Stressed? Irritated? Feel like yelling “Fuck you!” to a cruel and aggressive universe? Let me introduce you to my favorite chemical. It’s cheap, it’s effective, and it’s also legal in most states.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Permethrin!
I live in a log cabin in the woods and have a four mile hike on a dirt road through trees and fields to my office in town. Until a few years ago my life was complete. Too complete. The damn bugs were driving me crazy. There were mosquitoes, deer flies, black flies, and the threat of ticks outside; and ants and wasps in and around the cabin. I kept local stores in business buying sprays and traps. Then a discussion on another forum[1] induced me to buy a bottle of this:
The idea is that you spray it on clothing, let it dry, and it repels all the buzzing biting stinging nasties. I was desperate. I’d try anything. I tried it.
And it worked, wonderfully.
Permethrin is a potent insecticide that’s safe around animals other than fish, amphibians, and cats. Dogs tick collars are infused with it. When sprayed on a garment and dried, a 0.5% solution of permethrin will actively repel insects for about six weeks and won’t wash out in the laundry. Really.
The reason is that permethrin isn’t water soluble. The Sawyer product above is a solution of permethrin in an oil solvent mixed with water. The permethrin/oil solution *is* water soluble. It’s the same way that water can be dissolved into gasoline using alcohol as an intermediary.
So if the 0.5% solution is sprayed on cloth and the water and solvent evaporated away what remains are tiny crystals of permethrin bound into the threads. Rain and sweat won’t dissolve the crystals and insects are literally repelled. Those that do manage to land on a treated garment will likely die.
I currently have a “bug hat” and a “bug jacket” that I’ve treated and re-treat every few weeks. If I went deep into the woods frequently I’d invest some “bug pants” and “bug socks” for ticks. One of my pleasures is sitting out in an Adirondack chair so I have a “bug towel” that I clip onto it. With the bug hat and bug towel I can sit outside in a pair of shorts and not be bothered by bugs. Before I got the Adirondack chair I saturated a folding camp chair with the same result.
The spray bottle shown above is $16 for 24oz of 0.5% solution. A post on the other forum implied it was possible to mix up your own 0.5% solution so I investigated and found this $46 quart bottle of 36.8% concentrate:
I did some calculations[2] and discovered that that the $16 24oz spray bottle contains about 47 cents of active ingredient. I didn’t buy another spray bottle of pre-mix. I did buy the quart of concentrate, a five gallon carboy with a dispensing cap, a case of chemical-resistant spray bottles, and went into the business of providing free 0.5% solution to all my friends and neighbors.
The concentrate is orange, viscous, and smelly. When dissolved in water it turns milky white. The solution is not stable over the long term. Eventually the permethrin will precipitate and leave white crystals at the bottom of the container. This happens quickly if the solution freezes. Shaking the container will not put the crystals back into solution.
The quart bottle of concentrate came with a thick booklet of instructions and it turns out that the 0.5% solution is more than just an insect repellent; it’s the same stuff that your professional exterminator will spray on your foundation, lawn, and deck. I have a five gallon pump sprayer and the carpenter ants don’t know what hit them. The 0.5% solution is safe on most animals, not cats, and I have some neighbors who spray it on their horses.
Amazon vendors will not ship 36.8% concentrate to all states but each vendor seems to have a different list so it’s worth it to check out all the listings. Lesser concentrations are also available and may not be restricted to licensed professionals.
[1] Is it impolite at this point in our relationship to mention that I frequent other forums?
[2] To make[3] 24oz of 0.5% solution:
0.5% of 24oz is 0.12oz of 100% concentrate
But the quart bottle is 36.8% so 0.33oz of it is required
A quart is 32oz so the quart of concentrate will make 98 24oz batches
$46 / 98 = $0.47
[3] Yes, this is a rough calculation that does not take into account the volume of the concentrate.
Cool stuff!
Permethrin is a potent insecticide that’s safe around animals other than fish, amphibians, and cats.
Well, shoot. Killing off her furry buddies would be a deal-breaker for the missus.
Yep, that’s the deal-breaker.
Although it is the active ingredient in flea drops, so as long as you’re careful they should be okay.
I’ve done research on the issue and was satisfied that as long as I didn’t spray the cats and as long as the cats didn’t drink the wet solution, it was fine. Once it dried, the cats were no longer at significant risk.
