I got nothin’.
No sports to report on, but WC qualifiers kick off today, so we’ll have something tomorrow to report. Sorry, that’s how it goes sometimes.

Shermer, Illinois is a myth!
Chemist who discovered oxygen and carbonated water Joseph Priestley was born on this day. He shares it with founding father Rufus King, banker and industrialist Andrew Mellon, escape artist Harry Houdini, actor Fatty Arbuckle, the guy that didn’t defeat Truman: Thomas Dewey, bank robber Clyde Barrow, animation heavyweight Joseph Barbera, pro wrestler Gorgeous George, “The king of cool” Steve McQueen, pitcher Denny McLain, outfielder Jesus Alou, actor R Lee Ermey, fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, once-beautiful actress Kelly LeBrock, another wrestler The Undertaker, skinny actress Lara Flynn Boyle, baseball player Steve Karsay, and football player/horseface Peyton Manning.
Not a bad list. Now on to…the links!
I’m not holding my breath. My guess is they’ll punt as usual and when a hardcore anti-2A court comes to pass, they’ll take the case up immediately and fuck us all over.
The only sentence from this piece that I respect is the very first one. The rest of it is absolute dreck. Enjoy!

“Eh, he’s white enough”
-the media
You’ll note that the racial angle of this story has rapidly disappeared. Gee, what a shock.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Charles Ponzi was in the wrong line of work. He should have just taken up teaching.
Oh, now you’re uncomfortable? Fucking hypocrite should have said so on day 1.
But at least it was mostly peaceful. You know, aside from the kidnapping and false imprisonment. Meh, at least they didn’t burn anything to the ground. You know, for justice and stuff.
It’s good to know the city has solved all the serious issues. Nevermind the skyrocketing violent crime and murder rate, let’s rename ourselves in the name of inclusion. Lol, you can’t make this retarded shit up.

This pic is probably not part of his CV.
Was “Chief Grifting Officer” already taken? Whatever. It’s their money to piss away. I just hope he got permission from his wife before taking the job. And I’m assuming he’s not involved in any of the actual life coaching. Unless his experience as a pampered member of a welfare family people bow to because of their “birthright” gives him some insight I’m not aware of.
Here’s one for the science nerds. It’s actually gonna be pretty cool, although I won’t be watching.
What a great song from start to finish. Hope you enjoy it.
Now get out there and have a great day, friends!
“I’m not holding my breath. My guess is they’ll punt as usual and when a hardcore anti-2A court comes to pass, they’ll take the case up immediately and fuck us all over.”
0 for 2 this week. They are not just gonna lay down after their hopes were dashed…
The so-called “constitutionalists” have been a raging disappointment.
Ozy’s recent articles are all about the “go along to get along” Culture. The Skeksis are not immune.
Same here.
You have virtual friends and a veritable haberdashery’s worth of gloves for any and all occasions! Chin up!
Good Morning!
Today i get my extreme training.
I imagine hundred of drones will be silent on this zoom call.
Serious question for those who know: Is the Boulder shooter’s last name supposed to REALLY be written as “Alissa” or “Al Issa”?
It’s been showing up pretty consistently as a the former. And I don’t know whether that’s because it’s truly the way a Syrian would write it, or to deliberately obfuscate things and make it sound more “generic”, or what.
A couple of theories.
A: They’re trying to make it sound less muslim.
B: Their spellcheck recognises ‘Alissa’ as a girl’s name and removes the ‘extra’ space for them.
C: They’re copying everyone else because all they do is copy-paste.
I doubt it would be D: the jihadi anglicized his surname.
Go with A.
Whenever you’re calculating what the media’s motives might be, default to the worst possible option.*
That’ll save you time in the future.
*Also applies to any politician or bureaucrat.
Don’t rule out sheer incompetence.
I don’t, but it’s hard to think its incompetence when the narrative across so many outlets is absolutely identical.
I doubt many of them do any thinking.
You are now insulting incompetent people. These people tend to be fucking evil.
They promote themselves as being morally and intellectually superior so I would never them get away with an incompetence excuse.
They only bring out the incompetence defense when they are about to be nailed for being evil….
Hanlon’s razor is backwards.
So, B + C, then and only then did they realize they could A, and went with it.
The “al” (it means “the”) is often written together with the following word. Think “algebra”.
So, it’s possible that both could be correct.
They also invented zero, probably easy being in the desert surrounded by nothing. So it’s probably fair to say they just nicked the idea.
I always heard they took the idea along with the ‘arabic’ numerals from India.
Just a little riff on a fairly long back and forth between two characters in Jingo (a Terry Pratchett book) rationalizing away the inventions of the Arabic stand in (Klatch) as simple things. The full back and forth seemed a bit too long to quote.
They did name a shit ton of stars though, e.g. Alnitak and Alnilam.
Hmm. It works!
So, am I the only one thinking he looks older than 21? And maybe he’s one of them “Syrian” “child” “refugees” from awhile back?
“Oh, now you’re uncomfortable? Fucking hypocrite should have said so on day 1.”
Bernie is a fucking sellout. His principles suck and are on sale. The democrat machine has fucked his ass over thrice now, and he still keeps carrying water for them. Probably because they paid him and have pics of his Moscow honeymoon with sheep.
Tangentially related to sports news, the NFL has announced that there will be some in person draft events happening here in the city of Cleveland. Local news is already running pieces asking if a vaccine card should be required to go to any of the events. I’m really not looking forward to the vaccine card replacing the Social Security card as the new piece of required identification.
‘I’m really not looking forward to the vaccine card replacing the Social Security card as the new piece of required identification.’
If I were still a Christian, I’d say SS was the trial run, Vac cards are the next phase, then it will be “don’t have your time-released C19 vaccination implant/monitoring chip? No soup for you!”
The Beast is Bureaucracy .
It’s like the “Creeping Dread”. You might not need the poke but what about your family? See Lt. Fish’s excellent cartoon link. Rather a long read but pretty much spot-on.
“Vaccine Card is not legally required to be shown, but services may be denied”
I don’t know what to think any more.
That might be a sign that the question is stoopid on its face.
Supreme Court to discuss case that could expand Second Amendment rights
You misspelled “remove unconstitutional infringements.
When Supreme Court justices meet behind closed doors Friday, a conference that comes three days after the country’s latest mass shooting, they are scheduled to discuss whether to add a blockbuster issue to the docket for next term: the scope of the Second Amendment.
They are also hearing arguments on whether or not cops can enter your home and take your guns without a warrant – a Fourth Amendment case as much as Second – and I believe Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth. Pretty well nullifies the whole Bill of Rights.
But it’s communitarian! It’s right there in the name of the exception – community caretaking – carved out 50 years ago, by the Court!
Good morning, Sloopy!
Chief Impact Officer, huh?
I would think that as the first Royal with an actual job, he might be praised, but who knows.
The world is busted. But that song isn’t.
I’m not so sure a person becoming “chief impact officer” of a tech company for their first real private sector job counts.
He’s there because of who he is, not because they can glean any meaningful insight from him that will grow their business.
It’s akin to Hunter Biden’s first job in O&G being on the board of Burisma. He’s there because of who he is, not what he knows.
He’ll wander about being escorted by minions, nod his head at the right times and that will be that. Nothing he isn’t used to except someone else will be paying for it rather than us.
I miss Nazi Armband Harry.
Fun, Party Harry! #metoo Epic chunders…
He had not been pussy whipped by some mediocre actress yet…
I can imagine the behind doors discussions when creating this idiotic venture.
“What companies need is a way to offload liability for choosing employees for advancement. There’s a lot of risk, you might pick the wrong identity group or you might pick the right one who’s not qualified. We’ll fill that need with a bullshit algorithm that provides legal cover.”
You don’t find this nonsense in societies where men and boys are still mining cobalt with their bare hands.
The Chinese do.
