Tuesday morning links of substitution

by | Jan 19, 2021 | Daily Links | 562 comments

Good Morning!


Well. Here we are. Tuesday morning, and you poor folks are up and about. Well, let’s see if we can find something interesting to read and snark about.


And now some active duty military added to the mix. Nothing says “democracy” like razor wire and 25,000 troops for an American Presidential Inauguration. Welcome to a show of force from our new masters.


Wait…whut…? I’m confused. A year ago, Trump was the devil incarnate for implementing them in the first place.


Bweep, bweep, bweep. I still like the pillow though.


At least American entrepreneurship isn’t completely dead.


He taint talking about vitamin D deficiency. We’ll see what impact he has.


“Bitch, I’m fucking out of here.”


Okay, this one really hurt me right in my brain. Seriously, I feel like I have a concussion.


All right, that’s enough stupid insanity for this morning. Have a great day, Glibs!

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. AlexinCT

    That lady in the pic needs to be wearing only that smile to make that good morning wish rock…

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      She’s purty.

      • db

        Eliza Dushku is definitely hot

      • Rebel Scum

        Haven’t seen her in anything for awhile.

      • AlexinCT

        Probably because she doesn’t look like that anymore…

      • Breet Pharara

        She was in the Netflix remake of The Saint. For a woman her age, I’d wager 99% of Glibs give her a WOULD.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Vegan Bernie Sanders support. Proceed with caution.

      • Idle Hands

        You just described the most rational wing of the democratic party as a negative.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • Certified Public Asshat

        The most rational wing of the democratic party is still a negative.

      • Sean

        Haven’t seen her in anything for awhile.

        Could this be why?

        9.5m, not 95m

      • Festus

        Huh. Who knew that slow-footed jokes would lead to a backlash? Yeah, I don’t want to fuck her no more.

      • mrfamous

        Weatherly is famous for working extemporaneously in order to try and get a laugh. The $9.5 million dollar joke was apparently Wetaherly referring to a windowless van they were using in a scene as a “rape van.” This offended Dushku’s sensibilities.

        To their credit, many actresses Weatherly worked with in the past immediately rushed to his defense, and in a very convincing way. If you’re shtick is the perpetual frat boy with Peter Pan syndrome, off color jokes are part of the jod description.

      • creech

        Where’s all the tats? Or was she going for the “wholesome” look?

      • Trigger Hippie

        Eliza Dushku. She’s one of the few celebrities I’ve seen in real life. Early 00’s, at an airport.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        My only acting celebrities, as far as I can remember, I’ve met are Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas.

        I was in 3rd grade on a boys scout outing in downtown Miami at Government Center (a metro rail station) while they were filming an episode of Miami Vice

      • Festus

        So you all got some free “samples” from “craft services”? I kid. My only brush with greatness was cooking a cheeseburger for Peter Fonda. I’ve told the story before but he seemed to like it. Tipped the waitress 20 bucks which was about four times what the burger cost.

  2. UnCivilServant

    I’m not expecting Spud in the morning.

    • Fourscore

      I really like “Spud in the Morning”

      Great opening, Spud, already feel like a Onescore, hope it lasts.

      • Bobarian LMD

        “Spud in the Morning” == Hash browns.

  3. robodruid

    Good Morning Banjos….

  4. Rebel Scum

    Good Morning!

    Morning wood, apparently. ///would

  5. blackjack

    Now, you’ve done it. You woke up the little green man in my head.

    • db

      No, that was just the rat under your bed.

  6. Swiss Servator

    Good Morning. Tuesday Morning.

    *stares without blinking*

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      *stares back, starts giggling*

    • Rebel Scum

      *narrows gaze*

    • bacon-magic

      *thousand yard stare*

    • Rat on a train

      *stare decisis*

    • Jarflax

      Hey, it is the last full day before the Biden Harris Kerensky Lenin administration begins, If you can’t enjoy today it ain’t gonna get better from here.

  7. Rebel Scum

    Pentagon deploys hundreds of active-duty troops for inauguration security

    People who believe they won legitimately do not behave like this.

    • AlexinCT

      Those troops are all standing there with weapons without ammo from what I am hearing, because the new democrat administration wants the FBI to give them all “loyalty tests” before they are issued ammo….

      • Sean

        Supposedly, they are actively spying on them and sifting through their social media. Totally normal.

      • AlexinCT

        I keep getting told that the people that are fucking nuts are the ones that point out the behavior of the mandarinate class – silencing anyone and anything questioning the election results after 4 years of claiming $100K by some facecunte Russian bots stole the election for Trump, wanting public executions after 7 months of justifying riots and looting that caused over $2 billion in damages, close to 50 deaths, and a complete collapse of policing in big liberal controlled cities which included bailing out the criminals doing the damage every day so they could go back to business, and suddenly acting as if they don’t punish Trump and his people, democracy will die – and not the mandarinate class that seems to have taken the worst parts of every dystopian novel or death dealing governments of the 20th century, and made them SOP.

      • Rebel Scum

        I’m old enough to remember that it was a bad thing when Trump expected loyalty from his cabinet.

      • Idle Hands

        I believe its something they said only the mob does.


        If that was Fredo the Younger, I would be quite amused.

      • Idle Hands

        harsh language seems to be all it takes to be accused of committing murder these days anyway.

      • Psycho Effer

        It’s actually an M-16 giveaway program.

      • Drake

        No way are most them getting any ammo. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are using a metal detectors to make sure they aren’t bringing any of their own ammo with them.

        In the National Guard they once asked us for volunteers willing to spend a few months patrolling the border. A bunch of us, including me, volunteered. Then they told us no weapons or ammo, and we all un-volunteered.


        Saddam didn’t let his body guards have ammo either.

      • tripacer

        I may have been on the same mission. We didn’t have any weapons at first, but a couple months in, they decided they could get around Posse Comitatus by flying us to Montana, and making the Customs-assigned people customs agents. The INS-assigned people were sworn in as US Marshals.

      • Drake

        How have we tied ourselves in such knots that you need a work-around in order to use the Army to guard our national border?

      • tripacer

        I don’t know. I don’t know why The Feds Mob’d us under Title 10, rather than just having the states mob under Title 32 and compensate them. That’s what they did for Operation Jumpstart in 2007, and it wasn’t even our states’s border that we were guarding.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Ask Esequiel Hernandez.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    We can ban Death, if we just wish hard enough

    Meanwhile, Gavin Yamey, a professor of global health and public policy at Duke, urges people to wear N95 high-filtration masks under cloth masks.

    Who decided that we should aim for a risk-free society? If two masks are better than one, why not three, four or five? Why not eight? For that matter, why don’t we reduce speed limits everywhere to 10 miles per hour indefinitely, a move that would dramatically reduce car accidents

    Some experts seem almost spiritually invested in forestalling a return to normalcy. So does the incoming Biden administration.

    President-elect Joe Biden nominated Andy Slavitt as a senior adviser to his COVID-response team. Slavitt, who served as administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the last two years of the Obama administration, is notorious on Twitter for his extensive threads invariably pushing longer, harsher lockdowns.

    As late as a few weeks ago, Slavitt was urging even less interaction for kids: “We should be more careful with kids. They should circulate less or will become vectors. Like mosquitos carrying a tropical disease. Of course, they can become sick themselves this way. I’m not sure what I would say about schools besides wishing Trump had built testing up.”


    Hysteria is hard to fight, and the virus has exposed how it especially grips the intelligent and ­educated. We have to find a saner path forward; speculating that nothing will ever go back to normal is going to break people. These doom-mongering predictions need to be countered, before they become accepted wisdom.

    We’re nearly over the hill. It’s time to turn down the volume on the voices who insist we never get over it.

    No risk is too small to justify a massive government overreaction.

    • Sean

      Kids are the worst.

      • Ted S.

        Worse than Nicole?

      • Idle Hands

        noone is worse than Nicole.

      • juris imprudent

        Only because Nicole didn’t have kids.

    • Idle Hands

      Andy Slavitt needs to be jettisoned to mars.

    • EvilSheldon

      That would be the UNintelligent and educated.

      A big part of our cultural problem is our obsession with educating people beyond their intellect.

      • juris imprudent

        The Culture of Narcissism has quite a bit to say about the dilution of what was once elite education for the benefit of the masses.

      • Suthenboy

        bertrand russel called that ‘learned ignorance’

    • zwak

      Why the ever-loving fuck would you wear a cloth mask over an N95? That makes zero sense.

      Seriously, how stupid can you be?

    • Ownbestenemy

      “wishing Trump had built testing up” Is there anyone in the past 6 months that still can’t get tested?

  9. robodruid

    In all seriousness there were a lot of comments in the last post expressing concern about where we are going and the effects on our children. I tend to think we are not concerned enough. Its why I sincerely believe we should move out of the cities. If we go all central america in the next 20 years it might make a difference.

    • Sean

      Central America is coming to us. No need to expend any effort on our part.

    • AlexinCT

      They have plans to deal with that maneuver by the serfs. My state has already introduced a tax on the people not living in the cities to keep money flowing to the corruptocrat class that has been destroying the cities. It will be business as usual, because they will make sure fleeing the cities will still result in money coming to them to be pissed away.

      • robodruid

        Its more than taxes. Where are the future BLM’s riots be? In the big cites, in the smaller cities… Not so much in the non-city areas.
        Where are you more likely to be left alone?

      • AlexinCT

        The mandarinate will have special busing projects to get these people where they can have the most impact…. They already bailed them out every night for months at an end. What makes you believe they wouldn’t use donor or tax payer money to increase the amount of support they give these people?

      • robodruid

        I am not necessarily worried about support. I am more interested in minimizing my interactions with rioters and government burracy. I would think its easier to do that in an area with a small population.

      • Plinker762

        Small population doesn’t guarantee lack of corrupt or busy body government.

      • AlexinCT


      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        No, but it probably means that AR15 ownership per capita is really high.

      • Agent Cooper

        “Small population doesn’t guarantee lack of corrupt or busy body government.”

        Slightly increases accountability though, when there are only so many authoritarians to go around. You know who is fucking with you.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The black market is already making a comeback. Expect more of it going forward from here.

      • robodruid

        Black market meat. sigh.

      • Pope Jimbo

        You don’t like ham hocks and chitlins?

        * One of my favorite dining experiences ever was and All Chitlin Buffet that I ate at in Camden, TN. I was blasted drunk from a day of fishing and laughed my ass off the whole time I sat there eating chitlins.

      • juris imprudent

        So what’s your exit plan? Or are you just going to sit there and let them do what they want to you?

      • robodruid

        Mine? Live where its less likely to riot. Grow more food. Try to figure a side hustle where i can “play the game” Try to teach my kids some independence skills. Stay off facebook.

      • AlexinCT

        I live in a rural small town (well, used to be, now the population which had been around 2K when I moved in almost 25 years ago, has broken 8K, it doesn’t feel that small anymore). The closest “city” to me is 18 miles away. I also live in one of the most sparsely populated part of that town. By the time they get to me, I will have had plenty of time to get ready to greet them (and my neighbors all are going to be doing the same).

        My point was that moving out of the cities will not result in them atrophying as so many have predicted, because the crooks that run them already have started instituting ways to fleece those that flee (and avoided cities from the get-go like I did) already. This year “The People’s Republic of Connecticut” started taking more money out of my paycheck so they could force those of us that have left the cities or neve even lived there subsidize the failed and corrupt governments of those cities that through their mismanagement turned them into hellholes. You think people that are already making sure their racket survives the flight will not find a way to “encourage” political agitators to go hit the suburbs too?

      • juris imprudent

        So you will stay and pay rather than get the hell out? I’m reminded of Thoreau at the moment.

      • robodruid

        Even the suburbs are in peril.
        If you can, move out of the “blue states”.
        I am not saying we can stop it, just trying to lessen the impacts on the individual.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        My state has already introduced a tax on the people not living in the cities to keep money flowing to the corruptocrat class that has been destroying the cities.

        I feel like Animal’s great article about prepping should be extended into a series focused on how to best prepare for the coming government-induced societal decline. I’ll volunteer to write an episode or three of that series.

        Long series short, I think it comes down to three things.
        1) don’t make yourself a target.
        2) set yourself up to be self sufficient
        3) restructure so that a large portion of your assets are untraceable

        In the face of inflation, you buy. In the face of societal upheaval, you buy things that will be helpful if the power goes out, if crime spike, and if the food supply is interrupted.

      • Animal

        I feel like Animal’s great article about prepping should be extended into a series focused on how to best prepare for the coming government-induced societal decline. I’ll volunteer to write an episode or three of that series.

        Seems like a good idea to me.

      • Jerryskids

        Seems to me all the people fleeing the big cities are already prepping, although they don’t know it and wouldn’t admit it, even to themselves, if you were to point out to them that that’s what they’re doing. But ask them why they’re fleeing the big cities. Crime? Corrupt government limiting your freedom? High taxes? Realizing the police can’t protect you? Feeling a little uneasy about what may be coming and wanting to keep your options open? You’re preparing.

