It’s Saturday evening, I guess we need links

by | May 22, 2021 | Daily Links | 190 comments

As soon as the river drops down and starts looking like this, it will be time to start floating flies.


Let’s see what we can find to ruin our good mood on this fine, Spring day.


You wait 17 years to get your chance, and then this shit happens.


But you absolutely, damned well better have that mask on.


Musk wants to go to Mars, Branson wants to sell plane rides.


No one got the joke.


I don’t know how Mahomes thinks putting microchips in his balls will help officiating.


Cactus rustlers.


I’ve been on an old rock kick, so let’s change it up a bit.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. Sean

    Males that are infected will continue to mate with females, but they’ll also pretend to be females so they can spread the fungus to even more partners.

    “It’s sexually transmissible,” Kasson tells NPR. “It’s a failed mating attempt, of course, because there’s no genitalia back there.”


    • hayeksplosives

      When the plague gets the plague…

      Poor lil bugs.

    • Chafed

      Sounds like a victory for social justice.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      they’ll also pretend to be females

      OMG such transphobia I can’t even. Trans-female cicadas are real female cicadas. SMDH.

  2. TARDis

    There is nothing that screams journalistic integrity like visiting MSN to read a WaPo narrative.

    When are people going learn. The progtards have no sense of humor because they have nothing but envy, hate, and entitlement.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I love technically correct as much as any, but Jeezus H those responses are insane.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The entire concept of that article is worthy of a punch in the face.

    • hayeksplosives

      I copied Ozymandia’s post from late in the previous post because it is relevant: envy, hate, and entitlement.


  3. Gustave Lytton

    That picture in the ADN story is a fucking lie. Outside of actively eating in the dining area, Saturday Market still requires masks like they have for the past year.

    • 61North (south of Animal, though)

      Its the ADN, so yeah, it’s all rubbish.

  4. Sensei

    Jim Croce.

    You don’t tug on superman’s cape
    You don’t spit into the wind
    You don’t pull the mask off that old lone ranger
    And you don’t mess around with Jim

    • Ted S.

      I didn’t realize 義父 had his own prefecture.

      (As a go player, my first thought was 棋譜, but that’s not “gifu”.)

      • Sensei


        Otherwise you’d read it as giri (o)tou. Or father in law,

      • Ted S.

        I looked up “Gifu” on Wiktionary, and it gave me both the city/prefecture as well as the word for father-in-law. I was going to look up kifu, as I mentioned above, but I didn’t realize that’s only “kifu” and not “gifu”.

    • Chai Girl

      I had Jim Croce tape and 8 track. I even met someone who didn’t know who he was. I’m like really. Never even heard any of his songs either, weird.

      Sorry haven’t been on in a while.

    • C. Anacreon

      A few years ago Simon Cowell was doing tryouts for some spinoff of American Idol at the Oakland Coliseum, and they were giving free tickets to watch to cancer patients through oncologist offices, so I took advantage and claimed one from my oncologist. During the several hours of taping we saw, which were to be condensed into a one-hour show for later broadcast, some kid sang “You Don’t Mess Around with Jim”, and afterwards Cowell tore into him, asking if he had just performed his own song. “No,” the kid replied, “it’s by Jim Croce.” Cowell then yelled “no one has ever heard of this Jim Croce or this terrible song. Next time try doing a song that’s not by some no-name jerk.”

      I don’t think that clip made it on the actual broadcast. I’ll bet anything Cowell had heard of Bad Bad Leroy Brown, but he didn’t give the kid a chance to say a word in response as he threw him off the stage.

      • Sensei

        Sounds typical unfortunately.

  5. hayeksplosives

    The wildfire has now closed down the freeway.

    Looks like I’ll be spared from having to eat food truck lobster rolls after all.

    I am surprised though; we’ve had a very wet winter/spring, and San Diego Gas & Electric have been busy clearing brush and cutting branches during the low-traffic COVID year.

    I should probably prepare new bug-out bags with current medications etc.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Still clearing brush here in advance of fire season.

      Stupid assholes on the utility commission have embraced PG&E’s “public safety” outages whenever there might be the possibility of an event that could lead to a multimillion payout. Damn the very real consequences of those outages and the danger they put people in.

