“Oh noooooo… It’s horrrrrrrible!”
I don’t know if you guys knew this, but LEGO is open to user submitted LEGO sets. This set was officially approved earlier this week and it’s just amazing. (h/t: Mr. Riven) I think they could almost do a whole line of famous works of art that have three dimensions instead of two.
Man, another high-stakes debate already in 2021. What do you think? I never touch the stuff, so no opinion.
Yet another article that makes me glad I don’t have kids, but there’s some hope at the end. More parents are willing to entertain alternatives to public/government-run schools if it means getting their kids out of the house during the day.
Oh, look. Another debate that’s certainly worthy of argument. /s
I’ve always said “NEW-tella”. Clearly, I’m just better than most people.
Me too.
Apparently Americans pronounce it properly, just like they do everything else.
Now about “Addidas…”
Ever since I learned – 30 years late – that they are based a half-hour from the town I lived in in Germany in the 80s, I strive to pronounce it the correct way.
That’s been settled:
So do I. I’m not really seeing a debate.
Ditto. Article is poorly written but if I’m reading it right, it sounds like 88% of English people are idiots.
Wait til you hear how they pronounce “aluminum”
I never heard of the stuff before about 10 years ago, but always heard it as “noutella.”
I was afraid the official pronunciation was going to be something uncouth like “nyutella,” in the mode of “cyoupons,” which drives me bonkers.
Nope. Didn’t know that.
Yeah. That’s how some of the licensed sets got started.
Think they would do a Hat and Hair one?
When I was a kid we used to make cool new designs. Lego always was interested in seeing user designs, although they couldn’t take unsolicited designs and use them for official kits at the time. We made a really cool spacecraft prototype and photographed it against a black sheet to make it look like it was in space. We got a nice professional letter a few months later in response, thanking us for our submission, and saying while they really appreciated it, that design was a bit too big and complex (which was polite) to sell as an official kit. They were very encouraging, though.
Not sure if they ever really use anyone’s design.
We had tubs and tubs of unmatched legos. Build an entire city, tear it down, and do it all over again.
I have tubs of legos all mixed up in storage from the son. We have no idea what to do with them all.
Step on them. That’s what they’re apparently designed for.
Only at night, barefoot
If I had space, I’d offer to buy them.
How many and where? Might be interested.
Sell them. $7 pound is a fair rate. Some of the minifigs can be worth some money.
“couldn’t” take unsolicited designs. But they definitely put your out of focus, been-through-the-wash-fifty-times “black”-sheet-background-photo up on the Lego HQ Breakroom fridge.
Lego related.
Guy is recreating city landmarks with Legos.
“Capitol Insurrection” 1,522 pieces
How did they make that butt with lego?
The wedgie blocks.
Legos are great now, Way better then the ones I had as a kid. Legos are now more for adults too. You should see some of those sets they make. I go to the Lego store every now and again to see that is there. Wow.
I didn’t see any mention in the comments of the midday or AM Links posts, but Christopher Plummer, 1929-2021.
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen goodnight.
Huh. Most people consider Bermuda to be more comfortable than Canada.
Bermuda is nice to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there. Crowded, water can be a problem, expensive, piss-poor gun laws and drug laws.
Unless you’re Bloomberg.
Or Bill Gates.
Specifically, Bloomberg got a waiver from the Bermudan government to have armed security at his compound. Not even the cops there carry.
While he’s trying to take away gun rights here, he’s subverting an (almost) sovereign nation’s gun laws for his convenience.
Truly, a world class asshole.
I’ve been to Bermuda twice and I thought I saw cops carrying while I was there.
Bloomberg is asshoe goes without saying.
I guess he’s headed to the undiscovered country.
Muh Snowflake Pillow
Can’t wait till they have him on Shark Tank and they ask him all the financial questions.
Financing the company won’t be a problem. He’ll have tons of celebrity “investors.” And if he wants to take it public and cash out, the IPO will be hyped to the moon and back.
You’re a big pussy, so for that reason I’m out.
“Now, with bite-proof cover!”
bite-proofing powered by lead or asbestos?
Considering the size of that kid’s head, both metaphorically and in real life, I hope it’s firm and supportive. His head is a virtual planetoid with its own weather system.
It’s like Sputnik – spherical, yet quite pointy in places
Holy shit, he’s crediting himself for Greene being stripped of her committee slots? ????????? This little shit has got to be one of the biggest narcissists on earth.
He was begging on Twitter for a union pillow manufacturer to contact him “because we’ve had trouble finding one”. Terrific business plan – how could this not work??
He’ll be in the Senate soon enough.
Xi and Putin will be having a perpetual cocktail party from now on, watching American self destruct.
I would scoff, but Jon fuckin’ Ossoff, a dimwitted empty suit, just got elected, sooooooooo….
He’s a CCP puppet, so he fits right in.
He’s got everything in place, just needs a unique pillow design that doesn’t infringe on any existing patents. That’s the easy part!
How about something like those political votive candles, but with body pillows? Maddow, Stelter, Fauci, Harris…
I’ll go one better: how about replica naughty bits?
How do you tell them from a normal, blank pillow?
The regular pillow gets more action.
Put sensors in the body pillows that detect when they are touched. Upon touching a screeching “RAPIST” alarm will be sounded and a cellular module will upload accusations against the toucher on all social media.