“chief impact officer”
Good job if you are working for an ammunition company.
I would think that as the first Royal with an actual job, he might be praised, but who knows.
He’s not the first. Elizabeth’s youngest son ran his own theater/TV production company. I thought he was still running it, but checked. I’m wrong. He left it in the early 00s to do work for the royal family.
The only thing the SCOTUS has is credibility. They have zero of that as far as I am concerned. I have no intention of paying any attention to what they have to say about anything.
I had a crush on a girl in HS who was a dead ringer for Chrissey Hindes. I wonder what ever happened to her.
Sorry, Friend. You don’t want to know. One of mine was Anne Wilson circa 1975. This does not end well for either of you.
Now we are all curious Festus… Spill the beans.. Were there boiling bunnies?
How the Atlanta spa shootings forced me to confront my biracial identity
Leftists will call you Asian and white, separately, when it suits their uses.
I would tell her “How about you just be Shannon Ho? That’s pretty unique.”
To be fair, although the Atlanta shooter wasn’t targeting Asians, it DOES appear he was targeting Hos…
I can probably live with being trapped in Wegman’s.
But trapped in Rochester? NOOOO!
I’ve been in worse cities.
Oh, sure. I get to say it because I grew up there.
I havent
Baghdad, Kabul and Sarajevo come to my mind.
Been there, but only a nice part. I’ve heard stories.
I’m almost to the point where I’m ready to see the following:
1) Public reading of Riot Act
2) Order rioters to disperse
2a) If rioters stand down and disperse, good.
2b) If rioters persist, open fire.
At this point, I’m uncharitable.
Those are only for the capitol “insurrectionists”.
Cause the other “protestors”, you know, the ones that destroyed $2 billion worth of property, killed a bunch of people, and in general terrorize anyone that doesn’t pay them protection money in those exclusion zones they set up, are mostly peaceful, right?
Over/under on how fast Wegman’s gets sued by those trapped inside because of their attempt prevent the looting? Or sued by the “protesters” for denying “access” or some shit. I can see it going either way.
Do the people engaging in these behaviors not understand that it drives people, who otherwise wouldn’t, to vote for the Joe Arpaios and Bull Connors of the world?
They do not understand, they are entitled idiots.
You mean blocking people from getting to work or going about their lives doesn’t win them over? Maybe the protesters should yell some obscenities and call them names. That will surely win them over.
I work for them (not in Rochester though) and they have a pretty extensive list of responses for just about anything that pops up. Locking up to protect the custies and employees inside seems pretty standard. I still don’t doubt some asshole will try to sue though. Will be interesting to see how this incident gets talked about at work.
You’ll note that the racial angle of this story has rapidly disappeared.
It became mighty inconvenient for the race-hustlers very quickly.
Maybe they can console themselves with the fact that there are 10 fewer white people around.
Baseball player and HoFer George Sisler. He hit .420 and won the MVP in 1922. And his 1920 season was significantly better.
Didn’t see him on my list. That’s a swing and a miss on my part.
I thought you were just leaving him for me.
Sisler was born in Manchester, OH, btw.
Somebody is having a bad day…
Wind? I’m not sure how else you get turned sideways in a perfectly straight waterway.
Or someone was drunk/asleep at the wheel.
Wind blows over trains in the desert/mountains fairly regularly. Down in the Gulf of Mexico, barges get hung of up on the bank a lot because the push boats can’t compensate for the wind on a long enough barge train.
Don’t get me started on barge/bridge strikes. Most of those are mechanical failure or river conditions related.
Not that the Times is a reputable source, but there’s no contradictory evidence yet.
Not a sailor, huh?
Yes. Sea Smith.
Resolution urges changing title of Chicago ward reps from ‘alderman’ to just ‘alder’
A real testament to
manpeoplekind.I still wonder what these woketards do with Spanish since it is a gendered language.
‘Alderex’ sounds like some sort of pharmecutical sold on late night commercials whose long list of side effects makes you wonder if the disease isn’t preferable.
Perhaps Alderaan?
al Dera’an
A demonstration of power there will keep other cities under control.
I seriously doubt Illinois politicians are human. Untermensch seems more appropriate for them.
Alder is ageist.
The new case concerns a New York law governing licenses to carry concealed handguns in public. It requires residents to show they have what the state calls an “actual and articulable” need to do so.
More like like demonstrate membership in the correct caste.
Yup, same thing in New Jersey, the only wat you can get a carry permit is if you are connected politically.
I saw a really funny meme making fun of British people a couple months ago, where a bobby is hassling a brit whether he has a license for his license. It seems england is just 10-20 years ahead on the curve than the US, we’re all headed along the same path
“I’d like to buy a fish license.”
According to the Giffords Law Center, although most states continue to require a permit in order to carry a concealed weapon, many states now place few or no restrictions on open carry. All states allow concealed carry, but a majority require a permit and the standards for issuing such permits vary significantly.
Three states (California, Florida, and Illinois) and the District of Columbia generally prohibit people from openly carrying firearms in public. Two states (New York and South Carolina) prohibit openly carrying handguns, but not long guns, and another three states (Massachusetts, Minnesota, and New Jersey) prohibit openly carrying long guns but not handguns. In the remaining states, people are generally allowed to openly carry firearms although some states require a permit or license to do so.
Oh, golly, what an unworkable mishmash. Better to standardize all gun regulation at the federal level.
We have.
Yeah, like, a hundred years ago and stuff, when slavers wrote stuff in Ye Olde English.
I’m sure the anti-2A crowd love the idea of national right-to-carry legislation, because that means the right can be taken away once it’s established that the Federal gov’t can legislate the question at all.
It was – “Shall not be infringed”
Good luck with that in NJ.
Yeah, I actually shuddered when I read that. The quality of reporting on gun laws is so, so terrible in general.
…oh, wait, “According to the Giffords Law Center”
Better to standardize all gun regulation at the federal level.
It is curious that this patchwork has been allowed considering 2A and all.
Because some damned fool of a judge thought “The right of the people… shall not be infringed” didn’t apply to the state level back in the 1800s. You could argue that “Congress shall make no law…” might not apply to the state level, but I note the 2nd is specifically worded differently.
Exactly – it doesn’t say “shall not be infringed by the federal government” it says “shall not be infringed”, period, by anyone.
Always be a Steve and not a Stu – https://youtu.be/9UefQYjG7rM
I approve this message.
I adore that movie. I don’t care who knows.
I Belize this is a rough situation.
The Belize men’s national soccer team was shockingly waylaid by heavily armed insurgents as they drove from an airport in Haiti to their hotel, according to reports.
The team released a statement saying that right after they drove away from the airport after arriving in Haiti for the FIFA World Cup Qualifying Matches, their motorcade was stopped in its tracks by more than a dozen men armed wielding what appeared to be automatic firearms, TMZ reported.
“The situation is one that the team should have never faced,” team officials said in a statement, “but we are pleased to report that our Jaguars, although shaken by the terrible experience, are safely at their hotel.”
You know you are desperate when you are trying to steal from Belizeans.
You better lose this match, or else??
“Hand over all food, money and medicine!”
And ass.. We want ass.. Cause we are STEVE SMITH acolytes….
Sounds like a Haiti crime.
Did the coronavirus leak from a lab? These scientists say we shouldn’t rule it out.
We aren’t allowed to even discuss it. Which makes it most likely true.
While I never would encourage anyone to trust anything from our intelligence agencies, the reason this Kung Flu virus caused such panic and made the political class decide to implement lockdowns and other draconian measures at the beginning to slow it down, was that they were briefed this thing was a man made bio agent (and likely weaponized as part of the research effort) that escaped the Wuhan lab. Assuming that this virus was man made and escaped a lab is accurate (and I do), your usual politician can’t admit that is so because the way the CCP handled this in the aftermath amounts to an act of war. The reason we can’t discuss it now is that the political class is far more interested in prolonging/keeping the powers they abrogated themselves under the claim of fighting the deadly virus than in actually figuring this shit out in any way.
