Accurate. Plus, no copyright violation!
I caused a bit of a stir at work as one of my supervisors (I split between two functional units) was unaware that if you make a joke around me about sending coffee via Uber I might be inclined to do so. She was at a VAMC on account of a relative and complained the coffee house they set up was closed. If its anything like the one in Phoenix it is located next to the elevators in between the busiest walkways in the hospital.
30 mins later I get a text: “OMG you can get coffee from Uber now?”
The USMNT beat their arch-rivals…yes I suppose that actually does describe it..Mexico in the CONCACAF Gold Cup final. 1-0. USWNT hardest hit.
A referendum in Mexico to pursue an investigation on previous administrations won overwhelmingly. Nothing will happen because Mexico requires a minimum 40% turnout to make such a vote legally binding. After seeing AMLO sent aid to Cuba, take the L.
No big deal, its happy time in Mexico now.
It appears they learned their lesson from President Harris’ holiday in Guatemala.
Biden talks, I mean, talks tough. Talks tough about, you know those guys.
I don’t know who this guy is.
So if he lives in AZ, but is eligible to compete for another country in the Olympics, but anticipated a lot of issues returning to the country in order to compete in the Olympics.
“Even though my roots started in Guatemala in some ways I feel as American as anybody else who was born here,”
…look I’d probably have more sympathy if he tried to compete as an American, but he didn’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I was going to pick Slipknot, but I remembered how much you all LOVE Metallica.
“(I split between two functional units) ”
So you’re that guy from Redditt?
I’m not on Reddit…that’s 10,000 rabbit holes within another 10,000 rabbit holes from which there is no escape.
“The Redditor with Two Penises”
messican sharpshooter has two functional units!?!?!
Double the pleasure!
I have two more links, in a particular order.
Link Number One
Link Number Two
I hovered. You aren’t going to get me any more upset than I already am. Nice try.
I’m not going to tik tok either.
Willing to make Number Two from pipes purchased at home depot to stop Number One.
I think Norinco is a more culturally appropriate response to TikTok.
I’m fucking livid. The Bay Area just instituted mandatory masking indoors again today. I’m eating lunch at a place right now that didn’t seem to mind my lack of face diaper. The mask thing really fucks with my head. I absolutely loathe it.
Same here. I find it insanely aggravating.
From this morning
That’s getting passed along, thanks Drake.
Up here in the Great Land we’re still at “fuck it.”
The Bay Area
I see the problem.
The Mandate also says that if you’re in a restaurant, you should keep your mask on, lowering it only temporarily for bites and sips. Science!
My condolences. I hate that shit. Most, maybe all, courthouses have reimposed the mask mandate. I want to scream show me the science.
Wait’ll they go to mandatory vax. It’s coming.
I just got a text from my nearby range that my Beretta 1301Tactical has arrived. IT’s HERE!!!!!
Got it off of gunbroker. And now the tricking out begins…
I’m taking suggestions!
Just don’t burn down your neighborhood.
“Game over, man! Game over!”
Well… think you should reconsider that. It’s not a very good gun. Lots of issues and shoddy quality. I would be willing to take it off your hands for a slight fee.
Don’t listen to Gustave, only I am qualified to deal with the multiple issues you’re certainly going to have with it.
Are you the only person in the room professional enough to handle this weapon?
A stack of dummy shells for dry practice.
A light and mount. I use a Streamlight Pro-Tac HL 1000 on a piece of M1913 rail bolted to the foreend.
A sidesaddle might be nice to have. I like the Velcro kind that you can pull off and slap on.
Would you recommend the same light for an AR?
I got one of these to put on one of mine.
It’s a beast.
Good Lord.
Who needs a Dragon’s Breath round when you can just cut down a tree with this instead?
My bro-in-law used to have his FFL. He does his own loads, mills his own stuff, etc. His day job was as a dentist, so doing fine metalwork with small instruments whirring at high-speeds well within his skill set. He already sent me the link to the extender that takes it from 5+1 to 7+1. And he lives down the road from us about 1.5 American units. So that’s in the immediate future.
And that’s a crazy light, Sean.
I would. It’s a good light for not too much scratch. You’ll need a different mount.
A stack of dummy shells for dry practice.
Can confirm.
When I was trying to do my first dry practice, I could not get the shells to feed from the tube. I was baffled. Took in to the shop. One of the guys looks it over, triple checks the chamber, puts some dummy shells in, and informs me “The shell release works off the trigger – you have to pull the trigger to get shells to feed from the tube. See?” *pull trigger, rack bolt, eject shell, rinse and repeat*
So, yes, dummy shells are essential for this gun. I ordered mine that day.
One thing – make sure that there is no possible way to mix up your dummy shells for live ones.
I like these, because they’re the right weight and they hold up well: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RG6RKVI
Chainsaw bayonet.
Does yours come with the screw-in chokes? Picking out a different choke for every shooting scenario possible is a great way to burn through cash. Ask me how I know.
Picatinny rail mounted grenade launcher and chainsaw combo… duh.
I’m taking suggestions!
My current build:
Extended mag tube (Nordic Comp)
Trijicon RMR (9 MOA amber)
Picatinny rail and sidesaddle shell holder (Mesa Tactical)
Modified MagPul Shukov handguard (Aridus Industries)
Magpul Mossberg SGA stock
Mercury recoil suppressor, mounted in the cheek riser for the stock (Mercury Recoil). I think I got the “Old Standby” 3/4″ x 4″ – fits in the biggest riser like a glove.
Aridus adapter for stock
I’ve got the Aridus optics mount for the RMR, which goes on this weekend. That will mean I also need their sidesaddle shell holder, which is both (a) quite pricey and (b) extremely backordered.