Progressives will buy millions as gifts for their “friends”
Greene was also seen in a video confronting Hogg at the U.S. Capitol in 2019. The video, which resurfaced last month, shows Greene making false claims and following Hogg
I don’t hear any false claims here. Do any of you?
Mean Greene is mean to that young man, he survived sniper fire, even if he wasn’t in school that day.
Mean Marjie Green. Maybe she can trade him a pillow for a Coke.
“Yet another article that makes me glad I don’t have kids”
The teachers are doing the most noble and worthwhile thing they’ve ever done in their lives, keeps kids away from THEM.
With all the talk about some national critical race curriculum, I’m very happy my youngest is 16, and has shown interest in learning a trade.
The kids are learning a lot right now, there is still hope.
Gee, I dunno, Kevin. Why do you think?
Because the majority of gamers are male?
I’m torn on buying the remaster. I loved the first game… and the ending of the third game just was fucking terrible.
That stupid hologram kid kept blathering so long that the last time I played it I went “What options get me out of this damn conversation?” and accidentally ended up with the refusal ending.
I haven’t even tried Andromeda (and it looks like I chose well). DA:2 and DA:Inquisition were also just bad (but for different reasons).
I’ve pretty much lost all faith that Bioware can still make a decent single player RPG. I’m not even sure how much of the blame should be placed on EA.
Well, I did A review of Andromeda for glibs. So I don’t need to repeat my opinions.
Which is why most guys prefer to play as scantily glad buxxom women. Best ass shots ever.
R.I.P City of Heroes.
Because it looked better than the character model’s face,
Haven’t these people ever seen Dead or Alive?
More parents are willing to entertain alternatives to public/government-run schools if it means getting their kids out of the house during the day.
The red-pilling of American parents is maybe the silverest silver lining of the last year besides the red-pilling of formerly back the blue conservatives.
At this point, paying public schoolteachers to not teach is a better deal for society than trying to wrangle them back into classrooms. We may as well offer to buy them out of their contracts, eat the cost, and consign this cancerous institution to the dustbin of history.
“buy them out of their contracts”
You mean just for the rest of the current year, right? Because otherwise, every other grifter group will line up for a buyout.
The good ones, the ones that really like the kids and want to teach, will find work in the private schools.
Buy them out? No, they’re in breach of contract, if they don’t return to work, they’re gone.
My advice to every parent in MN tonight — and remember I’m raw and on edge and probably not in my calmest state — MOVE. Kids are going to in-person school in FL and TX and PA and MA.
Please don’t. We have enough Californians here voting their policies into place and shitting up the culture. We don’t need urban Minnesotans doing the same thing.
Well, our school system has announced yet another return date, March 5. I am skeptical that they stick to it – I’ve danced to this tune before. I strongly suspect they chose a new date to placate the growing anger.
Dance, monkey, dance. And clap those cymbals.
They won’t yank the football away this time.
The replies are equally enraging.
People I personally know who have died of Covid: 1
People I personally know who have killed themselves as a result of Covid: 4
Oh, and the guy I know who died: a family friend who used to be my dermatologist.
He was having chest pains. Tried to sleep it off. A doctor should know better. He should not have died, so I’m rounding it down to zero.
Sorry 🙁
Killing grandma: not okay.
Grandma (or a friend, parent, colleague, child) killing herself: just fine.
Back in June I wanted to see public hangings for this farce. Now… I’d be happy just seeing it rolled back and quietly forgotten to pad out Biden’s first couple months, I guess.
Jesus, dude, that’s awful. I’m very sorry to hear that.
Sorry to hear that. Too much damage, the world over.
Sorry Playa.
I confess, I looked at a few of the comments. For all of the wailing about how at-risk the teachers are, nobody suggested that they just wear N-95s and faceshields. In fact, I’ve never heard a single person suggest that (other than me).
Do not read the replies. It’s a lot of “woe be the heroic teachers who risk their lives.”
6.5 hours of meeting today. I am sooooo freaking done! Half a bottle of eyedrops and a cold beer later and here I am! Shitpostin beer drankin ways!
Hey that would make one hell of a glibertarian county song:
‘MY Beerdrakin Shitpostin Ways’. I cain’t change, Lord knows I cain’t change, muh beer dranking, shitpostin, wrong thankin ways!’.
Write. It. Then record it, even if it’s only a kazoo or ukulele. We are becoming a worldwide, multi-media empire: website, chat forum, cooking shows, video cabaret skits, etc.
No, that’s a total jug-and-washboard song.
tonight’s dinner is an experiment in new ingredients, but an old standby.
It’s fried rice with harissa beef.
I cooked the rice in beef stock and fish sauce, cooked the beef in a mix of harissa, crushed red pepper, black pepper, and salt, then scrambled the eggs in the leftovers after taking the beef out. Added beans, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and water chestnuts to give it the proper stir-fry feel.
The overaching flavor from the harissa and peppers means the texture differentials from the bamboo shoots, water chestnuts and beef are the main components.
I’ve been ordering online lately, because I miss going out to restaurants and there’s tons of options for delivery. Last night I ordered Indian food. 5 star reviews all over the internet. It was terrible, bland as can be. Some of my co-workers used to bring in Indian dishes to work and it was great. Not sure how you can get 5 star reviews with bland food like that.
That got expensive, so I’ve been back to home cooking. Trying to pick up new ingredients and techniques.
You have to specify “hot” and there’s several varieties of that – “madras” (UK hot), “hot” (US hot which varies by locale), and “Indian Hot” (hot-hot).
