by | May 6, 2021 | Daily Links | 256 comments






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    • trshmnstr the terrible

      I got a red dot sight sitting here that needs the riser to come today so I can install it.

      • Count Potato

        Get a red dot cartridge so you can line up the dots. It’ll be fun.

      • UnCivilServant

        I need a riser recommendation. My red dot is pointed directly at the back of the oversized front sight.

      • Plisade

        Is your front sight attached to a rail or affixed to the barrel? If a rail, you can get flip sights to fold down when not in use.

      • UnCivilServant

        The barrel. If I could get the thing to move without a saw, I’d not need a riser.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        I buy cheap ones I find on Amazon. The one I got supposedly cowitnesses with my Red dot, and it has Allen screws to mount to the picatinny. Worst case, I figure, is that I’m out $10 if it sucks in some unforeseen way. Most of the cheap ones are milled aluminum, so it’s not like they’re gonna break from the stresses. Big thing I’m afraid of is the screw backing out, but locktite fixes that.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        supposedly cowitnesses *standard flip up sights* with my Red dot

      • Sean

        I didn’t want to say it, but…ditch that Barska and get a Sig Romeo 5 red dot with the riser mounts. It’s ~$125 if you shop around. The dot will be finer, battery life way better, and motion activated.

        It’s really pretty good for the price point.

        That’s what I would do.

      • Plisade

        That’s what I did. So sweet.

      • Not Adahn

        Mine came with a riser already installed, I removed it because it was going on my bullseye pistol.

      • R C Dean

        Or go big dig deep, real deep and get Trijicon.

        /Trijicon fanboi

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        I love Trijicon. I have 2 red dots (well, 1 amber dot on the pistol and a green triangle for the AR), and 2 scopes.

        A green triangle 1-4x on an AR, and an Amber triangle 3-9x on my hunting rifle (Remington 700 LSS Mountain in 7mm-08).

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        I’m thinking about picking up the Burris FastFire.

        May have to try loctite on my Streamlight tlr. Keeps loosening up after 50 rounds or so.

      • R C Dean

        The moment I am satisfied with anything screwed onto my guns that doesn’t need to be removed for field stripping, its gets loctite.

    • juris imprudent

      You got more than Brochettaward.

      • Surly Knott

        Who doesn’t?

    • rhywun

      I just got my “minimally compliant masks” in the mail. These will do. A little more breathable.

      (I didn’t get the fishnet ones.)

      • Tundra

        I got the cotton gauze. I can keep my sunglasses on to complete the armed robber look

  1. Scruffy Nerfherder

    But the Microsoft co-founder, to whom she has been married for 27 years, had not been invited to the 80-acre Caribbean islet hideaway, according to the outlet, which reported that everyone in the family took Melinda’s side.

    Melinda decided to go anyway despite efforts by the couple’s lawyers to hash out a settlement during what the outlet described as an unfriendly split, according to the outlet.

    *cough* Epstein *cough*

    • Swiss Servator

      Oooh. Maybe she will buy his old island?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Who owns that thing now? The FBI?

      • Not Adahn

        Pshaw. Like it hasn’t been asset forfeitured as a venue for orgies black siting team-building exercises training zoom meetings

    • Count Potato

      psst…you can trim everything after the “?”

      • Rothbardsbitch

        Sorry not a tech guy and didn’t we use to have an edit button for posts? Because mine is missing.

      • Count Potato

        I think only TPTB can edit posts.

      • Tonio

        Anyone with editor or greater admin rights, so TPTB and a few others

      • Plisade

        Good to know. Thanks!

      • Certified Public Asshat

        You don’t post nice twitter links either…

        If you are going to do twitter links, click embed tweet and then copy code. Then delete any extra hyperlinks in the code so that your comment doesn’t go into moderation.

        Although when I spell it out that way, I can understand taking the shorcut.

      • Tonio

        I’m not super good with URLs, but one thing I often do if I think a website is including a bunch unnecessary BS in the URL is to trim everything including and to the right of the question mark (thanks, Count). I often try pasting the trimmed link into another browser window to make sure it works properly before posting here.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The Brits are a bunch of boot-licking fascists. She deserved that.

      • Rothbardsbitch

        Britain is such a hopeless lost cause. Conservatives control the government there at least officially but in reality the conservatives rubber stamp every SJW policy proposed by the left. I just don’t get it.


        You know the old saw that conservatism is just progressivism, but five years in the past. In the UK that gap has narrowed to six months.

      • rhywun

        And their progs are about five years ahead of ours.

    • Drake

      What an arrogant bitch. When did it become acceptable for interviewers to be as obnoxious as possible to heads of state (who aren’t woke)?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The media loves itself some credentialism.

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      I’m not even sure what’s so terrible about Rogan’s advice.

      • Drake

        He said some true things they don’t like.

  2. kinnath

    STEVE SMITH say Relax, don’t do it . . . . .

    Justice Department: Arizona Senate Audit, Recount May Violate Federal Law

    Pamela Karlan, the principal deputy assistant attorney general with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, wrote in a letter that federal officials see two issues with the election review ordered by the Republican-led state Senate.

