About The Author



Wife of sloopy, mother to three bright, curious, and highly active young girls. Perpetually exhausted.


  1. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh

    • Tres Cool

      Kennedy has chubby arms bordering on bingo-wings.

      def would

      • Tonio

        You are doing the Lord’s work, Brother Tres.

      • AlexinCT

        You owe me a new monitor & keyboard again Tonio… I need to remember that drinking any liquid while perusing this site has serious potential risks of busting a gut…

      • Tres Cool

        Big girls need a big fkin’.

        I’m the guy to bring it.

      • Festus

        I like her attitude but yeah, she chonky.

      • Count Potato

        MTV Kennedy on Fox?

      • Festus

        The same.

  2. UnCivilServant

    Morning, Banjos.

    Can we just give these people their own state?

    They’re already in their own state – the state of Denial (of Reality)

    • Rebel Scum

      birthing people

      Aka “women”. ///PartyofScience

      • Rat on a train

        You misheard. It is “berthing” people.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Is 2.4 billion enough to put up with that knucklehead?

    • Not Adahn

      She thought so.

      • Not Adahn

        Dammit, there’s a Bloom County completely relevant to this, but I can’t find it.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      Good question.

      I don’t want to spit on $2.4B, but that seems low.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I doubt it’s over.

      • Chafed

        That’s an initial payment. It isn’t the full amount.

    • WTF

      Well now we know how much a woman needs to get paid to fuck Bill Gates.

      • Festus

        Eh, nice gig if you can get it.

  4. EvilSheldon

    Good morning everyone!

    One more day at the office, then I can put my mobile into Airplane mode and hit the trails for the entire weekend. I can’t wait.

    • Festus

      I actually have today off. I feel a little lost. My routine is goinked. I might see you guys tonight.

      • Swiss Servator

        That would be a good thing.

      • Festus

        I might be “fortified”. Be aware…

      • db

        I’m considering joining a Zoom completely sober. I imagine it’d be a unique experience. Perhaps Mojeaux can guide me through the process.

      • SDF-7

        Oh wait… “fortified” as in by alcohol, right?

        I was thinking “fortified” as in elections and that Swiss was saying we were all being drone monitored and possibly disappeared soon…

      • Swiss Servator

        Can be alcohol, others may have other “fortification”, beats me.

      • Old Man With Candy

        We don’t judge.

        Oh wait, we do.

  5. The Late P Brooks


    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi faced growing pressure Friday to impose a strict nationwide lockdown, despite the economic pain it will exact, as a startling surge in coronavirus cases that has pummeled the country’s health system shows no signs of abating.

    Many medical experts, opposition leaders and even Supreme Court judges are calling for national restrictions, arguing that a patchwork of state rules is insufficient to quell the rise in infections.


    Some who remember last year’s ordeal remain against a full lockdown.

    “If I had to choose between dying of the virus and dying of hunger, I would choose the virus,” said Shyam Mishra, a construction worker who was already forced to change jobs and start selling vegetables when a lockdown was imposed on the capital, New Delhi.

    Who cares what some dopey street vendor say?

    • rhywun

      It will be interesting when the “startling surge” does not result in any difference in mortality rates versus other countries regardless of how hard they “locked down”.

      And by “interesting” I mean “ignored”.

      • Akira

        When the COVID stats appear to line up with their predictions: “See?? That proves it! We told you!!”

        When the COVID stats don’t line up: “Well ya know, there’s a lot we don’t understand about this virus…”

    • Rebel Scum

      surge in coronavirus cases

      Bullshit statistic. And wtf happened to flu A and B since this nonsense started?

  6. Sean

    Gun sales still booming.

    The last “good deal” I scored on Gunbroker was last September (i think) and I’ve tried since then. People be bidding like crazy.

    • Not Adahn

      Oddly enough, I can’t get gunsmith time. I don’t see how that meshes with new gun owners driving demand.

      • UnCivilServant

        How many gunsmiths are also FFLs?

      • Not Adahn

        All of them, I’d think. Otherwise there’s be entire classes of guns they couldn’t work on.

      • EvilSheldon

        Yup. To work as a gunsmith, you have to have an 01 FFL at least (unless you only work on black powder or something.)

      • Sean

        I think most good smiths keep busy. The only fast turn arounds I’ve had were simple night sight installs.

      • EvilSheldon

        My Dad has been swamped for months, both on transfers and smithing work.

    • Timeloose

      Because I’m an asshole the first think I noted in that article is that the image used is labeled a Glock 17 while it is clearly a Sig P365.

      • Not Adahn

        The SIG is much better carry option.

    • Plisade

      I contributed. Just bought a Beretta Tomcat as a backup/CC. Used to have a Bobcat, but got the larger caliber this time.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Three justices called on the government this week to impose a lockdown, including a ban on mass gatherings, in the “interest of public welfare.”

    Let me guess- these three Top Men would be completely unaffected by a lockdown.

    • Tonio

      If US judges (at any level, but particularly SCOTUS) did that, it would stir up a hornet’s nest, as well it should.

      They’re not supposed to drive policy, merely to interpret the law.

      Also, with the huge population density and large numbers of (multi-generation) street-livers that’s going to be a difficult thing. Unless they are thinking of rounding up the poor and moving them elsewhere.

      • Translucent Chum

        rounding up the poor

        The gov’t of India announces new Interior Minister Tonio!

  8. The Late P Brooks

    As the world watches India with alarm, some outside of its borders have joined the calls. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the United States’ top infectious disease expert, suggested that a complete shutdown in India may be needed for two to four weeks.

    “As soon as the cases start coming down, you can vaccinate more people and get ahead of the trajectory of the outbreak of the pandemic,” Fauci said in an interview with the Indian news channel CNN News18 on Thursday.

    Heroism comes in many shapes and sizes.

    • WTF

      Let’s all just keep ignoring the data which show that lockdowns and mask mandates have had no effect on Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, as demonstrated by America’s strict lockdown vs. open states.

    • Sean

      All this India talk has me jonesing for some chicken tikka masala.

      We have a great place locally. *adds to weekend agenda*

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      This asshole, after helping destroy the economy here, is gunning for new territory on which he might lay waste.

    • The Other Kevin

      Two Weeks to Bend the Curve 2.0

  9. Rebel Scum

    Maricopa County refuses to turn over subpoenaed router information to 2020 audit team.

    Apparently they don’t have backdoor access to the counting machines either. And I am told that this audit is destructive to voter confidence in the election system.

    And I am sure this is fine.

    CDMedia has been informed by multiple verified sources that U.S. government intelligence surveillance aircraft have been circling over the Arizona election audit location. The PC-12 aircraft has full motion video capability and can vacuum up cell phone transmissions and follow the connection to the other end of the call to find out intelligence on the other party involved.

    These aircraft were used heavily in the Middle East against terrorists. There is no information on what U.S. government agency is using the aircraft to spy on American citizens working for election integrity. One source told CDMedia it could be the FBI, the military, or U.S. intelligence agencies.

    • Atanarjuat

      That’s insane. Big Brother’s eye in the sky.

    • AlexinCT

      They stole the election, erm I mean “fortified” it, and they plan to make sure nobody harshes the narrative that the election was legit, cause the fucking serfs should know their place. Shut up and let the mediocratic credentialed hereditary aristocracy do what it wants, or else…

    • WTF

      Because they have nothing to hide, and anyone who notes all of the oddities and anomalies of the 2020 election are the crazy conspiracy nuts.

  10. Rat on a train

    I’m not sure what Maricopa could have on a router that can’t be masked and would compromise law enforcement activities. Credentials and keys can be masked.

    • UnCivilServant

      You ever try to get the network team to do anything?

      • Nephilium


        /looks at ticket that’s been open for two months because they say it’s a server issue, even as only one person is having connection issues.

    • AlexinCT

      Since I doubt they are clever enough to act as if there is bad info on these things that would compromise them, play hard to get for a while, then deliver only to let anyone find there is nothing, I am going to go with the thing they are trying to do is find a way try and swap the damned thing so they can pretend there was no foul play by our government (or its foreign allies/enemies that wanted Biden in charge cause it benefited them) in the fortified election.

  11. Scruffy Nerfherder

    *reads thru warrant*

    Are all FBI warrants so tedious and full of circumstantial and irrelevant information?

    • SDF-7

      Maybe that’s why they get rubber stamped so much? “Whatever, already! Just get out of my courtroom!”