Ratings are completely meaningless, if not 100% fake. Most of the people entering those stars voted for Biden.
Union pillows?
I think hammocks would be a better sell.
Political pillows. Everything is politics, now you can ever dream it!
One can only hope a lawsuit comes of this shit.
According to the law, action taken by private corporations due to the government threatening a private company to act is the same as government having taken said action, even if the threat wasn’t the stated reason for taking the action.
So, if I’m following this dimwit, if the Tech Lords don’t do even more of the deplatforming, he will . . . take away the law that enables the deplatforming he wants more of?
IANAL, but I read it as if they don’t act more like a publisher they can’t claim they aren’t publishers.
Why the fuck do teachers even have a union? Same with nurses. If your job requires a college degree then you shouldn’t need a union.
So they can not work and get paid, courtesy of tax payers.
If they can’t negotiate their own salary, they are too stupid to teach.
Hang around a teacher’s lounge for a 1/2 hour, your opinion will be confirmed.
Drugs are probably falling out of my ass, but this kind of sounds conspiratorial: https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/
The assumption behind that article seems to be that it would be anti-democratic if Trump won, so it’s all good. From an Art of War standpoint of preparing the battlefield and winning before the battle is even fought, I have to tip my hat to them, but I find it rather sleazy.
Drugs are indeed falling out of your ass, and yes, it does sound a lot like a conspiracy.
Ain’t Newspeak grand?
As described, its pretty much the dictionary definition of a conspiracy.
My question: are we now taking Time magazine as a credible publication again?
You hush.
If they conspired to do anything, it was a conspiracy to love the shit out of you by FORTIFYING the election.
are we now taking Time magazine as a credible publication again?
No, but 1) I’ve seen the fringes of this conspiracy at my workplace, and it comports with what I’ve seen
2) I can’t find a value proposition for making this shit up. At best, it solidifies their base, but for what purpose? The next election is in 2 years. Nothing they write is going to last that long. In fact, it’s damn risky because it potentially red pills a whole lot of people who momentarily considered the possibility of election fraud, but wrote it off for various reasons.
Given all the forces united to unseat him, it’s crazy that Trump was allowed to receive as many votes as he officially got. The article describes what a rigged election is.
So Biden did get a mandate, it just wasn’t from voters.
The liberal alliance gathered for an 11 p.m. Zoom call.
I bet the number of felonies committed on that call was impressive.
And I wonder how long after that call the five more or less simultaneous stoppages in swing states occurred.
You know who else…
“The President spent months insisting that mail ballots were a Democratic plot and the election would be “rigged.””
And according to your own article, he was right.
Fans of the tasty spread took to Twitter after finding out the truth, as one commented: “Finding out that Nutella is pronounced Nootella is why I have trust issues.”
What the fuck is wrong with this person?
They may see private schools that have been open for in-person learning since the start of the academic year and wonder why their own children are forced to endure remote schooling indefinitely. They may ask why in some parts of the country district schools have been open for in-person learning for months.
Ditch the public schools and come over to the Dark Side.
Let the Hate of the Teachers’ Unions flow through you.
What the fuck is wrong with this person?
I think he’s burdened by a sense of humor.
Quoting stupid Nick Fury lines isn’t indicative of a sense of humor.
paraphrasing/mangling, whatever.
Vincent Van Lego?
Lego my ear!
I’m eating leftover crockpot pork, with rice, tossed together in the wok.
Cook rice in wok, to almost done. Dump pork in with rice, on low heat. Stir occasionally until hot.
I’m not sure how long that pork has been in the refrigerator, but it tastes great.
Well some of you
crazy freaksdelightful people, seem to enjoy them, so they’ll keep happening. Zoom/Happy Hour/Safe Space [for a given value of safe], I’ll kick it off at 20:00 Eastern tonight.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=811QZGDysx0
I might join tonight. I will be out tomorrow and won’t join tomorrow night.
Thanks again for running these.
For my 7th birthday, my present was the lego set that I wanted: Galaxy Commander
It’s the only one I never mixed in with the other legos.
I had a set from that series. It was a space base and it had some type of monorail.
YES! I remember a monorail
One thing that made me smile in the Lego Movie was the space guy had a split in the chin part of his helmet. They always broke like that for me.
We always had a problem with the face wiping off. Had to draw it back on.
I had that one as well. Probably still in the closet at my parents house.
Huh. That is remarkably similar to the one I remember obsessing about one year.
7 year old me would get mad at that.
Why do they have 3 cockpits????
What is this, a woman??
I’m so sorry.
I was always partial to the medieval legos.
“Barack and Michelle Obama announce SIX new Netflix projects as part of lucrative multi-year production deal, including a science fiction movie, a YA book adaptation, and a film about the first man to summit Mt. Everest”
That man will be played by a black woman.
He’ll be played by HERSELF. Didn’t you know she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? /s
“Finding out that Nutella is pronounced Nootella is why I have trust issues.”
Just wait ’til s/he finds out what some people call Brazil Nuts. Keep the suicide hotline on speed dial.
Yeah, my grandmother never called the Brazil nuts.
Ethiopian pedal digits?
I remember in about 2nd/3rd grade a classmate being scolded (more like enlightened) by the teacher for using the nut by another name. I had no idea what the problem was, the Fourscores never had them in the house anyway. I went home and told my Mom and she explained the controversy to me.
Yeah, that one is another chestnut I learned from my step-father. Along with other colorful expressions.
