GlibFit 4.0 – Coronavirus Edition XLV: Just Get It Done

by | Jan 24, 2021 | Fitness, GlibFit | 152 comments

The conference championships start in 5 minutes so a good number of you are approaching blackout drunk.  If that’s what it takes for you to skip the newly woke NFL, then good for you.  I applaud your blood alcohol content.

For everyone without double vision, let’s get down to business. Having finally gotten three straight weeks in at the gym, it was time for me to take the AthleanX 400 test again.  After months out of the gym, a sporadic return, and less than ideal conditions with the outdoor equipment, were my many excuses for either not testing or excusing a bad performance.  You might say, I wasn’t super optimistic how it would go.  I knew my fitness level was well off my prepandemic peak.

I warmed up and got my cranky ass in gear.  It kind of sucked.  But I embraced the suck.  It was cold, the ground wasn’t level, it was still dark out, etc.  It just didn’t matter.  I let it rip with what I had.  Whatever was going to happen, was going to happen.  I was out getting it done instead of staying home bitching.

My results were a mixed bag.  I did well enough to test out of the level and go on to the next one. But I’m going to repeat the level.  My conditioning is below what it should be, and my strength has taken a big step back due to the extended gym closure.

My time was minutes off my prepandemic performance.  I’m annoyed but I’ll get it back with some persistence and work. Onward and upward and all that.



Just like every other region in the US, California’s Covid numbers are following Farr’s Law.  I don’t know how Newsom will try claim he is responsible for the dropping numbers, but he will.  And he is going to have deal with some inconvenient facts.  Remember how Obama claimed he had the most transparent administration in history?  Newsom is giving him a run for the money.

Do any of you science types have any idea what percentage of the population has been infected by now?  The estimates I have read wildly vary.  I would think with various regions having gone up the bell curve of infections and down the backslope, those regions are approaching herd immunity.  I’m genuinely curious to know if that’s likely or just wishful thinking.

This week’s music link. I’ll bet it’s been a while since you heard this one… and you are wondering why you waited so long to listen to it again.

Last week’s super cuteness went over well, so have some more.

About The Author



I'm looking California but feeling Minnesota


  1. blackjack

    The herd is mostly immune from the truth out here in sunny socal.

  2. Playa Manhattan

    Stats for my area:

    Confirmed Cases (Change) Deaths (Change)
    United States (1) 24,512,618 (+188,772) 408,697 (+4,008)
    California (2) 3,062,068 (+23,024) 35,768 (+764)
    Los Angeles County (3) 1,054,802 (+9,277) 14,894 (+256)
    Manhattan Beach (4) 1,031 (+9) 9 (0)

    • Playa Manhattan

      Well that didn’t format very well.

      In any case, Los Angeles County is now past 10% of the total population in COVID infections.

      • Gender Traitor

        ::looks at numbers:: May I ask how you calculated that from these figures? Or is the 10% from other stats?

      • blackjack

        Toatl pop in L.A. county is around 10 mil. 1 Million cases is about 10 %, not considering the flase positives WHO warned us about as soon as the coast was clear, of course.

      • blackjack

        * false, dammit!

      • Don escaped Qanon

        go ahead and subtract median false positives: you’ve got a huge sample size

      • Playa Manhattan

        The false positives in LA are probably more than offset by the undocumented population not getting tested at all.

        My cleaning lady had it, her family had it, and everyone in their entire neighborhood had it over a period of 3-4 weeks. The only people who bothered to get tested were the ones who went to the ER.

        One thing I have to keep repeating to my rich, white, progressive doctor friends: hispanics never stopped working during the pandemic. There are some areas of LA that have already reached herd immunity, which means… COVID is far more prevalent than testing indicates, but also far less deadly. So, basically, the experts have everything wrong.

      • Chafed

        The myopia among the well educated, comfortable class is staggering.

      • Ted S.

        Myopia or mendacity?

