Dr. Anthony Fauci attending a DC Nationals baseball game. “Masks for thee, but not for me.”
(Sung to the tune or “Hang-On, Sloopy”)
Fauci lives in the nice part of town,
Cause he’s the highest paid,
Of all those government clowns.
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fauci likes to appear on TV,
But every time he does,
Life just gets worse for you and me.
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Fauci proudly wears his lab coat,
So you better listen to him,
Or else your granny will croak.
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fauci he puts on a whole bunch of masks.
No, he don’t look like a fool,
That’s a question you just don’t ask.
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Remember when Fauci told us “only two weeks?”
Just to flatten the curve,
But, oh, how that time-frame got tweaked.
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fauci hates to be called a fraud,
“It’s just that the model was wrong,”
At which the press applauds.
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Fauci likes to watch baseball.
But somehow the excitement,
Just caused his mask to fall.
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Don’t you dare say he’s a hypocrite,
Cause he’ll just shrug it off,
Then tell you how to shit.
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Lockdown been going on over a year,
Like Lucy with the football,
Fauci tells them that the end is near.
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fauci has never heard of freedom,
And if you assert your rights,
He’ll tell you that you are dumb.
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Fauci has never done honest work,
Mention a woodchipper,
And he won’t get your smirk.
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fauci has never been to Fargo,
But like that mutton-head said,
That joke might get you embargoed.
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Shut up, Fauci!
Fauci, shut up!
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!
Fuck off, Fauci!
Fauci, Fuck off!

The shitweasels of the White House press corps questioning then-president Trump about mask wearing by his administration.
From the dead thread.
Fuck that. That’s the trap.
From a libertarian standpoint it should be incumbent on those who have things that are unexpected under the hood to volunteer that information.
Just as it’s the responsibility of a Ferrari salesman to disclose that this Ferrari you’re looking at has a Fiat engine and not a Ferrari, it’s the responsibility of a tranny to let people know they don’t come with the manufacturer’s hardware, but have aftermarket parts.
Thanks. I’m working on a serious article on that whole topic. I’m going to definitely address the whole expectations/fraud thing. And also the “it’s a trap” thing, because it most definitely is. Moar laterz, as they say.
Way back in the 90’s, in college, there was a person named Tony who was trans. Tony did not like people using pronouns, and Tony would get pissed if you called Tony he or she. But Tony never informed people of this. People were just supposed to know somehow.
People were just supposed to know somehow.
That does lend credence to Tony being a woman. [ducks and sprints for cover]
See: Crying Game. I can appreciate hiding it because you want to be wanted for you, but if part of you is your dick and you KNOW the guy thinks you’re a girl and you expect him to go along with it once his balls are blue enough, that’s just pure narcissism.
“you KNOW the guy thinks you’re a girl”
Ah, but according to woke orthodoxy he should never assume that. Just as Lola should never assume that the bearded, hairy beflanneled “guy” talking to her isn’t just packing a rolled up sock in his underwear.
Lola, Lolita…She said she was 18! It was her truth!
Shit like this makes me happy to be married. I dunno if I could navigate a dating scene where a chick pulls out a shlong and I’m not allowed to be horrified.
Hey, I face the mirror of that dilemma. Theoretically, anyway. Dating life been non-existent in time of COVID.
To be honest, I’ve never seen a FTM tranny that looked even remotely passable. Usually they look androgynous at best. Like a pubescent boy.
Come to Vegas and you start questioning your radar. There are people that put a lot of money into it.
To be fair, if they were passable, you shouldn’t know.
Quite honestly, that should be the entire point.
I’m always amazed when plain dudes think they’re going to look better as women. Um…you were plain. Now you’re an ugly woman and everybody can tell.
I’ve never seen a FTM tranny that looked even remotely passable
I have. A doctor, in fact. You would have to have pretty finely tuned radar to pick her out, I believe. Unassuming. low key, most people either never noticed anything or didn’t care.
There are an unusual number of FTMs working here. One appears to be an overly groomed short man… until he starts speaking.
We had FTM tranny come out at my work a few years ago. She worked there a year before “coming out” during one of quarterly office updates. Our HR VP said starting immediately we should start calling “him” by her new name, Andy. 2 weeks later Andy had gotten a short haircut, was wearing men’s clothing and was sporting a little peach fuzz on her face. Bathroom encounters were awkward – everyone avoided eye contact. “Andy” used a stall as the new plumbing was not installed. Andy’s hips were a dead give away, I guess they lose their curvy shape at some point. I can’t even imagine how you can live the first 25 years as a woman and think taking some hormones will transform you into a man. You have no social bearing as the other gender. The entire thing is just too weird to contemplate. She quit short a short time later, probably wanted to start somewhere fresh where no one knew the backstory.
