I may have just become a Bears fan
My long week on the road has come to a close. And much like watching the NFL draft, there was a lot of boredom mixed in with a little excitement. I still can’t for the life of me figure out what the Jets and 49ers could have possibly been thinking. I guess we’ll find out in a year or two. Anyway, that’s sports.

You hav to varm dem.
Math nerd Carl Gauss was born on this day. He shares it with nazi war criminal Joachim von Ribbentrop, actress (from one of my favorite radio programs ever) Eve Arden, actor Al Lewis, actress Cloris Leachman, guitarist Wayne Kramer, baseball player Phil Garner, basketball player Isiah Thomas, hockey player STEVE SMITH, pitcher Ryan Hawblitzel, and the lovely Kirsten Dunst and Gal Gadot.
Wow that list sucked. If any of you were born on April 30th, congratulations because you’re the biggest star for the day. And now…the links!
“Has begun”. Lol, these troop levels were brought down dramatically during the last admin and every single asshole on both sides of the aisle decried the move by Trump as irresponsible. Shit, I bet there’s a peace prize in Biden’s future for this “bold” move of finally bringing our troops home from a misguided 20 year occupation of a country that poses no threat to us whatsoever.

Unobtanium according to Dems.
Florida gets racist. Well, that’s how it’ll read. When, in actuality, the actual racists are the people who think black and hispanic people are not smart enough to get a state ID (that’s available for free).
Am I reading this wrong, or is this a purely political prosecution? Because this sure looks like a purely political prosecution. Especially since every principal involved in the “John Kerry giving secret info to Iran” situation has said it happened and it isn’t being talked about by the administration or a single federal prosecutor.
This is impeccable timing. I laughed, but I do feel sorry for this guy.

Keeping with a family tradition of corruption
Aaaaaaand another Chicago politician has been indicted. You know, its really more newsworthy when a day goes by and a Chicago pol isn’t indicted.
Oh, how nice of them! Go fuck yourselves, no sane person is paying attention to these mandates or guidelines anymore.
Some good local news. I wonder if I’ll still need my CHL for travel to other states once this goes through. I’d sure love to ditch the government permission slip, but I’ll probably keep it for that reason alone.
STEVE SMITH hate this song! But I hope you love it.
Now get out there and have a great Friday and an even better weekend, friends!
whaddup doh
I keep thinking you’re working on some sort of weird marketing campaign for Hasbro.
Colored wall cleaning paste is a wonderful thing.
I wonder if mine has dried out. It’s been in the corner for years.
I just keep eating mine. Was that wrong? Should I have not done that?
That’s why kindergartners got paste made from flour and water.
When I attended my very first day of school, I was a little terrified. They shuffled us here and about and finally sat each of us in our own desk. The Teacher and her assistant then passed out all the supplies that we would need for the coming year. I opened my jar of paste and it had a great void where an air bubble had formed during the process. Teacher accused me of eating the paste and everyone laughed at me. First school memory. I was Five. This is us.
See, Fetus, if you’d have gone to pre-nursery, nursery and pre-kindergarten you’d have been ready for kindergarten’s trauma.
*Thinks about changing user-name to “Fetus”*
I never attended kindergarten. Davey and I learned to read when we were 4 and 3 respectively. That’s why so much was expected of us. Stupid bet.
Good song.
I’ve never got the allure of that band. Mind you I was a little aged-out when they hit and I hate rap. Huh, that would explain it.
Except for the aged-out part.
Let me go back and addend that part.
You two…I just can’t even
The way they mixed so much high quality rock into their rhythms and the seamless transitions and overlaps between each other in their rapping was simply astounding. And they did it first.
It’s “groundbreaking” but still sounds grating to my ears. I like a lot of stuff but some Jazz has the same effect. I used to be able to pretend to like a band to get some but I’ve aged well out of that by now. Sorry, Sloop, I love and respect you but that Band does nothing for me.
Everyone talks up Paul’s Botique, but Check Your Head is their masterpiece.
Yep. This has become this kind of hipster gospel, that Paul’s Boutique is so obviously better than anything else, and it’s ridiculous.
I had, somehow, missed that video. Cute and clever like all their work.
Was the goal to waste 20 years fighting without clear goals?
Fewer than 100 troops, along with military equipment, have been moved largely by aircraft
This time they are serious.
Moved to the capital?
Its funny that a dementia addled man has more control over the generals to get things done than Trump ever did.
Because the addled old man has the bureaucracies and political creatures behind him, while they were adamantly opposed to OMB.
While technically true (the best kind) the first advisors (logistic folks, wearing civilian clothes) were in VN in 1954, courtesy of Ike. I met my first VN vet in 1957, in CA.
I’m pretty sure we’ve been dicking around in somolia since at least the 90s so there’s that too.
Hello, Father figure! I assume you’re on the mend? Missed you on the boards.
Off and on, Son. Been busy with therapists, naps, naps, did I mention naps, the best therapy. Everything is looking brighter. Still no weight bearing on the bad side but pain is mostly gone, I’ve given up the Tylenol.
Hope all is well up your way and you’re keeping the Man on his/her toes. Spring is here, bees show up on May 8th. My bee partner has a bigger work load for a while.
Keep smilin’, my boy
That’s good to hear and thanks for that! *things got a little dusty in here, gotta see to some stuff*
Glad to hear, Fourscore. Naps are definitely the thing for recovery, yo.
Correct headline? “Joe Biden announced that he was postponing Trumps plan to pull out of Afghanistan”
Hey Festus, I got drawn away by work yesterday so I don’t know if you saw this. Your joke didn’t offend me, I just wasn’t sure if my joke had pushed the wrong button. Sorry for the confusion.
No problems at my end at all! I was making a lame joke about stipends. We’re always good!
Our Miss Brooks was a Sunday night radio staple at a prepubescent Fourscore’s home, along with Henry Aldrich, Jack Benny, and a couple more. (Great Gildersleeve?)
Winters were long but we had our friends every week end.
