Nation of Islam Calls Supporter Who Assaulted U.S. Capitol ‘Brother With Such Great Potential’
Wait for it…
The Nation of Islam said it is investigating what caused one of its followers to stage a deadly assault against U.S. Capitol police last week, calling the deceased attacker a “brother with such great potential” who could have been a “star in the mission of the resurrection of our people.”
The group distanced itself from the attack by its supporter Noah Green, saying it “absolutely disavow[s] this act that resulted in the senseless loss of life,” and indicated that it was looking into a number of potential explanations for “what caused this”—including mental illness, depression, Green’s own claims that his food was being poisoned, and that he was under “mind control.”
Wait for it…
“I am sure, had [Green] been blessed to come through the crisis that he was going through, he would have been a star in the mission of the resurrection of our people,” said Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. “We need to know what happened to our brother.”
Green, a 25-year-old Nation of Islam supporter, killed Officer William Evans after ramming his car through a barrier at the Capitol on Friday. Green attacked a second officer with a knife before being shot and killed by police.
The Nation of Islam described Green as a young man who “struggled in his early life but overcame much as a student to graduate with a degree in finance. He had a wonderful, noble idea to help the black and brown people through his knowledge of finance.”
Wait for it…
The organization added that “our research is continuing into what happened to this young man and we cannot rest until we find out what caused him to take a turn like this. We are saddened by the loss of this brother with such great potential.”
In a social media post before the attack, Green claimed that he “suffered multiple home break-ins, food poisoning, assaults, unauthorized operations in the hospital, mind control.”
Just a day after the attack, the Nation of Islam’s research arm promoted claims about the U.S. government engaging in mind control.
Ah, yeah. There it is.
“Sidney Gottlieb was an American chemist involved with the Central Intelligence Agency’s assassination attempts and its mind-control program known as Project MKUltra,” wrote the Nation of Islam Research Group on Twitter.
A third of COVID survivors suffer neurological or mental disorders: study
LONDON (Reuters) – One in three COVID-19 survivors in a study of more than 230,000 mostly American patients were diagnosed with a brain or psychiatric disorder within six months, suggesting the pandemic could lead to a wave of mental and neurological problems, scientists said on Tuesday.
Post-COVID cases of stroke, dementia and other neurological disorders were rarer, the researchers said, but were still significant, especially in those who had severe COVID-19.
“Although the individual risks for most disorders are small, the effect across the whole population may be substantial,” said Paul Harrison, a professor of psychiatry at Oxford University who co-led the work.
Max Taquet, also an Oxford psychiatrist who worked with Harrison, noted that the study was not able to examine the biological or psychological mechanisms involved, but said urgent research is needed to identify these “with a view to preventing or treating them”.
Health experts are increasingly concerned by evidence of higher risks of brain and mental health disorders among COVID-19 survivors. A previous study by the same researchers found last year that 20% of COVID-19 survivors were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder within three months.
Joe manufactures his own voting base.
I know it is going to be hard to believe but there are people accusing a DJ of sexually assaulting underage fans.
I’m going to give you a minute to wake up from your faint. Sorry, DJ Bassnecter fans. All three of you.
Would you accept a personal check from this man?

“The Decadent Girl” 1899, Ramón Casas
There just aren’t enough loopy spoken intros in rock nowadays…
No. I’m not making the effort of cashing it.
You’re so bad at Firsting that what you do doesn’t even qualify. I don’t even know what to call it.
You know, what the comments section is for.
I thought it was for punning.
Gonna carry this over from dedthread:
In regards to Viva in Las Vegas, they mention you cannot display or wear symbols on the FBI hate symbol list, including the confederate flag. Now, I went searching for this list…but only can find ADL and SPLC lists. Are the organizers trying to conflate the two?
Of course.
Honestly, I’ve never seen someone even questioned about what they were wearing (the casino bans “Motorcycle Colors” as well). It could also be an easy way of sidestepping the issue, and they will not allow anyone wearing a hate symbol from the FBI’s list. No list, no issues.
Gotcha…which looking over the other lists I have 2 tattoos that qualify and 1 in the future that puts me at odds with the ADL. Though in ADLs defense, they do say those symbols are not necessarily white power. You know, I just like my Norse heritage and Odin was a far superior All-Father than I ever had.
Doesn’t the tattooing process leave you thor?
Odin know…just tender
You’re pretty loki it’s not that painful for you.
Loki here, you keep that up you’re going to get us narrow gazed.
Hel no! I will not stop!
Great. Here comes the ban hammer.
Gná, Swissy is good sport.
Balder dash! A sif he frigga cared!
That was a humble bragi. Well done Bob, well done.
You’ve runed this discussion.
You all have brought a Tyr to my eye with this thread.
You’re just mentioning that to tease me. I’m on to you!
“suffered multiple home break-ins, food poisoning, assaults, unauthorized operations in the hospital, mind control.”
So you are saying he was totally batshit?
food poisoning, assaults, mind control
Maybe just a survivor of the DC public schools.
[golf clap]
I know I should have expected MK Ultra — but honestly I was betting on either “Trump” or “so much potential — to do a lot more damage!”
“A guy simultaneously so messed up and so devoted to our cause would have been great at obeying our orders enthusiastically and without question…too bad he went off on his own.”
The Nation of Islam described Green as a young man who “struggled in his early life but overcame much as a student to graduate with a degree in finance.
Even a rudimentary understanding of finance goes a long way toward explaining why somebody might have an abiding hatred of Congress.
Bassnectar announced on Friday (July 3) that he’s taking a step back from his career.
The nine month-old story notwithstanding, I read his moniker as “bass (as in the freshwater gamefish) nectar.” And so I was wondering, what exactly is “nectar” to a bass? Eau de bluegill? Essence of shiner?
