Well, Passover has passed over, and it’s time to move on to the next weekly reading of the Torah. This week’s sedra bears the euphonious appellation of Shemini, which translates to “Eighth.” This isn’t a reference to the date (today is the sixth) but to the eight days after Aaron and his brood were made priests. When they were first appointed, they partied for seven days, then it’s get your (((asses))) back to work time on Day 8. Really, the sedra should have been named “Hangover.” And People Doing Stupid Shit After A Bender, as we will see.
Much of this sedra revolves around sacrifice- not the Lenten kind or tithing, but (in an ironic foreshadowing of 20th century Germany) burning up some animal or other. There are exceptions, but mostly, it’s bye-bye to some poor cow, goat, or sheep. The sacrifices were done at the Tent of Meeting (Tabernacle), which today is apparently at some U Haul storage place in Syria. And Shemini hauls out a bunch of them:
- Sin Offering
- Burnt Offering
- Peace Offering
- Meal Offering
- Wave Offering
That’s a lot of offerings (note: we like to say “offering” instead of “sacrifice,” much in the manner that Progressives like to say “investment” rather than “flinging around other people’s money for their own moral satisfaction”). Most of them differ by exactly where you kill the animal (Tabernacle altar, doorway, plaza…), the animal species, scrupulous instructions on what special marks you have to make with the blood, how the organs are to be cut up, what parts are burnt and what parts are left uncooked, presumably for priestly delectation. Oh, and repeated bans on eating the fat or blood. “Yahweh owns that, keep your dirty little Jew-paws off of it!” But coincidentally, they all end up with goodies being left behind at the Priestly Tent.
It’s a complicated mess, but honest-to-Yahweh, the obscure Wave Offering is the very best priestly grift. See, you bring stuff to sacrifice to the Tabernacle- it doesn’t have to be animal, it can be crops, bread, olive oil, banknotes, real estate, whatever- and then you wave it at the Tabernacle. Yes. You wave it in that direction.
Then it’s handed over to the priests.
It’s not hard to guess how this all got written in, let’s not go there, but note that the rules here are insanely complex, incredibly specific, and are… enforced. There’s lots more sacrifices (my favorite being the, no shit, Heave Offering), but the ones in this sedra are enough for now.
So… this takes us to the best part of the sedra. A couple of Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, were supposed to do a burnt offering. Now, of course, all the kindling and incense to make the fire had to be bought from the Tabernacle’s equivalent of the museum gift shop. That was the rules straight from Yahweh. Still a bit fuzzy from the week-long party, the Aaronsons decided that they were going to DIY, and made their own incense.
This was a career limiting move. Realizing that this was fake stuff and not purchased through the officially sanctioned priestly concession (an ancient example of regulatory capture), Yahweh flipped on his flamethrower and turned the boys into Krispy Critters. Fucking around with Yahweh’s crew is as bad as trying to steal from the Mafia. A couple of their cousins carry out what’s left of the former Aaronson Brothers.

Anticipating “Raiders of the Lost Ark”
And in the manner of the Middle East’s unique brutality that persists to this very day, Yahweh then comforts Aaron in his own special way: “Dry the fuck up. No funeral. No monuments. And no mourning. None. I catch you mourning, you’re next. Don’t fuck with Yahweh.”
“Oh, and let’s make sure this sort of bullshit doesn’t happen again. You’re cut off. No drinking for you and the descendants of the kids you still got. So far.”
The rest of the sedra is anticlimactic, though edgy- the remaining kids spend a ton of time working out the details of the correct way to do one of those sacrifices without getting zapped. Moses tries peer review, then in the finest Jewish tradition, an argument breaks out.
Moses loses. But he was a good sport about it, that’s the kind of guy he was.
Heave offering. Been there!
I can’t be Jewish – too many rules!
I thought this was America!
See I was thinking the exact opposite “Damn I wish I were Jewish”.
It’s interesting to me as it’s one of the few religions where the people picked by the Lord argued about the rules with them. Same reason that Celtic mythology is interesting to me as one of the main characters in that doesn’t even have his own name.