      • WTF

        And therein lies the real problem, instead of providing judicial oversight to ensure there are no improper searches and seizures, judges just rubber stamp any crap warrant the agencies stick in front of them.

      • AlexinCT

        Are we now talking about the FISA courts and why we need to roll back the Patriot Act and anything like that being abused by the overlord class?

      • WTF

        Any and all warrants whether before FISA courts or local judges, they just rubber stamp any bullshit warrant that someone sticks in front of them.

      • juris imprudent

        No, I think we can talk about how Breonna Taylor was killed because of a no-knock warrant.

      • SDF-7

        Yeah, I was being flippant — but that is the real problem. Cops generating junk warrants will happen for various reasons — but getting judges to do their damned jobs and hold the warrants to a reasonable standard (especially “Secret” or “National Security” ones, not *less* stringent there) is certainly needed.

      • AlexinCT

        And it is worrisome that these judges don’t make the decision to not allow any more special warrants once one of these fucking asshats shows they simply are abusing the system. At that point it is obvious that the judges are not only not doing their job, but that they are part of the cabal abusing the system…

      • WTF

        At that point it is obvious that the judges are not only not doing their job, but that they are part of the cabal abusing the system…

        Exactly, they are not acting as a check and balance, they are just another member of Team Government.

      • juris imprudent

        Perhaps a judge should push his fellow officer of the court, the local prosecutor, to file charges against cops that perjure themselves on warrant applications?


      • AlexinCT

        The fact that we joke about this but it never happens, kind of gives anyone wondering if these judges are not part of the whole shitshow the definitive answer, though, doesn’t it?

    • Rat on a train

      Not all are tedious.

  12. Rebel Scum

    Texas Senate approves bill allowing people to carry handguns without a license

    “…the right of the people to keep and bear…”, which I am sure will be interpreted in the current scotus case to mean “there is no right to carry weapons beyond the home”. . .

    • Not Adahn

      You have the right to keep and bear arms in the privacy of your own home, where it won’t interfere with the public right not to be exposed to gun violence rays. Just like prayer, free speech, and icky perverted sex. RKBA necessarily means people also have the right to not KBA.

      • WTF

        Of course Seth McFarland really does believe that the 2nd amendment doesn’t really mean what it says.

  13. Rebel Scum

    FBI warrant used to raid wrong woman’s home and business relied on her coat and brunette hair.

    I understand she also hung a noose in her garage. Best to sic 2 dozen agents on her.

    • juris imprudent

      It’s bad enough they got the warrant at all, but then the way they served it? Absolute bullshit police state intimidation.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Don’t be so harsh on them. They’re just living out their fantasies of saving the country Reich from saboteurs.

    • R C Dean

      I’m wondering how a search warrant allows the cops to handcuff and detain people.

  14. Festus

    Mornin’ Banjos! Festus was that kitten and not the lizard this week. I need to work on that.

    • Nephilium

      These euphemisms are getting easier to decipher.

      • Festus

        All according to THE PLAN.

      • Nephilium

        Jesse.in.mb thought I was making up the Winking Lizard chain to troll him.

        Like I would put that much effort into a joke.

  15. Rebel Scum

    Can we just give these people their own state?

    Sure, if the governmental/philosophical ideal of the US was maintained. But these people mean to rule you.

    • Rat on a train

      They want their own state called the Douglass Commonwealth. I approve if they all were sent there and walled in.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Must scare harder

    A new study estimates that the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. is more than 900,000, a number 57% higher than official figures.

    Worldwide, the study’s authors say, the COVID-19 death count is nearing 7 million, more than double the reported number of 3.24 million.

    The analysis comes from researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, who looked at excess mortality from March 2020 through May 3, 2021, compared it with what would be expected in a typical nonpandemic year, then adjusted those figures to account for a handful of other pandemic-related factors.


    According to my model, you’re all dead.

    • Sean

      According to my model, you’re all dead.

      Then why is traffic so shitty? Now even the tractor trailer drivers are driving aggressive.

      • Rat on a train

        I-95 is back to CF.

    • Rat on a train

      Can I see your raw data and methods?

      No. You wouldn’t understand them. Just trust us.

    • Rebel Scum

      a number 57% higher than official figures.

      Which was already at least ten times the actual number. I could take an average flu season and inflate the number infinitely if I used the metric of every flu positive death as a flu death. Miss me with that nonsense.

    • Brawndo

      Like suicides, overdoses, deaths due to not seeking treatment. These people are evil.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Unless they are thinking of rounding up the poor and moving them elsewhere.

    I’m sure their Chinese friends could offer some helpful pointers.

  18. Rat on a train

    If Duke Blackface I of Virginia does follow through with allowing the peasants to resume their lives, what threshold do you think would trigger a resumption of covidiocy?

    • Drake

      Unfavorable poll numbers in the next election?

      • Rebel Scum

        For the soon to be anointed Terry McCunteface, sure.

        Anywho, this shit will continue until people start ignoring it.

      • Tonio

        He’s not eligible for re-election. There is no limit on how many terms you can serve as Governor of Virginia, but you can’t succeed yourself.

        The Clinton’s bag man, T Mac, is running to succeed Coonman. Currently it’s an interesting and crowded race on both sides.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The current explanation for not rescinding the state of emergency is that FEMA reimbursement depends on it being in place.

      In other words, the state loses access to federal funds if they pull the emergency orders that allow Coonman to run roughshod over the Constitution.

      Ponder that on the Tree of Woe.

  19. db

    “We had previously believed that the risk would be eliminated by redacting the law enforcement data on the routers and not producing it,” La Rue said in the letter. “But we were informed that redaction did not eliminate the risk. We also learned that if criminal elements or others gained access to this data, it might compromise county and federal law enforcement efforts and put the lives of law enforcement personnel at risk.”

    La Rue’s letter continues, stating “We also cannot overstate the risk that releasing this critical security information might cause local libraries to be closed, and for the Fire Department to be defunded.”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


      Now there’s a load of horseshit.

      • Tonio

        “The water line to the icemaker in the basement break lounge fridge has developed a slow drip. You must leave the building for your safety.”

      • db

        Yeah, I wish I had proofread the last clause–it doesn’t scan well.

      • db

        I used to be in charge of editing/approving our engineering test reports that would go to customers, plus my Mom was an English teacher. I cringe at the quality of some engineers’ writing, especially that of more recent graduates.

      • Akira

        I cringe at the quality of some engineers’ writing, especially that of more recent graduates.

        Our company’s website has a bigass typo right on the front page.

        I chalk it up to replacing actual study of spelling and grammar with easy-ass bullshit to paper over underperformance (instead of figuring out why students are failing, just make the classes easier). My 12th grade English class (which took place in ’05-’06 school year) had us cut faces out of magazines, paste them to a board, and write the corresponding emotion next to them. What the hell are we supposed to learn from that??

      • l0b0t

        LOL… 11th grade American History (’87-’88) had us memorizing the State capitols. We also watched video taped episodes of Tour Of Duty

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        My 12th grade English class (which took place in ’05-’06 school year) had us cut faces out of magazines, paste them to a board, and write the corresponding emotion next to them.



      • db

        Yeah. Sad!

      • B.P.

        My job involves receiving large chunks of text that have been written by one person, edited by another, and edited again by a third person. The first pool of editors are younguns’, and the second round are older but work in high volume and care more about substance, leaving grammar as a side note. The stuff that I receive is riddled with grammatical errors. The idea of parallel sentence structure has been completely abandoned.

      • EvilSheldon

        90% chance this is typical bullshit government noncompliance.

        10% chance that some idiot actually put operationally sensitive information into their router config. That would be a hoot.

      • db

        Administrator login: ChiefLEO1
        Password: ChiefLEO11

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Researchers at UW ultimately concluded that the extra deaths not directly caused by COVID-19 were effectively offset by the other reductions in death rates, leaving them to attribute all of the net excess deaths to the coronavirus.

    “When you put all that together, we conclude that the best way, the closest estimate, for the true COVID death is still excess mortality, because some of those things are on the positive side, other factors are on the negative side,” Murray said.

    How… convenient.

    • juris imprudent

      They are just trying to maintain their perfect record – they’ve been wrong every time.

  21. db

    FBI warrant used to raid wrong woman’s home and business relied on her coat and brunette hair.

    How’s that insistence on universal masking working for ya guys now?

    • AlexinCT

      These are our lords. The ones we are told are smarter than us and should be in charge because of that….