Of course, it’s probably “bass” as in the lower-frequency sound. I’d make a crack about that sort of bass and the cars driven by the diversity crowd, but I don’t want to get in treble.
Your attempted avoidance at carping has fallen flat.
Were just fishing for puns now.
This thread is so crappie
We all fell for it hook, line and sinker though.
Swiss will have our heads on a pike.
In some ways the recent problems with hosting were a blessing.
You all have made Swiss jump the shark…
Eel get better.
It hurts his sole.
Time to scale it back?
You muskie it to believe it.
I just knew we were going to get ourselves in a pickerel.
Bless your heart.
The sad fact is that this violence is easily avoidable. No other high-income country comes close to the United States in deaths due to gun violence. In fact, when other countries experience these types of attacks—like the mosque attacks in New Zealand—they move swiftly to prevent any similar events from ever happening again.
Instead, the United States allows a partisan interest group to lie about our Constitution to create culture wars that distract large segments of the voting population from the issue at hand. The truth is, unless you are a member of the National Guard, you have no Second Amendment rights. That is, only members of the National Guard would have Second Amendment rights if not for rulings by conservative Supreme Court judges in recent decades.
In 1975, the District of Columbia passed an ordinance that effectively banned handgun ownership within the city’s limits. In 2002, six residents sued, and in 2008, the Supreme Court heard arguments on whether the District’s ordinance violated an individual’s right to own a firearm. The resulting decision struck down the District’s law and created an individual’s right to own guns.
Before the decision, there was no individual right to own firearms. The very words of the Second Amendment, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,” makes absolutely no mention of an individual’s right to bear arms, and every other Supreme Court case only considered the right of militias to own firearms. The purpose of this amendment, as affirmed by historians, was to stop the federal government from getting rid of state militias. The Second Amendment only granted the right to own a firearm to those involved in local militia, which would now be the National Guard.
It is a bit shocking that this person does not understand that all of these “arguments” have been thoroughly destroyed in the past. I mean, you ignore the second and operative part of 2A (…the right of the people to keep and bear arms…) because you are too stupid to know that you are stupid. Read any of the quotes in the federalist papers on the matter of 2A and read any other similar provision the constitutions of the states. Read and learn you ignorant (and possibly dishonest), cunte.
I don’t know if they’re dishonest. They’re so far up their own ass that no amount of contrary evidence would sway them that they hold the only right position.
The resulting decision struck down the District’s law and created an individual’s right to own guns.
Oh, heavens no. It’s a god-given right and the court just affirmed it, albeit with a lot of holes.
If a student at UMass Amherst wrote it then it must be both well thought out and true.
The campus press – sometimes they cover good stories, but they also showcase political ignorance in its raw, or larval form. It’s cute, if you think larvae are cute.
Is that your alma mater? Why are you reading the Amherst newspaper? (“Due to COVID-19, print production has been suspended for the foreseeable future.” ? )
I dig your tricorn hat though. Men looked so handsome in the 18C.
See, that’s how you put wheels on your goalposts.
Brazil, El Salvador, etc could not be reached for comment.
And this is why comparing countries to countries is actually apples to oranges. You can pick more cherries than a migrant worker and you will still be incorrect.
(Not to mock you. You mentioned something interesting the other day that I can’t remember now. Ctrl+F… And I assume that’s not you but I do still like the hat and ponytail.)
The truth is, unless you are a member of the National Guard, you have no Second Amendment rights.
Molon motherfucking labe
So no police officers, standing military members, security guards, ABC agencies that are armed better than most countries….lets do it.
Can’t even prog right. It is a state right. The National Guard only gets the weapons provided by the state and kept in unit arms rooms.
“like the mosque attacks in New Zealand—they move swiftly to prevent any similar events from ever happening again.”
New Zealand is mentally destroying its populace through Draconian lockdowns.
Until the next time, that is.
Max Taquet, also an Oxford psychiatrist who worked with Harrison, noted that the study was not able to examine the biological or psychological mechanisms involved, but said urgent research is needed to identify these “with a view to preventing or treating them”.
According to my model, I need a bigger budget.
You can’t argue with the model.
Most models are too air-headed to argue with?
Hey my model says I need a bigger budget as well. That’s confirmation, right?
Another underrated comment right here…
I have no idea who this guy is. Since he is in music, I’m assuming some groupie slept with him and later had regrets. Though his ultraproggy apology makes me think there may be more to this.
From his picture I thought he was Colin Farrell.
“Tiger Woods says he will focus on ‘recovery and family’ after cops reveal golfing champ will receive NO citation despite crashing at 87MPH in 45mph zone because ‘nobody saw it'”
Yeah, OK.
I agree. This is a situation between his insurance and himself. The state was not around to witness the speed, so cannot cite his speed.
That’s exactly the way you and I would be treated under the same circumstances, Count.
Couldn’t find it in the article, but did they do psych testing on people who didn’t have COVID? My gut is telling me the results would be the same.
I’d also like to see this correlated by age and pre-covid comorbidities. And with studies of other people who had undergone severe illness and then recovered, ie do recovered cancer patients also have more mental problems. And hospitalization was particularly grim in time of plague panic.
Instead, the United States allows a partisan interest group to lie about our Constitution to create culture wars that distract large segments of the voting population from the issue at hand.
There’s that “right wing culture warrior” thing again. It’s like they are all reading from the same sheet music.
When it comes to the left, their behavior would be no different if there was an actual hive mind connecting them all.
Sheet music is racist.
You need to use dark mode.
“Disgraced former congresswoman Katie Hill has lost a lawsuit against over revealing details of her three-way affair with a campaign staffer.
In a judgement handed down on Wednesday, Los Angeles judge Yolanda Orozco threw out Hill’s case, finding that the stories about her were of ‘compelling public interest’ and protected by the First Amendment.
