College. A time to study hard, prepare for a future, prepare for a career, grow in maturity.
I did none of these things. I joined a fraternity and did more than my share of drinking.

We were too cheap for name brand Everclear, I believe this is the brand we used, but my memory is hazy for some reason.
A little backstory. Our fraternity had a party and got busted a couple years before my arrival. The university put the fraternity on double secret probation. Ok, the name was different, but they weren’t allowed any recruitment for two years. Clearly the college was trying to shut them down without pulling the charter. They also made them a “dry” house. When I joined, there were only four active members. Three juniors and a 5th year senior. They lived in a house that was made for at least 40. Those four, and some alumni, knew the house would be shut down if they didn’t get new members as soon as the restrictions were lifted. So they decided to throw the wildest parties they could, at least three days a week. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday were crazy, every week. The alumni with real jobs paid for most of the beer, parties went until 4am. They got a reputation as the house where anything goes, and the party doesn’t stop until at least 4am. My friends and I wanted to live off campus starting our sophomore year, the only way to do that was greek life. So what did we do? We joined that fraternity and had a whopping 11 members. We carried on the tradition of wild parties and no rules, none. I’ll probably tell more stories about that in future, but back to the main story.
We decided it was time to throw one of our best known parties. The Pink Panty Pulldown Party was one of our signatures, we usually threw it about once a semester. It was just a trash can punch. Pink lemonade and Everclear, mixed with a paddle. We needed a new trash can to mix it in, we had used the previous one we bought for actual trash. On the way home from the hardware store, several folk were riding in the truck bed. As we passed some groups of people, they yelled out “Pink Panty Party at Delta* House Tonight!” No big deal. And the party was a hit. I don’t remember a lot, par for the course I suppose. But nothing out of the ordinary happened that night. I was house manager at the time, and we had fairly strict rules about cleaning up on Sunday mornings. We did well at that. The house got cleaned up and looked good. So, we did what we did every Sunday afternoon, started drinking. It was just a normal day.
Then came Tuesday, yes Tuesday. There was a knock at the door about 9am. Tom, our president answered the door. Three cops (including the chief of university police) and the head of greek life were at the door. They stated that there were complaints about us throwing a party the previous Saturday and they needed to search the house. Part of the deal that was made for the previous raid was that they could search the house common areas. In they came. As they looked around the main floor, beer bottles and such were all around from our Sunday afternoon. One of the cops remarked, “well, they must’ve thrown a party, if they drank this much without throwing one they’d be a bunch of alcoholics.” I thought to myself how that was just from a typical Sunday without guests, hmm . . . maybe we DID drink too much. . . nah.
We knew we were going to be in trouble for the beer being around, but that wasn’t the big concern for them. They wanted proof we threw a party. More importantly, they wanted proof that we had a party with open cups. See, if you don’t know, frats today don’t usually have kegs or parties with open cups. It’s a liability thing. Handing a girl a red solo cup has more risk than a closed beer. Plus if we bought cases of beer, we could claim it was all BYOB, we weren’t the suppliers, we just kept it behind the bar for them. “I don’t know why everyone at the party bought the same brand of beer officer, it must have been on sale.” National fraternities usually ban kegs for these reasons and our university had a strict policy as well. Even wet houses were supposed to be BYOB and we were not to supply anything. They needed more than beer to shut us down.

These were not allowed, used regularly, but not allowed.
As they combed through the basement looking for evidence, they found what they wanted. A trashcan with a paddle sticking out the top, and stick residue on the sides. They asked us if we had used “grain alcohol” in it. “No Sir, I’m not really sure where that trash can came from,” replied Tom. One officer that was with them, we’ll call him Dick, had a long history of arresting people from our house. 9 of the 11 of us were arrested that year at some point (more on that in future stories) and Dick was part of at least 8 of them. As they searched further, Dick went behind the bar. He opened the cabinet, there was what they wanted, empty bottles of Everclear. It probably would have shut us down, if the university didn’t pull our charter, there was a good chance our national headquarters would (for insurance reasons). But Dick decided not to be a dick that day. He did something that surprised all of us, he said to his boss, “nothing back here,” and shut the cabinet.
