Pre-DOOM! Election Night Eve All Star Cryptid Links

by | Nov 2, 2020 | Daily Links | 367 comments



I am getting the hang of moderating the Cryptids by Zoom – it sure beats getting within tentacles reach, I tell ya! So, since this is the last links I do before DOOM OF US ALL, er, the election thingy tomorrow, I asked the Cryptids to tell us about their upcoming votes.

We will turn to our Senior Cascadia Correspondent, STEVE SMITH, first. STEVE, what are you plans for voting.








Well, that is an inspiring message, STEVE. Lets hear next from our Senior CLEANSING Correspondent, ZARDOZ. How about your vote, ZARDOZ?




“I found the Chief of Staff’s crystal ball, President ZARDOZ!”




I am starting to sense a pattern here. That leaves our Chief Maritime Correspondent, SEA SMITH. SEA? Any plans on voting this year?






So we have the lines drawn for the Glibertariat – the SMITH PARTY or THE CLEANSING PARTY. I guess it comes down to the voters getting raped or cleansed, eh?

About The Author

Swiss Servator

Swiss Servator

Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational. Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.


  1. Tres Cool


    • Ted S.

      Yes, really.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      No. Not really.

      • C. Anacreon

        No, real madrid.

  2. UnCivilServant

    Afternoon, Switzy and the Cryptids

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Who doesn’t like a good clean rape, now and then?

    • Cancelled

      Rapeseed Association of Canada

      • Bobarian LMD

        Canola for ya butthola?

  4. UnCivilServant


    What type of bookstore? There are at least three to five different odors of bookstores ranging from corporate, to antiquarian, to hippie scum.

    • Not Adahn

      It’s really the ratio of cat pee/nag champa that distinguishes a women’s bookstore from a progressive one.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve never been in either type of bookstore.

      • Not Adahn

        Next time you’re in town, this place is amazing. It’s more of “bookstore out of a movie where the protagonist finds a tome of actual magic lost in the back somewhere.”

        It’s in an old bank building, so naturally they set up their rare and expensive shelves in the vault.

      • UnCivilServant

        Didn’t you point it out from the parking garage?

      • Not Adahn

        Probably. It’s right there.

      • UnCivilServant

        See, I don’t ignore everything you say.


    • Count Potato

      Aren’t most bookstores extinct?

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s probably why they’re trying to capture the ex-stink.

    • Rhywun

      It’s Portland, Ore. so I’m guessing it smells like hippies.

      • Surly Knott

        Powell’s is, or was, magic. The first time I was there it cost me $10/minute 😉

    • Pope Jimbo

      Hippie scum

      This is exactly why responsible people bury them in shallow graves in the forest instead of dropping them into a pond.

    • Mad Scientist

      Powell’s is arguably the best used bookstore anywhere. They have a little bit of everything. And I mean everything. I once bought a copy of The Brothers Karamazov, in Russian, at Powell’s.

  5. leon


    Who needs more than 25 impeachments?

  6. Rebel Scum


    That story lacks any relevant or interesting information.

    • R C Dean

      The police have not released the names, ages or genders of those wounded.

      *sighs, closes tab*

  7. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Zed is dead Zardoz. Didn’t you get the news?

    • leon


      At least we still have Lou Reed.

      • Plisade

        Lou is hiding with the alt text.

    • juris imprudent

      “So who’s motorcycle is this?”

      • Florida Man

        It’s not a motorcycle, it’s a chopper.

  8. Count Potato

    I hope all the predictions of massive unrest are wrong. I don’t ever remember stores being boarded up before an election.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I’d still rather be here than in Australia, well Victoria at least, they’ve gone nucking futs over there.

      • Pope Jimbo

        You fell for their ruse Stinky. Victoria’s PR department spewed out all those stories just to keep undesirables like yourself out.

        In reality, things are super there right now. The problem is that if Victoria’s Secret got out, everyone would be clamoring to get inside.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Considering what happened over the summer it seems prudent.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Peaceful unrest though.

      • Sean

        Mostly peaceful.

      • leon

        94% of the coup wasn’t violent.

      • leon

        90% of the years he was alive, Ted Bundy wasn’t murdering people

      • juris imprudent

        Intensely peaceful.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    Observe carefully- at no time do her fingers leave her hand

    Even mild cases of COVID-19 have affected workers’ ability to do their jobs and enjoy their lives, sometimes causing miserable knock-on effects on their finances. Benjamin Walmer is a New Jersey chef and architect specializing in kitchen and restaurant design, who contracted a minor case of COVID-19 in March. “I’ve had colds that had worse symptoms,” he told me. Nevertheless, he said, the illness affected his ability to hold meetings, visit people’s homes and businesses, and find new clients. “Relationships are everything in this industry, and there’s a great deal of intimacy around design,” he said. “There were these multiple points of disruption that compounded one another.”

    And that’s why we have no alternative but to lock down the economy.

    • leon

      Despite lock-downs being recommended against by scientists? I mean who is following the science these days. They are all in the pay of Big-Liberty.

    • Ted S.

      Of course you can’t hold meetings or visit people’s homes during a lockdown.

    • juris imprudent

      there’s a great deal of intimacy around design

      I’m Joe Biden and I approve this design.

  10. Shpip

    To approve the start of a new impeachment process for “moral incapacity,” Congress must gather at least 52 votes among its 130 members. If the process moves forward, Vizcarra would be invited to make his defense before Congress. Lawmakers would then need 87 votes to approve the ouster.

    Maybe they could just count the votes, and recount, and recount again, until they get the result they want.

    Worked for Washington and Minnesoda.

    • Pope Jimbo

      It makes me smile every time I see one of you educated mother fuckers pronounce our state’s name correctly.

    • Not Adahn

      All the copsuckers in the replies saying to delete the video. Smdh.

