Better than the original music video of this song. (NSFW: chicks cavorting about, unashamedly)

This lovely young woman is displaying admirable determination and athleticism.
Archaeologists in northwestern Saudi Arabia have unearthed a massive collection of bones likely stockpiled by striped hyenas over the past 7,000 years.
Remember that shoddy little map from last week? Countries with “rocket dicks in space” (pink) vs countries with universal healthcare (black). Apparently that was too egregious for even FB, but notice how they said it was “missing context” (which it’s not) instead of just plain wrong (which it is on many levels).
Butt-hurt about space tourism continues. Somehow PJ O’Rourke is involved with these people; he used to be funny and relevant, once.
Space Roundup: NASA Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Celebrates Ten Years on Mars. Boeing, once a leader in spaceflight, shits the bed yet again. xEMU not coming, at least not on schedule. China working on crewed lunar lander, SSTO hypersonic spaceplane. China badly needs a space exploration “first.” I suspect that their first crewed lunar landing will establish a permanent base; they can figure out crew rotation and resupply later. Single stage to orbit (SSTO) is the holy grail of space launch technology, but it’s becoming less essential with perfection of re-usable, self-landing boosters (thanks, SpaceX).
Yeah, it’s from 2015, but still – barf. Also, Shanna didn’t get the memo that America was racist and hated immigrants, particularly those of color. Unless she meant that only enlightened, virtuous teachers at government schools “deliver on that promise.” In the comments tell us what you think is the best thing that America has given the world.
And boobs.
I like boobs.
And tats.
I hate tats.
Yup. Ink-a-dink-a don’t.
I’d have to go those a closer inspection before I rendered judgment.
The tatts, I mean. Yes, “tatts” with an “a”.
I’d accept her sweaty boob money.
Wonder what team she’s from? She looks familiar.
My local team seems to have gone dormant from the ‘vid. Dammit.
I thought most roller-derby girls played for the other team.
*Sexy Stereotyping*
The hot ones will pinch hit for either/both teams.
More than a grain of truth to that. I hear tales of some teams being full of swingers too.
WFTDA (the governing body of most roller derby) is being insanely strict on their requirements for games and practices. I would imagine a lot of leagues will be gone or will struggle after last year’s lockdowns.
Roller derby may be one of the best things America has given the world. I was so happy when they revived derby as an amateur sport.
Having been involved in two leagues from the very beginning, I can say one of my favorite parts is that (besides WFTDA sanctioning), every league is grass roots and run by the skaters. It has a very libertarian feel to it.
Also, another music video with girls skating.
And another one:
I saw shots of that video in the video Tonio put up.
You sure are thorough.
And of course, I posted that one at the bottom.
The lass in the floral shorts is best.
Yes. But they’d all do in a pinch.
Also has some brief shots of girls on skates
(The long-form video has more)
Lacking visual stimulation, but my kind of gal.
Also relevant
Ah, Melanie. Cute hippie chick who encouraged a generation to “lay down”. Candles in the Rain FTW.
Here’s a girl not really showing much off, except playing more Dire Straits on an unusual instrument
It’s funny to see the Left or at least some of them butthurt about the privatization of space. “They could have used that money to feed the poor,” is what they say but they are so economically ignorant that they don’t realize that:
1. Someone had to create those plans for the shuttles.
2. Someone had to build the shuttles.
3. They needed bean counters like myself to calculate the costs of building those shuttles and paying the people who built and created them.
4. Those people above need a building or a factory to work in which requires administrative and janitorial duties.
These guys who are traveling to space have created more wealth and produced more than these assholes who are complaining about them going into space. This shit didn’t happen in a vacuum, it was a group effort that got a lot of people compensated for their labor. Paying people for their labor and allowing people to actually work does more good than some government bureaucrat creating some bullshit program.
Nope. You are only allowed to spend money on approved activities. Only the scolds are allowed to spend their money how they please.
That’s basically the gist of their arguments. They’re pissed that that money wasn’t spent the way they wanted it to be in the first place. Progressives are made up of people who think they are all about being liberated and free but in reality a bunch of assholes who believe that they alone possesses the wisdom to run the world as they see fit.
