It still amazes me that we, or more precisely TPTB, pulled this off. Blog-type thingies come and go, but even if we were to go dark tomorrow, we could still congratulate ourselves on a good and admirable run. Not to fear, my Glibs and Glibettes, we are in no danger of doing that.
The state of the organization is strong. The fileservers are humming away, deep in their alpine vaults. The cash box is heavy with silver, and the squirrels are fat and happy.

“Happy Birthday, Glibertarians. Happy Birthday to you.”
And here we are four years later, still going strong. Sure, there are lots of narrowly-focused libertarian blogs out there but we have transcended that niche and have become the contemporary equivalent of a glossy, mid-market, general circulation magazine. We have arrived.
None of this could have happened without you. Yes, you. Whether you donate money, comment, or contribute content, you are what makes this place happen. You are what makes this place worthwhile. Like it or not, we are a community of like-minded people and beings.

We couldn’t tell you until now but “Flo Tuss” is a huge fan.
The community has expanded in some new and exciting ways the past year. The most excellent Nephilium began hosting a Glibs online video chat as a response to Covid lockdown isolation. That thing took off like a California wildfire and is now an important social outlet and networking opportunity for many of us. SP added a chat forum which has proved invaluable for writer development and allowing people to have ongoing, granular, discussions on a variety of topics. And thanks to the dynamic duo of KK and Tulip, we now has awesome Glibs cooking show with excellent production values.

You’ll need one of these if you Zoom with us. Remember that they’re only nerds if they know more than you about a topic.
This is where the obligatory annual award-show level tongue bathing begins.
First and foremost, we need to thank our stalwart daily linkers. These are the folks who stay up late, or get up early to provide you the freshest, most snarkworthy links on these here interwebs. Links are our bread and butter.
Links without comments are like Aunt Jemima Pearl Milling pancakes without the syrup; like the Spring without the Fall. Commenters are our backbone; the insights, perspective, and snark you people provide help your fellow Glibs get through our days in a world awash in statists, grifters, control freaks, and free-stuffers. This is a forum where you can blow-off steam, and engage in juvenile bluster without fear of being cancelled.

Ms. Stormy Daniels at the Glibby awards. She loved her little cameo in the H&H series.
Though these folks loom so large as to not need mention, it is obligatory to thank the heavy-hitters here, those folks who contribute and inordinate amount of time and creativity to this site: SugarFree for his weekly (JHTFC, how does he do this?) Hat-and-Hair series, Baked Penguin for his excellent panel cartoon, and CPRM for his Hat-and-Hair animated cartoon, Animal for his serialized novel about Allamakee County (etc), Mexican Sharpshooter for his weekly beer reviews, and Not Adahn for his weekly astrology column.
But it’s not all fun and games, Ozymandias has shared with us his detailed and horrifying Anthrax exposè which is now available in book form. If you are able to do so, please buy this and give copies to anyone you know who might be interested or who might help this gain traction. The incidents he documents are one of the great scandals of our time.

The award for best short-form posts goes to Derpetologist.
This site could well have subsisted by just providing daily links and letting the commenters have at ‘em. Yet, we are blessed with an incredible pool of talented content-contributors: writers, cartoonists, animators, photographers, videographers, artists, artisans, astrologers, chefs, lens-grinders, world-class slackers, tankers, tinkerers, and subject-matter experts in a variety of fields.

Subject-matter experts in a variety of fields.
There are so many other regular, irregular, and sporadic contributors that even if I brought in Winston’s Mom for help we’d still be here come Michaelmas and still not have thanked all of our content contributors properly. So if I fail to mention you, your work, or your genre, please know that this is not a deliberate omission or snub, but the fact that I’m an old stoner working under a tight deadline as SP menacingly brandishes rusty tin-can lids at me and reminds me I’m overdue for my tetanus booster.

“And a really wonderful human being…”
Speaking of whom, I cannot emphasize how much this place depends on SP, as both webmistress and dorm mother. Content may be king, but without her we’d all be standing on streetcorners distributing badly mimeographed tracts. Yet here we are with this spiffy website which keeps outgrowing our hosting plans. How she does this all and has a full life, I’ll never know.