The dog, OTOH, would get a good head to toe spritz of permethrin whenever i hit the foundation. Probably a bit overconcentrated for that application, but I tried to avoid soaking him in the stuff.
Thank you, Richard, most misunderstood of monarchs, King of the woods.
On-Topic and weird conjuncture:
Permethrin is fantastic at doing just what you describe. So good that the military ordered oodles of desert camo uniforms treated with them in the lead-up to Desert Storm.
At the same time, the govt mandated troops take pills called PB, as a pre-treatment against sarin gas, which they believed the Iraqis to have. PB had long been a treatment for certain diseases for people in hospitals. PB had one largely unremarkable side-effect: it blocked the production of an enzyme in your skin that happens to break down the toxin in Permethrin.
Gulf War Illness (GWI) – at least one of its major “strains” – was almost certainly caused by troops wearing permethrin soaked cammies and who took the PB pills and had some kind of adverse reaction. The anthrax vaccine that was used may also have been causal of some of the other GWI ‘strains’. Whoopsie!
(Incidentally, that’s why the rule – 21 CFR 50.23(d) – requiring informed consent for any medical treatment, including vaccines, exists. It’s what led to a specific statute forbidding the President of the US from forcing the troops to take anything that is considered ‘investigational’ by FDA rules. 10 USC 1107.)
Does “investigational” include, Emergency Use Authorization?—Investigational-Device-Exemption-Protocols-Fact-Sheet/
No. Turns out in 2004 the Govt wrote itself the ability to violate informed consent during a declared emergency. That link gives comparisons and cites to the relevant acts. The govt believes it owns all of us. I’ve been trying to tell people, but no one seems to listen. Weird.
Some of us listen, and you are not the only voice out there. Someday I need to tell you about the former army dood who joined the CG who worked for me after a tour GWI. Kid was fucked with skin issues.
I heard the Army is going to mandate taking the Covid Vaccine in September? Did they declassify it as “Experimental”?
I think Ozzy’s book, which Mojeaux did some work on, shows that doesn’t matter.
Yep and yep.
I was offered permethrin to treat my uniform but I declined. My ABU were all 100% cotton and were considered Level I PPE for electric work. Treating it would defeat the purpose.
Luckily the bugs in Iraq stayed on the ground where they belong.
I live in a log cabin in the woods and have a four mile hike on a dirt road through trees and fields to my office in town.
Ok Kaczynski.
I have not heard of permethrin used for clothing. I have sprayed a bunch of it to kill flies around livestock holding areas, but have always been a deet person when I wanted to spray my clothes.
Baby you can spray my cows
– The DEETles
Yesterday all my cattle needed insect spray
Now I’m DEETing all the bugs away
Oh yesterday the bugs did stay
You don’t realize how much I DEET you
Love you all the time and never leave you
Please, come on back to me
I’m lonely as can be
I DEET you
Please, remember how I feel about you
I could never really live without you
So, come on back and see
Just what you mean to me
I DEET you
I DEET you
I DEET you
Kaczynski’s Deep Woods Fuck Off!
Footnote (1) Don’t even ask what kind of freaky assed shit is in my search history! Got it.
How does Permethrin do with bees? I think we are killing too many bugs because people are too pussy to light a match and get a tick out of their hide. Bugs do have a purpose ya know. Mosquitos? I have no idea what their purpose is other than spreading malaria where it is prevalent which it is not here. Deer ticks? No idea what their purpose is other than spreading lyme disease which is also not prevalent. Thing is, this shit kills everything. I am not sure if I am a fan of killing all bugs on a trail in a forrest. Killing flies on a shit pile in a contained area, ya, let the fuckers die. It is not a forrest.
Mosquitos are the single most deadly creature on earth. Kill ’em all. I love this stuff, but my wife would google it and say, NO! NIEN! Nyet!” She ain’t about to take a chance on the kitties. I spray the superhighways the ants use to come in every summer with RAID and it works for a week or two. Flys just get hunted by my kid with a swatter. I’ve considered getting a bug-a-salt, but he’ll get massive salt all over everything with that. The cats get that flea poison that goes on the neck in one drop and it works for about two months.
Mosquitos have carried death to gazzilions of people no doubt and I have no problem murdering them by the bucket load. I am just not sure we should kill all the bugs which I am not so sure permethrin does not do. Ants, DGAF unless they are in my house which they are not. Crickets on the other hand, those mother fuckers……………
You keep adding bugs to your hit list…
Well, he’s pretty waskally, maybe that’s why?
in FLA, they had what the big (like Tres big) black lady called, “mud bugs” I’ve only heard mud bugs refer to craw dads, but that’s what she called them. The very one, in particular, was about 4 inches long and looked like a mix between a grasshopper and a cockroach. Ugly fucker. Saw about three others all week, and mostly away from the water.
