Chris Christie friends believe he’s running in 2024
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is seriously considering running for president in 2024, three people familiar with his thinking tell Axios.
Driving the news: While Christie isn’t saying anything publicly about his thinking — besides telling radio host Hugh Hewitt he’s not ruling it out — people close to him have an early sense of the rationale and outlines of a potential candidacy.
So much wrong with this story. First, Chris Christie doesn’t have any friends, they are just people he knows and hasn’t eaten yet. Secondly, the suspensors haven’t grown into his flesh enough to make him mobile.
Also, there is has to be tons of op research to do on him, they will never find it all.
I mean, the video where he fucks a pie, eats the pie, vomits up the pie, fucks it again, and then lets out a Howard Dean scream as he slowly oozes over that poor screaming child that only cuts off when Christie’s suppurating flesh fills his lungs is enough to kill his primary bid. Imagine Kamala looping the video on prime time, with that fake, braying laugh of hers as the only soundtrack?
And, of course, Tucker Carlson will still endorse him.

Look at them! None of them are even wearing masks! Grandma killers!
Who is Derek Chauvin’s beauty queen ex-wife Kellie and where is she now?
Derek Chauvin’s beauty queen ex-wife filed for divorce from the convicted ex-cop days after George Floyd died in his custody.
Kellie May Xiong Chauvin, who was crowned Mrs. Minnesota in 2019, legally separated from Chauvin on May 28, 2020, three days after the fatal arrest, for which Chauvin was found guilty of murder Tuesday, according to the Independent.
On May 30, she filed for divorce in Stillwater, Minnesota, citing “an irretrievable breakdown.” The request was granted on Feb. 2, according to the outlet.
Yeah, where is she? Why isn’t she giving interviews and presenting like a mandrill for protesters? Find her! Storm her suburb castle with torches and pitchforks! Sleeping with a murderer is the same as murdering someone herself!
![[JW intensifies]](
Stare! Stare into the face of evil if you can! And she’s not even wearing a mask!
I hate the subway.
— Article V Convention of States please (@philthatremains) April 21, 2021
First of all, Twitter, it’s clearly a rat, not a mouse. Mice are fucking tiny, you cretinous offal. And secondly, ODing in a subway car is no excuse not to wear a mask. Choke on your vomit safely, dammit.
Even cats are sick of the leftist woke BS
— djcalligraphy™ (@DJcalligraphy) April 20, 2021
Is the Christie’s wife…nice rack.
Probably an intern.
Mary Pat
Now there’s a woman that’s gone to bed wearing a snorkel for 20 years.
Dude..just let me enjoy the far away rack photo…I didn’t need that.
That’s called “good from far, but far from good”
*puts on asshole hat* REALLY? Oh man…that is the greatest thing I have ever heard! I am going to use that now!
Yeah, a guy I worked for as a whipper snapper was the first I heard it. He was also the only actual misogynist I’ve ever known. Called women cunts in everyday language.
Still not bad for him. Also, they look like siblings.
Are they from southern New Jersey?
East Philadelphia?
Born and raised until some kids came by up to no good.
So, a Piney?
Yeah, I don’t go for this. She’s 57 and was never a “beauty”. So what, not everyone can be Christie Brinkley or Elizabeth Hurley.
Shall we peruse some later photos of Brigitte Bardot?
Heck, show me some of the young hollywierd hotties without makeup, and they are pretty dang average.
Embrace your averageness, I say.
I don’t hate Hillary because she is unattractive on the outside. I hate her because she is truly hideous on the inside.
Tardis gets it.
It’s possible there was a time her husband wasn’t a fatty.
See his wedding photo….
True statement: They look better than me and my bride on out wedding day. We looked like shite.
He looks like an asshole frat-boy. Pass.
Chris Christie is seriously considering running for president in 2024
Yeah, I don’t think anyone was excited for Christie the last time(s? that’s how much I don’t care about the Fat Bastard) he ran, can’t imagine that’s changed much given how flip-floppy typical Republican he’s been over the years.
Then again — I wouldn’t have thought anyone would get excited for the Asterisk Administration, so there we are….
Well, the people excited about the current administration are people that believe politics should rule every single aspect of human life. In short, these people are an evolutionary dead end.
We want to talk about cultural issues. Lets talk about the culture where it is better to film someone in a shitty state rather than helping them. I’m not saying give the person a bed, but have some humanity and fucking get rid of the rat from their mouth.
Helping a incapacitated she-pronoun is a short-cut to a sexual assault charge.
How do you know how that person identifies?
Uh, bra strap
Like that denotes anything?
Bro strap.
Pretty tho.
Seems really loose. Hmm. Yeah, maybe a dude. Poor drug addicted kid.
It wasn’t me.
*slips into daze, overwhelmed by the surreal*
Lets talk about the culture where it is better to film someone in a shitty state rather than helping them.