      • Playa Manhattan

        I would argue that they’re not nearly as educated as they believe they are.

      • zwak

        Embrace the healing power of AND.

      • commodious spittoon

        So, basically, the experts have everything wrong.

        But… they’re experts. Reality is wrong, they have models proving it.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    According to my model, my model is correct.

    • hayeksplosives

      Pretty much this.

      Same old shit as Climate Change.

      All these “follow the SCIENCE!!” types need to brush up on the scientific method and the importance of being transparent with ones methods so that peers can replicate the results or poke holes in the reasoning if appropriate.

  4. hayeksplosives

    Farr’s law.

    Heh. I like it.

  5. Fourscore

    I’ve been doing the 4 mile walk nearly every morning. Trying to eat carefully but that’s just my opinion, man. Traded snow shoveling for the walk today. Finally seeing the bright sunlight and days a little longer. After about 3 months of grayish skies the sun really can change a man’s (woman’s) attitude. Bring on the Climate Change.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Do any of you science types have any idea what percentage of the population has been infected by now?

    I don’t think anybody does. And I certainly would not put my faith in estimates.

    • hayeksplosives

      What would I do with that information if I did have it?

      Nothing different. That’s what gets me. This virus gonna virus, and there is nothing I or anybody else can do aside from washing hands and not going to work if actively sneezing, coughing, etc.

      Fatal conceit of man thinking he can control what he cannot, yet again.

      • Don escaped Qanon

        virus gonna virus

        I’ve been saying that for a year
        when I pointed out that the curves could converge, I was told all the data was shit
        but the curves converged: they do give you an idea; they actually prove that virus gonna virus

      • Dr. Chipping Pioneer

        Curves converged!?

        Yo no comprende.

      • Don escaped Qanon

        for states or countries, look at total deaths per capita

        regardless of how early the onset of their event, regardless of what laws they have enforced, the totals have moved into a fairly narrow band

        there are a few weird exceptions that are worth talking about if your jurisdiction can turn itself into a small Pacific island, but, other than the, the human experience is, largely, . . . . human

        I apologize for my short characterization; I didn’t want to seem to lecture

        anglo to anglo: comprendo, ci? yo comprendo; tu comprende? mein Espanol ist nicht sehr gut

      • Dr. Chipping Pioneer


      • BakedPenguin

        Я не понимаю

      • Chafed

        You may not do anything with it but it would inform public debate. It might also be evidence in the various Covid lawsuits against Newsom and Garcetti.

        Unrelated, kudos on your avatar. The reason is sad but the tribute is nice.

      • hayeksplosives

        I don’t trust the judges to allow any lawsuits to get meaningfully along the way to real discovery.

        And thanks on the Avatar. For a “celebrity death” this one is uniquely painful.

  7. Spudalicious

    I’m finally working out again, albeit minimally. I am walking quite a bit. My weight has settled at 210, down from 230. I’d like to drop another ten, but I can’t complain.

    • hayeksplosives


      It’s amazing how every few pounds gone make the joints feel soooo much better.

    • Chafed

      Good work Spud.

  8. hayeksplosives

    My hubby lost a bit of weight when he was ill a couple of weeks ago, and it has inspired him to keep at it (healthily now).

    It’s nice to have us both dieting. Unfortunately we have very different dietary needs, per our doctors. Makes meal planning challenging, but we are muddling through it.

    • Spudalicious

      At least you’re doing it together.

      • hayeksplosives

        Yup. It’s tougher for him because he is trying to be low carb, but sometimes I have bread around.

        I try to make up for it by making him some low carb nut-crust cheesecake some times.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    All these “follow the SCIENCE!!” types need to brush up on the scientific method and the importance of being transparent with ones methods so that peers can replicate the results or poke holes in the reasoning if appropriate.

    I would love to see somebody, somewhere, drag their local health experts into discovery and force them to produce the actual data and research (if any) underlying their restrictions. If hearsay is inadmissible, how in Hell could they not get kicked out of court when they puke up a batch of slipshod models based on sloppy guesswork and assumed conclusions?

