This particular piece of brain diarrhea arose out of thinking about asymmetry in the current culture, i.e. how the same behavior, for some definition of same, results in different social and/or legal responses. It was one entry in a sort of ‘random thoughts’ collection. But I started thinking about symmetry in a more general sense and it grew. So here are some ruminations on symmetry in physics/mathematics, biology, and finally, the social phenomena that started me down this path. I’m going to assert lots of things without attribution or reference to the literature since my laziness is invariant with respect to translations to the intertubes. So you’ll have to take it at face value. Or not, I’M NOT YOUR SUPERVISOR! But some stuff here is likely just wrong!
Symmetry plays a fundamental role in physics and mathematics (I’ll just say physics from here on out, but I mean physic and math; in modern physics it’s pretty hard to figure out where one begins and the other ends sometimes anyway), extending back to the Platonic solids and beyond. The simplest definition of symmetry as it relates to physics is that some property of an object or system remains invariant under some operation. Now that’s very vague; one can get the concept though by thinking of a simple system, a square. If you don’t label the corners, a square is invariant under the operation of a 90 degree rotation about the center. The same is true for a reflection about an axis of symmetry. Now if we retain labels, the square is not invariant under a single rotation, but now requires 4 applications of a 90 degree rotation, and similarly for reflections. One can build up a series of operations and their relationships that define an ‘algebra’ for the square. Much simplified, this is the basic idea behind “group theory”. This is a sort of spatial symmetry. One might think of the basic symmetries in physics as charge (particle/antiparticle), parity (mirror reflection), and time, or CPT.

CP symmetry illustrated.
Generally speaking, for a symmetry in the mathematics describing a physical phenomena, there is a corresponding conserved quantity. Symmetry under spatial translation implies the conservation of momentum. Symmetry under rotations, conservation of angular momentum, energy conservation is implied by time translation symmetry. Indeed, much of the progress in modern physics is driven by apparent symmetry violations. Theories of everything and Grand Unified Theories are attempts to explain asymmetries in observed phenomena. The quest for the Higgs boson came about because electroweak unification – the hypothesis that spontaneous symmetry breaking in the early (very) universe put the bosons that mediate the weak force (W and Z) into eigenstates of mass, but the boson that mediates the electromagnetic force (the photon) remained massless. The nature of the symmetry breaking requires the existence of the Higgs field and it’s associated boson, the Higgs boson.

The Higgs boson. No really.
One asymmetry in physics that is as yet unexplained is our existence. The theories and equations of the origin of matter are symmetric with respect to matter-antimatter – they should manifest in equal quantities and therefore, the universe should really just be a soup of energy. But there was some asymmetry in the initial conditions that led to an excess of matter. Maybe there’s some higher order symmetry breaking, but it’s currently a quandary.
One might wonder if our way of thinking and our preference for symmetries pushes us to mathematical constructs and physical theories that try to impose symmetry on nature and see it everywhere. But that’s really just a chicken-egg problem. Why do we seem to prefer symmetry? Well, the underlying physical laws that govern the physical world are symmetric, so it might be perfectly natural that biological creatures that develop in that physical world will have aspects of symmetry.

I think it’s DNA.
For example, there doesn’t seem to be an obvious biological reason why we (and most creatures to the degree there’s choice in mating) seem to prefer symmetry in physical features during mate selection. Sure, it seems that said symmetry is a sign of physical health and well being, but why? From first principles I can’t see why physical symmetry should say anything about reproductive fitness, if I can step outside the absolute conviction in my bones that drives me to appreciate symmetry. Indeed in most areas of human endeavor, we aspire to symmetry and most natural biological structures show some sort of spatial symmetry. Is this just reflection of the underlying physical laws – back to the question of whether we impose symmetry on our theories of math and physics or they impose it on us. But perhaps the origin of biological symmetry is in some ways independent of the underlying symmetry in the physics. Symmetry seems to arise naturally from a simple process; the repeated application of a very simple rule naturally leads to highly symmetric structures. See fractals as an example. So maybe the most simple of “dumb” biological rules leads naturally to the symmetry we see everywhere in the natural world without the need to connect it to the higher order mathematical symmetry of physics.
So finally, how does this connect to symmetry in social and political structures? Fairness, which is a symmetry of action, seems to be a highly ingrained drive in primates. If one listens to any Jordan Peterson lectures, you will certainly hear the idea of the emergence of a fairness ethic out of repeated interactions. This extends beyond primates to even more primitive biological creatures. On it’s face, this sort of evolved symmetry seems completely independent of any underlying symmetry in physical laws; I can’t see a basis in CPT invariance for the ethics of human interactions.