CHEST. NUT? ?!?!??!?!!!?!??!?!111
You sick homo. I just cant even.
Just wait ’til s/he finds out what some people call Brazil Nuts. Keep the suicide hotline on speed dial.
Or what rednecks call rocks that are about the size of a volleyball
Big rocks?
We called them the same thing,
/Minnesota mine driller
“Hunter Biden and wife Melissa upsize into $25k-a-month canal-front home in Venice, California where they are under 24-hour protection by Secret Service agents”
Your tax dollars at work.
Pro: Very easy to score drugs in that neighborhood
Also pro: The secret service might do something about the aggressive bum problem
The art business must pay really well.
How’d you like to draw the short straw and land that assignment?
Gotta beat watching Hillary.
Its CA, straws are illegal.
That has to piss off everyone within a block range of their home.
especially because most of the streets in that area are very narrow and the houses are built to the edge of the lots.
But since they likely all voted for Biden, it seems like karma’s having a laugh.
I’m picturing Hunter rollerblading down the boardwalk like Fletch looking to score some drugs.
Gummy and Fat Sam are waiting
He doesn’t need protection, he’s nobody. Take back the bodyguards, along with those watching every ex-official or worthless relative.
Wife, sister in law, same difference
He’s writing a memoir? Who on earth wants to actually read that book? Or is the assumption that that (amount of people who want to read a Hunter Biden memoir) doesn’t even matter?
These “Book deals” for politically connected people are just bribes/backdoor contributions. They don’t expect anyone to read the damn thing. Any sales are for money laundering.
Its like his art. Its a money laundering front.
They won’t even go on the remainder pile. I suspect that not many will ever be printed, maybe none.
The Committee for Compassionate People, would like to buy 100,000 copies for its members.
“AOC doubles down on her claims of near-death experience in Capitol riot and accuses skeptics of ‘minimizing the experiences of survivors’ – even though she was in a different building”
This is my surprised face.
I dont know if many have noticed but that girl is crazier than a shithouse rat.
Ah, but if you say that you’ll be accused of gaslighting her – claiming she’s an hysteric (secret prog trigger word), and claiming that her own remembered experiences are invalid. That’s how Intersectionality – The Game works.
‘Hysterical’ is such an accurate and compelling insult, though. It needs to be in wider use.
That’s because her “remembered experiences” of almost being murdered in the capitol are a crock of shit.
Everything else is narrative built around the lie.
“‘Bye bye, Bank of America’: Outraged customers boycott firm as it’s revealed the bank snooped through HUNDREDS of innocent people’s accounts looking for Capitol rioters for the feds – so who else is doing it?”
Everyone? It’s all secrecy, and no privacy.
I’ve been with BofA for 34 years. Haven’t moved out of laziness.
They have zero redeeming qualities.
And Merril Edge is crooked. I had to deal with them when my sister turned 21 and my custodianship ended. Crooked as fuck.
Years ago my dad worked for Bank of America and said they were easily the shittiest employer he ever had.
One employees reach a certain level, they’re treated very well. Below that, they’re expendable.
It’s very easy to tell who hates their job in my local branch.
Dad wasn’t on the banking side, he sold fleet fuel card programs. It was a company called Voyager that got bought out by BoA. He left a little over a year after that because he couldn’t stand the way BoA operated.
I’ve had BoA for some stuff for a long time. I also haven’t moved out of laziness. I might change that.
One thing that’s stopping me: I opened my first credit card with them. I don’t use it anymore, but if I close it, my credit will take a hit.
Seriously, BofA? 1% rewards? You’re going to have to do better than that.
I don’t use it anymore, but if I close it, my credit will take a hit.
Enough to matter?
Nah. It’s a vanity thing. When my credit goes below 800, I pay off my balances twice in a billing cycle to keep the ratio down.
I’m annoyed that my credit score dropped below 820.
I get dinged for not having installment loans.
You heard that right. Paying off my house made my credit score go down.
I have no idea what my credit score is, is that something a normal person should know?
is that something a normal person should know?
1) are you taking out a loan anytime soon?
2) are you concerned about identity theft?
If the answer is “no” or “I have a different way of doing that” to both of those questions, then there’s no point.
I may buy a new van soon (but I’ll try to find used and pay cash, although that’s getting harder to do) I’m just a tad curious but I’m skeptical of those free “check you credit score things” so I never have looked.
I only know because I bought a truck last summer.
I am apparently more of a risk than you people.
buy an airplane on a mortgage, lease it to a local flight school.
Yep. The more loans you have out, the better your score (if you pay them on time, of course).
I have zero loans or debt of any kind, and haven’t for a couple decades, and I just passed 800 for the first time ever.
“buy an airplane on a mortgage, lease it to a local flight school.”
I am in fact looking into the wonderful world of aircraft leasing.
With a good accountant, you’ll never pay taxes.
RE Playa’s comment: There are a few commenters here who ya go, ya, they would totally say that. Others, whoa didn’t see that coming. Playa’s comment falls into the former.
I get 2.625% from BofA for non-bonus spend, 5.25% for online shopping.
I’ve been at Chase for decades, for the same reason.
When it inevitably comes out that they’re doing the same thing, I might review my options.
I want to see if other banks participated before I choose to move my accounts.
We need a snappy phrase like “threat to our democracy” for things like this. “Threat to our privacy” doesn’t have the same impact. “This is fucking fascism” might work.
I love the Van Gogh lego set.
