Friday Afternoon Relieved Links

by | Mar 26, 2021 | Daily Links | 256 comments

I knew some of you wouldn't click the link; you're welcome

Family friendly!

I found this list interesting; YMMV.

Just in case you needed extra incentive to get into crypto…

I guess Easter is coming up. Seems like it sneaks up on me every time. Any additional tips?

Spend a lot of time on Discord? This is relevant to your interests.

Apparently this is making the news today due to its NSFW-esque features…

And here’s a little mellow something for you to get into the weekend mindset.

About The Author



[riv-uhn] noun 1. a gaming, lifting, shooting, intoxicated, ravenous, and happily-taken nerd. 2. often aims to misbehave. 3. and though she be but little, she is fierce.* And rumor has it that she (and her husband) are also delightful dinner companions. You didn't hear it from me, though.


  1. Count Potato

    You know what’s odd. The last two posts, Friday Morning Links and What We Are Reading weren’t visible from the front page until after I logged in.

    Also, I was told there was going to be no math.

    • Tonio

      The website has been slow today. Yeah, when you get the math question it’s no bueno; never had a successful login after one of those.

      • Count Potato

        It worked for me after I got the math question.

    • SP

      They are having some fallout issues from the massive caching system upgrade yesterday. They are already working on a fix.

      • Count Potato

        OK, thanks 🙂

  2. Count Potato

    I’m surprised more countries haven’t banned crypto.

  3. Nephilium

    Wait… Polygon thought the boss battles in the Origami King were hard?

    /reloads another boss battle in Bravely Default 2

  4. Count Potato

    “Before probing, ensure your thermometer is sterilised.”

    That seems a bit excessive. Are the plates, utensils, and everything else sterile?

    • Count Potato

      “Jeff recommends cooking them for at least 30 minutes at 200 degrees whilst checking every 10-15 minutes and giving them a shake to increase the crispiness.”

      I think he means 400°F.

  5. kinnath

    I just did my taxes this week. Turbo tax asked me if I bought or sold cryptocurrency. Good thing I haven’t been playing in crypto. I would hate to have to answer that question if I had.

      • SDF-7

        Wait a second — “did you receive, sell, send, exchange, or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency?”

        *Any* virtual currency? So… everyone who bought PokeCoins (or whatever) for Pokemon Go? Because that is receiving a virtual currency. Or your Steam Wallet. Or an Amazon Gift Card. Glad I don’t remember TaxCut asking me — because I think the IRS lawyers made that form WAAAYY too broad.

      • kinnath

        I don’t remember the exact wording of the question on the form or the explanation provided by Turbo Tax, but I came away with the impression that it was limited to bitcoin, eretheum, and similar.

        However, I could see in-game currency being in that definition too.

      • ttyrant

        It’s on the front page of the 1040 this year. I am curious why they didn’t just say “buy” instead of “otherwise acquire any financial interest in” — perhaps the latter casts a wider net. I am also curious what gives them the authority to ask such a question (FYTW clause, presumably).

      • kinnath

        IRS says crypto currency is an asset like common stock. If you buy and sell, you must declare your capital gains or loses.

        As the article above says, it’s a trap. If you say no and they later get data from coinbase (or someone else) showing a purchase or sale, then they have you on perjury.

        The article notes that coinbase gave the IRS data on 13,000 users in response to an order from the IRS.

      • kinnath

        That seemed pretty obvious to me.

        “Signed under penalty of perjury”.

        Just another hammer over people’s heads.

    • Mojeaux

      Oh boy. I’m in trouble…

  6. The Hyperbole

    gamer nerds are some of the weirder nerds.

    • Nephilium

      /scatters a handful of d4’s outside Hyperbole’s house.

      • Tonio

        [holds up notepad]

    • bacon-magic

      I’ll bet $50 that you’re all kinds of weird. I’ll bet another $50 that 99% of the commenters here including me are weird.

  7. Chipwooder

    Apparently Letitia James believes she has some kind of jurisdiction in Georgia:

    Attacks against the right to vote continue to threaten our democracy, and the voting restrictions passed in Georgia are deeply troubling.

    My office is examining all legal options to take on these anti-democratic measures.

    — NY AG James (@NewYorkStateAG) March 26, 2021

    • Hank

      Letitia James went down to Georgia, she was looking for votes to steal

      • Nephilium

        She was in a bind ’cause she was way behind?

      • Chipwooder

        Fire in the precinct, run girl run
        Tank’s in the house of the rising sun

    • Ed Wuncler

      “You have to actually prove who you and that you live in the voting precinct? You fucking racist.”

      • Tonio

        Somewhere recently (linked from here?) I saw a proposal to allow out-of-district voting. You know, only to be used in emergencies when poor people are trapped out of their districts as they so often are, even though cross-town travel is a problem for them.

      • Ed Wuncler

        The Left aren’t even hiding that they want to steal elections. And like everything else they propose it’s always under the bullshit guise of helping the less fortunate.

