Tuesday Morning Links

by | Apr 13, 2021 | Daily Links | 392 comments

He deserves it!

Astros fans trolled pretty much everybody with their standing ovation of AJ Hinch. Then they lost to the Tigers.  Not ready to start getting into daily baseball updates yet, so that’s the only one I’m gonna mention.  In soccer, West From helped their chances of surviving relegation, and Everton played to a listless draw and are definitely on the outside looking in for UCL and probably Europa League play for next year. Speaking of UCL, the first two quarterfinal ties will wrap up today. Enjoy them.

Prepare to be memory-holed, Thomas.

Guy Fawkes was born on this day. The mask dude shares it with awesome founder (who is slowly being cancelled by idiots) Thomas Jefferson, old west desperado Butch Cassidy, radar developer Robert Watson-Watt, Scrabble inventor Alfred Butts, Irish novelist Samuel Beckett, auto racing legend Dan Gurney, actor Tony Dow, overbearing writer Christopher Hitchens, piss-drinking actor Ron Perlman, baseball player Dave Miley, chess player Garry Kasparov, pitchers Mark Leiter and Jose Rijo, and musical great Lou Bega.

Right. Let’s get on to…the links!

No Justice, no Peace Beef N Cheddar

The Summer Of Love is here. Lol, just kidding. It’s gonna be a bloodbath. Too bad the Dems who run all these places don’t realize the simplest solution is to get rid of qualified immunity, get rid of the police unions, and take all settlements/judgments from police pension funds. They wouldn’t do that in a million years.

They let this creep retire on our dime. Oh, that’s right. They always let these assholes retire and continue collecting money from us.

Gee, who didn’t see this coming? Perverse incentives will continue fucking up entry level work until government abandons them. Which means they’ll continue fucking it up until after the 2022 elections, I reckon.

Good! Due process applies to the court system, not whether or not someone gets to keep their job after they do something so egregiously stupid it results in a death. Anybody who conflates the two deserves to be riding unemployment.

I applaud the initiative of these enterprising youths. But I’m still not paying to look at them.

Rent-seekers seek rent. I’m shocked. SHOCKED, I tell ya!

Good for them. (No snark) Now if they’d get their head out of their asses and demand to be able to exercise their 2A rights, they’d really be doing something positive.

$15/hour gets you this.

Most of this story is pretty cool. Except for the part where people are actively ordering and consuming Dominos Pizza.  That part is sad.

We could use more of this mindset in the world. Enjoy it. I know I will.

Now get out there and have a great day, friends!

About The Author




  1. Count Potato

    “Perverse incentives will continue fucking up entry level work until government abandons them. Which means they’ll continue fucking it up until after the 2022 elections”


    • Count Potato

      Hold on, I got it to work in reader view…

      • Count Potato

        Crap, that’s not the article. I give up.

  2. rhywun

    We could use more of this mindset in the world.

    ? My favorite of theirs.

  3. Count Potato

    “State Rep. Bob Morgan, a pro-pot Democrat from Deerfield, has already introduced legislation that would require products containing Delta-8, CBD and other unchecked cannabinoids to be tested and labeled.”

    Yeah, well, fuck you, Bob.

    • Count Potato

      “Pam Althoff, a former state senator who now serves as the trade group’s executive director, said Delta-8 sellers are increasingly cropping up in “cannabis deserts,” where licensed pot shops haven’t opened. She described Delta-8 as a potentially dangerous “substitute” for legal weed — and one that’s being sold at lower prices.”

      Cannabis deserts? Really?

      • sloopyinca

        You never heard of hash brownies? ?

      • Count Potato

        Nice try, Ted.

      • Ted S.


      • Swiss Servator

        deserts =\= You never heard of hash brownies?

      • UnCivilServant

        And here I thought sloopy was threatening to turn count potato into hash browns.

        How well does hasish survive in hash browns?

      • DEG

        I might or might not have indulged in space cakes while in Amsterdam.

      • Swiss Servator

        I see a single scraggly cannabis plant, trying to cling to its side of the sand dune…

      • Festus

        Yup. It’s also a male.

      • bacon-magic

        *waters plant and whispers “you’re gonna make it little buddy”

      • zwak

        But are they just?

    • Homple

      Pot is legal and entrepreneurs are making money off it, so now’s the time to change from entrepreneurship to regulatory capture.

  4. blackjack

    I’m torn on the due process one. I mean, who gets to make the call? This one is quick and easy, but that’s not to say they all are. In a private sector setting, it’s easy. What if there’s a sheriff who fires people for not being violent enough or for snitching on the bad cops? It has happened. I’m all for firing a cop who is so stupid she shoots a kid out of pure confusion, but I have no problem giving her a hearing first. I think the problem is with the process and how it’s usually handled, not the idea that it should be considered carefully before punishment is meted out. There’s absolutely no doubt she needs to be removed from active police work in the mean time, however.

    • sloopyinca

      That’s a good argument. But he shouldn’t be making a due process argument. He should be making a “departmental policy” argument. They’re different processes for different venues. But he makes it sound like her constitutional rights (to a jib being a state enforcer) are being trampled.

      That’s my main quibble.

      • Swiss Servator

        You are about to discover the joys of “due process when a property interest is involved” – this came about as the “emanations and penumbras” crowd was searching for a way to make welfare benefits a Constitutionally protected right.

    • juris imprudent

      She panic fired and then was fired in a panic. No one has time to slow down and think, they might miss a news cycle and then they’d be behind the narrative instead of in front.

      • Not Adahn

        Meh, i have no problem with gross incompetence incurring liability. A surgeon accidentlally open someone’s aorta shouldn’t get to say “Whoopsie! I was distracted by the way Nurse Framboise filled out her scrubs.”

    • DEG

      What if there’s a sheriff who fires people for not being violent enough or for snitching on the bad cops?

      My gut tells me Joe Arpaio has already done that.

  5. Tundra

    Good morning, Sloopy!

    I just deleted a long comment that was self-indulgent, whiny, black-pilled bullshit.

    instead, I’m gonna be thankful for each and every one of you and listen to 80s pop.

    Have a great day, peeps!

    • AlexinCT

      Stay away from downer-shit Tundra…

      • Tundra

        Ska always works. Thanks, Neph!

      • The Hyperbole

        Congratulations Tundra you just said the most wrongest thing on the internet today.

      • Festus


    • Tejicano

      Good decision. There’s plenty of negative vibes to go around as it is.

    • sloopyinca

      Whenever you’re feeling whiny, crank up some Erasure, Howard Jones, or especially New Order. And let the wave of awesomeness wash over you.

      I’m being serious, by the way.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        HoJo is a guilty pleasure. He’s almost impossibly upbeat.

      • sloopyinca

        I listened to his interview last week on SXM. Dude’s sole purpose to his music is to convince people that life is good and they should love each other.

      • rhywun

        I like HoJo.

        But New Order has been my jam for 35 years and I see no reason to change that yet. 🙂

      • Gustave Lytton

        *remembers waking up in a long ago apartment to the faint sounds of Blue Monday and sex from the neighbors above*

      • Not Adahn

        crank up some Erasure

        Speaking of a boy in love, Ladyfriend just invidted herself over for a week and a half in August

        *hip thrusting dance*

      • The Other Kevin

        A man after my own heart.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I feel you Tundra. What the fuck is up with our entire county having a curfew?

      • Tundra

        Not just ours. Ramsey and Anoka, too.

      • Swiss Servator

        Anoka? Hmmm. We have some people up there. I guess its WFH now.

      • l0b0t

        If it helps, I love you both, want you and yours to be safe during this nonsense, and think you might enjoy some Welsh punk from the 1970s/80s – Please to enjoy The Abs/em>.

      • Tundra

        Holy shit!

        Jangly, melodic and great vocals.

        Thanks, l0b0t!

      • l0b0t

        You are most welcome. They never fail to lighten my mood. They hit that sweet spot, for me, of raw punk energy but with excellent craftsmanship.

        They even do a song about a combover – Grease Your Ralph

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m flattered, and to be honest a bit intrigued, and I will let you love Tundra up all you want, but I’m gonna pass on the SMITH-ing.

      • l0b0t

        Curses! Foiled again.

      • Tundra

        Wow! I love it!

        And that drummer…

      • zwak

        Yeah, they put out a couple barn-burning singles, one awesome album, one meh second album, and fizzled out. Which is too bad as they had a shit-load of potential.

