Harmor, The Additive synth,
I have been playing music for 42 years so far, bla bla bla, I have always recorded my/our music whenever money allowed it. Back in the late 70’s, early 80’s, tape decks and tape were expensive, that was drug money we’re talkin’, so a decent job and some dedication, I recorded every session, eventually amassing several hundred Cassettes, then I got a Tascam.
The Tascam 4 track recording machine was state of the art for us lowly DIYers, remember this was back when we were doing demos for record companies, there was no Spotify. I figured out how to loop back up to 10 tracks, that was fun,but events happened.
Fast Forward, (sorry) to 2000 and my band is exploring Digital Audio Workstations, we call them DAWs, and I personally never looked back. There is no Unsuck button, well maybe autotune, Blech, however I can craft my songs at will, I play an assortment of instruments, and over the decades have become comfortable with setting up rooms, mic placements, etc. The biggest thing I can tell you, is make sure the recording you do is what you want to hear. Don’t fix it in the mix, fix it on recording, or you will be chasing sounds, a waste of time.

Tiny Studio
Compression. I despise it as a tool, IMO, if you need to limit a signal, maybe record the signal with better EQ? Just Say’n. All that aside, it’s a good idea to put your drums in a side chain and treat them differently than the other instruments, this way you can adjust the depth of the drums depending on how much bottom you add.
Automation. Yep, if you have a set idea about… pretty much any parameter, you can automate the task, that’s where we get Pan sweeps and volume runups, pretty slick. Right now I work with my buddy Chuck, who lives and records in Phelan CA, welcome to the 21st c. We use the same DAWs so we can email tracks at will.
I met a guy at work who played and had a spotify account, he said he made 180$ last year, his music is fine, but unremarkable, so….. I ended up getting a Distributor, not too pricey, 100% royalties, and I’m on a bunch of platforms, let’s see how that plays out.
I feel I’m running out of time, and I want my work out there, Fuck YT, I’ll pay for a service to at least get me exposed, this is So much cooler than any future I could have imagined.
Tons more to say and discuss, this is My opinion, not Gospel,
/Except for the World collapsing
Spotify, Band #1, Tepme3 https://open.spotify.com/artist/6bnvmUcIo25JDSMhraJ7XG
Also iTunes, Apple music YT and more, Band #2 is upcoming, CB Soundcraft, all the good music, enjoy, you Cretins!
I will First so loudly, so triumphantly that they will no thy name is The Bro. First of all Firsters.
You’re the Bro, OK? Now can we get about the shitposting?
Holy shit! You’re back!
Oh thank goodness. I was afraid it was going to be New York Groove.
Nah, I already laid out some good “I’m Back” songs below.
Well…I did, but I forgot the 2 link rule and it’s being moderated.
Well, well, well. I knew there was a reason I couldn’t sleep. Ol’ MikeS is back in town, and just in time…
How you doing? Back to 100-ish%?
My Loive Child 4 U,
The Teeth,
I bought the rights to this song, i feltso strongly about it,PUNK!
This one is for the Glib Dog owners,
I like this one.
I think you have a dog in there, I love the video, all Glib Dogs!
Yusef, I had ask a couple of days ago about video editing software. I had directed it specifically to CPRM. But I think he hasn’t been around much and I really need help. It’s for a very noble cause. I have a guy in South America who wants to get a 2nd Amendment like movement started there and he needs to create some Youtube presentations. I’d really appreciate if anyone can help us out here?
I use Windows Movie Maker, TBH, but my stuff is more audio oriented, WMM works well for basic stuff,
I’ve tried several different ones, and liked Lightworks the best. It has a lot of features, but it’s still relatively easy to use for basic stuff compared to some others I’ve tried. I use it mainly for editing live music shows / concerts. One nice feature is there is a free version that is very similar to the pro version to try it out and learn how to use the functions. You can also buy it by the month, so you can do a lot of the editing on videos first, then buy the pro version for a month or two and download a bunch of videos to youtube. You need the pro version to download high def stuff to youtube. If you want to do high def stuff, you will need at least an i7 core processor, and even that can be limiting for longer 4k videos if that’s what you want to do. To me, most videos look fine at 780p anyways. There’s a learning curve for all of them, but Lightworks was easier than other ones I tried. Here’s a link.