It’s not even about pulling out a schlong, you could go forward and insert your penis into an inverted penis, and that’s even gayer than sucking a dick, I think…it’s all very confusing…
One of the great things about being raised to think that sex in general is dirty and disgusting is that no particualr variant trips your ick switch too much.
Just overall dating makes me happily married. It looks so…tiring and stressful, when it should be invigorating and carefree.
Yeah, I’d have no idea how to go about it these days.
I liked, as in how I liked receiving root canals, how dating sites don’t let you filter out people that are transgender even if they are honest about what they are. If the people behind those sites knew I wanted such a feature, they would almost certainly ban me from the site.
It’s a good thing I dropped them all.
Dating is a wasteland.
Even back when I was on the market 10-15 years ago, online dating seemed like a wasteland unless you were just interested in finding fuckbuddies. I didn’t do it myself, but my friends who did seemed to bounce weekly from hope to hope as each person they met exposed themselves as either mentally ill or emotionally stunted. The one or two I knew who found lasting relationships seemed to have figured out the secret to dodging the flak, but even they came out of the experience much less optimistic.
I can’t imagine it has improved over the past decade.
Ten years or so ago for me it was a bit better. I had some decent dates.
I just got the brushoff this morning from a beautiful women, for whom I had high hopes, because I’m too tall (I’m only 6′).
Everyone else is a massage booking scam or Chinese ladies with FOREX investment scams. Sigh…
Too tall? And you’re 6′?
That’s the first I’ve heard of that happening.
I’m 5’11”, and I’ve been turned down because I’m too short.
Though to be fair, I should say that I have a height minimum for women. I prefer my women on the tall side.
I was on OkCupid like 11-12 years ago and it was one terrible date after the other. Fortunately I did find my now wife on the site but only after having to shift through piles of shit.
I have three incentives to never cheat and be a piece of shit to the point of my wife leaving me:
1. The vows I took
2. I love her
3. The dating world is fucking unnavigable filled with broken progressive women.
because I’m too tall
That’s Bizarro World talk. It’s common the other way, I’ve never heard of a guy being described as too tall.
My wife and I lived blocks away when we were single and were both on the same dating site, but she never saw my profile since I didn’t pass her filters.
She had “5’10” plus” – I’m only 5’7″. She’s barely 5’3″ and I’ve never seen her wear big heels – she’d need full-on stripper heels to even get close.
(I was also too old for her filters – I’ll give her that one, since I’m 9 years older).
We ended up literally bumping into each other at a food charity thing (well, she bumped into my friend who had an armful of jello shots and High-Life ponys, but close enough).
3. The dating world is fucking unnavigable filled with broken progressive women.
I also re-assure my wife I am far too lazy to ever cheat on her. All that sneaking around looks exhausting.
We ended up literally bumping into each other at a food charity thing (well, she bumped into my friend who had an armful of jello shots and High-Life ponys, but close enough).
I like the “Hail Lobster” avatar.
Coates is a douchbag and JP is handling the insult gracefully & with humor.
This young lady is 5’2” and said she had a hard cut-off at 5’8” for men. She looked very similar to Janine from PhoneShop and had a really nice telescope in the background of some of her pictures. Oh well.
“I’m 5′ 10”, but I have bad posture. Does that help?
You need FarmersOnly.com
I don’t like a large height difference. I’m 5-8. A maximum inch or two in either direction is perfect for me.
had a really nice telescope
These euphemisms are getting really abstract.
Yeah, it was very hit or miss for me back then (mostly miss). That said, I met my wonderful wife on an online dating service 10 years ago this August.
I’m never doing online dating again. Just awful.
There was a screenshot being circulated around the less-reputable parts of the internet of “lesbian” dating profiles. You can imagine.
Obligatory and gratuitous. (SFW, Kinks Performing that song).
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to link it.
Even Tone Lōc got fooled.
Damn that Funky Cold Medina. Has he been cancelled yet?
Yeah, I’m with you on this one. Nobody likes to be punk’d with false advertising.