And then there’s the fact that it’s his money. He made it building Amazon out of nothing. As a principle he should be free to spend it on whatever the hell he gets personal satisfaction out of, be it rocket ship rides, hookers and blow, or just building a room full of gold coins that he can swim around in a la Scrooge McDuck. Declaring what people decide they want to buy is wasteful because those resources can be better spent elsewhere should be thrown back in their faces. I bet every one of the complainers has a smart phone, a middle class diet, etc. Well, they don’t need any of those things. All they need is a trailer, a diet of rice and beans, and sack cloth clothes. Why are they spending so extravagantly on their personal wants and desires when that money can be spent to feed the hungry?
“You didn’t build that!”
“This shit didn’t happen in a vacuum…”
I see what you did there.
This is basically why the hate JFK and LBJ so much.
Let me simplify for you what all of the butthurt boils down to: they get to do it and I don’t.
The simple problem is that no matter if they are good at raw mathematics, they completely misunderstand economics. They literally cannot comprehend the concept of value. And everything flows from that fact.
They would dive right into the seed corn.
They literally cannot comprehend the concept of value
This. I guarantee that every one of them, to the last, thinks that deficits are okay because “the government can print money”.
Thick Thighs Thursday
Thick thighs save lives.
This lovely young woman is displaying admirable determination and athleticism.
And breasts.
Thick thighs save lives.
I see obese women stating this far too often.
Not the thick thighs the saying refers to.
Yeah, I do see a big difference between “thick” and “looks like a fifty-pound slab of beef suet that has been beaten with a ball-peen hammer.”
Or my favorite description – two cement mixers trying to pass on a narrow road.
A pillowcase full of ricotta cheese?
Two hogs in a sack.
Two bobcats in a burlap sack.
hotsex at Chez TARDis.Hey now guys, knock it off. You’re getting Monsieur Cool all hot and bothered.
Two groundhogs wrestling in a tote sack.
Notice there are only “costs” to the de-governmentalization of space exploration.
It was free before Bezos got there.
Butt-hurt about space tourism continues.
One of my erstwhile co-workers posted this doozy on FB last week.
I reminded her that a) if Jeff Bezos was a mere millionaire, he wouldn’t have gone to space either, and b) that what the Bezos Family Foundation gives away in a year makes Dolly (God love her soul) look like a piker.
Some folks don’t like being reminded that extraordinarily wealthy people can sometimes be extraordinarily generous.
The people complaining the loudest are probably in the 33% of households that don’t give money to charities on robc’s link this morning.
Some will respond with the “if you take on churches” argument…and from that link, people who regularly attend church give more to secular charities than people who dont.
And they give enormously more to religious charities, of course.
Sweaty, probably breathing heavy, no mask…I’m getting all verklempt over here.
Space Pirates. On roller skates.
This lovely young woman is displaying admirable determination and athleticism.
Strangely, not the cheesecake I was thinking of. I was thinking of cheesecake with strawberries on top.
“Skateaway” by Dire Straits is a good song.
In the comments tell us what you think is the best thing that America has given the world.
The Monkees ///jk
Look who is opposed to vaccine mandates
After months of demanding educators go to the front of the vaccination line, New Hampshire’s teachers’ unions are now rejecting calls for vaccine mandates to help protect students from COVID-19.
As parents get ready to send their children back to school, and the more contagious delta variant of the virus gains steam, the NEA-NH refuses to back any requirement that teachers be vaccinated before entering classrooms this fall.
NEA-NH representatives did not respond to multiple requests for comment this week, but president Meg Tuttle said in a June statement that the union, which represents 17,000 teachers in the state, will oppose vaccine mandates.
Every union but mine.
My, how far have they have fallen…. Shameful
Sullum has been consistently awful.
And unreasonably so.
The truth hurts.
Reason: Regime-approved minds, Regime-sanctioned markets.
I AM serious. And don’t call me Shirly.
Oops wrong reply ?♂️
There is this place called the San Fernando Valley…
Yes. I live in the east end of it.
That is the icky Valley. San Gabriel or nothing
Jabs today! Jabs FOREVER!
Fauci said on NBC’s “Today” that “at this moment, other than the immune compromised, we’re not going to be giving boosters.”
But, he added, “inevitably there will be a time when we’ll have to get boosts” because ”no vaccine, at least not within this category, is going to have an indefinite amount of protection.”
Fauci said for others, including the elderly, data is still being gathered to determine if or when their protection goes “below a critical level,” When that happens, “that’s when you’re going to be hearing about the implementation of boosters,” he said.
The doctor’s comments came a day after a study found that mRNA vaccines’ effectiveness against Delta — particularly Pfizer’s — is already flagging against the Delta variant of COVID-19.