It’s an all too common bad habit, people documenting things rather than getting involved or being decent by not taking vids. On the bright side, though, how would we ever know when people act properly, since it’s not documented?
That clip with the cat is hilarious.
That woman is going to have the same reaction when the mob lines her up against the wall.
^This and That^
I had to show the wife that video.
I know which pussy I’d choose.
That is the greatest cat that ever lived, or ever will.
One of the best cat videos of all times.
That clip with the cat is hilarious.
Cats are assholes, but sometimes that’s what a situation calls for.
filed for divorce from the convicted ex-cop days after George Floyd died in his custody
Disloyal bitch was looking for an excuse.
I mean there are good odds he was abusive (he was a cop and all), and so this was a good way to get free.
There’s no telling what was going on there.
Yeah, I have no idea.
Chinese spy brainwashed him to cripple the U.S. with riots.
Or — they both knew the crap was going to hit the air impeller and the divorce was a way to sequester their assets. After all, *she* didn’t do anything — not her fault if she got almost everything in the divorce….
Lots of intriguing possibilities…who knows?
I knew a couple who got a strategic divorce for that very reason. I’m not sure he actually left.
I think she’s winking at me.
Winking at you? That’s a Frank Zappa lyric:
Don’t fool yerself girl
It’s winkin’ at you
Don’t fool yerself girl
It’s blinkin’ at you
That’s why I say
I’m gonna ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
Corn hole
Ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
Fist fuck
Ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
Wristwatch Crisco
Ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
I mean we all know that she was the Lady Macbeth to his murderous intent.
She and Marilou Danley (Vegas Oct 1 shooter GF) are spending all of the CIA money they received 😉
*Wouldn’t be surprised if that is actually a thing on the internet*
You could make it so, OBE.
Almost tempting to do so just to demonstrate how stupid people are.
You would be just a pea in the ocean if you did.
Out! Damn positional asphyxia!—One, two.
Why, then, ’tis time to do ’t. Minnesota is murky!—
Fie, my mayor, fie! A police officer afeard?
What need we fear who YouTubes it,
when none can call our power to account?—
Yet who would have thought the old man
to have had so much Fentanyl in him…
Don’t even have to change the words except Macbeth
When shall we three meet again?
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Second Witch
When the hurly-burly’s done,
When the battle’s lost and won.
Third Witch
That will be ere the set of sun.
First Witch
Where the place?
Second Witch
Upon the heath.
Third Witch
There to meet with Chauvin
She’s writing a book, most of which will be total bullshit.
Probably on the jury.
Christie is only a Republican by NJ standards, meaning he’s basically a less radical Democrat.
So Trump 2.0?
Trump is what 240 maybe? You think Christie weighs 480?
Trump × 2.0?
Romney 2.0
Half as appealing as Trump, half as principled as Romney?
That’s tough but fair.
The hubris of these people…everybody hates Christie. I bet Jeb the low energy neocon warmonger will throw his hat in the ring too only to be curbstomped by DeSantis.
Please clap.
I almost had pity on him when he did that.
I mean I hate him slightly less than Kamala. So there’s that.
Would have made a better AG than Sessions, but didn’t get the job because he threw Kushner’s crooked father in jail.
Yeah, unless something goes wrong or he doesn’t want it, the nom looks like it’ll be DeSantis’s for the taking. A successful governor of a swing state is a strong starting point, plus you have a bit of pugnaciousness, willingness to call out the news and other government entities, and the fact that he’s been one of the best on COVID.
I’m holding out for Jeb! again. That kid’s a winner, I just know it.
Hmm…well, that’s OK, I didn’t want to eat, anyway.
Latest update on the woke-opalian private school…the headmaster (or whatever he’s called) is caught on tape with some interesting admissions.
Tape or whatever recording device they used
Wax cylinder.
That’s healthy for society.
Dude, you’re not supposed to say the quiet parts out loud.
Also, I hope your resume is up to date.
Unity, healing, etc.
Chenjerai Kumanyika
One cop almost down. A massive carceral system and a million other cops, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, ableism, misogyny, to go.
Pending his Maxine Waters appeal.
I won’t be satisfied until we remove cops from the #2 position in government.
Guess what comes down the pike when the people actually really get tired of the shitshow. No one will like it.
A very dark thought crossed my mind the other day. What if he’s Epsteined?
That depends…does he know too much?
I don’t think the extreme right is invested in him and probably are more along the lines of “yeah he is a dick”. So blacks will rejoice and the rest of the country will shrug?
He has dirt on the Clintons?
Since you mentioned…
“Chauvin is being closely watched by guards to ensure his safety, not just as a suicide risk, but also from other inmates with violent criminal histories, many of whom resent law enforcement,” the Daily Mail reported. …
After being found guilty, Chauvin was led away from court in handcuffs. Photos showed he had numbers written on one hand — reportedly the phone number of his lawyer. Chauvin was taken to MCF-Oak Park Heights Prison, where he will be held until sentencing.
