SEA SMITH’S FAVORITE! And the beer is darn tasty too.
Sear It & Beer It – Salmon!
About The Author

Swiss Servator
Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational.
Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.
Shouldn’t you be drinking a good white wine with your salmon?
For classical treatments of salmon (i.e., not this one), a rosé or light red is the ideal pairing. Barbera or Dolcetto d’Alba, Gamay, or Pinot Noir would stand up nicely to the meatiness / fat of the fish without overpowering it.
Smoked steelhead > salmon. I’m sure STREAM SMITH would agree. Mmm… must remember to pick some up tonight.
I agree with you. Salmon is just so much more readily available.
And fuck farmed salmon. Terrible.
“And fuck farmed salmon.”
Hey man, I’m not going to shame your kink!
Appreciate that.
Still, don’t eat that shit.
Do you eat sushi?
It’s still pink.
I think the individual growers and processing/handling affect the flavor more. I’ve had quite good farmed salmon. In fact, the local fishmonger is carrying Scottish farmed steelhead that is just perfect. My wife has become more sensitive to “fishyness” lately and loves the mildness and buttery texture.
My bro is on fox business today:
more details
The girlfriend and I stopped in there on our way heading down to Richmond last week.
Cool. What did you try?
I went with the grilled chicken pesto sandwich. The girlfriend went with the mac and cheese one IIRC.
Both were quite good, the place appeared packed to my eyes used to lockdown populations, and the bartender informed us that they were dead at the time we were there.
We got a scofflaw out here. Not a friend, but probably would be. Tin Horn Flats. It’s about a mile or so from my house. I ate a bootleg meal from there once. Should prolly go back, now that he’s using a generator and cut the city padlocks off the door.
Yahh, prolly… /twirls hair
(Sorry, don’t mean to sound like Moon Zappa. Meant as of course, if they don’t have too much traffic / publicity already.)
He’s a hero.
I bought a “Day Drinkin’ for ‘Merica” shirt from his store a while back.
Yesterday Ron Paul mentioned his resto’s name, and I was mocked for mentioning that.
I got a New/used Cat, 5 years old, a sweetheart, knows me, pretty much a rescue cat, Yippee!
Hooray for black cats! 😀
She’s still tripping out on the new digs, but what a pretty Kittah!
Yay for rescue kittah!
Yay for Yusef!
Yay! Kitteh rescue.
AAAAWWW! I had a short little grey Chartruese named Sophie. Greatest cat ever. Grats.
Felicitations! ?
Great name. I miss my Maggie and Betty. With all the craziness of the last year it’s hard to believe they’ve been gone almost a year.
Black cats are the least adopted and most frequently euthanized, because (a) Americans have some superstitions about them, and (b) they supposedly don’t show up well in selfies on social media.
Fartacus and General Grievous applaud your choice.
My girls in early days. You know it was 14 years ago because they were within six feet of each other and not fighting.
Bitches be fightin’.
TIL: female cats are ‘mollys’ (vs. ‘tom’ for males).
Mollys be fightin’, yo.
(a) Americans have some superstitions about them
You just have to be faster than they are.
Congratulations and enjoy Yusef.
Hey Chafed – I’ll find out tomorrow for sure, but I will not have to suffer through a Social Justice Haggadah – it’s one of those ’60 Minute Seder’ versions, apparently.
You dodged a bullet my friend.
I enjoy the seder. There are a number of great and important lessons to take from it. A social justice seder would just kill it for me.
There is something a perverse that I, a lapsed Irish Catholic dude who identifies as agnostic, am more annoyed by the idea of “social justice” hijacking the seder than my wife is.
But here we are. She has, in fact, said something about “we aught to be focusing on racial injustice in this moment of … ” (I tuned out at this point).
She’s insane. Wait… let me guess, she is Reformed?
I like “plain” smoked salmon like they do, but my favorite is a salmon filet soaked overnight in a brown sugar brine, hit with smoked paprika and smoked in your favorite wood smoke (apple is my preference for this one). That recipe has gotten me laid more than once.
LOL it’s so cute to watch Big Tech openly beg the arguably worst member of the Senate to eliminate its competition but here we are. (Scroll to the very last line. There’s other good stuff in that post – heck, it’s about something else entirely – but that line stuck out to me the most.)
the arguably worst member of the Senate
There’s some stiff competition there.
Salmon is good, and so is steelhead. Beer is always good.
I just drove from Salt Lake City (of Dis) to Reno. Holy Cow, I am wiped out.
5 hours? Piker…
Eight hours, one road, zero to look at except grey.
You could look at gray instead.
I prefer Grey, fuck you Ted, this time your pedantry is Misinformation,
Touch of Gray looks inelegant.
