After Midnight. 28 Round Comstock.
At this point, I should have completed my own match in Frostproof and potentially be running the paying competitors through theirs. Since I won’t be wearing my gun, you won’t be able to recognize me by the logo, and eyepro and earpro necessitate that I’ll be wearing neither the monocle nor the top hat. But if you happen to be at the Universal Shooting Academy in Bay 2, stop by and say Hi!
MERCURY RETROGRADE has graced us with its presence once again. Libra gets robbed this year by Scorpio. There is domestic troubles in the home of a soldier. Scorpio grabs the two most powerful indicators of change (MERCURY RETROGRADE and the Moon) so the potential there is almost limitless, especially if you are using trickery or subterfuge to achieve a goal. Now, remember that the things that make success possible also make it extremely unlikely, so backup plans (and tertiary, and quarternary backups) are a must this week. But, if you can afford to lose the bet, bet longshots.
Libra: The Devil – Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality, that which is predestined
Scorpio: Strength reversed – Despotism, abuse of power, weakness, discord, disgrace.
Sagittarius: The Magician – Skill, diplomacy, address, subtlety, sickness, pain, loss, disaster, snares of enemies, self-confidence, will
Capricorn: 4 of Cups reversed – Novelty, presage, new instruction, new relations.
Aquarius: 7 of Wands – Valor, discussion, wordy strife, negotiations, war of trade, barter, competition, success
Pisces: Knight of Coins – Utility, serviceableness, interest, responsibility, rectitude
Aries: 10 of Coins reversed – Chance, fatality, loss, robbery, games of hazard, gift, dowry, pension
Taurus: Queen of Swords reversed – Malice, bigotry, artifice, prudery, bale, deceit.
Gemini: Knight of Cups – Arrival, approach, advances, proposition, demeanor, invitation, incitement
Cancer: Ace of Wands – Creation, invention, enterprise, source, birth, family, origin, virility, the starting point of enterprises, money, fortune, inheritance
Leo: 2 of Swords reversed – Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty.
Virgo: The Hanged Man – Wisdom, circumspection, discernment, trials, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy
Weekend Firsts are typically beneath me.
I thought you were a bottom and nothing was beneath you.
I fucked your mother.
!Joke fail! Reload Stacker!
That got dark quick.
I gave her a pearl necklace. Then she commented on how much larger I was than Ted S. and made the entire situation kind of awkward so I just left.
How kind to give her such a gift and recognize that you need to participate in GlibFit more often.
that is going to cost Ted’s family a lot of money for antibiotics to fix. Shame on you.
The joke’s on Bro, since Mom’s been dead for five years. If he wants to fuck corpses, more power to him.
A pillow and a coffin, just as nice as a bed
Ugh, I could really use Aquarius this week but I’m stuck with Aries. Much less auspicious for my plans…
You could just identify as Aquarius this week.
Seems to be a week to be Gemini or Cancer – everyone else is fucked to one degree or another.
Sagittarius: The Magician – Skill, diplomacy, address, subtlety, sickness, pain, loss, disaster, snares of enemies, self-confidence, will
Mixed back, so typical week I see.
Cancer: Ace of Wands – Creation, invention, enterprise, source, birth, family, origin, virility, the starting point of enterprises, money, fortune, inheritance – so where two condoms this week just in case
Well, if the past few weeks’ worth of horoscopes are anything to go by, nothing will happen this week, either.
That is not a complaint. I like uneventful. I like boring. Boring and uneventful are good.
Gareth Bale? or some other bale?
“Baleful” — threatening harm; menacing.
We don’t use the word “bale” in that way; it’s always “baleful” or some other conjugation, but not “bale”. But since this is English, “bale” will serve as a noun.
Done and done. What’s supposed tom happen the rest of the week?
“Libra: The Devil – Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality, that which is predestined” in my pants?
Don’t threaten me with a good time!
Sagittarius: The Magician – Skill, diplomacy, address, subtlety, sickness, pain, loss, disaster, snares of enemies, self-confidence, will
will what?
That is the question is it not?
or some other bale?
A bale of hay, in a manger, guarded by a dog.
Metaphorically speaking.
Carried forward from the links
And they will be. The Trumpers and the Thin Blue Liners, that is. The commie bred and raised DA will examine every scrap of evidence for the slightest crimes to charge them with. Once they’re a criminal and marginalized, can ignore them. Look at what was done to Patriot Prayer, and that was before the left backed DA took over in Portland.
