Yesterday I got this in my inbox from my kid’s school:
I wanted to take this opportunity to respond to the emails I have received since Friday regarding the Day of Silence. I will start off with what this day was supposed to be an opportunity to shine a light on the harmful effects of harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ people in schools.
…wait, why is this the first time I am hearing about it?
Unfortunately, a few basic procedural protocols were ignored which ultimately led to a negative experience for some of our students.
…oh? Do tell.
To all students who felt the day was lost, felt uncomfortable, or targeted by others you have my sincere apology. That was not the intended outcome.
No details emerged in this email. I will operate under the auspices of the Iron Law stating, foreseeable consequences are not necessarily unintended, and assume middle school is still the second worst place on earth.
Second only to high school. Now for some links!
500 years ago a group of Mexican Indians were conquered by Spain. On its 500th anniversary they plan to invade and conquer Spain in retaliation. I wish them the best of luck.
Chip shortages mean there will be fewer Volkswagens with random, glitchy electrical issues.
I’ve seen this movie. Sure, it starts with “advisors” to help “train” a “task force”. Then it escalates to a “peacekeeping mission” and suddenly presidential candidates are given ludicrous debate questions on whether or not they are willing to nuke Guatemala. You know what? It might have been less expensive from a fiscal standpoint to just nuke them from the start.
Joe Biden cozies up with a dictator.

The face of being so dependent upon Top.Men you need them to remind you to blow on your food when its too hot,
WTF? If the they are too hot, let them cool off before eating an explosive, blob of deep fried mystery meat. Seriously.
On Facebook, Daysel Pimentel, his son, posted pictures of his father’s burns with some sarcastic remarks that at first poked fun at the incident — he joked that CIA “commandos” had infiltrated a Cuban food factory and put highly explosive ingredients in croquettes — but he then accused the government of selling croquettes that were not appropriate for human consumption as people went hungry.
Now that’s how you shitpost. Although, he’s probably dead now.
Alright, here’s a decent tune. Have a great Tuesday.
Why would you want to conquer spain? It’ll just be reconquered in 700 years.
Better than China.
Conquer that and you’ll just be hungry to conquer it again in a few hours….
Oh, you order mandate of heaven combo.
15 minutes later, German-Chinese restaurant patrons hungry for power
Jamón Ibérico de Bellota
Spanish truffles
and Sexy Spanish beauties
They also make really nice shoes there.
Nick, none of those require conquering the country.
Yeah. La Tienda will ship many of them to your door.
*peruses site for “Sexy Spanish beauties”*
And you’d reduce the Spanish royalty to working in cheap Canadian pizza joints.
The Re-Re-Reconquista?
“Chip shortages mean there will be fewer Volkswagens with random, glitchy electrical issues.”
Feature, not a . . . bug.
@swiss I am afraid we need a ruling.
I vote we give the Count a passat.
No cheating!
At least they aren’t gremlins.
I had family that worked at AMC. So I’ve been in just about every model of the mid 70s through mid 80s.
The Levi’s AMC Denim Gremlin – The Car that Wore the Pants
Double pun! Most impressive.
So even lower than usual (per Swiss’ standards).
I wonder if they can help British car makers in the same way.
Keep making puns like that I’m a gonna Jetta outta here.
That’s a paddlin’.
Are they going to end a cycle of human sacrifice?
Did they book their hotels on Kayak?
They couldn’t get COVID passports for a flight.
Jokes on them, they won’t be allowed entry due to fear of them spreading a communicable disease and killing off the native population.
I assume they’ll start to get tired around Brownsville and decide to invade Corpus Christi instead.
Seems like a good way to be buried at sea (the article does clearly state that they plan on using the 4 canoes to paddle back to Mexico from Spain).
I suppose they think if Heyerdahl could do it with Ra, they can… but I suspect they’ll be pretty thor afterwards.
Traditional canoes are pretty small for an Atlantic crossing, even in those latitudes. All the solo transatlantic paddlers I have seen documented have used big custom boats with under deck space where they can hole up.
Hopefully they will have support (powered) boats trailing them.
I can imagine various coast guards (probably our tax dollars) shadowing them with boats and aircraft because it’s likely someone will need rescue.
I thee what you did there with the Cathtillian lithp.
When they get there, will they thank the Spanish for saving their ancestors from becoming human sacrifices for the Aztecs?
Canoes? OK…a quick wiki search shows that the Zapatista autonomous zone is landlocked, so maybe they don’t know what oceans are like. Trying to cross the Atlantic in a canoe is Darwin Award worthy.
…wait, why is this the first time I am hearing about it?
Because they were silent before now?
Well, it is a Day of Silence.
silence is violence
Violence is golden?
It depends on what is in stock near a mostly-peaceful protest.
Because they didn’t want socon parents to find out about it and get all riled up.
I wonder if they had an assembly where they “honored” the alphabet-identifying students, like by name. “Come on up, Tonio!”
Imagine if they outed someone who didn’t want to be outed.
I’d expect them to instead call someone who was straight without any dismorphia, because they’re school administrators.
That’s precisely what I was imagining.
I can just imagine the can of worms that could open up…
“So, Tonio — tell us what its like to be gay!”
“Well… first you find yourself a sexy man who is into the smell of leather and being able to fix things….”
OMG, I’m dying here…
One drama club isn’t enough?
Isn’t that just High School?
Or do they actually have groups that put on theater productions?
My worry would be them singling out a kid* like that. Kids are cruel that way, hilariously cruel.
*My son is probably not gay, he’s more likely to marry a robot.
Havn’t you taught him about the dangers of robosexuality?
No. I’m trying to encourage them towards a STEM career.
I see. So you envision him being the Elon Musk of sexbots?
No, the perpetually drunk billionaire living off grid in South America like Ex Machina.
*insert Futurama clip here*
“Are you jacking on in there?”
“Don’t Date Robots!”
Did you ever find out why you weren’t notified in advance?
Either they didn’t tell me or I ignored the email.
Chip shortages
VA picked a hell of a time to decriminalize marijuana.
Tax accountants rejoice
President Biden wants to give the IRS an extra $80 billion to target mega-rich tax evaders to help fund his “American Families Plan” legislation, according to a report Tuesday.
The proposed cash would come with new powers to aggressively crack down on wealthy people hiding money from the government, including new disclosure requirements, two sources told the New York Times.
The $80 billion would be a two-thirds increase over the agency’s entire funding levels for the past decade — but is hoped to raise at least $700 billion on net over 10 years, the report said.
As with his plan to raise the capital gains tax, Biden will portray it as leveling the playing field between typical Americans and the small number of very high earners who minimize or avoid paying taxes, the report said.