    • hayeksplosives

      The closest analog I can think of now is Mark Steyn in the DC court, where Mark is the defendant in a libel/slander lawsuit.

      Michael Mann (climate change fraudster) is suing Steyn because Steyn called him a fraud in a newspaper column. Steyn has mounted a mighty defense that will utterly shred Mann’s case. Mann knows this and so does the corrupt DC court system, so they have stalled and stalled for nearly 10 years now.

      The process (and delay thereof) is the punishment.

      I see no reason to expect a different outcome in a Covid fraud lawsuit.

      (Link to Steyn’s sad story:

      • BakedPenguin

        Michael Mann (climate change fraudster) is suing Steyn because Steyn called him a fraud

        God, if there’s a person who deserves getting called a fraud more than Mann, I haven’t heard of them. Fucking scumbag.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Fatal conceit of man thinking he can control what he cannot, yet again.

    “We’re gonna put Death out of business!”

    What a bunch of delusional megalomaniacs.

    • Dr. Chipping Pioneer

      Not just that.

      “Were going to prevent old and sick people from dying!”

  11. Nephilium

    Trend line is still pointing down, weekly average weight is down, and new lows set each week. Next weekend will probably reverse that for a couple of days.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Dragging your local health authority into court requires a judge who won’t just summarily decide in their favor.

    • Dr. Chipping Pioneer

      I think that the strategy is to publicly call them a fraud and make them come after you.

    • Chafed

      There have been trial court victories. Unfortunately, appellate courts haven’t been so kind. These lawsuits have Constitutional issues. My guess is some small number make it to the US Supreme Court. I’m cautiously optimistic the current SC will take a dim view of many of the arbitrary measures.

  13. DEG

    I did well enough to test out of the level and go on to the next one.

    This is good.


    I’m at 278.8 lbs and 27.6% bodyfat. That is a loss of both fat and lean mass. I suspect/hope/want the lean mass is water as my lifts improved last week.

    • Chafed


  14. Gender Traitor

    Certain…distractions have put me off my fitness routine since before Christmas, but now that Tom T. is cleared to drive again, he’s talking about heading back to the Y as part of his physical therapy, so I guess I should do likewise.

    • Gender Traitor

      Also going to get back to high protein/low carb breakfasts. I’ve been indulging in Pop Tarts too often lately.

      • hayeksplosives

        Great to hear Mr T is getting back to “normal.” That was scary.

        Sometimes you gotta go with convenience food or comfort food.

        When I indulge in a craving or convenience cheat, I don’t berate myself about it. I just get back on the wagon and keep going.

        I used to avoid the scale when I knew it was probably ticking up. Now I weigh, record it, and don’t hang up about it.

      • BakedPenguin

        Hi-x: yeah, I’m not a fan of sweets. but damn I love a Cuban (sandwich) Garbage bread, but so so tasty.

      • Gender Traitor

        Thanks! That “adventure,” combined with my always-most-stressful month at work, sapped all my GlibFit motivation, but the worst is over, so I’m ready to get back at it.

    • DEG

      Tom T. is cleared to drive again,


    • Mojeaux

      I think I owe you an email.

      Great news with TT!

      • Gender Traitor

        Thanks! I’m always delighted to hear from you! : )

  15. IRBE

    Thanks for this sedition and greetings from NOCal. Weather here is rain…we need it!. Did a shorty today. Didn’t want to get wet.

    G-fit update: I sux! Sleep was OK. Ate too many carbs. Drank on inauguration day and went back to observance of cocktail hour on the weekend. Reduced hike mileage to 30 miles this week. Wim Hoff/meditative “ancient man” techniques, missed a couple of days. Gained 2 pounds and am outside weight range. Did some HIIT, running hills and stairs, but spark was not there. Started back at some archery practice. Really inconsistent missing left and right.