Speaking of music, Poppy just announced tour dates.
I’l jump right on that, Who?
I miss the days of Poppy. So much simpler then.
Odd guitar, no Poppy,
Me too.
Making Kyary Pamyu Pamyu seem talented.
Was that a slur against the creator of this masterpiece??
I’m afraid if I were to visit Japan that I would spend all my time watching TV. They have some totally, off the wall stuff going on.
Nah. The ordinary tv isn’t that bizarre. Usually. It’s the more insidiously same but different. Like the reaction closeups of the presenters during a story segment on the morning shows. Or the acting styles on dramas (similar to how telenovelas have a certain style). Things like that.
I did watch most of Ronin one night. And more than one food show.
https://youtu.be/dmS23C_LsTE (My favorite morning show)
https://youtu.be/HW_nlltuBMU (Miss Pilot)
https://youtu.be/72t_nOPnX2k (Why did you come to Japan?)
And Abroad in Japan to cover the bases
You convinced me. I would go see the sights. And maybe look for Straffinrun and Tejicano.
I still haven’t seen her movie. It was on YouTube Red, or whatever it was called, but I don’t have a google account, and I haven’t found it anywhere.
Do you mean RedTube? ’Cause if’n you do, I don’t think she’s concentrating on her music anymore.
Yes, but she is a lot of help with creating beats.
“‘I’m Poppy is a surreal comedy pilot starring American actress, singer, and YouTube personality Poppy. It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 23, 2018, and is available exclusively on YouTube Premium”
“YouTube Premium (formerly YouTube Red) is a subscription service offered by the video platform YouTube.”
Yeah. LiveNation sent me an e-mail about the pre-sale, because she’s apparently coming here.
I will not be attending. I did however get tickets to the Slackers/Mustard Plug 30th anniversary show coming up later this year.
Yusef, have you ever tried epidural steroid injections for your back pain. Those give me about a month of relief once in a while.
And thanks for the article, you are a very interesting fellow.
Everybody on here is quite interesting, except me. I’m boring as all get-out. And I’m getting worse as I get older.
Just pretend to be interesting. Works for me.
*grabs Dos Equis*
Time for a change . . .
Beer makes everyone more interesting. *Insert Simpsons video here*
Like the sucker at a poker game, if you don’t know who the boring person is, it’s probably you.
Not yet, but thanks just the same!
“Compression. I despise it as a tool, IMO, if you need to limit a signal, maybe record the signal with better EQ? Just Say’n. All that aside, it’s a good idea to put your drums in a side chain and treat them differently than the other instruments”
A side chain is the control signal in a compressor. I think you mean bus, stem, submix, etc.
No, a side chain, I can control all aspects of say, all the drum sounds. Call it a bus or whatever, as long as I get it, it’s all good,
no chaining,
I understand what you mean, but it’s just the wrong term.
OK,wrong term, can you recreate it? Jeez…
Recreate, what?
anything from my catalogue, Good Luck,
Now you’re just being stupid.
Who said I wasn’t stupid?
I have been playing guitar for weeks. That became months. I have a song in my head and am trying to figure out how to record it. I have the iRig muzzledwoodchipper recommended, (speaking of that crazy bastard where has he been?) I have the software it came with and it is very cool and way over my head. I also have apples Garage band because I am that kind of person which is also very cool. The learning curve for this stuff is huge for us who live in musical idiocy which is where I reside. But to paraphrase someone, (I believe Muzzled), “playing guitar is one of those things that is fun even if you suck.” It is my detox from my toxic work day most of my days.
Good luck with your ventures Yusef.
Thanks WS, I have been working at Digital workstations fo a while, get a Shure SM57 and a small preamp, and you are good to go,
This is totally cool, Yusef. I putz around with my guitar and make cool noises, but nothing good enough to consider recording. I am impressed.
