This one seems appropriate during March Madness. Or any other time you want wings!
Sear It & Beer It – Wings!
About The Author

Swiss Servator
Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational.
Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.
I hate Bones, nice workup SS!
17 minute video? I don’t have time for that.
What are they doing, making the wings in real-time?
Wings in real time?
Can tell if meta joke or you SF’d.
I’m mostly always joking.
Shit, I did SF it. Try this.
In order to make wings from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
In Minecraft.
Look, ‘from scratch’ does not mean ex nihilo. It means from common base staples that are as generic and non-specialized as is commonly available on the market.
I thought he was gettin’ all ghetto and was saying make that festival then build a coop in ya backyard after making reality yo bitch.
Go fuck yourself, auto-correct.
Fetti, bitches. Fetti.
What Westernsloper does have time for
Saucy wings? I don’t want chicken that talks back to me.
Saucy wings
Saucy Jack
Well, saucy is good. Personally, I like my birds tarty.
That was a roight fine jest if I say so meself guvna.
Thanks Switzy, here’s one for you.
(Don’t think I’ve posted that particular one before)
I just picked up fresh wings that were in the “manager’s specials” bin 30% off. Got me 24 wings for about 8 bucks. Still expensive in my book for a piece of the chicken you usually use to make stock with
I ordered wings at one of those fancy-schmancy restaurants Neph recommended on a visit to Cleveland some time ago. My God, they were a revelation. It is possible to gourmet the shit out of those things.
They’re filming an episode of “Animal Kingdom” down the street. They have a nice International Scout, a flashy disco Hummer and an OJ Bronco. My kid likes the Hummer, but I’m way more into the Scout.
You don’t like hummers?
? Mutual of Omaha… ?
That’s what I thought to, but It seems to be a crime drama series.
The movie is excellent.
What a great commercial jingle.
Reminiscent of the Mary Tyler Moore theme.
And How!
That gave me a grin.
Scout II or original? I had a II. I liked it except for the drum brakes and the International V8. It made a nice camping rig.
It was an early II with a 304. Personally, I’d love to have a ’60’s version with a pickup top, but this one was cool. Avocado green and all.
Hah hah. First thing I was going to ask.
Ron DeSantis held a roundtable on Lil Rona Panic measures.
It’s long (1 hr 46 min), but you should watch it before it gets cancelled.
Panelists include Dr. Scott Atlas, Professor Sunetra Gupta, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and Dr. Martin Kulldorff.
And the transcript is posted at my second favorite website.
Hey nice…thanks.
Nice, thanks.
That is faster, and won’t get cancelled.
I was listening to Atlas on the radio on my way home. He seemed pretty cool. Mostly talked about how deceptive the Biden admin has been about the transition and the vaccine issues. Even though he was calling them out on this, he still was pretty measured and reasonable about it. Mark Levin was trying to get him to go full angry, but he never really did.
You want to see full spitting angry? Ask a Democrat about DeSantis.
You’d think there’d be at least a crumb of optimism in their turd sandwich attitude toward reopening, but no, they’re fully invested in the lockdown.
They’re fully invested because they WANT a complete economic collapse.
They would also have to admit that they were wrong.
They weren’t wrong, they were lying. This is all centered on beating Trump. This one virus gave them everything they could ask for. They made all the wrong moves and maximized the damage. All that damage helped them win all the white house and both houses of congress. It wasn’t an innocent mistake. The other countries just followed suit. I wonder if the true history of this will ever be written, or if I’m just going to painted as a tin foil hat insurrectionist.
He was one of the few doctors that stuck their neck out and went against the groupthink. I hope to see that he ends up vindicated. I noticed that another doc, Rand Paul, hammered Fauxchi on masks the other day. The last time he tangled with that demented health elf, was about kids not transmitting the Coof very easily and that they should be in school. A month later Health Elf basically said the same thing. Of course he never admitted the changes but I would love to see the same thing happen with masks. I cannot stand that bullshit theatre.
Meanwhile the legacy media carry water for Newsom.
Poor Newsom was duped into shutting down California. Don’t throw him out in the recall vote; he had bad intel at first! And then when real data showed Covid wasn’t so bad, he was already drunk with power and unable to change his approach. Poor guy…
Heh, I thought his fateful decision was whether to order the breast of chicken breton at French Laundry.
Pretty sure it was Cuomo who ordered the breast.
If Newsom gets recalled, I’ll cheer.
Yeah, his replacement could be shit too.
I’ll look at this way: It’s similar to the 2016 election. I consoled myself about Trump winning by watching videos of Clinton supporters crying.
And yeah, I voted for Trump in 2020. Lockdowns trumped everything else in 2020.