However, much like physical symmetry can provide stability in physical structures, an ethical symmetry provides stability in human organizations and interactions. Conversely, The lack of symmetry leads to instability. It may be that, in the area of law and human relations, societies can tolerate a fair amount of what we misanthropes might call oppression so long as the rules are known and symmetrically applied. A benevolent king may be a tyrant, but if his tyranny is applied fairly, it may be tolerated and stable. A large part of the development of western culture and the enlightenment can, I think, be tied to the ideas of symmetry in law. The king, the kings men, are not outside of the rules, nor are the priests or shamans. I think the success and stability of western societies owe much to this symmetry in law. The United States arose out of the actual implementation, albeit flawed in some ways, of those ideas of symmetry.
When symmetry breaking becomes institutionalized, societies become unstable. And unstable societies are not healthy for their members. There are always exceptions, however unjustified, on the edges – the son of a cop might get a warning instead of a speeding ticket, a politician might help usher a friends business license through, the DA might file minimal charges against a political leader whereas someone else would get more substantial charges filed – and they can be tolerated without too much disruption so long as they are not blatant, carry shame (go to the box) and negative consequences when uncovered, and are not excessively institutionalized. However, when asymmetry becomes institutionalized, a society becomes unstable and, in my opinion, cannot survive. When assembly to protest ‘systemic racism’ is tolerated and indeed encouraged, while assembly to worship or go to a ball game is punished. When the executive orders of one administration cannot be undone by the next – until they can once the administration changes again. When one class of rioters are tolerated, encouraged and released without charges, while for another class, no expense or civil liberty is spared to track them down and bring the full force of the state down on them. When the institutions of the state explicitly participate in attempting to disrupt and influence an election and persist in undermining said election, but it becomes unconscionable and an assault on ‘democracy’ to question the next where there is at least the hint of institutional corruption. Or discussion of the later is censorable, while promotion of the former continues. When scientific discussion and debate can be squashed if it doesn’t conform to the ‘scientific’ declarations of institutions. Here, societies will become unstable. Quickly.
Symmetry in the law and institutions leads to high energy, dynamic societies (This symmetry is not invariant under T reflections as Winston points out; at least I think that’s what he is saying). As the society grows and opportunities for violating symmetry abound and manifest, we arrive at a point of spontaneous symmetry breaking, society cools and becomes low energy. Then it’s time to be careful.

The great restorer of symmetry. It’s a standard tool of high energy physicists everywhere.
Almost forgot the obligatory music link
I’m rededicating myself to being First. For you – the people.
I gotta say Tulips posts about whether i prefer pancakes or French toast is more my speed.
We do get all kinds around here.
There’s even people here who don’t recognize the superiority of waffles over pancakes.
Country AND Wedtern?
So you think this should have been the music accompanying the post.
In retrospect, this should have been the music link. But it’s just soooo bad.
This all went over my head at this late stage in the evening as well but I liked the last picture. Even considering French Toast, the best of which is cut with a guillotine, there is symmetry with pancakes because they both require the same toppings. Whether one is going traditional maple or fruity. Both require butter.
Baked french toast.
No, German pancake with sauteed peaches.
No, sourdough pancake with huckleberries.
No, bacon waffles with maple syrup.
He’ll, I can’t make up my mind.
Who’s down with OCD?
I’m down with OMD.
Don’t go!
Yea you know me?
The Ontario Provincial Police can eat a bag of dicks.
“The Ontario Provincial Police don’t think much of Bud…“
Goodbye South Africa.
Famine and open race war. And no fuel.
Shit. That’s awful.
End of civilization stuff.
Wowwww. Some of those clips feel like they’re out of some zombie movie.
What democrats want here.
I mean…it’s only slightly worse than what we got through much of the last year.
[President] Ramaphosa was accused of belatedly deploying troops – and only 2,500 of them compared with the 70,000 he deployed to enforce a nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19 last year.
Priorities, priorities.
I spent a couple weeks in Jo’Burg in 2010. Things were pretty tense then. But now? I think I timed my visit pretty well.
Zimbabwe II – Starvation Boogaloo
I’m not seeing references to race war, unless I’m missing some sort of common understanding or coded phrasing that is used in SA. Is the implication that the violence is all race-based, or is it party based?