42 years, I better have a clue, Glad you like it,
The Shure SM57 is far and away the best recording mic you can get, unless you are willing to spend 1000$ plus for a condenser mic, which has limited functionality,
Vocals, guitars, the SM does in all, and has for 50+ years,
I don’t know shit about fuck (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J8A9ZiIeUQ), but apparently my basement my base has awesome sound.
My 2nd eldest daughter has a drummer for a boyfriend. This is her favorite t-shirt:” https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s–tp0iXlIG–/t_Preview/b_rgb:191919,c_limit,f_auto,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1575834785/production/designs/7103369_0.jpg
I am so sorry.
It should be ok, they tend to spontaneously explode, solving the problem.
+1000 Spinal Tap
She (they) seems happy, so I am happy. Her relationship seems to be working better than mine, so what do I know?
Is he hot?
The biggest crush in my life was on a musician.
She is adopted. Her birth-mother and her birth-grandmother were both gorgeous. Luckily, she didn’t inherit my genes (not conventionally handsome).
She also didn’t inherit my drive, though. She is quitting her 0.6 pharmacy job with full benefits to bartend and waitress. She has a side hustle of walking dogs and selling houseplants.
I didn’t ask about her. ?
Sorry, I missed that. He is not what you would call conventionally handsome. Tall, skinny, pescatarian, driven for certain things (I have spent at least 15 hours helping him learn to reverse a trailer), casual about other things (regular shaving, bathing, matching socks). He’s a good kid, but…
I don’t understand human attraction…
TBF, “pescatarian” is a deal-breaker. OK, maybe the bathing too.
I like the shirt, but warn her about the Drunk drummers, they all drink, and they are all drunk,
Great song, not mine,
I really shouldn’t read news before bed, it just pisses me off.
Cato’s gone full Niskanen.
Just merge with WaPo already. You both have shitty, mendacious slogans.
gone? as in recently?
They’ve been flirting with it, but the vaccine issue has pushed them into full statist mode.
It’s just that we’re not governing hard enough and good enough. That’s the problem.
Two thirds of the country are vaxxed. Supposedly the threats to them, even if they catch it from an un-vaxxed person, are very low because apparently the vax dials down the lethality/severity of the sickness (which sounds like bs but whatevs, the “experts” are actually saying this). So who cares if the other third of the country doesn’t get vaxxed? They’re only gonna hurt themselves, right? Is it gonna cause problems for others? Has the population ever been 100% vaxxed against any virus (after birth)? Christ, I need more beer.
I’ve been thinking that if anything increases contagiousness, it would be attenuation of symptoms. I haven’t had a cold since the Obama administration but I remember the calculus: Am I well enough to go out, with Claritin? If so, will I make other people ill?
“Asymptomatic spread” is their handy answer to that.
Do your part for the community, hater.
Asymptotically, tomahto, whatevs.
I was told there would be no math.
Tomato is one Bigger than Tomato, there, easy math,
+1 bangs
Uhh, the song bangs.
Heh. No calculations assigned from me, as I couldn’t grade them.
Asymptomatic myth breached some time ago.
Big love Tomato,
I’m so pissed about this shit. That fucking rat fucker whore bastard bitch Merrick Garland twisted the phrase from we must be apprised of the consequences for not taking the vax to ” sure we can give them consequences for not taking it.” Motherfucker. We dodged a bullet keeping that cunt of the S/C.
This sentence right here. He claims that it allows the government to punish people for not taking the vax. I read it as saying no such thing. I doubt they considered the idea that people in danger from a virus would then be punished by the government on top of that. This is all about protecting the right to refuse getting it. The opposite of what the fucking Nazi claims. Motherfucker.
The same government that can’t teach our kids to read and write (cursive?), don’t even ask about math/arithmetic and speak English as a second language are to be entrusted with our medical/health decisions.
Cato uses the same numbers that the government has given them, linking all respiratory illnesses to Covid. My niece recently died from pneumonia, did she die from the lung cancer that she had before the pneumonia? 40 years of cigarette smoking is not a health program.