    One issue is that ballots, voting systems and other election materials are no longer in the custody of election officials — a possible violation of federal law, which requires state and local election workers to store and safeguard federal voting records.

    The other issue: Plans for door-to-door canvassing may also violate federal laws aimed at preventing voter intimidation, according to Karlan.

    Only STEVE SMITH is allowed to canvas voters.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      which requires state and local election workers to store and safeguard federal voting records

      I’ll take them seriously when they prosecute the Fulton County officials for destroying voting records in defiance of a judicial order.

    • Rothbardsbitch

      It’s racist to have free and fair elections.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      “We’d hate for you to go afoul of federal criminal electoral statutes. You can make it all go away by stopping this silly wild goose chase”

      /DoJ’s OCR

    • Plisade

      And ballot harvesting is totes cool.

    • Old Man With Candy

      It really is every bit as stupid as Team Blue’s Russia obsession. The cast and crew of nutcakes involved beggars belief.

      • mrfamous

        I’m seeing more and more of an emergence of “Team Red virtue signaling” for lack of a better phrase, and can’t say I’m any more fond of it than the team blue version.

        A more constructive use of time might be to try and address the Federal Government’s regulatory apparatus (e.g. The CDC) becoming a group of defacto un-elected legislative bodies. But I suppose that’s too wonky.


        But they like that bit too. They just want to be the ones with the reins.

    • R C Dean

      state and local election workers to store and safeguard federal voting records

      There are any number of laws requiring companies to maintain certain records. None of them are violated if they contract it out.

      Plans for door-to-door canvassing may also violate federal laws aimed at preventing voter intimidation

      Every campaign does door to door canvassing. I don’t recall any campaign being indicted for doing so.

    • Rothbardsbitch

      Did so.

      • Count Potato


      • Count Potato

        Do they know about Subaru Horror Theater?

      • Not Adahn

        They have good memes, and a hot goth chick thing going on.

    • db

      or is Godzilla not technically a cryptid?

  3. prolefeed

    Sometimes people shovel out BS that can’t stand up to even the most obvious thought experiment, such as the person quoted in the a.m. links who said that if Trump is kept off Facebook, he couldn’t win in 2024, because no modern political campaign could succeed without a Facebook presence.

    So, if Zuckerberg decreed that no Republican politician would be allowed on Facebook, does anyone believe that would result in an epic Blue Wave in 2022, with the House going to 435-0 in favor of the Ds?

  4. The Late P Brooks

    I pulled the wheels and tires off my (old decrepit) Airstream. I decided I had better start working on it; if I’m lucky, I’ll be living in it in 60 days. The tires were so old and hard they were almost impossible to get off the wheels, UNTIL! I got the genius idea to use ATF as lubricant. It was a battle, but it worked. If that failed, I was going to soak them in diesel fuel overnight and burn them off.

    I have no idea if those wheels are the original equipment wheels, but holy mackerel are they heavy. Forged-depleted-uranium heavy. With the antique trailer tires on them, unsprung weight was about 750 pounds. I have a set of Chevy truck wheels which just might be going on with the new tires the UPS man is bringing.

    • Plisade

      “ATF as lubricant”

      Well they’ve sure helped fedgov fuck the bill of rights in the ass.

    • Rothbardsbitch

      Sounds like something the Red Scare podcast chicks would say.

      They are not libertarians though lol.

    • trshmnstr the terrible


      A $2000 tax credit doesn’t make kids into a financial benefit. The married filing jointly benefit is highly circumstantial and isn’t a particularly compelling financial benefit. We’re talking about a few grand a year, maximum.

      • The Hyperbole

        We’re talking about a few grand a year

        You might even call them “crumbs”

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Point being that most people likely spend more on their children/spouse than they’d get back in the credits, making the “forced to have a family” line ring hollow.

        It’s good money, sure, but it’s not offsetting the additional costs by any stretch.

      • kinnath

        The marriage penalty wasn’t that long ago.

      • robc

        Marriage penalty still exists. Singles can deduct $10k in SALT, married can deduct $10k in SALT.

      • R C Dean

        Damn right it does. If we could file as separate individuals, we’d save around $10K a year in federal income tax.

        Married filing separately seems to be the worst of both worlds.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Generally, filing jointly is most advantageous when you have a single breadwinner and the other spouse makes little or no money. Spouses making near equal salary get fucked.

        Relevant chart

      • kinnath

        By design.

      • The Hyperbole

        Serious question – Why don’t you get “divorced” as far as the Gov’t is concerned? 10 grand/year seems a hefty price to pay just to have the state’s validation of your union.

      • kinnath

        There was an “industry” setup in the bad old days. Couples would fly to the Caribbean just before Christmas; get divorced; party for a couple of weeks; get married; and fly home.

        The IRS eventually clamped down on the sham divorces.

        To the question at hand: the marriage contract comes with lots of benefits and responsibilities beyond taxes.

        The marriage penalty is an insult and an aggrievance, but that doesn’t justify getting divorced to save on taxes.

