Today is a new day for me. Something terrible happened to me last week that I am still recovering.

My guys can train you….for a price.
Relax, nobody died. My gym closed down permanently. Was it the local terrorist warlords that shut them down this time? No, just business. I thought I noticed a distinct lack of Rezzos this year. My attempt to find another boxing/MMA gym that was neither located in the shittiest parts of town, open whenever the owner feels like it, or affiliated with Henry Cejudo proved fruitless. So I start anew at a posh chain gym that bought out the local Safeway three years ago, its a half mile walk from my house. Will it be the same? Of course not. Until I find something better, I will make the best of the circumstances and take this as a positive.
Now that’s out of the way, lets see some links.
I would ask if their private sector employers could take care of that but it turns out it works like that here.
171,000. Does that sound like a lot? It sounds like a lot.
The Russian vaccine sounds…nice.
Then again, not nearly as nice as the one out of China. You’d think Chileans would know better than work with communists.
Here’s an appropriate tune for an appropriate meme…
edit: the link is fixed…Ted
The preliminary March arrest totals at the U.S.-Mexico border represent the highest monthly level since April 2000, when border patrol agents caught more than 180,000 migrants.
Whatever in the world could’ve incentivized them to do that?
Pff. I could piss more immigrants than that.
It’s just because Joe is such a swell guy.
That’s just the swelling on his brain you’re noticing. Too much Aricept™ in his pudding.
3-minutes late and hoping I can deprive the Fister his much coveted First he so desires. Viva la Mehecoh
Something terrible happened to me last week that I am still recovering. … Relax, nobody died. My gym closed down permanently.
I assumed you had a run-in with STEVE SMITH.
He said nobody died.
“its a half mile walk from my house”
Get a bike, then you won’t have to do warm-ups.
First two links the same?
The private sector could take care of the border if the government got out of the way.
Thanks for the hat-tip!
I doubt the private sector would have an interest.
What about the free orphans? Turn in your Glib card, now!
Pleasantly surprised my teen was not pissed at me for denying his request for his girlfriend to come over while he was at school. I think he understood that I ain’t bringing over some drama infused 16 year old having troubles with her parents to wait in his bedroom while he is in class at school.
American Beauty is not a story I want to live.
Oh wait, I thought he was doing online school? You made the absolutely correct decision.
I used to teach Catholic faith formation to kids, and I had to go through a “child safety” class. It’s amazing how keeping kids safe and avoiding lawsuits overlap so much.
Yeah. When the wife swung by home for lunch I told her the episode and said “Image the texts from our nosy neighbor you would have gotten!”
When the wife swung
Aaaaaaaah bet she does, I bet she does, say no more, say no more, know whatahmean, nudge nudge?
I’d hate to have you end up murdered by your closeted-and-self-loathing neighbor!
At least enjoy the weed and RC car while you can.
I apply the “Pence Rule” here. No way will I allow any female kid here at my house without my wife being home.
Solid rule. ?
One of our clients is a Cuban refugee and its the story we hear from anyone coming from no shit authoritarian hellholes – “I don’t know how you fell about all this, but I see this country becoming the country I fled”
She is a great client and tips really well and has well mannered dogs. I cannot believe we are failing so many that escaped from what we are becoming.
Damn it…forgot I hit reply up here….oh well.
“Havana has described the artists as mercenaries and released its own pro-revolutionary song in response, albeit with limited success. ”
Mmm… my home cooking is dangerous.
I just made sausage, egg, and cheese sandwiches on english muffins. I want more… But then I wouldn’t be keeping to my plan of not overeating.
Poached egg I hope. Yes home cooking is dangerous but yet so much more healthier. I make my family “mcmuffins” every weekend cause A: its like $.90/sandwich and B: I know what is in it.
Poached eggs are disgusting.
As a home chef, I question your palate.
You are talking about balls of snot-textured albumin with an egg that is never properly cooked. I question your palate.
*with an egg yolk that is never properly cooked.
Then you have never had a proper poached egg. But to each their own.
And with fried eggs it’s a one pan deal Toast the muffins on the flat top, once toasted, replace with sauage patties and eggs.
You have a flattop in your house?
I may have
misspokenmistyped while trying to get the remark out quickly.Fuck it I’m blanking on the real name of the pan. I don’t think I’ve used the griddle.
No Hype he is cooking…don’t you read?
Got a loysence for dat opinion, mate?
“After a tumultuous 2020, and the January 6 attack on our nation’s Capitol, we seek to enter an era of unity and repair in our country,” Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) began in her statement. “Now, more than ever before, the work done by the Southern Poverty Law Center to document hate and their insights contained in their annual ‘Year in Hate’ report should be brought front and center to inform our policy and our priorities.”
“It is time we extinguish all bigoted beliefs, address the urgent threat that extremism and hate groups pose on marginalized communities, and end actions motivated by hate. I hope you will join me in supporting the Southern Poverty Law Center and their commitment to making a safer and more inclusive nation,” DeLauro concluded (emphasis added).
If DeLauro seriously aimed to promote unity, she would avoid the SPLC’s annual “Year in Hate and Extremism” report like the plague. The 2020 report — released in February 2021 — calls on Congress to censure or expel all 147 Republican congressmen and senators who contested the 2020 election and urges Big Tech to deplatform every “public figure” who questioned the election results. …
“When a riotous mob stormed our nation’s capitol on January 6, Americans were forced to contend with a harsh truth, hate is alive and well in some parts of our nation. Though the days of flagrant cross burnings and Klan rallies may be behind us, bigotry and racism are not. To excise these evils from America once and for all, we must recognize and understand how they take shape today. That is exactly what the Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘Year in Hate’ report really forces us to do, to track and monitor active hate groups, whether they’re plotting insurrections, vandalizing places of worship, or committing other acts of extremism,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said.
But enough about BLM/Antifa.
“As the new chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I pledge to you that my new priority is bringing the full force of our justice system against hate,” Durbin declared. “We will prove that hate no longer has a home in America.”
The new thoughtcrime regime is going to be fun.
Voting against a Democrat means you hate them. So voting the wrong way should be a hate crime.