Assuming that this virus was man made and escaped a lab is accurate (and I do), your usual politician can’t admit that is so because the way the CCP handled this in the aftermath amounts to an act of war.
An act of war unless if our own politicians were in on the release.
The reason we can’t discuss it now is that the political class is far more interested in prolonging/keeping the powers they abrogated themselves under the claim of fighting the deadly virus than in actually figuring this shit out in any way.
Yep, coronavirus has been a godsend for the Dems and eGOP… like winning the powerball for joe schmoe. They got to fortify the election and claim sweeping new powers. Pretty damn coincidental that the CCP did this hugely beneficial release all on their own.
“An act of war unless if our own politicians were in on the release.”
I want to believe that no matter how evil they are in my opinion, this was just a happy coincidence that worked in their favor and that the CCP simply decided that if they were going to get fucked by it, then they were not going down alone. The fact so many of them were telling us Trump was a racist hater for locking down for so long is why I think this. Had they been in on it they would have either kept quiet or agreed with him to lock down.
Seriously, once they realized how they could destroy the economic bonanza Trump’s policies had created, they jumped on the bandwagon, and then went to town. They are not clever enough to be part of something like this. Just look at how they did the whole Trump is a Russian sleeper agent and we have a dossier to prove that shit. They are super incompetent idiots that got lucky.
got lucky.
There was nothing lucky about it. Their bought and paid for media pals lied their asses off to advance the narrative. You don’t need to be competent or lucky when you pay off the refs
Oh, I am not saying they didn’t go out of their way to lie, cheat and steal (which is why I find it laughable that they now demand the unpersoning of anyone that points out it is not a stretch to believe people that went to that length to deceive people in their supposed fight against the new Hitler would “fortify” the 2020 election), but they got lucky in how they made it work. These are inept fucks, and it was luck that allowed them to keep it together long enough to fuck the people over.
In a spot of good news for Ohio, it looks like the state legislature is done with DeWine (Cunte – Ohio):
Gov. Mike DeWine vetoes bill curbing his coronavirus powers; legislative override may come soon
In an interesting turn:
And a bonus article showing how this is all about public safety:
28 bars, businesses must choose between license suspension or fine after Ohio Liquor Control hearings
I’m trying to decide if I should buy land in WV or OH, or maybe KY or TN.
I’d like to make a move to WY or UT, but that’s probably not in the cards anytime soon.
Public pensions in KY are almost as bad as IL.
KY taxes aren’t great either.
They keep electing D governors because:
1. The GOP governors keep proving the stupid party meme.
2. They think they are going to get blue dog Dems, but they don’t exist anymore.
KY taxes are not great.
I don’t know if KY will elect another D governor for a while after Beshear. I think most people are about sick of his shit, and he barely won to begin with.
People didn’t elect Beshear because they liked him. They elected him because Bevin was uniquely hated. And a whole hell of a lot of folks are kicking themselves in the ass for that.
Sounds like the inverse of the governors we get here in Ohio. Worst of the worst RINO Republicans until one goes too far squishy (or gets caught up in an idiotic scandal), then a Democrat gets elected and proceeds to be worse. After a term of that, another RINO comes riding in to be the savior, and is better for the first year or two.
After Beshear they won’t elect another D Governor, all Beshear showed was that Democrats are power hungry and want full control, other states with d Governors showed that too, Whitmer, Newsom, And Cuomo to name a few.
I think you would find TN more lib friendly and economically free than the other options you list.
What part of WV would you be looking at? I am currently in Jefferson County and buying property in Berkeley County. Property values are up significantly in Jefferson County due to it’s distance from DC and the influx of government workers and hangers on. Berkeley is a bit outside the average persons daily commute range although my wife goes in once a week to the building so she puts up with it.
Taxes aren’t all that great, services aren’t all that great. Roads are so so. Water is extremely hard. However the 2nd Amendment sentiment is very strong. MJ is still illegal if that is your thing. The governor wants to end income tax so one other plus. Only caveat is if your still considering your FFL Jefferson County is the only county with zoning so you would have to deal with that.
I’m currently in central western PA, and would still need to be able to commute to the Pittsburgh area. I’m not really looking seriously yet, but would be considering things in the north western edge of WV. I DGAF about marijuana.
When I first moved to WV I lived in Berkeley Springs. It was about 2 seconds from the PA/MA border and about 2 hours from Pittsburgh. Great town extremely scenic and cheap property but probably too long of a commute to Pittsburgh.
The 28 should all tell the commission to go fuck itself.
Their options are pay the fine, or have their liquor license suspended for a time starting a couple weeks out (the cases that were heard this time date back to fucking November of 2019. As a very nice counterpoint, the girlfriend and I stopped at Gourmeltz while in Virginia. The place was packed, no social distancing plexiglass, almost no one inside wearing masks at all, and per the bartender we were there at a slow time (there were about half a dozen empty seats inside). They did have a sign at the door stating that due to a dispute with the state they were not currently licensed as a restaurant.
And there’s a tag fail…
And? selling booze without state permission is a longstanding american passtime dating back to the revolution and earlier.
Knowing some of the places cited, that may be their solution. There was one location that had their hearing at the end of last year, and it turned out they had neither a food nor liquor permit for the past several years. Yet people kept showing up there and choosing to eat and drink there. In my more optimistic turns, I’d like to think this will serve as a wake up call for quite a few people. The cynical side starts expecting calls for even more restrictions and making it harder to get the permits.
As if 28k means anything to Ohio. It’s insane how businesses can be run in spite of the gov these days/decades – can you imagine how amazing the economy would be if they just got out of the way?
I have to put a plug in for this woman’s efforts to use logic in looking at the Covid in Ohio.
I like the good news. Fuck the Ohio Liquor Control folks.
In todays youtube recommends
Al Bundy Visits The Dentist
Ah I remember nurse Traci Lords…
I always tolerated that show because Kelly Bundy.
No love for the NO MAAM org?
The initiation is inhumane.
I need to go back and download Ozy’s article from yesterday. You guys are harshing my buzz, Maaaan! Fucking dumb phone just died. Somebody cut my thumbs off when I wasn’t looking! Hope the sim card saves all my shit.
SIM card only holds the subscriber identification – ie, associating the phone with your account.
Contacts and other data are not stored there. You’d need to have it saved to either an SD card or a cloud backup if the phone is well and truly bricked.
Well, that ain’t good. “I’ll have the white pill this time, Nurse.”
Psaki those illegal executive actions to me, baby.
“We are considering a range of levers, including working through legislation, including executive actions to address, obviously, not just gun safety measures but violence in communities,” Psaki said. …
Psaki added Biden wanted to work together with Republicans and Democrats to pass gun control, but hinted he may act on his own if nothing was passed.
“He is not going to allow for obstruction to get work done for the American people,” Psaki said. “But his preference and priority is working with members of both parties.” …
“We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country once again,” he said at the White House before leaving for his trip. …
Biden said the motives of the shootings and the weapons used were still unclear, but more gun control was necessary.
“I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take commonsense steps that will save the lives in the future and to urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act,” he said.
“Obstruction”, “legitimate government procedure”. “Tomayto”, tomahto”.
Good thing all those circuit courts will place the same scrutiny on any Biden executive actions as they did for Trump’s
They’ll “Circle back to that.”
We need dictatorship to protect Democracy from the evil representatives of the icky States.
Does anyone else imagine a bunch of Daleks running around yelling “FOR-TI-FY” now?
Last evening, my internet cut out for a while. I had never tried using my phone as a hotspot before, so I gave it a shot. It was surprisingly easy, and worked quite well (android). Watching videos on the roku using the phone chews up the data in a hurry, though.
Definitely a workable solution in a pinch.
Roku has pr0nhub ?
