Saturday evening links of annoyance

by | Nov 28, 2020 | Daily Links | 284 comments

I tripped over big dog Monday night. Fortunately, the hardwood floor broke my fall. I didn’t go to the doctor, but I can pretty much guarantee that I have rib and muscle injuries. I’ve been eating Tramadol and letting out a Homer Simpson, “D’Oh!”, every time I move wrong. Oh, and gawd bless Dulcolax.

Anyways, Thanksgiving was nice and quiet. I hope all our Glibs had a marvelous holiday.


Here’s a shocking development.


When the French start to complain about this…


The soup can is about to give it another try.


The face of a dying culture.


Guy’s gotta make a buck.


A little Elvis Costello tonight.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. Yusef drives a Kia

    Elon Rules! well he will soon…..

    • The Gunslinger

      Hey Yusef. The company I work for has sold equipment to SpaceX. They seem to want to test their equipment at -125°C for some reason.

      • hayeksplosives

        My company’s satellites have hitched a ride on the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launches, but not on the Dragon of course.

        SpaceX victories goose up the TSLA stock price a bit too, which doesn’t hurt a bit.

    • Hyperion

      I’m predicting Elon will be the first trillionaire by first killing the cable companies with Starlink and then mining asteroids.

      This guy needs red-pilled.

      Oh wait, we once had a guy who could have done that, but instead he made Jeff the fucking garden gnome Sessions our AG.

      Only libertarians can fix this shit, and we have by design, no political power.

      Oh well, it was a nice run. Au revoir mon amour Etats-Unis.

      • rhywun

        killing the cable companies

        I’m OK with this.

      • Hyperion

        I’m more than OK with this.

      • Not an Economist

        Starlink and other satellites like it will ground based optical astronomy and clutter up the night sky. Elon and his group of brains didn’t even think about that. Not only professional astronomers but amateur astronomers will be affected. Ground based telescopes still make discoveries and there aren’t enough space telescopes to go around — there aren’t enough ground based telescopes either.

      • Hyperion

        Oh, I get it. Tractors will kill our mule based plows. Or, IOW, fuck professional astronomers, the rest of us don’t give a fucking rat’s ass.

      • Jarflax

        Speak for yourself. You Musk fanbois excuse him any rent seeking, charlatanry, and confidence game that you would pillory another person for. He has no claim of ownership on those orbit so what makes his use of them superior to the astronomers you disregard?

      • Bobarian LMD

        Don’t hate the player, hate the game?

        He plays it masterfully.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        So far, I haven’t heard much from the amateur astronomy community about starlink. Mostly just pics of people catching a starlink train coming through.

        Even astrophotography isn’t impacted. You may lose a few more frames out of the thousands that you shoot to make a single composite photo, but that’s nothing.

      • Not an Economist

        Starlink will have at least 12,000+ satellites. And there is at least one other company that wants to do something similar. The sky now is not so bad. Give it a year or two and you won’t be able to look up at a clear sky without seeing a satellite every few minutes.

      • Count Potato

        “Oh wait, we once had a guy who could have done that, but instead he made Jeff the fucking garden gnome Sessions our AG.”

        I’m all for Starlink, but no idea how Trump could have red-pilled Musk, or what Sessions had to do with it.

  2. Mojeaux

    Costello ruined Diana Krall. My mind will not be changed.

    • Spudalicious

      I can’t argue that.

      • dontreadonme

        Well just because she went off the market. I saw her in a small club in Ann Arbor 25 years ago and fell in love. That jerk stole my woman.

    • blackjack

      I got dragged to see the Police with Elvis Costello at the Hollywood Bowl. The Police sucked so bad, I can’t even describe it with mere words. Costello brought the house down. I’m a fan ever since.

      • Mojeaux

        Krall aside, Costello’s voice is just one voice of many that I can’t stand.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Nick Lowe wrote Peace Love, but y’all knew that.

        To quote Square Pegs as best as I can remember:
        Lauren: People with glasses can be cool! Just look at Elvis Costello.
        Patty [SJP]: Ugh, do I have to?

      • l0b0t

        [Squeals with delight!] Thank you for remembering that show.

    • l0b0t

      Deadicated is a bloody fantastic album though. Los Lobos’ Bertha, Dwight Yoakam’s Truckin’, Suzanne Vega’s Cassidy, and Jane’s Addiction covering Ripple are (IMO) far better than the originals.

      • C. Anacreon

        Perhaps better than the Dead studio release version of each of those songs, but there’s also hundreds of live versions, in many different tempos and variations, no two quite the same. I’ll bet you could find live show versions of the Dead playing those you’d like even better. Especially Cassidy, which often was a blazing showstopper live.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Agreed. To both.

  3. DEG

    I hope you heal up quickly.

    Traffic at stores on Black Friday fell by 52.1% compared with last year, as Americans by and large eschewed heading to malls and queuing up in lines for shopping online, according to preliminary data from Sensormatic Solutions.

    Drum up fear and this is what you get.

