Wow, that Super League didn’t last long. That’s a shame. UEFA runs shit like the damn mafia. Oh well. And since everything on the sports sites today is social justice bullshit, I guess that’s it for the update.
Catherine The Great was born on this day. Was she the one who did things with a horse, because I can’t remember. Anyway, she shares it with novelist Charlotte Bronte, naturalist who did a lot of stuff in California John Muir, HOF manager Joe McCarthy, actor Anthony Quinn, newly single Queen Elizabeth II, chicken magnate Don Tyson, rocker Iggy Pop, acting great Tony Danza, legendary musician Robert Smith, pitcher Jesse Orosco, infielder Ken Caminiti, hockey great Ed Belfour, and football announcer Tony Romo.

Smith doing a duet
That list is underrated. But anyway, let’s get on to…the links!
So it’s socialism then? I’m sure there won’t be any perverse incentives that come from this ruling. I also noted this little gem:
According to the brief, city and county officials must offer and provide shelter to Skid Row’s general population within 180 days, on or before October 18, 2021. Unaccompanied women and children must be offered housing within 90 days.

That elevation can’t be right.
Is equal protection a thing anymore, or do men just get treated like second-class citizens when it comes to shit like free housing and being forced to register for conscription? The free shit on everyone else’s dime is bad enough. So I guess the judge figured “why not throw some good old sexual discrimination in just for the hell of it.” Idiots.
And then ten million lesbians screamed out in terror. I’m just kidding. It’s only 875,000 of them.
No good deed goes unpunished. I’m mostly surprised by the fact that he’s surprised. Did he not think the government was gonna rob him? Well, I hope he learned a valuable lesson.
What the holy fuck? I can’t imagine what policy this violated that would warrant termination. Unless they fire every other city employee that used their work email a single time for personal use.

“It’s a sitting duck. It’s a road apple, Newman.”
I guess it’s time to start paying attention to Eastern Europe. I’ll admit it’s begun to pique my interest, but I have no idea what is actually going on aside from Putin doing Putin shit.
I can’t wait for the FOIA requests to all get denied here. Because it’s Illinois, I just know the dude was being extorted by someone who got the receipts for the crooked shit he was doing. Because that’s always the case there.
What a shameful act. Those poor shoppers simply had nowhere else they could go for food in that rural hick-town of …checks notes…Oakland, California.
Former police officer found guilty of murder.
Enjoy a great song. At least I think it is.
Go out there and have a great day, dear friends!
Nope, didn’t reference the content.
But she has such a cool ‘stache.
And a permit.
(Let the record state that Tardis commented that when I had Ron Swanson as my avatar)
I hope that you found some Zoom friends the other night, HE. I was working.
That fact pleases me to no end, Virtual Stranger. What a delightful little web-site that’s been built and maintained for us weirdos!
Aren’t you up bright and early.
“Former police officer found guilty of murder.”
I for one, now am sure I will NOT accept any faith that involves hoping you can get justice from the U.S. legal system.
This will be appealed, and hopefully this travesty gets vacated, but the fact that this man is put through this shit for political purposes, should frighten us all…
It’s best to stay out of cities for so many reasons.
In a vacuum, I agree with the verdict, and it’s nice to see a police officer being held accountable for their actions. I imagine that had someone that wasn’t part of the King’s Men knelt on someone’s neck for 8 minutes, they would be found guilty, regardless of the amount of drugs in the victim’s system.
That said, this was 100% not a fair trial, or an impartial jury. Witness and jury intimidation that will get memory holed. Whether or not the violence and destruction of last summer influenced the outcome of the trial, you can guarantee that that behavior will be used again.
I remain not optimistic for meaningful police reform.
Fuck him and all of the bullies but this was was politically-motivated witch hunt. I see no good coming from this, only bad. The cops will get more insular and secretive and the crazies are emboldened. Society is being divided like a willing sorority girl at Spring Break.
I haven’t followed every detail of the trial like others, but the manslaughter charge seems justified. I don’t think the murder charges were adequately proven, and maybe there is solid grounds for an appeal there.
That is a respectable birthday list.
I would love to hang out with Queen Elizabeth for a few hours.
You “would” wouldn’t you… Granny f….
If it can save just one life…
“naturalist who did a lot of stuff in California John Muir”
Fun fact – John Muir’s house was near where I grew up. Apparently when I was a toddler I peed in the corner of one of the rooms.
Another fun fact – Muir was a religious zealot. Funny how the Sierra Club ignores that.
Facts are meant to be ignored when inconvenient…
Sierra Club is full of religious zealots. Just not the kind that worship 2000 year old Jewish carpenters.
I’m trying to think of the most famous person’s house I relieved myself in. I’ll have to think about it for a while.
Highly peculiar.
I peed in the Tower of London. But no private homes.
Man, I shoulda had a plan when I was younger and traveling!
This subthread makes me wonder how Sandy from the olden days at TOS is doing.
Man, I really missed my opportunity at Fallingwater.
I peed in the Thames.
If I had done it from the Tower Bridge, then I would be impressed with myself.
I peed into the Yangtse – at my mother’s request.
Once they open the border, I’ll have to remember to pee in the St. Lawrence.
How many have peed in the Yellow River?
I peed next to Jason Witten at a public bathroom. The highlight of my pissing career.
Mark Gastineau for me.
Got you both beat. Blondie from the Clairmont Lounge.
I bet Elvis is the answer for a lot of people.
White House
If you flush a toilet in a classified environment, does it go into a classified sewer?
That’s classified.
Do you have a Need to Know?
Nope, just a need to GO!
*does pee-pee dance*
My wife did an estate sale for Sean Avery the NU Ranger. Took a dump on his toilet in Southhampton and found a pic of his model gf naked.
NY fuckin phone
That you, Sandi?
I missed the whole TOS sandy golden shower thing .
I’m ok with that.
Hope you and your hubs are both doing okay.
One out of two ain’t bad.
Sandi was a defecator – i.e. “I once took a shit on Cleveland”
Isn’t that pretty much what everyone wants to do to Cleveland?
Even though I’ve never really been there (flown through doesn’t count), I have to represent for my buddy Neph. Cleveland rocks.
Cleveland steams?
I have been there because that’s where the Mothership is based. It has its pluses and minuses.
Lots of unmet potential that its leadership is most probably squandering.
Not even a question that the leadership is (and has been) squandering the potential. But they’re talking about trying to put a pedestrian bridge over the freeway to give easier access to the stadium, science center, and Rock and Roll hall of fame!
/kicks a rock.
At least I can be pretty sure it’s a rock here in CLE. It’s not like we’re San Francisco here!
And you’re not Detroit!