    • Hank

      I figured out recently that “black-pilled” is like Denethor looking into the Palantir and getting all depressed and despairing.

      So, although I presume that you have some legitimate beefs at life, don’t be like Denethor.

      Try listening to “Shiny Happy People”!

      Well, don’t go overboard.

  6. Lazer

    “Perverse incentives will continue fucking up entry level work until government abandons them. Which means they’ll continue fucking it up until after the 2022 elections, I reckon.”

    Yep, haven’t seen any bonuses yet, for entry level, but nearly every restaurant/fast food has “NOW HIRING”. In my delivery job I talk to alot of them and they can not get even hardly get people to apply, and when they do they can’t get them to respond, and one even had four people show up for an interview, hired them, and they never showed up.

    Also, bill boards for welders and for a truck bed making company. BIL works at a plant where they make belts for machinery. Used to be a good job with good pay that was hard to get into. BIL says now they are getting their new hires from a halfway house. Yeah, you can guess how that is working out.

    Guess we are seeing the effects of what a UBI would be. Can’t wait for the inflation!

    • hayeksplosives

      That’s what happens when a society allows the government to press “pause” on all life’s activities.

      The only people who seem baffled by the outcome of over a year of lockdown silliness are the Top Men who thought they could direct the restricted economy of jobs they decided where essential.

      • Pope Jimbo

        How hard can it be to manage a supply chain? I mean it is currently being managed by guys with a year or two of community college at best. Surely with my Ivy League MBA, it should be a snap.

      • Swiss Servator

        *watches Penn MBA drive a forklift off the end of a loading dock*

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m actually impressed the Penn MBA was able to start the forklift.

      • Swiss Servator

        It was running when he sat in it.

    • Count Potato

      I’m a bit surprised considering how many restaurants went out of business.

      • Nephilium

        With the supplemental unemployment being doled out everywhere, and more rounds of stimulus, why go through the hassle to get dressed, and go to a job where you’re not going to be making as much as you could have two years ago (reduced capacity = less tips). Why learn a whole new system, at a new place, only to watch it go under in a couple months anyways?

        Shit, the grocery stores near me are doing entry level jobs starting at $11/hour trying to bring people in. Most of the fast food places appear to be in line with that. Then you’ve got Doordash and UberEats both providing some fairly easy money for people as well (or at least the appearance of it).

      • The Hyperbole

        why go through the hassle to get dressed, and go to a job

        Self respect?

      • leon

        Self respect requires an amount of self control, and that is eschewed in popular culture.

      • Pope Jimbo

        A buddy of mine works at a company that needs a crew of yahoos about once a month to come in and box up install kits of their product. It is stupid dumb work that needs to get done. In the olden days they had a list of guys who’d show up to make $13/hr for a night’s work. Guys that were happy to make a few easy bucks.

        Now none of those guys will show up. They can all stay home and make more on the dole. They tried using a temp agency one month, but the derelicts they sent over turned out to be not worth the money.

        Now they roll in a keg and the engineers and other employees spend a couple hours doing the kitting in return for free beer. Worked fine for about six months, but now the natives are grumbling.

        My buddy doesn’t know what they are going to do. Maybe they’ll get lucky and looters will burn their shop down and the problem just goes away.

      • Swiss Servator

        Then you’ve got Doordash and UberEats both providing some fairly easy money for people as well (or at least the appearance of it).

        Not really – their only advantage is flexibility. Otherwise you are a 1099 shipping away 30% for self-employment taxes, and at the mercy of tippers being good or not.

      • Nephilium

        That’s assuming that the people doing this for the past year were aware of how much 1099 income gets taxed. I can see quite a few people getting burned by that.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Then you’ve got Doordash and UberEats both providing some fairly easy money for people as well (or at least the appearance of it).

        It’s definitely the veneer. A driving job like that isn’t hard, by any means, but most people make the mistake of treating it like a job as opposed to a business or a franchise where there are several costs (gas, maintenance, etc), and end up in a loop that makes the job seem untenable because they’re not really accounting for those costs. Most are worried about being paid for the wrong things, like how much they make per hour, when driving jobs NEED to be gauged by how much you earn per mile when placed against the cost of operating your car.

        When I drove, I kept a very meticulous spreadsheet that I filled out every single night. I knew where each penny was going, and exactly what I made on every ride, broken down in to several categories. That showed me when it was most profitable to drive, when it wasn’t profitable, and finally when I needed to quit because it was no longer profitable at all in my area at a time I was willing/able to drive. I earned decent side hustle money when I drove. At least until they changed their rates and a 20% rate cut turned in to a 25% pay cut. That’s when I knew it was time to stop because my formulas were all starting to show that I wasn’t making enough per mile to justify the cost of operating. Most drivers don’t have that sort of tool to help them, nor even know that they need one to help with their accounting.

        Most people just turn the app on and off and don’t do the extra accounting, then wonder why they’re not seeing much financial difference, and finally stop altogether. Your average driver only lasts a few months because they’re not looking at the job correctly.

      • gbob

        Just a quick note on Doordash and Uber. It’s not just appearance. I average about 27 dollars an hour working those platforms…and I just do it part time, about 10 or 12 hours a week. It’s done so well, that in a couple of weeks I’ll be leaving my current job do I can gig full time.

        Perhaps I should write an article on the topic.

      • The Last American Hero

        My grocery is paying $20. Big sign on the door. It’s been on there for 3 weeks.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Probably mask mandates too. I don’t know how current employees stand it.

      • Brawndo

        Drinking and lots of complaining. I’ve stopped going places that require masks (in MA that’s everywhere). I wear one 40 hours a week and have for over a year now and I’m not going to be bitched at by people with internet jobs because I don’t want to wear a muzzle in my free time.

  7. hayeksplosives

    Good morning, Sloop!

    I’m rarely here early enough for morning links, so hi everyone else too!

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      ey oop, mi duck!

      • Not Adahn


    • DEG


      How is your husband?

  8. Festus

    Heh. That photo is a Benneton ad, isn’t it?

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Godspell? Rent?

  9. AlexinCT

    Good for them. (No snark) Now if they’d get their head out of their asses and demand to be able to exercise their 2A rights, they’d really be doing something positive.

    DId this story have a happy ending? Asking for that guy that got all crazy and started shooting people a few weeks ago…

    • sloopyinca

      Just because it’s about Asian women doesn’t automatically mean there’s a happy ending involved.

      So I’m not sure.

      • Tejicano

        Just because it’s about Asian women doesn’t automatically mean there’s a happy ending involved

        You can say that again!

        /Remembers the ex…. Brrr!

    • Pope Jimbo

      The problem with Asian women at massage parlors and guns is that they tend to jerk the trigger.

  10. juris imprudent

    Yeah Hitch was overbearing, but goddamn was he a good writer – a true master of the language. Even reading something you disagreed with was a pleasure.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Mother Teresa hardest hit.

    • Tonio

      Hitch is my spirit animal.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        +? (or maybe not)

    • Pope Jimbo

      I also like the contrast in how they are dressed. Minnesoda man has a vest and flannel shirt. CNN Reporter babe has a huge parka suitable for climbing K2.

      It was rainy last night and a bit chilly, but not winter jacket weather.

    • Tejicano

      I’m wondering/hoping that the acronym TMITE goes mainstream

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m hoping the acronym fades away. The mindset is a different matter.

    • Count Potato

      so profanity much based

  11. The Late P Brooks

    I just deleted a long comment that was self-indulgent, whiny, black-pilled bullshit.

    You’re no fun.

    • Toxteth O'Grady


    • Pope Jimbo

      I’ve been trying to tell you people exactly this for years! But does anyone listen?

      • Swiss Servator

        Huh? … you say sumthin’?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Now I don’t feel bad about my comment above regarding the accuracy of Asian women shooters.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    I heard somebody say “We followed the science” last night. Completely unironically.

    I stifled a snicker as best I could.

  13. Swiss Servator

    “Astros fans trolled pretty much everybody with their standing ovation of AJ Hinch. ”

    Thanks for cheating!!!!!!!

    • Nephilium

      /raises a pint named for the Astros

      • Cowboy

        Haters gonna hate.

        I could write a letter about all the other teams doing the same thing in 17, but it wouldn’t get opened. Hinch just had the bad luck of being in charge when the Astros finally beat the legacy big market teams at their own game.

    • UnCivilServant

      The last time I had Dominos (8-10 years ago now) I got a burnt disc of grease rather than anything that could be described as food. They lost my business permanantly.