My Grandparents used to talk about radio shows like “My Miss Margie” and the like.
I remember watching My Little Margie back in the olden days.
Our Miss Brooks is one I always listen to on the road, when given a chance. Her timing was perfect.
Garth transitioned?
He lost his friends in low places.
Miss Christina Gaines.
Sirius 148, Radio Classics! Also a syndicated AM show whose title and host I forget.
“He’s gonna open the closet!” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070510/mediaviewer/rm27890433/
Fibber McGee and Molly or Inner Sanctum?
The former. Will have to look up latter.
The Saint and Johnny Dollar are my favorite dramas. Look those up as well.
Oh, and X Minus One.
Hell yeah to X Minus One! The episode about the Lost Race and being marooned is one of my favorites. Also, The Shadow, and Amos & Andy are fantastic. Internet Archive has most of them.
Asimov, Bradbury, Dick, and Heinlein, eh?
There was an old radio serial called Backstage Wife, about Mary Noble, a small-town girl who marries into a NYC theater family. Bob & Ray parodied it with the fantastic Mary Backstage, Noble Wife that ran longer than the original.
The Saint with Vincent Price and Johnny Dollar with Bob Bailey.
X minus one
Gunsmoke (pound sand Hyperbole)
Various adaptations of movies such as Screen Director’s Playhouse or Lux Radio Theater
Not a big fan of The Whistler or some of the variety shows,, except Benny.
The Six Shooter, Frontier Gentleman, HAve Gun Will Travel are all better westerns than Gunsmoke, Hopalong Cassidy and The Cisco Kid aren’t much better but at least the main characters don’t abuse the office of U.S. Marshal every episode.
Phill Harris and Alice Faye is the best comedy.
Lights Out and Suspense are good um…suspense shows.
I’ve listened to a few of the Gunsmoke radio shows. They were great. Sort of like the TV show, but Marshall Dillon is more of a wise-cracking, cynical smart-ass.
Inner Sanctum
Everybody loves Raymond.
When Radio Was. I hate both the title and that SXM just displays that show title rather than the actual content on the display.
Also hosted by Greg Bell.
Agreed on the frustration.
I must be thinking of someone else; Italian name with female cohost?
Hmm… that I don’t know. Radio is a corporate wasteland here so I’ve largely avoided it for a while except to use a short range transmitter to units without an input jack.
(Great Gildersleeve?)
Man, I loved that voice.
OMWC remembers. Remember Henry Aldrich’s mother’s voice , that opened the show?
There were several soap operas around noon time, my mother listened to them. I can’t remember them ’cause they were for ‘women’. I think some transitioned to TV. My wife watched them faithfully for 20 years, decided they were silly a few years ago.
Perfectly parodied by Firesign Theatre.
“Porgie! Porgie Tirebiter!”
“C-c-c-coming mother!”
“He’s so good with the servants, Fred.”
“Stop calling me Fred, my name’s Adolf.”
There an Our Miss Brooks TV show that is on some local channel late at night. Has the same comic actor that played the banker, Mr. Drysdale?, on Beverly Hillbillies.
Good morning, Sloopy!
Wow that list sucked.
Kinda, except for Wayne Kramer.
Because this.
Now THAT is Friday morning music!
Also, Kristen Dunst doesn’t suck.
That’s so racist I can’t even.
Seriously, I’m surprised she hasn’t been canceled for that, what with the left pushing all the Asian hate crime bullshit lately.
Cuteness overload. Thanks.
Swaddling bats:
Kirsten’s best role was clearly Melancholia.
My god, those are magnificent (maybe NSFW)
More like MelOncholia!
I’m sure you know I gave serious consideration to playing them. But I’ve been not playing birthday boy/girl music lately.
I also considered the Dunst song that got mentioned before I could get free.
“It’s easier now than it’s ever been. You have vote by mail. You got early (voting). You got the drop box and you got in-person (voting). And 20 to 30 years ago, you did not have this many opportunities,” Republican State Senator Travis Hutson said, according to CBS Miami station WFOR. “I believe that every legal vote should count. I believe one fraudulent vote is one too many. And I’m trying to protect the sanctity of our elections.”
What a racist.
Voting fraud isn’t real
Yeah, and you shouldn’t have any of those things. I don’t recall the lack of those things stopping anyone who wanted to from voting 20 or 30 years ago.
Yeah, I don’t know where this idea started that voting should require zero effort on the part of the voter.
It’s like everything else, just have someone else do it for you. Easy-Peasy.
It started when Dems formulated their plans for “fortifying” elections a few cycles ago.
You can pinpoint the date to whenever they started covering their tracks by calling voter ID racist.
You people- sometimes I wonder about you
I’ve worn those trousers before…
Geez, now I have boycott Florida? I can’t even keep up.
If we get all the red States to pass this, maybe we’ll succeed at stemming the flow if dead heads from California leaving the state.
Some Democratic lawmakers noted the changes came after Florida Democrats cast about 680,000 more mail ballots than Republicans in November. Democrats said the new rules will make it more difficult to vote.
“You don’t place deliberate barriers in folks’ way and call it security,” said Democratic State Representative Tracie Davis. “This is an insult to me personally and this is an insult to the millions of voters that depend on us to make decisions for them especially when it comes to election law.”
Voting rights and civil rights groups also denounced the bill.
Dem sheeples be lost without our help and guidance.
“You don’t place deliberate barriers in folks’ way and call it security”
That’s what any form of security is.
lol. That is exactly what I was going to say too.
You are one smart dude leon!
Notice I didn’t say you were a handsome dude? And that blushing really isn’t helping.
Apparently she doesn’t lock her doors at night.
Herein lies the problem.
You don’t place deliberate barriers in folks’ way and call it security
Now do TSA.
Or the Capitol Building
So California will go full-on Papieren, bitte which will be selectively enforced as usual. I can’t see any problems with this.