Zuma was a member of the Communist Party til 1990, but is he still a commie? I guess I don’t understand enough about the current situation to be able to figure out who the players are, or what their motivations may be.
So, from what I can gather, Zuma was accused of corruption related to an arms deal in the late 1990s, and was ordered to give testimony, which he refused to do, resulting in a contempt of court charge that resulted in his arrest and imprisonment recently.
I guess the question is: is this a politically motivated bogus charge, something of which he is really guilty, or a bit of both?
And why is he so popular that people in certain areas of the country will riot for him?
If you look at the last link I posted you’ll see it. Whites blocking roads and firing birdshot to protect their neighborhoods. A mullah running a roadblock for the same purpose. Middle class blacks / mulattos arresting looters.
It is total Balkanization.
This is what defunding the police looks like.
I dunno but the whole thing reeks of commie orchestration.
I can’t think of anything more predictable than this.
What you’ll find in OMWC’s shorts after a visit to Chucky Cheese?
I’m trying to think of the best place to drill a hole in my head to pour the bleach in.
Biden needs to send Kamala right away. If he can remember her name.
good lord. I know someone who got back from a vacay/safari there two days ago. I think she was very lucky.
I had a safari planned out of South Africa last May that was canceled due to the pandemic. No refunds, credit for a future safari only. We were hoping for spring 2022. Now I wonder if I will ever get to go.
Only if you are hunting looters.
This ought to be front page news.
Instead we get the shit our media pumps out.
A few years ago, I attended a talk by a guy working on nano machines that basically exploit molecules that can be flipped – from right to left, where the molecules aren’t symmetric. And that’s all I remember from that talk.
Nano Nano Orson!
/Mork from Ork
Jeez what a horrible show.
Thanks PM, this was a fun read. T reminded me of the paper I mentioned above which was something like this
Excellent article, thank you!
As a young engineer I used to seek a balanced solution to problems. For example, the 240V feed to a home has a red feed and a black feed and I would try to design to keep them in balance to keep the neutral feed at a minimum. That’s one obvious example but it was typical of many other situations.
Takt time: keeping each station in an assembly line near the same time so that there’s no back-up at one station and wasted time waiting at the others
I’m sure some of my back problems come from my motorcycle wreck in 1983: the leg seemed to had largely recovered from the atrophy, but, nevertheless, tiny imbalances in balance and stride require corrective tensions here and there that must add up to at least a little problem over the decades
☯️ is how I hang.
Alright, I’ll ask a physics question and show my ignorance: is there any tangible evidence that dark matter exists or have they just assumed it must exist in order to have symmetry?
(I know. Y’all saw “dark matter” and started thinking up a BLM joke. Go ahead, I suppose)
Dark matter is inferred from rotation curves of galaxies – speed of rotation should decrease in a particular fashion with distance from the center, but it flattens out and approaches a constant. That implies a substantial amount of unseen matter at smaller radii. Similarly with galaxy clusters. And theories of galaxy formation seem to require higher concentrations of mater than implied by the visible matter. All these lines of evidence drive the hypothesis of dark matter.
The spread of galaxies should slow down over time from the Big Bang, but they don’t. That about right?
In space, speed is inversely proportional to square root distance when orbiting something. Speed is also directly proportional to the sqrt of the mass of the thing it’s orbiting.
They can estimate the mass of (the visible stuff in) a galaxy. They can estimate the distance from a particular star near the edge of the galaxy to the center of the galaxy. They can measure the orbital velocity of the star around the center of the galaxy.
Those numbers don’t add up.
God in Gaps explains it.
The equation is orbital_velocity = sqrt(gravitational_constant*mass_of_thing_being_orbited/distance_to_center_of_thing_being_orbited)
My understanding is that they’re fairly confident in their observations and measurements, so for some reason, the measured orbital_velocity isn’t equalling the measured values for the other side of the equation.
If the gravitational_constant value is wrong, then there’s a lot of physics books to be rewritten and a lot of curious phenomena on/around earth that are very well predicted by that gravitational constant.
IMO, there are three resolutions.
1) we’re measuring something incorrectly (not very likely)
2) this dark matter stuff (and the concomitant dark energy) is real (I’m skeptical)
3) there’s something we’re missing in our physics that explains this incongruity (this is where my money is)
So they got a mathematical formula that has a variable they can’t identify, so in order to have it balanced they insert their best guess? Whaddayagonna do?
in order to have it balanced they insert their best guess?