      • hayeksplosives

        I think SDG&E are trying to avoid the huge fines that PG&E incurred after the complete destruction of Paradise, CA and other cities.

        They still do scheduled outages though.

        What pisses me off is that the utility companies still can control the switch to the solar panels on my house. So I can’t benefit from my panels in an outage. Presumably because that could endanger linemen working elsewhere on the grid, but if that is the case, I’d be happy to have a one-way situation in which I can buy supplemental power from the grid but I can’t sell back my excess.

        That would be just fine with me.

        I will eventually Thomas Massie the whole thing and use my spare room off the garage to store up energy in batteries, cut the cord completely, and see if anyone FORCES me to connect to a system I want no part of.

    • TARDis

      But will the gas station sushi still be fresh?

      I should probably prepare new bug-out bags with current medications etc.

      Good call. Hope you don’t need them.

      Maybe not your cup of tea, but this song popped into my head.

    • Chafed

      My guess is there is a years long backlog of brush to clear.

  6. hayeksplosives

    Branson’s Virgin Galactic ship looks like a rubber chicken.

    My money’s on Musk. I’m still not going though.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Think of it this way: Justin Bieber supposedly bought a ride, so if it crashes in a spectacular fireball and scorches thousands of acres of desert…we’d finally be able to be rid of Justin Bieber.

      • Spudalicious

        I wonder what the spread is in Vegas.

      • hayeksplosives

        Probably 200 miles to the west and another 150 to the east-southeast.

  7. hayeksplosives

    Copying Oxymandia’s post on the previous thread (right before the thread went dead):

    Someone above said they were wearing their tinfoil hat IRT what’s been done to Americans. That’s not tinfoil hat territory; it’s history.

    In the last 4-6 years we have witnessed the intentional and accelerating destruction of all that made America exceptional. Period.

    That’s because it’s all just microwaved Marxism – all of it. BLM, AntiFa, the Democratic Party, when you drill down on everything they say, it’s all just a cover for Marxism. All of it.

    Marxism is the most evil idea ever conceived because it’s nothing more than Envy dressed up as economics. It not only gives license to the worst instincts in Man, it makes them an obligation and dresses itself up as Morality. And it attracts/selects for the worst of the Envious to scream the loudest.

    Trying not to hate Marxists is my biggest spiritual challenge.

    • Ownbestenemy

      That was my tin foil hat thought ?

    • Ozymandias

      Hayek – to answer your question, I don’t know what the answer is, but stock up on ammo and other essentials as you can is never bad advice.
      My belief is that the education system has been a huge part in the rise of Marxism as an acceptable economic and political philosophy doctrine.
      As has the Panopticon of the MSM and social media.
      Most Americans are so innumerate and illiterate it’s really a wonder we haven’t been invaded and conquered by now; America has been coasting for a looooonnng time now.
      So maybe that’s how I find love for the Marxists – at least the ignorant ones. The True Believers you can’t reason with and they exhibit a ton of signs of mental illness when defending Marxism.
      But that’s where we are now, anyway. We’re being run by the mentally ill. See, Biden, Joe; see also, his first nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Rachel “Totally Not a Dude or Mentally Ill” Levine, former linebacker director of PA’s lockdowns.

      • TARDis

        I’m glad HE re-posted as I wanted to ask a question based on some of the links (that I’m too lazy to locate) I’ve read concerning the CCP.

        The gist of the links was that China had learned from the USSR’s failure and decided Fascism is the better way to go. Does this seem correct to you? It’s all anti-American to me , so they can all go to hell as far as I’m concerned. Everything has been corrupted. The media, academia, bureaucracy, corporations, and now the military have been corrupted to the point of no turning back.

      • hayeksplosives

        Last night on a wild hair I downloaded Ben Shapiro’s The Right Side of History. *

        It goes into detail about the foundational ideas that shaped the Western world and how abandoning them isn’t working out too well. I’m not far into it yet, but it’s got me wanting to continue. He’s no Locke, but he’s right so far. Disclaimer: if you actively dislike Judeo-Christian ideas and heritage, skip this book.

