He knew as much as JoPa did.
Look here, we’ve almost made it through the week together. Unlike the Colorado Avalanche, who were knocked out of the playoffs by Vegas. But credit where it’s due: they didn’t choke as bad as Toronto. In Paris,Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova and Barbora Krejcikova are in the women’s final. Euro 2021 opens today! TTUN football shouldn’t say anything about Penn State ever again. And The Jazz/Suns Western Conference Final is getting closer to becoming a reality. And that’s sports.

David Hobbs wishes he was this cool.
Playwright and poet Ben Jonson was born on this day. He shares it with such luminaries as the first woman in congress Jeannette Rankin, HOF catcher Roger Bresnahan, filmmaker Wesley Ruggles, ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau, football coach Vince Lombardi, the late, great Gene Wilder, racing great Jackie Stewart, mobster/rat Henry Hill, ZZ Top’s Frank Beard, mayor/criminal Ray Nagin, football’s Joe Montana, midget actor Peter Dinklage, and guy-who-lost-his-mind Shia LaBoeuf.
Some big names there. Anyway, on to…the links!
Shouldn’t they wait until the criminal trial ends before they move the civil suit forward? Oh wait, never mind. For some reason, he hasn’t been indicted. Hell, the stupid sonofabitch still has his fucking job. This lady is gonna get a big payday. And the money is gonna come from taxpayers. And the idiot cop will continue being a cop. ::SMDH::

(Never) coming to a California town near you!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This is absolutely fucking retarded. (That’s pretty much all I’ve got on this one.)
I hope they only had cameras on him from the chest up. You know, just in case he had his dick out and was jacking it while on air.
This sounds kinda fucked up on its face. But after digging deeper into the story it sounds really fucked up.
I’m sure the government’s solution to this will be to just print more. I mean, heaven forbid they’d have actually had a vetting process in place before throwing nearly a trillion dollars into a money pit, right?

Just cut the ropes and cast off. And then say everybody on board has covid so the Coast Guard can’t come on to help. Or do something. Anything besides just meekly taking it.
Welcome back to freedom, Chicagoland! Now all you have to worry about are the ands of marauders rolling through your streets consequence-free. But you had to do that since forever. Well, not forever, but since they unionized in the 60s anyway.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (Part 2) It’s as if the entire state is being run by morons. (That’s pretty much all I’ve got on this one too.)
There’s a simple solution to this: Just treat every single white Camaro you see like it’s being operated by a sociopath. I’ve been doing that for years and it’s served me well. Because nobody but a cop would drive a white Camaro.
More awesome music for you to end the week. I hope you enjoy it.
Now go have a great day and an even better weekend, friends!
I think ghost cars should be banned.
Are there any ghost chicks?
Worried about the woman in white?
Yeah, that is something one always needs to worry about Neph. Those chicks want revenge just cause you are not a soy-boy.
How are you going to stop them? I mean they’re able to drive right through you
+1 Red Barchetta
Early links? Good Heavens! Thanks for the music yesterday! I must have listened to that tune forty times since someone posted it on the site. Happy Friday!
“Doing it without patients’ consent was legal.”
“A 1996 federal rule designed to provide for better study of emergency medicine, a field where patients are often unconscious, allows researchers in limited circumstances to enroll patients without obtaining consent. The federal rule is called Exception from Informed Consent, or EFIC.”
For me, the only circumstance in which medical procedures may be employed on a patient without first getting their concent is when the patient is incapacitated and the lack of immediate treatment will result in their death. Then only such treatment as is required to prevent the patient’s passing is permissable.
Agreed. And those treatments shouldn’t include experimental drugs that are randomly assigned.
The danger here is that the patient might have a DNA (do not resuscitate). I heard nightmare stories about this and was told during CPR training that you could be taking a risk offering assistance.
Most jurisdictions have “good samaritan” laws which shield non-professional responders in such situations.
Correct sir, but you can still have to deal with shitty people & shitty situations. It is one of the reasons I stopped volunteering in my town for this work after I saw a friend get hammered in the pocket for doing the right thing.
We’ll just redefine all those words to match what we want to do.
“Status epilepticus” is one in which a seizure lasts more than 5 minutes or seizures occur repeatedly over a bit longer. It’s no fun and can lead to brain damage, so it needs intervention before getting all the way to death’s door. (I was in status E in the ER in 2019; when it hit the 5 minute mark, they injected me with something to make it quit. I felt like I’d been run over by a truck after those 5 minutes, and my poor tongue was badly bitten. Owie)
But there are many existing medications that can be administered to stop the seizure NOW and figure out the best ongoing preventive medicine later.
I’m surprised they are still needing to experiment with new meds for this.
I suppose in a statement of principle, “permanant, irrevocable damage” can be subsituted for “death” in the phrasing. So long as the “don’t diddle around” spirit is maintained.
Because there is no money in those old drugs.
I’m sure this was approved by the finest medical ethicists in both the government and the hospital.
Dr. West @ Miskatonic Hospital
A quite animated fellow, that.
Sounds like it was cribbed from the NHS.
Her Majesty’s subjects have a responsibility to advance medical science for the good of the Realm.
The federal government has reached an agreement to restore nearly $1 billion in funding for California’s troubled bullet train, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Thursday night.
The troubled train that ticked along the tricky track? But it would have to actually be built first.
What is it with statists and their choo-choos?
Is it a vanity project, or do they make bets at Davos on who can spend more for less?
Even if they ever managed to finish it, it will be awash in vagrants’ excrement in no time. Nobody with any other option will want to take the high speed rail from LA to San Fran.
Trains run on a centrally controlled timetable, going only to approved stations, and carrying only approved passengers.
Nothing offers opportunities for graft, handing out jobs and contracts and eminent domain (theft) like a Choo-choo project. It is a socialist’s dream.
But this one kinda makes sense. Think about it: since there’s basically no water in the Central Valley, all that land they’re Imminent Domaining is going to be worthless because the farms can’t get irrigated. So this helps elites in LA and SF get through that icky dust bowl quicker. It’ll almost be like that part of the state doesn’t exist anymore…which has been the case for some time politically anyway.
This is part of the crony system.
They really hate private transportation, ultimately because it means freedom. And they have useful idiot allies in the enviros, because public transportation is efficient.
I believe it will only be “high speed” in the valley. The connections to LA and Frisco will be regular speed.
And I believe it will never get built.
They will probably get a demonstration link built that will probably have a longer door-to-door travel time than driving. Then it will connect into existing rail, again resulting in door-to-door travel times comparable to driving. Eco tourists will be the primary riders with taxpayers subsidizing operations.
Eco Tourist is a contradiction in terms
HOW DARE YOU! Stop attacking Greta Thuneberg and John Kerry’s lifestyles.
As long as the pay for their indulgences…
Can it deliver water?
Pipelines are evil, yo.
Yes, in plastic bottles.
Let me make a prediction: Most, if not all, of this money will all land in the pockets of DNC friends & donors, and then a chunk of it will go to democrat campaign coffers. In the end there will be no ability to track the spending and there will be no train. For how this works, see the old shovel-ready projects of the Obama era bailouts.
+1 Diane Feinstein’s husband
Hey. With that extra $1 billion they will be able to build an extra 100 feet of track, making enormous progress toward a carbon free California.
The consultants getting new Ferraris is just a coincidence.
They’re doing it now because $1B sounds like chump change compared to the trillion dollar coins they’ve been throwing in the wishing well.
I hope they only had cameras on him from the chest up.
My new laptop has a slide that blocks the camera. But I leave it open anyway…
They should have a show where people can comment on the technique…
Voters in 2008 approved nearly $10 billion in bond money to build a high-speed rail line connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco, to be up and running by 2020. In the years since, the project has been plagued by cost overruns and delays. Now officials hope to have trains running on a segment through the Central Valley by 2029 — more than 20 years after voters first backed the project.