Think of all the holidays, though.
Tell me about it. I get most of September off.
Free rider.
You know there is a reason law is popular among the chosen people.
I was told my anti-Covid authoritarian lockdown and rules protest has me looking like Moses last week.
And thanks for bringing the Jewsday Tuesday back Old Man. I always enjoyed them.
Parting the red states?
No drinking for you
My worst nightmare.
Wine is a mocker?
Obligatory: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058182/mediaviewer/rm2021961728/
I was trying to parse that as “meeker” but it still doesn’t make sense.
Wine makes a mockery of he who imbibes it?
Can’t blame wine for that.
The lowlife rat fucker teachers out here just demanded that they get 500.00 a month to pay for childcare for their own kids when they eventually go back to work. After bankrupting most families because they had to stay home and watch their kids while the school was closed for no good reason. It’s like they want to get hunted for sport or something. These people will be the most hated public employees from now on. It’s unavoidable. Imma struggle to hide my derision when I am forced to interact with them.
BTW, the “hunted for sport” comment is purely euphemistic, Preet.
It’s catch and release, right?
Well, who’d want to eat em?
Other than some less than realistic ones I’ve seen on training videos.
Because it’s not for sport?
The shithead who leads the government employees’ union here in New York was complaining that their paychecks might be a bit late because the budget wasn’t agreed to on time. Considering how many people were thrown out of work when the governor put a gun to their bosses’ heads and said those jobs are not essential, the union thug’s comments were incredibly tone-deaf.
With apologies to UCS, I’m almost at the point that I want the state employees’ pension system to go bust and all the employees can wind up starving and living under bridges.
I’m almost at the point where I want to get the hell out of this state.
Pre Cuomo I would have said NYS is better than NJ.
Now it’s a toss up. And CT quickly spiraled from an option to a no go.
So that means goodbye to the northeast. Sadly for family reasons PA seems my best choice.
You could come further south. We have unbearable heat, humidity like a boiled Ireland, disease-ridden mosquitoes, no-see-ums, venomous snakes, sharks a-plenty, man-eating reptiles, and Florida Man.
Plus, our governor has been caught doing very bad things.
I assume Miami is relatively free of critters?
Yeah, the weather is a gigantic turn-off but I might be able to look past that.
I like that Bee article.
We could be neighbors!
I’m past the point where I want to get the hell out of this state.
I’ve been updating my resume and trying to get enough money saved for a relocation.
Now that you are working remotely, I’m surprised you haven’t moved to Gloversville.
Why would I go there specifically?
To really commit to the bit.
It’s not like they make gloves there anymore.
Any particular states on your short list of preferences for Escaping from NY?
Tennessee, Wyoming, and Texas are the leading contenders. Texas is lower on the list because of the weather and terrain.
What terrain specifically? TX does have some legit forests, even close to major cities. No mountains tho. And of course, there’s nothing to be done about the weather other than get a house built in the last ten years and make sure it’s got a radiant barrier.
So far, Everything I’ve seen there is flat and empty. Of course I’ve not had the time to canvas the whole state, but it did not seem hospitable.
They have plenty of rolling hills too.
The forests are mostly pine from what I’ve seen, and the rolling hills are characterized by scrub oaks. Since TX doesn’t get the rainfall that NY does, trees don’t get nearly as tall.
Also, unlike NY, the place names have nothing to do with reality.
In general, when it comes to natural aspects NY>TX.
When it comes to artificial aspects, TX>NY.
Texas is a big state. West Texas might be more your style.
Considering their union basically runs most large cities, it’s going to be interesting to see how this shakes out.
Will the voters punish them? It could go either way. I mean, their machine is really powerful.
Yeah, but they’ve done serious damage to most everyone they are involved with. Parents, kids, the governments they work for, you name it. All for purely selfish reasons. They don’t seem to have an outer limit to the face slapping they are willing to do to the people who pay their checks. The studies showed that schools were safe from almost the beginning. These teachers just want the checks without all the work.