More or less. Without exceeding my knowledge level too far here, one of the issues with just declaring that the math is slightly wrong is that the dark matter theory fits like a jigsaw puzzle piece into the holes left by a few different measured phenomena. The MOND (tweak the math) theories have a hard time doing as well as dark matter at plugging those gaps.
Not quite. That’s the whole question of whether the universe is open or closed and that answer *can* be independent of the existence or lack thereof of dark matter. The recently postulated acceleration of the expansion on the other, doesn’t really fit – hence the postulate (is that lower confidence than an hypothesis?) of “dark energy”.
The man of trash (wasn’t that some guy in “The Stand”?) has it right.
There are sets of alternative hypotheses that fall under the umbrella of MOND (somewhat like what The Bearded Hobbit is referencing) or MOdified Newtonian Dynamics. These hypotheses postulate that the gravitational force doesn’t follow an inverse square law on large scales. You only need a small deviation for it explain the observations, but AFAIK, there is no evidence – other than these observations! – to support it and many MONDs have other problems.
At the end of the day, I’m not sure what the answer is, but I will confess that dark matter and dark energy seem a bit to much like epicycles to me. But the universe is weird, so maybe that’s really the way it is.
Fair enough. Everything I know about this I learned from studying entropy in the literature sense and not physics. Edgar Allen Poe may have steered me wrong.
My take:
Dark matter (and energy) are “fudge factors” because physics seems to have a problem at macro-scales. I have seen arguments that if the speed of light is allowed to be variant at large scales then the issues more or less disappear. This seems to me to be more logical than some unknown “dark” solution.
Obviously my $0.02.
From what I found out in my EE studies, the speed of light is fixed by the impedance of free space which is measured at 120 x π (about 377 ohms). If this changed to something (perhaps 119 x π) then the speed of light would have a different value.
This, to me, seems as reasonable as some new “unknown” matter.
Assume dark matter is “evil” and you’ll find your answer.
Dark matter lives matter.
I always say it as ee-VILL and throw in a maniacal laugh.
I am very disappointed that the musical selection for this piece wasn’t The Higgs Bosson Blues.
(great piece)
Taxation is Connor McGregor’s ankle.
Difference between Dyson and Tyson? Nature only abhors one of those vacuums.
Tyson spheres are yummy.
It was my understanding that there would be no math here.
Damn your nimble shibboleths!
So we know Chipwooder isn’t a Brit.
The only math that matters is being First. Math has no other value outside determining that.
According to Asimov, “zeroth” trumps “first” so you’ve got your work cut out for you.
I don’t listen to bigoted anti-Firstites. My people have been martyrs for generations carrying seconders like you on our backs as we move society forward to the Great Ascension.
Obligatory: I was told there would be no math.
(Nice work, PM!)
You could do what I did and disprove the idea that there are no stupid questions.
There are no stupid questions. There *are* stupid people asking questions.
Egould is saying you’re stupid. I thought I would spell it out for you since, you know, you’re slow.
For TPTB, i submitted an article for review, can be used whenever to fill gaps in the schedule.
Thx PM. It’s always a pleasant surprise when something like this shows up here. I’m with the trashman on #3. “Dark Matter and Dark Energy” are soooo much sexier than “There’s something really important going on here that we don’t understand yet.”
Today’s sketch: Space Apple.
Srsly? You drew that?
Of course. Maybe an a physics ignoramus, but I’m not a ?
Hey, I’ve seen you on Zoom and that just seems, umm, a bit much for you.
How big is it and would you be willing to do a cleaner version for sale? I would love to hang a “Space Apple” on the wall.
You should see what he draws when he’s shitfaced. That’s when the real artist comes out.
For that matter, I would be more than happy with the original.
It’s this big. I’ll do a little bigger on and send it to you. Talk on next zoom. How much? Lol, how about 0¥?
That’s awesome! I will hang it upstairs in the bar, after appropriate framing. I’ll try and make it to Zoom this week.
Love that it’s on the tatami too!
That’s the kill time while waiting for meeting room. Sitting there by myself for an hour and still have to put up that dumb plexiglass.
Thanks straff! You’ve made my day and topped up the ridiculous plexiglass ones around here.
Yes that plexiglass is awesome!
I need movies to watch. None of that old man shit from the 60’s you fucks are always talking about.
Anything with Adolphe Menjou is usually good.
Did they even have sound in film when he was alive?
No. And then later, yes.
