C’mon, guys, put some pants on. I’m trying to keep these links classy.
Maria Renard and Richter Belmont in 1972 France during the French Revolution? I’ll be there.
Ed and Lorraine Warren, again, and again… and again!
Oldie but a goodie about those oh-so-conflicted feelings people have sometimes.
It’s a great movie though.
Who doesn’t love hard-boiled dick?
That sounds like English food.
I think that’s “spotted dick,” which I’ll leave to the deeper foodie nerds to explain.
Hard-boiled is a genre of detective (“dick”) fiction featuring gritty, low rent guys like Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade instead of gentlemen detectives like Nick Charles.
Also Inspector Tequila Yuen.
James Ellroy once said that Marlow was the man that Chandler wanted to be, while Hammet’s heros* were the men he thought he was.
*Mostly the Contenental Op, but also Spade.
“Who wants a banger in the mouth?”
Heinz UK. They discontinued their tinning puddings, including treacle and spotted dick, back in 2015.
“An estimated 1.9 million women are targeted and physically assaulted in the United States every year”
“Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey”
OK, so it’s bullshit.
Although, women could walk around strapped like Lara Croft for all I care. Actually, that would be kind of hot.
As long as they don’t shoot at everything that moves outside of cut scenes.
Can you imagine what would happen to ammo prices given that kind of demand?
Also, didn’t she shoot 357 Sig? That shit has always been expensive.
Steve Roper and Mike Nomad parody?
“Data show that every year, at least 200,000 women employ a firearm to defend themselves against sexual abuse. ”
I have been assured by leftists that each and every one of those women has the gun taken away from her by her male assailant before she can fire, and that the gun is then turned against her by said assailant.
Of course. The gun basically walks itself over to the rapist because guns are sexist.
No, the rapist says “give me that gun, *****” and the woman immediately complies because all women are weak-willed and submissive to men, and loath to cause injury even to very bad people. That’s why only the state can protect them with powerful laws.
White women are the root cause of sexual assault. Oxfam said so, and everyon knows how great they are.
Nice song pick, Riven — in honor of the halestorm mentioned in the AM links, here’s another.
Kept meaning to check out Cuphead, never did… tried Witcher 1 and just couldn’t get into it. Ah well — for my strange Eastern European mythos fixes, I’ll just stick with Artifex Mundi hidden object games. Those get weird enough.
4 miles – 80 minutes 🙂
Unfortunately, my calf decided to cramp up at the crest of the last hill.
As of a few minutes ago, I am debt free and homeless.
Um, congratulations? Sold the house and used the money to pay things off?
What is the celebratory drink tonight? I know you are building in another state, so assuming the homeless part is planned for now.
The celebratory drink should be coffee, because coffee is for closers.
Can I have the steak knives?
You already said you have new living arrangements lined up, so congrats.
I believe that about half of the people who are homeless in California are millionaires. Congrats.
Congrats on closing.
Go you!
Better than being house rich and cash poor.
Congratulations on closing!
Did you sell to blackrock…
No, Blackwater.
Done indebted and housed. What’s next? Indebted and homeless or debt free and housed?
“A VERY British charm offensive: Smiling Joe and Jill Biden meet the Queen at G7 royal reception attended by Kate, William, Charles and Camilla as the UK rolls out the red carpet for world leaders”
OK, I read the article and there is no mention of Joe honking the Queen’s boobs, so I’m going to count that as a win for the Administration.
Damn I wish her husband was still around. He would have some interesting things to say.
What does the queen carry in her purse? I thought she could just snap her fingers and someone would bring whatever she wanted.
Signet ring and the nuclear attack codes?
I’m guessing in this case, pepper spray.
[golf clap]
Pauper spray?
I assume Excalibur is in there with some sort of storage portal.
+1 Purse of holding
Might even have the lady of the lake in there.
Footage from the visit…
Is it time to move to the Swiss Federal Council system?
“The Squad goes to war with Nancy over Ilhan Omar: Rashida Tlaib says ‘freedom of speech doesn’t exist for Muslim women in Congress’ after Pelosi urged Rep. to ‘clarify’ comments comparing US and Israel to terrorists”
Every person in this story is despicable.