There was a case in the Bay Area several years ago where a chick with a dick (is that a transwoman? I don’t know the terminology.) was murdered after a dude had anal sex with her and then discovered the truth. I can’t condone murder, but I kind of think one good punch should be allowed.
I remain unconvinced that anyone has genuinely been fooled into coitus. I’m acquainted with a fair number of trans individuals of all stripes and while many can and do pass as their assumed gender, once disrobed, there are some very obvious clues. Absent extraordinary evidence, I believe all of these incidents amount to buyer’s remorse, self-loathing, and CYA.
One does not need to be fully disrobed. Mix in a dark room, some intoxicants and doggie style I can see how it can happen. From what I hear anyway. Just speaking hypothetically.
intoxicants and doggie style is the key statement there.
I’d say intoxicants and doggie style are key, in general. Although I’d consider the intoxicants optional.
When a woman says, “do me in the ass” your first time with her, you might want to consider that a scenario that requires a bit more investigation. You mighta just got lucky, but…
Unless the scenario is that she’s Mexican.
My favorite verse.
Fauci has never done honest work,
Mention a woodchipper,
And he won’t get your smirk.
“Know your audience.”
You say pandering, I say fanbase maintenance.
Oh, I approve.
*Points to avatar.*
If they wore masks, there audio would be muffled and The True Words would not be be free! Are you against a Free Press, Fascist?
I laughed, thanks Tonio, and now the song is stuck in my head!
Ha! My work here is done.
Amazingly, that song isn’t one that gets stuck in my head. And it’s not like it’s not played frequently and loudly enough during college football time.
Is QEII next? I think he was assassinated.
Assassinated at 99…now that is some palace intrigue we need to know!
Right?! This “old age” business is a cover.
Did somebody jump in front of him and yell “Boo!”?
‘Duke of Edinburgh’, so if he’s dead does that mean the Scots are free?
Don’t worry, the Scots’ Scottish National Party is busily working on setting up a socialist utopia. Wait… Scottish National… Socialists… National Socialists.
That name seems familiar.
Scots are cheap but not free.
Nah, they’re just directly ruled by the Queen now.
I liked his political incorrectness, both the funny jabs and the asshole jabs. It was refreshing.
He was also against gun control.
Ugh…oldest son just called. He is the one that lives with my parents. Well their old husky is in end-stage renal disease and is getting ready to be put to sleep. It was always a possibility because my parents only get rescue huskies and Zane has lived to almost 13 years old. Old pup had a great life.
Nothing is more helpless than being away from your child and not being able to comfort him physically.
Oh, no. Sorry for everyone involved.
Oh that’s too bad. I’m sorry.
Dang. Sorry, OBE.
New/old dog has kidney disease. She’ll be 11 next month, so I hope she can match Zane’s performance.
My best to you and the fam.
Thanks all. He is an Alaskan Malamute/Husky mix, so big ass dog that when taking for walks, he is walking you. Best of luck Tundra for your pups. Sometimes the circle of life is just shitty.
Yup, it’s what we sign up for, though. We’ve only had her for 5 months, but she’s already delivered a massive amount of love.
Ugh! Sorry. That sucks.
Sorry for you and the family. Hope your son is okay.
That sucks. Sorry.
Excellent, Tonio!
(fuck you for the ear-worm, though)
I’ve got “Walk on the Wild Side” in my ear now.
We re-watched some Resident Alien last night (to see if we missed anything) and now I have “Boujee Native” rattling around in my ear today.
[Comment omitted because racism]
Here. This should kill it.
You know what the lady likes.
There was a webcomic a while back that had an escalation going on between the characters getting worse and worse earworms stuck in each others head. It ended with, “Damn. Does anything beat Yellow Submarine?”
It helps to not be a Beatles fan and not really care of Yellow Submarine, yellow submarine, we all live in a……BASTARD!
I dunno, it’s not like Weezer’s “Buddy Holly”
Sweater Song is more an ear-worm for me from their collection.
Goddamn you half-Japanese girls, you do it to me every time
Yup. ‘Don’t Fence me In’. Sorry.
My cousins would sing yellow submarine as a game when we were on a car trip and change the color after every verse. It was fun for about 10 minutes, but I don’t know how my parents didn’t just jerk the wheel into a bridge abutment somewhere along the PA Tunpike.
Given my current life situation with the toddlers and teenagers, I often have those thoughts to. It’s strange how I have this inifite amount of patience that I never seemed to have before. I’ve also developed this rather useful tool to completely shut out noises and voices.