You really captured the core essence of the apple. Let me ask; where does this interest in sketching stem from? How many sketches do you peel off in a week?
You just think you’re planting a seed, but you’d better peel off before Swiss shows up. His narrowed gaze will chill you to the core.
About 3 a week. I suck at sketching, so when I turned 50 a year and a half ago I decided I’d finally give it a shot to see if I could make something passable over time. Just wish I had started before when my eyes weren’t shot.
Is it the black hole that makes that a space apple?
Stop doing that.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
I’m impressed. Seriously.
That’s great, you can almost feel the skin.
Thx, Chafed and Tulip.
Damn, that’s nice work!
Nicely done, Straff!
very nice; has a ‘depth’ to it that’s hard to capture in 2d.
Nice, You keep getting better.
Very nice! The detail on the skin is incredible.
PS: You know who else liked to draw pictures?
Fuck off, Tulpa!
In our burgh of about one million people :
Cases increased infinitely! today.
From 0 to 1.
Fuck I hate people.
*so you’re saying there’s a chance
Probably posted already, but I ❤️ this.
That ref looks like Putin.
I saw somewhere that the AI they were using caused the camera to mix up his bald head and the soccer ball.
That legitimately got the longest sustained LOL out of me in a week.
“Yes but, where did all the peanuts go?”
Interpret this comment as you will.
A lot of homosexual men like peanuts.
Did a homosexual eat the peanuts?
A link as a response that’s not remotely close to being
tangentially related whatsoever in any related context to my initial response:
Interpret this as you will.
Many animals practice homosexual behavior according to homosexuals who are trying to prove that being a homosexual is natural.
Your infatuation with the sexuality of the your fellow Glibs is telling. Stop beating around the bush and call me a fag. Bonus points for being the “First” to do so.
Interpret this as you will.
I can’t believe with this set up that Q hasn’t favored us with pictures of perfectly symmetrical breasts. There is no doG.
While symmetry is considered sexual appealing, humans are also oddly attracted to slight asymmetry. A mole on one side of the face. One titty being slightly larger than the other.
Dorothy and Toto with friends,
Go home Yusef.
Here’s a blast from the past.
Oh wow, I fucking loved In Search Of when I was a kid.
Heh. Just the other day I saw something to the effect of “there was no widespread belief in global cooling among scientists in the 1970s”. Oops.
Anyone else visualizing that first illustration as “The Virgin Spin-Up Electron vs. The Chad Spin-Down Positron” or is it just me?
Sorry JFP. That didn’t even occur to me.
My new favorite hobby is reporting Facebook ads for the vaccine as misleading/scams.
Because you people haven’t been up to snuff lately. Your primary function is to entertain me.
I used to think don’t become like the left to beat the left but that doesn’t work so have fun.
Local flooding news.
Nature’s a bitch.
The Good Lord does his level (heh!) best to protect Ohio – or at least the I-75 corridor thereof – from bad outdoor art.
Aaaaaaaand obligatory (i.e. before Tres beats me to it.)
That’s a big goldfish.
More carp in the lake.
But do they make good eatin’?
Today, after I send out the new “Working Remotely Agreement” to the other half of the folks who do so, I get to start getting to know the intricacies of our new phone system. I will no longer have a desk phone with a handset – just a headset with a charging cradle, and all calls will go through my PC. I thought I would prefer the earpiece-only version of the receiver (so I wouldn’t get “headset hair”,) but yesterday I learned that those are a PITA for those of us who wear glasses.
You’re one of Mr Ilium’s new customers?
Gee, I don’t know but…..could be!
I’ll direct all my complaints to him anyway – just in case.
…and, of course, good morning! Plus all the usual (but sincere) inquiries and well-wishes as to your physical (and mental) health!
My WFH agreement for now is “don’t ask, don’t tell”. I suspect a lot of us have something similar. I don’t think the real push to drag people back kicking and screaming will happen until the end of summer.
It appears we’re going to let the current WFH crew continue to WFH – and maybe even allow others to do so as appropriate. I will never be able to do this job from home. We’d have to forward all the org’s mail to my house for me to sort. 🙁
As I mentioned, my boss’s intention is to have our payroll processor start local tax withholding based on each person’s actual worked-from location starting this coming Monday. Of course, I haven’t heard back from our account rep to know whether or not they can make it happen on time.
suh’ fam
whats goody yo
Judi and the girls reached the second camp-site at Lake Magog without injury or disaster. Now they have choices.
That’s goody indeed! Good morning, Fes!