It will be used to help pay for his “American Families Plan,” which he will detail before addressing a joint session of Congress on Wednesday
There are trillions of dollars in those Scrooge McDuck swimming pools, just waiting to be siphoned out by the IRS, if only we had the will and the resources.
Even if the IRS got every penny these “mega-rich” people were “evading”, they wouldn’t get $80bn.
Yeah, “raising money” isn’t the goal. Welfare for college students and politically motivated tax scrutiny, now those sound like real goals.
^^^ so very much this ^^^
No way it even breaks even.
Maybe on enforcement – but then you have to pay out your unionized clerks and tax cuntes
Like Hillary Clinton?
Will Joe be delivering his address with or without a face mask? What will he be doped up on? How far into his address before he makes a series of gaffes?
I’m sure there will be teleprompters, and it will be heavily rehearsed. And he’ll have an earpiece so kayleighburrow, or whoever, can whisper in his ear to just look at the words and say his lines and he gets a nice pudding cup.
As long as he remembers to salute the Marines.
more body paint
Once was enough. He is a hell of guitar player. She is… nice?
OT: I’m 100% certain that this has been a topic of discussion, probably multiple times, on this site. Apologies, because even though I come here every day, I rarely read the open posts and only get to read a limited amount of comments per day. If there’s a thread you can send me to, I’d be glad for it….
But I trust no one’s opinion more than the Glibs.
If you believe the US is still the best place in the world to be right now, even with its faults, you could very well be right. I can’t debate that.
But this is for those of you who feel things have gotten really bad. If you were able, in the near future, to pack up and move somewhere else on this globe, not taking into consideration either family or possessions, where would it be? And why?
I’m evaluating Costa Rica, Panama, and Uruguay.
Functionally, none of those states have the supposed rights we do in the states, but the political stakes are much, much lower than they have become in the US. We’re at the center of the Empire here, and I’m not sure that’s where I want to be when it starts coming apart at the seams.
And Ecuador came onto the list recently since their political rebellion against the socialists.
It used to be easy to get permanent residency and/or citizenship in Ecuador.
Post a bond, live in Ecuador for a number of years, boom, done.
Yeah, that’s pretty much my shortlist, too.
For better or worse, one of the first places that came to mind was Panama. Glad to hear other freedom-loving persons (Scruffy and Dean) were thinking the same.
Panama has the advantage of the canal and massive investment in Panama City. Getting health care isn’t an issue, banking isn’t an issue.
That said, it’s effectively a territory of the United States with its own separate legal system.
During my visit, I really enjoyed the locals.
And the ability to basically dial in the microclimate you want around Boquete and David.
Real estate is pretty reasonable, too.
That’s a little less than my house is worth right now, but with a lot more pizzazz. I like it….
Pretty sure I remember the neighborhood that house is in. Right in Boquete, gated, lots of nice houses and condos. Mostly expats.
We backed off a little on Uruguay. Small country, right next to Argentina, which (a) is not entirely stable and (b) has a history of military adventurism when things go sideways for the current rulers.
So, you decided on the Falklands instead? 😛
No Belize?
Health care can be an issue there.
Costa Rica was a nice place to visit, but the need to live in a gated community and the likelihood of crap being stolen out of your car wherever you go would grate on me after a while.
Economic freedom.
I don’t know what the political and personal freedom rankings are.
Probably Ireland or Switzerland, assuming if you can immigrate to them.
Ireland has rapidly deteriorated into a fascist hellhole rivalling their limey neighbors. Especially during this manufactured crisis.
The entire English speaking world has pretty much gone to shit.
What’s happened to Ireland, particularly in the past year, is a damn shame and you’re right about the (arguable) fascism. They’ve locked down tighter than the Brits from what I understand and they’re more strict with enforcement.
Oh, and Nagaland, the English speaking Baptist majority Indian state that largely speaks English.
I’m not putting much stock in a list that puts New Zealand and Australia in the top three for “free.”
Methinks their definition of “free” is a bit narrow in scope.
Perhaps Eastern Europe or the Baltics. Running out of places to run.
Sochi area’s nice from what I hear.
I’m already there.
This is why I ask Glib folk questions when I want real answers. Intelligent, reasoned responses are f*cking near impossible to get online. Thanks to all, and if the time comes where I need to act on it, I will let you know the results….
Not Germany.
I’m not going to leave the country. That’s just the reality of it. I’ll retreat into the woods and go off-grid before leaving. Nothing muricah rah rah about it, just the reality of me and my family.
We’re probably going to buy a place in my wife’s homeland when things open up. We can split our time between here and there and it allows us to hedge our bets. That said, they are part of the EU, so I have no illusion that they will be any better.
Ahh yes, but he’s a peoples dictator.
Joe’s star struck by that thick patch of hair maybe. No amount of money will buy plugs that look like that.
To all students who felt the day was lost, felt uncomfortable, or targeted by others you have my sincere apology. That was not the intended outcome.
Oh, they wanted to target people all right. It’s just that the wrong (in their opinion) people wound up being targeted.
We’re probably getting our troops into Guatemala because the Chinese are investing in Nicaragua. I expect there will be a full blown military base before long.
Pretty sure we still have one in Honduras.
Lots of joint bases that we sit troops at, especially radar sites for that sweet free pass we give the cartels that we back to get their drugs here.
It will be used to help pay for his “American Families Plan,” which he will detail before addressing a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.
That plan is expected to cost at least $1.5 trillion and include universal pre-kindergarten, a federal paid leave program, affordable child care and free community college for all, the Times said.
“This isn’t the first time an administration has said, look, let’s spend the money to do enforcement and we’re going to get multiplier of returns,” Bloomberg News editor-at-large Marty Schenker said.
“For every dollar you spend on IRS enforcement, you get $10 back … that’s been basically the argument over the last three or four decades,” he said, echoing White House economic adviser Brian Deese’s claim that it “only affects 0.3 percent of taxpayers.”
Something something Law of Diminishing Returns.
It’s garbage in garbage out all the way down.
For every dollar you spend on IRS enforcement, you get $10 back
Just ask the IRS!
I mean if this is true, couldn’t we fund all of the government by just constantly shoveling the entire budget to the IRS?
Don’t give them ideas, they don’t need our help.
Tucker on point.
Masks on a tennis court. Future generations will mock us for this, but we allowed it. We let power-drunk politicians wreck the country in exchange for promising to protect us from a virus that 99 percent of us would have survived anyway. What were we thinking?
Masks have always been incompatible with the free society. We used to know that. Masks strip people of their identity as individuals. Masks transform people from citizens into drones. They isolate us, they alienate us. They shut us off from one another.