I read that article. It is going to be a bumpy few years unless people go in their attics and dig out their backbones they have stored away for the past few decades.
Some are Catholic groups on the list because they support the official Catholic stance on marriage and sexuality. But it will be ok, I’m told we have the most devout Catholic in history as our president.
Durbin is a douchebag of the first order.
I don’t think there’s anything he wouldn’t spray from that asshole of a mouth in order to advance the current narrative.
I don’t think there’s anything he wouldn’t spray from that asshole of a mouth
Eh, he looks like a swallower to me.
“A rap and reggaeton hit by a group of well-known Cuban musicians has deeply angered the communist-run government.”
Well, you’re right. I like it. NEEDZ MOAOR CUBAN MUSICIANS!
“Caitlyn Jenner is ‘actively exploring’ a run for governor of the state of California, according to Axios.
The 71-year-old Olympic athlete turned reality television star has reportedly sought out political consultants and is being assisted in her consideration by Caroline Wren.
Jenner, who starred on Keeping Up With The Kardashians decades after becoming a gold medal-winning decathlete, is a high-profile Republican and previously supported 45th President Donald Trump.”
buckle up buckaroos
Guess I’m not on Keto anymore. Pass the popcorn.
Is Jenner still a Republican? It would too funny if the first female governor of California is a Republican man.
He already won “woman of the year” or some shit, proving in no uncertain terms that men really better at everything, even up to and including being women.
I’ve never seen anything quite so insulting to female athletes as that shitshow.
Since changing your gender identity is retroactive, I wonder if he is still the gold medal winner in the men’s decathlon. There wasn’t (and still isn’t, I believe) a women’s decathlon.
“Since changing your gender identity is retroactive”
I don’t think it is, people just get confused about the dead naming thing.
From what I have seen, it is retroactive.
Example: look up an article on Ellen/Elliott Page. Xe declared xer new identity late last year. Articles about what xe was up to before then use “Elliott” and “him/her”. The wiki on xim refers scrupulously to xim as a male, regardless of xis age or gender identity at the time.
If that’s not retroactive, I don’t know what is.
Apparently, though, xe can keep the awards xe won as a woman. I guess consistency isn’t a strong point on these issues. I would be entertained if the other finalists for those awards demanded they be rescinded, since as a man, Elliott wasn’t eligible.
I see that Jenner’s wikipedia article scrupulously refrains from dead-pronouning his athletic career.
I hope that fries a few brain cells for the person that insists on writing like that. Even better if they know it is actually killing them but they keep doing it – for the faith.
Yes how exactly does a man win the best supporting actress award? Hmmm.
Proving yet again that there’s nothing women do that men can’t beat them at.
I can only imagine the conversation:
RC: So, a dude named Elliott won the award for Best Actress in 20whatever? That’s weird. I thought men and women each had their own categories. Was he even eligible? Is this just more patriarchy keeping the sisterhood down?
SJW: No, that award was won by a woman named Ellen.
RC: Really? It says right here that the actor who won the award was named Elliott at the time, and it refers to him as “he”. Sounds like a dude to me.
SJW: Well, he transitioned. He was a woman named Ellen when he won.
RC: Then why is this woman referred to as a man named Elliott when he won? And, did you just deadname Elliott there? I thought you weren’t supposed to refer to people by their former names and gender. Was this person a man or a woman when he won Best Actress? Seems a pretty straighforward question, to me.
See Linda Hunt in The Year of Living Dangerously.
People did the same thing with Wendy Carlos, calling retroactively calling Carlos “her” back when she was a man. That was when transgendered were called “transsexuals”, and “trapped in the wrong body”.
It doesn’t make sense to me when referring to overtly masculine behavior, such as winning the Decathlon. If you look at Decatholon records, even on Wikipedia, Jenner is listed as Bruce.
In BattleTech there’s a light Mech called a Jenner.
In HBS’ BattleTech video game, there’s a late mission which requires a really heavy force to hold a defensive position and a really fast mech to chase down an APC on the other side of the map. The Jenner is the preferred mech for that role because it can stack enough speed and enough jump jets to get there in time.
The one I reserved for the task I named Bruce.
Wiki actually says “Caitlyn Jenner (awarded as Bruce Jenner) won the gold medal for decathlon, setting a world record of 8,634 points.”
The IOC still deadnames her, though.
Says “Bruce” here:
I would pee my pants from laughter. Hell, the gnashing of teeth from the left is going to be epic as it is.
I’d vote for her. What little I have heard her say in public goes largely in the direction of smaller government. If that’s even marginally true then it’s vastly better than Newsom.
And to hell with the biological females that will be at a massive physical disadvantage.
Wolf took to his Facebook page to warn statehouse Republicans that he will veto “discrimination” against trans athletes.
“I’ll veto this discriminatory ban if it reaches my desk,” Wolf said of the GOP-led effort to restrict trans athletes in the state’s schools.
“To Pennsylvania’s trans youth: You belong. You are valued. Participate in the school activities that make you happiest. I’ll be cheering you on,” Wolf concluded.
Lets see: When I was growing up there were boys teams, girls teams and co-ed teams. Just have your precious youth play in the fucking co-ed you mentally illed parents.
But, but, co-ed is just recreational! My special snowflake has vahsity* talent.
*okay, only when they compete against girls
I’m rapidly approaching an attitude of the “The trans kids can go fuck themselves.”
It’s not kosher, but I’m tiring of this victimhood play and forced intellectual compulsion. They’re not victims when they try to fuck with everybody else using their adopted victim status as a shield, they’re assholes.
Welcome aboard, sailor.
You just need women and open competitions. That’s it. That’s the solve.
Nope. All open. We’re all humans and humans can have single, simple contests of excellence – no gender, no religious, no ethnic classifications.
Stunning and bravePuling and craven.“Biden now wants to RESTART construction on Trump’s border wall to ‘plug the gaps’ – with kids’ camps way over capacity and a new surge of migrants coming from Guatemala”
The first thing a president should do is examine what the previous president did. Quietly keep the things that worked, loudly change the things that didn’t. But Biden believe his party’s bullshit narrative that “every single thing Trump did was wrong!” So he just did the opposite of Trump in every instance. And here we are.