    One of the crucial disputed parts of the invoice is a provision that may criminalize the broadcasting of “the face or some other figuring out component” of on-duty law enforcement officials if the purpose is to “bodily or mentally hurt” them.

    Go fuck yourselves. Film the cops.

    Next week, Elon Musk says his SpaceX company will attempt to fly its prototype Starship rocket – designed to one day take people to Mars – to its highest altitude yet.

    Musk is a grifter, but I like a lot of what comes out of Space X.

    The National Police Agency said suicides surged to 2,153 in October alone, with more than 17,000 people taking their own lives this year to date, CBS reported.

    17,000 extra Lil Rona deaths this year?

    Six people have been jailed in China after tracking down the families of accident victims and tricking them into donating their loved ones’ organs — so they could make big bucks on the black market, according to reports.

    If he worked for the government, it would be A-OK.

    • Kwihn T. Senshel

      Musk is a grifter

      Don’t hate the playa, hate the game. He knows how to play the system, and benefits from that. I get the sense he’s not all on board with the way the system is. Not justifying, though.

      • hayeksplosives

        Musk has a healthy skepticism toward socialism (having grown up in South Africa where Apartheid was followed by ANC). He absolutely condemns the government shutdowns for COVID and he really doesn’t care what others think.

        I think he’d be impossible to live with, but he certainly has a knack for inspiring good engineers to produce amazing outcomes.

    • zwak

      DEG, I saw your reply from last night re Lee Speeds. I have a No. 1 pattern sporting rifle as seen on pages 12-13 of that catalog. Here is a nice write up of the same model, albeit not mine.

      On the other hand, the L42 has recorded a couple of one-mile kill shots, per the SAS. So, no joke there.

      • DEG


        I’ve bid on several Lee-Speeds, but lost every one except the Territorial Pattern I have.

        Some of those rifles have amazing engraving.

        I have a L39A1. I haven’t shot it. I need to clean a little rust off of some parts of the rear sight.

      • zwak

        L39a1 is the iron-sighted model, right? I know there are a few different versions of the 7.62 Enfields; L39, L42 (scoped), Envoy, and Enforcer. All of them are cool. I bought an Ishapore because I wanted one so bad, and while it was decent, it wasn’t the same thing.

      • DEG

        L39A1 is the target version which usually has iron sights. When converted, it had no sights. Unit armorers would put on a sight once the rifle went to a unit. Mine has a Parker-Hale 5C (I think). I’ve seen some pictures of rifles surplused with no sights on them, as that is how they went into the depot.

        Envoy and Enforcer were civilian versions of the L39A1 and L42A1.


        I have an Ishapore 2A1. It’s collected dust. I need to shoot it.

        Actually, I need to shoot a lot of things.

        My other winnings in the auction were a SMLE Mk V, a SMLE Mk III* from the last year of production at Lithgow, and some 5.7 ammunition.

  4. westernsloper

    SpaceX Is About To Launch Its Prototype Starship Mars Rocket On Its Most Ambitious Flight Yet

    Tall Cans!!

  5. Count Potato

    “I’ve been eating Tramadol”

    Be careful with that stuff, it can have side-effects and withdrawals similar to SSRI’s.

    Hope you are feeling better soon, and the dog is OK.

    • Spudalicious

      The dog is fine. I missed him. I’m hoping to be done with the painkillers by Monday.

      • TARDis

        That’s good news. Glad you’re both okay so you can get back to drinking.

    • DEG

      I watched the whole thing.

      I’m not sure what to make of it.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        Listen, if the thought of a matronly, middle-aged Japanese woman shoving her fingers up into your prostate doesn’t make your pee-pee hard, you’re probably gay.

      • Jarflax

        The polarity on your pervometer is reversed.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        Is it?

      • Jarflax

        Pretty sure Mommy Domme pegging is gay.

      • Jarflax

        Or at least gayjacent.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        My next explainer will show why that is wrong.

      • DEG

        I think HM transcends pervometers.

      • juris imprudent

        You’re trying to measure HM‘s perversity on a linear scale?

    • Count Potato

      Do you need a mathematician to count your number of fetishes?

      • Heroic Mulatto

        It’s somewhere in a set with cardinality beth two, and that’s good enough for me.

    • Mad Scientist


  6. grrizzly

    The French are also protesting against lockdowns.

    • DEG

      And then you have Americans like some of the folks on this thread. Trigger warning: a non-porn Reddit link.

      • Mojeaux

        Maybe not porn, but certainly sickening.

      • l0b0t

        Jeepers! That FrancisFApocalypse fellow needs to be beaten soundly about the head, neck, and shoulders.

      • Jarflax

        The time for beatings has passed. I advocate a revival of crucifixion, or the wire jacket.

      • Mojeaux

        Seen on my FB feed by a retired person:

        [person 1] has the Virus and it also killed [person 2]. I don’t want to hear that it’s more important for people to get together and drink, or go out and spend money because they shouldn’t have to follow the rules.

        Funny that people whose income isn’t COVID-impacted have such opinions.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        This person never worked for a living?