  10. Rebel Scum

    Trump was the devil incarnate for implementing them in the first place.

    Only when it was Biden’s Chinese friends.

  11. Swiss Servator

    “Okay, this one really hurt me right in my brain. Seriously, I feel like I have a concussion.”

    The type of lazy article I despise. “Imma gather a bunch of Tweets from other media figures… There, all done!”

    • AlexinCT

      Are there any sort of other articles coming out of the dnc propagandists these days? It is all real lazy thinking and nuttery of the highest order from people that claim to be smart/educated, intellectually superior to us sister-fucking trailer park trash, and value science (as long as it isn’t science about economics, energy needs, or anything actually relevant).

      • Swiss Servator

        I was referring to the critique article Spud linked.

    • juris imprudent

      I’m reading The Madness of Crowds right now, and it is extremely good at getting into both the how and the why of this.

      • Idle Hands

        That and the true believer really are the best reads for the time we are in. And having reread both this year fuck 1984, Huxley was far far more on the nose.

      • juris imprudent

        I’d add The Culture of Narcissism – which really deals with the long term aspects of how things came apart (or at the time it was written, were on the verge of doing so).

      • Rufus the Monocled

        Looked up the book. Intro by E.J. Dionne?

      • Not Adahn

        An expert on narcissism, to be sure,

      • juris imprudent

        Not in my edition, but that is old. Author is Christopher Lasch, and even if Dionne did write a blurb, don’t be put off by that.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    People who believe they won legitimately do not behave like this.

    People who believe their authority is derived from the consent of the governed do not behave like this.

    • Sean

      Why not both?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


  13. Rebel Scum

    “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as first lady of the United States,” Trump said in the video message. “I have been inspired by incredible Americans across our country who lift up our communities through their kindness and courage, goodness and grace.”

    Rid us of this nazi-lover. (and show us your tits)

  14. Muzzled Woodchipper

    “Multiracial whiteness” is liberal academic jargon for Uncle Tom.

    How is it these fuckers can be so goddamned racist?

    • Jerryskids

      It’s the neuromelatonin in their pituitary glands. It’s a black thing, you wouldn’t understand.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    In all seriousness there were a lot of comments in the last post expressing concern about where we are going and the effects on our children.

    I don’t have children. I don’t even particularly like children, but it infuriates me when i see a little kid wearing a goddam mask.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      It’s fucking infuriating. Just as much is how teachers unions are willing to use kids in their political games. They should all be fired and never allowed around kids again.

      • AlexinCT

        The fact that people are finally realizing this, at this late time, is kind of baffling to me. Was there any doubt this was happening for the past 30 or 40 years? Have we not been paying attention to the failures of our educational system, in the last 2 decades, but especially during the Obama era where the wokeness took a new level of stupid?

    • Idle Hands

      I consider masking children under 5 to be child abuse.

  16. Animal

    Daughter #2 just checked in for scheduled C-section. Grandbaby #6 arrives today. Some good news for a change.

    • Rat on a train

      slap, cry, mask

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Can’t be too safe!

      • Rat on a train

        OK. Mask, slap, cry.

      • Lord Humungus

        Masks for everyone!

      • db

        Yeah, but you don’t get fitted for your personal permanent muzzle until your adult teeth come in.

      • Sean

        ^^ This.


      • Not Adahn

        …all from the same child. His other fourteen really need to get with the program.

    • Fourscore

      Congrats, to your daughter and family. Being a Grandpa is easy, ’cause you don’t have to clean up the mess. At least not until they go back home and then it’s a labor of love.

      Always enjoy your articles, Allamakee County is familiar but with a different name.

    • robodruid

      Congratulations. Good luck to all

    • Rufus the Monocled

      Good luck.

    • Tundra

      Great news!

      All the best.

    • Brett L

      Good luck!

    • banginglc1

      Congrats to you! Are you allowed to go visit?

    • Mojeaux

      Congrats! More good news!

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


      Signaling >>> competence, because Levine is an incompetent hack who probably has psychological issues to boot.

      • Nephilium

        Best. And. Brightest.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        And healthiest.

      • Idle Hands

        I mean if we learned one thing this year is competence is never taken in account for running health departments in this country.

      • R C Dean

        probably has psychological issues

        I guess 99.9% likelihood is technically “probably”.

    • db

      I think more national exposure can only help in this case.

      Just *how long* do we have to wait until Wolf’s term expires now?

      • juris imprudent

        I’ve wondered about him getting pulled up into Biden’s admin as well, I was hoping he and Levine would be a package deal.

      • db

        I thought it likely as well. I wonder if they fear losing the Governorship to a (R) in a special election at this point, considering how much scrutiny would be placed on it.

      • R C Dean

        Scrutiny by who? The DemOp Media? Harris’s Justice Department? The same people who ran the 2020 election and gave themselves an A+?

      • db

        Actually, I guess it’s more like they need a solid Dem in that governorship in case heads need to be cracked in the next few weeks. They don’t want any uncertainty in a state-level transition at this juncture.

    • Idle Hands

      It’s fat data from independence day.

    • juris imprudent

      I absolutely knew that was coming. Have to go tell the wife.

      At least we won’t see that damn ugly mug on our local TV every day.

    • Rebel Scum

      Is that the dude that thinks he’s a chick that is not actually a doctor?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Is there a more Jabba the hutt lookalike?


        Is that the dude that thinks he’s a chick someone’s burnt out hippy great-aunt that is not actually a doctor?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Holy shit, the person that pulled xer mother out of a care facility while rona patients were being stuffed into care facilities. There weren’t any competent transgender public health officials they could appoint in order to check that box? Unfuckingbelievable.

      • db

        IMO one of the problems is that people will fall into the trap of criticizing her for her transgenderism, and not because of her wanton incompetence. That way all criticism can be written off as bigoted.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I agree but good luck stifling that and it’s actually pertinent because that’s the main reason that person was appointed to that position. Box checked, incompetence (maliciousness?) enshrined, people croak


        See: Obama administration for reference.

      • Homple

        That’s not a “her”. That’s a “him”.

      • Festus

        “He’s a Man, Baby!”

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Supposedly, they are actively spying on them and sifting through their social media. Totally normal.

    But once they have successfully been certified “Biden Safe” those guys will all be offered full time positions in the Palace Guard. Because that’s what this country needs, is more People’s Democratic Socialist Republic pomp and iconography.

    • R C Dean

      + 1 snazzy uniform


      Is he assembling his own praetorian guard? I mean we already have political commissars in the form of ‘Equal Opportunity Advisors’ so I guess the infrastructure is already in place to ensure the political reliability of the troops.

      This is some serious Banana Republic shit and the clapping seals in the media are just nodding along.

  18. Rebel Scum

    Washington Post panned over op-ed invoking ‘multiracial Whiteness’ to explain Trump support among minorities

    Is this some sort of “one drop” of Caucasian makes you “white” rule? The people so inclined to call everyone else racist are rather obsessed with skin pigment.

    • Trigger Hippie

      ‘Is this some sort of “one drop” of Caucasian makes you “white” rule?’

      Probably. Exceptions are made for athletes, however. Easier to get a feel good “first black athlete to____” story that way.

      • Homple

        …or first black president.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      No. It’s about “political whiteness.” Minority Trump supporters have been subsumed by “white supremacy.”

      It’s the same racist ass bullshit they’ve been peddling since at least Clarence Thomas (likely long before). “Multiracial whiteness” is just the new academic jargon calling black conservatives Uncle Tom/house nigger/lawn jockeys.

      • juris imprudent

        Yep, in fact Murray makes exactly this point – that the deep (and prior to now, unseen) reason is that race isn’t even really about skin color – it is now a political thing.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper


        It’s a fucked attempt at keeping the meme of WHITE SUPREMACY active while fully admitting that it isn’t about ACTUAL race at all.

        It’s classic Doublespeak to explain away minority Trump voters, and the fact that he gained more minority votes than any Republican in history.

        Multiracial whiteness reflects an understanding of whiteness as a political color and not simply a racial identity — a discriminatory worldview in which feelings of freedom and belonging are produced through the persecution and dehumanization of others.

        Multiracial whiteness promises Latino Trump supporters freedom from the politics of diversity and recognition. For voters who see the very act of acknowledging one’s racial identity as itself racist, the politics of multiracial whiteness reinforces their desired approach to colorblind individualism. In the politics of multiracial whiteness, anyone can join the MAGA movement and engage in the wild freedom of unbridled rage and conspiracy theories.

        Only white people could possibly want to live a life where race isn’t the primary consideration with how one should interact with the world, therefore any minorities who choose to deny identity politics are “white.”

        Because white supremacy, and stuff.

        It’s liberal academic speak for calling black conservatives who wander off the Democrat plantation Oreos.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        And while still keeping the “white = oppression” meme afloat.

        a discriminatory worldview in which feelings of freedom and belonging are produced through the persecution and dehumanization of others.

        To be white is to persecute and dehumanize. To be white is to be a white supremacist.

        Even if you’re not white.

        This is some ultra-racist shit, in every direction.

        It denies agency to conservative minorities and erases their identity, and lumps them in with “white people” who have subsumed them in our effort to dehumanize others.

        Conservative minorities are zombies, infected by whiteness.

        It’s quite possibly the most overtly racist thing I’ve read in a while.

      • Not Adahn

        and prior to now, unseen


      • juris imprudent

        No, the book isn’t that old, but as he wrote it I don’t think this had as publicly manifested as we just saw.

      • Not Adahn

        I dunno, I think the requirement that a particular politics were required for “authentic” racial identity extends back to the 1970s at least, and was acknowledged at the time.

        Considering Kwanzaa was marrying collective economics with blackness back in 1966, and the creation of the Nation of Islam in 1930, htere has been plenty of demonstations that race is about beliefs as much as skin color.

        And even further back, the term “race” as a mater of nationality/custom/tradition is why ol’ dirty Ben Franklin called the Germans out as beeing a non-white race.

      • juris imprudent

        In Murray’s case, he is pointing out how social issues are right at the cusp of becoming non-issues and then they are co-opted by a lunatic fringe. He makes this observation with feminism, gay rights and race.

      • Not Adahn

        Politics has been an explicit part of being an “authentic ” feminist and/or lesbian for at least a half century.

        When doing office hours in the office that we shared with the Womyn’s Student Assosciation, I’d read the back issues of Off Our Backs magazine. The letters to the editor secion would have various “of course” phrases thrown in :

        Of course to be a true feminist, you have to be a lesbian, etc.

        At the time, the raging debate was whether or not it was acceptable to bear male children.

      • AlexinCT

        They are too stupid to know what is good for them!

        /SOP response by team blue crime syndicate member when people decide to tell team blue to fuck off for taking them for granted

        The new term, “political whiteness” is just a nice way of calling them “Uncle Toms” without people realizing that is what these fuckers are doing.

    • EvilSheldon

      ‘Multiracial Whiteness’ means being a secure, productive, responsible adult. As opposed to what progressives want, a society full of screeching children in grown-up bodies.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Straightarrow News? Sounds like white supremacy.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Cultural appropriation. Only Two Spirit People ever used arrows. White colonialists stole the technology from them.

    • Fourscore

      It’ll be written in sign language.

  20. Rebel Scum

    It is Stalin-esque, ain’t it?


    The Left – which has won everything in 2021 – continues to spiral into hopeless insanity. The continue to be miserable. I do not understand what is happening to these people, but it is frightening.

    Moe Davis

    I was Chief Prosecutor at Guantanamo for over 2 years and there’s far more evidence of Congressman Madison Cawthorn’s guilt than there was of guilt for 95+ percent of the detainees. It’s time we start a domestic war on sedition by American terrorists.


    They are after the wheelchair-bound vet (I think) now?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I was Chief Prosecutor at Guantanamo for over 2 years and there’s far more evidence of Congressman Madison Cawthorn’s guilt than there was of guilt for 95+ percent of the detainees.

      What the Hell does that say about Davis? That he’s an unprincipled hack who was willing to go along with illegitimate prosecutions in order to further his career.

      • db

        What the Hell does that say about Davis? That he’s an unprincipled hack who was willing to go along with illegitimate prosecutions in order to further his career.

        I was going to offer a reply but there’s not much more to say than this.

    • Endless Mike

      “They” would be the Democrat that he beat by 13 points in the Congressional election, so… yeah.

    • juris imprudent

      which has won everything in 2021

      Well apparently the Left lost their monopoly on delusions.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      More reasoned rhetoric from Davis:

      “When @NCGOP extremists go low, we stomp their scrawny pasty necks with our heels and once you hear the sound of a crisp snap you grind your heel hard and twist it slowly side to side for good measure.”

      • db

        That…sounds like advocating murder?

    • Idle Hands

      That tweet is the biggest self own I think I’ve ever seen. Is he. Is he admitting he’s a war criminal?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        My cursory review of his various public statements indicates that he’s a rabid, egomaniacal asshole that truly believes in his own unassailable integrity.

      • db

        That’s never a sign that a person has done nasty things to compensate for.

      • Viking1865

        John McCain is dead though.

      • db

        Sound like, maybe. Perhaps he should be asked about it.