I also want to shout out to our many lurkers, who apparently include at least one staffer from TOS. We see you just outside the firelight, eyes glowing, like a pack of hyenas. Yes, we can be an intimidating lot. It’s okay if you just want a little taste of commenting. This is pure; you won’t get hooked, I promise.

Smoked Chubs were always available at the deli counter of Giant Foods, the beloved local DC/Balt grocery chain.
And, of course, you boys and girls at Fort Meade, Maryland, who pop a chub every time some federal judge pisses her panties and puts us on surveillance for making a woodchipper joke. Hey, how’s the renovation of the base’s old WW2 civilian internment camp, going? Those 384 beds should be enough to house us, all, right?

The so-called Meade Monument in Fredericksburg, Virginia. “In one of those ironic twists of history, a monument erected to honor Confederate troops who fought at the December 1862 Battle of Fredericksburg somehow now bears the name of a Union general.”
Lastly, I’d like to shout out to our AWOL Glibs, particularly Dr Groovus Maximus, and Mr Lizard. We miss our friends and hope that you can join us again, or at least shout out to let us know you’re okay.

These delightful young women are the Glibs editorial interns for 2021. They will be helping to edit your submissions. Sometimes the squealing and giggling get annoying, also the pillow fights.
Have something to say? Want to try your hand at writing? Want to share an awesome project, talent or adventure with the rest or us? Just do it. No topic is too small. And we can always use original illustrations, artwork, etc. We have resources available for aspiring contributors. We can help with proofreading, formatting, finding illustrations, etc. Just ask. We also have a contributing writers lounge over at our shiny new forum.
Thanks for being part of our community. Here’s to a great four years gone, and an even better fifth year of Glibness.

Baked Penguin’s date, the lovely television weather presenter Bodacea Tatasz.
*toots horn, throws confetti*
Keep it down over there will ya?
Wow, 4 years. 🙂
Yep. Howdy n00b!
*Ques up ACDC – For Those About to Rock*
Wunerful, Wunerful!
I have said it before, and I’ll say it again. Without this little island of maladjusted toys, I’m not sure how I’d make it.
Most especially this past year. Thanks to all for all that you’ve done to make this place happen.
Four fucking years already? Where does the time go?
Was Dr. G M our intrepid Glib physician in Ukraine, or is that another old ghost haunting my head?
That’s the one. I miss him.
I believe Ukraine, yes. He was a US doc who relocated.
Gave me the heads-up that this place was up and running, and promptly disappeared.
I’m thinking he regretted letting me know.
I, too, was in private communication with him then everything just stopped without warning.
Well there was the new Mrs. Groovus for a while that would explain some absence.
I know that quite a few of the old blood commenters have migrated over to the Discord.
I tried it briefly but I just can’t with the Discord. The name is apt. I got lost within minutes.
Ditto. I could see how it would be fun if I was spending 6 hours a day on it, but I didn’t want to invest that much time into it.
*Scrolls as fast as possible to comments*
*checks for coworkers behind shoulder* [Edit Fairy was here. Do I have to do everything for you people(tm)]
Phew! Made it!
Wife is milling about, so I had to pop up and down a few times.
Here’s a tip. By the title of the article is a number indicating the number of comments. If you click that you will jump directly to the first comment. It helps when you’ve read the article already too.
Not in my version of Firefox (84.0.2), it still jumps to the top of the page instead of the anchor tag. It’s an extra mild inconvenience.
I get that too. But the link I’m talking about in on this page. Go to the top and you’ll see it last entry on the byline after the tags.
That one (and the jump to top/bottom arrows on the left) still work for me even with the “first load overrides anchor tag” bug
Well what do you know, that anchor still works. You’ve saved my mouse wheel entire feet of scrolling (or my PgDwn key literally half dozens of strokes).
You’re working in an office? What kind of essential worker are you?
The super duper extra double essential kind that works in a bunker.
Guilt trip me into finishing the glib-submission stories why don’tcha.
I’m on the Contributing Writers page and still at 0.
And yes, I feel guilt. Maybe a travelogue?
Well, I have started two stories for first publication here. One, is a pulp-inspired action yarn. The other is a quarantine inspired zombie outbreak story.