Cynical me thinks Bernie is uncomfortable with the Twitter ban because Trump is seeking out news outlets that will interview him instead of those news agencies running Trump’s diarrhea of the thumb tweets.
You’re talking about a guy who got into politics because he was pissed off that the Dodgers left Brooklyn.
Ho mad?
Well, “alder” is a mostly useless wood that chokes out more valuable species so I’ll allow it.
alder is good for smoking meat and fish with.
SJWednesday: Unravel This Knot
assigned male at birth
“Assigned” Right. Because it’s totally random, the doctor just spins the wheel of gender and whatever it lands on goes on the birth certificate.
These people really are mentally ill.
Wheel of gender spin spin spin, tell us the genetics that xshey have.
I too went to the Animaniacs when I read WTF’s statement…you just beat me to it
Murray’s Madness of Crowds goes into this – how so much of gay advocacy was behind a genetic determination and the new trans world is pissing all over that.
Biology is sexism!
“Allow me to demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the Constitution and American history.”
Always one to mangle the facts and explain away her anti-Semitism, homophobia, and racism, MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid offered a torrent of lies about the Second Amendment as she lobbied for “gun reform,” claimed “it’s easier to buy a gun than it is to vote,” and called the right’s support for gun rights part of “an Alex Jones-ificiation” of the GOP.
Reid’s biggest lie came during an interview with Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro when she demanded Senate Democrats should ax the filibuster to enact wide-sweeping measures because that there’s nothing in the text of the Second Amendment that would render their proposals unconstitutional.
Her reasoning? Reid asserted that “[t]he text of the Second Amendment includes the word ‘well regulated’ and it talks about militias,” so “[i]t is irrelevant to gun reform from what, you know, is being talked about in places like — in Congress and in the United States and in the House.”
One might point to the fact that “regulated” in this context relates to regular (professional) vs. irregular (militia) soldiers and that these irregulars were expected to provide their own weapons, particularly to match how a regular soldier would be outfitted.
The people who talk about “well regulated” and militias are out of date with their arguments. SCOTUS ruled in Heller that 2A grants gun rights to common citizens.
Lol like precedent matters when the prog-fascists are against the status quo.
“Regulated” at that time didn’t mean what it means today. At the time “regulate” generally meant to make regular, in other words a common occurance or free-flowing (oddly the only current use in this way is for laxatives – it will make you regular, restore regularity, etc.) Hence, “regulate interstate commerce” meant to ensure it was free flowing and unrestricted. “Well regulated” meant it was in good working order, a watch that kept accurate time was said to be well regulated. A well regulated militia simply meant a militia in good working order, and that people should take being part of the militia seriously.
This is America’s enduring, persistent, gut-wrenching, soul-searing and devastating reality. This is where we are in America today. And yesterday. And last year. And the year before and for damn sure where we in America will be tomorrow and for the foreseeable future. Because all of our outrage combined has not been enough to move political leaders and policymakers to act for the public good.
Yet that is our constant tension. The man police allege perpetrated the Boulder massacre exercised what some Americans consider their 2nd Amendment right to walk around armed with a military-style semiautomatic weapon. And they allege he used that weapon to commit horrific crimes, putting the lie to the Declaration of Independence’s notion that we are all entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That guarantee apparently comes with an asterisk: It only applies if we can outrun a bullet.
There are no persuasive 2nd Amendment arguments that overcome the reality that, with an estimated 400 million guns in circulation in the United States, we all must live with some degree of risk of getting shot. Congress is once again working through a menu of bills that would mandate background checks for nearly all transfers of firearms, close a loophole that allows gun sales to proceed if a background check isn’t finished within three days, and ban combat-style semiautomatic rifles — so-called assault weapons. Those are basic, common-sense moves in the right direction, yet 2nd Amendment fetishists won’t concede an inch, so even baby steps appear to be beyond us.
So here we are again. Still.
Call me crazy, but if the government and the media were not working in tandem to stoke the fires of hate, fear and envy and generally drive people insane, it might help.
Children. Overgrown children who think that the world owes them something.
We have a generation of entitled brats who believe that scarcity is no more, that man’s nature can be tamed, that civilization isn’t a thin veneer over a brutish reality.
When the correction comes because we were too entitled to see what we had, it will not be pretty.
We have a generation of entitled brats who believe that scarcity is no more, that man’s nature can be tamed, that civilization isn’t a thin veneer over a brutish reality
I count at least 4 of those generations currently inhabiting this country.
military-style semiautomatic weapon
That’s a mouthful. I wonder if this person would have a problem with me walking around with a military-style muzzle-loading black-power flintlock weapon of war.
2nd Amendment fetishists won’t concede an inch
The thing about constitutional limitations and rights…
Won’t concede an inch because inches turn into miles once given. See any number of how the other amendments are treated. I know, speaking to just us here because that would require them to undo their belief that Government is always Good.
I’d say that miles have already been conceded on the 2nd A. We’re now down to the final inches that are all that’s left.
“black-power flintlock”
That would put the progs in a bind.
Those are basic, common-sense moves in the right direction
Missed this before. I wonder what this cunte’s endgame is…
Meh, road closures and TFRs cancelled for the 24-25th for the launch of SN11. No jump tonight
There is an unlimited TFR for Friday
Yeah saw that. I want SN11 out of the way cause it is the last of that string of prototypes I believe. Newer modifications are beyond it.
I’ve seen a lot about SN15+. but not much on SN12-14
Pretty soon they’ll be rolling that BN1 out for a pad fit check, maybe once they finish pouring concrete
Also, this guy https://rgvaerialphotography.com/space-x-boca-chica-aerial-photography-video-updates/ does regular overflights (or hires a commercial pilot) of the area and releases photos to his Patreon subscribers (I am not one yet).
I have seen a few YT videos that use his photography and have pieced together SpaceX plans for expansion, including the surrounding town.
It is snowing again goddamnit. Just as the magnolia was starting to bloom
Getting up to 70 here today, with snow predicted at the beginning of April.
/starts prepping to get ~15 miles in on the bike this afternoon
It’s important to recognize that these victims were not strangled, were not knifed, were not poisoned or beaten or thrown from windows or hanged or drowned or made victim to whatever other fancy might have entered the mind of a murderer. They were shot dead while they walked through the routines of their daily lives and, in the case of Police Officer Eric Talley, as he did his job by responding to reports of a man with a gun shooting up a grocery store.
Murder is illegal. Motive and method are irrelevant. Did you call for a ban on motorized vehicles the last time somebody intentionally drove into a crowd? If not, why not?
Seen vs unseen. Seen are the 16 murders. Unseen are the ones prevented by people with their firearms
I noticed that the shooter drove from Arvada where he lived, to Bolder where he was much less likely to encounter armed civilians. Strange.
He went after progs?
I don’t know. There are plenty of grocery stores in Arvada, but according to the news, he got in his car and drove 30 minutes up to Bolder to shoot up a grocery store there.
Maybe because he was such a dipshit, he couldn’t do it in Arvada for fear of running into someone who knows how much of a little pathetic worm he was and dying of embarrassment for the pathetic waste of human excrement he is.
Gun laws nationally are looser now than in the 1990s, and the rate of violent crime since the 1990s has shown a sharp decrease. Your argument is stupid.
“Well, not anymore!”
/Defund the Po-lice!
“Unless his experience as a pampered member of a welfare family people bow to because of their “birthright” gives him some insight I’m not aware of.”
Can we get a standing ovation GIF for this wonderful piece of prose?
I think everything is a scam and orchestrated. Everything. You can’t be this perpetually angry. It’s not humanely possible. There has to be grifting and aster-turfing driving 99% of it. These endless counter-productive protests, on-line madness, the on-going covid sham. All of it.
Now they’re coming for the kids with the vaccines. Despite: No reinfection and lasting anti-bodies once infected. Kids aren’t vectors of the disease and not in danger of it.