      • juris imprudent

        A railroading prosecutor of innocent Muslims? Maybe he’s bucking for a US Atty slot?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Chris Christie says hi!

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I think I’d take Chubsy Ubsy any day of the week.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’ll pass. Christie is a political opportunist that is just fine with using the power of the state to punish enemies or persecute innocents for his own advantage.

      • Idle Hands

        Chris Christie is a sloppy fat fuck who is fine politically roasting people for crimes against the state at the behest of the mob.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        There’s bad and there’s worse, take your pick because when it comes to federal prosecutors those are your choices.

      • Idle Hands

        At this point I wouldn’t be surprised to see Dick Cheney appointed as the head of Homeland Security.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        They’re going to put him in charge of the gulags.

        Or Angela Davis, it’s a toss up on who’s more qualified.

      • Idle Hands

        Dick Cheney really should be running and militarizing the energy department his talents are severely wasted otherwise. Angela Davis would be a fun pick for AG.

      • Idle Hands

        “tom woods episode 2003: the department of energy’s unconstitutional war on canada.”

      • ruodberht

        John Kerry literally admitted he was a war criminal. He seemed to think everyone in Vietnam committed war crimes.

        Also, he ran for President in 2004 touting his military record. You know, the thing he said involved war crimes he committed.

      • db

        And then he was placed in charge of US foreign policy.

    • AlexinCT

      Try again: article..

    • Rebel Scum

      Almost like that is the point, as stated by the WEF.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    The news comes as authorities are in a heightened state of alert, scrambling on Monday morning to respond to a fire in the general area of the U.S. Capitol. While the Capitol was briefly placed on lockdown, upending a rehearsal for Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday, the source of the fire turned out to be a propane tank that had exploded at a homeless camp nearby.

    A diversionary tactic, designed to expose response tactics and identify hidden defenses. Them Rooshunz are tricky.

    • Swiss Servator

      Maybe TEAM BLUE will actually want a homeless camp cleared out now?

      • juris imprudent

        Sprinkle a few MAGA hats around and they will.

    • Plinker762

      The Boogs must have watched Ronin

      • Idle Hands

        That’s a movie I will watch every time it comes on the television till the end no matter where I come in at.

  22. Idle Hands

    I mean I didn’t expect anything but terrible picks from Biden but he is legitimately making a case for having the worst cabinet picks of any president in my lifetime.

    • AlexinCT

      They want to go back to the old days of grifting 24/7/365, and you do that quicker by going to proven grifters…

      • Idle Hands

        I mean a den of thieves is one thing but these people are legitimately the worst people on the issues that democrats say they care about I think I’ve ever seen. I mean supposedly letting Kopmala handling police and prison reform is like appointing Beria to reform the gulag system.

      • AlexinCT

        I think I see the confusion/problem. You actually believe that when a crime syndicate member claims that they “care” what they mean is that they care about how it affects their hold on power and ability to grift. Their end goals are not to make things better for the people, but better for themselves…

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I laughed out loud when I heard Pelosi endorsed McAuliffe, grifter extraordinaire, for VA governor.

        The wokesters aren’t in charge yet. But Pelosi et al aren’t going to live much longer.

    • Jerryskids

      If you’re Biden, you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to ensure you’re always the smartest man in the room.

      • AlexinCT

        Government of the dumbest people then?

      • Tejicano


      • WTF

        President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would actually be an improvement.

      • pan fried wylie

        Pool chain, cage match THROWDOWN SHOWDOWN!

  23. robc

    Another mediocre baseball birthdays day.

    At the top is mediocre (career 125-126) pitcher Jon Matlack. That is followed by cheater Chick Gandil and PeteRoseLite Chris Sabo.

    Dubious record-holder Anthony Young is 15th.

    • Don escaped Two Corinthians

      “mediocre baseball”

      expect Molina will not be asked to report

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Maybe TEAM BLUE will actually want a homeless camp cleared out now?

    Who cleared out the bonus army’s Hooverville?

    • robodruid

      If i recall, eisnehower and patton?

      • Chipwooder

        MacArthur ran the show. Eisenhower was one of his staffers. Patton was acting CO of a cavalry squadron which cleared marchers from Pennsylvania Ave.

    • juris imprudent

      Mid-32, before FDR was elected.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Hoover sent the Army, Roosevelt sent his wife as the slogan went.

  25. Jerryskids

    [i]He taint talking about vitamin D deficiency. [/i]

    Aw, I thought you were talking about Biden naming Rachel Levine, the “woman” who currently serves as the head of the Pennsylvania Health Department, to a position in his administration. Now that he’s checked off the “Transgender” box on his Bingo card, he only lacks a left-handed Haitian midget ventriloquist on his “Making My Administration Look Like America” to complete the card.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      This is the Idiocracy administration.

      America is in terrible hands.

      Just like us.

      Biden and Trudeau are in power on the continent.

      THNK about THAT.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Biden and Trudeau are in power on the continent.


        *Throws phone across room*

      • Jerryskids

        Well, at the rate we’re going, Trump is going to be proven right – there’s going to be a big, beautiful wall built at our southern border and Mexico’s gonna pay for it. Mexico’s going to build it, too.

      • pan fried wylie

        Mexicans were going to build it anyway.

        oh, MexicO. sry, nm.

  26. Idle Hands

    The Kinks are a good band. There I said it.

  27. Suthenboy

    there is nothing about this election or the Biden presidency that doesnt stink like hell
    buckle up people and keep your powder dry

    there is nothing about the cootie bug panic that doesnt stink like hell

    the pinko shitbirds are going after Lindell. color me shocked
    jeebus that article is a study in begging the question

    the idiot left thinks getting rid of trump was the solution to their problems

    ‘destroy the enlightenment and individualism
    remember, in the early days the socialists main complaint about slavery was that only blacks were enslaved.

    • AlexinCT

      the idiot left thinks getting rid of trump was the solution to their problems


      They are not realizing the man is just a symptom of/response to the problem. They really think that the serfs would not get all uppity if they had nobody to rally around and fight for them. The way they talk about punishing people in Trumps circle or that worked with him, supported him, and soon even voted for him, is being done to make sure the serfs learn their place.

      This is a giant fuck you to the people that think a society with a different set of rules for the top men and the serfs is problematic. The mandarinate is actually furious that the serfs object to their wisdom and plans for their future. The ungrateful, uncredentialled, and unwashed bastards don’t get that the mandarinate will just give them everything for “free” (as long as they remain subservient and then barely enough to survive) if they let the mandarinate do what it must (for itself)?

    • Drake

      I was watching a bit of the morning news on Fox Business and my wife started freaking at the shit going down. I tried to tell her to pace herself, it’s going to be a long 2 years at least.

    • Jerryskids

      “the idiot left thinks getting rid of trump was the solution to their problems”

      Of course they do. Trump was obviously the only person supporting Trump, nobody they know voted for Trump. Except for a handful of subhuman inbred morons who’ll believe anything they’re told, including that Biden won in a landslide in the cleanest election ever in American history.

      On a related note, who’s talking about increasing the transparency and the integrity of elections and how can we shut them up?

      • juris imprudent

        Here is an obvious wrong-thinker.

        In fact, our electoral system is not as secure as it should be. Not surprisingly, citizens on both sides seem to trust it only when their party wins. Four years ago, of course, it was Democrats who claimed that the presidential election was “hacked,” and some, including the losing candidate herself, never stopped calling Trump’s presidency illegitimate. According to a 2020 Gallup poll, deep distrust in our electoral system goes back many years, though never before has it led to the kind of frightening violence we saw in Washington earlier this month.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Lindell is a crazy person. He’s just a national crazy person now instead of a local crazy Minnesodan.

      Actually he isn’t really all that crazy. He’s just a a great example of how someone can be very good at one thing and very bad at another thing. Lindell is a very good businessman. He isn’t the smartest guy when it comes to politics.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    That…sounds like advocating murder?

    Self defense. Nazis are an existential threat to democracy, and they are everywhere.

    • R C Dean

      Bzzt. Nazis/Trumpistas (but I repeat myself) are subhuman untermensch. “Murder” applies only to the killing of a human being. Punching a Nazi is not assault, killing a Nazi is not murder.

      Correct your wrongthink, comrade.

  29. Rufus the Monocled

    Germany has lost its mind.

    Meanwhile in Italy they organized 50 000 restaurants to open on the same day and dare officials to shut them down. I think they pulled it off.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Well good on the Italians, tell Caesar to get stuffed.

  30. Rufus the Monocled

    Re the shaman school. Well, it does make sense since we are in a Dark Age.

    He probably looked around at the mask cult superstition and figured now’s the time to strike.

    The classes will fill up.

  31. Timeloose

    “Former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, and House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, have suggested that Donald Trump might have been in contact with Russian president Vladimir Putin on the day of the deadly riots at the US Capitol, and called for a “9/11-type commission” to investigate the events of 6 January.”


    I noticed there is no “without Evidence” anywhere in the article.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      These two are beyond beyond the pale. They’re just two old hags acting like a pair of bitches.

      • Animal


    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I heard that this morning and nearly punched out my radio.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I bet Trump regrets not putting that psycho in prison now, they’re sure as hell not going to return the favor.

    • Idle Hands

      lmao. We truly live in a post comedy world. I’d hate to be a comedian these days all you have to do is fucking turn on the news.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Like most comedians the news isn’t funny anymore. It was funny when the insanity was isolated but stuff like this is now run of the mill.

    • R C Dean

      OMG! The President of the United States was in contact with a foreign leader! Obvious sedition.

  32. Rufus the Monocled

    Does anyone know why Whitlock left Outkick?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Did he actually or is he just side jobbing at other outlets?

      • Rufus the Monocled

        He apparently skedaddled.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It looks like he wants to concentrate more on political and social issues while Travis has flirted with that but has gone back to sports for the most part. Likely something to do with that.

  33. Pope Jimbo

    For some mysterious reason, Minnesoda probably won’t be legalizing sports betting any time soon.

    “I love Minnesota. I’ve lived here my whole life. I just don’t know why we have to be the 45th or 46th state to do everything,” said Rep. Pat Garofalo, R-Farmington, who has sponsored several bills to legalize sports betting since the court ruling. “Our government can’t do anything quickly. We couldn’t get rid of regulation for 3.2 beer. We just recently allowed Sunday liquor sales. It’s a perpetual unwillingness to let adults act like adults.”

    In this case (for once) I don’t think it is the blue noses who are keeping Minnesodans souls protected from sin. It is pretty much straight up protectionism for our Native brothers and their monopoly on betting/casinos.

      • Plisade

        Covid is the new Smallpox Blanket?

      • CPRM

        even though Minnesoda statute says he has the power to do so.

        No, he doesn’t. State law does not supersede federal law, they are sovereign nations. I think it’s stupid, as a structure and as a policy, but thems the breaks.

      • Pope Jimbo

        If govs can curtail federal civil rights via lockdowns, why wouldn’t they also be able to curtail the rights of sovereign nations?

        Hansen also argued that Public Law 280 — which he said grants the state power to prosecute crimes that occur on tribal lands — provides the state with the authority to shut down restaurants and bars on reservations.

        A Minnesota statute on peacetime emergencies states that the governor has the authority to act without consulting tribes during a declared emergency.

        The Feds might shoot that law down in court, but King Walz has a law he could use to enforce a lockdown if he wanted to try.

    • Not Adahn

      46th state

      You’re doin’ fine Oklahoma! Oklahoma, OK!

  34. Rebel Scum

    She’ll lose…

    Bri Buentello, a former Democratic state legislator who lives in Boebert’s district, says the congresswoman blocked her on Twitter after Buentello demanded a recall effort to remove Boebert from office, violating her First Amendment rights in the process.

    The suit seeks a court order for Boebert to unlock Buentello on Twitter and a declaration that the Republican’s actions violated Buentello’s constitutional rights to free speech.

    An attorney for Buentello said Boebert’s “stifling” of critics should be of concern to everyone.

    “She believes the Constitution begins and ends with the Second Amendment,” said attorney David Lane. “We are trying to teach her that the Constitution is broader and that every provision has to be protected.

    …because there is no consistency when a private account for a public official supposedly must allow access to constituents but twatter can ban said account at any time for any reason. Totally makes sense.

    • Brochettaward

      I mean, didn’t some judge rule that Trump blocking people on Twitter was a violation of the First?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yes, his account was essentially deemed the public square and bannings for legal speech were verboten.

      • Not Adahn


        …because he didn’t need to. Twitter banned anyone who was mean to ihm.

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

        The Founding Fathers never blocked anyone on Twitter either.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The whole Twitter blocking is assbackwards and just another item that proves Dorsey is a raving psychopath. Blocking should just be you personally don’t see that person’s replies or tweets, not that you can prevent them from seeing your tweets or following you.

  35. Tundra


    Thanks, that’s a lovely good morning!

    I would love it if no one at all showed up for the inauguration. Just soldiers standing around feeling dopey.

    I’ll miss Melania.

    A great song to get things rolling. Nice choice!

    Have a great day, people!