Masks prevent intimacy and human contact. If I can’t see your face, I can’t know you.
Masks are for the guilty. They are signifiers of shame and submission.
Until recently, many jurisdictions had laws against wearing masks in public. Only Klansmen and armed robbers wore masks. The rest of us showed our face, we were free people.
+1 shame muzzle.
Ok, i’m going to play pedant. A law against wearing masks also means you aren’t free.
Future generations will mock us for this, but we allowed it.
Every generation indulges in some stupidity. The idea that modern man is more enlightened than his ancestors is in large part a conceit. Modern man could be more enlightened, but that would require retaining the lessons learned in the past, instead of having to learn them all over again.
I have a pet social theory, call it “conservation of foolishness”, that postulates that every generation is equally foolish, that when wisdom is gained in one area people compensate by becoming more foolish in another.
To all students who felt the day was lost
Lessons were learned.
“Burning Man festival canceled for the second year in a row due to the pandemic… after organizers considered mandatory vaccines for attendees”
Way to stick it to the man.
So counter-cultural….
Whats next Drug tests to go to burningman?
You mean positive ones, right?
If it were still the Burning Man of old, I’d be shocked. It is a mainstream yuppie hangout now.
Its like Tom Morello’s twitter feed. (He doesn’t realize he is now the machine).
What does he rage against now? Good sense?
Capital gains tax
He gets mad at his printer.
“PC Load Letter WTF does THAT mean?”
Rage, Said the Machine.
Steven Wilson pwnd his ass back in 2002.
“An elite New York City school has sent out invitations to a welcome reception for ‘parents of new students of color’ as part of diversity efforts.
The invitation from the Marymount School of New York, where tuition costs $54,000 per year, has sparked outrage in the community as more parents are speaking out about top Manhattan private schools bombarding students with an antiracism agenda.
The flyer from the all-girls Catholic School states that the May 20 event is for adults only and shows an animated photo of three women of different shades gathered around a globe.”
Think of all the money MS is saving.
Mattressmount, the all-girls Catholic School.
The Indigenous rebels of the Zapatista movement said Monday that they are planning to send a delegation by canoes on a trip to “invade” Spain in May and June as Mexico marks the anniversary of the 1519-1521 Spanish Conquest.
Delegation by canoes. Possible Darwin Award?
Yes, I know people have canoed across the Atlantic. I doubt these folks will learn from those folks.
At one time, I believe Estonia was considered a good alternative. New Zealand, too, that ship has sunk.
“How callous Colorado cops left 73-year-old dementia sufferer in a cell for six HOURS after breaking her arm and dislocating her shoulder over $13 stolen groceries – and laughed as she cried out for a doctor
An elderly woman with dementia sat in a jail cell without medical care for six hours and cried out for help 51 times in the first hour alone while cops just 10 feet away laughed at an arrest video that showed them breaking her arm.
In the first hour alone, Karen Garner, 73, screamed: ‘They hurt my shoulders’ 22 times, ‘They hurt my wrists’ 13 times, ‘They keep hurting’ eight times and ‘It hurts’ eight times, according to an amended lawsuit against the city of Loveland police department filed earlier this week and audio that can be heard from a security camera.
She was arrested on a Friday at 4:36pm but it wasn’t until 10:38pm that a family member even knew about Garner’s injuries or her arrest – and they heard it from hospital staff where she eventually had been transported, the lawsuit says.”
Hang them. All. Publickly. And then feed their bodies to the dogs.
Whycome you hate dogs?
Similar thing happened to my old boss’ son, except he died cause of the callousness of the police and not recognizing he wasn’t drunk, but in diabetic shock. Only after they beat him for ‘resisting’ and tossed him in a cell for hours did the jailhouse doc stroll in and immediately rush him off to the hospital. Fucking pigs.
If it were my kid, I’d be looking to get even.
She never recovered from that and it was actually a spat of incidents in Vegas with metro PD mistaking diabetic and/or medical issues with inebriation.
This wasn’t her case but:
Mistaking diabetic incident for drunkeness is incredibly common, and always covered in EMS courses. Pro-tip: if they blow clean then they aren’t drunk. This is not rocket science, people.
You would think so. In my, now dated experience, cops immediately fall back to “an intoxicant” being in the arrested person’s system.
Also, if you dump a bag of sugar in a drunk, it won’t hurt them.
You could dump a bag of sugar in a drunk’s gas tank …
Yeah his beating was before they had him blow. My dad has gone into a diabetic incident and its a different person that acts drunk and they are extremely unresponsive to commands. So they beat first, then had him blow, then said “sorry but not sorry”
God, the fucking stupid news people are so idiotic. Watch without sound.
LOL…his own life on the line!
White victim; doesn’t matter.
It’s ok, she’s white.
“If she was black they’d have just claimed she was brandishing a weapon and shot her.”
This story will not be allowed to gain traction because it counters the narrative that white people always get deferential treatment.
This story, like Kelly Thomas of old, will be completely ignored by the copsucking right.
This story will not be allowed to gain traction because it counters the narrative that white people always get deferential treatment.
People who tout that narrative out themselves as having privilege – class privilege. Anyone who knows white people on the lower end of the economic scale will know that deference is not given just for skin color.
Welp, that’s enraging.
See, if that was my mother, I would seriously be thinking about not suing, maybe just file a pro forma complaint, but not make too big a deal of it.
So when I put a bullet in the back of their heads, I wouldn’t be a suspect.
Reading the article will just raise my blood pressure.
That said I’m sure “procedures were followed”, but there will be an investigation that will in turn rubber stamp that “procedures were followed”. However, just so that we all feel better those procedures will be “reviewed”.
If BLM started burning down police stations, I might actually cheer them on.
I said at the beginning that if they had marched to the Minneapolis district police station, ran everyone out and burned it down, I would have understood it.
Selling auto parts is white supremacy.
Please, let us stop the RACIALIZATION of everyone and everything. We are all children of God, and therefore family in the truest sense, no matter our race or ethnicity. This is aloha – love & respect for others. This is what our country & the world need.
I will do anything you say.
I’m afraid that the appeal to peoples’ better natures is not going to work.
100% would.
I will do anything you say.
Does that include turning your guns in to the government, and transferring the contents of your bank account to the IRS?
Well, not those things…
You need to come up with a safe-word.
I suggest ‘Kamala’!
She is very good on some points but if the 2A is the hill you’ll die on she’s terrible.
2A is non-negotiable for me.
She’s pretty well aligned with Bernie on economics, too. If she wasn’t a DC 5, none of you would give her the time of day.
[golf clap] for “DC 5”
That flew over my head.
Probably should Cessna and desist.
That deserves a Swiss Citation.