How Fauci is not arrested and taken away in hand cuffs for the amount lies he peddles – now he’s saying reinfection is real after consistently saying it’s not likely.
How can this NOT BE POLITICAL?
And Europe. Forget it. And here? Don’t get me started.
“How can this NOT BE POLITICAL?”
It’s not not political. Don’t worry, you’re not nuts.
Dr. Faucinstein
How can this NOT BE POLITICAL?
Exactly. The masks, curfews, lockdowns, and restrictions on gathering have nothing to do with Covid. It’s about controlling the population. They’ve fortified the capitol with troops and are now purging the military and law enforcement of wrong-thinkers. A man with dementia, who can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without collapsing 3 times, is being propped up as president.
None of these can be viewed in isolation.
My fave Pretenders track from that LP.
“We are considering a range of levers, including working through legislation, including executive actions to address, obviously, not just gun safety measures but violence in communities,” Psaki said. …
Maybe you should consider not accusing anybody who doesn’t agree with you of being some sort of immoral monster.
Only an immoral monster would post something like that. Why do you hate _____________ (insert victimized group du jour).
Then put a repeal of the 2nd Amendment on the table and lets all fucking vote for it.
I’m sick of people hiding behind municipal statutes if they truly believe that it’s an epidemic that is destroying the country. Let’s go, MFers. Let’s do this.
Maybe the Republicans ought to do this. Let’s see where everyone lands on the subject. Get Ron Paul and Thomas Massie to submit a bill simultaneously in both houses to Amend the Constitution to repeal 2A. Let’s see where it goes, if it’s such a big priority.
JFC – you can’t put such a thing up for PEOPLE TO DECIDE!!! /progtards
I know there are longer, more intricate, more-difficult-to-play, and more showy guitar solos, but damn if this isn’t my favorite. It’s so sublime and hits just right in the context of the song.
Mine is in here:
I can’t even with Yes. Sorry. Just because every note exists, it doesn’t mean you have to put them all in the same song. I’m looking at you, too, Grateful Dead.
From 3:00 to 5:30.
Steve Howe is amazing
That’s just incessant noodling on a fretboard. #changemymind
Mine is any solo George Harrison played during his Beatles days.
I wonder if this person would have a problem with me walking around with a military-style muzzle-loading black-power flintlock weapon of war.
A blunderbuss packed with horseshoe nails would do some damage in a crowd.
I really should have proofread.
Old-school black-power.
No need. We all support black gun ownership!
Or he could have just driven his car into the store.
“Pier One Imports.”
“This mall’s got everything!”
What a great movie.
“Disco haircuts. And pants.”
Here’s a random thought:
How well do you reckon Jen Psaki would do in a conversation with Kayleigh McEnany?
Not a formalized debate, but just the two of them at a table, with a glass of wine, talking about current events? I know who I’d put my money on.
My money is on Psaki if it became a drinking contest.
Only if its vodka though
I’m gonna have to circle back with you.
(But Kayleigh would wipe the floor with Psaki…)
Who would win in a pillow fight?
Correct answer: us
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic…and
Child AbuseGender Studies.Per Chief Academic Officer Dr. Cory Epler, the guidelines address the question of, “How do we help students make choices and have the knowledge skills to have a healthy life?”
That skillset comes courtesy of a group of educators, health professionals, and — as put by ABC7, “subject matter experts.”
The standards demand third graders be able to “demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for people of all genders, gender expressions, and gender identities, including other students, their family members and members of the school community.”
By fourth grade, kids should distinguish between gender identity and sexual orientation. Furthermore, they should know the difference between — in the words of the standards — “sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ.”
According to Dr. Cory, it’s all part of the mission to be “inclusive.”
(Public Schools Are Child Abuse)
I think they will probably skip the Reading, Writing, Arithmetic
“Regulated” at that time didn’t mean what it means today.
It didn’t mean paying tribute to be allowed to earn a living? It didn’t mean an endless series of hoops to jump through in order to go about one’s daily business? It didn’t mean paying extortion money to “advocacy groups” and “advocates” to keep your doors open (or shut)?
And here we have the pro-government Trump-style culture warrior of the right, attacking a Republican for daring to stand for limited govt. Fuck that kind of greatness.
Culture war – because we must stand upon the bodies of the vanquished. These assholes are every bit as bad the progressives they want to fight – because the fight is all that matters to them.
I’d suggest everyone read the bill. Then you can make an educated critique of Noem’s position.
She wants to win and not make a meaningless gesture. Her stance on pot is dumb but on this one she’s right. Why pick a fight with the Circuit Court when you are destined to lose. Re-write the fucking bill so it will pass.
read the bill. – aint nobody got time for that
That isn’t what the culture-warrior-fuck is all about though; he wasn’t making an educated critique, he was screaming that she isn’t a fighter.
NPR always manages to delight me. Yesterday evening during my drive home, the show I was listening to pledged to stop using the term “food desert.” The new term is “food apartheid.”
food apartheid is when there is not enough biltong
*I was going to write something about “food Holodomor” but that’s redundant, and they’d never complain about it because it was perpetrated by Communists*
Holodomor is a capitalist lie it never happened
I like to mix my corn and peas with my mashed potatoes.
#melting pot
#KFCbigBOWL *automated KFC bot*
I HATE their instant mashed taters. Yuccckkkk.
Great….now we’re going to have more Artists United Against Apartheid making another shitty song.
SLD- I really never minded “Sun City”
Oh come on GTFO
To be fair, “desert” isn’t racisty enough.
They’re finally giving up on the non-provable assertion of “food deserts”
But they haven’t really. So damnably tiresome.
I wish they would just go back to pronouncing everything with a faux French accent.
Methinks the next move of the prog-fascists is to start using their companies to ratchet up the pressure on wrongthinkers where legislation isn’t feasible or carries risk of SCOTUS tearing it apart.
It’ll probably start as a shift of rhetoric. Instead of “We can’t accept these national tragedies” coming out of the c-suite, we’ll get “we can’t accept people who don’t hop on the prog narrative after national tragedies”. Then to “we can’t accept people at this company who don’t hop on the prog narrative” and to “we have been monitoring those who are against the prog narrative and have identified our employees who are wrong thinkers”. From there, the firings will be easy.
When you can’t force people to agree, simply destroy their livelihood. Either they’ll knuckle underrepresented or youll demoralize them.
I don’t think that is really a successful strategy. You kick enough people out for wrongthing, they are going to set up parallel institutions
-1 Parler
It will have to start in highly regulated industries first, but the number of places here in TX who still mandate masks have me pessimistic about the idea of a groundswell of non-progs spinning up alternatives.
I’m not expecting an immediate win, But you can only push people out of your society for so long before they make their own.
So start with banks and financial institutions. Then use that control to help choke out competition in other industries.
/looks at the payment processors and credit card companies refusing to process payments.
Are you sure it’s still in the “start” phase?
There have definitely been fits and starts showing exactly what they want to do. They’ve refined the messaging and improved the mechanism, all the while infecting their next target with proggie HR and Comms drones.
Heads they win, tails you lose. Then when there is any backlash, you claim you’re the victim or even more brazen, any major negative event; you have your media outlets and government agencies make sure the fingers are pointed where you want them.
Or… you just manufacture everything, FISA warrants, dossiers, evidence, modify some documents, quote people that don’t exist, manufacture investigations and assign ‘the right’ agents to them.
It’s been a rough couple of years.
There is still an awful large part of the economy not controlled by big corporations. It won’t be that easy or that fast.
It’s not about cultural control. It’s about expanding the favored class to include more corporations to amplify their money laundering to Big Non-Profit. I don’t think they’re stupid enough to think that cultural hegemony is gonna happen, but I do think they’re smart enough to skim more than enough cash off the top while cementing their hold on yet another institution.