Which is what makes it so amusing. Hopefully, they can keep up their sororal amity for a while, at least after I get some Jiffy-Pop.
Pelosi Asks Omar To Clarify Ambiguous Statement That We Should ‘Kill The Jews’
Who wins in an underwater knife fight, Omar or Pelosi?
“Boy, 3, dies after falling 10-feet from his home’s third-story window before being attacked by family’s two pitbulls”
At least he was dead before the pit bulls got him.
And before he had to grow up in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Did they typically feed the dogs by tossing meat out the window?
That’s tragic. A family friend had a wrap-around banister that went up three stories. A 3 or 4 year old was unsupervised (not theirs) and fell off the very top while trying to slide down. Died on the scene.
dies after falling 10-feet from his home’s third-story window
Aren’t 3rd stories generally a bit higher than 10 feet?
If the house is on a hill, one side might be closer to the ground.
Ie, from the road, there are three visible floors, but in the yard, only two.
In those cases the lowest floor is considered a “sub floor” or “walk-out basement” and the first floor would still be considered the floor that is above ground level on all sides of the home. a Third floor will always be at least two floors above grade on any particular elevation.
not necessarily. People are very inconsistant on floor naming
I don’t recognize metric measurements and however those filthy limeys name floors.
And yet, that’s the one you used.
You are mistaking basement with ground floor.
Yanno, it IS possible the news article is wrong.
A basement is below grade on all sides.
My walk-out basement is considered to be “below grade” by the local county office that approved the plans.
This is common here in the midwest.
Like I trust a government office.
You just have a half-buried first floor.
It’s a basement.
I concur. We have a walk out basement, main floor, and second floor here.
If you can walk out of a floor without stairs up, it’s not a basement.
Wrong. A “walkout basement” is always buried on at least 2 sides, if not 3. It IS counted as a basement and is excluded from square footage.
If you can walk out of a floor without stairs up, it’s not a basement.
My last house had grade change of 10ft plus from corner to corner. One corner, the ground level was slightly above the main floor. Other corner had a door to the basement where they had to build up the ground to get it level. The slope was so severe that there was nowhere else on the basement besides that exact spot to put a door.
Twas a basement. No question about it. One little exposed corner does not a main floor make.
Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense, unless they determined that he somehow died in mid air.
Bounced off the second floor balcony?
When I was about 6 or 7, the neighbor girl (about 3 at the time) across the street fell out of her bedroom window on to the concrete driveway, about 15 feet below. She was badly injured, but survived. She was always a mean spirited bitch though, after she started getting older. Bullied the hell out of my younger sister.
Unless they botched their pictures, he fell from a second story window.
While its quite possible the dogs were pit bulls, the media has a bad habit of labelling every dog that attacks someone as a pit bull.
Exactly how many motorcycles do you need to make a yard “full?”
Pick one,
They can be shot nonfatally, then brought to animal control to be put down.
Maybe a bunch of bike parts?
I think the dogs that were shot on site were the dogs that attacked the other kid mentioned in the story.
The series also avoids overt attempts at social commentary, which is arguably the reason the Purge movies are one of the great horror franchises of the last 10 years….But what makes the Conjuring Universe worth rooting for is that it feels like it can be held to a higher standard….any one of these unassuming horror movies could really sing, if the right talent were involved.
How about don’t. How about I want a movie like to give me chills without lecturing me about how “the real demon is Bad Orange Man or cis-white-hetero-patriarchy”.
the real demon is Bad Orange Man or cis-white-hetero-patriarchy”.
*rolls eyes exceedingly hard*
In what fucking reality did the Purge movies avoid overt attempts at social commentary?
Must be the same reality in which the Purge movies didn’t suck a cargo container full of decomposing ass…
Friday Funbags bringin’ da tits.
Not archive becuz it’s all gifs.
Massie then related how gun control victimized Nikki Goeser, one of his former staffers, who “watched her husband killed in front of her, because she followed the gun control laws, and her assailant—her stalker—did not. She left her concealed carry weapon in her car, because it was a gun-free zone.”