        I wish the GOP would call them out on their bullshit but are too chicken shit to because they don’t want to appear as trashing the poor or minorities. They either need to push back or else they’ll lose their ability to be controlled opposition.

      • Tonio

        [waves handkerchief and cries from dock as ship sails over the horizon]

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        I wish the GOP would call them out on their bullshit but are too chicken shit to because they don’t want to appear as trashing the poor or minorities. They either need to push back or else they’ll lose their ability to be controlled opposition.

        Exactly. And, as with the election fraud, Biden once again comes out and says it. Saw the below on GP. They cite CBS news but someone else can click that link.

        As Democrats move in to solidify their power over the American people, this may have been the only honest statement Joe Biden made on Thursday.

        President Biden is asked if he believes he’ll be running against Donald Trump in 2024:

        “Oh, come on. I don’t even think about — I have no idea. I have no idea if there will be a Republican Party. Do you?”

        — CBS News (@CBSNews) March 25, 2021

      • kbolino

        It’s kayfabe.

        The Democrats are the faces, and the Republicans are the heels. They say the insults that are on the script. They generate cheap heat to get the crowd excited.

        They are not actually going to have a real fight.

    • rhywun

      OFFS she is insufferable. Doesn’t she have Wall Street and Donald to destroy? That should keep her busy enough I would think.

  8. Chipwooder

    So anyway… wife wants to put our tax refund/covid handout money towards a new deck. I told her that it would be a better move to pay off all our credit card debt and get a home improvement loan at a much lower rate than the cards.

    Why is this logic difficult for her to grasp?

    • slumbrew

      “But I want a deck!”

      • Chipwooder

        I didn’t think she’d struggle with “9% is more than 7%”, but here we are.

      • Tres Cool

        So you’re the guy that married my ex. Poor bastard.

      • Nephilium

        Assuming I’m reading it correctly, there’s a deck in both scenarios.

      • Chipwooder

        Yes, what we disagree on is paying cash for it or paying off debt with the cash and getting a loan for the deck at a lower interest rate than the cards.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        “Why would we need to get a loan when we have the cash?”

    • grrizzly

      Apply for a credit card with 0% APR. Between the new card and a few existing cards I have about 60k in the no interest credit line until October. On the other hand, maybe they give it me because I don’t need it.

    • Agent Cooper

      Pay off the cards!

    • Chafed

      Throw in a mani/pedi if she does it your way.

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      Why not get a deck of cards and call it a day.

      And then maybe poker.

    • Mojeaux

      Why is this logic difficult for her to grasp?

      Why don’t you politely ask her what her reasoning is? Maybe her reasoning is something other than “Now.”

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

        You know, if he wanted a woman’s opinion on how to deal with a woman, he would have asked.

        Jeez, you’d probably advise him to pull over and ask for directions too.

      • Mojeaux


      • TARDis

        Ok, googled that, got a dang Reason link….

        Calling Men ‘Scum’ or ‘Trash’ Is Now Hate Speech


      • Mojeaux

        My exhausting client who is exhausting is a radfem. I’m working on a book now that is, how shall I say, not complimentary toward men.

        She asked me for a blurb. I said no because I don’t agree with some of her premises and the reason I don’t is because I have a husband and kids, and she has never had either. She is late middle-aged, single, heterosexual but never had a serious relationship although she tried (oh, she did try), a tidge butch, no kids, distanced family, and as far as I can tell, very few friends (although really, I have very few friends, and she’s a hermit by choice, so that’s not saying much). (And get this, I am apparently one of her friends because she put me in her will so that I would continue to publish her work posthumously at the expense of her estate.)


        One time, my mother said to me (about my ancient unmarried aunt) that often people who have never been married and/or had kids are selfish in ways they can’t help but be because that is their life experience. (I know! Not all single people are like that and present company excepted!)

        Well, okay, but. That’s this woman. She does not know what it is like to commit herself to a significant other and to kids, so her outlook on men is super-skewed, and it shows a certain naivete that might be eyerolling in a 20-something but is utterly inexcusable in a 60-something.

      • TARDis

        OuCh. I’m going to go sit in a corner now. Thanks.

      • Riven

        Aw, don’t be upset, guy. It’s just an acronym from the old days!

      • TARDis

        I’m not upset. I think I’m turning into Biden. I think I’ve asked about it before… and forgot.

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)


      • Tulip

        So perfect with that avatar!

      • Chipwooder

        My wife is a very smart woman but she gets very angry when I try to explain something when she didn’t grasp it the first time.

      • Mojeaux

        I said ASK, not TELL.

      • TARDis


      • UnCivilServant

        I thought it was Don’t ask and don’t tell.

        Or am I mixing this up for some government nonsense from the 90s.

      • commodious spittoon

        “Okay in that case I’m asking you why don’t you understand what I’m telling you.”

    • Certified Public Asshat

      By the time you get a contractor out you may have already paid the cards off and saved cash for the deck.

    • Gustave Lytton

      If you’re doing a wood deck, I’d look at material cost first and see what other home improvement projects you can do. Lumber prices are through the roof.