We’ll see if I like the optics mount – if not, I’ll let you know and we might work a deal. If I do, we might work a deal on the Mesa Tactical rail/sidesaddle.
Still need to get a light for it.
It is a bafflement to me that only Aridus seems at all serious about aftermarket gear for these most excellent shotguns.
I’ll be on standby, RC.
I’m definitely getting the extender. And that light that Sean recommended throws out some crazy lumens.
I’ll see how the recoil feels after an enthusiastic day at the range and then make some further decisions from there.
I have a Beretta semi-auto shotgun. Will be adding a tube extension (with sling mount) when I get to a fee(r) state.
I’ve got a bunch of links.
The shotgun is very close to my build. I’m ordering the Aridus bits as they become available; I may eventually have pretty much exactly that shotgun. I still need the sidesaddle and shell holder. Mounting and zeroing the sight are on the agenda for this weekend.
When I got mine, there was one available on GunBroker at a competitive price. By the time I get done with mine, I will have spent as much on it as they were asking.
TBF, I’m sure he would have been happy to represent America in the Olympics. I also suspect he didn’t come close to making the US team.
Highly probable. NAU has a high altitude olympic training center so its very likely he saw his competition and decided to run for Guatemala.
I did my good deed for the day
You earned your wings, Kristen.
Even though my roots started in Guatemala in some ways I feel as American as anybody else who was born here
As American as Rapinoe. I’d be willing to trade them.
If he added an a to his first name and proclaimed himself a woman, the Biden administration would’ve fallen all over itself insuring his re-entry to the country.
Every time I see Rapinoe’s name, I think she should put out a hip-hop album with the title “Rappin’ Hoe”.
Johnny Ventura: Dominican merengue legend dies aged 81
His lemon pie topping was better than everyone else’s?
Johnny and Jesse were separated at birth, each going in a different direction, then Jesse returned home to look for his brother.
I like these guys better than Metallica.
That 30’s style Thriller in your list is actually pretty damn good. Better than the original, IMO.
30’s style Thriller in your list
Not seeing it. I’m guessing it’s Post Modern Jukebox (whom I’m rather fond of).
Those guys are brilliant.
Is this a link to every rock band other than Metallica that’s existed ever? Neat.
Kill ‘em All, Ride the Lightening and Master of Puppets are still three of the best metal albums of all time. Justice was good, everything after meh.
KSuell gets it.
I’m just joking, I like some of their stuff in particular the older work.
Damn good song right there.
Agreed. And like I think happened for SW, YouTube came up with a songlist. I got They Might Be Giants: Ana Ng; Rainbow: Kill the King; Linda Ronstadt: Poor, Poor Pitiful Me; REM: Radio Free Europe; Dire Straits: Sultans of Swing performed on gayageum (Chinese harp); Riot: Outlaw; Death: Keep on Knocking, etc.
I really like all of those.
Not my list, but I like it.
Youtube offers up a customized playlist from your history.
Yeah, I figured, since those are all songs I’ve listened to repeatedly. Except for Counting Crows – I don’t know how that got on there.
I managed 3.2 miles today.
I’m tired, but I needed to get more than 2 miles for my sanity.
Keep up the good work! I have brought myself to running a mile and hopefully back up to 30 mins straight in the near future. Forgot that exercising is good for the soul.
Good show, UCS, you are doing well on the road to recovery.
If CBP was as evil as the illegals advocated claimed, they’d bar him from reentry at the port of entry on return, then deport him immediately to Guatemala. It just illustrates what a farce DACA and the “asylum”/amnesty for illegals is. They aren’t even bona fide immigrants and have zero intentions of becoming Americans either de jure or de facto.
Also, fuck Americans who take the king’s money to represent this country but refuse to show respect to either their country or fellow citizens who pay for their vacation.
…look I’d probably have more sympathy if he tried to compete as an American, but he didn’t.
The rules changed and Tamerlan Tsarnaev was unable to participate in a boxing competition–because he wasn’t a US citizen–that would have been open to him a year earlier. We know what happened later.
Teen girls fell in love with him?
They fell in love with his younger brother.
He tried out cooking but eventually retired to Doswell VA?
While it is no ass-slap gif, pouty face is on my list of favorites also
On the home page, for dummies like me.
Is ass-slap the new Lobster Girl?
“That’s our thing!”
Cuba slaps sanctions on the US, will no longer allow American refugees amnesty.
^^^ Bee lurker outed
In this country, the govt does that and the goons get to come into Congress and cry about how hurt their feelings were by those protesters – and how they should get hazard pay and medals and counseling for their trauma. And Ashley Babbitt who? Weird how we compare to Cuba, isn’t it?
Ozy, I think I’m coming close to my line in the sand with mandatory vaccines/testing. Given your area of expertise, if you’re willing to answer some very basic questions I have I’d appreciate the help. I don’t know how it works to have the TPTB give out email addresses but if they’re amenable you can have mine.
I am willing to send contact info to the address in either one of your profiles.
Two profiles? Which one is Tulpa?
Trick question… all of them are tulpae.
I’m only aware of my one profile, but I’m guessing you meant to Ozy or I. If he’s okay with my reaching out, please send him mine, but I won’t assume he is.
If someone hasn’t already sent it, Mustang, permission granted.
Happy to help as I can.
Check your inbox at the address on file…both of you.
Got it. Received and replied.
Thx, Mexi
Received, thanks MS!
“And if you’re vaccinated, all of that’s going to open up to you. You’ll have the key, you can open the door. If you’re unvaccinated, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in many things,” -De Blasio
Wouldn’t that, I don’t know, fall under the 14th Amendment? Not that I am relying anymore on actually using the Constitution to make a point.