Neph, you are one of my top 10 Glibs. If you would give up the the incessant beer-talk you could easily move into the top 5.
/starts talking cycling with Tonio
I’ll believe it when he sports a “Taxation is Theft!” T-shirt.
Let’s send him one!
All homeless people on Los Angeles’ Skid Row must be offered housing by the fall, judge orders
I wonder the actual basis in law is for this ruling. Oh, who am I kidding, judges are basically just dictators now who are free to make up whatever they want and have it enforced as law.
“promote the general welfare”, perhaps?
I’ve heard a lot of leftists using that as an excuse to push for a lot of free shit lately. Because, you know, the words “promote” and “provide” are synonyms. Even when the word “provide” is explicitly used right before that in a part of the constitution that doesn’t actually confer any power.
Moar free tents, parks and sidewalks for them but not for you. You’ll still be ticketed when you don’t curb the dog but human feces is A-OK. If I were a younger, more contentious fellow I’d be tempted to squat down in front of those little Stalins and squeeze one out right next to Peanut.
I wonder if they’ll continue to ticket children’s backyard campouts.
What? I hadn’t heard of that.
I know that is still a Spotsyltucky issue. Is it also a crime in LA?
QE II aaannd Iggy? So yer saying I have a shot?
So you’re saying there’s a chance!
The sexual fantasy scene from Biloxi Blues was pretty great.
Russia’s proposal is for Ukraine to federalise and for the breakaway regions to be granted autonomy. But this is unacceptable to the Ukrainian government and to the UK and US.
Ignoring the fact that Putin is a bad guy, is this really a bad resolution? It basically sounds like the fairest resolution all around.
It’s what I’m literally praying for.
Listen, asshole: People shouldn’t be able to make their own decisions. Once a border is drawn, they need to accept being ruled by whoever drew it, ethnic allegiances be damned.
The Brits drawing the border with a pencil between India, Pakistan and East Pakistan went swimmingly. See also the Mid-East. No problems, thus far.
Not to mention drawing the line between (then) India and Afghanistan in such a way that it neatly bisects Pashtun and various other traditional tribal areas.
It also worked well in Africa.
Something about a fatal conceit…
We’re doing the same damn thing a hundred years later.
Wasn’t Bush Jr completely unaware of the difference between Sunni and Shia when prepping to invade Iraq?
::Sykes and Picot nod sagely::
Hopefully while roasting marshmellows over brimfire.
Normally having an enemy come by and say, “you need to split up so we can gobble up parts we want” isn’t a very disinterested and charitable suggestion. Russia tells Ukraine to split up, but marches in and tears off chunks of Georgia, Ukraine and carpet bombs Grozny when the Chechens want out. Double standard anyone?
Georgia started that shit in 2008. They invaded Ossetia.
The lie that Russia was the aggressor has successfully gone round the world before the truth got its boots on.
Poor bullied Russia. And those meanie Baltics…they get it next! RESTORE THE EMPIRE!
I have no illusions about Russia and its psychological need for buffer territory.
But Georgia was in the wrong that time.
Once that happens, I wonder if we could petition the US government to let us form our own autonomous region?
My ingrained dislike of bears has been well represented on this board. I’m sorry, Tonio. I will not nor ever will be a part of your “Bear Republic”!
The Bear Flag Republic hasn’t turned out well.
Ha! Well-played.
Sounds good. I too, wish to be ruled by a rapper that the week before was handing out mixtapes at the liquor store.
Russia is probably going to take everything east of the Dnieper River. We can ignore it, help facilitate a peaceful transition, or we can go to war.
I’ll give you one guess what the fucksticks in DC want to do.
So the mission of the US DoS is to facilitate a large country dismantling and absorbing its neighbors? Odd that…
How about, it is not our circus and not our monkeys?
I’m all for staying out of it.
If we can help avoid a full-blown war in the region, I’m for that too.
“Vital interests” has become as meaningless a phrase as “we’re all in this together.”
We are the rulers of the world – everyone must get our permission before they do anything. ‘murica FUCK YEAH!
I do agree re : Monkeys, Circus, etc. but I find the Russians using the justification that they just want the areas that ethnically Russian, somewhat familiar…
+1 You know who else…
*taps the side of nose and nods knowingly*
-[a whole bunch of Kurds]
The only question is who is going to play the part of Neville Chamberlin? Biden, Boris, Merkel, whichever unelected pud that runs the EU?
“Pieces in our time!”
What’s important here, is how much does this increase DOD and CIA budgets?
The idiots in the State Department encouraged the Ukraine to start talking shit as soon as Biden took over. They quickly realized that nobody in Europe has their backs. The U.S. probably doesn’t either.
Putin and the Russians are very predictable. They have their version of the Monroe Doctrine and aren’t going to tolerate interference on their borders. The real problem is that nobody knows who is in charge of U.S. foreign policy or what their goals are. Are the Bidens just looking for an excuse to send more aid to the Ukrainians for the kick-backs? Deep-state commies who hate the Russians for giving up on communism? Chinese influence?
The real problem is that nobody knows who is in charge of U.S. foreign policy
It’s all underlings jockeying for power right now. It’s a shitshow.
It’s all about money with these creeps.
Dont try to find an underlying ideology. It’s purely goldlust.
Putin seems to have put an end to the looting of the Russian economy by oligarchs. Maybe they think getting rid of him somehow will restart that party.
“Putin seems to have put an end to the looting of the Russian economy by oligarchs.”
Now restricted to him, his direct backers and cronies!
Putin and the Russians are very predictable
“Russia’s future is certain. It’s her past that’s less clear”
—Russian proverb
Good morning, Sloop!
That SU-34 is a sweet looking plane.
A song from the birthday boy.
I haven’t looked yet, but did the shitheads burn anything last night?
I think the mob is satiated, for now.
Never that – they just had no excuse to start.
Meh, it is a SU-27 with a ground effects kit. It is like those mod packages you can use to turn a 3rd generation Firebird into KITT. No, but the Russians have some very nasty long-range IR-guided A to A missiles that don’t have the courtesy to warn the target as the radar-guided flavor do.
They also have some nasty thermobaric munitions.
The Russkies really can design some sexy looking aircraft.
That ass-spike throws off the whole look.
I think we dodged a bullet for the time being.
Verdicts made the looters happy and the weather is too shitty for them to be wandering around outside celebrating (and thus doesn’t build up into celebratory looting).
I think you are right. The Walmart by me was boarded up yesterday and Fleet Farm had plywood staged near the entrances.
I have to respectfully disagree. The F-22 is by far the sexiest jet out there.
The F-22 looks like a cheap low-poly videogame model.
*load shotgun*
Seriously though, I think that its strong angles give it a sense of modernity. High-fashion kill machines.