      • Chipwooder

        Yeah, I’ve thought about that too. At a minimum though, the stairs have to be replaced now. Someone’s gonna get hurt on those things

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’ve got some rotten boards too and am just going to eat it.

      • The Hyperbole

        May as well, my supplier doesn’t think the prices are going to drop any time soon.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Frustrating as heck to watch the volume of logs getting harvested from the fires yet lumber priced still rising.

      • Mojeaux

        Lumber prices are through the roof.

        I wonder how that would compare to Trex.

      • Tundra

        Resins are just as fucked up.

      • westernsloper

        Lumber is way cheaper than Trex.

    • kinnath


      Hold the cash.

      Get approval for the home improvement loan.

      Then pay off the cards and build the deck.

    • Riven

      Why don’t you just chart out the cost in Excel (or whatever)? Run the numbers side by side, and then the lower cost option should seem obvious, no?

    • EvilSheldon

      Wait, this isn’t the Bee? Ted Cruz actually did this?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I watched a part of that and was amused by the thought of Ted Cruz hiding in the bushes near a truck stop.

      • SDF-7

        Truck stop… grassy knoll… always hiding in the bushes, that family….

      • westernsloper


    • Sean

      MUST HAVE MOAR TAXES!11!!!1!

      • SDF-7

        With the added benefit of either mandating GPS tracking or sicking the IRS on you if you don’t get a notarized witness for your odometer or something. Probably the former knowing the Feds. And a new set of bureaucrats to mandate compliance.

      • Francisco d'Anconia

        Yeah, so nobody writing that story thought to ask how, exactly they’d accomplish that?

  9. rhywun

    Nintendo giveth, and Nintendo taketh away.

    Yeah, no shit.

    That’s why I got off the Nintendo train. I got tired of them demanding I buy new downloads of my old games because they go “compatibility? LOL what compatibility”.

  10. Count Potato

    “Jen Psaki defends Biden for using a cheat sheet at his first press conference and fires back at Fox News’ Peter Doocy’s complaint that he’s never on Biden’s list of reporters”

    “So much for the cue cards, Joe: Press conference fact check finds Biden made false claims about the border, sending back most migrants, and that Trump’s tax cuts mainly benefited the ‘top 1%'”

    Well, it’s not like dementia would make him more honest.

    • Chipwooder

      Then there was this:

      Curtis Houck
      White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki gives the administration’s blessing to House Democrats overturning the will of the people in #IA02 and remove Republican @RepMMM from office and replace her with Democrat Rita Hart: “I believe the process…is what’s being followed here.”

      It’s only bad to overturn an election when it benefits a Republican.

    • B.P.

      I’m getting the impression that we’re all supposed to think that a completely scripted and choreographed press conference is totally normal.

    • SP

      This is just elder abuse at this point.

      • TARDis

        Call me unkind, but in this life ’tis but a fraction of what he deserves. I, as most productive people in this country do, get financially raped twice monthly. The once a year I still get my annual beating. The least I deserve is the comedy of errors crimes.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        This is me too.

        “aww poor old guy…wait, fuck him”

      • kinnath

        Joe Biden deserves whatever he gets.

        But Joe Biden isn’t home any more.

        So Joe already got is comeuppance.

        It is time, however, to put that puppet away and start to deal with the sociopath that is going to take is position.

      • TARDis

        I disagree. He’s not completely gone yet. He knows he’s losing it, and has no respect from his handlers. He “soldiers” on because he’s been a pampered disgusting POS his entire life. He’s a narcissist blow-hole, just like his previous boss. I just hope for the day when his frustration consumes him in public, and he lashes out in pathetic disgrace. Then he will have his comeuppance.

      • creech

        I think you are right. Actually, he is doing remarkably well compared to several dementia and alzheimers folks I’ve known. All the dementia snark may just be as overblown as the “Hillary is about to keel over from some mortal disease” meme that we got five years ago.

      • Mojeaux

        I don’t think Kamala’s the one pulling the strings, though. She seems more like his caretaker/nursemaid/nanny.

      • kinnath

        I don’t think Kamala’s the one pulling the strings

        Someone else is driving the Joe sock puppet. But Kamala is next when Joe goes away.

      • Surly Knott

        Which may be reason enough to hope he hangs on for a while.

  11. Shpip

    Royal chef shares tips for cooking perfect Easter lamb roast

    I don’t get to cook lamb often (usually for a Burns Night supper), but I’ve always had success with grilling a leg on the Weber over charcoal and oak with Alton Brown’s rub — garlic, mint, salt, brown sugar, dijon mustard are the main ingredients.

    It’s a little messy, and some of the rub will burn, but my guests adore it.

  12. Count Potato

    “Researchers have said the global pandemic is believed to have started when COVID-19 jumped from a bat to a human or through an intermediary species at a wet market in Wuhan.

    Redfield, however, says that explanation doesn’t make ‘biological sense’ to him.

    ‘I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human and at that moment in time the virus came to the human, became one of the most infectious viruses that we know in humanity for human-to-human transmission,’ he said.