Something about hundreds of years old and slave owners?
“‘It’ll make things impossible’: NYC restaurants hit out as Mayor De Blasio announces Big Apple will become first US city to require vaccine passports for customers and workers from August 16”
So how exactly does this work for religious objections or people medically incapable of getting the vaccine? That seems…uhm…completely illegal to enforce without running afoul the ACA or public accommodation laws.
Also, and certainly not endorsing this, but if you’re just flashing a “vaccine card” without any database to check against if its valid, it’s also stupidly easy to get around.
*ADA not ACA, obviously.
Fuck you that’s why, screw the acronyms.
They would have to make reasonable accommodations for anyone claiming they have a medical reason they can’t be vaccinated.
Reasonable accommodations by ignoring the mandate and letting you dine in the restaurant? What else could they do? So completely worthless then.
This is how you accommodate.
Better than being “re-accommodated”!
United Airlines ‘Reaccommodated’ a Passenger. Is That the Euphemism of the Year?
There’s a vegan anti-vax lawsuit saying they shouldn’t have to take it because animal products were involved in its creation. If successful, could lead to a whole lot more vegans.
Hmmm..suddenly feel like just a salad for dinners
When I see mass protests in the street like in France, I’ll begin to believe that “residents are lashing out”.
Her hole is cold & dry and it’s all your fault
Its still steamy, so a little attention and it she will come alive again
Thanks for all you do, MS.
The news is full of stupid, and not just Old Pudding Head Biden, so I’m focusing on the music.
Good song choice. My preference is a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPUEckHVMo8″>the [Jammin’ Version].
Early Metallica was in heavy rotation throughout my misspent youth. Road trips, in the gym, chasing girls and whatnot. Still not a fan of Lars.
Dude, even Lars hates Lars.
Lars is the worst drummer to ever get public airplay.
Ummm… you’ve never heard of Alex van Halen?
Really? I’ve never heard anyone badmouth his playing, is he bad in timing/technique/whatever qualities a drummer should have, or do you just not like his style? I have heard that Ringo was so incompetent that Paul would redo the drum parts after Ringo left the studio.
You would be wrong
THAT is a cool video. Thanks.
All that guy proves is that Paul was a great drummer, since he did all the drumming on the released recordings **tightens tinfoil hat**
When I had better time, I thought I heard him off. Not badly, but enough. To be fair, it’s been awhile, and I could be wrong. I’ll give a few VHI & VHII songs a listen and see if I can point out some things.
He also had a massive kit that he used about 40% of, except during his solo.
Also: listen to live clips of the Beatles from1963-64. They’re all bad. They became very good players quick because they had to. Also, because they got a lot of practice.
Not the Bee is sharing a tweet thread about those who are vax hesitant.
(Yes, it’s a string of tweets. I still found it interesting. They take a minute to load — you might see an error message.)
This should load easier: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1422181544161128450.html
They are loudly collecting vax papers at work today. The punishments are coming soon. Im going to start referring to my self as the undocumented healthy. Then, im going to build a false wall at my house and hide the unvaxxed behind it when the cops come looking for them.
The Feds are sitting on their thumbs with this. Almost a full week since Biden declared but that just means they are getting it all in place. I expect next week to be interesting.
Biden said that the government’s crackdown amounted to a “brazen violation of the rights of the Cuban people”
If anybody knows about respecting the rights of the people, it’s joe Bumblefuck.
I’m having issues.
original Blitzkrieg
Crap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll4Ij58497Q
Until the 30 second point I though it was going to be a cover of Hocus Pocus, I really wanted to hear some yodeling.
I had that on vinyl in the early 80’s.
Oh, not just the Focus double album, I had the Blitzkrieg one, too.
I collected a lot of albums back then. I’m sure I’d look at the prices for them now and weep bitterly. C’est la vie.
“Senate votes unanimously to award Congressional Gold Medals to police who battled rioters as they attacked U.S. Capitol on Jan 6 in ‘highest expression of gratitude'”
Because they did such a good job?
Could Republicans be any weaker?
Is that a challenge?
A belated “You win one internets, sir”, to R C Dean for his suggested response to flight crew mask nazis:
“I thought I was on a flight to [insert city here], not cattle cars to the camps.”
Are we being rerouted to Auschwitz?
And if you accept Baal as the One True God, all these things will be yours for the taking, and you will live forever!
Her hole is cold & dry and it’s all your fault
Rub some dirt on it.
“EXCLUSIVE: Bond villain actor Robert Davi will direct upcoming movie ‘My Son Hunter’ documenting the president’s son’s partying, addiction and business dealings and he says it’s ‘more nefarious than Watergate'”
For $500K you can be an executive producer.
Well, now you don’t have to.
There goes my visiting the TWA Hotel anytime soon
Remember TWA Airlines?
Their hot stewardesses would ask if you wanted their TWA coffee or TWA tea.
Last time I flew TWA they stranded 18-year-old me in St. Louis overnight. But I did get a toiletry kit and a hotel room out of the deal.
+1 China Blue
Robert Davi makes an excellent bad guy. Hans Zarba in Son of the Pink Panther is a favorite.
This threading thingy isn’t working today.
Are you Brooks?
My employer just informed us that we need to wear masks “when in contact with other employees” in our HQ, because apparently Allegheny County has some sort of plague going on?
Black plague is going around. Wear a mask! Get the jab! Avoid chipmunks!
Cuomo must resign now!
Not for gross incompetence and outright malfeasance. For kissing the girls and making them cry.
LOL the Dems are Officially abandoning the Cuomo ship.
Oof, I forgot to disable Twitter again. Some of those recommended tweets… woof.