If in order to enforce your ‘law,’ you have to go full authoritarian, you may want to rethink your policy. If you aren’t willing to go full police state and you still want to have your rules, you look like an ineffectual asshole.
Of course, going full authoritarian is what these people want. They just don’t want to work for it.
Ahh. Laziness saves us again!
Nobody cares or objects (yet?) except indoor businesses compelled to by the county.
That’s what pisses me off the most. The dictates put front-line workers in harm’s way. They get all of their “Utopia” and no personal push-back. It’s infuriating.
They’re talking about “outdoor rules” here – which I guess means the Stasi will be enforcing them.
But yeah, requiring private business to enforce “indoor rules” is bullshit too.
It’s where they have society by the short hairs.
They can pull a business permit near instantaneously, and the fear of being out out of business is the only thing holding all of us back from resuming life.
This demonstrates the absolute absurdity of the state having outright control of private enterprise via business licensing.
The government uses businesses to implement most of its laws and regulations.
I’m a glorified tax collector.
Its crazy, but through Business Licensing, they have essentially implemented any fascist policy they desire. When do they start forcing business to report unvaccinated to the cops?
“A drawdown is underway,” White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters aboard Air Force One Thursday. “While these actions will initially result in increased forces levels, we remain committed to having all of US military personnel out of Afghanistan by September 11, 2020.”
Interesting timing. And after extending the previous admin’s timeline.
Being gone by that date will be symbolic for the Islamists as they can proclaim another victory over the great Satan on the same day as their previous triumph.
Especially since we already passed that date 7 months ago.
Except the the original actors are all dead. A-10s and AC-130s FTW.
Sometimes, when you can make a joke, you shouldn’t.
And my god do I hate the Bestie Boys.
I’m confused about the “joke” comments this morning.
Can somebody fill me in just in case I’m the offender?
I made a joke about leon’s Mormon Faith requiring a stipend because he asked for my “hero pay” for himself. It’s Saul Goodman.
The joke in question is one that I was starting to type, and thought better of. Nothing on your end.
Well, except the Bestie Boys.
Uffda. King Walz and his men are going to make a crazy person OBEY
The business lady who defied lockdown orders is definitely on the nutty end of the spectrum. She’s right about freedom, but her reasoning to get there is a bit off.
But the fact that a sheriff is spending so much time to capture and imprison her for a bunch of misdemeanors is troubling. How many other people guilty of misdemeanors did he dispatch his deputies to other states to capture?
She must have really riled up The Man in southern Minnesoda to get this much attention.
And yet they won’t prosecute violent crimes in Minneapolis.
Oh shush you
They HAD GOOD REASONS, she has bad reasons. There – understand now caveman?
I say firey, but peaceful crimes.
Preventing broken windows is important too. We don’t know how many pre-scofflaws our heroic governor has stopped by his forward thinking. There are a lot of LEOs waiting for Miss Lisa to reopen for early doughnuts and joe.
I am a bit startled about the Bears…of course, now they have no draft picks to fix the obvious holes they have. But you have to start somewhere, and QB is best to do so with.
For once, here in Cleveland, we weren’t that concerned about who we picked.
The girlfriend and I may head up to downtown tomorrow to check everything out. And a local brewery is doing a hop fest with collaborations with five other breweries.
But you have to surround the QB with talent and he has to be developed. Do you trust the present Bears management and coaches to do either? I don’t.
Nagy – most likely. I don’t know enough about the QB coach to say.
A sure thing, like drafting Mitch Trabisky!
I gave up on the packers and the nfl, but it’s good to see the bears continue making poor decisions. Unfortunately, for the packers, the vikings may have smartened up and started using draft picks properly, instead of cashing them all in on one player.
Who is Hershel Walker, Alex?
At this stage of proceedings, Trubisky was far more highly regarded than Fields. If they couldn’t get it right when they traded up to #2 to get a QB, why is there an assumption they got it right when they traded up to #11?
I still can’t for the life of me figure out what the Jets and 49ers could have possibly been thinking
Falcons, Lions, Panthers, and Broncos also all passed.
“Ohio State has not produced too many quarterbacks who have had prolonged success at the NFL level. ”
Ezekiel Elliot hardest hit. Or hits something hard.
Unless I am missing something, Elliott is not a quarterback.
Greatest President ever?
Progressives were frequently aghast at candidate Joe Biden’s instinct for moderation, his nostalgia for a bygone era and a record they perceived as too corporate-friendly and out of touch with his changing party.
But nearly 100 days into his term, some are happy to admit, they may be wrong.
“Many of us were disappointed when President Biden got the nomination,” said newly elected Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., who defeated a 16-term incumbent in a primary last year. “When you look at Biden’s career, he’s definitely someone we would call a moderate Democrat.”
He is less disappointed today.
“Biden has been incredibly responsive to the progressive movement,” Bowman said, recounting a recent meeting between progressive House members and White House chief of staff Ron Klain. “He told us point-blank: Keep pushing us. Keep us honest.”
Liberals are pleased with Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill and his swift rejection of Republican attempts to cut it. They like his $2.25 trillion infrastructure and jobs proposal. They’re pleasantly surprised with his personnel decisions, particularly the hiring of Klain and the shunning of moderate Democratic White House veterans like Larry Summers and Rahm Emanuel.
“I don’t think they would have been better if Bernie Sanders was the president,” Larry Cohen, a former union leader who chairs the Sanders-aligned group Our Revolution, said of Biden’s staffing decisions.
That’s what I like to hear. Just as long as the Cartoon Villain’s legacy is utterly erased. His very name is cursed, and must not be uttered. Some day, the history books will report a strange, inexplicable vacancy in the White House between the reigns of Barack Obama and Our Most Holy Savior Joe Biden.
Revenge for the dismantling of Obamas legacy?
Revenge for showing everyone the corrupt ineptitude of the ruling class and its drive to build itself as a hereditary aristocracy despite the fact they are nothing but mediocre credentialed morons.
The records of those years were destroyed in a mostly-peaceful fire.