In her ruling, the judge said arguments by Hill’s lawyers were ‘unpersuasive’, and that’s stories about the former congresswoman were in the ‘public interest’ because they detailed her alleged affair with a campaign staffer, pictured her using drugs that were illegal at the time, and exposed her iron cross crotch tattoo which ‘resembled a white supremacy symbol that had become an issue during her congressional campaign.'”
“iron cross crotch tattoo”
I think we need to get her back into office. She was fun.
I saw the pictures. I don’t buy the tattoo is an Iron Cross.
It is an iron cross, it’s just not THAT iron cross. That’s all that’s required.
Before the decision, there was no individual right to own firearms.
Right. Absent an explicit government decree, nothing is real.
I believe I have told the story of possibly meeting Tony in real life. This person stated that rights come from the government. I pointed out that position is antithetical to the entire principle of the American founding. I also pointed out that every time powers of the government are mentioned in the Constitution they are mentioned in the affirmative such that they are granted, whereas every time rights are mentioned they are mentioned in the negative as they are assumed to predate the government. I do not believe I got through.
“Biden’s Homeland Security secretary now says he wants to prosecute MORE illegal immigrants crossing the border and will crack down on Dem sanctuary cities that refuse to work with ICE”
So they did internal polling?
Polling and a deal for the media to drop it…haven’t heard about anything for a week now.
They did say Kamala was in charge of the border.
Is DJ Bassnectar the stupidest name in the history of music ever or only one of the stupidest names in the history of music ever? I can’t help but read that like the fish.
Is it any worse than Deadmau5?
leet is certainly lamer
DJ Treblejuice was taken.
Thicc like a thirty pound hunk of fatback.
At least she’s not one of those models who starve themselves.
Girl’s got an ass like the afterdeck of the Andrea Doria. Is that’s what is meant by the moronic misspelling “thicc”?
In her case it has to do with the extra cc’s of juice pumped into medically malformed ass.
Such a butterface.
I think we all know (((who))) is to blame.
Weingarten—who is herself Jewish and draws a six-figure salary as head of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)—took aim at American Jews in an interview with the Jerusalem Post. When asked about parents critical of the AFT’s resistance to school reopening, Weingarten took aim squarely at Jewish critics.
“American Jews are now part of the ownership class,” Weingarten said. “Jews were immigrants from somewhere else. And they needed the right to have public education. And they needed power to have enough income and wealth for their families that they could put their kids through college and their kids could do better than they have done.”
“What I hear when I hear that question is that those who are in the ownership class now want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it,” she said.
That doesn’t even make sense. She wants to keep public schools closed to help poor kids?
Does to me. Keeping kids out of public schools is really the best thing for them.
Lefty gibberish.
That horrible woman earned her stripes by doing her level best to destroy the NYC school system for many years.
I would argue she succeeded. Same average test scores as Alabama and Mississippi despite being in a market where education has much more value. Three times the spending per capita.
Real metrics reveal that New York easily has the worst government funded school system in the first world.
Know who else thought (((they))) owned too much?
This one was almost too easy. Which is kind of scary.
It’s legit anti-semitism coming from a Jewish-flavored progressive. Self-loathing isnt quite right. I can’t find the right term to describe it.
She morns the fact she has to carry the label of being Jewish.
See, I don’t think she hates being Jewish. I think she hates that there are Jews who still believe and practice Judaism. It’s akin to Cafeteria Catholics or the Unitarian church. To the extent they participate in their stated religion, its either for progressive activism and social activity or its for a regular stroking of the ego. If you strip those things away, they’re just a bunch of agnostics looking around at one another going “do you actually believe any of this bullshit?”
Being Jewish doesn’t carry any weight in the progressive victim stack. Indeed, with the anti-semitism floating about on that side of the aisle it is a negative trait.
The fury of an apostate.
Check out the unfunny Marx brother:
“What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
“Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time.”
Gummo said that?
I said “apostate,” I think I was too hasty.
It’s just that the different branches of Judaism…don’t necessarily like each other.
Think of a liberal Methodist arguing with a fundamentalist Pentecostal about gay marriage. They may both be Christian but their disagreements are all the more heated for all of that.
Speaking of teacher unions, only one of the union backed candidates won while I think three of the Republican backed candidates won. The teacher unions fucked themselves really bad in my town when they fought against reopening the schools full time and bungled the hybrid schedule.
Hopefully they stay fucked.
They also know that they fucked up because the union poured a lot of money into the campaign and wrote hit pieces about the anti-union candidates.
Yes X 100.
Here’s the JPost article about the interview:
TL;DR – it’s very mushy, but she does make clear that Texas is bad and Betsy DeVos is bad.
“We need to have aggressive testing and tracing in a bunch of schools, particularly for middle school and high school students, and their educators, so that we can actually make sure you don’t just open but you stay open.”
Nice school you got there. Too bad if we’d have to close it right after reopening.
“schools need to be reopened but they need to be safe and that it is not a binary choice”
Here’s the question which she answered by talking about the Jews:
“I think some people are very skeptical of the power that they perceive teachers unions to have. They look at, for example, the ongoing struggles in Los Angeles, where they see this big dollar figure of aid being given for school reopening and are baffled by the perceived resistance of teachers to going back to work.”
And the specific stuff about Jews gives context to this:
“Oh my God, it’s a totally privileged argument. And I’m not saying that everything we do is right. It isn’t. But not everything bankers do is right. And not everything lawyers do is right. It’s just a matter of workers having to have some degree of power and some degree of voice.
“Teachers are up against 40 years of the Chamber of Commerce and many other groups actually fighting to erode workers’ rights. Teachers are one of the few groups that are still organized.”