It is made from nuts. It is NUT-TELLA. End of debate.
Fuck public sector unions.
As for the hat-pitchers, blah blah blah blow it out of your ass.
There is nothing in the universe as beautiful as a shapely young woman’s hind end. The whiners here can go sit on a sharp stick.
It was created in Italy, where the pronunciation would be NOO-tella. End of debate.
I don’t try to mimic foreign accents when I say foreign words.
The gif creator is also wrong.
I’m pleased that, upon clicking through to that Lego set, the Vincent Van Gogh mini-figure included with the set bears a resemblance to Bob Ross.
Giant afro and happy little trees?
Afro-looking, but not as big as Bob’s. The figure does have a scowl though, which ain’t Bob’s vibe.
Intentional or happy accident?
Huh. So it wasn’t just me. Also, is the Vincent figure missing an ear? I couldn’t tell.
Why’s anything painting related have to be about Bob Ross?
It never even occurred to me to pronounce Nutella as NUT-ella.
It never occurred to me that there might be a different way besides Nut-Ella.
We have TV ads for it here. It’s always pronounced Noo-tella.
So you knew aboot the correct pronunciation.
Because that’s not how you pronounce it
It was created in Italy, where the pronunciation would be NOO-tella. End of debate.
Then why isn’t it it noo-teh-LAAH?
Because it’s spanish and pronounce new-tea-ah
It is made from nuts, not from ground-up scaleless lizards.
Newt Nuts?
I see Ben Sasse is hard at work lecturing the peasantry. Good for him. He should get a job as an elementary school teacher. His talents are wasted in the Senate.
The only news I watch anymore is Tucker Carlson. I record it and watch his show one or two days per week. Politics has gone so far off of the rails I can barely tolerate hearing about it. I have been saying for 20 years that the so-called ruling class is so corrupt and incompetent that they need to go. I greatly underestimated how hysterical their dying throes would be.
They really, really need to go. Pile them all up, burn them, piss on the ashes then toss those ashes in the sea.
Pissed-on ashes could actually have some sort of economic value.
Well, now that you mention it…
Why women specifically?
As soon as I read the title, I knew I was going to see that question beneath it.
Obviously, because female hormones attracted bears and the bears proved beneficial to plant security, preventing materiel loss and raids by opposition forces.
Or because the menfolk were off dying and women were the only ones with time to stand around drinking water and peeing on ashes all day. I dunno.
But now you know the rest of the story.
/Angling for Paul Harvey’s old gig
For Tonio (or anyone else who likes trains and cats):
That is adorably terrifying!
Canine interest story
Dogs Major and Champ Biden will make a television appearance alongside first lady Jill Biden in a public service announcement set to air Sunday during Puppy Bowl XVII.
The video, which calls on Americans to wear masks to combat the coronavirus, features the two German shepherds sitting at the foot of Biden’s chair in front of a fireplace in the White House.
“For a lot of us during this pandemic, our pets have been such a source of joy and comfort,” Biden says in the ad. “And maybe a bark or two on a video conference.”
The first lady talks about the unconditional love of a dog as one reason to stay healthy and take precautions against contracting the coronavirus.
“We owe it to them to keep ourselves healthy. So please keep wearing your masks, even when you’re out walking your dog.”
You tell ’em Doktor Jill.
“So please keep wearing your masks, even when you’re out walking your dog.”
Fuck you, Mrs. Biden. My dog is my social distancing.
Oh no they didn’t!
I don’t care how many billions of screaming Chinese there are, you don’t fuck with Koreans when it comes to culture.
Black guys who claim that Greeks and whites stole every single thing from Africa have nothing on Koreans. Want to get your ass kicked? Try telling a Korean that hangul is not the greatest alphabet/writing system evah! Or that Gutenberg invented the printing press (WRONG!)
Or that Gutenberg invented the printing press (WRONG!)
James Watt didn’t invent the steam engine, either, but there’s a reason why he’s remembered more than earlier attempts (which date back to antiquity). Gutenberg’s press had a far greater impact than China or Korea’s movable type.
It was Useable.
To be fair, Gutenberg did have two keyadvantages:
1. Abrahamic “religions of the book” (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) place heavy emphasis on written scriptures, whereas Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism) value spoken over written words, considering the latter inferior (with an extremist interpretation being that written words are idolatrous)
2. A lot of currents were already stirring in Europe that would lead to the Reformation and Protestantism, which drove demand for more Bibles to be printed
This also all eventually leads to the Enlightenment, something which never really happened as such in the East (from Constantinople to Beijing).
Pile them all up, burn them, piss on the ashes then toss those ashes in the sea.
I’m sensing some disapproval.
“Nevada bill would allow tech companies to create governments
CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — Planned legislation to establish new business areas in Nevada would allow technology companies to effectively form separate local governments.
Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak announced a plan to launch so-called Innovation Zones in Nevada to jumpstart the state’s economy by attracting technology firms, Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Wednesday.
The zones would permit companies with large areas of land to form governments carrying the same authority as counties, including the ability to impose taxes, form school districts and courts and provide government services.”
What could possibly go wrong?
If only we had seen this before we would have an idea how it is going. to turn out.
Recent events have proven that serious tech companies want to control the world, not just some stinking desert county.
Sounds like an excuse for libertarians to form a tech company, hire nothing but libertarians, and buy a bunch of land in Nevada.
I’m in.
Only if we pronounce it “Ne Vah Duh”
You can pronounce it however you like, just stay off my lawn.