      Mistakes happen, but I have seen Three Stooges or Road Runner cartoons that had less fucking idiot in them than your daily does of these experts.

  22. Rebel Scum

    “April marked 13 months of elevated firearm sales, which have ranged between 1.5 million and 2 million each month,” NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva told CNN. “Firearm sales spiked in March 2020 and have remained at unprecedented levels since. It’s a remarkable feat of firearm manufacturers to keep pace with this blistering demand.”

    So the gun debate is over then, yes? There were already more firearms in private hands than there were/are private hands. Matt Damon’s evil/ugly twin that has been nominated to head the ATF can suck it.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      It’s a remarkable feat of firearm manufacturers to keep pace with this blistering demand.

      Except they haven’t.

      *still looking for an AK to my specifications*

  23. Rebel Scum

    Melinda Gates divorce earns her $2.4 billion.

    Nice payout since she got tired of his 3.5″ floppy.

    • AlexinCT

      I hear the problem was an agreement Bill made her make that he would get to spend one weekend a year with his old girlfriends. She seemingly agreed with that figuring he would eventually be “convinced” (means nagged to death by her as before he even could do it) to give it up. Only thing is he kept doing it every year regardless of the assaults’. She had enough it seems this year because of all the Kung Flu theatre when he told her he was still going to the old girlfriend’s place (and likely feed her his 3 1/2 floppy).

      • robc

        My understanding is they met on Outer Banks for a week every year. They liked playing mini-golf, amongst other activities. It was amusing, because I was just there last weekend (and taught my daughter to play mini-golf).

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Ummmm…. these euphemisms just got creepy.

      • db

        I love the Outer Banks. Many wonderful relaxing family vacations spent there in my childhood.

      • The Last American Hero

        So Eyes Wide Shut was actually a documentary?

    • db

      “Microsoft.” Just sayin’.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    …many academics have sought to estimate a true COVID-19 death rate to understand better how the disease spreads.

    The revised statistical model used by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation team produced numbers larger than many other analyses, raising some eyebrows in the scientific community.

    The desperation is palpable.

    “We can’t let the rubes get wise to us! Pump up the numbers. Keep hunting for new scarier variants.”

  25. Nephilium

    Well guys, guess it’s time to wrap it up then:

    Ohio is a failed state: Michael M. Lederman

    My favorites:

    A failed state is a state where honesty is unimportant. A failed state is a state where the populace tolerates or supports corrupt and dysfunctional leadership. A failed state is a state where violence is used to achieve political objectives.

    Followed by:

    In the middle of this pandemic that has already claimed nearly 20,000 lives in our state, many Ohioans and many of our elected officials reject the recommendations of experts to mask. Freedom in the failed state of Ohio seems to be conflated with aggressive indifference to one’s neighbors and disregard of science.

    Freedom’s just another word for wearing the fucking mask!

    • SDF-7

      How dare you interfere with his freedom to force you to live as he sees fit, good sir! Have you at last no shame?

    • db

      I like it:

      Freedom’s just another word for wear a mask, or else, peon.

      Freedom’s just another word for show your vaccination papers, or else, peon.

      Freedom’s just another word for your objections are anti-science and anti-Grandma, so shut up, peon.

    • EvilSheldon

      “Aggressive indifference”. I kinda like the sound of that…

      • db

        It’s how I live my life.

      • Rebel Scum

        The government has an aggressive indifference to its founding charter.

    • Rebel Scum

      and disregard of science

      But enough about mask mandates and lockdowns.

      “Science” is an article of faith with these cuntes, rather than a method of discovery (i.e. the scientific method, which is actual science.).

      • juris imprudent

        You can bet he guffaws at anyone relying on God because he is a man of SCIENCE!

  26. SDF-7

    At the risk of drugs getting gravitic acceleration from my derriere, remember all the hullabaloo about the emoluments clause and the risk of people in the Bad Orange Man administration enriching themselves?

    Well, Pepperidge Farms remembers. Nice work, if you can get it.

    • WTF

      Of course it will never be a real scandal because TMITE will bury it.

    • Rat on a train

      If the legislature can do insider trading, why can’t the executive?

  27. The Late P Brooks

    In the middle of this pandemic that has already claimed nearly 20,000 lives in our state, many Ohioans and many of our elected officials reject the recommendations of experts to mask.

    A “successful” state is one in which the subjects offer nothing but unquestioning obedience to their rulers.

    Got it.

    • Nephilium

      Just for reference, that’s nearly 20,000 deaths out of over 11.5 million people. On the plus side, there’s a chance I may see this person walking around and be able to call them a cunte to their mask.

  28. Tundra

    Mornin’ folks!

    • AlexinCT

      Sup Tundra… How are things in the “People’s Republic of Minnesoda”?

      • Tundra


        Kind of chilly, though.

      • AlexinCT

        Same here in the “People’s Republic of Connecticut” – for now – as the weather is predicting rain and more stupid.

        Enjoy your day and your weekend.

        And avoid the crazy now becoming the normal in your state.

      • Tundra

        You as well!

        Avoiding the crazy is my new hobby. If you structure things properly, you can almost pretend that it isn’t batshit insane!

        (Don’t read or watch local news)

      • AlexinCT

        I second that advice about local news, and often think one should judiciously apply it to any of the old time entities that now have gone beyond the stupid and have stopped pretending to do news and just gone with straight out peddling stupid/evil…

        Local news here is just angsty fucking idiots complaining about how we need more government force to stop everyone from doing anything and everything that tickles their fancy, while demanding they be given a pass (because they are the shmaarth ones, and we are just morons, or something)….

    • Tonio

      Buon Giorno!

      • AlexinCT

        Lo stesso per lei, signore! Spero che anche la tua giornata sia bella.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Speak it, speak it!

      • AlexinCT

        I actually do.. Along with a bunch of others…

    • Sean


  29. AlexinCT

    Someone please tell me that this shit is some kind of joke…. Did the press secretary kind of sorta admit they think letting old man creepy feels talk without someone having a hand up his ass and pulling his strings is problematic for the cabal of crooks destroying the country?


    • SDF-7

      To be fair — I would bet there were several of OMB’s press secretaries that wished he would stop going off the cuff so much as well.

      And she does follow it with “But he is the President, so what can you do?” effectively. The same way programmers wish users would stop using it wrong, Tim Cook wishes you’d stop holding it wrong…. lawyers wish the rest of us would stop doing everything except paying them for billable hours… 😉 — Swiss wishes we’d stop punning up the place… all about “experts” in a field wishing those amateurs would stop mucking up their pretty scenarios.

      I’m not saying we don’t have President(*) Topo Gigo, just saying her remark isn’t all that surprising or probably out of the ordinary.

      • Fourscore

        Looks like Joe is fading faster than expected. Does he really understand that he’s the president?

        I wish I was writing his cards although I’m not sure I could make Joe any funnier than he is now.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “I’M President Joe Biden?”

    • Rebel Scum

      White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted in a CNN podcast published Thursday that President Joe Biden taking impromptu questions from reporters “is not something we recommend.”

      I believe Joe said he would “get in trouble” for doing so.

      David Axelrod on his podcast “The Axe Files,”

      Fuck. Off.

  30. Rebel Scum

    Well, if you can remain on your parents insurance until the age of 26…

    California insists that “Founding-era sources confirm that such individuals were considered infants without the full panoply of rights at the time, and consistent with that reality, jurisdictions have long restricted firearms access for individuals under the age of 21.”

    Those suing California insist early Americans under age 21 were, in Founding times, part of organized militias, which are mentioned explicitly in the Second Amendment. California says that doesn’t matter, and confuses the duty of people in that age group to bear arms in an organized militia with a right to do so—that one can have the duty without having the right.

    “The fact that the first Militia Act included persons below the age of 21 in the organized militia—and imposed an actual duty to keep and bear arms in militia service—does not dictate that those individuals had a corresponding right to keep and bear arms,” California’s brief insists, “much less to purchase them rather than procuring them through their parents or guardians” and insists that in those days, those under 21 “were generally understood to live under the authority of their parents.”

    …and for some reason 16 year olds should be able to vote…

    • EvilSheldon

      That’s pretty shameless even by California standards.

    • Swiss Servator

      I was a commissioned officer in the US Army at 20 – would I have been “under the authority of my parents”?

      • db

        Custody had been transferred to your Uncle Sugar.

      • l0b0t

        I spent my 18th birthday getting RPGs lobbed at my way by the Panamanian Defense Force.