Sadly, I’m just not seeing them get punished at all. You know how this works. Who are people going to vote for – the Republican?! I mean, come on.
Yup. The long march just continues.
“They don’t seem to have an outer limit to the face slapping ”
Sure they do, it is $500 per month (for now). Could have asked for $1,000 and still been praised as heroes and their union remain as strong as ever. Looks like they are even stronger than the (((priests))) who got away with all sorts of nonsense back in the day.
BTW sacrifice in Japanese has a ridiculous number of strokes to write.
1. sacrifice, victim, scapegoat
2. sacrifice (to the gods)
“gisei”. First character means sacrifice second is animal sacrifice/offering.
Pulled ahead from the last thread:
For a while, I’ve been contemplating a sort of “variety hour” podcast called “Master of None”. A play off of “Jack of All Trades, Master of None”, but also a nod towards my political views.
Spend 20 minutes on some topic, be it technical, political, sports, cultural, whatever. Spend the next 15 minutes on a bunch of quick hits depending on what piques my interest over the week. I’m not sure if it would garner an audience, but I may give it a go. *shrug*
OMWC and I have been contemplating starting just such a thing.
Well you probably have at least 40 people that will watch
LOL I’d subscribe.
You, Tulip and some sock puppet silhouettes can commentate…that has never been done before!
Mystery Theater 3000 stye.
Stop making stuff up. I came up with this idea all on my own. It is mine…maybe I can get some NFT cash for it.
Duh, of course I’d be there.
Yahweh then comforts Aaron in his own special way: “Dry the fuck up. No funeral. No monuments. And no mourning. None. I catch you mourning, you’re next. Don’t fuck with Yahweh.”
To be fair, Aaron seemed to be on Yahweh’s shit list ever since the golden calf incident.
My understanding of Judaism is next to nil. However, if I understand correctly:
* there is a god
* offerings are offered up to him
* there is no heaven/hell
Again, if I understand correctly, why do you offer things to a god who is not going to punish or reward you for it (substitute justice/mercy if you need to)?
I can’t live without Heaven and Hell!
Add in to that the occasional prophet who supposedly just vanished, but didn’t die, and it gets confusing.
This got me thinking of a Dennis Prager column that I had saved on my old phone. I used to like catching the Dennis Prager show on the radio, but it’s not on in my area anymore.
Honest answer: Because it’s Yahweh and he told you to.
Besides, you saw what happened to those kids.
There may be no heaven or hell, but the dude flooded the world once. You don’t want to see him angry.
Peer pressure and collective guilt.
Howdy Kids! Been working 10 hours, and playing 20 holes after work, today was 25 holes, Disc Golf every day,
/Burnt out,
Jews are appressed, what else is new,
/Jew Backer,
I do 9, plus 1.5 of driving every day. No disc golf, though. In fairness, I don’t really work very hard most days.
. 5, 9 hours, .5 home and then Golf, a 3 minute drive home, it’s quite nice here,
I don’t work my hours as “hard” as I probably could – the quick commute to the spare bedroom helps – but somehow my brain is still scrambled at the end of every day.
I have the easiest job in the World, show up, and be a Firefighter, some Maintenance but mostly waiting foe stuff to break, then fixing it, the Mushrooms don’t quit growing you know…..
Last Monday I spent 26 straight hours working. Spent 14 going through the tap changer on the high voltage side of our EAF transformer. I was about to go home when when a 400 pony DC drive blew up it’s SCR packs. A motor change and a complete change out of the rectifiers in the drive and bam, it was 8 in the morning, after arriving at work at 6 the previous morning.
The soles of my feet were white when I got home.
I used to do that, when I owned my own shop. Now that I’m 50 something, I wouldn’t even dream of it.
Will he turn out the lights as he goes?
No – he’ll leave them on, and they’ll keep burning for much longer than physically possible!
Depends on if he leaves on Shabbos.
