Not a lot in my browser history this week. I haven’t been online much. I came down with a nasty sinus infection a few weeks ago that kicked my ass. I’m still not fully recovered.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping has a properly sized Zoom background, which I suspect will be making an appearance in our Glibzoom.
Is it even an official conference if you aren’t using Four Seasons Total Landscaping? By popular demand – we have a properly sized @zoom_us background. Drop a photo if you use it! #LawnAndOrder
— Four Seasons Total Landscaping (@therealfstl1992) November 9, 2020
I’m definitely backing this project on IndieGoGo. This game looks hilarious.
Some dude on Reddit created a photorealistic image of Abe Lincoln if he lived in our current era. It’s pretty well done.
Because it’s Cinco de Mayo, here’s a round up of obscure Mexican restaurants with really good food.
The CORRECT link to tonight’s zoom:
No way no how. Last time I did a Wed I was a wreck the next day. I am going to eat a salad with charcoal grilled pork loin and go to bed. But thanks! 3 am comes too early. You kids have fun.
But thanks! 3 am comes too early.
I’m a lazy ass. I like to sleep in until 3:30.
No zoom for me tonight. I have some things I need to wrap up and I need to be up early tomorrow.
Thanks for running it!
Nice to see y’all!
Those fruits look overripe.
“Not a lot in my browser history this week. I haven’t been online much. I came down with a nasty sinus infection a few weeks ago that kicked my ass. I’m still not fully recovered.”
Sorry, hope you are feeling better.
Have you tried a neti pot?
Neti pots are helpful, but the squeeze bottle ones are easier to use and more effective.
Any CVS or Walgreens will have it. My ENT doc recommended it.
It avoids the waterboarding sensation of the Neti pot too.
I doubt they are more effective, because I don’t see how that would have venturi effect. Anyway, I’m old school.
Never did sutra neti with a live snake though.
The squeeze bottle is effective. The water still goes up one nostril, through the sinuses, snd out the other. It just does it with more force so it gets some of the crud that the neti pot leaves behind.
Doc recommends keeping the solution a bit hypertonic compared to what the fill line shows.
My ex introduced my to the Neti pot. Her name is Annette. She wasn’t happy with the pet name that resulted.
Nice ‘nanas. I do enjoy a well-ripened banoogus. Banogle. Banonnigan. Bananular phone. Banarnes and Banoble. Bananharinha. Bananananananananananananananananannanananananananananana.
Yours inevitably,
Viceroy Millipede
I love that word.
El Vilsito has an Al Pastor round vertically roasting that I would pray to. On my knees and everything.
He’d probably be a douchebag wokester nowadays. He’d have had to go to years of college, unlike back in his day. I doubt any of the early important Americans would be capable of attaining such greatness in todays world.
The L.A. gas station place is about 5 miles from my house. I will try it. I have low hopes, though. There’s so many options here and I have about three really good places, each with a different top notch item. We’ll see. The building right across the street used to house Paughco, a motorcycle parts company which has since moved to Nevada. It’s an iconic player in the vintage Harley game. I used to buy parts there at the will call window. Apparently, I’m old.
If you didn’t know; now you know.
2nd best chicharron in SoCal. Best chicharron in the Valley. And the staff keeps the place clean.
A heaping helping of babes with big back porches on Ass Wednesday.
#32 needs to moisturize, or she’s going to peel something awful.
I think Tres Cool is going to be disappointed.
I came down with a nasty sinus infection a few weeks ago that kicked my ass. I’m still not fully recovered.
Get well soon!
This. Feel better, nose problems are really a bear to live with.
“Although, an erotic puppet show with a Fauci doll and an RBG doll going to town on each other…”
I’m not volunteering, but someone needs to test Rule 34 here.
No…. Please no….
Got a thing for fisting felt?
I can do a one-mam puppet show with three simultaneous puppets.
Let me guess, two of ’em beat up the other one?
The Ransom Notes game reminds me of how I got locked out of the comments section of the Freep recently. A couple weeks back all my comments were going to a moderator, no matter how innocent they were. If I tried to comment “I love the Freep” it went to a moderator. I got annoyed so I spent about 30 minutes typing comments as fast as I could. After awhile I just started picking one of the suggested words until I had 3 or 4 lines of meaningless mumbo jumbo and then hit submit. The next morning my account was blocked from comments. No great loss.
Agile Cyborg is that you?
Bringing new meaning to Ass Wednesday.
She had fricking laser beams shot into her ass! Frickin laser beams!