    ‘Normally, when a pathogen goes from a zoonot to human, it takes a while for it to figure out how to become more and more efficient.’

    He believes it started in a lab that was already studying the virus, which would mean COVID-19 was being exposed to human cell cultures.

    ‘Most of us in a lab, when trying to grow a virus, we try to help make it grow better, and better, and better, and better, and better, and better so we can do experiments and figure out about it. That’s the way I put it together.’ ”

    • Tonio

      Even if this is true it will not be reported because the news would cause violence against asians.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    “Pete Buttigieg says the Biden administration is considering taxing drivers by the MILE to fund their $3trillion climate-friendly infrastructure proposal”

    That has been on the wish list for a long time.

    • The Other Kevin

      Of course it has. Let’s push for more electric vehicles, then tax per mile to make up for the lost gas taxes. Oh, did we tell you that you’d save money driving an electric car?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Of course there will have to be some means of auditing that mileage… perhaps GPS tracking and logs… strictly for the mileage tax and will never be used for any other purpose…

        Fuck Robert Poole and his tax hike schemes with a rusty chainsaw.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Yes, what we disagree on is paying cash for it or paying off debt with the cash and getting a loan for the deck at a lower interest rate than the cards.

    Can you still write off the interest on a home improvement loan?

    • Chipwooder

      Hmmm….I actually don’t know, I’ve never applied for one before.

  15. rhywun

    Three-day weekend w00t! My company has another one of its mysterious generic paid holidays Monday.

    Plus one of those Jesus-holidays on Friday.

    • TARDis

      That sounds like a good week.

      • rhywun

        It will be interesting, with boss and boss-boss out all week. And quarterly close coming which means I run the show all day and then watch finances at night to make sure nothing blows up.

  16. Agent Cooper

    “I found this list interesting; YMMV.”

    Does Nintendo making anything else but Mario games? JFC.

    • Nephilium

      Zelda and Pokemon both come to mind.

      • rhywun

        And Metroid. And I think Castlevania?

  17. Tonio

    It’s a lovely day here in RVA-land. Mid-eighties. Turned on the AC just to get the moisture down. Was able to work on the back porch in shorts and a tee. Finished a serviceable draft of a story I started earlier this month.

    • Chipwooder

      Took the dog to the vet with all the windows down in the truck, which was delightful.

      • rhywun

        I’m looking out my home office window and watching metal roofs blowing around in the courtyard after they tore off a shed that’s there.

  18. Nephilium

    Well all, some things have become tradition in these annoying times, so here’s the link for the Happy Hour/Zoom/KK bragging session. I’ll kick it off at 20:00 Eastern.

    Looking back at the calendar, the first of these was held on April 3rd of 2020. So next week will be the one year anniversary of these.

    • Tonio

      We should do something special next week. [calls wardrobe and tells them to run up a sexy little outfit with cha-cha heels]

      • Nephilium

        There’s a reason I provided the heads up.

      • Ask your doctor if BEAM is right for you

        Uh . . .

        . . . I, uh, have a . . . thing that evening. Yeah, that’s it, a thing.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        Do they have different sizes?*

        *Asking for a friend

    • SP

      Thanks, Neph!

    • westernsloper

      Thanks Neph!

    • DEG

      I have to join next week then.

      I don’t know if I’ll join tonight or tomorrow. Some interesting news came up this week, so I’m putting together a new edition of Too Local News. Tomorrow there are some maskless events and I’d like to attend at least one, preferably both.

      Thanks for running these.

    • DEG

      Ugh. I guess I should have paid attention to what Nephilium wrote. Since it is a KK bragging session, I’ll join, but only after I get the first pass on Too Local News done.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        I guess we pissed Tulip off.

        I tend to feel that I did my part.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The Biden family is just white trash with money, much like the Kennedy’s.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        It was enlightening when I figured out that most big law partners were just white trash with money. It really put things in perspective. It’s not surprising that politicians are the same.

    • Agent Cooper

      Quaint idea: Just take the toxicology report down, throw it away. No stupid investigation needed.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    The bipartisan Do-Something-ism caucus

    There were other, more divisive issues as well. Some Republicans resurfaced allegations that the platforms systematically censor conservative voices, which the CEOs have all denied, and Democrats tried to assess the platforms’ roles in the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

    By the end of the hearing it was still unclear whether lawmakers have moved any closer to passing substantive reform. But the sense of urgency among members was palpable.

    As Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., told the CEOs at the start of the hearing, “Self-regulation has come to the end of its road.”

    Ongoing social media Congressional hearings will get to the root of the problem.

    • The Other Kevin

      One of the signs of a scam is a manufactured sense of urgency. Just putting it out there for no particular reason.

    • Ed Wuncler

      Rep. Jan Schakowsky is a commie piece of shit from the North Suburbs whose solution to every problem is moar money and moar government.

    • rhywun

      If one of them has the balls to call for shutting down Facebook and Google the way they shut down Parler, I will have some tiny amount of respect for that person.

      I won’t hold my breath.