Chesterton’s Fence in action.
Is it Trump’s Wall now?
“Donald Trump falls nearly 300 spots down the Forbes billionaire list after his fortune fell a third from $3.5 billion to $2.4 billion”
What happened to all those emoluments?
Geez, that guy sucks at corruption.
Still in the Tres Comas club though…so he has that going.
ha! what a loser!
You mean, Sad!
Sorry about your gym. Hopefully the new one is good.
The Russian Gamaleya Institute, which produced the vaccine, tweeted that it wished the president a quick recovery, and said the vaccine has a 91.6% rate of effectiveness against infection and 100% against critical cases.
So another “there’s no need for most people to get this.”
What vaccine efficacy actually means.
The whole article is worth reading. Its title: If You Had Covid, Do You Need the Vaccine?
Thank you. Will read tonight.
Very nice, thanks!
Fantastic article. Thank you very much.
“An ‘anti-racist’ group calling itself ‘White Lies Matter’ stole a $500,000 stone chair dedicated to Confederate leader Jefferson Davis and claims it will use the monument as a ‘toilet’ unless a Confederate women’s group hangs a banner outside its headquarters bearing the words of a black militant who killed a state trooper.
The Jefferson Davis Memorial Chair was first noticed missing on March 19 after it was taken from the Old Live Oak Cemetery in Selma, Alabama.
The stunt comes as a debate has raged around the country over monuments to historical figures who were involved in the Confederacy, with Black Lives Matter advocates pushing to remove them and others saying history shouldn’t be erased.”
So…. felony larceny, extortion and terroristic threats? Or is this another “No reasonable DA…” situation?
Keys to the city and a school named after the cop-killer.
And the group they want to hang the banner is HQ’d in Richmond, Virginia.
‘‘This incident is sending Selma back into “The Twilight Zone”,’ the DA, Michael Jackson, told’
He also added that the thieves were smooth criminals, and that the incident was like something out of a thriller.
That was Bad.
He won’t stop til he gets enough.
That kid is not my son.
We need some Helvetian action over here, stat.
“Spokeswoman for White Lies Matter, Billie Jean Gambolputty, said in a Youtube video posted several hours after the initial demands were made, that the banner ‘got to be there for a full 24 hours, like until a brand new day comes, and if it’s gone too soon, it will be a clear statement that they don’t care about us.’ “
All of “you people” are getting disturbingly good at this.
“We will prove that hate no longer has a home in America.”
We will root out those whom we despise, and we will vilify and torment them. We will unperson them. Only then will there be an end to hate.
I wonder what the Latin phrase is for “Who hates the haters?”
Quis ōdit ōsōrēs, I believe.
Qui odit oderunt?
“EXCLUSIVE: How MLB’s new All-Star Game location – Denver’s Coors Field – is steeped in its own history of discrimination after the beer company refused to hire black people, Mexican-Americans and women for decades”
Do you know who else was named Adolph?
A. Dolph Lungren?
I like how the headline says they refused to hire blacks and hispanics but the actual article just says they were accused of discrimination for not hiring enough.
The new spin on the voting laws is apparently yes, Colorado does have ID but they mail ballots to everyone. Thus, they are the best.
Well their voter id doesn’t actually discriminate against blacks because Colorado doesn’t have any.
Lol, well played.
Nice trolling.
You know, assholes.
Riggs claims her server began to pressure her to leave as her 90 minutes began to elapse while she waited for a friend to join and extend the stay. Riggs conceded to the City Paper she was told of the 90-minute limit upon being seated, but alleges neither of the tables next to her were given notices when their time was set to expire, and is charging the Tavern of racism for needing to seat new guests, who happened to be white.
According to the local magazine, Riggs has since obtained legal counsel and demanded the owners of the Georgetown establishment adhere to a list of costly demands. The City Paper outlined Riggs’s demands below, which include a temporary shutdown despite expensive, repeated government shutdowns throughout the last 13 months, implementing racist affirmative action policies, and a major donation to scholarships for black students made in her name. Her other demands include:
-Fire the two employees involved in the incident;
-Close the tavern for 1 to 2 days to provide mandatory sensitivity and diversity, equity, and inclusion training to all ownership, management, and staff from a preferred list of Riggs’s suggestions;
-Create ongoing accounts or business relationships with at least three Black-owned vendors who are food/beverage suppliers, maintenance service providers, restaurant suppliers, or marketers;
-Provide regular management training and job placement for Howard University students enrolled in the school’s hospitality program; and
-Make an annual contribution of at least $2,500 to the United Negro College Fund in Riggs’ name.
You idiots should have told her to fuck off.
At least the shakedowns are up front nowadays.
Also guessing this 90-minute limit is for people just sitting at a table waiting for their party to show up. Also guessing the tables around her were drinking and spending money…but hey…racism!
Litigious attention whore
She seems nice.
Askin’ ain’t gettin’. Suing ain’t gettin’, for that matter.
Billy Martin is learning what apologies and concessions get you. I have no sympathy for his dumb ass.
I dislike the framing of our border problems as a “humanitarian crisis”. While I have no doubt there are humanitarian crises in Latin America and on the road to El Norte, our border is not one of them. We have an institutional crisis, perhaps a legal crisis, but calling it a “humanitarian crisis” sets up the solution as we just need to be nicer to these people who are going to a great deal of effort to violate our laws. Trump actually had a pretty decent system for handling this, one that was quite traditional – you declare your refugee status in the first country you emigrate to, and you don’t get to declare it when caught crossing into the US illegally.
The current border crisis didn’t just happen, it was instigated by our own government and facilitated by the cartels.
The next crisis will be the Americans trying to go the other way to escape the incoming massive tax hikes. Build that wall!
I was listening to a news story from New Zealand this morning. There’s an activist group called the Pacifica Panthers who are drawing attention to some pretty heavy-handed discrimination back in the 1970s (random stops of people who looked Polynesian and demanding papers; dawn raids on homes looking for Pacifica people who’d over-stayed visas, etc.).
