Some dude for the Orioles threw a no-hitter. It’s gonna be an all-England UCL final, and we’ll find out today of the UEL final is as well. And ESPN wouldn’t be ESPN if they didn’t make every single fucking thing about some social justice bullshit. When will these people ever get it through their thick skulls that women’s sports don’t get as much money because they don’t make as much money, and that they’re not as popular because they’re not as fast or strong as men in sports where speed and strength are supremely important? Anyway, enjoy the gibberish.

Clooney in his best role
French revolutionary and totalitarian terrorist Maximilian Robespierre was born on this day. He shares it with arctic explorer Robert Peary, crazy person brain doctor Sigmund Freud, banker and entrepreneur Amadeo Giannini, actor Rudolph Valentino, baby food magnate Daniel Gerber, football coach Weeb Ewbank, actor/director Orson Welles, “The Say Hey Kid” Willie Mays, boxer who got railroaded Rubin Carter, commie terrorist Andreas Baader, rocker Bob Seger, Limey chump Tony Blair, soccer great Graeme Souness, actor George Clooney, hockey great Martin Brodeur, diminutive slugger Jose Altuve, and actress Naomi Scott.
Solid list there. And now…the links!
There’s so much salt in this piece. I almost got hypertension reading it. Tread lightly.

He still has rights.
A man accused of a crime is granted bail. Why this should ever be newsworthy is beyond me, but these are the times we live in, where an accused is often deprived of his/her liberty prior to conviction and a release on bail is treated as an injustice. Hell, just look at the alleged trespassers from January in DC who are rotting in solitary confinement without being granted bail.
“Thanks for all that R&D. Now, fuck you.” If this isn’t an incentive for pharmaceutical companies to sit out the next big thing, I don’t know what is.
In the government’s defense, she was 94. They probably assumed Cuomo had killed her off.

Biden catching a train to stop the MLK shooting.
Here’s a dilemma: do we assume he is just making shit up again or do we assume he has no idea what happened and is senile? They’re equally plausible.
Holy crap, a Chicago politician was indicted! Oh wait, that’s a weekly occurrence.
Man falls off electric unicycle and is killed in a hit and run. No, I didn’t make that up.
Oh, lighten up. Nobody writes a story like this about the Micks. So as far as I’m concerned, the author is a racist.
More of the same with the music this week. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Now get out there and have a great day, friends!
Yeah, I tapped out just after this.
Fuck off CNN.
Fuck off CNN.
Fuck off CNN.
I don’t like being lied to, so I haven’t watched the news intentionally in I have no idea how long.
Gah! So close! I know it’s unseemly but a first for me is a first denied.;-)
Speaking of… where’s Brochettaward been? And are you auditioning to take his place?
No! I just wanted to play spoiler.
Truth is just a cis-hetro-white-normative paradigm man.
You must be interviewing for a CIA job from that sort of talk, brah….
Is that sexist/racist/something-phobic?
Did anyone think ten years ago that the leftist media would be rushing to defend the most notorious GOP warmonger in Congress?
If it meant carrying water for the light bringer?
The fact that CNN loves Liz Cheney tells all you need to know about what kind of “Republican” she is.
Not sure which is more obnoxious, the craven capitulators or the media-hungry stand athwart (for publicity) types.
I love how she wrote a piece defending herself, in the WaPo. Tell me again Liz, who is out of touch in the Republican party?
I want to meet that two-headed girl! Is that Kate Bush?
Why don’t you run up that hill and find out.
Let me get my camera running…
Three thumbs up!
You are not selling yourself well Festus…
Two thumbs and a very large kielbasa up would make you more interesting…
What if my thumbs were exceptionally large like Uma’s in that stupid chick-flick? Would that pass muster?
Only if you make candles from your ball sweat.
Looks like you could then make the ladies swoon…
Like I do 🙂
Sweat from my balls!
Such a great movie!
CNN just can’t let go of that sweet, sweet TDS rush. They’ll be chasing the dragon from now on. Imagine a party no being excited by a crazy bitch trying to impeach it’s president after he is out of office and for no good reason whatsoever?
“A lonely defense of the truth”. It was right there in the first paragraph.
Trump made it obvious that the political oligarchy class and their ambition to convince the populous to let them establish a hereditary aristocracy was a major fail because these people were nothing but inept credentialed fucking assholes. And for that crime, people like this will never forgive him. After all, they were supposed to be the smart ones, and he made them all look like fucking evil assholes. HOW DARE HE!
Still picturing OMWC after the 10 grand has changed hands using those braids when he fucks her in the ass. “Heyaaah Mule!”
I didn’t think Stelter or Cuomo had braids, but whatever….
Greta. A non-sequitor but still apt.
Touché mon confrere!
The Wyoming Republican congresswoman is about to lose her No. 3 House leadership post after a lonely defense of the truth that last year’s election was not stolen and that Trump incited a riot in the US Capitol to try to overthrow it.