Just a bunch of courageous workers standing up to the (((rich special interests.)))
Chris Christie was a monumental prick and a statist but it was fun watching him telling the New Jersey teacher unions to basically fuck off early during his term.
“I think some people are very skeptical of the power that they perceive teachers unions to have. They look at, for example, the ongoing struggles in Los Angeles, where they see this big dollar figure of aid being given for school reopening and are baffled by the perceived resistance of teachers to going back to work.”
It’s not baffling, it’s par for the course.
I can’t help but wonder about this:
“Hall, 42, moved to Minnesota from Houston in 2011 with the help of John Riles, a pastor who helped people struggling with chemical addiction and poverty travel to the Twin Cities to better their lives.”
Hall was one of the guys in the car with George Floyd.
Hall was one of the guys in the car with George Floyd. Now I don’t give a fuck about the trial, my concern is with the quoted paragraph. What exactly does it mean? Why do “people struggling with chemical addiction and poverty travel to the Twin Cities to better their lives.” have to move here to do it? Why is it not possible “better their lives” in Houston? Huston is a big fucking city. Are there no organizations in Houston focused on helping “people struggling with chemical addiction and poverty”? Seriously, What. The. FUCK?
If you live in Minneapolis and follow the news, criminals coming up here from Huston to “turn their lives around” and then either killing someone or getting killed themselves is a well-worn plot-line. Which begs the question — What is the real reason these criminals are traveling up to Minneapolis, who is sending them and who truly benefits?
Nothing like a -20 deg F day to focus and get your mind right!
I dunno how to explain all those drunken ‘Sconnies though.
And if you thought ‘Sconnies were bad, wait until you meet those Norf Dakoda boys!
Welfare. MN pays you sweetly to not work compared to TX. Used to pay well to set up residence in Chi-town on the way to MN and double dip. Not sure if that’s still the case or not.
I forgot to add that DJ Bassnecter’s music is every bit as bad as you imagine it to be. Like two dial-up modems hate-fucking, but like all bloopy profound… like a robot blumpkin in outer-ter-ter-ter space-ace-ace.
So just a DJ that makes samples for good DJs to work into their sets…yeah that was bad.
“Like two dial-up modems hate-fucking…”
OMG, the things you do with the language sometimes put James Joyce to shame.
That’s ten year old dubstep.
I never liked dubstep.
“I forgot to add that DJ Bassnecter’s music is every bit as bad as you imagine it to be.”
I know I shouldn’t have. But, not only did I click that link and listen to some of that “music,” but I also skimmed some of the comments
Good Lord, YouTube commenters are a fucking cliche of embarrassing humanity.
Gee, shaming people, or otherwise having an entire populace believe you did something “wrong”, which directly led to catching a fucking virus can have negative mental health effects on those who caught the virus?
Who could have guessed?
Person with Virus:….
SCIENCE! Beleebers: Why were you out in public? Were you wearing a mask? How dare you go to a restaurant?
And it’s even worse if you’re a conservative catching it.
Conservative person with virus:….
Also the mental illness has nothing to do with locking down the population for an entire year.
This, at least 20% of people who didn’t get the VID will be diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder within 3 months of finally leaving their house.
That doesn’t count the significant rash of agoraphobics who will never leave their house again.
“Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year.”
It’s a stupid study, and this doesn’t include depression. Hell, if you take the numbers in total getting Covid might actually be protective (sarcasm but the rates seem similar).
The medicalization of ordinary personality defects is going to be the death of our society. I mean, assuming it survives the progressives…
Virginia Democrats Spar Over Who’s The Best Extremist In Crowded Gubernatorial Debate
Basically they are all just awful. Of course, the VA GOP is going to shoot itself in the dick and, by convention, select a candidate that will lose gracefully instead of put up an actual fight.
Introducing Ritt Momney!
I really need to leave this state. It was a pretty fun five years, and I’ll miss Three Cliffs and concerts at Wolf Trap, but this shit is just going too far.
The Decadent Girl. Would.
She is exuding a come-hither vibe…
You know she’s DTF.
Nice…this place has such dirty minds.
You get one Glib-point for keeping it classy.
And -10 for not taking it up a notch.
Tangent: how quickly would people start gaming the system if there was indeed some sort of Glib-point system? First day? First hour?
+100 points for a First, -40 if you do whatever UCS is doing.
When you get to 1000 points, you’re permabanned.
Dressed for a funeral, ready for a party.
“She is exuding a come-hither vibe…”
“Dressed for a funeral, ready for a party.:”
Setting aside the beauty of the color, lighting, brush work, etc., there is so much going on in that painting. Bravo, Ramón Casas, bravo!
I’m afraid she might be too old for you by now.
I won’t permit any DJ to molest me unless they’re on my consent list.
This one is on the list:
As long as I didn’t have to consent to listening to her music I’d be game.
It’s very derivative Brazilian trance. So you wouldn’t be missing much.
Music? Oh you mean knob twisting and button pushing.
Sounds hot.
The Decadent Girl. Would.
I thought she was The Fainting Couch Girl, traumatized by all the right wing culture warriors trying to wreck her progressive paradise.
That’s not to say I wouldn’t…
“Sidney Gottlieb was an American chemist…
He continued, “C’mon, ‘Sidney Gottlieb‘. It’s so obvious! Need I say more?”
I’ve never understood that — you can almost always find the same thing unblocked, fer cryin’ out loud.
EF and I have another video out – and yes a visit to another graveyard! Easiest thing to make but this series is going to be expanded to serial killers, etc.
And if you missed the last one, this has a creepy little figurine that I found on a gravestone. I don’t get spooked out in graveyards… but this kinda sorta get to me.
My dad just passed away. He would have been 92 in June.
My family are a conglomerated massive piece of shit. I’m so past tired of their endless parade of worthlessness.