To wit:
Blow me.
Gird your loins, she may take that literally.
Give her a chance Trashy, she might be talented enough to get you voting Democratic yet. Mayor Brown certainly thought highly of her.
TBF, he probably meant Mario…
But does Joe remember calling on Biden to resign?
Better yet, looks like they’re going full Hannibal Lecter on each other.
I’m having a friend for dinner!
Biden spoke hours after Cuomo proclaimed his innocence and issued a counter-report with photos of Biden and other elected officials hugging women.
I need more popcorn.
Source article: https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/second-opinions/93808?xid=nl_secondopinion_2021-08-01&eun=g1654499d0r
That has been as far as I have gotten before I needed a break.
“Freedom is slavery”
And another break from that piece
Remember, it was Trump that was going to go all totalitarian on us. Those were good fucking times.
At least this person is consistent, they seem to be confusing the right to do something with the right to have someone provide that something to you for free.
You mean they’re stupid and/or evil?
Checks out.
if these were truly protected as rights, our government would be obligated to ensure basic access to them through entitlement programs or legal protection
This person probably thought they were being smart with that one. “checkmate freedomtards!”
While glossing over the 1st Amendment that they don’t like, free association. Yeah the fact two people came up with that article and looked at each other and nodded as if they are Billy Madison is the comical part.
They damn sure have the right to do so without government interference, Sarah and Art.
The government shouldn’t be pressuring owners to enact restrictions either which is just what they’re doing. They need to stay the fuck out of it and these dickheads are playing with fucking fire.
I’m coming to the realization that I don’t have nearly enough ammo, armor, and supplies stockpiled.
How much is enough? Asking for a friend.
It’s not the size of your stockpile, it’s the knowing how to use it.
Can you hit a 10” plate at 300 yards in 7 seconds, starting with your rifle slung at ready? If not, then you need less ammo stacked in the garage, and more expended at the range…
You’re wrong, Sheldon.
That’s not how this one is going to be fought. Nothing like that at all. That won’t be the skillset needed to win.
The killing this time will have to up close and personal.
There isn’t going to be an Antietam or a Picket’s Charge.
Think more Hue City and Chicago gangland, less Desert Storm.
I’m going to need more sideways Glocks.
Did you see “The Irishman” with DeNiro?
I can’t find the book right now, but I believe it’s called “Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.” It is absolutely fascinating.
It discusses in detail the training that the resistance fighters got and relied upon, including from like W.E.Fairburn. Much of the behind-the-lines resistance training also took from the Chicago (and other) mobsters of the 20s and 30s. They were feared for good reason. There is some defense, but not much, to a guy who walks into a restaurant where you’re eating, pulls out a .357/.38 revolver, and shoots you in the face as he’s walking to the cash register.
Now you’ve got to start living life as an occupying force – here. That’s what they don’t understand about guns being the great equalizer – or maybe they do, and that’s precisely why they want us disarmed.
When the proles are armed, you can only go so far before you have to start living behind walls. And that’s the beginning of the end.
Fuck I hope not
I’m sure there were a ton of good Puritans in Salem who were like, “This can’t be fucking happening.”
The first thing you have to get your head around: it’s happening.
The number one killer of people who are stranded/lost/crashed in the wilderness is? That they simply give up. The go into a kind of shock – they can’t come to grips with their new reality. They don’t do the things they need to in order to survive in their new environment.
OBE, I am not trying to be condescending when I say the above – who knows, maybe a miracle will really happen and we’ll all be rescued from this cursed island. BUT, in the meantime, it doesn’t really appear the boot is gonna stop stompin’ anytime soon. Unless and until it is… disincentivized from such stomping. That’s just my read of the tea leaves. Past performance is not… etc.
I know Ozy. I know. Places like this have a tendency to snap some reality into one’s thinking.
Ozymandias –
That’s just an example. I could have just as easily said, if you can’t make a 3-yard brain shot, from concealment, in under 1 second, you should be practicing until you can.
The point I was trying to make was, take that stockpile of ammo to the range and convert it to skill.
I agree with you about the likely tone of any incoming conflict.
That said, urban sniping is a thing (recommended reading – Fry The Brain, by John West). Even if it weren’t, staying broad-scope and flexible is always a good idea.
Of course. I curse the pedants here and then do the same thing.
My apologies. I wondered if it might be shorthand, but I took it literally.
But all that aside, read Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. It’s brilliant and it’s all based upon declassified docs from the early days of Bletchley and the first men who were part of Churchill’s unconventional warfare department. What they did was amazing – and it all arose out of the British plans for defending the island in the event the Germans invaded. It grew into a massive operation that arguably was better bang for buck than anything else the allies did. They put “sand in the gears” of the German war machine at every possible opportunity, training and supplying resistance fighters across the entire globe. The TTPs and references are mentioned in that book. I might have to go dig it out of the boxes to find the manuals that the guy named – see if I can find them on some old bookfinder site. Precursors to – but with a much more serious tone – the Anarchist’s Cookbook.
Thanks for the reading suggestions ES and Ozy. I’m concerned Fry the Brain book will get me added to another list, but I am going to keep my eyes out. Churchill ordered.
No worries at all, Ozy. I just picked up Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. It looks to be right up my alley.
I’ve had the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare in my Wishlist for awhile now. Time for some more reading!
This much
If you don’t have ICBMs and B2’s, it doesn’t matter how big your stockpile is.
Tomahawks on your nuke sub.
Kungflu lockdowns showed us how civil war 2.0 will most likely play out.
Food and supply shortages to cities will cause mass starvation and panic. All Patriots have to do is keep the commies from leaving the cities.
You can exercise your liberty in the confines of your mind. Everywhere else, you will obey.