Those facts are unpalatable for most of Cheney’s House Republican colleagues, who have ambitions to rise in a party controlled by the former President despite his two impeachments, botched reelection bid, failure to properly handle the pandemic and insurrectionist exit from power.
A nuthouse, with typewriters.
Those “facts” are also unsupported by the evidence.
Collinson is a shit flinging howler monkey par excellence.
I thought you wrote Collinsworth, so I looked at the sports link again.
Also, if you had written Collinsworth, you’d still be right.
Collinsworth is a shit eater.
“Holy crap, a Chicago politician was indicted! Oh wait, that’s a weekly occurrence.”
This is just blue on blue contact sports….
They all cheat. Sometimes they stop turning a blind eye to the corrupt behavior because someone needs to be brought low. The place is already lost.
Cheat? This was for turning the “Progressive Caucus” treasury into a personal slush fund.
He didn’t give enough of the right people a taste, as is expected by decorum, it then sounds like…
Yo0u gots to pay the vig.
Sigmund Freud was a psychiatrist (the first), not a psychologist. Psychiatrists are MDs specializing in the treatment of mental illness. Psychology is a broad discipline which encompasses both the study of healthy individuals and the treatment of mental illness.
I’ll fix it.
Sigh… Come to this site for the pedantry, stay for the snark. Be sure to tip over the waitress.
I thought I was supposed to tip the veal.
No wonder that waitress was upset.
Did you not give her just the tip once you tipped her over?
Not in Tres’ world!
I think both fields are quackery.. They don’t call them head shrinkers because they do stuff that is good to you…
Soft sciences aren’t real science.
No, they are not. If actual clinical experiments were run with Humans we would freak the fuck out. Instead we get “emanations and penumbras” that are pretty much nonsense. The Science of Feels, writ large.
I recently read an article when some group set out to replicate the most important studies in these fields and couldn’t do so with over 80% of the clinical tests they did. That sort of failure rate is beyond insane. If the number was 20% I would assume that these people have way too many gaps in their understanding to be taken seriously. But 80% means to me that the studies likely were designed and conducted to say whatever the people that did them wanted them to say.
I thought the replications crisis was hitting all of the recent published studies, not just the soft sciences (just a higher failure rate on the soft sciences).
I think the soft sciences and global warming are the biggest culprits, well, if it ain’t obvious why, the problem is with the one missing the glaringly obvious fact.
I would put in the proposal that in order to count as “Peer reviewed” the Peers must attempt to replicate the results and test for uncontrolled variables in the original study.
Otherwise it’s not a true review.
There is a reason that when I hear certain people peddling certain bullshit saying their stuff was peer reviewed I picture a circle jerk going down…
I seem to recall SlateStarCodex had done some writing about changing incentives to try to fix the replication crisis back in the day. Not sure if he’s posted any on the new Astral Codex Ten site.
That’s what I hear that people that can’t get it up get told too…
They are when they aren’t used as vehicles for ideologies and promote the conclusion seeking a hypothesis method of “science.” Sociology would be an interesting field if it was merely trying to describe broad social trends,
That ship sailed a while ago.
The economics department does more actual sociology that the sociologists.
Medicine is not a “soft science”. Psychiatrists go through the same medical school as surgeons. Psychologists are a completely different story, though.
There’s many psychiatrists who only work in medical situations and do very little “headshrinking”.
You’ve got to know that there’s fun to be had.
Jeebus. Two Manchesters plus an Arsenal and a Chelsea… how perfectly representative of the shittiness of the last twelve months that would be.
“In the government’s defense, she was 94. They probably assumed Cuomo had killed her off.”
Maybe that was the plan from the get go? Having NY, which has a budget deep in the red, clear off some of the obligations it had to the senior citizens, so Coumo could then spend that cash on the three B’s (Booze, Blow, and Bitchez)…
If they support trans women playing women’s sports, they’re working hard to promote the women’s game. Because that’s the only way that most women’s sports will become more exciting.
Otherwise it’s a slow, boring experience just like most women’s sports.
It has nothing to do with exposure. Nobody wants to watch “professional” teams that can’t beat your average high school men’s team.
It’s really that fucking simple.
Nobody wants to watch “professional” teams that can’t beat your average high school men’s team.
I might start watching women’s sports when some sport is saturated with dudes wearing dresses and they just mercilessly beat the shit out of the lesbians complaining about their pay not being equal…. For the laughs..
Does she realize that she is writing for ESPN? Literally the biggest place in the world for TV sports contracts? Any time that ESPN wants to televise women’s sports, they can. Nobody will watch, but they can.
Yeah, that requires logic, and logic interferes with the woke agenda and story telling man.. So fuck that shizz..
ESPN is always woke, of course, but sometimes they don’t publicize it. For example, they fired Paul Pierce from their NBA coverage for “racy” instagram photos, but you wouldn’t know it from following their reporting. It was The Athletic and other sports networks that were left to break that news. I wonder (not really) if it would have made ESPN’s programming if someone on the Turner broadcast team was released for something similar? Like, if Marv Albert returned to his former ways?