Called it. I knew that was the passage you were gonna reference from the front page image….but then I just read that chapter in Leviticus in my annual 100% Bible read-through.
‘Takeaways — and hope — from an anti-racism talk
‘Author Ibram X. Kendi was effective at encouraging all adults who have influence on our community’s children to take purposeful steps toward anti-racism.
‘By Mikisha Nation and Paula Cole…
‘As educators, we couldn’t keep all this tremendous learning to ourselves. This is why we are sharing some of the essential lessons learned at last month’s event….
‘Anti-racism is not a state of being. It is not the passive notion of “not being racist.” Instead, anti-racism is about making a conscious effort every day to take action in the pursuit of anti-racism….
‘Every school leader can and should prioritize collecting racial demographic data on their disciplinary measures, achievement gaps, representation in gifted/talented programs and professional development to name a few areas where we know we can and should be getting better. Curriculum specialists and school leaders should be auditing curriculum to ensure the inclusion of multiple perspectives and developing curriculum that is conducive to various learning styles and teaching techniques. This is the time for educators and school leaders to investigate themselves, their policies and their practices through an anti-racist lens.’
Streisand effect initiate!
It must be tiresome to spend all day being a racist.
Anti-racism is just Jim Crow style racism with a candy coating.
All I get from that is “be a racist”. ?♂️
I have to do “implicit bias training” at work this week. It’s (luckily) a video course, so all of my comments will fall on deaf… microphones. I’m not looking forward to it.
1) hit play
2) minimize the window
3) do something productive
(and by do something productive, I mean hang out on glibs)
Sounds like my training days.
My policy is to never log on to anything with a password on a work computer. They are definitely watching. Glibs alone might be an issue, but I’m scared to death that they’ll find out which of us I am.
As a FedGov….that crosses my mind even on my personal cell at work.
Yeah, I used to log onto my phone, but now I just lurk. Until they find all the money they “lost” over the ‘vid, they are all too happy to fire anyone they can. I ain’t into helping them with that. I do all my commenting at home. Don’t want any specific quotes attached to my name. At least not easily, I’m sure they could find me pretty easily, I just ain’t gonna hand it to them.
The comment I made which caught Preet’s attention (“special place in hell yada yada”) was made at work.
I shit bricks for weeks thinking I was gonna be out of a job.
Never commented from a work account again.
Another way my short commute comes in handy. I can Glib between the endless meetings just by walking 50 feet.
Nope. It’s interactive, with mixed pauses and triggers to continue. Of course, there a quiz at the end. I’m just grateful it’s not held in a room full of people. I’d get myself in some deep shit in that scenario.
“When your white colleague asks to borrow a pen, what is the anti-racist thing to do?
A) lend them a pen
B) lend them a pen with an anti-racism tract attached to it
C) don’t lend them a pen because they can conjure up their own pen with their privilege powers
D) lend them a pen, start recording on your cell phone, and bitch them out for not being willing to lend you a pen because of white supremacy”
Can that be answer E)?
And Harry, Trent, Jimmy, wherever you are out there–FUCK YOU TOO!
Now I need a re-watch.
I’m beginning to wonder if my company’s relative laxity in these matters – ? – is down to the ownership and execs. Everything I’ve gleaned from (((them))) is that they’re not interested in playing these woke games. Yeah, they recently hired a “diversity and inclusion” hack, but all we get out of it so far is noises. No struggle sessions yet.
That’s like hiring a regulatory attorney and not giving him enough work to keep himself busy… inevitably he’s onboard with the regulators, he’s rooting against the company.
Your DIE agent is inevitably going to militate against the interests of the company. She’s a fucking plant!
Way to assume xer gender, bigot.
Let’s not kid ourselves. Part of the scam is getting women hired on as some boon to the DIE crowd. It’s horseshit, and it’s fatal.
But yeah, my industry is insurance, so we’re used to having auditors and shit spying on us from inside the house. The diversity hack is just another version of that.
Hey, I remember her.
I love that song.
I like the doo doo doos. It’s nostalgic for me I suppose.