Bad faith arguments against a bumbling straw man against which you make yourself look smart in comparison (it’s not working, Sarah C. Hull, MD, MBE, and Arthur L. Caplan, PhD).
“Those stupid rubes can’t possibly have a nuanced and intelligent understand of freedom like we do.”
I’ve heard the same arguments delivered very smugly from family members as they smirk and scowl in utter disbelief that anyone can’t see things the way they do. Again, like the authors, they willfully ignore and dismiss a lot that contradicts their fantasy and cannot be reasoned with.
“resistance to commonsense”
You know I mean,stop playing a fool’s game
Ah yes, Art Caplan. Longtime bioethicist and GTG for media quotes, but isn’t an MD. What’s than about bioethics, their job is to defend the indefensible that an ordinary person would recoil in horror at?
Caplan recommends vaccines for twelve year olds. It’s the “protection we owe them.”
In other words, Caplan is a malicious retard.
If it turns out that there are long term effects from the vaccines, I will personally celebrate any attempt to draw and quarter that fat fuck in the name of ethics.
This word is worst than moist.
if these were truly protected as rights, our government would be obligated to ensure basic access to them through entitlement programs or legal protection.
Freedom of association is being taken from (some of the) the restaurant and other business owners via the application of government pressure and implied threats and, now direct threats. Unfortunately you tell can’t who’s complying willingly or who’s being forced but plenty of businesses would be happy to do business with the unvaxed I’m certain. As bad as this is, this is going to be a trial run for a federal policy. I guarantee it.
Let’s play!
“Aren’t you legally protected by the government from restaurants refusing to serve you based on your race and gender and sexuality and a host of other things? IF so, then isn’t the government protecting a right to go to restaurants?”
When will Kamala Harris go on the record with her thoughts on intra-office hanky panky?
Maybe Willie made her sign a non-disclosure?
Not the Bee is sharing a tweet thread about those who are vax hesitant.
Thanks for sharing that. It was a pretty damned good take. If I were a Top Man, I’d be genuinely concerned about the possibility of a Crisis in Credibility. Put simply, large swaths of our institutions of authority have squandered their credibility. Compared to even, say, five years ago, the degree of trust or credibility those institutions of authority have with wide swaths of the population has utterly cratered. But, the institutions that define authority in our society depend intimately on their credibility. Those institutions are only powerful because they have, or had, near uniform deference from the general population. And that deference is central to those institutions’ ability to control various workings of our civilization.
And no, it wasn’t Donald Trump. It was those institutions reaction to Donald Trump that was a symptom of that collapse in credibility. A competent, considered, elite would have simply waited Donald Trump out. They might have even considered a couple of complaints and rearranged the window dressing to look like they were fixed. And, in good time, Donald Trump would have passed from the scene and they could resume matters as normal. Instead, they ramped the breakdown in credibility up to 11. And for what? To get rid of one man?
There was something obviously very important to them at stake, I suspect it’s their massive grifting and criminality.
Again, though, just throw a couple of minor patsies to the wolves (that can quietly be reversed at a later date) and let Trump take his victory lap. That’s even if he was really all that interested in uncovering all the grifting and criminality.
It’s the same reaction as snakes when threatened. They strike back, not wait for the hiker to just continue along the trail.
They could no longer be silent about their utter contempt and hatred of those icky people.
The Death of Expertise is a 2018 book by Tom Nichols but he makes the wrong argument.
he makes the wrong argument
He makes exactly the wrong argument. He implicitly assumes that the authorities are entitled to credibility with no assessment of their performance. In effect that makes for an endless squandering of credibility that the general population is supposed to cover the check on. But, that presumption is precisely why their credibility has collapse.
If I were a Top Man, I’d be genuinely concerned about the possibility of a Crisis in Credibility.
How could anybody possibly take the Official Pronouncements of the Day seriously, and not just laugh out loud? But they look serious, and nod their heads and say, “Hmm, yes, yes, that must be true.”
It’s frightening.
That’s just it, though. I think a much larger portion of people than previously are just rolling their eyes and keeping their mouths shut. Because those institutions still have authority. But, pure authority can only get you so far. Eventually, a lot of people simply check out or find a way to game the system. Think of it this way. On conservative blogs, I’ve seen commenters saying don’t send your kids to the military. I’ve seen conservatives basically calling the FBI a bunch of gangsters. And that’s on conservative blogs. How well do those institutions fare without a broad degree of willing support?
“If I were a Top Man, I’d be genuinely concerned about the possibility of a Crisis in Credibility.”
There are currently zero consequences for having power and being wrong. I suppose the Newsom recall is a test case.
Vice President Kamala Harris
United States government official
The vaccines work. They are safe and effective.
They save lives. Get vaccinated.
It’s really a sign of how politics sanctifies (or de-sanctifies) things. The vaccines were a terrible risk until Biden/Harris sprinkled holy progressivism on them. Now they’re righteous.
From the memory hole
I’m a little surprised YouTube hasn’t disappeared that video. I’m sure Harris is wishing it would go away.
It was barely a year ago FFS.
Woweeeeee. I am too pooped to pop. I need to get in shape.
I hear ya.
This last 17 months has been awful for my personal health. I’m in worse shape now than anytime during my life.
Same here. I had to walk 5 miles home when my truck broke down a few nights ago. It was unpleasant. It wouldn’t have been a problem a few years ago.
I would not be able to bug out on foot, that’s for sure.
Pedaling away on a recumbent exercise bike at the Y even as I type. We’ll see how long I can keep this up.
I have PT tomorrow so I will be doing that too.