Boeing, Boeing!
Why I Otter…!
U-2, OBE?
If it flies like a duck and looks like a duck, its probably a [spruce] goose
Jeez, somebody should Bombardier the whole lot of you.
Well, just have the Piper call the tune.
Tulsi Gabbards hateful comments underly the dangers of White Supremacy in the Radical Left
– Will Imabitch
The radical left has often been critical of the more successful and moderate politicians in the democratic party. Often calling them out for perceived “impurities” in philosophical debates, and criticizing politicians like Joe Biden for working with the Right Wing. But Maybe those on the left should seek to understand the dangers of their own ideology. Tulsi Gabbard rose to fame as a radical leftist heroine, attacking more mainstream politicians like Kamala Harris. However, as her ideology was resoundingly rejected by voters in favor of those like Kamala’s, Tulsi has started to flirt with ideas in vouge on the Alt-Right and in white supremacist circles. Espousing ideas like “we are all one race” is exactly the kind of thinking that sucks people into a pit of White Supremacist propaganda. But of course, should we be surprised that an ideology that enforces such strict purity in Ideas, wouldn’t also start to seek to enforce racial purity?
So much to dissect there, but the part about Kamala having an ideology is just delusional.
Espousing ideas like “we are all one race” is exactly the kind of thinking that sucks people into a pit of White Supremacist propaganda.
JHTFC, we really are through the looking glass now.
Pssst, actual white supremacists believe in a separate (undocumented) creation for non-whites, thus the term “mud people.”
Everywhere I look, I see the Devil coming at me.
Y’all might want to check the byline.
I sometimes scare myself though on how well my satire can mimic the standard fare at places like Solon. Maybe i should submit it.
Yeah, you got even me with that one. Well done. And while they are solons, I think you meant “Salon.”
Please do write a longer treatment of that.
Maybe i’ll start my own Website called Solon, dedicated to writing stupid Salon like material.
Which would be ironic, since Solon is famous for being a wise lawgiver.
SP has been saying we need submissions. You get to hang out in the Glibs writer’s lounge, and everything. No rail brands, either.
The decor is kinda meh though.
“Decorate the writer’s lounge, Tonio. You’re gay, you people are good at that, right?”
RONG! Well, perhaps right in general, but totes not in this instance.
‘Espousing ideas like “we are all one race” is exactly the kind of thinking that sucks people into a pit of White Supremacist propaganda.’
Have you considered giving yourself a wedgie for being so stupid?
Oops, I responded to a joke comment, never mind.
Well, let’s see if I can follow my own advice….OWWW!
as her ideology was resoundingly rejected by voters in favor of those like Kamala’s,..
Did this asshole watch some different primary than me, because I seem to recall Kamala being a flaming dumpster fire on the campaign trail.
“What’s it going to take, Joe? President IGNORES new CDC mask guidelines and keeps his on despite being fully vaccinated, outside and alone!
Biden keeps his mask ON until he gets to the podium after CDC said fully-vaccinated Americans can go MASKLESS outside”
Yeah, about that… go fuck yourself.
I work with an actual virologist, and she didn’t wear a mask outside.
Look, from the other article you posted, haven’t we decided it’s not right to pick on people with dementia.
I’m starting to warm up to the theory that he wears a mask so they can dub in whatever it is he is supposed to be saying.
Or so you can’t see the facial droop from the stroke.
Or the drool
At least he has trigger discipline.
Hey @journalsentinel, why did you crop Ashton Howard’s photo in this way in your report about his alleged violent rioting in Kenosha? #BLM
Anyone who has ever posed for a picture with a gun is a clearly violent.
Are we leftists now?
I think his point is more about the pains the DemOp Media goes to in order to, err, whitewash some criminals. I have no idea what felony he was convicted of, or why he is suspected of rioting, but they did go out of their way to crop the photo.
I mean, when I right-winger is accused of a crime, they make damn sure to publish any photo they can get of him holding a gun.
Or not holding a gun. The domestic arsenal spread is a classic media trope, right along with the giant stack of dope.
This, right up there with the notion that if you ever committed a crime then you deserve anything you get no matter how far removed from the crime.
That revolver is older than me.
It looks like one of those old west pictures you get when you visit Dodge City, except without the costume and filter
I’ll read some Ngo or Cheong for some info but I tend to skip the overzealous back-the-blue stuff.
An old school gangster.
This gave me aids.
You think I’d be smart enough not to click something described thusly.
At least it didn’t autoplay, so I could nope right out.
*feels sudden need to start drinking*
Yeah I was going to skip the beer after work..but now, I feel the desire to have it.
Thanks Tonio and Hyperbole!
My mom got her second shot yesterday. No side effects last night. But today she had fever 101F. Not that high, obviously, but both she and I usually have body temperature in the lower range. I personally haven’t had temperature above 100F even once in the last 20 years.
According to the Hungarian data–they are using all the vaccines in Hungary–Sputnik has the “best safety profile.”
I personally haven’t had temperature above 100F even once in the last 20 years.
How can you possibly know that?
Because people generally know when they start getting to 99 and above? Its not rocket science Hype just pay attention to your body
I feel like I have a “fever” before my temperature reaches 99F. The last time it happened a year ago. I even got a Covid test–negative. I can be somewhat hypochondriac but I know to ignore it–mostly.
In Russia the fever threshold is 37C=98.6F.
Huh, you people are much more in tune to your body temperature than I.
Also I thought 98.6 was the average, meaning that a degree or two either way probably falls into the normal range.
36.6 is considered the normal temperature (=97.88F). Pharmacies often use this number to brand themselves.
Ночь, улица, фонарь, аптека.
“…98.6 was the average…”
I read somewhere that we, as a species, are becoming more cold-blooded as we evolve and that 98.5 was no longer normal.
I have a cold, black heart, so I run even cooler.
I think my standard runs about 97.8. It’s probably because of my bad circulation. And I’m half kraut. And Penn Dutch… which is worse.
I haven’t been above 97.8 on the idiotic work thermometer since it was installed at the end of September. Usually I’m between 96.8 and 97.3.
It’s interesting that their propaganda versus the US propaganda on Moderna vs Pfizer don’t seem to line up like they should.
But lucky me is getting J&J Friday… sigh.
Let me guess… The Russians made an actual vaccine instead of an rna cocktail? Looks it up…
Sounds similar to the J&J jab.
*Still wondering what lemur meat tastes like*
I have eaten beef, pork, chicken, turkey, duck, donkey, venison, buffalo, elk, bear, ostrich, alligator, squirrel, snails, and all manner of fish, but never lemur.
I suspect someone here might know. My research indicates that lemurs are sometimes taken for use as bushmeat.