Wow. Flashback.
Good tune.
Yet again, the difference between faith and religion is once again on display.
I will have to say Letterkenny is the funniest show on TV. That is all.
It took me a bit to warm to it. But I came to really like it.
Favorite bit was the quebecois doppelgängers.
Yeah once you get the flow of the show down it all just makes sense.
‘With the new decision from the parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough, Democrats can now do a third budget reconciliation bill, which means they can push through more ambitious measures as long as they are related to taxing and spending.’
How do you do a budget reconciliation when you have no budget?
Even better with that link if you click the Past Budgets link it takes you nowhere. Fucking government – when you need the best and get Canada.
Opps, looks like my browser was nixing that link. Still stand on how shitty our government is though.
Was curious…so looking at the WH website they put the first lady and second dick as part of the administration….that common?
Trumps website
Also they update the past to mimic their desire to call administrations as President-Vice President “As the Obama-Biden Administration…”
I need to stop drinking on weekdays.
More Ken Burns on Hemingway…bottom line, Ernie may have been a bedhopping comsymp, but at least he drank.
About to pour another Basil Hayden before I start cooking dinner.
More PA businesses that could use some support
COVID-19 mitigation measures targeting restaurants are easing up, but Pennsylvania State Police continue to do compliance checks at licensed establishments.
About 18 restaurants, bars and social clubs in central Pennsylvania were cited in March by the Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement. The number is on par with February, when about 16 establishments were cited.
The bureau oversees enforcement of establishments with liquor licenses and is ensuring Gov. Tom Wolf’s COVID-19 mitigation orders are being carried out. The unannounced visits are part of regular compliance checks, but some are prompted by complaints submitted by the public.
Those rules sound like the were created by the CDC.
“Kindling and Incense manufactured outside the Tabernacle is known to cause cancer and God’s Wraith in the State of California”.
…heh. Sure, burning certain things makes you see the Holy Spirit, why not?
I’m tipsy.
From Ryan P. Williams, President, Claremont Institute:
‘Will the other side abuse governmental power if the tables are turned? Of course, but that will happen regardless. Part of the Right’s losing strategy in recent years has been to forget a key lesson of game theory: if you never wield power in defense of your interests, exacting real costs on the other player, you cannot expect any modification of behavior by your opponent. The Right needs to think less dogmatically and more creatively about defending its friends and constituents and exchanging tit for tat. In fact, let’s demand that GOP politicians engage in some “bold, persistent experimentation” in defense of the rights and interests of the citizenry—because after the conservative “victories” of recent years, who needs losses?’
Fucking ambulance is back again for my 95 y/o neighbor. This time they seem to be taking her. I hope she pulls through. She’s a great person. They came the day before yesterday, but no ambulance, just a fire truck. This time they brought a meat wagon. Dammit!
That age and even precautionary stuff can turn bad quickly. Hope she is back next door soon.
Hear, hear.
I have a neighbor who’s a tough old broad. Eastern European from the accent. I bet she’s been through some shit. She’s very independent, surprisingly so. Really gets around.
Another one even older who’s more or less house-bound. But she seems very well taken care of.
104-year-old Fayetteville man survives COVID-19
He says one of the hardest parts of having COVID was being away from his family while he was in the hospital for five days in February.
“I couldn’t see nobody,” Jones said.
“It was kind of hard because you couldn’t go up there and see him, and I know he wanted to see us,” McLaughlin said
That first picture looks like couple soy boy Aussie geologists
Gotta teach ‘em young.
I’m surprised a butane burner and a clay pot doesn’t come out towards the end.
It looks like an octopus to me ?♂️
So today my boss let me know that there’s a voluntary severance offer if I was interested. Far from the only one being asked and wasn’t an actual RIF (which is happening elsewhere), but still bothersome.
Hint, hint or just an FYI?
Just an fyi really. Doesn’t completely help the churning feeling.
Sorry GL. That has to be unsettling.
Yeah, my last severance was not voluntary.