One cop almost down. A massive carceral system and a million other cops, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, ableism, misogyny, to go.
That’s what it’s all about. Right there at the front.
Cute how they slip that in, and lot more frequently, lately. Their honesty is refreshing.
The lady on the nod in the train car is a solid would (after a thorough delousing).
Have some dignity.
Watch out for meth mouth bro.
No matter how deep you scrub, you can never completely get rid of the skank stank.
I thought it was a dude.
The blue hands suggest she ain’t pulling out if this one.
Ain’t Nuthin’ Ta Fuck Wit’
You can’t say where the virus came from.
“‘Get the f*** out of New York’: Brooklyn BLM protestors heckle diners at ‘white men-owned’ taqueria following Chauvin verdict
‘Get the f*** out of New York,’ the protesters say. ‘We don’t want you here. We don’t want you here.’
The leader of the protest continues: ‘We don’t want your f***ing money. We don’t want your f***ing taqueria … owned by f***ing white men.'”
Taco Tuesdays is racist.
Because I’m certain that if everyone else *did* leave New York, they’d be just as successful as CHAZ was. The dark side of my mind really wants to take these people up on their request and see just how they like it, but I’m sure there are sane folks in the neighborhoods who don’t deserve to suffer…
This is not going to end well
Maybe they were white Latinxyz.
It’s not enough to not buy tacos from a white men-owned taqueria…
Daniel Nasser, who is cited as the operating manager and owner of Maya Taqueria, grew up in San Francisco before moving to Brooklyn in 2001. His heritage is not clear
Looks Hispanic to me, though it really shouldn’t matter.
We don’t want you here…We don’t want your f***ing money. We don’t want your f***ing taqueria … owned by f***ing white men.
But then that would be “white-flight”, which is very ‘muh-racisms’.
“His heritage is not clear”
His heritage is no one’s fucking business.
What the hell does her heritage have to do with anything? I am going to have to eat shitty tacos in the near future aren’t I, because of this…
Daniel Nasser, who is cited as the operating manager and owner of Maya Taqueria, grew up in San Francisco before moving to Brooklyn in 2001. His heritage is not clear
Looks Hispanic to me, though it really shouldn’t matter.
We don’t want you here…We don’t want your f***ing money. We don’t want your f***ing taqueria … owned by f***ing white men.
But then that would be “white-flight”, which is very ‘muh-racisms’.
I blame the racist, taco-stealing squirrels.
Has fleeting mental image of taco-stealing squirrels in the swimsuit of the lemon stealing whore.
Ah, the “right kind of intolerance and bigotry’, aka “It’s okay if we do it”.
They forgot to wear their pointy hoods.
Ah, the “right kind of intolerance and bigotry’, aka “It’s okay if we do it”.
They forgot to wear their pointy hoods.
“Jen Psaki says fatal cop shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant, 16, shows police violence ‘disproportionately impacts black and Latino people’ after bodycam video showed her lunging with a knife
Earlier Wednesday, the Columbus police department released bodycam footage showing an officer shooting Bryant.
The footage appears to show the 16-year-old holding a knife.
Bryant is shown running out of her home toward another woman.
The woman flies backward – and then runs off as the officer shoots Bryant.
The officer has not been publicly identified.
Bryant was living in a foster home away from her mother, Paula, who said, ‘This never should have happened. She’s a loving girl.’
‘She promoted peace,’ Paula Bryant said. ”
Police violence disproportionately impacts mostly peaceful knife attacks.
disproportionately impacts black and Latino people
Interesting considering the girl was about to impact another girl with a knife.
Valerie Jarrett
A Black teenage girl named Ma’Khia Bryant was killed because a police officer immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight. Demand accountability. Fight for justice. #BlackLivesMatter.
Margot Cleveland
Police officer’s split-second decision-making & impecable aim, saves African-American woman from violent knife attack. There. Fixed.
We like to point out the reason, the facts, the snark in it all..but we are just a small island. There are groups that want to keep the tensions just at the right level without allowing it to completely get out of hand and they have done so successfully for over a year.
That is assigning too much forethought to most of these actors. I see a bunch of cynical, short-sighted opportunist, gloming onto whatever will get them more power, damn the consequences.
Meanwhile, in an alternate universe where the police behave like the protesters want:
“Racist cop stands by and does nothing as s black girl is stabbed to death.”
Well, that’s one way to phrase it. Another would be that Byrant is shown pinning a girl down against a car while the knife is raised up and poised to plunge into the pinned girl’s throat. The officer has a split second to act and shoots Bryant to save the pinned girl’s life.
I’m generally very critical of officer shoots, but it doesn’t get much cleaner than this.