I am turning white, ackshuly…
He ain’t lying. There signs warning of monotony fatigue on that road. There is literally nothing anywhere out there. Salt flats on both side for most of it and maybe some distant mountains. Blech! Dead nuts straight with just an occasional curve to try and trip you up.
When its nice outside and some bug decides it wants to dip into your drink do you A: pick it out and continue to drink of B: toss the whole drink
A, fuck the bugs, Drink!
If of Scottish descent, C: Grab the bug and yell, “C’mon! Spit it oot! Spit it oot!”/old joke
I like option C.
They do add flavor….
The website for the local Scottish Games had a link to a page labeled “free prizes”. When you clicked on the link it said something like “Did you really think you were going to get something for free from us?”
“You’ll have had your tea*!”
How large a bug?
Ant ? Fly? Moth?
If the bug dies, I’ll pick it out and drink. There have been times that I’ve surrounded a beer (for a while at least) because there was a live bee buzzing around inside the can/bottle.
Bees are relentless with beer, a true annoyance,
It occurs to me that I’ve voted a number of times in person, sometimes waiting in line to do so, and nobody has ever offered me water.
I feel very oppressed.
You live in a Water Desert? like, a Desert?
Well, it’s SoCal, they’ve been telling us there’s a drought for like 30 years now, so I guess it’s desert-curious.
I’ve got to figure out what to do with my hair. My apocalypse hair is just looking too unkempt on windy days.
I thought you had a girlfriend.
She’s upstairs. Satisfied. ?
? Sorry: I think I was reminded of some UK headline about why doesn’t Carrie cut BoJo’s hair or something.
Pardon the humblebrag. ?
Dunno about the others but I for one am glad someone’s happy. Avatar checks out.
It’ll be the beard and not the hair that’s looking unkept if she’s really that satisfied.
Shave it, it’s the only way to be sure..
I don’t think that’d be a good look for me.?
try the half and half look, one side will always look good,
Man-bun. Blend in with the enemy.
Ghey! Beta!
If you are thinking about getting a man bun, ask yourself this question…
Somewhat related.
Find a barber that doesn’t give a shit about masks.
That’s what I’ve done.
This is fine.
The libertarian party of Texas is breathing fire in the comments.
Yeah, pretty much every comment is negative. There is hope.
I literally never heard of “women’s history month” before 2021.
No celebration of J Edgar’s identification as a woman? Disappoint.
He got a shout out in the comments.
Twitter is going to have to do something about those pesky comments.
I think there leaders were just in Congress colluding to do that very thing.
Wait, is that long face chick from Buffy in a wing commercial?
Taking their ball and going home –
“Major League Baseball players are willing to talk about moving the All-Star Game out of Atlanta because of Georgia’s new election law, according to the chief of the players’ union.”
It was lame when the NBA did it, and its even more lame when the MLB does it. Wanna play culture war, MLB? I hope you’re ready to reap the whirlwind.
I’m sick of the Cultural decline news, See you later, Golfin’
With tranny bathroom bans and racist voter suppression and who knows what’s next, pretty soon there will be nowhere for professional sports outside of New York and California.
Joke’s on them. I’m not watching it no matter where they play.
I’m on the Zoom so I’m not going to watch the video, but I will say that this morning I got a delicious bagel and smoked salmon sandwich from a local bagel place that doesn’t give a shit about masks.
I walked in without a mask, placed my order, and had a nice long chat with the staff. Great place.
Im off to work, kids. Mind the store.
You’re not my supervisor!
Are you being snotty with me? I will fuck you up. Show me the respect I deserve.
She said the quiet part out loud.
That she doesn’t actually do anything? Yeah, lolsnort.
More so the notion that nobody, not even billion-dollar companies, should be permitted to criticize Senators. The political kayfabe is one thing, letting slip how much contempt she has for uppity peasants is another.
Warren can go fuck herself.
A tomahawk.
That’s gotta be some millennial staffer who thinks they’re being clever and not Liz herself, right?
Although I have no doubt she feels that way, I’m not sure she’d say it out loud.
They all can say whatever they want now. TMITE will run cover for anything. It’s crazy how people seem to be OK with this.
Ah sneeze in your general direction!
Does anyone know STEVE SMITH’s phone number? i need it fo a very special call,
If Yusuf wants some upbeat news (see above), this story – despite its transphobia – has the requisite cuteness levels:
“My puppy Bramble is definitely, indisputably a dog. She has the beautiful black nose, the pointy ears and waggly tail that cannot be described as anything but canine. But the truth is, my dog thinks she is a cat….
“She has grown up observing [their cat’s] behaviours, and replicates them without the fear that she shouldn’t be able to. Bramble idolises our cat, while having a healthy respect for him – and in truth she copies him because she wants to be like him….