At least you’re on the contributing to writers page. Occasionally I have a pine to write an article on here, but then I come up with some lame excuse or one of my kids demands my attention or my job or my wife or my other job or my company or fishing or SQUIRREL!
It took me two and half years to get my first article done. You can do it!
We love travelogues!
I pulled the memory card from my camera and have a plethora of pictures from my trip around the great lakes. I could almost do a whole series with these.
Right now I’m looking at a couple of worker bees at the entrance of a hive.
I even staged the perfect image to start it off.
My Hwaiian Shirts and Travel Gloves.
When you come to go hiking with me, I’ll bring the GoPro. I’m like Wang. I’ll be snapping photos and recording videos like crazy. Plus, everyone should see for themselves just how good looking you are.
It’s gotta warm up first, though. This is goddamn ridiculous!
10 hours of clearing snow last night and this morning sucked balls. After it gets warmer we’ll have to get together.
We have editorial interns?
I..ahh…need all four of you to…ahh…help me with something.
The closest you’ll get is when we return your rejected manuscript in your SASE and there is the faintest hint of lilac to it.
Although the article is focused on three prominent failures on the left, it does note this:
I had a discussion with my son last night and got him to acknowledge that Trump might have been the wrong guy to be tribune of the working class – but someone is going to be that, particularly when the Democratic Party has no place for them.
But he got an Emmy! AN EMMY!
Congrats. “Tribune.” I like that.
Even the Dems are attacking Andrew now. I can’t wait to see where this goes. We don’t do recalls here that I know of, but… something has to come of this.
Another award?
A good ol’-fashioned tar-and-feathering?
Only about a year until primary season picks up.
::remembers current occupant of White House::
Forget I said that, please.
I don’t remember if I mentioned this morning, but I like the name change.
I keep reading it as “The Notarious G&T”.
Too early for a gin & tonic, right?
Plus it keeps making me hear this in my head
It’s always happy hour somewhere!
Notarious? As in a Notary? Did you get/renew your license?
^This. I was going to ask, but I already haz reputation as bitchy edit fairy.
Yes, it’s Notarious with an “a.” I mentioned yesterday that I’d passed the required criminal background check to renew my rarely-used notary commission. (I’d studied really hard!) Ted’S asked if I was criminal enough to be a notary. I was inspired.
I’m ordering my new stamp, and the Ohio Notary Store’s website says, “You may also like…” a cloth face cover. (Two-layer!!!!)
::facepalm, headdesk::
I missed the announcement.
Congratulations. Sorry I missed that. I was obsessively editing the above, as one does.
RE: two layer face covering: I saw a double masker in the wild today while I was grocery shopping. I wasn’t wearing a mask, so it evened out.
Who used “notorious” in their handle for a while? Was that one of Eddie’s incarnations?
I don’t remember
Yep, you’re correct.
Forget I said that, please.
No worries. President Puddin’ Cup’s already forgotten.
That last pic reminds me:
Caitlin Jenner says there is no truth to the rumor s/he/it will run for governor of California.
Too bad. I can easily see a landslide victory.
No way.
Jenner has already outed as a Republican. It doesn’t matter than Caitlin is trans. Wrongthink has been committed, and that’s all that really matters.
I sometimes sorta hope that the bad orange man runs for gov’nuh and the whole country cheats to give him more votes than are Californians. I would really appreciate getting that from the gods or fate or whatever could make something like that happen. Be like a consolation prize for the last year.
Happy Glib day everone, its been a while eh?
So say We all!
And none to speak ill of the Squirrels!
Thanks for everything, bro.
Ricky Gervais.
So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.
So if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and fuck off, OK? It’s already three hours long. Right, let’s do the first award.
I love Ricky, I totally agree with the thank you speeches. I’ve been thinking that since I was 7, currently 44, so I wrote a thank you speech just in case I ever one. I thank two people, the giver of award and Batman.
LOL, wut?
Just noticed that there is now a “Disable Reason” option for Monocle.
I larfed. At least its an option to disable reason here. For much of what I see, it appears mandatory.
Good stuff, Trashy.
“Strap in for some weapons grade derp! It’s time to press the ‘disable reason’ button!”
My wife has one of those built into her brain.