Mornin’ Red! I’m sure they’ll be fine having ventured thus far. It’s funny, you have to bring two vehicles, park one in BC and drive around and park the other in Alberta unless you want to retrace your steps. Covid restrictions meant no gondola to the trail-head and no tea at the lodge.
Dammit. I had this good comment about Festus batching it and the damn network connection lost are it.
*ate it
Good morning, homey! Much less chance of rain in the ‘hood today, so you should be good to go to mow! 😀 No “incidents” showing on the map of my commute route so far. I get all the news I need from the
weathertraffic report.Im taking Ver. 2.0 for his school “sports physical” this morning, then out to eat someplace.
Mowing will happen tomorrow. Besides, its humid AF out there already.
I can’t believe I didn’t realize this immediately. The Democrat calls to break up Big Tech are just them signaling to the corporations to donate more money.
So freaking obvious.
As always, follow the money.
Good morning, Scruff!
Big tech and the government want to repeal 230 in order to silence independent content on the web. Reps and Dems alike. They want nothing but anodyne views and a return to the three channel broadcast system because it grants total power over information. *puts another tin-foil ball cap on top of the first* They’re all in it for the power and the money. What the fuck does anyone think TikTok is?
Microsoft says “Hi!”
That’s a nice search engine you have there… It’s be a shame if someone were to seize it.
I really dig the think-pieces on here. Nice work, PM even though I was a little put off from RTFA at first because my Math is weak but I’ve read far enough ahead in the textbook so I could understand your point. I can’t block out the equations but I get the gist just enough to become dangerous.
Da fuq?
We’re* not sending our best or brightest, apparently.
* Or they’re…or xir, or whatev. I can’t keep up these days.
one count of parading, demonstrating or picketing inside a Capitol building
Just in case there was any doubt what this is all actually about: the temple was defiled by peasants.
Second line was not mean to be in italic.
“Plead guilty to parading [?!] or we’ll use your past to destroy you.”
The virus is coming from inside the gym!
Seen in the sidebar “Alcohol abuse is on the rise but doctors often fail to treat it”. GFY, NYT.
Log in required. 🙁
Count your blessings.
GFY, Geraldo.
Fuck your kids too, asshole.
“It’s perfectly okay for you to live as a second-class citizen in penury, all so I can feel smug”
His kids need protection from him, if he thinks turning America into an aparthied state is warranted for a disease that will never harm them
Lock your kids up. Their rights don’t overrule mine.
There was a time when he could be fairly reasonable.
Recent events have really clarified things, haven’t they. Lots of people you might not have expected it from are feeling free to let loose their inner authoritarian streak now.
My tits are not calm.
How about this: We make all Muslims sign up for the Muslim registry. It’s not hard at all; you just go to the police station and get fingerprinted and photographed and keep the DHS apprised of any travel plans. No no, it’s totally voluntary! It’s just that those recalcitrant Mohammedans who refuse to register themselves will be barred from boarding a plane, buying a gun, travelling internationally, etc. It’s for public safety, after all. Radical Islamic terrorism affects everyone, so it’s much more than just your rights we’re talking about here. It’s free and easy to register as a Muslim, and look at all the freedom it gets you!
… If someone likes the idea of restrictions for unvaccinated people, they really don’t have a leg to stand on if they don’t like that proposal as well.
Geraldo is a grade A piece of shit.
His finest moment. Is it wrong that seeing Roy Ennis choke the shit out of John Metzger for calling him an Uncle Tom sends me into a giggle fit?
Putrid. I really enjoyed the symmetry article.
I believe we had more symmetry in our legislative branch before it became a path to wealth and power sometime between WW1 & WW2. There were opposed to each other in their goals and pretty much kept the other from dominating the course of the country.
They were Electrons and Protons. Together they make an atom. Is there is an excess of one or the other they don’t contribute to building more atoms, but are free to build up excess charge. That charge eventually gets neutralized if it gets too high.
Now we have three flavors or structures of the same element. Exactly the same element but with different structures or properties. They are still made up of the same stuff, power hungry people.
Our legislators are carbon:
some are diamond, rigid and inflexible on everything. Fundamentalists party creatures
Others are graphite, willing to yield readily in one direction or “issue”, while extremely resistant in others.
The one issue politician
While the remainder are more like buckyballs or CNTs, they exist in small quantities, have great potential, but don’t currently have a significant effect on our lives.
Third parties.
They are same elements, they behave and look differently, but they are fundamentally the same.