Government is the bumbling idiocy we engage in together.
The trouble is that not only are CA voters getting what they voted for good and hard but we are too. I didnt vote for that commie shit but I am paying for it.
It’s the civil engineering version of the forever war.
So, we have to wear a pretend mask while we pretend to ride the pretend train?
I don’t understand the concern with ghost cars, NYPD uses all manner of unmarked vehicles. They have SUVs, sedans, sports cars, even a few actual taxi cabs; the only police accoutrement are hard to spy – LED lights in the grill, and the wee disk antenna on the roof.
General patrol cars should be clearly marked as law enforcement. I can understand unmarked for special situations – traffic enforcement is not a special situation.
Traffic enforcement should be handled by a separate authority that explicitly doesn’t have the power to do searches.
Which will then simply radio the local PD.
PA is unusual as they only let state troopers get radar guns.
I knew I liked you Ted.
If the goal was to deter speeders, then they’d drive around in marked cars. If the goal is to sneak around and generate revenue, then I guess ghost cars is the way to go.
I guess they’re fine, but I wish the HPD would be honest with us and just say they’re all about increasing revenue rather than making highways safer.
The goal is revenue. Safety is just the cover for the fucking revenue goal, cause people don’t like grifts.
Most people actually do like grifts, if they think they’re the one that’s going to benefit. One thing that’s common in most cons is that the mark is tricked into thinking he’s getting one over on the con artist (which also helps to provide the sense of urgency most cons rely on).
Everyone wants to be the conman: nobody wants to be the one getting conned…
Me, I prefer to be honest and play the boyscout because I am just not willing to do onto others what I don’t want done to myself unless it is life & death.
Same thing with officer safety. If that was really the case, they’d use well marked cars with visibility striping and lighting (and not the variable blinding LED crap they use now) and ANSI compliant reflective clothing instead of the subdued tacticool outfits.
The state police updated their official paint scheme from such a visibility to the fad ghost decal as well.
“According to the Harris County Sherriff’s Office, the purpose of the ghost decals is “to support our multi-pronged efforts to get dangerous drivers off our streets so that we might ultimately shed our region’s dubious distinction for having the nation’s deadliest roads.” ”
Yeah, sure.
But we don’t have the deadliest roads. I-4 in Florida is the deadliest road.
I would have guessed I-81
Thunderdome wishes it could be I-4.
And, isn’t the real purpose here so that cops can pretend they’re David Hasselhof?
I-95 is a shitshow.
On first blush this appears both reasonably sourced and constructed. Are rare thing from somebody selling you something and creating a “Top 50” anything.
Sourced data from Feds, looks at accident per mile and also weather and other conditions.
The deadliest roads have to be somewhere.
Usually the same places as the corruptest police departments.
Fuck it! Going golfing with strangers tomorrow. Wish me luck, Glibs, I’ll need it. Haven’t been for years.
So, if we don’t hear from you sunday, we should dig up the 9th fairway?
You bury the body in the sand trap.
I’d assume that would be the last place you’d want because of all the golfers still digging away with wedges trying to get out of the trap.
You put them in the easiest to avoid trap, that way everyone stays away.
Yeah but that is the one I always end up in.
Hate speech
“I’m not ready to destroy our government,” Manchin told reporters in the Capitol last month. “I think we’ll come together. You have to have faith there’s 10 good people.”
Comments like those have drawn fire from progressive lawmakers in the House and activist groups who say Democrats were elected to lead the House, Senate and the White House and have responsibility to pass legislation that reflects the policies they promised voters in 2020.
I wonder if those “progressive” lawmakers so outraged by Manchin’s refusal to destroy the government have the least notion of how that sounds to people out in Flyoverlandia.
Brooklyn hipsters and trustafarian ski bums are not actually a majority in this country.
These people are definitely not a majority, but they also believe they are the only people that should always get what they want, because that’s how their parents raised them: spoiled brats.
“progressive lawmakers in the House and activist groups who say Democrats were elected to lead the House, Senate and the White House”
Having a 50/50 split in the Senate is a mandate!!!
Funny how they didn’t think that was a mandate when the other side had it and complained that there was no bipartisanship… Which reminds me: bipartisanship is spoiled marxist for “the spoiled marxists get their way regardless of what other people want”…
“What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable”
–Lenin’s negotiating strategy (can’t remember where I saw that first)
They have gone so far up their own digestive tract a that they think that West coast ideas represent the entire country.
I think it is worse than that: they don’t care what the rest of the country thinks or wants. They want what they want, and fuck everyone else. But they will lecture you on how much nobler and better people they are because they want things that are good and you are just a selfish evil person for wanting liberty and less of the fruits of your labor stolen from you so they can piss it away.
^This. You nailed it with “evil” and “selfish.” Those are their dogwhistle words.
Democrats were elected to lead the House, Senate and the White House
“Elected” is a term I will use loosely. But a slim House majority and technically a minority to even in the Senate does not equate to elected to control all.
Tweet from some idiot Congressman from New York:
Manchin isn’t moved by the views of his constituents.
Manchin is working on behalf of his constituents, dummy. He just doesn’t give a shit what commie fantasy giveaways your constituents want.
Has that congressman ever seen a political map of WV?
The statement is correct if the “constituents” are the members of the Democratic party machine.
Patients in prolonged, life-threatening epileptic seizures who came to emergency rooms at Grady Memorial Hospital or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston from 2015 to 2018 were placed in a medical study without their knowledge.
This is a shocking revelation.
What do you call an epileptic in a lettuce patch?
Seizure salad.
I’m literally shaking right now
The Jazz/Suns Western Conference Final is getting closer to becoming a reality
Meh Jazz are going to have to play better. They barely won and shot 50% from 3. That aint sustainable. Then again fuck the clippers
The team that the league wants to win will win. Same as it’s always been when it comes to the NBA playoffs.
Isiah Thomas and the Bad Boys beg to differ.
That was in the before times.
Your sole interest in the NBA is charming.
I had to go searching for what you alluded to here, since this was the first I’ve heard about this.
From the first article I found on this, it sounds like Harbaugh (at least before yesterday) was likely in a position to have known about this too, but here’s what’s buried at the end of the first article I found on the topic this morning.
I sincerely doubt Harbaugh knew anything. Victims of sexual abuse often keep it to themselves. But it’s looking like Bo knew. And that’s not a good reflection on his legacy.
Side note/rant circling back to Penn State: the woman who basically got Paterno fired, Vicky Triponey, and her husband, are a pair of assholes who cause nothing but trouble wherever they go. Whether it’s a university or a HOA in the South Carolina lowcountry, they don’t care. It’s all about them bringing attention to themselves and causing strife for those around them. May they never know a moment’s peace until they’re banished from their neighborhood and forced to move to Hardeeville.
I liked it better in the days where Bo knew just baseball and football.
Best multi-sport athlete:
Bo Jackson
Deion Sanders
Jim Brown
Jim Thorpe
“Bullet” Bob Hayes
Going to have to go with Deion Sanders.
What, no Michael Jordan with his laughable attempt at playing baseball when he got banned from the NBA for gambling for a while?
John Holmes…
Mr. Holmes had a single overdeveloped “muscle”. I’m not sure what other sports he was suited for.
He played for all teams….
Jim Thorpe (King Gustave of Sweden – “Sir, you are the greatest athlete in the world” Thorpe – “Thanks, King”)
followed by Bo Jackson
As much as it pains me to say it, because he slapped women around (at a minimum), it’s Jim Brown.
You heard it here first. Sloopy is in favor of woman slapping.
Babe Didrikson Zaharias, relatively speaking.
Jim Thorpe, and I still think his Olympic medals shouldn’t have been restored.
and most of of the $400 billion in illegally-claimed handouts were funneled to Russia, China and Nigeria, experts claim
One would think that the criminal scam artists that we refer to as politicians would realize that there is, in fact, no Nigerian prince that is going to make them wealthy.