Yeah, it’s even worse in the actual text of the law. It states that the purpose of these terms to ensure that we are “informed.” How that fucking lowlife transformed that into an open door for the government to punish us, without limit, for refusing to take it is beyond the reasoning of a normal human. There is literally no limiting factor to his rationale. They can give you life in prison for saying no.
I’m worked up about this, because they are ramping up a program to force me to get vaxxed at my work. It’s really pissing me off. They intend to punish me.
From Stato:
Thing is, in saying the vaccines are “experimental,” these people are relying on big government to justify their going unvaccinated.
No, they’re saying “I’m not interested in taking the risk, but you do you.”
No mention of the justification for forcing people to take it. Look how fucking mendacious that is, why don’t they?
To be fair, I do know one man who used to complain about FDA taking too long to approve experimental drugs (for cancer) that were fully approved in other countries, but now complains that the FDA was too quick to approve the chicom-19 vaccines.
The way I see it is that “right to try treatment” is fundamentally about personal choice and self-ownership. The rushed design, manufacture, and approval of a drug and then heavy societal pressure to put it in your body is the opposite of that.
I have no problem with the eua itself. By all means, let us take a drug before you deem it worthy. And I don’t even mind society trying to persuade me to take it. Run your ads, write your mottos, make silly memes. They are actually planning on punishing me for not getting it. Up to and including firing me. I applaud efforts to expand choice to try unauthorized medicines. I will not accept mandating them under any circumstances.
A recent post on Astral Codex Ten (ne: Slate Star Codex) touches on this very argument in regards to Alzheimer drugs (and AIDS/HIV drugs and the ‘vid vax).
Thanks! Encapsulates what is so wrong about the FDA approval process.
Not a problem, I think I learned of Slate Star Codex from regulars at the old site, and have been following ever since. He’s usually too long winded for my personal tastes, but he does write up some really good pieces. I also appreciate his reader survey that he does most years (and usually participate in large portions of it).
Sounds like a BommerCon.
OK Simple, get a Free DAW, then get ASIO4ALL,
Then get an instrument,
then learn how to play it,
then learn how to record,
Go zat way, reelly fast; if somesing gets in your way, tern! ?
/KK nods excitedly, gives thumbs-up
Yusef, I’m the least competent person to comment about music or art but I did enjoy your article, though I didn’t understand much beyond some of the mechanics.
Sir, You get it, Thanks!
If only one tune, try this, it’s all Glibs, Dogs that is,
Melon Dog,
I swear, that’s aDamn good song, give it a try!
The irony of it all is people who think they can buy sorftware and become a star, yet have never written anything nor know how to, they can’t play instruments, and tend to flop on the floor.
I DID NOT buy the software!
Actually I made videos of our Canadian fishing trips (which no one ever watched), high school reunion videos (I’m class historian) (which no one ever watched). People are just overwhelmed with sensory input these days, even geezers.
I didn’t “buy” the software either. Per se.
I actually bought rights through a distribution network for my music, it seems to work, and I get paid for once, i have the YT account, but also iTunes, Apple Music and Spotify, maybe something will come of it, I just got started uploading stuff,
Even Ygritte’s body can’t redeem Honeymoon.
Well gee, isn’t that convenient?
That’s fucked up. Seems like they found the one guy who shouldn’t be evicted (if you buy their narrative) and was socially distant as fuck.
Then they forced him into prison, and since he’s actually ancient couple potentially get the vid and die.
I’m not accusing old guy’s trespassing, but fuck if the government doesn’t find a way to be the worst, no matter what.
Accusing, excusing whatever.
I hope you remember that next time, asshole, when the person doesn’t turn themselves in first.
What are the charges for malicious prosecution and overcharging?
Don’t ever write it down!
CTRL S is not your friend!
That’s the only way to get busted in Oregon. Turn yourself in before they even have any inkling you’re a criminal. He should have just stuck with trying to burn federal employees alive. They’d have refused to arrest him for that.
Fed Lives Don’t Matter,
Thanks all for the wishes, at home and resting now.
you all good i hope?
Good news, Lack, thanks for the update.
Good news, and good luck.