Biden is responsive to anything whispered in his ear. We thought it was funny under Trump but it’s not so funny now.
Whispered in his ear, popped up on his teleprompter, passed across his desk…
I have zero faith that he is driving this car in any way. He just reads the lines.
What would be even better than ethanol? Ammonia!
Basically just grifters from west central Minnesoda figuring out a way to throw money at their constituents. But wouldn’t you trust this guy? Seriously, how does a guy who looks like that get elected? I guess you could say that he sees both sides of an issue.
1 eye lookin’ for me, the other eye lookin at me !
That’s a lazy criticism, Pope.
No, he’s right. This guy takes a myopic view of every situation.
Eye don’t think he was talking to you.
We were old fashioned or cutting edge back on the farm. We were using cows as both an ammonia creator as well as a temp storage unit.
or blow shit up
I’m no expert, but in my industrial experience, I can’t imagine that a proliferation of ammonia could in any way be better, environmentally, than fossil fuels.
Cold fusion and fuel cells will solve everything Mr. Negative!
Does an Ammonia fuel cell require Platinum, like the Hydrogen ones? Tech made from the most precious metal on earth is our future to equity for all!
Doesn’t the catalytic converter use platinum too?
Or am I misremembering.
It does, but not much. It’s only a few grams unless it’s for a large vehicle.
And palladium and rhodium in similar small quantities. The price for rhodium right now makes it worthwhile to steal catalytic converters.
Platinum, like gold, doesn’t rust. You can use Aqua Regia to fuck up gold (takes a long time and what it does is dissolve gold), but I think no acid out there fucks up Platinum, which is why it is such a freaking special item when looking at engineering applications.
Aaaaaaand another Chicago politician has been indicted.
Me: How much you wanna bet its a Daley?
*clicks link*
Yup, a Daley. At this point, I think the family’s frequent visitor punch card is ready to be redeemed. I believe they a cousin going to jail free with purchase of a probation combo.
That was my thought as well, good to see some families keeping their traditions alive.
Dragging up the Star Wars conversation from last night: I’m about 50, so I saw the original 3 in the theater as a kid. My kids and all their friends are familiar with all the rest. My shtick with them is that I pretend all the others (not the original 3) don’t even exist*.
If they say “Star Wars”, I only ever interpret that as a reference to 1 movie (that they insist is called A New Hope), and then say there are only 2 others after it (Empire and Return). If they mention any of the others I pretend there’s no sound coming out of their mouths. It’s best when I pull it on one who’s never seen the act before.
*Exception for Rogue One.
Never seen them and don’t care to; no offense to Ewan McGregor.
Sorry, I don’t get it. He was only like 12 when the last one was made. Was he an ewok or something?
I do the same. I also do that with the Indiana Jones trilogy when my son claims they made a fourth one.
I tell my kid that the South Park version of that was the only real one…
He’s raping me!
Fourth? which was the third after Raiders and Last Crusade?
Don’t you dare shit-talk Temple Of Doom. Don’t you fucking dare!
Aside from Kate Capshaw sucking ass, it was a great movie.
Aside from Kate Capshaw sucking ass . . .
Wasn’t that the porn parody? ”Temple of Poon,” or somesuch?
I say there are 4 cannon, 3 apocrypha, and multiple heresies (including those Ewok television movies).
I have 2 others that I deliver with a straight face:
– One is the classic Holmesian pretense that Holmes and Watson were real/non-fictional people. Watson’s accounts are of real historical events (some adjustments to obscure identities, etc.). Doyle was a failed doctor who was working as Watson’s literary agent. Never admit otherwise.
– The other is used when normies talk about Bigfoot. I act like it’s obviously not something that should be taken seriously, as “all serious cryptozoologists acknowledge that the last Bigfoot population was wiped out in the Mt. St. Helens eruptions in 1980.”
Exception for Rogue One.
I like SOLO. Fight me.
SOLO was better than I was led to believe, but no where as good as it should have been.
The Definitive Asado by Mathias Perdomo | Beef Ribs
The bill would add ID requirements for voters requesting to vote by mail. Voters would have to provide either their driver’s license or state ID number or the last four digits of their Social Security Number when asking for a mail ballot. The bill would also require this information to register to vote or to update a voter’s registration.
Making Jim Crow into Jim Eagle.
Jim Eagle sounds like a bunch of racist laws to keep native americans oppressed.
It sounds like the kiddy mascot for a casino.
“Come soar to the bear ball pit while your parents lose your college fund for three Native Spirit cigarette packs!”
Not to be confused with Jimmy-Joe Eagle, Eddie Eagle’s cousin from way down in the holler. Jimmy-Joe is far less concerned with muzzle/trigger discipline, range etiquette, or poaching laws. Think of them as the Goofus & Gallant of firearms safety.
As opposed to Jim Camel who’s mission is to get young kids interested in registering for the vote.
“You’re not going to stop me. And you’re not going to convict me of some phony crime,” the Republican former New York City mayor said on his WABC Radio show.
Recent history suggest you can be convicted on multiple contradicting charges.
Great addition to “Famous Last Words” though.
Recent history also suggests you can be convicted even if it’s known the FBI lied about the basis of your “crime”.
Never let a made-up crisis go to waste
The Biden administration says addressing climate change and health inequities are among its top priorities, and it will need to lean heavily on federal scientists to achieve ambitious goals. But decades of underfunding, political interference and systemic race and gender bias have undercut trust among many government scientists and led to a disproportionately white, male workforce.
Recent reports by the Government Accountability Office and House Committee on Science, Space and Technology found that the federal government has not done enough to recruit and retain scientists who are women and people of color. Moreover, opaque hiring practices coupled with successive government shutdowns, hiring freezes and outright political censorship have damaged the federal government’s reputation among scientists, according to the GAO.
Many of the Biden administration’s policy goals depend on a robust, stable and diverse scientific workforce. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions rapidly and equitably, as the federal government has promised, will require sweeping new policies that apply current understandings of pollution and atmospheric science. But past efforts to reduce pollution have disproportionately benefited people who live in whiter, richer parts of the country.