    • creech

      But won’t you feel safer knowing there’s a DOCTOR in the White House?

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Mysterious miasma minces millions

    The US has just surpassed 24 million Covid-19 cases — and more than 60% of them have been reported since Election Day.

    The stunning numbers follow brutal surges in the past months — during which the US saw hundreds of thousands of new cases daily, while Covid-19 hospitalization and death numbers reached all-time highs.


    “The virus has established itself in the human population and it’s not going anywhere,” infectious disease expert Amesh Adalja told CNN. “We’re going to see a lot of transmission until we cross the threshold for herd immunity.”

    But also, the Covid-19 variant first identified in the UK is spreading across the US and experts have warned that while it does not appear to be more deadly, it is more easily transmittable and will lead to even more infections.

    More than 120 cases of the variant have been identified across 20 states, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the agency warned last week a model trajectory of the variant in the US “exhibits rapid growth in early 2021.”

    “In some ways, it’s much worse that it is more contagious because it will infect many, many more people and unfortunately probably will end up killing more people,” Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, told CNN Monday night.

    Could. Maybe. Might.

    Perhaps our public medicine geniuses were wrong to focus on placebo “prevention” measures while actively discouraging research on treatment, instead of allowing herd immunity to gain traction in the summer months.

  37. Pope Jimbo

    Just thinking about the story I linked to above about how bars, restaurants and casinos on the reservations have been allowed to stay open during the lockdowns.

    The one other place that has been allowed to stay open are bars in the airport. If drinking in a bar really is a super risky activity where the Rona is easily spread, wouldn’t the absolute worse place to drink be at an airport? Having a bunch of random people mix together getting all infected only to then spread across the country?

    Maybe that sort of logic is post-graduate level SCIENCE?

    • Nephilium

      I think the passengers would revolt if you closed down airport bars.

      • Pope Jimbo

        You are more optimistic than I am.

        I doubt that the people who allow the TSA goons to paw them and their belongings will be so outraged by a lack of drinks that they rise up to overthrow the system.

        You’d think they’d riot over their local bars being shut down before that happened.

    • Plinker762

      I was at the Minneapolis airport and heard two guys walking by a bar in the airport making the point that people could gather there and drink but he couldn’t go to his local bar

  38. Rufus the Monocled

    65 000 soldiers?

    Overkill much?

    Who is ordering all this to take place?

    • Drake

      My question too. The DC Mayor?

    • Brochettaward

      The deep state runs itself.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Maybe the joint chiefs sent the regulars to face down the 25000 white supremacist guardsmen.

    • Viking1865

      If God forbid there is a Kent State or worse style incident, I know who will be blamed. If it goes off without a hitch, I know who will be credited.

    • Plisade


  39. The Late P Brooks

    I would love it if no one at all showed up for the inauguration. Just soldiers standing around feeling dopey.


    “Threats? What threats? You’re imagining things, old geezer.”

    • Brochettaward

      I suspect we’ll see very little protesting anywhere. You have people who were simply in DC who had nothing to do with what happened at the capital losing their jobs for it.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I think that the right has figured out that if they show up to protest, some lefties will start shit and then the media will tar them as terrorists.

        The only way to win is to not play the game.

      • Brochettaward

        There is no first amendment left if you are on the right.

      • Nephilium

        The other way is the more worrying. The right wing guys start planning violent protests.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper


        And I suspect violent right wing protest to be more than throwing molotovs.

    • creech

      Last day of the Trump presidency. Does he go out with a bang or a whimper? Maybe pardon Hillary and Barack for their crimes?

      • robc

        Pardon Biden for voter fraud. That would be awesome.

      • Viking1865

        Not just Biden, pardon all his campaign people and every office holder, employee, and volunteer of the Democratic Party in PA, WI, MI, and GA. All of them.

      • robc

        Nah, just Biden. That way the others could still be on the hook AND can’t pass the buck by selling out to the top.

      • Viking1865

        My thinking is, I don’t care about prosecution, because we can’t go back and undo the election. That is assuming that any of the Ruling Class would ever throw anyone in jail.

        But pardoning every single one of them, well that will get some of them to speak freely, because after all they defeated the Orange Nazi, and now they can brag about it. I want multiple videos of party hacks in multiple states detailing how it all went down.

        Call it Truth and Reconciliation.

      • robc

        I care about prosecution, because future elections matter more than undoing this one. Plus, it might just be small enough stuff, there might not have been enough to overturn the election anyway. At least that could ever be determined.

        Plus, while I like the idea of them bragging about it, but I figure the first that says anything commits suicide by gunshot to back of head.

      • Viking1865

        “because future elections matter more than undoing this one”

        The problem there is that I can see them pulling the ol “Blue Ribbon Panel” that produces a report halfway through 2022, which is six months after the John Lewis Voting Rights Act makes universal mail in ballots a permanent feature of the American federal election system.

        I honestly think we just had the final Republican President for a long time. They’re going to amnesty and register the illegal immigrants in Texas and Florida, and I think we will see a big investment in “Democracy support” and “civic activist” groups, along with increased federal funding of “civic education” in public school.

        “Plus, while I like the idea of them bragging about it, but I figure the first that says anything commits suicide by gunshot to back of head.”

        Which might redpill even more people.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        He won’t antagonize them too much in hopes that he’ll be left alone. The pardons will likely be controversial but safe but hopefully he’ll surprise us.

  40. Festus

    You filled in with aplomb… Cute critters and everything.

      • Brochettaward

        “This will have undoubtedly caused some concern in the community, but I would like to reassure members of the public that we are treating this as an isolated incident,” he added.

        I know I’d feel reassured.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Best carry your Brown Bess if you have to go out in that neighborhood.

      • Animal

        Surely you aren’t advocating the plebs be allowed to own a state of the art 18th century assault weapon?

      • Idle Hands

        it was an impromtu romeo and juliet flash mob.

      • Jerryskids

        Jesus Christ, you’re being pretty harsh on Spud, aren’t you? I know I’m only a new member of this community but I’m not concerned even if this isn’t an isolated incident.

      • Jerryskids

        Oh, wait, I thought you were replying to Festus. Nevermind.

    • Idle Hands

      British people are inbred hill billies. It drives me nuts how people hold them up as some kind of esteemed class.

      • Idle Hands

        Fucking west side story is like 80 years old get your own culture hicks.


        Salima, I just met a girl named Salima. Sal-iiima!

        I just got beaten for looking at Salima.

        And suddenly a burka will never be the same To me. Sal-iiima!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Those are machetes…swords makes it sound too romantic, like it’s the Merry Men battling the Sheriff of Nottingham.

  41. Drake

    So what’s next? Biden is going to be in a tough spot and not just because he wasn’t a smart man even before going senile. It’s going to be hard for him to wind down the covid stuff when it is now an industry and source of unlimited power for some of his allies. He will also have to calm down the rabid leftists – good luck.

    • Pope Jimbo

      They just don’t make Democrats like they used to.

      The White House was opened to all for a post-inaugural reception and was filled by the public even before Jackson arrived on horseback.[1] Soon afterward, Jackson left by a window[1][4] or a side entrance,[5] and proceeded to Gadsby’s Hotel in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. The crowd continued to descend into a drunken mob, only dispersed when bowls of liquor and punch were placed on the front lawn of the White House.[4] “I never saw such a mixture,” said Joseph Story, then a justice of the Supreme Court: “The reign of King Mob seemed triumphant.”[1] The White House was left a mess, including several thousand dollars worth of broken china.[5]

      • Pope Jimbo

        Uffda. Jackson’s Inaugural Ball was where the Eaton Affair took place. A bunch of cunty wives of cabinet members totes dissed Peggy Eaton (another wife of a cabinet member) because she wasn’t proper enough.

        This sound familiar?

        She did not know her place; she forthrightly spoke up about anything that came to her mind, even topics of which women were supposed to be ignorant. She thrust herself into the world in a manner inappropriate for a woman. … Accept her, and society was in danger of disruption. Accept this uncouth, impure, forward, worldly woman, and the wall of virtue and morality would be breached and society would have no further defenses against the forces of frightening change. Margaret Eaton was not that important in herself; it was what she represented that constituted the threat. Proper women had no choice; they had to prevent her acceptance into society as part of their defense of that society’s morality.

        So I guess the Swamp has always been scared shitless of outsiders who weren’t part of the game.

      • juris imprudent

        See, that’s why we study history – so that we aren’t deluded about the country we live in.

      • Drake

        President James Polk held office hours twice a week – out on the White House lawn if the weather was nice. Anyone who wanted to could stop buy and talk to the President at those times.

      • Agent Cooper

        We have elevated the presidency and it’s penumbra to too high a valued position in this country. The blame rests with Hamilton and his stupid central bank.

    • db

      He doesn’t have to do anything. That’s what the staff is for. I doubt he’ll be making too many decisions beyond what color to paint the walls in the Oval Office.

      • Pope Jimbo

        The big fight will be between DOCTOR Jill “Edith Wilson II” Biden and Kamala.

        The proggies who think they’ll be able to push Jill down the hill and install Harris are in for a rude awakening.

      • Festus

        Did you see the footage of Frau Doktor Proffessor Jill dealing with the protestor at one of Joe’s rallies? Kam Kam doesn’t stand a chance.

      • Jarflax

        So you guys are coming around to my theory? Biden serves the full term. No way the puppetmasters pass up the opportunity for having president veggie.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’ve actually reached the point that I believe it is wholly possible that the DNC will assassinate Biden.

        It’s fairly certain that Johnson was involved in the Kennedy assassination now along with other government agencies and blamed it on the Soviets.

        The Democrats and the media have been straight up lying to the American people for 5 years straight. Not white lies, Big Lies.

        If they didn’t outright steal the election, they gamed the hell out of it.

        There’s nothing that suggests to me that they aren’t fully capable of offing Biden and blaming the political opposition.

      • Drake

        They’ll smother him with a my pillow if he doesn’t do the right thing and croak on his own.

      • Mojeaux

        president veggie

        Somebody called him President Pudding Cup the other day. Mr. Mojeaux and I LOLd.

      • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

        T’was moi.

      • R C Dean

        I like FICUS: Fraud In Chief Of the United States.

      • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

        FICUS. That’s quite good.

        A sensible chuckle to you, my good sir.

      • Drake

        I agree – but it is his name on the administration and he’ll get the blame.

      • Raven Nation

        Silly Drake. Trump will get all the blame- for everything.

    • Tejicano

      I’m pretty sure he has signed up to take the “advice” from the cabal which put him in office with no input from him. Just follow the orders as he gets them. Too easy.


      As stated above, Biden is a puppet and it appears that at least a few of the puppeteers are from the AOC wing of the party.

    • pan fried wylie

      Inertia, how the fuck do they work?!

  42. Rebel Scum

    The Daily Beast

    Other countries have domestic spy agencies to fight extremists at home. Does America need one, too?

    Europe imports their extremist. And what we definitely need is to have a surveillance/police state on par with China to root out dissent. That is the American thing to do.


      They haven’t just let the mask slip, they have burnt it, stomped on it and thrown it in to the Marianas Trench.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      What the fuck do you think the FBI is?


        The ghost of J. Edgar Hoover smiles upon this.

    • Lord Humungus

      er what is the FBI for $400?

    • Jarflax

      Give Everyone Safety Truth And Pride Online


      Stop Trumpist Attacks Share Information

      coming soon

      • Not Adahn


    • Ownbestenemy

      I have neighbors that believe we should be spying on anyone who voted for Trump to ensure they aren’t terrorist.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Loan them a copy of The Lives of Others.

  43. Idle Hands

    I honestly think I feel bad for Peter Suderman as he’s married to a mentally ill person-

    Look, it is crazy to suggest we should wear masks at dinner parties, or all day at the office. But it is not crazy to suggest we wear them on airplanes, public transit, etc, and 100% of the time that you have to be out while feeling ill. It would be good if there were less flu!

    Serious question how many people are going to need years of therapy after this? Covid hyper accelerated the agoraphobic single cat ladies to a level I didn’t realize was possible. Which sucks because that severely shrinks my dating pool as I almost exclusively preyed on pre-agorophobic cat lady stage.

    • creech

      I really don’t care if McArdle and the Karens wear masks forever. They will be easier to identify and avoid.

      • Idle Hands

        I guess I for one don’t want to live in saudi arabia.

      • Rebel Scum


      • l0b0t

        +however-many-it-takes-to-raise-a-scene “Islam Is Right About Women!” flyers.

      • KSuellington

        They can wear them 24 hours a day for all I care. Unfortunately they want you and I to participate in the lifelong masquerade. I got into it with a COVIDian yesterday. He wanted me to wear a mask when I walked through a garage to get my work vehicle parked behind a building. This is the third time I told him no, this one went beyond my first two, “no, mind your own business” and ignoring him to a five minute argument. Let’s see if he continues with his silly orders now.

      • pan fried wylie

        May your fatal altercation be everything you dreamed of.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I totes agree that masks are of far more use in identifying the Team a person belongs to than they are in preventing the spread of viruses.