That’s me. I voted for the cake Nazi in ’16. I didn’t trust Trump and was mildly dismayed by his winning. Of course, I was also mildly giddy that Herself lost. It was Trump’s actions that swayed me. He did more for my freedom and took less of my money than any other executive in my lifetime, including ST. Ronnie. I voted orange in ’20.
Heaven forbid anyone in power give dissenting voices any airtime.
Im off to work, kids. Don’t tear the place apart.
Good luck, we’re all counting on you.
Just rewatched the movie War Dogs on Netflix last nite. It held up very well to a second viewing, I would heartily recommend. It’s based on a true story of a couple of young guys that end up selling guns to the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Well paced and fun and has a number of scenes with Ana de Armas looking incredibly hot.
It’s funny how “cheap” cuts become expensive once a group of people who can’t afford the expensive cuts devise delicious ways of cooking the cheap cuts.
Wings, ribs, oxtail…
So good when left in the right hands.
Tri-tip used to just go into the ground beef mix. No wonder hamburgers used to taste so much better.
Tri-tip sandwiches are so good it’s a religious experience.
I’ve bought the “gourmet” ground beef a few times recently – holy crap, what a difference.
It’s ruining me for the regular crap.
I’m fortunate enough to have had access to grass fed Black Angus for around half my life(my grandfather raised them and gave my family at least a quarter cow every six months or so and now my best friend sells me the same from a different source a couple times a year).
Grocery store bought beef is usually hot garbage.
Nothing quite like an all hands underway replenishment and you 3xamine the labels on the beef as it heads from the deck to the reefers…..sub-prison grade thats probably been frozen for over a year.
Some of those culinary specialists though could do a pretty decent job with absolute shit ingredients.
Brisket was once a poor, left-over cut of meat for slaves in this country.
Humans can make damn near any food source tasty with enough time and effort.
Lobster was once considered a poor man’s food. It may have been at a cannery where the workers complained of being fed lobster too often.
I’ve heard that before. Can’t remember the source.
I heard that too, but it was prisoners complaining. Same video I heard that boiling lobsters alive is the only way to ensure the bacteria endemic to the species doesn’t cause food poisoning. Who knows what’s the truth, biology is not a science.
I’m guessing it’s an urban legend born of people undercooking lobster that has been dead for a questionably long time at questionable temperatures.
Prisoners makes more sense.
They were common, and they looked like bugs, of course they were given to prisoners.
Besides, we have documentation of that.
Nobody figured out the secret to making lobster palatable until Red Lobster invented butter dipping sauce.
Heh, agreed. The only shellfish I really dig is shrimp.
Lobster, clams, oysters, crab,…they just don’t float my boat.
To be fair, the majority of those I’ve eaten where first shipped to the Midwest before consumption. The fresh from the ocean seafood I consumed while living in Boston was noticeably superior.
The idea of eating oysters far from the ocean always gives me pause. I know, I know, modern infrastructure, etc.
If anyone is passing through the area, the The Raw Bar at Island Creek Oyster Farm in Duxbury, MA is fantastic.
You are looking at the oyster beds as you consume their delicious oysters and enjoying a cold one.
Word is they’ll be opening for the season in a week or two.
Luckily the come in cans of safflower oil, and you can put them on buttery club crackers with maybe a slice of sharp cheddar and if you’re feeling really fancy, a few slivers of radish.
Given the need to cool, transport, inventory, and rotate stock, I just assume all Midwestern seafood I’ve eaten is at least three days old.
Anything fresher here is out of my interest and price range.
I bought a thing of pork patties which I didn’t smell was off till I got home, cuz of the fucking mask, and I can’t imagine it wasn’t slaughtered and packed more than five hours away.
I’ve been told that the expensive seafood restaurants in the midwest have seafood as fresh as the coastal communities because they air freight it in same day as caught.
Red Lobster is to seafood as McDonald’s is to steak
There are no Red Lobsters in New England.
I can’t even imagine what their food actually tastes like.
Joes Crab Shack looks up to Red Lobster.
There’s a restaurant In Ulm Montana that serves fresh oysters. Shipped in every morning, on ice. Harvested the day before.
My father was from Gloucester, MA & lobster made the transition from poor person food during his lifetime. My mother still talks about being blown away by lobster pizza when she first went to his hometown – it was no big deal to him.
This video reminds me that I haven’t had Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in a while.
What’s the zoom chat link? At least you finally prove to your family that such a thing exists.
404 😛
Dammit! That dude ruined it for the rest of us!