        (*Note: I got it in audiobook format. Might have been a mistake because Shapiro’s voice is a bit grating)

        Teachers, professors, politicians, “artists” have long been trying to undermine our history. As I teenager, my annoyance became quiet internal outrage as I learned how much incredibly important history had been either left out or twisted so as to separate deliberately our modern lives from our thousands of years of philosophical, scientific (for lack of a better term for truth seeking in the natural world), cultural, and spiritual heritage.

        The marxists and nihilists must trash or omit the past because by comparison, what they are serving us in the present is thin gruel indeed.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Chicom was always more nationalistic than comintern and I think it’s far beyond fascism when state agencies operate or own nominally private business.

        They did seem to learn from the USSR that there should be an outlet and release (and nationalism serves part of that) but also a line where certain things are off limits. Pooh Bear has been expanding the last but also marginalizing this targets so even if he gets ridiculed, the targets are even less sympathized with.

      • Raven Nation

        Depends on which time frame you’re referring to. If you’re looking at the last, say 30 years, then it might be a form of fascism. But, as I read things (and there’s an excellent article from a few years back which I can’t find right now), the gist is as follows.

        In 1989, the Chinese watched what was going on in eastern Europe. They decided that they were going to follow Gorbachev’s economic changes but were far more wary about the forced political changes. Following Tianamen Square and the collapse of communism in eastern Europe, the CCP decided to continue with economic reforms but doubled-down on political repression and knowledge control. I’m sure there is a lot of party influence, etc. (and regulatory capture and all that other shit), but there was a fairly strong commitment to something that looked like a kind of free market.

        On the repression side, one (morbidly) fascinating tidbit I read was about TS. Obviously the CCP controls access to the web and a lot of party-run websites offer their own “unique” take on history. But, at least a few years ago, TS wasn’t even mentioned.

      • TARDis

        Obviously the CCP controls access to the web and a lot of party-run websites offer their own “unique” take on history.

        That just sounds so familiar for some reason. I hope public schools and universities don’t start offering their own unique homogeneous takes on history too. What will our children think of us, and themselves?

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        My belief is that the education system has been a huge part in the rise of Marxism as an acceptable economic and political philosophy doctrine.

        Yes. I was live posting yesterday as I went through entries in a nationwide science fair. By 5th or 6th grade, these kids are absorbing and internalizing the BS coming from leftist institutions. By 8th grade, they’re becoming good little leftist activists.

      • hayeksplosives

        Alex Trebek era Jeopardy is on Netflix. My husband happened to be watching a special “Teacher’s Tournament” version today.

        We were aghast at how easy the questions were and disgusted at how many the teachers still got wrong.

        But I bet their indoctrination bona fides are top-notch.

    • C. Anacreon

      It’s also disheartening to see so many Americans in polls who now report positive views of Marxism. What a change from just 30 years ago.

      Lately I’ve been binging the old Raymond Burr Perry Mason tv shows, which ran from 1956-1965. They are well written, Burr is awesome, and it’s fun to see LA from sixty years ago, as well as subsequent stars in bit roles before they were famous; Burt Reynolds, Adam West, Paul Winfield, Gavin McLeod, and James Coburn were in episodes I watched in just the past few days.

      But the episode i just finished from 1965 really showed how much perceptions have changed since then. In a big shift from the usual setup about an LA murder trial, Perry has to go to East Berlin to negotiate a hostage exchange. All the commies were portrayed as evil, there were several references to people getting killed trying to cross the Wall to freedom, and they even threw in some actual film of Checkpoint Charlie. A woman boasts to a man that’s she’s in West Berlin, where no one can force her to do anything.

      Compare that to current woke beliefs that capitalism is behind all that’s wrong with America. Sadly, very few of today’s inculcated true believers are even old enough to remember the worldwide rejoicing when the Wall came down in 1989.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        ThAT wAsN’t rEAl ComMUniSm though.

      • zwak

        Sadly, I had a great aunt and her husband who moved from your part of the country to East Berlin right around that time.

      • Mad Scientist

        I love Perry Mason. I watched every episode a few years ago. He would occasionally do shyster lawyer things, like buying the apartment building the crime scene was in, changing the doorbells, and then getting the witness to testify they had heard a different sound from the one he could demonstrate was in the building. But for the most part, he did the right thing, knowing the defendant was not guilty in a way he couldn’t otherwise prove.