As a side note, I’ve decided that I’m going to apologize for all of the cock blocking I did when I was little. I don’t specifically remember the moments, but now that I’m on the father side of these things… It can definitely be frustrating. Yesterday when I got home, it was just me, the wifey and…. the baby boy. He refused to go take nap.
I can think of two, right off the top of me head.
Electric Avenue will trump Yellow Submarine every time for me.
Eddy Grant created one of the most catchy tunes with that one.
I am going to go with ‘John Jacob Jinglehimer Smith’ as the most annoying earworm.
His name is not your name too?
Here, this should purge all the earworms.
SFW (Ministry doing What A Wonderful World, jump to ~3:45 for the speed portion)
Yes, something does beat “Yellow Submarine”.
Ha! Well-done, Mojeaux.
This whole thread needs Rick Rolled.
“It’s just that the model was wrong,”
And if the models had been wrong *by accident* they would have been corrected.
Excellent work Tonio!
Going through my required respiratory protection training, I was just reminded that hydrogen sulfide is also referred to as “Stink-Damp.” The girl narrating the video with the strong Buffalo accent makes it sound absolutely hilarious. Also, I had to think a second about what she meant by “hat work.”
“Stink-Damp.” LOLOLOLOL
I got a kick out of a math professor in Buffalo going on about “salads of revolution”.
I can’t figure out what he was trying to say?
solids of revolution
Ah, volume vs area and all that. Calc II or III.
And I’m from Rahhchester so I have an accent of my own, but Buffalo kicks it up a notch.
Bolivians are having a clean election like us.
A van full of ballots – all marked for Morales – was intercepted.
So Biden gunning for the Supreme Court – one thing stuck out to me “[T]he length of service and turnover of justices on the Court; the membership and size of the Court; and the Court’s case selection, rules, and practices.”
Regarding length of service – pass an amendment you fucks if you don’t like it.
Size – okay, that is to the legislative not the executive; no EO can possibly have the authority to change that.
Court case selection, rules and practices – glad we are finally truly dropping pretenses of co-equal branches of government.
The same genius that says no constitutional amendment is absolute? So IOW, they’re worthless and can be changed on a whim by executive orders? We are in real trouble here.
I think one thing that people (and here, I generously expand the definition to include Mr. Biden) mistake about Constitutional Amendments is that, once ratified, they become part of the text of the Constitution itself. They aren’t little bullet points in an index that can be pulled off and considered apart from the rest of the text, nor can the rest of the text be considered without them. So if Biden believes that Amendments aren’t absolute, he’s saying by definition that he doesn’t believe that any part of the Constitution should be considered absolute. He might wish to be more careful with that line of thinking, since the entire existence of the office he holds depends upon that document.
the entire existence of the office he holds depends upon that document
I’d say nothing depends on that document any more. The Presidency, hell, the entire federal government, is what it is because of institutional inertia. Every copy of the Constitution could disappear tomorrow, and nothing would change, other than the SCOTUS docket would be a little lighter (most of their cases aren’t Constitutional, anyway).
Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot we’re in that time line where we make a big deal about “nation of laws” and “constitutional Republic” mainly to make ourselves feel better. Thanks for the reality jolt.
I’m sorry, too. In recent months(?), years(?), I’ve come to believe the Constitution is about as relevant to what actually happens in this country as the Magna Carta. Aside from some lingering historical effects, I can’t really identify anything much that happens, or doesn’t happen, because of the words on the page.
Its cited, certainly, from time to time, but I think that’s mostly PR for a result that would have happened anyway, with vanishingly few exceptions. Believing some outrage from on high won’t persist because of the Constitution is a trap. When was the last time SCOTUS struck a law that matters?
I think you’re right, sadly. I’ve had this argument with a good friend who really loves the Constitution–that it can’t have been all that great if it was so easily circumvented.
But my argument there isn’t really correct. No law or constitution really is absolute, nor can be judged solely by how the flawed and evil among us manage to interpret it and to convince others that their interpretations are valid.
Eventually the documents, rules, and institutions that were designed to protect us and help us to thrive will be perverted and used to justify all manner of actions that are counter to their original design.
My take is that the Constitution was a brilliant design for government, but that as an inert piece of paper it requires a citizenry that is committed to maintaining limited government and their freedoms.