The current leader of the group says the government should apologize. BUT, if the government really wants to show its changed, it should immediately grant residency visas to all Pacifica currently in the country who’ve over-stayed their visa limits.
See, cynical me would use this as an opportunity for a Kiwi-style Operation FIST.
I’d send a letter to every Pacifica who’d overstayed their visa inviting them to a hotel where they’d pick up tickets for a rugby match (or even
worsebetter, an “Amnesty Day” ceremony where they’d get to take the oath of citizenship).Once enough of them have checked in and had their identity and lawbreaking status confirmed, swarm the place with cops, hook them all up, and put them on a plane to the Micronesian shithole of your choice. As a humanitarian gesture, offer to fly their wives and kids to wherever they’ve been relocated to at Crown expense — with the stipulation that they will never be permitted to return.
Do you know who else was named Adolph?
The snake in We’re No Angels.
The guy that coached the Kentucky Wildcats?
“171,000. Does that sound like a lot? It sounds like a lot.”
But it ain’t all of them. That’s the important part. There’s still more Democrat votes to import, and by God, we can fit the entire populations of a few more Central American counties in here!
This looks like it is becoming a bit of a trend:
I don’t get it. You can get pics of completely retarded looking chicks on the internet, for free.
I don’t understand.
People are buying NFT’s of pictures used to make popular memes.
Yeah, that helped…
Talk to me like I’m a 5 year old.
Back to the mine, orphan, it’s only 4:30!
A non-fungible token is a proof of ownership of of something non-physical such as a computer file.
Thank you.
OK, but how does that prevent anyone from using that image. It’s been floating around the internet in the public domain basically for a long time. Did someone just pay $411,000 for the exclusive right to pay some lawyers to write nasty letters to millions of people on the internet with no hope ever of recovering anything?
It’s not to prevent anyone from using it. That would probably reduce its value. An NFT is basically a collectors item.
It is less proof of ownership as it is a certificate of authenticity. NFTs have been sold that don’t convey any ownership. You just get to proclaim that you paid for a copy from a specific source. Often the NFT just contains a URL that anyone can access.
WTF is an NFT?
A stupid fad that you will be better off not wasting brain cells on, is my guess.
A virtual pet rock.
Does this stop someone from using the photo for their own meme?
Ars Technica has a guide to NFTs.
NFTs are (mostly) stupid.
I don’t know what’s going on, but at least in many states, you have the right to commercially exploit your image and stop others from doing it (unless they pay you).
I think it started in New York when some company used some woman’s picture for their cereal box and won in court – only to have the legislature pass a statute that you needed the subject’s permission.
Wtf is an NFT?
“Jordan Peterson’s Life Advice to Shoe0nhead”
That was amusing.
Mask tyrants strike again.
Family is being thrown off a @SpiritAirlines flight from Orlando to NY because their two-year-old child is eating without a mask.
These all seem to be Jews also…sounds like in the end though, it had a silver lining.
Well, it would have been a better ending if they threw that attendant into the pit of Sarlacc.
See Scruffy’s post below…the SW references are getting way out of hand.
Can I ask a question? How do you eat WITH a mask on?
Nose mask, dude. Nose mask.
Well we have to make sure our inventions meet our desire to go back to the Dark Ages.
In a sane world, that is not a thing.
Okay, I’m having a really weird problem. I couldn’t see today’s AM links on my Win10 laptop using Edge. Finally, this afternoon, after seeing no PM links I checked the site from my Android device with Chrome. Welp, there are two sets of links.
Check the thermo-couplers on sub-level D to release the links.
Just downloaded Firefox for the laptop. Still no links. The top two posts I see are The Gwen, Part 4, and Monday PM links.
what if you do a hard reload?
She always seems satisfied with that.
He Q…He always seems satisfied with that…
Yeah, I’ve tried clearing cache and temp files through both the Windows and Edge. The one thing that seems to have worked is logging in to the site from FireFox. It’s days like today that I really hate computers.
It’s been going like this for me for the last several days. Both on the desktop and the laptop. My browser is Opera.
I’ve been having the problem for days, but only on my smartphone (so far).
Monocle, however, does not want to work with Brave. There are a lot of times when I’m in the middle of writing a comment and the comment box just closes. If I hit “Reply” again, it reloads the page.
I already tried re-installing Tampermonkey and Monocle.
Check if the “Avoid Page Refresh” option is selected. If so, deselect. I need to turn that function off.
I don’t have that option. Is that Eyepiece instead of Monocle?
Yup. I’m not sure why monocle would be screwing anything up in that regard. It doesn’t really mess with the page in any way that would cause such things to happen. I’ll poke around the code and see if anything catches my eye.
The other thing is does at times is re-mark unread comments as unread even after you click “Mark Comments as Read”.
Flush everything on the Win10 laptop — cache, cookies, client side data.
And Win10, too. 😉
Clear your cache, bro.
Family is being thrown off a @SpiritAirlines flight from Orlando to NY because their two-year-old child is eating without a mask.
Why does anybody fly?
Doesn’t matter. They’ll have roadblocks set up soon to check your papers, and pulling people out of the cars for not wearing a mask. I wouldn’t have said anything that crazy unless in jest, just a year ago…
Sometimes you just gotta Fly Away.
But I dislike flying.
Yes, sometimes you do have to fly away.
And if you can’t fly, you can always sail.
That is unforgivable. At least come sail away in style, or sail away with Randy while he lists all the reasons why ‘merica is the best!
I’ve flown many times since the Plague began. Both business and vacation. The masks are a pain, but the planes are fucking spotless.
Since you are going to a posh gym MS, I’ll just assume that means MILFs in yoga pants. Score this one as a win for you.
When I checked it out, it was a bunch of sweaty fat guys.
Hey, at least they’re trying, you fat shamer!
As long as they’re not wearing yoga pants…
Viva La Raza!
Ho-lee sheet.
He has been hitting and running over the past couple of weeks.
Time to find a new home with old friends.
Any of the Golden Girls still kicking?
Betty White is still feisty, so I’m told.