Good tune. Dig that 4AD stuff. Goth, but punky, and electronica. It’s kinda pretentious, yet it ends up rocking. And sometimes noisy and loud.
Good art design, too.
An old favorite. You might have heard this one in a few movies.
Man, that’s a bit eerie to me.
This looks good (hadn’t heard of it before): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111467
At least the corrupt sack of shit is gone now
Generally, I’d prefer if the voters send these folks to enjoy more time in retirement with their grandchildren, or with some makework quango position. More time to reflect and repent.
But he parlayed his impeachment into making himself a political martyr. So I guess the voters never retired him.
” I’d prefer if the voters send these folks to enjoy more time in retirement with their grandchildren,”
Hm… somehow I can’t think of anybody currently in office to whom this would apply. Well, other than the wrinkled old geezer at 1600 Pennsylvania…
…or with their memoirs.
Hell, with most of a deck of cards playing solitaire at a picnic table in their backyard all day works too.
I was going to compliment you.
Then the ink showed up again.
Where the white bitches at?
Comment 28
I don’t recognize numbers beyond First.
Anyone else had series of recurring dreams that years later became true in uncanny accuracy? I’m being serious.
I mean except for Broketard, I don’t want to hear about those gay fetish dreams.
But again, I’m being serious. The last one of those I had was terrifying and I’m sure it’s really going to happen *shudder*
Self fulfilling prophecy perhaps.
I have not had recurring dreams.
Of those dreams I recall, the only one that could come true is the one where I’m playing with kittens. That one was wierd, since that is literally everything that happened in it.
I hope your dream does not come true if it is as bad as you say.
He had a dream that he had sex with a woman. It wouldn’t be the stuff of nightmares but for the fact that he’s the super gay.
Yes, but mine are dreams of unremarkable activities. It is like I’m a minor superhero with the ability to see the future, but only the unimportant parts.
Not recurring, no. But I’ve had several that turned out true. Trivial unimportant scenes though. And two of them I know aren’t me filling in the details of the dream memory post facto because I documented the dream before the event happened.
I see so many on-line articles making statements which are just so much psycho-babble.
“..rioters came from towns with a fear of growing populations of people of color”
Um, so there are towns which fear growing populations of anything whatsoever? How do they measure that an entire “town” fears anything? And how can one conject that, because somebody is from such a town, that they supposedly hold a similar opinion?
Or how about – “…there are surges in community gun violence”? Just what exactly is community gun violence? And if we accept that it is bad, would it be better if we exchanged this for “community sword violence”?.. or maybe “community bow & arrow violence”?
Or how, exactly, is the entire community involved in this gun violence? Does everybody in the community contribute exactly the same amount to this violence? Or are there a few individuals who contribute more than others?
Maybe it isn’t the community at all – what else might these violence perpetrators have in common? What is we found out that all of them had opposing thumbs? Maybe we should be looking into “opposed thumb violence”!
Collectivists will always look for trends that exist or not in order to enact what they believe will benefit them as individuals. It’s contradictory unless you see it as the bald faced power grab it is.
Oh, and how you doing, TJ? Time for a beer this spring?
Yo Straff! Sorry to have stepped away from the office for a minute.
Yeah! We need to plan an evening out now that there seems to be a chance for that now.
Time to put some hair on her. Maybe I’ll just shave her damn head.
The confluence of shitty family, money and weakness sure came together to create that thing that is Hunter Biden.
Well, it’s my turn in the ER. After spending the day visiting my hallucinating and paranoid husband (they say it’s not uncommon in the ICU to suffer delirium), I ran out the life of my albuterol inhaler.
So since I’m dizzy after 20 steps, I went to the ER. My SpO2 was 87. They’re giving me an hour long nebulizer treatment and a chest X-ray. They asked if I had been vaccinated for Covid but didn’t flinch when I said no.
Man, I need some sleep.
Rough patch for you lately, HE. Take care.
Woof. Thanks for the update.
Sorry to hear this but glad your condition is under control.