Its also wonderfully distinct.
I think either the F16 or F15 are cooler-looking. But that’s just me.
It could be I just see them as too ‘normal’, seeing as theyre basically the standard these days.
My fave is the decidedly non-sexy A-10. The plane the DoD couldn’t kill.
Cheap, effective, built to last. Capitalism at its finest
I’m pretty sure I’ve already told this story, but I actually had a lesbian/transmale cultleader strike up a conversation with me about my Subaru.
If you are serious, this demands at least a short article.
It would be really short, I’d have to pad it out with a lot of nonsense.
There’s this mxn named Lee Hennesy who runs a farm/compound in Columbia county with an all-female unpaid workforce. Lee is the guy in the pics on the farm’s website Anyway, the farm is off-limits to outsiders, so when they want to get in on the various NYS ag promotional events, they setu up some tables on the side of one of the roads up there. I was doing the Columbia County Cheese Tour (recommended if it’s ever resurrected) And pulled over, initially parking with hte nose of the WRX downhill. I was asked to move to a differentl location and had a bit of fun getting the thing to back up the steep incline without the clutch plate catching fire. After that is when Lee came up to me and busted my balls a bit about driving stick.
Wouldn’t that be transfem, if identifying as lesbian? Definitely need 800 words on that.
They were a lesbian for a while, before they transitioned.
I’ve mentioned this before but my next door neighbor growing up was a confused child. She/He transitioned sometime in the early 2000’s. Always had the hottest friends. First under-bra boobies that I ever groped. They were trying times…
Don’t blame yourself, I’m sure you were groping the best you could.
I was “firsting” like Brochetta. Guess which song was playing? More Than A Feeling. I shit you not.
The ‘rona has hit my children’s school. I will watch the panic from a distance.
We get update emails weekly about cases in our school but it’s a big nothingburger overall.
I’m worried they will close schools again. We’ve been back to 4-days for the past month.
Who knows if you’re on your fifth day of school in a week rather than the first through fourth? Covid knows!
They close on Wednesdays. You’re only at risk if you are exposed for 3 consecutive days.
That money was just resting in my account.
Now I’m pictuing The Situation getting his ass handed to him by a goose and giggling.
@#$%ing Hate Birds!
The flocks have gone on through, but there are still pairs here and there. I wonder if the reason they’re not with the flick is they’re so hateful even the other hatebirds can’t stand them?
Most likely.
Damn geese. They are worse than Blue Jays and Mocking Birds who are assho.
I like mockingbirds.
They got moxie.
None here, alas. We do have Catbirds, who are like Mockingbirds without the panache.
I like mockingbirds, even though they can be assholes when they are defending their nests.
I’ve actually punched a goose one time. Walking a path around a lake, and one side was the dam that created the lake. Goose took that area for its nest, and was a bit overprotective. Only choice I had was to go by it or turn back around. When I got within about 10 feet, it charged. I got a square shot on its head, and its surprise gave me enough time to get some distance between us.
I actually like the blue jays in our yard – they remind me of some of the small, quite insane, aggressive, drunk Scots that I’ve encountered. It’s funny to watch them (the jays, not the drunk Scots – we don’t have too many of those in FL) chase off hawks that are 2-3x their size. A few months ago one of the red shouldered hawks actually caught a jay and was perched up in one of the trees eating away. Then it noticed that about 5-6 jays had gathered on the neighboring tree – I swear that I saw the “oh shit, I’m in trouble” look on that hawk’s face. It launched from that tree, and the jays were immediately in chase. Saw the hawk again later in the day, and it was missing some tufts of feathers. Haven’t seen it go after a jay again since then, even when some fledgelings were perched a few branches away on the same tree.
Oh, you’ve met me about 30 years ago? “I’ll fookin’ Kill ya!
I like blue jays because they chase off squirrels.
I like them because they never were around before. They’re supposed to stay East of the Rockies. Interesting birds.
Blue Jays are fun. We have 6-7 that come every morning when I set out peanuts in the shell. They’ll take them and hide or bury them for later. They’ll also crack them open on the desk if they’ve decided to eat right away. I think they are the only bird that stores food for the future.
My morning walks have been by a big tom wild turkey that is in the middle of whatever you call rut for them. He’s strutting around a strip of trees between the road and a parking lot all puffed up. When you walk by he turns and faces you with a full fan of his tail feathers. It is pretty funny how important he thinks he is.
Too bad there’s no way to explain to him how “important” he and his kind are closer to the end of November.
Wild turkeys are pretty tough and bad tasting. Being wild, they don’t carry nearly as much fat and juice as those domestic turkeys.
I’ve eaten a few wild turkeys, and greatly prefer them to the domestic version. But you can’t prepare them the same way. Prepared to allow for the lack of fat, they’re delicious.
What the holy fuck? I can’t imagine what policy this violated that would warrant termination. Unless they fire every other city employee that used their work email a single time for personal use.
They are purging law enforcement and the military of wrong-thinkers. I mentioned before that two police officers were fired in a small town near me just for being in DC on Jan 6th. It doesn’t get more rural or conservative than where I live so I’m guessing the Feds or VA state gov is pushing this purge everywhere with ties to funding.
I’m guessing the Feds or VA state gov is pushing this purge
Most likely. I’m going to inquire with the local sheriff and get his take.
Everyone who was in DC on January 6th should be fired, however many hundreds of thousands that live there.
Can we start with the ones inside the Capitol before the riot started?
*golf clap*
I haven’t looked yet, but did the shitheads burn anything last night?
Riotous glee?
No justice, no flatscreens.
no justice, mo’ flatscreens
Your words, not mine! 😉
They opened for “Morose Shoegaze” back in 1999 or so. The crowd turned their backs on the stage. Not a fun concert…
Darmock and Jalad at Tanagra.
His eyes opened! ?
When the walls fell.
On the topic of LA housing the homeless…
Almost like a rule composed of ferrous elements.
I see what you did there. 🙂
That pun was rusty.
Rust never sleeps baby!
I’m sure they’ll get it right this time, once they iron out all the details.
That was pretty good – I”m a gonna steel it!
We’ll alloy it!
You guys are kiln it here!
We have a good cast of punsters
Very well tempered.
acting great Tony Danza
Makes me wonder about the sincerity of the superlatives applied to the other birthday boys and girls.
The guy that basically just showed up on every set and played himself? Acting! Brilliant!
just showed up … and played himself
Nice work if you can get it. ::casts side-eyed glare at Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn::
Vaguely related: the theme song to Taxi is tight.
FWIW…..my uncle lived next door to him in the ’90s in Sherman Oaks and said he was a great neighbor.