      • Mojeaux

        She did, as a librarian, but she’s retired. She has a nice pension and Social Security.

      • Fourscore

        “I don’t want to hear that it’s more important for people to get together and drink, or go out and spend money”

        Strangely, that’s what I do want to hear. I want to hear young people (all people really) laugh, dance and play the fool. because it is more important.

        Make your own rules but don’t make mine. No one on their death bed ever said they wished they hadn’t fished so much. I never had a drink I didn’t want or a cigarette I didn’t want .

      • mikey

        Talk about declining cultures. That person’s attitude is all too common and a big sign that ours is.

        There’s more to life than just being alive.

      • rhywun

        follow the rules

        *anger rising*

        At least s/he didn’t pretend it’s “the law”.

      • DEG


        Occasionally folks push back on him.

        He’s not the only piece of work hanging out on that subreddit.

        I should stick to porn subreddits.

      • Tulip

        Aren’t these the same assholes that insist capitalism kills people through economic inequality? What do they think is going to happen?

      • DEG

        What do they think


        “They think” assumes facts not in evidence.

    • C. Anacreon

      From the French protest article in the links:

      “Moderately than attempting to unravel issues, this legislation seeks to cowl up blunders,” stated Nicolas Gonnot, a 50-year-old laptop engineer who demonstrated in Paris.

      If you can figure out what the hell he said, you’re a better person than I. Maybe you have to be a “laptop engineer”, which i guess is someone who designs the best way to sit on Santa’s lap.

      • Ted S.

        I figured a “laptop engineer” was an exotic dancer.

      • rhywun

        I was assuming that article was run back and forth through Google Translate a few times.

  7. Count Potato

    Why does Japan and South Korea have such high suicide rates?

    • Urthona

      Merely because of a different way of reporting the statistic. If it appears to be not natural causes but no killer is identified or suspected, it just goes down as a suicide. This is not done in the western world.

      • grrizzly

        Hungary is another country with a high suicide rate. The Hungarians I talked to about it believed that suicide was less covered up there by doctors/authorities/society than in other countries.

      • Count Potato

        So what is it they know about the Clinton’s?

      • Kwihn T. Senshel

        I hadn’t heard that before.

        I suppose I had always made the assumption that there was more suicide, but it was more cultural, as perhaps getting help or communicating about what’s driving one down that path just isn’t done to the same degree.

        If correct (not doubting ya), it seems like it’s a similar phenomenon to the way that infant mortality is recorded in the USA vs much of Europe, leading to erroneous conclusions.

      • Urthona

        Yes. Where I learned this was actually about 6 years ago in articles talking about the way different things were measured in various countries.

        Infant mortality is high in the us almost entirely because of its pro-life culture. It comes down to a different metric.

        ‘Violent” crime is high in the uk compared to the us because they are much looser in what they call a violent crime.

        On the other hand, in the us a “murder” is determined by a coroner. In Western Europe, a murder requires a murderer.

        Bottom line: it’s dammed hard to compare stats between countries. Everyone measure things differently. Take Germany’s very strict COVID death standards for instance. It can lead to wrong conclusions.

      • Urthona

        In *an article

      • hayeksplosives

        There’s not a stigma to suicide in Japan like there is/was for centuries in Europe.

    • grrizzly

      There’s a good point made in the comments:

      Given the culture of Japan to have metered personal success levels by certain ages, such as being married, having a job that pays a certain amount, having children, owning property and the incredible pressure put on young people by their relatives to succeed, when they don’t meet those social quotas they’re treated as being something wrong with them. The ‘hive mind’ of Japan forces social conformity as personal identity. I saw this during my ‘bank’ years in Japan/Korea/China. Its no wonder this happens.

      • Count Potato

        Well, I can’t say I entirely understand that, but it is obviously a very different culture.

    • westernsloper

      Watch HM’s new fetish. That is why.

    • TARDis

      Can I bring my fan?

      • westernsloper

        God I hope so.

    • SP

      Thanks, Neph! We’ll probably pop in before we commence Pizza Night.

    • DEG

      Thank you!

      I want to get a little reading in before I go to sleep tonight. I’ll drop in for a little bit once I get done a few more episodes on “The Great War” channel.

    • The Hyperbole

      I know the limey says I’m wrong but I still say it’s Kat Trimphf or whatever, I can’t find the exact photo match but same frames/glasses same eyebrows, she has a tendency to wear red…its Kat Trimpfh.

      • Count Potato

        It doesn’t look like her though. Similar glasses, but different eyebrows, nose, etc.

      • The Hyperbole

        It’s a blurry pixelated photo, It’s Kat Trimpfh or I’ll eat my hat drink an IPA.

      • DEG

        I looked at some pictures of Kat Timpf. It’s possible. The jaw doesn’t look right, but it could be her.

    • blackjack

      It’s Kat Timpf. You do realize there’s no mechanism to actually buy time with these girls, right?

      • blackjack

        My question is, how did that big lady with the pink dress get into the 300.00 range?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Green House of Commons upholstery? Priti Patel?