They see me trollin’…
OP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.) announced on Sunday that she plans to introduce a resolution to expel Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.) from Congress.
Greene in a statement on Sunday said that she will “be introducing a resolution to expel Rep. Maxine Waters from Congress for her continual incitement of violence.”
The Republican lawmaker specifically targeted Waters for speaking to protesters at a demonstration in Brooklyn Center, Minn., on Saturday. Protests broke out in the city last week after police fatally shot 20-year-old Daunte Wright during a traffic stop on April 11.
Considering they already had a vote on censure that went nowhere (party line voting, what a shock), I suspect Sunday is a bit stale on the news front….
“Virginia cop is fired for giving $25 to Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal fund with note saying ‘you’ve done nothing wrong’ after hack revealed names of anonymous donors”
Discussed the the AM. Pretty sure it boils down to using department email.
Covered here before. Bad form to have used his work email for anything related to this, which was the pretext they used to fire him.
Indeed, and if they have a politically-neutral policy of firing people who misuse work email they should be in the clear.
Yet the city manager defended the firing by mentioning the cop’s “egregious comments,” which would suggest to me that he might have gotten away with using work email for something less “egregious,” like agreeing with the city manager. But I could always be wrong.
They would’ve fired him if he was doxxed via his private e-mail (if he was identifiable via it). Don’t kid yourselves.
That would be a different conversation then now wouldn’t it?
Florida woman:
Click through and look into her eyes, I dare you. It’s the perfect coda to a SugarFree day.
A nurse no less – oh there would be some very kinky role play there.
DEVELOPING: BLM Mob Forms at Scene of Officer-Involved Shooting Death of Black Man in Elizabeth City, North Carolina
No idea what went down here but I’m thoroughly disgusted by everyone hoping it’s the next big excuse to riot.
And fuck you LeBron – Bird was better.
Devout Catholic?
Reformed Latter Day Saint
Yeah, way too little info there — although “was driving away” and “was unarmed” may be contradictory, depending on if the “driving away” from the warrant servers involved driving *through* other cops.
We need Banjos to run for high office on the National Cool Your Tits Already program….
Where’s that pup’s mom? He’s way to young to be roaming the subway by himself.
Apparently l0b0t white knighted the mom only to leave the pup behind?
Chris Christie is seriously considering running for president in 2024
Sure, why not?
What could go wrong?
Mayor Lori Lightfoot is considering a momentous change to Chicago police procedure: requiring officers to get a supervisor’s permission before beginning a foot chase.
“No one should die as a result of a foot chase,” she said.
The mayor promised to announce details of a new policy “soon.”
“No one should die as a result of a foot chase…”
So, we have to give the suspects EKGs to make sure they are up for the pursuit?
Winner for out-of-shape cops!
Nope we don’t have permission to chase that guy, let’s go get some donuts!
COP “Requesting permission to commence foot chase … ”
(time passes)
SUPERVISOR “Permission granted.”
COP “Nevermind. Hes’ gone.”
All enforcement will now be done in a safer, controlled manner. Pursuits, stops and serving warrants could lead to injury or death. We will change procedures. Subjects will now receive a letter requesting they appear at the police station for questioning.
So like the border?
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is seriously considering running for president in 2024
Even cats are sick of the leftist woke BS
I like this cat.
That cat is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. Good kitty!
Why would you post video of yourself looking foolish, even if only 11 seconds long?
She is proud of her O face?
Lumburg fucked her?
“I hate the subway.”
Clearly that’s staged. Subway rats don’t look that well-groomed.
Let the witch-hunt begin.
On Wednesday, in the wake of Tuesday’s verdict in the trial of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced he was targeting the Minneapolis police force with an investigation. …
Garland began with a mention of George Floyd’s family, saying, ‘Although the state’s prosecution was successful, I know that nothing can fill the void that the loved ones of George Floyd have felt since his death. My heart goes out to them and to all those who have experienced similar loss. I know such wounds have deep roots and that too many communities have experienced those wounds firsthand.”
He then announced an investigation, saying, “Yesterday’s verdict in the state criminal trial does not address potentially systemic policing issues in Minneapolis.” He said the investigation would be “staffed by experienced attorneys and other personnel from the Justice Department’s Civil Right Division and the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Minnesota.”
Garland spoke of those with “behavioral health disabilities” being targeted by police, stating, “The investigation will also assess whether the MPD engages in discriminatory conduct and whether its treatment of those with behavioral health disabilities is unlawful.”
If I was a cop in any major city I’d probably be quitting pretty soon.
Or looking for a job in Sheriff’s Department in red-state rural county.
Yup — and if the knife shoot keeps blowing up, I’d add “Just about anywhere” to that list. Much like anyone in the military that doesn’t want to swear to Biden should get out asap from the sound of things.
The knife shoot was in Columbus, which has tOSU and leans heavy Democrat.