I’m gonna need 100k to start and a company car.
How about 40 acres and a mule?
That was my first thought when I read that.
Like Night City?
I mean, if we’re gonna live in a fourth-world dystopia, you could do worse than a Cyberpunk fourth-world dystopia…
It’s Nut Tella but you have to grab your junk when saying it.
Do I have to let go of my junk to then grab it or can I just keep holding on?
If you are gonna go with Nut vs New, you gotta be really, really careful you enunciate the T and not slur it into an F.
Asking for a Nut Fella to smear on your bread is a trip to HR.
What? People actually eat that shit?
Damn, people are scared shitless of Dominion.
That in no way is indicative of Dominion’s credibility. They absolutely, totally did not collude in stealing the 2020 election. No way. They are pure as the driven snow.
*Nicolas Maduro gives a giant shit-eating grin and a double thumbs-up*
I guess NYT v. Sullivan is skinsuited now too.
In an alternate universe, Ken White is writing snarky articles about Dominion’s frivolous lawsuits aimed at prior restraint.
Neither here nor there – finished The Chessmen of Mars in the John Carter series. There’s a reference to necrophilia: “banging” corpses. I was surprised that slang existed when the book was written in 1921.
Let’s see what NJR has today. Oh my. You want Zimbabwe? Because this is how you get Zimbabwe:
We know that even new $2,000 checks fall short of the relief people need—in May of last year, Democrats were starting to get behind monthly $2,000 payments, and all we’ve had so far is a measly trickle of two checks in a year (and millions of people didn’t even get those). So they should be trying to do as much as possible, rather than explaining why what seems like less than they promised is actually not less than they promised, because their promise was deliberately misleading. I cannot understand why you would do this. The economic arguments against the checks have been transparently flimsy, and tend to boil down to “that seems like a lot of money,” with little consideration given to the incredible boon that generous payments would be for people during a time of crisis.
Yes, let’s permanently add $3 trillion to the national debt every. single. year. What could possibly go wrong?
[head desk]
satire ideas
‘Demolition Man’ Slammed for Glorifying Libertarianism, Masklessness
New Army Uniform Replaces Berets With Dunce Caps for Military Intelligence Soldiers
Climate Change is Real, Says Person Who Thinks Gender is a Social Construct
You are gonna have to up your game Derp. Those are not satire anymore.
“Transparently flimsy.” That’s an interesting choice of words right there. I wonder what they think are the REAL motivations hiding behind the transparently flimsy façade of ‘we’re fucking broke’?
Racism, Sexism and Hating Teh Gays, what, are you fuckin stupid?
The zones would permit companies with large areas of land to form governments carrying the same authority as counties, including the ability to impose taxes, form school districts and courts and provide government services.
Just let them bury anybody who pisses them off in a shallow grave in the desert, like the Mob.
“Are Private Messaging Apps the Next Misinformation Hot Spot?
Telegram and Signal, the encrypted services that keep conversations confidential, are increasingly popular. Our tech columnists discuss whether this could get ugly.
The shift to private messaging has renewed a debate over whether encryption is a double-edged sword. While the technology prevents people from being spied on, it might also make it easier for criminals and misinformation spreaders to do harm without getting caught.”
The media is literally the enemy.
Even more than the fucking government.
While the technology prevents people from being spied on, it might also make it easier for criminals and misinformation spreaders to do harm without getting caught.
Oh, fuck off.
Yeah, the problem isn’t the media spreading misinformation by the gobs on an ever present basis, it’s the individuals chatting on apps most have never even heard of.
A new mask mandate will be passed. Everyone will be required to wear the masks that Biden mails out to their house. Those masks will be a new iteration of Google Glasses. Google Mask will have a camera installed and it will be able to stream whatever the user is looking at. So good luck with your fancy encrypted app Domestic Terrorist!
The TSA will be empowered to enter homes to ensure compliance with 24/7 mask wearing. They will be able to issue $250 fines for people not wearing their mask.
Speaking of misinformation hotspots, I was perusing Wapo’s counter of Trump lies. It was mostly misinformation on the part of Wapo.
Example: Trump said millions of Americans received vaccines which was true. Wapo counted it as a lie because 20M didn’t receive it like he had promised.
Another example: Trump said the pandemic would be over when vaccines become available. Despite the media and Dem politicians telling us for months that we can’t get back to normal until there’s a vaccine, this was considered a lie because it will take time to roll out the vaccine.
Don’t spread misinformation. The media hates competition.
For Tonio (or anyone else who likes trains and cats):
The economic arguments against the checks have been transparently flimsy, and tend to boil down to “that seems like a lot of money,” with little consideration given to the incredible boon that generous payments would be for people during a time of crisis.
We’re not broke. We’ve still got checks.
with little consideration given to the incredible boon that generous payments would be for people during a time of crisis.
“just add six zeroes to the end and then we’ll talk boon”
No more Mister Nice Dictator
Violators of the federal transportation face mask requirement face a $250 fine that increases for subsequent violations, the Transportation Security Administration said Friday.
The fine can rise up to $1,500 for repeated violations.
“Based on substantial aggravating or mitigating factors, TSA may seek a sanction amount that falls outside these ranges,” the agency said.
The penalties may be in addition to those imposed by operators.
US airlines have taken the initiative to ban passengers who do not follow the rules. Delta Air Lines said in a company memo on February 1 that it has banned about 950 people for violating its mask rule.