I wonder how these unnamed experts know where the money went.
My trust in government is low enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if a significant amount of fraud was facilitated from the inside.
Fraud facilitated from the inside? That was the purpose of the program from the get-go. They are just looting the treasury.
You are a Pollyana wearing rose colored glasses compared to me.
Many times in life I discovered I wasn’t cynical enough.
Heh. Learn from your mistakes.
That’s exactly it.
Up in DC they know that the writing is on the wall. It’s a full sprint to loot the credit of the American taxpayer before there is no credit anymore.
Is the mob term for this called a “Bust Out”?
It was in The Sopranos, yeah – “the Scutino bust-out” when Tony bankrupts the sporting goods store of his childhood friend to recoup the friend’s major gambling losses.
If I were the director, I would have instructed the camera operators to make sure to try as hard as possible to keep his hands out of frame at all times.
Director, yes. Cameraman? No.
They know were the… shot… is.
Re-education camps aren’t necessarily bad, and might be necessary. They just really need to be re-education camps. Organize themmore like a mixture of a youth summer camp, a school and a psychological clinic than a prison camp. It’s really about educating people.
tankie tweet of the day?
So we can send communists to personal responsibility camps?
[golf clap]
It is amazing to me how socialists are always and everywhere the same and how people never seem to learn. One generation of idiots after another after another….
When you keep getting told by morons that government can give you heaven on earth – fix all ills and evils – if man but submits to the rule of the elite, there will always be lazy and dumb people that think this shit is novel and a good idea. Especially when they get thought in school that people in government care about other people instead of how to fucking rob the treasury for themselves.
Sophistry never goes out of style.
Good morning, Sloop!
Excellent song choice from an excellent album.
Yeah, I’m with you on the epilepsy study.
Creating an exception never, ever leads to abuses. It is known.
A Dutch replica of the biblical animal-rescuing ark has been held in the UK for 19 months because it is deemed unseaworthy — sparking a diplomatic spat and $700-a-day fines, according to a report.
As if the Dutch didn’t have a flood of problems already.
Not enough dykes?
Had a bit of excitement last night. I was sitting out by the pool with the wife when a rattlesnake decided to go into the pool for a quick dip. The back neighbors were kind enough to help us kill it. Obviously, I’m going to need to get a hoe to deal with just such emergencies.
The wife posted about it on Facebook. One of her idiot friends from New York threw a hissy fit that we killed it and didn’t catch and release it. The thought going through my head was “Bless her heart…”
Tell your wife to tell the NY douches that the next time you guys will catch & ship the snake to them to keep since they are so concerned with the fucking thing. And oh yeah, we will also send the bill for the catching & shipping.
Your wife got exactly what she deserved for using Facebook.
I do have to give her some credit for her response:
Idiot NY Friend: “Just because you’re a hillbilly now doesn’t mean you have to kill everything. They can be caught and released”
Wife: “hillbillies are Appalachian. We are rednecks. “
That’s pretty funny.
My experience has been that those from the northeast are far more panicky around dangerous animals. They’d be the first to declare nuclear war if a snake got in their house.
Good on the wife. As for the comment, unless your wife has a relationship of with this woman where they regularly bust balls, I’d block her out if my Life.
Bless her heart indeed.
Eastern Diamondback?
Honestly, I think it was either a Pygmy or a canebreak .
Pygmies are fairly identifiable by the coloration. Not much danger to humans. Canebrakes (timber rattlesnakes) are a different story.
Size seemed like a Pygmy. But, it could have been a juvenile Canebrake.
In either case, I’m not going to be trying to catch and release the damned thing.
I had what was probably just a garter snake a few weeks ago under my grill. I tried to get it scooped up in the dog pooper scooper to move it away from the house but it got a little aggressive, so I panicked and slammed the scooper down on it and then stomped it.
I have slept well since, so I am okay living with this decision.
Young black racers are not black, and look kind of like pygmy rattlers.
I fish them out of our pool all the time.
No, we found the rattle on it after it was dead.
“young black racers are not black”
Things Biden says about Bubba Wallace?
Tell her that the reason it came onto your property is that the carrying capacity of its native habitat had been exceeded, and to return it would endanger the population of [insert cute animal here].
Are soy-boys considered cute by libs or do they too feel them soy-boys are to be mocked, in private of course, so you can continue to pretend you are a better human being if you are a lefty?
Nobody likes them
source – the lamentations of lefty women about the lack of real men to date in their circles.
I date one of those once very lefty women.. She has repeatedly complained that she couldn’t find a real man ever before, then occasionally complains about the fact I refuse to act the soy-boy. I remind her then and there that cognitive dissonance is a real thing with people like her… They want it both ways, and that is NOT the way things will ever work.
“The snake was at the Capitol on Jan. 6th”
/fixing everything
Put a little MAGA hat on it.
One of her idiot friends from New York threw a hissy fit that we killed it and didn’t catch and release it.
Found your hoe?
Curiously, the friend did date a guy who she caught cheating on her with his aunt. But, we’re the hillbillies.
That said, I wouldn’t throw that in her face.
With “his” aunt?
Damn, you’ve got to go back almost two centuries in my family for that stuff, and we’re definitely hillbillies.
I wouldn’t throw that in her face.
He did, though, on many occasions.
That sounds really sketchy. I do wonder whether that was simply a factor of the usual population of patients at the hospitals in question, though.
But people wonder why some of particular ethnicities have less than stellar amounts of trust in medical professionals, and shit like this comes to light.
Probably the least likely to have set up medical power of attorney.
Not enough black people get your experimental drug – equity problem.
Too many black people getbyour experimental drug – equity problem.
I think I see a pattern here.
In the spirit of reparations, perhaps we should be giving pregnant black women Thalidomide until we reach historical equity.
Exactly proportionate amount of Black people get experimental drug – “color blindness” which is systemic racism.
Nope. Woah! Summer feels.
Jim Acosta beats off to videos of Jim Acosta beating off.
Acosta? That lying piece of cheese is still around?
Of course, look how CNN brought Toobin back.
The question is “Why bother?”
Seriously, is Toobin’s willingness to debase himself that valuable?
It’s more of a club than an occupation.
They are hoping for another repeat performance, because some entertainment ventures make more money when you milk the thing into a never ending series.. See all the Fast & Furious, Rocky, and other such movies…
Seriously, is Toobin’s willingness to debase himself that valuable?
Heh, you just gave him an idea for an OnlyFans account.
He became a better person after writing a book on the Oklahoma City bombing. A movie will be made about this amazing redemption.
What a stroke of luck!
He went through some hard times, sounds like.
I hope he doesn’t get cocky now that he’s back on the air.
Nah, got off easy.
It was but a small thing.
He should pen ‘is story!
Government funded radio has reached new depths of vulgar inanity.
BBC had a gushy sendoff for the ending Kardashian series.
NPR had a multi-minute segment on how Zoom won the teleconferencing wars because… their mission statement is better than Google or Cisco’s. I am not making this up.
And apparently NY has banned Ghooooost Gunnnnz!
Got a link on that last one?
Heard it on hte radio. Had to go hunting for a link.
Another ten year lawsuit.
Congratulations! You’re one Cuomo signature away from being a felon!
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Zoom won because they were making it cheap and easy.
Which is easier to do when you ignore security concerns.
Because Skype, Teams, WebEx, Meet, and GoToMeeting were all bastions of security. For any conferencing that you have someone else running, you always risk a MITM attack, because you’re trusting the communication to go through them.
I used to drink with a guy who was a salesman for webex, man he was a piece of shit.
Nǐ hǎo!
TikTok says hi.
They also say “Xièxie, Běijīng Joe!”
Wǒmen yào qù Circuit City ma?
Ummmm… are you disagreeing with NPR’s analysis? Do YOU have a journalism degree from Columbia?