Swear to Biden
SpaceX gets contract to develop crewed lunar lander, ie underwriting Musk’s costs for his Mars colony lander.
Democrat congresscritter unhappy:
Mentioned the other day here — and I don’t remember if I read it here or elsewhere, but the long and the short of it is due to NASA budgeting, they had to ask the contractors to be able to get to a mission validation checkpoint on only $2B or so (iirc) and SpaceX was the only one that turned in a plan that could do it. Possibly because Starship is already under development… so it may actually be Musk’s Mars dream underwriting NASA’s Artemis dreams.. 😉
This is correct. It was going to be multiple awards, but they didn’t even have the money to fully fund one.
So either A: they wanted the contract to go to some word-salad group that can claim “firsts” or B: This isn’t how you perpetuate the grift.
I am going with both.
I have been in serious “reap the whirlwind, let it all burn down” mode for the past few days.
Trying to shake it off by doing home improvement projects. It seems to be helping, a little, maybe.
My weekend past was great, I hardly spent any time online. Very healthful (mentally especially).
Garland began with a mention of George Floyd’s family, saying, ‘Although the state’s prosecution was successful, I know that nothing can fill the void that the loved ones of George Floyd have felt since his death. My heart goes out to them and to all those who have experienced similar loss. I know such wounds have deep roots and that too many communities have experienced those wounds firsthand.”
Missing out on a Supreme Court gig is just like an unexpected death in the family.
“Although the state’s prosecution was successful, I know that nothing can fill the void that the loved ones of George Floyd have felt since his death. My heart goes out to them and to all those who have experienced similar loss. I know such wounds have deep roots and that too many communities have experienced those wounds firsthand.””
The guy was a regular Mother Teresa.
Oh Garland – lets not forget that nearly the whole country was aghast at what they saw and the lines were drawn only when people thought the proper response was burn the place down.
Lines were drawn when the right was coming out swinging for police reform.
And the left can’t let that happen. Not coming from that side of the aisle.
“Choke on your vomit safely, dammit.”
Well, she is in an approximation of the “rescue position,” so that any vomit would ooze out of her mouth and hopefully not be aspirated.
“The Death of George Floyd Reignited a Movement. What Happens Now?
Calls for racial justice touched nearly every aspect of American life on a scale that historians say has not happened since the civil rights movement of the 1960s.”
Yet, not one shred of evidence race had anything to do with it.
They really do imagine themselves re-living the glory days of the sixties.
How fucking stupid and wrong.
And there’s counter evidence. Alex Kueng, conveniently left out of the news coverage.
One mustn’t upset the narrative.
Doing CEU for cert renewal. It is almost as boring as HR mandated training, but less derpy.
Does cert renewal mean adding Retsyn?
“Demonstrating adroitly that nobody is safe from our current bout of gladiatorial Calvinball, the American Humanist Association has decided to retroactively cancel Richard Dawkins on the grounds that he is insufficiently devoted to transgenderism’s creed.
Dawkins’s crime was to have suggested on Twitter that transgender people are not, in a scientific sense, members of the sex with which they identify. “In 2015,” Dawkins wrote recently, “Rachel Dolezal, a white chapter president of NAACP, was vilified for identifying as Black. Some men choose to identify as women, and some women choose to identify as men. You will be vilified if you deny that they literally are what they identify as.” In response, the AHA said that Dawkins was “making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalised groups, an approach antithetical to humanist values,” and took away an award that it had given Dawkins in 1996, thereby confirming his initial hypothesis.
Further justifying its decision, the AHA said that it was “aware that cis-white heteronormative patriarchal institutions, power structures, and social attitudes harm Indigenous, Black, Brown, LGBTQ+, disabled individuals, women and other communities — especially those at the intersections of marginalised identities.” Is there any institution left in America that doesn’t talk like this at the drop of a hat? Richard Dawkins, a renowned evolutionary biologist, says that men aren’t actually women, and immediately we hear incantations. It’s liturgical in nature and in habit: Our father, who could absolutely be our mother . . .”
2 cylinders of 2.5 units of cyanide + 2 cylinders of 2.5 units of potassium = 5 units of death.
UAL, UAA or AAA? AAA is the correct answer.
How any police officer can be tried properly now is beyond me.
— LeBron James (@KingJames) April 21, 2021
In reference to the Ohio deal.
Mob rule.
Lebron is such a cunt.
I mean, he deleted it, but you can bet if this cop shows up in court, that tweet is sure to follow. Hell, even the cop that just got convicted can probably use that in his appeal.
The passed out girl with the rat seems more to be from Montreal’s subway, judging by the electrical motors sounds.
Looks like an old video.
Ooooweee!! San Pellegrino Lemon & Mint and gin on the rocks is a mellow drink, Jack. Highly recommended.
I can’t even.
To the first part I agree. To the second, as soon as someone shows up with a knife, all bets are off. It is best if we learn that again.