If it hurt too bad, she could have taken some Asspirin.
Butt out, Blackjack!
Man, I had some snappy comebacks, but I rectum.
Alright, enough with these buns.
Ok, since you assked nicely.
Tracey went with boyfriend Freddie, who provided moral support
Heh. Yeah, I bet he did.
A friend just sent a meme with Joe Biden saying.
“Mushrooms are like goats. Because if you shoot a duck, I’ll scared of toasters.”
One of the local right wing radio stations has started a ” What did Joe say?” segment. It’s nowhere near as funny as the “What did Jesse Jackson say?” one was, but it shows how bad Joe is at merely talking.
I’m already seeing ads on TV sucking up to Biden as a son of Scranton, PA, a doer, as someone not concerned all the time with photo ops and his image, someone who’s taken us back from the economic brink and is rebuilding the economy, is promising millions of new high paying jobs as he builds new infrastructure and who doesn’t demean his opponents. Already getting nauseous having seen this at least four times in the last two days.
Have you seen the clips of him grilling Clarence Thomas? Incomprehensible.
I saw that – and it was from 30 years ago when you would expect he would have had his wits about him
“You know and I know”
“and the rest of people sitting here know that I don’t make much sense”
He doesn’t mean tweet!
The economic rebuilding caused by the destruction of government overreach?
Thanks for the crutch. It really helps after you’ve broken my legs.
“taken us back from the economic brink”
Why is everything so expensive?
but did he try to put food on his family ?
I have no idea what the deal is with the lawn care place?
Ha ha! You’re out of the loop!
(I have no idea either)
Trump tried to do announcement at the Four Seasons (the hotel) but ended up doing it at Four Seasons Landscaping.
That seems like an implausible mistake.
It wasn’t Trump, it was Rudy when he was pushing the big lie for Trump. For all Trumps faults he wouldn’t make that kind of mistake, Rudy on the other hand could fuck up a fuck up contest.
Pretty sure you asked for it, this time.
My low carb kick is under serious threat now that I know that pita chips exist at the corner store.
Nom nom nom.
Be strong!
Tom Woods mentioned a study last night wherein it was found that having a child in the house resulted in lower COVID rates in the adults of the house, and that the effect scaled with more children present!
I’d like to see more followup studies. One possibility floated is that children have more of a certain type of immune system [proteins? cells? I dunno] components that are not present or not in high numbers in adults. So the children don’t create more COVID copies and thus don’t spread it.
But how does that confer greater immunity to the adults? or does it?
Anyway, definitely an interesting area to study.
Because it’s purely correlative.
How many obese over 60 year olds do you know with lots of little kids running around?
boom. there you go.
I would have to actually look at the study and its controls but that’s my gut right off the bat.
When you’re immune to screaming kids running through he house, you’re pretty well immune to a minor inconvenience like the CV.
Yes. another possibility is — as science has already suggested — cold immunities confer some cv protection.
But I suspect it’s a simple correlation. People with young kids are younger than the cutoff themselves and more likely to have cv with mild to no symptoms. So they fall through the statistical cracks more often.
I think this is it. My kid’s eight and this is the first year I haven’t had 3-4 cold/flu episodes.
Something that I would wonder is if this has something to do with reported rates. It could be that people with kids don’t have time to go to a doctor over slight cold so if they came down with a light case of COVID they would just muddle through and never even know. People without any kids are more likely to see a doctor to get something for it.
Yeah, imagine how much damage we’ve done to the world’s wealth over something that this is a reasonable take on. Fucking people!
I’m not even sure which is the worst outcome – the world economy driven into the ditch or the hot and cold running authority rendered to our political betters.
Imagine if we’re ever faced with something with a worrisome mortality rate. No playing around with bullshit “died with” disease numbers, but pustules erupting from your soft tissue all over and inside your body. The country collapses instantly.
The CCP is taking notes on how we reacted to this thing. I can only imagine what they are planning.
A pretty good <a href=""single-guitar cover (stripping out the lead slide part but still managing to be awesome) of what is perhaps Van Halen’s best song.
Somehow, Q missed this blonde in a tank top.
Beats the hell outa Jane Fonda.
A good home remedy to kill off that sinus infection is about 6 parts coke, 3 parts baking soda, and 1 part ajax. About 2 grams inhaled through the nostrils should do it, preferably between 2-5 in the morning after 8-10 hours of alcohol consumption. Your sinuses should be wide open when you wake up at 4 pm the next afternoon. The sinuses might hurt for the next week and have a hollow feeling, but you should be able to breathe freely.