    Third “Meatless Monday” included pull pork sandwiches. They were great…but set the tone for a week that made me weak.

    As I like to say..”I gotta get motivated!” which is actually 3 steps away from actually doing something. Ha! Anyway the struggle is real and tomorrow is the start of another week.

    De todos modos, ¡tenga una gran semana y sáltese una comida o tres!

    • Don escaped Qanon

      Weather here is rain

      Trashy wins the Glibs Weatherthon for Monday

      > worst: BOS
      > median: SFO
      > best: DFW

      psychrometric chart

      honorable mention to DAY for being as shitty as LHR without an act of parliament (scores not corrected for tornadoes/hurricanes/wildfire/drought/beer)

      • Gender Traitor

        honorable mention to DAY

        It’s an honor just to be nominated.

      • Don escaped Qanon

        I feel so bad for the midwest; I worked automotive half my life: offices in DTW and winter testing in MN

        but, tomorrow, you get to go to London without even putting on your mask and flying to the UK

        oh: apologies to anyone I inadvertently omitted

      • dbleagle

        HNL weather gets no love?

      • Don escaped Qanon

        forgot you were out there: apologies

        like SAN and LAX, I don’t call what happens there weather . . . . just is, and it’s great every day so we don’t want to ignore what a fine day they will be having on the southern plains tomorrow

        also, HI is probably like the PNW: every elevation gets its own forecast

  16. Ted S.

    Amazingly the dog and I ran into a pair of mountain bikers on our walk yesterday.

    Out for an hour this morning with the dog and got home to check the thermometer, which read a brisk 22F. The wind was worse yesterday, but it didn’t seem to faze the dog one bit.

    • limey

      Amazingly the dog and I ran into a pair of mountain bikers on our walk yesterday.

      Good grief, I hope noone was hurt.

      • Ted S.

        The other interesting thing is that this time the dog didn’t want to follow after the bikers. There’s no rhyme or reason to whether he wants to run away from them or chase after them.

      • limey

        If I was a dog (I am not) I think I would base the decision largely on whether or not said bikers had tasty treats.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    One thing I have to keep repeating to my rich, white, progressive doctor friends: hispanics never stopped working during the pandemic. There are some areas of LA that have already reached herd immunity, which means… COVID is far more prevalent that testing indicates, but also far less deadly. So, basically, the experts have everything wrong.

    Reaction shot


  18. trshmnstr the terrible

    Flat week this week. 292 on the scale this morning, down 8lbs since three Mondays ago and within a rounding error of what I measured last Monday. The weekend has been a bit loosey goosey, but pizza night and pancakes the next morning is the extent of it. Too much snacking here and there this week, which is the biggest thing I’m focused on cleaning up next week. I’m trying to allow myself one snack per day, either an apple or a banana.

    My other goal is being more consistent about exercise. 45 min per day, 6 days per week. I only did 3 days this week.

    • Chafed

      It sounds like you are moving in the right direction.

    • DEG

      Down 8 lbs is good.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I assume a paywall.

      “Scarlett, you’re throwing away happiness with both hands.”

    • limey

      “We bring this to your attention, so that we may be held accountable for our actions and, in our privileges, do and be better.”

      That isn’t good enough. They should immediately surrender all privelege and material wealth to oppressed BAME Peoples to be redistributed for glorious racial and economic Justice.

  19. Fourscore

    Thanks Chafed, for the weekly reminder of what we should be doing. I’m actually getting restless to get out in the woods and cut a little firewood but right now talk is cheap. I’ll wait ’til April and see if I’m as gung ho when push = shove. My opinion may very. I’m flexible when it comes to actual work.