        More importantly, Smith Bateman and his chums says the State of California can suck it!

      • Rat on a train

        I was a unit armorer at 20 with unaccompanied access to handguns, assault rifles, machine guns and a basic load of ammunition. What destruction I could have caused if allowed to buy a civilian firearm.

    • SDF-7

      This is the same period where 14 to 15 year olds were getting married and running the family farm, right?

      Besides completely lacking a law degree — this is why I could never be a judge… I’d laugh these idiots out of the courtroom.

      • Rebel Scum

        Common sense and historical precedent has no place in proggie law.

    • WTF

      organized militias, which are mentioned explicitly in the Second Amendment

      No, they are not. The word “organized” does not appear, and the “militia” was understood to consist of everyone capable of bearing arms. Blatant lie, among several.

    • Festus

      Just not the same anymore since they shut down the cheat-sheet. Thanks, all the same, Q!

    • Tres Cool

      I stopped @ #2 cause she has a fat-roll on the back of her knee.

      • l0b0t

        I love you for that.

        Also, what the Devil is going on with young lady’s eyebrows these days? They all look positively Brezhnevian; like they found a couple of Furry Puss caterpillars and stapled them to their faces.

  31. Rebel Scum

    Clearly white-supremacy.

    Surveillance video shows a man forcing his way into the store and wrestling with one of the women as she tries to close the door. The video captures another unidentified man inside the store who appears to watch, step aside and walk out the door shortly after the woman is pulled to the ground.

    The first man, who authorities alleged was Doles, can be seen in the video repeatedly striking the woman in the head with a cinder block, according to authorities, as he holds her down with his body. Another woman from inside the store appears to help the woman on the floor before being overwhelmed by the man.

    Video shows the man then hitting the women multiple times in the head with the cinder block before the brutal attack is taken outside the store. He took off from the store but was later arrested, authorities said.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      “It was pretty hard to watch the two elderly women being smashed in the head with a brick,” Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said

      Rousing condemnation of the act there.

    • AlexinCT

      Hope it is not too soon, but were “the bitchez” messing with his need to buy some late night booze? Or was it cause they refused to love him long time?

      I hope he ends up in jail where someone does this to him right before they show him some serious prison love, to balance the scales…

    • SDF-7

      This message brought to you by strict anti-gun laws and Defund the Police, no doubt. Makes one wish for a strong 2nd Amendment candidate just running a clip of that followed by just “God created men — Sam Colt made them equal” to drive the point home.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      That’s in Druid Heights.

      Anyone familiar with Baltimore would definitely tell you that neighborhood is chock full of Klansmen and assorted white supremacists who disguise themselves so well as to be not visible at all.

    • juris imprudent

      C’mon, everyone knows Republican misrule of Baltimore is to blame.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        If you want your house to get firebombed in Baltimore and collect some insurance, just put a GOP sign out front.

    • R C Dean


      If you had there, and been carrying, would you have shot him?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        If he’s bashing someone’s head in with a cinder block?


        Now would I regret that decision because it’s in Baltimore?

        Also yes

      • db

        I wouldn’t characterize it as simply as that, and it would depend on the jurisdiction. I am not a lawter, and I don’t know what the laws in MD are like, but as I understand it, in PA there is an allowance to use force in the defense of another. I imagine it would be acceptable, at least here, to confront the man attacking another and attempt to stop him. If he then attacked you, it probably would be justified self defense, especially if he was already demonstrating his violent tendencies.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It’s a question of morality.

        The law is against you, but does that absolve you of your moral obligation to intercede if capable?

        The government thinks it does. But fuck the government.

      • Plisade

        An act of violence that would cause a victim to lose consciousness can be considered to have deadly intent and can be met in kind. But liberal prosecutors and juries…

    • Old Man With Candy

      Pennsylvania Avenue. Say that to a Baltimorean and watch the flinch. And it’s nothing new- 50 years ago, when I learned to drive, our instructor told us, “If you come to a red light on Pennsylvania Avenue, just run it, there’s not a cop in the city who’s going to ticket you for that.”

      • Hyperion

        That could apply to pretty much every street in West Baltimore and most streets in 75% of this 3rd world shithole.

  32. robc

    Baseball birthdays are lame: #1 is Tom Zachary (who?) at 39.8 WAR. No one else broke 20. Zachary was a pitcher with a career 186-191 record.

    • robc

      He was 3-0 in World Series games, 2-0 with the 1924 Senators, 1-0 with the 1928 Yankees.

      • Agent Cooper

        Not to be confused with Pat Zachry of the Mets (and others) who had a decent beard game.

    • Swiss Servator

      That was discussed yesterday, I believe.

      • Count Potato

        The discussion was about taxes, not who she is.

      • Swiss Servator

        I thought there was a bit of commentary about her alleging “libertarianism” as her stance.

    • AlexinCT

      You looking for a date? She sounds like a keeper….

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Five bucks says she knows how to raise your kids better than you do.

    • Festus

      I’d donate some sperm but it would have to be the old-fashioned way. Like jerking off into her face… *No babies were concieved during this twenty second clip*

    • Tres Cool

      No clue. But she seems cute.
      Id treat her like the Harambe exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo- drop a baby in that.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    “The fact that the first Militia Act included persons below the age of 21 in the organized militia—and imposed an actual duty to keep and bear arms in militia service—does not dictate that those individuals had a corresponding right to keep and bear arms,” California’s brief insists, “much less to purchase them rather than procuring them through their parents or guardians” and insists that in those days, those under 21 “were generally understood to live under the authority of their parents.”

    Good grief. Talk about historical illiteracy and monumental stupidity.

    I’m (mostly) speechless.

    • juris imprudent

      Talk about historical illiteracy and monumental stupidity.

      Cal – if – orn – eye – eh

  34. The Late P Brooks

    I was a commissioned officer in the US Army at 20 – would I have been “under the authority of my parents”?

    Big Nanny, in loco parentis.

    • robc

      Regular students can get paid for their name, image, or likeness. Few do, but some.

      • db

        In some cases, their image and likeness pay their way through school entirely.

      • robc

        Nah, it is their dancing ability.

      • Tres Cool

        So like the girls on MFC or OnlyFans that are working their way through nursing/law/elementary education school ?

  35. Rebel Scum

    Honk honk.

    The lead attorney for the ACLU in the case, Lee Gelernt, said that while he wished the Biden administration had acted more quickly to reunify families, it is “acting in good faith.”

    “The ACLU is in settlement negotiations with the Biden administration to provide full relief to the thousands of separated families, not just reunification in the U.S. but permanent status, compensation and social services,” Gelernt told NBC News.

    “We are hopeful this will get done,” he added. “And we will continue to pressure the Biden administration to move as quickly as possible.”

    • WTF

      So they’re fighting for handouts and benefits for illegal aliens. No doubt to create incentives for more illegal aliens.

      • Tres Cool

        If you can get them to legit vote for you, it saves the trouble of rigging-cheating-fortifying elections in your favor.

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

        But remember, Biden didn’t invite them, wink wink, nudge nudge.

  36. Q Continuum

    “The Great Gun Sales Boom Of 2021 Isn’t Over Just Yet”

    Now if we can just get the damn ammo manufacturers to catch up to demand…

    • Festus

      Got brass, in Pocket…

    • AlexinCT

      I am about ready to go back to packing my own…

      • Tres Cool


  37. limey

    Can we just give these people their own state?

    I hear Xianjiang province is absolutely lovely this time of year.

  38. Rebel Scum

    Or she is a fake conservative and a cunte.

    Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) will likely be voted off the House Republican Leadership. Her crime: acknowledging the reality that Trump lost the election. The Republican Party is no longer a “conservative” party. It is an anti-democratic cult pushing the Big Lie and conspiracy theories.

    Anti-Democratic, perhaps.

    And you speak as if democracy is somehow the end all, be all of what is good and just and an inherent moral good. (Hint: it’s not.)

    • limey

      That’s pretty rich for a TRUE BELIEVER communist who’s only attraction to democracy is to deliver enough power to the right places to meet his ends. His infatuation with “Scandinavian” socialism is nothing more than the slow boil “third way” and- ah you know what, we all know it anyway, but I suppose I’m interested to see The Hyperbole challenge my assessment of The Bern as a communist. Never forget, even the upper echelons of the Soviet CP where absolutely true believers, and the CCP always has been too. Sanders is no different.

    • WTF

      There’s a reason the founders didn’t want the US to be a democracy, they recognized it as basically a form of mob rule.