Super League is an abomination, what possible good could come from it?
Yes, UEFA sucks hard, but that is even worse. True risk is the one great thing about European sports leagues, that we need to adopt in America. Your billion dollar investment should be on the line if you suck as an owner. This year proves that Liverpool and Tottenham and Arsenal (and Chelsea too, really) don’t **deserve** anything just because of the name.
And Man City was two levels down earlier this century. As good as they are now, it is a flash in the pan historically.
Next sloopy is going to support the Yankees getting an automatic spot in the baseball playoffs.
It’s just tough that the winner of the super league losing is still UEFA. I guess this is me being a shameless Spurs supporter, but since they don’t win anything they had no business in being part of the super clubs, so kudos to them for somehow getting involved.
I more think of it as Real Madrid being the super big loser, so that is a win for everyone else.
You just made me smile robc. Barcelona too, is still broke.
I hate them.
The really interesting thing is what happens next. Their is a tightrope that has to be walked. One, after a coup attempt, you can’t allow the leaders free to reorganize, there has to be significant punishment. However, two, you need to avoid a Germany WW1 type punishment, because you dont want to give them no choice but to try again.
I wouldn’t do anything for this year, but a 12 pt reduction in domestic league for the 21-22 season might be about right.
There is something about soccer that draws truly megalomaniacal personalities into the upper reaches of clubs and federations. Perez is a disgrace.
+1,000,000 FIFA Graft
It isn’t just soccer. IOC and F1 are probably worse.
I think the rest of the world puts up with a level of corruption that the US wouldn’t tolerate.
Norfolk Police Lt. William Kelly anonymously gave $25 to a fundraiser for Rittenhouse in September, using his city email address,
Stupid is as stupid does. But for some reason I think there would be a double-standard if he donated to BLM or something.
Absolutely. In fact, I bet the city has encouraged it.
Encouraged? It wouldn’t surprise me if they had a matching scheme.
QEII cottoned onto my barfday.
Happy birthday, Mo! I hope it’s a groovy one!
Soooo groovy!
Happy barfday!
Monarchs think they can take anything.
Maligayang kaarawan.
Don’t be flip.
I thought the Queen’s Birthday was always on June 1 or something like that.
There’s the Queen’s Birthday and the Queen’s Birthday (Observed).
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy 14th Birthday Mo!
*runs away*
12. 😉
…and this is why LDS has a reputation.
You haven’t heard my voice yet, have you? 😉
So many things I wanna say.
You say you like your girls a little bit older? Like, say, 41 years older?
Sure, +41 is fine. But I was thinking more middle-aged. Like 14, 15, 16. 12 is OMWC territory.
Heaven help me if I were stuck in the position of being 14, 15, 16 again. Yikes!
Happy Birthday Mo!
Have a festive yule, Mo!
Happy Birthday Mojeaux!
Thanks, all! Cross fingers I get that tool chest I wanted for my craft supplies.
Happy Birthday!
Indeed! One of my favorite Glibs! Happy Birthday! You have led me to re-thinking many of my preconceived notions and opened my eyes regarding Mormonism and religion in general. I thank you for that, Young Lady. I’m so happy to have made your acquaintance on this forum! Bon Chance!
Thanks, Festus. I don’t feel like I contribute much except glibbety-glib, but thank you!
Ah don’t mind me, I was just being a cunte 😉
Happy Birthday, Mo!
Happy birthday!
Not The Bee. He probably could’ve saved his job if he had shot a dog or something.
In other Virginia is for shitheads news.
I was for the SPLC before I was against it.
Youngkin appears to be a Romney clone.
With any luck he’ll be destroyed so badly in the primary he has to leave the state.
At least that will stop the texts and mailers from him.
Kulaks and wreckers.
FTFY. Because there won’t be any profit after the business collapses.
Should I become a kulak or a wrecker?
So many choices.
Kulak has a cool ring to it.
Top baseball birthday is Hardy Richardson. 19th century everything man. 585 games at 2B, 547 in OF, 178 at 3B, 21 at SS, 16 at 1B, 6 at C, and 5 as a pitcher. All five of the latter were in relief, he ended with 3 wins and 0 losses.
He was also a strong proponent of the Players League, for its one year of existence (tying things back into the Super League subthread, sorta). Also, wikipedia has a great story of him and Cap Anson.
Richardson was involved in another unusual circumstance in a game against the Chicago White Stockings on August 13, 1884. Chicago’s George Gore was instructed by player-manager Cap Anson to avoid the double play. When the next batter hit a ground ball, Gore tackled Richardson at second base before he could complete the relay throw. The umpire called both the batter and the runner out, and Anson protested the ruling and refused to resume play, leading the umpire to declare the game forfeited to Buffalo. The two teams then agreed to resume a game which had been postponed earlier in the season, as a way of placating the dissatisfied fans. In the later game, Anson decided to demonstrate of the right way to break up the double play. He reached first base, and when the next batter hit a ground ball to Richardson, Anson waved his arms while running to second in an effort to interfere with Richardson’s throw. Possibly flustered by this display, Richardson in turn struck Anson square in the head with his throw, which was delivered hard enough that it bounced all the way into the grandstands. A woozy Anson was forced to leave the game.
I have often thought that the proper way for a 2B to retaliate for a hard breakup slide is to land cleats first down on the slider, dont try to jump out of the way, go straight up and straight down.
The results, according to the vast majority of studies, point to a grim conclusion: Housing First does not meaningfully improve human lives.
Nonsense. How many bureaucrats’ children have been sent to college by feed-the-poor and house-the-homeless programs?
Guy who normally cuts out the dealer and orders product direct from the manufacturer and can’t get any because they’re out of stock wants me to sell the product to him at my cost. Because that’s what he normally pays.
It was difficult not to to tell him to fuck off.
“Now why would I do that?”
“Tell you what, not only will I take a loss on the sale, I’ll have my wife hand deliver them to you along with a fifth of bourbon.”
I have used that one before.
And I still have yet to get either the product or the bourbon.
0/5 stars. Bad faith seller.
I’ll have to ask my wife what happened. I guess I’m going to have to dock her pay.
I have no idea what is actually going on
Russia took Crimea and apparently there are pro-Russian regions in Ukraine that it should probably just cede to Russia to avoid a major conflict.
Why, it’s almost like Ukraine is a made up set of borders that don’t comport with the wishes of the people that live there.
Ukrainian Nationalists are not Boy Scouts.
Another great reason for the US to keep the fuck out.
No good can come from it.
C’mon HE, we’ve got great friends over there!
You know, the kind that pay the salaries of our politicians’ ne’er-do-well progeny.
If you’d written a screenplay where the son of the US president was as much of a shit as Hunter Biden, the editors would have laughed you out of the office.