      Nice cartoon.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I can’t remember exactly when they reformed, but I do recall the “we listened” ad.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Yeah, I remember those. “We admit our pizza tasted like shit but it’s a lot better now so give us another chance”.

        Their new recipe is pretty good for the price. We have a local place that’s worlds better we usually order from but use Dominos when needing a lot of pizzas. 8 bucks is hard to beat for a large cheesesteak pizza.

    • Gender Traitor

      Uncle Shelby! ::two thumbs up::

  14. Festus

    Ron Perlman is a really fine actor. Witness him in The Name of the Rose or The City of Lost Children. If I ever met him in the Public Square I’d be sorely tempted to start shouting “Salvatore Stupido!” at the top of my lungs.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Amoukar in Quest For Fire was the only role he was truly meant to play.

      • Bobarian LMD

        No acting required.

  15. Lazer

    Can someone please explain all the “pill” colors and what they mean? (I know i could DDG, but figure you’re answers would be more helpful and full of snark) I’m more of an alcohol/weed guy, still like a little pain killer every once in a while though

    • Nephilium

      Red Pill/Blue Pill both came from the Matrix. The main character is offered one pill that will allow him to see the world as it truly is (red), the other will let him go back to the life he was living before (blue).

      Black pill is referring to nihilism, that the system is ultimately corrupted and not worth saving.

      White pill is finding those bits of optimism for the future, and focusing on them.

      I’m sure there’s other ones that have been created and used as well.

      • Mad Scientist

        What’s the pill color for someone who thinks all this short hand is simplistic, stupid, and very annoying?

      • mrfamous

        That would be ‘blue’

    • UnCivilServant

      If I am reading the meaning correctly you get the classic –
      Blue – buy the narrative, don’t question what you’re being fed
      Red – realize there’s a bunch of bullshit in the narrative.

      And they’ve added
      Black – become a nihilist and conclude doom and gloom
      White – become an optimist and see hope in the tea leaves.

    • Swiss Servator

      Red = as in The Matrix, you open your eyes to the real world. Applied to those usually to the Left that wake up and go “OMG, what is going on?!”

      Blue = stay in the hivemind, or join it.

      Black = Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me. Deep Dark Depression, Excessive Misery. If It Weren’t for Bad Luck, I’d Have No Luck AT All. Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me

      White = Optimism. Be it, have it, it’ll be OK.

      • The Hyperbole

        What’s the color of apathy?

      • UnCivilServant

        They couldn’t be arsed to come up with one.

      • Toxteth O'Grady


      • Toxteth O'Grady

        empty gelcap?



      • Swiss Servator

        I can’t be bothered to check.

      • R C Dean

        Nobody cares.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        *golf clap*

    • mrfamous

      Blue Pill: “I’m the pinball machine”
      Red Pill: “I’m the flippers”
      Black Pill: “I’m the ball”
      White Pill: “I’m on SSRIs”

      • Mojeaux


      • Toxteth O'Grady

        They hiring? 😉

        Love the domes in the ads.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I remember when those used to have some faddish interest. Now that I think about it, there’s a dome house on the long way to town. Or was. Haven’t been that way in ages or thought about that house even longer.

    • Not Adahn

      Pill colors

      The fact that the DCU could be a 100% renewable all electric planet shows how much of a selfish racist bigot Superman is.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Yarvin is pushing his Clear Pill, which sounds an awful lot like Stoicism.

      In a perfect state of neutrality, which none attain perfectly, you will be free of political energy and stress. You will not be of any use or any harm to any particular cause. You will feel neither political anger, nor political fear. You will neither cause trouble, nor get in trouble. This vacation from politics need not last the rest of your life. But it can.

      Neutrality is just an intellectual divorce from whatever narrative you may follow now. Someone could still tell a story that met your new standards. You could still believe it enough to decide to live in it. Right now, it feels really good to be on your own.

      And no: you most certainly do not vote, or demonstrate, or agitate, or do anything like that. To be neutral is to be as useless as possible to all sides of all conflicts. If that’s not anywhere you are willing to be, now is the time to bail!

      • Swiss Servator

        “In a perfect state of neutrality, which none attain perfectly”

        Dude has not heard of Switzerland?

      • Not Adahn

        Moldbug once again thinks he’s invented a milennia-old philosophy? Lao-tzu would have a sad if he wasn’t so darn tranquil.

      • The Last American Hero

        I thought the stoic guys were all in favor of lockdowns and double masks forever, and just enduring it cause, well duh, stoic.

        Fuck those guys.

      • Lazer

        Yeah, the “Daily Stoic” email has been SHIT about that. I like to think of the Stoic position as “This sucks, I will endure, but ALSO do what is in my power to correct/change that which is wrong! This problem has been set before me for a reason.”

        I am not well versed, but I think that is what Marcus Ariellus (SP?) take on it would be.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad


        Stoicism isn’t cowardice or dereliction of responsibility. It’s being in control of your own actions instead of losing control of your actions in response to others (e.g., emotional outbursts).

      • Lazer

        “instead of losing control of your actions in response to others (e.g., emotional outbursts).”

        And I will be working on that until the day I die! I do feel I am getting better though.

  16. juris imprudent

    They are not of the body!

    Whitlock tweeted about the controversy last week, writing, “Black Lives Matter Founder buys $1.4 million home in Topanga, which has a black population of 1.4%. She’s with her people!” He added a link to the story on the celebrity property blog The Dirt. Twitter quickly deleted his post and locked his account for “violating our rules against posting private information.”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Is this the same Twitter that’s being sued for allowing straight up CP to stay up because it didn’t violate their policies? Funny how they only care about privacy when it’s politically expedient.

    • Count Potato


    • CatchTheCarp

      I thought you had to win a few elections in order to ascend to this level of grifting. Impressive.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    In the spirit of goodness and hope, I bring you something righteous and uplifting. A tasteful restomod.

    Buy it and dive it every time the sun comes out (top down, of course).

    • Tundra


    • UnCivilServant

      Is that a darn green or an optical illusion?

  18. The Late P Brooks

    I thought the blue pill was what Democrats take every morning to suppress their intellects and enhance their emotionalism.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me. Deep Dark Depression, Excessive Misery. If It Weren’t for Bad Luck, I’d Have No Luck AT All. Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me

    *hound dog howls*

    • pistoffnick

      That is NOT the perfect country & western song
      Because he hadn’t said anything at all about mama
      Or trains, or trucks, or prison, or getting’ drunk.


      • The Last American Hero

        Whoa, there. Country music, properly performed, is about your (former) woman. Western is about your horse.

      • Ask your doctor if BEAM is right for you

        You can only say so much in 3’30”.

  20. juris imprudent

    NYT caught speaking out of both sides of mouth, and in other news, the sun rose in the east today.

    The New York Times now insists through its designated arbiter of verified facts that absentee voting is the “gold standard”; the opinion page denounces any concern about the practice as not just wrong, but a myth used to suppress voting by the poor and minorities. And yet for more than 20 years the Times has been making the not-unreasonable case that absentee ballots are more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting.

    • Festus

      It was less then a decade and a half ago that I used to trust the NYTs. The election of Barack changed everything, so I started looking deeper and realized how wrong I was. That took me to different sites, mostly right-leaning ones about that Trayvon bullshit, eventually to TOS and finally to here. Centrist to Glib in three easy steps! TOS never let me in but you guys did. Make of that what you will.

  21. Q Continuum

    “Desperate British students are being forced to join OnlyFans, star in porn after hospitality jobs dried up due to COVID lockdowns”

    “Forced”? Funny, I don’t see a gun pointed at that girl’s head.

    • Q Continuum

      “Writing for the New York Post, Rikki Schlott has slammed a prurient pop culture movement that may contribute to students joining OnlyFans and doing porn. Schlott blames what she labels “Cardi B culture,” thanks to the performer’s brazen flaunting of her physique and sexuality.”

      The Puritans will always be with us.

      • Festus

        Crenellated aureolas. That is all. Some tits are just not up to snuff.

      • Toxteth O'Grady


      • Festus

        I was referring to Cardi B’s gross tits.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        So I gathered. Is OK, I’ll enact my own labor, or perhaps not.

      • pistoffnick

        “Crenellated areolas”

        I saw them open for the Love Pumps in a dive bar in ’94

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Nah, you’re thinking of the opening act for King Missile.

      • Agent Cooper

        “thanks to the performer’s brazen flaunting of her his physique and sexuality.””