    • B.P.

      And the Dem party is fresh off of four years of trying to undo a presidential election by every means possible.

  39. Brawndo

    Going off topic, but I wanted to know if anyone here has experience sharpening knives. It’s something I do at work (grocery store) but so far my base of knowledge is random, often conflicting YouTube tutorials. It’s something I enjoy doing, the motion is very Zen and meditative, and something I might possibly pursue as a side gig in the future. Anyone know of any useful places on the internet where I can learn more about this skill?

    • AlexinCT

      I thought all you would care about is what plants crave, man…

      What’s with this knives thing?


        Well, he does talk like a fag and his shit’s all fucked up.

      • AlexinCT

        That’s because you don’t get that the love of a pimp is different than the love of a square…

    • limey

      The shear volume of “bladesmiths” and “knife makers” on the internet means it can be incredibly hard to sift out any useful information for a newbie or casual observer who doesn’t have an incredibly finely calibrated bullshit sensor. The extent of metallurgical and technical bullshit is overwhelming. I would stick to a few basic principles of knowledge and practice. Often the most helpful people are the least forthright because the complete Walts are expert at spinning an authoritative tone and aggressive condescension. Fuck them. Just find someone who gets good results, doesn’t make a fuss about it, and doesn’t spew on for paragraphs about his magical knowledge.

      This rant has been brought to you by my righteous detestation of charlatans.

      • Swiss Servator

        The shear volume of “bladesmiths” and “knife makers” on the internet

        *narrows gaze*

      • db

        Glad you didn’t get cut catching that one as it fell.


        Good of you to cut right to the chase Swissy. Nothing escapes your keen sight.

      • SDF-7

        There’s a tang of punnery in the air…

      • juris imprudent

        Right on point as usual.


        That is the thing with just about everything on the intertoobs. Separating the bombastic frauds from the guys that actually know what the hell they are doing. I have noticed a trend in automotive DYI YouToob videos, the nigher the production value, the more likely they are to be spinning bullshit or be using tools and equipment that are not practical or cost-effective for a home mechanic.

      • Akira

        Same thing with woodworking and cooking videos.

        The guys who are in your fucking face about their own greatness are almost always just showoffs who dropped a few thousand on fancy equipment and think they’re rockstars now.

        The real experts will demonstrate how to do the same job with affordable/accessible stuff, and they’ll show you their mistakes and how to correct them.

      • db

        Yep. I get really sick of the people who hold out as experts without really knowing much. It seems that all it takes is some bombastic confidence and a slick delivery to get a sponsorship these days. So many are just shills.

        Also, can I register my dismay at the ridiculous branding of firearms related gobbledegook? The brand names all seem to sound like a cross between the weird shit Chinese copycat manufacturers come up with for branding their shit on Amazon and over-the top death imagery.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Walts? Is that autocorrect for wallys (sp? wallies?)

        I remember tons of knife talk at Chowhound. Little new content ever since they ruined the site five years ago, but the archive is there (see Cookware tag). And then some people have sites dedicated to it, or am I thinking of cast iron pan fanatics?

      • l0b0t

        I’m on a quest to find an old 20” Lodge at every thrift/Goodwill/rummage shop I see.


      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I have a nice smooth old Wagner I haven’t used. Didn’t mean to be a dog in a manger. At least I haven’t screwed it up.

        I apologize on behalf of my sex for our clumsiness / carelessness with knives, c.i., and jar lids. I don’t misuse those things (anymore).


      Well if 80’s action movies are of any authority, it involves shaving your face with a comically oversized Bowie Knife when you are finished.

      I am probably in the same place as you, I kinda do the stuff I know from the depths of time (Boy Scouts, Dad stuff). Rough grind it, and whetstone it to get a fine edge. I use one of those rod sharpeners for the wife’s kitchen knives.

      • Q Continuum

        “Rough grind it, and whetstone it to get a fine edge. I use one of those rod sharpeners for the wife’s kitchen knives.”



        Are we not letting our freak flags fly?

    • Festus

      Ah feck. Here we go. Do you want to talk about circumcision or pineapple on pizza with this crowd? *closes browser*

    • EvilSheldon

      I’m far to clumsy and impatient to sharpen anything freehand.

      So I bought a Wicked Edge. Stupidly overpriced, but all my knives are sharp enough to do surgery with, all the time.

      • R C Dean

        This, only I went with Work Sharp.

        You can tell when I’ve touched up the kitchen knives because I have shaved spots on my left forearm.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      This is what I’m saving up for.


      The reality of sharpening is that it can be very frustrating without proper jigs. I’ve done it successfully with stones, 3M micron paper, diamonds, etc… but that system would put the ease and joy into maintaining the knives.

      • db

        Damn, that’s nice. $900 nice? Possibly.

        I spend time maintaining our kitchen knives but the GF tends to do things like cut food on ceramic plates or even the stone countertop on occasion. I have started to openly gasp when I catch her doing it, and she’s getting better at not abusing the edges.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’d spend time getting the kitchen knives razor sharp only to have the wife use them to cut on a hard surface.

        When I protest loudly, I get “It was only once!”

      • Tejicano

        I’ve gone to just sharpening the kitchen knives only when they are dull enough to be dangerous. My wife generally just tosses them into a dirty pan in the sink with a handful of flatware to be washed like they are a spatula. If I’m lucky a fine edge might last a couple days.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        *cries out in pain*

      • db

        ouch. I feel that pain, as I have the same experience.

      • The Hyperbole

        That’s about the total I have in my Tormek system with all the added jigs but I can sharpen chisels, axes, plane blades, and whatnot as well as knifes.

      • l0b0t

        Thoe sure are nice, You’ve used it on the Zoomy to sharpen chisels, no? I have a 3-position electric model like the Chef’s Choice, but mine is Sears and 20+ years old. It works quite nicely for keeping edges in shape. Anything beyond that I take to the guy at the flea market; he has a bread truck full of wheels and grinders and such and will sharpen anything for $1 per blade.

      • The Hyperbole

        I still mosty use a Chefs Choice for my kitchen knives, I sharpened them with my Tormek when I first got it, and it did a great job but for speed and no hassle the old one 3 wheeler gets them sharp enough for me. Chisels and the rest are another story, I never had the patient for hand sharpening, for them the Tormek is the tits.

    • Warty

      I recently got a Lansky diamond set, plus one of their 1000 grit ceramic stones for polishing. I’m very happy with how it does on my nice S30V steel EDC knife.


      If you want to do a lot of sharpening, look into getting something like a Tormek.


      • db

        I have a similar 4 stone set from Smith’s that works quite well for my purposes.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    And you speak as if democracy is somehow the end all, be all of what is good and just and an inherent moral good. (Hint: it’s not.)

    Mobocracy will save us.


      Two, wolves, lamb, dinner etc.

      • Fourscore

        One wolf, 2 lambs, banquet

        A raccoon voting in a chicken coop wins every election


        ‘One wolf, two lambs, banquet.’

        That sounds a bit Hobbesian. But still accurate.

  41. Gender Traitor

    Overnight, my employer apparently changed its business model from credit union to cold storage. With my HVAC control knob cranked all the way to the right and my door closed, my office, usually fending toward oven, is 66.8 degrees ‘Murcan.

    Oh, Yu! Could you pop down here for a bit, pretty please? ?

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s too cold to grow mushrooms


    • Nephilium

      It’s just that pesky global warming climate change that’s making it so chilly and wet in May. I’m used to open windows and doors this time of the year, not everything closed up and the furnace still running.

    • The Other Kevin

      Maybe they’re prepping for one of those galleries Q is always linking to.

      • Gender Traitor

        “And yes, I’m also happy to see you, sir.”

    • Festus

      That sounds a little warm for me but I’d come down to warm your cockles if the Governments would ever let me.

    • Old Man With Candy

      66 is a bit high, but I can tolerate it.

  42. l0b0t

    At son’s soccer practice yesterday, I am very happy to report that there was no masking whatsoever, of anyone. Not just no masking, but no masks were visible amongst the parents, kids, and coaches. Even nicer, I overheard the gaggle of moms discuss how they are all abandoning social media (I really despise that term) and have stopped watching the tv news. Two of the dads had a cooler full of Coors and Bud and shared with me. This is the closest I’ve come to making friends in real space for a good 16 years.

    • Festus

      That. Is. Awesome!

    • Tundra

      Nice! That makes my day!

