Recall at the end of the last post, I said you’d need a number of things:
- A computer to run the email software and store emails.
- A reliable Internet connection.
- A static IP address, so computers on the internet can find you.
- A domain name, so people on the internet can find you.
- An operating system.
- Mail Transfer Agent software, to exchange email with other mail servers.
- Mail Delivery Agent software, to deliver mail to a local mailbox.
- Mail User Agent software, to read your emails.
First things first, then: a computer.
There are two basic options: physical or virtual. If you’re a little fuzzy on what a “virtual computer” is, I’ll explain that presently.
The Physical Computer

The simplest configuration is a physical computer. If you’re planning to run an email service out of your house, a physical computer must be involved. I’m avoiding the word “server” here because that has the connotation of a big rack mount “data center” machine. A small, personal email service can be run on a very modest computer. For years, I ran my service on a used machine with a 1.3GHz Athlon and 768MB of memory. Before you head for the closet to dig out that Compaq luggable, though, there are some considerations:
- The computer is expected to be running most of the time. You can actually get away with a surprising amount of downtime and not lose email[1], but the computer should be pretty reliable. Redundancy features increase reliability, but cost more.
- The computer requires power and cooling. A data center-class server, particularly an old machine built before CPU frequency scaling became common, will noticeably increase your monthly power bill. If you have a place in your house that stays cool, like a dry basement, or if you just have adequate AC, you may not need to take special cooling precautions. But, air must circulate around the computer. If you put a computer in a closet, you will burn it up.
- Computers make noise. You may not notice it during the day, when there is plenty of other ambient noise. But if you put a computer that makes even modest fan noise someplace where you can hear it when you’re trying to sleep, your wife will choke you[2].
- The computer needs adequate storage, both in terms of capacity and reliability. How much is adequate capacity depends on your users. Sending[3] and receiving large attachments consumes storage, as do users that never clean out old emails. Adequate reliability depends on your tolerance for risk. You can get by with a single disk, but if your storage fails, you risk losing your mail store. Redundant storage is easy to set up and doesn’t require special hardware, but multiple disks cost more. In both cases, you need a robust backup scheme[4].
If you can swing it, I argue that a physical computer, in your house, maximizes your control and minimizes the number of outside parties that can interfere with your email service. If you can’t, for whatever reason, run your service from your house, you’re most likely left with the virtual computer option, unless you’re tight with the IT people where you work[5], or can afford to rent space in a co-location.
The Virtual Computer
I expect everyone generally understands the physical computer. You’ve got a CPU, some memory, some storage, and a network interface. When you install an operating system (OS) on a physical computer, the OS talks to the various devices, memory, storage, etc., over the computer’s internal communication channels. The OS knows how to make inquiries to determine what hardware is present. The various bits respond to these inquiries, and so the OS can learn what model disk controller, network interface, etc. are present.
A virtual computer (or virtual machine, a VM) exists in a “virtualization environment” that runs on the physical computer. That environment serves as a layer of abstraction from the hardware, and allows the creation of VMs that pretend to have the various hardware devices. When you install an OS on a VM, all the “devices” still respond to the same inquiries in the expected way, so the OS behaves like it’s installed on a physical computer. Typically, virtualization is used to chop a physical computer with lots of resources (CPU, memory, etc) into smaller VMs. If you’ll be renting a VM from some online provider, this is what you’ll get, a little slice of a big server. You don’t care about the details of the physical computer. You only need to specify the CPU, memory and storage your VM will need, which, aside from possibly storage, is not much. Power, cooling, hardware maintenance, etc., will all be handled by the VM provider.
Why Not Both?

Why not?
Even if you are able to host a physical computer, you may still want to run the email service in a VM. Why bother, when you can just run on the real hardware? There are a couple reasons:
- Virtualization insulates the VM from changes in the underlying hardware. You can migrate a VM from one physical computer to another with little or no downtime for the VM. If you need to do hardware maintenance, or upgrade to a new computer, you can use the virtualization environment to migrate the VM, and the OS running on the VM needn’t be shut down, or even know about it.
