It’s April Fools Day, so be on your toes.
Germany lost to North Macedonia in a World Cup qualifier. Seriously. England beat Poland with a late goal. Armenia took down Romania. And the rest of the games went pretty much as planned. On this side of the ocean, Francisco Lindor cashed in, and MLB’s season opens up today (hooray!). A senile man gives his opinion on some sports stuff. And the rest of us get on with our lives, hopefully ignoring the fool. And that’s sports.

Stay down, pussy!
Big birthdays today are French mathematician Sophie Germain, German chancellor Otto von Bismarck, King Kong creator Edgar Wallace, former Ohio State assistant football coach Bo Schembechler, famed knuckleballer Phil Niekro, baseball utility man Rusty Staub, reggae great Jimmy Cliff, hockey great involved in the best hockey fight of all time Darren McCarty, and some idiot on YouTube Logan Paul.
That fight still makes me smile. Anyway, on to…the links!
Blue on blue. I’m surprised he didn’t take his anger out on a local passer-by. So at least they kept it in the family.

Cause unknown known (but none of your business).
Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. Seriously, I wish this was standard practice for everybody. Unfortunately, they reserve the practice for when a cop does something or certain celebrities do. If this was some local slapdick, they’d have every detail in the media by now and charges would have been filed.
Here’s that attention you ordered. In that respect, Lil Nas X (I believe that’s his name) has already won. But he should also win the case. He bought the shoes and has used them in an artistic endeavor. What’s next, canvas sellers suing artists who paint shit they don’t like? Steel sellers suing sculptors who make stupid looking shit that goes in front of office buildings? OK, I’d probably be ok with that last one. A lot of that shit is irredeemably shitty.
I promise you, this is not an April fools bit. Seriously. I swear!

Me no speaka da Spanish no goooooood, senors!
Hey, asshole, that’s Doctor Jill to you! Seriously, this is the last thing I’m worried about. Especially when her husband is about to completely fuck up the economy and the business world worse than I could have ever imagined.
“Look at all the progress!” she said. I’m sure if I violated a specific court order 40% of the time that I’d be lauded by the media.
Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! The funniest part about it is that they’ll probably just pay her to go away. With money stolen from taxpayers.
Am I correct in assuming that everybody involved in this story is an asshole? Or is there a detail I’m missing?
Some extended remixes are better than others.
This is one of them. Enjoy.
Now go have a great day, friends!
“Steel sellers suing sculptors who make stupid looking shit that goes in front of office buildings? ”
I have mixed feeling about that one.
The university had one of those. It was tradition to vandalize it.
Were you ever caught rubbing linseed oil into the school cormorant?
I have rubbed boiled linseed oil into gunstocks. Sorry, that’s as close as I’ve gotten to rubbing linseed oil into the school cormorant.
Well, it’s more fun than rubbing linseed oil into the school commandant.
Is China British?
Look at this nonsense. It’s like something fell down and no one has come along to take it to the scrap yard.
This sculpture generated a lot of complaints when it was installed.
So, the airport added fresh new art to make things better.
A mere 600 kilobucks.
They look like soybean sprouts, not anything remotely connected to the wright bros
They look like birds to me.
They’re not buried whales?
Twisted tails of airplanes that have crashed into the ground?
“Giancarlo Sopo tweeted: ‘Jill Biden tried #Hispandering and ended up saying ‘Yes, we father!’ (Si se padre) instead of ‘Yes, we can!’ (Si se puede).”
Hispandering? At least that’s better than “latinx”, which sounds like an exterminator company in ancient Rome.
Wouldn’t it be Herspandering? Or do Hispanics land higher on the grievance pyramid than wimminz?
Wait…that is Welsh-Gaelic, right?
Needz mor Y’s.
It depends on their age and immigration status.
“Latinx” sounds more like “White Hispanic” to these tired old ears.
Latinx is purely a creation of white women in the education sector.
Actual Latinos hate it.
You’ll pry my skittles from my cold, dead hands!
Green apple Skittles ruined my life.
I am a jelly donut.
I can’t hear the words “jelly donut” and not think of Full Metal Jacket.
“They’re paying for it. You eat it.”
God, I love that movie. There’s almost nothing that can’t be responded to with a Sgt. Hartman sound bite.
It drops off considerably when they go to ‘Nam though. Lots of great quotes but the story turns into basic-bitch late 70’s, early 80’s Vietnam movie. I don’t know if that was because the first half was so friggin intense or if genuinely it fell off.
You didn’t like the Vietnamese tourism bureau rep offering the gents the young lady that could smoke cigarettes in her pussy and told them she was so horny? Heathen!
“Freedom? …. …If I’m gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is ‘poontang’!”
– Animal Mother
I am a meat popsicle.
:Finds pedantic gloves:
I wouldn’t translate “Si, se Padre” to yes we father. “Se” is not we.
“puadue” is AFAIK not a word.
Yeah. the correct translation would be “Yes, [Incoherent Gibberesh by Highly credentialed Moron who thinks she’s better than you]”
Its pronounced La Tinks. Spanish for “The tinks”
Corporate guy: We’re interested in a giant sculpture to put out front because we want everyone to know how cultural we are. But it can’t single out any culture in particular, or be controversial, or in any way offensive. Can you make us something like that?
Artist: Well, I have some old girders I could twist around and weld together in an unidentifiable shape for $750,000.
Corporate guy: Sold!
Sometimes you get something identifiable, and the corporation doesn’t want it. Then it becomes a local icon.
FTA: This one is cool.
Some more info on that one (based on some Google searches).
Just sculpt a giant dildo and have done with it.
Ha! I was in a young guy’s office yesterday and he was bitching about his wife decorating the place. He showed me some wall “art” and I said “this looks like someone tangled up a shitload of typewriter ribbon and then bronzed it.” He replied “what’s typewriter ribbon?” Fucking young punk!
Local to me.
These are local to my mom. https://www.roadsideamerica.com/search/tip
Link doesn’t work.
Lawn Guyland has Big Chief Lewis; standing eternal watch over the Big Chief Lewis Building and the Massapequa* post office.
*Known colloquially as Matzah-Pizza due to the town’s demographics.
You could make a pretty fancy looking sculpture out of a pile of old 12A and 13B parts, y’know 😉
Stick that outside your local Rotary Club HQ; “this man appears to have misinterpreted the brief”.
There’s a town near me that forces every business complex to put up a piece of public “art”. It’s been going on for 50 years though, so some of the pieces are problematic.
“Collins, who is Black,”
““Don’t Asian Americans know they are on his list as well?” Collins wrote, using asterisks in place of a racial slur. “Do they think they won’t be deported? profiled? beaten? Being a house n****r is still being a n****r. You’re still considered ‘the help.’”
Collins has said her words were taken out of context and apologized “for the pain my words may have caused.””
Taken out of context?
“Asians are house niggers, who use white supremacist thinking.”
‘Taken out of context?’
Animal Mother to Donlon:
“All fucking niggers must hang…what?! I just mean I get first dibs at this Vietnamese prostitute.”
As black as my Greek neighbors.
Well, at least Google has decided to continue to bail out on April Fool’s day “jokes”. For every decent joke, there’s hundreds of terrible lazy time wasters that just get blasted everywhere.
In these trying times, humor is not appropriate.
“We couldn’t think of anything remotely funny to do, so we made an excuse.”
Don’t be evil!
The Matt Gaetz thing has some potential for entertainment if nothing else.
But the guy reminds me of Eraserhead. I can’t not think of it every time I see him.
Always be aware of anyone that is that outraged all of time. I’m not saying that he did anything untoward but the fact that his family has $25 million walking around money and he is in Congress should give one pause.
Unlike the media, I’ll reserve judgement till the facts actually come out.
That was my first thought. Plus, look at him.
His shit’s all fucked up and he talks like a fag!
It will be interesting. Both sides have made wild claims that you wouldn’t expect rational people to make without some hard evidence.