This was a known quantity about coronaviruses and reason you can’t really vaccinate for them before the knowledge slipped the mind of the nations “top virologist”.
Of course they knew this all along. They were just holding back on admitting it for the same reason that “you don’t need a mask” became “you need a mask” followed by “two weeks to flatten the curve” and “you can’t leave the house” without anyone batting an eye.
That, and there was money to be made.
*Checks my youth* Huh…I am sure I learned that in 7th grade. #WhatdoIknow
Authoritarians? Us?
The Department of Health and Human Services is requiring all of its front-facing health care employees to get vaccinated against Covid-19, making it the second federal department to mandate vaccinations for a portion of its workforce.
The policy announced Thursday will apply to more than 25,000 officials under HHS’ sprawling umbrella, including staff at the Indian Health Services and National Institutes of Health who operate health and clinical research facilities or could come into contact with patients.
The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, which consists of more than 6,000 health workers who respond to public health crises around the country, will also be included under the mandate.
“Our number one goal is the health and safety of the American public, including our federal workforce, and the vaccines are the best tool we have to protect people from Covid-19, prevent the spread of the Delta variant and save lives,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said.
Welcome to the total Control State. Nothing you do is outside our authority.
Our number one goal is the health and safety of the American public
You could have fooled me…
Everybody who the blue team has a cudgel against, must contribute numbers to Biden’s face saving measure. There will be hell to pay if those numbers are too small.
I’m not a number!
I was expecting more like this.
I was expecting more like this
PutridMeat gets it.
Note to self: Refresh before commenting.
front-facing health care employees
Do they wear this?
” I suspect that their first crewed lunar landing will establish a permanent base; they can figure out crew rotation and resupply later.”
Nope, we stuck a flag it first so it’s ours. Those are the rules.
Unless a tattooed and horned man saunters on the moon, then, by Jan 6 Rules, it is his.
Breakfast burritos.
Burritos may have come from Mexico but it took Americans to wrap eggs, hash browns, cheese, and chile into a fist full of goodness.
“Texas Senate PASSES Republican voting bill after Democrat filibustered for 15 hours to try and block it and as House serves arrest warrants for runaway reps.”
*Wild muppet applause*
That reminds me of an undoubtedly apocryphal tale about Kindly Old Grandpa Buffett, back when he was still reasonably sane. Somehow the topic of “Whom would you go back in time to kill?” came up and Buffett, obviously in reference to his airline investments, said, “The Wright brothers.”
The only acceptable answer is Thomas Malthus
See that’s why you should actually read Marx – he beautifully, humurously and relentlessly destroys Malthus. It probably is the best part of Das Kapital.
Anyway the correct answer is a toss up between Plato and Rousseau.
“Pentagon sends 3,000 troops BACK to Afghanistan to evacuate Americans and won’t say whether US will stay past August 31: State Dept announces Kabul embassy drawdown as Taliban captures 11 cities”
The best thing America has given the world: Speakeasies.
Sean Penn calls for mandatory vaccinations, says it’s no different than requiring a driver’s license
James Woods
Or proof of citizenship to vote?
How much do I have to offer up to the snifflecootie gods to rub Foochy out?
“How much do I have to offer up to the snifflecootie gods to rub Foochy out?”
Familiar with the bathhouses are we?
Sturgeon’s Law at work (“90% of everything is ctap”):
Bought a new house with all new appliances about two years ago. A few days ago, the builder grade garbage disposal dies – we’ve used the damn thing maybe a couple dozen times. I go buy the best garbage disposal at Lowe’s. I find someone to install, cause that ain’t in my skill set.
The next day we run the dishwasher. Except, the thing doesn’t drain, leaving about an inch of stinky water in the bottom of the dishwasher.
Fuck. Another appliance malfunctioning? What are the odds?
Call some plumbers, one who actually shows up. They muck about for an hour, finally say the drain hose is clogged with grease. Start the dishwasher to test, then they take off cause they “don’t want to wait around for an hour and a half to show they fixed the problem.”
The dishwasher finishes the cycle. Still an inch of water in the bottom. Call the plumbing service, they offer to “come by after hours and they’ll take a look” – for an additional $220 charge for after hours. Or they can come by in the morning. I tell them come by in the morning, I ain’t paying extra for them to fix their fuckup.