Titty Tuesday is.
Wow NBC sure does like their panic-porn.
Fauci is “confused” that Texans aren’t dying in droves.
Err, doc, this was announced over a month ago, and went into effect on March 10. Since the ‘Vid either shows up, or it doesn’t, within 2 weeks, I think the lag time has passed. There has been no adverse effect from lifting the mandates. Hope this clears up your confusion. You’re welcome.
Pathetic attention whore is a pathetic attention whore.
So much this. He could have at least made up some reason it takes more than two weeks to see/measure an uptick.
Better panic peddlers point out that local mask mandates are still in place and most businesses still demand masks.
He can’t though because he supports the government policy. Despite even the CDC study showing only a 1% difference.
He should though since his job is to make recommendations and not set public policy.
The lag is typically in deaths too. Case lag is like a week.
Look, despite all the best scientific minds spending an entire year on this, and having developed multiple vaccines, we know very little about this virus.
That he is even acknowledging the infection numbers are down is surprising
Truth > facts.
Peter Doocy points out the fact that even The Washington Post found President Biden’s claims about the Georgia voting law to be factually inaccurate and asked if he’ll change how he talks about it.
Psaki denies Biden has been lying, saying he’ll continue to denounce it
If anyone is going to give a convincing psa…
“I’m not a doctor, but I trust science,” Freeman said in a public service announcement he cut for Creative Coalition, a nonprofit arts advocacy group. “And I’m told that, for some reason, people trust me.”
“So here I am to say, I trust science and I got the vaccine,” he continued. “If you trust me, you’ll get the vaccine. In math, it’s called the distributive property. In people, it’s called taking care of one another. Get the vaccine. Help make our world a safe place for us to enjoy ourselves again. Please?”
I used to want you to narrate my life but now I think I’ll pass.
I’d listen to Gordon Freeman over Morgan Freeman on this topic.
Isn’t he pretty silent?
Can he not think of a non-faith based argument? Dipshit.
“So here I am to say, I trust science and I got the vaccine,” he continued.”
If you have to trust it, it’s not science.
“If you trust me, you’ll get the vaccine.”
I don’t trust you. In fact, I’m amazed that you think that there was ever a possibility of me trusting you.
“In math, it’s called the distributive property.”
Your complete misunderstanding of basic Boolean algebra is not helping to build a trust relationship here.
“In people, it’s called taking care of one another.”
I only take care of people I trust. That doesn’t include you.
“Get the vaccine.”
Think you can make me?
“Help make our world a safe place for us to enjoy ourselves again. Please?”
You don’t get to participate in the ruining of our society, then beg me to come in and help fix it. You neurotic assholes are the ones who shat the bed; now you get to enjoy sleeping in it.
This sounds oddly like my morning conference calls.
ES, if you have nothing nice to say, come sit by me.
The world is no more dangerous without a vaccine and I never stopped enjoying myself even when you miserable fucks tried to take away my humanity.
If you trust me
I don’t even know you.
“We move on the word of an actor?”
Whatever. He’s an actor reading a script.
Narrate my life? Only Morgan Freeman can narrate my life.
Just downloaded Firefox for the laptop. Still no links. The top two posts I see are The Gwen, Part 4, and Monday PM links.
When the site was being weird last week, a couple of times I could not see the current post until I went into one of the older posts and signed in.
My browser (firefox) is set to dump cookies on close.
That’s gotta be annoying. Maximum cookies for me.
I’m about to toss my cookies over this, I am.
Something something crisis something something waste. Something something temporary government program something something permanent.
“Child care needs to be a guarantee, not an expensive hassle that drives parents out of the workforce or makes them choose between wages and family.” Neal continued, “We will give every worker the right to paid family and medical leave.”
“This is our opportunity to reduce child poverty by permanently extending the changes to the Child Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit that we made in the American Rescue Plan,” Neal explained.
He intends to expand the welfare state by wrapping the programs into pending legislation. “Strengthening our care economy will align closely with President Biden’s American Family Plan that he is set to unveil in the coming weeks, but the urgency of this necessitates that we begin our work now,” he said. …
“What we did is unlikely to go away,” he concluded, speaking about the initial welfare provisions in the coronavirus package.
“I demand that I never have to even consider that there are real consequences involved in having children.”
not an expensive hassle that drives parents out of the workforce or makes them choose between wages and family
“keep working you tax cattle. You shall not raise your own kids. Leave that to us, you deplorables.”
Glad he’s evidently feeling better, but: why start? What good could come of it?
Yeah, Peterson is the “controversial” one of that pair. ?
That’s pretty strong for old JP. You know he’s genuinely upset when he uses that kind of language. Coates is a thoroughly nasty person, and a coward.
I had previously thought the circumstance funny, until it turned around and bit me.
When I bought the padlock for the trash can it arrived with two keys. One was improperly ground such that a groove required for it to fit in the lock wasn’t long enough. I set that one aside since I really only needed one. Then I went and misplaced the working one. I think I know where it is, but as a failsafe I had to dig out the dremel and extend the groove until the key fit in the lock like it was supposed to originally.
This sounds like an excuse to learn lockpicking. Chicks dig it!
My lockpicks are safely locked away in a lockbox.
I don’t know if I found the key to the lockbox, but I think I did.
I can confirm. A GF of mine and I made a lockpicking kit from scrap metal and wire we found and taught ourselves how to get into a number of interesting places…
It would be easier to buy a set of bump keys.
Sarcasmic! Good to see ya!
: )
Found the original, working key right where I suspected they’d be – in the pockets of the pants I wore on trash day.
I don’t normally leave crap in my pockets, and it would have survived the wash without issue, but still.
+1 cinder block key ring
I’m not talking about the key to the gas station restroom. sheesh. I’ve only lost two keys in a decade, and I’ve found them both.
So you never really lost them then, only misplaced or placed in the last location you looked into…
Sounds about like the old joke about the King who came back from the Crusades and was questioning his wife about her chastity belt. “Well, dear, there were a lot of complaints about the key you left didn’t fit.”
