun.

    And once I have a safe full of Cabot 1911s, I can start collecting knives made out of gun barrels and battleship hulls

    • l0b0t

      Holy Mackerel! Those are some pretty knives and that chef’s knife is fabulous.

    • EvilSheldon

      Ehh, Cabot guns really kinda suck.

      Now a safe full of Atlas Gunworks and SV Infinitys? Now you’re talking…

    • Swiss Servator

      “Just then, the nurse noticed a cup of Diet Coke left by the bedside began to ripple and shake.”

      Somebody has been reading SugarFree…

  18. Not Adahn

    So, Trump is twitting that he’s leaving Walter Reed at 6:30.

    Which is most likely?

    -He Does
    -He Doesn’t
    -He leaves at some time other than 18:30:00 CDT and is declared a liar and the NYT runs an editorial demanding his impeachment.

      • Rebel Scum

        *sensible chuckle*

    • The Other Kevin

      He’ll be late. I have never seen anyone check out of a hospital on time.

      • Hyperion

        lol, because that’s true

  19. Rebel Scum

    Anonymous source, but believable.

    Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Gina Haspel is personally blocking the declassification and release of key Russiagate documents in the hopes that President Donald Trump will lose his re-election bid, multiple senior U.S. officials told The Federalist. The officials said Haspel, who served under former CIA Director John Brennan as the spy agency’s station chief in London in 2016 and 2017, is concerned that the declassification and release of documents detailing what the CIA was doing during the 2016 election and the 2017 transition could embarrass the CIA and potentially even implicate Haspel herself.

    “Haspel and [FBI Director Christopher] Wray both want Trump to lose, because it’s the only chance they have of keeping their jobs,” one senior intelligence official told The Federalist. “They’re banking on Biden winning and keeping them where they are.”

    • R C Dean

      Why the hell haven’t Haspel and Wray been fired already, anyway?

      • Rebel Scum

        That, and I tend to think that the president can decide what is and isn’t classified.

      • leon

        Yeah. 1) why does trump keep these people around? 2) What are they doing to stop the declassification? Is it just political “we’ll whistleblow you again” stuff?

      • grrizzly

        Trump has no support in the Senate on this issue. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (both D and R) is at the center of the coup to remove Trump from power.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I understand the needle that needs to be thread here, but if there is anything you can do positive for the state of the country, it would be to just declassify, humiliate the CIA and show how much they have manipulated the American public, pardon Snowden, and immediately retreat to your doomsday bunker. Just dump the whole thing.

    • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

      The crossfire continues.

  20. Rebel Scum

    Sane and reasonable.

    Jennifer ‘Vote Early’ Rubin

    If Trump is “able” to debate Biden must insist he be in a separate room. This is a constitutional crisis if Trump infects him. The Debate Commission should be held legally responsible if they hold this thing

    No. They have to be in the same room. Just put up a plastic divider or whatever other voodoo to prevent the Wuflu.

    • Hyperion

      No, everyone must always do whatever we perceive is to our advantage, and when we still lose again, RUSSIA!

    • leon

      “Constiutional Crisis”

      For how much play this phrase has gotten in the last 4 years, i’d think it wouls have become memed by now. Trump was elected! Constitutional Crisis!

      • Ownbestenemy

        I had a constitutional crisis once, but as all things do, it passed.

      • banginglc1

        No shit?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ill have to sit for a while and think about that.

      • Ted S.

        Scruffy Nerdherder would like a word with you….

      • Ownbestenemy

        I don’t have the stones to even ask.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Flitting from one set your hair on fire fake crisis to another must be exhausting. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such a shrill lying scum of the earth bitch.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Just put them in the space bubbles or whatever they are called and call it a day.

    • Ted S.

      $64,000 Question-style isolation booths.

      • leon

        The Dating Game?

    • banginglc1

      Why don’t we just give them Black Lives Matter signs, then they’ll be immune.

  21. grrizzly

    On the topic of guns… The recoil guide of my P938 disappeared. Presumably it flew out at the range and got lost. Sig acknowledged that it was a known issue and sent a replacement free of charge.

    • Sean

      Huh. Hadn’t heard of that.

  22. robc

    I finally know someone who is covid+. Well, close circle, I have kinda known some others.

    My niece’s boyfriend works on a shipping boat. Or a boat related to the shipping industry. or something. Anyway, he is on it for 4 to 6 weeks at a time. He was out in March when everything broke, so they did two consecutive trips instead of bringing on new crew. Anyway, pretty much his whole boat is now positive, I guess someone brought it aboard last trip out.

    He is about 22-23, I am sure he will be fine.

  23. banginglc1

    Hmm . . . I wonder why the left thinks that people who oppose nationalized healthcare will reduce freedom and liberty, especially because of cost concerns?