- Virtualization also makes it easy to isolate services. If you plan on running an email service, and a web site, and a file server, etc., you can use multiple VMs to put each service in a separate environment. This is primarily for security. All software has bugs, and sometimes those bugs result in vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely. If one VM is compromised, then only one service is affected, limiting the damage.
Note, however, if you want to go this route, that some virtualization environments require hardware support. That is, the physical CPU must have certain features for the virtualization environment to run. Bear that in mind as you pick your computer.
What I Have Done
I opted for a second-hand Dell server from an online server refurbishing outfit. The server itself was pretty cheap. I actually bought two, to have the second for spare parts. This server is the heart of our home network[6], so the reliability features (dual power supplies, integrated hard disk enclosure and RAID controller, ECC memory) mean enough to me that I’m willing to eat the operating cost of powering the thing. I bought Dell because we used them for years at work, so I’m comfortable with the hardware, and Dell’s RAID controller has a powerful command line tool[7] to monitor and manage your storage.
Our internet service is via DSL. It’s not blazing fast, but it’s not bad, given how far out in the sticks we are. Our ISP offers a static IP address for a not completely horrible surcharge. It’s actually a bottom tier business product, so I also get the number for business tech support, which is nice. For reasons I will attempt to explain in Part 3, I actually have two static addresses[8].
I also went for virtualization. I have two domain names, one for each IP address, and I run email service and web sites for both, all isolated in separate VMs. The VMs are very modestly sized: one CPU, 1GB memory, 10GB storage for each. My user base is two people: myself and my wife, and she only gets email in the “primary” domain, so these VMs are plenty big.
Next time, I’ll digress a bit and talk about IP networking, so hopefully the stuff that comes later will make more sense.
[1] That is, not lose emails that others are trying to deliver to you.
[2] Or so I’m told.
[3] Assuming you automatically copy outgoing mail to a “Sent” folder.
[4] Watching a failure cascade in your RAID array is like getting kicked in the junk for a couple hours.
[5] They won’t mention your TFC email server if you don’t mention their pirate movie download server. Not that I would know.
[6] Seriously. Without this server, we’re down to cell phone hotspots.
[7] Written by sadists, but powerful and full-featured.
[8] IPv4 address space exhaustion? Don’t care.
Having managed VMs professionally, I’ve found that unless you know you have a lot of small services that can’t share space to cram on one moderate or larger physical box, the effort and overhead isn’t really worth the hassles. Especially in a home system.
I’m using the libvirt environment that ships with CentOS. Aside from making a change to the default network model, I’m using all the defaults. The GUI tool (‘virt-manager’) makes it pretty easy to manage the VMs themselves. I don’t try to use the command line VM management tool. You do end up with multiple OSs to manage, which is more work.
Small services could be run in containers instead of VMs. No need to run a full OS layer.
Sounds racist.
Yeah, I wouldn’t think a full VM for server isolation these days, but rather a Docker instance. That’s one based on just a quick DDG search.
He says as he spins up a 4 node virtual cluster, a virtual QA server and a virtual FreeBSD node to generate build images… Hypocrisy, I know….
I know containerization is the hot shit these days, but I’m not personally up to date on the details of how well they isolate environments. That is, how much leakage is possible from the container environment to the underlying filesystem/OS. Presumably all the containers still share the available ports on the host system’s IP address, so multiple applications that all want port 80, for example, would fight. I guess you could define alias interfaces with distinct IP addresses.
All the virtualization/containerization I’ve worked with has had a separate IP per container (sharing the physical port[s]). That doesn’t mean there are other solutions. I’ve been stuck in Solaris and PeopleSoft land for a few years now.
The solaris hypervisors had more visiblity to guests than VMWare hypervisors.
Containers virtualize resources just like VMs. They can only access the hosts resources that you allow. Network defaults to a NAT bridge through your hosts NIC.
The real hot shit is Kubernetes. A managed cluster of containers running in pods.
Also, as a child I attended a few Star Trek conventions with my family (it still took me another 30 years to realize my dad was a nerd). At one of them, there was this kid who questioned poor James Doohan about a transporter not being able to transport a moving person, but yet the whales in Star Trek 4 were clearly moving when they transported. Poor Doohan didn’t know how to react to this. Now that is all the internet.