It can be confusing because you may see a lag and delay because often you have to wait a few weeks before you see the effect of what you’re doing right now
Cue the crop dusters! We’ll get those numbers up!
Look, despite all the best scientific minds spending an entire year on this, and having developed multiple vaccines, we know very little about this virus.
It’s vewwy vewwy cwafty.
A GF of mine and I made a lockpicking kit from scrap metal and wire we found and taught ourselves how to get into a number of interesting places…
These euphemisms…
Dammit, wife and daughter took old kitteh to the vet 2-1/2 hours ago…. No word. 🙁
How old? My deaf boy-kitty is 15. All he does is sleep, eat, poop, repeat. Then again that’s all any cat does.
Also 15. Not moving around and not drinking for two days. No purr when I said good day this morning. My wife had to carry her to the cat box this morning. Dehydrated.
I’m sorry. Hope you get good news.
Aww, hoping they find something they can fix. Poor kitty.
So sorry. I hope it’s nothing serious.
I’m feeling a small ray of hope. With this much time passed, I’m hoping this is treatable and that’s what’s happening. Of course, as soon as I post this, they’ll come through the door bawling.
/Negative Nellie
Why am I only right when it’s bad news?
Oh well, maybe they are snuggling together again.
Complete renal failure. Seems to be a thing with cats.
Oh no.
Sounds familiar, sadly.
Sorry man. Condolences for the lost pet. That sucks.
Damn that sucks.
So sorry to hear this.
Ugh tough. Hope for the best.
Sorry 🙁
Sorry 🙁
Showing the world how it’s done
New Zealand and Australia will allow quarantine-free travel between the two countries starting April 19, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Tuesday.
Ardern called the new arrangement the Trans-Tasman bubble.
“The bubble will give our economic recovery a boost and represents a world leading arrangement of safely opening up international travel while continuing to pursue a strategy of elimination and keeping the virus out,” Adern said at a press briefing Tuesday.
It’s the first time since the pandemic required travel restrictions and border closures that conditions have been met allowing for passengers to fly between Australia and New Zealand without needing a 14-day quarantine.
Australia and New Zealand have controlled the COVID-19 outbreak better than many other developed nations. Both countries closed their international borders to noncitizens early in the pandemic, which helped them to contain the virus’s spread.
If only we could legislate ourselves into a cluster of islands in the South Pacific.
And pretend we can keep the ‘vid at bay with the power of our minds or something.
They’re also more isolated than anyone else on the planet. And there’s more sheep than people in NZ.
Cheaper by the pound. At least 45 pounds or so.
Sorry about the gym, Señor. I put my globo gym membership on hold for another 3 months. Really digging the speakeasy gym.
You watch, Biden will order the work on the wall to start again. Everything is blowing up in his face. It’s glorious – except for the poor people.
Pantera is an inspired choice. Well done!
Yeah I give it another year and he chokes on his banana pudding and Kamala rides triumphantly into the capitol upon a chariot made of the bones of prison inmates she forgot to release on parole.
I’m so looking forward to Pres. Kamala.
Watching her jet to Oakland for various meetings, after being appointed the leader of the Border Task Force inspires all sorts of confidence in her ability to get things done. She’s so good, she doesn’t even need to pop down to the actual border and talk to the rubes there.
Or have your spokesperson immediately after you were named as the head of the task force say “that isn’t exactly what we meant”. Trump was a shitshow and this is just putting a clown mask over that shitshow.
Of course, they’ve already figured out they’ll need it to keep the newly overburdened tax cattle in.
Here’s a pretty good presentation from a ‘vid dissenter.
The UGLY truth about the Covid-19 lockdowns – Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA
Banned from YT, of course.
A good summarization.
“Banned from YT, of course.”
Insane no one seems upset about that.
I love Minnesoda, but we are truly fucked. We have a trial going on that is going to end in looting, arson and riots pretty much however the trial ends. I’ve been talking to my son who lives down on THE U of M campus about what I expect of him when the trial ends. I think it is the responsible thing to let him know how badly his life can get fucked up if he goes and riots – no matter how fun it looks.
What are other Minnesodans doing? Making sure their property deeds don’t even mention any old racial covenants. Because it is so awesome to have some old – invalid since 1962 – legalese taken out of a document that is filed away at city hall.
I can only imagine the hilarity if a neighbor came up to me and started yammering about this nonsense. Is it wrong for me to hope that the Floyd rioters use their yard signs as tinder to torch their houses?
You want to denounce some language go right ahead but the fact you want to be taxed (or have your wealth confiscated) is just retarded. I wonder how this is all going to work out for people who immigrated to this country say 20-30 years ago and they are asked to pay for the sins of the nation through increased taxes or outright confiscation.
How much would you want to bet you could get all these people to support covenants banning the sale of a home to a Trump supporter?
A bridge in Arizona.
I guess the best thing for advocates of woke-parations is to show all the examples of countries which have had these kind of policies and succeeded in becoming better places as a result – wealthier, healthier, happier, less strife, etc.
You’re livin’ in the past, man.
I am sure it is just a coincidence but it seems to me that the people behind social justice causes always have their hands out.
Burn it to the ground. Reap what you sow. Be gone, Minneapolis!
It’s true that we fucked up. I will always miss what Minneapolis was, though. It breaks my heart.
After I move, I’ll get drunk, listen to this and miss my city.
I spent three months in Shakope in 1972. You are right to miss it. Very nice people, picture-postcard Americana. I understand that today Shakope is a smoking ruin of what it used to be. That is what I have heard.
Meh, sounds like a nice place still.
“Women are twice as likely to give birth to a girl if they experienced more stress around the time of conception, a study has found.”
“Women are twice as likely to give birth to a girl if they experienced more stress around the time of conception”
They’ll definitely then be having more stress in about 13 years, a LOT more.
When you have a boy you only need to worry about one penis. When you have a girl you need to worry about all of them.
Well with only three holes and two hands, what can you do?*goes to penalty box*
I have a friend who has six sons, no daughters. He has a great story about how to have sons. He will go on and on about how important it is to make your wife happy. Give her money to buy a new dress, bring her to a nice restaurant, price is no object. Get her a bit tipsy. Go to any show she wants to see. Bring her home and have more wine, light candles, etc.