@P. Brooks re decongestant, didn’t think of it, but when Mr Mojeaux and I left today (he fixed her toilet and leaky kitchen sink faucet), she had no more fever (was 104 last night) and she was satting 92%. Going over tomorrow to help organize. I LOVE organizing. w00h00!
Good news abound and here is hoping it continues
Would you like to come visit me and organize my new kitchen (and bedrooms, and, well, whole house)?
Right… just til October… and then what?.. if you’re a landlord and you’re not getting a handout, you’re a chump.
Love that this is in part due to protests at the Capitol. Oh that’s right, astroturfed protests okayed by the deep state at the People’s Temple™️ are perfectly fine.
Cori Bush can pack her fat ass and Ruffles and Oreos up and get back to more of The People’s Work™
I LOLed when Cori was talking about the renters “losing their homes”. If someone rents a car and refuses to pay or return it ’cause it’s their “only means of transportation” it’s the same thing, right
I think it’s obvious what’ll happen come October but of course so are you. It’s just insane, people’s ability to do as they see fit with their property and who gets to live there eliminated at the stroke of a damn pen.
Also, them revisiting this means they’re going to do fresh lockdowns.
And done deal:
Neatly summarizes the last eighteen months, I would say.
You might just find out Maxine.
They’re telling the SC to eat a dick at this point.
I think so too. My bet is Kavanaugh get pissed this time and doesn’t cut the WH any slack, unlike last time.
Nah I am sure they have his boof tapes, he is stepping in line perfectly.
This could get interesting.
Is there no such thing as “contempt of court” at the USSC?
Fuck me, if I was a judge on that court and people started just ignoring me, I’d have every fucking sheriff within a thousand kilometres hunting down the assholes who defied my orders from the bench, bringing them into my court in leg-irons, and explaining to them in words of one syllable that they either do what they’re told or they can spend an indefinite period of time in a lock-up without contact with friends or family until they’ve seen the error of their ways.
What the actual FUCK, U.S. People?
Woodchippers were invented for judges like yourself, Justice Beam.
Woodchippers are too good for ’em.
I’m not kidding. Back in The Day, the Supreme Court of Canada (hereinafter referred to as “the SCOC”) was tasked with the rather onerous job of examining the Province of Quebec’s health-care waitlisting system to see whether or not it actually violated the Charter rights of people who had to go through that piece of shit. The actual case is Chaoulli v. Quebec.
Their conclusion was, as the Chief Justice so beautifully put it, “Access to a waiting list is not access to health care,” and then went from there.
Pundits throughout the Canadian intelligentsia were weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth, with one complaining that this was the beginning of the end of socialized medicine in Canada.
Hardly. The Province of Quebec simply ignored the SCOC, with other provinces remaining silent. What was most galling was that the decision gave Quebec (and other provinces) a high-level roadmap of how to fix that nonsense, but they were all too lazy, too incompetent, too cheap and too obstreperous to actually follow the SCOC’s lead.
And the SCOC did nothing.
And they wonder why the administration of justice falls into disrepute?
The last common-law crime in English law, followed by Canada, is contempt of court. Every fucking bureaucrat and politician in Quebec should’ve spent an indefinite period of time in lockup until, one-by-one, they promised the assembled justices that they would obey their lawful orders, and would go forth and actually do so. Or they could continue to rot in a lock-up indefinitely until the nine justices of the SCOC were satisfied that they would indeed do as the highest court — and ultimate law of the land — instructed them to.
Western civilization, in my eyes, pretty much died that day, at least in Canada.
Let’s destroy another sector of the economy while we’re at it.
Judging by the lack of breathless reporting, the Pentagon adjacent shooting doesn’t meet the Everytown criteria for exploitable event.
Isnt there some sort of HIPPA violation with vaccine passports?
As I’ve recently learned, no violation of pre-existing law is too far a bridge if it promotes the governments’ interests in seeing its citizens vaxxed. For The Greater Good™, natch.
No. HIPAA concerns the storage and protection of medical data once received. It has nothing to say about what you reveal to anyone or what they can ask.
I find it ironic that salvation from these things may lie with a group of vegans.
SP and OMWC most amused.
This is going to get good.
Oh, Jeebus. I can’t of an employer who deserves it more.
The bad thing is now they’re going to be stealing more of our money to pay for it.
I find it funny that everyone has ignored the fact that up to 25% of people are needle-phobic. If true, then that’s approximately 82.5 million people in this country.
They will just hold them down and give them a job. Totes an okay thing to do now
Jab dammit
Job works too. No jab, no handout!
Good, public-sector union jobs!
/Deblasio and friends orgasm uncontrollably
Yet somehow up until current year, except for some anti vax crazies and religious nut jobs, the whole slate of childhood vaccinations and adult boosters get delivered without concern, more or less.
Hey…. wait… wut?… where’s the hipster juice?
Hey CPRM, if you’re around this afternoon, from this morning’s post, I just wanted to say thanks for this:
Obviously seems like an easy answer for you, but my buddy doesn’t have a clue, yet, and I couldn’t help him. I’ll let him know. One thing he has going is that he had more high end cameras than anyone I personally know and is quite good with them.
What is he editing software you’re using? Is it named Youtube Presentations? Obviously, I can claim dumb on this one. I’m a software engineer, we don’t know nothin bout no fancy fangled video editing stuff.
Just talked to him again, I think he’s looking at the sort of animation thing you’re doing with Hat&Hair for at least part of it. What are you using for that?
Gee. I could have a house like that if I could stand up for 20 minutes, mumble incoherently with a lot of uhhhs and if if if if if, reading from a teleprompter. Sadly, I do not have such world changing skills.
I’ve got just the t-shirt for Barry.