I’ve been getting calls from them for the past 5 years at least twice a month ‘You’ll never see your dad alive again, he’s dead by tomorrow! And then a couple of days later I talk to him on the phone and he’s fine.
So a few days ago, I get the call and when I talked to my brother, I tell him ‘Look, dude, you call me if there’s a turn for the worse’. And I don’t get a phone call until he’s just passed away.
I fucking hate people in general, and this is why.
Sorry Hyperion. 91 is a great run, but doesn’t make it less shitty when we have to say goodbye.
So sorry to hear it, Hype.
🙁 Plus having to deal with the accompanying stuff.
Aw, Hype, sorry twice over.
Sorry Hype.
So sorry 🙁
I’m sorry to hear that. And im sorry for your loss.
When my favorite great aunt (like another grandma to me) died, I knew she was suffering some health issues, but I didn’t know whether she was stable or declining. I simply didn’t hear anything from my family for about 9 months. I suspected she may have died, but didn’t hear anything about funeral arrangements, so I didn’t know. It was a situation where I simply didn’t hear my family talk about what Aunt Alice was up to anymore.
Eventually I asked one of my aunts about it and she gasped in horror. “Did nobody tell you? She died 6 months ago. Why wouldn’t anybody bother to tell you?”
Yeah, why wouldn’t they? I would’ve flown up for the funeral because I loved her like a grandma.
That wasn’t exactly the first strike for that side of the family, so things have been…erm… distant since then.
Long story short, people suck. My condolences.
Yeah, fairly recently I heard of a death in the family only from the former in-laws, bless them. >:-(
Condolences, sir. Doubly so given your family’s behavior.
I’m so sorry. That’s horrendous. I hope you can take as much time as you need to deal with this. As hard as it may seem, I hope you finally make peace with your family, but one thing at a time.
My deepest condolences.
Sorry 🙁
I am sorry to hear that. My condolences.
You know it is coming and you think you are ready for it but when it finally does come it turns out you aren’t. I am sorry Hyperion.
Condolences. My dad passed away a couple months ago. There were times in the last year where we thought “Oh crap this is it” only to have him bounce back a couple days later until one night this really was it. So maybe your family is behaving badly, but to be fair, in these cases it can be hard to know how sick old people are going to be one day to the next.
Sorry Hyperion.
I’m sorry Hyperion.
Thoughts and prayers, Dude.
Sorry Hype. My condolences.
Good Lord, Hype, I am sorry. It sounds like you’ve been saddled with my family.
Did you at least get a chance to see him during the Present Awfulness?
Sorry, Hyp.
Sorry to hear of your loss. 91 years is a heck of a run. Incredible to think of the changes he saw in his lifetime.
Sincerest condolences.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Hyperion.
Sometimes family is really difficult to cope with.
Sorry, Hyperion. Nothing like bad people, especially family making a bad time even worse>
My sincerest condolences Hype.
Huh. Pandora just served up Cake, doing War Pigs.
Who’da thunk it?
I’m always annoyed they started off the lyrics rhyming “masses” with… “masses”
They were two different words.
Homographs or not, it still sounds clunky to me.
Lyrics are hard! [runs from room]
OK, fine, but can we at least agree that Cake cover sucks deflated yak balls?
If I weren’t afraid and petrified. 😉
Love ’90s Cake; re ’00s I don’t know very much.
You’re probably better off. I’m sure there are bands that had a steeper downslope after 2000, but the only one I can think of is Weezer.
Oh, that cover in particular. Pardon my misunderstanding.
Masses of lasses with beautiful asses in my University classes?
*pitter-patter clap*
503. Sigh let’s try this again.
OFFS – my halal market across the street has returned to their program of “let’s turn away anyone who has any other choice” by going back to the “lines out the door” model not seen since last summer.
I guess some al’Karen snitched to the authorities.
Last time it lasted about a week. Let’s see how long they can do without my business this time.
Since SP asked so nicely to re-post:
SP on April 7, 2021, 12:37 PM
I’ll be hosting a Midweek Glib Happy Hour/Chat/Zoom/BitchFest starting at 1900 GlibTime (2000 Eastern, 1800 Mountain, 1700 AZ and Pacific).
I need to be out this afternoon, so I’d appreciate it if someone would repost the link in the Afternoon Links. Which seems only appropriate.
See you later, kids!
Thanks, OBE!
No problem!
Fuck yes!
For some reason I haven’t been able to load the Glib’s site since last PM links. Huh.
Its been wonky to say the least. Tonio lost his cookies yesterday over it.
Works now for me but over the weekend didn’t (iPhone and yes I know it’s not the fault of TPTB…).
The feral children next door are at it again. Sustained winds here are around 20mph with gusts well into the 30s. I look next door and whaddya know? There’s an 11 year old girl walking up the pitch of the roof for the hell of it. It’s something new and derpy every day with them over there. ?
At least they are outside?
They can stay inside for all I care, and keep their damned dog in there, too. They do a daily rendition of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, complete with blood curdling screams right outside our dining room window during our dinner.
Yikes. *Looks to neighbors who are old and thinks…what a blessing.*
Cy and I were discussing it a few weeks back, but I’m not a “seen but not heard” kind of person when it comes to kids. A little bit of noise doesn’t bother me. This is different. This sets off the “somebody is dying” instinct. I’ve obviously gotten somewhat used to it given its frequency, but it still causes a cringe.
I have some brats living below me who set my teeth on edge too. They thunder around like elephants and shake the building – really gets on my nerves.
*Looks to neighbors who are far enough away that a full throated, brutal triple murder via screaming at the victims would not be heard.
I couldn’t go anywhere in my mom’s neighborhood on Easter without hearing screeching school-aged kids, presumably hopped up on Creme Eggs.