Which side is Sidney Powell representing?
That seems to be fashionable these days.
The guy is a putz, and has been for quite some time. He beclowned himself when Marlins pitcher Jose Fernandez died in a boating accident. Like virtually the next day he used it to take some sort of swipe at Colin Kaepernick. He’s the team red version of the team blue histrionics mongers.
That said, I’m guessing the folks going after him are _at best_ no better and likely worse. Politics at that level is filled with the most awful kinds of people.
Sloops, you know I love you, but holy shit. An extended remix of a Depeche Mode track is one of the very few things that’s even worse than a Depeche Mode track.
You and I concur on this and many other points.
It’s music to fuck to.
“Breathing In Fumes” is great.
I said what I said.
I like me some DM but I am in total agreement that “extended remixes” suck.
No worse than the MAWG metal a lot of you post.
MILF Anastesioligists With Guns?
…go on.
Lesbian Nazi hookers, abducted by aliens and forced into weight loss programs?
I’ll say that clip was not a supplies.
Middle-Aged White Guy.
Before I clicked, I thought “this is Just Can’t Get Enough” isn’t it?
But we just had that one a couple weeks ago.
Number one son’s high school is still working hard at making certain artists remain mathematically illiterate.
I don’t want to fly in her student’s planes.
A cursory review of her Twatter feed reveals she likes to retweet stuff like this:
Click through for the assertion. It’s beautiful in it’s stupidity.
It’s just pure racism.
So, they’re saying whiteness is like mathematical certainty?
“critical statistical literacy” ??
Roughly translated, it means we need to discard any statistics that give results that don’t conform to our political views.
For a perfect example, see the outrage over the Sewell Report
Germany lost to North Macedonia in a World Cup qualifier.
Turns out that woke chicks aren’t nearly as good at sportsball.
Except for javelin.
They had a new kid named Alexander for their team… I hear he’s really great.
Yeah but his dad’s the coach and set him up to be so.
Plays D like a phalanx. Is his mom hot?
OO oooo!!!
I’ve ridden my bicycle on the freeway multiple times now. There’s a bridge that pretty much forces me to use the freeway for a stretch to get to work if I bicycle. Granted, I exit as soon as I can to ride the frontage road.
Good luck.
I’ve ridden on some busy roads, but I’m not going to ride on a freeway. Unless there’s some regional usage of freeway that I’m missing here. There was one route I was trying out where the street I was following wound up feeding into a highway entrance. My response was to turn around and take a different side street around.
Yeah, no effin’ way am I getting on a freeway. The risk from just getting hit with debris is too high.
If it’s big enough to have a frontage road, you’re probably looking at a posted speed limit in excess of 55 (and up to 70) on the main road.
Some of the more rural roads around here go to a 55 MPH speed limit for two lanes (one in each direction). It was somewhat disturbing to be riding those as part of a supported group ride.
My alternative routes are more dangerous and much longer. I’ll take 10′ of shoulder at 70mph over 3″ of shoulder in heavily wooded, blind curves at 55mph.
Man, that sucks. The speed limit on rural two-lane roads out this way is generally 70 MPH. And even that isn’t enforced very often.
There is a stretch of US-322 in PA near Harrisburg that is a limited access expressway and is signed that bicycles are allowed to use it. Bicycles must stay in the breakdown lane.
I drove that stretch for the first time in ten years and did a double take when I saw a guy riding his bicycle in the breakdown lane. Then I noticed the signs about bicycles on the highway.
I think bikes are known to be banned on anything called an “expressway” (i.e. “freeway”) in New York.
No music link? Here’s sort of how I feel about the world today.
None. Instead he opted for Depeche Mode.
I swear that when I posted that, there was no music link in his post. I think he went back and edited.
There is still no music link in his post.
Meh, Depeche Mode isn’t my favorite by a long shot, but my sister was a big fan so I have a little appreciation for it.
Then enjoy the silence
He left a void. I’ll fill it in – https://youtu.be/TS1diqMDCM8
The stupid ass WordPress site lost the connection and as o was about to publish it (on time) I had to refresh the page and it had the save point before I’d put the music link in. So I published it without one so it would be on time.
Which means, much to Mad Scientist’s dismay, that I actually put that music link in TWICE!
That explains it. I saw the post just as text with no pictures or music link, and then had to step away for a few minutes before I replied. There were no comments either at that point, so technically I was also first.
It still sucks though. Joke’s on you!
A former high school mathematics teacher of 11 years, Baucom has devoted her time to teaching students from both rural and urban areas, and her research primarily focuses on disrupting power structures in the educational system by seeking justice for students and teachers of marginalized populations in the content area of mathematics and statistics.
tl;dr- 2 + 2 =/= 4
Marginalized now, marginalized tomorrow, marginalized forever.
So they are saying she is actively working to dumb down the populism in order to peddle evil marxist ideas?
Getting the “correct” answer isn’t important. What matters is the students try, or not. Really, what is important is every student graduates.
Not being able to understand elementary mathematics will certainly help with that marginalization…
Is there really such a lack of justice in the world, that everyone has to seek it as part of their job? Are school custodians seeking social justice too?
It’s not about justice. It is about people that feel that they are super special (everyone told them so) but know they have done nothing of any worth trying to do the least amount of real and valuable work to be somebody that isn’t just one of the drones…
IOW she does not teach math.
“Sarah Palin now urges Americans to wear face coverings after she and her 12-year-old Down’s syndrome son caught COVID”
That’s retarded.
*narrows gaze*
Blue on blue.
Not what I was expecting.
Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call about a fight at the hotel where Nealey and Miller were staying for the conference.
Prosecutors said during the trial that the medical examiner determined Miller was beaten and strangled or suffocated to death, WEAR reported.
“Only two people were in that room. One of them is dead and one of them is on trial,” said prosecutor Trey Myers during closing arguments, according to the station.
Extreme levels of intoxication were involved that night, prosecutors argued, and a forensic toxicologist testified that both men had blood alcohol concentration levels about four times the legal limit to drive, the affiliate reported.
Homoerotic encounter gone wrong?
That’s kinda what I thought, skewing towards some major unwanted advances.
“Is OBAMA now cancelled? Latino activists oppose Chicago suburb naming school after Barack and Michelle because ex-president was ‘the deporter-in-chief’
The board is mulling changing the names of two of its middle schools – Thomas Jefferson Middle School and Daniel Webster Middle School”
L O L !
Good. Burn it all down.
Education Facility No. 1 and Education Facility No. 2
/you’re welcome
EducationTeachers Union Pay Generating Facility No. 1 andEducationTeachers Union Pay Generating Facility No. 2FIFY!
Your contribution is appreciated, citizen.
Be like New Orleans and name every school after the philanthropist who paid for them. There are 36 (IIRC) John McDonogh schools in NOLA and a few in Baltimore as well.
I was disappointed to learn that his bust was toppled and thrown into the Mississippi River last year. He was a slave owner but he manumitted his slaves after something like 15 years of service, he funded a great deal of the Liberian experiment and transport thereto, and oh yeah… by building dozens and dozens of schools, he did more good for the people of color than all of the 2020 iconoclasts put together. Ditto P.G.T. Beauregard, who built the first muni water system in town, providing the city of NOLA with on-demand potable water in the 19th Century; something that seems to elude the abilities of the city’s modern pols.
As stated in the dead thread – Jill Biden is standing in front of a flag that curiously resembles another one. She’s waving her hands about like a certain other orator and she’s singing the praises of a man that sent armed thugs to repel illegal immigrants at the U.S. border. Cesar Chavez lives!
The alleged extortion plot against Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz apparently involved two men blackmailing him with details about an alleged orgy with prostitutes in an effort to get his dad to cough up $25 million to help rescue American hostage Robert Levinson from Iran, according to reports on Wednesday.
I’m not sure what to make of all this.
