Swiss Servator reporting…
Rant time.
Over the past several months, I started to get fed up with what I call “Twitter Journalism”. Note, this is not stories about Twitter, as in this. They are annoying for their own reasons, but not the particular thing that has me cheesed off.
I had been following a popular blogger, Glenn Reynolds (“Instapundit”) in his disgust and eventual leaving of Twitter. But one thing I noticed was that the site sure had no problem not only linking to Twitter, but it was pretty much the content of a post/story itself. See what I mean here:
It occurred to me that this had been going on for some time. And it started to grate on me… “Twitter is such a cancer”, but it is easier to slap up a pic/link of a Twit and “There, I have done my job!” I started thinking of it as Twitter Journalism. Post a link or pic of a Twit, and there is my story. Not to single out a rightish blog – the Left/Legacy Media does it too:
Even a Twit inside a Twit. Gah!
Is it so hard to type out a statement, or link to an actual statement or such?
And I would be remiss if I didn’t point out the most egregious abuser of lazy Twit-posting… sports media:
Even sports talk radio falls into this, constantly. If I hear one more “A Tweet from…” GAH! How about actually talking to someone? Maybe verifying something before screaming about a Tweet? Feh.
If anyone thinks Twitter is going to censor itself away, or be replaced by something else, they had best find it for the shortcut taking “journalists” or bloggers.
/rant off
Will Twitter links here now receive a narrow gaze?
Nah, we aren’t “journalists”.
Not even citizen journalists? 🙁
Good, because I fully intend to continue linking to the horrible shit I see on Twitter.
doG bless you!
I feel your pain. Worst is the twitter “reactions” to bulk up a story harder than eight grade me trying to hit the minimum word count on an assignment. Twitchy (or is it Twitch?) which is nothing but reactions.
Its twits all the way down.
I hate “reaction” posts of any kind and especially youtube.
Twitter is useful for at least keeping a record of politicians stupid quotes.
How about actually talking to someone?
Crazy talk.
Right on.
To wit: Notthebee.
They do good work… but there are way to many posts that are just a long string of Twits.
I block Twits in my browser so it becomes just scrolling down a page of boxes reading “This twit is unavailable” over and over. ?
I respect places where that’s their shtick, like Twitchy, but respect and like are two different things.
Generally, there’s a mistaken belief that I (am supposed to) give a shit what famous people do and think about in their personal lives. I don’t. I hate how much human interest has taken over sports. I don’t care what actors have to say in 160 characters. I don’t really care what some internet personality has to say about the issues of the day. I really don’t care to read anything social media from anybody in the political space, be that politicians, policymakers, activists, or TMITE.
This is an issue broader than Twitter journalism, but Twitter journalism is one of the worst excesses of this famelust culture that TMITE has cultivated.
I’ll add that I spun up a glibs android app project today. Assuming I can find some time to work on it, the Twitter blocker from monocle would be part of it… probably more fully functioned, too.
WANT. Would pay money.
You are doing the Lord’s work.
Sounds like you don’t really give a twit about some obnoxious asshoe’s opinion.
Enclosed is $20 internet dollars for a year or more of your newsletter so that I may ignore everyone too.
PS: I don’t Facebook or Twitter
Twitter strings as journalism make the story about the string itself and who did or didn’t own who instead of the issue at hand. They’re the worst kind of idiotic feeding frenzy bad fucking faith garbage.
Well, I for one, think Mary Katharine Ham totally adorable — ever since this video.
Adjacent: I had a tweet featured on HGTV once. I said Mike Holmes was hot. They DMd me and said, “Can we use your tweet for promo?” SURE YOU CAN.
I finally did it. I had a bin of childhood memories sitting in the shed for 20 years. Sparked up a fire in the pit and burned them. God knows why I kept such a legacy of failure for so long. Report Cards, old correspondence, dead mementos. There was even a pair of panties and a garter in there.
Did the panties still fit you?