Maybe I grew up in some time warp, but I remember having it explained to us the difference between yelling and screaming. Yelling is fine when you play outside. Screaming summons panicked adults.
Evidently that lesson went away along with spanking.
Even my teenager boys have to be reminded that an elevated voice is fine, a screaming voice is not. I always taught them that if it sounds blood curdling, you better hope there is blood, loss of limb, or near death when I get to you.
“Yelling is fine when you play outside. Screaming summons panicked adults.”
Our neighborhood has a lot of young kids. But, we seem to be lucky in that the noises I hear are invariably sounds of joy and laughter when they play. Hearing that makes me smile, and reminds me of my childhood.
Granted, every once in a while one of the young girls screams and it sounds like Newt from “Aliens.” Man, can some of the tiny ones belt it out.
Toxic femininity?
I’d label the nighly “I’m being dismembered with a hatchet” screams toxic femininity. This was just the extra strength herpity derpity doo that comes from the Lord of the Flies experiment they’re running.
That sounds like a veritable bevy of Darwin awards just lining up for their chance to “win.”
Falling off roofs is how children learn. Those are the future leaders of America, my friend.
One in three COVID-19 survivors in a study of more than 230,000 mostly American patients were diagnosed with a brain or psychiatric disorder within six months, suggesting the pandemic could lead to a wave of mental and neurological problems, scientists said on Tuesday.
NH State Epidemiologist can go fuck himself
On Tuesday, State Epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan warned Granite Staters not to let their guard down and that new COVID-19 infections in New Hampshire are rising across all age groups under the age of 60.
Chan said the state is averaging 400 new infections per day now, a 60% increase from the beginning of last month. Test positivity rate and hospitalizations have begun to rise again too, pointing to growing community spread.
He said these increases are likely due to people relaxing restrictions too quickly.
“If people fully let their guards down now, this pandemic will be more difficult to control in the long-term,” Chan said.
Two more weeks.
“If people
fully let their guards down nowrealize they can go outside, this pandemic will be more difficult to control them in the long-term,” Chan said.
Well, this has been a lot of depressing news. We all need a laugh, so let’s see what kind of humor we can expect from comedian Samantha Bee, as she discusses in an interview with some guy named Dan Rather:
DAN RATHER: Do you or do you not find yourself sometimes find yourself at least tempted to kind of pull your punches? In other words, you, myself and a lot of other people, more or less free swingers against President Trump. But now the Biden is in —
RATHER: I don’t know. Do you find yourself saying, “Boy, I don’t know. There’s a nasty comedy bit I could unload on Biden,” but saying to yourself, “I approve so much I’m going to pull this punch.” Do you find that happening?
BEE: I can’t deny that that has happened, I think that’s probably true across the board. You’re like, ‘Okay, well, we could be making jokes about — we could be making jokes about the infrastructure plan,’ but in general, I’m like, ‘Wow, this is great.’ Why would I purposefully undermine something that seems to be a great idea, pretty much across the board? Like, I don’t need to make jokes just to make jokes. Like, I like to make targeted jokes.
Bless her heart.
Not unless you’re trying to make a living as a comedienne or something.
You mean Samantha Bee is a one-sided hack? I don’t even know who to trust anymore.
Rather interviewing Bee…..
That’s got to be critical mass of ego and stupidity.
I like Rather admitting his own bias.
“comedian Samantha Bee”
Citation needed.
In comparison to Colbert
Ineffably “Not the Bee” material.
I can’t even stand to see her commercials. I have to mute it.
Is she the one who skis naked all the time in some brave display of tits?
That’s Chelsea Handler, who hasn’t realized that she might as well not exist if she’s going to be that boring.
Ah…they all meld together
“look at this caterpillar”
I don’t get it.
Why is there a pic of Dave Weigel?
Eek – that IS him, isn’t it.
So you wouldn’t accept a personal check from Weigel?
Oh jeezus….
That’s the guy you’ve been talking about all these years? Looks like a modern-day version of Leisure Suit Larry, complete with polyester.
Reminds me…I downloaded DosBox and found a site with all the old DOS games from my youts… just have to find the manuals cause Sierra was smart and the only way to get into the game was to answer a question about a page#, paragraph# and the x# word.
Nah. There were cracks to remove most of those. Of course, I have no idea where to find them anymore. I do remember there was a keyboard shortcut for the Leisure Suit Larry games though.
Come to think of it, I may have copies of most of the manuals due to picking up the Sierra games on the cheap in the new collections during a Steam sale. Which series are you looking to replay?
Not sure yet. The site has the manuals also so no biggie there. I think I have some through GOG, which comes with the manual as an extra.
I had a dream about a Taco Bell gordito shoved under a sweaty man-tit.
Don’t mix xanax and tramadol?
Back off, Karen.
Yay! 4 weeks of stay-at-home order in Ontario.
In this version of totalitarianism, Doug Ford is the useful idiot.
Oh, good Lord.
Is he the cocaine guy, or am I thinking of someone else?
He is the brother of cocaine guy.
I believe that was his bro.
Brother. The other one is quite dead.
It’s not just Ontario
Do better, Canada.
We were released from masks today because we made it into the magical zone on the magical scale of #sciencebitches! Not that I have been complying anywhere except when walking into the bosses office, but I am sure they will try to bring it back unless the counties are smart enough to just stop testing. Enough is enough. Kids in school though? Ya they are still hell bent on making a generation of fucked up kids due to masking. I don’t have words for the hate I feel for the motherfuckers making the rules.
Interesting thing about this article is the notable missing person’s autopsy….
Oh…and only one so far can be attributed to the hands of another, Ashli Babbitt
Lena Dunham started a plus-size clothing line. In accordance with the Geneva Convention, I will not be posting any links.