“hockey great Martin Brodeur”
Uncle Dad? Is that you?
Rubin Carter may have been wrongfully convicted but but he wasn’t innocent.
I really don’t know. I just know he got railroaded.
Man who made a living punching people had a violent past.
The problem is, when discussing miscarriages of justice is that those involved on both sides tend not to be angels. We can and indeed have to remember to keep the crimes he did commit separate from the crimes he did not commit.
Except he may have committed the crime he was wrongfully convicted of, while the prosecution did commit misconduct in getting their initial conviction. Even the NYT noted that
He was released on procedural errors, not on evidence.
He was released because of a shitty song.
OJ light
My favorite Bob Dylan song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm6xCwNKtnQ
All the best Bob Dylan songs are sung by not Bob Dylan.
I have been at work since 3am and was supposed to be working with an optimization team. They finished early and now I am sitting around screwing with MS Teams/Sharepoint. We are in the phase of this week long project upgrading some equipment when all our laid out plans fall apart and we are now going with an ‘on the fly’ strategy to get this done before Friday.
So….situation normal?
Pretty much. Lots of moving parts when we do these cause of air traffic volume, controllers willing to release equipment, etc. So typically all our scheduled activities in the beginning are on time and nothing pushed to the right. As the week goes on, controllers get weary and complain when they don’t have a specific piece of equipment or service.
“Screwing around on Teams.”
I am pretty sure that you could do that on other platforms and monetize it.
On your tax dollars? I think not!
I don’t mind CNN writing that. But I do take exception to the fact that it’s literally their lead article on their front page, which has always been exclusively for news, not opinion.
And if you go back through their website, you’ll see that’s become all too common. They’ve ceased to be reporters and are now activists.
They are all “Influencers” now, Sloop. That ship weighed anchor, set off to sea and sank to the bottom about five years ago.
CNN does news now?
My immediate thought was “San Francisco”. Close enough.
I was thinking Victoria but whatever, Man-Bun dead.
Mine was “Portland”.
That would be flaming bagpipes on unicycle.
Mine was “That asshat on my way home from work that’s all dolled up like an knock-off of a Running Man villain.”
Mornin’, friends!
Thanks for the Clash, Sloop! A perfect start to the day.
I dunno. I’m guessing they’ve made mad bank already with this “vaccine”, and will continue to do so with their booster shots.
Well, maybe not J&J…
They did all of this vaccine research on their own without the help of
governmentanyone.Still not sure where the president gets the authority to simply “waive” patent protection.
With his new monarchic, errr… I mean *executive* powers from Kung Flu silly!
Article F, Paragraph Y, Line T, clause W
In seriousness, this is about 3rd world countries trying to take advantage of public sentiment and get themselves a cut of the filthy government lucre that comes from covid Vax production.
Here’s the thing, though. It’s not like they have appropriately functioning vaccine production lines that would be pumping out these covid vaccines but for the fact that they are respectful of the IP of the big pharma companies. They don’t have the capability or expertise to manufacture these drugs. Waiving the patent rights will accomplish nothing besides making a precedent for taking such rights when convenient.
I also find it highly convenient that India becomes a humanitarian case just a couple weeks after they team up with South Africa to push this patent waiver idea.
Sure it is
Facebook’s Oversight Board on Wednesday essentially punted the decision back to the company on whether to eventually allow former President Donald Trump back on Facebook and Instagram. What the social media giant decides in the coming months will likely have major consequences for Trump’s political power.
“It could be a make-or-break moment for Trump’s political future,” said Eric Wilson, a Republican political technologist.
That’s because being on Facebook is crucial for modern-day political campaigns, as a majority of Americans use the platform and those who do log into it multiple times daily. Facebook has become crucial for raising money and for targeting supporters and swing voters, something the Trump campaign did in unprecedented ways. The majority of online ad dollars go to either Facebook or Google.
“Even with all the resources Donald Trump has,” Wilson said, “Facebook is so much bigger than that, that you can’t get around it.”
If you can’t get on facebook you’re doomed to anonymity and insignificance.
All intelligent people know that the way to make sure everyone knows your argument is solid and right, the one to believe because it is factual, is to censor those that call you out and point the gaping holes in your idiocy!
How long until they try to apply the equal time rule to Facebook?
Facebook declares that Facebook did nothing wrong. News at 11.
Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff kissed each other with their masks on Wednesday, even though both are fully vaccinated.
At Joint Base Andrews, Harris and her husband were seen walking across the tarmac, where a suburban SUV was parked next to a staircase used to board the aircraft. When the second couple arrived at the point where they would part ways, they kissed goodbye. As social media users were quick to point out, however, the fully-vaccinated couple did not remove their masks to show their affection.
She’d need more than that flimsy little mask to get anywhere near me.
We’re well into bizarro territory.
More germy than actual kissing.
I’d use a mouth condom, too, if I had to kiss that dick holster.
Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff kissed each other with their masks on Wednesday, even though both are fully vaccinated.