Martial law. Firing squads. Hanging’s too good for them.
Indeed, the working title was, “How to Give Myself an Orgasm.” It’ll be published on Literotica soon.
I know that Kurt isn’t really capable of learning, but the lesson for others is, when you get caught doing disgusting shit, either fall on your sword gracefully, or else lean into it.
How many people who obsess about “Q” even know what it is?
I’m convinced Q is 1) nothing but a media plant, or else 2) something very very very few people spout, which is then portrayed as somehow widespread and endemic.
I know I’d never even heard of it until they brought it up.
AOC Claims She Was Killed In The Capitol Riots And Is Now A Ghost
tried to pull off of Ocasio-Cortez what Mace claimed, without evidence, was just a sheet with eye holes.
A rare missed opportunity by the Bee.
Mace was like: “Governor Northam wants his sheet back.”
Learning to weld
oooooh! Horizontal Position!
Are we not using phrasing anymore?
There are just too many standards there. Can’t there be a participation trophy for slag inclusion and poor fusion? How are we going to interest kids today in welding if they don’t get continuous positive feedback about their welds being good enough?
In the sidebar I see a video entitled “How not to weld.”
I think that is the one I watched.
My great-grandmother played the fiddle. My grandfather played the mandolin. My father played guitar as well as anyone you ever saw in the music business. My brother picked up a guitar at 8 years old and rang that fucker like a bell. Me? I think if you gave a fifth of whiskey and a guitar to a chimpanzee you would get better playing than I can do.
My father is a metallurgical engineer…need I say more? My brother is a civil engineer working for a company that makes steel joists. His welding is masterful. My son took welding classes all the way through HS and two years into college. He welds as well as anyone alive…masterful.
My welding looks like a whole flock of chickens ran across the metal and shit all over it. What the hell? I got some things they did not but they sure got some things I did not.
Some things require talent. I had a project a while back that I specified 316L stainless piping for, throughout. I’ve seen some good stainless welding before, but this time, the mechanical contractor was short on welders, and they brought a guy in out of retirement. His TIG welds were a work of art. Just amazing.
damn those are some nice fillets.
Coding is for pajamasoylatteboys.
You mean the coding for my 130 ton boiler/ chiller system? Ill ask one of my welders about that,
Soy boy indeed….
Someone summed up my high school social life in one memo.
When I was still awkward and that memo applied to me my father explained to me that women are just people and once you learn to make friends with them a whole new world would appear to me. He was dead right.
We seem to mostly be a bunch of geezers but in case there is anyone young and single reading this, take my advice: The most important decision you will make in your whole life is choosing who will raise your children.
make friends
That’s where it starts breaking down for me.
At least you had the courage to ask. That’s more than I managed.
Once they invent that old time machine, we can take our decades of learned experience back to Junior High and ……..
I made a brief appearance at my 30 year HS reunion. Those girls I was too insecure to ask out on dates….I realized my insecurity was a blessing in disguise.
Whew! *wipes forehead*
The girl I did ask out is now an insufferable liberal cunt. Dodged that bullet.
That was most of my college and Uni days, too (although, to be fair, I took a three-year hiatus because I was righteously pissed with the whole “scene” for quite awhile; as is so often the case, during that period a number of young ladies were trying to “get with me,” and I kept telling ’em to pound sand).
Life’s weird like that.
When I was in high school, girls practically threw themselves at me, but I was either too stupid to notice, or looking for the “perfect” one. What a fool I was.
I didn’t have girls throwing themselves at me, but there was one girl who asked me to take her to her house during school hours because she forgot something at home. She was pretty insistent that I should be the one to take her. Years later I happened to drive down her street and thought about that day and figured out she probably wanted to fool around but I was too blind to see it.
A girl I’d been flirting with at work came to a shindig I was having with my roommates… afterward she wanted me to go back to her place “for a dance party,” but I don’t dance, so I told her I needed to help tidy up and we’d catch up another day. Years later it occurred to me I probably turned down sex.
(My roommates tried to strong-arm me out the door with her, but, and I can’t stress this enough, I don’t dance.)
Probably the one thing I’d do differently if I had the opportunity to live my life over would be to learn to dance, early and well.
I danced exactly once growing up when my friend’s older brother had me do some basic steps with his girlfriend, but she was gorgeous and I couldn’t really concentrate so the lesson was lost on me.
(Fun fact, he’s now a national NBC correspondent.)
Silly young person. All one has to do is open the gate and the occasional shopping cart.
It’s not that hard.
BEA’ ‘: There was a very good advantage to coming into my 20’s when the swing dance revival took off. One of my non-dancing friends was continually bitching about me attracting women way out of my league. It was a very good time.
Yeah, got to talking with a woman I knew in high school, and she reminded me of the night we were walking home and she chose to take her bra off under her shirt, and how I missed that softball…
I had girls throwing themselves at me in college, but never realized it until I had a girlfriend who proceeded to point out every time it happened.
It was then I realized that I could have been up to my waist in tits and ass, but was too stupid (or noble) to notice. I didn’t even notice when who would eventually become my girlfriend (and now wife) asked for a ride to a weekend class trip, and if she could stay in my tent.
I said I was riding with Fernando.
I said I was riding with Fernando.
That’s an odd way of telling a girl you’re not into chicks. ;-)
Similarly, it didn’t click for me until I was in a long-term relationship. Turns out that spending my formative years living with my dad and two brothers made for a complete lack of intuition when it came to women.