Without enough evidence to prove we had an “open container” party, they decided to leave. The head of greek life told us she would be back at 3pm to search again for any alcohol. Since we were a dry house, we would be in trouble for having some there and she wanted it all to be gone when she returned. After they left, we began the process of moving the alcohol down the street to a friends house. It was amazing all the booze we had stashed that we didn’t even know about. A few weeks later the Panhellenic Council held a hearing to discuss our infractions. We were put on triple secret probation or something we ignored. We went back to the house sober, with no booze in sight. Apparently, booze kept us in check, because we got much more stupid without it (who hasn’t sledded down the stairs, crashed, and had to throw away a motorcycle helmet that broke in two?)
One more note. Officer Dick, got much better after that. Routinely, he would stop by as we were grilling. We’d put the beers behind our back and he ignored them entirely. Maybe he felt bad about sending the majority of us to jail throughout the year. I don’t know the answer, but he ceased being a problem for our membership.
*Our name wasn’t Delta, but that works for the story
Crazy kids! Good story, thanks!
LOL awesome.
Boredom and 19-year-old boys don’t mix.
All Men are like dogs, if we don’t have a job, we get in trouble,
Reposting… I think.
He has done both choices!
+1 barracks party
check meal cards before you serve
-1 CG’s Daughter
Having attended a 4 year trade school in NY with a ban on alcohol for all underclass
menpersons, I can attest to the level of stupid that can be achieved.Also, when allowed to leave our little grey cells, we were notorious at other local schools for being raging, out-of-control drunken messes.
I have vomited or lost consciousness at some of the finest learning institutions in the country,… Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Rutgers, Marymount, Boston College, etc.
Ouch. You couldn’t just rent your own apartment? That’s what we did. But we didn’t have any interest in strangers tramping through our house every weekend. We just got trashed and stoned by ourselves.
Those darned Gamma Delta Iotas! We gotta get them!
Oh, I get it, GDI.
What my dad (ditto) called them.
(another non-joiner)
I had to look that up.
I think I went to one or two frat parties, almost got one dude to come out of the closet, and otherwise had little interaction with them. One of my freshman suitemates was in TKE – CWAA he was.
We weren’t allowed to live off campus as freshmen, and it was “frowned upon” as sophomores, but I got the hell out of campus housing ASAP. I got written up as a freshman for possessing weapons because I was in the same room as a guy who was showing off his new nerf gun.
I made up an excuse to get out. Conditions are perhaps bearable at summer camp but not for studying. Even most filthy roommates are a better situation.
I went to a commuter university. There wasn’t enough on-campus housing for all the freshmen.
Collegiate policies may vary / have varied.
Am tired all over again just reading.
The process to be a “commuter” as a sophomore was extremely cumbersome. The whole stay in the dorms things was just a way to milk parents out of more money. It was a small private university and many of the parents were very well off. I guess they didn’t mind the cost. Renting at the frat house was less than 2 months worth of rent at a typical apartment, so my parents loved it.
further, the meal plan was ridiculously expensive. I remember ramen being $1 a package at the general store on campus. Soda was like $7 a six pack. I talked my parents out of the meal plan and they gave me a budget on a credit card instead. It saved them money, got me better food, and built my credit some. I didn’t abuse it, much.
Sorry to go OT with so few comments so far. But as an interovert interviewing people for a job, it’s rather draining to be stuck in the “Social interaction Mode” while trying to make sure the conversation covers the relevant areas.
*looks at clock*
And I’ve got another one in fifteen minutes.
Hang in there.
Think of what you think they would like to know or be asked.
Trade you. I’m 3.5 hours into two bridge calls about an issue that’s been known to some people for a year, but just bubbled up to their VP’s and C%O’s this past weekend.
I’m running out of displays to multitask on.
Use the good old “Tell me about a time when you….” technique.
It’s nicely open-ended so you can get an idea of how the candidate’s brain works and of what they think is important enough to mention.
Good luck.
That’s my technique. It also helps to see how well they might work within my team or problem solve.
First guy talked too much.
Second guy talked too little.
Both were exhausting.
Mostly I’m grousing. this is the fifth round of interviews I’ve done in my career so far. It’s not new, just not fun.
Don’t worry, you’re hiring for a government job.
They’ll either be really terrible, or they’ll move on to something else in 6 months.
Ugh. I feel that. Last time I was hiring it was 10 candidates on 1-hour phone interviews. Talk about awkward
Great story, Banger, I can see I missed a lot by going to a small religious (Baptist) school. Also I was old, married and had two teenage kids at home.