So, Tonio… about those gear ratios, decided to check out a local place to see if they weathered the shut downs. Looks like they did, but are mandating masks for the entire time you’re in the park. Some of the road riders I know would put in thousands of miles in at that place during the winter.
For those who prefer videos here (and completely safe for work).
We have brand spanking new outdoor pump track a couple of miles from my house. Have yet to go.
Speaking of fun mounds, the place has awesome berms. Also has singletrack. I needs to explore that.
* blushes *
So you didn’t click through to see the new Pump Track?
Australia covid hysterics update: Friday afternoon Victorian government issues five-day lockdown order to start less than 12 hours later. The order covers the entire state (88k square miles) because of 13 cases in Melbourne.
In a chilling warning, the state premier said “This is not the 2020 virus, this is different, this is something very, very different.”
For a nation of jocks their government sure are gigantic pussies.
There is no more creativity in movie trailers anymore is there?
In a world where…
So… it’s the 2019 virus?
Our response will even more draconian compared to 2020!
They’ll be welding people into their apartments shortly.
And they kicked out thousands of people in the middle of watching a tennis match being played by the world’s #1 male player. (Thereby rendering the rest of the tournament unwatchable as that is the only thing they’re talking about now.)
That’s how you know they are serious about fighting this virus/kicking its butt/[substitute your own moronic metaphor].
Really? At midnight?
I heard they’re out of guzzoline there too!
Thank you all. Sincerely from the bottom of my cold back heart.
Also, K-interns… mmmm…
Credible and imminent threat
A North Carolina man has been charged with making threats to kill President Joe Biden, according to a federal criminal complaint unsealed in court Thursday.
David Kyle Reeves, 27, of Gastonia, North Carolina, was arrested February 5 for knowingly and willfully making threats to take the life of and inflict bodily harm upon the President, according to newly unsealed court documents.
Prosecutors allege that between January 28 and February 1, Reeves contacted the White House switchboard multiple times by phone and made threats against President Biden and others.
In one call, Reeves is accused of saying he was going to kill everyone and “chop your heads off,” according to the criminal complaint. The complaint also alleges a Secret Service agent contacted Reeves to discuss the threats. Reeves called the agent several times throughout the day making threats against the President, the agent and others.
Reeves told the Secret Service agent “that he had free speech and did nothing wrong,” according to an affidavit in support of the criminal complaint.
Reeves appeared before a North Carolina federal court judge Thursday and was ordered to remain in custody.
“Mr. Reeves has plead not guilty and receiving appropriate mental health evaluations,” his attorney, Kevin Tate, senior litigation counsel for the office of the Federal Public Defender for the Western District of North Carolina, said in an email to CNN.
Militarize D C. Martial law. Machine gun nests at major intersections. Random searches and verification of papers and permissions. You can’t take any chances.
I’m waiting to see the posters they’re going to put up of the real threat to Joey’s life: Father time.
Someone should do a skit with Joe as Captain Hook and have him freak out every time he here’s a clock or someone says the date out loud.
All the feelz!
I just watched your latest cooking vid while waiting for this to go up. So much squee. Thank you and Tulip.
Trump’s hard core embedded guerilla strike force is out there, waiting to destroy DEMOCRACY!.
They are actual gorillas. Armed gorillas.
I love each and every one of You People®.
t do you mean ‘You People’?
As my DI told me so long ago, I better hate his ass..
Cause liking leads to loving, and loving leads to fucking, and he didn’t want me to get it in my head I was gonna fuck with him…
* spit take *
(I love how only Not Adahn and possibly Evil Sheldon watched the entire espagnole video)
Not just them, perv.
I’m not finished yet…
Watching the outtakes, all I could hear was Archer’s voice…
“pull it out, just in the nick of time” was a great way to end that outtake.
We need to get sloopy to write up a tall tale of how we all came to be here
I read that as ‘sloppy’ the first time.
/stops mixing up a drink
What was that?
I believe Swissy invited me over…he may have grown to regret that.
“he may have grown to regret that.”
Tell me more…
We…clash on occasion. Nothing serious and I still like the guy. But it seems like I irritate him more than anything else nowadays. Just my perspective, really can’t speak for the him. Either way, if I get snarky and take some snark in turn, I get over quickly enough. Hope he feels the same.