As an aside, on day two, we saw a “land crab.” She was about the size of a football, and just sidewalked around the front yard.
These here land crabs?
Pro tip: when you are a crab, try to avoid being picked up by large birds who will drop you from a great height onto the rocks and hard ground to smash you open for your sweet meat.
That’s the little ( not so little) monster. It must have been a female, because it was big and still all grey. Hung out all day in the front yard. Had to chase her out of the underside of the car to go get dinner and everything. We were just a few miles short of the Ponce inlet.
Aww. It sounds like she was lost or something.
Speaking of crabs:
No, there was a monster deluge the night before. Probably got chased out by all the water. I think it tried to stay in the shade, under the car, all day hoping it’s burrow would dry. It’s eyes were about an inch tall on her stalks. Just sidewalking all around all day.
There were tiny ocean crabs at the beach too. They’d come out and scurry sideways along the beach until somebody walked too close and then book it under the sand. Lotta critters in FLA.
Reason up-there-somewhere that FL is not on my bucket list.
Nah, nothing too bad. Saw a raccoon, bucha cardinals, prolly a gazillion lizards, every manner of sea bird and the aforementioned crabs. Oh, and saw huge groups of catfish in the river. We went to a swimming spring way out by Ocala, which I was told, had extra cold water and was off of an inlet to lake George. They say the lake is warm and full of gators, but they are kept out of the inlet by the cold water. Place was packed full of natives and huge fun. It was about as cold as an unheated swimming pool out here, which is super cold for Fla. I can see the attraction.
in FLA, they had what the big (like Tres big) black lady called, “mud bugs”
Sounds like you came across a lubber grasshopper. Nasty things — they’ll kill your vegetable garden deader than free lunch in the space of a couple hours. Decent fishing bait, though.
Just wait until you encounter one of our palmetto bugs. Cockroach as big as your thumb, and just when you think you have it cornered for a squishing, the goddamn thing flies at your face. Grown-ass men will squeal like little girls, dancing and flailing their arms. It’s hilarious to watch… until you’re the one being flown at.
Well, kinda like figure 10, but less legs and more torso. He was about 4 inches long and around an inch in diameter. They two ladies that worked in 7-11 screamed about them. Well, one did the big lady just laughed and said, ” looks you got a mud bug in here!” “Shoo him”
Maybe a mole cricket, then.
Turfgrass is a big industry in Florida, and mole crickets are Public Enemy Number One to those guys.
Nah, it looked like figure 10 from the first one. It probably had it’s lags underneath itself to affix them to the shelf it landed on. Bigger than any socal bug I’ve seen , except maybe what we called potato bugs.
Lubber it is, then. They’re uglier than my mother-in-law and numerous to be destructive to agriculture at times, but typically not a problem. Same with most of the insects and arachnids. Wolf spiders, huntsmen, and golden silk orb weavers (locally known as banana spiders) look mean and nasty, but are all pretty docile and none has a bite that’s medically significant.
The skeeters, ticks, and chiggers aren’t really worse here than anywhere else that has woods, swamps, and water. Yellow fever hasn’t been a thing for a century, so that’s no worry. No-see-ums (a type of midge) can turn your ankles to mincemeat, but a little DEET sends them on their way.
The venomous snakes won’t bite unless you step on them or pick them up.
There’s a lot worse places to live, frankly. No state income tax, our governor is as good as it gets from a libertarian perspective, and a guy who knows his way around motorcycles can make a good living in the Daytona area (or most of the other metros).
You’ll have to learn an entirely new style of surfing, of course.
I love the place. It’s on my mind to try and scoot over to there. Not sure when, but I could certainly see myself out there at some point. Everybody’s so nice and there’s literally no stress to be found. Bad assed skatepark in Ormond as well. Property went up quite a bit in the last few years, but still readily affordable. It’s going to gnaw at me.
Everybody’s so nice and there’s literally no stress to be found.
Confirmation that you went nowhere near south Florida or the Disney corridor.