  20. IRBE

    Re; Herd immunity. I don’t think it is applicable for this virus. It originated as a lab super-virus that seems to infect and reassort (change) itself more efficiently than wild type virus. I think this virus and progeny will change faster than our collective immune systems will adapt. From scientific literature circa 1960’s, corona virus are most prevalent in Northern hemisphere in Dec, Jan, and Feb when it begins to ebb into March. I think we will see that happen repeatedly. We will just have to give it the same deference as the flu.

    • Chafed

      Is there anything you can cite IRBE? I know flu is a constantly mutating Coronavirus. It’s generally not a population wide killer. I feel like I’m missing an important piece of information or analysis.

      • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

        Influenza is not a coronavirus, it’s an orthomyxovirus. Coronavirii are estimated to be responsible for about 20% of the infections we collectively refer to as “the common cold.”

      • Chafed


      • IRBE

        Flu is caused by a different virus (orthomyxoviridae family) while Covid-19 comes from the coronaviridae taxonomic family. They are both RNA virus but they are different from one another.

        I am no expert virologist. I’ve worked on flu vaccines, subunit vaccines and have done viral clearance studies on drug products.

      • Chafed

        Thanks. So what is it about coronavirii that makes herd immunity impossible?

      • IRBE

        Assuming herd immunity means that enough people are exposed to a particular virus and do not get sick and the virus can not replicate to be transmitted any further, I guess it is possible. But I think that is too simplistic and is not reasonably dynamic.

        We don’t know enough about general virus transmission/immunity/genetic variability (virus/human) to say herd immunity is applicable for this virus or the flu. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have a need for annual flu vaccines for different strains.

      • Chafed

        Got it. Thanks.

  21. UnCivilServant

    Glibfit day? 🙁

    I just managed my personal best at recreating my family’s baked mac and cheese recipe. The only healthy thing about it is the fact that I’ve baked it in small pans and can put two thirds in the fridge without effort.

    The cheese sauce looked perfect pouring into the pans. But I think I sabotaged myself from the word go because I used American cheese. (I didn’t have any other cheese on hand)

  22. westernsloper

    Do any of you science types have any idea what percentage of the population has been infected by now?

    I am by no means a science type but anyone using the current data would be dishonest in any projection without stating the numbers are complete and utter horse shit and we have no idea how many people have had this because the testing has been complete and utter horse shit unless all the labs release a ct value for each test. The only place that is happening that I am aware of is FL where it became law. Score another one for DeSantis.

    As to Glib fit, every week I have to tighten my belt more.

    • Dr. Chipping Pioneer


      Related: anyone have any tips for adding new holes to a belt? I assume that real leather worker people do this with a punch, but I don’t have one at home. I’ve used a drill in the past, but it doesn’t turn out as nice.

      • westernsloper

        I wear one of these. No holes needed. I judge my portliness by how long the belt tail is.

      • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

        I have several “speedbelts” which use a woven synthetic material and a structural plastic clip (probably Nylon 66) that snaps down tightly on the material to wedge it in place, and is infinitely adjustable. My favourite belts, although they’re not “fancy” for dressing up (which I haven’t done since before the WuFlu).

      • westernsloper

        The webbing belts with plastic clips or other fasteners where the only ones I wore back in the day. At some point they all became too short. I think it is the dry climate here that made them shrink.

      • rhywun

        Ooo good idea.

      • Jerms

        Ive had success using a hammer and nail outside on the lawn.

      • mrfamous

        You don’t. You remove the buckle and trim from the other end, and then re-attach the buckle.

    • DEG

      As to Glib fit, every week I have to tighten my belt more.


    • limey

      I laughed felt bad about it.

    • Chafed

      It’s a shame history isn’t taught in school.

      • Don escaped Qanon

        I had maybe three history courses in my K-12 and don’t recall learning anything other than the Taft Act. I went to a killer school system, but they never outran the TedS Method: just keep thumbing through things that interest you in the World Book.

        I took a half year of contemporary issues during Teheran and learned the five obligations of Islam. At 14, that was news to me.

        Otherwise all my learning was math and science.

      • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

        Yeah, I didn’t really start learning history seriously until Uni. Prior to that, it was part of “Social Studies” in high school (SocStud 10/20/30 in grades 10 through 12), and mostly focused (badly) on Canadian history, with some U.S. and western European stuff thrown in for, I think, a week or thereabouts.

        Utterly inadequate, but so was almost everything I was taught in high school. God, was I bored.

    • rhywun

      I’ll be honest (I think)… If I were a kid in this environment, I’d rather learn over Zoom than in school if that means I’m encased in plastic and wearing a face diaper all day.

      IOW… I want the real normal back – not this half-assed “stay safe” bullshit not-normal.

      • DEG

        I want the real normal back


      • Ownbestenemy

        My kids were all for it until half-way through this year and the end of the year last year they realize their teachers just do not care, except maybe one or two. That rubs off. Even as a parent that says you have to adapt and drive through it, they see the effort that the teachers are putting in is about 5 hours a week. So they say, I will put in 5 hours a week too.

      • rhywun

        I was a very self-motivated student so yeah, it doesn’t work for everyone.

    • hayeksplosives

      Can we quit pretending that Teachers and Healthcare Workers are automatically qualified for sainthood?

  23. Old Man With Candy

    Every time I walked out of the house today to go hiking, the rain started coming down hard. I’d go back inside, rain would stop. Rinse, repeat. So it was a bad day for exercise.

    The sun just came out to mock me. Fucking antisemitic sun.

    • Don escaped Qanon

      NM? AR? I forget

      • robc

        You are confusing New Mexico and Arkansas? No one has ever done that.

      • Don escaped Qanon

        I can almost see AR from my front porch (long story)

        yeah: AZ; I can’t keep up with everything, but I remember maybe the Chicago diaspora . . . maybe? I’m kinda like Suthen in that I like or dislike this post or that post, but I can’t really keep the whole pineapple/deepdish spreadsheet perfectly updated

        for those scoring at home and this Christmas, I fit either .45ACP or .357mag

        long story: if I walk across my island to where the Wolf River pours in (we’re on the east/lagoon side), I can see across the Mississippi, but the huge island directly opposite is also TN in one of those river-wandering dealies . . . but if I look south-west, I can see around that island to AR

      • robc

        You live in the Pyramid bass pro shop?

      • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

        Shopping would be convenient.

      • Don escaped Qanon

        you could set your missiles for the Pyramid to get the job done; good enough for B17 or B52 work; we’re way north on the island, maybe four houses from the top/levee

        Neph had dinner with NewWife and me in the top of that pig once; maybe he had the elk burger?

        I helped build it . . . circa 1990, maybe 91, way before the decades in the desert

        The city taxed me to build it, taxed me to replace it, and taxed me to fix it up for ProBass: it is the mother of all boondoggles and dry fucks

      • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

        Probably means AZ (which, IIRC, is correct).

    • Ted S.

      Eh, learn to hike in the rain.

      • Don escaped Qanon

        I end up just walking in a tee-shirt; if I wear a shell, I get so hot inside that I fill the thing up with sweat; either way, I’m soaked

  24. Jerms

    Im doing what i do every week. 1 1/2-2 hours in the gym every day—even Saturday this week. Very clean eatingonly to take two steps back by eating like an animal on the weekend. Just cant seem to make it 7 days straight.

    • westernsloper

      Damn. That is a nice long gym session.

  25. rhywun

    The Super Bowl is in fucking Tampa? Oh fuck me.

    • Ted S.

      They don’t call defensive holding or PI all game until the final drive….

      • juris imprudent

        The officiating sucked all game, so why not? Seriously, could that game have been called any worse?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I mean, you have to throw a flag on that one.

        Green Bay fucked up when they kicked the field goal.

      • dbleagle

        Yep. Thinking you’ll get the ball back with two minutes to go against Brady is a suckers bet.

        Plus why did they not play prevent with 0:06 on the clock in the first half? You know what Bruce A and Brady will do, and they successfully did it.