      • R C Dean

        Less rational than kinnath:

        Because our marriage is a lot more than an economic arrangement.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Yeah, let me run that by my wife and see what she says. lmao.

      • The Hyperbole

        To each his own I guess, I could put up with a lot of insults and aggrievances for 10,000 simoleons, also I don’t put much stock in either the state or some religious body sanctifying my relationships so I may be an outlier.

      • kinnath

        I don’t put much stock in either the state or some religious body sanctifying my relationships

        Well, I’ve only had the one.

        And I never gave a shit what other people thought.

        But the legal aspects of raising a family and managing joint property ownership without the marriage certificate is well beyond the capabilities of the young and stupid guy that I was when I got married.

      • Unreconstructed

        kinnath – there’s a good reason that those of us who oppose state-sanctioned and/or state-limited marriage suggest replacing the (usually implicit) contract involved in the marriage certificate with actual contracts. That would allow all of the legal aspects to be wrapped up in the contract, without requiring any state or church sanction.

      • kinnath

        contract involved in the marriage certificate with actual contracts.

        Those with the resources to follow that path should certainly entertain it.

      • kinnath

        I have said in the past that the vast majority of people should just stick to a three-contract with option to renew.

        Download from legal zoom or equivalent and move forward.

        One way or another, someone has to enforce it. If you don’t want the church or the state involved, I’m sure the mob will be happy to lend a hand.

  5. DEG

    Following recommendations from public health experts, Illinois will move forward with a dial-like approach between the mitigations in Phase 4, which currently apply to the entire state, and the post-pandemic new normal of Phase 5. This Bridge to Phase 5 will allow for higher capacity limits and increased business operations, before public health experts tell us it is safe to move to the new normal that Phase 5 will bring.

    “New normal”? Fuck you.

    • The Gunslinger

      My company now has a nifty color chart on the bulletin board that shows Michigan’s phased reopening plan based on vaccination percentage. It even has our company logo on it. I was tempted to rip it down but I resisted. I’m probably not making many friends at work already since I’m the only person that doesn’t have a mask on when I step away from my desk. When Gretchen got caught lying about her trip to Florida I stopped putting a mask on at work.

  6. Rothbardsbitch

    Can we all just be real for a moment and admit that Melinda Gates looks like a man in drag. I am sure she is a nice person and all but wow she should be Caitlyn Jenner’s running mate.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I’m not sure she is a nice person.

      • Rothbardsbitch


      • rhywun

        We have a twitter account?!

        What the hell is wrong with us?

      • Count Potato

        You’re asking SugarFree?

      • R C Dean

        Who better to go into detail, toothy, tentacular detail, than SugarFree?

      • Count Potato

        That’s what I’m afraid!

      • slumbrew

        Best I’ve seen:

        “You have to admit though. Kevin Kline is a hell of an actor to stay in character for 27 years though.”

  7. sarcasmic

    TOS just added a mute button that works. Pretty nifty.

    Hmmm… Nifty….

    “I bought a lizard for a dollar fifty
    yeah it’s pretty great you know it’s fucking nifty,
    but I just can’t afford to feed it and
    you should see the way it shits”

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      They got jealous of our multiple muting options and had to do something. Can’t go around being outclassed by the people you chased off.

      • Tonio

        [golf clap]

        And big thanks for Monocle, bro.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    Ex missus Bezos- probably.

    Melinda Gates- WOULD NOT.

    • Not Adahn

      Do I get half her stuff?

  9. limey

    SEA SMITH could you please send a package to SPACE SMITH for me via USO?

  10. DEG

    Sununu’s weekly Covid press conference

    Gov. Chris Sununu is announcing new programs using federal funds to help New Hampshire businesses and communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The governor said Thursday that money that must be recouped from some businesses that received help from the Main Street Relief Fund will be released back to the community in programs intended to help with COVID-19-related costs.

    Sununu said many New Hampshire businesses had better revenue in 2020 than they did in 2019, and under the rules laid out for the money that went into the Main Street Relief Fund, the state must recoup the money because it was designated specifically to help cover losses.

    Sununu said he has sent a letter to the U.S. Treasury Department asking for more flexibility, but if the state must take that money back, he said he wants to use it for new programs aimed at covering costs, rather than lost revenues.

      • Count Potato

        so funny much hilarity

      • Not Adahn


    • Certified Public Asshat

      Meh, what value does Twitter really have?

  11. DEG

    Update of sorts on that veteran in NH and him being stuck in a nursing home

    State officials have ripped up nursing-home guidelines they implemented last week. They now suggest administrators rely on federal guidelines for nursing homes and the state’s Universal Best Practices, which were adopted by Gov. Chris Sununu’s Economic Reopening Taskforce and go into effect Friday.

    “We’re in a new environment,” said Dr. Elizabeth Talbot, the deputy state epidemiologist.

    That new environment has been highlighted in recent days by the case of Leo Buote, a resident of Hanover Hill Health Care in Manchester who wanted to visit Billy’s Sports Bar and Grill for lunch and a beer.