Either way, he’s pretty cool?
Gay throuple gone bad, is my best shot.
Wish I had enough money that someone thought I could be blackmailed for $25m.
I think they were expecting/hoping he could get the US government to put up the money.
Slush fund? Now I wish I had that, too.
First Lady Jill Biden became the butt of jokes on social media after she butchered the pronunciation of the Spanish term ‘Si, se puede’ (Yes, we can) during an event in California on Wednesday honoring the late labor leader Cesar Chavez.
But the former Flotus who speaks multiple language is a total moron, or so I am told.
That article is a good example of how framing can be used to turn a gaffe into a rallying moment. The story isn’t about Jill Biden mispronouncing the phrase in some saccharine attempt to manipulate Hispanic voters. It’s focused on the “mocking reaction” of those meanies on Twitter.
“Republicans pounce” FTW!
seeking nearly $90 million in damages
Fuck. Off.
How can you argue with logic like this?
Before their 2017 changes, the U.S. had the highest corporate rate among developed countries, and many companies were stockpiling profits overseas to avoid the tax. A growing number of companies were moving their headquarters abroad in so-called inversions to escape the IRS.
But that argument fell flat with many voters, and Democrats handily won the public relations battle pointing to things like a wave of stock buybacks on Wall Street.
Biden wants to increase the corporate rate to 28 percent, which is actually what the Obama administration had proposed when he was vice president. That would raise about $700 billion.
He would generate even more savings with a flurry of other, more arcane, tax increases with acronyms like QBAI and FDII, that won’t mean much to average voters but will set off alarm bells in corporate tax departments.
All money belongs to the government. Therefore, all untaxed money is really just government expenditure
Up is down, yours is mine, taking is saving
Biden would rather see profits stay overseas than let American corporations spend it here at a slightly lower tax rate.
The tax code isn’t for raising revenue. It is for rewarding friends and punishing enemies.
If you don’t use power, what’s the point of having it, right?
We just need a law to ban American corporations from sending money overseas DUH
+33%, that is.
Globalists should know that a corporate headquarters is the easiest thing in the world to move.
The taxes are a punishment for electing Trump twice and forcing them to rig an election. The ensuing stagflation and recession will be more punishment.
If rescinding Trump’s changes will bring in $4T in New revenue, shouldn’t they be able to point to Trump’s changes and show a decrease in revenue?
Needs more guitar picks
I bet it’s just the corporate logo and the product logo will remain the same so people are freaking out over nothing.
It’s a…. nosedive?
See what happens when you impose a gender on the unborn?
The disappointing thing about that story is that the parents revealing the gender weren’t on the plane.
*Look at my own comment below*
Heh…pretty obvious I didn’t RTFA.
Serves them right for assigning gender without the child’s consent. The woke thing to do is release a bunch of balloons with question marks on them with one ballon saying: “They can figure that out for themselves later!”
Just get a tinted cake, IF you must (and you really need not).
The whole existence of “gender reveals” gets under my skin. I have 5 kids, and the youngest is only about 12. But even that recently I don’t think the notion of “gender reveal” parties/events was a thing. It’s like kindergarten graduations – a made-up celebration that all the rest of human history was sane enough not to do. Now EVERYTHING has to be a media event.
Heck, my wife let the doctors know that we didn’t want to know the gender until they were born. I thought that was a really cool thing to experience it the way it had always been up to a few decades ago.
I had a kindergarten graduation. Paper hat, all the parents. It was a thing that long ago.
Just like weddings and everything else, it has gotten out of hand. What happened to taking a cute picture of the family with the revealed gender and then sending it out to family and friends? Heck, I don’t think we even did that, but at least such a thing is reasonable. That said, I’m not gonna judge people who make an excuse to have friends over and have a small party, but the over the top ridiculousness that I hear about and see is confusing and makes the onion on my belt ache.
Mass text to family/friends:
“its a grl”
A grill?
It’s a grl!
It’s a Jones’ thing. If it wasn’t gender reveals, they would be competing to show off something else.
Ours was always just a call or text to parents. Basically, “It’s a girl. Everybody’s fine. Don’t know the name yet. Y’all tell everybody.”
Fun fact: We didn’t find out on the first 4, and guessed wrong every time. Found out on the 5th just for kicks but didn’t tell anybody.
It were the gunz what dunnit
Back-to-back mass shootings in Georgia and Colorado underscore how loopholes and weak restrictions in gun laws enabled both suspects to get quick access to their weapons of choice in attacks that left 18 people dead.
The shootings in March have thrust the issue of gun violence back into the national spotlight – and with it, calls for changes in gun requirements.
While the shootings are unrelated and on different ends of the country, they both exposed issues within current gun laws. Namely, they show that nuances in laws – or no laws at all – allow certain guns to skirt state and federal statutes.
Maybe if certain people would let up on the incessant drumbeat of hate and fear, it might make a difference.
Because mass shooters would never break the law to get a gun illegally.
Of course not – they’re just perfectly normal people, until they walk out of a gun store with the machinery of death in their hands.
Make no mistake that those beating the drum want to see more killings. Many, many more killings.
Life insurance: one of the biggest scams out there.
Whole life is a garbage product.
Anything but term is garbage, but whole is the mostest garbage.
I was a licensed insurance agent when I was 18. I sold a plan, once. I’ve shown you what I looked like at that age and why it probably didn’t pan out. Whole life, Universal life? Run away! Term!
Employer paid group is acceptable.
Agreed. I have two term policies. No interest in whole.
Fuck Tiger Woods. Golf is a game for gentlemen. He sullied the sport with his antics on the course, not off of it. I give less than a shit what he does off-course, just respect the game, asshoe! Swearing and freaking out is called Gamesmanship and should be be frowned upon.
I mean that most of us swear like loggers in real life but the course is where you squish that impulse down in front of your friends and then after a few at the clubhouse, go home and take it out on the Wife and kids. It’s tradition.
Perhaps in golf. But HoF Mike Schmidt was heavily criticized for not showing emotion or engaging in any antics on the diamond or in the clubhouse.
Just did his business like a gentleman and a credit to the game.
Pretending like sports matters anymore is like jerking off to late season Maude reruns.
Ceiling cat knows all.
late season Maude reruns
Were those the episodes when she stopped wearing a bra in a desperate attempt to lure in the young feminist demographic?
Well… in delightful tennis news, both Naomi “I shut down world sports for a day because narcissism” Osaka and Daniil “Give me my fucking towel, boy” Medvedev lost in surprising upsets in Miami.
Shaden-boner awakes!
And being Florida the will all get the cold anyways
sloopy hit the top 2 baseball birthdays, with Niekro and Staub, I just want to point out that Niekro being born on April Fools Day is somehow super appropriate.
All knuckleballers should have April 1 birthdays.
Is that a file in your pocket or are you…?
That was Joe, not Phil.
*Gives RobC a knuckle ball*
I saw Rusty hit against Gaylord Perry. Poor Gaylord was so old that he must have adjusted the bones in his elbow before every pitch.
Why is it when a monument is damaged/destroyed, architects deluge the reconstruction/replacement efforts with disgusting monuments to their own egos that degrade, insult, and disrespect the original? And why do people not just throw them out on the street?
Because the people who make those decisions are universally swayed by the post-modernist desire to make everything ugly and “transgressive”.
I blame the “woke glasses”. Why can’t people wear regular spectacles anymore?
+1 brutalism
I was watching a show on the Notre Dame fire and proposed reconstruction.
I wanted to brutally bludgeon the architects. What is so hard about “Make it look like it used to, even if we have to adjust the materials under the hood because some of them are unavailable/burn too easily”
Oh FFS. Idiots.
-twin towers
This is fine.
A truck carrying radioactive uranium crashed on a North Carolina interstate Wednesday, forcing authorities to evacuate drivers from the area. The accident occurred just before noon and blocked all traffic lanes on I-95.