      • Ted S.

        Because Kevin King and Pettine are idiots.

  26. Aloysious

    In the ongoing effort to eat healthy, I added bran flakes to my home made multi grain bread.

    Results were acceptably delicious. Do recommend.

  27. Mojeaux

    @Rhy, in the spirit of good sportsmanship, I wish you good luck.

    Just … not enough.

    • Don escaped Qanon

      I’m not a pro ball guy, but give me the outlaws, so I’ll go with the AFL team every time in the Big One

      Completion to Beasley: went to SMU. So did Lamar Hunt, from Arkansas, not Arizona.

    • rhywun

      Same to you.

      TBH, I think your guys probably have a better shot against The Tom Brady Football Team, so at least there’s that.

  28. Certified Public Asshat

    I won’t link to it, but the uighur labor camps are the result of unfettered capitalism.

  29. Trigger Hippie

    “Bills remain in the locker room for the national anthem, as they have done all season.”



    • hayeksplosives

      I wish I hadn’t read that.

      I was ready to cheer on the Bills, but screw that virtue signalling shit.

      • rhywun

        I choose to read it as avoiding the whole stupid nontroversy.

    • Ted S.

      I’ve long said that they shouldn’t play the national anthem before sporting events, and the lefties on the Packers board where I post roundly criticized me for it, questioning my patriotism.

      And then Colin Kaepernick came along and they all thought protesting the anthem was virtuous and that they were in the lead on this all along.

      It’s a lot like protesting police misconduct. I remember during Boston Weak posting about how the only place to stay open during cower in place was Dunkin’ Donuts, and taking so much flak for that. Fast forward to George Floyd, and they all thought they were ahead of everybody else on protesting the police. (Of course, they still want the large state that needs some sort of enforcers.)

      • Trigger Hippie

        On a philosophical level, I agree. On a Chiefs Fan Looking for any Reason to Shit on the Bills, I say: Poo on you, my friend. 🙂

    • Mojeaux



      • Ted S.

        I didn’t think there was any more football until September.

      • Mojeaux

        I snickered.

      • Trigger Hippie

        We got em right where we want em. 😉

    • BakedPenguin

      Ugh. Go fuck yourselves, Bills And I hate the Chiefs.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Now THAT’S a true fan!


  30. westernsloper

    Question for you keto followers. (or any nutritionists or Docs in the crowd) Is beans and rice, since it is a complete protein, an acceptable keto meal?

    • Mojeaux

      No. Paleo (keto’s older sister) and to some extent plain ol’ low carb, says if it has to be cooked to be consumed, it isn’t paleo. Keto might have different rules.

      • westernsloper

        I did Paleo back in the day and I have no recollection of that rule.

      • hayeksplosives

        Does seem strange. As soon as man had fire, he could cook.

        I reckon the first time a human was around when a buffalo got hit by lightning, he sniffed the aroma of burning flesh, and a beautiful passion for grilling was formed.

      • rhywun

        I thought paleo had lots of meat.

        To be fair, I’m completely ignorant of all this stuff. I eat what I want.

      • Mojeaux

        You can eat meat without cooking it.

      • rhywun


        Being a cave man must have sucked.

      • BakedPenguin

        What? They had fire

      • Mojeaux


        You can’t digest grains or legumes without quite a bit of processing.

    • hayeksplosives

      Brown rice is better on the glycemic index measure than white, and more nutrient rich.

      I like brown Basmati rice. Uncle Ben’s even has it, so you might be able to find it. 1:1 rice to water ratio for cooking.

  31. robc

    I knew there was a possible downside to singing modified lyrics to 80s classics to my daughter. One day, she is going to discover that Europe didnt write ” The Final Rinse Down”. But, I didnt expect to hear my 5 year old spontaneously start singing, ” My girl likes to be silly all the time, silly all the time, silly all the ti-ime”.