How dare you imply such a horrible thing as anyone here being a journalist from columbia!
If you get a chance to listen to Malices interview with Jack Posobic, I recommend it. A good discussion on ANTIFA.
I second Leon’s recommendation. Very interesting discussion, particularly the history and origins of antifa
Tucker Carlson: How Did Kamala Harris Wind Up Effectively In Charge Of The United States?
She is in league with the anti-christ?
Tucker sums her up well. It’s not that she’s so fake that the average voter dislikes her. She’s so fake that two standard deviations below the average voter notice and dislike her.
Everything she does is transparently done because she’s a phony. Wearing a mask and kissing the husband. Wearing a mask even though she’s vaccinated. It’s like she thinks she understands the common Man when she can’t be further away.
Add in her petulant childishness of thinking she is God’s gift to the world.
President of puts me on border duty? Well I won’t go because I’m so mad.
Seven sentences to avoid the word “uppity”.
I would like to think my verbosity added more to the conversation than just that word
She also poo-poo’d the vaccine before eagerly sticking her arm out for it.
Because she cackles better than Hillary?
Some girls can be contacted by up to 11 boys a night asking for nude images, the schools watchdog for England says.
In an Ofsted survey, girls explained that if they blocked boys on social media “they just create multiple accounts to harass you”.
The report also found nine in 10 girls experienced sexist name-calling or were sent explicit photos or videos.
The watchdog is warning that sexual harassment has become “normalised” among school-age children.
While I does not hurt to ask, I don’t get how asking for nudes could be successful and why you would risk becoming the school creep doing so, That being said, I call bullshit about the sexist name calling. This is in no way an objective category. Then again who knows what goes on in british schools.
Some boys can be contacted by up to 11 teachers a night asking for nude images.
Totes legit! It’s for the school files, you know….
what annoys me is this kind of survey that puts together all sorts of things that are really not the same. What is an inappropriate comment? Even unwanted touch can be on the arm or on the vag
These kinds of surveys are little more than push-polling. The questions are ambiguous and the results are lumped together in a way that portrays a situation in way that often conflicts with reality. Anybody who believes this shit should not be taken seriously.
An “unwanted touch” is anytime some ugly boy tires talking to me. A wanted touch is the cute guy fingerbanging me…
*ding ding* we have a winner. One of the other things that OMB got right was when you are high status man, you can, in fact, grab ’em by their lady bits.
Well, yeah. That’s the entire business model for OnlyFans.com
According to all the documentaries I’ve seen or read, spankings are involved.
Teen boys are not known for restraint or subtlety when it comes to girls.
Did it say of those eleven how many were sent? Because if you send nudes, you are probably more likely to be asked to send nudes.
Not considered: dropping off social media altogether.
Well I found out that if you suggest in LP circles that crypto is in the crosshairs of the US government and will probably get torpedoed at some point, you get a lot of hate.
Crypto seems like a violation of Gresham’s Law. And I’m not sure an electronic trail of every crypto’s transaction history is a good thing.
We are in the toddler years of cryptocurrency and odds are it will grow up to be a complete asshole living on the government dole.
The US is willing to annihilate countries to preserve the petrodollar, there’s no way they’re not going to try to either destroy or coopt the crypto currencies.
Yes. It’s like telling a parent that they’re only child is not the best.
The blockchain has some very interesting potential applications. I don’t think currency is really going to be the best use going forward (although it’s a neat intellectual exercise, and I have some beer money in it). I think it would work quite well in more of a title agency style application. Transferring a title isn’t as time sensitive, having a full record of who owned the property through the course of its existence could have benefit, and any liens/judgements should be easily findable.
This seems more logical to me.
I have a hard time seeing how crypto currency can function when it requires electronic communication and a government that can clamp down hard on such.
There’s definitely some black market value, but that doesn’t buy a loaf of bread until the fiat currency collapses and creates a vacuum.
Blockchain transaction trails seem like the enemy of the black market.
Blockchain = permanent record. The statist’s wet dream.
I’m more amused by this than I should be.
How likely was it that the test just gave a false positive? I know a lot of people that complained their “positive” test was not a good test….
The PCR tests are ridiculously sensitive. They will detect a few particles of the virus that will not in any way lead to actual sickness. That’s why the creator of PCR tests has spoken out saying that they are not intended for diagnosing illness. Tom Woods had an episode with him on.
The media made sure to keep that quiet for almost a year before they said “you know what, PCR testing is not a clinical diagnoses and is too sensitive.” By then, their need for ‘cases’ was no longer needed.
So sad to learn that Gottfried Böhm (23 January 1920 – 9 June 2021), architect and sculptor, left us yesterday at the venerable age of 101. A true artist on the expressionistic side of #brutalist #architecture. Godspeed.
Now that is one ugly fucking building
I am going to have such a good day! Hooray!
That’s the spirit!
Which spirit? Bourbon or scotch?
Maddog 20-20!~
“Chile has announced a lockdown in Santiago amid rising Covid cases, despite nearly 60% of the country being fully vaccinated… among the new cases between Wednesday and Thursday, 73 percent were people who had not been fully inoculated”
chianavac mostly I believe. Still. Europe has been dropping irrespective of vaccine rates. Santiago chille weather is not that cold so what is going on?
It’s becoming winter, they are basically in November weather. I find this unsurprising, except lockdowns don’t work. I expect cases to rise here in the USA by November. Again, lockdowns do nothing against normal seasonality.
highs of 22 and lows of 7-8 in decent weather … It is what Willow Alaska, to take a random example, gets in summer
Why did California get a spike in cases in the winter? Maybe seasonality more about hours of daylight than temperature. I do think none of our mitigation efforts have done a thing to stop covid from becoming another flu.
Brazil on the other hand had year round spikes. fuck knows
Yup. Sunlight = Vitamin D. Which also depends on skin color and what one is acclimated to.
Can confirm.
If this had been an actual pandemic you would have first-hand knowledge of overflowing hospitals.
You don’t, so it ain’t.
This. In a real pandemic we wouldn’t have to be lectured about it day and night. We wouldn’t have to have lockdowns and mask mandates.
Somewhat related to tankie tweets there is this
Maybe they’ll hold their breath ’til they turn blue if they don’t get what they want
Asked about Republicans’ refusal to raise taxes to help pay for the plan, Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono said, “I totally disagree with” it.
The divisions underscore not just political differences within the Democratic caucus, but also regional ones. Many of the lawmakers in the bipartisan group hail from states outside of the Northeast corridor where residents rely heavily on rail and mass transit.
“I get worried when I see groups of senators that don’t include members from the Northeast corridor that really care about making sure that we dramatically change transit times,” Murphy said.
Sen. Bob Casey, a Pennsylvania Democrat, said that he’s “certain” that the bipartisan talks won’t produce “what I believe we have to do for the people of Pennsylvania,” calling for enacting both Biden’s $1.8 trillion American Families Plan and $2.3 trillion American Jobs Plan.
But Democrats have a problem: They don’t have consensus to pass such a massive bill along straight party lines, as moderates like Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona push to pursue bipartisan talks instead.
The only thing those icky losers out there in Flyoverlandia are good for is paying for our shiny toys.
Hows AOCs tactic of pushing hard left and getting rid of any bluedogs working for them?
Then let the fucking states of the fucking Northeast corridor fucking fix their own fucking transit times and leave the rest of us alone.
The local politicos were bragging on bringing BidenBux home to repair a part of the NYC subway.
Because the richest city in the country needs the other 49 states + the rest of NY to pay for something that benefits only them.
Change “white” to “black” or “jew”.
Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. When remembered and represented, the ravages wreaked by the chronic condition can function either as warning (“never again”) or as temptation (“great again”). Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression. There is not yet a permanent cure.
are asians honkeys?
Schroedinger’s honkeys, it depends on the circumstance, you have to open the context to find out.
And all honkeys are racist. Therefore Racist is simply another word for snow chimp.