      • Rebel Scum

        The attack is still ongoing, as many suspects are at large, and the Vienna police are asking people not to post videos because it endangers safety of civilians and law enforcement. Please delete this until after it’s ended.


      • Not Adahn

        In exactly the same way that having a laptop open causes a plane to crash.

      • KOVIDKristen

        Yeah, who the fuck cares what the Vienna police want? I just wish they had rifles over there so someone could snipe that guy.

    • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

      Based on my observation from living in the area, the Austrian cops have some pretty serious weaponry. And the Glock factory is not too far away.

      • Suthenboy

        “…approximately 30 civilian firearms per 100 people…”


        Grant Parish, Louisiana: 48 firearms per person….that’s just the ones we know about.

      • KOVIDKristen

        How many of those are in Vienna? My guess is almost none

      • DEG

        More than none.

        There is a gun store across the street from my friend’s place in Vienna. A quick search on Google shows more gun stores in Vienna, Austria, than in Boston, Massachusetts.

      • Gadfly

        14th most armed country in the world.

        Wait, so Canada is the 7th most armed country in the world? I mean, good on Canada, I guess, but it seems like that means there are a lot of other nations out there that are slacking.

        Also, America shows how it’s done: more guns than people.

    • DEG

      Wait a minute… he’s out after curfew.

      A friend of mine in Vienna says Austria locked down again in response to Lil Rona Panic. You’re not allowed out of your home between 8 PM and 6 AM.

    • KOVIDKristen

      Instead of saying “y’all need Jesus” I’m going to say “y’all need Roof Koreans”

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Zed is dead Zardoz. Didn’t you get the news?

    We’re talking about Vice President Zed. Who will even know?

    • juris imprudent

      Wouldn’t the spit in his bucket be cool?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Now we know why we are boarding up our cities…

    • leon

      ‘accomplice blows themselves up’

      Ok. I’ll admit that I’m generally fine in using “them” to reference someone who’s gender you are unsure of. But do so sparingly and avoid it if possible. This. This is stupid.

      you could say “accomplice blows self up”. But now it sounds like one acomplice had multiple selves that he blew up all by himself. But with his other selves.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        He’s has multiple selves now.

      • Bobarian LMD

        A fine red mist of selves.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Research suggests that the thin, limited emergency sick-leave provisions passed by Congress this spring nevertheless prevented more than 400 infections a day.

    Go ahead, try to argue. You can’t. They luvs their SCIENCE, down at the Atlantic.

    • Ted S.

      They asserted without evidence.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Anonymous sources familiar with SCIENCE’s thinking?

  13. Rebel Scum


    And what of punny humans?

    • Plisade

      He doesn’t sea the humor in puns.

    • Ownbestenemy

      You know, I can see Trump building a Presidential War Rig, maybe call it “Beast” or something of that nature.

    • Bobarian LMD

      That Prius has thirty people inside it, though.

  14. Count Potato

    “There’s a big difference between equality and equity.”

    Yes, that big difference is that government should have nothing to do with the latter. If it tries, then you end up with neither.

    • EvilSheldon

      First of all, Kammy, that’s not what ‘equity’ means, you illiterate buffoon.

      Second, fuck both equality and ‘equity’ right in whatever orfice would be the least comfortable.

      • leon

        Tear Ducts huh?

      • EvilSheldon

        I deliberately did not limit my statement to orfices traditionally used for fucking. Tear ducts sounds like a winner.

      • Gdragon

        Tradition… tradition!

        You better watch that guy
        He’ll fuck you in your eye
        The tailor Motel Kamzoil!

  15. The Late P Brooks

    And- the coup de grace:

    “This pandemic laid bare that our system failed,” Dawn Huckelbridge, the director of the Paid Leave for All campaign, told me, noting that many lower-income workers were unaware that Congress passed emergency benefits at all. “Our individualistic, go-it-alone approach means women, low-income workers, and people of color were the ones who absorbed the shock to the system, but it impacts every one of us.”

    Toxic individualism and dog-eat-dog kkkapitalism are to blame. Women, POCs hardest hit (as usual).

    • leon

      “Our individualistic, go-it-alone approach means women, low-income workers, and people of color were the ones who absorbed the shock to the system, but it impacts every one of us.

      Why? Are you saying they are all to inept to take care of themselves as individuals?


        Isn’t that the premise for the whole of the progressive movement?

      • Hyperion

        If only democrats could level the playing field so you and your privilege didn’t have such a big head start, everyone would be equal. Now if person A decides to sit around smoking crack for a decade and person B gets all uppity and builds several successful businesses during that time, we’ll have to intervene and even things up once again. Equality!

    • Not Adahn

      Dawn Huckelbridge

      You can’t fool me, that’s one of Derpy’s characters!

      • Hyperion

        I’m pretty sure if it was, she’d have a hyphenated name:

        Dawn Wokepartridge Huckelbridge

    • EvilSheldon

      “Our institutions have once again proven themselves incompetent. So let’s give those institutions even more money and power!”

      Failing forward is not really a thing, Dawn.

  16. Ownbestenemy

    Noticed everyone at Trump rallies hold up 4-fingers with the thumb against the inside palm of their hand. I am sure that is racist or something, should get 4-chan on that one. Last hour of work, so felt bored.

    • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

      How many legs does the X in the Confederate flag have? 4. How many stars on each leg, if you include the center star? 4. How many orange triangles? 4. How long did the Civil War last? About 4 years. What’s the 4th letter of the alphabet? D, as in Davis as in Jefferson Davis. It’s an obvious dog whistle. Wake up people!

      • Ownbestenemy

        I can actually picture that being written in most of the major media’s papers/sites/blogs. I need a beer.

      • leon

        By calling for 4 more years, it is actually a dog whistle to neo-confederats who want to reignite the civil war, saying “4 more years” of war.

      • juris imprudent

        It is a call for the four horsemen of the progressive apocalypse, each to annihilate one entire level of the inter-sectional victim stack.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Dude why give them ideas? They don’t need your help coming up with bullshit theories.