For all the trek I watched as a child, I never noticed that as an actual technical limitation of the system. I just figured the actors stood still for the special effect.
I’m not sure if it was in TOS or the books, but yes, it was a lore limitation to the tech.
It’s pretty clear that movement was allowed at least since “The Wrath of Khan,” as Saavik and Kirk are seen in conversation in mid-transport.
And you have to account for involuntary movement like heartbeat, digestion, breathing, etc. How much movement is tolerable? Or does it really matter since you’re just disintegrating the original to avoid awkward moments when they meet their copy.
Conversing isn’t the same as moving. This isn’t about physical movement, so much as locational movement. IE you can’t be transported while you’re running…or as new Trek ruined it, you can’t transport just anywhere in the universe no matter speed nor distance.
Not to be a jackass here, but in this clip, you can see David and Carol Marcus moving significantly in the background while Kirk and Saavik converse. Bones moves his head to look at Chekov at the same time. Kirk and Saavik are relatively stationary, but clearly there’s no real effort by the cast/crew to make it look like they are immobilized during transport.
See my post below, it’s isn’t about physical movement, but rather movement over distance. And yes, the writers ignored this when suited, hence why that kid asked the question about the whales. My point was more about how much older geekdom is than about the metaphysics.
But you know the geeks around here love to quibble the minutiae.
It’s half the fun.
So, as to say, the limitation of transporter technology, lore wise, was that it couldn’t lock on to and transport anything moving from one place to another. That is why starships had transporter pads, as the subjects were moving through physical space, and needed attachment points to be transported to and from.
That makes sense, since obviously a transporter would need to process extremely rapidly to record a complete state of all matter, energy and entropy in the body to be transported. Gross movement would make that more difficult. However, the kinetic energy associated with, say, a person walking (or even traveling in a vehicle) is so many orders of magnitude lower than the mass-energy equivalence, that it would probably take a transporter controller with an incredible level of numerical precision to calculate the difference between standing still and moving an arm or leg about.
I personally liked Niven’s treatment of transportation pads that explicitly didn’t have enough capacity to correct for excessive differences in kinetic energy and momentum vectors, but thought it suffered from the same logical problem of those differences getting lost in the noise of the mass-energy conversion and the enormous amount of data required to encode the states of so many particles.
I’m not saying it is correct physics, just the lore version of transporter tech, that was defied by Star Trek IV. And this kid in 19XX was so perplexed he asked James Doohan, who he only knew as Scotty, to clarify.
I get it. I think they may have included the motion in ST2 in the way that they often showed upgrades or enhancements to the in-universe tech that were really driven by the development of the real-world ability to model or depict such things–the no-movement limitation could well have been a limitation of the real world FX tech, but when the state of the art or budget allowed for an improvement, they often allowed that to look like an in-universe advancement, which is totally fine.
But anyone who knows anything about space knows that everything is always moving all the time. Wehter it be in a planet or on a ship. You may be able to get some degree of relative stillness within a limited frame of reference, but going back to DB’s reference, it would then not be the minor movement of the people but the ship’s far from geostationary orbit around the planetoid that would render the beam-out impossible.
*if running were sufficient to throw off a lock.
A person standing still is moving as the Earth rotates around its axis, revolves around the Sun, the Sun revolves around the galactic center, the galaxy moves through the universe, … it’s all relative.
From a galactic frame of reference, we are moving about 500,000 mph when standing still.
The only Trek
conventionevent I’ve attended (it was a marathon of the even numbered films with a Q & A, lunch, and merch tables) had as the guest a line-producer from TNG who was a very fast typist, so he did double-duty as Data’s hands in any scene when Data was rapidly working the interfaces. He was actually a fascinating fellow and had some interesting insights into the budgeting process for the series.I saw budgeting process and started laughing. Only on this site would that be interesting.
Note: that Would be fascinating
Especially ironic that a series that had Utopian-socialist overtones would be so dependent on budgeting. But that’s not a new observation.
It really drives home Sowell’s point about there only being tradeoffs. Art department wants to spend some cash on a fancy prop, but that means some other department (wardrobe, scenic, craft services, etc.) will have to take a hit that week and find some way to make do. On the commercials I’ve worked, the line producer is a harried individual who, when not at the desk crunching numbers, is going from department to department badgering everyone to turn in their receipts as quickly as possible.