Kinda my approach indoors. I leave most critters alone, except cockroaches and houseflies get maximum revenge. Not that there are a lot of them, but the occasional ladybug or little spider (we don’t get the dangerous ones)? I let ’em alone.
If they are outside, I leave them alone. I need them to pollinate my plants.
I’m trying to teach my kid to leave most of them alone, but he loves killing them. I’ve gotten him to spare the spiders, so that’s a start.
Thanks for the informative article. I’ll buy a jug of the stuff to try out on my outdoor furniture cushions.
DEET is really irritating and stinks. It is the only thing that I tried to keep ticks and mosquitoes away.
OT: I’m in Kansas City. I talked with Mojeaux on the forums about a meet-up, looks like Saturday hopefully in the evening. Ping me or Mojeaux (sorry, I’m enacting your labor Mojeaux) on the forums.
Saturday would be better. 🙂 I can take the evening off from my night gig because there’s never much on Saturdays.
I’m not very smart. Hunger didn’t help.
Saturday. Late afternoon or evening work for me. That’s what we talked about on the forum.
Err.. I remember mentioning time but no conversation about what time on Saturday. I will shut up until I’m done drinking and eating.
Okie dokie. Any Glibs who want to meet up with us, this Saturday 6:15ish p.m. at Bryant’s BBQ on Brooklyn (1727 Brooklyn).
I will be wearing a LEGALIZE FREEDOM t-shirt.
Thanks Mojeaux!
This article reminds me, I’ve seen a marked increase in arachnids over the last week, meaning it’s time to spray permethrin again (3.5 months isn’t bad) . I may try to hit the patio more liberally and see if I can knock down the mosquito issue.
Army uniforms have been treated with permethrin for years. The treatment is good for 30 washes or so. Still doesn’t stop the buggers from biting your hands, face, and neck.
I treated my mosquito net with permethrin when I lived in Africa. I put the net in tub in water and added a pellet. The water turned brown and I soaked the net until it absorbed all the chemical goodness.
I ended up getting malaria anyway, but that was because I spent a few evenings outside in sandals at a friend’s house on the coast. Lil bastards ate up my feet. Malaria sucks. The monsoon season started right after I got it, so the roads were impassable and I couldn’t get to a hospital. I knew I had it when I felt awful, took my temperature, and saw that it was 104. After I took my emergency anti-malaria pills, I felt better.
In other news, first day of my welding job was 5 hours of safety training videos. It was a lot of “don’t do things you’re not trained to do” and such. At one point, I wrote in my little reminder notebook “garbage in garbage can, hmm, makes sense”.
I made my triumphant return in the PM links yesterday in case you missed it. During my road trip to celebrate being a free man again, I dug up a dinosaur bone in Wyoming. It was the culmination of a childhood dream.
I had the time of my life.
Free Man? You exit his Imbecility Biden’s Service?
Yeah, after serving about 66x times longer than Hunter Biden.
His counts for extra, because he didn’t sleep the whole time.
:Opera Applause:
Congrats. You were a linguist right?
Yeah. Qualified for 7 dialects of Arabic. Quite a feat seeing as I was 31 when I started learning.
I was all that I could be.
Welcome back, and congratulations on being a free man again.
Fuckin’ A! A professional welder, in just a few months! Right on!
I graduated welding school in April, out-processed the big green machine in May, went on a road trip for June, and got a welding job 2 weeks after I started looking.
Fastest job hunt of my life. Someone told me I’ll never be out of work as a welder. Seems legit. Starting pay is almost as much as I made as an experienced Arabic linguist in the Army.
Welding gives me more options than Arabic anyway.
Welding is super cool. I actually do it for fun (and profit.) Our guys at work spend most of their time getting new certs and make about the same as us, which is basically too much. I’m super jazzed for you that you made it work.
I’m gonna say this, because I can’t resist snarking, but my tongue is only partially in cheek and I do mean it. Even though I cr8nge when I hear it. Thank you for your service, ex-Sgt Derpy.
Your veteran music
Huh. Reminds me of this song:
I dunno if this came up during old-thread’s Spain subthread, but here’s a long-ish piece about the chick who I think came up in conversation and who was disillusioned by the place.
Some anecdotes too about the pretty backward-sounding culture there, at least if you’re a chick.
I spent part of the evening with my aunt and her husband (he gets uncle status). Things got slightly uncomfortable when he learned I wasn’t covid needled. I couldn’t just lie, since my folks were there and they would out me anyway. He’s basically full Branch Covidian, in the most authoritarian sense. Oh well. There will be plenty more of those situations to come.