  17. Count Potato

    “Given the heightened concerns about potential violence, particularly from white supremist organizations and the divisive rhetoric from Washington, D.C., the need for coordination and partnership takes on statewide significance. Oregon is likely to be a flashpoint.”


    • Ownbestenemy

      Another example of uncurious credentialed members of the press and blue-check mark club. Screw em all. You wanted to turn a blind eye to the problem, just don’t come running to the outskirts of town when your city is on fire seeking help.

    • Rebel Scum

      particularly from white supremist organizations

      *rolls eyes*

    • leon

      Remember when the riots first happened the line was that it was all White Supremacists that were doing it. But also it is okay that there are riots peaceful protests because the black community is just so angry and that is ok.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        Speaking of which, what happened to Umbrella Guy who was allegedly identified as a white supremacist? Was he ever named or arrested?

    • PBRstreetgang

      Isn’t Wheeler about to lose to the woman with the Mao/Stalin/Che skirt?

      • Rhywun

        Yes. I expect the riots to intensify – and she’ll be at them.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Anyone who votes for her deserves what they get, I feel bad for the people who didn’t though.

    • blackjack

      My 4 banger has about 310 HP after the aftermarket tune. Turbos really wake these things up. 24 MPG as well. The new Camaro has a similar 4 cylinder turbo as it’s base motor. My car weighs about 2900 lbs. It’s pretty fast.

      • blackjack

        And, I only have a five speed auto in mine. It has some judder at slow speeds, but it pulls hard when the boost comes on. 0-60 in just under 5 seconds.

      • Sensei

        I’ve got nothing against a turbo or a turbo 4, but not on what is supposed to be a luxury auto and not for $50k.

        That said BMW who is in the same market does offer a turbo 4 on its entry level, but with much lower NVH. I won’t own a new BMW as the things are engineered for manufacture and catastrophic failure approximately 1 week after the warranty runs out.

  18. Rebel Scum


    “I saw the fact that Trump has emboldened bigots and racists to come out from under their rocks. Before this anger and hatred existed in the country, of course, it was taboo to behave this way. He has emboldened them. He calls them patriots, and when you learn more about the incident, you know, these were heavily armed people brandishing weapons in their trucks. They outnumbered police officers, 50 to 1, 50 to 1. Think about that.”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Maybe you shouldn’t have been calling half the country racist for the last two decades.

    • Florida Man

      50:1, so we should antagonism them into violence!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      If they had death on their minds it would have happened and it looks like the sideswipe stuff wasn’t the Trump guy’s fault. Doing what they did was a bit silly and counterproductive but it isn’t the second coming of the Schutzstaffel either.

    • straffinrun

      “ They outnumbered police officers, 50 to 1, 50 to 1. Think about that.”

      I thought about and it sounds like you want a police state.

      • prolefeed

        OK, I thought about it – using math. 700K police officers in a nation of 330M people. That’s about 500 people per police officer, on average. Assume half the population is kids. So, on average, 250 adults per police officer.

        So, 50 to 1 means there was a vastly disproportionate number of police officers present – by a factor of 5.

      • Gadfly

        Assume half the population is kids.

        Only in places where people have like 8 kids is this true. Assume 1/4 of the population is kids, so the disproportion is even greater than you assumed.

  19. UnCivilServant

    It’s above freezing out, so I would have been fine… if it weren’t windy as hell. Only walking for an hour, but I’m still warming up a half hour after getting home.

    • The Gunslinger

      Nope. Jaw dropping frock.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      As tarran has pointed out on a few occasions, the Nazis murdered the Jews at least partly out of a sense of self preservation. Mass movements always require a devil.

    • straffinrun

      There are 13.9K people that I wouldn’t be too upset rounded up.

  20. DEG

    From the sidebar of the story about the shooting over Trump signs:

    Go and see your family on Thanksgiving. Yes, even if you have to travel out of state to do it. In case you’re wondering, yes, I’ve heard of the pandemic, and yet I repeat: Go see your family on Thanksgiving.

    Last Tuesday, Mayor Bill de Blasio urged New Yorkers not to travel for the holidays to see their family members. Two weeks earlier, Hizzoner had skipped Columbus Day celebrations in the city, because, according to his spokesperson, “the mayor is out of state visiting family today.”

    Never mind getting angry about his hypocrisy. Just do as de Blasio did — not as he said.

    It’s actually not a bad editorial. Not as good as I’d like, but it’ll do.

    The political turbulence in copper giant Peru comes as the country surpassed 900,000 coronavirus cases and more than 34,500 deaths, with one of the highest fatality rates per capita in the world.

    Huh? Didn’t Peru have a really strict lockdown? Having one of the highest per capita fatality rate should never have happened!

    • straffinrun

      Cults always wanna separate you from your family.

      • Hyperion

        One of the key key strategies of communism is eliminating the family unit. All for the party, nothing without the party, comrades.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Seriously the NVH of a 4 cylinder truck engine shouldn’t be in a Cadillac.

    That car sounds awful, and I don’t mean the exhaust note.

  22. straffinrun

    How about one photo, STEVE? The clouds are rolling in over the hills this morning.

  23. Gustave Lytton

    Saw my first Wu Tang lawn sign.

    I5 traffic is almost non existent. Sunny, 72F, and rocking out to SXM 1st Wave and 80’s aidoru. World isn’t ending here.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      The Wu Han Flu ain’t nothin’ to fuck with.

  24. Ayn Random Variation

    I finally read up on Zardoz so I know what you guys are talking about. Maybe I’ll pay the 3.99 and watch it tomorrow.

    First protest in philly scheduled 7AM tomorrow at city hall. “Election Day Results Protest”. A few more scheduled throughout the day, including a couple of “Election Night Gatherings ”

    When did protests become planned in advance of something happening?