Who cares about collateral as long as they get to stick it to suburban and rural white gunowners.
Not trolling you, just linking news items of interest – so what if it’s from October:
“Germany’s balancing act: Fighting online hate while protecting free speech”
OSHA fines NJ company for not protecting employees from Lil Rona
A Monmouth County, N.J., manufacturer where two employees — a husband and wife — died from the coronavirus and dozens of other employees got infected has been fined more than $13,000 by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for failing to protect its workers from exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace.
The agency on Thursday announced the findings of its investigation into Eatontown-based biotechnology company Avantor Fluid Handling LLC, where two people died and two were hospitalized from the virus last fall, OSHA said in a news release. In total, 30 out of 50 employees at the facility tested positive for the coronavirus, OSHA said.
“Two workers lost their lives and others were sickened because their employer failed to take the precautions necessary to keep them safe,” said OSHA Area Director Paula Dixon-Roderick in Marlton. “Tragically, this case should remind all employers of the importance of fully implementing coronavirus prevention measures.”
That’s some bullshit right there.
We know how devastated you were when your loved ones died. Well, good news! We at OSHA went ahead and fined their employers. We took the money and tossed it into the black hole of the federal bureaucracy. You’re welcome.
Nope. Washboard stomach.
I miss playing video games. Of course, since I’ve been getting zero screen time at home, I seem to be getting smaller around the waist.
More on the ending of the NH State of Emergency
Today is the last day of New Hampshire’s State of Emergency, barring any new emergency like an ingrown nail amongst the governor’s staff or someone accidentally stepping on the governor’s lawn.
ReBuildNH celebrated with this:
“We did it! The State of Emergency is over! If it was not for you and your constant phone calls and emails to the N.H. House and Senate, this would not have happened. Please allow that to resonate and give it some thought. The truth is this: The real work of politics happens behind the scenes, and YOU were with us behind the scenes. Thank you and congratulations!”
A pipe burst in the basement…
Report from the Concurrence Day NH House Session
We learned that yesterday in “House Chambers South” (AKA NH Sportsplex in Bedford) it was “Concurrence Day”! It was a very good day to concur 51 House bills that were returned from the Senate with minor changes. Many good pieces of legislation are now off to the Governor’s desk! Additionally, there were 2 bills establishing committees and commissions (HB391 and HB186) that were voted Non-concur and killed, thereby saving NH taxpayers some money.
NH House Republican Alliance concerned about NH Senate amendments to the budget bill
The House Republican Alliance Tri-chairs are committed to assuring the citizens of New Hampshire that a Constitutional budget is passed out of the New Hampshire legislature. We urge our colleagues in House Finance to carefully examine amendments made to the budget while in the Senate.
We fully supported the budget, as passed by the House, as fiscally conservative and balanced. Senate amendments have added unnecessary spending and programs and we feel further explanation is needed.
Of particular concern is the Family Medical Leave Insurance (FMLI) program. As written, the language appears to give the Commissioner of Administrative Services little to no fiscal boundaries as the program is developed. Our Constitution discourages delegation of legislative duties.
NH repbulicans are so fat they need three chairs to sit down?
When they sit around the House, they sit around the House.
Both your eyes and brain will hurt after looking at this.
I was poking fun at a coworker who put up a big old school pride flag at work at how unwoke she is, cuz she’s using the noninclusive flag.
Why won’t she think of the BIPOCs & intersexes!?!?!?
You need to fly two flags simultaneously to include the twospirits.
No one could be proud of that.
Notice the top banner:
It’s ugly and superfluous. A rainbow alone should suffice to symbolize inclusivity, as a rainbow already includes the full spectrum of colors.
I demand we update the US flag so that every star is identifiable with a specific state. Broad symbolism is apparently too difficult of a concept for too many modern people.
Can we sell the stars for sponsorship dollars? I bet Carl’s Jr would be on board.
Carl’s Jr: Fuck you, I’m eating!
Is that a statement in support of post op transgenders?
Most American Thickburger.
I don’t see why not. Making a buck is as American as apple pie.
*slaps trshmonster on the ass in slow mo*
Waiting for the gif.