You just can’t make this up.
That would’ve made a great episode/story arc in The West Wing.
And the Crimeans rejoiced! Not like the Russians had put a bunch in boxcars and shipped them elsewhere…
That was 80 years ago. Not in 2014.
Is equal protection a thing anymore, or do men just get treated like second-class citizens when it comes to shit like free housing and being forced to register for conscription
No, that is purely false.
Is equal protection a thing anymore, or do men just get treated like second-class citizens
Yes, that is 100% true.
You’re just patriarching wrong!
/whips orphan polishing monocles
A Bay Area grocery store owner pled guilty last Wednesday to two counts of “flagrant” price gouging after officials found that items in the shop were marked up by up to 300%.
Supply, meet demand.
Supply, meet demand.
I love it.
Your girlfriend might be better, but mine has the nicest hips.
j/k I don’t have a girlfriend or a sports car or a Lear jet with a portable bar.
Where’s my angel?
Where’s my juice?
Where’s my tape? Where’s your wife?
She’s pulling at the levers.
She’s glancing at my bulge.
Where’s my car?
What does mine say?
Did someone say, Girlfriend?
Or did they say Girlfriend?
“Today, we are able to breathe again,” Floyd’s younger brother Philonise said
It helps when you are not on enough fentanyl to kill a horse.
The jury
of six whites and six Black or multiracial peoplecame back with its verdict after about 10 hours of deliberations over two days. The now-firedwhiteofficer was found guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.It’s amazing how he managed to kill Fentanyl Floyd 3 times.
I don’t know the facts of the case, because I couldn’t possibly care less if I tried. But guilty OF ALL CHARGES, even those that contradict the others…. Well that smacks of a jury frightened by governmental coercion.
I’m pretty sure that the appropriate judicial body will step in and declare a mistrial, and let this thing be judged impartially, and not by media, mob, and authoritarian government.
It was reported that one of the jurors actually lives in Brooklyn Center and wasn’t sequester while the riots were going on.
As fucked up as California undoubtedly is, I’m soooo glad I escaped Minneapolis in the nick of time.
You can’t have that fucked up a society AND have 6-month winters, condor sized mosquitos, and require a snowblower to leave your house.
And stupidity, like rust, never sleeps.
“Transgender resident on Skid Row: ‘This is a world too’”
Just bask in the wisdom of the transgender homeless person. What the hell does that even mean?
Maybe it means, just leave them the hell alone if they aren’t on your property.
What the hell does that even mean?
*Thumbs through Biden Translation Journal*
I got nuthin’.
Ass Wednesday prefers the dulcet tones of Herb Alpert.
I have a Herb Albert on Vinyl. Say what you will, but that guy can play a horn.
I think it is an unwritten rule that anyone who has vinyl has to have at least one copy of “Whipped Cream and Other Delights.”
We have 2. I have no idea where they came from…
Soul Asylum had some fun with that album art.
Yup! Have a copy of that one as well. Prefer the original’s cover though 🙂
That’s a horrible horrible album, made famous because of whipped cream girl on the cover.
A true humanitarian charity would buy every extant copy and burn them all so we vinyl collectors needn’t be subjected to that bullshit again.
Soooo when is Russia giving back Königsberg?
Why? There aren’t any Germans there now.
Like the kid who murders his parents pleading for mercy on account of being an orphan?
Just more ethnic cleansing following WWII, similar to the ethnic cleansing following WWI.
Maybe you should just enforce federal law?
Garland added, “I felt that beginning last summer, at least, there was a chance to bring this to the fore of the national consciousness, to create a moment in which we could change.”
“And like many Americans, I was shocked. But many black Americans were not shocked because they have known of this kind of treatment before,” he continued.
“And part of the reason that I wanted to be attorney general was I wanted to help bring that change,” he added. “All of us in our family feel an obligation – public service – and try to protect other people the way the country protected us.” …
“I have a chance to lead a Justice Department in pursuit of the rule of law and ensuring the independence of the department, and its independence — particularly — from any kind of partisan influence in the way we bring investigations or prosecutions,” he concluded.
Now, about those political prisoners you are holding…
““ felt that beginning last summer, at least, there was a chance to bring this to the fore of the national consciousness, ”
This indicates you are speaking with a sociopath.
“they have known of this kind of treatment”
“And Peter twirled the jangling Keys in weariness and wrath.
“Ye have read, ye have heard, ye have thought,” he said, “and the tale is yet to run:
“By the worth of the body that once ye had, give answer—what ha’ ye done?”
Then Tomlinson looked back and forth, and little good it bore,
For the darkness stayed at his shoulder-blade and Heaven’s Gate before:—
“O this I have felt, and this I have guessed, and this I heard men say,
“And this they wrote that another man wrote of a carl in Norroway.”
“Ye have read, ye have felt, ye have guessed, good lack! Ye have hampered Heaven’s Gate;
“There’s little room between the stars in idleness to prate!
“For none may reach by hired speech of neighbour, priest, and kin
“Through borrowed deed to God’s good meed that lies so fair within;
“Get hence, get hence to the Lord of Wrong, for thy doom has yet to run,
“And . . . the faith that ye share with Berkeley Square uphold you, Tomlinson!””
Is this good, bad, or a time to make some popcorn?
I thought I remember reading back when this happened that they were hardcore democrat believers. If so, I wonder if the R’s will buy it. I guess it worked for OMB
Come up with your own wording for my typo.
“ I’ll admit it’s begun to pique my interest, but I have no idea what is actually going on aside from Putin doing Putin shit.”
Just chalk what’s happening up to ninety percent on us for blowback for sticking our damn nose where it doesn’t belong and you’re most of the way there.
Sure and 10% is Ukraine’s fault. Poor Russia, so provoked and misunderstood.
You don’t want to bring the band (USSR) back together? Must be a Russiophobe.
The Rus were originally based in Kiev, not Moscow. But of course we can simplify that to a narrative that fits better.
Give Kiev back to the Scandinavians?
This guy knows his Rus history
They’re protecting their interests in their backyard just like we would if the situation was reversed and they’ve shown quite a bit of restraint in doing that. Ukraine agitating for immediate NATO entry and threatening action in eastern Ukraine is a red line for the Russians and this reaction was predictable.
Swiss, you are a very intelligent man and one whom we all respect.
I’m guessing a straightforward soliloquy or debate from you about Russia would be more persuasive to public opinion than “Poor Russia is bullied” eyeroll thing that seems beneath you yet you’ve deployed it twice already this morning.