I can deal with plus sizes…I cannot deal with an amorphous blob passing off as a human being of any sort.
And grateful. What of it? Chick admitted to molesting her little sister.
Indeed. Ownbestenemy does amorphous blobs a grave misservice by that comparison.
I will never apologize.
Maybe Samantha Bee can star in a reboot sitcom called “Keeping up with the Jinpings”
Meh, it is what it is.
Because the real strength of America is its political leaders, not private industry doing shit despite the government. And Chinese top men who rose because of party loyalty are the ones to look to when determining the allocation of resources.
Every Karen’s justification.
The line about American Democracy being too slow is an interesting one, because it is a nearly word-perfect repeat of the line that the CCP media organs like to use. When my folks visited China in 2018, they heard it constantly, “American Democracy could never work here, it’s too slow, too inefficient, we have too many people, we have to be able to make decisions fast…”
And it makes sense (the comment, not the line of thinking) if you what you want is a government that is doing everything and in every facet of your life..
Not slow enough.
Bring forth the goat
Slash it’s hairy throat
The meat is not haraam
This keema is the bomb!
© Motormohammed 2021, ‘Aistiqama of Spades‘
Whoo! I am in Korea and actually working. I shadowed last week, but this week is the first where I’m completely at the helm of both teaching gigs that I’ve got. There’s a lot of room for growth and improvement, but it’s great to be on that next rung.
Gotta commute to YMCA to teach little ‘uns in an hour, 2.5 hours of teaching 5-7 year olds. We’ll mostly play phonics games and just have fun. It’s been easy. Then later I have my older kids and am off at 6pm. Shall be joyous!
That is great to hear Evan! You have such an adventurous life
w00t! You got this! 🙂
That is awesome, Evan!
How do you do the YMCA dance in hangul?
Regarding the handedness:
I am mostly ambi. I write, eat, shave, jerk off lefty. I’m left HANDED. I throw, bat, punch, play hockey, drum, all righty. But I also play pool and shoot lefty. I think I’m best described as left-handed but right-armed. Some are weird mixes. I want to play guitar lefty but def play bass righty. I’m right-fingered. I’m also left-faced. (Try smirking with the ‘other’ side and see how it goes. Interesting. Makes stroke issues make a lot of sense. That side of your face never learned how to do those things as well as the other side, so it can’t.) Right-eye dominant apparently but I have never thought about that in any capacity. I just did the little test now to check.
I can mix and match better than most because of this. I also have broken most of my fingers and a few hand bones over the decades and I imagine that, although it didn’t create this mixed handedness in me, it exposed me to more adaptation.
This is a thing that I think about much more than most people. I’m always curious. It’s a thing with me, whenever I’m watching TV/whatever I always out loud say “Lefty.” It’s a club that I love noticing and pointing out. Finding new members is always a positive. I’ve also been known to comment on other people’s left-handedness when at a 711 and seeing it from the employee.
It’s become an odd picadillo that I have and it honestly provides me with sincere wonder and happiness. Why am I like this? It’s always strange. I also had to have two hips replaced (idiopathic), broken 40-or-so bones, had shingles, and many other little oddities. I think they are fun (once they’re over). They are a great example of being a truly unique individual, and moments like that are to be cherished. (As long as they are positive, but I have many negative ones about my personality and self, but those are also important to examine, and all of our flaws are also importantly human and distinctive.)
The only thing I care about with regards to your hands is that you are washing them after going to the bathroom.
See below. Evan needs an intervention. Maybe you do, too.
I have NEVER done that as part of that routine. Unless I actually get piss on me, which doesn’t happen, or if my finger punches through the TP when wiping, which very rarely happens….I ain’t washing ’em. I just never have. No one’s ever noticed or said anything. Huh.
It’s also true that if I drop food on the ground I pretty much only follow the 5 second rule. Well. Longer than that would work, but I’ve got quick hands. As long as what I drop isn’t wet to pick up all sorts of particles/lint/hair/etc, I’m still going after it. I dropped a new Chicklet on the sidewalk yesterday and still went at it. I have had many weird physical issues, but it’s also true that I never, ever get “sick.” I don’t think I’ve ever had the flu/cold/etc for instance. I’m also still very fit and athletic.
My anger over the COVID nonsense hits me harder than most, even here probably. After all I’ve been through, THIS bullshit is what I’m supposed to be afraid enough of to completely alter my life? FUCK. OFF.
“Whistleblower Exposes Jerk-Off Club Inside Australian Parliament
The Australian parliament was rocked by yet more sex abuse allegations Monday when footage of a senior government staff member masturbating onto the desk of a female lawmaker was leaked by a whistleblower.
The disgusting video—obtained by The Australian newspaper and Channel Ten—led to the immediate firing of the unnamed aide, but it came alongside other images of at least four government staff members who have been swapping images of Parliament House sex acts for years.
One of the clips showed a pixellated man exposing his penis with a copy of the Parliament House rule book right behind him, while another showed a man pointing to the desk of a female Liberal member of parliament before masturbating onto it. “The fact that it is a female MP only adds to the disgrace that it is,” the whistleblower said, adding that he’d been sent so many explicit clips that he’d “become immune” to them…”
Whistleblower received so many videos that he became immune to them? More like cock envy, probably. What took so long to report this disgraceful behavior?
He was part of the sex-ring and they either kicked him out or wanted to blackmail him in some way.
I mean, there’s probably something personal behind it all. I prefer that he was just jealous of the pictures being posted by others. But he’s a guy who should probably be out on his ass himself regardless. Pretending to be outraged when quietly going along for an extended period of time is a joke.
It should be noted that The Bro does not condone masturbating on your female co-workers desks or personal objects. It’s ok to masturbate onto them, their persons, with their consent.