The garter still smelled like jasmine (caught at a wedding) and the panties were rather care worn. Dirty business leads to soiled outcomes. It’s all CO2 now.
Your childhood sounds more adventurous than mine. ?
Good man, Festus Yesterday is for losers, Tomorrow belongs to thee.
Damn. I thought that I was the only one here that knew of that band! Nice pull.
I am keeping all those things, kids and grand kids one day will be looking through the box and see that I got a deer in 1997 and find a picture to back it up. I was supposed to get my parents mementos, somehow my brother got them, for 20 years he promised to give them to me to put together a dvd. I finally ended up with my Dad’s immigration and naturalization , his WW1 draft notice, marriage license, I coied to the copmputer and gave them back to im, they disappeared.
I did make DVDs for my kids and nephews/nieces but I doubt that they care. Times, they are a-changin’
I don’t care overmuch about my past because it was unremarkable. I just want to slide away. I never Fathered children, never made any difference in the world. Dump me in a ditch so far as I’m concerned.
Me and the missus are donating the remnants to science, doubtful that there is much to be learned but mybe some useful parts (or not, kind of worn out)
When they hold up the various and sundry parts they will intone “This is brain of a healthy nonagenarian.”
Moveover, those are my lines. Except dump me in the ocean. That’s where my wife’s family is, so good enough for me.
She’s a mermaid?
Or vampire squids
Mike Holmes is pretty freakin’ hot.
See, A high school freind of mine had the same name. He was a bizzare mix of Sid from Toy Story and Sheldon from Big Bang Theory and decidedly not hot by any standard. So that name has an entirely different connotation for me.
Sweet, we have our own Social Media Influencer on here!
If it wasn’t for Twitter, I couldn’t post links like this
that you should definitely not click on under any circumstances ever.
No, really, don’t click on that.
I don’t click on twits without some idea of what it might be.
Did you have some idea it was a fat guy’s penis singing about Fortnite?
Stop making me want to click on it.
Definitely don’t click on it. I can’t unsee that.
Too late.
You were serious! Ewww. I actually thought Twitter was more censor-y.
Maybe too censor-y in some areas, not enough in others.
Ewww ewww ewww.
LOL. Twitter has straight-up porn on it. The only censoring is of opinions, and the little “click to see more” box.
Hell it took an absurd amount of pressure for Jack to clamp down on pedos. But dare draw any doubt regarding the veracity of the last Presidential Election or question the divine wisdom of Saint Fauci and you will be gone in a millisecond.
Looks like something from the Star Wars cantina scene.
George Lucas isn’t that creative.
Today I raised the ante, four score and 4, as of midnight. Made my mother a happy lady, at least until was a teenager.
kinnath’s pop is 86 this fall.
He and I are of the same generation. Good for your Dad.
Happy Birthday!
Today was my sister’s 33rd wedding anniversary.
Happy Birthday 4×20+4!
Happy Birthday! 🙂
Happy birthday!
Good Tidings! How goes it, hipster?
*goes outside and yells happy birthday at the clouds*
and then tells myself to get off my lawn
Happy birthday young man!
Woohoo!! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Fourscore!
::looks at clock, looks at map, does math::
I think it’s still your birthday where you are, so Happy Birthday, 4(21)!
Thank you, Ladies and Gents.
To paraphrase WC Fields, I’m glad I’m not in Philadelphia.
The road is long and dusty. All thing considered though, I’m on the mend, light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy birthday
Fool me once…
Do-eet. This one’s good. Chuckleworthy even.
Compared to the last one it’s amusing.
fed up with what I call “Twitter Journalism”.
Agree 100%. Posting a string of twits as a “news” piece is the height of sloth.
I miss the days when I had to take some initiative and assume people were stupid and evil. Now, they broadcast it.
I miss the days when everyone else would just leave me the fuck alone.
Sometimes I can find a useful link on Twitter, as in a link to an actual article with lots and lots of words and stuff.