Also, since I love to keep the subliminal horror at eleven – “Bushmeat provides increased opportunity for transmission of several zoonotic viruses from animal hosts to humans, such as Ebolavirus and HIV.”
*titters* Tonio said bushmeat!
Do not click on this:
[uncontrolled projectile vomiting]
Wow, that was more disturbing than Demi. I was going go have some leftover tacos for dinner, but I think I’ll just have another drink for now.
Tame, compared to the images that Sug has painted inside my brain.
Damn, those are some hairy nipples.
Why would you do that?
Why did I click?
It’s pretty tame for this place, though.
Just when you start hoping the 2022 elections might reverse the Dem stranglehold: I happened to see the GOP primary ballot (May 11) for my Penna. township which has been trending blue lately (always red since Civil War). Remember all the talk about fraudulent elections and shit? Well, the GOP is not even running a candidate for the Judge of Elections position and the Inspector of Elections position! I guess they think handwaving after the next fraud election is sufficient?
I thought you were in a solid blue county? It’s not unusual for people not to run for a guaranteed L. But yeah, if it’s a true swing area than that’s foolishness on the part of the party leadership in that area – you should always put someone on the ballot if there’s a chance.
FYI, the reason I thought you were in a blue county is because you’ve talked about Philly suburbs before, which have been blue for ages.
Chester County was comfortably GOP until Obama. Trump scared the crap out of the college educated suburban management class. Now have our first Dem congresscritter since 1860.
This says as much about the management class and the GOPe as it does about Trump.
Ah, so the GOP have been caught flat-footed there, then. I’m a bit surprised that taking an L didn’t fire them up a bit more. Not that it would be any consolation to you, since it doesn’t help your situation, but not everywhere are people so apathetic.
The PA GOP is more worthless than your average GOP.
Carville: Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it.
He lost me right here:
Crazy Eyes is a dumb as a bag of wet hair inside a larger bag of hammers that has been repeatedly beaten with the Stupid Stick.
He just realizes he’s going to be lined up with the rest of us.
“Now that we’re back in power, we need those people on the left side of our party to shut the fuck up.”
“People always say to me, “Why don’t Democrats just lie like Republicans?” Because if they did, our voters wouldn’t stand for it.”
Carville is too old and too cynical to believe that bullshit.
Are you telling me you haven’t seen roving bands of white supremacist insurrectionists in your area? Are the Dems actually making claims, as the journalists like to editorialize, “without evidence”?
Titty Tuesday once again rules your limbic system.
State says it will ask US Supreme Court to hear case about remote access to NH House sessions
The state has told an appeals court that it may ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear and resolve the continuing dispute over whether New Hampshire’s Speaker of the House must provide remote access to a group of Democratic legislators who are especially susceptible to serious complications from COVID-19.
The attorney general’s office, in a filing Monday, asks the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals to hold off on issuing a final judgment and mandate on its April 8 ruling that returned the case to the U.S. District Court for a hearing on whether Republican Speaker Sherman Packard must provide the vulnerable members with remote access to future sessions to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act.
Customers surprised to find a church where a liquor store used to be
The state liquor store in Whitefield was once the place where locals and North Country visitors found their wine and spirits, but now it’s home to a different kind of spirit.
Some of the liquor store faithful were surprised when they showed up at the former New Hampshire Liquor and Wine Outlet on Route 3 to find that it’s become a church.
“We were in the process of remodeling the inside and we had a couple of people walk in and they were like, ‘What’s going on in here? What happened to the liquor store?’ We said, ‘Well, we have church services now,’” said Justin Francis, who lives in Bethlehem and is the pastor for New Beginnings Apostolic Fellowship.
The liquor store turned church began holding services, on Wednesdays and Sundays, in March.
The New Hampshire Liquor Commission leased the Whitefield location for many years until closing the store about a year ago.
I’ve been wanting to find an old church for sale, just so I can buy it and open a fine cigar store in the building. I’d call it Holy Smokes.
I could see turning a church into a winery.
Well, I know that a brewery has been done.
There’s a winery near us in an olde schoolhouse.
All you’d need is water, and someone really, really holy.
I took tango lessons from a woman who had bought a church. She lived in the Sunday school rooms and turned the sanctuary into a dance studio.
How often did she take out the garbage?
“Alice’s Restaurant” reference, Comte d’Pomme de Terre.
Hola, Señor!
Chip shortages mean there will be fewer Volkswagens with random, glitchy electrical issues.
I must be the luckiest fucker on the planet. I’ve had VWs from the last 5 decades and had great luck with each of them. Yes, I was careful to avoid certain years of certain models, but my 1998 Passat 1.8 (which saved my life when some motherfucker ran a red and totaled it) is still among the best cars I’ve ever owned.
Anyway, this chip shortage is really interesting. NA, if you are around, what the fuck is going on?
I ? my current GTI.
My 2010 had some warranty issues. It was no where near as nice or fun as my current one.
I love those. Whenever I take my wife’s car into the dealer, my saleschick gives me one to ‘test drive’.
Once the spawn are done with school, I may get one to drive on the non-truck days.
Automotive chips are a really low margin part, plus they have to be very realiable, so that means o!d tech. Noone is ever going to build a new fab for them. And because of the reliability requirement, new suppliers take a long time to qualify.
Basically the only good thing about making automotive parts is because of all those issues, contracts tend to be long term.
Gotcha. Thanks, man.
Now, why can’t I buy steel?!?
They’re struggling in the reliability department. Lot’s of electrical gremlins on the new stuff. That and physical damage from the weakening of everything to meet Obama’s cafe standards.
Going to watch hockey did the first time in a while tonight. Red Wings called up Joe Veleno (legal middle name is Fuckin – no shit). He was a prodigy allowed to play junior hockey early. Excited to see him skate in North America again.
In person?!?
Unfortunately, no.
As our cities get crazier and harder to live in, so many of us have just decided to run away, avoid conflict. I can’t deal with it. Move to the suburbs. Flee to Florida.
Get as far away as possible from the hyper-aggressive zealots changing everything for the worst overnight. You don’t want to deal with them. So, so many have decided to start over somewhere else.
But why?
Because, first of all, Tucker, I’ve resigned myself that I’m not going to convince the people I’d been living near. Right, wrong or indifferent, they aren’t going to listen. All I’m going to accomplish is making my own life more difficult. There’s nothing wrong with fighting the good fight. But, it’s just silly to fight a fight where you know you’re going to lose. To quote the computer in Wargames, sometimes the best strategy is not to play.