*fades into view*
I have no trouble with you, TH. I was worried about you, a bit ago… but not sure why you think I would regret asking you to join us?
*fades back out of sight*
To be fair, we all irritate him with our brilliant puns.
Thanks to all the Big People (includes all y’all) that make this site a sight. That applies to the lurkers as well, we need everyone and can only hope we’ll bring in more. My day starts/stops here, sometimes I do some other work but don’t want to start anything I can’t finish.
??? Thank you being a friend … ???
I’d be ok with a 35 yr old Shelley Long hanging out! But that mail man, hell no.
Ummm…wrong sitcom, bro.
Also, Kirstie Alley > Shelley Long.
My bad. I had a hard time taking notes when I was a gleam in my daddy’s eye.
You know, I watched a few of those recently for the first time since it was in first run when I was a kid and…..that is a highly underrated show. It’s held up surprisingly well and is still funny.
I never got the love. Still don’t.
For one thing, Betty White always reminded me of a midwestern version of my grandmother. I suppose that made me favorably disposed from the get go.
What’s weird is that they all seem like “old ladies” to me while my mom doesn’t, yet she’s older now than any of them were during the show.
Betty White’s character reminded me of my grandma too (mine was actually kind of from the Midwest: Cleveland)
My grandma was born and raised in rural Georgia and was every bit the archetype of a Southern lady. Her voice sounded just like Betty White’s, but with a southern accent.
My relationship with both mygrandmothers was … shall we say … less than optimal. Old ladies are not necessarily my favorite people in the world.
(Which sucks as I get closer and closer to being one.)
I kinda like some of the older ladies
I think an older gentleman was trying to flirt with me in a good ol’ boy way that fell flat immediately. Neither the QuikTrip clerk nor I could figure out what he was on about.
Him: *mumble mumble mumble at QT clerk*
Clerk to me: Hi.
Him: Did you hear me, lady?
Me: What, me?
Him: He was talking bad about you.
Me: *wtf?*
Mmmmmm cleavage.
Lizard brain go MMMMMMMMM….
Lizard brain go mmmmmm….
Been a fan from the beginning.
You have kept me sane.
Well… for a given value of sane.
Lets say i am within the standard deviation of this population.
Deviation, yes. Standard, nah.
A great group of people. I’m glad you all tolerate me. I do wish that a few of the leftys hadn’t screamed at the sky and dubbed out though.
You are all welcome.
New avatar?
I’m liking it.
It really ties the user name together
Thanks, there are a surprising number of options when you image search asshat.
So… how much does it cost to have the interns help me with my…. submissions?
Interesting autocorrect for “emissions”.
I’ve never been one for watching the Greta creampie videos. But if you get me drunk enough….
(I checked she’s 18 now, this joke is technically legal)
How dare you?
Oh, I bet he’d like to submit to the girls IYKWIM.
This really is the best place on the intertoobs.
Maybe somebody should send Shikha and Robby thank-you notes for pushing things at TOS over the cliff 4 years back…
Wonder what Shikha’s doing these days other than occasional columns for The Week?
Maybe she can convince Nathan Robinson to give her some space over at Current Affairs? [snort]
Im an infrequent poster but i read the articles and links—and of course the comments every single day and love this place and all of the characters here. Was thinking about joining a zoom call just to put faces to handles but im pretty socially retarded so i doubt ill ever actually do it. But thanks to everyone who makes this place possible.
im pretty socially retarded
Welcome to Glib Zoom!
(seriously – every one of us is some variety of weirdo)
Some of us are more than a single variety.
This guy gets it!
I like to think of myself more as a multi-tasker, thanks.
Not me, I’m the benchmark for normal.
More like skidmark!
*cues up sitcom laugh track*
As long as you don’t masturbate on camera, you won’t be the most awkward person on the call.
Nobody told me that!
But you’ll never be he most interesting. Choices… Choices…
So that sort of thing is frowned upon? OK, good info, thanks!
Frowned upon, mercilessly mocked. Potato, to-mah-to
Ooff. Good thing you said that.
Note the “on camera” part.
/wonders how ready he should be with the mute button
Which one of you is Jeffrey Toobin?