That history has led environmental and health experts to warn that new efforts to address climate change could deepen economic and health disparities rather than addressing them, especially if the people making policy decisions do not reflect the country’s demographics.
SCIENCE! cannot be colorblind. Only racists believe there can be a single correct answer to a mathematical equation.
So much question-begging and assertions without evidence, I knew it must be NPR.
It’s easy to do when you’ve made it clear that your assumptions will not be debated any further.
Possible bugout state.
Apr. 27—With backpacks still on and posters in hand, dozens of high school and college students arrived in front of the Idaho Capitol Monday afternoon to protest a bill against “critical race theory” that was already set to pass.
Senators on Monday in a 27-8 vote approved the bill, which was crafted to placate legislators who said schools were indoctrinating students and struck down mandated education budget bills. The bill was fast-tracked for a vote on the Senate floor shortly after the public hearing, where speakers overwhelmingly opposed the measure.
House Bill 377 would censor certain discussions about race in classrooms, prohibiting state funding to schools that would “compel” students to believe controversial aspects of “critical race theory.”
Further evidence that our education system has been seized by ideologues that are unconcerned with education and only concerned with producing more activist.
It was like this when i was a kid. Teachers, are the worst, and the more i see of them, the more i understand the Athenians for executing Socrates.
It was getting there when I was a kid. I went to a Catholic HS after going to public school up to that point. The nuns that ran the joint in the early 90’s were decidedly not woke.
Schools just don’t care about black students. It is known.
To be fair, if there had been a “global hayseed reckoning” back when I was a dumb rube kid in NW Minnesoda, I would have ridden that tiger as far as I could to avoid actually having to work in school and instead just sit around bitching about how life isn’t fair.
But don’t the adults have to step in at some point and tell these kids to shut the fuck up? If you are really that emotionally scarred, go get psychiatric help and come back to school when you are ready. You can repeat the grades you missed. In the meantime the normal kids are going to get back to work learning.
Hmm, I wonder what this TMITE drone’s opinion on the matter is…
Censorship be bad yo! Even if it’s censorship of stuff taught at a Government Indoctrination center.
Great addition to “Famous Last Words” though.
Really. And from a former federal prosecutor renowned for railroading people. That ranks right up there with “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.”
One of the best – Stonewall: “Let us cross over the river and rest in the shade of the trees.”
Which one of you miscreants got ahold of my proposal picture. (not to scale)
Nice, OBJ.
Why so limp?
The body has to decide at that point which is more important; blood to the brain or blood to the ‘brain’ when it gets to that size.
Fun fact- in the Six Million Dollar Man episodes with Sasquatch, Steve Smith was played by both Andre the Giant and Ted Cassidy (aka Lurch)
And this is the best work that Beastie Boys cranked out.
Also, this is a pretty decent cover.
Have some DempaGumi Inc. (J-Pop)
IMO, Paul’s Boutique was the absolute high point of their work. Then they took the weaker tracks, the ones where they scream, and did that for the remainder of their careers.
Ill Communication was their sell-out phase to MTV but produced some good tracks and one of the best music videos ever IMO.
And then became life partners with Steve Summers and they got a little cabin up in the woods.
Haven’t seen that one before. Touching.
*taps mic* Is this thing on?
Two Roosevelt University professors who also serve on the Oak Park and River Forest High School school board were caught on an open Zoom call bragging about how they promote Marxist re-organization of American society to their college students.
Talking before the start of OPRF’s Feb. 26 board meeting on a live microphone, Gina Harris and Ralph Martire said they were proud to advocate for so-called “social justice” Marxist economic concepts.
“I mean, it’s all social justice. All day, every day, I get to talk about the things I love. I’m really living the life over here,” Harris said. …
“Yeah. I always flip out the kids that take my master’s class on fiscal policy and public budgets within the first three or four classes are devoted to philosophy of social justice and how you organize society. We don’t talk about one, you know, budgetary item. They’re like, Oh, man. Professor Martire, this is a really weird way to teach a budget.”
“If you don’t understand your values, you can’t allocate resources among public priorities that are scarce, but all needed. Right?” Martire said.
That was when someone on the call told them the mic was live.
“Just so you guys know, you’re out there, you’re on the mic in the auditorium,” an unknown speaker said.
Red scare was awful because it showed that there were actual communists in America.
Yep and the State Department was and seems to still be, rife with pinkos.
It’s not like everyone didn’t already know.
In typical social justice fashion, budget accountability means no accountability.
Revenge of the Nerds
Didn’t even see that. What a joke.
Bolshevik and Menshevik!
“We got both kinds, corrupt establishmentarians, and authoritarian socialist!”
In typical social justice fashion, budget accountability means no accountability.
Police officers nod approvingly.
Further evidence that our education system has been seized by ideologues that are unconcerned with education and only concerned with producing more activist.
Indoctrination and Obedience Training Centers.
That’s how you get people with a risk profile approaching zero to engage in ritualistic placebo use.
Seized by a different group of ideologues. The indoctrination factories have been pumping out propaganda filled brains for as long as I can remember. The ‘Merica! FUCK YEAH variety was more tolerable, but it was still propaganda. GTFO of education, Government Man
Thank you. I remember when George (CIA boss) Bush was focus grouping the Hell out of issues during his ’92 run and came away pushing mandatory recitation of that disgusting bit of jingotwanging, the Pledge of Allegiance.
And the ‘America Fuck Yeah’ indoctrination at least produced individuals that weren’t actively seeking to undermine civil society.
Useful Indoctrination for Diversity, Inclusion and Obedience Training.
Aka, Useful IDIOT.
I am eagerly awaiting Vox’s article explaining how vaccine passports on cell phones are totes great, but asking for state ID to vote is totes racist.
I need the explainer because I can’t come up with any theory as why minorities can easily get a mobile phone, link it to their health account (which they had to provide ID to create), but are unable to get a free state issued ID.