    Owner Bill Laberge eventually delivered the meal to the 96-year-old World War II veteran. Laberge may soon see Buote on a Billy’s barstool.

    In discussions on Wednesday, state officials said they can’t stop a resident from leaving a home.

    “The resident still has a right to leave, to go visit,” said Susan Buxton, the long-term care ombudsman for New Hampshire. But she said a returning resident may face some restrictions, including isolation.

    • R C Dean

      We’re in a new environment

      Well, a new political environment, anyway.

  12. Tonio

    Mea culpa. I was supposed to do links today and totally spaced that. Sorry, everyone.

    Thanks, STEVE SEA SMITH for stepping up. And by “stepping up,” mean…


    • Gustave Lytton


  13. DEG

    Senate committee wants Sununu’s input on emergency powers bill

    A state Senate committee wants to hear from Gov. Chris Sununu’s office as it considers whether to dramatically check the powers of a governor dealing with a future emergency.

    Sununu, a Republican, will need GOP allies in the Senate to avoid having to veto a House-passed bill (HB 417) which would require a vote from both houses of the Legislature to extend any governor-declared emergency beyond 30 days.

    Last month, the House endorsed the measure, 328-41, well above the two-thirds super-majority needed to sustain a veto.

    State Rep. Carol McGuire, R-Epsom, said it would not apply to the current COVID-19 state of emergency, no matter how long it lasts.

    During a public hearing Wednesday, no senators spoke against the measure.

    However, Rep. Peter Schmidt, D-Dover, favored forming a blue-ribbon commission to come up with a more collaborative process.

    “The idea the Legislature is going to get in, and sitting on the governor’s shoulder and micromanaging everything he or she does, is going to create chaos and not be effective at all,” said Schmidt, a 10-tern incumbent.

    • Rothbardsbitch

      a 10-term incumbent.

      otherwise known as a swamp creature.

    • db

      WTF is with legislatures rolling over and handing more and more power to executives everywhere?

      • UnCivilServant

        Horse trading is hard work.

      • Not Adahn

        It’s hard to sign the documents with uncloven hooves.


        That can grandstand and rake in the bucks without having to do a damn thing.

  14. Winston

    Other-directed personalities are inherently flexible because their views of themselves and others come to them from others. Neither tradition nor reason bind them. They seek approval and applause rather than respect and are the best adapted to the modern economy, which demands rapid adaptability regarding car and clothes styles and workplace roles.


    Meanwhile, other-directed voters go on social media to try to figure out which politicians and policy proposals will earn them the most plaudits from assorted avatars and social influencers. They value fitting in over logic or consistency and many seem genuinely puzzled when the inconsistencies in their expressed opinions are pointed out to them.

    I don’t know, the notion that the mosdern economy produces people who are mindless conformists who can be easily convinced into attacking the modern economy is a bit of a flaw don’t you think?

    But moving America’s social personality type towards inner-directedness again may be a pipe dream because its proprietors and entrepreneurs are currently being assailed from all directions. In fact, if I didn’t know better I would say we were in a period of dekulakization, of the deliberate destruction of small business owners through otherwise useless economic lockdowns and police-induced looting. But the destruction of small business ownership could never happen in the United States, right?


    • R C Dean

      the modern economy, which demands rapid adaptability regarding car and clothes styles and workplace roles

      Are you kidding me? The bits of the economy where your “car and clothes styles” are important are microscopically small.

    • Old Man With Candy

      We’ll never be desperately lonely here as long as we have your mom. She’s very supportive and comforting.

    • Not Adahn

      That’s when Don LeMon postulated that it got sucked into a black hole, or am I misremembering?

      • rhywun

        It followed his personality in there.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Was he depressed because he was a DM subscriber?

    • Nephilium

      No possibility that’s because of age at all.

    • Not Adahn

      Hair justice!

    • R C Dean

      I’ll take Spurious Correlations for $500, Alex.


      I see your causation-correlation error and raise you an anecdote, I am follically challenged and I survived.

    • B.P.

      Someone linked the following article this morning, which is chock full of goodness about lefty COVID panic:

      …including this tidbit of ironclad science…

      “Goldstein and his wife decided early on in the pandemic that they were going to take restrictions extremely seriously and adopt the most cautious interpretation of when it was safe to do anything. He’s been shaving his own head since the summer (with “bad consequences,” he said).”

      • grrizzly

        The article is about people in my town. Literally.

      • slumbrew

        I posted that and, yes, grrizzly and I are surrounded by those people.

        My “favorite” bit:

        “I keep coming back to the same thing with the pandemic,” Alex Goldstein, a progressive PR consultant who was a senior adviser to Representative Ayanna Pressley’s 2018 campaign, told me. “Either you believe that you have a responsibility to take action to protect a person you don’t know or you believe you have no responsibility to anybody who isn’t in your immediate family.”

        Fuck you and your false dichotomy. Those are not the only two options.

      • R C Dean

        I’m sure a thorough review of his activities would unearth a number that impose some risk, no matter how microscopic, on people he doesn’t know.

        Let’s start with driving a car.