    • Suthenboy

      They know they are about to get their asses handed to them. They know it and we know it.

      *re-checks popcorn supply*

      • Rhywun

        I’m rechecking my booze supply.

        /damn, I’m low on vodka

      • R C Dean

        I have several bottles waiting for me to pick up on my way home from work today.

      • DEG

        I dove into r/politics on reddit.

        The reddit hivemind is eagerly anticipating Texas flipping blue.

      • Gadfly

        The voting population of Texas has exploded (1M more registered voters than last time) and turnout is big, so it is not impossible, but I wouldn’t bet on it. It all depends on if the Rs have made more inroads with Hispanics and if the Americans from other states are smart enough not to vote for what destroyed the places they left.

      • Unreconstructed

        It all depends on if the Rs have made more inroads with urban and RGV Hispanics

        FTFY. Lots of later generation (and by later I mean 2nd/3rd) are totally on board with Trump’s immigration plans.

  25. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. Turns out that Minnesoda is being run by icky States Rights advocates.

    MINNEAPOLIS — The Department of Justice (DOJ) plans to send staff to Minneapolis to monitor voting compliance, but Minnesota’s Secretary of State said those agents will not be allowed into polling places without an invitation.

    The DOJ announced Monday that it will monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws on Election Day in 44 jurisdictions, including Minneapolis. The staff will be from the Civil Rights Division’s Voting Section, according to a news release from DOJ.

    Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon said on a briefing with reporters Monday morning that he had just learned of the DOJ’s plans.

    “I’m not sure what that means,” Simon said. He clarified that Minnesota law is very explicit about who is allowed within 100 feet of a polling place. Even law enforcement officers cannot come within 50 feet unless by invitation, Simon said.

    I guess the DFL in Minnesoda is just like the Democrats in Mississippi in their hatred of letting the Feds watch the election.

    In reality, I’m sort of for this. More states should be telling the Feds to fuck off on more issues. I just think that it is amusing that the locals are so outraged that the Feds would interfere because I’m pretty sure that if Biden wins and they get the Senate, the same people will be calling for the Feds to “monitor” the shit out of places like Texas.

    • RAHeinlein

      Particularly when a Federal election is involved.

    • R C Dean

      More states should be telling the Feds to fuck off on more issues.

      True, but in theory, states that may be violating their citizens’ civil rights in violation of federal law shouldn’t really be able to tell feds investigating those potential violations to fuck off.

  26. straffinrun

    It’s the bottom of the ninth, 2 outs, goalie is pulled, injury time, down by 2 and shooting free throws, single coverage on your wideouts, nailed your double axel, behind the 8 ball, mile 26, mom is cooking ravioli, dad is soldering.

    Are you ready?

    • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

      In a desperation move, I’m going to attempt the Triple Lindy.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I was thinking of making a homerun from behind the meatballs.

      • straffinrun

        Desperate times, boyz. Do whatever it takes. Listen to Pacino’s Any Given Sunday pep talk in Dolby surround sound if you have to. We win. That’s whatWE do.

      • Ted S.

        Always be closing!

      • straffinrun

        Rough. Give yourself a wedgie.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Tall grass on a slight decline IYKWIMAITYD

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Go ahead and improve it…winter rules you know.

    • Pope Jimbo

      dad is soldering

      Uffda. Didn’t realize how far things had gone. Time to get the lead out

    • KSuellington

      Time to sweep the leg.

    • Ted S.

      Not a Babylon Bee story?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I give it 60/40 it was inside job/reactionary assassination.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Most likely since they are positioning themselves to become a political force, born in political fire, there will be these from time to time to sit upon the throne as the true BLM leader.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’d go 90/10 that it was an inside job.

        What I’m uncertain about is whether he was killed by true believers over some doctrine, or by fellow grifters over money.

      • Hyperion

        I’d give it an 80% chance of ‘when you hang out with violent thugs, this sort of shit happens’.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Trump did it.

    • Sean


    • ignoreLander

      A little from column A, a little from column B?

    • Plisade

      False flag.

    • Count Potato

      How do they know he was “burned alive” after being shot?

      • Plisade

        Bite mark analysis.

      • R C Dean

        Not a fatal gunshot wound?

      • Caput Lupinum

        Smoke in the lungs. If he died before getting set on fire there would be no or very little smoke in the lungs, but if they are full of it then he was breathing, and therfore alive, while on fire.

      • juris imprudent

        Only if the bullet hole was in the back of the head.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Imagine if Austria were an armed society

    The Trump ad below that tweet looks pretty goddam effective, to me. no wonder farcebucks banned it.

  28. Pope Jimbo

    The big question for me tomorrow will be to see if Greater Minnesoda rises up in rebellion and hands control of the House to the GOP. The GOP has a slim majority in the Senate. If they do the GOP could end Tim Walz’s One Man Rule.

    The GOP is allegedly running on this, but I haven’t seen or heard anything about it except for an aside in a blog post on Powerline. In addition to not making this election being a referendum on Walz’s Rona Response, the GOP is doing nothing with this upcoming 20% rate increase in electricity costs.

    Well it might not be 20% if they can skim off a lot of that Covid relief money, but they aim to get paid one way or the other. And why are our rates about to go up 20%?

    The difference reflects the significant change in electricity demand due to COVID-19, Xcel executives said. Coronavirus-related economic turmoil has cut commercial electricity revenue, but raised residential sales as more people work at home.

    The company’s COVID-19 recovery plan hinges on two slices of spending. The includes several hundred million dollars on transmission and distribution investments, as well as a $150 million rebate program to buyers of electric cars and buses.

    The second is $1.4 billion for a large new solar plant near Becker and the “repowering” of several Minnesota wind farms. Repowering means investing in new equipment that make wind turbines more efficient.