*half contemplates finding a jiggling flabby white man ass gif*
*finds something more productive to do*
OFFS. I hate to belabor the obvious, but intersex has nothing whatsoever to do with trans, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the original alphabet soup.
From the article: The flag was officially unviled by the advocacy group Intersex Equality Rights UK in late May, but has since spread virally on social media.
After the unviling, it was promptly reviled by everyone who saw it.
Unvaccinated attendees of Exeter, NH high school prom singled out
School officials are defending the way Exeter High School handled contact tracing for last week’s senior prom after facing criticism for requiring that numbers be written in marker on the hands of students not vaccinated for COVID-19.
In a post on Facebook, Brentwood School Board Chairman Melissa Litchfield, who is also a Republican state representative, raised concerns about how things were handled at the outdoor prom on June 4.
“I have had some constituents write to me angry about some things that went on at the event on Saturday evening. These complaints revolved around (confidentiality) surrounding those who did and did not receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and the labeling that came along with that,” she wrote.
I read that earlier this week. Should square up nicely when more accountability and access to the classroom is demanded from parents and the unions and schools cry ‘student privacy’!
Meanwhile – if you had the rona, you don’t need a vaccine. We all knew that, but this isn’t about health.
It is a Friday, so here’s the link to Zoom/Happy Hour/General bitch session. I’ll kick it off at 20:00 Eastern.
NH drought conditions expanding
Moderate drought conditions have expanded across all of northern New Hampshire while dry weather in the southern half of the state has prompted calls for water conservation.
According to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor report released Thursday, nearly 41% of the state is now in a moderate drought compared to just over 7% a week ago.
The areas seeing the drought conditions include all of Coos County and portions of Carroll, Grafton and Sullivan counties.
With the exception of extreme southern New Hampshire, the rest of the state is experiencing “abnormally dry” conditions — a level just below moderate drought.
Yay. I look forward to more watering restrictions this year.
Drought masks.
You know it is coming.
Fuck I thought face diapers were bad.
A normal Motorcycle Week this year?
With the “World’s Oldest Motorcycle Rally” ready to roll into Laconia on Saturday, Happy Jack’s Cigar, Pipe and Tobacco Shop owner S. Peter Karagianis is expecting sales to light up.
Karagianis said Happy Jack’s normally gets a “bump” from Laconia Motorcycle Week, as riders avail themselves of a good cigar or two.
While the COVID-19 border closure is still preventing Canadians from traveling down, Karagianis said he is “cautiously optimistic” others will find the family-owned business founded in 1945 by his father, Peter S. Karagianis.
Two more links.
Manchester, NH Diocese drops most Lil Rona restrictions for Mass
Masks are now optional for Catholics attending Mass in New Hampshire, and choirs will be returning.
A year after imposing COVID-19 restrictions and procedures, the Diocese of Manchester has removed most of them.
The change, which took effect Sunday, affects all Catholic churches in the state. Only the presentation of the gifts, the exchange of the sign of peace, and the distribution of Holy Communion from the cup will remain suspended, Bishop Peter A. Libasci wrote in a letter read at Masses over the weekend.
Ok at first glance I was wonder what restrictions NH had for visitors from Mass.
Our church finally canked the masks, but they still are leaving every other pew unoccupied
California recall update
It appears that only 36 California voters who signed the RecallGavin2020 recall petition have removed their signatures.
Susan Walsh, a senior volunteer with the RecallGavin2020.com campaign contacted every county election office in the state following the June 8th deadline, and asked how many recall petition signers removed their names.
“I was worried at first that the numbers would be in the thousands,” Walsh told the Globe in an exclusive interview. However, early on in her calls, Walsh noticed the exceedingly low number of rescinded signatures.
To qualify this recall for the ballot, 1,495,709 signatures were required. The recall petition gatherers turned in 2,161,349 signatures. Of those, 1,719,943 were validated by the Secretary of State. This left a cushion of 224,234 extra signatures.
So, No ragerts?
36, until they suddenly realize that they are in favor of recounts after all.
They’re in favor of recounts when there is a good reason. They’re against them when it’s off of a baseless accusation. One fortifies democracy and the other undermines it.