There’s some really fun bits in the special features on the My Name is Bruce DVD that have Bruce Campbell going over the difficulties in making a low budget comedy horror movie.
As a real bonus, the movie is really funny (if you’re a Bruce Campbell fan).
I just re-listened to the chapter of Hail to The Chin about the production yesterday.
I love that movie.
Guan-you guan-me, Guan Di,
Guan Di is his name
Easy tradeoff – Fancy prop = use less fabric for Troi’s costume.
You’re welcome.
I’d budget for that.
IIRC, after the Borg season cliff-hanger, the first half of the next season was very low on action sequences that required special effects and such. The budget had been spent on the 2 parter.
I’m reminded of the clip show at the end of S02 – I think that was another example of them running out of money.
It was the last episode on which Maurice Hurley acted as head writer; he referred to the episode as a “piece of shit” and “terrible, just terrible”.
Wasn’t that the episode that also was being rushed due to the impending writer’s strike? I seem to recall that had some impact on at least one season of TNG.
At one of them, there was this kid who questioned poor James Doohan about a transporter not being able to transport a moving person, but yet the whales in Star Trek 4 were clearly moving when they transported.
Why were you such a dick to Scotty? :-p
Weren’t they on a Klingon Bird of Prey when they transported the whales? Maybe Klingon transporter tech was better.
I’m having a flashback to the SNL episode with William Shatner as the host.
That was a brilliant bit.
Also this –
And this –
I can’t be the only one here who expected footnote [2] to say “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”
So next up IP freely?
I tried so hard to get
Looks like someone got it as a static IP:
New Jersey. It figures.
I’m a digital pack rat.
My employer used to encourage everyone to try to “go paperless” and to store all correspondence and meeting notes digitally within our Lotus Notes system. Then when digital discovery became ubiquitous, they shifted away from Notes, and made it impossible to use our e-mail system as a storage facility. I strongly suspect that the same fate will befall cloud systems, with companies imposing data life limitations and policies that automatically delete files after a certain lifetime.
This is particularly bad for a company that relies on keeping process data, design documents, and technical discussions around for many years to serve as a font of knowledge.
That’s possibly the best rationale for cleaning out old e-mails that I can think of.
Fortunately, I’ve made it a rule to avoid anything controversial or sensitive being sent that way. You never know, I might run for El Presidente.
My father designed the gold mine in La Caridad, Mexico. It is all on paper and hand drawn.
He had all of the designs bound and they are piled up in his garage to this day along with several other mines he designed.
I love trying to collect old engineering drawings. Those must be really cool to peruse.
Yes, they are. He has a stacks of them on drafting paper at least 3 feet high each.
I took technical drawing in school but never used it for work. I drew up a couple of house plans for favors over the years, that’s about it.
My father has done so much of it that it is remarkable to watch how fast and dexterously he draws. My grandfather was the same way.
My company frequently hectors us to delete old emails and they have a policy of deleting anything older than one year for you.
But I never, ever delete anything myself. That has saved my bacon more than a couple times.
That should have read “frequently hectors us to delete all emails immediately after you read them”.
Me too.
My employer has a hard policy: any email, in any folder, older than three years old is silently deleted. What happens if you do federally funded research and you’re required by the terms of the grant to preserve correspondence? Shrug.
The two departments not subject to email deletion? Legal and Risk Management. Which departments inflicted the policy on the rest of us?
Well, process data and design documents shouldn’t be “stored” on email servers anyway.
I know a number of organizations that delete email older than 90/180/365 days. There’s a handful of carveouts (including always legal). And, of course you can always save email worth saving offline.
E-discovery is a stone cold bitch, and its very easy to get sanctioned for screwing it up. One of the very best ways to avoid that is to delete older emails. “Sorry, we don’t retain email older than X days without specific reason to believe it will be relevant to a claim” is like hitting the Win button when you get an e-discovery subpoena.
Plus, it can save your ass, because no matter how many times you tell people “never, ever put X in writing, and includes email”, they do.