        The problem is that while you may be able to identify the Krazy Karens and avoid them, the State will be able to identify your lack of a face totem and put you on a list to be watched even more closely.

      • KSuellington

        It still boggles my mind that it has been the educated class that has most enthusiastically adopted the mask bullshit. Yeah, yeah, I know they love them some godhead government to tell them everything, but there are decades of research on the ineffectiveness of masks to prevent transmission of respiratory viruses and it doesn’t take much to find that out. Almost all the refuseniks I meet here are the commoner class, while the technerati all seem to be pro magic cloth.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Because it assails their identity. The technorati should be in charge, the technorati believe this, the commoners believe that. I am a technorati, therefore I must identify as such. However, if you were to ask them, their position is wholly and completely rational. The contrary evidence either doesn’t exist or is dismissible.

        It really is an excellent case study in mass delusion, the wisdom of crowds, and self-identification.

      • Nephilium

        It’s also a visible sign of compliance. You can tell at a glance if someone wants to kill your grandma or not.

      • KSuellington

        That’s why when they mandated them last April here I got the very bad feeling that it would take years before we were rid of them. People love their totems.

      • Plisade

        I think for some it’s the sick satisfaction of making the other side do something against their will. And the Karens’ wearing of the mask is just throwing it in our face, like when you tell a kid not to touch something and they keep doing it just to piss you off.

    • EvilSheldon

      That’s the cool thing about therapy* – it mainly produces people who are dependant on more therapy. See also – ‘Rehab’.

      * – Separate and distinct from actual psychological medicine, though there is overlap…

  44. Rebel Scum

    “White-supremacy” is a term that died in 2020.

    There is a greater danger you must boldly confront: American exceptionalism is really white supremacy on the sly. The men who founded your nation relished talk of God while holding Black flesh in chains. Many of those who say that God takes special pride in your nation seek to bless the blasphemy of white supremacy. The American church has sinned by portraying truth as white. Facts as white. Reality as white. Beauty as white. Normal as white. Moral as white. Righteousness as white. Theology as white. Christ as white. God as white. And America as white.

    • Idle Hands

      they’ve moved onto seditionist.

      • Rebel Scum

        And “insurrection”, “treason”.

  45. Festus

    ‘Straight Arrow News” I feel so othered. Some of us lean a little to the left I’ll have you know! I can’t even…


      And some of us have a slightly downward bend. Triggered!

      • Festus


      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        You know they have drugs for that, right?


        I know. I get emails and text messages about it all the effing time.

    • Plinker762

      We really don’t want Broken Arrow news

      • Not Adahn

        BAHS class of 19xx. Go Tigers!

        The Broken Arrow Daily Ledger was my earliest encounter with the news media where I knew for a fact that what was being reported didn’t happen, or didn’t happen as it was reported. If not for that, maybe I’d turn out to believe whatever the MSM told me.

      • Rat on a train

        How about Bent Spear?

      • Plinker762

        I not too keen on even a Dull Sword. (Hate it when that happens)

  46. Rebel Scum


    I had a dream Trump was on trial for sedition.
    And outside the courthouse, a noose was hung from a makeshift scaffold.
    The noose was made of recycled Covid masks.

    Something something incitement.

    • KSuellington

      That sounds better in the original Spanish.

    • pan fried wylie

      I had a dream where Alec Baldwin died in Beetlejuice, and remained dead.

    • Brochettaward

      stormed and trashed the citadel of American democracy, nearly executing what al-Qaeda had failed to do, destroy the U.S. Capitol.</blockquote

      I tapped out here, but I just wanted to point out that if they had actually wanted to destroy the building or go on a murderous rampage, there was nothing actually stopping them. Instead they had cleared out within a few hours.

      • Mojeaux

        Don’t confuse them with the facts!

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I stopped counting the number of times that asshat used “white” after ten or so.

      These morons want a race war.

      • Jarflax

        Call: Es ist Zeit für Rache!

        Reply: Wir müssen die Kaukasier ausrotten!

  47. Festus

    Eliza Dushku is one of those girls that you see on TV and sorta go “meh” but if you met her IRL you’d probably come in your pants.

    • Animal

      That can be an interesting phenomenon. I knew a girl in college – let’s call her Holly – who was like this. If you saw a photo of her, you would have thought “oh, she’s cute.” But in person, she… radiated something. After we chatted with Holly for a few minutes in the student union, a buddy of mine once commented, sotto voce, “I don’t know what it is about Holly, but whenever I’m within ten feet of her I’ve got a hard-on.” I replied, honestly, “yeah, me too.”

      Pheremones? Aura? Who knows? She was cute but not objectively beautiful. She didn’t dress provocatively. But the girl just radiated sex. I never did figure it out.

      • Festus

        Bean there, done that.

      • Nephilium

        I’ve known a couple women who could just turn it on and off.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Jeannie had this nightclub walk
        That made grown men feel underage

      • Animal

        Mrs. Animal can do it to me at will, but after almost thirty years together, it would be pretty odd if she didn’t know how to push those particular buttons.

      • Plisade

        I’m going with pheromones. For moi, there’s no other explanation for the partial disconnect between looks and attractiveness, with attractiveness having a more proximate effect.

      • creech

        It used to be called “bedroom eyes.”

  48. The Late P Brooks

    I have a friend, a woman probably 68 or so. She is currently rehabbing her second shoulder replacement this year. I saw her and her husband last night.

    While we were there, another friend, whom we had not seen for months, came in. She asked him to keep his distance, because she doesn’t know “where he’s been”.

    She is reasonably intelligent, if somewhat misguided ( liberal ’70s feminist type). Most of the time she is fine to be around. But- she is all in on the plague and mask hysteria. In the course of our conversations last night, she started talking about how she wants another horse, so she can ride this summer. She’s going to start shopping for one this spring, after her shoulder gets a little better. This 68-ish woman is as thin as a twig, and at least as brittle. She would be in much more danger of serious injury or death on a horse in the back country than she is from the snifflecooties, but trying to explain that to her would be an exercise in futility.

    So many broken people out there.

    • Tejicano

      “She asked him to keep his distance, because she doesn’t know “where he’s been”.”

      I’d say he was lucky to not have to interact with her.

    • R C Dean

      She asked him to keep his distance, because she doesn’t know “where he’s been”.

      I’d just leave.

    • pan fried wylie

      She would be in much more danger of serious injury or death on a horse in the back country than she is from the snifflecooties

      Sounds like the problem will solve itself come summer.

  49. Tejicano

    The way I am reading things right now I believe that the small group of people who are running the (D) party (and thus the ones telling Biden what, when and how he will do anything) are anxious to be back in control and get the big change going.

    They kinda let things slide while Obama was in office, letting him do things his way and hoping he would get more accomplished. They were fully expecting that once Herself was in office she would be more effective in getting things done faster.

    They were totally flabbergasted when Trump took the white house away from them and they have been burning to get back in power for the past four years. Now that they have their hands on the reigns – with Biden as nothing but a messenger boy to follow instructions to the “T” – they will be dispensing with the niceties and ramming through as much as possible as fast as Biden can follow their instructions.

    I expect that “assault weapons” will be added to the NFA in the next year or two at the latest – probably enacted via an EO to skirt that time wasting legislative process. I doubt the Supremes will do their job and just let things slide on that. I don’t expect a boo-guh-lu will happen at that point but many (if not most) gun owners will simply not comply.

    Dark times ahead.

    • Drake

      If they just try to ban “assault weapons” without enforcement, it will kill industries but be ignored by gun owners.

      If they actively try to find and seize those weapons, some of the ATF or whoever they send out, will get ambushed and killed. Then it’s on.

      • Viking1865

        “If they just try to ban “assault weapons” without enforcement, it will kill industries but be ignored by gun owners.”

        Yep, and then you’ll only be able to shoot your ARs on your own land for as long as you can reload the ammo, and you’ll constantly be in fear an informer moved close enough to hear the semiauto fire of an AR. Assuming that you don’t get flagged by the data miners for purchasing 5.56 reloading supplies. That’s what they did with machine guns. They froze the supply in 1986, and now the only people who can afford them are people who can drop 5 figures for a gun which was made, at best, 25 or 30 years ago. Once the paper receivers dried up, that was it. Now we have no chance of repealing that from the NFA, because no one owns one and the people who do have 100k plus tied up in them that goes away if they are legalized.

        Then when you die, your kids will turn your guns into the authorities because they’re illegal. They’ll get either cut up, or if you have some nice ones the cops will pick through them because they are immune to gun laws, and that will be that.

        The smart play for them is bureaucratize the tyranny completely, to completely cloak the steel fist in velvet. There will never be a jackbooted thug for you to drop the hammer on. Look at taxes. If a government employee knocked on your door every month and demanded every adult show him their bank statements so he could collect 30%, there would be a revolt. Hell, if everyone had to write a check every month for their taxes there would be a revolt, or at least noncompliance. But they sneak it out of your check before you even see it. It’s skimmed out of every purchase, of every gallon of gas.

      • Chipwooder

        On the other hand there are exponentially more AR owners than there ever were machine gun owners.

      • Viking1865

        Sure, which is even more of a reason for them to do it with a soft touch, with the gradual erosion of bureaucratic processes. Owning an AR will be painted in the media and schools as equivalent to a Klan hood, and grandchildren who drop the dime on their grandfather will get Ivy League scholarships. Ever mentioned owning an AR at work? One day you’ll be called in to a meeting with HR and given the choice between turning that in or losing your job in a country with a sub 3% growth rate and permanent unemployment in the 9% range. The SJW Internet people will crawl through social media looking for people with ARs in their pictures and doxx and report them.

        There’s not going to ever be a commissarr in a Mao jacket surrounded by Red Guards ordering all guns to be thrown into a dumpster. It’s going to be a letter from a fat bureaucrat with a picture of her kids and a potted plant on her desk saying that they pulled the 4473s of your LGS and the records show you purchased an AR 5 years ago, and to please call and schedule an appointment to turn it in for your 500 dollar tax credit.

      • pan fried wylie

        and grandchildren who drop the dime on their grandfather will get Ivy League scholarships

        Are those still worth something?

      • Gustave Lytton


        What’s the point of owning an illegal firearm if you’re otherwise not doing something illegal? Target shooting is out. Use it for self defense and you’re fucked. It’s nothing more than an instafelony hunk of metal at that point.

    • Viking1865

      “I doubt the Supremes will do their job and just let things slide on that.”

      The Court is just another body composed of The Ruling Class. They can be counted to strike down the laws that infringe on approved pursuits of the ruling class, but not the approved pursuits of the deplorables. Honestly, truly, that might be the problem more so than anything else: the entire country is ruled by people who all went to the same schools and who have very similar backgrounds and outlooks.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      There isn’t a single non-liberal gun owner in America who will turn in a single gun or round of ammo.

      • Viking1865

        Sure there are. There are millions, and I can tell you exactly who they are: the gun owners with leftie girlfriends or wives.

      • Chipwooder

        There are many times when I have to ponder my good luck. My wife was an ardent Democrat when we first met. Her family was all Democrats…..but they were the kind of Democrats who were being pushed out of the party – blue collar whites who were unionized factory workers. Very much non-woke, gun owners, hunters, very pro-America. I’m pretty sure all of them were Trump voters.

        Anyway, point of that was that I don’t know how we’d still be together if she had gone the other way and embraced wokeness.

      • juris imprudent

        I have more respect for sticking-it-in-crazy and sticking to that than for sticking-it-in-woke.

      • Idle Hands

        If this year taught us anything it was there is a significant portion of people in both parties who would gleefully get on the train to the gulag.

    • robc

      But what is his WAR?

      • pistoffnick

        I believe he was anti-WAR

    • Idle Hands

      Mount Rushmore level american.

      • robc

        He was anti-slavery and anti-civil-war, so icky.

  50. Lord Humungus

    It’s time for your Biden Presidency Predictions (BPP):

    I predict:

    1) a lot of initial fuckery, bad laws that go to court, and many woke things. These end up going horribly wrong with “unintended consequences” … and angering a lot of middle-of-the-road”people who end up thinking “I didn’t vote for this! I just wanted that icky Trump out of office!”

    2) Even if Biden makes it two years in, or Harris takes over, the Republicans (or whatever that party morphs into) takes the house. Those elections are smaller and harder to cheat. Republicans take the Senate with a slim majority. People like gridlock. not one party rule

    3) Powerless to pass law, Biden (or Harris) goes into “pen and phone” mode like Obama did after 2010.

    4) Biden bows out for 2024, leaving Harris to run against, oh some beltway Republican that no one rallies around like they did Trump. Dems win the WH again but that’s all they control.


      4) Biden bows out for 2024, leaving Harris to run against, oh some beltway Republican that no one rallies around like they did Trump. Dems win the WH again but that’s all they control.

      Mittens: “So you’re saying there’s a chance?”

      • Festus

        *Gets so upset that I hurk a little*

    • robc

      I agree with 2A, the GOP will take the House. Especially with redistricting before 2022. I am not convinced about the senate as I think the GOP has a bunch to defend in 2 years.