        Thanks, Elvis.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      If they were being forced wouldn’t there be unattractives doing it too? Yeah, they’re being forced alright.

    • Festus

      You don’t call your thingamajig “The Gun”? Weirdo…

      • pistoffnick

        Happiness is…

    • Bobarian LMD

      I don’t see a gun pointed at that girl’s head.

      This is my weapon and this is my gun!

      This is for fighting, this is for fun?

  22. robc

    Unless I fell asleep for a month, your baseball birthdays are off. Rijo (and the rest I assume) was born May 13th.

    So real baseball birthdays:

    There are 5 players in the 30s of WAR, 3 olde timers: Herman Long (1889-1904), Kid Elberfield (1898-1914), and Claude Hendrix (1911-1920). Also two more recent: Hunter Pence (2007-2020) and Lorenzo Cain (2010-??). Cain looks to be close to done, he should move past Long for #1 on this date, but it is a tossup whether he makes it to 40 WAR.

    • Lazer

      in the process of taking my part two baseball test for umpiring.

      Last week I was involved in probably the most stupidest sporting event I have been involved in in my 45 years of playing, coaching, referring sports. Jr. High Baseball. Top of 1st inning 8 runs scored; one ball put into play. 2nd and 3rd, not to bad. Top of 4th, (bottom halfs went ok) 12 runs scored, 2 balls put into play. So, yes, that means that there was 13 walks!! FFS!! I said something to the coach and he said the kids will just have to learn. Learn what, that 13 yo’s aren’t physically developed to throw 60’6″???

      Think in the future I’m going to stick to softball, much faster game and I the pay is the same. Also, for the most part the coaches are easier to deal with and don’t want to embarrass their pitchers and do 3 runs or 3 outs per inning in the B/JV games.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        If a 13yo can’t pitch at 60’6”, it’s likely that they’re underdeveloped, they don’t really know what they’re doing, or the coach has put them on a 1-way trip to TJ surgery and are being overused.

        I watched hundreds of 13u (while I was coaching a 13u team) pitch from that distance last summer, and while some couldn’t do it well, it wasn’t because they didn’t have the arm to pitch at that distance, it’s because they had no idea what they were doing at all, or coach was an idiot and didn’t know when to pull the plug.

        I kind of agree with the coach on the “they just have to learn” bit. Not every inning is going to be pretty, especially with young pitching.

        There comes a definite time to pull them, but it’s because of pitch counts, not because they’re sucking.

      • Translucent Chum

        Also trying to teach them to throw curveballs. Young pitchers are much better off learning to change speed that anything else, and it won’t wreck an elbow.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Curve balls actually aren’t nearly as bad as we’ve always been led to think.

        It’s fastballs that place the most stress on young arms, particularly in an age when velocity rules all, and pitchers are (stupidly) being taught that every pitch is max effort.

        I still wouldn’t teach a kid younger than 12 to throw curve balls, but mostly because they need to have a good handle on throwing fastballs and change ups before they learn breaking pitches.

      • Lazer

        True. Should have said “these particular 13 yo’s aren’t physically developed ” Small schools, doubt that they had much travel ball experience. In my opinion, it was just embarrassing for the the kids. At that level (small town america jr high “B” game) I would have got with the other coach and implemented a 5-3-5 game (5 runs, or 3 outs, 5 innings) I feel that way you can still get develpment, but if your pitchers are this bad your not standing on the field for 40 minutes and not getting any balls hit to you.

      • Agent Cooper

        I pitched in LL games where I would strikeout 15, walk 2 and lose. (Defense was another issue for 10-12 year olds)

  23. Festus

    Montreal kids rioting in the streets over something important for once. Wonder if Rufus is leading the parade with a tin-foil tricorn?

    • Festus

      Haven’t got the link handy but some 19-20 year old shouted “They are stealing our lives!” at the reporter.

      • Ted S.

        I’d like to see them ask the reporters what they think makes reporters more essential than the rest of us.

  24. robc

    Also, West From?

    Is that a joke I don’t get or just lack of an editor?


      Patriarchy made these otherwise pure wholesome ladies cash in on the fact that men like boobs and butts. This was a complete surprise and completely without precedent.


  25. The Late P Brooks

    “Forced”? Funny, I don’t see a gun pointed at that girl’s head.

    What else can she do? Wash windshields at intersections for pocket change?

    • Ask your doctor if BEAM is right for you

      Works for me.

      Plus, I get to wear all the t-shirts that Spousal Unit won’t let me wear anymore ’cause they’re too old ‘n gross.

  26. sarcasmic

    “Except for the part where people are actively ordering and consuming Dominos Pizza. That part is sad.”

    Couple days ago I ordered a square-cut, hand tossed with garlic parmesan sauce, chicken and roasted red peppers on top, and marinara dipping sauce on the side. Well done since they usually give me raw dough.

    It was quite good.


    • sarcasmic

      And will someone clue me in on what html tags work on this site? I tried italics on the above quote and it didn’t work.

      • UnCivilServant

        <em> – italics
        <strong> – bold
        <strike> – strikethrough

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh, and I forgot

        <blockquote> –


      • sarcasmic

        So i, b, and s don’t work

      • UnCivilServant

        Well i and b don’t work

        lets try s

      • AlexinCT

        That’s old html convention and deprecated.

      • Ask your doctor if BEAM is right for you

        That’s old html convention and deprecated for no good reason at all.

      • Not Adahn


      • sarcasmic


        Got it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Wtf man? Just waltz right in and start using them? We’ve got glibs who don’t get it after years of commentating.

      • sarcasmic

        When they jokingly said “Learn how to code” I took them seriously.

      • Gustave Lytton

        em for italics
        strong for bold

        a href still works for links
        s for strikethough

      • sarcasmic


      • sarcasmic

        try u for underline

      • Ask your doctor if BEAM is right for you

        This will either work or not, obvs.

      • Ask your doctor if BEAM is right for you

        Underline doesn’t work.

      • banginglc1

        You can also download eyepiece (link on the main page) Trashy wrote it, adds easy to click boxes and a preview. Also has other features such as a dynamic comment load.

      • Festus

        Yes, they used to sell a “meat lovers” pizza that would probably end me now. Delivery was horrible but if you went sit-down you took half of it home with you and the waitress’ phone #. I was a terrible flirt. Sometimes I forget that.

      • Agent Cooper


  27. robc

    Short Colorado update: We now own* a tiny patch of land in Larimer County (not within Ft Collins city limits – but close). A house should magically appear on it sometime before Christmas, I hope. Mid-December is most likely time. Architectural decisions are done, we have to head back out about June for interior design meetings. We should be permanently in Colorado by mid-August (on my 52nd birthday to be exact). We have a rental house arranged from then until Dec 18, so the house damn well better get done or Christmas-time will be extra special fun.

    *technically, just under contract, we don’t own it until we close on the house too.

    Also, is anyone in Colorado (or other western states if they exist elsewhere) capable of driving past a “Kum and Go” without giggling? I thought “Harris Teeter” was funny, but that is too far.

    • sarcasmic

      I lived in The People’s Republic of Boulder for five years, twenty years ago. Was a lot of fun of fun. Ft Collins is nice. Another college town which means the cops are likely extra dickish.

      Don’t they make Fat Tire there? Guess it can’t be all that bad.

      • robc

        Yes, New Belgium is located there. And about 34000 other breweries. So I am not complaining.

        i did see a lot of cops around last week.

        We lived in BG, KY previously, which is even more of a college town. Part of the reason for choosing Ft Collins.

        Two irrational annoyances:

        1. FoCo is a stupid abbreviation for Ft Collings. FTC is clearly correct. NoCo is fine for Northern Colorado however.
        2. Listen Loveland, if you are going to name your N-S streets after Presidents, that is fine, but PUT THEM IN FUCKING ORDER.

      • sarcasmic

        I still want to go back there to visit if not to live. When I moved to Maine it took years to get over the claustrophobia of driving through a tunnel in the forest, able to see mere feet on either side, when I was used to seeing miles and miles and miles like a Who song.

      • robc

        It was nice, and a bit weird, seeing the snowcapped mountains on the skyline ever time I was driving west. I am going to really enjoy it. The plan is to never* move again.

        *At least for 13 years to daughter graduates HS and we decide we are too old to navigate stairs. At that point we might consider something else. Or figure out how to add an elevator.

        I am overly joyed about finally having a basement again. In Bowling Green and Charleston, basements are basically non-starters, for entirely different reasons.