      • blackjack

        Yes. She’s top shelf in this crowd? No.

      • Jarflax

        Politicians? Thed only thing wrong in that graphic is that the prices are missing several zeroes.

      • The Hyperbole

        Sure there is, If your rich and famous they let you do it.

      • C. Anacreon

        I’d gladly pay much more for a romp in the sack with Kat Timpf. But I don’t think that’s her in the photo. Besides, she’s not a politician, aren’t all the other identifiable ones?

      • DEG

        Blair White, sh0eonhead, and Abby Shapiro aren’t politicians and are there.

        ACB is there too, but all Supreme Court Justices are politicians despite their denials.

      • Count Potato

        Most of them aren’t politicians.

    • TARDis

      I don’t know who 3/4 of them are.

    • DEG

      I took her picture and ran it through Google Image Search. Nope.

      I spent a bit of time digging through r/politically_nsfw. Nope.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      It’s not Kat Timpf, I assure youse.

    • blackjack

      I was wrong! Dead wrong. It’s Camryn Baylee Kinsey. Only found because you mentioned that site.

      • The Hyperbole

        Fuck, I don’t want to drink an IPA!

      • Count Potato


      • blackjack

        BTW, that site is rife with brain dead cucks. I’ll not be going back.

      • Count Potato

        It looks like you are right.

      • blackjack

        I’m right that I was wrong?

        Damn, I can’t even do wrong right!

      • DEG

        Shit. I should have kept searching.

  8. Heroic Mulatto

    To insinuate Japan is a “dying culture” when fucking Kikkoman is a conglomerate of 8 soy sauce manufacturers who founded their businesses 2 centuries before the Declaration of Independence was written is, well, very Glibertarian.

    • Jarflax

      Shut up Nippontard.

      • Chafed

        How much cocaine did you snort while that was playing?

      • rhywun

        I was a big fan of them well before my coke bender phase.

    • juris imprudent

      Amazed that he can sport a beard with all of that estrogen in his system.

      • TARDis

        Might be a merkin for his hooha.

    • rhywun

      Nobody tell Mojo.

      • Mojeaux

        I sell toxic masculinity for a living.

      • Mojeaux

        Well, okay, I’m lucky to get enough money out of it to buy a box of Little Debbies, but still.

      • rhywun


  9. Heroic Mulatto

    Why is no one talking about the fact that they are making another Boss Baby movie?

    • Kwihn T. Senshel

      Thank you, THANK you!

      I’ve been waiting for THREE years for the next AMAZING Boss Baby, and now it’s COMING!

      I was AFRAID that because of the PLANDEMIC and COVITARDS that we would NEVER see another BOSS baby, but we are! HUZZAH!

      • Heroic Mulatto

        There’s a girl bossy baby now.

      • Jarflax

        Cancel Boss Baby! Alec Baldwin plays Trump, therefore Boss Baby is Trumpist.

    • l0b0t

      My 6 year old LOVES that franchise for some unfathomable reason. I’ve caught it by osmosis so very many times.

  10. Aloysious

    Good evening, Spud

    Sorry to hear about your fall. If on the off chance I can help with something, let me know. SP has my E-mail. I’ll introduce you to my white trash cocktails.

    • Fourscore

      Hopefully the dog didn’t need to see a vet. You shouldn’t be driving when you’re all banged up like that.

      Hope you and your friend are on the mend. I have a fear of falling, now my yard is ice and I have to walk slowly and squat down so if I slip it’s not far down and I’ll land on my butt..

      You’ll be stiff (from the fall) in the morning, not sure what the Ducolax has to do with that but whatever it takes, I guess.

      • Spudalicious

        You’re the first person to notice that. Ever tried and poop with injured ribs?

      • The Gunslinger

        After I had the tumor removed from inside my skull one of the things they told me was not to strain on the toilet for the first few months. Too much risk of a CSF leak.

      • hayeksplosives

        Yikes. That is scary enough to inspire compliance.

      • Mojeaux

        Had a spinal tap once and you’re supposed to lie flat on your back for several hours.

        No. I had to pee, and dammit, I was going to pee like a normal human being. I had to beat back the nurse trying to help me.

      • Ted S.

        No. I had to pee, and dammit, I was going to pee like a normal human being.

        Standing up, of course.

      • Mojeaux

        I identify as female, so I’mma sit, thanks.

      • Kwihn T. Senshel

        Understand the urge, but when my son had one of his (many) spinal taps and decided to forgo the advice, he had a spinal headache for 9 days. A spinal headache is where when you stand up and the pressure drops in your spinal column but there’s not enough volume of fluid because of the leak you caused by not resting, then you get an immediate, debilitating feeling of icepick-in-skull.

        He complied after that. Silly teenager.

        (and, not saying you did wrong, as the risk is relatively low (and yours alone), but it’s there)

      • Mojeaux

        I was there for a 9-day migraine (triggered by MSG) already. They were testing for meningitis, then they nicked my spinal cord (very narrow/tight sheath) (let me tell you about my epidurals–no, wait, I won’t), which caused blood in my CSF, and were taking precautions.