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      Baseball has been like that all along. Even last summer.

      No masking. No stupidity.

      • B.P.

        Same with my kid’s 12u team starting May 2020. Initially one of the leagues tried to have the kids sit 6 feet apart outside the dugout, but that fell apart pretty quickly.

    • juris imprudent

      That’s up where my brother and his wife live, but that’s only two absolutely certain votes against the Gav’nor.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Will the bear be on the ballot?

        Would like to visit up there sometime. Haven’t been any further into NE CA than Mammoth or Tahoe.

      • juris imprudent

        Lassen is fortunately often overlooked and both beautiful and interesting. It’s also far from the only neat spot around. Birney Falls is a bit better known and deserves the acclaim. You should spend some time in the northern Sierras.

  43. AlexinCT

    So what was the real reason that the courts decided to overturn the ban on evicting renters that don’t pay? Is it because they managed to fortify the elections and now the people in power want to start collecting rent payments again, or is it because they think the lockdowns no longer are absolutely needed and they can now do away with this idiocy?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      WTF is that thing?

    • AlexinCT

      Big tiddies and a nice boom-boom…

    • SDF-7

      GAH! Not Safe For Humanity, there.

    • SugarFree

      Beauty is what women seeking plastic surgery request?

      Talk about a deranged axiom.

  44. The Other Kevin

    At the advice of a few friends, I’ve been putting my artwork on Instagram, just to get it in front of people. I’m up to 30 followers! But I noticed that all the popular artists seem to be hot 22 year old girls. I think I might get more traffic if, instead of just posting artwork, I include a girl in Daisy Dukes and a crop top pretending to work on the paintings.

    • Festus

      Sex sells.

      • The Other Kevin

        I don’t know how they make money, but “Instagram model” is apparently a career now.


      Or display your art with you in a hot tub behind it, it really enhances the art.

    • The Last American Hero

      Alternatively, you can grow a crazy afro and speak in soft tones while you paint.

      • The Other Kevin

        I guess the lesson here is that I need a schtick to make me stand out.

      • Sean

        Painting while taking viagra?


        I guess, but I would caution against doing anything that is unnatural for you. The types of people that make up the type of audience you would like to cultivate (I assume) will see through an artificial or contrived. Bob Ross is actually a great example, he had an irrepressible love of making art and developed his TV persona to match his passion.

      • The Other Kevin

        I guess I’m half joking here, but you are right, there is a difference between “highlighting how I am different” vs. “I’m going to make something up that makes me different.” The latter is the reason I always hated Marilyn Manson. The whole “make your parents upset” thing seemed so forced.

      • R C Dean

        For some reason, we have a Bob Ross chia thing in the legal department breakroom.

        I didn’t ask any questions.

      • Hyperion

        That’s typically the first sign of the Marxist infiltration. Next thing you know, there will be pictures of Chairman Mao on the walls.

      • Gustave Lytton

        With “happy little corpses” and a “little bit of famine”?

      • Hyperion


      • l0b0t

        I have one of these – Paul Mavrides, Keane’s Mao (on black velvet). I bought it when I was stationed in California, and it caused such a stink when I hung it in the barracks that I packed it up and sent it to my mom until Army let me go.

      • Mojeaux

        Bob Ross is acceptable. Nay, warranted.

        All other chia pets can go pound sand.

  45. Festus

    Signing out now, Friends, maybe see you later on the Zoom.

  46. Semi-Spartan Dad

    BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists; No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues

    Happened yesterday in Portland, There’s two videos at the bottom of the article that are rather disturbing to watch. I’d say the driver would be fully justified in lethal force on the group once blocked in, although there’s already at least one of these protestors rioters insurgents wearing body armor with a rifle leveled at the driver. You can hear the sound of other guns being cocked.

    Apparently, the pickup driver was armed with a handgun but decided to get out of his truck and charge the guy with a rifle barehanded. Very stupid move and lucky to be alive.

    • db

      Why did the motorists stand still long enough for the artwork to be recognizable as particular types of gun?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Nuke it from space.

    • EvilSheldon

      Anyone notice anything interesting about the AR in the close-up shot?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Other than the trashy black fingernail polish?

      • kinnath

        no magazine

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


        So obvious as to be invisible to me. I wouldn’t even consider carrying an unloaded weapon and brandishing it like that.

      • EvilSheldon

        It’s more common than you would believe. Even among violent criminals, the gun is a tool for intimidation. It doesn’t need to be loaded (or even functional) for that.

        For most of the rest of us, the gun is a piece of emergency lifesaving equipment. For that, it really needs to be in firing shape.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It’s just so antithetical to the way I was trained.

        If you raise your weapon, you intend to kill me, and vice versa. So don’t raise or draw your weapon unless you intend to kill.

        Brandishing an unloaded weapon is just asking to get killed.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Must be a commie thing (h/t hyperbole). Wasn’t the AR the husband lawyer showed unloaded when Antifa threatened them?

        I forgot the state. It was where the wife brandished an inoperable handgun used for court and the prosecutor had it secretly reassembled in working order.

      • R C Dean

        St. Louis. I think they are going to trial soon.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I bet the person doesn’t have a CHL. Portland bans open carry of loaded weapons. CHL holders are (currently, legislature is working on changing it) exempt from that local ordinance.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Meanwhile, the legislature did pass their bill to mandate locked storage of firearms and added many public buildings to the list of prohibited carry including schools, airports, and the state capitol grounds. Fucking commies.

        (intentional for Hype)

      • l0b0t

        Indeed. Chapter One: In which l0b0t acquires a free rifle via judicious employment of the ASP baton.

      • EvilSheldon

        It’s kind of a crap rifle. Not worth going hands-on with twenty gangbangers over.

      • l0b0t

        True. And quite honestly, my actual reaction would involve finding another route, or, at least, not slowing down enough to notice details.

      • EvilSheldon

        Ayo. You win every fight you’re not there for.

      • Unreconstructed

        This isrelevant

      • Aloysious

        These repugnant assholes are putting drivers in the position that stopping for ‘pedestrians’ is untenable. If/when the BLM’ers get turned into road pizza, they’ll have no one to blame but themselves.

      • db

        I don’t usually look at these kinds of links, but since you asked:

        Right off the bat, no magazine. Safety’s on. Beveling on the mag well looks odd, maybe the receiver is not a forging. Could this be an Airsoft? The railed forend looks kind of heavy and I’m not familiar with that profile. It doesn’t have any sort of mod to the charging handle latch, which is odd these days for “tactical” ARs.

    • Count Potato

      “Through it all not a single police officer is seen. The gangs know they run the streets of Portland, and the police are powerless to stop them. The citizens should know by now to obey the gangs, and if they dare defy the gangs, they could very well end up getting shot and killed. This has essentially become state sanctioned vigilante terrorism.”

      I’m sure CNN will get right on that.

      • Hyperion

        CNN will find those white supremacists. News you can trust.

    • db

      A person in another vehicle blocked by the crowd near North Alberta Street and North Michigan Avenue got into a dispute with people who surrounded him and took a firearm from him, as well as tools and keys.


    • Drake

      This should keep gun and ammo sales booming. With Remington ammo back in production, hopefully the shortage will be ending soon.


    You know, it is too bad there are no actual social scientists/psychologists anymore. With the pandemic, rioting, narrative construction, etc, I bet there is a goldmine of interesting data that could lead to some very interesting insights regarding group behavior.

    • The Other Kevin

      I keep hoping there are those people quietly doing the work, and in 10 years or so we’ll have some interesting books and documentaries. Same thing with people who are (hopefully) trying to figure out how the *real* story of where Covid started, how it spread, and what interventions actually worked (if any).

      I like to think there are still people out there who have a love for facts and take their profession seriously.


        Yeah, I hope so too. I know for a fact that they are out there, they don’t get very much traction. Because, narrative.

        I do not know if you watch the YouTubes but there is a creator called Aydin Paladin that does great rundowns of the actual science regarding things like mob psychology, jury behavior etc.

      • Agent Cooper

        There are people/organizations dedicated to the Wuhan lab origin of the outbreak. They’re just never going to be amplified by mainstream media sources.

  48. Timeloose


    FYI the Pilfers show has gone live and tickets can be purchased.


    • Nephilium

      Good deal, looks like here for those who don’t want to click through the Facebook link.

      • Timeloose

        Sorry, I should have included both links.

      • Nephilium

        No worries. FB scripts are blocked on my machine, and most of their web address go to the blackhole of by default.