Ps – I should’ve said “speaking of Spain, and a chick, here’s a chick playing ‘Spain’, by Chick”
Nah, leave ’em guessing.
My favorite Spain
I got tested every other week for about nine months. That’s working at the epicenter of ‘Vid in L.A. we had two guys get it. They both claimed it was hell on earth, but they got weeks off for it, so the incentives, they mattered. Pretty sure our tests were highly unreliable, also. I literally shook hands with both the guys who got it and spent a bunch of time talking to them. Negatives for every test for me.
Hey, did you hear that they are going to try and drop another mask mandate in LA in the next couple days? I really fucking hope there is some serious pushback. I have been in a much more positive mood since all the mandates ended here a month ago, if they put that shit back I really have to start the move from California.
My prediction that blue states will be back in lockdown by the fall seems safe.
Yup, Saturday at midnight. It’s that stupid whore, Babs Ferrer, the fake doctor Fuhrer. We’ve already decided to ignore it and put up a fight if it’s pushed. So fucking pissed about this bullshit. Can you imagine what the restaurants are feeling right now? After all the to and fro and money spent complying. I hope these people get charged with crimes for what they are doing.
It is utterly infuriating. It needs to be resisted hard.
Right on, thanks for the informative article Richard. We go camping several times a year and my wife and oldest boy get eaten by mosquitoes. They don’t bother me too much unless they get really bad. I get bitten but after being bitten thousands of time my skin is kind of immune to them, I don’t get an itchy bump from their bites any longer. I did get dengue when I lived in South America, which sucked pretty bad. Fuck those evil things.
Sounds like something I could use but can’t take a chance with the bees. I’ve had Lyme disease X2 so I stay out of the woods from May-Sep and try to keep the grass short around the house. Deer flies/mosquitoes come with the territory and if they are too bad time to come in the house. We used to fish evenings until the skeeters were too bad on the lake, then fight ’em putting the boat on the trailer.
I don’t mind spiders, kill the big ones in the house, leave the Daddy Long Legs alone, hoping they’ll take out the lesser critters.
I miss Daddy Long Legs from smaller-town childhood – haven’t seen one in decades.
I have heard, and this probably isn’t true, that the venom of a Daddy Long Legs is more poisonous than a Black Widow or a Brown Recluse, but that their fangs aren’t long enough to penetrate human skin.
Black widows are not very bad. I used to work for a guy who built led sleds and he would get ’49-’51 Mercs from the fields up north. I had to remove all of the spiderwebs and spiders and get them running. I got bit 10-20 times a day for a few months. At first, my jaws would tighten and my heart would race. The bite spot would swell up pretty good too. After a few days, it was so minor, I could let one bite me just to demonstrate how little it bothered me. Of course, I was about 19 y/o old at the time.
’tis a myth to keep kids from pulling the poor things’ legs off.
They can bite, and you will feel it, but the venom is very weak.
Internet sez there are thousands of species. I bet the ones I grew up with were entirely harmless, and they didn’t look anything like the pics I saw, other than the extremely long legs.
It’s a myth.
Brown Recluse necropsy wounds… ugh..
I submitted a satire post yesterday. My ideas for next week:
Biden Announces Sustainable Corruption Plan
Taliban Vow Not to Say “We Told You So” as US Troops Leave
Cuba Says “Protesters” Are Homophobes and Racists
Kindergartners Lead Defund Broccoli Movement
New Stars Wars Movie Will Re-brand Bobba Fett as Community Organizer
Great to see you’re back! Congrats on the new career! Keep going until at least you’re nuclear certified. Specialty welds at power plants (fossil and nuclear) are top jobs.
I heard that good pipeline welders in Wyoming can make $6k a week. 3 years of that and I can retire. A guy I met near Muddy Gap gave me his son’s business card and said there’s plenty of welding jobs near Casper.
I’ll weld to pay my bills and dig for dino bones the rest of the time.
Scene: a late night at a bar in Thermopolis
Her: You’re really drunk.
Me: Yeah, so? Who are you?
Her: The owner.
Me: OK, I’ll settle up real soon and split. Cheers!
And then I stumbled back to my motel. The next day, I dug up a dinosaur bone, so joke’s on her.
They’ll have to retcon Fett’s ship’s name, if they haven’t already.
Trump 1?
Nah, even more problematic.
They did that a couple weeks ago.