  8. Ownbestenemy

    Last four dogs on the last Saturday we are booking dogs. I’m tired and my vacation was a working one.

    • hayeksplosives

      I do not understand this sentence.

      • Spudalicious

        For the wife’s dog wash business. He went on vacation and went to work with her.

      • hayeksplosives

        Thank you for that concise and clear explanation!

        Makes total sense now.

      • Chafed

        All except working on vacation.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Her dad works for her so it was more of a vacation for him

  9. hayeksplosives

    I see those new Bose “Sound Control” hearing aids are available only in MA, MT, NC, SC, and TX.

    Other states don’t want to upset the sweet deals they have in place keeping out competition in exchange for campaign donations I suppose.

    So if my hearing test next month reveals hearing damage (left ear has been muffled for at least a month) I might have to call on a Glib in one of those states to make a purchase for me.

    • Sean

      I don’t know what brand he got, but my dad just got new hearing aids this week. The ones he was using don’t get the job done, but apparently the news ones work just fine.

    • C. Anacreon

      A friend with some hearing loss just got the Bose hearing aids, which are deep within the ear canal and thus invisible to others. He loves them. What I didn’t know was that in addition to using them for ambient sound, you can connect them to your phone or Wi-Fi, and directly listen to music, tv or phone calls. Pretty amazing development for these worst of all times.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        I have a gadget called a ComPilot that is a bluetooth interface with my over-the-ears hearing aids. It’s kind of cool to take calls while the phone is in your pocket. And I often listen to music via the hearing aids.

  10. trshmnstr the terrible

    “Here is an organism that has evolved over millions of years to be able to survive in the harshest conditions you can find on the planet, but that finishes its life in this way — just as an object to be sold,”

    Non-sequitur, anybody?

    Also, fuck off with all that “all plants are trafficked, and that’s exploitation.” I’ve been a plant trafficker many times in my life. I’ve shipped now illegal plants across state borders. Hell, I have some carnivorous plants and a cactus in my home office right now. This idiotic idea that “trafficking” plants is some shady thing is the most ridiculously stupid concern troll that I’ve seen in a long time.

    The biggest concerns should be 1) preventing invasive species from getting a foothold in a new area….. and a very distant 2) preserving old, rare specimens. Sounds like the cactus seizure was directed toward the second priority, maybe. The whiny journo, if they got their way, would negatively impact gardening, planted aquaria, and agriculture.

  11. Hyperion

    It’s almost impossible to walk outside here without stepping on one, or many.

    • Chafed

      Cacti, dog poop, blades of grass?

  12. Hyperion

    “Musk wants to go to Mars, Branson wants to sell plane rides.”

    Branson and Smeagol only exist in this for Musk to have a couple of clowns to make fun of.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      Branson’s outfit there in NM is either running on a shoestring budget or they’re flat out incompetent. I think i was in high school when they did their first test flight.

      (Runs off to DDG the date)

      • Spudalicious

        That’s awesome!

      • Sean


      • SandMan

        I larfed.

    • Ted S.

      But was it good porn?

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Depends, how do you feel about live action re-enactments of the Futurama death by snu-snu episode, but with all the humor removed and all the women being morbidly obese and nonbinary?

    • Gustave Lytton

      “No one wants to be cancelled or lose their livelihood and that can be done in an instant,” the mother said. “Most parents feel the same way I do about not going public but at the same time we’re incredibly frustrated by what’s going on. None of the parents knew this was planned. We were completely left in the dark. It makes us wonder what else the school is up to.”

      she said before the Gell-Mann Amnesia took hold and she remembered that these prep schools are the key to her children’s future and her own social standing.

      • rhywun

        Tapped hard out of that. To my complete lack of surprise, it’s all part of the “critical race theory” propaganda.

        It makes us wonder what else the school is up to.”

        Um… ask?

        Narrator: They are up to no good.