      • Ed Wuncler

        “We don’t want to stifle speech, we’re just asking politely that the private companies regulate hate speech. And if they don’t I’m not saying that something bad will happen, but something bad will happen.”

      • Ask your doctor if BEAM is right for you

        Shorter Ed Wuncler:

        “Nice social media website you’ve got there. Be a shame if something were to happen to it.”

  20. Hank

    “USA Today fired the publication’s race and inclusion editor [Hemal Jhaveri] on Tuesday after she tweeted “it’s always an angry white man,” in response to Monday’s mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado….

    “”I wish I were more surprised by it, but I’m not,” she wrote. “Some part of me has been waiting for this to happen because I can’t do the work I do and write the columns I write without invoking the ire and anger of alt-right Twitter. There is always the threat that tweets which challenge white supremacy will be weaponized by bad faith actors. I had always hoped that when that moment inevitably came, USA TODAY would stand by me and my track record of speaking the truth about systemic racism.”…

    “”Sending one wrong tweet that ended up in the hands of Sean Hannity on Fox News though, was enough for this publication to turn tail,” she added.”

      • B.P.

        There can be no corner of human life that is free from Hemal Jhaveri’s way of thinking.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Poor baby. A total lack of journalistic ethics got her fired from a barely journalism job. Such a tragedy.

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      Criticism = weaponization

    • Ed Wuncler

      “My editors expect me to be honest and write articles in good faith? This is all the alt right’s fault!”

    • rhywun

      “Race and inclusion editor”? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

      BTW I think Syrians are “white” anyway. What other box are they supposed to check…?

      • Hank

        It depends on the context – Arabs are white for purposes of some federal statutes, not for others (eg, Civil Rights Act of 1866)

        At Volokh, David Bernstein has been previewing his new book on racial classifications which would probably go into as much detail as anyone would want.

      • Hank

        forthcoming, not new

      • rhywun

        Mlech… the whole thing distasteful. In most incarnations it’s just a ruse by the government to pigeonhole people into boxes for grievance purposes.

      • Hank

        Oh, indeed. I’m kind of looking forward to the release of Bernstein’s book in a few months, which will show in detail exactly how this works. His working title: Classified: The Untold Story of Racial Classification in America

        (I’m not affiliated with Bernstein or any group linked to him – this is not a paid promotion. Add extra disclaimers as warranted.)

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      Could be worse. Could be Stuxnet.

  21. The Other Kevin

    “I’m getting the impression that we’re all supposed to think that a completely scripted and choreographed press conference is totally normal.”

    I keep shaking my head over this. Presidents give scripted speeches all the time. I would imagine some were even given questions ahead of time, or planted questions. But to stage the WHOLE THING?

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Cui bono?

    For the past year, an assumption — sometimes explicit, often tacit — has informed almost all our thinking about the pandemic: At some point, it will be over, and then we’ll go “back to normal.”

    This premise is almost certainly wrong. SARS-CoV-2, protean and elusive as it is, may become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse. And even if it peters out eventually, our lives and routines will by then have changed irreversibly. Going “back” won’t be an option; the only way is forward. But to what exactly?

    Most epidemics disappear once populations achieve herd immunity and the pathogen has too few vulnerable bodies available as hosts for its self-propagation. This herd protection comes about through the combination of natural immunity in people who’ve recovered from infection and vaccination of the remaining population.

    In the case of SARS-CoV-2, however, recent developments suggest that we may never achieve herd immunity. Even the U.S., which leads most other countries in vaccinations and already had large outbreaks, won’t get there. That’s the upshot of an analysis by Christopher Murray at the University of Washington and Peter Piot at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

    We have this marvelous new club with which to bludgeon the plebs into submission. Why on earth would we willingly lay it aside?

    Doin’ right ain’t got no end.

    • westernsloper

      T Woods had Ivor Cummings on his podcast. That dude has called this shit show straight since the beginning of the idiocy. I can’t quote his remark made during the interview but it made sense, that being 80 to 90% of people are already immune to Sars Covid2. I used that line today when I was confronted unmasked. “I’m immune just like 90% of the people on the planet.” (I am using my new found definition of immunity as in the shit aint going to kill me because I am not in the highest of risk groups) I am immune to all kinds of shit at this point in my life. Odds on the other hand, there might be a bus tomorrow but we don’t have much public transit so I am betting I am immune to busses too.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    The main reason is the ongoing emergence of new variants that behave almost like new viruses. A clinical vaccine trial in South Africa showed that people in the placebo group who had previously been infected with one strain had no immunity against its mutated descendant and became reinfected. There are similar reports from parts of Brazil that had massive outbreaks and subsequently suffered renewed epidemics.

    And what about the symptoms? How many died or were hospitalized?

    I know, that’s not relevant, and I’m just muddying the waters by asking about it.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Consider two alternative evolutionary paths. In one, a virus becomes more severe but not more transmissible. It will cause more disease and death, but the growth is linear. In the other path, a mutating virus becomes neither more nor less virulent but more contagious. It will cause increases in disease and death that are exponential rather than linear. Adam Kucharski at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine explains the math here.