Um, crikey?
Didn’t someone just ask about this upthread?
Well, we discussed Katie Hill, so that is close…
We need a poll of Glibertarians who don’t wash their hands. There are, as far as I’m concerned, now three classes of people on this site. The hand washers and not the hand washers. And me, the Firster.
Im take my advice on hand washing from Bill Clinton. I do it prior to the business cause I know where my fingers have been throughout the day.
Is this thing still on?
Joke my father told me:
A guy is in a public bathroom using a urinal, another guy comes in, washes his hands and bellies up to another urinal. After they finish, the first guy asks the second guy how long he’s been a chemist.
There just aren’t enough loopy spoken intros in rock nowadays…
True that. That is so loopy it is awesome.
All Texas Industrial Working Glibs accounted for?
“Two-alarm” is not my understanding of “massive”. ?♂️
But they’re really big alarms!
Well, Alberta just announced a regression back to Stage 1/Phase 1/whatever-the-fuck-it’s-called-this-week. The reason? ”Variants of concern.”
Massive civil disobedience is the only way out of this fascist, authoritarian Hell.
Loopy spoken intros and conspiracy theory that puts the NOI to shame? Look no further than my spirit guide, Francis E. Dec, Esquire of 29 Maple Ave, Hempstead, Lawn Guyland.
Dood, I am sober(ish). That is a bit much.
Hey, y’all. Thank you all so much for your condolences about my dad. You’re all such wonderful folk, that’s why I come here. I wish all of you were my family instead of the white trash scum I had the misfortune to get stuck with.
My wife has spent the last couple hours trying to deal with me. Her family are so great, unlike mine.
My mom and dad were good people. I don’t know what happened to my siblings. But they’re going to respect my father and I, or else. I am so fucking pissed… My wife is asking me to wait until tomorrow before I go on a vengeful rampage. OK, until tomorrow…
I’m so sorry you are in pain from the loss AND having to deal with rotten relations. Listen to your wife. May your father’s memory be a blessing.
What l0b0t said. RIP
Good choice. And condolences. That sucks.
Sorry to hear about your father. I could say some things about having crap family members but I doubt you need to stoke those fires right now. I will say, if you can, don’t let them stay in your father’s house.
Hyperion, please allow me to add my condolences.
Damn Hyp, sorry about your dad and sorry about your relations.
Mmm… vacuum tubes –
“Today I am going to test the theory and have my producer (and @GmorganJr) kneel on my neck for 9 minutes, live on concrete. No tricks, no cuts. We need to walk a mile in another’s shoes… 10AM ET. #LwC”
That just looks bad.
“KNEE ON NECK: Crowder Tests The Theory LIVE! | Louder with Crowder”
They probably didn’t need to kneel on his neck as long as they did if at all. But Floyd probably didn’t need to ingest as much fentanyl as he did, either (if he wasn’t trying to avoid drug charges). The cops obviously suspected drugs were at play with his behavior, but didn’t seem to factor that in when he was complaining that he couldn’t breath.
At least we finally got an authoritarian in the White House.
(when it comes to firearms, should have said another. Forgot about the bump stock thing. Trump was way wrong on that one and the courts said so and I never even heard that in the news.)
I just picked up a G19 clone 80% frame to go with the G17 clone I finished recently. Both are on sale for $99. Get em before the price increase!
So Sleepy Joe is going to use the “pen & phone” and write up and EO against “ghost guns” because so many of these shootings happened because the shooters were able to get their hands on unregistered “ghost gun” receivers and build their unregistered killing machines.
What? They didn’t? Hm, well, I’m sure a few of them did. OK, maybe one of them did? – So there are no crimes they can point to which happened because of the availability of “ghost guns”…
So the reason why Biden is enacting this EO is because, what? Just because “ghost guns” is on his list of anti-gun things to do. It has no relation to anything other than they see it as something that could possibly be bad despite any evidence that any real criminals have the ability or inclination to build guns from 85% finished receivers. In fact, most of these guns are just a hobbyist niche with very little connection to real crimes. But we’re going to ban them because they’re low hanging fruit.
Ghosts are even scarier than things that go up.
+1 Patrick Swayze
Oh, I misread it as “with things that go up”
You knew what I meant. Also, no judgement.
If the GOP had any balls, they’d draft impeachment charges against Traitor Joe for violating his oath and Americans’ constitutional rights.
Environmental racism
Michael Regan, head of the US Environmental Protection Agency, has sought to revive the effort to confront environmental racism by ordering the agency to crack down on the pollution that disproportionately blights people of color.
On Wednesday, Regan issued a directive to EPA staff to “infuse equity and environmental justice principles and priorities into all EPA practices, policies, and programs”. The memo demands the agency use the “full array of policy and legal tools at our disposal” to ensure vulnerable communities are front of mind when issuing permits for polluting facilities or cleaning up following disasters.
Enforcement of pollution violations dropped steeply under Donald Trump’s administration, with the EPA even suspending routine inspections of facilities while the Covid-19 pandemic raged in the US last year.
A lack of federal intervention further exacerbated a longstanding inequity where poorer people and communities of color in the US are far more likely to be exposed to dangerous pollutants. The pandemic has further worsened this situation, with research showing that people with chronic exposure to air pollutants have suffered worse outcomes from Covid.
Offshore everything to China and India.
The people who work in those places won’t need jobs once we have Universal Basic Living Wage.
I just thought up the most offensive “environmental racism” joke it is possible to conceive of.
Let me apologize to the people who were offended by the joke – namely, me.
The EPA administrator said that he will use the agency’s authority “to the fullest extent to protect public health, particularly vulnerable communities. Enforcement is a critical piece of this, I will be fair but tough in terms of what the agency must do.”
Be sure to invent some more new “pollutants” to regulate.