Hilarious to watch the clowns collide. Vaccination equity is about become minorities better line up or else. The state established a goal of 80% vaccination for minorities by the end of the month. For pretty much every subgroup it means increasing the daily shot count by 10X. Good luck Chuck.
I’m the new Jew, next is the Badge, i had it, and won’t take the jab,
Fuck Off,
This is why I refuse the Devils brew,\
Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. Revelation 14:9-10
They just need to be educated better, the poor things.
Finally getting around to https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1EA2ohrt5Q
I just remember how absolutely unthinkable all of that was back then. Then, I look around myself now.
Stick to your guns and your Babies, meaning Wife and kids, family etc. I have a bad feeling about the future, at least I did my thing before the Shithouse went up in Flames,
For no particular reason, have some commie kitsch.
Was expecting Regina Spektor.
The comments are… interesting.
I was sort of expecting They Live.
How about Kiss Alive?
After reading Tulip’s link from earlier, I actually kind of feel bad for the woke brigade. What really stuck out to me was just absolutely exhausting it would actually be to be a progressive unless you really tally up points on the victimhood totem. The author describes their own level of paranoia at the thought that they may have offended someone else who outranks you.
It’s not hard to claim victimhood points though. I can claim to be a genderqueer bi-curious dragonkin online, while dressing like a guy, dating a girl, and being vanilla as fuck in the real world. Neuroatypical is another easy claim, just point out your lived experience not fitting in, and you’re golden.
I’m a gamer… I look for ways to game systems and make advantages.
I think larping online is a different experience from actually having to live in the woke world of academia like the author of the article did. And I’m speaking of people who are sincere progs like the author. They started out wanting to believe, but were so beaten down by the other members of the cult that they were pushed to their breaking point.
At least they had a breaking point. The child of a friend of mine (last I heard) is claiming to be some flavor of trans, and the mother asked that everyone refer to them by their new name of Sparkle going forward (this was just before the ‘vid lockdowns started). Another friend of mine is this child’s uncle, and was bitching that he’s going to make mistakes, not out of malice, but out of habit, and he was concerned that it would damage relations within the family. The guy who was concerned got ordained and officiated a marriage ceremony for his niece and her girlfriend.
There are times I specifically will take the stand (amongst those who know me) on the side of conservative issues and the like just because they’ve known me for years, and know I’m not evil, just in the chance that it’ll spark some cognitive dissonance in their heads.
/looks at the clock
/realizes my only task for tomorrow is driving out to PA
/goes to get another drink
Sometimes I try to do that. I usually point out how some policy or another is really fucking over poor people and giving a handout to the rich – that is the most likely to get some kind of agreement and make them think. Talking about how the rich have rights too and they’re not just cows that exist to be milked? They’re not receptive to that at all.
But sometimes, people are sitting around attacking people with non-Leftist viewpoints, and they either don’t know I’m a non-Leftist or they think I’ll just keep my head down. Those are the times that I bombard them with counter-evidence and maybe even attack their bona fides (“if you supported Hillary Clinton, you’ve lost your right to call yourself anti-war”). This procedure never changes their minds and usually just makes them angry, but I refuse to let them be comfortable in their little bubble. I refuse to let them sit around at a family gathering and laugh it up about how people who oppose [standard Leftist viewpoint] are so stupid and evil.
Plus, any neutral onlookers might be receptive to my arguments.
I could only skim that wall of text. I felt bad for him but at the same time… really?
But then I looked back at my youngster self… I was a thoroughly conventional liberal. I really gave no thought to it whatsoever. Attended one rally against “Operation Rescue” which didn’t fit me at all but it was the expected thing to do. I didn’t actually apply any brain cells to political stuff until well into my thirties.
Powerful shit from someone who has a lot in the game. (Cardano/ADA founder Charles Hoskinson)
This may be the most shameful post in Glibertarians history.
Well, sure. After every single post you’ve ever made.
I mean…I’m probably just joking.
Oh shut up up idiot,
Long time no see. Hope things are going well for you.
Very well. I hope the same for you and everyone else. I have some catching up to do…
Mike! good to see you, Sup Bro!
Tall cans, buddy. Tall cans.