    If this is the evolutionary trajectory of SARS-CoV-2, we’re in for seemingly endless cycles of outbreaks and remissions, social restrictions and relaxations, lockdowns and reopenings. At least in rich countries, we will probably get vaccinated a couple of times a year, against the latest variant in circulation, but never fast or comprehensively enough to achieve herd immunity.

    “Gee, I wish we had one of them Doomsday machines.”

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      Either way, time to open up.

    • rhywun

      “No” to all of that, thx.

  25. Count Potato

    “Dominion Voting Systems, a company subject to a torrent of conspiracy theories from President Donald Trump and his allies seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election, has sued Fox News for $1.6 billion, alleging the network falsely claimed Dominion rigged the 2020 election.

    That campaign to overturn the election — which was roundly rejected by courts but embraced by pro-Trump media — culminated in the January 6 attack on the Capitol, in which a horde of Trump supporters violently interrupted the certification of the 2020 vote by Congress.

    Dominion accused Fox, which is facing another $2.7 billion lawsuit from election technology firm Smartmatic, of spreading false claims that the company helped rig the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden.”

    Source code or GTFO.

    • rhywun

      Source code or GTFO.

      This x 2,020

      • TARDis

        Can we party like it’s 1999. Did anyone else do stickers? “This has electricity. It could freak out at midnight and kill us all! Tag it.” True story.


    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      While it’s mind boggling that the customers didn’t audit the source code, I still think it’s unlikely that Dominion is the problem assuming there is a paper trail. The problem is with mail-in voting and zero signature validation. The Dems read their Art of War and did a good job preparing the battlefield.

      • kbolino

        The people are almost always going to be the bigger risk than the computers.

      • kbolino

        I’m honestly surprised that hasn’t been memory-holed.

      • TARDis


        Also, software: It’s what makes planes fly.

        /737 MAX

      • kinnath

        737 max was not a software failure.

      • kbolino

        If you mean the software error itself was the least important part of the fiasco, then I agree.

        But the root cause of the planes crashing was indeed a software error.

      • kinnath

        I disagree, but I won’t discuss details in public.

      • kbolino

        Ok, I based my judgment off what has been made public.

      • TARDis

        I’ve heard/read too many design changes. Can I get a yes/no?

      • kinnath

        Given the public information:

        1) A single threaded system was used in the past to perform automatic trim functions. The system moves the elevator slowly to minimize the aerodynamic forces on the elevator (talk to one of the pilots here).

        2) AOA vane failures are a known problem. If the AOA vane fails, the auto trim function will misbehave. However, the crew had time to recognize the problem and take appropriate actions.

        3) A new function was added for the MAX to deal with the more powerful engines that could cause an unwanted pitch-up motion when the throttle are advanced (quickly).

        4) To avoid retraining the crew, the auto trim function was used to move the elevator to counter act the pitch-up motion caused by the engine. (I don’t remember the acronym for the new stability system)

        5) During flight test, the test pilots didn’t like the performance of the new system, so the authority of the auto trim system was increased (giving it the ability to move the elevators faster).

        6) However, the system is still single threaded. An AOA vane failure can cause the auto trim to move the elevator and can now move the elevator much faster than before.

        7) No training was provide to the crew about the new function or how to cope with rapidly moving elevators if there was an AOA vane failure.

        The software performed as designed. Thus not a software error.

        The system, however, . . . . make your own judgement.

        The problem, whatever it might be, was somehow corrected in software. Again, make your own judgement.

      • kinnath

        At least one mistake in there.

        The trim function moves the horizontal stabilizer to minimize the forces on the elevator.

        There are probably others too.

      • TARDis

        6) However, the system is still single threaded. An AOA vane failure can cause the auto trim to move the elevator and can now move the elevator much faster than before.

        This scares me. The vertical stab trim is too slow to compensate?

      • kinnath

        The system present on the two crashed airliners was single-threaded.

        The fix is field loadable software (as far as I know, the news has not reported that any wiring changes are required to put the MAX back into service).

        I have seen no details on what is actually being fixed. Just that the fix is approved by the FAA and EASA.

      • TARDis

        I was being facetious (AS ALWAYS). Software cannot easily overcome bad aerospace engineering. Or that is what I was told anyway.

      • kbolino

        Both the FAA and EASA have approved the plane to fly (again). Of course, there’s lots of money involved so their decision may be biased. I wouldn’t be all that surprised if a number of countries keep it out of service, though, especially Indonesia and Ethiopia.

      • TARDis

        Where training is not a priority?

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Either way, time to open up.

    What we’re doing isn’t making a difference, because we’re not doing it hard enough!

  27. Q Continuum

    q-ette was majorly colicky last night and I’m zombiefied. This is much, much less fun than other times I’ve been kept up all night by a girl.

    • one true athena

      Did I miss a pic of the baby q? (If you don’t put pics online I understand) but GLIB BABIES ARE THE BEST CUTIES.

    • SP

      WebDom was a colicky baby and look how SHE turned out!

      • Count Potato

        You just hang them out the window of the ambulance.