    Even the worthless Libertarian Party should have been able to turn shitty lockdowns and a 20% rate increase to pay for Green Energy into a huge win.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Solar plants in Minnesota?

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Two months of sunshine is all you need to power the state of Minnesota all year.

      • Bobarian LMD

        You just have to hibernate the other 10 months.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Fuck tons of them.

        You can’t go a week without some green energy think tank writing a column on how many new jobs solar and wind have created in Minnesoda. The press dutifully regurgitates the press release. No one ever asks how many of these jobs would exist if the govt wasn’t pouring tons of money into renewable energy.

        And to the proggies credit, they are smart. They pour money into Excel energy and have them fund all this green nonsense. That way they can say “hey, all this was without direct govt subsidies”. And Excel doesn’t mind because none of them are going to lose their jobs if they have to raise their rates 20% to pay for the malarky.

      • pistoffnick

        Yep. I drive past one (solar garden and butterfly habitat. Luxury!) every morning on my way to work. No one bothers to brush the snow off the panels in the winter.

  29. straffinrun

    “ the scent of books with subtle hints of wood and violet, ”

    More bi than uni sex.

  30. Drake

    Biden accuses Trump of “bustin a nut” on his parents?

    • straffinrun

      All his speeches sound like a dude failing a DUI test.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        There’s isha lottuh schlurrin’ int thersh?

      • ignoreLander

        Best description I’ve ever heard. I am sad there’s only a day left of this shitshow.(?) I’d like to use that all over the place.

        Well done friend.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Pandering to the Deez Nutz voters?

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      You want the zombies to be loose?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Well it must be a hoax because you know those missing Brazilians aren’t hiding in the bushes.

      • Count Potato

        How many is a brazilion?

      • Urthona

        I looked for them, but all I found were hairless felines.

    • Suthenboy

      Shocking. Unexpected.

  31. KOVIDKristen

    I canceled my trip to the TWA Hotel ?

    I have a year to use my airline & hotel credits

    • straffinrun

      That sucks. Don’t know exactly what that means, but some kind of vacation, eh?

    • Ownbestenemy

      That sucks 🙁

    • DEG


    • Count Potato


    • Sean

      That’s a bummer.

      • KOVIDKristen

        At this point I can’t travel there (at least by air), and it’s Cuomo & Deblasio’s world, so I think they’re going to lockdown harder.

      • Shpip

        That’s unfortunate. IIRC, you still have the Space Coast of Florida lined up for late in the year, yes? No locking down here, though the usual suspects are playing up the latest COVIDpocalypse “surge” in “cases” in certain counties.

      • grrizzly

        Are you still going to FL? My trip to JAX around New Year is still on, even though B6 changed my flights today and made it much less convenient.

    • Ted S.

      Twiggers with Attitudes?

    • Count Potato

      Recorded underwater on edison cylinder?

  32. Ownbestenemy

    Charlie Spiering
    Director of Battleground Strategy Nick Trainer tells reporters that Biden campaign just outlined on a zoom call that said Trump was within one state of winning

    Im going to call that wishful thinking at this point in the game…

    • Ted S.

      Which state?

      • Lackadaisical

        Ohio? Considering that is where Biden visited?

      • whiz


    • Urthona

      Is there much you typically do the night before anyway?

    • leon

      So in line with my prediction for a Biden win?

    • Urthona

      Polls should be closed there for the past couple of days.

    • Count Potato

      How do they who they are blocking going to vote?

      • limey

        Wypipo? Any true “white allies” wouldn’t even show up to vote, or something else that only makes sense in prog.

    • Suthenboy

      What am I looking at there? At the beginning is that a woman in an electric scooter thingy? My eyesight is bad and the video is too shaky and small for me to see well.

      • The Hyperbole

        There is nothing there to put it in context even if you have eagle eyes. Could be exactly what the poster says, could be a protest that happened three months ago. (shruggy punctuation thing).

      • leon

        The video is so bad as to ignore it.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Supposedly it was fallout from a monument protest over the weekend, not a polling station.

  33. straffinrun

    I feel like it’s the eve of Normandy, Gulf of Tonkin and The Battle of Hastings all rolled into one.

    • Swiss Servator

      The US Navy and the 101st Airborne are going to attack the Saxon fyrd?

    • Fatty Bolger

      Gird your loins! Attach bayonets! Come on, you apes! You wanna live forever?

      • The Gunslinger

        Brace yourself like a man.

      • Trigger Hippie

        *slowly raises out of recliner, knees creaking, straps on lower back brace*

        Like a middle-aged man

  34. Ownbestenemy

    Republican’s be like…

  35. Spudalicious

    Let’s just hope the two parties don’t join forces. You’ll still get cleansed, but you’ll get raped first.

    • Unreconstructed
  36. The Late P Brooks

    I feel like it’s the eve of Normandy, Gulf of Tonkin and The Battle of Hastings all rolled into one.




    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Wasn’t the Gulf of Tonkin fake?

      • leon

        So was Hastings and Normandy

      • LJW

        It’s all fake we’re living in a simulation! One in which the administrator accidentally spilled his coffee on the laptop running it.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        Normandy wasn’t fake. It was just a bunch of hipsters beating up old men in red hats.

    • DEG

      I’ll believe he fires Fauci when I see it.

      • Drake

        I think he has a Night of the Long Knives planned for a lot of deep staters.

  37. Trigger Hippie

    A weird day. One of my family members was kind enough to let me know that my niece’s heart surgery was a complete success and she’s now at home resting comfortably. Also, found out that an old friend of mine I had only seen once or twice over the last decade died from a heroin overdose last week. I’ve had more than a handful friends over the years go out like that now.

    • DEG

      Good to hear about your niece. Sorry about your friend.

      • Sean


    • B.P.

      Take the wins you can get, I guess.

      I’ve had several friends and a nephew die of heroin overdoses. It leaves an empty feeling.

      Be well.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Yeah, I’m fine. We drifted apart years ago but I do feel bad for his brother though.