      1 and 3 are no brainers.

      I think 2024 will be interesting. I agree Biden won’t run again. But not sure of the result. I think the GOP takes it back, but it depends entirely on how awful their choice is.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        If they don’t run DeSantis/Noem, they’re fools.

      • Festus


      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Either is fine by me, but DeSantis carries Florida.

      • Viking1865

        Yeah and as much as I like Noem and respect Noem, SD is not FL. It’s small, it’s sparsely populated.

        DeSantis is a thoroughly competent governor who has really continued the ascent of FL, it’s a damn well run state that is absolutely booming. He made the right moves on COVID, safeguarding the old while restoring liberty as rapidly as possible given the unique challenges of FL. Hes a fighter, he understands the TMITE. He’d be an excellent President.

        You can tell the left knows this, because DeSantis isn’t in any of their polling for 2024. They’re trying to push Trump vs Nikki Haley.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Haley is a country club squish neocon loser, if they field her they’re doomed (which I’m convinced they’re perfectly fine with).

      • Idle Hands

        I want noem to run so I can derail her candidacy with a sex scandal.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        It’s also why he’s a demon as far as Covid goes, despite Florida being better off in virtually every metric than states like CA or NY.

      • R C Dean

        If they don’t run DeSantis/Noem, they’re fools.

        Narrator: They’re fools.

        The “lesson learned” by the GOP establishment will be only run squishy Dem-symps for President, following the “Trump disaster”.

      • zwak

        Its going to be Ted Cruz.

      • db

        No! Not the worst Hitler since Hitler literally Hitlered!


      I don’t know, now that they have brazenly gotten away with gaming the system, I think they are emboldened to continue doing so. Plus, who follows a particular House Race, outside of their district, closely enough to determine if it was fraudulent or not.

      • Viking1865

        They don’t need to game the system all that much. Both parties have about 170 completely safe House districts. It’s the other 100 that can swing back and forth, and even then its really just maybe 50 or so.

        The Republican was up by a few thousand votes with 99% reporting in my district. Then they found a flash drive someone had forgotten to upload, and wow look at that its chock full of just enough votes for the Dem to pull it out at the end. What good fortune for her!!!!

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Ahhh lucky you, you got Spanberger.

        That election was a sham.

      • Chipwooder

        What, you doubt Spanberger’s 14K votes found in the middle of the night???

    • Pope Jimbo

      The only thing I disagree on is that Harris will get the nomination in 2024. She might have a chance if Biden finishes his term, but if she takes over there is no way she gets the nomination.

      She couldn’t even make it to the Iowa Caucuses before being forced out. If she was in charge, she’d quickly prove how prescient those rube Iowa farmers were.

      Besides, given the general lack of awareness of the Dems, I would think that in 2024, there will be a lot of uber-socialist types running for the nomination because they didn’t think Kamala progged hard enough.

    • Drake

      I would agree but I have doubts about the future of the Republican Party. A lot of people are done voting for the lesser evil that has proven itself to be pretty fucking evil.

      • Jarflax

        I do not see a new party taking the Republican’s place because the entire establishment on every level both in politics and business/media will unite to coopt and destroy it in its cradle. But I do think a lot of people on the right will not vote for Republicans again after the events of the last year. That is why I am convinced that we are done, and things are going to get very bad indeed. The party line is now that right wing protests are ‘insurrection’ and that is not just them being hyperbolic. They are setting the stage for a hardline response to anyone speaking out from the right. If opposing the left is insurrection then it is entirely reasonable to jail, reeducate, or just kill those in opposition.

      • Drake

        I don’t see people like this ever holding their noses and voting for a mainstream R again.

      • Viking1865

        The Republican candidates in the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 presidential elections did not vote for the 2016 and 2020 Republican nominee. I’d lay even money that Bush, McCain, and Mitt have only voted for themselves in elections since 2020.

        The Republican Party is run by moderate Democrats, and the Democratic Party is run by Democrats.

    • KSuellington

      I think I’d agree with the first three pretty much. I don’t think Harris would prevail in such a scenario, especially if the Elephants pick someone like DeSantis or Noem. I don’t even think she’d prevail against generic Repub, but that of course depends if they can at least partially fix some of the voting issues.

    • Timeloose

      Do any of you think that it is possible to pack the supreme court? I don’t know if there is the will to set precedence in case congress shifts Red again.

      • The Other Kevin

        It is possible, the only reason we are at 9 now is due to a previous law. There is technically nothing preventing that law from being replaced. Hopefully, there will be someone who realizes that in the future, the Dems might not have control of everything, and some future administration could pack it even more. Do they really want to start down the road to 150 justices?

      • Pope Jimbo

        When Social Security becomes insolvent, maybe the solution is to make everyone over 65 a Supreme Court Justice for a day. Then they could retire on a federal pension.

      • Festus

        I dunno, Team Red Flag under a guise of blue seems like this to me nowadays https://youtu.be/_XUu3_pLPUE

      • robc

        Manchin says he wont support it, so I dont think so.

      • R C Dean

        Manchin can be bought. Or, alternatively, he can cast a symbolic vote against, because a Repub will vote for it.

        We will shortly get a preview of how bad this session of Congress will be, when the Senate votes on its rules for the next two years. If they junk the filibuster, they are pedal-to-the-metal going hard leftist totalitarian. Including packing the Court.

    • The Other Kevin

      Regarding #1, we’ll see if the Dems have learned anything over the years. You can usually count on them to go too far, too fast, and overestimate how many people will go along with it.

    • Akira

      It’s time for your Biden Presidency Predictions (BPP):

      5) A new war and drastic escalations of current wars. What it boils down to is that the intelligence agencies hated Trump’s hesitancy to do a “regime change” war in whatever country they want – the corporate media just followed their masters and made up reasons to make the public hate him. A Biden admin will gladly invade any Middle Eastern shithole the CIA wants them to, then the Democrat Party will couch it in flowery language about “world leadership” and “humanitarian interventions” (Kamala will add a feminine touch to warmongering – yay!)

    • limey

      5) Biden gets twenty-fifthed by midterms, but really, he’s just a puppet anyway, and I’m not sure they want to put the first woman into the Oval Office like that, so they will have her run in 2024 with a Squad member as VP. Martial law situation gets exponentially worse. Dems and the left propaganda machine quadruple down on the existential threat from wrongthinkers. There will be a reaction to this and this will result in several hyper-Wacos that are reported as domestic terrorists being vanquished by the brave mxn and womxn in uniform. The situations with homeless and illegal aliens get exponentially worse, especially in the D strongholds, but it’s always Republicans’ fault. Some sort of crazy new third party emerges with a ticket like Lin Wood/Q Shaman, but it doesn’t make the ballots. It borders on complete irrelevancy but it’s capitalized on by the D’s/MSM who get a lot of propaganda mileage out of it. R’s wish to distance themselves from it and the civil war within the party has the Lincoln Project caucus emerging victorious and running a ticket like Mittens/Haley for 2024. The non-D turnout for the 2024 election sees a record low because enthusiasm among R’s and independents is almost non-existent. FOUR MORE YEARS of Kamala, and this time they didn’t even have to cheat.

      • R C Dean

        Biden gets twenty-fifthed by midterms,

        Not gonna happen. The Dems are not going to publicly humiliate a Dem President. Deals will be cut, a resignation will be submitted. The DemOp Media will swoon.

    • Not Adahn

      we have a very clear symbolic representation of the presidency (Earth – Sun – Jupiter) with an equally clear countermarker of both the moon and Mars in opposition. So Biden’s term is going to be plagued with military and maritime problems. Or a flood. Water will definitely be involved.

    • Nephilium

      I expect Biden to resign after the midterms, potentially to “spend more time with his family” setting Harris up for a potential 10 year reign. I expect the Dems to get control of the Senate, but lose the House in the same midterms.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      2) I’d say you’d have to be pretty damn optimistic to think we’re ever going to have free elections again. I said it yesterday, but to repeat, it’s clear the Republic is entering a new phase between the lockdowns, purging of the military, and direct assaults on the 1st and 2nd amendments. The 2020 voting was manipulated right there in front of the country, where vote counts actually somehow decreased in realtime for both Trump and the GOP in the Georgia senate runoff. It doesn’t get more brazenly banana republic than that.

      Even if the midterms will be conducted and counted fairly, the GOP is done as a party. The base has shifted in a different direction and the GOP establishment is fighting that shift kicking and screaming.

    • leon

      I like doing predictions. Especially since no one will hold me to them.

      1) There will be escalation in Syria, with serious troop deployments there in the next 18-24 months. Tensions between US and Russia will increase, probably with Ukraine suffering the most. I anticipate a new war (possibly with iran, though unlikely, maybe Armenia/Azerbejan?) in the next 24 months.

      2) Biden will attempt many things that will get struck down by courts. every new president tries to see as much as they can do and are likely to do things that get struck down.

      3) House goes to GOP in 2022.

      4) Barring Bidens death (I don’t really feel like making such morbid predictions as if that will or will not happen), Biden will run in 2024. You do not give up such power. If he does pass, then Harris will handily recieve the nomination (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, don’t underestimate the power of running the incumbant, even if she was previously unpopular. Joe Biden was very unpopular when he started out his last primary too).

      5) GOP continues it civil war, i don’t think it will be over until at least 2024, depending on who gets the nomination for president. The GOP is much much much more bifurcated than the DNC right now. DNC has effectively demolished the progressive wing. Neo-cons are going to attempt to retake the GOP in the next 4 years. I can’t make a prediction of how that will turn out.

      • Nephilium

        /bookmarks this link and sets a reminder for 2 years out.

    • Plisade

      Agreed. A weak (Can wokeness really be anything but?) attempt at The Terror phase of the proggies’ soft, slow motion revolution, and then back to gridlock. A bigger “crisis” will be the 2024 elections when the dems try their election shit *again* and the backlash from citizens of all flavors will start to swing the pendulum back.

      But Pessimist Me thinks the Marine Corps needs to step up and arrest Pelosi, Hillary, Biden, Whitmer, et al, and restore Our Constitutional Republic.

    • Agent Cooper

      5) Endless infighting over who really will control the pen and the phone between Harris/Dr. Jill/Others in cabinet posts. This is what I hope for because it will be the brakes on any runaway train of progressive oversight and ruin.

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      Whatever bad stuff the Dems manage to pass by law or executive order will be impossible to overturn because the ratchet only goes one way.

    • R C Dean

      1) a lot of initial fuckery, bad laws that go to court, and many woke things. These end up going horribly wrong with “unintended consequences” … and angering a lot of middle-of-the-road”people who end up thinking “I didn’t vote for this! I just wanted that icky Trump out of office!”

      The people who voted for Biden are firmly in the DemOp Narrative Bubble, which will make sure they “know” that all those bad things are the fault of the Trump and his traitor followers.

      2) Even if Biden makes it two years in, or Harris takes over, the Republicans (or whatever that party morphs into) takes the house. Those elections are smaller and harder to cheat. Republicans take the Senate with a slim majority. People like gridlock. not one party rule

      Much depends on how many leave the DemOp Narrative Bubble, and what kind of election “reform” is passed by Congress in the next two years.

      3) Powerless to pass law, Biden (or Harris) goes into “pen and phone” mode like Obama did after 2010.

      They’re already starting that with Biden’s announced EOs, even though they hold power across the board in DC.

      4) Biden bows out for 2024, leaving Harris to run against, oh some beltway Republican that no one rallies around like they did Trump. Dems win the WH again but that’s all they control.

      See (2) above. Even if the Repubs manage to get control of the House despite election “reform”, I think it will be very difficult for them to win enough statewide elections to get control of the Senate.

    • The Gunslinger

      I predict gasoline will cost $4 per gallon by July 4 this summer.

      • Mad Scientist

        Californians: Is that all?

      • pan fried wylie

        x5 for CA

  51. Lord Humungus

    Every time I put my coat on, this dern greyhound thinks she is going outside with me.


      That sounds like a good problem to have.

    • Brett L

      Random variable reinforcement IS the most effective

  52. The Late P Brooks

    The next time I hear somebody bleating about insurrectionists “storming and desecrating the sacred temple of democracy” I’m going to ask, “But it would have been okay if they had gone downtown and looted a bunch of stores and set some cars on fire, right? RIGHT?”

    • Akira

      I’m still trying to figure out how it’s NOT insurrection to claim that several blocks in a major city no longer belong to the United States.

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

        Because that’s democracy in action according to the mayor of Seattle.

  53. Ownbestenemy

    Hey Spud..whats the texture of the pork belly like as its curing? Stiff? Slimy? ‘Wet’ etc

  54. Mojeaux

    To interject a little bit of good news:

    Our dishwasher is on its last legs. XX took it apart to clean it (without our permission) (drives me up a wucking fall when they do shit to my house without permission) and fucked it all up. Well, we were going to have to buy a new one anyway but we were going to nurse it along. Well, she put the nail in that coffin because she punched a hole in something important.