The truck involved was hauling uranium hexafluoride – a radioactive material that is used to make fuel for nuclear power plants. Despite its radioactive nature, however, officials say that the public, as well as emergency personnel, are at minimal risk.
The accident resulted in two of the four containers of uranium hexafluoride falling off the truck, but neither spilled.
If the containers are intact, there’s no real hazard beyond normal handling.
And I’ve seen videos of those containers placed on tracks, lit afire with jet fuel, then hit by a train and still not leak.
Sounds scarier than it really is.
I saw that Bullshit! episode too! Damned impressive testing they put those containers through.
I knew a guy whose job it was to design containers for shipping nuclear materials. They’d build scale models, trot them down to Los Alamos National Lab and shoot them at concrete walls on rocket sleds.
Just don’t stack them too close together or you get to see the blue light.
Was it something heading for a port? I wouldn’t be surprised to find out the Harris administration was shipping that stuff to iran as part of the new deal to stop them from building nukes……
Not to endorse more regulation but why aren’t those transported in an enclosed truck?
Pretending like sports matters anymore is like jerking off to late season Maude reruns.
Bring back bullfighting.
I like the implication that early Maude episodes are fair game.
Caught DeSantis before he left an event and he brought up this picture on his own by saying, “Someone said, ‘hey, you were at the Super Bowl without a mask’ … but how the hell am I going to be able to drink a beer with a mask on? Come on. I had to watch the Bucs win.”
He’s not insane and has a sense of humor?
Florida GOP
.@GovRonDeSantis on if he’ll get the vaccine on camera: “I mean, if you guys want a gun show..”
Join the governor, roll up your sleeve, and register to get your vaccine this week!
Joy-Ann Pro-Democracy & Masks Reid
What is wrong with this man?
Virtue. Signaled. (and democracy blows…)
He is not of the body! NOT OF THE BODY!!!
“People of certain races are literally incapable of scoring well on certain subjects” is an interesting progressive take.
maths is hard (yes I use the British s)
“For the test, I want to see you all eat a watermelon.”
While liberals are admitting their whole cultural agenda is driven by their racist belief anyone but the bulk of them with studies degrees are to stupid to make their own decisions or do difficult things…
Reading the comments, they are already “Motte and baily” attacking it. “You’re the one who brought up RACE!”
Even taking the non racist take (“some individuals aren’t as good at some subjects as others, so giving them the same test is unfair”) the comic is stupid. If i want to see who the best tree climber is, i’m going to administer a tree climbing test. Tests… Test. They give us an idea of an individuals capabilities. Some people are better at a subject, and so giving the same test to others will help determine who is better at that subject.
Here’s a wacky idea: if the job involves climbing up trees, maybe that’s the correct test.
SO while I did realize word spell check making the dash thing longer when there was a space on either side of it rather than when there was not, one – two vs one-two , I never really new there are different names, usages for this sort of thing. So TIL as the kids used to say back in the day cause who the fuck knows these days
Em dash
The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. Depending on the context, the em dash can take the place of commas, parentheses, or colons—in each case to slightly different effect.
Notwithstanding its versatility, the em dash is best limited to two appearances per sentence. Otherwise, confusion rather than clarity is likely to result.
Do not mistake the em dash (—) for the slightly narrower en dash (–) or the even narrower hyphen (-). Those marks serve different purposes and are further explained in other sections.
well whaddayaknow
I knew. ?
one would expect
What’s wrong with a single-sized dash? There’s no need for three sizes.
At least racist Democrats come in black now.
So, they’re saying minorities are actually different species and therefore incapable of performing human cognition as well as white people?
That seems pretty fucking racist to me. I have black cousins and I would never insult them by assuming they can’t solve problems as well as me because of their skin color.
My question – which race is he implying is a monkey?
But R’s, conservatives and anyone that does not toe the leftist/Dem line is a racist…
More mental legerdemain from the wizards at USA Toady:
Six days after the Georgia assault, police say a man described by family members as mentally ill attacked a Colorado grocery store and killed 10, including an officer. Police say in the days before the attack, the Colorado suspect purchased a Ruger AR-556 pistol that experts say largely mirrors a short-barrel rifle.
Federal law allows the Ruger to be categorized as a pistol, granting the suspect easy access to the weapon without the extensive restrictions placed on short-barrel rifles.
He never could have gotten his mitts on a rifle with a short barrel, if only we had the right magic-words-on-paper!
What does that even mean?
They banned hacksaws?
“Forget It P, it’s derpy town”.
largely mirrors a short-barrel rifle
Is it also fully semi-automatic?
Federal law allows the Ruger to be categorized as a pistol
I assume it had a brace. Guess what? Weapons exist and some people are bad and will use them for bad purposes. Deal with that reality and realize you do not solve the problem by disarming the innocent.
UK schools record more than 60,000 racist incidents in five years
let’s get to the key point shall we
” a racist incident being defined as any situation perceived to be racist by the alleged victim or any other person, including unintentional racism.”
and some people still don’t think twitter is the real world
It’s not. And neither is a public school system.
I suppose the topic will keep libertarians busy debating in the concentration camps
More entertaining than knuckle-bones!
is that the same thing as the previously discussed knuckleballs ?
And the key take-away is someone needs millions of ?? to “study the issue”.
When you make your money finding “X”, you are ALWAYS going to find a shit ton of more “X”.. Even if there is none of it.
Saw the dock yesterday. Like I said before, she doesn’t think it’s the SugarFree’s. Now I gotta wait for an appointment with a neurologist. Oh, and I’ve got degenerative arthritis in my right ankle, as well as precursor to osteoporosis. In other words, the picture of good health for a 37 year old man.
*Insert Genetic Garbage clip from Twins*
Good on ya for going anyway.
I hope you are feeling better.
How can you get osteoporosis when you live in Wisconsin and eat all that cheese?
Sorry CPRM, that doesn’t sound fun at all. I hope they can at least help with pain and reduce symptoms/progression of the arthritis.
I used to drink gallons of milk a week, strong happy bones. The in an effort to shed some weight I started drinking mainly water, because it’s healthy they say…
despite being a Sconnie, I’m not much for cheese other than as a garnish.
*squints suspiciously*
CPRM: I don’t like
spamcheese!PON: Sshh, dear, don’t cause a fuss. I’ll have your
spamcheese. I love it. I’m having cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese beaked beans spam cheese and cheese!Sconnies: Cheese cheese cheese cheese. Lovely cheese! Wonderful cheese!
I am genuinely happy for your prognosis. My right foot has been going rogue for a couple of months I nearly bashed into the car ahead of me at a drive thru and on Monday night almost smacked the wall at the plant..
I’d much rather it had been the SugarFree’s. Now I’m left worrying that it is the same disease that left my dad unable to walk or use his arms and dead before he was 60. I’ll wait to see what the neurologist has to say before I say anything to family.
Mine is just overuse but I wish you nothing but the best. Get it checked again.
Not you too!
Bah, probably new shoes. Tacoma does funny things when you depress the gas pedal and brakes at the same time. I’m being extra careful.
I know someone who drives (automatic) with only the None and Whee! right toes, lacking the other three.
Me, I drive barefoot.
I’ve tried to drive barefoot, but I just can’t. Shoes, like leather work gloves, give me stability and strength I need.
Sorry to hear that, dude.
Oh, and I’ve got degenerative arthritis in my right ankle, as well as precursor to osteoporosis.
Public address loudspeaker
Gender: used to describe characteristics that are socially constructed, encompasses a range of identities
Sex: a label initially assigned by a doctor at birth
Sexual orientation: emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people
For Christ sake, Padma, stick to looking pretty and bitching about food on Top Chef.
it is a thing of incentives. costs nothing and gives brownie points
Here in the real world, about 99% of folks have always frankly used the word “gender” just as a euphemism to avoid using the word “sex” in reference to a child. It’s a propriety thing, and has been forever.