I definitely know all that, but our company used to specifically encourage us to keep technical data and meeting minutes in our email system, then changed that suddenly–the Legal dept basically said everyone had to immediately go through everything and classify it properly or it would all be deleted. They gave us 30 days to accomplish this for decades of information. After our R&D and engineering groups raised hell about it, they extended the period for some of us to six months, but gave us no new system to store it in.
our company used to specifically encourage us to keep technical data and meeting minutes in our email system
Well, that was just dumb. I wonder why they did that.
I’m enough of a tech idiot to ask, why do you need a special system to store technical data, meeting minutes, etc.? Meeting minutes are presumably in Word, and can be stored on any old server, I assume. Do specialist systems that generate drawings and other technical data not allow you to store them? My impression (see above re tech idiot) is that storage is storage (we have racks and racks of servers storing terabytes of data of all kinds), and the usual challenge is having the right software to open a given file.
We used Lotus Notes, and had a huge number of in house apps to cover all kinds of technical data including raw material and product quality data, specifications, everything. We used it for team coordination, etc. It was a kind of non-cloud “cloud” system before the “cloud” was a thing.
Now we use other very specialized systems for process data, lab data, and R&D tracking (all separate). Recently the company switched to Microsoft Office 365 and we’re encouraged to use all the cloud tools. I fear that this will turn into the same kind of thing as the past usage of the Notes system, and that companies will find themselves in lawsuits that will demand discovery from cloud systems, and companies will respond to that with data lifetime requirements.
Notes is a special case in that it was more than just an e-mail system, though that was one of its primary functions. Storing documents in Notes was totally in scope for what it was designed for, along with it being an application development platform, etc. It was pretty revolutionary for its day. The problem is that it didn’t do any of those things really well, but a lot of things in a ‘just OK’ fashion.
It was a bear to operate, as I recall, and I assume it’s dying a slow death.
I actually liked it–we used it at two of my employers and when it was set up and maintained by a competent group (which it required) it was a great tool. Now that they let go anyone who really knew anything about it, the paint’s peeling off, the tires are wearing out, and it’s sad. The problem is our remaining IT department has no idea how to handle all the various things that our old system was designed to do. We had a major leadership change a few years ago and they got rid of most of the IT people who knew what was up, hired a contract organization to outsource our day to day support, and left the man mission critical stuff to rot.
They went and “standardized” our SAP systems, which meant they got rid of all the useful customizations and left us with a vanilla flavor that is mainly useful for accounting, and very little else.
It’s been really icky, and I don’t think our corporate leadership now (after another big upset) has much of a plan for it.
Lotus Notes also provide strong encryption and export compliance support.
It was a powerful tool with a shitty user interface that was expensive to maintain.
Other than that, it was a crappy email system too.
There’s no reason why data retention should be any different if you are on a [spit] cloud system. The discovery requirements and legal risks are exactly the same.
We have an email retention deadline for our email and backup servers. We also tell people to save any email they don’t want to go poof “offline” – meaning on one of our other multitudinous and gigantic servers, with all our other documents and data. We never scrub data off the other servers as far as I know. Oddly, our document retention policies are applied in practice to paper documents only, although I don’t think they are written that way (I’d have to check).
We adamantly refuse to use Office 365 precisely because it is cloud-based. We use the cloud (marketer speak for “other people’s servers”) as little as we possibly can because we think its less reliable and secure. Our info sec team appears to be topnotch; I heard yesterday that we had invited DHS to try to penetrate our systems, and they tried recently and failed. We don’t know how hard they tried, but we’ll get a report from them. We also have our cyber insurer run scans and penetration tests, and they never come up with much of anything. Our biggest security weakness is phishing (like the vast majority of companies), which means its not a technical weakness, its a people weakness.
Notes is a special case
See, above, re “tech idiot”.
Yea, Office 365 sucks donkey balls, IMO. It’s bloated, slow, and aggravating to use. As I said above, I fear that eventually our legal department will impose a data life limit on our cloud systems as well as the e-mail systems.
One hilarious thing is that we manufacture a number of products that are subject to ITAR regulations, and so we can only use our Lotus Notes systems to store and maintain data pertinent to that, since it meets some required security and encryption requirements. We can’t use our normal e-mail systems to discuss anything to do with those products, outside very general information.