If we redefine racist to just mean white people then we should be good.
This is not going to end how they think it’s going to end.
You know who else targeted a racial/ethnic group by calling them ravenous parasites?
The Orkin Man?
This game isn’t really all that fun anymore now that they’re shedding the mask and acting flagrantly like Nazis.
Ten authors who cannot agree on authorship order for their scientific paper elect to retract their own published paper as a result. What is this? Elementary school?
Academia is arguably less mature
No argument. Have you ever been exposed to the petty drama of academia?
Elementary schoolers are better socialized.
“Academic politics are so vicious because the stakes are so low” – Thomas Sowell
I am shocked that academia is plagued by ego. I once worked with a guy who had an Erdos Number, and made sure people knew.
The modified Erdos number: if you would have let Paul Erdos crash on your couch and strain your marital and familiar relationships for a couple of months, the same as your Erdos number. If not, 0.
I don’t think anyone is left alive who would have a nonzero modified Erdos number.
I have an Erdos Number.
My GF has an Erdos Number.
Can I get his number?
I don’t know about his number, but I have his address.
My Erdos Number is i.
This sounds kinda fucked up on its face. But after digging deeper into the story it sounds really fucked up.
Maybe I missed something in the story, but it sounds above board as far as the design. Informed consent is allowed to be waived in life or death situations with an unconscious patient as long as the patient’s legal representative and then family is attempted to be contacted first. There’s a very long FDA Guidance document (FDA-2006-D-0464) outlining how to navigate such a study designs and what cases are allowed.
In this case you have unconscious patients facing death. The standard of care first line treatment was administered and didn’t work. There are three second line treatments available, but no study has yet shown any to be more effective than others. No patient is being withheld the most effective second line treatment because none of the doctors know which this is. This study randomizes the three treatments so we can figure out which is the most effective. The physicians are then required to notify the patient, legal representative, and family (in that order) of the patient’s retrospective enrollment in the study within 60 minutes.
It does sound like some shady things occurred when the investigators wanted to continue the trial despite finding no difference in effectiveness at the predetermined trigger point. Investigators are usually paid very well for every participant enrolled in most clinical trials.
Are there already treatments that have been approved that have the same likelihood of success? If so, then the ones they’re testing should be reserved for people who have given consent.
They could find those potential trial participants through advertising or by having doctors propose the treatment to people subject to these episodes. And they can compensate them appropriately for taking an experimental drug.
I could be misunderstanding, but it sounds like all 3 treatments are already approved. The doctors can and do already administer any one of the three, but they don’t know which is the most effective. This study is just to determine which one works best, since all three are already regularly used.
They can’t prospectively find participants because these are individuals who are seizing, received standard of care first-line treatment, and that first-line treatment failed. I don’t know what the efficacy is for the first-line, but I assume it’s very high. So these are a handful of individuals who fell through first-line treatment. It’s effectively impossible to prospectively identify such.
If it’s an experimental drug, then yes they should be compensated. It doesn’t sound like any of three are experimental though.
The issue is that the doctor couldn’t even look at the patient’s records to see if they’d had success with one of the drugs in the past. The doctor couldn’t even be told which drug he’d administered for an hour, meaning he couldn’t look for adverse reactions that were more common with one of the three specific drugs.
That sounds like a sketchy way to run a study. Ethically, it is horrible to do if a patient has a medical history of success with a specific drug. Medically, it’s not based on the Hippocratic oath, seeing as you already know a treatment that works for a patient in what’s a life-or-death situation.
I see the article makes that claim, but I don’t think it’s true. The FDA response states “doctors were only asked to enroll patients in ESETT when there they didn’t know which medication to give. If a patient’s medical record or emergency medical alert tag indicated any allergy or contraindication to any of the study drugs, the patient was excluded from the study. Documented preferences for a particular medication based on patterns of known prior favorable or unfavorable responses, or for other reasons, were considered a contraindication.”
The controversy is ginned up a community org looking to stoke racial division.
Oh, well if the FDA said it, it must be true.
I’m not saying I believe all the claims. But if there’s some truth to them, then it is ethically and medically problematic.
If a patient had previously had a record of success with one drug in a prolonged seizure, or a record of not responding to another drug, the doctor would not consider that. If patients had a daily prescription of a form of one of the drugs that worked for them to prevent seizures, but they had failed to take their medications, the doctor would not consider that, either.
The study protocol allowed unblinding in case of emergency but discouraged it, calling it “a deviation from protocol.”
So yes, they allowed unblinding but discouraged it. I think the answer to both our questions is to know how many doctors unblinded the medical records of patients and followed past successes rather than continuing with the randomized selection of a drug.
I don’t think that’s quite right. The medical records of each patient was reviewed prior to that patient entering the trial. If a drug worked well or caused an adverse event, that patient was excluded from the study. Only once they determined that no drug was preferable or contraindicated was a patient enrolled and the doctor blinded to treatment.
What you’re citing is from the author of the article, and that’s not supported by the study details. It doesn’t really matter though either way because it looks like past treatment experience has no implication on future success or failure for this particular condition.
The FDA is often full of shit, but what they are stating is very easily found in the study protocol. I have not reviewed the protocol, but it seems like an absurd thing for them to lie about when it’s documented.
“No,” Senate Budget Chairman Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent who caucuses with the Democrats, said when asked if would support the bipartisan group’s potential agreement.
“In my view, now is the time to finally stand up for the working families of this country. Black and White, Latino, Native American, Asian American, that is what we have got to do,” Sanders said. “If your question is: Do I think there are 10 Republicans who are prepared to do that? No, I do not.”
Holy war. No surrender. No quarter.
Bernie seems pretty cooked at this point. Whatever his policies were/are the future of the Bernie wing belongs to AOC et al.
Democracy is broken if one senator (plus another 50) can hold up what the other 49 want. Why does Bernie hate democracy!?!.
Note that the time Democrats complain the most about democracy not working is when our is in a perfectly split situation and someone’s vote actually matters.
Sanders was an old-school class-not-race socialist for a long time. What caused him to go woke? Does it get the press to ignore how he’s curiously wealthy and is not and never was working class? Did it get him that committee chairmanship, despite his “independent caucusing with Democrats” stance (which arguably meant something once but seems just a facade at this point)? Or does it just keep him from getting sidelined out of the graft, since he is old, white, male, straight, and cisgendered after all?
That was my point. Once Bernie goes woke he’s just a doddering old rich man version of the other priests of woke.
now is the time to finally stand up for the working families of this country
Interestingly that is exactly what Trump was doing. The Dems seem insistent on destroying the economy and impoverishing the average person.
Working families mean those who are favored by their politics in this case.
What’s funny is that prior to 2015/16 Bernies politics would have been aligned with Trump. Hell he was against open borders as a “Koch brothers policy”. He’s about socialism for people here.
The Dems we’re heading towards SJW crazy prior to Trump, but his presence got them to go all in on it.
Wealth gives people options. Power is a zero sum game. If you want power the best way to get it is to take it from others and the best way to do that is to destroy their wealth. Of course they are insistent on destroying the economy and impoverishing the average person.
“stand up for the working families of this country.”
By shutting down their businesses for extended periods of time?
And sending them crumbs!
People making untermenchen badge comparisons are totally exaggerating and being hysterical.
as I said. Vaccine dart guns.
If I wear that sign will people stay away from me? Hmmm…
And you get a free choo choo ride, too.
“Today’s edition of the Washington Post comes with the comforting news that the psychiatrist who told an audience at Yale’s medical school that “she fantasized about killing White people” was, in fact, simply expressing to the world how deeply she cares. In an April 6 lecture, prosaically titled “Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind,” Aruna Khilanani explained that she dreamed of “unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step, like I did the world a fu**ing favor.” Perhaps because they lacked the tools to interrogate and educate themselves, some observers responded rather negatively to these ideas. But, as Khilanani clarifies today, they have got her completely wrong: What she said was not the product of a demented, bigoted, Charles Manson–esque mind, but of a legitimate “frustration about minority mental health,” a desire to “have more serious conversations about race,” and, ultimately, love. Khilanani does what she does, she told the Post, “because I care.”