The current re-definition of it as a social construct looks to them as a switch. With all the elites insisting that that’s what it’s meant all along, which is just a lie.
Here in the real world, – the real world matters quite less than twitter
That would be me.
Same. And saying “Gender is a social construct” is a motte and baily tactic. what they wanted to say is “Sex is a social construct”, but they knew that was too much to say directly. Saying “Gender” lets them say that, with the “out” of saying, no we mean something else, if somoene calls them out on it.
Yes, absolutely this. If we were just talking about “gender”, they wouldn’t be braying “Transwomen are women!”
Braying == attention whore.
The goal of trans should be to be able to pass, and the only people who need to know are the employers and doctors and potential bedmates. Popping out a surprise like that could put you in a bad spot.
L-O-L-A Lola
Gender is a social construct. Sex isn’t.
Sure, many people conflate the two, and do it dishonestly, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t different.
Gender is a social construct.
I’d say it’s partially a social construct. Much of what is encompassed by gender is informed by biological differences between sexes.
Thats fine, but like both Mojo and I have stated, and the vast majority of people Gender == Sex but for polite company/childrens ears. Arguing that that is wrong is fine and dandy, but that is how the word is used by a large segment of people. The arguments put forward are all about making Sex be a social construct. Even the leading tweet in this thread claims that sex is just “assined” at birth, as if a doctor could get it wrong, and all of the sudden you were a girl and now have a penis.
“Even the leading tweet in this thread claims that sex is just “assined” at birth, as if a doctor could get it wrong, and all of the sudden you were a girl and now have a penis.”
Well, that’s just silly. Sex is recognized at birth. And it’s hardly limited to species that have doctors. Animals don’t have birth certificates.
Gender is a word.
For like 99% of the people out there, it’s always meant one thing (polite euphemism for “sex”).
For about 1%, with that 1% heavily populated by the Academy/Cathedral, it’s had the “social construct” meaning.
What’s going on now is that they’re insisting that that “social construct” meaning is (and always has) been the “right” definition, because they say so. It’s a lie and they know it, but they’re being largely successful in forcing the public dialogue to tow the lion.
“For like 99% of the people out there, it’s always meant one thing (polite euphemism for “sex”).”
That simply isn’t true.
It originally referred to language. That is, by far, the word’s oldest usage.
Then feminists used it to describe a social construct.
Then people used it as a polite euphemism for “sex”.
It originally referred to language.
Gendered nouns in foreign languages.
Tables, chairs, books, cars, houses, etc, etc, etc have gender.
People have sex.
I think you overestimate the 60s-era feminist movement’s influence. For 50 years, I have only heard “gender” as a polite euphemism for “sex”. That is just me, true.
But the term “social construct” hasn’t been mainstream long enough to have had that vast and fast a shift in regular usage.
For 50 years, I have only heard “gender” as a polite euphemism for “sex”.
Yes, the progressives have been redefining (or at least trying to redefine) the English language for political purposes for most of my life.
As an engineer, I have been isolated from the most egregious efforts from the progressive crowd, at least until the last few years.
Why does one need a polite euphemism for “sex”? Is the word “Sex” is considered improper in some company?
I personally find the word “sex” to be ugly and harsh. Like “penis”. And most of German.
English originally had gendered nouns and noun declension, also.
English originally had gendered nouns and noun declension, also.
We found other ways to complicate the language.
I didn’t say anything about “originally”. And it’s totally correct to say that it’s used in language descriptions, etc.
What I said was that the normal USE of it by 99% of the population (the people right now who are the target of this kulturkrieg) isn’t that. They heard a little bit of that when they took German or whatever in high school, but it passed on out. And so in real life it means “biological sex” to them. Particularly when applied to a child for reasons of propriety.
The elites are pretending this isn’t true, and that the defintions which are more sophisticated or older are somehow magically more real – that they can retroactively insist that all those rednecks in the mist ACTUALLY DO mean a “social construct” because that’s the “real” definition. It’s a lie and they know it.
Sex is just assigned by a doctor. Clearly trans people need to be able to sue the doctor for malpractice.
Pretty woman isn’t terribly smart, film at 11
A very not good move on the part of the gun shop nearest Tundra and I. They sent out an email that was dumb even in a non-woke world. The headline is Osseo gun shop criticized after offering ammunition for ‘trip to the hood’.
What makes this really interesting to people who bother to read way into the article to get the actual details:
Nice knowledge of guns local paper dudes! Ammunition and magazines are totes the same. This isn’t some innocent clips vs magazine pedantry, this is just abject ignorance on a subject. Yet, the same paper loves to lecture on the evils of gun ownership.
p.s. I added the first paragraph because I’m utterly baffled by the scare quotes around “just in”. What prompted that?
Moar anti-2A gun gibberish.
Concealable assault-style firearms that fire rifle rounds pose an unreasonable threat to our communities and should be fully regulated under the National Firearms Act consistent with the intent and history of the law. The recent tragedy in Boulder, Colorado where 10 people including a police officer were killed is one in a string of deadly incidents involving this style of weapon. On February 6, 2019, Milwaukee Officer Matthew Rittner was killed by an AK-47 style concealable weapon while trying to execute a search warrant. Later that year on August 4, 2019, a concealable .223 caliber AR-15 style firearm was used to kill 9 people and injure 17 others in Dayton, Ohio in less than 1 minute.
The National Firearms Act has proven to be extremely effective in preventing crimes with the classes of particularly dangerous firearms it regulates through a system requiring a background check, submission of photo identification and fingerprints, and registration of the firearm with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The 1934 law sought to regulate certain weapons because of their frequent use in crime. Some of the features exploited by criminals and included for enhanced regulation under the NFA include, sawed off shotguns, rifles with short barrels and weapons with a high capacity of firing like machine guns.
The concealability and ability to use ammunition capable of penetrating body armor make these firearms especially dangerous on our streets and for law enforcement personnel. We thank you for your commitment to preventing gun violence and urge you to immediately promulgate regulations to cover these concealable assault firearms under the National Firearms Act.
Is that an M-16 in your pants or are you glad to see me?
We have different ideas about what “concealable” means.
As in, not concealable, at all – unless you’re wearing a trench coat.
I was expecting a clip from The Matrix.
Just wait till they find out about .22 revolvers!
Or maybe government politics should not be in sports.
Host Sage Steele asked, “Mr. President, what do you think about the possibility that baseball decides to move their All-Star Game out of Atlanta because of this political issue?”
Biden responded, “I think today’s professional athletes are acting incredibly responsibly. I would strongly support them doing that. People look to them. They’re leaders. Look at what’s happened with the NBA as well. Look at what’s happened across the board. The very people who are victimized the most are the people who are the leaders in these various sports. And it’s just not right.”
Goddamn that was one of the most annoying things about Obama, ESPN constantly shoehorning him into their shows, and now they’re doing it with Oatmeal Brains too? Fuck off already.
Look at what’s happened with the NBA as well. Look at what’s happened across the board.
You mean the massive crash in viewership, despite the Covid lockdowns?
The very people who are victimized the most are the people who are the leaders in these various sports.
You mean the poor, victimized, millionaire professional athletes, who somehow can’t figure out how to get an ID?
The stupidity and dishonesty, it burns!
Yes, I would love to hear more about the victimization of James Harden. His life is one of unimaginable suffering.
As I’ve gotten into watching and playing disc golf (hat tip, yusef), I feel like I’ve found a hidden gem in sports broadcasting. There’s practically no human interest bullshit. There’s no reporting on the “off course drama”. There’s no societal whinging. It’s literally just a couple of the players sitting down after their round and talking though a replay of the events, providing inside info on how the course was playing, what discs people are using, and a few tidbits here or there that are competition relevant.
Comparatively, I found the NCAA tourney unwatchable.
Uffda. When will the hate attacks on Asians stop?