        Yeah, I’m sorry, but I go potty by myself.

      • C. Anacreon

        I stupidly believed the doc who said she’d never caused the headache, and had a spinal tap three days before flying to my med school 20th year reunion. Agonizing flight, and I was in such pain once there I had to miss several of the events. Well, I guess at least people had an icebreaker to speak to me at the events I did attend.

        Another mitigating factor, and I guess if this was going to happen it was good to do among a group of docs — a classmate who’d become an anesthesiologist sneaked me into his hospital on Sunday morning and gave me a blood patch, which cured the spinal headache within an hour.

      • l0b0t

        The Yiddish word “kvetch” for complain/nag comes from the word kvetshn – literally “squeeze” or “pinch” but used most often to mean straining at stool.

      • hayeksplosives

        Ha! Thanks for that “The more you know” moment! Hilarious.

      • westernsloper

        Ever tried and poop with injured ribs?

        Yep. I chased all the narcotics with cheap beer though so I was as regular as an Italian Train. Granted my liver took a hit but worth it.

      • Fourscore

        I was on antibiotics a few weeks back with the Lyme disease. I discovered the joy of the Duc. The antibios shut me down. I totally understand, Spud.

      • rhywun

        not sure what the Ducolax has to do with that but whatever it takes, I guess

        LOL I was afraid to ask

      • Mojeaux

        Funny. I knew immediately why the Dulcolax was important.

      • TARDis

        This, but who wants to talk about poo?

      • hayeksplosives

        The Dulcolax is also helpful if you have to take tramadol or Vicodin for a few days. Those can cause constipation, which would definitely make abdominal and chest pains even worse.

      • Jarflax

        For bonus fun get the hiccups with bruised or cracked ribs

      • Mojeaux

        Hiccuping, laughing, and pooping–at the same time!

      • Jarflax

        You won’t be laughing.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        … or sneeze.

      • SP

        As do all women who have had a c-section or two.

      • Mojeaux

        Also those who have episiotomies.

      • SP


      • rhywun

        Yeah, I figured it out pretty quickly.

        Been there, for different reasons.

  11. hayeksplosives

    I saw Mindy Kaling in an ad, and she looked bizarre, like she was trying to change her face shape and color. Yikes.

    She’d never have been a great beauty, but she had a cute round face that matched her personality. Now she looks…odd.

    And so young for facial surgery! This dooms her to an aging process that is unlikely to go well.

    • Hyperion

      Wait…. wut? She trying to become a white girl? Isn’t that illegal?

    • Mojeaux

      She looks like she lost weight.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Her (decade-old) book was pretty funny.

    • rhywun

      I always thought she was one of the brighter parts of The Office. Haven’t seen that new show.

      I’ll be honest – I don’t see evidence of surgery but WTFDIK.

      • hayeksplosives

        Maybe it was more odd looking in the video form (the Ad) than in a picture.

      • Jerms

        I think she was a writer for The Office too.

    • Count Potato

      I have no idea who she is.

  12. DEG

    A shot of Hennessy’s Black.

  13. blackjack

    I feel for you, Spud. I thought i was a bit off skating yesterday, but I woke up with a grandpa pain in my right hip. I can barley get up off the couch. I can’t take no feel better juice because I’m almost due for my Dl51 exam. Nsaids don’t have the same kick. I gotta go back tomorrow, too. I hope I’m better, sitting and watching is going to really suck.

    • Count Potato

      I hope you are better too.

      • blackjack


    • Count Potato

      On a related note, I saw Fatman last night. It was entertaining.

  14. rhywun

    “Crunchy feeling under the skin”


    • Hyperion

      My plan?

      Well, forgive me if I take a page from their own playbook and double down on it, but…

      We harass them within an inch of their lives for the next 2 years, and non-stop investigations.

      And then when the GOP takes the house in 2022, we impeach and continued investigations non-stop 24/7 and investigations, and harassment.

      Welcome to hell, motherfuckers.

      • rhywun

        The best part is they’ll probably be impeaching Kamala by that point. Impeaching Joe just seems cruel.

      • Chafed

        Everyone sentenced under his criminal laws disagrees.

      • rhywun

        *sigh* True dat.

      • Jerms

        GOP dont have the balls

      • hayeksplosives

        I fear this is true.

        Some believe that in being civil and gentlemanly, they are setting an example for a more civil discourse.

        Some want to go to all the right cocktail parties.

        Some just want to be loved, and they know that the media teaches that GOP is evil and selfish.

      • Q Continuum

        Civil? Gentlemanly?

        Fuck no.

        They’re all part of the same cabal. You know how many establishment GOP swamp creatures were breathing a sigh of relief when Biden “won” (or were even aiding and abetting)? They are part of the crew, tried and true.