      • sarcasmic

        One thing I will never forget about living in Boulder is walking to work with the sun setting at a thirty degree angle behind the mountains with angled rays of light moving through the haze before I got busy cooking for the dinner rush.

      • robc

        Also, I have a 31 year old completely rational hatred of all things Boulder, so I am a Colorado State fan by default.

      • sarcasmic

        Oh come on! I’m sure there’s still some good dive bars! Is ‘The Sink’ still open? ‘Sundown Saloon’ on Pearl Street?

      • robc

        I have never been to Boulder. I will go in 2025 for about 4 hours and never again in my life, if it is up to me.

        There is nothing more rational than college football related spite.

      • Q Continuum

        Boulder is great for watching the local “wildlife”; both hippie freaks and gorgeous college girls (though Ft. Collins has plenty of those too). Given the choice of where to live I’d choose Ft. Collins also though.

      • robc

        My wife wanted small town. Boulder == Denver as far as we are concerned. Ft Collins is far enough away, while still being close enough if you want something from a city…like an airport.

        It is about the same distance as Bowling Green was from Nashville. I-25 from Denver to FtC is a lot like I-65 from Nashville to BG, without the hills.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        +1 Mindy

      • B.P.

        You are welcome at my tailgate in 2025.

    • Festus

      Happy for you, Friend!

    • DEG


    • Patio

      I live in Fort Collins now, been here 9 months. I grew up in Metro Denver but was out of CO from 2006-2020. Kum & Go gets me every time…

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Her dad and I, both 45, want to be supportive of her choices.

      Well, there’s the first problem. That’s not your primary function as a parent.

      • EvilSheldon

        Nor is the emotional comfort and self-expression of children necessarily something to be encouraged.

        These things seem obvious to forty-year-old childless me, but apparently they’re not obvious to our present generation of pathological approval-seekers masquerading as parents.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        People seem to forget that parenting is a responsibility that often involves the unpleasant task of having your children hate you for a while.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper


        My job is to make sure my kids turn out to be semi-decent human beings, not to be their friend, nor to coddle every decision they feel like they want to make.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I do think parenting is more difficult in this age simply because broader society (meaning the education complex) is openly encouraging children to ignore or reject their parents instead of respect and obey them.

      • leon

        +1 I’m the cool High school teacher, who is going to show you how wrong your parents are.

        If you think of Socrates as a akin to a modern Teachers Union prick, is it a wonder that the Athenians executed him for corrupting the youth?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Are you saying Socrates was totes woke?

    • Pope Jimbo

      When she came out as a lesbian two years ago, aged 11, we had no issue with it.

      Your daughter is an attention whore. Buy her a stripper pole and she’ll be fine.

      • Festus

        Buy or enslave an orphan would be the proper response on these boards.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I didn’t even get that far.

        That should have the first indicator that you should take her internet access away and switch schools.

      • Tundra


      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        This is a massive fad amongst MS aged kids. They really have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about, and since being a victim is incentivized in society, and gender is something they can choose at a whim and can constantly change depending on their mood that day, gender deviation is the way these spoiled ass children have chosen to achieve their victim status. It’s easy, and doesn’t take actually having survived some horrible event or being part of a traditional victim class.

        It’s everywhere.

        In my son’s class there are 22 girls (middle school).

        At least 10 of them have claimed non-binary status this year. And that’s 2 years after at least 13 of them have claimed to be lesbians.

        The reality is that in 20 years, of those 22 girls, 21 of them are likely to be your typical upper middle class (or better) white woman with 2 kids and either a husband, soon to be ex-husband, or they’re divorced and don’t understand why they live alone with cats. The 22nd will be a lesbian.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Where do you count the the one boy who did the MTF hormones and is now a chick with dick?

    • Gustave Lytton

      When I was a kid, I couldn’t find my pulse trying for the first time. I briefly thought I could actually be a medical freak without a pulse.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Wrist? Mine is faint there.

  28. l0b0t

    So Loss Prevention is at my store all week. We just had an underwhelming inventory; the amount of shrink was significantly larger than the last two counts. Is LP with us all week to look into that? Of course not. They have graced us with their presence so as to ensure mask compliance. I did not get within six feet of any other human during my shift last night; I was, like always alone in my aisles my entire shift. However, if I don’t have a slip of cloth over my nose and mouth, everybody dies. Sigh…

    • Pope Jimbo

      Well that is one way to kill off the thief.

      Tell them that you are maskless in order to trap the thief. They will be scurrying around stealing stuff not realizing that they’ve doomed themselves to a horrible death.

    • Festus

      Yeah, there was something in the employee notice book about masks last week. I couldn’t read it because I’m functionally blind without my readers on but it seems that gaitors and bandannas are no longer virus-worthy. Cuntes. Everybody is a cunte.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m actually on board with outlawing gaiters, bandannas and other BS masks.

        If you are going to force people to comply based on science, make them actually follow real science. Nothing bugs me more than some asshole wearing a sports gaiter that was marketed on its ability to not trap moisture yelling at me because my dumb disposable mask has slipped too far down for their taste.

        My naïve hope is that forcing all these ass hats to actually be discomfited would lead to mask mandates being dropped. I know in reality that they would just comply and still insist that anyone not wearing a mask is a monster.

    • DEG

      Yuck. Sorry.

    • Swiss Servator

      Twitter Shot Journalism has infected everyone on the net – even the right side sites that claim to hate Twitter have articles that are just a bunch of screenshots. Lazy.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “Melbourne mother loses 20 kilos”, “Wedding guests charged ENTRY FEES”; why are these news?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Oh, scraping Mumsnet, sorry. But same principle.

      • Agent Cooper

        Twitchy’s entire business model.

  29. leon

    Morning Glibs:

    Here’s a song to keep in your head today.

    Hope things are going well for everyone.

    • Gustave Lytton

      *memories of PBS pledge drives from 30+ years ago*

      (And I like it)

    • Pope Jimbo

      I would have expected something from the Peruvian Dodge plant. You know Llama Tough.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Alpaca it in now. It’s not going to get any better.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Nice, Leon. I haven’t heard that in a million years.

  31. The Other Kevin

    Great song, as usual. And don’t be too hard on Dominoes. Their food may be terrible, but they have somehow kept employing one of my kids, which if you know her, is somewhat of a miracle.

    • Festus

      Dominoes is hit and miss. The fucking store is like a mile and a half away. Cheap fast-food pizza and decent leftovers for lunches.

    • Festus

      Watched that on my break yesterday. He’s getting more fiery. Wish he’d give up that drug war and Aliens bullshit.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The ADL deserves to get slapped around, even if I think Tucker’s position on immigration is bs.

      Carlson quoted the (ADL’s) essay saying, “It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.”

      That’s like scoring a debate touchdown, spiking the ball, and banging the defensive linebacker’s girfriend in celebration.

      • Festus

        That’s like butt-fucking the linebacker after you’ve done his girl.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      He sounds like Tony the Tiger when he says “rrrracist!”

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Nor is the emotional comfort and self-expression of children necessarily something to be encouraged.

    These things seem obvious to forty-year-old childless me, but apparently they’re not obvious to our present generation of pathological approval-seekers masquerading as parents.

    The child-as-lifestyle-accessory movement is extremely powerful.

    Some people put aftermarket wheels on their Mercedes “SUV” and others encourage their sons to wear dresses.

    • Chipwooder

      And those people will have an elevated risk of being bludgeoned to death by their son when he’s an extremely screwed up 24 year old

    • Festus

      So far none of the seven Grandchildren have come out. Probably because their parents have involved them in sports or arts or work from a young age. Growing up, I knew exactly one Trans-sexual person. Realize that I met literally hundreds of kids growing up. The only tranny that I’ve ever known personally was my next-door neighbor. She always had the hottest friends. Feature that. She/he didn’t come out until the 2000’s. Jody was a hockey-playing tomboy but now xe calls xerself Daniel. Whispy beard and all. First under-bra tits that I ever groped. We were about 13 so probably not quite sure about stuff. We were dancing to Boston’s “More Than a Feeling”. Terribly chapped lips, would not recommend…

    • Endless Mike

      Just ask her why she refuses to “follow the science” – I am sure that will turn out great.

  33. Pope Jimbo

    So now that the CDC has come out and admitted that the SCIENCE behind getting the Rona from touching stuff was completely bogus, any chance people might wake up and realize that mask wearing might also be bogus?

    I doubt it. My wife told me that the CDC is wrong about fomite Rona transmission and she will still be bleaching all the groceries.