      • DEG

        Somerville, works for Ayanna Pressley, Progressive, hmm… probably doesn’t have a car.

    • rhywun

      Chalk up another advantage for me.

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      Well Trump pulled through, so it sounds legit. The Science has spoken.

    • slumbrew

      *smugly runs fingers through luxurious mane*

      • Ownbestenemy

        YOU SIR are a harist

  15. Winston

    This aged like milk…

    The other is what we may call cosmopolitan liberals, a group that combines support for a broadly free market economy with personal liberty and cultural individualism, but also supports a more egalitarian public policy than most individualists would like.

    Who pray tell are these specific actual “cosmopolitan liberals” with these views? All the ones I see sure as hell don’t support free markets, personal liberty or individualism in any real sense even before last year. Unless he is talking about small business owners in big cities (I am not sure I would really call them “cosmopolitan” though) I have no idea what he is going about here.

    This leaves the cosmopolitan liberals as the group least hostile to individualist ideas and perspectives.

    The same ones who would later enthusiastically supported lockdowns?

    • R C Dean

      a group that combines support for a broadly free market economy with personal liberty and cultural individualism

      Sound like libertarians, to me.

      a more egalitarian public policy

      Sound like socialists, to me.

      Pick a team, cosmos. Oh wait, you have.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Pick a team, cosmos. Oh wait, you have.

        Dean’s spittin’ fire!

  16. The Late P Brooks

    This leaves the cosmopolitan liberals as the group least hostile to individualist ideas and perspectives.

    *slaps knee, guffaws*

    • R C Dean

      Yeah, nothing says “individualism” like “forced equality”.

  17. grrizzly

    I picked the wrong Europa League semifinal to watch.

  18. Winston

    So far as the dominant politics of the last thirty years can be said to have a philosophy behind it, it is best described as technocratic managerialism, a belief in the ability of applied knowledge to devise the best way of organising economic and social life and, increasingly, private life as well.

    This found expression in two kinds of public policy that the critics now deprecate. The first was a political economy that while apparently pro-market saw market relations as something that was created and sustained by a technocratic state and expert economists, instead of being something that emerged from what people did when they were left alone.


    The second was a social policy that promoted a kind of social and cultural individualism but one removed from concrete social relations and responsibilities. This went along with an expansion of state welfare and income transfers, for reasons that combined egalitarianism with individualism.

    The central fact was that there were no more consistent and self-aware liberals, of either variety, than there had been in the early 1960s, even if their ideas had a wider hearing. Moreover, the core beliefs had lost something of their coherent identity and had become as much a matter of technique as principle. This kind of technocratic politics could not survive indefinitely, because it begged a whole series of foundational questions (in the correct sense of that expression).

    I agree with this completely. Our current totalitarian moment is in part thanks to the technocrats embracing China, lockdowns, wokism and environmentalism instead of staying in their lanes of Free Trade, Open Birders and trying to slow downs regulations and taxes and spending.

    • R C Dean

      a belief in the ability of applied knowledge to devise the best way of organising economic and social life and, increasingly, private life as well

      They elide the most important issue – applied/devised by who? Individualism is people applying their own knowledge to devise their own thing. Technocratic managerialism is people applying (generally over-determined) “knowledge” to organize other people’s lives.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        applied/devised by who?

        “Experts”. Technocracy thrives on the “it’s too hard to understand and keep up with ______, you do it for me” mentality. All the better if the person taking responsibility has a degree and the fawning adoration of the media.

        Of course, the soviets knew how flawed this model was within a decade.

    • Not Adahn

      Technocracy is just another type of utopianism:

      -a better world is possible
      -we know what this better world is
      -we know how to achieve this better world

    • Winston

      A perfect example of the technocratic “free market” he is talking about are the debates over trade and immigration. The real problem with nationalism and populism was that the dumb yokels are questioning the economic and social policies of their betters rather then free trade and open borders themselves actually being good. The fact that these very same technocrats embraced lockdowns, border closures and internal borders makes this clear.

    • Winston

      Oops only that last paragraph is mine

    • R.J.

      If open birders means I can shoot ducks with no limit I am all for it!

    • DEG

      Face diapers. Blech.

    • prolefeed

      #5 looks quite a bit like my wife. Would look even more like her if Zelma’d up a bit.

    • prolefeed

      By my count, up to 15 RealDolls in that collection.


      The Koch Brothers should buy it.

      • Not Adahn


  19. Count Potato

    This is a beet:

    “The big lie. The Covid misinformation. It all comes back to Russia.

    (CNN)We can’t really ever know all the truth, but we are still learning new facts about how former President Donald Trump’s campaigns and administration warped perception.
    While Trump can’t spread misinformation on Twitter (ever again) or Facebook (at least for the next six months, we learned Wednesday), we’re starting to get a clearer sense of the line between misinformation in 2016, misinformation in 2020 and how it might look now that the majority of the GOP has decided to mainline misinformation going forward.
    The 2016 version of misinformation came from Russia. Did Trump’s 2016 campaign interact with Russians and did those Russians send information back to the Kremlin? Yes. The Treasury Department made the revelation of Russia’s 2016 interference in April, announcing new sanctions for Russia’s attempted election meddling in 2020.”