Funny how the left insists on validating the signatures to prevent fraud…
Did they have to show picture ID to sign?
No but you did have to put your address and signature on it and they cross checked names with addresses to make sure you lived where you claimed. Almost like a real election should be done.
Good news in Michigan. The state Supreme Court came down on the side of Unlock Michigan and their petition initiative to eliminate the governor’s authority to implement emergency orders under a 1945 law.
The petitions had been validated but were held up in a deadlocked State Boars of Canvassers. This meant the initiative could not go on to the legislature. State Supreme Court ordered that it go forward.
He said after witnessing the mostest bestest legal presidential election in Michigan’s history.
Here is a long but interesting video how NYT social media reporter Taylor Lorenz is a complete garbage human:
Thirty-something-year-old TMITE tabloid hack grooming teenagers as informants.
Thirtysomething but still very eager to deploy the “I’m just a girl!” defense.
Why would I need a long video? “NYT social media reporter” is basically a euphemism for garbage human.
Boris Johnson plans to delay June 21 lockdown lift until JULY 19 after Delta variant triples in a week
I remember playing Call of Duty: Mutant Indian Strain.
That got me thinking about alternate CoD installments:
Call of Duty: Rebel Yell
Call of Duty: Little Big Horn
Call of Duty: Remember the Maine
Huh. That makes me think – I haven’t seen any “COVID Hunter” type games. Somebody has to be working on one.
I’ve seen a dozen or more shovelware titles in that vein on steam.
Thanks. My faith in humanity is restored.
The Delta Strain
Unless you know the rate and the count, you don’t know enough.
So, was that an “explosion” from 10 cases to 24 cases?
Is this “mutant Indian strain” covered by any of the existing vaccines, I wonder?
I think the answer is yes. There just aren’t a billion doses of it in India right now.
It was Badenov for Boris.
Not 1972. But the second French revolution was only a couple years before, in 1968.
Also, The Big Sleep isn’t Chandlers best work. It’s not bad, but his best was The Long Goodbye, were he was trying to reconcile being an alcholic, being a fantasially succesful writer, and being a surviver of WWI and the trenches.
I’ve seen the Elliott Gould movie – how does it stack up to the novel?
I will be dead honest, the movie might be good, but I love the source novel so much that I cannot get past that, even though I do love Altmans other movies.
It is one of the films that has gotten me to not watch the movie version of anything I am interested in first.
What about 1830 and 1848?
They are neither here, nor there.
Pray/cross your fingers/make a burnt offering for me. Our house is going back on the market this weekend after the first go round went terribly. Lots of viewings, no offers, people complained about the price and the deck needing work and that there was some moss on the roof. So we got some repairs done on the front steps and back deck, repainted them, and had the roof cleaned. Cut the price a bit too. Really wanting to unload this place and move out to the country.
I hope it goes better this time. Seems like some items your agent should have caught and recommended you fix before showing in the first place.
Yeah, I’m a bit disappointed in her. She came highly recommended. Some of it was her misreading the market a bit, as she told us not to bother doing anything beyond cleaning and removing some furniture, because she said the market was so red hot that it wouldn’t matter. The moss thing, that I don’t know what she was thinking. We’ve never had it before, it sprung up early this year, and I didn’t realize how badly prospective buyers would take it.
Those are the kinds of things you might not notice yourself, having lived in the place for years, but you depend on the agent’s fresh eye to see and address.
Best wishes!
“Love is love. ?️?”
Still not as gay as the Royal Navy.
Empty platitudes are empty.
Do they support plural marriage?
There is little, if any, actual sleeping in the movie.
Dakota Skye died. Why is this not at the top of the news???
My investigation reveals that other glibs may wish to avoid doing an interweb search for Dakota Skye from a computer or telephone at their place of work.
Didn’t know who she was until I searched. But knowing OMWC, I am smart enough not to use a work device to do that search.
What killed her?
La chatte?
A puritanical society that won’t accept sex work as legitimate and thus drove her to an exploitative grey-market filled with drugs and other self destructive activities?
Hype – it isn’t just this comment, but I was re-thinking our recent interactions and I wanted to add something: I think being the resident contrarian is valuable, no matter how much it might grate on my nerves at times. So… FWTW.