Just wait until one murders another then wait for the murder go to the police station and admit guilt. Not only would it reduce the risk of police shootings, it would allow a large reduction in the size of the police force.
If they were both getting stabby I’d have some sympathy but that cop stopped what may have been a murder. I won’t say he should get a medal but he definitely shouldn’t get in trouble.
So just them stab each other?
I’m kind of surprised the white cop didn’t do exactly that. In a sane world he’d be getting congratulations for his quick marksmanship that saved a life.
He’d get strung up for that too no doubt.
No damn doubt. As pointed out here a couple of times “White officer stands by while teenager guts another” would be the headline today otherwise.
Anyone want to put odds that the pink girl will join any protest of the shooting? it never happened in my school. Fights did, but it twas mano y mano with friends holding back others that thought they can join in.
It is as if they want to reclaim their ancestry and go back to a pure tribal society with warlords. She should know my ancestors were not that kind and put any of theirs to shame in atrocious acts.
+1 Blood Eagle
No, that never happened in my school and I’m not aware of any such incidents among my peers at that age. And my school was ghetto, if my neighborhood was only white trash.
Seen a lot of this nonsense today. Apparently, extremely online leftists all grew up on the set of The Warriors, where knife fights were ubiquitous. They also all know how to disarm someone with a knife too, it seems.
They watched movies chipwooder, they know how to do it.
Thank you for “The Warriors” reference.
Shooting at the walls of heartache?
An entirely different type of Scandal, my good man.
/Thinks of early 80s Patty Smyth
I’ll be in my bunk.
The double down on the “Knife Fights are just a part of Life”. Its amazing to watch.
I have at least two knife fights per week, three or four if things don’t go well. Please check your privilege.??????
*whips out butterfly knife*
That’s not a knife that’s a spoon
At my school some folks call it a Sling Blade I call it a Kaiser Blade, mmm hmm.
No, not in my white-privileged schools or neighborhood. We used swords or dueling pistols.
“How in the hell does this police officer think it’s a good idea to fire shots blindly into a group of teenagers having a fight.”
Considering that the only person hit was the one wielding the knife, that’s either decent marksmanship or the luckiest instance of firing blindly that I’ve ever seen.
“Everyone should be frightened that the ruling white elite have done such a thoroughly successful job of not only disconnecting us from the means of basic self-sufficiency but also convincing us we need armed white officers to manage our children & communities.”
She talks like my brother. Use a small little bit of information that draws in ‘the other side’ and then just completely go insane afterwards. “There have always been fights between teenagers” “Disconnecting us from the means of basic self-sufficiency”….yeah no shit. If you would get your head out of your ass you’d realize there is a group of people that reside in the US that feel the same way.
That stupid bitch would complain if the cop had taken the knife away by impaling it into his chest. She can fuck right off.
It’s especially hilarious seeing that coming from Kathy Griffin, who grew up in a nice suburb of Chicago where I guarantee she never saw anyone pull a knife on anyone else.
“May thy knife chip and shatter!”
That wasn’t a pen knife, sweetheart.
Not edgy enough to be cool or be news and it also exhibits whiteness by laying out facts. On top of that she has red hair and blue eyes and is most surely a Trump supporter. /DU/MSMBC/The World
So would?
What is this guy complaining about?
Local news.
Be careful out there folks.
I feel like the media is going to over-publicize any shooting, even if some kid gets his eye shot out with a BB gun in the interest of pushing the gun-control angle.
Havent heard much out of Chicago, Baltimore, or Detroit, tho.
Cause those are old – we need new blood in new cities if the neanderthals won’t listen to their masters.
Shooter identified as Za Uk Lian…
This will be off the news tomorrow.
Zack Lane? How much more white can you be!
WTF? I thought he was pitching for the Cubs tonight?!!
whaddup fam?
Whats goody yo
Hey, Tres. Checking out for dinner. Feeling cute, might Zoom later.
take it like a man, woman !
Homey, thanks again for coming to meet us today! I was so glad to finally lay eyes on you in real life! 🙂
We’ll have to have you & Jugsy over to Chez GT/TT for an andouille-nee roast on our backyard “pitcher’s mound” and/or just hang out and sear some animal flesh on the grill at Tranquility Base! (No masks required!!!)
It was nice to finally see my fuckin’ neighbor….even tho’ I had to go to Green County to do it.
And SP didnt break out the tuna-can lids!
It actually your text that woke me up after Id p̵a̵s̵s̵e̵d̵-̵o̵u̵t̵ fallen asleep.
Not even for show and tell?
“And this one is from the time OMWC wouldn’t buy me the Barbie Dream Corvette®….”
Yo, we did a thing. Shoutout to the smart kids at JPL, and their awesome Den Mother MiMi Aung.