“Similarly, our cat has become more affectionate, mirroring her endless devotion. They pick up cues and harmonise from each other, and the dog is unaware of the conventions and stereotypes that say she ‘should not’ do these things.”
It’s part of the libertarian moment.
Dogs typically think they are human, but when cats get involved, they start thinking they are cats because of the cats being less like sheep than most humans.
If the cat objects, then she’s a Dog-Exclusionary Radical Pussy.
Anyone here talk with Aussies much? I haven’t until recently, but I almost immediately noticed their obsession with the US 2nd amendment and how we need to get rid of it. WTF is that all about? They seem way more concerned about that than anything that is going on in their own country.
Projection, maybe? They got rid of all of their guns (to no real effect) and want to assure themselves that was the right thing to do?
Maybe it is that. I can’t imagine it being about anything other than that or jealousy.
On another message board. It’s all Neighbors, Bunnings snag, fairy bread, and so on. No mention of 2A.
Excuse me, Neighbours.
Sounds like I ran into the wrong Aussies. The one guy is so obsessed with it that I told him maybe she should mind his own damn business.
How does one look back on the last year and change and not relish having some means of self-defense and some security against the overweening state?
BLM/Antifa are given almost uncontested latitude to loot stores, murder citizens, assault police, pillage landmarks and deface federal property, and incinerate city blocks, and the relative handful arrested are bailed out by politicians and celebrities and their cases are quickly tossed by activist prosecutors. On the other hand, unarmed protestors let into the Capitol building are being rounded up by the FBI in the most blatant honeypot/entrapment scam ever conceived. The corporate media attempts to convince us that the former are legitimately aggrieved, peaceful ambassadors for racial comity and the latter are no-shit insurrectionists.
Tell me why I shouldn’t want to own a gun in this situation.
Because unlike people, government is 100% benevolent, because they aren’t people.
Anymore questions, or do you need your gulag pass now?
It’s really sad. I bought my first target pistol from a shop in New South Wales, imported it on a Form 6.
Huh, the shop is still around. That’s kinda cool.
“Everyone in Scotland is now an automatic organ donor – unless they opt out of a new system….
“People who do not want their organs to be donated for a transplant can opt out through the Organ Donation Scotland website.”
“Under the old system, more than half of Scotland’s population were registered to donate their organs or tissue after their death.
“But it is hoped the number of potential donors could increase further under the new scheme.”
Hung, drawn, quartered and organs reissued.
“To be hung, drawn and quartered/ Would be uncomfortable and awkward / But a fate I would endure to be with you” ?
Eh, I can’t get too worked up over that. I’m an organ donor – “me” will be gone at that point, so they are welcome to my meat.
In the grand scheme of things, it won’t be needed for too much longer, I hope.
That said, I should probably redirect some of my 401k contributions towards vat-grown liver research.
Good luck with that.
“Wot’s this, then?”
I thought it had been opt-out on the NHS for a few years now.
Wow, so I just found out via Facebook that the containers on the big ship that’s stuck in the Suez Canal are all full of people being trafficked as part of Hillary Clinton’s global human trafficking ring and apparently was deliberately stuck (presumably on orders from Trump (the real President!)) in order to get the world’s attention and expose the whole operation when they open up the containers.
it’s happening dot gif
Huh, it’s so obvious in retrospect.
Trust the plan!
Whew, thank god it’s not TP.
No, but the clogged canal is preventing the TP from getting though.
*spit take*. JFC there are people that can be fooled all of the time.
Just an observation from today.
I had a meeting with a ‘diverse’ group of individuals. And I mean, what other reason would there be to have a meeting? The diversity being the only important part of having a meeting.
But as often happens, interesting things get revealed that the narrative would not be pleased about.
It turns out that of the 9 co-workers in that meeting, none of them have had the vaccine. And zero of them are enthusiastic about getting it.
None of us are anti-vaxxers, yet none of us feel an urgent need to get it right now.
How can that be, when we should all have an opinion base solely on our identity?
Just saying, maybe I should not have complete faith in everything I hear on the TV news?
Oh, and my point.
How is Xiden going to get 100 million people to take this in the next 100 days, if not many people are begging to get it? Are we going to start holding people down to jab them? I mean I’m sure eventually we will. Just did not expect it to happen so soon from going from nudge to get on the ground.
What’s the point in getting it if literally nothing changes? You can’t take off the mask, can’t meet up in groups of whatever arbitrary number attracts virus particles, can’t go to venues to see shows that aren’t touring, and guess what, you’re still susceptible to getting and transmitting Covid 1.0, and you’re not innoculated against Covid 1.1 and 1.2 and whatever else is hypothesized to be propagating right about whenver.