I enjoy these sorts of homespun folk remedies.
That’s basically my last coke experience 10 plus years ago. I’m guessing the ingredients are close to what was in it.
Did I read that correctly a couple days ago that your area had an outdoor mask mandate? WTF? That is over the top absurd and illogical.
Yep, Mass had a statewide outdoor mask mandate until last week. It was rediculous.
People are _still_ wearing masks outdoors. Including people walking by themselves.
I’m surrounded by the insane.
No coincidence that most of these stories are from the Boston area:
Note that is from *The Atlantic* of all places. When even The Atlantic notes you’re being an irrational lefty…
Another Masshole?
I had the dubious pleasure of having access to lots of high-quality coke, often for free, while in college. You can guess what my friends were up to.
I haven’t done it in decades nor do I have the slightest interest. I’m quite thankful that I apparently just don’t have the “I can’t live without this” gene for coke – that wasn’t the case for some acquaintances.
I did lose a close childhood friendship because of that situation – turns out he hadn’t actually been paying the landlord for a couple months and just pocketing the rent. Not because he had a coke problem, but something had gone wrong with the guy he was buying in bulk from in NY and my friend needed the cash, badly.
I’m a bit unclear what happened to him after the Feds arrested him – last I heard he owned a dry-cleaners in Ireland. I believe he did some time, which I can’t imagine went well for him.
You guys have the best stories.
Some are a bit grim in retrospect.
I think I mentioned this before: same childhood friend, while we were still on Long Island :
During the summer, a few of us were going to go out on a friend’s boat for the day (nothing fancy, 17′ Whaler). They completely blew me off – flat out no-showed at the pre-arranged time to pick me up from the beach (they had gone out earlier, I was working or something). I was super-pissed.
I believe the plan had been to take LSD and hang out in the bay.
Next day I got the full story – they went ahead and took some LSD while they were out on the boat and the owner of the boat – ‘A’ – decided it wasn’t working/wanted to show off/who knows what and took _way_ too much. He ended up chasing the others around the boat with a knife.
Mind you, the boat looks like this:
There’s not a lot of chasing-around room.
The others ended up flat-out jumping out of the boat and just swimming to shore – they were over by Sand City so not that far from shore, but way-the-hell away from home (we lived in Huntington Bay, so not far as the crow flies, really far if you need to walk home).
‘A’ was truly never quite right after that day. Just a couple short years later he died in a car accident by what was widely assumed to be suicide by car.
Good times.
I’ll note that ended my brief dabbling with LSD. Not that interested in something that can twist you up for so many hours with no way off that ride. My vices are quite pedestrian these days.
Quite a story.
Lots of poor choices were made by me, and those around me, in my youth. It’s not entirely surprising I am not in contact with any childhood friends.
I live in the middle of 3 colleges. I see people walking and riding bikes all the time with a mask on. I just shake my head.
I never had the coke gene either. Never paid for it. Just did it when drunk and offered to me. I had some friends go off the deep end and started freebasing all the time. I quit hanging around multiple people in my early 20’s because they were always coked up and acted like assholes.
People here mask up pretty much any time they are outside the house. We are supposed to get a pass if we are “exercising” although some people mask up while running/cycling anyway.
I never mask while out for a walk and nobody ever says anything to me about it. I rarely see anybody un-masked but the few times I’ve seen somebody without a mask I haven’t seen anybody say a thing to them. So at least the outright “Karens” are not too brave here.
I can’t wait until I can hold a mask-burning party / BBQ.
Does it come with a new pair of silicon nostrils?
Angel Hernandez is an incompetent piece of shit.
Signed, Captain Obvious
MLB umpire
I’m proud to say I haven’t watched baseball since 1994.
I didn’t even like it before 2014.
Baseball umpire. The fact I know that name tells you he’s a terrible ump.
I finally got around to watching “They Live” today.
Ironically what was meant to be a scathing rebuke of Reagan era Capitalism ends up being much more apropos in COVID era America.
I also love late 80’s era corniness.
Highly recommend.
It’s great. Re-watched a couple years ago.
I’m considering ordering this:
But I’m thinking maybe one person out of 500 would get the reference.
Then their the right person.
If it was an attractive woman I think I’d probably propose on the spot.
You would be a fool not too.
But I’m thinking maybe one person out of 500 would get the reference.
That is why you should buy it.