I thought this was interesting day dreaming, but the real thing to do, right after you fire all the top men in D.C. is to move every single government agency out of D.C. to some small rural town in the Midwest. Make it unappealing for the usual cuntes to feel attracted to this sort of work, and I guarantee you that the swamp will self drain, albeit reluctantly, because mixing with the rabble would polute them.
Distributing the centers of administrative and bureaucratic power across the country would have immense benefits for freedom. Put BLM in Reno or Salt Lake. Put the Dept of Ag in Kansas, Energy in North Dakota/Texas, Transportation in Detroit, Labor in Guam…
Then they become like military bases, only with a big chunk of hardcore Dems. It would make it even harder to shrink agencies, and move states even further left, electorally.
^^ I tend to see it like this. You will basically create bureaucratic centers of power and they will keep the locals in check, instead of faraway Washington DC.
Move them to new locations every 10 years. No relocation assistance offered. Federal jobs should be temporary and as unattractive as possible.
I’d prefer just to eliminate virtually all jobs at the federal level of course and devolve power back to the states.
The patent office did this, and the answer is somewhere in between. The USPTO headquarters in Alexandria is distinctly swampier and more prog-fascist than the satellite offices, but your average USPTO employee is swampier and more prog-fascist than their surroundings.
Would it shrink the swamp? Yes. Would it bring the swamp along with it? Yes.
No, you have the right idea, but backwards. Put HUD in Wyomin. Put Ag in NYC. Put Energy in, I don’t know, VT. Put transportation in Idaho. Labor in Guam…sounds good. Put interior in Delaware. Put State in Alaska, they can see Russia from there.
Put all of ’em in Guam, and then when it tips over everybody’s happy.
I like the cut of your jib…
My employer’s solution to our own corporate toxicity (HQ is neither in nor near any manufacturing plants) is to decentralize. They’ve started interviewing for new corporate positions in our bigger plants’ regions and are stationing the newbs in plants, but outside the plants’ chains of command. The E team recognized the need to spread the plants’ culture of actually doing/building/shipping things, where we can’t hide behind political alliances; rather than trying to spread the politics of the ivory tower out to the diaspora.
Thot Thursday is crushin’ it!
9!!!! 9 babies at once!!!!!
Now that is how you patriarchy guys!
I have a couple of messages from people interested in my property.
Are they from guys named Vinnie?
People with a middle name of ‘the’.
Your new methodology is garnering support. Hats off to DIYer, P Brooks.
Hope this time it works.
How about this, the last time Team Blue was united we got a Civil War, the Clan, and Jim Crow, weeeee!
The last time we had “bipartisanship” we got an eleventy bajillion dollar Kung Flu “relief fund” that’s going to hyperinflate everyone’s savings out of existence.
…a destroyed economy that we never recovered from
Huh, I thought the economy was pretty good during Trump’s presidency.
Compared to the Obama economy, yes it was very good. Dave Smith’s point that he talks about during his podcast is that the fed had to set rates to 0 to fund Bush’s wars which led to inflation, risky stock market speculation and bank bail outs.
The current palace intrigue kerfuffles, even over court packing and admitting new states, are trivial in my mind compared to the tsunami of economic destruction that is building as we rack up trillions and trillions of new debt every year.
And, yes, it all goes back to the Fed deciding its role isn’t the management and preservation of the currency and the viability of banking, but the funding of government programs and the protection of the current big banking players.
What can’t go on forever, won’t.
::blank stare:: I don’t get that joke.
Corporate media still defending a Cheney?
I just wish self-described comics would stick to comedy.
Dave Smith is the host of the podcast Part of the Problem. He’s pretty hardcore libertarian. Pretty decent too.
No idea why his twitter handle is that.
Probably a few Dave Smiths on Twitter. And he actually is a stand up comedian.
And maybe your Libertarian Party presidential candidate in 2024….
Is he related to STEVE SMITH?, What about SEA SMITH?
Brought over from the dead thread but H/T to Ozy for the Seneca. I shared it with a friend and I feel much better now. It’s been a hell of a week.
In a Houston paper, WTF is this even supposed to mean? Stay away from Taco Cabana?
Taco Cabana makes their own tortillas. That’s half the battle in Mexican food right there.
Visit your local authentic Mexican joint
My closest authentic Mexican joint is hot garbage. They’re half a step from going under, and it shows in their almost inedible food and their homeopathic drinks.
There are a couple authentic Mexican joints near me. The kind where the menus are only in Spanish. I thought either might be worth checking out but realized all they serve is beef tripe, beef tongue, and various pork cuts.
More power to those who prefer that, but I’ll take my inauthentic steak or chicken fajitas any day.
Lingua is good. I mean, it’s just a muscle like other body muscles — it’s just weird because you know which one it is.
I hate people who say shit like that. You know they think Tex-Mex is inauthentic, despite even the styles using yellow cheese have been around for over 100 years, and started by Mexican refugees from their constant civil wars.
Are you of the Body?
Vaccinations could soon open up for children 12 to 15 years old, a development that could be key to protecting the United States against Covid-19 as overall vaccination rates slow.