What scares me about the antifa is that they are the actual racist and totalitarian threat to this country, the physical manifestation of the the white supremacist, alt right, and Nazis bogey men that they and their allies have been dreaming up for years. And it’s not a small number either, nor is it outnumbered by FBI agents and informants like the white supremacists groups are.
The local news called them counterprotesters. They mentioned that they were dressed all in black and were carrying shields. Only at the end of the report did they say that the Trumpalos “claimed that the counterprotesters were Antifa”.
Never mind the antifa fist logo.
The media is more reluctant than MacArthur in 1951 or Rumsfeld in 2003 to name the involved adversaries.
It is rather like the south in the late fifties/early sixties, isn’t it? We are going to need to send in the national guard to keep the peace on the streets, while the KKK/antifa and its elected enablers are tried for conspiracy to deny civil rights.
Because that is what is happening in many of these areas. Funny how it repeats, no?
Yep, that’s been my observation too.
For those not in the know, this is the current DA in San Francisco:
Ignore for a moment, the comically hard to believe bio of “son of Weather Underground terrorists and former employee of Hugo Chavez,” what’s frightening is just how privileged and connected this guy’s life has been. Doors were flung wide open for this kid, everywhere.
And for any Los Angeles County voters, the guy running for DA against Jackie Lacey is a protege of Boudin. I got an ad that claimed Gascon was a “Soros” funded candidate, which I don’t know is true or not, but the word is he plans to act the same as one, anyway.
I’m not saying Jackie’s perfect, but that guy is a disaster waiting to happen.
“…or some other bale?”
Christian Bale ?
I was unsuccessful at making a cottage pie this AM; it was too greasy and I didn’t season it very well. Yesterday’s tuna was divine. One steak was just pressed into sesame seeds and seared for 45 seconds per side in a dry non-stick skillet; the other took a bath in an egg wash, then seeds, then same timing but with some canola oil. Both were dynamite.
Gemini: Knight of Cups – Arrival, approach, advances, proposition, demeanor, invitation, incitement
Sounds like a set up.
Nope, still no good for Aries. Unless it’s someone evil who is gonna die & give me all their money.
Leo: 2 of Swords reversed – Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty.
Same shit, different week.
Well, not entirely same shit. Either I’m getting sick or my allergies are really acting up.
I don’t get the pic. Who are you supposed to shoot? Are the targets with sideways white things supposed to be hostages?
“Don’t shoot the white guys” Sounds like a Nazi training course.
For the final target, get on the ground and shoot the legs out. Then a dome shot when they fall.
Arrival, approach, advances, proposition, demeanor, invitation, incitement
Maybe I’ll just leave the country – DJT45
Just turned on my TV for the first time in a week. I think it’s time to cancel the cable. Only issue is getting screwed on my internet because I’m not bundling with TV.
I’ve been watching a lot of movies off my DVR.
I mostly watch Youtube and Prime and various cable network apps. Was thinking of Sling to get my TV shows.
I did it awhile back after several months of not even turning the tv on. The internet only wasn’t as bad as I expected.
No regrets at all.
Get yourself a Roku or an Apple TV, cable is so 20th Century (unless you need your sports in which case you might want to research a bit first).
I can always pay separately for sports. I’d pay for a Tour dee France 3-week pass, for example. As long as it included Phil Liggett commentary.
Can you get the most basic mostly-OTA cable plan for bundling purposes?
I’m still waiting for Fios to launch on my street because I too don’t want to get fucked over by Spectrum if I drop the cable.
I’ve never seen internet only cost more than the bundle. if you’re legitimately not using the cable, bundling is costing you money.
^^^ and if you’re willing to do the cancel routine hassle, the intro offers can pay off.
Apple TV + Fubo + Prime is working fine for us.
Cable internet runs over 100 mbps, so we’re good there. Probably saved $60 – 80 month by dropping satellite.
Novelty, presage, new instruction, new relations.
Well, he was, you know, like you’d expect: a dick – Savannah Guthrie
Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty.
Well, he was, you know, like you’d expect: a dick – General John Kelly
DC goes from “too hot to have the windows open” to “too cold to have the windows open” in the span of a week. It’s clear I need to GTFO.
I’m leaning towards the f550 crew cab, a slide in camper and cuddy cabin 30′ boat behind it.
Thassalotta vehicles!
I hope you got some rest. I’m leaning on the 30’s for the larger cabin with A/C. It’ll double as a camper when it’s not in the water and make the overnight offshore trips a bit easier.
Would. And yes I slept in and it was awesome. My dream and only a dream unless I win the lottery.