Besides, you don’t need control over every company in order to control an industry. Just pick off the top 3 and the industry is yours.
How come everything on earth that looks like that has been re-named ‘drone’, but this is a helicopter?
I mean, I hate the overuse of the word ‘drone’, but I don’t get why they changed it for this. Does ‘drone’ from the US government carry too poor of a rating among the public? If so, then it’s PR, and it is a shame writers are playing along with it. Bah! I hate everyone.
Helicopter has one rotor shaft and drone has four? I’ll admit to not knowing what the common terminology is today. Back when I was more plugged in, they were all UAVs. “Quadcopter” was a thing. “Drone” wasn’t used all that much yet.
It’s a dual rotor on concentric counter-rotating shafts to cancel out torque effects and eliminate the need for a tail rotor. I think that technically classifies as a helicopter. I’d use the term drone to mean “unpiloted,” no matter the physical configuration-rotorcraft, fixed wing, etc.
The term drone dates to before WWII for pilotless aircraft used as a live fire target.
Correct. That’s the context I heard it being used a decade ago. A microcontroller strapped to an RC plane or a quadcopter and programmed to fly some sortie was called a UAV
Drone does carry a negative air about it because of military operations. UAV is the acceptable term and in this instance, it should be a UAV. It is however, a helicopter too.
I’m just saying, if this thing was dropping off amazon packages or recording video of some celebrity while they sunbathe, I have a strong feeling this same writer would refer to it as a ‘drone’, but since NASA said helicopter, they used helicopter. I’m just grumpy today. Get off my lawn!
Im waiting for the Mars autogyro before I break out my impressed face.
Glibertarians: Come for the snark, stay for the pedantry!
Where’s my like button?!
On progbook? Now, linking embedded pictures, that would bring a whole new aspect to my schtick…
No. I was expressing approval for RCDean’s post.
I know. Just stating the particular skii hill that leads down.
The new term is “food apartheid.”
I just saw the term “pharmacy desert” for the first time a couple of days ago. I guess “Pharmacy apartheid” is on the horizon.
I like it.
I await the day when they start calling locations without access to clean water a “Water Desert”.
I always appreciate a unaware full circle.
Desert water? I can see it on the horizon, I think.
All day I face the barren waste, without the taste of water.
Thanks for that!
I saw Pharmacy Apartheid open for Minor Threat in ’93.
Wouldn’t Burning Man be a sort of ‘food desert’ ?
LOL, we always end up bringing back food – we plan what we need, and then end up getting fed quite a bit by people sharing. We’ve joked about going one year with no food.
I make a batch of hangover breakfast burritos on Sunday morning after the man burns – which we share.
Pharmacy desert? Ha, like there aren’t plenty of drugs available there.
Why stop with apartheid? Why not just call it food holocaust?
That is only deployed during a Matza Ball shortage.
I spent a year in Xaverian H.S. and played against Steve Karsay once. Made contact but didnt get a hit off him. I want aline. He was hitting 96 on the gun when he was a junior at Christ the King. Scouts from all over the country at that game.
Ah! Baseball. Thought you were having a stroke. Not baseball, but I played hockey with a couple guys back in my yout’ that made NHL and it was wicked scary how good they were. Show up to team A, get a shift, score two goals and then off to Team B to do it all over again and again.
I saw a guy ring one off the crossbar at our outdoor rink. He was at the opposite blue line and the puck broke in half. Mind you, it was pretty cold out but WTF? He was drafted.
If you had taken him deep, you might have got drafted.
Did he swing that way?
He wasn’t catching.
You grabbed his ass?
I may have had the privilege of recording Reggie Jackson’s first at-bat in High School Varsity Baseball. We were creaming Cheltenham High when their scorer came over to tell me their coach was putting in a J.V. player to see what he could do because “we think he’ll be a star.” Our pitcher struck him out. Still remember the kid’s name, Reggie Jackson, because next year he apparently hit a home run that landed on the school roof about 400 ft. away.
Ah. I remember stuff like that when we played all-star ball Just blindly swing where you thought the pitch would be and hope for connection.
Covid Memo from work. We work in groups no larger than 4, separated from other staff except for breaks when we leave the department. We’ve had to wear masks for pretty much the last year. But now, ‘if all 2-4 people in the department working a shift are vaccinated, you don’t have to wear the mask. But if one isn’t vaccinated, masks stay on! But, taking the vaccine is a personal choice, we aren’t forcing any one to take it, and don’t blame people who don’t that you still have to wear a mask, but it is all their fault.’ ~pretty much the gist
Science AND morale!
But if one isn’t vaccinated, masks stay on! – why not make than one wear all 4 masks while the other 3 are maskless ?
My company just reinstated the “voluntary back in the office” option. You have to wear the chin diaper all the time, can’t have anyone sit in the seat next to you (even though there is 6 feet between you), will still be doing all meeting via Skype or Zoom, but not from any of the conference rooms since they are all off limits, and will need to fill out a twice daily health questionnaire and get temp tests.
Are they gonna be surprised when nobody volunteers?
I told my boss yesterday that I don’t see a need to come back into the office until masks are no longer required, and further that I see no need to come into the office more than two days a week, for face to face meetings. He was fairly amenable to that, I think.
I am looking at moving out of “The People’s Republic of Connecticut” to save more of my health & sanity, and working remotely permanently. There is no reason for me to have to go into the office anymore IMO, and they can’t fight me on it since my productivity now has gone up since I am more productive when I am not stuck in meetings where they get mad when I multitask..
We’re semi-permanently going to a two class system. People (like me) who have no reason to be in the office every day are classified as remote. Those who need to be in office are classified as office workers. Seems like a reasonable compromise given that we’re not likely to stray from the Democrat talking points and recommendations as a company (we are bit players in the SV tech industry’s fascist enclave)
This video is painful to watch.
I decided to post it because it has over 200k ‘likes’ on @tiktok_us
from an account with 5.8M followers.
It shows infant chiropractic adjustment—a pseudoscientific treatment that is indefensible and potentially harmful.
I preferred the hot model being adjusted in skimpy close genre of chiropractic videos
That’s not a infant chiropractor, it’s a baby appraiser.
Sloop start doing your auction thing for us so we can buy another kid for the mines!
Maybe they can console themselves with the fact that there are 10 fewer white people around.
We’re constantly being told that white people are the root of all evil. Then somebody kills 10 to them. Perhaps intentionally causing division and resentment wasn’t such a good idea. Oh wait, look over there! An assault rifle!
Yeah, where’s the cheering crowd of BLM or other wokesters?
Per Chief Academic Officer Dr. Cory Epler, the guidelines address the question of, “How do we help students make choices and have the knowledge skills to have a healthy life?”
You should definitely teach them there is no such thing as objective reality. That will really help them in later life.
China Calling for Civilizational War Against America and the West
There was a “strong smell of gunpowder” when American and Chinese diplomats met in Anchorage beginning March 18. That’s according to Zhao Lijian of China’s foreign ministry, speaking just hours after the first day of U.S.-China talks concluded.
“Gunpowder” is one of those words Beijing uses when it wants others to know war is on its mind.
The term is, more worryingly, also especially emotion-packed, a word Chinese propagandists use when they want to rile mainland Chinese audiences by reminding them of foreign — British and white — exploitation of China in the Opium War period of the 19th century. China’s Communist Party, therefore, is now trying to whip up nationalist sentiment, rallying the Chinese people, perhaps readying them for war. …
Xi’s conception of the world is abhorrent and wrong, but Americans do not have the luxury of ignoring him. They and others must recognize that in Xi’s mind, race defines civilization and civilization is the world’s new dividing line.
Xi is serious. In January, he told his fast-expanding military it must be ready to fight “at any second.” That month, the Party’s Central Military Commission took from the civilian State Council the power to mobilize all of society for war.
Militant states rarely prepare for conflict and then back down. For China’s Communist Party, there is a smell of gunpowder around the world, as Xi is triggering a clash of civilizations — and races.