At this point, the outrage reserves are dry. A haughty eyeroll and a derisive chuckle is all I can muster.
Biden Announces Sustainable Corruption Plan
This would get my vote. It would actually be more responsible than what they are currently doing, which makes it a very weird form of satire.
Cuba Says “Protesters” Are Homophobes and Racists
I’m sure some Twitter Tankies have already made these claims.
Kindergartners Lead Defund Broccoli Movement
You could work for the Babylon Bee – from two days ago: Brave Texas Toddlers Flee State On Jet When Told To Eat Their Vegetables
Hey, Dick!
Great album.
Whatever you think of us is totally irrevelant
God thank you! I have been eaten alive up here, tried everything, I’ll buy some right now!
Bought that shit, right now, hella yes!
Unfortunately, I can’t use permethrin because of my cats.
Just gonna guess it’s probably illegal where I live. Cuz that’s how we roll.
I recommend a stiff drink before watching this:
Why can’t governments print an unlimited amount of money? – Jonathan Smith
[anguished Zoidberg groan]
Is that being asked in a non rhetorical way?
You’d have to dispel about a brazillion flawed premises to those who are doing it, before they’d accept that. They are treating the country like they stole it. Tomorrow never comes.
So one of tonight’s reports is an early middle-aged woman who caught the ‘vid…from the vaccine. She’s on a vent and it’s not looking good.
Now, I do this gig maybe 15 hours a week and most of the stuff I work on are operative reports and ER notes, so if I’m getting one of these, how many others are out there?
Let me add: she has a lot of the usual-suspect comorbidities.
Read something today that the only young people dying have five or more co-morbidities. Yikes, that is a lot of co-morbitities.
4 of those are brain diseases related to liking communism.
I will bet anything that one of them is dialysis.
Kidney failure is common in young people?
If they have diabetes, it is.
Wow, fuck. I didn’t even know that. Dialysis is some serious shit.
One guy from work had his mom die of vid. I assume she had at least the big comorbitity. He’s about 42 or so, so she was around 60, maybe. It doesn’t get discussed much. They claim that two guys from the organization writ large have died, both somewhere around 80 y/o or so. That’s out of 4k people. At the first place the vid comes in from.
Said it before, but in this climate the only reliable information is anecdotal. BTW, thanks for bringing The Motels back into my awareness. That is some good music for walking around on slow summer day.
I don’t remember bringing up The Motels, but maybe it was suddenly last summer.
It was a while ago and I saw it pop up on my YT feed. Probably wouldn’t have clicked on it. And *Boo*
I lurv that one. And the other one.
“Only the Lonely”
“There were mosquitoes, deer flies, black flies, and the threat of ticks outside;”
Yeah, I used to live in the Midwest, which is why I’ll never live there again. Nasty climate, you get to go outside for a few month of the year without freezing to death, and then nasty bugs eat you alive or a tornado blows you away.
It’s too bad that San Francisco has (for me) perfect weather because I didn’t like the people. I suspect it’s kind of the same all up and down the west coast. 🙁
Nah, L.A. has some cool people compared to SF. The weather is on the other end of the spectrum, though. And the politics are about the same, but at least down here, we bitch about it. Up north, they celebrate all of it and dissenters better keep their mouths shut.
You might enjoy Andrew Heaton’s new book “Los Angeles is Hideous: Poems About An Ugly City”
(Heaton is a Reason.TV regular. The guy in the “Star Trek: Libertarian Edition” video and others.)
He was on Tom Woods recently reading a few poems from the book. All of its reviews on Amazon are 5 stars.
Probably. WV, East TN, and northeast SC probably have the best climates. If you want a place with zero natural disasters, a mild temperate climate, no severe storms, no earthquakes, no nasty bugs part of the year, and very few progs, West Virginia is probably the best state in the country. No there is no super mega cities there, so if you need that, it’s a not. Martinsburg is big enough for me and you have the train to DC in 2 hours.
Yeah, Cali has a great climate. I loved Simi Valley. Every day I lived there seemed to be a beautiful perfect day. I can’t even imagine what a shithole it probably is now.
Simi is still nice, but way more developed. They don’t let the crazy shit that happens in L.A. happen there.
I was using Google Earth to see the home I lived in there and you could see the cracks in the foundation from the 1994 quake. Crazy. Are there still a lot of cops there?, I had one as a neighbor and another just down the street on the other side.