Twitter and Facebook are about as private as Pravda was during the Soviet Union as it was merely the organ of the Party and not the state.
Bojo is waiting for the winter lockdowns. No peaceful way out this I am afraid…
Arresting opposition leaders
Canada is truly dead, right?
Where is Pan and Titor?
It’s banana republics all the way down. The state legislature here expelled a Republican member for opening a door to the state capitol to members of the public.
TW: embedded twitts, but relevant to their post
“Liberal world order” collapsed mighty quickly…
The state of Republican pussification no longer shocks me.
While it would be difficult to assault Ottawa from the east, it should only take a platoon of armored meese to go full Sherman’s March on it.
Nike lights up the Summer with…blah. Sponsored Content engages my interest as much as decomposing shit on a Buffalo’s ass crack. Which is to say: Not at All.
*Feeling the need to add a disclaimer is one of the reasons I love this place.*
Ignorant redneck claims Criticial Race Theory is Marxist and dangerous.
But modernity and progress!
This time it’s different.
They had two main slogans: to overthrow the Communist Party and topple the socialist system. Their goal was to establish a bourgeois republic entirely dependent on the West. … Their real aim was to overthrow the Communist Party and topple the socialist system.
In political reforms we can affirm one point: we have to insist on implementing the system of the National People’s Congress and not the American system of the separation of three powers.
Interesting that Deng was very clear that the economic reforms were supposed to benefit the party something which the free-traders blithely because hey the repeal of the Corn Laws benefitted the Liberals in mid-Victorian England…
I actually use Twitter a lot. I have no account (as I was kicked off) but I still find it useful to see what my favorite interesting people are doing. Lots of good articles, etc.
Still, the only thing tonight that matters is Fourscore’s birthday.
All the best, my friend!
Can modern battle tanks defend against a baguette?
Well they are French…
Per Otteson,
“Progress, improvement, and prosperity depend on people having the right attitudes, in particular moral attitudes; they depend on allowing people the scope to engage in trial and error to discover the right paths for themselves and to learn from both their successes and mistakes.”
There is in the explanation of this fallacy an explicit warning to the reader and the policymaker. A move away from moral attitudes that support market-based societal organization (for example, in favor of the Great Mind), can reverse this growth trajectory.
This has always been a problem: what are these “right attitudes” and how to sustain them? Not to mention the believe that everyone will always realize that central planning us bad.
“Arrest made in 1972 killing of 15-year-old Illinois girl thanks to genetic genealogy”
It’s good they caught this guy and all but it sounds like they got his DNA match from family submissions to one or more of these genealogy websites who then happily provided it to the fuzz. Be careful who you give your swab to, you never know who’ll be looking at the results.
A good start would be by not killing 15 yo girls.
You are correct but it is nearly impossible not to have your DNA in a database somewhere.
Yep, that ship has sailed.
The goal is to find someone who shares enough DNA to place them in the third cousin or closer range. Most of us have at least 800 people out there, somewhere in the world, who fall into this category. So long as one of these people is in a database, a skilled sleuth may be able to use other publicly available information to start building a family tree and figure out the person’s actual identity.
It only takes some ridiculously low percentage of the population, under 10 if I remember correctly, to willingly submit their DNA for “The Man” to be able to identify everyone else’s DNA.
You know who you are.
Wow! Mojo brings the pain.
I just flipped over to IFC who are showing The Breakfast Club.
Before the commercial breaks, there are “comedians” “explaining” how not woke the movie is.
Some days I just want off.
You’ve gotta put it in proper context so the folks don’t get too upset, man. I’d love to hear the woke explanation of certain scenes in Sixteen Candles or Revenge of the Nerds.
Comedians, or rando nobodies trying to break into the industry? It’s one thing for performative wokeness hucksters like that one chick who just harangues her (I imagine sparser and sparser) audiences about their privilege. Actual standup performers who cash in on woke horseshit are repulsive. It’s like being a Nazi collaborator for the lowest stakes imaginable. You’re a traitor and a shithead and you did it for scale.