        Trump was the closest thing to an outsider since WWII and he was an artless, unprincipled buffoon. But he was not beholden to the Machine. Taking power back by any means necessary was job #1. A significant portion of Trump’s vote was not to support the GOP or even Trump’s policies; it was a monumental FUCK YOU to the establishment and a primal scream from the forgotten huddled masses yearning to breathe free. They felt like he was the only one in that G-d-forsaken swamp who gave a shit.

        And the Empire Struck Back.

      • blackjack

        This, right here is why I come here. Well, that and the cleavage pics.

      • kinnath


      • Chafed

        You da man Q!

      • Tejicano

        The GOP is nothing but the DNC’s second string.

      • zwak

        A hero ain’t nothin’ but a sandwich.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Some believe that in being civil and gentlemanly, they are setting an example for a more civil discourse.

        That, of course, assumes that one’s opponent has a sense of shame. They do not.

        I’ve said it before. I’m done with the electoral process. Politics has always been a mess, but at least my vote counted for something. Now I’ll find other ways to protect my family from predatory government. Im guessing I’m not the only one who has decided that ballots are no longer effective and move on to something else.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I’ve considered de-registering. Less jury duty. My candidates did poorly this year as usual but my propositions did surprisingly well.

      • Sean

        I dunno. I think they’re learning at an accelerated rate.

      • Hyperion

        Trump has an overwhelming amount of support compared to the old RINO base. So you might just be wrong about that.

      • Sean


  15. hayeksplosives

    Ugh. My spouse wants to watch the Mike Tyson pay per view fight.

    Anybody know a free way to do it?

    • The Gunslinger

      Wait a couple days and watch it on Youtube?

    • Hyperion

      2 old guys, only one who anyone has ever heard of, trying to beat each other up? I say let hubby pay for it if he wants. Be nice, imaginary libertarian woman.

      • The Hyperbole

        Plenty of people have heard of Roy Jones Jr. Just because you are ignorant of the sweet science doesn’t everyone else is.

      • Gender Traitor

        Battlebots > boxing at any level. I can both get off my bloodthirsty side without wincing AND marvel at the heights of human ingenuity.

    • rhywun

      I heard it was just “sparring”, not a fight.

      But sure, let him pay for it himself.

    • DEG

      #1. Yes. Fuck Google Image search for not helping me find her.

      #2 is either a RealDoll or photoshop.

      #3. Yes.

      #6 interests me.

      Wow. Bunch of RealDolls.

      #26 is back to normal.

      And… nah…

      • blackjack

        Didja check reddit for slutty politicians? Just sayin’

      • DEG

        I got tired of wading through r/politically_nsfw.

  16. rhywun

    Out of boredom I started watching college football this year and today I saw this little guy run for 8 touchdowns at my alma mater. That was fun. Was kind of surprised to see the Buffalo Bulls on national teevee.

    • Gender Traitor

      Probably too many big-name games cancelled on account o’ the COVID. I know Ohio State’s was.

      • rhywun

        The ‘vid is crafty – it only goes after the top schools.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      They pulled him 18 yards short of the NCAA record for per-game rushing yards. For shame!

      • rhywun

        The color commentator – seemed to be a local lad judging by the accent – was beside himself, amusingly.

    • C. Anacreon

      Only in this year could my alma mater Northwestern make it to the #8 ranking in the nation. But of course, that couldn’t last, just a few days on the top ten and then the unsurprising loss to a 1-3 Michigan State today. Sigh.

  17. The Other Kevin

    Mrs. TOK went Black Friday shopping. It was as quiet as it’s ever been. Nobody in the stores. Unfortunately that made it a lot easier to spend a gazillion dollars.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      I ended up in Fry’s picking up a chest freezer, and it was a ghost town. Deader than the middle of a weekday.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Supermarket was quiet last night. As is here tonight.

        Hope you enjoy your freezer! I lurve mine.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        We had one back in VA, but left it for the new owners. We used the heck out of it. Freezers are a necessary tool for bulk buying, IMO.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes, we got a ginormous new-to-us freezer when the panicdemic started, before the beef prices went up so we could fill it up, and we did, so we have two freezers.

      • Tulip

        I bought a very small one recently – it’s about the size of a dishwasher. I love it, it lets me bulk buy.

      • Mojeaux

        XX said Walmart was a madhouse yesterday and today. Husband said Sam’s Club and the other grocery store he went to today were madhouses.

      • Urthona

        I thought Frys was closing down.

    • rhywun

      So fucking tedious. But hey, who cares? FedGov is going to bail out all the dead busi— LOL almost got it out.

  18. kinnath

    Colorado governor and spouse test positive for Covid-19

    Colorado Democratic Gov. Jared Polis and his spouse have tested positive for Covid-19 and are both asymptomatic, according to a statement from the governor’s office.

    “This evening, Governor Polis and First Gentleman (Marlon) Reis learned that they have tested positive for COVID-19,” the statement reads.

    Dude tells everyone in the state to stay home; avoid family; and basically skip Thanskgiving.

    Dude then flys half way across the country to have Thanksgiving with family.

    Dude finally tests positive for Covid.

    I’d laugh, but it basically reinforces his original commandment unto the populace.