    • Festus

      Is a “There there” emoji? Cause I’d really like to come over to you and stand about six feet away and say that…

    • Tundra

      They also want the J&J shot ‘paused’, whatever the fuck that means. This is all such an amazing clusterfuck.

    • Drake

      Mmmm… bleached ham and cheese sandwiches…

      I hope you don’t have a septic system.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Sympathies. How does she reckon that one? I don’t suppose she’d listen to Dr. Drew? He’s more of a Koolaid* drinker than most of us here but is fairly rational and has survived it.

      *yeah, yeah, Flavor-Aid

      • Pope Jimbo

        Well to start with, she married me so she isn’t all that bright.

        No, the big problem was that the first non-Chinese cluster to pop up was in her hometown in Korea (Daegu) and it happened when no one was really sure what was going on. That fear burned into her brain and since then she’s had a hard time adjusting to new information.

        I’m really hoping that once we are all vaccinated she will lighten up.

    • Nephilium

      Local media had a piece about how “Post-COVID stress lingers”, especially in the younger (18-40 years old) groups. Oh, and it hits Hispanic and black communities harder then all the others. Same media also had a piece about the “huge spike” in drug overdose deaths.

      Land of the free, home of the slave
      The uninformed are digging their own grave
      Pacified with the mainstream media
      What’s it gonna take? mass hysteria!
      And that’s fine ‘cause i’m not blind
      I’m ready for a fight of any kind
      And we’re forming, trust me the drones are swarming
      Take this as a global warning

      • Chipwooder

        You’re all gonna die,
        And you voted for that guy!

    • Drake

      It’s almost as if this stuff didn’t go through proper clinical trials.

      • leon

        1 in 1,000,000 is incredibly small odds. 0.0001% chance of this happening. Of course this is just a continuation of our “Zero Risk Tolerance” policy preference society.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I don’t understand how this is an issue, but the completely non-understood long-term risks from mRNA vaccines are not.

      • Drake

        I believe that the J&J vaccine is the only one in the U.S. that is not mRNA based.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        In the long run yada yada

    • Translucent Chum

      The thing about that also is that the women were between 18 and 48 years old. Aside from this specific issue, they’re still more likely to die from the vaccine than from ‘rona unless they are already severely compromised.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Or unless they weigh the same as a Yugo.

      • Nephilium

        Wouldn’t that mean that they’re a duck?

  34. Count Potato

    Worth reposting:

    “Twitter BANS black reporter for criticizing BLM founder for buying $1.4m home in ‘88% white LA neighborhood’ – as he slams big tech for making the movement a ‘sacred cow despite its financial GRIFT’

    A prominent black sports journalist barred from Twitter for the ‘crime’ of discussing the $1.4 million house bought by a Black Lives Matter co-founder slammed the company for trying to silence legitimate debate.

    Jason Whitlock, 53, told DailyMail.com on Monday that Twitter was ‘going too far’ by blocking him from posting to his account, which has nearly 450,000 followers.

    The censorship by Twitter comes as social media companies, including Twitter and Facebook, have increasingly ‘de-platformed’ figures who stray too far from opinions they consider acceptable.”


    • robc

      Banning Whitlock is hilarious in two entirely different directions.

      • rhywun

        That guy is on Tucker all the time. Surprised he hadn’t already been banned for that and other transgressions.

    • EvilSheldon


      “Shut up, pussy. What is all this “ally” shit, anyway? You wanna be super-woke or something? These guys don’t wanna be your “ally” and I don’t blame ’em. Now get your no-chin soyboi ass on down the road.”

      Thanks to Walt Kowalski.

  35. DEG

    Hendricks quietly retired last year as a special agent in charge after the Office of Inspector General — the Justice Department’s internal watchdog — concluded he sexually harassed eight female subordinates in one of the FBI’s most egregious known cases of sexual misconduct.

    It still looks like the only thing that’ll get you fired from a government job is watching porn on the job, and sometimes not even that.

    As Delta-8’s popularity has grown, the influential trade group that represents Illinois’ licensed pot businesses has started lobbying state and federal lawmakers for stricter regulations while raising concerns about its safety. State Rep. Bob Morgan, a pro-pot Democrat from Deerfield, has already introduced legislation that would require products containing Delta-8, CBD and other unchecked cannabinoids to be tested and labeled.

    Maybe the trade group should be lobbying for fewer restrictions on their members.

    • Festus

      Who the fuck watches porn at work? I stopped watching the dirty stuff at home about a year ago.

      • AlexinCT

        Now you are making your own movies?

      • Festus

        I’m old. Disinterested.

  36. DEG

    Chris Sununu acting like a child

    For many GOP House Republicans, it was Facebook snark that didn’t cut the mustard.

    Greg Moore of Americans for Prosperity popped a note in state Rep. John Burt’s FB timeline asking when Hot Dog Day will be held this year. Burt, a Goffstown Republican, hosts the annual event as an end-of-session gathering and fundraiser for volunteer dog rescue organizations. With an open invitation to the entire State House and staff — around 800 people — it’s a major undertaking.

    “Not sure if it will happen this year. It takes months to prepare and sadly the days are ticking away and we are still scared to go back to the State House,” Burt replied. “Can you help?”

    Various Facebook folks commented on the conversation, and then a post appeared from Gov. Chris Sununu:

    “On cooking hot dogs at the state house Rep. Burt says, “It takes months to prepare…If that doesn’t sum up the NH Legislature, I don’t know what does. ??? …and you all wonder why I’m hesitant to give the Legislature control of Emergency Orders during a crisis?!?! ???” [emojis in original]

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      There’s something about the use of emojis by elected officials that really doesn’t inspire confidence in them.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        What is the point of repeated emojis?

      • leon

        Repetition gives the effect of certainty without any substance

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It means you’re totes srs ???

      • Mad Scientist

        What’s the point of any emojis?

      • The Hyperbole

        Same as flipping the bird versus saying “fuck you” aloud.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      And they’re going to cook the rescue dogs? Nooo! ????

    • Agent Cooper

      So, he is being a dick, but he has a point about a cookout taking months to prepare.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    The sort of subtle, nuanced political analysis you can only get from CNN

    Here’s why. Think of a political party like a country — and not necessarily a democratic one. The person who controls the military tends to control the country. He (or she) has the power, quite literally, to do what they want to do when they want to do it.

    Trump is that person within the GOP. He commands the base of the party. And the base of the party comprises the foot soldiers that every politician wants and needs — whether to power small-dollar donations or turn out in primaries. The person who controls the base controls the party. Period.

    Trump’s robot white supremacist army merely awaits his signal to rise up and overthrow DEMOCRACY!

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      And the implied conclusion that the military is ultimately in charge of the country is rather telling.

      • Drake

        Take a walk over to the Capital building right now…

    • Chipwooder

      “Tik Tok star”

      I really need to maroon myself on a tiny island in the Pacific

      • leon

        … Hmmm This could be a great business opportunity. “Will Maroon You On own private atoll in the pacific, for a fee”

      • Sean

        Monthly fee.

        It’s all subscription based these days.

      • Chipwooder

        Monthly? So if my subscription lapses, you will physically return me to the mainland?

      • leon

        I’m thinking we could just cleverly word the ToS to be a power of attorney, and we’ll just take your stuff once you die. Plus you dying on the island is a key part of business sustainability.

      • Sean

        Nope. We’ll drop off Trigglypuff* and you’ll no longer be marooned by yourself.

        *May not be the actual one, but a reasonable facsimile.

      • leon

        Ooh.. This could be a separate line of business too. Make money on both ends.

      • Sean

        OK, Boomer Gilligan.

      • Festus

        OK, Mary-Anne

  38. l0b0t

    Tee hee… that Louder Crowder fellow is doing a livestream of a gun-control is bad, change my mind thingy, and it is funny. https://youtu.be/Y45-_HE91Us

  39. The Late P Brooks

    The death throes of the Republican Party

    Since 2010, the most significant growth in the Republican coalition has been white voters without a college degree — an imperfect but widely used metric to quantify the working-class voting bloc — along with some marginal growth among similarly educated Black and Hispanic voters. Banks believes the only winning path forward for the GOP is to permanently reimagine itself as the party of the working-class America.

    Banks is the chairman of the Republican Study Committee, a conservative faction in the House long rooted in small government, low taxes and social conservatism and he recently sent a six-page memo to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., making his case. For Banks this means tougher immigration laws and cracking down on China, Big Tech and, perhaps most provocatively for the GOP, corporate America.