The worst are the older ones that made their bones and bucks during more lenient times doing wild shit and then flipped when the heat came down. I’m looking at you Sarah Silverman and Seth Rogan.
Silverman has a sliver of awareness things have gone wrong. Rogen is worse than useless. He has been fully assimilated by the Borg.
No idea. I haven’t followed “comedy” in a couple decades.
The slug said “comedian so-and-so”… so?
PS. That chick who said we’re undergoing the American Cultural Revolution was right.
If anyone is in a position to know, she is.
I hated that the nerdy kid wrote the essay for the rest of them and had no real resolution. What was his happy ending supposed to be? Back to wanking it in the basement? Fuck John Hughes.
That never sat well with me either. “Write the essay, nerd, we’re gonna go hook up”
Meh. Nerds can be nerds proudly.
/tugs collar, sweats
Why didn’t Wings Hauser and Gary Busey ever do a buddy movie together? It could have been Brothers from Another Mother.
Hyperbole, where are you on the zoom?
And where are the rest of you? Join the zoom!
Your technology frightens me.
Wait a sec… lawyer… technology frightens and confuses you….
02134? Send it to Zoom.
And the impeccable diversity, in 1975 no less.
And then there is Twitter journalism that works. Behold!
Omar learns Hamas’ love is different from a terrorist’s love.
Omar is a sack of shit. Her role as representative of my former home in Minnesota is possibly the best part of moving to my Red district in California.
Shrewd AF master grifter. Erdogan’s representative in Congress?
Twitter allows too quick a reaction to be published without the sounding board of your senior editor, your spouse, or even yourself 30 minutes from now.
It calls to mind Craig Ferguson’s excellent advice for filtering oneself:
Before speaking, ask yourself:
1) Does this need to be said?
2) Does this need to be said by me?
3) Does this need to be said by me now?
As Craig concludes, “It only took me three fooking marriages to figure that out!”
I’m a little melancholy. I got into the defense business because I love the USA and my dad was career Army and by golly, I could do my part through engineering.
I used to roll my eyes as a kid watching movies where the military was the bad guy, or the police or government in any way was the villain.
Then there was Iran-Contra. What? It didn’t make sense that we’d help Iran. Must be a rare anomaly.
Then Waco. Surely the Feds were the good guys and had no choice! No way would calm unarmed negotiators could have helped.
So tonight I watched the 2004 version of Manchurian Candidate, with the phenomenal Denzel Washington.
I’m sure I’d have rolled my eyes at the plot in 2004. Now, the only thing missing from the movie is social media being a major player.
I tapped out when I saw the trailer and Denzel’s line about “This is what happens when you have rich people doing bad science”.
I think I first noticed it with Outbreak. Note also how it’s almost always the woman or BipOc person being the hero standing up to the military.
Eh. Just replace “rich” with “cronies”. We know how it works. It is annoying that there’s this huge obstinacy in recognizing this among large numbers of people who are either double standard grifters looking to protect their own interests, or crazy zealots who really believe things will be different if they finally run things.
Ps – I also don’t particularly care whether or not there is a conscious effort to only cast people based on certain “identity” criteria in these roles because I judge based on individual performance, and if it goes down well at the box office then so be it. Also, movies are often a vicarious thing for audiences, and it helps to be able to relate to the character. That’s where my sympathy ends for this, because it’s acquiescing to the shallow-minded belief that you can’t relate to another human/character emotionally simply because of skin colour or “gender”.
It’s the zealots that really get to me. Grifters I can see a mile off. They are much easier to deal with. Zealots (useful idiots) are impossible to deal with.
This is true.
True, but the average person doesn’t.
The implication from that line is that if only we give the right TOP MEN power to hate on those evil rich, everything will be better.