Secondly, their shutdowns of the cities have shown me what BS all of their claims about city life are. The glamor, sophistication and worldliness of the city rarely amounts to much more than brunch, overcrowded bars and the occasional visit to a museum, concert or lecture. And I’m probably among the more heavy consumers of culture. And that’s a modest price for all that I’ve gained by being away from them. More freedom, fewer distractions, wildlife and less idiotic hectoring. I’m going to stay in the hope that, if I stand up to them and by some impossibility win, I’ll still no longer have those things, but at least I won’t have to wear a mask?
The glamor, sophistication and worldliness of the city rarely amounts to much more than brunch, overcrowded bars and the occasional visit to a museum, concert or lecture.
That’s my take on big cities. There just isn’t enough juice for the squeeze.
As our cities get crazier and harder to live in, so many of us have just decided to run away, avoid conflict. I can’t deal with it. Move to the suburbs. Flee to Florida.
Get as far away as possible from the hyper-aggressive zealots changing everything for the worst overnight. You don’t want to deal with them. So, so many have decided to start over somewhere else.
But why?
Because, first of all, Tucker, I’ve resigned myself that I’m not going to convince the people I’d been living near. Right, wrong or indifferent, they aren’t going to listen. All I’m going to accomplish is making my own life more difficult. There’s nothing wrong with fighting the good fight. But, it’s just silly to fight a fight where you know you’re going to lose. To quote the computer in Wargames, sometimes the best strategy is not to play.
Secondly, their shutdowns of the cities have shown me what BS all of their claims about city life are. The glamor, sophistication and worldliness of the city rarely amounts to much more than brunch, overcrowded bars and the occasional visit to a museum, concert or lecture. And I’m probably among the more heavy consumers of culture. And that’s a modest price for all that I’ve gained by being away from them. More freedom, fewer distractions, wildlife and less idiotic hectoring. I’m going to stay in the hope that, if I stand up to them and by some impossibility win, I’ll still no longer have those things, but at least I won’t have to wear a mask?
Long time, no post. Any glibs news I missed?
City air sure has set me free since I am living in the most lockdowned city in North America. People are unable to go to a movie theatre, eat at a restaurant or get a hair cut for almost half a year with no sign of ending. Must be that libertarian moment I have been hearing about for the last decade. Jeez, I feel for ya Rufus, how are you holding up?
Oh and this crap is coming from the Conservatives so this is the least worst of it.
Why is that the “liberal world order” just up and committed suicide after the most prosperous time ever in humanity?
Welcome back.
Why is that the “liberal world order” just up and committed suicide after the most prosperous time ever in humanity?
1. The People Who Matter got genuinely (if irrationally) scared for the first time in a long time (AIDS only killed the homos and the drug users, you can’t get ebola in Paris or Copenhagen, etc.)
2. Trial run for “racism”, “gun violence”, and “climate change” as public health issues
(not meant to be a definitive answer, just some ideas)
My take:
Affluent people are prone to not having a purpose in their life (the necessities are seen as pretty much guaranteed, no need to strive to be comfortable), and have way too much time on their hands. This leads to self-loathing and a desire to find purpose. The self-loathing is directed outward at society in general, and their purpose become transforming that society into some kind of utopia. There’s a reason why our revolutionaries almost all come from comfortable, and even wealthy, backgrounds.
It remains to be seen if any society can survive reaching a certain level of affluence.
I find this notion fascinating and disturbing. Liberalism greatest weakness isn’t its failures but its successes.
Schumpeter kinda nailed it with creative destruction being the engine of capitalism; we’ve allowed/enabled that to go well beyond the pure economy.
That’s a wordy way of saying they get dumb as rocks and buy the first strong sounding bullshit they hear. Mostly they hear it at upper echelon universities that they get into despite being dumb as rocks because they are rich. They literally make Rico Suave seem self sufficient.
Hi Winston!
You’ve been missing (or maybe not) the slow motion suicide of big L party and orgs and they toss liberty even further away that Sarwak could have hoed.
Can you give me specifics? Is it all pro-lockdown, pro-mask, pro-vaccine passport and “antiracism”?
Can’t say I am surprised. Libertarianism and classical liberalism always had a weakness for snobbery and TOP MEN not to mention all those who support Weed, Mexicans and Ass-Sex and nothing else.
Of course the pot shops are all still open where I am so maybe this is the libertarian moment after all…
Seems that I’m in the 21% of Pfizerites that has moderate joint pain after microchip implantation #2. My left elbow & shoulder are ouchy. And it’s too hot for a heating pad. So, Advil.
Sorry about that
So, Advil.
Your dealer is out of Fentanyl?
“Hunter Biden the PROFESSOR: President’s son will guest teach a class on “fake news” at Tulane University this fall for students interested in ‘media polarization”
With any luck he’ll get a terminal disease from a New Orleans hooker while he’s there.
More likely that the hooker would catch something from him than the other way around.
Because of course this happens.
I wonder what Tulane is getting in return.
Smell that? mmmGrift. So sweet.
No one looking through their books?
I’ll be in my bunk
Ahh, what the hell. *heads for bunk*
Yeah…why not…or is the bunk too crowded now?
You could wait until closer to bedtime, ya know.
My wife would dump me for this guy. Dude can bake.
Far, far, far, far, far too pretty. He looks like he smells like cologne. Probably Polo.
I’m thinking he’s smells like bread… delicious bread. Yummy.
Shut up! I’m not gay. You’re gay! Do you have bread? I like bread. Sorry, ketos.
I like his looks, but he seems to be a jerk. Also cheated on his wife and that’s a deal breaker.
HA! Thanks for the tip! Hey honey, guess what!
Yep. He was fucking his co-host on the American version of the bake off
That is too bad. I enjoyed him on the Brits version, but now I don’t like him.
I am always extremely wary of charmers. I’m honestly kind of turned off by it. I’ll take gruff any day. Much more genuine & therefore attractive.
So less Cary Grant and more Clint Eastwood?
Less Hugh Grant and more Sam Elliot?
I had no idea they were rebooting “Have Gun Will Travel”. I always thought Richard Boone was a goofy looking mother fucker but apparently chicks dig wrinkles and large schnozzes.
What are you guys doing in these bunks of yours?
Go way, ‘batin
Mike Rowe probably make the ‘if I were gonna go gay’ cut for me.
Yeah, he looks great, but for me, it’s…The Voice ::heart flutters::
Oh hell yes
I was thinking the same thing.
I don’t usually go for the “rugged” type but he’s smart and talks purty – that goes a LONG way.
“Smart” is a non-negotiable requirement, along with a sense of humor.
Looks are way down the priority list. Voices are nice, but not a deal-breaker.
Yeah, I learned that the hard way. Several times. And then a few times more.