“High school kids, in particular, are known to be just about as susceptible and just about as good at passing along this virus as other young adults,” Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said on ABC’s Good Morning America Wednesday. “It will be really great to be able then to get that immunization schedule going well in advance of September.”
The FDA will likely authorize Pfizer/BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine for that age group by early next week, a federal official told CNN. When that happens, the US will be “ready to move immediately” to vaccinate adolescents, White House senior Covid-19 adviser Andy Slavitt said.
Experts including Dr. Anthony Fauci have estimated between 70% to 85% of the US population needs to be immune to the virus — through vaccination or previous infection — to control its spread. The US may depend on the vaccination of high school students by the fall to get there, he said.
Don’t kill Grandma, kids. Get your Doomsday Cult sacrament. Do your patriotic duty.
That fucker Collins is also culpable in this outbreak and can’t be trusted.
“High school kids, in particular, are known to be just about as susceptible and just about as good at passing along this virus as other young adults,” Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said on ABC’s Good Morning America Wednesday.
It is “known”? Show your fucking work, because this has never actually been shown to be the case. Although I guess the weasel words “as other young adults” could actually be an admission that they are not very susceptible and are not likely to be a significant factor in passing it along.
Fucking bullshit. I walk at least 10 miles per night, drink pretty heavily and smoke about 30 cigs per day. Am I afraid of the Yellow Peril? My 33-year-old co-worker only removed her mask outside because I asked if she would. Just to get a look at a friend’s face. This is sad sad shit and every time we go along with it it enables the statists. Time to roll back this nonsense!
I am really dreading the conversation (argument) with my wife if (when) it comes to vaccinating our 6 month old son with the covid shot.
One would hope it would be enough to point out:
(1) It hasn’t even had a clinical trial on infants.
(2) Nobody has a clue what its long-term effects are on anyone.
(3) Infants are at virtually no risk from COVID. Your house and yard have any number of things more dangerous to an infant than COVID. There have been 30 COVID deaths, out of over 11,000 total deaths, for children under 1 year old. And that’s using the loose “associated with COVID” definition.
Thank you. Your second point didn’t convince my wife to not get her own shot, but I appreciate the resource so I can show that it is not dangerous to infants.
Are they from guys named Vinnie?
I’d happily sell this place to the Hell’s Angels, at the right price. Hell, I might give them a discount.
Best neighbors I ever had. Loud sometimes? Sure. Helpful? Always. Crime? None… They’re loud and rowdy but they keep the sneak-thieves away. I miss them. They were pretty fun to party with once they got to know you and you didn’t try to be one. I’ve partied with bikers since I was about 17.
Whelp, back to 40 hours per week. All that overtime will be sorely missed but at least the masturbation will increase. Masturbation and sleep.
You can have my OT. This is tiring and I get about 5 hours of sleep a night.
How much masturbation time do you have?
7 days a week from November into January, 6 days a week until now. I’m ready for a break. I hope yours get cut back some too, Friend!
Something to get you started:
Thank you!
the masturbation will increase
Are you trying to tug at our heart strings?
I don’t think that’s what he’s trying to tug.
He thought he was pulling my leg, joke’s on him.
“Houston, here’s how to not be racist this Cinco de Mayo”
Sike! Just kidding! If you’re white there’s no way not to be racist; but we still expect you to try.
In Houston the Vietnamese and Nigerian population will happily celebrate the Cinco. Those of Mexican heritage will enjoy the VN food at Tet.
When food is presented, well prepared and inexpensive there is a lot of cultural crossover.
Missus Fourscore’s tacos and burritos may not look authentic but they are great, nonetheless.
Heck, the coupla centuries of the Acapulco-Manila galleons mean that Mexican and SE Asian cuisines have already touched each other a lot over the years.
“Touched”? When you realize that all the chiles used in Thai, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Chinese (and Indian, Hungarian, etc) food originated from Mezo-America it seems like there was a lot more than a little influence coming from the new world.
You say cultural crossover, SJW says cultural appropriation.
/looks over at the taco pierogis for sale at a local place
I don’t know when Cinco de Mayo became a thing in the US. I grew up in a neighborhood that was more then 95% Mexican/ Mexican-American a bit of a walk from the border and nobody there celebrated it back then (1960’s-70’s). Of course there were lots of things going on on the other side of the border but I can’t remember anybody on the US side doing anything.
When a bunch of 20-somethings realized they could spin it into an excuse to drink Corona, tequila, and margaritas all day while eating tacos and claim they were celebrating a culture. Like most of the accepted drinking holidays in the US.
Yeah, it’s a nice bridge between St. Paddy’s Day and Memorial Day.
In Houston, the Mexicans are white.
Wait… Houston Mexicans are Asian?
You know- morons
Texas resident Robert Soto can’t wait to visit his favorite karaoke spots in Austin. He says he’ll be wearing his mask when he belts out “Amber” by 311 or “The Promise” by When in Rome — his go-to songs every time he grabs the mic at a bar.