        Any hotel recommendations in the area? And how’s the Lyft/Uber coverage?

      • Timeloose

        UBER coverage is good. I don’t know about Lyft. Hotels are all clustered in one area near the Hockey arena. I’ll get back to you later today or tomorrow and see if I can recommend the same hotel as the bands if your interested in that.

      • Nephilium

        I would very much be interested in it. Though I doubt the Pilfers would remember some young punk from over 20 years ago. 🙂

  49. Rebel Scum

    It’s like Trump but more articulate and effective in government.

    Governor Ron DeSantis lifted the requirement that people receiving benefits look for work early in the pandemic when unemployment was rising and few were hiring. But DeSantis has lifted restrictions on businesses, and the unemployment rate is below the national average.

    “Normally when you’re getting unemployment, the whole idea is that’s temporary, and you need to be looking for work to be able to get off unemployment,” DeSantis said at a news conference on Wednesday. “It was a disaster, so we suspended those job search requirements. I think it’s pretty clear now, we have an abundance of job openings.”

    He said May will be the last month people can collect benefits without looking for a new job.

    • The Other Kevin

      My brother just lost his job. He’s suing because it was possibly some type of retaliation firing situation. He will get 1100.00 per week unemployment for a year, and his mortgage company reduced his payment by 40%. There is a huge incentive to not work.

    • Hyperion

      But aren’t all the bingo halls hiring this time of year?

      I’m thinking the 2 top job opportunities in FL are:

      1. gigalo

      2. gator hunter

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

        That could be the premise of a pretty funny movie. Gigalo by night, gator hunter by day. Or vice versa. I’m not sure how it works.

      • Agent Cooper

        You spelled Juggalo wrong.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I guess nobody told them about the 9K in COVID death benefits.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Ew. ?‍♂️

      • Translucent Chum

        Positively Sarcasmic.

      • SDF-7

        Sigh…. well, it probably wasn’t that good of a reference anyway. Try again in any event.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Well, if you want to look at the bright side of things, at least reporters are asking her tough questions.

      If only we had reporters in Minnesoda who would challenge King Walz about why 2/3 of our deaths were in old folks homes.

  50. Rebel Scum

    Samantha, you dishonest cunte.

    “This year, we’re seeing a tidal wave of transphobic legislation targeting kids, largely in retaliation for President Biden’s executive order to protect trans rights,” she said. …

    “Conservatives are staging a coordinated attack on trans kids by making up a problem that absolutely doesn’t exist. … Most of the legislators who sponsored anti-trans bill this year can’t even cite a single instance where trans girls competing in sports has caused problems,” she said. “Rather, these laws stem from the very incorrect misconception that trans women are not women.”

    “They falsely claim trans women automatically have more testosterone and therefore more muscle mass than cis women,” Bee continued. “But studies don’t show a consistent relationship between testosterone and athletic performance.”

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      She’s old enough not to have grown up drinking that Flavor-Aid*, even if she is Canadian.

      *What was the shorthand in ’77 and before for cultists?

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

        I don’t understand why there are so many furriners with late night shows. Bee, Noah, Oliver. Is that a job that Americans won’t do?

      • Hank

        I sure hope so.

    • Hyperion

      The most unfunniest person who pretends to be funny I’ve ever seen.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Lindy West begs to differ.

      • Pope Jimbo

        That is my question about her, how did she get that job?

        Was she ever funny?

      • l0b0t

        That’s the thing, she is a tremendously funny writer. She co-wrote a show with her husband (Jason Jones) that is a sort of fictionalized tale of their horrible family vacation and it was fantastic. It was telling however that while her husband starred in the show as himself, the part of Samantha Bee went to Natalie Zea.

      • rhywun

        She was actually funny when she first showed up on the Daily Show, which was actually funny at one time. Back before politics ruined everything.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        It was funny in the ’90s (Carell era); after that…

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Sure wasn’t looks. She resembles Melinda Gates’s slightly better-looking younger sister.

      • Agent Cooper

        Do you even Trevor Noah, bro?

    • The Other Kevin

      I can’t stand her. But that is exceptionally dishonest.

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      “can’t even cite a single instance where trans girls competing in sports has caused problems.”

      Isn’t there a lawsuit in Connecticut over this? Does that count?

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      “Rather, these laws stem from the very incorrect misconception that trans women are not women.”


      No. Men who “transition” are not women. If that makes me “transphobic”, I’m okay with that.

      • R C Dean

        trans women are not women

        Aren’t trans women, you know, trans women?

      • Hyperion

        That ain’t a woman, that’s a man baby! If that’s a woman, someone sure beat it with the ugly stick.

    • B.P.

      Also, when has fire ever melted steel?


  51. Hyperion

    “And what an absolutely beautiful day it always is!”

    Meh, I cancelled my trip to wild and wonderful West Virginer because it’s going to rain all weekend and be chilly. Like 59 degrees. Really? It’s freaking May for Crikey sake! Global warming my freaking arse!

    • EvilSheldon

      I’m so looking forward to it. Hopefully the weather will mean that Three Ridges won’t be packed.

      • Hyperion

        That’s the commie side of Virginia. I don’t go over there. Aren’t you worried about meeting up with bands of Marxist guerillas up there?

  52. The Late P Brooks

    You know, it is too bad there are no actual social scientists/psychologists anymore. With the pandemic, rioting, narrative construction, etc, I bet there is a goldmine of interesting data that could lead to some very interesting insights regarding group behavior.

    Mencken covered it:

    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

    • Hyperion

      Mencken was a prophet

      • juris imprudent

        No, he commented on what he observed, not what he imagined.

  53. The Late P Brooks

    What the fuck has Liz Cheney ever done to qualify as a Martyr of the Republic?

    what did I miss?

    • Agent Cooper


  54. Pope Jimbo

    King Walz loosened restrictions in Minnesoda yesterday. He also laid the blame for Rona deaths squarely on the anti-maskers.

    During a press conference outlining his plan to end most COVID-19 restrictions, Gov. Tim Walz spoke out about the politicization around masks, saying “it cost lives.”

    “I just want to note on this. The politicization around masks, I think history is going to write as one of the worst things that’s happened to this country,” Walz said. “I think it cost lives. I think it’s stupid. It’s the least intrusive thing we can do.”

    Don’t worry, King Walz only loosened restrictions, he didn’t give up his emergency powers.

    • Rebel Scum

      The politicization around masks, I think history is going to write as one of the worst things that’s happened to this country

      Correct, but not how you mean.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Everyone thinks history, or for that matter reality, will line up to vindicate their own preferences.

  55. db

    For all you motorcycle Glibs: The brother of one of my friends is selling a 1991 BMW K75, asking $2500. New front shocks and springs, includes luggage. What say you?

  56. Count Potato

    “I cannot stress enough what a civil liberties crisis it is that the leading advocates of censorship in the US are liberal journalists: the same people whose duty is to champion the First Amendment, not demand its gutting.

    And look how much they worship and revere “authorities”:”


    “At what point does the defense start being invoked enough for the authorities to determine that what Fox News does is like yelling fire in a crowded theater and is no longer protected by the First Amendment?”


    • Hyperion

      But hate speech!

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        To be expected. Greenwald has a loyal following of shit-flinging howler monkeys that exist only to fling their dookies at him.

    • Rebel Scum

      What does FNC do different than MSDNC/CNN/ABC/CBS/etc. besides be slightly less politically one-sided?

      • Rebel Scum

        I don’t see that happening. Too many free speech absolutists combined with too many fascist sympathizers in this country for Fox to be taken down. A few settlements and lawsuits is the best you’ll get and they keep trucking after those anyway.

        Who are the fascists, again?

      • db

        I don’t know about yours, but my FNC isn’t really political.

  57. The Late P Brooks

    Was she ever funny?

    She’s not even good looking.

  58. The Late P Brooks

    The politicization around masks, I think history is going to write as one of the worst things that’s happened to this country

    You mean the part where people like you accused anybody willing to question your superstitious mumbo jumbo of being an insane callous monster?

    • Akira

      I’m truly curious about how this will go down in the history books.

      I could see some honesty about it in maybe a decade or so (after the politician ringleaders are already retired fat and happy)… Maybe even some restitution for those harmed by the lockdowns in about half a century. Ya know, like the reparations given to the Japanese-Americans who got locked in concentration camps. Nobody will be in trouble, but they’ll send out some checks with a form letter apology (my dad still has his letter in his desk) and call it a day.