Yeah…that’s just the quality I find most attractive. Always been a sucker for the smart boyz.
Kristen, GT, rhywun: Rowe on Crowder.
“Tell me how the universe works, Mike…”
It doesn’t.
So how many people are shocked that Joe Biden is implementing the terrible stuff he campaigned on doing? I thought he was a secret libertarian because Bill Clinton triangulated due to Newt Gringrich?
One would have to be stupid, or have a tedious monomania, to think Biden was a secret libertarian.
*Sigh* Long time no see, Winston.
Even worse, he’s implementing stuff he specifically campaigned against.
It’s an easy formula, if Trump would be against it, Uncle Joe is for it.
I don’t think anyone thought secret libertarian. I and some others thought the establishment had one and they would kick the crazies back into the corner until 2914, and govern like a 2016 Clinton would. I didn’t think we’d get new states and sc justices.
That’s kind of the thing I’ve been going on about. Bill Clinton behaved one way in 1995 so Joe Biden will behave in a similar way in 2021. What evidence was there?
Joe Biden is lucky to spit out the lines they make him say. He ain’t behaving any certain way. He’s doing what he’s told. Even ten years ago, we might have had something we could expect for him. Certainly not now.
I don’t disagree but then why did people expect those telling Biden what to do would think like Bill Clinton circa 1995?
I don’t know who expected what, but I’ll tell you this. They stole the election and they are now going nuts because the opposition didn’t lift a finger to stop them, even helped them. That’s how pussy the red team is. Now, they’re looking for common ground, knowing they won’t get it and planning to present this as evidence to the American people that the blue team is intransigent. That’s the position the red team desperately desires and they got it. AHH! Warm loserdom, finally again! We missed you!
Tonio & Hyperbole – great satire earlier! Y’alls talented.
Real ID kicked down the road again:
Tin foil hat: it’s so that vaccination status can be added to the national ID card (not required for voting though).
Well hard to claim that certain people can’t get a paid for by the State ID to vote and then turn around and demand a Real ID that requires the blood samples they took from when you were born.
They can drag their feet on that PITA as long as they want. I still don’t feel like pulling together all the paperwork to account for two name changes. (Yeah, I set a bad precedent the first time, but I was never fond of my maiden name, and the first married name was so nice and alliterative.)
Damn my teen is obtuse. So while we wait for an appointment at the SSA office to get a replacement for him, his prospective employer gave him an I-9 requirements. I told him, cool; you have your ID (his learners permit) and I can give you your birth certificate, that satisfies eligibility to work. He, being 16 knows ALL and tells me “No, Subway is requiring the physical SSN Card”
I give up. You know the whole world..never mind I have hired people into the FedGov on just the two pieces I told him to take in there.
A teen that is convinced of their own omniscience?! Who ever heard of such a thing? 😉
Even worse “Give them a call and tell them you are coming with your ID and BC to satisfy column B and C.”
His response “No he told me!”
They are getting bigger but I can still whoop their asses.
I had to show my drivers license, birth certificate, AND SS card. I wasn’t going to argue – I needed a job.
You don’t want to know what I showed to get my job.
Your bushmeat?
So you missed out on the sounds of silence
(I can’t believe I am the first one to make this reference, yall need to go back to remedial commenting, beginners snark and shitposting 101)
Study Finds Anyone Still Wearing A Mask At This Point Is Probably Just Super Ugly
That got a chuckle out of me.
HOLA, You beautiful people!
Sup Cy
Goooood evening! I’ve got the shirmp butter fried, the rice is done, the sprouts are propery oiled and garliced and the mac and cheese is cheesey. Now it’s time for some plum saki and a few dead ones and zeroes….
WHOS WITH ME!!?!?!?!?
You had me at mac and cheese.
Dead ones and zeros should be a New Wave band
Would you settle for zeroes and ones?
LOL. I haven’t heard Jesus Jones in ages.
Hey there, Captain! 😉
Speaking of which, we now have a full crew and it’s looking to be a good summer of 2021. We’ve got a full boat load going north with 2 very nice Bristol bay boats on the deck, multiple skiffs, a seining net, truck and a bunch of misc. Hopefully that’ll cover some bills for a couple of months!
Wait! You have an actual boat??
I thought you were a superhero. 🙁
Holy crap! That’s a freakin’ fleet! Or at least a flotilla!
It’s the big blue one.
That’s what she said?
We need top-down direction to catalyze innovation and investment across the economy. And the Apollo era’s examples of government leadership, bold public-interest contracts, and public-sector dynamism offer a valuable template. Unless we use it, building back better will never be more than a slogan.
That was supposed to be a quote. Been gone so long I forgot how to italicize, LOL.
Winston! Long time no see! Welcome back! 🙂
Do you agree with that quote? Without reading that entire article, I tend to disagree that we need it to be top-down. I’ve not been following Elon Musk’s space adventures nearly as closely as others here, but my impression is that he’s “catalyzing innovation” on his ownsome. Of course, if I understand correctly, his business ventures are also being heavily subsidized, so it would be better if he could do all that cool space stuff without that crutch.
No I don’t agree since it is a call for central planning.
Just wait, he’s gonna do a whole lot more before the story ends….
Top Men are scared of what would happen if they said “For 10-years, we are removing all regulations on [insert industry here] and strengthening tort as a means of keeping you on the level.”
I wonder what would be born from such a policy
Competition? Value? Capital…*bang*
I seem to be bleeding.
JFC, the lies we tell ourselves about WHY we went to the moon. Oh, noble St. Jack and his glorious crusade. Give that dumb SOB two full terms and we aren’t even in orbit by the ’68 election.
It was for the Amazon women.
It was merely to spite the future Andy Kaufman. Think long game.
Speaking of New Zealand was there ever any real evidence of its supposed libertopia besides Roger Douglas?
I’ve followed the NZ economics blog Offsetting Behaviour for a while now (since before the earthquake there), and reading through the stuff Eric posts is just disheartening. A nice little place, ruined by successive fuckwit governments.
500 years ago a group of Mexican Indians were conquered by Spain. On its 500th anniversary they plan to invade and conquer Spain in retaliation.
Huh, I wonder if they are taking some dogs.
Sorry what really bothers me about our current Totalitarian Moment was how obvious that it was going to happen at some point it was to me and I didn’t need to study poli sci or be a pollster or join a think tank to see it.
The authoritarian nature of public health, environmentalist and race theory was very blatant and they have percolating in the universities for decades and now they have power and are implementing them.
The last five years much of the attacks on nationalism, populism and Trump was technocratic and elitist so now the elite technocrats we hoped would give us free trade and open borders are building up internal borders as well as external ones and shutting down trade. Because elite technocrats would never embrace terrible policies, right?