Talking to a friend, One of Us One of us!
Are you still in Michigan?
oh yes, Manistee.Head of the Dsic club , Gaurdians of the Park,
We rock!
And I can’t spell!
Nice! Glad you’re involved in a Dsic club!
Well, here’s some important stuff… assuming you like cocktails.
Well. I have some reading (and drinking) to do.
Guess who’s back
I’m baaaaack!
I bet you know I’m glad to be back
If Steely Dan was such a great band, there would be (good) bands covering their songs by now. Fight me.
Nobody covers Air Supply and you’re telling me they aren’t awesome?
Yes. Yes, he is.
*tingle up the leg*
Yes. Yes, I am.
Fine. But Steely Dan’s Aqualung is a masterpiece.
Straff might be the funniest guy here. Just sayin’
That is correct. Like a law of physics correct. There is nothing to debate.
Oh stop it. Not you too.
I’m so out of sorts, I need someone to kick me in the ass, and get me moving,, Bad back or not, I need to move along, Alone sucks,
Man the fuck up! Don’t make me go all the way to the mitten and kick your ass! Get going’!
Ha! dare ya! I’ll fiugre it out,
Spending all day at the hospital waiting for the wife to get out of surgery. Am I a creep for checking out the nurses while I wait?
Do you have a mirror on the toe of your shoe?
Why? I’m still flexible enough to bend over that far.
Am I a creep for checking out the nurses while I wait? – not if they are hot.
The vampire is right.
You really ought to post some pics. Whatever they look like, some on this site is going to get their itch scratched.
the wife I hope will be okay otherwise you would not be checking out nurses
Think you may have that backwards.
Male or female nurses?
Redhead of the day Irina Meier which apparently does cosplay like most thots do these days
Yusef is going to pass out from all the blood flowing to his erection.
Also maybe mildly nsfw I dunno anymore as I work from home
That’s not a redhead.
Welcome MikeS! I got you something to celebrate
Death to all butt-metal
You get me. You really, really get me. Glad you are back.
Update: last week we were sitting out on the patio and saw our rescue bat fly over us. Two nights in a row. Pretty cool.
i say hello, my back says no, pc out!
Oh God, my leg is is agon…..
Where did you last see it?
Laying in the corner where he threw it in a fit of pique?
Folks (County Sheriff) in Nisswa been concerned, MikeS, I knew you wouldn’t let them down…
No. Attendance at Honey Harvest was never in doubt. The Nisswa CoC would never forgive my brother and I if we skipped.
I knew if I said Steely Dan 3 times, MikeS would show up.
I’m like the Candyman but more pale and not near as cool
Morning, Glibs.
I have an in-office day today, so I’m making sure I’m awake early enough to not stress the commute. *looks at time* I’m awake early enough.
The office is quiet at this time of the morning.
Good morning, U and Sean ::glances downthread:: and rhy and homey!
I responded to your feedback and had a few more questions.
And how are things this morning?
Got it. Will respond after I wake up a bit more.
Got a sad phone call from my oldest sister yesterday evening. Her best friend – a gal we also know and like very much – has been very ill for a long time. Friend is now in ICU on life support…from which she’ll be removed this morning.
Hesitated to mention this, and maybe I shouldn’t have. Sorry to be a downer this morning…but that’s how things are going.
Ah Feck! Sorry, my Dear…
Don’t be sorry for sharing. Unless you really did want us to continue prattling on whatever random inanity was wandering through our skulls.
I am sorry to hear about your sister’s friend, all I have to offer are my sympathies, and an equally sympahtetic ear should it be needed.
I read it here 1st- ” a sorrow shared is halved; a joy shared is doubled”
Kinda what we’re here for.
Glibs in a nutshell right there, Tres.
So sorry to hear that.
Oh hell. Sorry to hear that, GT.
Thank you, everyone. I just feel so bad for my sister. I still remember that, as far as I knew, she didn’t have any friends in high school. At some point, she had written out all the lyrics to this old song on one of those canvas-covered ring binders. Things started getting better for her in college, and she and her hubby have a very active social life…but this is going to be very hard for her.