Meanwhile we are making flightsuits for pregnant women, lowering fitness standards, generally wokeifying the ranks, and removing any capacity for combat readiness for a serious conflict.
I have a copy of Chang’s The Coming Collapse of China, which I read many years ago. I have been thinking about returning to it to see what, if anything, he got right.
I definitely think China’s up to something in terms of a world power play, but I’m not sure how much credence to give to Chang’s analysis. Any insight into this?
Any insight into this?
My general impression is that China is, to some extent, a house of cards. Massive internal mal-investment, plus a high concentration of wealth and power, plus an economy that is still, despite their best efforts, heavily dependent on exports. If the US economy goes down, the Chinese economy will take a massive dump. As ever, the question is, how much damage will they do before and especially during the crisis?
This article on demographics is interesting. Although I see lots of crap data (from the ChiComs) and assumptions (by the “experts”) in it.
Bullies get more aggressive when they realize that everyone else in the room is a coward.
I don’t trust China, but does this not read like the perfectly crafted propoganda for American readers to rile Americans up for war? It includes all the things that Americans esteem as “Super important”:
Hidden Knowledge about what a Foreigner “really” means when they use words, Explaining that Xi is really bad, and clearly want’s to destroy all civilization outside of his.
It’s Gordon Chang. He may be right, but he has a super hard-on for the CCP. As I said above, I’d need to calibrate his previous work with reality before I take everything he says at face value.
Betting if you get under the surface layer he believes that China can be transformed if we just get the right liberal-western Top.Men in charge.
Gatestone was Bolton’s home for several years. The stench of neo-con is strong there.
I’d suggest everyone read the bill. Then you can make an educated critique of Noem’s position.
I’m going with my default assumption the (transgender sports) bill is so poorly thought out it would create more problems than it would solve.
It seems this could be dealt with on a case by case basis using existing statutes. Why must we write a massive new law for things already covered?
see: hate crime
And- to be honest, if the current model of sports tethered to schools gets blown up, that wouldn’t be then worst conceivable outcome.
My impression is that she killed the bill because she was worried about two things:
(1) The loss of NCAA status for SD college sports. To my mind, that’s almost certainly a net positive, even viewed from a narrow financial perspective. College sports tend to be money losers sucking money from educational activities.
(2) The threat of large national/international corporations leaving the state. I think this is highly unlikely.
Was the bill poorly drafted? Likely, but most if not all are.
So here is a gentleman that I wouldn’t be sorry in the slightest for him to be a victim of foul play.
One man- One Vote! unless they vote for the wrong guy.
We might end up with a one man, one vote, one time government.
won unfairly
How could this happen? I have been assured our elections are airtight! I guess they are unless they aren’t. Double-think is fun.
Holodomor is a capitalist lie it never happened
Take it from a man who knows.
I have no idea what that mean or why this was recommended to me
It’s a message for all of us and we need to watch repeatedly.
I’d like to speak to her manager.
I’d like to speak with her hair dresser.
She looks like this girl I dated…
In the category of stupid covid measure the authorities are considering limiting opening hours for stores… Why? This way, more people will end up going at the same time. How will that solve anything?
This is almost as dumb as last spring when they closed all the parks as a covid measure.
We’ve had reduced hours for every business since our
dictatorgovernor lost the state supreme court case and we opened back up. No 24hr stores anymore. Really sucks, since I’ve been on 3rd shift pretty much this whole time. Get adaynight off, nothing is open.It’s like pulling wings off flies. They can’t help themselves.
Blah blah fucking blah
A top health official warned the US could see an “avoidable” Covid-19 surge if Americans let up on mitigation measures now. A day later, two more states unveiled plans to loosen restrictions.
“The continued relaxation of prevention measures while cases are still high and while concerning variants are spreading rapidly throughout the United States is a serious threat to the progress we have made as a nation,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Monday.
It wasn’t the first time Walensky brought up concerns about the easing of safety measures. And a chorus of other health experts have made a similar point: While vaccination numbers continue to climb, safety measures will be critical in the coming weeks to help curb another possible surge as a dangerous variant spreads across the country.
“It’s really very much a race,” Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN on Monday. “If we can continue to accelerate the number of people vaccinated in this country… I think we’ll be in a much better position. But you have unfortunately a lot of governors releasing restrictions, people are traveling… and this B.1.1.7 variant.”
“It could go either way,” he added, on whether the country could soon be facing another surge.
“It could go either way.”
You don’t have the faintest idea what’s going to happen, but that won’t stop you from doing everything to can to stoke fear and dissension among the people you ostensibly work for.
Every so called public health expert pushing what amounts to a domestic terror narrative should be hung upside down from a lamppost and beaten like a pinata by random passers-by.
while cases are still high and while concerning variants are spreading rapidly throughout the United States
Cases! CASES! CASES! And the variants are only concerning to morons being led by liars.
The continued relaxation of prevention measures while cases are still high
The peak was 250K new cases on January 8. The trend since then has been, first sharply down, and then gradually down. Current new cases are around 53K per day. Less than the second surge in July.
Deaths, BTW, are still falling sharply.
JFC. You can’t even remark on racial progress since the Jim Crow era without somebody disagreeing and intimating that you’re a racist (who’s blind to the new Jim Crow.)
I’m speaking of Facebook of course.
Haha. In order for us to honor the Civil Rights leaders of the 60’s we must denigrate any success they had!
I really wonder what they would think seeing black students asking for segregated dorms and ceremonies etc…
Some of them have, and they’re not fond of it. I’m speaking of Shelby Steele in particular.
The contention was that racism is alive and well in Amerikkka.
And Trump is it’s prophet. Which is why he was elected.
I gave an answer and was immediately implicitly accused of being a racist. Trying to prove you’re not is a rhetorical trap. The funny part is they’re proving my argument that Trump got elected because he refused to roll over when the Dems used that particular strategy against him.
Whatever, it’s Facebook.
The contention was that racism is alive and well in Amerikkka
Sounds reasonable to me (minus the kkk in America). I notice that black-only and other PoC-only meetings have jumped from academia to corporate America. PJ released copies of a slidedeck that is used in Cigna training presentations for employees that was blatantly racist. I think Coke used something similar.
White Fragility and Critical Race Theory are starting to gain mainstream traction. The uptake makes sense you view it as trojan horse for the virus of Marxism
The uptake makes sense when you view it as a trojan horse for the virus of Marxism.
It’s right out of the Wiemar academic playbook.
Class envy isn’t particularly attractive to the proles. Racial division is.
Going back to yesterday’s thread about WWI leading to WWII, the German academic push to institutionalize racism as a means of advancing the class warfare required to kick off a Marxist revolution made a conflict inevitable. The particular conflict we saw was shaped by WWI, but you can’t dig out from 15-20 years of socialist rabblerousing without violence.
Sounds vaguely familiar…
Yeah, it’s pretty big in banking right now
For the new-think MLK might as well be KKK.
but you are racist. everything is. you are a thing.
Race relations have gotten progressively worse over the last 2 decades – and it’s intentional.
Anyone remember Barack Obama’s speech as a candidate where he laid out a grand future, promising racial harmony and a great new path forward?
And the oceans ceased rising. And drugs fell out.
In the category of stupid covid measure the authorities are considering limiting opening hours for stores… Why? This way, more people will end up going at the same time. How will that solve anything?
You also need to do customer limits, to make sure there are a bunch of people milling around waiting to get in.
My work just sent out an e-mail with “See Something, Say Something” asking people to report violations of the safety/health protocols so we can win the fight against the ‘vid.
/waves tiny flag with a mask over it
As you know, I’m tasked with such things…I’ve never taken action.
And Trump is it’s prophet. Which is why he was elected.
I gave an answer and was immediately implicitly accused of being a racist.
Admit it; you’re part of Trump’s robot army.