I make a similar comment on campaign finance “reform”, or worse, the idea of government-financed elections. The government has enormous power to fuck up people’s lives, so it’s only natural that people go to great lengths to ensure that power is being used to fuck up someone else’s life. Yet for many people, the solution seems to be to give the government more power to fuck up people’s lives.
When the feds arrived in Waco the local sheriff, I dont remember which county, told them “I know David. He goes jogging every morning outside the compound. Let me go out there and talk to him. I can bring him in without incidence.”
The feds responded with “Get out of our way, we’ve got this.”
Now we have this jackbooted lunatic: https://www.gunsamerica.com/digest/who-is-david-chipman-atf/
He was there at the Waco massacre as an atf agent. He claims that the Davidians used .50BMG rifles to shoot down two government helicopters (never happened).
Again, I would like to thank every TDS sufferer and blue voter. Good job, assholes.
I believe they would shout you down and shift the goalposts to talking about gun control and how if there weren’t any guns in the hands of crazy wypipo redneck religious types, those poor federal agents wouldn’t have to go about packing mega heat. You could then try arguing the facts about Waco but unfortunately facts don’t mean a thing when their poetic “truth” narrative is what is really important because feelings, and we need government to keep us safe by murdering us or something.
I am up earlier on a saturday than during the work week.
Same here. WTF.
Me too! That’s what happens when I get off work early on a Friday and crack a beer around 2pm. By 9pm I’m sloshed, pass out, wake up at 3am to piss, and never get back to sleep. Once I’m up, I’m up.
*takes sip from third cup of coffee*
At least you got about six hours. I got like four and a half.
Quick nap and now I have to log in and do some work. Ugh
3am every morning. I have had one cup ‘o coffee and now an Irish coffee.
At least you’re on a regular schedule.
I fell asleep early with the lights on, and I woke up miserable.
I feel that. Went top bed too early, now wide awake. Have been for an hour and a half. My circadian is all sorts of messed up.
Good morning Festus. How are you Sir? Have you seen a doc yet about the nerve problem?
Good morning to you! Not yet. I don’t want to see him because he always wants to stick a probe up my bunghole but if the problems persist I’ll have little choice. Thanks for asking!
We see the same doc? Remarkable. My answer is always “No”
He never pushes it. He can tell by my demeanor I mean “No”.
He tried to get me to take the cootie vaccine. I said “I am taking a hard pass on that”. He didn’t push it.
I’ll just say that my last few interactions with the Health Industrial Complex were less than satisfactory. Aging smokers/drinkers are not afforded much sympathy.
Ditto. Left the windows cracked on the cars after having them detailed, woke up in a panic as an unpredicted thunderstorm rolled through.
suh’ fam ?
I read everyone bitching about being up too early, but Ive been working all night.
I can’t help that. I might end up going for a walk in the morning instead of the evening.
Got laundry on so I have clean clothes for next week/two weeks (depends how much I get done today).
The temp here is forecasted to be in the high 80s/ low 90s with plenty of humidity.
Im looking for ways to avoid cutting my grass.
Plant trees and let it go. There can never be too many trees. Also, you can replace grass with ivy and never push a mower again.
Mares eat oats and does eat oats.
But little lambs eat ivy.
A kid’ll eat ivy, too.
Wouldn’t you?
AAAAAARGH! Damn you, Tres! I couldn’t help myself!
The fact that a briar like you knows that only strengthens our connection.
I need to stop being a procrastinator. The finger injury gave me an excuse to buy paper plates and avoid dishes (not till it heals!)
Now Im actively searching for rationalizations to avoid the lawn.
“By the time it warms enough to dry the grass, Ill have had at least a 6-pack. Could mean dehydration. Better stay inside until dark and work tonight.”
In my case, I know it because it’s a 40s-era oldie, a musical period I explored voraciously when I first fell in love with The Manhattan Transfer as an adolescent.
I remember it from this.
And Mike Royko’s take on it.