Anecdote: We occasionally went to the local Pizza Hut for lunch. One of the friends was observed drinking a beer by the School Admin or profs or someone. Though he was old enough he was counseled (threatened) that his behavior was not tolerable. I’m guess a beer in the dorms would have been dismissable.
Good to hear that there are normies out there, Banger.
“I can see I missed a lot by going to a small religious (Baptist) school. Also I was old, married and had two teenage kids at home.”
That wouldn’t stop Hollywood from doing a movie about your experiences – of course you’d have to spice up the facts just a tad.
We’re gonna call your character ‘Blue’.
Ah the frat life. I joined one, later learned I wasn’t the frat type. I was in it for the partying. The house I was in was a legitimate no hazing house. You couldn’t even make the freshmen do all the chores everyone did their share. We had the same stupid no open cup rules. When we threw a party it had to be registered with the fraternal council and a party inspector came by to make sure we followed the “rules”. In reality they would come by have a beer check the boxes and leave. Freshman and sophomore years were insane parties every other weekend. It went downhill after that when people started cracking down.
Frat stories! In college I spent my freshman year in the dorms in a suite I shared with my sister.
The next year I transferred to a Uni with a better electrical engineering program but still lived on campus because it was cheap and I had the room to myself (cost a little more than sharing). Stayed in the dorms or married student housing for the duration. Until my final 2 months after filing for divorce and moving in with friends.
I was just too busy studying to party. So I more than made up for it in my 30s.
I don’t think I would have gone for sorority life even if they’d have me. There just aren’t that many women I’d be willing to live with.
The Tri-Gams! (for Groucho club x3)
married student housing
I had a chance to get into married student housing they had temporarily partitioned for grad students, but I passed it up for a grad dorm. Big mistake. I spent as much time as possible sleeping elsewhere because my roommate and his girlfriend had no problem fucking right in front of me.
sorry 🙁
They didn’t invite you for a threesome?
No thank you. She wasn’t the prettiest Indian girl on campus, but she was one of the most odiferous.
Inviting yourself would have fixed the problem one way or the other.
Maybe pop some popcorn, grab a sixer, pull up a chair, and offer running commentary?
It was just a trash can punch. Pink lemonade and Everclear, mixed with a paddle.
The one and only fraternity party I went to involved something similar. I think they used dry ice to chill the booze.
I guess we were more civilized, we used Gatorade buckets for our trashcan punch.
Yup, except we used kool-aid and called it jungle juice
Hooch or jungle juice is what I knew it as. Cooler mixed with what ever us kids could get our hands on.
AKA “Purple Jesus”, “Pink Elephant”, or “Hairy Buffalo”.
As in “Keep drinking until you see the ______”
The only one I saw used some plastic tubes about a foot in diameter, maybe 6 ft tall, that they filled with cut fruit before topping with everclear.
I was married and had two kids when I went to college.
There was no time and, more importantly, no money to party.
After a gap year, my first two years were mostly me getting drunk on weekends. I messed up going to a technical college and not taking it seriously. If I was going to be such a screw up, I should have done it at cheaper state school with a better M:F ratio. Had to join the AF, finished my major, and completed my B.S. electives after I got married and I started a career.
It was out of my system by the time I started college at 22. I just wanted to graduate and get back to real life. I also didn’t care for the garbage college kids drank.
Georgia switched from 18 to 21 drinking age in the mid-80s when Elizabeth Dole mandated it. My freshman year, the seniors talked about the dorm keg parties from their freshman year. Alcohol enforcement was lax because no one really cared. I was not a drinker in college, I think I could count the number of drinks I had an an undergrad on one hand and have a finger or two left over. So I don’t really have any cool stories without narcing out other people.
I literally had no idea what drinking age was when I went to college. I was in my early 20s when signs started appearing in stores that the drinking age was 18.
I’m still not sure you’re not me. Except that you post a lot more and evidently live somewhere else.
leon is my evil twin. I don’t need another.
We went to the same school about the same time, so not a surprise. When did you get out? 1991 for me.
So we overlapped. NE91.
It was 21 by the time I joined the Army. It was mostly ignored by the rank and file.
When I joined the Army, if you had the green ID card you were legal to drink on post. Them gadamned Mad Mothers fucked it up for everyone in 1985 and 20 year old Bob had to stop drinking legally for 2 months.