I appreciate that Ozy, just as I get that nuance and sarcasm are difficult to pick up on in text based comments. Here’s a tip though, I don’t do contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism all that often, If I tell you I disagree with you chances are I disagree with you. The times like above or when I suggested we go to the shooting range and explain systemic racism to rednecks I assume are so over the top that people will understand the satire, sometimes I’m right other times not so much.
Skye died in Los Angeles of COVID-19 on 9 June 2021, aged 27.
Most 27-year-olds with healthy lifestyles don’t die of covid.
Far more likely she died with Covid.
Well shit, RIP.
I only knew because, as a movie blogger, I open up Wikipedia’s deaths page every day to see if a death worth blogging about happened.
A porn star dying young? Wow, what are the odds?
69:1 ?
You don’t disrespect Saint George of Fentanyl like that and live.
Power is out at my house with a heavy wind and very little rain. Fingers crossed the dead tree behind my house stays still.
I hope you are OK. At least you have internet.
Sorry. Hopefully the tree doesn’t fall.
Hope you get electric power back soon. During one week in May we lost power, water and internet for noticeable periods of time each but at different times.
Having no water is worse to me than having no electricity. I really like having functional indoor plumbing.
That would suck. We are not prepared to deal with that. ?
Zombie trees suck
Yep, and because reasons, we aren’t spending another penny on this house unless it’s critical to our comfort.
Power’s back on. Thank heavens for my phone’s hotspot and unlimited data.
“My 7 part video on Transgender Treatments is finally out!
1. Gender Dysphoria is Real
2. The Transgenderism Fad
3. Dysphoria: Kids vs Adults
4. The Data
5. Social Pressure vs Progress
6. Helping People or Political Gain?
7. Faux Moral Bullying”
Haven’t watched it yet.
OK, now I watched it. You should too.
So Ilhan Omar has been criticized in recent days by many Americans and Israelis for comparing the US and Israel to Hamas. Now Hamas is criticizing her as well, as they don’t like to be compared to the US or Israel. I find this darkly humorous.
I don’t understand why Netflix cancelled Jupiter’s Legacy right after it premiered. I thought it was okay although the plot twist in the last episode was annoying.
Don’t kill and Don’t govern. Add a Don’t take people’s stuff and you have the tag line for a libertarian point of view. Can’t have that type of white supremacist thinking on the air.
The Foundation for Economic Education has a vid to that effect:
I believe Jupiter’s Legacy was cancelled because it got very little critical love. I understand they’re moving forward with a series about the villains in the same universe though.
Even Philly has gotten on board. Still a shithole though.
“For nearly fifteen months, the City of Philadelphia has had restrictions in place to protect each other, and I have no doubt that these restrictions saved countless lives,” Mayor Jim Kenney said
Fuck you Kenney. Doubly fuck you.
I saw Brauhaus Schmitz announced that they aren’t requiring masks anymore and will not longer space out tables by Leper Length.
I was curious, and poked around the State College area newspapers. State College and some of the surrounding townships either have rescinded their mask ordinances or ordered a halt to enforcement of their mask ordinances. A place I like in the State College area, Otto’s, is still posting pictures of its staff wearing masks. Urgh.
“Unless, of course, you lived in those areas where youth unemployment soared and the bored and the restless started to take their amusement in gunning down their fellow youth.”
Great tune.
Yeah, that’s good stuff. An underrated band.
Let’s try that again.
“Maxime Bernier (a Canadian conservative pol) arrested in Manitoba for violating public health orders”
Oh Canada.
Third world country.
Bernier on libertarianism.
Well, it fucking happened: my work is lifting the mask requirement for vaccinated people only. I’d rather they just kept it in effect for everyone since now there’s probably going to be ostracism and pressuring to get that damn shot.
Is really rather not change jobs, but I’m not going to put up with a bunch of bullying from HR because I don’t want to participate in the nationwide clinical trial they’ve got going on. We’ll see how it goes Monday when that policy goes into effect.
It’s an employee’s market right now. Find a new job at a higher pay.