Soto plans to resume some social activities after he gets his second vaccine shot this month, joining the more than 100 million Americans who are fully vaccinated. But his life will be nothing like his carefree pre-pandemic days.
“I will probably still wear my mask and avoid shaking hands for a long while,” he says.
For Soto and many other pandemic-weary Americans, this is a tricky time. The vaccinated are emerging from 14 months of social isolation into a world where key questions remain about where and when to wear a mask.
Is that unmasked person near me vaccinated? If I don’t wear a mask, am I setting a bad example or making others uneasy?
This confusion is sparking political debates similar to ones seen in the early days of the pandemic. And while places are reopening and things feel safer, lingering anxieties remain.
“I will admit that I am afraid of being judged by people who are less concerned than me. It makes me not want to wear the mask so I can avoid stares and judgment,” he told CNN. “But I will just have to push through that because my health and the health of my family is more important.”
Health experts say such concerns are the result of a year of pandemic trauma.
If by “pandemic trauma” you mean “ceaseless barrage of hysterical propaganda and misinformation”.
“But I will just have to push through that because my health and the health of my family is more important.”“
He’s so brave. Somebody give him a medal.
The dreaded Nerak? (reverse Karen)
“May I speak to your underling?!”
2) Good on you for wearing a mask if that makes you feel safer. Sincerely. However, fuck you for whinging to CNN about feeling judged. You and your type have been making everybody’s lives around you a living hell for over a year, and I’m happy you feel uncomfortable. You should be made to feel uncomfortable. You wear the garb of a hated oppressor and you walk among an oppressed people.
“You should be made to feel uncomfortable. You wear the garb of a hated oppressor and you walk among an oppressed people.”
Well said. I’ll be using this.
“This confusion is
sparkingcaused by political debates similar to ones seen in the early days of the pandemic.”Will ManU park the bus today? They just have to avoid losing 4-0.
Best Bob Dylan lyrics:
God say you can do what you want, Abe
Next time you see me comin’ you better run.
Abe say, where you want this killin’ done?
Oh noes! The plebes won’t pay their Rona upkeep fees
I wish the reporter had asked the MSHSL officials what they had cut from their budget because of the Rona. I’m pretty sure the answer was “nothing”. I’m so happy to see people pushing back like this.
Maybe someone should explain consequences to the MSHSL officials? Like when you cut your revenue generating events, you shouldn’t be surprised when there is less money.
I’m sure some of Biden’s Infrastructure bill will find their way into the MSHSL coffers. Nobody in government wants to set a precedent of having bureaucrats live with the consequences of their actions.
So… does this count as attempted cultural appropriation:
Dubai tapped to host Germany’s canceled Oktoberfest, upsetting some traditionalists
I… really? REALLY?
Fucking Dubai? That’s the place where I want to go and drink copious amounts of German beer…
Will the serving wenches (I know there is a better name, but I am going with it) be wearing burkas?
dirndl was the word I couldn’t come up with, dreidel kept popping into my mind, and I knew that wasn’t right.
So, the point is, will the servers be wearing burkas instead of dirndls? Because that defeats 1/2 the point of Oktoberfest.
I mentioned this story to the girlfriend, and she thought I was joking until she looked it up herself.
There are just too many jokes to make about this. They mention importing the German beer, but nothing about the food. So will the vendors be pushing falafel and hummus?
Are you saying I might not be able to get Schnitzel?
No worries, they import Filipinas for that.
Shawarmas and beer isn’t half bad at all.
Seems like Austria or the German speaking parts of Switzerland would be more appropriate and being a shitfaced tourist in an Arab country seems like a recipe for disaster.
Sharia Judge: Your choice is BUNTA or DEATH!
You: What is BUNTA?
Sharia Judge: That’s us all pulling a sex train on your ass…
You: Erm, I go with death…
Sharia Judge: DEATH BY BUNTA!
The pandemic has made some people more germophobic
Despite the lifting of mask mandates, many Americans may also be reluctant to go maskless because they’re at risk of other respiratory illnesses or just afraid of germs, one expert says.
And that’s a good thing, right?
Biden said the incident occurred in his ‘fourth or fifth year as vice president’, or around 2014-2015, at which time the conductor he named had been retired for 20 years and his mother had passed away, inconsistencies first pointed out by Fox News.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
The Press: Good old Joe. Why do you nitpick him?
Also The Press: Trump’s walking up a ramp is an indication of a serious health problem, making him unfit to be president.
We are living Yes, Minister (or In the Thick of It if you like) in real times.
But we always have.
From the Cinco De Mayo
Really? When I throw around my limited Korean or Japanese, the people I’m trying it out on all seem to really appreciate that I’m trying. Even if I am the worst linguist in the world.
Why is it so horrible to try out a new language? Are English speakers mad when some furinger tries to speak to us in the One Real Language?
“…the worst linguist in the world.”
But are you a “cunning linguist”?
We’ve met. You know that I’m too tongue-tied to be a cunning linguist.