This is what my mom and her husband have
It has survived five continents!
Those are nice. I’m going with the F550 so I can use it for business purposes when I’m not off playing. most of those slide ins are really easy o get in and out of the truck beds.
Like this:
That’s cool-lookin! I’d want to keep my vehicle and home separated, a la 5th wheel for max flexibility
It has been their home for the last 15-20 years. I don’t know how they do it, but they are one of the two blogs listed on the right side of that page if you are curious. And no, that isn’t my father.
I was looking at the class C’s, but they’re a bit ove rthe top and I don’t want to fiddle with one at a boat ramp:
Those things are awesome!
The weather is what makes you think DC is a suboptimal place to live?
I think the Winnebago’s are lovely, but also thought the build quality was kinda flimsy; but I’ve got kids, so sturdy is important. When we finally upgrade to a 5th wheel, we’re looking at the Northwood line or will stick with Grand Design and upgrade from the Imagine to a Solitude or a Reflection.
Queen of Swords reversed – Malice, bigotry, artifice, prudery, bale, deceit.
Bitch set me up! – Melania Trump
If that set up is practical shooting, no thanks. If I wanted to clear rooms and such, I’d go swear an oath and put on a uniform.
No need for details, we all know he’s a monster
The New York Times editorial board has called President Trump the “greatest threat to American democracy since World War II.”
In an editorial and a series of essays published in the Sunday Review, the newspaper urges Americans to channel their “sense of outrage” at the ballot box and vote Trump out.
“The enormity and variety of Mr. Trump’s misdeeds can feel overwhelming. Repetition has dulled the sense of outrage, and the accumulation of new outrages leaves little time to dwell on the particulars. This is the moment when Americans must recover that sense of outrage,” the editorial board says.
We can’t be bothered to actually list and explain his innumerable atrocities. Trust us, they are many and varied. If we hate him, you should, too.
Vote Biden/Harris!
For the children.
the “greatest threat to American democracy since World War II.”
They said without evidence.
This is driving me crazy. “Worst ever, racist, warmonger, blah blah” and NOBODY in the media asks for an example, let alone proof.
NY Post just needs to rebrand their Biden expose as an opinion piece.
What, exactly, was the threat to American democracy in WWII? The guy who put people in camps and seized control of the economy?
Refusing to send in the troops to quell riots, refusal to issue mask mandates, refusal to crush various states when they ignore federal law, etc. He’s a pretty shitty tyrant if you ask me.
But he is mean on Twitter!!
eh. He’s no food critic.
All of the people that think Trump is such a meanie should get on their knees and thank God he is president and I am not. He is a sweetheart compared to how I would treat them. I would fucking clean house and a lot of them would be in prison. In less than a year the survivors would be begging for Trump to come back.
As a member of your cabinet, let me assure the American people that I’d harness my insomnia to the fullest in this night of long knives.
greatest threat to American democracy since World War II.
You mean when that Democratic President broke the two-term standard, or when he maneuvered us into a war?
He had to, it was the only way to save democracy.
In my Facederp “memories” today was one of my favorite pics of all time. Too bad it involves the ex squeeze. But I still LOL every time it crops up.
Aw, puggy! Love pugs. Never had one myself but knew one. Sweet clown, liked to hide under long skirts like in the Nutcracker.
Aww, nice dog.
Global warming in northern NH
Northern parts of the state saw up to 9 inches of snow Saturday.
Some totals included 9 inches in Jefferson, 8 inches in Colebrook and 7 inches in Whitefield, according to Derek Schroeter, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Gray, Maine.
“It’s a bit early, but getting a measurable snowfall really isn’t that rare in October for that part of the state,” he said. “It’s the first widespread snow accumulation of the year.”
Manchester, NH to consider mask ordinance
ALDERMEN IN THE state’s largest city will debate the merits of a mask ordinance again this week.
The requirement is listed on the agenda of the Aldermanic Committee on Administration and Information Systems meeting, which starts at 5 p.m. Monday. The matter could be referred to the full board for a vote as soon as Tuesday.
The ordinance would require people to wear a mask inside any public or government building, unless they can stay at least six feet away from other people. It would require people to keep their masks on for most activities, including those like bowling. Restaurant patrons would be able to remove their masks to eat after they sit down.
Several New Hampshire cities and towns have implemented mask requirements, including Nashua, Concord, Portsmouth, Keene, Durham and Hanover.
According to the Manchester ordinance’s language, failure to comply with the mandate technically could be punishable by a fine of up to $1,000, but city Health Director Anna Thomas is on the record saying she “can’t envision” such a fine being issued.