She really takes the wrinkles out of my love-sausage. And Im not into asian broads- they squeak when you bang ’em, and it reminds me of my dog’s toys.
Throws my game off.
2 hours into OT and I’m still working. Because Public Affairs decided they needed an Earth Day web page and 47 (not exaggerating) YouTube videos. On April 21. At 2pm. Earth Day is April 22, BTW.
This never happened with Trump!
Trump hated the Earth for having more longevity than he. This is known.
I know, for Earth day, compost the Public Affairs office.
Do you know what the carbon footprint of a Youtube video is? It must be astronomical.
47 is oddly specific
Well it’s a prime number, so…
Kamala Harris will be the 47th President?
Just finished. I think I’ll take my 3 hours’ comp time on Friday afternoon.
Local police shooting
It doesn’t give many details, but no protests so I can make some assumptions.
Hospitalized gets you nothing in the BLM lottery.
Surprising hospitals are still doing this shit.
That…I don’t have anything if that account of what happened is true.
Even unsurprising hospitals are.
I’m guessing our NY glibs have seen this and drugs are falling out my ass, but holy fuck.
Hey if it is on the governor’s word and the commissioners word, its totes legit.
This is I believe what scholars refer to as “nonconstitutional-esque-ish”.
Pretty sure I read about this in college.
“Removal” to where? I’m not reading all of that shit.
Does New York have an equivalent to Siberia?
It sure does.
Coverage of Columbus Shooting
Ira you may need prepare for a new home and job.
Never talk to the press. What the hell is wrong with these people.
The cops should’ve stayed out of this.
Society needs to bring back Trial By Combat as a legitimate way of resolving disputes.
I am beginning to think people believe it will be like the movies. A hero(heroine) fighting against all odds among the trials of the tribe.
I wonder how they square up this line of thinking with meritocracy?
Dumped the doge. It peaked. If it dips enough I’ll consider buying again.
what the….?
Hey Mojo’
Its your birthday
That’s for real-real
Not for play-play !
Thank you!
…and I haven’t linked this for DAYS, so I must remedy that.
what did it get to?
It peaked at I think 0.39 and I sold at 0.34. I hold no more hope for it.
I thought you had cats…. 🙁
I do have the fuzzy four-footed things, but I don’t have any kittehcoin. I also don’t have any more dogecoin.
Happy birthday!
Yes. Happy birthday!
Thanks, KK and grrizzly!
The sun is shining. It might be warm enough to sit outside and drink a beer.
I’ll give it a shot.
It’s snowing here in Dayton again. 🙁
Now it’s snowing with the sun out. Snowbow??
It’s a bit nippy here in SoCal today too.
I’m going to have to shut the Windows tonigh. I didn’t want to for this past week because I can’t find my cat.
Happy Birthday MoJo!
“21 today, 21 today!”
“That’s great, let me buy you a drink.”
“22 today! 22 today!”
Hey everybody here is a fun cover of one of my 80’s favorites.
That’s absolutely horrible.
There is a reason Baskin Robbins make more than one flavor.
Because some of them are horrible? You think it would be easier to just not make the horrible flavors.
No one needs 18 kinds of Baskin Robbins. Vanilla is all you need.
Did anyone step up to host a zoom tonight?
Maybe Tonio? See his comment to Tres above.
In theory, SP will stop en route, get the thing started, then hand over hosting to me.
In the morning links, she said she wouldn’t be able to do it. So, here’s tonight’s Zoom link:
Cancelled – see comment 54 below
Hunh, if only there were someway to have predicted this beforehand. It must be bad luck.
Glancing at the other tweets, you would think that the stabby teenager who got ventilated was a beacon of innocence.
Vacuous platitudes are vacuous.
/why do I click on a Twitter link?
Music link……
As to pronouns always go with dick/balls. If a cat hits you when you announce that throw it at a wall.
I just noticed I changed my pronouns to scratch my/balls. Go with that one if you have balls. If not you can go with itchy/snatch.
That cat was the smartest person in that video
Maybe girl knife fights are more common than I thought.
A 13-year-old girl is dead following a stabbing in Cincinnati’s Winton Hills neighborhood.
Let’s get stabby Ohio!
Also, a cop was murdered by a crazy black guy defacing churches in Toledo maybe 2 months ago. I’m sure you all heard about it. I’m no cop sucker but it sure seems like a great time to not be a cop.
In an obvious “why the fuck didn’t I think of that” moment earlier today, one of my competitors admitted to hiring recently retired or resigned cops who left due to bad work environments.
He said they’re particularly adept at handling difficult customers.
This explains everything, including why libertarians have never gotten any political traction, and why gun control continues to be a loser despite all the contrary poll data.
Interesting. Thanks.
Then I read the first comment:
“ Also democrats are generally closer to empirical reality on issues than Republicans, meaning that supporting republican causes will generally involve intentionally being incorrect”
Someone suffers from a slight case of confirmation bias and a bad case of straw man disease.