      • Chafed

        Yet none of these feckless, wealthy parents have the gumption to start a competing private school.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      One slide cited various porn genres such as “incest-themed,” consensual or “vanilla,” “barely legal,” and “kink and BDSM” (which included “waterboard electro” torture porn as an example).

      I saw Waterboard Electro Torture Porn open for Ministry back in ’98.

  13. Hyperion


    You’re still going to suck as a QB and the Bus defense are still going to own your arse.

    Oh, and you guys are still going to be renamed as ‘The KC Foozball Squad’.

    ‘Patrick Mahomes, you still playing that foozball with all your foozball frens?’.

    ‘No, mama, and I really didn’t pee my pants when those mean Bus were chasing me out of my own endzone!’

    • Mojeaux


      • Hyperion

        So, you’re not denying we all saw the wee-wee pants?

  14. Festus

    Rand Paul brings the fire – Twenty minutes long but worth the listen. He sounds like one of us.

    • Hank

      Like in that movie?

    • hayeksplosives

      Good stuff. Of course youtube interrupts with commercials often in hopes you give up watching.

  15. I'm Here To Help

    A few months back we cut the cable and just went with a streaming service for local channels (and that is mainly so we can get the weather on the local news – important in hurricane prone zones). A few weeks back my wife decided to replace the TV in the entertainment center in our living room with a 75 gallon aquarium. She’s spent the last few weeks getting the driftwood and plants set up and making sure that the water was balancing right. We just added our first fish to the tank (8 panda corydoras and about a dozen ghost shrimp).

    Watching wiggly little catfish like creatures swim around the tank is MUCH more entertaining than anything I’ve seen on the TV in years…

      • I'm Here To Help

        We have a 10 gallon tank (the one she started first), and she’s getting a 20 gallon tank set up as well. The 10 gallon tank is going to be turned into our quarantine tank, and the 20 gallon will be over in our guest/in-law suite. The big one will be a chill community tank with a couple different schools of tetras (neon, rummy nose, and black skirt) and dwarf gourami.

        She’s already talking about setting up a 55 gallon tank along another wall with cichlids.

      • rhywun

        I had a friend whose parents’ entire dining room was lined from floor to ceiling with a couple dozen tanks.

        I hope you’re ready for this.

      • I'm Here To Help

        Thankfully we really only have two walls in the entire house that are empty and have sufficient room for a medium sized tank. I am fully aware that these walls will have aquariums in the foreseeable future. But:

        1. She is spending her money (as opposed to our money – funny how I don’t have any that is just my own…), and
        2. It keeps her too busy to notice that I’m not busy, and thus the honey-do list has shrunk over the past few weeks.

      • Count Potato

        They must have had a strong floor. Water is heavy.

      • rhywun

        It was an old house in an upstate NY village. So, probably.

      • Ted S.

        Isn’t the 55-gallon tank supposed to be for your lube?

  16. Old Man With Candy

    Did anyone step up to host Zoom tonight in Neph’s absence? If not, SP will, but if someone else did, we don’t want to be splitters.

    • Tulip

      I am

  17. Tulip

    Neph is off doing stuff in meatspace, so I will host tonight’s zoom. Saturday Night Fever Zoom

    • Tulip

      At 8:00pm Eastern Standard Time

  18. westernsloper

    I was just bathing some pork chops in some marinade and the wind is howling. I thought, “wow if this keeps up the power is going to go out”. Guess what happened.

    • hayeksplosives

      Can you still grill the chops outside?

      • westernsloper

        I’m going to have to if it is not back on in an hour or so when they are done marinating. #haveheadlampwillgrill

    • Sean

      “Guess what happened.”


    • 61North (south of Animal, though)

      Time for the WD-40 torch.

  19. hayeksplosives

    Speaking of indoctrination of young minds with propaganda at every turn, I was watching a 2014 documentary on the Black Death in England in 1348-1349.

    They were analyzing skeletal remains that had been interred in a hastily established cemetery, set aside especially fir the plague which killed 60% of Londoners, in London and newly exposed during an expansion of the subway system.

    One thing they noticed was that there were signs of weakness and famine that occurred not too long before plague death (which was too swift to leave traces on the bones).

    The narrator ascribed the famine to Climate Change. Didn’t say “researchers theorize” or “might be evidence of” like they did for all other aspects of the show.