RWD puppies.
“I’m an excellent driver.”
Only on Sunday.
Love the background music, right out of a turn of the (20th) century campaign rally.
He can’t even manage to walk across a lawn gracefully anymore. This is elder abuse. Apologies to 4×20 but he’s going to slip and break something, sooner rather than later. I wish Fourscore was the President.
I wish he’d been president 20 years ago.
Joe used to be known for his sparkling blue eyes. Nowadays they resemble the black pits of hell. My pupils haven’t been that large since 1995. He’s doped up like Jim Morrison chasing a bare-assed Indian across the Sonoran desert.
Joe Biden, the Lizard King? Checks out.
“Levels, Man…” You’re a cool guy GP!
Sooper spreader event!
Or not.
Canadian ?
I like it.
Older Canadians.
Even older Canadians
I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before. Decent.
Too Hipsterish but I dug the chicks.
He’s just an old fool practicing early ‘60s and before politics: kissing babies, chatting up kids, and the like. It was creepy then and it’s even creepier now but good luck getting someone who’s senile and incredibly powerful to restrain himself from it.
He pinched a little girl’s nip back in 2015. What the fuck kind of family did that sick fuck raise?
A very abnormal one.
Reminds me of those people that excuse their dog’ behavior when it starts humping on your leg. “Aw, don’t mind him! He LIKES you!”
Have you seen the Hunter pics?
‘Mornin all.
Mornin’. I’ve seen too many Hunter pics, are there some new even more cringe worthy ones?
There are a bunch that I have no interest in and don’t have a place in my browser history. Mostly hitting the pipe are the ones that I’ve watched. Just pathetic.
People sharing these pics is the real reason Apple is instituting their scanning software?
suh’ fam
whats goody yo
A work order that floated down from the aether was dealt with over a week ago. Sent photo proof and everything. It always was dealt with a week ago…
Man, you bunch are chatty lot! I find it hard to catch up IRT… Mornin’ all!
Good morning, Fes! ::slurps more coffee::
::tips beer:: “How YOU doin?”
Gonna be hot today, and hotter this weekend. Someone please pray that I get off my lazy ass and cut my grass.
We get rainy and cool for the weekend which works out quite meshingly with my Lit-ul Plan of drinking my ass off and commenting on Glibs! Back to the furnace next week.
Despite my baby-mama’s family owning a really, really, good meat market (not that the miserable bitch ever cuts me a deal) Im tempted to throw some money @ Omaha Steaks.
They seem to be having a big 50% off event.
GF went to pick up strip steaks yesterday at the Fresh Market. They didn’t have any. Sold out.
My kroger had some really good looking briskets, but I already have 2 in the freezer.
ORLY? *bookmarked for later*
Would baby-mama’s family’s meat market happen to be a certain meat market in a certain suburb perilously close to an airport?
(Come to think of it, the one I have in mind may be in the township. But you know which one I mean.)
More info on Apple’s new picture scanning policy:
At least the people comments over there show that we’re not the only ones that think this is a seriously bad idea.
What if they see the dick pics I send to Jugsy and assume that my crabbed, diminutive, organ is….
Oh, God no
“Arthritic Crab” ? Band name or B-side?
According to SugaFree’s last Joemala episode, Bidens hands.
It was a call-back.
How does this apply to photos of guns & steaks?
Dangerous extreme content.
This is getting ugly. The next logical step in this progression will be to implement PreCrime, ala Minority Report, using the advanced analytics which we know are never, never wrong
One of the comments pointed out that the machine learning is so good…..from the company that made Siri.
The .gov would *never* abuse this.
Wow. Outrageous.
And of course if Apple is doing it, everyone else will be too.
I just switched to Apple dammit
The is the electronic equivalent of drug dogs.
“The computer said you might have kiddie porn on your phone sir. Apple will provide us with the key to unlock it now.”
Pedos for now. That is the camel’s nose in the tent.
I dig camel toes but not those ones!
I wonder what they would find on Joe Biden’s phone. Heh. Pizza gate indeed.
Biden family hit hardest by new Apple scanning program.