Well, that’s a relief.
It does not take an exquisitely trained mind to understand why the oft-trailed and much-coveted “Conversation about Race in America” never actually happens in earnest — and, indeed, why it is unlikely ever to happen in earnest. Thanks to the ever-shifting pseudo-scientific nonsense that underpins almost every contemporary “academic” framework, the plain words a given person uses when discussing race do not tend to matter much these days. What matters, instead, is how our self-appointed arbiters of taste wish those words to be perceived. Thus it is that any self-evidently racist comment made by a favored player is immediately justified in terms that would typically be reserved for an especially pretentious exhibit of modern art — “the intermittently blank canvas explores the tension between sound and electricity in an era of existential dread” — while the jokes, mainstream political opinions, unfortunate coincidences, and childhood indiscretions of the disfavored become crystallized into the permanent mark of the Klan. Who, in his right mind, would consent to talk on the record under these rules?”
” a desire to “have more serious conversations about race,”
Just don’t take it seriously when she says she wants to kill people of a certain race.
In which Charles Cooke once again pretends to be on the opposing team.
Which team is he pretending?
The team he’s actually on is the one that will keep him employed.
The opposing team is the one to whom this read meat is directed.
The evidence for this disparity is, among other things, the “I read Trump’s mind and know what he thinks” turd he dropped a few days ago.
You ain’t black.
ICYMI: This morning, I joined @CNN to discuss the importance of diverse thought and political ideology in the Congressional Black Caucus. As a young Black man born into the inner city, my perspective and conservative ideals should be welcomed to the CBC, not ignored. Watch below.
The Cunte Newspeak Network chick conducting this interview raised my blood pressure.
Wtf is icymi? Frozen Michigan?
In Case You Missed It.
“That’s just not trUUUueee….”
Vocal fry, condescension, and uptalk, I love that stuff.
Strong men wear a 1 kg silver bracelet
Once again you have nailed the music selection. The Swing / Shabooh Shoobah / Listen Like Thieves was the best INXS era.
Far better than when they went fully commercial.
Listen Like Thieves was their best, IMHO.
“What You Need” is the tightest white funk song of all time, #changemymind.
Wild Cherry has them beat.
The evidence is in the title.
Gene Wilder would be a legend for Willy Wonka alone, but then add to that The Waco Kid, Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, Leo Bloom, and Skip Donahue. RIP absolute legend, we miss the hell out of ya.
Contrast Wilder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgJBvEMOpWQ
with Broderick https://youtu.be/PDgJddaRjSU?t=42
Ugh I’ve never seen the remake and I had no idea Broderick acted that part so squirrely…. Egad that’s repulsive.
Ottawa Public Health
Replying to
You’ll see the tentacles of white supremacy weaving their way through the “COVID is a hoax/this is just a flu” crowd.
And yes, the “see more replies” section of this thread will inevitably be full of them, each one saying why their often-racist remarks aren’t racist. (5/10)
If this is an official government agency twitter, can we officially say that Ottawa is a shithole?
Wait not a government agency the public health bit threw me off. Ignore.
It is not a flu, It is a cold. Different class of viruses. I am betting most of the people flapping their gums about this have no idea what a virus is. (Yeah, I am looking at you Fauci)
Are you saying Fauci went insane over batshit?
I think I saw Timothy Hutton at a restaurant here in Nashville.
This morning at a casual breakfast place in Hermitage, which isn’t exactly the upscale part of Nashville.
So you saw a guy at a restaurant? Strange
Was he trying to get some leverage?
In case you were unaware, it’s being rebooted by IMDb.TV. I enjoyed the first run, and I’ll give the reboot a shot.
Oh nice. Yes, formulaic but was fun.
Gina Bellman and Beth Riesgraf were always easy to watch
Gina Bellman was also in Coupling as Jane.
He was hanging a banner that said “Turk 182”
Probably something low carb. He seemed fit. Old, but fit.
Tomorrow marks the 70th birthday of the nicest guy in rock n’ roll (only marking it because he’s way too pedestrian for OMWC).
This is one of my favorite covers of a song of his.
Nope — the nicest guy in rock n’roll is only 61.
Pedestrian? What, the fucker can’t even drive???
Lame, just… lame.
Robc hasn’t been pimping strong towns recently.
They have two pretty good write-ups on opposing the infrastructure spending:
American Jobs Plan Sucks
Republicans Are Also not Serious
From yesterday’s thread. Tonio on June 10, 2021 at 4:13 pm
Nice avatar. I’m curious about the origin of your handle. Lander, like Lunar lander?
Stinky Wizzleteats on June 10, 2021 at 4:42 pm
I’m going with REM fan.
Stinky Wizzleteats for the win. Nice catch, man.
Years ago, I had someone ask me if I really hated the band Kittie, and that I was telling everyone to ignore Morgan and Mercedes Lander, the sisters in that band. I thought that was a pretty creative guess at where my nick came from….
That’s just the kind of cover is expect an FBI Tulpa to give.
Sick people
Yet after more than a year of playing it safe, some are still planning to wear masks in crowded indoor public places when they cannot be sure that everyone around them has been vaccinated. Some public health experts say they will still probably wear masks for those occasions, while others say they feel perfectly comfortable dropping them even in those settings.
That divergence is symbolic of a new era California faces come Tuesday, when people will make their own choices as to whether to continue wearing masks, even if they’re no longer required. While the unvaccinated are still required to mask up in most settings, there historically hasn’t been much government enforcement tied to such mandates.
And given the heated debates over masking, officials are already warning the public against heaping scorn or dirty looks on those who decide to remain masked. Officials say it would be a mistake to start thinking that a face covering is indicative of someone’s vaccination status.
“This is very nuanced still, and there are some people for whom mask wearing is still life saving,” Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said this week.
But for many, the question over whether to remain masked comes down to your level of risk tolerance. For a fully vaccinated person, is it worth it to still wear a face covering even though the chances of infection are exceedingly low?
L.A. County’s health officer, Dr. Muntu Davis, said he’ll still likely stick to the habits to which he’s long been accustomed, such as wearing a mask and keeping distance in indoor or crowded settings.
He’s not the only one: Some experts will continue wearing a mask while in a supermarket or in line at a cafe for now, saying they’d rather take the extra precaution to avoid an exceedingly rare illness. Others might still mask up primarily to make other people feel more at ease.
Fucking superstitious neurotics have seized control of the country.
“he’s long been accustomed”
A year out of this person’s life and it is not long accustomed? Superstitious indeed.
The only thing we have to fear is lack of fear itself.
The Litany Against Lack of Fear
I must fear.
Lack of Fear is the mind-killer.
Lack of Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will find my fear.
I will permit it to possess me and dominate me.
And when it has gone past I will turn and pursue it down its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. Holding on to it.
Is that from the Malo Gesserit?
“But for many, the question over whether to remain masked comes down to your level of risk tolerance. ”
And one’s inability to understand mathematics.
“…officials are already warning the public against heaping scorn or dirty looks on those who decide to remain masked.”
Oh, you’re warning me, are you? Fuck. You.
But heaping scorn and dirty looks on those who decided to remain unmasked was tote OK.
Pathogens evolve towards being benign. Hosts evolve to be resistant.
Because they are replicated so quickly in large numbers it doesnt take that long. Look at flu viruses…seasonal and then they burn out (mutate towards being benign). This cootie bug is a cold virus. They mutate quickly also. I have a hard time believing that this particular cold virus is still dangerous. Worse, they keep telling us that it is mutating towards being more dangerous. Horseshit.