    Conveniently, they failed to point out that the famine-inducing Climate Change was not global warming but the beginning of the Little Ice Age that followed the Medieval Warm Period.

    Indoctrination at every turn. A BBC production, BTW.

    • rhywun

      And they don’t even have to claim it’s “man-made” any more – the viewers can be counted on to draw that conclusion on their own.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      Makes me oh so skeptical of what I was taught as a kid. I wrote an article about that a while back. How much we take on faith based on what is considered “science” by the masses.

    • 61North (south of Animal, though)

      The narrative must be advanced at all costs. It’s insane with these people.

      • C. Anacreon

        The news tonight said that our coming California drought this year was of course due to climate change, but went a step further and said we have been having increasing droughts due to climate change over the past 120 years!

        That’s some impressive work there, Lou, with your ability to compare the last 120 years of droughts to the no-doubt technologically accurate records for the 120 years before that.

    • Chafed

      JFC. That is outright a historical.

  20. limey

    Is anyone good at selling cars? I hate trying to sell cars.

    • Gender Traitor
    • Hyperion

      Probably anyone who decides on that as a 2nd choice after being a dem politician. Lying has it’s onw career path.

      • blackjack

        If you bought right, you really don’t have to lie, except the minor, “everyone wants this car” bullshit. People already know what they want, it’s just a matter of extracting the maximum profit from them. Every other industry does the same. Just in different ways. Used cars are actually more honest in some ways. You have every opportunity as a buyer to verify what you’re getting, if you fail to and buy a lemon or pay too much, that’s totally on you.

    • blackjack

      I’ve sold literally hundreds of cars. The key is to get the buyers to your car. You can sell them on it once they are there in person. Don’t let them start haggling by phone or text or email. Get them in front of you. Tell them that the whole world want’s it. If one guy called you, tell them that, “there’s been a bunch of attention to this car.” “I have people coming to look at it” could mean, after they call me (which they haven’t yet). I’ve also bought hundreds of cars/bikes, etc. You will see it all. Ultimately, it comes down to, what will he pay and what will you accept. Buyers are lairs and so are sellers. As long as you don’t lie in any meaningful way, it’s all good. Like don’t tell them some shit is rebuilt or it was owned by Farah Fawcett or some shit. Buying and selling cars can make thousands of dollars when done right. Do your homework and know what is what.

      Once I bought a car from the local paper. I fixed a few things and washed it. Then, I put it up for sale in the “recycler” magazine the next day. I paid 500.00 and sold it for 1500.00. The guy who bought it was pleased as punch. He went home and decided to look see what they go for. He check the local paper. The paper would publish the license number in every ad. The guy found out I had bought it for 500.00 a few day before selling it to him. He came back around and threw a fit. He demanded that I buy it back. I told him to pound sand. A deal’s a deal. If he got up early and rushed out to check a dozen cars, he would have found the first deal. If he wasn’t willing to pay 1500, he wouldn’t have. I didn’t tell him anything about how I got it. Pissed me off, that guy.

      When you’re selling, this is the nicest car that ever was. When you’re buying, it’s pretty beat, but maybe you’re willing to take a chance on it.

  21. TARDis

    The Black Death? Meh. More white privilege.

    I keed, I keed!

    Little known fact. I lived in Oberammergau before college. I’ve seen the real Passion Play in the original Klingon. Man, my Klingon sucked.

  22. 61North (south of Animal, though)

    For reason not entirely clear, the liquor store by my house has some Muni-produced signs about human trafficking. One, I think human trafficking is the new terrorism and an excuse to waste tax dollars. Two, the notice is in Spanish, Tagolog, and Samoan(?!?!?!) but not Mandarin or Cantonese or w/e. Three, how many people who are legit being used are going to the liquor store and literate enough to read the signs and do anything about it?

    • Chafed

      None. The answer is none.

    • Sensei

      Jay Leno also has a good video where he shows the car. He has one of the few remaining examples.

      • Sean

        I’ll check that out.

      • blackjack

        I don’t see him out driving all of his stuff much anymore. I used to see him driving all manner of contraptions. He’d be driving a 1920-something and be all stressed out between keeping it running, not getting hit and trying to stop with modern traffic.