We don’t have that citizenry, and haven’t for a long time. Hence, our current regression to the mean. One of my concerns is that believing that the Constitution will act as a brake on creeping totalitarianism, whether via the Bill of Rights or separation of powers, induces a certain complacency(?) (probably not the right word). Its the proverbial paper tiger.
For example “Oh, the ATF can’t just reclassify certain weapons”. The hell they can’t. “Well, SCOTUS will stop them.” Have you seen the deference SCOTUS gives to the administrative state? How it bends to the opinion of People Who Matter?
Bah. I’m in a pessimistic mood today.
Not that I disagree with anything yinz said here, but I think the biggest downfall of the Constitution was that it was written without teeth. It needed severe punishments for those who break it and mechanisms for review when violations are suspected.
I’m sure they will find ways around it anyway, but it might have kept their heads down and gotten us another 100 years or so.
Right, F. d’A. The Constitution left it up to the inmates to determine their own punishments for violating it. What a mistake! How did the framers not realize that was a major error?
Who watches the watchers?
That’s an inherent flaw in any government. The Founders were well aware that ultimately it was up to the citizenry to keep the government in bounds (“A republic, if you can keep it”). The machinery to do so is elections. But elections require a citizenry that wants a limited government. Ours, as is painfully apparent, does not.
What should they have done, that wouldn’t be equally subject to capture?
I often think about ways to set it up so that it didn’t become government watching government.
The punishment for a violation would need to hurt. I’d prefer the death penalty, but that may be slightly harsh. Anyone found to be in violation is immediately removed from office, losing all pay and benefits and may never hold any public office again. (and I’m spitballing)
Judicial review needs to take place before a bill is sent to the executive. (Keep the ability to challenge at a later date, however). Now everyone is all in.
You are in violation if you’ve EVER voted in favor of a law that’s subsequently found to be unconstitutional, so any justice that voted for it is out too.
And I’m toying with somehow allowing the states to initiate proceedings. Maybe some sort of supermajority of state legislatures that can override SCOTUS decisions? (still mulling that one)
Maybe a public referendum that would need to pass with 75%?
Hype, they’ve been worthless and have been changed on a whim by 5 Justices for quite some time now. And that’s just the last stage after they’ve been pissed on by legislators and executives.
The Constitution, she dead. The public’s refusal to punish politicians who piss on it is the root cause.
“…and domestic…”
What?!?!? No… Never!
So much history and pain that they need to fake it.
Same groveling weasel words every time.
“Please don’t take your guaranteed, U.S. government-backed no-strings-attached dollars somewhere else!”
Well, that’s never happened before. I’m sure the Biden admin will force the college to overturn this racist decision.
X is no longer going to give it to you.
No more roads to cross.
Natural causes or The vid?
Heart attack from drug overdose doesn’t seem like a natural cause, but you only gave me two options.
I thought those were the only 2 options because SCIENCE!
Hell of a drug.
You could have responded “no”.
“I also re-assure my wife I am far too lazy to ever cheat on her. All that sneaking around looks exhausting.”
This is why I often tell my wife that she needs to BOLO for a sister wife. Sex with one person and the same person can get pretty boring.
Boring is underrated.
Honestly, even the consensual poly/open stuff sounds exhausting (not the sexy funtimes part, but all the rest). My hat’s off to those like Creosote who are up to the task.
A third mentally stable dependable adult in our relationship would be a godsend. Someone to play with the little ones, help out with taxiing the kids, chores… Really someone to be around while my wife or I are at work just to keep them company. I feel like we barely see one another.
Someone to play with the little ones, help out with taxiing the kids, chores
So, a nanny that does housework.
18 year old Swedish nanny. Check.
They are readily available, if you have the cash.
Now, if you want it done for free, that’s gonna be tough.
“This is why I often tell my wife that she needs to BOLO for a sister wife.”
I’ve been telling my wife for years that if she’s going to travel, she needs to get me a substitute wife for just the time she’s gone. Must be able to cook and have a great body. Still have not convinced her, but I don’t give up trying.
Bitch Only Lives Once?
Buy One, Lease One?
Be On the Look Out
Reading the Prince Philip quotes, he was an OG shitlord (literally, I suppose):
30. To the Aircraft Research Association in 2002: “If you travel as much as we do, you appreciate the improvements in aircraft design of less noise and more comfort – provided you don’t travel in something called economy class, which sounds ghastly.”