I wish I hadn’t missed this thread yesterday.
There’s also the issues with searching for specific information. If you remember Tulpa Smith sent you an e-mail with the info you needed, you can search for e-mails from them. If you’ve saved the document, you need to remember the name.
After seeing how many people don’t even organize their documents, or update/correct the names…
A good folder hierarchy is worth its weight in bitcoin.
Yeah, I have my own system. I’ve seen what some other people do and recoil in horror. (Usually it’s some variation of “hundreds of icons on the Desktop”.)
i strongly suspect that the same fate will befall cloud systems, with companies imposing data life limitations and policies that automatically delete files after a certain lifetime.
We’re trying to get that in place in our department. We know the risk in keeping old data hanging around, and there are some easy checkpoints where we could wipe out the data. Even lawyers don’t like deleting documents.
Lawyers don’t like deleting their own documents. I am quite indifferent to, or even supportive of, other people’s documents getting deleted.
On my to-do list for today is to track down my 4 year old email traffic on a contract to see why we didn’t include a specific provision.
The silly thing is that we, the individual lawyers, are the ones trying to get this crap deleted. Once a patent issues, we want to keep a few pieces of metadata and that’s it. It’s really pointless to keep strategy discussions, budget discussions, etc. once we have the final patent.
Well, there’s a huge risk in not keeping old data around, too, especially if it relates to manufacturing methods, development efforts, equipment configuration and maintenance histories, etc.
Whether data should be retained, and for how long, is highly dependent on what the data is. We have a raft of documentation retention periods for different kinds of information, ranging from “perpetual” to “two years”.
Funny story along those lines – years ago I was the “computer guy” at a small company, doing everything from helpdesk to running the mail server to network cabling. Got a call from a user saying he couldn’t delete emails. Turns out he used his Outlook “Deleted Items” folder as storage for things he’d read, and he had so many items in there that he couldn’t delete from his regular folders because the Deleted Items folder was full.
I have e-mails dating all the way back to that ‘girl’ I met in a chat room in 1998….
Rule #1 of the Internet: It’s never a girl.
Rule #2, it’s a Fed.
Sure it is: GIRL – Guy In Real Life.
Of course, that joke is probably verboten now.
You people have managed to out nerd yourselves on this post, that’s impressive.
Who’s that on your shirt?
America’s greatest living actor
John Cusack?
You are correct, sir!
Ironically, you’re just as pleasant as usual.
I should have said comments not post, Grummun’s post is interesting if over my head a bit.
Your envy is delicious. Keep it coming.
Or join us.
Thanks for this article Grummam. It’s a great idea to control your own email but a bit over my head to set up my own service.
I ended up finding a compromise between using a free service and setting up my own service by buying a domain and then paying proton mail to provide service for my custom email addresses.
I own the email domain and can take my addresses with me to a different service if I choose. Proton provides encrypted service to other proton-serviced email address and will at least keep the contents of other emails private, even if not encrypted. I think this is the best I can do for now.
My goal is to do that, too. Haven’t pulled the trigger quite yet.
I’m very happy with it so far. Some quirks with some services still in beta but nothing major.
The Visionary plan comes with 10 gig of encrypted cloud storage on protondrive. I’m still a little wary of using it for anything sensitive. It would be nice to store tax returns, an electronic copy of the will, etc. in a central vault like that instead of just on USB keys in the safe, but I don’t know enough tech to evaluate the security of protondrive.
Knowing absolutely nothing about Protondrive, my long-time philosophy is “the cloud is a great place to store data you don’t mind everyone in the world seeing.”
Domain names are cheap and easy to register.
Not random. Tactics employed. Not a rifle. Not a white nationalist.
Not sure what the handcuffs were for.
Police recovered an automatic handgun
Considering that the eyewitnesses heard 3 shots and then 4 shots, I’m guessing this is bullshit.
Is Journalist, any handgun that isn’t single shot Ball and Cap is “automatic”
Is Journalist, any handgun that isn’t
single shot Ball and Capa pointed stick is “automatic”About 15 years ago, I remember hearing my mother, who is ostensibly pro 2nd-A, exclaim to my father about a news article she was reading. Someone was shot with a scary semiautomatic gun and that she thought no one should have such a thing.