      Then again, maybe it will be something like “The pandemic ravaged the country as Donald Trump took no action whatsoever (save for a racist attempt to ban travel from China). Thankfully, Joe Biden defeated Trump in the 2020 election and quickly mobilized vaccines and encouraged masking. In only five short years, the pandemic was over. Doctor-Emperor and High Priest of Science Anthony Fauci has publicly stated that billions more would have died of not for the Biden Administration’s heroic actions. Fauci also took the opportunity to remind us that he will only permit us to leave our homes again when 100% of the population has taken the COVID-47 vaccine (brought to you by Pfizer™).”


        Trump will be painted as Hoover. The Biden/Harris Regime will be the saviors of the republic ala FDR. Despite the former doing nearly the same thing as the latter.

  59. The Late P Brooks

    So obvious as to be invisible to me. I wouldn’t even consider carrying an unloaded weapon and brandishing it like that.

    Don’t bring a paperweight to a gunfight.

  60. kinnath

    The Bee Strikes Again!

    White Liberals Watch In Amazement As Black Man Acquires ID

    HAMPTON FALLS, IA—White liberals gathered in the town of Hampton Falls were shocked and astonished as local black man, accountant, and father of three Michael Sparkton walked right into a DOT office and acquired an ID without any assitance from liberals whatsoever.

    “It was amazing — he was smart, clean, and articulate enough to walk right in and acquire the ID without consulting us white people at all,” said anti-racist activist Chloe Ryder to reporters. “He walked right in and got the ID, no questions asked. We thought it would be way above his intelligence level because, well. You know what I’m saying, right? Yeah. You know.”

    Reporters said they did not know, and Ryder was forced to whisper, “because he’s black and I don’t think he’s capable of doing it!”

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      There are black people in Iowa? You’re the authority.

      • Hyperion

        Only the ones who got dirty in the fields of black top soil.

      • kinnath



        Iowa Demographics

        According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Iowa was:

        White: 90.02%
        Black or African American: 3.71%
        Asian: 2.41%
        Two or more races: 2.12%
        Other race: 1.24%
        Native American: 0.38%
        Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.12%

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        So, not really.

      • kinnath

        Just go the website of the local news organizations.

        There are black faces in the news everyday.

      • Hyperion

        So, where they importing those negros from? Illinois?

      • kinnath

        There was a mass migration in the 1900s of black people from the south moving to work in the factories in the industrialized north. So anywhere there was a factory in Iowa, there are black people in the community.

        And of course, the universities draw in blacks from around the country.

        More to your point, in the last 15 years or so, there have been lots of blacks moving from Chicago into Iowa. So the black population in Iowa is increasing. 3.7% is probably double what it was 25 years ago.

      • Hyperion

        “factories in the industrialized north”

        Wouldn’t that sort of not include Iowa?

      • kinnath

        John Deere says Fuck You. 😉

      • Pope Jimbo

        Uffda. That is whiter than Minnesoda.

      • Hyperion

        Wait… there are white people in Minnesoda?

      • kinnath

        Yes. Our big cities don’t count compared to MSP, Chicago, or St Louis.

      • Hyperion

        Big cities, in Iowa? Wut?

      • kinnath

        Des Moines is 350K I think.

        Yes, most people not living in Iowa think it is quaint to call a community of 200k a “city”.

      • Hyperion

        Dude, no one even knows what a Des Moines is. You can’t even pronounce it. I thought it was in South Dakota or Kansas. No one’s ever been, so who knows.

        I’ve been to Burlington and Iowa City. I didn’t even see a single darkie. Corn fed women, yet, darkies, no.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “Of monks”??

      • Gustave Lytton

        darkies, no.

        *lines up Pantone chart against average Iowa corn farmer circa August*

      • robc

        Larimer County, CO – where I am moving:

        White 92.6%
        Black 1.2%
        American Indian 1.1%
        Asian 2.4%
        Pac Isl 0.1%
        2 or more races 2.7%

        Hispanic 11.9%

      • Hyperion

        White supremacist confirmed.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Kinnath, your facetiousness meter might need recalibration.

      • kinnath

        I came to that conclusion a bit ago.

  61. Mojeaux

    “Birthing people” excludes those of us XXers who cannot have children.

    • Count Potato

      So would “pregnant women”, “expectant mothers”, etc.

      Although, “birthing people” just sounds stupid.

      • Mojeaux

        I don’t mind XX and XY. It’s frighteningly accurate.

  62. The Late P Brooks

    I don’t know nothin bout birthin no people.

    • pistoffnick

      You see, Brooks, when two people love each other very much,… Tab A goes into Slot B…and Bob’s your uncle!

  63. LJW

    Initially I was of the belief that regardless of the fraud in the last election there wasn’t enough to overturn the election results. At the same time as long as there is mass mail in voting I will never trust the results to be accurate. Now after seeing the resistance there is to the audits and election laws, I’m moving closer to the entire election was a fraud that favored the Democrats.

    • The Other Kevin

      One thing I remember from my college ethics class is “always avoid the appearance of impropriety.” The appearance is often just as bad as the real thing. In this case, it looks really bad and there’s really not a good way to spin it.

    • Akira

      Initially I was of the belief that regardless of the fraud in the last election there wasn’t enough to overturn the election results.

      Well that’s exactly the point – they changed the laws so that no evidence is possible.

      Now after seeing the resistance there is to the audits and election laws, I’m moving closer to the entire election was a fraud that favored the Democrats.

      It says a lot that in states where they issue a FREE voter ID card, the Left is still screaming “voter suppression”.

      • Hyperion

        You can get one here. You can also get a free driver’s license with no ID if you just walk in and say ‘No Ingles!’.


        When the response to someone saying, “Wait, something about these voting patterns in Pennsylvania look a bit odd.” was, “OMG CONSPIRACY THEORY! MOSTEST HONESTEST ELECTION IN HISTORY!11!!!!!” and mentioning anything to that questioning the results would earn you a whack from the Tech Bro banhammer, my antenna went up.

    • Sean

      I’ll save you a seat for when you’re fully onboard.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Well, yeah. The people who are always trying to make it easier to cheat are probably the ones who are cheating.

    • Suthenboy

      “…the entire election was a fraud that favored the Democrats.”

      Ya don’t say.

  64. Hyperion

    “Gun sales still booming.”

    Beta ain’t got all the guns yet?

  65. l0b0t

    On a brighter note, I can’t get enough Bob & Ray. Here they are on Letterman back in 1983 – https://youtu.be/L9jvhuUZNVI

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      b0t, I forgot to mention that I got my CI pan at an antiques shop. That or estate sales (or eBay or Etsy) might be a better bet than thrift stores, though I hear they have a glut of inventory in the last year.

      • l0b0t

        Sweet! Thank you.

    • Agent Cooper

      I believe they just invented GoFundMe, although they called it “Bankruptcy”

    • rhywun

      It’s always 1955 with these people, pt. MCCXLVIII

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      How do you know a history professor has nothing of worth to contribute?

      They just ride the latest fad in racism.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I read this week about a piece positing that shiplap was racist. I also remember a bit in the campus newspaper involving (basic biological) ignorance of Joan Miró; hilarity ensued, inside my brain.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        positing that shiplap was racist

        Say what now?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’m thinking it won’t be the lawyers that need to be killed first.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      PS. Aptly named website.

    • B.P.

      “Why is “mid-century modern” so popular today? These designs have, once again, taken on new meanings in our 21st-century world. But, to the extent that they still signify exclusion or control of bodies — to the extent that the singular lounge chair, silhouetted against a window, puts the sitter’s body on display for everyone else in the room — we should all think twice about how we use modern design.”

      If you sit in a chair, you are being controlled.

      • Agent Cooper

        Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  66. Mojeaux

    Two latest projects:

    I am building a cookbook EPUB file from scratch (I know that won’t mean anything to anybody, but it’s labor intensive). Lots of copying and pasting because cookbooks don’t lend themselves well to semi-automation. I have brain-fry.

    I am proofreading a travelogue of a retiree who hiked the Appalachian Trail (not in one go). I hate proofreading.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I love proofreading.

      SOW, wonder how Evan is.

      • Mojeaux

        I love proofreading.

        Email me, please? moriah at moriahjovan dot com

  67. The Late P Brooks

    positing that shiplap was racist

    Say what now?

    Slaves were brought here in BOATS.

    C’mon, man.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Pretty much the argument.