Russia is run by a KGB officer, it has attacked several neighbors, people are spending an awful lot of time muttering about how sensitive the poor downtrodden Russian Empire is… how they are justified in beating down and tearing chunks off of their neighbors because…um, history, it’s their backyard, etc. I guess we need to shut up about China banging on Tibet, Hong Kong and such, because of the same reasons, eh?
What is so wrong about pointing out the bad actions of an aggressive, despotic state?
Maybe people are conflating pointing out what a shitheel Russia is with a call for war with them.
Decrying the carpetbombing of Grozny isn’t a call for war.
See? That was a respectable and specific statement. I like it.
I don’t perceive people apologizing for Putin’s conquests (which he does to boost his own popularity) from where I stand. Most people do think Russia is a bully.
And the one thing McCain got right was his opinion of Putin.
My deal is that my heart breaks for the people of Russia. They’ve had nothing but shit for “leadership” for a couple of thousand years.
Three avatar changes in one morning – now THIS is a mythical libertarian woman!
And this is a comment that has more appreciation of nuance than the usual Putin commentary. Thank god.
Sure, the Russian leadership are no angels, no doubt and they do seem intent on expansion but why provide them with a pretext? Whether their actions are justifiable or not, this reaction could be seen from a mile away.
Sometimes snark is all that is deserved.
Unity, healing, etc.
Michael Moore
In handcuffs!
Now on to the work!.
All of us demand an end to white supremacy and white privilege.
How many innocent black and brown ppl are in prison? Free them all! Arrest all police who break the law. Remove all racist cops. End policing as we know it. It doesn’t work.
There was literally no racial angle (other than racist leftist hating white people) to this.
Posted from the confines of some estate in crime free Whiteville no doubt. I’ll take that fat fuck seriously when he donates all of his white privilege enabled gains to the NAACP (and just between me and you even then I won’t take him seriously).
According to that White Fragility author, donating to black charities shows white privilege. So she has no choice but to keep all those millions of dollars she’s making off racial division. Convenient, that.
Wait…. what?
I need a link to that one.
Can’t find the link, of course. It was a book review, and one of the things it mentions is you’re not supposed to look for “solutions” to racism, that would be racist.
If you solve the problem, how are the grifters gonna grift off it?
There are too many black and brown people in jail. But fixing that would mean the politicians in charge would have to get rid of a bunch of laws that put people in jail for non-violent offenses. The cops are just enforcing those laws. But I’m pretty sure that’s not what he means.
And this is Exhibit A as to why the problem will never be fixed.
As long as police problems are addressed as race problems, the bullshit will continue.
We have cop problems, not racist white supremacy problems. You can’t fix a problem you’re not even capable of describing.
We have class problems. Outside of Reese Witherspoon, the connected rarely have to deal with police hassle.
Granted, a lot of lower-class people are that way for concrete reasons. A lot of them aren’t that good with life skills.
In the latest attempt at convincing Caesar Andy to retire (and related to the getting fired for personal business on company time)
Of course all the state employees who “helped” Cuomo “write” his book did it purely voluntarily. And they will testify to that fact… if they ever want to work in state government again.
I do hereby affirm, under penalty of perjury, that I had no part in the design, composition, editing, publication, or promotion of Andy’s book.
I wonder what the motivation is for the Daily Mail headline?
Lined up on a runway just 100 miles from Ukraine, 15 supersonic Russian fighter- bombers await their orders from the Kremlin.
That doesn’t sound like many at all. How many “supersonic fighter- bombers” does the U.S. have ready to fly near our borders or on aircraft carriers? How about Poland, the UK, Turkey, Israel, Germany…?
War sells.
But who’s buying? Wait, that’s peace…
The US has a squadron of bombers at Minot, less than 50 miles from Canada.
54-40 or fight! Make BC Oregon Territory again!
I don’t want Vancouver.
We can bypass. We just want land access to Alaska. Contiguous territory. Is that too much to ask?
Alberta, NW Territory and Yukon, problem solved.
Vancouver is beautiful. It’s the Vancouverites that suck.
You are suggesting a neutron bomb?
Vancouver looks like the 80s threw up in high-rise apartment-living fashion.
Um…”Free Cascadia”?
You fuckers can have Vancouver and Victoria but the rest of it is ours.
Maybe I’m missing something, but if you get fired over an “anonymous” donation, I can’t help thinking it wasn’t actually anonymous.
The fund for Rittenhouse’s defense was hacked and publicized. God forbid the kid gets legal representation.
Due process is only for the innocent.
Due process is only for the
innocent.worthy.His mistake was using a work account to do it. Probably wouldn’t have happened if it’d been a personal.
I don’t know. Based on the quote from the city manager, the cop was sacked expressly due to the words of encouragement that accompanied the donation:
“His egregious comments erode the trust between the Norfolk Police Department and those they are sworn to serve.”
Maybe the city doesn’t find out about the donation if it comes from a private address, but doxxing the unclean seems to be popular among the righteous these days.
A convicted killer who is fighting a possible June execution date that would make him the first person put to death in Nevada in 15 years is calling for the state to consider the firing squad as an option, a rare method in the United States.
Attorneys for Zane Michael Floyd say he does not want to die and are challenging the state plan to use a proposed three-drug method, which led to court challenges that twice delayed the execution of another convicted killer who later took his own life in prison.
Speaking of shooting people:
Ever had your simulant be so graphic you freak yourself the fuck out on camera?
If you are going to be executed, shouldn’t some leeway be given to the preference of the executed?
Now I’m envisioning someone demanding their right to decapitation by sword as a member of the aristocracy.
Given as to how difficult it is to decapitate a person in one stroke – particularly if the sword wielder has never even tried it before – that would be pretty gruesome way to go.
Oh, I am well aware.
But people be crazy.
They brought in a Frenchman expert swordsman to part Anne Boleyn’s head from her neck.
The government was a bit freaked out about precedent for execution of a Queen, and decapitation was chosen as the most dignified.
So… we’d need to hire a Saudi?
It might be more humane than trying to kill a guy by injecting potassium in him until he has a seizure or a coma.
The point about decapitation which I think would be difficult for the first person experience – if done by an experienced hand – is how the head will most probably still be alive and conscious for the split second while tumbling downward before hitting the floor/ground. It won’t last more than a second or two but that must suck something huge.
I am pretty sure there are eyewitness accounts of recapitulations during the Reign of Terror where it was daily entertainment (???) in which the witnesses wrote that the living heads had a solid three seconds of looking around before the light went out.
There was one test during the reign where the condemned agreed to try to keep blinking as long as possible and it ran for something like fifteen seconds, but it is unknown how much of that was actually conscious effort and how much was just spasms.
How utterly horrifying.
If I’m not mistaken, it was the pioneering chemist Antoine Lavoisier who did that.