My father replied along the lines of what “should we all only own muskets and six shooters?” My mother immediately reversed her stance upon realizing what semiautomatic actually meant.
I guess today that would be decried as mansplaining.
He totally had a Glock 18, I’m sure.
If it’s partially automatic, it’s automatic. Isn’t that what semi-auto means?
If it killed people it means it’s automatic.
Slate advice columnist: I’m totally not saying your white daughter deserved to be bullied in her majority-black school – that was totally bad and stuff. BUT –
“Your daughter might not have done anything deliberately to harm anyone or to invite mistreatment, but her presence disrupts something truly fragile: the feeling of safety Black kids get from being with other Black kids. Those kids see their parents struggling to afford to live in an area that is changing to better reflect people like you. They think of how they and the adults they love have been treated by White folks in positions of authority their entire lives (perhaps including some of the teachers at this Black school). They know the world is kinder to your child than it is to them. The combination of that knowledge, that pain, and their youth can be very volatile.”
Bonus points for using the phrase “their own kind” –
“Black folks, who once had “the hood” as a place to be surrounded by *their own kind* [emphasis added] after long days of having to labor for White people, now have to watch Whites become the most affluent, and seemingly most content, residents of our ghettos.”
“Black folks would be so much better off in segregated neighborhoods and schools.”/Slate
Apparently this person is unaware of the fact that lots of whites never left the hood. Because it is assumed that every white kid in “their” neighborhood is a gEnTrIfIeR.
Sorry Rhywun (AFL spoiler):
I consistently misread that as “ASL” and think, “it’s not that kind of chatroom”
Oh, come on, deaf people can participate here just fine.
I’ve seen this happen so many times I just kind of expect it now.
Since it’s not on American television this year, I’m not following at all.
And we’re back to “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!”.
Good times.
+1 white flight
And pay tithes for it too.
Hangin’ on a chow line!
Want to talk about radicalization, and racisim? I’d be hard pressed to think of a way to radicalize regular people and turn them towards racism than to justify the racialized harrasment of their daughters.
It is slowly becoming apparent that many people who preach this kind of racist claptrap want nothing short of a race war, and are actively trying to push Americans to hate each other over the color of their skin.
something truly fragile: the feeling of safety Black kids get from being with other Black kids
Now do all-male schools.
This kind of thinking is no longer rare. The other day my youngest told me the black girl on her volleyball team invited her to some kind of snapcrap/instablahblah that was for talking shit about white people. My kid was (thankfully) horrified and had no idea why her teammate would do that.
What racist drivel.
The Nazi version:
““Your daughter might not have done anything deliberately to harm anyone or to invite mistreatment, but her Jewish presence disrupts something truly fragile: the feeling of safety white kids get from being with other white kids. Those kids see their parents struggling to afford to live in an area that is changing to better reflect Jews like you.”
her presence disrupts something truly fragile: the feeling of safety Black kids get from being with other Black kids.
The darkies are such pathetic feckless children. If not for limousine liberals, they would have died off centuries ago.
That’s the message I got from it.
It is slowly becoming apparent that many people who preach this kind of racist claptrap want nothing short of a race war, and are actively trying to push Americans to hate each other over the color of their skin.
More obsessed with race than Jefferson Davis.
I believe it’s called Operation: Hell On Earth!
Is Journalist, any handgun that isn’t single shot Ball and Cap is “automatic”
If a muzzle loading Derringer was good enough for john Wilkes Booth, it’s good enough for you.
now I remember why I left that IT career.
Instead let’s talk about vacuum tubes! 😉
Do hoses count?
Anyone following the Chauvin trial? It looks like – on the little I’ve read – that the police officer is going to get railroaded for racial reasons. Or a sort of bizarro version of the olde OJ trial.
Side note: amazing how real police reform was sidetracked for racism racism racism!
I’m afraid your side note is correct. 30 years from now, police abuses will still be a problem and current racial advocates will wonder why. Then they’ll grift some more.
But if you put a computer that makes even modest fan noise someplace where you can hear it when you’re trying to sleep, your wife will choke you
It sounds like you’ve been there.