He goes on and on about all the nice things you do for your wife. Then he ends it with “When she is so hot to have mad passionate sex, call me and I’ll come over and put a son in her”
It is very common for different storks to show up at the same house. There is some town in England where they couldn’t find any children at all that were from both of the partents they lived with.
I told that to a cousin of mine once and she just looked down and mumbled “Well, there probably isn’t anything else to do there.”
It takes diff’rent storks to rule the world, yes it does.
I am not sure that makes any sense.
It doesn’t, especially when:
The daily fail done fucked up the “science”. Not that I’d read much into the study in the first place. However, assuming the validity of results, it would seem that having a girl makes for a more stressful pregnancy, not vice versa.
Of course, I didn’t read the entire article:
Each hair measurement covered the cortisol levels for the preceding three months — meaning the first one taken covered the period prior to and including conception.
Mea culpa. Still really skeptical, though.
Its a study and science…are you a science denier? Never mind its a 50/50 chance. I bet I could do a study that measures stress and quarter flips and come to the same result.
I am fairly certain that the Y gene comes from the father and is not affected one way or the other by the mother’s stress level at any point from conception on.
The only mechanism that would make sense to me is that the Y sperm act differently to the X sperm and are somehow blocked from fertilization. That’s really freaking far fetched in a system that produces damn near coin flip results. It’d be like saying that left handed people are more likely to flip heads on a coin. Theyre gonna have to give me more than a n=180 statistical analysis in order for me to entertain the idea.
“They’re not just anti-trans. They’re anti-science. They’re anti-public health.”
Wow. That organization’s motto is not “fair and balanced”, is it.
The ticker on the local news channel called it “gender-affirming treatment”.
I usually see it referred to as “gender-affirming care”.
“Care” is nice.
“Companies came out making statements in support of racial justice, and now shareholders are going to hold them to it.”
Shareholders should be subject to the same diversity rules. Pick 20% or so at random and tell them they have to sell their stock to Colored People within 7 days or else their ownership rights are cancelled.
Sell? Are you nuts, you racist? You mean give them to them. Reparations you know.
The funny thing about that article is how few actual, you know, shareholders they actually talked to.
Sigh. At this point, I’m just hoping to ride the madness out until whatever absolute disaster we get brings it crashing down. Because the country’s leadership (and I don’t just mean political – social, cultural, academic, business, media, etc.) is definitely setting us up for one. I only hope they wind up living with the consequences.
The empire that the sun never sets on finally had the sun set on it and it was because of the exact same shit we see going on here today. Unfortunately the same families are still in charge over there and still some of the richest people in the world. The common people were largely cast into poverty.
We need more pitchforks.
*Heard ont he radio earlier today: Mexican caller to a local show said, in a nutshell, “You people have no idea how good you have it here and how easily it can be thrown away”
Mexican caller to a local show said, in a nutshell, “You people have no idea how good you have it here and how easily it can be thrown away”
Exactly. I’ve described our leadership’s problems as “a failure of imagination”. They look at conditions as they are today and they assume that that’s the natural state of the world. They can’t imagine that anything might ever be adversely different, even while they build utopias of unicorns and fairy tales in their heads. Misery, suffering, and deprivation has been the default condition of the overwhelming majority of mankind for the overwhelming majority of its existence. The world we live in now is the exception to that rule. Our leaders seem to think any arrangement they try to impose to meet their fantasies can only lead to something approximating the status quo as a worst case.
PSA: Parchment paper is flammable. Don’t let it brush the heating element as you take it out of the oven.
That is all.
I was teaching my kids how to flambé and no matter how many times I told them “pull the pan off of the stove, away from the flame and then pour the alcohol” they still managed to just pour the alcohol. I swear I cannot understand how we made it this far as a species.
The recall getting to Newsom?
California plans to reopen its economy by June 15 so long as there are enough Covid-19 vaccine shots for everyone who wants them and hospitalizations remain stable, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday.
“With more than 20 million vaccines administered across the state, it is time to turn the page on our tier system and begin looking to fully reopen California’s economy,” Newsom said in a statement. “We can now begin planning for our lives post-pandemic. We will need to remain vigilant and continue the practices that got us here – wearing masks and getting vaccinated – but the light at the end of this tunnel has never been brighter,” he added.
Blah blah blah. The lockdowns had one purpose, trash the economy to get rid of Bad Orange Man. They’re only slowly opening it back now because they got a taste of all that tyrannical power and they don’t want to let go. But now they’re afraid there will be a backlash.
“there are enough Covid-19 vaccine shots for everyone who wants them”
Yeah, go ahead and keep that pretense up. Everyone is taking them, whether they want to or not, or else they won’t be able to travel, or work, or buy and sell stuff. That’s the next phase of the overall goal.
Newsom really has nothing to fear from the recall and will simply be re-elected easily.
Pembroke, NH track and field coach fired for not requiring masks
Brad Keyes said he was fired from his position as Pembroke Academy’s track and field coach Monday after he informed school Athletic Director Fred Vezina that he would not allow any member of his team to compete this spring while wearing a mask.
Keyes said Vezina told him last week that Pembroke Academy would require its athletes to wear masks as a COVID-19 protocol while competing in all running events plus the long jump, triple jump and the high jump.
Keyes wrote a response stating his objections to the decision and posted it on Pembroke Academy’s track and field website: He also wrote an email to Vezina that made it clear he would not have his athletes compete with masks.
“There’s very little indication that coronavirus spreads outdoors,” Keyes wrote. “There’s no scientific justification for any of these requirements, and I’m not willing to go in front of the kids and basically lie to them and say ‘this is for your protection’ or there’s a reason for it or it makes any sense.”
Given the recent CDC announcements that it doesn’t spread outdoors and doesn’t remain aloft and floating like a deadly cloud….he has a case – except he was insubordinate. Really should be an eye opener for the general public that teachers refusing to go back to work (insubordination) are given a pass and this coach gets the shit-can.