    • Count Potato

      Good for your niece.

      Sorry about your friend.

    • straffinrun

      Going through a rough patch, TH? Hope the light at the end of the tunnel is visible.

    • wdalasio

      Just down from that is a post that reminds me why I detest progressives. Not the post, per se. The responses. This woman posts a meme basically saying that people with differing political views can still be friends (Bob & Sally). Basically, the progressives torch her for suggesting that, saying that Bob (the Republican) is a racist and Sally is a coward/privileged for still being his friend. As I said before, I saw an article some time back from Stossel pointing out that the truly worthwhile and important things in life lie out of politics. I agree. Completely. It’s just a bunch of people have decided that politics is supposed to subsume those things. And, mind you, I’m not talking about liberals. I’m talking about progressives. These goddamned sociopaths want to destroy everything worthwhile, decent and good in life and turn it into some sort of Maoist struggle session. Screw them and screw any party associated with them. Let Zardoz deal with them.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        That’s because it’s a religious issue for them.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        You should be burned at the stake for that kind of remark.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Oh there’s probably plenty of other things you should burn me for first.

      • wdalasio

        That may be true. But, it’s no longer anything like an excuse. I’ve read before the right (and I’ll include libertarianism in that) is looking for converts and the left looking for heretics. Well, I’ve lost patience for the witch-hunters. They practice an oppressive, spiteful and repulsive faith. Sane, healthy, well-adjusted people don’t spend their lives like this. I read people like this and I can see how various totalitarian regimes were able to maintain a public happy, eager even, to send people to their deaths.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I agree. But we’re a minority of the populace. “Leave me the fuck alone” rarely also means “Leave other people the fuck alone” among human beings.

      • wdalasio

        I no longer expect most of the public to agree with me. But, I’m pretty sure it’s fair that I expect the public not to want to ship me off to goddamned gulag.

  38. Count Potato

    “It’s strange how the virus attacks Trump rallies and lockdown protesters… but not Black Lives Matter protesters.

    In fact, BLM protests SLOW the spread. Uncanny.


    • leon

      It’s the masks

      • B.P.

        Antifa shows up with the cleansing fire, too.

    • Drake

      You have to disinfect the area with firebombs.

    • Suthenboy

      Earth Dav
      Replying to
      To be fair, Trump rallies are entirely maskless while most (not all) blm-associated rallies and protests have had high rates of people wearing masks. I point this out bc the science is pretty about the dramatic impact mask wearing has on transmission

      Wow. Everything there is false. Masks are useless and not one study shows otherwise. The Trump rally attendees appear to me to be all masked. Most of the rioters I have seen were not masked….
      Every day is upside-down day in lefty land.

      • The Hyperbole

        Trump rally maskers or non maskers are hard to see in that pic, I ‘enhanced’ the image best I could and I’m going to say 50/50 masked unmasked (of the people you can see/lots aren’t facing the cameras)

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        It looks cold as hell at most of his recent rally venues. I would want to cover my head, nose, and neck. I’m impressed that Trump isn’t wearing a muffler.

  39. KOVIDKristen

    Every time I see those fuckass Facederp aphorism/be kind/be gentle/don’t judge/coexist posts, in my head I always add “except Trump voters” on the end. Because you know that’s what they really mean.

    • one true athena

      Exactly. Every last one of them are the same people who are coo about “we love diversity and tolerance toward all people!” and five minutes later, “we need to re-educate those horrible subhuman Trump voters!”

    • wdalasio

      Yup. The truth is if that’s your belief, you really don’t need to announce it. It’s like the people pushing this are trying to convince themselves.

  40. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Me on Facederp: I don’t give a flying fuck if you voted, for the love of God please stop telling everybody.

  41. straffinrun

    If tomorrow all the things were gone
    Id worked for all my life
    And I had to start again
    With just my Daddy by my side
    Id thank my lucky stars, to be livin’ here today
    Cause the flag still stands for fascism ,
    And they can’t take smack away

    And I’m proud to know a Ukrainian
    Who’ll pay the big guy’s fee
    And I won’t forget the crack I smoked
    That gave that high to me

    And I gladly stand up
    Six feet from you and defend the pay to play
    Cause there ain’t no doubt I milked this land
    God bless the USA

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Needs more incest and homemade porn. Otherwise good.

    • Fatty Bolger


    • Gdragon

      This got an audible laugh from me, not just a bullshit “LOL”. Well done!

    • Gdragon

      I kinda like “the flag still stands for… you know, the thing!”

      And maybe a (C’mon man!) leading up to the chorus.

    • Gdragon

      Cause the flag still stands for, you know, the thing!
      And they’ll just clear “Fat” away…

  42. one true athena

    I want to thank Tulip for the chili recipe. I took the idea of deglazing the pan with tequila, which I’d never have thought of myself, and it was delicious when I made chili yesterday. Dinner tonight is the other half of the pot with fresh bread. mmm

    • straffinrun

      There will be voter fraud. Only question is how much worse than usual and will it make difference. I’m guessing much worse and “yes”.

      • Bill (Door) Baggins (a Skellington)

        Agreed. The left are desperate and will do everything in their power to try to steal this one away.

  43. LCDR_Fish

    Re Vienna – seems like an increasing # of incidents in a comparatively short time. On Sargons stream a couple days ago he listed 3 or 4 incidents in France in addition to the church attack after the street beheading. Seems like a number of these aren’t being widely reported.

    Also saw at least one foiled attack in the UK via Twitter- and then that weird sword attack in Quebec city last night – which may just be some kinda weeb/incel thing.

  44. Mojeaux the Meandering

    Somlast night a proggie friend of mine posted a long post on FB that her fellow progressives need to be kind because they can’t expect to change hearts and minds by calling people names and seeing them as stupid. It was a nice post.