      • Sensei

        Getting older I guess. Jay is a car guy and shares his collection. So I give him props for that.

        He does a video every week or so, so he is definitely still driving.

      • blackjack

        He’s a super cool guy. I used to see him at Bob’s Big Boy’s cruise night all the time. He loves to tell stories about his vehicles. He’d have a crowd standing around listening. I guess everyone’s slowing down a bit.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Was at a conference where he was the entertainment. He did an open mic q&a at the end. Very engaging and also professional. Someone asked him about Conan/NBC dust up and while the details escape my memory, I recall thinking how gracious he was about both the question and his answer. No bitterness or trying to settle scores visible.

      • Mad Scientist

        I’ve met Jay several times and he’s just a car guy, through and through. A real sweetheart.

  23. I'm Here To Help

    I swear our dog understands English. He was being an annoying little brat, so we got out his favorite toy to throw for him – he can play fetch for hours. After about 30 minutes of throwing the toy, with the dog faithfully returning it to us every time, my wife declared that the next one would be the last (“one more throw”). Little bugger didn’t return it. When I got up to collect it from him, he tried to escape with it.

    I’m sure he’s learned that the words “one more” means his playtime is about to end.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      I have no doubt about this. Partially, they understand from the tone of your voice what will happen, based on experience. But they also have a limited vocabulary. I estimate that ours ‘understands” about 50 words.

      • I'm Here To Help

        This one has at least that, but probably more. He knows the names of 10-15 of his toys, and sometimes we will make him go get a particular one. He’s really funny – he has different games that he likes to play with the different toys, and he brings us the toy for the game he wants to play. When we tell him to go get another one, he will first try to give us the one for the game he wants to play. When we insist on him bringing us a different toy, he will reluctantly go get it, give it to us, then go right back and pick up the one he wants to play with.

      • Gender Traitor

        Is that what counts as “minimally compliant” for a dog? 😉

  24. The Other Kevin

    I married a roller derby queen. And still have many good friends I met through derby. Sad that it’s pretty much dead right now due to self inflicted Rona restrictions.

    • Plinker762

      Is she built like a refrigerator with a head?

    • The Other Kevin

      Paging STEVE SMITH…

    • J. Frank Parnell

      Is he looking for advice or just bragging?

      • Chafed

        I don’t know. There wasn’t a three way so I don’t see what he is getting from it.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Her friend is 28 and stayed over — though I realise that broke Covid rules.


    • Tres Cool

      “Then she came into our bedroom and it was obvious they had just been intimate.”

      Bitch, go warsh yo’ face.

  25. Hank

    ““When we honor many of our historical figures, think about Dessalines of back then and not use the lens of today to criticize what was war,” Assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte — who claims to be a great, great, great granddaughter of the emperor — said during the hearing. “We talk about Columbus, Christopher Columbus who had his share of capturing and murdering and raping and taking land, but we honor him still.”

    “Staten Island Councilman Joe Borelli, a Columbus defender, said he still agreed with that logic and did not regret his vote in favor of Dessalines.

    ““I am not here to argue history with Haitian people who live on Flatbush Avenue. And I only hope for the same courtesy when it comes to Columbus and others,” Borelli told The Post.”

    • rhywun

      The Columbus falderal is just another proxy for the racial power play perpetrated by the Marxists that have taken over most American institutions.

      Buckle up.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Legislature just renamed it to “Indigenous” Peoples Day here. Along with declarations of how heinous it was. Of course they themselves aren’t going to self deport back to Europe or wherever.

      • Chafed


    • blighted_non_millenial

      That’s good stuff.

  26. blighted_non_millenial

    Guess I’m too late for the zoom party… sigh…

    • Ownbestenemy

      Already done or you just assuming…they run late most weekends

      • blighted_non_millenial

        I couldn’t get on w/ the links I know of.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Try tulips above? Neph is out and about. I didnt join tonight so not sure if up still

  27. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam ?


  28. Not Adahn

    light breakfast today. The last of the kunik on English muffins and coffee. All of you vegans/mormons/anti-gluten types are missing out on some serious joy.