Then how did a duffer pick up on it right away? Not a movie guy, not since the ’50s anyway.
On the other hand, he’d have walked a mile for a smoke, in his younger days…
That or they’ll think it’s from Duke Nukem. Or Evil Dead.
Great movie. I have to find it on a streaming service to show my kids.
The whole putting on the glasses fight scene is great. It’s like arguing about Communism with an indoctrinated government-dependent entitled single mom.
A properly sized Zoom background.
What’s that?
I felt I understood better what a cat filter would do.
The only advantage of Zoom is that you see who is talking on a conference call. I’m that old-fashioned.
You clearly have missed Tonio’s intros.
VDH is gloomy, but not incorrect.
Hi, dbleagle. Nice to see you.
VDH does make some dire observations sometimes but he does it so calmly and rationally that it eases the pain a bit.
Why is it that the media says “Latino restaurants welcome Cinco de Mayo” – when the celebration is specifically a Mexican one?
I know that somehow a lot of lefties see the word “Mexican” as a pejorative but for most Mexicans I know it is just what they are and many are proud to be Mexican.
I can’t see any way to spin the term “Mexican” as a pejorative when it’s applied to a person or thing of Mexican origin.
I could get why Hondurans or Peruvians get tired of all Latinos being called Mexican, but if you really are Mexican, there’s no problem.
And as you point out, it’s a far more precise term.
Are the Chinese New Year and the Hindu Diwali night going to become Asian New Year and Asian Festival of light?
Canadians really should be called Americans though. Canada is America’s hat. And also America’s hockey farm team.
When we make Canada the 58th state, we can issue firearms to the people in flyover provinces.
I get the feeling from some of the lefties I’ve run into that saying “Mexican” seems to much like saying “Meskin”.
Somebody once took umbrage to me referring to a friend I grew up with as my Mexican friend – they wanted me to say “Mexican-American”. This friend of mine was a Mexican citizen until he turned 23 – and I was his witness at INS (I was his reference on his documentation) when he got his US citizenship.
I would guess that the media are completely ignorant of the origins of that day.
3:30 AM, all is well and all alone. I’ll wait…
All is not Lost! howdy 4×20! time for the workday get ready festivities, How’s it goin?
I guess the three of us are alone here.
How’s it going Fourscore? Yusef?
I’m on the train heading home. Thursday here but Friday for me ’cause I’m taking tomorrow off and going down to get the vaccine. J&J so one and done. I don’t really care about it for me – but I have peeps in the area who have all the worst co-morbidities.
Fair to middlin’ if it would just warm up a little it would a nice spring day…
Can’t sleep more that 4-5 hours but the day time nap(s) may be the reason. Feeling chipper, none the less. On the road to recovery but the summer’s plans are different than I’d hoped.
Bees come Sat but some friends are putting them out. My bee partner has everything ready, hives, fence chargers, etc, then he leaves on vacation tomorrow. I’ll watch from the window. We’ll be ready in Sep for a meet up with the available and willing Glibs.
Work day for y’all? I’d trade if I could but I wouldn’t wish my problem on anyone. It wouldn’t be fair. Enjoy today, all.
every day above ground is a good day 4x, enjoy it, I’ll work for both of us,
Thanks, Pardner !
Moring All, could not get back to sleep.
Putting up fencing for sheep when sun comes out.
Doing this back to land movement is hard when you are “old”
moving North at 57? crazy, living with the Provincials? they are nice, I’ll say that for them,
She looka like a man.
The missus watched Hannity with Ms Jenner last night. She needs a lot of work if she wants to run with the big dogs
Guns, bears, Austrians…how much more Glib does it get?
needs more Porn….
I RTFA and didn’t note anything about pot and/or Mexican buttseks.
Should I haz confuz?
Alcoholic Muppet and bad Casio keyboard music:
That was… depressing. Also, the Muppet was much too clean. He should have been covered in vomit and poo stains.
My sinuses hate me. When the Benadryl finally kicks in, I’m done for the day.
I have Fissures where my front teeth used to be, and now my saliva gets in my sinuses all day, it fucking sucks,
But I can blow smoke out of my Eyeballs, so that’s cool,
But I can blow smoke out of my Eyeballs
That is cool.
It hurts,
Im’ma gonna hop in the recliner, I think its naptime. In fact, it is naptime.
Pleasant dreams, 4/(20)!
Sup GT? Any rain? Cold and damp here,
Not at the moment. Clear but cool here – rain expected this evening. How are you this morning?