Yeah, there an Santa Clarita are where most of the cops live. They’ve added a bunch of housing tracts, but it still feels pretty Mayberry out there.
Awesome. I wanted to drive the wife out there and go the old hood, but I was afraid that it’s probably full of gang bangers by now. I’m sure the tarantulas and scorpions are still there, lol.
Simi is nice. TO, Westlake Village are where it’s at.
Simi is home to like the only Libertarian who has been re-elected four or five times.
I bet we can get Brett to drink some of that shit.
Oh good, I thought the Permethrin killed everyone off. Good tune.
Good morning, Sean.
Ghost gunz! ?
On that note, did you see how many peeps got shot in the junk in Chi-town last month? Ouchies!
Howdy Glibs! today I find out if my back will hold up for work, I have been down for 4 days and I’m going nuts, OTOH, my dept. got an atta boy bonus today, 20 extra hours of pay, Because we badasses.
Good morning and good luck, Yu! Mazel tov on the bonus, yikes on the X-ray! Are we seeing your back from the back? I’m guessing so from what I’m taking to be your pelvis. If so, you’ve got a hell of a curve going on there. 🙁
Hey Yu, did you get a shot to the spine?
Morning, Glibs.
Good morning, U. Top headline at local news & weather superstation this morning: “Thunderstorms with heavy rain expected this early.” Whoever wrote that may not be entirely awake yet, but they’re not wrong. We’ll see if we get in our baseball game this evening.
How’s every little thing with & around you?
Well, I’ve been sleeping through the night recently.
Now if only I could get much written.
Sleeping is good! The writing will come – it takes energy, too, so it will come more easily as your energy improves while you continue to recuperate. No pressure! 🙂
I read & enjoyed what you sent me, and I’ll comment when I get a chance. (Poor guy can’t catch a break, can he? 🙁 )
Well, technically, he did catch a break, since he was allowed to live after being caught in over 1200 counts of capital heresey.
Was that wrong? Should he not have done that? 😉
You just need to put your writing glove on one hand and the healing glove on the other. Switch them up as need be. Glad you’re walking, Friend!
But then, I get quality work from half the keyboard.
Hunt and peck is my go-to.
Winton’s Mom – “Hunting pecker is my go-to.”
I’m going to go take a walk before the thunderstorms get here. Probably be back around the mourning lynx.
Back. Wasn’t wobbly on this walk, even though it was still 1 mile.
Re the article – Where the fuck was this info 15-20 years ago when I wasn’t swatting bugs, I was literally wiping them off? Imma probably die from DEET cancer…
Mornin’ Glibbies!
Good morning, Fes! Any more daily dispatches from the wilderness?
See below, Red and thanks for asking! You people are my only friends in the world.
Judi and the spawn are on the last leg of their adventure. Only five miles downhill to the end of the trail and then spend the night at Radium Hot Springs Hotel. I was gonna make a joke about the convoluted route that they need to take back to the trail head to pick up the other vehicle ala “The Californians” but I couldn’t make sense of the maps, mountain roads being what they are. At any rate it will be nice to have my newly superpowered spouse (RADIUM!) home to take care of things while I drink myself into an early grave.
Are you ready for pregnant man emojis?
As part of the hype train for the new enlogoing, the company is having a “haiku challenge.”
I’d like to submit one in Japanese, that doesn’t get me fired. Any Nihongo glibs feel like enacting my labor? It needs to include “GF” in it.
There are lots in Eigo, and they’re terrible.
Gluten Free?
Sounds like something that I would completely ignore. Write your own self-flagellating poetry Slaver!
The current logo seems fine to me. ?♂️
The main tool I use at work changed their logo and the new one is hot garbage. Sometimes I wonder about marketing folks. ?
Sometimes I wonder about marketing folks. ?
You and me both. Seems like a job where the fundamentals aren’t that hard.
1) make it easy for the customer to recognize your brand
2) don’t do anything to turn off a large portion of customers
3) extol the virtues of your company’s products
They’ve gotta justify their paycheck somehow.
Actually… am I looking at the new logo on their website, or is that the old one?
That’s the
original old classiccollector’s edition one.Maybe something like “GF Inside.” Not Japanese, but perhaps appropriate based on some news I read earlier.
Permethrin is great. I have a big jug as well. For those interested in a bit more hands off approach, there’s at least one company that offers pretreated clothes for sale and a treatment service.
Happy national corn fritters day y’all!