A former colleague was telling me at lunch today that she had driven from Penna. to Charleston SC a couple weeks ago for a conference and was thoroughly intimidated and scared by seeing numerous pickup trucks flying Confederate battle flags and something called “The Punishers” skull flag. I tried to assure her these were mostly cosplayers, few and far between, who pose little threat to anyone, but she’s convinced that far right extremists, with assault weapons, are just biding their time to strike. Anyway, is SC overrun with these militia poseurs or is she blowing it all out of proportion?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that your former colleague is an idiot.
Actionable folks I would wager are far outnumbered by the LARPers.
I would ask the same of pedos in San Francisco.
I hope so…
You can see that occasionally in PA too.
If she broke down on the side of the road, they’d probably be the first to stop and help.
This right here.
Your former colleague needs to step away from the DemOp News and get a grip.
Yeah, right before they kidnap her and hide her in a barn in order to sell her vital organs.
They are just trying to repel people like her. Seems to be working.
If we’re going by Punisher flags, then Northern Virginia is overrun with right-wing white supremacists.
BTW, I assume that anyone who publicly displays a Punisher flag is secretly wearing women’s underthings…
What, no lobsters?
numerous pickup trucks flying Confederate battle flags
Just like you’ll see leprechaun shit in Boston and Cuban flags in Miami.
And those buggies over in Lancaster County mean the locals want to put her back in petticoats and girdles.
I would say as a Georgia resident that most people flying confederate flags are very aware of who hates them and are prepared to prevent anyone messing with their flag.
Confederate flags dont mean what Lefties say. Southern folks have all sorts of ideas what it means to be southern and elitists will never understand. Remember, the articles of secession for the CSA listed more reasons than slavery.
As for Patriots waiting for civil war 2.0 to go bloodletting, its a fact. How many, who knows. clearly commies in the deep state are scared of letting civil war 2.0 get out of their commie control.
If history is an indicator, once the bloodletting starts revenge will be swift and ruthless.
Over Priced Burnt Coffee
After my 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine, here’s what I experienced.
Day 1. Arm where I got shot is sore.
Day 2. Arm where I got shot is more sore and now there’s a big bump there.
Day 3. Slept all day, could not get out of bed. Profuse sweating with no fever.
Day 4. Sicker than a dog, cannot get up and even sit at my desk without severe nausea and vomiting if I did not lie back down. Extreme fatigue.
Day 5. Better, but still tired and now some tightness and soreness in my chest.
Yep, no side effects at all. Except that everyone I know had side effects.
Remember when they said no side effects?
Remember when they said 95% effective?
Well, now it apparently does not even work at all. So I didn’t get Covid for 20 months with no vaccine, so now I get the vaccine and get sick as hell for half a week and it doesn’t even work?
I’m starting to get a little bit worried that we cannot trust our experts.
Sorry to hear that, Hype 🙁
Yeah, I know, consider yourself lucky, they’ll probably put me in the boxcar first. Then again, I might get a better bunk at the camps.
Aren’t you glad you got the vaccine so you don’t get the virus, which probably would have been milder?
My side effects were not as bad as yours. Basically I had Day 3. It made me think I should have just had a Covid party. I probably will if they start pushing boosters.
Worst reaction I know of personally was about 24 hours of a fever and lethargy. Generally occurs with younger people. Older people have a weaker response generally.
Hope you are feeling better now!
I know several people who have had 3-4 day symptoms. They vary a lot and mine was worse than most people. But the nurse who gave me the 2nd vaccine told me that severe fatigue from Pfizer 2nd dose for 2-3 days or more is pretty common.
The SU had two doses of the Pfizer as well, but she spaced them out more (4 weeks between shots) and other than arm soreness, no real issues.
I put that all down to the fact that I make sure she’s well and truly wined-up most every night. In vino veritas, indeed!
I had to take a nap the day I got shot #2. That was the extent of my side-effects.
Of course, I am stronk, like bull.
I’m old, so they probably figured that the unwashed who didn’t die of Covid, should be taken out by the vaccine.
Is there a weird evening post coming? I am so tempted to derail the comments straight away if it’s another pirate teaser with no heave ho. Anyway, since I’m too much of a gentleglib to actually do that, DRUMMERS: WHO IS THE BEST EVER? LET BATTLE COMMENCE*
*one reply just naming a metal drummer from some chugga chug band who cheats his dadadadadadadadada kick drums with triggers is going to be a sad battle
I missed out on these when they came out
Treat yo’self!
Must. Have.
Sadly, they came out a few years ago and sold out almost immediately. There’s not even a pair on ebay 🙁
I think we’re done here.
I’m a fan of this clip.
That’s way outside of my regular musical zone but that’s fun *points to your avatar*
You have shown me a thing.
“Is there a weird evening post coming?”
It’s not Wednesday yet.
My motto is ‘unless you’re threatened with an embarrassing Catbutt, and in the case of SP, an outright banhammer, Derail away!
All the rules are gone out the window anyway, Messican doesn’t even give us hipster juice now. Total breech of protocol is what we’re dealing with here. Even the edit faeries have left us.
It’s been Wednesday for fifteen minutes! Don’t gaslight my chronometer!
Oh, yes, you’re not in the one real time zone.
Pirate teaser scheduled for Friday evening.
I’ll still have the accessoires d’onanisme at hand this time but I realise at this point I may have to purchase a premium subscription for the adult pirating.
Try this.
Based on what has been uploaded so far I am enjoying it ?
accessoires d’onanisme
Totally stealing that.
Art Blakey
This guy.
That might be the best thing you’ve ever posted.
It’s at least, the least contrarian thing.
No it isn’t.
Here are two amazing players from two generations.
When forming a classic metal band, it always helps to hire a jazz drummer.