Get better soon. Your hubby needs you (and we would miss your cyber-presence too!)
Damn. I hope both of you get better, fast.
Thanks, y’all. I’m finally home now with a prescription for more inhalers, prednisone, and an antibiotic.
Now all I need is 24 hours of sleep.
I have friends and neighbors offering help, but I can’t send them in to visit a tied up delusional man who believes they’ve been skinsuited by demons. I’m in this one alone, I think.
Thanks, y’all. I’m finally home now with a prescription for more inhalers, prednisone, and an antibiotic.
Now all I need is 24 hours of sleep.
I have friends and neighbors offering help, but I can’t send them in to visit a tied up delusional man who believes they’ve been skinsuited by demons. I’m in this one alone, I think.
Yikes! Hope you’re getting that much-needed sleep right now!
Maybe a change in his meds is in order? Can’t be restful & healing to be hallucinating.
Sleep well. I hope you have a better (later) day.
You’re never alone. Let people help you and your husband. It’s a good thing for them as well as for you.
Life has become routine, work, Golf, Drink, pass out, repeat, could be worse, at least I can afford it,
Howdy Glibs….
Good morning, Yu! Well….the work and the golf are a good routine…
I feel great, the exercise is good for me, and I dont smoke while I work or play, this is a good thing,
Jack White is a national treasure.
Was that appearance close to the time the video was posted? I just heard him sing something about closing schools and churches.
Oh, and good morning, Sean!
Looks like it.
Good morning.
Inching closer to the timeline with the three seashells.
Well that’s a nice story… mostly.
Here’s another one for ya.
Aww, that’s sweet.
Happy national beer day. I’ll not be participating, but that should leave some extra for y’all.
Every Day is Beer Day, it’s always a celebration,
sup’ fam ?
Mornin’ homey! You behaving yourself?
So far. But its only Wednesday
And Im off tonight.
Lousy day yesterday blended into a shitty night at work. I’m feelin’ ornery – https://youtu.be/Zqz5u6aAnag
Sorry to hear about your lousy day & night. I hope today’s better! 🙁
So…good morning!
I’m here with y’all, so it’s brighter already.
Quien es mas macho,
Molly Hatchet
Social Distortion?
Why not both ?
And I think Hatchet had like 6 lead guitar players. I saw them open for the Allman Bros. once. They closed their set with “Dreams”.
Allmans came on stage and were not amused.
How about <a href="https://youtu.be/nouCb33Q1og" title="Hot Chocolate” target=”_blank” >Hot Chocolate vs. April Wine?
Good one. Imma give the nod to AW, though.
Guitars galore!
Fair enough. But that fur coat/cape thingy the cat from Hot Chocolate is wearing, to me, tilts it heavily in their favor. I would wear the Hell out of that if I had one.
Not sure which of these is better news for Ohio, but I’ll take good news where I can find it.
“Please know I am deeply grateful for the outpouring of support from my fellow Ohioans, and from across the country.”
Close your wang-warmer and go away, you dopey cunte.
Id like to further add that Gabrielle Enright really takes the wrinkles out of my love-sausage.
Good morning, Glibs! Off work, but can’t sleep.
I had no idea (((they))) were so complicated.
Good morning, TARDy!
Mornin’, Glibred!
Wait Dewine is a Repub??? For some reason I thought he was a donk.
He’s a career politician thats never done a day of hard work in his life.
His kid is on the state Supreme Court, and his asshole cousin is chair of the state Republican party.
fuckin’ Camelot !
“Both sides do it!”
And its 61, T shirts weather indeed,
Mornin’ Glibbies! Sorry hear of Hayek’s continuing woes, Tardis’ lost kitteh, Gustave’s unsettling news from work and any other shit-storm the rest of you might be facing. I’m now the proud owner of an emotionally needy trainee that won’t work around other people unless I am there. Where the fuck do they find these employees? “Bunny-Boilers Only”? Kidding aside, she’s a sweet kid and the Janitor’s life might be the best choice for her right now. I think she’s swimming in the deep end of the pool for the first time and I happen to be a convenient duckboard. I’ll help her out as best I can. Heck, she’s nervous about driving five miles out to the plant. Making sure she gets out to her car safely at night has become routine.