    Republicans are increasingly comfortable attacking corporations these days, a political stance made easier after Wall Street donors gave more to Joe Biden in 2020, major companies halted donations to Republicans who objected to Electoral College results on Jan. 6, and as companies take more liberal positions on controversial issues, like Georgia’s new voting law.

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., last week issued a rare public lashing toward companies that oppose the law. “My warning, if you will, to corporate America is to stay out of politics. It’s not what you’re designed for,” he said. McConnell — a top recipient of corporate political donations — walked back his comments, but not a statement his office released warning corporations of “serious consequences” for “behaving like a woke parallel government.”

    Top Senate Republicans — some considering 2024 presidential runs — have been echoing the call to remake the party even before the 2020 election. “We’ve got a big battle in front of us, Republicans do, to try and make this party truly the party of working class America,” Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said last November.

    The Republicans have been reduced to pandering to the mob of dirty-fingernailed racist troglodytes the Democrats dumped overboard with the rest of the trash. Those Republicans never really used the corporatists to full advantage, anyway.

    Behold the gleaming future of corporatist economic and social planning.

    • leon


    • Chipwooder

      Rearrange those deck chairs!

    • Agent Cooper

      I loathe the Rs more than the Ds because at least the Ds are upfront about hating me and wanting to fuck me over.

    • Urthona

      Harsanyi had a column yesterday about how the media is always blissfully reporting the end of the Republican party right before it wins big.

      Note in the last election Republicans outperformed poll expectations immensely.

  40. Jerms

    Owner of gym just asked me to pull my mask up because someone complained. Definitely one of these in great shape ugly people who love these fucking things covering their face.

    • leon

      Heh. The day the mask mandate in the state ended, my gym took down their “Mask Required” signs and i haven’t been harassed about walking in sans mask.

      My kids school however. I got told to put a mask on when i’m on school property, even when i’m standing outside on the grass waiting to pick up the kids.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        My kids school however. I got told to put a mask on when i’m on school property, even when i’m standing outside on the grass waiting to pick up the kids.

        They tried that shit at my kids’ (private) school. They even wanted parents to wear masks while in their car waiting to pick kids up because Covid might get out of the car when the kids opened the door to get in.

        That didn’t survive the first week of school.

        You still need to wear one if your walking around on campus, but they’ve pretty much gave up in trying to force parents wearing masks unless they’re inside a building.

      • Jerms

        Ooff. Im a laid back guy, i dont know what would happen if someone told me to put on a mask outside. If im on your property—whatever, ill do it. Outside? C’mon.

      • R C Dean

        “Don’t have one. Because I’m vaccinated*, and its completely unnecessary.”

        *Whether this is true or not is between you and your conscience.

  41. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Tard Tuesday: I’m Totes Sure That Happened, For Realsies

    Here’s an example of my white male privilege.

    I went out on a walk in the tiny little unincorporated town in California I lived in for 35 years. It was after midnight. I stopped in front of the little corner market a few blocks from my house to look at the bulletin board on the front wall of the store, since people posted things for sale and other stuff on it. There was a light shining on it. I had lived there for over 5 years at the time.

    So, while I was doing that, a private security guy pulled up, parked and got out of his car and yelled, “FREEZE!” at me. I turned to look at him and he had his hand on his pistol. What did I do?

    I looked the rent-a-cop guy in the eye and said, “What the fuck are you doing with your hand on your gun? Are you planning to shoot me for looking at the public bulletin on a store I patronize almost every day? What is wrong with you?”

    He started in about me acting “suspiciously.” I said, “How is looking at a well-lighted public bulletin board suspicious?”

    He got back in his car and sped off down the street.

    Why? Because I’m a white male. I can do things like that without worrying about some cop or other armed security person mistaking a pistol for a Taser and killing me.

    Anyone who doesn’t recognize their privilege needs to take another look at themselves.

    • leon

      If, for the sake of argument, we grant the existence of White Male Privilege, wouldn’t constantly being harassed about needing to check our privilege fall in the negative side of the column. I feel like it starts to balance out.

    • EvilSheldon

      Using your white privilege to mouth off to a 2.5 with a gun and an institutional inferiority complex? Sounds like a great idea…

      • Count Potato

        Is that half a 5-O?

      • EvilSheldon

        Yup. It was the insult of choice for security guards, back in my suburban DC high school days…

    • juris imprudent

      Real white male privilege and the rent-a-cop wouldn’t even have noticed him. So the confrontation is either a fake or this was a long-haired dirty hippy.

      • R C Dean

        Getting hassled by an armed rent-a-cop on a public street is white male privilege?

        I am doin’ it wrong. That’s never happened to me.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    Whatever, dude. Take your meds.

    Former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner has ramped up his attacks on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), calling the senator “Lucifer in the flesh” on Monday.

    Boehner made the remarks during an interview on the latest edition of the ABC daytime talk show The View. The former speaker was promoting his new book On the House: A Washington Memoir. The memoir, set to be released on Tuesday, includes Boehner describing Cruz as a “reckless a**hole.” The View co-host Sara Haines asked Boehner what it was about Cruz that got him “so fired up,” noting that Cruz has said Boehner is “obsessed” with him.

    “Well, this guy was not even a member of the U.S. House,” Boehner said. “He’s a member of the Senate. And he’s coming over to the House side of the Capitol, stirring up some of my knuckleheads and pushing them to do things that are about the dumbest things I’ve ever seen in my life. And he’s not even a member of our caucus.”

    “So, it’s just a bit bizarre that I’ve never seen happen before or since like the activities of Ted Cruz,” he added. “You know, I don’t really beat up too many people in this book, except one, Ted Cruz, Lucifer in the flesh.”

    Boner’s books must be headed straight for the remainder table.

    • leon

      Former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner has ramped up his attacks on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), calling the senator “Lucifer in the flesh” on Monday.

      Lucifer in the Flesh eh? And what was it that they called Mitch? Midnight Desperado?

      Also, I like how the media is parading Boehner around. Wasn’t he one of the most reviled speakers by the base of his own party?

    • l0b0t

      Wait?!? Wasn’t Senator LBJ particularly well known for being able to twist arms in both chambers?

    • Chipwooder

      Weepy Boehner is doing a fine job of proving true every criticism that was ever made of him. Useless motherfucker.

    • Agent Cooper

      “stirring up some of my knuckleheads”

      Quite an endorsement there, Crybaby.

    • R C Dean

      And he’s coming over to the House side of the Capitol, stirring up some of my knuckleheads

      They’re not your knuckleheads any more. You quit, remember?

      • The Hyperbole

        I believe he’s speaking in the past “he was not even a member of the house…” He mixed up the tenses in the second half of the quote but that’s fairly common when speaking.

      • R C Dean

        I can see that reading.

        So, it’s just a bit bizarre that I’ve never seen happen before or since like the activities of Ted Cruz

        A Senator has never before stuck their nose into the House’s business? Sure you want to go with that?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Cry more, pussy.

      That’s pathetic, even for Boehner, sell-out extraordinaire.

  43. UnCivilServant

    Did the forum go down? I just typed up a post asking for advice with my ghost gun and now it won’t load for me

    • blighted_non_millenial

      Common sense gun control, bruh.

    • Sean

      Wouldn’t load for me either.


      • UnCivilServant

        I just want to ask for any advice with how to perform the milling operation with just a drill press and not screwing it up, and recommendations for part kits to finish out the lower.

      • Sean

        I’m unable to help. I’ve got no experience with the 80% stuff.

      • UnCivilServant

        How is that any different from the jig? There doesn’t appear to be anything in that picture that doesn’t have an analog in the kit I’ve got except the screws (the instructions for mine say to clamp it together)

      • EvilSheldon

        Ah, okay. The fixture you have is the same thing.

    • blighted_non_millenial

      Kidding aside, I can’t load the forum.

    • Nephilium

      Just timed out for me as well.

    • EvilSheldon

      Seems to be working for me.

      • UnCivilServant

        It had been timing out for a while.

        Good to see it back.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Wait, what?

    Consumer prices shot higher in March, given a boost by a strong economic recovery and year-over-year comparisons to a time when the Covid-19 pandemic was about to throttle the U.S. economy, the Labor Department reported Tuesday.

    The consumer price index rose 0.6% from the previous month but 2.6% from the same period a year ago. The year-over-year gain is the highest since August 2018 and was well above the 1.7% recorded in February.