I have done enough tatami cuts that are supposedly equivalent to a decapitation that it’s automatic at this point. I have been told by more than one person who claims to have cut pigs that living bones are easier to cut through than dead, but I am deeply suspicious of that.
The trick is in the hips, of course.
Either way, I’d prefer a 9mm to the back of the head. Preferably without warning. Even if the shot was poorly placed the concussion would probably knock me out long enough to bleed out and be done before I would know about it.
As is true with so many things in life 🙂
There is no difference in structure that would cause dead bones to be harder to cut. Unless you’ve fossilized or something.
Considering that Japanese sword testers used dead bodies not living ones also make me disbelieve. Which is why I always try to remember that the tatami-human equivalent is based on the human being a Japanese peasant who never ate anything but rice in his short life.
I imagine the reason why the living tests were reported as easier is the adrenaline/flow factor of making the cut as a goddamn charging boar is trying to gut you.
Well, I’m sure the goberment would never hire a hack.
snoo snoo?
The pharmaceutical companies who used to provide the chemicals for “lethal injection” executions were sued out of it so badly by bleeding hearts that now the only available drugs are quite unpredictable and unpleasant.
(Not a fan of the government offing its citizens, but as long as it’s the law, shouldn’t we do it at least as humanly as we euthanatize out pets?)
Dragged behind the woodshed and given one bullet to the back of the skull?
So a chamber filled with nitrogen?
Gas or liquid?
Tossed into a vat of liquid nitrogen? Crunchy!
Could I choose to be fucked to death by Kate Beckinsale?
^^^ Any day, all day
Have you seen the movie Seven?
*orson welles slow clapping*
“Who are you to question her punishment?”
(adapted from an old joke)
How dare you contradict the woke mob.
A former player for the Virginia Tech women’s soccer team is suing the team’s coach, saying that he launched a campaign of abuse against her and forced her off the team after she would not kneel before games.
Kiersten Hening has filed a federal lawsuit against Coach Chugger Adair.
“Hening’s stance was costly — too costly,” reads the lawsuit, filed on March 3. “Her coach dislikes Hening’s political views. Because she refused to kneel, he benched her, subjected her to repeated verbal abuse, and forced her off the team.”
Hening’s suit says she “supports social justice and believes black lives matter,” but “does not support the BLM organization.” It alleges that Adair singled Hening out during the halftime of a September game after she did not kneel and that he continued to criticize her performance and did not let her start subsequent games, even though she had done so previously.
“Chugger Adair”?
Yeah, we’ll just say, something wrong there right at the outset.
Regarding the topic (on the dead thread) of mono-wheel thingys to hack your commute. There is a fellow I see several times per week riding a mono-wheel that is straddled, foot pads on each axle, and extremely fast. Always sporting riding leathers, knee/elbow pads, and a fancy Shoei helmet, he zooms down Cross Bay Blvd. (from Howard Beach down to Broad Channel), he keeps pace with the traffic; posted speed is 40 but cars routinely travel 60 – 80 until the wee village of Broad Channel and their 30mph limit and speed cameras.
“Always sporting riding leathers, knee/elbow pads, and a fancy Shoei helmet, ”
How much you wanna bet he’s fallen off it before?
Just want to say thanks for existing, you magnificent glib bastards. Made the mistake of perusing the “comments” at TOS yesterday — good grief!
You are required to quarantine. We can’t risk it spreading.
Hey, Tulpa!
You know what to do.
F… fuck off?
Ding ding ding!
Here, come in! Make yourself at home! Lay upon us your grievances!
If they’re grievences with us, make them funny.
“The law prevents businesses from profiteering during a declared state of emergency,” District Attorney Nancy O’Malley said in a statement. “This case marks the first successful prosecution in Alameda County for price gouging in the time of the pandemic.”
Go fuck yourself.
“Profiteering” is bad.
What if there were a law against political pandering and using tragedies for personal political advancement?
What would become of our betters?
Here we go again? White cop shoots black teen…
Bodycam shows 16-year-old Makiah Bryant ‘shot dead by police’.
She was about to gut another girl like a fish.
I’ve always had mixed feelings about cops. Now I can’t imagine being a white cop in any large city.
Yeah, that’s about as justified as it gets.
This looks like 100% a good shoot. Probably saved that other girl’s life.
Doesn’t matter.
“I’m sorry, that was ‘promoted resting in peace’.”
The ghetto lottery is real.
In fact, I’d be wiling to bet money that mere minutes after this hit the news, multiple attorneys and activist groups were contacting the mother with guidance on how to monetize the tragedy and manage public appearances.
I don’t blame the mother for defending her dead kid but I do blame those who didn’t have a personal relationship for twisting it like they have.
Havn’t watched to video (I’d rather not, i don’t like watching any of these videos), but your principle holds generally, you can’t expect a mother who just lost a child to not defend the child.
But we do need other people to be more level headed about it.
I can expect people to not openly create a myth. She was neither peaceful nor little.
The video is clear. She was winding up to stab the shit out of that girl. The cop was either a very good shot or got lucky because the almost victim was in the line of fire as well.
It was literally a split second decision. Had he hesitated even for a second, she would have stuck her.
I’m saying asking a mother to say her child deserved, right after she loses said child is asking a bit much.
If she’s truly trying to defend her child, I would anticipate something like “The video doesn’t show everything. Right before the cops got there, [the girl almost stabbed] tried to kill my baby’s little brother. She thought she had a gun and was just defending her little brother against both of those thugs. 2 on 1… my girl’s a hero and now she’s dead.
The mother is just spitting out the right words for the payout.
Not saying she should disparage her daughter.
I’m saying that if it were my kid, I’d be avoiding the media altogether either out of despair or shame, probably both. Mom is running straight towards them with a story that doesn’t even come close to what the video depicts very clearly.
to not openly create a myth
Lie, not myth. A myth contains some truth. This is flat out delusional lying. Show that stupid bitch what her crotch-fruit was up to. Get momma to convince the kid about to be sliced open how peaceful Makhia was. Fucking reality doesn’t care about someone’s delusions.
With the limited info/context it looks like a good shoot.
So I guess we can expect riots.
That the Columbus one? Even the headlines up here aren’t portraying this one as a bad shoot:
There were also two other shootings up here in Cleveland over the past week. One was DEA, and the other was in pursuit of a homicide suspect.
This is one case where the cop truly was in a no-win. If he doesn’t react quickly, and the girl gets stabbed and dies, he’d be pilloried for that – you think he would have hesitated to save a white girl’s life??? When he does react quickly, it’s because he is itching to shoot a black girl.
My neighbor across the street was a Cbus cop for many many years. Retired in May of last year. His last assignment was going to be to go plainclothes undercover and infiltrate the BLM protesters in the city. I think he retired on the spot.