    So I get up this morning and Mr. Mojeaux has that “it happened again” look on his face. He says, “It happened again,” he says. I said, “What did you win?” He says, “What do we need more than anything else right now?” “Money?” “Not that.” “Cars?” “Not that.” “A dishwasher.” Bingo.

    An $800 dishwasher, stainless, with a stainless steel tub (which was what I wanted).

    Good gravy. I should let this man buy lottery tickets.

    • UnCivilServant

      Congrats on the fortunate timing.

      • Mojeaux

        It was like that with the trip to New York that he won. We had been planning to go to New York for family vacation, but had a house emergency (of course) that took our vacation funds. A couple of weeks later, he’s bursting in our bedroom (where I am still asleep), pounds on the bed, and yells, “We’re going to New York! We’re going to New York!”

        He’s had a few lucky timings of that nature.

    • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

      If I had your husband’s luck, I’d be buying the damn things by subscription.

      I s’pose I could stop after my first billion dollars or so . . .

      • Mojeaux

        That’s just it. He NEVER spends money to enter sweepstakes. That’s his hobby. He does it while watching TV and he has a system.

        He has bought lottery tickets, and I only find out when he wins. He does win, but small amounts, $500 here, $1,000 there. He doesn’t play very often, but he does do so. My diamond was bought with lottery winnings (to replace the cubic zirconia).

      • CPRM

        …small amounts, $500 here, $1,000 there.

        To me, those are large amounts. But you do you.

    • Festus

      Good for you and Fam! Any good news is welcome. My dishwasher is out of order but I’ve been working so much that I can’t get at it. Glorified drying rack right now.

      • pan fried wylie

        The Ole Escalator Failure.

    • Viking1865

      “So I get up this morning and Mr. Mojeaux has that “it happened again” look on his face. He says, “It happened again,” he says.”

      I like how you wrote this, made me smile.

      “I should let this man buy lottery tickets”

      Yeah you probably should. 2 bucks for the chance at 850 million, fun to daydream about.

      • Mojeaux

        I like how you wrote this, made me smile.


        It’s a callback to those old comedy routines that go, “So I said to myself, ‘Self,’ I says …” I just love that for some reason. There’s something to the palindrome-ish nature that feels balanced, like a teeter-totter.

      • Chipwooder

        I used to get a kick out of Walter Williams’ columns when he’d say something like “Now, if I told you X, you might say to me ‘Williams! That’s crazy!'”

      • The Other Kevin

        I always liked that about him. Made me smile every time.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Ok, I’m pulling the trigger on his books now.

    • Sean

      I like good news. Love that timing of it too.

      • Mojeaux

        Sponge too or GTFO

        I tell my kids all the time that the dishwasher is for SANITIZING the dishes, not WASHING them. They’re supposed to wash the dishes first, but they don’t. With a stainless steel drum, I can have super-hot water. Can’t do that with a plastic tub.

      • pan fried wylie

        Those lil guys are my best buds. Great on pans and mugs, but also keeps the sink itself pristinely polished.

        I’m trying to use my dishwasher more lately as my back gets older and less amenable to standing at the sink, but getting out a clean dish or piece of silverware that’s not actually clean breaks my sanity, so I’ve been handwashing the past decade to prevent suicide.

    • Tres Cool

      fuckin’ Lazlo

      • juris imprudent

        *golf claps*

      • Mojeaux

        “Well, this batch makes it one million six hundred and fifty thousand. I should win thirty-two point six percent of the prizes, including the car.”

      • db

        Now I’m imagining that Mojeaux has a closet in her bedroom that opens on a roller coaster that descends into a maze of steam tunnels.

  55. The Late P Brooks

    An $800 dishwasher, stainless, with a stainless steel tub (which was what I wanted).

    Good gravy. I should let this man buy lottery tickets.


    • Festus

      Roger Stone is one of those Clown Princes of the Beltway. Much like what’s his face from Louisiana. The guy that helped on Clinton’s campaign. Come on, Man! You know the one!

      • Chipwooder


      • Drake

        The one who married the Bush campaign woman… that one.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • juris imprudent


      • pan fried wylie


  56. Certified Public Asshat

    The vaccine distribution seems like a good case study on if the government should control all of healthcare. Of course, not many will make the connection.

    • UnCivilServant

      I, for one, am glad they’re screwing it up. It makes it easier to avoid being a guinea pig for unproven technologies.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Someone I know thought they found a loophole in the vaccine distribution plan so they made an appointment. Over 50 with past organ transplants so you might say they are high risk. They went to the appointment and was rejected. A 25 year old teacher can get a vaccine right now, but not them.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Same with the healthcare “heroes”. Zero reason to put young healthcare worked ahead of elderly.

      • Akira

        It makes it easier to avoid being a guinea pig for unproven technologies.

        By the way…

        I’ve always said that people should be allowed to try drugs before they’ve gone through 10+ years of clinical trials as long as the pharmaceutical company is up front about how much testing it has gone through and what is known/unknown about side effects. When I say this, I’m usually told that we can’t allow that because pharmaceutical companies are sociopathically greedy and will sell you pure poison to put a quick buck in their pockets.

        So my position on the vaccine is the same – you should be allowed to take it if you want. Personally, I don’t want a drug if we have zero knowledge about the long-term effects and it was rushed out under extreme political pressure to get it done.

        But NOW, I’m being told that I’m crazy for not wanting to take a brand new, untested drug. The same people who told me that we can’t roll back FDA regulation at all are now insisting that only a crazy anti-vaxxer wouldn’t want this “vaccine” that was rolled out in a few months (and they say you still have to follow all the COVID rules after you’ve gotten the vaccine! Doesn’t sound like it’s an effective vaccine at all!)

      • juris imprudent

        That’s so cute – you seriously expected people to be intellectually consistent?

      • pan fried wylie

        But don’t forget that weed is still too dangerous for anybody to make that decision. Unless we’re handing out weed with your vaccine.

        The strain is called Cognitive Dissonance. Don’t think about it.

    • Ownbestenemy

      People are advocating that FEMA and the military should be running it…they aparently forget just how awful both those two track records are.

      • pan fried wylie

        Is the goal to kill people? If so…

  57. banginglc1

    I didn’t want to add any negative to Animals new grandchild post above. So, I’m splitting this here.

    Currently here only one person can visit the mother and baby in the hospital (obviously it’s usually the father). I’m hoping in a month or so when mine pops out, the grandparents will be allowed, but I’m not counting on it. Way to ruin the only grandchild my parents will ever have.

    I’m also not longer allowed to go to the ultrasounds. Way to ruin the only experience I’ll ever have. (She’s getting fixed after this pregnancy for health reasons)

    • Festus

      Missed that. Congrats Animal!

    • Mojeaux

      Huh. My mother AND mother-in-law (and husband, natch) were in the room with me for XY’s birth.

      • Festus

        Did they employ a warm-up comic and laugh track? Seems like more of a private affair to me but what do I know? I’d rather be pacing outside with a pocket full of cigars.

      • Mojeaux

        It was a very somber day, trust me. I had eschewed an epidural for medical reasons (tanks my blood pressure) and nothing was happening for hours yet it hurt like it was. My mom was shoveling ice chips in my mouth all day until husband or MIL spelled her.


      This stuff is just inhuman.

      Frankelson child #2 of 4 works at a nursing home and because of the retarded restrictions families have to watch their loved one’s die via webcam. Fuck these people.

      • Mojeaux

        My cousin’s wife is dying from the WuFlu and they won’t let him in to see her. My uncle died last October and there could be no funeral. A memorial was planned on his birthday (NYE), but that couldn’t happen, either.


        I have trouble not having my soul crushed (what little of it that there is, I am ginger after all) with all of this, TBH.

      • Mojeaux

        Me too, which is why I try to ignore it. It hasn’t touched me as much as some people because I’m self-employed anyway and my husband’s work moved him home almost immediately.

        But I care about the greater economy and I just couldn’t be happy about my own situation when there were the mandatory shut-downs going on and I could see where the economy was going to go–and there was NOTHING anybody could do about it.

        That’s the most depressing thing of all, feeling the boot on your neck. Never mind it wasn’t on mine directly, but I could feel it.

      • pan fried wylie

        families have to watch their loved one’s die via webcam

        It’s cool. The person who instituted that policy will eventually blow their brains out. Or return to Hell, one or the other.

  58. The Late P Brooks

    Of course you know- this means WAR!

    Twelve years after Joe Biden was sworn in as the vice president of hope and change, hope is in short supply and the need for change is even more acute. Progressives have a rare opportunity to enact their agenda—but they will need to play the kind of hardball they have backed away from in the past, because Biden continues to send conflicting messages. For every promise of transformational change, he signals a desire to appease a Republican Party intent on destroying his presidency.

    The stakes could hardly be higher: One out of every thousand Americans has died from a lethal pandemic, with no end yet in sight. The economy is officially still humming along, but millions face eviction, bankruptcy and hunger. Even U.S. democracy is under unprecedented siege by an insurrectionist movement encouraged by the outgoing president and his loyalists in Congress.

    The path forward is difficult to envision amid the fog of culture war, political war and the threat of actual, real-life civil war. But it is clear that Biden is at a crossroad and still unsure which way to go. He can follow his boss, Barack Obama, who pursued bipartisanship, comity and compromise—accommodating corporate power. Or he can break toward the path of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who did battle with oligarchy, stood down fascism and welcomed the hatred of the rich.

    One thing he cannot do is try to go in both directions. The lesson of the Obama administration is that you can have appeasement or transformative progress, but you almost certainly cannot have both.


    Back then, Roosevelt seemed to appreciate that business as usual would not stave off fascism and rescue the country—much, much more was required.

    “There must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing,” he said in his first inaugural address. “Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. This nation asks for action, and action now.”

    Those words ring true in this moment of peril—the best hope for America is not a vapid Biden paean to the “soul of this nation,” but a Biden administration that is pressed by progressives to take action and deliver real material gains to the working class.

    If that does not happen, then a new right-wing authoritarian will likely ride another wave of anger at the continued inequality, destitution and dysfunction—and that next menace is likely to be even more dangerous than Trump.

    Okay then. Left wing authoritarianism it is. Give ’em the boot.


      My wife’s window sill basil plant has more self-awareness than these clowns.

      • pan fried wylie

        “Oh, not again.”

    • Akira

      Even U.S. democracy is under unprecedented siege by an insurrectionist movement encouraged by the outgoing president and his loyalists in Congress.

      There have been bombs detonated in the Capitol more than once. Shut the fuck up.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yep, Weather Uground wasn’t it and pardoned by Wild Bill Clinton.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Yes, and I don’t believe they have ever apologized.

        It should be noted that Obama considers Ayers and Dorn his godparents.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Guilty as sin and free as a bird.

    • Brochettaward

      He can follow his boss, Barack Obama, who pursued bipartisanship, comity and compromise

      I mean, I can’t even muster enough energy to reply sarcastically here.

      Or he can break toward the path of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who did battle with oligarchy, stood down fascism

      I can’t even…

      • Suthenboy

        the guy that rounded up American citizens, seized their property then without charge,indictment, or trial put. them in concentration camps? that anti-fascist? I remember him

    • Chipwooder

      People still hire David Sirota? HAHAHAHAHA

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      “One out of every thousand Americans has died from a lethal pandemic.” About 1 in 100 Americans die every year.

      “Back then, Roosevelt seemed to appreciate that business as usual would not stave off fascism and rescue the country.” It seems to me that FDR was kind of fascist.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Not kind of, he was absolutely a fascist. He just changed the self-identification when it became politically inconvenient.

      • db

        It was an unfortunate fad in the western world at the time. FDR and his backers were enthusiastic in identifying parts of fascism they could implement.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        You’re the tops, you’re the Great Houdini
        You’re the tops, you’re the Mussolini

    • leon

      Back then, Roosevelt seemed to appreciate that business as usual would not stave off fascism and rescue the country—much, much more was required.

      “There must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing,” he said in his first inaugural address. “Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. This nation asks for action, and action now.”

      Well if you can’t beat em, join em? amirite Frankie?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      To shorten that drivel:

      “Political Compromise from the Left = Appeasement”

      This will be right in line with the Obama years when any and all political disagreement was characterized by left media as purely racist in nature.

      Except now it’s going to be “white supremacy,” a clear raising of the stakes because racist isn’t sufficient anymore.

      I despise these people, they are leading the charge into real political violence by eliminating any possibility of compromise.

    • Rebel Scum

      but they will need to play the kind of hardball they have backed away from in the past


      One out of every thousand Americans has died from a lethal pandemic

      No, they haven’t.

      Back then, Roosevelt seemed to appreciate that business as usual would not stave off fascism and rescue the country

      Roosevelt engaged in fascism and perpetuated the economic crisis.

      a new right-wing authoritarian

      When did we have one of these?

    • CPRM

      …Roosevelt seemed to appreciate that business as usual would not stave off fascism

      So that’s why implemented it himself?

    • R C Dean

      hope is in short supply and the need for change is even more acute

      Agreed, but not the way the commie thinks.