But by then I was a plebe an not allowed to drink (except under specific circumstances, see previous post) for the next three years.
I was that way until sophomore spring when I studied for a semester in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The most official trouble we got into when I was living there was when, during one of our week-long parties, one of the horses dashed across the street in front of a car, the driver of which complained. One of the girls got thrown, but someone paid for her medical expenses and the insurance company never got involved.
The section of the front lawn we used for bull riding was simply gorgeous the rest of the year.
I can’t believe that in 2021 the Army is still so sexist.
Oldest son is at OSUT at Benning right now. I think in the Basic phase they had do to the new test a couple of times. It’s all guys, but evidently the Army’s angst/nerves over the whole thing’s permeating the org. The DIs clearly know it’s hosed, and have to execute the on-again off-again thing. The officers are towing the company lion. The trainees just do what they’re told, but totally pick up on how the political agenda’s driving all the crazy.
So many assumptions packed into that paragraph.
Besides the obvious and unspoken conclusion, the difference in pass rates for E4/below and others shows the failure rates are still to large degree personal failure to maintain fitness. Assuming there isn’t widespread pencil whipping.
Hence, NCOES PT tests.
What did they expect when the replace weak standards for women (17-21 female push ups maxed at the male minimum) with combat related tests? Everyone knew that, under the old standards, women could score high but not hack it in the field. They still can’t hack it, but now the test reflects that.
Except that the new test was supposed to be designed to generate results showing that both sexes could pass the combat-ish functions at about the same level.
And it doesn’t. And it was supposedly based on results of lots of previous/experimental testing to find out how to cherry-pick the events and scores that would give the politically-desired outcome. Which probably (IMO) means that even the results of the experimental tests were faked, exaggerating XX pass rates, so that the developers stayed out of the cross-hairs. And so when the data was passed on the team that analyzed it and turned it into the final test, they were pulling from bad data.
Maybe they used trans-women in their data gathering tests.
Probably some selection bias too. I doubt PT failures were being invited to be in the test group. The sort of person who would voluntarily participate in such things is a PT stud.
I could see them picking a Master Fitness Trainer class or two to run trials of the new test.
Irrelevant, the only purpose of an army is to break shit and kill people, anything that interferes with combat effectiveness is a distraction that shouldn’t be tolerated.
Yeah… We left that path in the early 80’s or earlier and it has only accelerated since then.
Only a 2 mile run? Has the Army fitness test always been that distance?
Since 1980
At least since the APFT was introduced around 1980. 15:54 or under for 17-21 males.
Just looked up Air Force. Under 30 male is 13:36 for a 1.5 mile run, shorter and a minute/mile slower. Push up/sit up is harder to compare since the Air Force only does 1 minute instead of 2. At least they dumped the stationary bicycle test.
I think AF still uses the stn Bike as an alternate.
The Army has 2.5 mile walk or a swim or bike.
Everybody does the walk.
The advantage of the Push-up/Sit-up/2-Mile run was you could do it pretty much anywhere, no extra equipment needed besides a stopwatch.
Ability to measure seconds elapsed and ability to measure two miles. I once took a “field” APFT. The grader used a wristwatch with a second hand for timing. Distance was measured with a vehicle’s odometer.
I linked the twitter below on the new army ad. It makes sense why people are failing it. They are recruiting for social points not to fight wars.
It is almost like there is a physiological difference between the sexes. (Of course, that was already acknowledged with the separate Male / Female standards for the old PT test.)
Acknowledged, but obfuscated. Female pass/fail rates and final scores were not that different.
The standards on the Hex Bar deadlift are ridiculous: someone in their mid 20s or lower should be able to clear those completely untrained.
If I read minimums correctly:
3 REPETITION MAXIMUM DEADLIFT (MDL): 3 reps of 140 pound
STANDING POWER THROW (SPT): 10 pound ball 4.5 meters
LEG TUCK (LTK) OR PLANK (PLK): 1 tuck or plank for 2:09
TWO-MILE RUN (2MR): 21:00
The push up and run are lower standards than the APFT.
Apparently, they are on the data collecting part of the test, since they are supposed to eventually set standards based on your MOS, and then award promotion points based on exceeding those minimum standards.