    But it still had the stink of, “Forgive them, progs, for they know not what they do” or, “Be nice. They doan know no bettah.”

    • straffinrun

      Blecht. Some of the most mentally challenged people I’ve met have called me “ignerint”.

    • Fatty Bolger

      She sounds nice… FOR A LIBTARD. ?

      Seriously, though, that’s all you can really ask for. Most people think there’s something wrong with people who have different political beliefs. But we can at least be civil about it.

  45. Yusef drives a Kia

    Bella is driving me nuts, she just wants out and can’t let her yet, four more days….

    • Hyperion

      You didn’t train her to eat commies on their way to the polls and bury the bones in the woods?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        She eats Commies, but we seem to have shortage here, maybe that’s why she’s stir crazy

    • Tundra

      What did I miss? Did the sweet girl have surgery?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        No, four days til I get the keys to my house, first time home owner,yippee!

      • Tundra

        That’s huge! Congrats, Yusef!!

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        And I can clean out my van before winter, it look horrible inside

      • straffinrun


      • Hyperion

        Great news, Yusef!

    • leon

      Im sure roberts will step in and fix that soon enough

  46. mrfamous

    Seeing what I’m seeing, the “shy Trump voter” is absolutely real. It’s out there and Trump will outperform the polls (at least initially). What I don’t know is how significant it is.

    Twitter is filled with posts about “we can’t be friends if you vote for Trump, because I’m not friends with racists.” Forget how childish that is, what do you think is the end result of all of that? If they were gonna vote for Trump before, they probably still will they’re just no longer gonna tell you.

    • straffinrun

      Clearly we need to make all voting records public in order to fight closet racists.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        There’s a lot of people that would be all for that.

      • straffinrun

        Yeah. I try to think of a terrible idea, see if it would lead to violence and the expansion of tribalism. How to think like a wokester.

      • Hyperion

        Well, they want to start a war because they’re very brave. They just want a rule that says no one can fight back. And they’ll cry foul when no one obeys their made up rule.

    • Hyperion

      I would guess the polls are about 6 points off. I’m going by how far off they were in 2016 and adding +2 for shy Trump voter effect. I also think the polls are skewed even worse, because instead of trying to adjust them to be more accurate, they instead changed them to try to show Biden having a bigger lead than he’s ever had.

      That being said, I’d say Biden is enjoying a 4-6 pt lead that should be reversed. So Trump is probably up by 1-4 pts right now in the swing states. That’s all that matters.

      Biden’s lead in RCP has now dropped to the lowest level it’s been since the polls started. They have him up +2.7 in the swing states. I wonder if they’re trying to make last minute adjustments to them to save themselves the embarrassment of being more wrong than they were in 2016?

      I predict Trump wins on election night and the dems spend the next 4 years trying to overturn it. Same old same old, only the dems will run farther left and get even more crazy.

      If I’m wrong and the dems win, we are in for a shit show and a half.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yes the theory was if the polls were skewed or padded then near the election they would have to tighten them up in case Trump wins. Otherwise if they didn’t and Trump won they are all out of business

      • Hyperion

        There was a video a few days back where Frank Luntz was saying that if they’re wrong again, they’re all out of business. And there’s Luntz, with a suit on 2 sizes too small for him and pair of ugly bright colored sneakers below his pants that were showing 6 inches of bare leg. And I’m thinking, our professional elite class right there, we should totally respect and believe the prognostications of our betters.

      • Hyperion

        I honestly believe the main reason they’re doing it is that they plan on trying to delegitimize the election again. They get their base all hyped up thinking they will win and then they’re all hysterical when the rug gets pulled out from under them. One of the dem’s main strategies now is to keep their base constantly agitated. If a few of them wind up in mental institutions, in jail, or commit suicide, well omelets had to be made.

      • The Hyperbole

        I thought projection was a left wing phenomenon.

      • Hyperion

        Yeah, right, because I’ve been plotting to delegitimize the election for years now. Caught me I guess.

      • The Hyperbole

        You’re right, you’ve never said that the only way Trump loses is if the Dems steal it with voter fraud. I conflated you with all the other people here who’ve been saying that. I apologize.

      • Hyperion

        I’m not sure if I said those exact words and if I did, I was the only one who has ever said it.

        But, carry on.

      • The Hyperbole

        Right, you didn’t say that, but plenty of people here have been saying that and I erroneously claimed that you had said that and lumped you in with those that did, which was unjust, thus I apologized.

      • Hyperion

        It’s hard to tell if you are being serious, or not.

        I just don’t think what I said was projection, but either way, no big deal.

  47. Yusef drives a Kia

    A work Chum said today if the anti fas come up here, well chase them into the woods and let the Board get em if the swamp doesn’t, and the bores only leave the skull,
    I like it here, honest folks……

    • Yusef drives a Kia


  48. Ownbestenemy

    Tin foil hat time: Dems want Trump to declare victory early to snatch that 3 days later as a major talking point.

    Ok not really tin foil hatish

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      We will wait for the full count before declaring victory
      32 dimensional chess

      • Hyperion

        The full count will never be over. They’ll be finding boxes full of ballots in Broward County for decades now. The NYTs will be running an article in 2060 claiming ‘Huge cache of ballots found in Broward County, all marked for Biden, Trump was never really elected!’.


      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I recall reading about that being a catastrophe for journalism at the time, the journos all said, for Shame!
        Now, not so much,

      • Suthenboy

        It’s Truman’s shit-eatin’ grin that makes it so priceless.

    • commodious spittoon

      Going out on a limb here: Trump’s gonna be an incoherent mess whatever happens.

      • Grummun

        Trump’s gonna be an incoherent mess whatever happens.

        Couldn’t resist.

  49. The Hyperbole

    Hypothetical – Trump loses but the R’s keep the senate, between now and Biden’s inauguration Thomas resigns or Breyer Dies or both, does Trump get one or even two more Supremes.