  59. pan fried wylie

    @ L0b0T

    Meh… I built the machine 2013, back when DDR3 was the bee’s knees, and I need to keep it goin for a few more years. It’s a micro ATX (Asus F2A85M-PRO), with an AMD a-10 CPU stuffed into the best case ever made (and the reason I went micro ATX) – the Silverstone FT-03 https://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=291#fgo-top

    Fair enough, that’s the date on my DDR3 box. But I’m also not buying new hardware for it…it just gets handmedowns now. They still make micro atx boards.

  60. The Late P Brooks

    And- back to this:

    One out of every thousand Americans has died from a lethal pandemic, with no end yet in sight.


    One out of every THOUSAND, with no rhyme or reason. Completely unpredictable. Line up a thousand people, blindfold the sniper, and take a shot. Whatever you do, don’t acknowledge the fact that there are 999 people left standing; they are completely irrelevant to the discussion.

    They imply randomness on a plainly non-random phenomenon, because it benefits them, politically.

    • Viking1865

      3 million Americans die in a typical year, which is about 1 in every 112 Americans. So if you looked at a thousand American names Jan 1st 2020, odds are a year later 8 or 9 of them are dead. BUT ONE OF THEM WAS DEAD OF THE WU FLU!!!!!!

      Yeah, he was 88 years old with Type 2 diabetes and had a pacemaker.

    • Akira

      One out of every thousand Americans has died from a lethal pandemic

      And that’s probably the “death toll” that includes:
      – Multiple positive tests and antibody tests for the same person
      – Dying of gunshots or car accidents while having COVID
      – Having COVID months ago, getting over it, then dying of something else
      – People who already have a late-stage terminal illness and die of COVID*

      * Not saying these people don’t matter, but it stands to reason that some unknown percentage of them were going to die in that general timeframe whether they had COVID or not. As it is right now, the policy is just “died with COVID = died of COVID”. I don’t claim to know what this number should be – I’m just saying that we don’t have good data, and there should be better criteria and an audit of the data up to this point before saying with any certainty what the COVID death toll actually is.

  61. Rebel Scum

    I guess this is what we are getting instead of a Trump Library.

    The president framed his National Garden as the fitting “answer to this reckless attempt to erase our heroes, values, and entire way of life. … When the forces of anti-Americanism have sought to burn, tear down, and destroy, patriots have built, rebuilt, and lifted up.”

    • Festus

      So Branson instead of Vegas but in the speakeasies we can get piss-whores and all the everclear that we desire? You fucked up, Donny J. That should have been your selling point. You’re fired!

    • Gustave Lytton

      Trump proves his gold plated idiocy by putting Alex Trebek and RBG in there.

      Also missing, Chief Joseph and Robert E Lee. Both should be there for similar reasons.

  62. Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

    That return to the top bug on these comments is delivering benefits today.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Tim Pool interviews NJ gym owner about governor confiscating his $173K


      Pretty infuriating

      • Stinky Wizzleteats


  63. The Late P Brooks

    That’s the most depressing thing of all, feeling the boot on your neck. Never mind it wasn’t on mine directly, but I could feel it.

    That is what’s truly frightening/depressing about this. To be shown plainly how many people are completely lacking in empathy.

    So many people look at it as an adventure, because they have been spared from any meaningful adverse effects. “Ooh, lookit the cool technology! This is fun!”

  64. The Late P Brooks

    I have talked to real people who say, “It’s a shame that place closed down, but somebody else will come long after we’ve beaten the plague by vaccinating everybody and open a new cool restaurant.”

    They don’t like it when I ask them what sort of an idiot would do that knowing some officious jackass from the county can walk in and shut them down at any time.

    • db

      Indeed, who would take on debt or spend their savings to start or re-open a public-facing business after this, without some serious faith that the lockdowns wouldn’t be repeated.

      And people who suggest that destruction of old businesses in this way is ok are failing to realize that it entails the destruction of years or decades worth of work, planning, and savings. These business owners have been made destitute, in many cases. How is it OK to just accept that and say “someone else will come in and do it?”

      This is not the normal kind of creative destruction that we expect from free markets.

    • Akira

      I have talked to real people who say, “It’s a shame that place closed down, but somebody else will come long after we’ve beaten the plague by vaccinating everybody and open a new cool restaurant.”

      It’s really galling that Leftists love the lockdowns so much. The effect is basically to grind small businesses into the ground so that giant corporations can fill the vacuum.

      I know why the Establishment loves the lockdowns, but the people who claim to be for “the little guy” are really blind to what this policy is doing.

      • Viking1865

        The Left is the Establishment now. As Greenwald says, paraphrased:

        The boards of the defense contractors will have the proper mix of genders and races. The new private prison contract is going to a woman owned company.

      • Mojeaux

        The true-believing useful idiots (of which I believe the majority of lefties/progs are) are prosperous enough that they never really understand cause-effect of the economy.

        In other words, it’s expensive to be poor, and they don’t understand that.

        I worked for a prosperous, upper middle-class leftie once. I went to her and pleaded the case for a woman who’d bounced a check and got hit with egregious bank fees. I said, “I know how she feels because I run my checkbook down to the penny.” She said, “I reconcile my checkbook to the penny too. What’s that got to do with it?” So I had to explain it to her, and she was just speechless. She truly did not know people who carry 53¢ balances in their checking accounts.

        She dealt with the bounced check the way I wanted her to after I explained it, but she couldn’t hide her disgust that people didn’t have four figures in their accounts at all times.

      • Viking1865

        I’ve nearly bitten my tongue off at times this past year. We had to let people go, and I got a slight bump for picking up more tasks, but my wifes business cratered. We were down, as a family, five figures from 2019. But then all I hear from parasites who have not missed a paycheck in 10 years about “sacrifice” and “we’re all in this together.”

        If we were all in this together, they would have had Furlough Fridays for all the government paper pushers in 2020. Saved 20% of the personell costs of government and pushed it right into COVID relief for the actual producers who have had their lives wrecked.

        I’m done pretending they are well meaning but misguided. They are evil power mad monsters who want every single one of us working for the state or for some monstrous corporation that’s run exactly like a government bureau. They hate freedom because freedom means someone who is a WrongThinker can do better than them, and they can’t fucking stand that. The redneck who cut class in the parking lot owns his own mechanics shop, while they’re slaving away at a nametag job despite their degree, and they hate that.

      • Akira

        If we were all in this together, they would have had Furlough Fridays for all the government paper pushers in 2020. Saved 20% of the personell costs of government and pushed it right into COVID relief for the actual producers who have had their lives wrecked.

        Yea, as we can also see from the squealing during the last government “shutdown”, there really is a rock-solid belief that government exists as a profit-seeking venture for its employees.

      • kbolino

        But the greatest heresy of them all is to say it out loud.

      • kbolino

        Racism has been the most potent pejorative they have because it is the only facially neutral way for two low-status people to differentiate themselves in the eyes of a higher status person. They are classists through and through, even when they don’t actually belong to the class they aspire to. It’s gauche to openly disdain lower status members of other demographic groups but it’s quite chic to openly disdain lower status members of one’s own demographic groups; and of course, anyone of any demographic background can and should disdain lowest status whites, males, etc. No one who works a white collar job is truly immune to this, since it is the primary mechanism by which status is attained in white collar professions.

      • KSuellington

        Don’t worry. Within the next year you will be able to read multiple stories from Salon, The Atlantic, The Nation and other lefty pubs decrying the fact that there are now much less small independent businesses than there used to be. We can all write the punch line already, “it was that evil dadgum Donald Trump what done it.” And we can all write their solution, “more government grants to small independent businesses, especially those owned by…”

      • Mad Scientist

        especially exclusively

  65. Rebel Scum

    I’m sure everything is above board.

    The University of Delaware’s Biden Institute promises in its mission statement to embody the spirit of “honesty, integrity, compassion and courage” it says have defined President-elect Joe Biden’s career in politics.

    But as Biden prepares to take the oath of office on Wednesday, the research center he helped launch in 2017 to promote scholarship on public policy has the potential to become an ethical headache for his administration. The institute doesn’t disclose all of its donors and hasn’t committed to doing so once Biden is sworn in president.

    While it’s much smaller than the Clinton Foundation, which sparked ethics concerns during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of State and her presidential campaigns, the Biden Institute continues to engage in a multimillion-dollar fundraising campaign, which could attract donations from those interested in currying favor with the Biden administration.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Aren’t they also the guys who wouldn’t release Biden’s Senate records that would have clearly exonerated him from those baseless sexual assault charges?

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      Nothing to see here. Just a president actively enriching himself in exchange for favors.

      At least he doesn’t Tweet mean things!

      • Chipwooder

        Something something return to normalcy

  66. Festus

    Pulling out as a good boy should. See you on the dark side, my beloved Glibs!

    • KromulentKristen


    • Mojeaux

      Big-ass truck and fifth wheel, here we come!!!

      Congrats, KK.

      • KromulentKristen

        Thanks, Mo!

  67. juris imprudent

    For all the bitching about the Presidency, this is where the problems need to be fought.

    On February 16, The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) of the Illinois General Assembly will decide whether to officially enact a rule already approved by the Illinois State Board of Education. The new rule is called “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards.” It’s a doozy. Should the rule be ratified on February 16, the entire Illinois teacher corps will be effectively forced into political re-education and compelled to turn their classes into woke indoctrination sessions. We’ll look at details, but the most extraordinary in a raft of outrageous dictates is that teachers must “embrace and encourage progressive viewpoints and perspectives.” Illinois is literally about to mandate that every one of its licensed teachers adopt progressive political orthodoxy and impart that ideology to students. I’ve seen some pretty extreme stuff in my time, but my jaw is now officially on the floor.

    • kbolino

      Seems like it’s just a codification of what’s already been happening for 20+ years. Some nontrivial percentage of teachers will embrace it wholeheartedly, some will embrace it lukewarmly, some will try to work around and/or subvert it, but very few will quit or get fired over it (not counting people close to retirement).

      • juris imprudent

        happening for 20+ years

        Exactly, and all the while right through the Trump administration.

      • kbolino

        Trump was never really in charge of anything. Not the Federal government, not the U.S. military forces, and certainly not the alleged right-wing militia hit squads. He got to spend some time frustrating a lot of people more odious than himself, and entertaining a lot of people who see the game for what it is. But he was powerless to affect any real change.

        Within the structure of the U.S. and most state governments, there is no direct mechanism to alter the course of cultural hegemony. It takes two generations to fill the civil service with fellow travelers, but it takes only two years to reverse any electoral outcome.

    • db

      CuReTehLadS ?

    • R C Dean

      *insert Downfall meme here*

  68. The Late P Brooks

    teachers must “embrace and encourage progressive viewpoints and perspectives.”

    What could possibly go wrong?

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      You must critically thing for yourself to come to the same conclusions we have. Got it.

      • leon

        It is ironic that the progressives, who tout post-modernism, are so obsessed with singular truth.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Stephen Hicks makes this point over and over.

      • kbolino

        Post-modernism was just a vehicle. A convenient tool but a decreasingly useful one, that will be fully discarded eventually.

  69. Dr. Fronkensteen

    Biden as Willard and Trump as Kurtz: Or am I streching?

    Did they say why, Willard, why they want to terminate my command?

    I was sent on a classified mission, sir.

    It’s no longer classified, is it? Did they tell you?

    They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your methods were unsound.

    Are my methods unsound?

    I don’t see any method at all, sir.

    I expected someone like you. What did you expect? Are you an assassin?

    I’m a soldier.

    You’re neither. You’re an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.

    • kbolino

      I’m not sure Biden = Willard but I like it, it has some potential.

  70. The Late P Brooks

    I’m done pretending they are well meaning but misguided.

    No shit. The “models” driving this idiocy from the beginning have been spectacularly wrong. If they had been wrong BY MISTAKE, they would have been corrected, based on real world observational data.

    No attempt has been made to correct them, because they are more useful to scare the rubes with, as is.

  71. But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

    Y’know, we all need to look at the positives:

    Biden’s breakin’ down barriers! He’s the first openly Alzheimer-addled President! Folks with the Big A need some representation too! C’mon, man!

    (What’s the over/under on his Inaugural speech containing some real howlers which will be mined for their comedy gold for years to come?)


      They seem to be able to medicate him to the gills and make him sound like an actual human for a while.

      • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

        Aricept™ is a helluva drug, man.

    • db

      People used Reagan’s dementia as an insult and a cudgel against him when it became public knowledge. Biden’s will be a badge of honor in the victimization hall of fame. Any criticism of him based on this condition will be disallowed, and the author ostracized.

      • Mad Scientist

        Only a monster would make fun of a man’s stutter!

    • Mojeaux

      LUV luv luv “President Pudding Cup”

      • But Enough About [this space intentionally left blank]

        I think it looks slightly more “home-spun” if it’s spelled “President Puddin’ Cup.”

        Doesn’t that just make you wanna curl up under a blankie with a good book?

      • pan fried wylie

        Harley Quinn Approved

    • creech

      He’s apt to yammer on for two hours like William Henry Harrison. Please get him to wear a hat and overcoat so as to delay the coronation of Queen Kommila as long as possible.