36. To Scottish driving instructor, 1995: “How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?”
and a man after Neph’s heart:
43. When offered wine in Rome in 2000, he snapped: “I don’t care what kind it is, just get me a beer!”
1. After being told that Madonna was singing the Die Another Day theme in 2002: “Are we going to need ear plugs?”
3. To Simon Kelner, republican editor of The Independent, at Windsor Castle reception: “What are you doing here?” “I was invited, sir.” Philip: “Well, you didn’t have to come.
7. At a project to protect turtle doves in Anguilla in 1965, he said: “Cats kill far more birds than men. Why don’t you have a slogan: ‘Kill a cat and save a bird?’”
Are we sure Charles’ line is really his?
Charles and Phillip look too much alike.
*gets the vapors*
Now I’m going to miss the old codger.
He has referred to quick-service Chinese food as Chinkie takeaway, and called public housing blocks prole-holes. He will be missed.
I larfed.
He was in a true “fuck you” position. There wasn’t anything anybody could do if he said something “inappropriate”. Good on him for taking advantage of it.
I’d love to know if Queen E was pissed at him for those remarks, or laughing on the inside.
Geez, now I have to like a British royal? Heinous…
It’s easier when they’re dead.
I’ll admit it: I liked Philip when he was alive due to the stuff I linked up above.
BJ’s Wholesale Club Holdings said on Friday Chief Executive Officer Lee Delaney, 49, had died unexpectedly due to presumed natural causes.
My first thought: when did he get his COVID vaccine?
Natural causes at 49? Wut?
It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes.
Maybe it was spontaneous combustion.
That’s what happens when you have too many wafer thin mints.
Not true. I tried to OD on those several times and it didn’t work.
Begging Tonio’s forgiveness…we did have an earlier song:
The Sound of Science
(To the music of “The Sound of Silence – Simon & Garfunkel)
Lyrics by: Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)
Hello virus, my old friend
I’ve come to lock you down again
Because a power softly creeping
Seized control while you’re sleeping
And the fear that was planted in your brain
Still remains
Within the sound of “Science”.
In quarantine I sit alone
Small apartment made of stone
‘Neath the glow of a laptop screen
I think of how things used to be
When my breath was stopped by Fauci’s double mask
I had to gasp
And heard the sound of “Science”
And in the vaccine line, I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People masking without thinking
People fearing without doubting
People losing jobs but Karen didn’t care
And no one dared
Question the sound of “Science”
“Fools”, said I, “You do not know
“Science” like a virus grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you”
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed
In the wells of “Science”
And the people bowed and prayed
To the Fauci god they made
And CNN flashed out its warning
In the lies that it was forming
And the sign said, “The words of the experts are written in the New York Times
while despair climbs”
And whispered in the sound of “Science”.
This is great, but a bit depressing.
Tonio’s is a better drinking song though.
Massively OT, but I’m excited, and didn’t wanna wait for a GlibFin post. Bonus/raise info came out from work today, and while the raise ain’t a ton (2.5%), it’s a raise, and the bonus money is even better than last year. Looks like I’ll be able to pay off the car next week, and the rest of my non-house debt by next month. It’s almost like I’m a responsible adult now that I’m approaching the half century mark!
Excellent! Debt free is an awesome feeling (I don’t count the house as debt, assuming it’s not underwater)
Thanks, and it’s far from underwater. The housing market here has been in bubble mode for a while – if Zillow is 10% high, the place is worth $50k more than I paid for it 6 1/2 years ago, so I’m good on that front.
Feels good, doesn’t it?
Gonna be SOOOO nice next month when I send the last payment out, that’s for sure. Probably won’t be calling Dave Ramsey to scream on the radio, but I’ll definitely be celebrating.
Suppose I should read the comments before commenting. Derp.
As of last month I’m debt free other than student loans. It’s great to get a paycheck and have it be yours.
Congrats! And I’m looking forward to that feeling 🙂
It’s actually kinda weird feeling. New at least. Definitely worth getting used to.
I’m coaching a friend through this. She started a couple years ago, and is doing well. The number of bills is shrinking while the snowball is growing.
Dave’s system works.
Debt free? That’s just so un-American. J/K, congrats to the both of you.
I am almost debt free. I just have to launch a couple of persistent money-pits. One will be getting her status updated this year. The boy is going to be more of a challenge.
Ah yes, the joy of children. I’ve actually managed this in spite of my kids – well, child support really. When that ends in just over a year, I’ll really be riding high. Maybe not quite Scrooge McDuck swimming pool style, but not bad for a boy from Baytown.
child supportpunishment for being male grand? I’m literally buying my ex’s house while I rent. It is what it is.“punishment for being male” was supposed to be in italics.