    The index was projected to rise 0.5% on a monthly basis and 2.5% from March 2020, according to Dow Jones estimates.

    The report “is the clearest indication so far that the signs of mounting inflation evident in business surveys and producer prices are feeding through to stronger consumer prices,” wrote Michael Pearce, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics. “For all the focus on supply disruptions pushing goods prices higher, the strongest upward pressure on prices is coming from the services sector.”

    Gasoline prices were the biggest contributor to the monthly gain, surging 9.1% in March and responsible for about half the overall CPI increase. Gasoline is up 22.5% from a year ago, part of a 13.2% increase in energy prices.

    But the Top Bankers have given me their learned assurances inflation is a relic of times past.

    • leon

      That’s how you spin.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yes, spin through the inflationary ditch and over the credibility cliff.

    • Agent Cooper

      “Gasoline is up 22.5% from a year ago, part of a 13.2% increase in energy prices.”

      Good job, Biden.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    While the inflation numbers look high, many economists as well as policymakers at the Federal Reserve expect the increase to be temporary. April likely also will show a sharp rise, but then the numbers are supposed to decrease as the worst months of the shutdown fall out of the data comparisons.

    Fed officials have said they won’t adjust policy based on short-term jumps in inflation readings. Chairman Jerome Powell told CBS’ “60 Minutes” in an interview that aired Sunday evening that he does not expect any interest rate hikes this year.

    Nothing to see here. Move along.

  46. Festus

    I swear if I hade my druthers I’d just punch my head office drone right in the jaw. Fuck me. I’m old and tired and a little put out.

  47. Count Potato

    “It wasn’t an accident. Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist.

    Daunte Wright was met with aggression & violence. I am done with those who condone government funded murder.

    No more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It can’t be reformed.”


    Supposedly, this person makes laws for a living.

    • juris imprudent

      No, she is in the S&G business – symbols and graft.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      Ehh, it’s unclear to me what benefits law enforcement actually provides. I’m under no illusion that they protect my family, so my wife and I provide our own protection. If someone breaks in and hurts my child during the night, then I’ll place the blame on myself for failing to protect them. The police aren’t there to protect them.

      I’m all too clear though on the harms of law enforcement. The vast majority act as nothing more than a revenue stream for the state. Most people thrown in rape cages are there for victimless crimes. Police are dangerous and untrained revenue agents at best. Rabid agents of the State at worst.

      100% agree with no more militarization of the police…no more Bearcats or surplus DOD equipment… does anyone here really disagree with that? And I’m 95% on reduction of police and incarceration. Reduce the need for police by 95% by removing all victimless crimes. Only use incarceration for those likely to be a danger to others. Restitution to the victim for others. And enact generous legal protections for those who defend themselves from criminals.

      So still disagree with Tlaib, but I oddly find myself closer to her position on this than say National Review.

      • Chipwooder

        Definitely do not disagree with end to militarization. I’m assuming you mean an end to prohibition of all kinds when you say “removing all victimless crimes” and I’m with you there too. Restitution only, though….I don’t know about that. Thieves are going to plead poverty, and doubtlessly some (many?) of them will be honestly pleading so. What do you do in those cases?

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        I think a large part of theft, especially from destitute thieves, is driven by drugs. Legalization would drop prices and bring back options like affordable flophouses.

        Some sort of restitution program could be created, even with payment installments, as needed. And perhaps prison plays some role but not as much as now. Right now, I don’t see victims receiving any restitution while the State gorges itself on taxpayers. That’s not beneficial system to anyone but government employees and private companies that supply them.

      • R C Dean

        And perhaps prison plays some role but not as much as now.

        Like it or not, there are some people a civilized society cannot tolerate. Prison was the “humane” alternative to summary execution.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Completely agree. Does that apply to the majority of people currently in jail or prison?

      • R C Dean

        I seriously doubt it.

    • Drake

      As a member of Congress she could lead the way by defunding the FBI and ATF.

      • leon

        Those are the good cops.

    • Aloysious

      If there is no need for law enforcement, there is no need for laws, and there is no need for law makers. You, madame, are out of a job.

  48. Count Potato

    “Apple and Will Smith move their new film ‘Emancipation’ about slavery out of Georgia to protest voting-rights law”


    “The filming is being moved to Louisiana, which requires voter ID, has fewer days of early voting, and does not allow no-excuse absentee voting — ie more restrictive than Georgia. Take a bow, Apple, Will Smith & Georgia Democrats!”


    • Chipwooder

      That would be Apple, the company that profits from Chinese slave labor. Much principled!

    • The Other Kevin

      This reminds me of that level of hell where naked people are running around chasing a banner and getting stung by wasps.

      • CPRM


  49. J. Frank Parnell

    Dutch supermarkets run out of cheese after ransomware attack

    A ransomware attack against conditioned warehousing and transportation provider Bakker Logistiek has caused a cheese shortage in Dutch supermarkets.

    It’s edam shame they didn’t have better security.

    • Mojeaux

      It gouda been better.

    • Ask your doctor if BEAM is right for you

      That’s no Gouda, no Gouda at all.

      • Ask your doctor if BEAM is right for you

        Damn your nimble fingers, Moje!

      • Mojeaux

        Maredsous didn’t work. Also, it’s Belgian.

    • Chipwooder

      Bet that’s costing them a lot of cheddar.

    • Agent Cooper

      They were told it was gouda nuff.

  50. The Late P Brooks

    Wishful thinking

    Criticizing Donald Trump is considered a death sentence for Republican candidates. But Michael Wood’s betting that it will be his lifeline.

    Wood is campaigning on an explicitly anti-Trump platform as he competes with 22 other candidates in a special election to fill the seat of the late Rep. Ron Wright (R-Texas), who represented a rapidly diversifying district in the Dallas-Fort Worth suburbs. Wood’s risky strategy centers on a belief there is a healthy slice of the GOP ready to move on from Trump after Jan. 6 — a proposition that will be tested at the ballot box next month.

    Wood, a combat veteran and small business owner, has embraced his political identity as a Trump antagonist. He has publicly needled the former president on Twitter, recently declaring that “I’d rather fight for my country and the Constitution on a shoestring budget than kiss that man’s ring at Mar-a-Lago.”

    The 34-year-old has also collected some high-profile yet polarizing allies in Washington, including GOP Reps. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and Liz Cheney (Wyo.). Both voted to impeach Trump and have faced calls to be excommunicated from their own party. And Wood’s race, conducted in a so-called jungle-style format where candidates from all parties compete on one ballot, could be the first real bellwether of anti-Trump Republicans’ future success.

    Going after the anti-Trump vote. Sure, why not? It’s not like nobody ever thought of that before.

    Ask yourself this, though, Mister Politico Analyst: what if Trump is not the disease, but but merely a symptom of a broadly based hatred of the Washington establishmentarian consensus which you so eagerly proselytize?

    How do you think a “Let’s all try to be more like John Boehner” candidate will really do?

  51. The Late P Brooks

    What exactly constitutes an “anti-Trump platform”?

    • R C Dean

      The Biden platform. Which seems like a weird thing for a Republican to run on. Especially in Texas, during the collapse of our southern border.

      • CPRM

        Meh, I’d say any platform I ran on would be much the antithesis of Trump as well. This is the shitification of politics, where a 90s democrat (Trump) is somehow the ARCH-UBER-ANTITHESIS of Joe Biden. That Overton Window is now like a duck in carnival shooting gallery, forever moving leftward.

    • CPRM


    • Mad Scientist

      That’s the safest platform for a politician to build because you don’t have to be for anything, you just have to be against Trump.

      • rhywun

        Hell, you can practically doze your way into the Oval Office with a platform like that.

      • R C Dean

        I’m not sure that’s what got Biden into the Oval Office.

      • UnCivilServant

        I thought he had the greated voter fraud organization. Or was Joe lying?

  52. CPRM

    A chance to make a bit more money running a public access channel in the Green Bay metro area popped up. Even though I don’t want to work for a city government I put a flier out on it. The schedule I’m on now is bad for my health, and even though I work with video isn’t something I have any passion for. I doubt I’ll even get an interview, but a guy can still dream of finally getting the easy life.

    • R C Dean

      Not my biz, but I would think twice about submitting Hat and Hair vids as part of your portfolio.

      • CPRM

        Yeah, that’s the shit thing. I been done good animations! But, I can’t put that in my qualifications, because people the world sucks and no one has a sense of humor.