You live in Canada. What could be un-safe walking to the car other that a rabid moose, polar bears, or stray hockey pucks ?
Downtown site is pretty damn sketchy and Bears at the remote one. She seems a nervous young thing so I’m just trying to help her along any way I can.
Buy her a vibrator?
This was seen and chuckled at but now I feel the shame.
They have charging stations in them igloos?
Bears? Tonio works there ?
“You live in Canada. What could be un-safe walking to the car other that a rabid moose, polar bears, or stray hockey pucks ?”
Or freezing to death if it’s not August.
And it is fecking snowing again. Two hours of toil added to my workload tomorrow. Such is life.
I’m off tonight. I’m considering diving into a bottle of your finest export- Crown Royal. However, I have a robust history of making poor choices with liquor.
I wouldn’t have teen-aged Tres Ver. 2.0 if it wasn’t for a night of Crown shots.
It’s a fine quaff. I was a Gibson’s Finest Boy back when I could stomach it. Straight up, no chaser. Many bad decisions made, many ragrets…
When I do such things, I keep the bottle in the freezer. Then chilled shots/beer chaser.
I gave up the brown liquor probably 30 years ago. Vodka was crossed off my list about a decade ago. Can’t even with hard cider anymore. In a few year’s time, beer will probably need to join them in the trash-heap of history. Not yet though. Short Cans!!!
DUDE! I have a vinyl LP of the Seagram’s Concerto For 1968; a marketing product shopped to radio stations for commercials. One of the songs for Crown Royal is about a honeymoon on the St. Lawrence, and getting knocked up within (“…the most wonderful present we brought back”).
So deliciously fucking obscure!
Mornin’ Fes! Or is it goodnight?
Hope things work out with the newbie. You shouldn’t have to raise someone else’s “kid”.
I’ll be around for a bit. I just want to protect things of that nature. If it gets too weird I’ll put a stop to it. I’ve been around anxious people before (don’t ask) and I seem to have a knack for calming them. Again, sorry about kitteh. My boys are 15 and 13 and have issues, too.
Again, sorry about kitteh
Thanks. At least she is not suffering anymore. They just don’t make the meds for cats the way they do for dogs.
Daughter is very upset. She said it best, “The last piece of my childhood is now gone.”
OUCH! Dusty in here.
Sucks bad. The last one that we took for the long ride was 19-20. When it hurts them to pet them it’s time. Never easy but for the best. Fucking cats and their kidneys. We put ours on a diet and got meds for one of them. They’ve been pretty spry since then but it’s always just a matter of time. When we lose the grey namesake it will gut me.
“…Yahweh flipped on his flamethrower and turned the boys into Krispy Critters.”
“You violated company policy, boys. You’re fired!”
Fear of punishment was not the only reason to obey. Hope of blessing from obedience could be the carrot to thebstick of fiery wrath from the skies. Being disease-free and enjoying bountiful harvests seems like a recipe for high quality living.
Midweek glibfit thing: diet soda takes you out of ketosis by tricking your system into burning carbs that aren’t there? Low blood sugar? ‘betus? Weight gain?
“diet soda takes you out of ketosis”
At least it tastes like crap and won’t get you a buzz. Beer is much more dangerous to your fitness.
“sedra bears the euphonious appellation of Shemini”
I don’t even understand one word you just said. You one them fureners?
“This isn’t a reference to the date (today is the sixth) but to the eight days”
What? (((y’all))) get those 8 day holidays too? Why is it that everyone on the planet except we protestant Americans get all these multi-day holidays? We don’t get any of those and very few one day holidays. And then we’re going to burn in hell forever for some sin that we didn’t even know exists. It aint’s fair!
From what I read, Christians have it the easiest of any religions. We don’t even technically have to be “good people” to get into heaven, because “we know a Guy”.