Setting by MOS is the way to go. Then whoever can hack it can be it. I was dual MOS. Would it be the tougher of the two or just PMOS?
WOW! What a nice day. I’m off from work until Saturday night, just spent 2 hours relaxing in the brewery’s courtyard, enjoying a new porter and playing Uno with my kids while they stuffed themselves silly with French fries and now getting son ready for soccer practice. I hope all y’all have a fantastic day.
Over 4.5 hours wasted on this call so far, with no end in sight.
But in good news: Venture Brothers is getting a movie to wrap up the story.
Your meeting is worse than mine.
My only addition to my own meeting is this isn’t the first time this has happened. We made certain decisions because of schedule. We just don’t have time to include all the bells and whistles. Some had to drop and will be included in a future release. But every time we have a meeting about this project, folks want to bring up those bells and whistles we don’t have time for in this release and maybe we should do them.
The worst is I’m up to two displays being taken up by this meeting. I’m running out of display space to multitask.
One display is just to allow a vendor access to servers so they can pull logs and run queries. Which means that I can’t do any other work, as they’re taking up my connection into the customer environment. But it’s one of the reasons they pay me the medium bucks.
I’ve finished todays interviews now we’re in a meeting on changes to the change management process.
Managing changes to Change Management is so meta.
But do you have a change management process for the change management process?
I just got out of the 2nd meeting in as many weeks on how to fill out our timesheets.
“So how do we book the time it takes to fill out timesheets?” came up more than once.
It’s not helping that three different real time data sources are showing conflicting information. Which involves at least four different vendors as well as international network connections. One of the vendors who wanted to run both a Zoom and a WebEx keeps getting confused between the two.
I’m hoping to burn off the anger and rage with a bike ride after I’m off shift today.
There IS such a thing as having too many different ways to communicate.
That’s not even counting the inbound e-mail, and Teams channels with updates.
And after wasting nearly the whole day, one of the dicks suggested another touch base tomorrow morning to deal with the issue… that appears to be on the end user side.
A Venture Bros. movie? *And* a Metalocalypse movie? Hallelujah!
Two good reasons to keep on living. (Assuming Hammer and Publick can actually complete the work in something like a timely fashion.)
Don’t ask for impossible things Surly.
One article I saw about this did mention that the movies were already in production at least.
Sigh. Way to lift me up and then drop me down.
Still, hope springs infernal.
Agreed on all points. Those guys don’t exactly write like they they’ve got a fire under them.
I was at the gym early. My workout was decent. Work started out OK. I went for a nice walk at lunch. And… now things have gone to shit.
I’m in a meeting. The last fifteen minutes have been spent discussing shit that we’ve already talked about and made decisions about. I’m tuning out the meeting. Easy to do when you work at home.
Enjoy the time off!
The Audit Report That Wouldn’t Die! has crawled it’s way out of the grave and back into my life.
Fuck me.
But I’m going to murder the shit out of it and finally bury the fucker tomorrow. For good.
Get jabbed. Get sick anyway.
Are they showing symptoms? Sounds more like faulty tests.
I was in off campus housing but went to a few frat parties. Most frats were not my cup of tea, but free beer is free beer. I was asked too keep a female friend and roomate of mine “safe” during one such party. She and I were never going to hook up, I was more into her friend, and she was my roomate.
She had a frat dude she was into, but wanted to make sure she didn’t get ruffeid. I volunteered to go with her and she made me promise to get her home after the party was over.
She must have told the dude she was into at the frat about our arraignment, as I had two new best friends that night who wanted to try and get me blottoed so I would forget my promise. Little did they know my job was to get as blottoed as possible on the cheap.
At sometime around 3:00 am the roomate asked me to walk her home. I left my two chaperones unconscious next to the toilet.
I got her home safe and got my drink on. The invited me back with or without roomate as the two chaperones had a good time as well.
I was asked too keep a female friend and roomate of mine “safe” during one such party.
I can’t speak for others, but women were safer at any of our parties vs a bar. We kept an eye on women and took care of them. We caught a guy with rufies once. We took care of him,
I was in college during peak roofie. The only reason the frat brother put two guard dogs on me was because he thought I was there to cock block.
I was more than happy to allow her to do whatever she wanted to as long as she got home that night.
I gotta do everything for you slobs.
I’m willing to do an amnesty deal. For every alien allowed in, 1-2 activist or NGO employees are stripped of their citizenship and deported to another country.