    • westernsloper

      Baby sloper slept through the night most nights when he was a wee one and never colicky. Kid doesn’t talk to his dad anymore so maybe he would not be such an asshole if he was colicky.

  28. Count Potato

    “The Republican who is sitting in Stacey Abrams’ chair just signed a despicable voter suppression bill into law to take Georgia back to Jim Crow. The Senate must pass the #ForThePeople Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Act immediately – our democracy is at stake tonight.”

    That was nice of her to donate furniture.

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      Why is she doubting the results of an election? Insurrectionist!

    • kbolino

      I’m sorry, the country has reached its quota of sanctimonious twats, you’re going to have sit this one out Senator Pocahontas.

    • B.P.

      I thought twitter banned all the talk of stolen elections.

    • rhywun

      But we’re not allowed to question the presence of the Democrat in Donald Trump’s chair.

      Is that how this works?

    • Ed Wuncler

      I fucking hate Stacy Abrams. She’s like someone who made it to the finals of the spelling bee and lost but still pisses and moans about it while blaming the judges because in her mind, they mispronounced the word.

      They can pimp out Russian election interference conspiracies for four years but the moment anyone questions the amount of mail ballots for the general election, suddenly they are conspiracy theorists.

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

        But she’ll always have those four touchdowns against Andrew Johnson High.

  29. Tulip

    Still in a wonderful mood! Peas have sprouted, radishes have sprouted, lettuce has sprouted, peppers have finally sprouted. Oh joy, oh happy day!

    • Mojeaux

      Spring weather does tend to do that to a person, does it not?

    • robodruid

      Atomic grape seeds have sprouted.
      asparagus has sprouted.
      Life is ok.

  30. Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

    I’m trying to figure out what’s so horrible about the GA voter law. There’s still early voting. Drop off boxes have to be in secure locations. Voter ID. The water thing seems to be a bit of a red herring since all gifts, including food and drink are banned.

    I also wonder why the lines are so long in some jurisdictions. I’ve seen allegations that the governor has reduced the number of polling places, but aren’t elections run by the counties? Do the counties in question not have enough voting locations? Do they not have enough voting machines? I’ve rarely had to wait more than about 15 minutes here in CA.

    • Sean

      It’s all part of the narrative.

    • rhywun

      The Dems are lying. It’s as simple as that, as usual.

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      I’m not black*, but if I were, I think I’d find it offensive that they are calling these changes worse than Jim Crow.

      *according to 23andme I’m as black as Elizabeth Warren is Indian.

  31. one true athena

    Husband and I got our covid tests back to prep for Hawaii on Monday. Amazing what a relief it is – even though neither of us are sick at all, so there OUGHT to be no reason we can’t go, but it’s been a perpetual fear/stress (what if one of us pops a negative? I made sure to do the tests early so we’d have time to try again, just in case) since deciding to just do it (this is the trip that was supposed to be for LAST spring). Now the kid’s test just has to go through and we’re in the clear. *crosses fingers and toes* Just one more test and we’re on the way.

    • Sean

      Hope your trip goes well.

    • one true athena

      lol, I mean “pops a positive”. It’s the positive you don’t want

    • Surly Knott

      Don’t you miss the days when we thought tests ended when we graduated? I know I do.

    • TARDis

      As expected, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced Friday that Biden will sign gun control executive orders into law.


      • Sean

        I expect to hear a lot about states rights real soon.

      • TARDis

        Hopefully followed by a convention of the states.

    • Ownbestenemy

      So glad he gave the democratic and legislative process the time they needed. What a piece of shit Joe is.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      No shit.

      My daughter is not on board, thankfully

    • limey

      #MADB #MothersAgainstDementedBiden #trunalimunumaprezhure

    • westernsloper

      Your Mom is awesome.

    • grrizzly

      I saw this sign on a boat in Naples, FL.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    As expected, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced Friday that Biden will sign gun control executive orders into law.

    This authoritarianism and usurpation of Congress’ designated duties will result in a Constitutional crisis and consequent impeachment, right?


    • Nephilium

      sign gun control executive orders into law

      That’s not how this works… that’s not how any of this works!

  33. Yusef drives a Kia

    I’m Back!

    • Hank


  34. grrizzly

    Zagat email. Fascism is awesome.

    Joe Biden Is Calling You About Ice Cream

    The Ice Cream Shop View On Government Aid

    “Kendra and I were working more than a hundred hours per week, so we decided to hire more staff. And by the end of our second month, we had a dozen employees. To be able to start the business of our dreams in a harsh economic environment was awesome. But to be able to create jobs for people during that time? That was special.”

    • Nephilium

      Keep in mind that Zagat got purchased by Google several years back.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Nothing outside the state

    Under current rules, individuals who sell goods or services via platforms like Uber, Ebay, Etsy and others that use third-party transaction networks (i.e., PayPal) generally only receive a tax form if they engage in at least 200 transactions worth an aggregate $20,000 or more. That form, called a 1099-K, also goes to the IRS.