    • The Other Kevin

      Still pretending that Project Veritas video doesn’t exist, aren’t they?

    • R C Dean

      Now do the Steele dossier! And the Kavanaugh gang rape parties! And injecting bleach to cure COVID! And and and . . . .

      • The Other Kevin

        When they lie it’s “fortifying”, when the other side tells the truth it’s “misinformation”. Get with the program, RC.

    • Q Continuum

      There is no reason to trust a damn thing coming out of that agitprop outfit.

  20. grrizzly

    It was easier to visit a capitalist country, Finland, in the late Soviet Union than leave Australia. The first foreign trip had to be to a reliable socialist country like Bulgaria or Czechoslovakia, then you could visit Yugoslavia. After that Finland was doable. That’s like three years. Australians won’t be able to exit their island for at least that long.

    Australians hoping international travel will return to normal next year have been dealt a blow, as the Federal Government warns borders are unlikely to reopen until the end of 2022 at least.

    Finance Minister Simon Birmingham said despite the rollout of the vaccine, global outbreaks and new mutant strains, such as those in India, left the world facing as much uncertainty as ever.

    He said this meant Australia’s international borders – which have largely locked Australians in since March 2020 – would likely remain shut well into next year.

    • Winston

      The Civilizing effects of free trade!

    • Gustave Lytton

      They’ve backed themselves into a corner. The eliminationist sphere, other than China (which is opaque and proven dishonest that trusting it is foolish), is too small to support itself for a long period of time. The longer they try to keep fingers in the dikes, the more problems they will have when it breaks.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        This. Over and over.

        The only way this ends in Australia now is with politicians hanging from lamp posts.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      the Federal Government warns borders are unlikely to reopen until the end of 2022 at least.

      Why aren’t they hanging those in the federal government on every lamp post in the country?

      Do they lack woodchippers in Oz?

      How do people simply accept being unable to leave for the better part of 3 years?

      • prolefeed

        Many are the descendants of convicts in a penal colony, who after one small-ish nutjob shooting incident, rolled over and bared their bellies and let themselves be disarmed.

        It’s like all my black inlaws, who despite being descended from slaves (and, well, slaveowners), are all anti Second Amendment, even when I bluntly point out that the prerequisite to being slaves was disarmament.

        Now the Aussies are outgunned, not to mention a bunch of scared cunts, as they would put it.

      • Winston

        Canadians are similar except rather than being descendants of convicts they are descendants of those who thought who opposed the American Revolution.

    • B.P.

      In my experience, Aussies are quite wanderlust-y, too.

  21. Winston

    Speaking of “cosmopolitan liberals” this brings to mind a serious problem we are facing. A lot if liberal ideas are predicated on the assumption that a rich educated urbanite who supports totalitarianism is literally impossible. Hell that was the entire basis of the “trade with china will liberate it”.

    Of course the classical liberals believed a socialist public school teacher or city councillor was literally impossible too.

    And until very recently a Communist University grad was considered literally impossible by most libertarians. Or at least that they would “grow out if it”.

    • Count Potato

      Pretty much only rich educated urbanites support totalitarianism.

      • slumbrew

        They’re sure they’ll be part of the Inner Party.

      • Winston

        Thing is this is literally the exact opposite of what liberalitarians thought was going to happen. It was the yokels and the Catholic priests and aristocratic landowners who were the enemies of freedom. Since rich educated urbanites are not of these three groups they must support freedom, Right?

  22. kinnath

    A bill banning vaccine passports is headed to Governor Kim Reynolds’ desk for her signature.

    The newly passed bill prohibits, “the mandatory disclosure of whether a person has received a vaccination for COVID-19, disqualifying certain entities from receiving state grants or contracts.”

    That includes universities and businesses required to obtain a sales tax permit.

    Nonprofits or establishments open to the public are also included.

    It would not apply to health care facilities.

  23. LCDR_Fish

    So, asked about this a couple days ago with no response. Worth another shot.

    Want to try using the heavy bag in my gym for some extra cardio. Found a couple vids with some suggestions. Gave it a shot today after 45 min on the treadmill. Surprisingly enough, very enjoyable. Very viscerally satisfying to go all out on something for a while. Real adrenaline boost too even after a workout. However, wearing just my weightlifting gloves – i started ripping up my knuckles up on the 2nd round.

    Can anyone recommend some decent/cheap gloves for working out? I probably won’t do much more than the occasional workout – not planning on getting into real boxing or anything – most likely. Will probably take my weighted jump rope with me next time and try alternating.

    • This Machine

      I got a pair of Venom-brand gloves off Amazon a while back. Can’t remember offhand if they were that pricey but I’m kind of a cheapskate so they couldn’t have been too ridiculously overpriced.

    • R C Dean

      Sorry, Fish, meant to reply yesterday.