Stand Your Ground defendant given right to make bail
Murder suspects hardly ever win pretrial release in New Hampshire, in part because state law says that anyone facing life in prison should be held without bail if a conviction is evident.
But Delker noted that Rivera-Perez plans to claim self defense in the murder trial. And in a 16-page order issued last week, the judge said Rivera-Perez was reasonable to believe that murder victim Connor and three other home invaders were still a threat, even though they were running down the street and away from his house.
“The defendant’s assailants were armed, did not drop their weapons and remained wholly capable of turning around and shooting the defendant as they ran,” Delker wrote.
Connor and three others had invaded Rivera-Perez’ Central Street home, pistol whipped him in front of his family and stole his weed, court records have said.
Rivera-Perez fired at them twice: once when he was at his front door and the invaders were approximately 3 feet away and on his property, and once as they ran away down Central Street.
Break into a home when you know the occupants are present and as far as I am concerned anything that happens after that is on the invader. It seems there are no good guys in this story but the murder charges should be on the invaders that were not shot.
Well, they broke into his home and already beat him, with weapons drawn. Far as I’m concerned, he’s innocent. He should have shot them all dead.
Sununu opposed vaccine passports
Requiring citizens to have a government-issued vaccine passport to travel and to attend public events would needlessly stir more controversy over the risk of contracting COVID-19, Gov. Chris Sununu said Tuesday.
During a Washington Post live interview with Washington Post columnist Karen Tumulty on Tuesday, Sununu said private businesses and colleges have every right to impose vaccine requirements on their workers or students, though some of those requirements would likely get tested in court.
“Washington is so removed from what is happening on the ground. We shouldn’t be mandating anything. These vaccine passports, creating the haves and the have-nots, you are just going to create a lot of problems and anxiety,” Sununu said.
Beginning to think some legal eagles found snags in the application, because all these guvs coming out at once in opposition just isn’t adding up. I’d keep an eye on Congress sneaking in a change to medical privacy laws somewhere in the near future.
NH Hotel operator sues insurance company over Covid related claims
The insurers claim that losses from a virus are not covered because there is no physical damage, such as fire, flood or a break-in, according to court documents.
The suit claims the policies “provide ‘all-risk’ coverage and there is no exclusion for the risks or perils of pandemic, virus or communicable disease.”
I hope they win that suit. I am coming around to the side of the
libertarianline that big corporations after raking in years of big gov write outs for decentcapitalist behaviorlobbying are the same enemy as the government and in this day and age the distinction between big government and big Corp is almost non existent. They have merged. Maybe it has always been that way, but I am slow.It has always been that way but not the kind of hard fascism we are seeing now. You arent slow, it is worse.
I hope my company wasn’t so stupid as to issue policies without these exclusions.
PS. Why are they not suing the government? You know, the organization that actually caused their losses.
PS. Why are they not suing the government? You know, the organization that actually caused their losses.
Sovereign Immunity!
What was the largest known sugar maple in the USA comes down
As the “Old Lady” came down Monday, those who knew her well and others who were strangers gathered to watch.
The felling of the 240-year-old sugar maple that was the largest known in the country was something the Buxton family and local townspeople hoped they would never see.
“It’s not fair to her to let her stand out there and not be as beautiful as she always has been,” Janet Buxton said, fighting back tears as she reminisced about the tree that had given five generations of her family so much since they arrived at the Drinkwater Road farm 67 years ago.
99.1 Fahrenheit
Uuuh, I am no doctor but that temp plus a headache is a hangover.
So, a regular morning?
I am only regular with one thing.
Running drugs for the CIA?
I have never ran drugs. Well at least not for the CIA.
One regular thing in the morning?
This man gets it.
I kinda envy you, my digestive tract is composed entirely of eccentric gears.
JI confirmed steam-punk golem.
Shit, showered and shaved.
A glorious start to the day.
After some recent repairs, I’m regular multiple times in the morning.
“Just one more regular thing.”
“Chelsea Clinton gets her own podcast”
I envy the deaf.
If she can do it, I can do it. I think I’m gonna start my own podcast.
I always thought a glibs-cast would be interesting to listen to along with an onlyfans of lobot stocking groceries.
Clinton said she hopes through the podcast that listeners will walk away…………….
I’m sure they will.
“gets her own podcast”? They do know any random moron on the planet can start a podcast right? I might start one. It won’t last long and it will be me being regular after two cups of coffee.
Okay…you carried your joke through and it was legit funny as I chuckled.
“Clinton said she hopes through the podcast that listeners will walk away…………….
I’m sure they will.”
And just as full of nuggets of wisdom as Clinton’s, I have no doubt whatsoever.
One of our clients is a Cuban refugee and its the story we hear from anyone coming from no shit authoritarian hellholes – “I don’t know how you fell about all this, but I see this country becoming the country I fled”
She is a great client and tips really well and has well mannered dogs. I cannot believe we are failing so many that escaped from what we are becoming.
See my comment above about the Mexican caller on the local radio.
“Where I grew up individuals have no power. They are property. You people have no idea how good you have it and how easily it can be lost.”
That is paraphrased.
Yep. It stinks. Oh well I still have bread and I still have circus; does not mean I am unaware of what is happening though.
This is what happens when you remove history from education.
Or offer only selected edits.
This is why history has been removed, distorted, and martialed toward a dishonest, activist agenda. Absolutely intentional, and achieved via the slow boil method of getting a foot in the door by bamboozling people into thinking it’s reasonable to approach in good faith. Not claim anything too radical straight away. That iota of good faith is always abused.
Someone I knew from Swing dancing is an ethnic Russian who grew up in Lithuania during the Soviet days. She told me the same thing about America during the Obama years.
We have been walking the line for many, many years and I think the Dems smell blood in the water and are ready to
pounceenlighten us.Biden says, “Hold my beer.”
*”Hold my pudding cup, Dr. wife.”
Bureaucracy says, “Why certainly, don’t mind if we do.”
The left is seriously trying to burn the bridges that connected the country.
What’s the deal with this Cejudo chap? A cursory glance at his wikipedy suggests that he is a very accomplished fighter.