Once I got out of that relationship, it was like a light switch flipped. You mean these girls aren’t texting me because they actually need help with their homework?
This piece by Lee Smith at Tablet about the unholy alliance between the American elite establishment and the ChiComs is pretty sobering. Tablet has been publishing some great work lately beyond this article, too.
Money and power always find each other.
I hope Nixon was just unconscious when they buried him.
Good stuff but a quibble about lockdowns: contrary to that writer, I’m pretty sure lockdowns were used during the Spanish Flu. I don’t think it diminishes xer argument, though.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Tunda and I’s Congressional Representative.
The fuckwit was born into a mega rich family who made their money as distillers of cheap ass booze. The very epitome of privilege. His opponent last year was a black guy. Maybe he should give up his seat as atonement.
Words fucking escape me. In a sane world, he’d be getting kicked off committees right now.
I have Abigail fucking Spanberger. We all have our crosses to bear.
The proggie news site I found that at called it “Notable floor speech from the Third District’s representative”
Tundra and I might now be represented by the most vile Minnesoda representative. He is beating out Omar at this point.
I have Kennedy and Cassidy Senators. Reps Scalise and the rest solid conservatives. I cant complain. The problem is that we are badly outnumbered in DC.
That’s on Twitter, since I’ve got that blocked, I’ll link to one of my senators bitching at Rand.
You leave Sherrod alone!
I would love to. In a padded room wearing a straight jacket. I will leave her alone there all day every day.
Her? How Dare You!
It’s SIR!, MA’AM!
YouTube link for you.
Could be worse. Your Rep could be Swalwell.
There’s nothing wrong with being a submissive. But it’s gross and unseemly to push your kinks on others.
I would like to think that if a mob was trying to break into where I work, that I and my male coworkers would send our female coworkers behind us and form a line to repel boarders.
What kind of sissy ass alleged man would try to run and “blend in”?
Don’t you think the Great and All Powerful God of Government will watch over you? You are after all in the “sacred” halls of govt.
“Hunter Biden’s new memoir is already number one on Amazon … in ‘Chinese Biographies'”
Is that because they are used to carrying around little books by influential people there?
“Election officials were NEVER forced to seek private funding.
State & local officials used Zuckerberg money to run elections in the urban areas of swing states. The potential impact of how this money dictated the outcome of the election isn’t shown here.
This article jumps around the timeline of events that took place which is misleading to readers.
It also omits the fact that Mark Zuckerberg was brought into this plan as early as November of 2019.”
“If you haven’t read The Amistad Project’s report on Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life, you need to read it. Will explain a lot about what happened in battleground states in 2020”
Not going to read it right now but bookmarked thanks! Read the first few paragraphs……….
Something something equal something protection something clause. This was brought up in some court filings. But the courts decided to not hear them because there was no fraud in the election because the courts didn’t hear any of the cases.
that might be the best thing in the last 16 years.
Another update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zCjNO3dnYw
My boy is hanging in there.
It’s either “violate the health regs” or “Violate the fire safety regs” – this is just stupid.
It’s even better – health regulator isn’t wearing the protective gear that they’re trying to mandate.
This was never about public health.
I recommend your buddy makes a T-shirt that says, “Two layered mask? We do three here!” With a grilled cheese sandwich with ear strings on someones face. I would buy it. (I didn’t leave my marketing advice in the utube comments)
There are numerous artists here. Hey Hype, lets see it.
passing that suggestion along
How’s that sandwich spose to stay on?
It’s right in my comment. EAR STRINGS.
How can I leave that behind?
Behind what?
No matter how pretty, somewhere, some guy is tired of her shit.
Miranda? She’s no Tali or Liara.
Tali was my favorite teammate on that game…
I would follow that to the ends of the earth
Just one planet, which we should take as a statement of “meh”.
“Exclusive: The TCF Center Election Fraud – Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline”
“Here is the video we found of a “vote mobile” van arriving at 3:30am and 4:30am… driving directly into the TCF Center and unloading dozens of boxes each trip. This was 8 hours after the ballot deadline.”
Fox just took Lou Dobbs off the air.
Market failure.
I keep hearing that this is the last dying gasps of the Left as they spasm themselves out of existence. Colour me skeptical.
Yeah, this is ascendancy we’re witnessing, not withering away.
How far will this purge go?
This might be the reason:
“Smartmatic Files $2.7 Billion Defamation Suit against Fox News over Voting Machine Claims
The suit singles out Fox anchors Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, and Jeanine Pirro, for allegedly defaming Smartmatic machines on air. In particular, Smartmatic alleges that Dobbs endorsed the view that its machines are easily hacked and that voting records can be sent overseas.”
Which of those claims are not true? The voting results were sent overseas and I heard several software experts claim that the machines were easily hackable and they had done so as a test.
I am trying to figure out how these pinko shitbirds think things will turn out when they completely lose the confidence of the American people.
Ya, I don’t get this. It was just a few years ago even some dems where warning against these machines. Unless Smartmatic/Dominion have so scrubbed their files that discovery would reveal nothing I don’t get it.
It’s called court shopping. You do remember that some judges in Hawaii and Oregon wrote illegal orders blocking Donnie Two Scoops from doing things he was explicitly granted the power to do under black letter law? That pentagon officials deliberately deceived their Commander In Chief to trick him into continuing a war that the American voters explicitly elected him to end?
We are well into banana republic territory. I have no confidence in the courts whatsoever.