      If your knees are giving you crap and you need more cardio, there’s always swimming (if that’s a realistic option) or rowing. Or even, if you decide to find your inner Goggins, the (cue ominous dum dum dum music) Assault Bike.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Swimming isn’t a bad idea. There is a pool on base…need to check hours – haven’t done that in a long time….but might be worth it.

        I had a stationary schwinn for a few years (had to sit on a folded towel on top of the seat), but lately my tailbone/coccyx is absolutely killing me – finally got an appt to get an x-ray next month. Same thing that keeps me off the stationary rowers the last few years – used to be my thing while I was active duty.

        Are those venom gloves the “kickboxer”/mma type or the full boxing style? I think I can get away with simpler if it protects my knuckles.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Oh yeah, and as far as my knees – on the treadmill right now I’m just walking 3.5-4 mile pace at 8-12% incline. I prefer ellipticals, but I’ve found that machines and natural comfort levels vary drastically. The “navy standard” life fitness model is acceptable, but nowhere near as comfortable for longterm use as the ones at my last 24 hr gym – don’t recall that model though,

    • B.P.

      I responded! I have a pair of Venum gloves, but just get some cheapish gloves in 14 oz or so and go to town. You want good padding, and heavier gloves provide better conditioning. Forty bucks should do it. You don’t need the high-end ones, as you’re not competing and don’t need some sort of equipment advantage. Learn the basics on youtube, do couple-minute intervals hard, with 30 seconds of recovery. It’s good cardio, and yes, good adrenaline. I’d get some wraps, too. I was hitting the bag without them, and it jacked up my wrists.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Sorry, probably missed it if it was a dead thread. ;p I’ll take a look. Thanks for the suggestion.

    • Count Potato

      I have a pair of Everlast, but I bought them a long time ago.

      Maybe ask Trigger Hippy?

    • prolefeed

      I’d suggest bicycling gloves.

      • Mojeaux

        Do cycling gloves have padding on the back of the hand?

      • prolefeed

        Some leather reinforcement, tho nothing that I would consider padding. What are you doing that would require padding on the back of the hand? All I can come up with that would require such padding involve lite BDSM, but then, my wife’s nickname for me is Pervert Boy.

        The gloves I wear daily are black surgical gloves under thick leather gardening gloves, because I basically get an all day crossfit workout hauling heavy stuff through the yard I’m landscaping.

      • Mojeaux

        He said he was working on a heavy bag and tore his knuckles up. He needs the appropriate gloves.

      • prolefeed

        Switch to boxing gloves for the heavy bag? If you’re gonna simulate boxing, use the specialty equipment used by boxers.

      • Mojeaux

        That is not what I said at all. There are bag gloves with padding and clench bars in the palms that are good about protecting your knuckles. Wrapping the knuckles is an extra measure of protection.

        I used to do a little boxing and I have torn my knuckles open on a heavy bag before, but I never used boxing gloves on a heavy bag. That’s just silly.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I can vouch for the quality on these and the wrist lock design. I used the 3-4 times per week on a Thai bag for the past three years. Still holding up strong.

      However…I came a ross another gentleman with these, and find them just as good.

      Its not something you really want to go cheap on because you can go through a pair of cheap gloves really fast.

  24. trshmnstr the terrible

    *looks at Amazon delivery tracker that says it’s the next street over (behind the house across the street from me) and has 9 stops before me*

    *looks out window and sees Amazon van*

    *wonders what kind of daft logistics algorithm would have them dropping off at 9 other houses before driving the 100 yards to my house*

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      More like what they want the plebes to believe.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I’m getting mighty sick of those assholes pushing insects as food. I ain’t eatin it.

      • Winston

        What until your meat has been banned as an emergency measure and until Big Business “voluntarily” ends meat production.

      • Grumbletarian

        These are people who probably saw the diet work on the Lion King.

  25. Mojeaux

    Am I the only one who’s going to comment on “brien” shrimp?

    • Not Adahn

      I used up all my anti-Mick racism last month.

      • R C Dean

        I find mine is a renewable resource.

    • prolefeed

      Trying to decide if that’s like the racist elephant in the woodpile, but too buzzed and zenned out to give a fuck.

      It was moderately funny and simultaneously horrifying, like many of my wife’s inlaws.

      • rhywun

        Oh hell yeah. One of my favorites from childhood. Frozen, of course. Which I can’t find anywhere around here. >:/

      • Aloysious

        I have a seizure whenever I run across a recipe that calls for an ‘Idaho Potato’.

        There’s more than one variety of Idaho Potatoes.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Every time I see those damn things I think back to receiving that sweet postal package of disappointment circa 1976. Even to this day it was the biggest letdown I’ve ever payed money for and I once owned a Renault.

      • Mojeaux

        I hear that. About the sea monkeys, not the Renault. Never had one of those.

      • slumbrew

        “ant farm”. Also wildly disappointing.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        But it looked so good in the back of that comic book. The five hundred piece set of Civil War soldiers sucked too.

      • This Machine

        “ant farm”. Also wildly disappointing.

        Not to mention the extraterrestrial variety.