Well and fine, working in a very high voltage panel today, very dangerous, very cool,
I wish I could take a nap. But I have work.
Good morning, U. Hope you have enough Dew to get you through. ::slurps coffee::
I have caffiene, but it doesn’t make me enthusiastic.
Luckily, that’s not required for the day job. How are you otherwise?
Grumpy, angry at myself.
🙁 Please don’t beat yourself up!
I get frustrated with myself, especially when I can’t resist temptation. (The chocolate brownie cookies at the office are gone, but the chocolate chip ones remain…) But it doesn’t do any good to be angry at yourself. I just hate to see you feeling that way. You have a lot more going for you than I think you see.
It’s not like there’s anyone else to blame for my failures.
Do you give yourself enough – and proportional – credit for your successes?
I haven’t had any for years.
::peruses UCS’s body of literary output and ponders his prodigious erudite and amusing comments at this very site:: I’ma hunt you down and slap some sense and (well-deserved) self-esteem into you! If I can reach your face, that is.
My last book was released in 2019. I’ve utterly failed to complete even a draft of another. I wiegh more than when I started trying to lose weight and I can’t stop myself from overeating. My career is stalled, and I haven’t even managed to clean up this filthy hovel.
Hrrrrmph. I have to go get ready for work, but I’m not done with you yet, sir!
UCS, sounds like you are going through a transition. Sounds a lot like where I am right now. This point really sux but I know things will be a lot better on the other side. Keep on keeping on. Left foot, right foot.
Good morning, TARDy, Yu, Sean, Teji, and robdru – any and all who are still about – and to lurkers, too. It’s Friday Eve! I get to leave work a little early to go swimming. Life is good here. Hope it’s likewise for all of you!
Go jump in a lake!
A glimmer of sense in a sea of insanity?
Have the whack job safety obsessed parents had time to weigh in on the decision yet? It seems like all it takes is for a relatively small number of assholes to raise a stink and the good that was done is quickly undone.
I get the impression they’re aware of – and mostly prepared for – parental objections, which seem to be offset by widespread parental approval. I’m worried that the county or state Powers That (Ought Not To) Be will swoop in and threaten them with dire consequences if they don’t tow the lion.
Covid Tracker, an Oxford run tracker of national anti Covid lockdown stringency:
Among the less stringent than the U.S. are the bastions of freedom Russia and Saudi Arabia (and Australia interestingly enough). Way more stringent than us are China, most of Western Europe, and Canada. What the hell Canada, is it really that bad up there?
That’s a great reference! I like the time progression feature, too. Wish someone in the US would adapt this to the state level – I want to go on a short vacation soon, and I want to find some place close by that’s freer than Ohio.
Thanks, Stinky, and good morning!
Not as nice as the other one but here you go:
Very good! The pop-up details by state are very helpful. I suspect Indiana is actually further along than Ohio – no more statewide mask mandate, though they may remain at the county or municipality level. I may hunt down a Hoosier destination where we can relax and move about unmasked. Wonder what their state park lodges are doing along those lines…
Canada is a prison colony. Especially Ontario and Quebec.
I am with FourScore. I am back to bed. I have been up since 2:30.
Nighty-night! Wait…that’s not right…
NOLA cancelled Mardi Gras and JazzFest, with nary a peep from the citizenry. I’m so disappointed with my fellow man that I don’t know if I ever want to go back. I know you already disregard the crowded, crime-ridden parishes, but NOLA has been my spiritual home since my very first visit. I know what it means to miss New Orleans and the lack of fight and rebellious spirit makes me want to cry.
So sorry for that, Friend… Titties and beads cancelled over nothing.
Big thanks to Ozy for recommending Seneca’s “Letters to Lucillius” yesterday. I was allowing worry to consume me but I’m much better now. Heh, look at the philosophical janitor, how cliche…
I figure it’s less a cliche and more that janitors have a lot of time to think. I could be mistaken, since I’ve never done it for a living, but my mind does tend to wander while cleaning.
Depends on the Custodian. I’ve known a few whose deepest thoughts are “What’s for lunch?” It’s both a blessing and a curse.
Replacement modem arrived after one day. That was fast as fuck. Guess they don’t like paying money back.
“I came down with a nasty sinus infection a few weeks ago that kicked my ass. I’m still not fully recovered.”
Someone was not doing her patriotic duty by wearing her mask. Look at your fearless leader, he always wears a mask! And he doesn’t have a cold. Maybe a stutter.