I woke up & got up just a little later than usual, telling myself that if I got up right then, I could have maximum Tranquility Base time before it got too warm and before I’d have to rouse myself to do the weed-whacking/trimming, since Tom T heroically mowed both the (overgrown) front AND back yards yesterday. Also have many other oughta-do’s today, such as going to the farmers’ market for the first time this year.
I also promised myself I could take a nap this afternoon.
I got hit in the head with a can of coke.
Didint hurt tho….it was a soft drink.
That’s bad enough even I contemplated narrowing a gaze your way.
Also up, getting breakfast at the diner before today’s match. Hopefully it stops raining.
There are fewer home fries on this plate than I have come to expect.
They’re just looking out for you and cutting down your carbs.
Demand more bacon in return.
⬆ ?
Shrinkflation in action.
To go back on topic: tweeter journalism is a return to the true roots of journalism: gossip. “Did you hear what Janice McGillicuddy said?”
Modern day broadsheets.
Morning listening. I cant remember if I have posted this before.
I think you’ve linked the band before – the name rings a bell – but I don’t recall if it was this tune. Nice! Thanks! I may just let YT play me a bunch of their stuff until it’s Old Man Music time.
My pleasure.
Try Echo and Wildfire by that band…their best stuff.
Yep. Both on the playlist. I could listen to her for hours. Voice like honey with a few drops of whiskey.
I don’t believe so but that tune pops up in my random mixes from time to time. Love that band!
I need to liquidate some computing devices from around here.
Im currently using a Lenovo IdeaCentre K410 as my desktop. Its an i7 with 16GB
I also have 2 other Lenovo desktops, i5’s with 16 GB and 8 GB.
Lenovo Y70-70 touch i7 16 GB, new 1 TB SSD
2 SurfacePros w/cases, keyboards, pens
Dell 15 5000 i5 32 GB
iPad 10.5 with keyboard and Apple pencil
Asus D550-M
Sony Vizio i5
I could be on the nerdiest version of wHoreders ever.
Your modem world frightens and confuses me.
14.4K bps FTW !
I neglected to include the (utter POS) brand-new Lenovo Yoga tablet, and from my junk pile, the Nextbook Flexx 10.1 (no functioning keyboard) and a Toshiba laptop.
A Yoga tablet? I have a Yoga mat. It gives me much more room to do “downward-facing dog.”
Oh Myyyy!
“Enter the rectory thru the rear”
Thankfully, though the cicadas were out and about in some force yesterday – they were dive-bombing TT while he mowed – I neither see nor hear them yet this morning. ::vigorously knocks block of wood that props up one end of her lap desk:: Lots of birdies, though. Maybe the birdies ate all the buggies.
Good birdies!
You have them over there ?
Perhaps its the constant toxic cloud of stale beer, dip spit, shame & anger that I exude into the neighborhood. But its bug-free here.
Now, when I went to visit the VA yesterday, that place looked like G_d got all pissy and sent hoard upon hoard to rain down upon them.
Yeah, we’ve got ’em, but not nearly as bad as down south of town. That’s probably part of the blessing/curse of a neighborhood with Lots of Mature Trees. It might help that our trees are now all at the back of the lot. The only tree sorta next to the house is the neighbors’ huge evergreen, but they’ve trimmed off all the lower branches at least ten feet up.
The good-think people that write good-think pieces say that we should be feasting on this 17 year wonder. Are you doing your part?
Nope. I’m not eating bugs.
Me neither, sea bugs excepted.
Im trying to work up a joke about pubic lice….got nuthin’
That’s a big ol’ nosireebob. I tend not to eat things with exoskeletons. I’m not even big on shellfish – I don’t recall every knowingly eaten lobster or crab from out of their hard bits.
My YT submission before OMWC regales us with tunes from the era of his crystal-tuned wireless:
Lita Ford really takes the wrinkles out of my love-sausage.
Crystal Tuned Wireless was an all-girl band from the 80’s. Or it should have been.