    • Urthona

      My grandmother tested positive for COVID today.

      She is 94.

      She’s been locked in a facility for 9 months.

      Not allowed to visit anyone

      She said she’d rather just die.

      Only exposed to workers.

      Still got COVID.

      Fuck this fucking bullshit. Fuck these people. .

      • slumbrew

        That’s terrible – so sorry to hear it.

      • rhywun

        Sorry 🙁

        I swear there is more to this we aren’t hearing.

        I spent 14 days in hospital this summer and haven’t caught so much as a sniffle.
        I have heard there is a blood-type correlation (yay me) and a racial(!) or just as likely regional(?) component (boo me). And who knows what else.

      • Mojeaux

        I’m so sorry.

    • pistoffnick

      Bah. I tested positive. I got it at work, despite the masks, despite the anti-viral foggers, despite the protocols.

      It was similar to a bad cold. IT IS NOTHING TO SHUT THE ECONOMY DOWN, IT IS ON PAR WITH A COLD OR THE FLU. Pure theater.

      99% survival rate. Go about your fucking business unless you are compromised. Even if you are compromised (like me, overweight, asthma)

      • Urthona

        They moved her to a hospital today and she is totally confused by this because she thinks she just has a cold.

        Naturally we are forbidden to visit.

        I am vaccinated btw. Was a phase 3 Pfizer trial recipient. they don’t care and i guess there’s no way to prove it.

    • Urthona

      I’m not complaining so much that she got it. Such is life. And death. But for 9 months she was locked down, isolated, and depressed. And she was never afraid of it. What was the point of all that?

      She’s a survivor and could well be just fine. Wouldn’t surprise me.

      • slumbrew

        Agreed – it’s the pointless isolation that makes that terrible news.

      • Urthona

        Yes. But it’s not just that. Despite all that, she still got it. As well as 10 others in her location.

        just. ridiculous.

        what a waste of time.

      • Gustave Lytton

        That what “protecting the vulnerable” looks like. Phony bullshit theatre that doesn’t really work in practice, other than causing real harm.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        +1 glass futures, -1 worsted wool

      • pistoffnick

        Virus gonna do what virii do.

      • C. Anacreon

        Sorry to hear, I hope she pulls through.

        My wife’s 85 y.o. mother is in a NY nursing home that Cuomo sent scores of covid patients into. Not long after that, she tested positive and was placed in isolation. Per NY state regs at the time this past summer, she was not allowed to be retested at the time despite being symptom free, nor allowed another test until 14 days later, when she tested negative. So she got moved back into her room.

        Then 14 days later, she again tested positive, again asymptomatic. Same cycle of isolation, again back in her room 14 days later after a negative test. Never had so much as a sniffle through the whole experience. And thankfully, only negative since.

        Sadly, she is pretty far into her Alzheimers, so she doesn’t remember any of it. Or maybe that’s not such a sad thing, at least she’s not feeling all the stress. Interestingly enough, since the dementia has progressed, she’s become a very happy, always smiling person who’s beloved by the staff; it’s quite the change from her last few years of clear cognitive skills before the nursing home, when she was bitter, distraught, often nasty and hateful to others.

        The human brain is such a mystery that we are a long, long way from understanding.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Sorry to hear about Gran. The seen and the unseen. And also sorry to mention Lockdown Sceptics so often, but they have good info and welcome all Anglophone reports. Not sure if registering is necessary but it seems more lax than, say, mid-teens TOS.

      Reposting “Puro Teatro” (@Nick), because I’m not in the greatest mood:

    • slumbrew

      That’s a crazy story. They’re going to try to make it work with someone who last played QB in college, I guess.

      • Brochettaward

        They have no choice. It’s retarded that the entire reason the NFL placed the QB’s on the covid list is because they didn’t wear masks while in the presence of Driskel. If they had worn them, the league would allow them to remain with the team.

      • rhywun

        Ridiculous theater. The camera was trained on that Lawrence kid all day today in SC and he wasn’t wearing a fucking mask when I was watching.

      • slumbrew

        Since he had the ‘vid, he’s presumably not at risk (at least for a while), nor can he infect others. But I doubt the mask mandates are that rational.

        You should get used to seeing him, after the Jets draft him and ruin his career.

      • rhywun

        You should get used to seeing him, after the Jets draft him and ruin his career.


        Poor bastard.

      • rhywun

        he had the ‘vid

        Oh, right. A miraculous survival!

      • rhywun

        White phone? *falls off chair*

        I’ve assumed the whole time that the season will end early. Another asterisk.

    • rhywun

      “There has been no evidence to suggest gatherings of residents protesting the brutal racist policies and systems that led to the death of George Floyd and so many others have contributed to disease transmission locally,” said Kate Yeiser

      The dispassionate science shines through. ?

      • hayeksplosives

        The fact that there’s no evidence that Covid can be transmitted by touching an inanimate object that a Covid infected person touched hasn’t stopped them from cancelling all kinds of other stuff.