How about, it is not our circus and not our monkeys?
Completely agreed. My initial point is that, in addition to having nothing to do with our interests, I really don’t think there’s some sort of moral imperative for the United States to commit its blood and treasure to the noble cause of ensuring that people who have no desire to be part of the Ukraine and have no affinity for the people or government of the Ukraine remain a political minority ruled by a centralized Ukrainian state.
If we don’t defend democratic tyranny in Ukraine, how can we defend it here?!? /progjection
Muh legacy
The Biden administration on Tuesday formally threw its support behind a long-shot bid from Democrats to make Washington, D.C., the 51st state.
Congress should “provide for a swift and orderly transition to statehood” for the more than 700,000 Washington residents who do not have full voting representation in the House and Senate, the Office of Management and Budget said in a statement of administration policy.
The White House’s full-throated support for D.C. statehood came days before the House is set to vote on a bill that would put the commonwealth on “equal footing with the other states.”
For a doddering senile old man, he’s a whirlwind of destruction.
The only thing that would be constitutionally permissible is to cede the residential and commercial land back to Maryland, not that anyone cares.
It would of course be much simpler and less controversial to retrocede most of DC back to MD. Whycome no proposal to do that?
Maryland doesnt want them.
In my (admittedly limited) experience asking about this, no one has really objected. A lot of things are already integrated, cross the state/district line, or serve the general area already, like MNCPPC, WMATA, WSSC, etc.
It would turn Maryland bluer, but the Democrats already have a supermajority in the legislature, so it’s not like the change would be drastic. It’s also in significantly better shape, economically and criminally, than Baltimore (a reversal of their positions over the past 20 years).
The bigger reason might be that the District residents don’t want it, but I don’t know that for sure either.
You can’t get extra Dem Senators that way duh!
Why I have no tolerance for Democratic Party bullshit.
They’re gonna keep the Supremes busy AF for the next few years.
That’s why they want to increase staffing on the bench.
That is probably an underlying goal actually, since they can point to the constitutional caseload cannot be met by the current size of the court.
The courts wont stop it so by the time it hits SCOTUS Roberts will just shrug and say “if we fix the problem it would harm all these people, because removing a benefit that you had no right to is a harm”
Ouch. Alex Rodriguez Regrets Impulsively Adding On the Timberwolves to Lynx Purchase
And it didn’t help him at all. JLo still left his ass after he bought the
T-WoofsLynx.He should have bought the MadCats instead.
Good morning, from Dayton, Glib friends.
As I am lunching with the local Glib contingent, I will be driving during the regularly scheduled midweek Zoom this evening.
Anyone else is welcome to host in my stead.
Might as well add Tundra to the invite list.
The odds of him showing up to your lunch are the same as if the lunch was in Minnesoda.
I’d prefer a 9mm to the back of the head. Preferably without warning.
Okay, we’re gonna do this. On “three”. Ready?
“One…” BLAM!
He’s my dog, Ma. I’ll do it.
I sent you a PM thru the forum. Neither urgent nor important.
Surprise execution paradox!
I guess this is a Judge who believes his words are magic and that when he commands the very elements of the earth must obey to create housing?
Somebody was talking about work-farms the other day…
What percentage of the homeless want to be homeless for various reasons I wonder?
A regular philosopher-king that judge.
This does not sound like someone that should be an AG…
ABC News
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison: “I would not call today’s verdict justice, however—because justice implies restoration. But it is accountability.”
Ermergerd. I used to live in Ellison’s district when he was a US rep. I met him once. He really is genuinely below average intelligence. Like maybe 80 IQ.
And a total jerk; violent to his (now ex) wife.
They celebrated him as the “first muslim blahdy blah” but he is Nation of Islam. Not “regular” Islam.
Probably because she was about to jab the other girl with a deadly weapon.
After playing part of the body camera footage of the shooting, Williams stated, “There was no attempt to use pepper spray or a taser, non-lethal force. While a knife can be seen in the footage before the officer fires his weapon, he indeed fired his weapon.”
This is the stupidest case of this shit yet. There are plenty of iffy shootings out there, why pick this one?
Because for the moment, the wind has been taken out of the USS Floyd’s sails.
Honestly, I think they pick ridiculous examples like this to discredit the reform movement in order to keep this stuff going. There’s no good footage or charity grifting if the conflict is resolved.
The “why pick this one?” puzzled me a few years ago when there were some clear-cut non racial bad shoots and good shoots to talk about.
Then someone explained to me that they didn’t want a clear cut case because they couldn’t rile people up and divide us. They want strife. That’s why even Tamir Rice didnt stay on the front pages for long. They’d rather go on about Trayvon.
The stabbee got very lucky that the cop was as fast and accurate as he was.
Why haven’t they interviewed the potential victim?
I owe all of you a profuse apology for my morning ramblings today. I was belligerent and manic.
My brain took over and decided to “check” myself. My blood sugar was low and my oxygen was too.
Especially Swiss: I am sorry I was a dick!
I didn’t see that you were a dick or in any way out of line with anybody.
Oooo! What’d I miss?
Swiss deserves it.
I need to eat something, anything and then hit the hay. I love all of you crazy people! Festus out!
Apropos of nothing-
I saw a person I know, “at the bar” yesterday. I first saw him walking alone on the sidewalk, in the bright sunshine, wearing a mask. Then he came in, sat at the bar right next to a couple of people, and took his mask off and started talking.
The Bee is on fire.
In Closing Argument, Prosecutor Tearfully Addresses Each Juror By Name, Phone Number, And Street Address
BLM Founder Reminds Everyone Justice Won’t Fully Be Served Until She Can Buy A 5th House
Those are gold.
Holy shit. That upps the ante a bit!
I see that the Dems are now making their push to get DC statehood. I’d love to see the Republicans agree, on the condition that at the same time the State of Jefferson is admitted as well.
That expressly goes against the whole point of making DC a state, which is to change the composition of the Senate.
When is Noem going to come out as a Boehner Republican?
This is quite disappointing. Her own little fucking clique of stick up the ass, damn the public, we know what’s best officialdom.
Hey she’s wiling to appoint an unrepentant cross dresser as a judge, so she’s got those libertarian bona fides.
im glad im not the only one who immediately went there in my mind.
Goddam if only Senator Stupid had been there to disarm her himself, single-handedly and unarmed. I’m sure he could have bored her to tears.
This feels like when the Dems refused to condemn and expressly pushed the Riots over the summer, only to then realize what a mistake it was.
We’ll see.
Dems don’t make mistakes. Just ask any one of them.
Mistake how? Seems to have worked out just fine for them.