And the cases for optimism were shallow. Bill Clinton and Tony Blair did some things due to political expediency so their successors would never do the opposite due to political expediency, right?
Oh and China would be free because the end of History. Once the peasants move into the city, learn how to read and go to stores they would hate the Party. The world’s largest economy being a Totalitarian state wouldn’t have serious negative effects on freedom, right?
I didn’t need to study poli sci or be a pollster or join a think tank to see it.
Frankly, the toe I dipped into the poli sci/polling world explains why those are the exact wrong people to discover such things.
Gather data, let magical program crunch numbers, p-hack to preferred conclusion. Thinking on a generational level is incredibly foreign to people who think poll to poll.
IMO, the only surprising thing about the current turn of events is the speed and simultaneity of it all. They have accomplished in 5 years what I would’ve otherwise thought would take 20 years.
So I need to see about Mark Levin’s new book cause he is touting that he covers the speed and simultaneity of the take over of the culture. Though, he could just be screaming to the clouds, I don’t know.
*adds to wishlist*
I like levin’s books more than his radio show
Like everything, he has his points and knowledgeable and other points that are undesirable; but what would this world be if we all thought the same (*hint coming soon to an America near you*). I wouldn’t go against him in a debate on the Constitution but I think he is still fine with sending young blood to far away coasts.
I can’t believe he doesn’t have a heart attack during every show. There! That’s right! I said it!
LOL! Indeed. Seems all the crazy Righties on talk radio have their passionate outbursts though. Except the Armstrong and Getty show…they claim to be libertarian and not like Glenn Beck libertarian.
Which I just heard today, after it was discussed in the AM thread or the mid-morning thread, can’t remember. Anyway, the universe speaks.
You underestimate the cynical nature of those in charge. The Pelosis and the McConnells of the world are not true believers. They’re grifters.
And most of the Woke elites are just spineless, afraid that their world will come crashing down on them if they buck the system.
What are you suggesting? The elite will at some turn back since the crazies might actually implement their craziest ideas? Or they fear they will totally discredit themselves and cause an authoritarian right-wing regime to take over?
I’m pointing out that it’s very likely that the grifters and the true woke are going to duke it out for power in the near future. The virtue signaling elites will have to pick sides in that battle in order to survive or they’ll get eaten.
At least it will somewhat fun to watch.
We are also seriously overestimated the liberality of the media and the rich urbanites. The media would never support totalitarianism since they would fear being censorsed. The rich urbanites would never support totalitarianism since such a regime could exappriate their property or impose tariffs.
Hower it appears thesee two groups are fine with totalitarianism since they think they can trust its leaders and they will be able to make it work and they will ensure the Bad People will never take power.
It’s hard to tell who are true believers in the One Woke Way and who are just scared of the brownshirts.
You’re going to have to pace yourself. You’ll blow a gasket at this rate.
Winston’s Mom would blow a lot more.
guess its going to be one of those nights on here.
SP ain’t here,
“The media would never support totalitarianism since they would fear being censorsed.”
Yes, they will. They are doing it now.
Where’s the Night Post?
Hiding from Winston’s mom?
Let me see if I can work some odd back channel magic. Long shot…
Topical and not Stargazer!
Brings me back….
Let me return it.
That’s great! They’re giggling like girls!
Yes they are.
Looks like we also managed to get yusef’s post published.
Most disturbing Ronnie James Dio video you’ll ever see/hear.
Nice find, Mojeaux.
It’s on the schedule, Go figure..
How about cut my Hair? Extreme,
Cut my hair? Extreme,
…since Mexico City was captured from the Aztecs by the Spaniards and their Indigenous allies.
Same as it ever was.
And Zapatistas are from Chiapas, which would be much more Mayan than Aztec, no?
What do tiny shoes have to do with Chiapas?
Pork chops, collard greens with homemade bacon and leftover smoked pulled pork and then…to try something new, some ginger turmeric mashed potatoes.
Ribs, 3 racks of pure deliciousness.
Looks good! Spare ribs?
Yep. Dry rub and on the Traeger at 275 for 2.5 hours. Went out for a horse ride while they were cooking.
Only 2.5 hours….hmmm….ribs should take 5-6 in my opinion, but that is my liking.
I usually go 250 for 3+ hours, but bumped the heat up ’cause I got a late start. Still had the right texture, a little tug off the bone. I don’t care for falling off the bone.
We eat ribs with this dude.
Thanks rhy…I will watch that several times tonight now.
Its Twitter…but dude posted it while in uniform and its kinda funny making fun of LeBron.
Federal has 9mm available, but every time I get to the order confirmation, it tells me there was a connection problem. Gah.
How much? I can only find 0.50/round
That’s as cheap as I’m seeing it, too.
My kids can eat beans and rice…cause that is what we will have to barter with and I need the ammo to protect.
.76 a round after shipping and taxes.
Same price as federal
Future leaders of America
Not surprising. VCU has long been a haven for commie punks. It’s a shame because they have some decent STEM programs. Time to split that up again. The med school becomes its own, independent institution once again. The e-school also becomes an independent institution. The arts, liberal arts, and general wanker programs become an independent instituition. Let’s see which of those three is still around after ten years of self-funding.
what happened to my replies?
I see them up there Yusef but Winston is around and we know how this place goes when he is here.
I see, if my comment goes through,
The site is hungry. Feed it more.
Usually, the only one that gets through is the one where you ask, ” Where’s my replies?”
Re: the earlier discussion of freedom in the world:
Given the massive lurch into authoritarianism in the last year plus, I’d say these are the only relevant indicators for a given location:
1) Can you travel freely anywhere you want?
2) Can you wear or not wear whatever you want, anywhere you want, in particular being able to not wear a FN mask?
3) Can you, and the populace in general, be locked in your homes without due process or evidence of a crime?
4) Can you operate any business you want, however you want, and in particular can that business be arbitrarily shut down?
4) Can you own whatever weaponry you want without any infringement whatsoever, to combat the violations above?
Based on this, there’s no place left that’s completely free, and damn few that are mostly free. Australia is almost in the completely unfree category, and certainly not in the #3 spot.
4.3: Can you ride your machines without getting hassled by the man? Can you get high? While riding your machines?
Kristen, I thought about your plans a lot on our trek eastward and home again. I have never in my life seen as many RVs of one sort or another on the road and it’s only April!
There were a couple of long fifth wheels being pulled by underpowered trucks (i.e., not duallies), so I suggest you make sure your truck can pull your RV up a mountain pass faster than a semi.
Speaking of Mike Rowe…
Three B’s below middle C. Not bad.
I can do the A below that.