Where’s the HTML rules for this site?
Congratulations sir!
Congrats! I just got a similar raise yesterday. As the boss said, it’s not exactly cutting the bottom out of the purse, but last year all the raises were (understandably) on hold to ensure that nobody got laid off.
Good on ya!
I got 1.25%. Asked my boss what I did wrong and he said that’s what everyone got because money is tight. I’m happy to be employed.
Gonna call Dave Ramsey?
Returning to last night’s book-to-film post:
John Carter (2012) is the absolute worst*. Burroughs wrote 9-ish Mars novels, any one of which could have made a fine feature length piece. Instead, the filmmakers picked bits from all of them to produce a unintelligible, nonsensical mish mash. And the worst part is that no one will ever come along and do a better adaptation because The Mouse owns the property.
*Someplace Nikki is nodding along, pointing, “he’s right, that’s the worst.”
Bonfire of the Vanities was a great book, not just good, GREAT. And the movie sucked. John Carter may have second place.
Being completely unfamiliar with the books, I really enjoyed John Carter the movie. I enjoy light hearted action/adventure romps, especially sci-fi ones.
Except Valerian. Other than the cool Bowie intro, there’s almost nothing redeemable about that pile.
It was pretty.I had such hopes from the previews. But, sadly, overall a stinker.
Doing an inventory test count at a brewery in Hood River, OR this afternoon. Think I’ll have beer at lunch.
Just remember to keep good count of how many you drink…that’s always the tricky part for me!
Only amateurs count. He’s doing this professionally, it sounds like.
But he’s doing an inventory count…*that’s* what I’d be worried about!
One for the storeroom, one for me. Two for the storeroom; one, two for me. Three for the storeroom; one, two, three for me!
“ Watch: High School Coach Fired After Refusing To Enforce “Senseless, Irrational, Bullshit” Outdoor Masks During Sports”
New Hampshire, the live free or choose to be employed state. Inevitable given the circumstances I guess but good on the coach.
I don’t know if I’d have the balls to do that. I like putting dinner on the table.
That is, of course, what these assholes are counting on.
Almost everyone who is independently wealthy goes along with the madness as well.
Well, they SAY they do. We have plenty of evidence that they don’t actually believe it.
Dont go back and teach and openly blackmail the city and State and ultimately the parents: get what you want.
Coach and do what you feel is the best for your athletes health: fired.
What a crazy upside down world we live in.
I’m watching the livestream of the NH House voting session today.
I love when Democrats “FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!” like when Minority Leader Renny Cushing has his mask down below his nose.
The irony is…he is following the science and bucking the SCIENCE!
He’s got his mask up above his nose now. I guess he realized the cameras were on him.
More NH House livestream live commenting: The House is now considering a constitutional amendment prohibiting income taxes.
A representative is speaking against the amendment saying that it would lead to constitutional challenges against existing taxes. Huh. Sound good to me!
You sure he’s speaking against the amendment?
Yes, he was speaking against the amendment.
I wonder if he really thought about what he was saying.
And fails. Not enough yes votes. Constitutional amendments require a higher threshold. 60% if I remember correctly.
Constitutional amendment to prohibit sales tax now.
Constitutional amendment to prohibit sales tax now.
Also fails. Not enough yes votes.
Sweet! Just got an email from kid’s school letting us know that thanks to parental complaints, the Board of Ed. has changed the school closure rules. Now, a school will only shut down for 10-day quarantine/ cleaning if 8 cases are detected across two or more classrooms. Previously, school would close if there were 2 cases campus wide. Small victory, but I’ll take it.
Take the victories you can get.
According to the CDC, we had a grand total of 251 children (0-17) who have died from the ‘Vid. There’s over 70 million children in the US, so the death rate from the ‘Vid comes to 1 in 280,000, or .000357%.
So will that be the rule for every infectious disease that kills more than 1 in 280,000 children?
Pardon me, that 251 children who have “Deaths involving COVID-19″.
Cleaning what? It doesn’t spread from surface contact…
The pockets of the NY taxpayer via sweet, sweet custodian overtime.
AFAIK the city that used to never sleep still closes the subway overnight every night to “clean”. (It used to run 24 hours a day.)
Someone’s making a mint selling Lysol or whatever.