Do you know what the difference is between the US ladies soccer team and a bunch of pigmies?
One is a group of cunning runts?
Preferably one not used by Bill Clinton…
This is a point that was not lost on me 40-some-odd years ago. Growing up with Spanish vying for the primary spot over English I always got gruff whenever I made mistakes in Spanish. Nobody cared in the least that I was trying if it wasn’t nearly perfect.
When I got to Japan my experience was 180 degrees out from that. People praised my every little effort. They acted amazed when I strung a sentence together. I never got a negative response at all.
Look at that Gaijin being cute!
He thinks he’s people!
He’ll never have a longer intestine, though.
Public health authorities have documented a significant decline in flu cases since people began wearing masks in the pandemic, he says.
There’s your proof. Masks work. Today, tomorrow, forever!
Because they are calling flu cases Covid.
There has also been a significant decline in reported flu cases since President Cartoon Villain was kicked off the twatter.
RE: That polevault chick I posted the other day – here she is working out.
God Bless you Son. :makes sign of the swastika:
Poor girl, the internet pics show that her ass seems to be a black hole that inexorably consumes whatever shorts she’s wearing.
EXPERTS, they are
If you want to know whether someone you’re planning on spending time with has gotten the COVID-19 vaccine, you shouldn’t feel bad about asking, according to etiquette experts.
Unlike many other pieces of health-related information, which are typically kept private in polite company, there’s no shame in wanting to know whether people you’re close with have gotten the vaccine, according to etiquette expert Elaine Swann.
“We should not be afraid to ask the question,” Swann told USA TODAY. That’s because the vaccination status of a person can have health impacts for the people who spend time around them.
People who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 can increasingly live more normal lives without putting themselves at a high risk of contracting the virus, government guidance says. But many activities are only safe if a vaccinated person is surrounded by other vaccinated people.
“Did you ever get rid of that nasty case of syphilis?”
I’ve already had those conversations with covid-crazy family members. My response – “you’re vaccinated, are you saying the vaccine doesn’t work?”
I would love to imagine that after you ask them that question they just stammer, sputter, and basically capitulate. However, in my experience I would guess that they start down the path of some well worn verbal yoga, pretzel anti-logic argument starting with something like “That’s not how it works…”
I don’t know if I’m imagining this, but I feel like there’s a shift from the idea that if you don’t mask up, you are responsible for killing people, to if you don’t vaccinate, you are responsible for killing people. Like vaccinations are now the bare minimum you can do. Maybe it’s just be me being paranoid because at work and on my hockey team, I’m the only one not vaccinated.
Probably doesn’t help that a large portion of the population is dumber than a pile of bricks. A while back I saw a survey showed a majority of people thought the hospitalization rate for Covid was 30% to 40%. People think this is worse than the bubonic plague and the government isn’t helping alleviate those fears
” dumber than a pile of bricks”
Propaganda works. These people are probably smarter about the things they really need to be smart about.
If a woman asks you about whether you were vaccinated, ask her how many abortions she’s had.
They really are priming us to feel ok with being snitches and stool pigeons once the interrogations begin so they can fill up the gulags.
But many activities are only safe if a vaccinated person is surrounded by other vaccinated people.
That’s not how vaccines work. If you’re vaccinated, you’re safe, unless the vaccine is ineffective, in which case it wouldn’t matter if others around you were also vaccinated.
But somehow this isn’t considered false information, although I bet pointing it out would be.
here she is working out.
Gracias, muchacho.
Nothing beats Michelle! https://youtu.be/vgPlVd4S3Uc
Now I want to work out with her your holiness!
“Wisconsin dairy farmer with two prosthetic legs sues Biden administration over ‘racist’ COVID relief plan that disqualifies him because he is white
A dairy farmer in Wisconsin who is physically disabled has sued the Biden administration over a COVID relief program that excludes white farmers, arguing the program is racist.
Adam Faust, who runs a herd of 140 Holsteins on his family farm in Chilton, joined other plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed last week in Green Bay, alleging the loan forgiveness program illegally discriminates against them.
At issue is a $4 billion program tucked into the Biden administration’s COVID-19 stimulus plan that forgives loans for farmers and ranchers who are black, native American, Hispanic, or Asian — but not those who are white.”
I still have no idea how all these government programs that only benefit women and/or minorities are legal.
Narrator: They are not legal.
Yet, they’ve been around for decades.
I remember I looked through that book Government Giveaways that they used to advertise on late night TV. It was the size of a city phone book, filled with such programs.
“Mark Wahlberg’s personal chef reveals the actor is consuming ‘eight meals a day at about 7,000 calories’ in order to gain 30 pounds in SIX WEEKS for latest film role
Before going meal-by-meal, Duran explained to the outlet that, although Mark is putting on weight, he is ‘definitely not loading him up on junk.’
Instead, he is preparing ‘relatively nutritious meals, all flavored by Spiceology,’ while consulting with both a physician and a nutritionist to make sure all the actor’s health needs are met.”