I’m not normally a fan of regulations, but I can hardly wait for this stupidity to get HealthPartners wrapped around the HIPAA axle.
They can kiss my ass.
Funny, isn’t it; I had to produce I.D. to get the vaccine shots. So what I.D. did those who don’t have I.D. to vote, produce to get their shots?
From Walgreen’s, on my Shot #2 reminder email… “Patients that are unable or unwilling to provide a valid government issued ID card will not be turned away from receiving the vaccine.”
In other words, illegals will get their shots.
Minorities can all get a cell phone and a plan for it, but no way they can get a free ID from the MVA. Makes total sense.
Random nooses are clearly racist.
An investigation continues in Windsor after a hangman’s noose was found at a construction site earlier this week, but it’s not the only one.
Friday, the Connecticut NAACP said it will address the findings and ask for accountability and safety for Black workers.
It said it has been working with police on the investigation. A $5,000 reward is being offered for information.
“It’s a shame that this is happening at the Amazon headquarters in Windsor,” said Scot X. Esdaile, president of the Connecticut NAACP. …
On Wednesday, police said they responded to the site again after a rope was thrown around a beam. Police did say it was not a noose.
Then, on Thursday morning, officers were called to the facility again where five additional ropes that “could be interpreted as nooses” were found at various locations on different floors throughout the building.
An investigation continues in Windsor after a hangman’s noose was found at a construction site earlier this week, but it’s not the only one.
Police said the ropes were collected as evidence and will undergo testing to identify potential suspects.
I was going to hang myself, but i couldn’t bear being thought of as a racist because i used a noose to do so.
We’re running in fear from totems now.
Police said the ropes were collected as evidence and will undergo testing to identify potential suspects.
Suspects for what crime? Is it illegal to hang a noose on private property? Because if it is, that law is wholly unconstitutional.
Unconstitional? I mean, no amendments are absolute sir! You can’t even Yell Pie in a crowded Bakery!
What would be more dangerous – Fire in a theater or free donuts at a cop convention?
Pointing at a random cop at the convention and shouting, “Look out! He’s got a gun!”
that law is wholly unconstitutional.
Tip of the iceberg.
All the noose that’s fit to print.
“It’s a shame that this is happening at the Amazon headquarters in Windsor”
In other words, it’s great that it’s happening on the premises of a woke, rich-easily-guilt-tripped corporation.
Freaky Friday: A Refreshing Alternative to the Draft With Less Whiny Pussies
Confidence is key (but cheating helps).
“[E]lections are always a contest, and you see what happens in them,” she said. “But I feel very confident that the Democrats will hold the majority after the next election. I think that we’re — for all the huffing and puffing the Republicans are doing, these numbers were not as good for them as they had hoped. They wanted three in Texas, two in Florida and the rest. But many of the — much of the growth in many of these places that picked up more numbers, more — more members in Congress, the growth was from Hispanics, African-Americans and the rest, so we’ll see where those votes go.”
“But this is right now,” Pelosi added. “The best politics of all is to get the job done for the American people, the blueprint that was put forth by the president last night to meet the needs of the American people. That’s what we’re about. We’re not worrying about who’s going to be speaker two years from now.”
Funny, my need is that you cuntes fix the spending problem, stop trampling on the government’s founding charter and generally leave me the hell alone.
“meet the needs of the American people”
Fuck off and leave me alone.
We will meet the needs that you are too stupid to realize you want. /progs
Anyone heard any of that ‘speech’ of Biden’s before Congress? I just happened to overhear a little of it because my wife had her Globo TV on and they were covering it. It was completely cringeworthy. It’s like the senile old fool is just repeating some canned lines and he’s trying to put some enthusiasm behind it and that just makes it more cringeworthy. My God, we’re doomed.
Tucker did his usual round of reactions from CNN et al. and it was all swooning and cries of “statesmanlike!”. One of them actually got a thrill up his leg over the “modulation” of Joe’s voice. They really do inhabit an alternate universe.
I wonder if they feel shame or if they have been desensitized to it? Like do they have to go out and smoke a Cig after all that performance?
America is on the move again! America is back! Democracy still works!
Stop slurring your speech, Joe, you fucking moron.
It’s hilarious watching them go full Pravda and completely ignore Biden repeatedly slurring his words together, stumbling over simple words, etc.
I mean, is it just me, or is it all Potemkin village, all day long, now?
Yes, it is. The press simply ignores all of the times that Biden displays his creeping dementia, and mocks anyone who notes it as some kind of right-wing wacko.
That cover photo looks like it might be GRANDPA SMITH.
Seems those Broncos trade rumors about Aaron Rodgers were a bunch of Malarkey, but Rodgers throwing a hissy fit and saying he won’t play for Green Bay might not be. Is he just trying to be the Anti-Favre or something?
Rogers is one of the best QBs around. He might win a SB if the Buc’s defense will just go away…
Rogers is the LeBron of the NFL.
Great player, but tends to throw teammates under the bus when the team is not doing well. He’s all Green Bush has going right now, so he’s got all the leverage.
When Jennings defected to the Queens he called out Rogers, then it seemed like bitchiness, now it sounds more truthy.
HIs family also hates him.
His brother was on The Bachelor, if his family likes the brother over him, I’m not sure I can trust their judgement.
It’s just an overall pattern of people not liking him, except Shailene Woodley. She’s not bad to look at, but seems to be an insufferable twat.
Dropping out. Dudes I am tired as hell. Have a great one if you can and if you can’t? Punch life right in the temple!
Too early to be tired. I have to wake up first, then I can be tired.
Night Festus. One more night of work then hopefully I get to see all the nieces and nephews together for the first time since before Christmas this weekend.
Freaky Friday: The Stone Babies is my favorite band from Manchester
*looks back at Subaru Horror Theater*
Well, the culture was wrong, but the subject matter was disturbingly relevant.
That baby just wants to be adored.
/golf clap. You get a song.