Apparently Cuomo has lost The Onion:
Cuomo Praised By Media For Decisive, Straight-Talking Approach To Harassing Aides
Cuomo Expresses Deep Regret That Grandma Didn’t Have The Balls To Tough It Out
They try. Now that the party approves of dissing on Cuomo.
I’m trying to decide if the biopsy spot needs to be bandaged any longer. There’s one small divot left that is less than a milimeter across and of negligable depth (one or two layers of skin deep). The rest has filled in with new skin.
Splash some whiskey on it. It’ll be all good.
Don’t waste good whisky, just cauterize it with a red hot Bowie Knife and call it good. Maybe bite down on a wallet for the pain.
Cauterization is for stopping bleeding.
The bleeding was stopped more than a week ago.
The continuing bandaging is to minimize scarring.
Apparently, you don’t have any cauterization gloves. OK, never mind.
Just put a glove over it.
‘There’s one small divot left that is less than a milimeter across and of negligable depth (one or two layers of skin deep).’
Dude, I’ve endured a Brown Recluse bite far, far worse than that with no medical treatment. Give your immune system a mild workout. You’ll be just fine.
I would have been fine sometime last weekend when the bleeding was over.
Germs are not the primary issue.
And my immune system has plenty of other work to do.
Just remember, chicks dig scars, no matter how small.
One of the best nights of my life began with:
“Do you have any scars?”
“Yeah, at least a Baker’s Dozen at this point.”
“Can I see them?”
Yeah….not acne scars.
Ha! Fair enough.
To clarify: soft tissue caused by sudden and violent physical trauma…I guess that discounts my Brown Recluse scar. That went black, grew to over a quarter in size and dug an eight inch deep hole in my right thigh over the course of a month.
Coincidentally, that also kinda made the woman I was interested in at the time kinda dissappear for a few weeks.
Now, a dueling scar, on the other hand, could be pretty hawt. But it’s gotta be from a proper sword.
I don’t know how you’d prove that other than by carrying a sword. Which would also be pretty hawt.
Jesus, I’m getting flashbacks of the infected heroin needle elbowpit from Requiem.
^doesn’t skip leg days
^doesn’t skip leg days
You’re not kidding – Trigger must have quads like this guy.
(that’s an earlier Glibs link)
Is that Neph??
Is that Neph??
I suspect he’d blush to read that.
Yeah, I deserve those jabs.
An 1/8th inch (permanent) hole/sunken tissue.
I’m not Warty, I’m actually rather skinny.
GT: No joke, I have a knife scar on my face. It wasn’t a duel, I wasn’t armed with a sword or knife, Hell, I wasn’t even the target…It’s nearly twenty years old, small, and barely noticeable, but its there.
P.S. Does a inch wide dent in your skull just above your temple from a prybar count?
That was a blurry day.
Yikes! Those would definitely get an “Oh you poor thing!” gush of sympathy and instinctive nurturing response.
I suspect there’s some kind of Hail Mary pass in the works to keep me in the Army. My battalion commander is the discharge authority and he over-ruled my company commander’s recommendation for an honorable discharge so now I face a general under honorable conditions discharge. I’ve been saying that I’ll always love the Army; I just don’t want to be in it anymore.
I signed up for 6 years of active duty and I did 5 years and change. Close enough. I really wish they’d just cut me loose.
Sheesh, 6 years already? Man, I’m getting old fast.
I don’t know what to tell you about the discharge. But if it makes you feel any better, try to leave some trash in random places in your battalion commander’s office if you get a chance. I used to do that on CQ to cheer myself up. Once left a small pile of dirt on the floor over a long weekend.
Eh, not my style. The BC says he’s willing to talk to me about it. I predict haggling. Maybe something like if I go to rehab, he’ll put me in for OCS.
I don’t want to go to rehab.
I am so confused by army terminology.
BC = battalion commander, a lieutenant colonel (O5), sometimes called a light or leaf colonel
OCS = officer candidate school; during WW2, the grads from it were called 90 day wonders
If he did relent and go to OCS, Derpy would be a “mustang” – former enlisted turned commissioned officer.
That’s my favorite bit of armed forces slang (and I think one of our commentator’s handles?)
Tbh I thought rehab meant “another six-month stint” or something like that.
CQ- charge of quarters, duty that’s basically cleaning up offices or common areas and answering the phone or whatever comes up for the company area after hours
Wait, you’re leaving the army? Rehab? Is your story on the site somewhere?
I have told the whole story to a handful of people, but none here. There are some Army vets here who I have emailed before and know my real name. If they want to know the whole story, they can let me know.
Oops, not trying to intrude. I haven’t been around much the last few weeks so I thought I might have missed something. Sorry.
Previous thread.