Yes, yes, of course I am.
*beep boop whirrrr*
*beep boop click*
Diet Vanilla Coke for extra white privilege.
And a nice crispy steak covered in ketchup.
Ass Wednesday provides hindquarters guaranteed to get you tingly in your no-no spot.
Anyone remember Barack Obama’s speech as a candidate where he laid out a grand future, promising racial harmony and a great new path forward?
I thought they said we had reached the post-racial Promised Land. Did we miss the off ramp, or something?
Whitey wouldn’t accept his place.
I can’t remember who said it, but it is no coincidence that all this bullshit accelerated around the time of Occupy and the Tea Party. Better to get the plebes fighting amongst themselves than to have their collective anger focused upwards.
Yes, exactly! I did read a piece someone who I can’t remember wrote about exactly that. OWS scared the shit outta the corporate titans, and that’s what spurred them to go all-in on woke bullshit. It was purely tactical to shift the popular narrative away from economic-based grievances to racial/sexual grievances.
Dave Smith has been saying that a lot on his Part of the Problem podcast (the best libertarian podcast, for those who don’t know).
Um. Post-Racial is Racist Doncha Know. Now everything is about race.
Except if someone who is pale in complexion does something wrong. Then they are white. but if something wrong happens to them, they can’t be white.
Obama liked to pretend to be post-racial, but never lifted a finger to stop to the characterizations of his political opposition as racist.
He just let the media do his work for him.
I had hoped that his election would mean the end of the notion that criticizing a black politician is racist, since all presidents get criticized by the opposition. Boy was I wrong.
At least you are willing to admit it. I was hopeful as well.
That’s what I get for being hopeful.
Oh I’m not admitting to voting for him. I was just looking for a silver lining.
Vote for him? Hell no. I voted for RP that year.
Just hopeful that they might tone the race shit down.
Stupid me.
He also didn’t do shit for the black community, because he culturally has zero in common with them.
He didn’t keep to the sidelines. He inserted himself into local matters if one side was black.
Did we miss the off ramp, or something?
If only we had high speed rail to get us to our destination faster.
Even if Chief Justice John Roberts and the court’s three liberals don’t want to consider this particular case, the other five conservatives could work around him should they choose.
The new case concerns a New York law governing licenses to carry concealed handguns in public. It requires residents to show they have what the state calls an “actual and articulable” need to do so.
Work around John Roberts? Oh fuck. All Roberts has to do is vote with the majority then he gets to write the opinion of the court. He will use it to eviscerate gun rights.
John Roberts. Where does he rate alongside Oliver Wendle Holms, and other SCOTUS Justices? Top 10% worst?
That’s far too generous to that sack of shit.
He’s no Earl Warren, but he’s working on it.
Sad fact is, you can name as many horrid Justices as really good ones, with a horde of mediocrities in reserve.
King of the Hill was the best!
His ranking will in part depend on how far the Penaltax is pushed. Opening another Constitutional loophole for Congress has to rank up there in worst decisions in history.
Even if Chief Justice John Roberts and the court’s three other liberals don’t want to consider this particular case, the other five
conservativessquishes could work around him should they choosehttps://twitter.com/FatEmperor/status/1374467907430739969
Stable isotope evidence of human diet in Mediterranean context during the Last Glacial Maximum
Not many vegans in ca. 27–23.5 kyr cal BP
Sci-Hub: Police warn students and universities against using ‘the Pirate Bay of science’
Sci-Hub has been described as “the Pirate Bay of science”, but often receives praise for opening access to research.
I absolutely depend on Sci-Hub. I would award her a Nobel if I could.
I will take your money for my research, but you have no rights to the findings.
World renowned women’s advocates
Vice President Harris and former President Clinton will sit for a one-on-one conversation Friday, as part of the 13th annual Clinton Global Initiative University meeting, where they will discuss the pandemic’s effect on women.
The meeting, which is being held in partnership with Howard University, Harris’s alma mater, will showcase “A one-on-one conversation with President Clinton and Vice President Kamala Harris on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, and empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world,” according to a statement from the Clinton Foundation.
The conference will explore topics on restoring faith in democracy, environmental justice, COVID-19 recovery and creating systemic change, according to the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D), Howard University President Wayne A. I. Frederick, and Wes Moore, the CEO of the poverty-fighting organization Robin Hood, will also make appearances at the meeting.
We’re gonna need a bigger checkbook.
Is Willie Brown moderating?
The Clinton Global Initiative University, which launched in 2007, is a leadership development program run by the Clinton Foundation to “engage the next generation of leaders and is grounded in the belief that no one is too young to make a difference and create positive change in their communities,” according to the statement from the Clinton Foundation.
Totally legit. The best intentions.
Looks like that Boulder white supremacist from Syria only shot honkeys….
Must have been honkeys that criticized critical race theory not being racist enough is my guess.
Looks like there also a disparate impact on women. They were probably dressed all slutty and asking for it though….
When is the hate crime rally gonna start?
King Walz has agreed to pick up the heavy burden of spending all that Federal loot. But only if the legislature doesn’t spend it wisely.
I’m sure King Walz will bargain in good faith with the legislature on any spending bills. He’ll make concessions even though he knows that if he was intransigent it would end up with him being able to spend billions on his own.
Greenwald continues to be on fire.
The U.S. Intelligence Community, Flouting Laws, is Increasingly Involving Itself in Domestic Politics
I’m so jelly! The county across the river from us is trying to out woke us!
If Ramsey county starts using that money to build bike paths, it will be time for us to invade.
It is what The People want
(White Women are the Enemy)
Sci-Hub has been described as “the Pirate Bay of science”
Let me guess:
More like Muh Intellectual Property! [How dare knowledge be available without royalties.]
I mean IP is one thing, but scientific publishing is kind of scummy overall
No one should have access to scientific research without paying for it first. Or something.
The plan will shape county investments over the next four years through the lens of racial equity and it will require a hefty property tax hike to get it done.
Racial justice consultants don’t come cheap.
No one should have access to scientific research without paying for it first. Or something.
Ah. I assumed they were disseminating #NOTMYSCIENCE!
BTW: the NY Post editorial page has officially jumped the shark.
Yes, no one but the military should own a howitzer. I’ll take that stand.
Oooh ooh! What if I live in Chicago?
Mark-19s are right out
I, for one, am in favor of civilian cannon ownership, including howitzers.
Civilian cannon have been the norm for most of the life of the cannon, ever since it was mounted on seagoing vessels.
I am opposed to unarmed merchantmen. If you can’t slug it out with a warship, your containership is under-armed and under-armored.
The New York Post does not see this as a conservative or liberal issue — it’s an issue of life and death. Curbing guns is what led to New York City’s three-decade reduction in murders. And, sadly, it’s the dismissal of that progress that has led to a rise in shootings here.
Bring back stop-and-frisk?
This is complete bullshit.
Locking up criminals plus likely demographic changes led to the decline.
Guess what we’re not as much of any more?
Gah. “doing as much of”
“Curbing guns is what led to New York City’s three-decade reduction in murders.”
Citation required.
But the bodies keep piling up — and all the hate-crime laws in the world won’t do a thing to stop them.
Hate crime laws won’t stop this, but gun laws will.
How do you keep your head from cracking open like an egg under the stress of that level of cognitive dissonance?
OT: Does anyone know of where to donate to legit recall efforts for Branch Covidian governors and mayors?
My theory is that the only way the lockdown/masking insanity will end is if enough of those officials start getting recalled and it scares the rest of them into giving citizens their rights back. I can search for “recall Gavin Newsom” but it occurs to me that anyone can just throw up a website and start taking credit card numbers. Just want to make sure my money goes directly to the recall effort, not to some shithead political group trying to jump in front and make some money.
Fewer than half the states allow recalls. Some that do are restricted. For example in Virginia you can only petition the courts to remove for cause.