***Kif sigh***
Whelp, I lost today’s round of “Bee or Not Bee”.
Still hilarious, though.
The costumes they come up with will be fabulous.
I mean why not?
Maybe she enlisted because her grievance studies at UC Davis wasn’t going to open employment opportunities.
Gays in the military.
What kind of racist garbage is this?
Raping underage girls is a part of their proud cultural heritage and maligning that is white privilege and cultural colonialism at its worst!
Fine, I won’t malign them. Just as long as they understand my proud cultural heritage means they get to spend the next 20 years in prison.
Cue Lord Napier
Harris Ahmed Butt and Taukeer Butt may have cause to regret their names.
Continuing DeWine making good moves:
Gov. Mike DeWine is rejecting federal unemployment aid, cutting off extra $300 weekly to jobless workers, starting June 26
well this is a farce. Director keeps scheduling a meeting on top of the interviews, and I have to keep bringing up the fact that with the time frame they want the interviewing done, I can’t reschedule them, so the other meeting keeps showing up on my calendar.
Yes, the director can see my calendar and see the interviews scheduled there. Quarter of an hour left in the workday…
*breaks down laughing*
And now more work is tumbling on the pile with something another business partner is going to break come monday.
“Good news – we finally bought all of these things – and they all need to be implemented at the same time”
I’m looking for what I can delegate, and what has to be allowed to fall off the desk into the bin.
Kicking the can down the road. Does anyone really think these deadbeats are going to suddenly cough up over a year’s rent, extra, in six months? Presumably the most sympathetic characters is a single “mom” with three adult children, none of whom work or contribute to the family finances, and somehow she’s going to come up with an extra $1000 a month between July and February AND give it to her landlord? Bullshit.
Another common trait in both families profiled that is being completely ignored…
At least this will shut the Karens up. That said I’m still screwed on public transportation.
Fully vaccinated people can ditch masks indoors, physical distancing: CDC
That doesnt shut them up it just transfers their rage into “I demand to see vax-passports”
I’m sure there will be some of that. But you can at least tell them off. Even NY/NJ have encountered surprising resistance to the “passport” idea.
That said UCS mentioned the Orwellian Empire Pass.
I know one person at work with an interest in obtaining one.
Sorry wrong Orwellian passport
Thank you all might CDC for your guiding hand! We are all saved because of you! Has anyone outside of the left listened and followed anything they have said.
The CDC finally states the obvious.
Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a face mask or stay 6 feet away from others in most settings, whether outdoors or indoors, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in updated public health guidance released Thursday.
There are a handful of instances where people will still need to wear masks — in a health-care setting or at a business that requires them — even if they’ve had their final vaccine dose two or more weeks ago, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told reporters at a press briefing. Fully vaccinated people will also still need to wear masks on airplanes, buses, trains and other public transportation, she said.
“Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physical distancing,” Walensky said. “If you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic. We have all longed for this moment, when we can get back to some sense of normalcy.”
First I’ve heard! 😉
(As I mentioned above I’m still screwed on public transport. I’m assuming they did that to avoid fights breaking out and not for any real health reason,)
“There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader.”
That maybe true.
But I work for a Fortune 500 with lots of FedGov contracts. We are going to do whatever the CDC says to do.
This might allow us to work in the building without wearing a fucking mask all day.
If they do require masks, they are going beyond the CDC recce.
New variants are being identified, what, every few weeks? Nice out, CDC.
Well, that was dumb.
I, too, was in the blessed cohort where the drinking age was 18.
I, too, joined the Animal House frat. The pledge class was sent down the road to the preppy frat one Friday night, and told not to come back until each of them had an Izod alligator trophy. Turned out most of them acquired their alligators by biting them off the shirt of a preppy frat bro. Good times.
Anyhoo, the idea that we couldn’t have “open cups”, including Solo Cups, was completely foreign to frats on our campus. We all threw at least one keg party (ours were usually 10 – 12 kegs) per week. There was an unofficial rule against Everclear punch (in hindsight, not a bad rule). So when we made it, one of the pledges was tasked with gathering up all the Everclear bottles after the punch was made (in advance of the party, of course) and getting them the hell off our property and properly disposed of. I seem to recall the dumpster of choice was the one used by the Athletic Department, as frat row was basically across the road from the main athletic facility.