All are welcome. Here’s the link that I use for the Friday and Saturday night meetings that I host (kick off time is 20:00 Eastern). Feel free to join us some time.
One of these days I’ll try it again, in a place that actually has lighting!
Oh, by the way-
Here’s a tip. By the title of the article is a number indicating the number of comments. If you click that you will jump directly to the first comment.
thx. I lurn something new every day, here.
How do I keep forgetting this date? My wedding anniversary is tomorrow. It should be 3 days of parties for me.
Thank you everyone for IMO keeping the original spirit of the Internet going. If only there were more places like this instead of Big Data and their flinging of monkey shit. I am thankful for all of you, and the opportunity to tell people about my life from time to time without having to worry about who I’m going to upset.
I love each and every one of You People®.
You people. You… PEOPLE.
Ahh, it’s a fair cop, guv’nor.
Wonder what Shikha’s doing these days other than occasional columns for The Week?
Phoning in death threats to Modi?
“And reverse the charges, operator.”
Twenny bucks, same as downtown?
I’ve never been one for watching the Greta creampie videos. But if you get me drunk enough….
I’d hit her in the face with a banana cream pie. That would be especially hilarious, because you can tell she was either born without even a vestigial trace of a sense of humor, or her parents beat it out of her long ago.
That’s what you meant, right?
Uhh… yeah! I’m not sure if I could handle the twitter backlash from practical joking a retard. I hear that’s frowned upon now.
You could probably get away with cream pieing Ann Coulter, though. Is Ann Coulter even still alive?
Happy Birthday Glibs! Thanks for the silliness, the seriousness, the recipes, the GlibFit advice, the laughs and the stories. I know I don’t comment much, but I’m glad to have you guys as my Internet Friends.
Praise be to TBTB. Ya’ll rock! Thank you for this free spirit oasis in a desert of thoughtless ideology.
Since you mentioned a few of the MIA glibs….what ever happened to Negroni Please?
Moved to CO. Busy as hell, if I remember correctly.
Didn’t he also just get married around then as well?
Likewise Just Sayin’/Tulsi Gabbard Apologist?
IIRC, he was getting burnt out on the news cycle and took a break (and hasn’t come back yet).
Yes, he said he was tired of the way things were going and wanted to focus on other things for a while. He’s dropped by to make an isolated comment or two that I’ve seen.
He’s alive. I’ll pass on to him that people are asking about him.
Such a great handle.
Who was it that had the move from hell, to or from Texas I think?
DoomCO? Awful apartment?
Minds were altered
President Joe Biden said Thursday he had watched coverage of Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and thought “some minds may have been changed” after prosecutors showed gripping and graphic video of the Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol.
Biden told reporters in the Oval Office that while he did not view any of the Senate trial live, he had seen the morning news. “I think the Senate has a very important job to complete,” the president said.
It was a notable shift in tone after the new president spent much of the week doing his best to avoid the issue. And it came after House prosecutors aired never-before-seen footage from the violent insurrection that showed police officers being beaten by the rioters and presented a fuller picture of the precarious situation at the Capitol on the day when Congress was meeting to affirm Biden’s victory.
Almost as terrifying as that time the Flyers won the Stanley Cup.
That was 45 years ago. No current NFL player was even alive the last time the Broad Street Bullies won the Cup.
And no NHL player either!
This place really is the best (“the classiest, the greatest”) – thanks to all who make it that way.
My only complaint is that it ends up distracting me from things I’m supposed to be doing…
WTF Batman?
So glad dignity and decorum has returned to the executive mansion. ::rolls eyes::
Kissing Dutch boy lawn ornaments in 3…2…
Nothing says classy catholic like a virgin Mary in a bath tub half buried in the front yard.
Yeah, that’s how we roll in the Ville.
They’re doing a gut-reno of one of those places – not sure if Mary will make it.
Wow, I thought that was Roy Scheider. Googled the vid. Wish I hadn’t. Wth was that?!
All That Jazz?
Well, I see that movie was well-received and won awards. 86% on Rotten Tomatoes. There’s no accounting for taste, as they say.
Fosse got an Oscar, Tony, and Emmy for work involving that movie. Which is hard to do.
That’s called a triple threat. It’s the hat trick of the entertainment world.
It was a great movie.