Now, I can’t say he’s the best, but I just really like his work.
Memo to self. No cordless tool purchases from Home Depot.
Home Depot Wants to Sell You Tools That Require Bluetooth Activation
TW – Gizmodo. Appears to be pilot program as well.
Just make sure to not purchase wood so you don’t have to take out a 2nd mortgage. Vinyl and steel are looking real good right now. Thanks, Biden, you moron.
Menards is not this sophisticated, so I will shop there.
Great moments in diversity in the workplace:
I was chatting with out lovely and charming COO (no irony, she really is). She mentioned that he 11 year old daughter came home recently and announced that her best friend had decidedd she was pansexual.
COO: So I said, honey, you’re going to have to tell me what that means.
R C: I think it means you’ll have sex with anything, so basically, you’re a guy.
COO: She said *pause* *outright prolonged laughter*
R C: Hey, I’m just going off my, what do you call it, lived experience.
COO: *wipes away actual tears of laughter*
R C: At least, I think that’s what it means. We haven’t got to the sex part of our D & I training.
COO: Oh, God. Well, she’s eleven, so the thinks it means her friend loves everybody.
R C: I think it means you’ll have sex with anything, so basically, you’re a guy.
*removes pan from crotch*
Note to self: if trshmnstr invites you to dinner, politely decline.
You can only blame yourself when you’re served trash.
I really enjoyed that.
“1 year old daughter came home recently and announced that her best friend had decidedd she was pansexual.”
Yeah, I’m 60 and I have no idea what that is.
“COO: She said *pause* *outright prolonged laughter”
This is the way I know my female co-workers are human. We’ll be in a meeting and I’ll say some total shitlord thing and they’ll try to stop laughing long enough to say ‘Stop it, that’s not funny!’. And I say ‘If it’s not funny, stop laughing’.
Alright, so I’ve been eye-rolling at the kerfuffle over the latest Capitol cop to kill himself. So, I thought, what’s the rate and how does it compare with cops generally?
The Capitol cops have had 4 suicides this year, out of nearly 4,000 cops. That works out to an annual rate of 2 per thousand.
So, how does that compare?
The Capitol cops have a run rate of 2 per thousand. Cops in general have a run rate of 1.7 per thousand. My conclusion: we are being gaslighted, again.
Think you’re math might be off a little there.
I don’t think he’s math at all.
If they don’t have any more suicides this year, their annual rate will be 1 per thousand (4 out of 4,000 for the year). If they have 4 more (the same rate so far this year), that will 8 out of 4,000 for the year, or 2 per thousand.
17 per hundred thousand is 1.7 per ten thousand, or 0.17 per thousand. Dammit. Stupid decimal point.
Nobody ever says “Hey, we’ve got some math here. Somebody get the lawyer.”
Lawyers can figure out how to jack up their billable hours; it follows from this that they should be able to do basic arithmetic. :-p
I think the connection they’re drawing (“at the Capitol on Jan 6”) is also artificial, since I suspect everyone with a badge in that entire agency was there that day. Which is probably how the media knows they were there at all.
I was told there would be no math but 17/100,00 = .00017, 1.7/1000= .0017, and how does 4 out or 4000 work out to 2 per thousand.
Your math seems off but I still can’t get over the idea that the Capitol “needs” 4,000 cops.
And now they “need” to open satellite offices in choice vacation spots.
My understanding is that 3 of the suicides were DC cops and 1 was a Capitol cop. DC has 3800 cops and the Capitol police have 2300 officers and civilian employees according to their website. I’m too lazy to figure out how many officers and how many civilians. The rate for DC cops is 0.08% and the rate for Capitol cops is 0.4%. Both are higher than the general rate of 0.017%.
That said, I’d love to see a comparison with departments that face riots all summer long. What’s the suicide rate for cops in Portland or Seattle or Minneapolis or Kenosha? It seems they saw far worse all summer long: fireworks, frozen water bottles, lasers, etc. On top of that, there were plenty of riots in DC during the summer. Shouldn’t that also contribute to the DC cops’ suicides if we are going to blame the “insurrection”?
Moj – how’s your COVID friend doing?
When Mr Mojeaux and I left today (he fixed her toilet and leaky kitchen sink faucet), she had no more fever (was 104 last night) and she was satting 92%. Thanks for asking!
That’s good news! So glad to hear!
I’m super happy to hear she’s getting better and I’m impressed that you helped her. So many people have the deep paranoia that they have been programmed to have that they freak out at the mere thought of somebody even remotely seeming to have one of the symptoms. I proud to know you, in the internet sense that we know each other here, anyway.
It’s because I feel as immortal as I did when I was 15, which is kind of stupid really. I told her I was bulletproof. ?
It’s actually heavier than that. A friend my age at church just died from Covid pneumonia. His funeral is Friday. It jolted a lot of people. Our normal handyman is younger than I am and the dude’s death shook him up hard and he went and got vaxxed. He would not come over and fix her stuff, so Mr Mojeaux did (he’s on vacation this week).
Also, she needed to talk and have someone listen to her. She’s very social and this whole year and a half has been very hard on her.
What it comes down to is, we are not afraid to get sick.
Anyone seen Suthen lately? I’m wondering if he sold his timber and bought Hawaii or Tahiti?
He was around for some limited commenting last week if I remember correctly. Probably just taking a breather.
I finally found a cruise I’d like to do
Is the appeal that the ship is kewl beanz?
Yes. Largest sailing ship in the world. Also, luxury.
Got it. I can see that appeal. Being trapped with that many people would outweigh the beauty of that ship, but I understand it.
I never got Metallica videos but that might be because I am
dumbnot high AF.Isn’t that ALL 80s videos?