Fauci and the rest of the clown car have made the vaccine pretty uncompelling.
(Oh, and not for nothing, a bunch of states are opening up regardless and those body counts they were supposed to rack up have stubbornly refused to rack up. What a downer for NYT columnists.)
Surely the dead are just piling up on the street corners in Texas at this point…
So much this. Fauci is the worst salesman. Punishing people who comply doesn’t motivate the disinclined.
It’s too get you used to the new normal. And the new normal is ‘do as we say’, period.
Fauxchi has done more for the anti vax movement than all previous efforts.
All this for a virus which is serious, as all serious viruses are, but it’s not… that serious.
We’ve had an entirely unserious response to a semi-serious virus. An unserious response with entirely serious consequences.
Nobody is dying from buboes erupting all over their bodies. Otherwise healthy people aren’t expiring in bloody beds from a nightmare, phantom disease. Survivors aren’t pockmarked forever by this thing. All those legends about breathing problems have, as best I can tell, come to nothing. In the end, susceptible people have succumbed to a virus.
We turned over the table for a wholly unremarkable virus.
But yeah, wear six masks and trust your betters.
Of the coworkers I’ve heard express an opinion (maybe eight), about half want it desperately and the other half have no interest. I was kind surprised, and expecting the former group to be much larger.
We need a new zoom link, stat!
Stout? No, I’m drinking porter.
Tulip just turned the drunk AF Tres card which I find a bit hilarious.
Zoomer, please. I’m deeply invested in Babylon 5 right now.
This guy gets it. I would ask what season but then I’d act like a giddy school girl.
But like every Friday night I’m ready to pass out earlier than I would like, so I had to turn it off. I was starting to nod off and missing things.
Tulip just hucked us all.
Try this.
823 0562 2463
セキュリティパスコード ******** 表示 待機室
That is a trap.
Anime ladyboy hentai trap’s are gay trap.
Submitted a new cartoon tonight, I’m surprised I didn’t totally get cut off the zoom while I was uploading it, usually my shitty internet does that.
You should get one of those new 56k modems.
Told you.
Never trust an anarchist
Or a Japanarchist.
Yeah, because if you trust a Japanachist your anarchist might end up being an anal-kissed.
HA! and Straff nuked that zoomy
Damn gaijin salaryman!
I’ve got a zoom set up.
I’ll pass my friend. I’m deeply invested in Eddie Trunk Live and Baywatch.
Nuked Zoomy sounds like a great band name.
And apparently it re-made him a host when he re-logged in.
I’m here live. I’m not a cat.
If you were a cat, we’d hang out with you, because you’d be a real libertarian.
If that you Tulpa? I mean Brennan?
We’re hanging out, S P is here too
Please less nerdy people come hang out, I want to wedgie these nerds
S P is problematically sober. Christ, she’s sharp.
She says she’s not a vindictive person, but those hazel eyes tell me she’s not the crazy you don’t stick it in. She’s the crazy which, has it been turned upon you, has scoured away your manhood, and your humanity.
The S P eyes are hypnotoad eyes.
Turns out you can leave a group when you want to.
You can leave a group, but the group can legally force you to bake them a cake.
Exactly what Tulpa would say.
It gets weird here at night, huh
no golf today
Sorry, Don. I haven’t golfed for four or five years. It is something that I really like to do but being One of Us has not leaned well to sitting in the clubhouse with tin-plate extended. Take the old Billy Joel song, I guess. “It’s better than Golfing alone…”
We don’t want you. Go away.
They’ll want it to stay exactly as it was when they bought. “Charming” “Out of the way” “Secluded” and then they’ll use their money to shut down everything. If I had my way I’d erect a Cabrini Green right next door to every one of those cuntes just to teach them a hard lesson about zoning law.
Coming home yesterday, I saw a professionally printed yard sign “Sleepy Joe must go.”
I appreciate the sentiment, but the alternatives are not any better right now.
Your idea is better.
I live in ground zero for red-fleshed fish but always preferred the white ones. Too oily and “fishy” tasting. I’ll eat the hell out of any type of smoked fish. Big fan of halibut and snapper.
“always preferred the white”
“Big fan of … snapper.”
Legit pop music or over produced crap?
Definitely the second. I’m about ten beers in and Miss Grundy just gave me the strangest boner.
Could not make it through 45 seconds, even with the sound off.
Taylor can sing but I always feel a little skeevy watching Cindy-Lou writhe about. Great voice!
Wow, an angry strip tease. A little too much fry (I think that’s what it’s called) in her voice, but still pretty good.
Powerful though. She’s probably never had a vocal coach what with all the coke and cock. I keed!