    • Urthona


    • Cancelled

      Hey Straffinrun, if that happens can I crash on your couch until I find work in Japan?

      • straffinrun

        It’s a loveseat. We’ll have to spoon.

      • Hyperion

        I thought most people over there sleep in dresser drawers? Staff is rich.

      • Urthona

        Episode of Seinfeld.

        used to love that show.

      • Hyperion

        That’s how I learned about the world for several years. Gotta start somewhere in your edumencation.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Not unless he can get those confirmed prior to the first week of Jan.

      • The Hyperbole

        Took less than six weeks for Amy, They’ll have nine weeks after Tuesday.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Didn’t say it was impossible and it is 2020.

    • Suthenboy

      If Trump loses and somehow gets two more pics the left will go apeshit and try a straight up coup to completely wreck our entire republic. They are about half of an inch from doing that now. Their party’s platform is based on destroying the few checks and balances we still have in place.
      My fear is that it will come to blows one way or the other.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        It will, how far is the question,

      • Hyperion

        The left are not the sharpest tools. If they were smart, they’d stop already with the ridiculous packing the courts non-sense.

        Instead they should just give the Chief Justice 3 votes. Penaltax has their backs.

      • Hyperion

        The left were playing the long game for at least 100 years. Patiently plotting and plodding ahead. One step at a time, sometimes one step forward, 2 back. But they never lost patience on their long march to progtopia.

        But then something happened. After Obama won his first term and they proclaimed that the great progtopia moment had finally arrived. A 1000 year rein was born.

        Then the 2010 midterms happened. It broke them. It broke them in a very bad way. And just when they thought they’d made it through the dark times, they got hit head on by a freight train. Donald Trump was elected president.

        They are now completely broken beyond repair and totally insane. All their steadfast patience is gone. They’re just flailing at the wind and running blindfolded towards the cliff.

      • Urthona

        Also Trump managed to hit the ‘undo’ button on like 95% of Obama’s presidency.

        No matter what happens I am still laughing from that.

      • Hyperion

        It was his ‘legacy’. And nothing is more important than the legacy of famous people. Your rights trampled be damned!

    • Fatty Bolger

      You’d probably get a couple of defectors at least. So it would be close.

    • Breet Pharara


      Electoral college is 270-268 Biden, but one Biden elector votes for Faith Spotted Eagle. The House picks Trump for Pres and the Senate picks Harris. Between the elections and inauguration, video is released of Harris going all Willie Brown with Trump. Trump gets impeached for this behavior, but Harris pleads innocence and is acquitted in the Senate by one vote, going on to become President.

      I don’t have a question. I just want that to happen.

      • Cancelled

        and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote;

        Senate doesn’t get any say.

      • Breet Pharara

        Should have been clear, Senate picks Harris for VP because of the “favors” for Trump. Impeachment and now she’s in charge.

      • Urthona

        I just placed $100 bet in Vegas for exactly that outcome.

      • Hyperion

        Faith Spotted Eagle? You are a brave and fearless better, the likes of which has rarely been seen.

  50. straffinrun

    One thing is obvious: it will be crystal clear that whatever happens tomorrow will have been entirely predictable.

    • Urthona

      That’s my plan. Whatever happens I’m going to declare I knew it was going to the whole time because that particular party sucks and their candidate is an idiot.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I’ve said it since last summer, I’m ready,

    • Cancelled

      November 3, 2020. The Day Irving Ignatz Incel, programmer of the matrix, decided to reset the universe graphics to 8 bit, and sounds to the original Nintendo, and implement Module Custer’s Last Stand.

      • Hyperion

        I get to play Injun in the 8 bit apocalypse!

      • Cancelled

        Did you ever play the game? Cause it includes raping the indian.

      • Cancelled

        Sorry it was actually named Custer’s Revenge. My mistake

      • Urthona

        I did play Montezuma’s Revenge.

      • Cancelled

        Custer’s Revenge was shit, but not the same.

  51. Yusef drives a Kia

    Anyone have source for Max magazine rounds per state? I may have a boating accident soon….

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Never mind, the answer is No capacity restrictions, so my is legal, yippee!

  52. Yusef drives a Kia

    I’m hoping for the best, from a selfish pov, I want keep my job, and pay for my house in peace, and hope everyone ends up the same, this whole thing is lame as fuck!

  53. zwak

    So, two small things. One, the nice old lady across the street who only gardens and golfs, started wearing a mask any time she is outside. She is probably 70ish and in great shape. Nice lady, but too bad about the mask. I blame K*** Klown. Two, Super Democrat Girl (SDG) down the street from me has all the signs in her yard. All of them. And today, Biden/Harris is missing. Nothing else, just that one. And they aren’t in a place to steal, but up on the porch kinda, so cars can see them. Funny how that one is gone, but there is still one across the street at that house.

    Funny weird. Not Funny Ha-Ha.

    • Urthona

      That could be key.

      When I drive to the polls tomorrow, I’m voting for whatever political sign I see last when leaving my neighborhood

    • Hyperion

      Most people in my community are retirees and almost all of them are older than me. I’ve never seen any of them wear a mask outside. Libertarian moment?

      • Urthona

        No. Studies show it’s only the young people (who are all but immune to covid) who are really concerned about covid. Also, they are the ones who — when surveyed — overestimate the mortality rate of covid the most.

      • Hyperion

        Probably because we older folk have been through outbreaks of truly dangerous diseases. When I was a kid there was mumps, measles, chickenpox, all sorts of scary shit that would really mess you up. Chickenpox almost killed me.

        Covid is a joke compared to all that shit. And the serious ‘science’ community are comparing it to the Spanish Flu, which was so deadly it killed entire families of all ages.

        No wonder the older folks are not taking it as seriously.

  54. Hyperion

    Anyone else just wish the election was over and we can go back to talking about fun stuff, like murder hornets and the plague?