What rank were you, Derpy?
buck sergeant (E5)
My Irish last name rhymes nicely with “sergeant”, which is why I was so pleased when I got promoted.
Thanks Toxteth
“My Irish last name rhymes nicely with ‘sergeant'”
Well, best wishes to you, Mr. Large Tent.
I’m having a hard time picturing a name that rhymes with “Sarnt”.
Derp is Steve Largent II?
I don’t understand why they would want to keep somebody in their service who doesn’t have the desire to follow orders anymore.
Spite? Vindictiveness? What’s the damn point?
I’ve had some long heart to heart talks with the higher ups. They know I have potential and that deep down, I love the Army. It’s the longest time I’ve kept the same job. It gave me everything I wanted. The Army has a proud tradition of making good use of unpleasant men: Grant, Sherman, Custer, Patton. The list goes on. I know I don’t smile like I’m in a toothpaste commercial. Is that so wrong?
Why should the army be smiling all the time.
I don’t trust anyone who smiles too much.
From your recent comment history, you seem to be over it and ready to start a new chapter in your life.
While grateful, you don’t seem to be that keen to continue as you were. While I get the aspect of being comfortable in a familiar setting you can manage in your sleep(believe me, I’m there right now), you’ve expressed a desire to branch out and continue exploring and learning new things outside a rigid military structure.
I encourage that, for what it’s worth.
I’m not worried. I have plenty saved up and my military record won’t matter for welding jobs, which I won’t need for a few years.
As long as my income exceeds my outgo, it doesn’t matter how many jobs I get fired from. Having been fired from 3 jobs in a row, it was nice to fire *myself* for once.
Well, whatever you decide, I wish you happiness.
As long as my income exceeds my outgo, it doesn’t matter …
That’s the key to a happy life, IMO.
“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.”
The basic problem everyone in the military encounters is stupid orders. I got to the point where I said to myself: I will never obey a stupid order.
If I can’t be brave when the stakes are low, I’m not really a soldier anyway.
Because it not something you quit. It’s a contract for a defined term.
Sorry again Derpy. I’ve been in that situation about halfway through my first enlistment and it only got worse. The last year I was mentally done playing Army. Somehow lucked out and left under good conditions.
Derpy Defeats Douchebag, a dramatic re-enactment
the boat is my Army career
Dude, did you not make SFC (not snark, just one intel guy to another)? Trust me you are not missing a god damn thing, I always tried to do two things, try to have the skills and knowledge to keep myself and my charges alive in a gunfight and be an expert in my job. I like to think I was at least partially successful in the former and very successful in the latter. But I always saw administrative bullshit for what it was, tangentially important but something that could be discarded when the rubber hit the road. Turns out the Army wants administratively oriented Senior NCOs. Being a 3/3 linguist or developing the ability to sort through terabytes of data and provide useful and predictive intelligence turns out to be less important than shuffling paper and updating PERSTATS.
I have found the current Army construct regarding not combat arms jobs very frustrating. Lower enlisted do the mission, NCOs manage and train the lower enlisted doing mission, Warrant Officers manage the assets and capabilities related to the mission, and Officers direct the mission. The thing that is missing in that construct is developing experts at actually doing the job, you get maybe 2-3 years of soldiers doing the job before a whole host of administrative responsibilities are foisted upon them.
I have heard that the Army has been considering resurrecting the specialist ranks running up to Specialist-7, but I have no idea how accurate that is.
I found my status in the Army reserves an interesting perspective on how the Army is run.
Despite being 55+ when I came back into a standard Army Reserve unit I was able to maintain my APFT score at a minimum of 293 points, certified as a Combat Lifesaver, scored expert every time on the rifle range I could feel that the SNCOs were befuddled why I wasn’t focused on my rank. Conversely, I was befuddled why none of them cared to do little more than pass the APFT nor did any of them know (or seem to care) how to load a magazine in the most expedient msnner.
From my experience the largest swath of who the Army is counting on for leadership lack an interest in the basics of what a soldier is. Decades older than any of the leaders appointed above me, I could outrun, outshoot, and outruck all of them.
Ok badass.
Thanks for making the rest of us feel like schlubs on a lazy Saturday morning.
After I posted that I realized that it seemed to focus more on me than on the current Army. Not my intent.
I was trying to explain how the current Army leadership – both NCO’s and commissioned – are less focused on real-world soldier skills than all the political points and posturing to the point that a really old Marine grunt from the 1970’s could outclass them in everything that should matter.
Doh. Grabbed regular Old Grandad instead of bottled in bond. Guess I’ll just have to drink this too.