The fix? Get the Chinese to stop eating toad assholes, batwings, pangolin intestines etc. Teach them to raise cattle, corn and wheat. When you come into contact with critters that we as humans haven’t had historical contact with you come into contact with pathogens that are new to us and have not evolved to be benign. Also put all of the people experimenting with pathogens to weaponize them in gibbets.
Remember the Spanish Flu? It did not originate in Spain, it originated in China.
Humans have historically been in contact with all those critters. It’s the cultures with functioning economies that have evolved away from eating those critters into eating critters that can be raised as a reliable food source.
One would think that the advancement of knowledge would have helped the Chinese get to that point – and it had. But Mao’s Broad Jump Backward undid those advancements in many parts of China. And Western academics – aka morons – have an affinity for such elitism.
Rather than point out the infrequency of our contact with those critters I will tell an amusing story.
Once in British Guyana some Injuns walked into the mining camp. They had one of these curled around a stick and wanted to sell it as a pet to us gringos:
The English geologist started teasing the thing, poking at it and tormenting it over and over. I kept saying “Dude, leave the poor thing alone” but he wouldn’t listen. As it turns out the world’s slowest mammal isn’t so slow when it decides it has had enough. That fucking thing jumped on the geologist and tore his ass up. I nick named him Leroy Brown after that. He was not amused.
If you’ve been vaccinated and you’re still wearing a mask then you don’t understand the point of vaccines and you’re an idiot.
people will make their own choices
The. Horror.
“Iran literally pays for trans-affirming medical care with state funds. Soooo… not exactly a great way to make your point there, Sweetie.”
OFFS! How is this person real?
Just ignore the trans-denying gays that get thrown off buildings.
Iran doesn’t throw them off rooves.
They execute them by hanging.
That’s actually true in that they don’t tolerate homosexuality but if a person is trans they aren’t homosexual in their view as long as they aren’t a trans lesbian or gay guy. Homosexuals are encouraged and coerced into identifying as trans which is of course not a good thing.
The incredible own here though is Charlotte is a trans-lesbian.
I am not sure what any of that means. Crazy is as crazy does?
“If you’re gay instead of trans, you get thrown off a building. You’re not gay are you? Good, you’re trans.
Now, since you’re trans, you are enrolled in our trans-affirming program. Your appointment to get your dick cut off is Tuesday. You good with that, or do you want to get thrown off a building?”
I love all the replies, because you can’t tell who they are taking about.
“People who know the least talk the most. Great example.”
Or the ones with no critical thinking skills
“How is Saudi Arabia the ally and Iran the villain? How did this happen? Why is it not flipped?”
Damn, xe doubled down on the stupid.
In xer’s mind it’s true because they think words are violence. If you disapprove, or even not endorse, of their lifestyle, you may as well be dragging them behind a pickup truck.
Yep. Engaging with people like this is a pointless waste of time. She is literally insane.
“And guess what’s especially sad here? You know that.”
No I don’t know that, and you asserting that I do, is neither an argument nor does it make it true.
It is a gnashing of their own mind, trying to come to terms that they are not the front-line warriors in their battle to be accepted. They are the offspring and have normal people worries because in the states in general, no one gives a damn and that scares them. It scares them that they really are not special or important.
They want to be Harvey Milk and want people to persecute them and instead, we shrug our shoulders at their screams of attention.
THIS X 1000
Trans people are killed in outsized (somewhat) numbers here because they are engaged in sex work in disproportionate numbers. It’s unfortunate but it’s not because they’re trans, it’s because that’s a dangerous line of work.
No one ever asks ” Who is killing them?”
I have done the dirty work and clicked through the twitter thread. Xe keeps bringing up 44 trans died last year!
That probably is high, I am guessing, as you say in proportion to the total. But still, only 44 from everyone who was murdered last year?
The actual population of trans persons depends on the purposes of the discussion. If you’re trying to establish how they are targeted for murder, the numbers are small. If you’re trying to establish how undercounted and ignored by society they are, the population is much higher.
44? All year? That is one tough weekend in Chicago.
A Tale of Two Titties for your Friday Funbags.
Some officials fear the choice of whether to mask up could become the latest battle line drawn in a politically charged and emotionally draining pandemic.
L.A. County Supervisor Janice Hahn went so far this week as to urge the public to not shame or bully or give dirty looks to people who continue wearing masks when it’s no longer required.
The state’s guidelines recognize this, too — stating that no one can be prevented from wearing a mask as a condition of participating in an activity or entering a business.
“We want to make sure that those who have been vaccinated are protected and supported in their desire to wear a mask, if that is their choice,” Dr. Mark Ghaly, California’s health and human services secretary, said Wednesday.
There are some who will want to continue to wear masks even if they are fully vaccinated, Ferrer said. Such people could include those who have a suppressed immune system, are at greater risk for illness from COVID-19 or are parents of children too young to be vaccinated.
Others may simply prefer wearing a mask as additional protection not just against COVID-19, but other diseases like the flu and common cold.
Tell me again. What, precisely, does that fucking scrap of rag DO? Whom does it protect, and how?
What a bunch of incoherent nonsense.
I am not sure if you are being rhetorical or not, but what the mask does is increase your chances of becoming ill. If you want to know more details I will be happy to give them.
Who’s going to be the first to publicly state the truth, which is that these are security blankies for grown adults and nothing more. They are literally like Linus walking around holding his blanket, except they are wearing theirs on their face. Grown adults.
We are such pathetic, pathetic creatures.
I don’t blame people for unthinkingly doing the popular thing out of ignorance. I don’t even blame them for clinging to their decision as mounting evidence shows that they’ve been had. Being stupid and stubborn isn’t a crime. More than a few people aren’t even stupid or stubborn. They’re simply not as far down the road to accepting that TMITE as we are here. I get it. When you’re being told by everybody you trust that vaccine skeptics and mask skeptics are the equivalent of flat earthers, it’s easy to ignore what they have to say and write them off as idiots.
That said, being condescending and oppressive about others not wearing a mask or getting the vaccine? Yeah, that gets my righteous indignation going pretty hard. Those people can fuck right off.
Have to change a guy carrying a flag in an ad because it’s too close to the “Capitol Insurrection”
Say what?
WaPo headline:
Only in our anti-truth hellscape could Anthony Fauci become a supervillain
Quality journalisming for quality people.
Because when i think of speaking “truth” the first thing I think is Fauci!
The man who has admitted to lying to manipulate the populace and has been found to be lying in other situations, is the villain?
Like the citizens of the USSR would say, if you want to know what not to believe, read PRAVDA, or in our case the WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, or better yet, The Atlantic. Oh, lets not forget the NYT.
Or the government-funded NPR.
If there were anything remotely like that with an equivalent conservative bias, Leftists would be pitching a fit. There needs to be a movement to defund NPR pronto.
When did WaPo hire Baghdad Bob?
I bet there was at least some editor at WaPo that had the thought of “we need to find out if he wants to be a correspondent for us!”
Funded the lab from which the virus escaped with a wink and a nod with funds that freed up money to conduct the GOF research that couldn’t be conducted in the US. Fuck that guy, he knew exactly what he was doing.
Not really a supervillain. More like the “banality of evil”. The Diet Coke of Evil.
It should be telling that the FedGov isn’t going to mandate their employees to get the vaccine but is encouraging private companies to mandate their employees, even signaling that the EEOC will back them up if they do and are faced with lawsuits.
So far, I am spared from the forced trial.
I am not sure if you are being rhetorical or not, but what the mask does is increase your chances of becoming ill.
It’s a rhetorical question, in that none of the imbeciles running around talking about masks can keep the story straight from one minute to the next. The only honest thing they say is that it is social signalling for the benefit of the feebleminded. Just like that snazzy armband so popular in Germany in the late ’30s and early ’40s.
Yes, it is a security blanket for herd animals. Most people scare easily and when scared they make poor decisions. Fear impairs judgement.