Haven’t seen it in decades. Don’t know how well it has held up.
All that Jazz
What I remember at 13/14 was the dance sequence with Sandahl Bergman really turned my gears.
More Bergman and much more 70’s
Speaking of Shelley Long…
I really liked that movie. I should watch it again.
Yes, that’s an excellent one.
The Border Cafe in Harvard Square has closed for good. For obvious reasons, also there was a fire in December 2019. I don’t think I’ve been there in the last 10 years, but went there often before.
I’ve eaten there.
In honor of Friday/holiday/anniversary tonight, I will be Uber Eating my dinner. What should I get? Pretty much the only thing we don’t have is Pizza Hut, strangely.
Steak? I could go for steak, but we don’t have that restaurant. Is it any good?
It’s REALLY good. About $40 a plate. It’s one of the best bangs for your buck main stream restaurants in my area.
It’s one of those places I’ve only been to a few times over the heads, but have never regretted it.
I’m guessing steak doesn’t travel as well as a lot of other dishes.
You could go to Flavortown!… or you know, get something better.
Great name, but I find them fairly mediocre (and that includes their beers).
I don’t know where she lives so I’m trying to stay main stream. I’d say they’re above average for the big chain restaurants. I like their jambalaya and they’re black and blue burger is decent.
Their tomato bisque is fantastic.
Those are the two dishes I’ve had from BJs. Good, but nothing to write home about.
(She’s in NoVa)
I don’t know how close you are to it, but there’s a good Ethiopian place we found when we were staying in Silver Spring–Meleket, I think it was called.
I live about 2 miles from what you could call “Little Ethiopia” in Alexandria. But I just had it less than a week ago.
“there’s a good Ethiopian place”
No, there isn’t.
Lebanese Taverna?
That sounds tasty!
I could go for some grilled meats and rice
Bamian Afghan?
I recall a really good Afghani place in Falls Church, but it’s been a long time.
Bamian is close to Falls Church. It is excellent.
I’m thinking Thai myself tonight.
I love, love Thai food, but I find it doesn’t reheat well. At least the dish I like (Kra Pow w/chicken) doesn’t. It’s the chicken they use. Even the high-quality restaurants use some kind of desiccated sliced chicken breast.
Five guys?
I think I might go a little more upscale. Maybe seafood? Or steak.
Fish Market?
I can get a whole Maine lobstah from Whiskey & Oyster. How bad do I want to shitlord?
I could do Dishes of India, but I gotta go pick that up. But the pickled lemons & carrots….
Ooh, Bastille!
They don’t do delivery, it looks like 🙁
But they have pickup including cocktails
But La Madeleine does! I won’t get a croque monsieur 😉
I was about to suggest LA Madeleine. Their tomato basil soup is so dang good.
You’re kind of evil, asking this. I have a fridge full of healthy things and now I want pizza.
It’s Friday! And a holiday! And Glibsversary!
It’s my wife’s birthday. We’re uber-eating prime rib from the Smokehouse. It’s a landmark since 1946. Lotta Hollywood types have frequented it. Good food.
Going with steak from a certain leftist reclusive billionaire’s restaurant. Why? Because they have a wedge salad. I will cut a bitch for a wedge salad.
Beef or bison? I’m thinking bison.
A salad with a wedge of Parmesan or aged Gouda on top?
Yeah, I could go for that.
Excellent. It has been a four good years.
I see Angela White in one porn star picture. The alt-text doesn’t do her justice. She is expert at more than sucking the chrome off a trailer hitch.
It’s been a good time. Thanks to SP, TPTB, and everyone else.
Lovely tribute Tonio! Thanks to everyone for being here.
Happy Birthday you filthy animals. Seriously one of the best and seedy corners of the intertubes.
I distinctly remember when Biden said “100 days, not forever.” Well, now it’s through the next year.
How can you tell a politician is lying?
His lips are moving.
This is going to be even better for me when I ask to go full-time offsite.
Keep it up, shitstains! The harder you lock down, the easier it will be for me to escape your hellholes!
JFC. We’re so far past fucking stupid…
How about we shut everything down again? That worked so well the first time.
Shhhh, don’t give them any ideas!
That they lie is unsurprising. That anyone believes or repeats the lies, on the other hand, is where this rises from predictable but ignorable to annoying and dangerous.