That’s what I tell girls my love gun produces… And that it has 12 essential vitamins & minerals, and I feel obliged to give them their minimum daily requirement…
Spiceology… it’s what human’s crave!
Does he call his leavings “The Funky Bunch”?
Yeah, he’s really focused on his nutriTREN!
However, fuck you for whinging to CNN about feeling judged. You and your type have been making everybody’s lives around you a living hell for over a year, and I’m happy you feel uncomfortable. You should be made to feel uncomfortable. You wear the garb of a hated oppressor and you walk among an oppressed people.
Exactly this.
And there were people who tut-tutted me when I said, early on, the masks were a social signal just like wearing a swastika armband in 1939 Germany.
^ I think someone recently posted a something from a liberal who was saying that she wanted to stop wearing a mask outside now that she has been vaccinated but is afraid people will think she’s a Republican.
It’s always the masked youngins, too. Driving alone, walking alone, I wonder if they keep the mask on whilst flicking the bean, just for safety’s sake. God knows none of them own a pair of nards.
“Blinken Says US May Ramp up
Security Assistance toMoney Laundering Activity in Ukraine”https://www.newsmax.com/politics/blinken-us-security-assistance-ukraine/2021/05/06/id/1020323/
Isn’t this the racket the Obama admin team was running, that required Biden to go there and shoot down the prosecutor that wanted to investigate Burisma (which was paying Hunter money to look for parmesan cheese in carpets I think), which resulted in the fake accusations of Trump trying to get them to “investigate the Biden crime syndicate that led to Trump’s impeachment using made up charges that actually reflected what the Obama and Biden people were doing? The same shit that now is making the FBI go after Giuliani and Solomon in the hopes of making a case that will force them to keep quiet (like they did with Flynn)?
It’s like we want Ukraine to get invaded.
Why do they continuously throw money at that corrupt country? Oh that’s right so Biden can get backdoor deals through his son.
I assume all foreign aid is just money laundering / kick-back schemes.
The trick is to make the foreign aid programs large enough to hide the relatively small percentages that are flushed back.
See also: War on Terror
And every other part of the Federal Budget. If we were conquered by Mongols or Vikings and had to pay tribute, it would be similar theft but more honest.
afraid people will think she’s a Republican.
Anything but that.
My go-to is that I believe in inherent rights that no Government can amend. They always look at me like a puppy that just shit in your shoe.
Being a fucking leftist mean belonging to a cult. That’s why no matter how much reality punches some of these idiots in the face, they refuse to get with it. Their entire existence is wrapped in the belief that being a woke pro-marxist asshole makes them better than everyone else…
They really are priming us to feel ok with being snitches and stool pigeons once the interrogations begin so they can fill up the gulags.
There is a WaPo headline (I never click WaPo) about some old biddy who ratted out her friend’s son for being an “insurrectionist”.
Crayon-eaters rejoice!
Any guitarists in the house?
I’m seriously thinking about getting this.
I live in an apartment with bitchy neighbors who call the landlord in the afternoon if I’ve got my Les Paul plugged in. Normally I’d tell them to get fucked but the landlord is my stepfather, so I’ve got to tone it down.
From what I’ve read this acoustic/electric plays like an electric, but as an acoustic it sounds like crap. Very little projection and no bass. Which is perfect, since that’s what pisses off my neighbors! And plugged in it sounds pretty damn good.
It looks nice. Not too pricy. Amazon does returns if it sucks.
Any thoughts?
Just let ‘er rip
There’s a reason why he gets paid to play guitar while people pay money to get me to stop.
I have the Ibanez hollow body, and you described it perfectly with the sound. It was great when I lived in an apartment. Now that I bought a house, I just crank the amp up to deafen the girlfriend.
That pretty much confirms my thoughts. Thanks.
What do you use for an amp?
I blindly bought a Blackstar HT1R MKII and I love it.
It’s a 1 watt tube amp. Yep. One single watt. It sounds great.
Got mine on EBay for a little over $200 and I’ll plug into that before my Peavey Classic 30. Totally recommend it.
Desk Jockey’s future.
That was too funny!
The body looks too thin to sound good as an acoustic, and I doubt the strings are as slinky as an electric. And I’d never go for an acoustic with a penetration in the body (other than the sound hole) like with those electronics pictured.
It’s beautiful, but if you’re not playing acoustic live, I’d stick to a one with a full size body and no gadgetry.
I don’t want a great-sounding acoustic. Quite the opposite. I want something I can play without my neighbors complaining.
From the research I’ve done it’s got a pretty petite neck, which is good for me since I don’t have spider fingers. And when strung with electric strings it’s pretty slinky. I’ll probably but 10s on it. As far as the electronics go, I’ve never had one with so I can’t say. The built-in tuner is pretty cool though.
Ah, gotcha. Looks like a perfect choice, then.
Signing out for now. Bless every last one of you!
You too! Sleep well.
Has anyone seen this example of a male of the species?
Saw that on the Daily Mail. Total badass.
I might set that video to Ebony & Ivory.