    • db

      Notice they were “Fightin'” Brien Shrimp

  26. prolefeed

    The cocktail I’m drinking:

    St. Germain’s
    Dripping Springs vodka
    Fresh blueberries
    Dried cranberry and cherries
    Pineapple and Habenero glaze
    OStrawberry lemonade
    Mango and pineapple juice
    Lime juice

    • Not Adahn

      Right season for it

  27. Count Potato

    “A newly discovered species of ant from Ecuador has been named with the suffix “-they”, rather than a traditional gendered Latin suffix, to celebrate gender diversity.

    The ant was discovered by Philipp Hoenle at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, in 2018. He sent a photograph to taxonomic expert Douglas Booher at Yale University, who recognised it as a new species in the genus Strumigenys.

    In contrast to traditional species-naming practices, which only recognise one of two distinct genders with the suffixes “-ae” for women and “-i” for men, Booher suggested using the gender non-binary identifier “they” instead, naming the ant Strumigenys ayersthey after artist and human rights activist Jeremy Ayers.

    Ayers was a protégé of Andy Warhol in the 1970s under the pseudonym of Silva Thinn. He died in 2016. “He identified as a gay man outside of his Warhol character, but I’m naming it after him with the suffix added to include all non-binary people for his activism,” says Booher.”

    • slumbrew

      HM has already weighed in with his disdain of their Latin butchery (there’s already a suitable genderless Latin suffix instead of hacking it up with ‘they’).

  28. Tulip

    There is a bird imitating a car alarm. I want to kill it.

    • db

      No, really, tell us owl that makes you feel.

      • Ownbestenemy

        This would make more sense as a tweet

    • Unreconstructed

      Didn’t Harper Lee write a book about that?

    • slumbrew

      “it’s not censorship, we’re just fixing his wrongthink”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The mentally ill Puritans strike again.

    • prolefeed

      I’m surprised they didn’t lose it over the vagina pheromones wafting out of the yin yang contents of the coffee cup.

      Or maybe it is splooge splashing. Some ambiguity.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Church lady is dead, long live the wokester.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


    • The Hyperbole

      Counterpoint- If you ever criticized Rob Liefled for his inability to draw feet and that one Captain America cover, you shouldn’t begrudge people making similar points about someone drawing impossibly proportioned females.

      • Not Adahn

        Yes, but RL literally can’t draw feet. And he has no idea how many teeth humans have.

      • The Hyperbole

        Neither do I if I’m being perfectly honest. maybe 28?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Excluding wisdoms yeah. See you are already better

      • Fatty Bolger

        It’s a comic book. Impossibly proportioned is standard fare, regardless of gender.

      • The Hyperbole

        And so is criticism of bad attempts at each. “this guy draws The Hulk with ridiculously large calves” is honest criticism, but “This guy draws Pig Girl with a ridiculously large ass” is wokeism writ large?

      • db

        As a non-fan of comics, I find either of these discussions rather quaint.

      • Fatty Bolger

        According to the linked tweeter, yes. The criticism is not about the art itself at all.

        This edit is part of a series of fan “fixes” designed NOT to correct the artists’ lack of ability, as some pros and fans are assuming (and getting WAY too upset about), but to critique the level of hyper-sexualization that routinely occurs in comic book depictions of women.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It’s the Woke version of the Morality in Media sanitized movies.

        Except they just cut stuff, they don’t try to change it

    • Unreconstructed

      Any bets on how this same guy would react if a woman wearing that outfit (from the unedited panel, obviously) were raped, and someone said it was because she was “hypersexualizing” herself?

    • kinnath

      I wish I could do “agree to disagree”, but it’s hard with social justice issues. The arguing is exhausting. The derision is exhausting. But these conversations need to occur.

      No they don’t.

      Go fuck yourself.

  29. Tulip

    The only place actual grass grows in my yard is the flower beds. The ‘lawn’ is all clover and weeds.

    • Count Potato

      Let the clover grow and get some bees?

    • Gustave Lytton

      Ahhh! We have the same landscape service!

  30. Winston

    Any else looking forward to rule by a corporate oligarchy that is in theory separate from the ruling party yet in reality completely in bed with it and it doing its bidding? Rather like how Communist countries in theory have civil liberties and in theory don’t ban opposition parties yet do so anyway?

    • prolefeed

      According to my wife, that’s unpossible, even when I give specific, detailed instances of how mask mandates do exactly that.

      Over the course of the past few weeks, prolly went into 30, 40 stores, and don’t recall a single person other than me not masked up. On the plus side, no one said a gotdamn thing about me ignoring the signage.

    • Fatty Bolger

      What’s good for Facebook is good for America.

  31. Mojeaux

    I’m getting frustrated with my efforts to get my mother a corsage for mother’s day to wear to church. HyVee has screwed me over 3 times so today I went somewhere else and the corsage they came up with is butt ugly. What do I have to do to get what I want? It’s not hard: 5 baby yellow carnations, greenery and baby’s breath, and a white ribbon. This should not be this hard!!!

    • db

      Your logo is…surprising? No, that’s not q

    • db

      Your logo is…surprising? No, that’s not q

    • DEG


      If I can be there, I will be.