“…American citizens could be required to wear masks…”
Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck him with a rusty chainsaw. The fucking hired help doesnt have the power to order any such thing. The day is coming where I will be jailed for using a stick to shove a mask right up some government halfwits ass.
I’m disappointed with the young’uns that there isn’t a thriving underground party/club/concert scene. Perhaps there is and, being an old fart, I’m not aware of it, but I feel like media outlets would be reporting about it panicky, Quincy-punk-episode tones.
*in* panicky,…
We’ve broken the youth, at least most of them.
It’s sad.
We’ll rue the day we taught them to get off the lawns.
Rue the day? Who talks like that?
Would you classify that as a design failure or a launch failure?
Just another in a long series of diversions in an attempt to avoid responsibility.
What is that?
That? That is a penis stretcher.
Rue the day?
Who talks like that?
Questioning “rue the day?” Who questions that?
Who talks like that?
There are speakeasies in NH.
So… this could be interesting:
After State’s Ruling Revoking Its Liquor Permit for Covid Violations, Barley House Argues in Court Ohio’s Covid Guidelines Are Illegal
Not like I have a lot of hope, but at least some places are continuing to fight back against the lockdown orders even after our curfew got lifted.
Hopefully they win.
I know. I’m strangely optimistic.
Well, Mr. Mojeaux got a lateral move to a different department after his was eliminated, leaving us without an impending (although generously severanced) layoff. Now he will be going in to work 2-3 days a week, which will be lovely for both of us. /nosarc
Congrats! I’m glad it worked out.
Good deal. Same type of work, or different responsibilities?
A department that does complementary work to what he does now. They’re adding positions to that department. I’m not sure why they just didn’t offer a transfer over there before eliminating all those positions.
Shake out people who want to leave and who aren’t wanted?
Yep. Great way to get rid of that 10% that don’t produce, but aren’t worth the fight with HR to fire.
Good news!
Woo hoo! By the power vested in me by myself, I hereby declare today to be an Official Frabjous Day!
Callooh! Callay!
“Exxxxxxcellent, Smithers!”
Yay, congrats!
Hickok45 was on quite a libertarian bent last walkaround. I love that man.
It posted this week? I check his channel on Sundays. I will look for it.
Yup, I’m about 40 minutes into it right now.
I’m amazed he hasn’t been banished by YT yet.
Supposed the anti-gunners are targeting some of the YouTube gun people for cancelation, but the sponsors are telling those meddling non-profits to fuck off.
OK. Some Sunday watching for me.
Meade Pyramid is an obscure monument in a hard to reach area. It is mostly viewed by people passing in trains. It is likely safe from the cancel mob even with its Confederate connection since most locals don’t even know it exists.
They have gone after some targets. Robert E Lee Elementary will be renamed. There is also a push to rename Jefferson Davis Highway. Nothing yet on renaming the Lee Hill district, precinct, community or elementary school.
If Meade had been re-enforced at this point, Stonewall’s corps may have been decimated and Lee’s army severely defeated. But yet another Union commander (Burnside) lost his nerve and the War went on and on and on.
Burnside already blew it by waiting to attack. But, yes, Union commanders were overly cautious. Grant broke that trend when he pushed on during the Overland Campaign. He accepted the losses, maneuvered, and forced another battle.
I don’t day much, but this place is an important part of every day for me. Here and IRL I’m a 99.999% introvert but here I can hang out, be part of somthng without having to say much (or anything).
God Bless you, each and every one.
Well, back to the dishwasher and the dreaded Bosch E24 error – won’t drain.
Looks like today’s high is -3 ‘Murican.
Sounds like the staff need refresher training–they shouldn’t be trying to wash/reuse those condoms.
Sorry mikey. Had and cleared an E15 a couple months ago due to putting dish soap into the rinse aid container.
E24 on my Bosch dishwasher ended up being a bad PCB that wouldn’t fire up the pump.
Of course start with the obvious stuff first – clean the drain, etc.
These all sound like BMW models to me.
Schmidt Rubin over $1k.
Is that the new normal for them? Or just crazy GB bidders?
Awesome. Thanks for the recap Tonio!
*says prayer for the missing.