Wait. What? This isn’t a hate crime? It is another example of discrimination against black women? I’m never going to figure this crap out.
Thanks for the tipoff that this person should be ignored.
But she is so hawt!
She fits my theory that smart ugly women are the most vindictive people you can meet. They know how much easier life would be if they had been born more attractive. So they take their grievances out on the world.
1. Be attractive
2. Don’t be unattractive.
this is the sort of thing that in the long term will hopefully make people realize most of this shit is of a bull
MLK didn’t say “Period.” at the end of his tweet on content of character. That’s the problem.
Only someone desperate for attention would not simply move tables. It’s Benihana! The tables are all the same.
Act like and obnoxious cunte and get asked to leave. The level of white-supremacy here is shocking…
+1 Uncle Leo
” Allen called on her social media following to come out to the restaurant to support her.”
Dear Lord.
I always regretted missing the race riots of the sixties. Looks like I’m going to get my wish.
Soooo tedious and predictable.
I’ve been thinking about Rochelle Gutierrez’s assertion mathematics can operate like Whiteness for like 2 years, and every few months it makes more sense.
Well, at least the Dark Ages these lunatics are going to drag us into will be less white. I’m starting to think the development of the internet was peak civilization. It’s all downhill from here.
Your electricity is intermittent and expensive, but at least it’s green.
If You Want to Make It As a Writer, For God’s Sakes, Be Weird
you’re in a market, so sell something other people aren’t
… be
weirda marketer.We’re all going to burn to death!!!
“Probably”. If only there was a way to calculate that. The guy is pulling in tons of tax payer loot and he can’t get ice out dates from the historical record? 40 entries in a spreadsheet is just too daunting a task.
p.s. The guy bitching about a short ice fishing season is full of shit. He claims fishing didn’t get going until January? That means he is a lazy fuck who won’t go ice fishing until he can drive out on the lake. I was ice fishing at least a week before Christmas. But I had to walk out on the ice pulling my portable house.
We’re all going to burn to death!!! – just stay inside during the day in a dark room
…have experience with that, do you?
I know this behavior, as a lack of hospitality, may reflect poorly, but if he shows up at your house you should not invite him in.
Don’t even bat an eye at him.
I love to fish. I’ll never understand ice fishing. One exception, you have a nice shanty and a pretty girl that needs an excuse to go in.
Shanties are for art losers
Fish houses are where you will find the manly ice fishermen.
Math is racist and Excel is literal fascism.
Your second point does in fact check out.
I figured Exchange server would be more fascism then Excel.
Could be. I don’t touch that.
I found an addin this morning that automates importing excel tables into the modeling software we use. I am a freer man than I was yesterday.
Last 100 @ACLU
tweets by topic
Immigration/Muslim ban: 8
Police reform/racial justice: 9
Voting rights: 7
Economic inequality: 3
Prison: 1
Surveillance: 2
Abortion: 3
DC Statehood: 2
ACLU fundraising: 1
Trans issues: 63
Free speech: 1
Due process: 0
35 to 63. Do we see a pattern here?
Free speech 1. That ain’t good.
It was probably against it, too.
I don’t have to work tomorrow. This is nice.
Challenge the cat to a drinking contest tonight!
We expect to see you on Zoom tomorrow then.
The Campaign to Thwart Paleogenetic Research Into North America’s Indigenous Peoples
reading articles like this it is hard to actually know how much of it is true although in the current times it seems awful plausible
They’ve been mythically claiming that they sprouted out of the ground here for decades. Gives them “hand” when dealing with the Government.
Update On Michael Mann v. Mark Steyn Litigation
Eight years into the case and they are starting to get to actual evidence.
Notorious Climate Fraud Michael Mann?
UCS gets added to lawsuit.
LOL. That’s how you navigate the statement of opinion versus statement of fact BS.
From what I read, Steyn is (also?) going with a true statement of fact: the hockey stick graph is, indeed, fraudulent due to the data manipulation that was needed to make it look so clean. The deleted, for example, part of a data series to “hide the decline” in temperatures in that series.
Gibberish, on stilts
The World Economic Forum predicts it will now take 135.6 years to reach gender equality — as the pandemic set the world back by a generation, delaying parity by about 36 years.
Saadia Zahidi, a managing director at the World Economic Forum, told CNBC that “100 years to global gender parity was already not good enough — and now (it is) 136 years globally.”
“The pandemic has had a massive impact, and essentially rolled back a lot of the progress that was made in the past,” she told CNBC’s “Capital Connection” on Wednesday.
Just as long as none of the other crabs can get out of the bucket.
It bothers me that some assholes got paid to come up with that. It bothers me more that the only way some assholes would get paid to come up with that is through tax dollars.
135.6 years is too specific to not be the result of a model.
The question itself is one that can only be answered by a model.
Do not deny the models, heretic!
Emily Ratajkowski?
So the pandemic set gender parity back? Any mention on Islam in that analysis? How are they planning to get those guys up to gender parity snuff?
Or is it going to be another round of “wearing a burka is actually empowering for women because they don’t have to suffer the Male Gaze”?
Define “gender equality” and tell me how long it will take muslim theocracies to achieve it.
I’m ambivalent on this.
I chuckle at the altercation.
Why didn’t they drive off? He seems too calm. I’m thinking fake.
Speaking of mispronouncing stuff: years ago, the ambassador from Nigeria was being given (God only knows why) a liberty medal at the July 4th celebration in Philly. The city official (a Dem of course) introducing him, introduced him as the ambassador from “Nigger–rhee-ah.”
Oh….. Naggers!
The medal was made from tin because the city is go niggardly.
Even though Chicago Police Supt. David Brown says he’s committed to reforming the department, the changes are continuing to come slowly — with the city missing about 40% of last year’s deadlines under a federal consent decree, according to a watchdog report released Wednesday.
Good enough for government work.
Chicago PD has been constantly reforming in one way or another since I’ve been alive.
You’ve got to watch out for those Macedonians – one minute they’re winning a soccer game, the next they control Europe and half of Asia.
Only the purple ones. Other Macedonians are perfectly fine.
Alexander the Grape just fucked the reputation of an entire country though.
“racist white dudes be like: heres my top 25 films”
:inglorious bastards:
Yup. Checks out. The Racists white guys like watching the Jews kick Nazi ass.
There’s only 20 movies. And that’s the best that a racist white dude could come up with? Not even the original Birth of a Nation or a Charlie Chan one?
Why is it when a monument is damaged/destroyed, architects deluge the reconstruction/replacement efforts with disgusting monuments to their own egos that degrade, insult, and disrespect the original? And why do people not just throw them out on the street?
I blame the “get laid” factor. The truth is very few, if any, corporate executives give a shit about art. So, they’ll generally just go along with what their wives or girlfriends decide they want. Because they want to get laid. The wives and girlfriends, in turn, don’t really give much of a shit about art, either. They mostly just want to be flattered. Doing a genuine recreation has little flattery value for them. They essentially function as conduits to their husband’s/boyfriend’s money (which is what they really are, in either case). The incompetent lout putting up a monument to his own ego, on the other hand, is happy to flatter them that they’re somehow more enlightened or cultured than the average bear because they understand him. And they’ll happily use the flattery to have sex with them, which, for the wife/girlfriend, just adds to the flattery.
When you recognize the “get laid” factor, it’s surprising how much of our popular culture works on it.
Well, “get laid” is kind of important to the propagation of the species.
I’m not finding fault. Just noting the phenomenon.
Every problem mankind has encountered came from some dude that thought doing something would finally get em laid or get him laid more….
Karl Marx & Engels wrote that shit they did cause they felt jibbed that they couldn’t get bitchez.
I like to think of the relationship as one where Engles (the rich kid) kept Marx around as a kind of pet.
Probably not even close to reality, but it makes me smile.
So, you’re suggesting Engels edited out the part where Marx complained about the bourgeoisie making the proletariat dress in a French maid outfit and do AtM?