Their measures of “empirical reality” are based upon the cultural output of the very same institutions they already control. It’s a circular argument. The New York Times tells me I’m right, and I know The New York Times is right because I agree with it.
I also grow a bit tired of the epistemology motte-and-bailey. “We’re empiricists!” they shout, after (barely and temporarily) retreating from “lived experiences” and “what every Black/trans/etc. person in America knows” and “institutional whiteness” and so on.
To be honest, it is difficult to keep up with the constantly evolving and multiplying modes of self-justification that they employ.
I quoted the Chief Justice of the Wisconsin SC yesterday from his dissent concerning a failure to take a case in election fraud. The response I got was a rambling and spittle flecked torrent of “Red Hats lie about everything, their love for the Constitution, democracy, etc…”
You can’t effectively respond to it because the dismissal is built into the sentiment. I disagree, therefore I lie, therefore I am wrong.
I don’t know if I qualify as a “Red Hat” (unless it’s this kind, and even then there are other distros out there) but I’ll happily disclaim that I have no love of democracy and diminishing love of the Constitution.
Both have their values but anything can become pathological. Democracy is good for toppling dictators and replacing sclerotic regimes thought its track record at both is spotty; ole’ Lysander Spooner had the Constitution pretty much pegged 150 years ago.
The sudden uptake of jingoism by (at least a subset of) the left has been a thing to behold. To then turn around and accuse others of being fake about it is quite laughable.
I considered writing a short essay on the evils of democracy, but realized it would be a waste of time. It’s a totem to them, nothing more, nothing less.
And forget about the Constitution, that only means that they want it to mean at any given moment.
Yeah, I’d vote against that.
Aaah man, I am winding down but want to read that. booked marked. I am not sure he sets into the fact that conservatives are fascist sheep also and while this is not a new revelation to me, it has really been punctuated over the last year.
It definitely explains part of The Cathedral’s success. I think it could do with more examining of how these institutions came to be in the first place, and why they hold the cultural power that they have. Business and government are at the tail end of the influence cycle; but how did the academy and the press end up at the head end?
I note that while the academy always leaned liberal, when the Feds provided them with a massive market distortion in the form of guaranteed loans, it went to total shit.
Education was no longer about providing worth, it was about providing a mechanism to hoover up those dollars.
The academy feeds livestock (or, human capital) into both business and government. No civilized person would forego being informed of the days events – thus the media. And a true believer is willing to make sacrifices to change the world.
Sure, and probably we can say that the pre-Enlightenment institutions are so far dead and gone in our cultural space as to be unworthy of digging up for forensic analysis. But the Enlightenment happened a good while ago; sometime between the removal of the Church and tradition as the supreme authority and the installation of Harvard and the NYT in their stead, something else existed besides and the result we have today was not yet guaranteed.
IMO Rousseau was the beginning of the end.
Well, I think that gives me a place to start reading to find an answer to my question. Thanks.
I recommend Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen Hicks. He does a good job of bringing to light all the lesser known postulations by the philosophers of the late Enlightenment and how they led to the postmodernists of the 20th century (while also serving as the basis for the entirety of the Marxist and neo-Hegelian movements).
(or maybe not; perhaps the transition was smoother and more recent than I think)
Also, idiots are conflating party ID with actual votes when they argue about % of vote overall across the country.
Zoomie Link for tonight.
Ooooh, competing ZOOMz, hot Tulip vs OMWC action!
*Pops popcorn*
Uh oh. Dueling Zooms + Glibs + the Forum
It’s a Glib overload.
Ok, we’ll go with yours. Mine is now cancelled
NOooo! What about the knife fight?
They’re good clean fun now.
You’re no fun.
Im there once I get in a quick nap. Plus I heard Tonio is x-tra pretty.
Im still recovering from the Glibs Ladies Luncheon
/sniffs fingers
I… ugh.
Attempted link post:
Sorry, dude. But you’re not the boss of me and your anecdatum doesn’t move me in the slightest because I don’t know you.
So no 8 PM article tonight? RIOT
The evening article usually drops at 6 PM you time zone loser.
The sun rises in the East. Eastern time zone is the zone of the Firster. You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground.
UTC is the one true time zone.
*pushes Ted’S over and plants GMT flag*
1930 Glibs time (Central) – it just posted.
This is as close to Peak Florida Man as I’ve ever seen. If nothing else, you have to admire his moxie.
Two lovebirds thought a palatial mansion in scenic Southwest Ranches was the perfect place to tie the knot.
God called them there, they said. So the pair, referring to themselves as “the Royal Couple,” posted an online invitation to “our dream home and estate” — a 16,313-square-foot home with nine bedrooms, 15 bathrooms, a bowling alley, a theater and an 800-square-foot bar.
Trouble was, it was someone else’s home.