    • Gender Traitor

      Just looked up that Kunik stuff. Sounds wonderful.

      • Not Adahn

        It’s pretty yum.

    • Sean

      I melted some Brie on top of a left over pork chop.

      • Not Adahn

        Pork chops are an excellent breakfast meat. My (((neighbor))) was grilling pork shops last night, so I guess she’s not particularly frum or the senility is setting in faster than I thought.

    • Tres Cool

      I ordered Frisch’s.

      • Gender Traitor

        Whadja get?

        Swiss Miss is the best. Tried the Farmhouse Boy with the fried egg – great concept, a little lacking in the execution, at least of my particular sammich.

  29. Tres Cool

    Since it is Sunday….

    Know how you make holy water ?

    Boil the hell out of it.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, homey & NA! Another gorgeous sunrise here at Tranquility Base! My Dayton Dragons mug full of this stuff. And Tres making Dad jokes – how could life get any better?

      • Tres Cool

        ’tis a lovely morning, tho Im trying to decide if Im going to mow today (after a nap) or just put it off to tomorrow when Jugsy is gone.

        Based on the forecast from FriedEggs, Im thinking this afternoon will be better suited to staying indoors. Again.

      • Gender Traitor

        Wait ’til Jugsy’s gone – enjoy your time with her.

        I can predict when it will rain – Tuesday evening. I know this because that’s when we have our first Dragons game tickets since 2019.

      • Not Adahn

        Way too humid for this early. I need to put in some fence posts. Right now I’m waiting for the pup to decide to nap. Usually she gets crated in the morning, either because I’m going to work, or out to breakfast, or to a match. Today, there’s nothing other than domestic chores to do. She seems happy about it.

      • Tres Cool

        “I bought these boots from a drug dealer. Im not sure what they’re laced with, but I was trippin’ all night.”

      • Tres Cool

        I knew the link before I hovered the mouse over it.

      • Sean


  30. Sean

    Mornin y’all.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean!

    • Tres Cool

      whaddup doh

    • Gender Traitor

      I’m sorry! 🙁 At least you still have us.

      ::ponders implications of last statement::

      I’m so very very sorry! 🙁

      • Sean


    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Sure it wasn’t.

      By the way, I’ve got a great investment opportunity.

      • Sean

        Is It a bridge? I’ve always wanted to own a bridge.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’m using AI to collateralize my personal debts and sell them as shares. It’s all AAA rated by Moodys.

        Can’t lose on these.

  31. robodruid

    Happy Sunday

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I always wondered why they didn’t drill and insert control rods into the pile in the first place. Really don’t need that to go into another runaway reaction.

    • Not Adahn

      Not to crap on Andy Griffith or Don Knotts (who gave us the name of a piece of IDPA equipment), if there were only nine things in a movie I’ve never seen that I didn’t notice, it wasn’t much of a movie.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The problem with school boards is that the only people who want to be on them are petty tyrants.

  32. Yusef drives a Kia

    Happy Sunday indeed! I got my first sunburn of the year, and it looks great, Kayaking on a lake will do that, sunscreen be Damned!

    • Not Adahn

      I wore a hat yesterday, so no sunburn. My forearms are rapidly becoming cholo colored again.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I forgot my boonie hat, and I’m so pale from living here, I need to watch it, or I’ll burn like a Witch in Salem,

  33. Mojeaux

    Off to XX’s high school graduation like a turd of hertles.

    • Sean

      Don’t forget to bring a towel!

    • Not Adahn

      and I poop?

      • Mojeaux

        Save the hertles!

    • Gender Traitor

      Gonna live-comment it for us? 🙂

      • Mojeaux

        IF I live comment anything, I do it on Twitter. ?

        I’m going to spend most of it reading your story.

      • Gender Traitor

        Oooh! Thank you! 😀

        Now I’m nervous. 🙁

      • Mojeaux

        Don’t be! I am kind at best and unhelpful at worst.

  34. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “A fungus called Massospora, which can produce compounds of cathinone — an amphetamine — infects a small number of them and makes them lose control.”

    Has anyone or anything charged up on amphetamines ever been compelled to listen to the Grateful Dead? The good professor needs to get out more.