All civilization was just an attempt to impress the opposite sex
“To communicate.”
“No! To woo women!”
I ❤️ that movie so, so much.
In fact, I named one of my characters after Knox Overstreet.
Me: So, my character’s name is Knox—
Brother: Knox sounds like a rich WASP kid.
Me: My character IS a rich WASP kid.
Brother: …
Me: What, you don’t think I should write a rich WASP kid?
Brother: Why would you? You don’t know anything about them.
He was my fave, as hard as it was to choose. Also had a tiny role in the original Hairspray.
I was expecting the ranting clip from Coupling. Men invented fire to get a better look at women’s bottoms!
No, we are lectured – over and over again – that “money is the root of all evil.” Not only misquoted, but wrong as power and sex are equally culpable.
Best April fool’s day joke, or worst April fool’s day joke?
Good news! You won’t have to answer about Mary Jane! You will need to disclose, under penalty of perjury, membership in any violent insurrectionist groups such as the Republican Party. And your firearm choice will be limited to single shot .22LR and a .410 shotgun (for Biden style warning shots only).
I toyed around with picking up a .410 upper. I eventually talked myself out of it.
Bring back the M6 Scout!
Oh, upper receiver not barrel.
They did.
I was in a gun store the other day, and a customer who was filling out a 4473 stopped, studied the form, and then said out loud to everyone, “I guess I can’t guy a gun. I have a marijuana license.” The salesman asked him to repeat that, and the guy did. Salesman takes the form, and tells the guy no, he can’t buy a gun. Guy’s shoulders sag, and he walks out of the store, despondent.
NPR having a hard time ignoring evidence
Before COVID-19, few scientists would have pegged the Chinese city of Wuhan, in temperate central China, as a likely starting point for a global coronavirus pandemic. Its climate and fauna don’t fit the bill.
But the city of 11 million straddling the Yangtze River is home to some of China’s most advanced biological research laboratories. And one of the secretive, state-run institutions, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is known to conduct experiments on the kind of virus that has killed nearly 3 million people worldwide so far since late 2019.
“I think there were a lot of people who did put together the fact that you had an outbreak in Wuhan and you have these laboratories in Wuhan fairly immediately,” said David Feith, who was an Asia adviser in the Trump administration’s State Department when the coronavirus emerged.
A State Department fact sheet from mid-January highlights reports of sick lab researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the fall of 2019, notes the dangerous type of coronavirus research the lab was conducting and says there was also secret military activity at the lab.
China has refuted the claims. Critics of the WHO report, like Metzl, say the expert team that visited the lab took their Chinese interlocutors at their word and didn’t dig. Metzl said that’s insufficient.
“If in the middle of the worst pandemic in a century, China wants to tell the rest of the world, ‘screw you, it’s not even worth investigating,’ that’s on them. But we shouldn’t give them a free pass,” he said.
While Metzl and others, like Feith, believe there is more circumstantial evidence that SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab than naturally, many scientists say the opposite. Based on the available evidence, they believe, like the WHO team, that the coronavirus appears far more likely to have emerged naturally.
Meanwhile, not far beneath the surface of the debate are geopolitical tensions between China and the United States — relations between the two countries soured in the last year under Trump and show no signs of improving under the Biden administration.
President Trump sought to place maximum blame for COVID-19 on China — and pushed the lab leak theory — in what some of his critics saw as an effort to deflect criticism of his own handling of the pandemic.
Fortunately, we can discard this theory. If Trump believed it, it cannot be true.
I too believe the team of scientist allowed to investigate this by the country that isn’t also attempting to hide a Genocide.
Thot Thursday is no joke.
No face diapers.
Good gallery.
Unfortunately the Chive seems to have locked down iChive galleries. Sad.
As millions of Texans went without power for days during February’s devastating storm, Texas oil and gas regulators were circulating talking points from a noted climate skeptic blaming system failures on the state’s embrace of wind and solar energy, emails obtained by NBC News show.
The talking points from Alex Epstein, author of “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels,” made their way to the Texas governor’s office and to the state’s oil and gas regulator, known as the Railroad Commission of Texas. One commissioner amplified the talking points on Twitter, while another commissioner’s aide forwarded them to top Texas oil and gas lobbyists.
The talking points said there was a lesson to learn from the Texas crisis: that wind and solar power are “often useless when you need them most.”
In fact, independent fact-checkers have repeatedly said the state’s failure to weatherize, along with its disconnection from the national grid, triggered a domino effect that forced the massive blackouts as power plants went offline. The biggest losses of generation came from natural gas; failing wind power played only a minimal role.
“Winter is a thing of the past. The planet is literally burning. This is what we need to focus our efforts on. Holy shit, it’s cold out there.”
No comment on the EPA regulations that limited the slack capacity, and forbid some plants from going to full capacity along with a denial of waivers for emissions limits that would allow them to go near to capacity?
This is pretty dishonest, if not a flat out lie. Gas and Oil provided way _more_ than they usually do, whereas wind power did way _less_ than they usually do. The fact is however that people who supply the power grid know in advance that wind is going to fail in these conditions so they don’t expect it to work.
Bob Murphy does a good job laying this out in a podcast episode last month. But in short the enviromentalists would have you believe that Wind power didn’t fail and did fine and dandy when it did. We just expect it to fail. They want you to believe that Gas failed, when it over performed, it just wasn’t enough coupled with some natural gas distribution failures.
In short, if you are in a situation where a catastrophe like this happens, would you, in the future switch to a known failure because it performed to expectations, or switch to more of what overperformed, but wasn’t enough?
Epstein, who runs what he calls a “for-profit think tank” called the Center for Industrial Progress, is a staunch advocate for continuing use of fossil fuels who has repeatedly cast doubt on whether there’s a scientific consensus about climate change. He describes himself as a consultant on energy messaging and runs a subscription service for pro-fossil fuel talking points.
What sort of monster would advocate for “industrial progress” when the planet is literally!!!!11!! being destroyed by capitalist industrialization?
Epstein didn’t coal himself.
His book is definitely worth a read. He lays out a very strong case for the continued use of petro as a primary energy source.
Dunny how they do a deep dive into every unmutual opinion the think tank wonk has when he disagrees with the journo-propagandist, but they don’t dare do that to Melanie Harbin-Dix, lead expert in environmentally sound energy production at The Alliance for the Transition from Deadly Energy.
The emails cast light on what climate advocates and good-governance groups have long decried as a cozy and inappropriately collaborative relationship among Texas elected officials and regulators, lobbyists for industry and proponents of fossil fuels. Despite its name, the Railroad Commission no longer deals with trains and instead regulates oil, gas and coal.
Don’t listen to them. Only listen to us.
A massive star has disappeared without a trace
Look, I know Kirstie Alley’s career hasn’t been going on all cylinders lately. But, that’s no reason to make fun of her weight…
She was incredibly hot in the first cut of that robot movie. Then she ate the rest of the cast and crew.
You and I remember Star Trek 2 very differently….
I think we all know what happened.
I think it was this
“We can’t detect it now” does not mean it actually “disappeared”.
Tapping out, friends. Tomorrow off but work on Friday. I wish you well!
/sends Festus a What Day Is It feed
Hope you enjoy your time off.
Thanks, Friend! I intend to suck every bit of overtime that I can from those cuntes. I’m not getting any more spry.
Here’s hoping you get a pair of saucy Pinays. Or at least in your dreams.
Gotta remember, those graveyard people definition of tomorrow is not the same as us daywalkers.
You want me to try to understand other people now? I thought this was a libertarian site!
Biden declares war
The Pentagon is weighing a series of proposals to make the military more energy efficient, from mandating all-electric vehicles to weaning trucks, ships and aircraft off of fossil fuels, according to people familiar with the options.