Seriously, start looking. That’s a bad move by your employer.
How are they verifying? Maybe just take off the mask and keep your mouth shut. If they’re sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong then truth isn’t owed.
They’re making you show your vaccination card and notifying supervisors of who is allowed to go without a face diaper.
I’m not sure if they’re taking any steps to verify beyond asking for the card (like calling the healthcare provider where you had it done). Some bad, dishonest employees might even stoop so low as to forge a vaccine card and email it in (since that’s an option). It would be hard to detect a forged copy from a cell phone picture. However, such unscrupulous employees would be taking a huge risk if the company were double-checking that the cards are legit.
Yeah, resume tune up time. If you feel comfortable with it, spin up a thread in the job section of the forum. There are, sure, some people working in the same industry as you.
If it isn’t real I think I’d show a good copy in person so they don’t have an electronic copy as a record of it. Also, is that legal? HIPAA’s (you’re US right?) had its nuts cut out but that still seems over the line.
It’s legal under HIPAA.. there may be some other laws where its more questionable.
They’re not technically forcing you to; just saddling you with an onerous requirement if you don’t get the Fauci prick. Even if there were, I’m not confident that any kind of lawsuit would be successful right now what with the lingering hysteria and religious fervor around our “public health experts”.
Ironically, it’s a pharmacy, and they’re constantly reminding us how important and ethical it is to follow HIPAA and protect the medical privacy of our patients.
Do you have card stock paper and a printer?
Or a sincerely held belief?
My company is owned by (((those guys))) and they’re beliefs are pretty damn sincere. No noises at all about “requiring” shit. Knock on wood.
Fight back by becoming the office’s insufferable Karen pointing out every failure to follow policies. “Yo, Tom (interrupt when he’s talking to his supervisor) did you have permission to cut out two hours early yesterday when (supervisor) was in a meeting?”
VA car inspection process: we noticed that your wiper fluid was 3 Oz low, your tires are only have a half inch of tread left, and your brake pads only have three quarters of an inch of material on them. We’re gonna have to fail you and still charge you full price. We can get you passing by this evening for $1200
TX car inspection process: Yeah, looks good man. Just need to make sure the steering wheel is there… yup. And four wheels? Yep. Alright, pass! Oh, and have a free car wash.
WA car inspection………….
One of the few things the state does right.
Same in Baja Washington. For now. There is DEQ testing in certain locations.
We used to have car inspection traps, the state troopers would set up a checkpoint on some random road and inspect every car that went through. In high school my best friend’s family was what would now be considered sovereign citizens. My first exposure to libertariarn-ish disobedience was when I was going with them up to their place on lake Erie and we got caught in one. The Trooper asked my friend’s dad where we were going, I just assumed he’d tell the cop “Oh, up to our place up on lake Erie” like my dad or any other normal person would have, he said “North.” and then refused to answer any more questions about where we were coming from or who was in the car. I don’t think he actually said “Am I being detained” but the sentiment was there. Ironically* my old best friend has now become one of the most SoCon right wingers I know.
*or maybe not.
This shit used to go on in PA too (maybe still does). I soon learned not to wait until the last day to take the buggy in for inspection. Go in a month early and tell the mechanic trying to pull this crap “no thanks” and take it elsewhere. It always helps to have trustworthy tradesfolks and give them all your business.
The Big Sleep is a great film but makes no narrative sense.
I was soooooo in love with Joan Jett in 1982.
So you didn’t give a damn about her bad reputation?
He hates himself for loving her.
Now I feel like a bowl of rocky road.
I hate myself for a plethora of reasons but mostly I was a victim of circumstances.
Congratulations Westernsloper, your neck of the woods made NPR as the CCPV death zone of Colorado. All you redneck hillbillies won’t get your vaccines.
That was in really bad taste so if I had an edit button I would delete that. But I would not put it past the evil fucks who count deaths over the past year and a half are using different criteria for the highly vaccinated areas and those of us who will soon die from covid.
For those of you in…ummm…Cicada-adia, if you are or have been there and are doing or have done that, now you can get the tee shirt, as designed several Brood X generations ago by one of my favorite artists of all time.