        Can’t they at least admit it’s transmitted from infected person to non-infected person through breathing, as with colds? Covid is a virus; it doesn’t hibernate as a spore like some bacteria do.

      • Chafed

        “In Multnomah County, it is clear that the highest risk for COVID is close, prolonged contact with known individuals — usually family, friends, and co-workers,” Yeiser said.

        Clearly Portland needs to eliminate housing and work in order to contain the virus.

  19. gbob

    I think I might have smoked too much. I’m sure I have, after reading this tweet.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Large boulder the size of a small boulder?

      Hey, Hogarth line of beauty there.

  20. Toxteth O'Grady

    Zoom seems to hate me.

    • Chafed

      What did you do to it?

      • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

        She didn’t humiliate herself enough. Zoom seems to be laser focused on that. Howdy, Friends!

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Something like “You are the weakest link: goodbye”?

        I dunno, I am an ould Skype user (for now).

      • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

        That’s a good tune that I haven’t heard in over 30 years. Thank you!

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I understand they’re Canadian. And about to take hostages. 😉

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      “I know when I’ve been insulted!” /Lucy van Pelt

      ahem. Always nice to see you both.

      • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

        And you as well! Count your blessings 😉

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Hope you’re OK. Tu me fais rire quite reliably. I think the sassy robot would be a more apt avatar.

      • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

        Neighbors are doing the unthinkable. They are young folk partying with abandon. I wonder which Karen will report them? Good Heavens! Someone just yelled “Whoo-Hoo!” Pearls are clutched and storm shutters are clapt-to…

      • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

        In order to pass my advanced French class when I was sixteen we had a verbal exam in which we had to carry on a conversation with the teacher for 15 minutes. I had to look up that term. Mind you, I am sorta drunk but it seems that knowledge is a sausage processor. In one ear and out the other.

  21. Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

    Ugh. Tomorrow is going to be terrible and yet I just cracked another beer. Working amidst, around and among the breaks is infuriating. Poor old Festus is busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. Six more weeks. Timing is everything. When one section breaks you need to dive in and do the dervish. This is a two man job that doesn’t pay well enough but the clients lurve them some Festus. Oh how the mighty have fallen…

  22. Toxteth O'Grady

    Le pauvre F. Tu me fais, uh, m’inquieter?

    • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

      Festus is a custodian in postal plants. Huh. Can still read a little more French than what’s on the back of the cereal box.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        F, UOK? I would call you but J might not like that (she needn’t worry).

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I can post my phone number in Roman numerals if you like.

      • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

        I am fine and you’d best not do that because J would have my guts for garters. You can reach me at Festusbestus123@ the evil zone. IoBot is already aware and I really have no fear of doxxing, just a very possessive wifely unit.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Take 2g of tyrosine and report back.

      • Tres Cool

        I read ‘tyrosine’ as have some tranya

  23. Toxteth O'Grady

    I would at least text you (area code odd odd even?) if I could find it.

    • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

      Drop the capital “F”.

    • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

      (778) 675-0908. Actually needed to look that up. Text only if you contact me, please.

      • Festus' Mustache's tits keep calm and carry on.

        I mean to remain friends with you but that’s all, Tox. You’re a solid person and we can be better friends going forth but that’s all. I’d like to get to know you better.

      • Ted S.

        For some reason, the jingle is playing in my head.

      • Tres Cool
      • limey

        Ewww! Farmers are icky flyover bumpkin white supremacists!

        What time signature is this in?. It’s pretty avant garde.

        See how I went from criticising snotty progressive smears of lonely farmers to poking fun at one of them myself? Principles or something. At least I’m not smearing them all as racists just for being white. Go poke your hat, Seth McFarlane.

  24. limey

    Apologies for the diaper drugs deposit but what the heckin’ home-grabbers is goin’ orn here?

    “Sovereign citizens” ?

    *The Southern Poverty Law Center says…” ??

    What’s the FBI up to now? It sounds like every possible side of this is bad news, or perhaps a “nothingburger” if it’s just some crackpots bothering people with nonsense.

    “Moorish Sovereign Citizens” ???

    Right, so north African? Sounds like they have a solid claim on American land.

    Facts seem to be hard to come by so take it all with a spoonful of sodium chloride.

    • Ted S.

      I’m sorry, the card says “Moops”.

  25. Tres Cool

    Mornin’ ya’all

    • limey

      Morning, Tres. If

      • Tres Cool I went up the apple & pears to tell the trouble and strife that I was ‘eaded to the rub-a-dub for a pig’s ear wif me china plate.”

        Is that limey enough ?

      • limey

        Yes, although I am sans trouble, and soon to be sans apples.

      • limey

        I try swiping Tres, it autocorrects to Ted. Fuck you, Google keyboard. I do NOT want to wish Ted a good morning ?

        JK – good morning, Ted`S

      • Ted S.

        I’m surprised it doesn’t auto-correct to Trees.

        Good morning to Trees and my scurvied friend!

    • Sean


    • Tres Cool

      I suppose an argument could be made that “if they only had stayed home…”