    Starting next year, the federal threshold for issuing the 1099-K will drop to $600 with no minimum transaction level, due to a provision in the recently enacted American Rescue Plan Act. (Some states already have lower minimums.)

    This means that in early 2023, you could receive a 1099-K for online sales you make in 2022. And this would be the case whether you’re an occasional seller or are operating as a business, as long as you sold more than $600 worth on a single platform. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’d be taxed on the money, but you would need to account for it on your tax return.

    Big Brother had better get his cut.

    • Mojeaux

      Starting next year, the federal threshold for issuing the 1099-K will drop to $600 with no minimum transaction level, due to a provision in the recently enacted American Rescue Plan Act. (Some states already have lower minimums.)


      *red-eyed rage*

    • Mojeaux

      I think I’m going to start asking my clients to pay by check.

      • SP

        Cash only. Thank you.

      • Ted S.

        Not gift cards?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Someone didn’t read Web Dom’s article from a couple of weeks ago.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    … in order to issue a 1099-K, a Social Security number is required, which makes some of the affected companies worry the requirement would be a turnoff to sellers, said Garrett Watson, a senior policy analyst at the Tax Foundation. Not all of these platforms routinely collect that information.

    However, because of the current high threshold applied to the 1099-K, even sellers who have a clear profit motive may not receive the form — meaning neither does the IRS, which can lead to underreporting of income.

    “It’s like stealing from the government!”

  37. The Late P Brooks

    due to a provision in the recently enacted American Rescue Plan Act.

    Don’t you want to help people suffering from the pandemic?

  38. grrizzly

    Say what you want about fascism, but if they have champagne both in the lounge and in the air then it’s not so bad. They used to have champagne in the lounge that I didn’t like at all–now it’s Taittinger.

    • rhywun

      That’s the good kind of racism.

  39. Gustave Lytton

    Yay. Another TP shortage. The media fuckers are hyping Suez. No differentiating between Europe and the US. No west coast ports either. Everything from China and Asia transits the canal.

    • limey

      Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria. Film at 11.

    • Count Potato

      What, what? Most toilet paper is made in the U.S.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The media is talking up TP shortage (while ignoring it is elsewhere). People are going to panic buy again. Guaranteed.

      • Count Potato

        That’s just annoying. Many products still aren’t back to pre-pandemic availability.

      • Gustave Lytton

        If my non-news junkie wife heard about the coming TP shortage, it’s in widespread release already.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Deliver de letter de sooner de better. De later de letter de madder I getter.

      RIP. She is the Portland and Oregon I grew up with.

    • TARDis

      I hate women authors.
      *misty eyed*

  40. grrizzly

    Should I tell the flight attendant to shove her mask up her cunt when I’ll be exiting the aircraft? Can’t make up my mind.

    • Ted S.

      Yes! I want to see you on a viral video!

      • rhywun

        Preferably not in shackles.

    • Gender Traitor

      “…and that, boys and girls, is how I ended up on the No Fly List.”

      • grrizzly

        I’m already on some list with this airline, but on the black list yet.

      • grrizzly

        But not

    • westernsloper

      No. Just give her the universal asshole signal.?

  41. DEG

    Razor-sharp tongue, vicious claws, and never-ending hunger for flesh… Lickers are one of the most disturbing creatures you can ever imagine encountering.

    Yeah, I can see that being worked into a porn.

    I had some drinks tonight with a now-former-coworker. Today was his last day. He and I worked together for several years. I asked him if anyone was taking him out for his last day. He said probably not because everyone is afraid of the ‘Vid. I told him Happy Hour starts at 4. He said he’d meet me at one of the local brewpubs. Done. I paid for him. He’s s good guy.

    Driving over there I was surprised and disgusted by all the masked up zombies walking around outside on a 70-some-odd degree Spring day with masks on. Barf. On the other hand, I did cave and put my bandanna on to go to the men’s room since based on the conversation of the folks sitting next to us at the bar, I was afraid those folks would rat out the place if I went to the men’s room without my bandanna on.

    • blackjack

      As the lesbians start to become extinct, we’ll have to refer to them as ” Lickalottapus”

  42. DEG

    Some asshole at Drexel thinks indoor dining should be banned

    Dr. Usama Bilal, an assistant professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Drexel University, wants officials to shut down all indoor dining right away.

    “I’m recommending stopping indoor dining altogether. The evidence is very, very clear,” said Dr. Bilal.

    He says he’s compiled stats from 20 studies conducted both here and in Europe. But he specifically cited a CDC study that focused on restaurant dining published on March 5 that claims, “Allowing on-premises restaurant dining was associated with an increase in daily COVID-19 case growth rates 41-100 days after implementation and an increase in daily death growth rates 61-100 days after implementation.”

    • westernsloper

      “We have seen it over and over. Cities reopen indoor dining, wait for a few weeks and cases start going up again,” said Bilal.

      Bullshit. What study? Name it? I guarantee it has been debunked as fraud.

      • commodious spittoon

        Fuck. Your. Cases.

        Tell me about the patients being triaged and the dead bodies left to rot in homes because health services are so overwhelmed.