Guess what…you are going to die. Sooner or later something comes along and knocks you down. When it happens make sure you have your boots on, your head high and your fists balled up. Do not let fear rule you.
Started my walk all sunny and shit shorts and tshirt now it is pouring as it hasn’t all year and there is halestorm and wind. I am trapped under shelter until it stops but at least i have shelter. Stupid rain.
Is a halestorm a very healthy weather event?
Hail. Whatever.
I am glad to hear you are sheltered from the rain and ice.
It can make you miss the misery, that’s for sure.
Yikes. Hail this time of year is a very bad sign. When it happens here I start looking for a bunker.
I hope it stays in the city and does not reach mom’s garden in the suburbs
Summer rains should be short this one aint
Point is i blame climate change which is Americas fault
Mrs Prolefeed: *uses phrase Person of Color *
Me: “Why would you use that phrase? Didn’t we both agree that ethnicity is a made-up construct?”
Mrs Prolefeed: “It doesn’t refer to a specific ethnicity. It’s a shorthand word for a coalition.”
Me: * googles it * “Says here eighty-eight percent of the world’s population falls under the POC categories. Wouldn’t “Almost Everybody” have the advantage of brevity? Or “Non-Whites”? Though I guess it would be poor branding to use Non-Whites, cause it sounds kinda racist.”
White is not a category of race it is a category of purity / nassim taleb
Neat, the Russians thawed out and revived a 24,000 frozen worm thingy:
*Fauci rubs his hands gleefully at the potential new GOF to be learned from such ancient creatures*
Fuck, here comes the apocalypse.
So this is how it ends.
I still have some mowing to do…the question is ‘nap or mow?’. I have been up since three…
Nap or mow, nap or mow…I think I am going to nap. I will be back to annoy y’all with my inane bullshit later.
The NAP is a first principle.
From the Toobin article:
“This was deeply moronic and indefensible, but that is part of the story,” he said. “I have spent the seven subsequent months — miserable months in my life, I can certainly confess — trying to be a better person. I’m in therapy, trying to do some public service, working in a food bank, which I certainly am going to continue to do.”
The poor suffer yet again. Food bank patrons don’t want you yanking it in front of them, either, dude.
Any normal person would be facing indecent exposure charges and possibly fighting to keep their names off a sex-offender list. To be in the circle has its perks I guess.
Separate justice for the aristocracy. Hillary can mishandle classified information. Brennan can lie to Congress. David Gregory can possess a banned magazine. If you aren’t in the clique, not only will you not get a pass, they may make shit up to get you.
“trying to be a better person”
If you have to try, guess what? Being a good person comes naturally to good people. They dont have to try.
I am off to the bed. Y’all have fun.
Being a good person comes naturally to good people.
Meh, everybody is asshoe. “good” people are just better at hiding or minimizing the impact of their bad behavior.
You are what you do when it counts. The measure of goodness is, indeed, the degree to which you can control your behavior and suppress your bad urges. For many people, its not that hard to do. I rarely find myself on the razor’s edge between doing the right thing, and doing the wrong thing. With practice, it gets to be second nature, and you don’t really have to try.
I won’t even play the bad guy, or take the villain route, in video games, fer chrissake. I tried it, and it just didn’t gel. And I don’t really consider myself to be a “good” person. Just an ordinary one.
I think there’s a difference in definition here. “Good” to me, given all of the theological baggage I drag into the conversation, is a much higher bar than doesn’t cheat others, doesn’t abuse people, etc. To me, that’s just pointing to a less muddy pig in the sty and calling it clean.
I thought the measure of goodness in Christian theology boiled down, at least in (large?) part, to your success in resisting temptation. Not being completely blind to temptation (which nobody is), but making the right decision when faced with it. The whole mote/beam thing. Christianity is supposed to be less concerned with eradicating temptation from the world, and more with dealing with temptation in the world. Muslims, by my understanding, are more strongly biased toward removing temptation (hence, the burqas and niqabs).
But my acquaintance with Christian (and Muslim) theology is shallow, at best.
To say “it’s complicated” is understating it. I’m not one who is going to be able to sum up 2000 years of theology in a few pithy statements, but I’ll try to put a few of the discussion points out there.
A large difference between Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions is an acknowledgement that Goodness is laughably unattainable by humans. Theoretically it can be done, but practically we’re so self serving as a species that on our own we wouldn’t recognize a Good life if we saw it. Let alone living one. Good, in Christian lexicon, is very close to “perfect” in definition. Harkening back to Jewish tradition, Good is the unblemished lamb. Not one spot of sin.
A big reason for Christ is the substitutionary atonement. “The wages of sin is death”, but I’m gonna do the dying so that your entire species isn’t doomed to damnation. A huge theme in Christ’s teaching was recognizing that you are already sinning well before you get to the point where you do something evil. Thinking about a girl lustfully is just as adultrous as sleeping with her. Hating somebody in your heart is just as murderous as actually killing them. The disease in the soul is the same. The outward actions don’t change that. The recognition and inward acceptance of that leads to profound despair. I literally cannot fix myself up enough to avoid those momentary flashes of lust and hatred. Sure, the cancer may not exhibit itself as a giant lump on the thyroid, but it’s still there, chewing away.
There are practical discussions of how to become and behave better, but with no illusion of us ever attaining Goodness.
Take, for example “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” versus “love your neighbor as yourself”…. do unto others is a negative restriction and is doable in a particular instance. It’s “don’t do bad things to others”…. love your neighbor as yourself is completely different. You don’t love yourself by just not doing bad things to yourself. You plan for your future, you think about your wellbeing, you do what is best for yourself. Think about how insane it would be to truly apply that standard to everybody you encountered, even for one day. Better v. Good.
There are literally hundreds of people at least a qualified to be a legal analyst as Toobin, living in NYC, who would jump at the chance. Why bring him back? Its not like he offers anything unique. He’s easily replaced. Nobody would miss him. I daresay, nobody did miss him while he was gone. Hell, he’s a white guy, so they even passed up a chance to bring in a woke replacement.
The only thing I can think of is that they want to reinforce a culture of entitlement and non-accountability.
Yes it is a “look what we can do” and nothing will happen. Now sit down and shut up and accept it.
“You know how you can tell you are little people? You couldn’t get away with this. You know you can tell I’m not little people? I can, and did.”
I had never even heard of the guy before the exposure incident hit the news. I’m amazed he’s “not little people” enough to get away with it.
He works for CNN. He’s a DemOp propagandist. He’s in the club. Being not-little-people is mostly being connected, not famous.
Republicans pounce!
Republicans in Congress are alarmed by the leak of confidential IRS data to the investigative news organization ProPublica, enabling it to reveal that famous billionaires including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg paid little in U.S. income tax at times. A senior IRS official said Thursday that a federal criminal investigation into the leak has been requested.
Taking a detour from the debate over President Joe Biden’s tax overhaul plan, the GOP lawmakers are demanding to know how the private tax data was disclosed and they are pressing the Treasury Department and the IRS to pursue anyone who violated the law.
The law provides for potential criminal penalties for federal employees or other individuals who leak tax information.
The ProPublica report published Tuesday on the wealthiest people in America was based on IRS data — long held as sacrosanct — delivered by an anonymous source.
Typical Republican obfuscation; pointing out the illegality of revealing private tax records of people who complied with the law as written. Is there no depth to which they will not sink?
Not one curious reporter thinks Joe wants to expand the IRS to go after ‘tax cheats’ and magically ‘tax cheat’ information is leaked.
Yup. The federal government and it’s members can and will break the law for their own purposes and no one will be punished.
You are only punished if your leak hinders the cause.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said in a tweet: “Our tax system is rigged for billionaires who don’t make their fortunes through income, like working families do. The evidence is abundantly clear: it is time for a #WealthTax in America to make the ultra-rich finally pay their fair share.″
Git ’em, Lizzie. They’re stealing from the government.