One of the best bass intros of all time …
Got her number? I’m a lithopediophile.
“The woman was carrying a lithopedion — or stone baby.”
We’re getting into SF territory here…
Random rant: I get that I live on a postage stamp lot in a postage stamp neighborhood, but when your own curb in front of your own house is empty, PARK THERE! I have 3 cars parked in front of my house and nothing but empty curb for a tenth of a mile each direction.
Yeah people are dicks in such neighborhoods. When my wife threw my 40th b-day party we went to each neighbor and asked if need be, can people park here for a party – and you are invited as well.
I used to come home on some Fridays in the spring/summer and there would be 20-30 cars parked in my yard. My Mennonite neighbors were having a garage sale. I planted pine trees down there and put up posts close enough to the road that they couldn’t get over in my yard with both tires.
there would be 20-30 cars parked in my yard
That sounds like a busy day for the local towing service to me.
Nah, not neighborly and stuff. I thought about no parking signs down there, but the posts worked. I didn’t want anyone running over my baby pines anyway.
Yeah, I get it. Especially when it’s not the neighbors themselves that are parking in your yard, it’s hard to be drastic.
Beyond comical.
Jesus Christ
That’s straight out of the Stalin cult of personality instruction books.
That might be crossing into N. Korea “Dear Leader” cult territory
But wait, there’s moar.
Sam Neill had the right idea
We voted our way past the Event Horizon.
Thanks for the earworm dude.
Sickening, they can even see what they are….
As funny as that is, and it is funny, I have to wonder: are they really that mentally ill, or are they just simple mercenaries who will say anything (as long as they agree with it) for money.
Nobody gets to the that level in media without being willing to stab everyone else in the back.
It was a make America feel good night
Really? Sounded like he was threatening me most of the time with all the assaults on any semblance of constitutionally limited government and individual freedom.
Thats because you are a domestic terrorist.
“It’s a very scary feeling to know that all this is happening right outside of our doors, right in our streets, right in our community and it feels like we’re not supported or not cared for in a way that we should be,” Bailey said. “I feel like my white teachers just don’t get it, and my white peers just don’t feel the same.”
Boo hoo hoo.
Where’s Indy’s pilot from Raiders of the Lost Ark?
“Come on, show a little backbone, willya?”
She’s a proto-racist. The power of today is in victimhood and she’s flexing her victim muscles in expectation of going full on neo-klanswoman in the next few years.
Society is going to consist of a bunch of overgrown infants taken care of by our elected retarded toddlers. It’s going to be great!
Today in NYC apartment hunting – https://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/roo/d/brooklyn-white-live-in-girl-friend/7314180091.html
You’ve got to appreciate the forthrightness.
Hes displaying white supremacy there. I’ve been assured by the Neo-Woke Racists that miscegenation is the doom of the minority races or something.
For some reason, that reminds me of the lovely cognitive dissonance featured in Public Enemy’s album Fear Of A Black Planet. One track, Fear Of A Black Planet, posits that black men banging white women is great and white folk who object are stupid racialists who are stupid and racialist. While another track, Pollywanacraka, posits that black women who bang white men are genocidal traitors.
Perfectly logical from an evolutionary perspective. Maximizing the pool of women available to them for breeding through the use of song.
Best of luck. Hope that “IT’S MA’AM” person shows up.
“Where the white women at?”
Nice neighborhood, too!
<a href="https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/30/health/us-coronavirus-friday/index.html:< Are you doing your part?
As May arrives, the US is taking a major step toward resuming normal life, with cities, businesses and entertainment venues announcing plans to begin reopening after the deadly winter surge of Covid-19 infections.
State leaders and experts, however, note that more needs to be done before the nation fully returns to normalcy.
In Washington state, health officials announced Wednesday that more than one out of every 100 people in rural Ferry County was infected with Covid-19 in the past two weeks, following what was described as a superspreader event in the town of Republic.
“They flouted public health guidelines. They ignored clear science,” Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said in a briefing.
With vaccine hesitancy now a serious concern, state officials are asking people who already have been fully vaccinated to continue helping their communities by actively encouraging others to get their shots.
“We really want you to encourage those around you — your parents, your family, your coworkers,” Washington State Secretary of Health Umair Shah said.
I’ve got a big STFU waiting for anybody who tries hectoring me about the snake oil stab.
<2% ?! ?
“We really want you to encourage those around you — your parents, your family, your coworkers,” Washington State Secretary of Health Umair Shah said.
Shove it up your no good, rotten ass.
You’d think that they would give up on this since it’s doing jack all to convince anyone to listen to them.
It’s not about convincing us. It’s about motivating the branch covidians to “encourage those around you” to get the shot.
I’ve already been accused of being a super spreader. My patience is wearing thin.
Who the fuck would say that to you?
A couple colleagues (non-work) after I responded negative when asked if I got the vaccine yet.
“Sorry, I don’t talk politics in polite company”
/my go to response
I would pretend to sneeze or cough on them at every opportunity. “Achoo! ahem! Oh, do excuse me.”
They obviously asked so they could pass judgement.
My immediate reaction would be to pass judgement on them in response.
It’s giving the true believers more proof that those who have been infected have sinned against the holy diktats.
You know what would happen if I went to playground and started filming little kids?
Is that just some guy, or does he work for the municipality? It struck me more as a self-appointed person, but the ‘narration’ makes it seem like it is an actual municipal org. I hate how little information these things give and how people blow-up over them when there are very few facts.
Sounds like you don’t even social media bro.
Yeah, I’m not good at giving a shit unless I have facts.
Trust the corporate media more? Probably put up by some normal person. Should they have provided all the details? It’d be nice, but I’ll take them posting that rather than posting nothing.
What a little authoritarian twat.
Again? Why didn’t you learn the first 10 times?
Gerbals? *blink blink*
At least the cop was nice.
Canada is a prison colony.
Some people give orders, some people follow orders
President Joe Biden said he has not ruled out requiring all U.S. troops to get the coronavirus vaccine after the shots win final clearance from federal regulators, but cautioned that such a decision would be a “tough call.”