The Biden administration has made clear from the beginning that combating climate change is a top priority — and the Pentagon, the world’s single largest energy consumer, has a key role to play. The military has a record of developing new policies intended to curb greenhouse gases, and a massive budget of roughly $700 billion annually to carry them out.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has already signaled that he will move quickly on this issue, establishing a Climate Working Group in March to coordinate the Pentagon response to climate change and track its implementation.
“Climate change presents a growing threat to U.S. national security interests and defense objectives,” Austin wrote in a March 9 memo. “The department will act immediately to include the security implications of climate change in our risk analyses, strategy development and planning guidance.”
Super. I feel safer already.
to make the military more energy efficient
Which will make it less combat efficient.
The Biden administration has made clear from the beginning that combating climate change is a top priority
Apparently national defense (one of the few purposes for even having the federal government…) is not.
I can’t wait for the M1A1 Hybrid armed with a battering ram. I am sure it will perform like nothing you’ve ever seen.
The battery fire will make sticking a gasser in an aluminum body look like a genius move by comparison.
I can’t wait for the M1A1 Hybrid armed with a battering ram. I am sure it will perform like nothing you’ve ever seen.
The military has a record of developing new policies intended to curb greenhouse gases, and a massive budget of roughly $700 billion annually to carry them out.
Pretty sure that $700B is mostly spoken for already.
And produces a lot of greenhouse gases.
Certainly hot air.
So… time to bring back the Nuclear Aircraft Propulsion program?
More seriously — the one thing I was hearing along these lines back in the Obama years, iirc was the Navy looking into generating jet fuel from seawater and spare power from the reactors when available. Hydrocarbons are just energy batteries via organic chemistry after all — so if they want to swing to carbon capture fueled vehicles via small nuclear stations, they could have their “zero emission” military without compromising the actual mission (blowing stuff up, killing the enemy and all… not ‘saving the planet’).
But who are we kidding here?
The Pentagon only does what the Pentagon wants. However that doesn’t mean the pentagon doesn’t want some stupid shit sometimes. Especially with the highly politicized brass these days.
In the thread of politicized brass, i think it helps if you understand that Most senior officers (O6+) are constantly looking for what they are going to be doing when they retire. They want to peddle that sweet Col/Gen title around to get in a cushy job. If being woke is now required for a cushy corporate job when they get out, then they will start exhibiting that wokeness ahead of time to pad the resume.
^^ Yepper and why so many lied to the president because the thought of not being like Col JustRetired to a plush six figure consulting gig with some defense contractor is enough to do so.
First off…that sentence…but whatever.
Our lightweight vehicles…okay, I see no issue with that, IF they can do their mission. Ships – sure, go all nuclear I am all for it. Aircraft – let me know how you are going to do that so I can go sell someone a bridge.
The skies will be filled with electric aircraft and electric missiles.
Electric Funerals, more like.
Someone needs to pull the curtain back eventually, right?
Is rocket fuel a fossil fuel?
It’s mostly man-made, so it is renewable.
If Hitler had been more woke, his Panzer divisions would have chugged all the way to the English Channel on solar power during the Battle of the Bulge instead of running out of petrol.
So there Mr. Smartypants!
If Hitler had been as woke as they want us to be he would have stopped fighting altogether and presented a goatse to Stalin.
And he could have defeated Russia without the winter stoping him. Because as we saw in Texas, wind power doesn’t fail in the winter.
If Hitler had been more woke he would have just convinced France to join in some kind of European Common Market that would never, ever be leveraged into a political union or anything…..
Heh. And if you dare try to leave! We’ll make sure you have hell to pay.
I see another mass shooting being pushed, this one in California.
But CA has commonsense gun control so that must be fake news.
Don’t forget common sense ammo control as well.
Where? I checked CNN out of curiosity and all they have is headlines about Trump. Which I found pretty funny. For us being in a post-Trump world, they sure do talk about Trump a lot.
This, I assume.
The Washington Times reports that one of the four deceased individuals “was a child.”
The incident occurred in a business park, and the suspected gunman opened fire on police when they responded to calls about the shooting.
The suspect was injured in the exchange of gunfire that followed.
ABC 7 notes that a neighbor near the business park said, “I was just in my room hanging out. All of a sudden, I heard five to seven gunshots go off.”
The neighbor added, “And then I waited a couple minutes and the police came. And I heard a few more gunshots go off. It was a lot, quickly. Then the helicopter showed up and it was silent after that.”
CNN.com? I see 21 headlines 2 mention trump. This about the shooting was right below the second Trump headline
I see another mass shooting being pushed, this one in California.
More victims of Biden’s America!
In accepting the Edward R. Murrow Award for Lifetime Achievement in Journalism on Tuesday, NBC News anchor Lester Holt gave a monologue on why “fairness” in journalism is “overrated.”
“I think it’s become clearer that fairness is overrated,” Holt said. “The idea that we should always give two sides equal weight and merit does not reflect the world we find ourselves in. That the sun sets in the west is a fact. Any contrary view does not deserve our time or attention. Decisions to not give unsupported arguments equal time are not a dereliction of journalistic responsibility or some kind of agenda, in fact, it’s just the opposite.”
I mean, he just totally wiped the floor with you rightwing bigots.
Those decisions and opinions are as iron clad factual, just like the Sun setting in the west.
Also Biological Gender is a spectrum and people can identify as Otherkin.
A too local story for Swiss:
Nesting Canada geese causing quite the stir at Cuyahoga County Public Library Parma Branch
And here I thought the Canadian border was still closed.
Nesting Geese? Is there where you open up one goose and find a smaller goose inside? then open that and find another, smaller goose…
Get your ass back to the plantation
As millions more Americans get vaccinated by the day, Google is accelerating reopening plans in some parts of the U.S. on a volunteer basis ahead of the Sept. 1 return deadline, according to internal documents viewed by CNBC. Offices will reopen in a limited capacity in April based on vaccine availability and a downward trend in Covid-19 cases.
“It’s now been a year since many of us have been working from home, and the thought of returning to the office might inspire different emotions,” wrote Fiona Cicconi, Google’s new head of people operations, in a companywide email on Wednesday. Cicconi advised employees to get the Covid-19 vaccine but said it’s not mandatory.
If employees want to work remotely after Sept. 1, for more than 14 days per year, they’ll have to formally apply for it, according to a separate note marked “Need to know.” They can apply for up to 12 months in “the most exceptional circumstances.” The company could, however, call employees back to their assigned office at any point, the note said.
CNBC first reported in December that Google axed the idea of remote work and that it expects workers to “live within commuting distance” of offices.
Those staffers who left the Bay Area during the pandemic for less stress and perhaps to save money may have an incentive to return. In one of the notes on Wednesday, the company said it may adjust employees’ salaries based on where they work.
We wouldn’t want to risk the deterioration of the hive mind by allowing our drones to live out there in Flyoverlandia. They might be tainted by unapproved concepts.
NOOOOOO! You can’t just work for the same salary we gave you here and move away to live like a rich person!
HAHA Remote Work go BRRR
Disgust, assuming that “returning to the office” means masks and pod-bubbles or WTF.
I will not comply.
That the sun sets in the west is a fact. Any contrary view does not deserve our time or attention.
“The sun sets in the west” is indisputably true, therefor, “Gender is a social construct” must also be indisputably true.
The narrative we start with is indisputably true. Any contrary view does not deserve our time or attention.
It think that sums up modern journalism nicely.
sun sets in the west
Way to assume my cardinal points shitlord!!!!
I want to shave my head again so badly, but I will look horrible and Mr Mojeaux will be mad at me, and I will have to wear head scarves(obliging me to wear ginormahoop earrings), prompting a bunch of complete strangers to be super nice to me everywhere I go.
My male privilege lets me shave my head and I don’t even have to.
My hair is so thick and coarse and wavy and long, it can weave dreadlocks by itself overnight. My hair is heavy and hot and I hate it. I’ve always hated it.
Same here. That’s why I shave it.