“Can’t envision”. Huh. Then you don’t need an ordinance.
Why do you hate science?
And to think we fought the greatest power on Earth for a few pennies in taxes imposed.
I keep thinking about what it would take to bring about armed revolt nowadays.
We are living more comfortably than the colonists did; the reluctance to risk that might keep the sheep compliant.
Taxes on tea aren’t going to do the trick this time.
Truth in those words no doubt.
This has been my thought for a while now. We’re not gonna see a real armed revolt without a significant economic collapse. Which we will probably get, sooner rather than later.
I fear you are correct. I hear talk of more lockdowns.
I am convinced the lockdowns are a deliberate attempt at economic collapse.
I am half convinced that if Biden wins this election Hayek is likely to get her answer.
It’s that grinning sociopath Harris who worries me.
Even if the left isn’t able to fully squish the economy this time, they will have succeeded in strangling out the independent and small businesses, even some medium sized businesses. That is part of the plan, I’m convinced: narrow down choices to just a few networks (Netflix, Hulu), a few ISPs (there used to be thousands!), a few social media platforms, and a few grocers/home goods sellers (everything shipped to your home, a la Amazon Prime).
So the economy that emerges from covid will have far fewer participants and they will all play the lefty game and crony up with the government.
We have a winner. The left has always hated small business owners. Always.
I feel bad for Neph.
Admitted sign thief is Democratic state rep candidate
Destruction and removal of political signs is nothing new in the political sphere, especially during the height of a Presidential election. It is, however, against the law in New Hampshire and violators are guilty of a misdemeanor which can subject them to fines up to $1,000 if proven guilty.
It is odd, though, for Democrats to play games with Republican signs during the primary season. It’s even more odd for it to be one of the Democrat candidates on the ballot. And it’s even more odd than that for the criminal to admit to violating the law while running for State Representative.
2 weeks before the state primary, this is exactly what happened, according to a police report sent to GraniteGrok.
It’s a bad sign that candidates can flaunt their disdain for the law without affecting the election outcome at all.
No votes will be changed.
The elites will laugh all the way to victory, if not this time, then eventually.
I am deeply disappointed that some 4th rate dick with no particular speaking skills is doing NFL Redzone today instead of Andrew Siciliano.
Maybe Andrew Siciliano took the day off to shoot the breeze with Andrew Napolitano. They can sit around all day posing rhetorical questions.
And the NFL had the nerve to increase their fees to the point that my cable outfit is holding that channel ransom for more money from me.
Cancer: Ace of Wands – Creation, invention, enterprise, source, birth, family, origin, virility, the starting point of enterprises, money, fortune, inheritance
So, you’re saying that I should quit my miserable pain-in-the-ass job, move to Idaho, and hang out my own IT consulting shingle? Excellent, I’ve been leaning that way myself. Thanks for the advice!
If that is truly your plan, good luck! Sounds exciting.
Less plan, more recurring fantasy, at this point anyway.
I need to make some moves on getting my condo on the market, I’ve been lazy as hell about this. If I can sell this place and pull out even part of the equity I have in it, I’ll have enough cash to make some moves.
Jeez, repeating catchphrases is starting to become a real verbal tic…
Whoa, that’ll be an adventure!
The opposite of enthusiasm.
I’m not surprised. Even here, there’s no sign of Biden support, but I’ve actually seen trump stickers in walking distance.
Here, a solid red place, I’m seeing Biden signs more and more and more in my bedroom community. Or houses have down-ticket Team Blue signs, but no Biden signs.
Trump signs are few and far between. Yet I keep seeing these ginormous rallies. There was a huge Trump parade (actually, I think there have been 3) and I can’t figure out WTF is going on.
I’m clinging to the hope that people just aren’t advertising for Trump for fear of repercussion.
I’m clinging to the hope that people just aren’t advertising for Trump for fear of repercussion.
I think that is what is going on.
I’m positive that’s what it is.
Heck, even Super Democrat Girl down the street from me hasn’t put a Biden sign in her yard. All the down ticket blues, yes (along with the obligatory BLM to ward off rioters, much like garlic for vampires) but not Biden.
I mean, my god, this 30 something girl just put a fresh Clinton/Gore sticker on her Subaru!
But but but he is ahead in the polls!
The polls are right, it’s the American people who are wrong.
“if you are using trickery or subterfuge to achieve a goal”
Wait, that sounds like there might be another way?
“Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty.”
I guess not this week.