“I don’t know. I’m going to leave that to the military,” Biden told NBC News’ Craig Melvin in an interview that aired Friday, in response to a question on whether he would mandate the vaccine for U.S. service members once it is fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
“I’m not saying I won’t. I think you’re going to see more and more of them getting it,” Biden said. “And I think it’s going to be a tough call as to whether or not they should be required to have to get it in the military, because you’re in such close proximity with other military personnel — whether you’re in a quarters, where you’re all sleeping, or whether you’re out in maneuvers.”
The comments from the commander in chief come as the Pentagon has sounded the alarm about service members refusing the vaccine in large numbers, with roughly one-third of troops declining to take the shot as of February, according to congressional testimony from military officials. Earlier this month, the Pentagon reported that nearly 40 percent of Marines who had been offered the vaccine turned it down.
Whaddaya mean, you didn’t sign on to be a guinea pig?
I thought the Pentagon had already announced that they were going to force it once it got the non experimental FDA Approval or whatever.
“the Pentagon has sounded the alarm about service members refusing the vaccine in large numbers”
Screw the pentagon and the woke brass.
Your Body Your Chocie.
Why do they need FDA approval? The rest of America doesn’t.
Oh Paypal, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways.
Just for laughs, I had a quick look at the Colorado College (my alma mater) student paper. Just as I suspected, they will be requiring anyone returning to campus to be vaccinated. I’m tempted to fire off a letter asking if “Statistics and Probability” has been dropped from the curriculum.
Well, they require MMR or all three individually, so no they don’t.
“Let’s end the war” = “Just give up and give us everything we want, and we’ll still call you racists anyways.”
which includes an eight-year path to citizenship for most of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States
Non. Starter.
Whycome you don’t like St Ronnie’s plan?
St. Ronnie for all of his charisma, got taken out to the woodshed by Tip and gang. And the sad thing is Reagan was the best the GOP had done in 60 years and the best they would do for another 35 (and arguably to the present, but it’s an apples to oranges comparison these days)
Instead of making the formalized process for immigration easier, we’re just going to throw the borders open and offer amnesty along with welfare.
Well, we don’t want People to Die (TM).
If Friday Funbags is a rockin, don’t come a knockin.
Oops. Couple of issues with Sputnik.
Do recommend the comments section in that blog. Unlike most places and like here, some good discussions down there.
Also recently from Lowe, since there is much more in the world beyond covid and history didn’t begin a year ago
Good news indeed if future trials prove the same results.
Interesting. Thanks.
Provides some insight into the nature of the J&J vaccine. Didn’t know it was a spliced adenovirus.
Thanks. An interesting read.
‘Let’s end our exhausting war over immigration,’ he said during his Joint Address to Congress.
Stop resisting.
Now they’re saying the Indonesian submarine was hit by a massive underwater wave.
I smell a coverup by Big Squid.
Oh and absolve the Sperm Whales from the death of those Seamen?
Why weapon BANS are MEAN – Explained for ‘NORMAL PEOPLE’
Fun video. Unfortunately, he needs people to think to get his premise, I’d say that is a bridge too far in this context.
Just the Republikkkins. And the Kkkapitalists.
Biden, In Response To Tim Scott, Says ‘I Don’t Think The American People Are Racist’
“I don’t think the American people are racist,” he said, “but I think after 400 years African Americans have been left in a position where they are so far behind the eight ball in terms of education and health, in terms of opportunity.”
Biden continued, “I don’t think America is racist, but I think the overhang from all of the Jim Crow and before that, slavery, have had a cost and we have to deal with it,” he said.
It’s a good thing the government bears no responsibility for the creation and enforcement of those racist policies.
“but I think after 400 years African Americans have been left in a position where they are so far behind the eight ball in terms of education and health, in terms of opportunity.”
Tom Sowell has a thing or two to say about this bullshit.
12 Years is no longer enough time to indoctrinate people into our bullshit. We need at least 4 more years and giving them a feeling of superiority.
The abusers never get enough. They have to get the kids younger and abuse them for longer.
Primarily because they fail to teach anything in the first twelve to a large portion of their customers.
Therefore, we should expand the system that is failing in order to compensate.
I’m pretty sure that they’re already braindead before the completion of the 12 years. Just give them voting rights at 6 and get it over with.
How many times do we need to study early schooling before we accept that it’s almost completely useless as anything other than day care?
I’m assuming it doesn’t matter to politicians, but why can’t everybody else push back against them?
It’s not useless. The earlier they get institutionalized, the more thorough the brainwashing.
You know who else was a bears fan?
Bill Swerski?
One of the most feared furnace fighters in Northern Indiana?
Tom Sowell has a thing or two to say about this bullshit.
The”Amerikkka is Rayciss!” trope can be tied back into the story about the horrible race equity failures in government science.
Was it really white science teachers telling black students “You can’t” or was it community activists shaming black children who got uppity and started acting white and taking math and science seriously?
It’s a stereotype, but as with all stereotypes, there is some degree of underlying basis in fact.
I just stumbled on a few podcasts by Glenn Loury & John McWhorter known as Bloggingheads. DAYUM. I would donate body parts to see that grow legs.
I grew up without seeing direct evidence of racism among students my age. We were s mixed bunch and no one really cared about it, or didn’t appear to.
So when I was at college in the student Union and saw a black student with his nose in the books, clearly cramming for an exam, and three or four other black students approached him and asked his name, I was a little surprised.
I thought it a little odd that they’d single him out based on skin color alone, but that was nothing compared to what happened next. He politely but curtly excused himself from the conversation because he needed to study. They said, “oh, so you think you’re a white boy?”
Naive little me was shocked and saddened to hear that. Studying is acting white? Trying to better himself makes him uppity?
I realized then, at an institute of “higher learning”, that we had a long way to go, and that racist white people were not the biggest problem.
Political prosecution? I think you mean political persecution.