Murphy door for storage space
Took me way too long, and I don’t have the lock installed and still have to make adjustments… but I feel a certain pride. I mean, it’s a secret door!
That’s cool. FYI, you may have inadvertently revealed your secret identity. Also, you don’t sound at all like Bender.
Do tell.
/NOT the feds
Apparently I needed 75 or 100mg of benadryl, otherwise I’m stranded here, not asleep, when I should be.
Can’t trust in the redoubtable power of ethanol to put oneself to sleep, sometimes.
Nearly powered through 750ml of Jameson and I’m awake, tired but awake.
Should have taken the Benadryl.
I’ve a fifth of a bottle of Jameson to get through, maybe that sees me through to the end.
Nope, pretty sure I can still do calculus problems,I just have to remember how.
I can’t imagine how people do coke, it sounds nightmarish, already can’t sleep.
I kinda remember differentials… and limits, and fucking series
yeah, I remember why I quit out, I’m too dumb for sequences and series. I failed out.
Aw well, now I can stay up nights and keep myself company.
No good lord I can’t
Too bad, you have to. Who else you got? Tidbits is patient but Tidbits is a cat,
Tidbits sounds like good company.
Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t alcohol act as a stimulant i.e., keep you awake? You might want to think about cutting back if you need to get to sleep.
Good politics or honest dissent?
Poor bastard.
But yes, being the lone dissenter among a sea of lefty ideologues who are all bought and sold by the UFT is pretty canny politics.
It might work if he makes it thru the primary.
When his plan to get the kids back to school will involve much BRRRRRR to give the teachers a 100% nominal pay rise in something approaching Zimbabwean dolla?
Whatever it takes to get the kids out of the house, I’m thinking at this point.
I went on and on about tripping over the cat yesterday and now I feel like an asshole after finding that Fourscore had a great fall. He and I have been calling each other “Son” and “Dad” for a long time now. I’m not a religious person but I will send every bit of positive thought to my Friend. If that means praying, so be it. Come back 4×20. The hive needs you!
All the regulars are sleeping one off, presumably. My snark will wait for another 36 minutes.
Saturday morning raids on glibzoomers would be a piece of cake, eh?
Morning, ‘stus.
Yep. Straff the compounds.
Preferred pronouns are “Fest” and “Us”.
I wish. I wake up around 5:30 or 6 every morning no matter what time I go to bed. It’s starting to get annoying.
Ah, so you are one of those lazy ‘sleep in’ types.
3am to 4am here. I spent ten years in a job that required it so now I just pop awake at that time. I haven’t used an alarm in…I cant remember how long.
It started after a surgery last summer. Before then I could sleep all morning easy.
Bleah… after waking up automatically between 0500 and 0600 (depending on the job) for as long as I remember after getting stuck at home for a few months and waking up at 0700 I’m having a Hell of a time getting back to a 0600 wake up. When my kids were out of school and I didn’t have an office to go to I was running in the afternoons. Now the kids are back in school and I have work to go to – but I’m fighting momentum to get back on an earlier schedule.
Gourmeltz smokes all their wings – including the duck wings. Supposed to be healthier – but I can’t tell ;p
Styxy does a funny
G’ morning Gents! I’m sore for all of the wrong reasons. Yesterday after work my wife surprised me with a vinyl floor installation that I had definitely not volunteered for.
So she didn’t install it herself?
No. She’s almost blind. She’s a huge go getter. She’ll pounce and try and project, but she’s no craftsman. When she did finally try to help me at the table saw on the last strip, i had to cut it down to 2 1/2″, she managed to turn the palm side of her middle finger into hamburger. I set the table saw blade to just over 1/8″ taller than the vinyl. Thank god or she might’ve lost a finger last night. I was in absolute disbelief. It wasn’t a kick or pull kind of thing she literally just ran her hand right over the blade and she was so quick about it I couldn’t do anything to stop her.
I know how this makes her sound, she’s awesome at her job and a great mom. She’s definitely not dumb. It’s just really hard to watch her do home improvement or work with power tools. She has no concept of safety or finishing. Her situational awareness is zero. This isn’t the first time she’s done something so dangerous. Not that I’m Picasso but my god is it frustrating!
Preaching to the choir brother.
I reluctantly conceded last night to let my wife fry the egg rolls. I should have known better. This morning the pads of her left two middle fingers have some pretty nasty blisters on them.
Christ, it is an electric fryer made of aluminum. You dont just put your hands on it to move it without tapping it to see if it is hot…and why would it not be hot?
Keep her away from power tools.
“Remember when I mentioned this a year ago?”
Ugh. No I don’t feel so bad. I’m just resealing stone/grout today. Yesterday was grout cleaning day. What fun.