A different guy shows up in the morning. He doesn’t touch a damn thing or even look, just mansplains about how they only do plumbing, anything to do with appliances isn’t something they are allowed to do. First time they’ve mentioned their “Can’t Do” attitude – wouldn’t have hired them if they had mentioned that bullshit upfront. Can’t refund my money, because they did all the plumbing they think I was entitled to.
I walk outside, fuming, not wanting to stick around and argue with this arsehole.
Hire an appliance repairman from a different company. Within five minutes, he finds the problem – new garbage disposals have a thin piece of metal covering the entrance hole for the incoming water in the pipe from the dishwasher, in case someone has a standalone sink not connected to a dishwasher. You’re supposed to punch out the piece of metal before hooking
Ouch. I think you’re supposed to punch out the plumber.
… up the pipe from the dishwasher. He punches it out, charges me $180 for fixing the problem.
So, the guy who installed the garbage disposal screwed up, as did the first two “repair” men. These allegedly trained professionals couldn’t figure out that water from a pipe can’t flow through solid metal blocking one end.
I’m obviously contesting some credit card charges.
I just had to do this, but in my case, it was grease from having been there for decades. Scraped it all out and it was fine.
Sue them, they deserve it. they will keep doing fucked up shit until enough people hurt them back.
My dishwasher wears size 10 shoes for a good reason.
I replaced the garbage disposal myself when we were selling the house and had already moved out. I’m pretty sure I didn’t run the dishwasher after that. The garbage disposal at the new place stopped working at some point after we moved in. I have no plans to replace it until we’re selling the place–we practically never used it when it was still working.
Call Lowe’s and get your installation fee back, and attempt to get reimbursed for the plumbing.
That’s a rookie mistake.
^^This^^ That is garbage disposal installation 101 stuff, everyone fucks up now and again and I can see someone in a hurry or otherwise distracted forgetting to knock out the knock out plug, but come troubleshooting time that’s number one on the check-list.
So, they didn’t break the hymen. Sounds like incompetence. Take them to small claims court.
If you haven’t been in a house fire it is hard to grasp what a hell of a thing that is. Congratulations deputy Flory. You have a place at my table any day.
Yup. The word “hero” has been seriously devalued. This is what an actual hero looks like.
The wife did roller derby in our little town for the few years it was around. She loved it. She’s extremely competitive in sports. She’d have so many bruises I thought people would start questioning our relationship.
You do need to keep her inline.
That has no bearing on his comment. I’m gonna have to give you the boot.
Wow. What a heel.
You guys really need toe stop this.
Enough! Am I now the sole voice of reason?
Swiss isn’t going have any truck with this thread.
Yeah, we have toe stop.
Dammit, missed The Other Kevin’s use of the same pun.
You’re really going to key Swiss off.
So what urethane is that Swissy is gonna break an axle shortly? Or break out an axel?
We’ll be lucky to skate out of here with just a cat butt.
So, we gotta keep going round and round about it?
Well hopefully someone has set a block up to keep Swiss from whipping through.
You’re right. I couldn’t let her skate along.
We’re all going to be SS’s arch enemies.
My wife played for 7 years and retired last year. We have a big group of friends we’ve met in roller derby throughout the years.
Unfortunately, the team she was on disbanded due in part to economics in a small town, but also because of the constant infighting. They couldn’t keep ladies from quitting after having run-ins with the mean girls on the team.
“If Biden hadn’t handed the Taliban propaganda fodder by pushing back the withdrawal by several months in order to deny Trump the “ended Americas longest war” moniker they wouldn’t be able to recruit tribal manpower and would be half as strong.”
I’m not sure that it would matter. Given how quickly the Taliban has made gains, it seems we weren’t really ever in a strong position unless we planned to stay there forever.
We defeated the world’s strongest military forces in less than 4 years. We spent 20 years and 1 trillion dollars fucking around in a sandbox full of goat herders. There was never any intent on ‘winning’ in Afghanistan. The intent was always to loot the American taxpayer. Every one involved should be strung up.
It sure looks that way.
What in the fuck are we supposed to do when it’s clear that most Afghanis don’t give a damn about their own govt or letting the Taliban take over?
Or…the withdrawal was calculated chaos to ensure we would be right back there…which US troops are now in route apparently.
See the Tulsi Gabbard tweet. Damn…if weren’t already married…
Hiya, Tonio!
What a delightful video! As a child of the ’70s it brought back a lot of awesome memories.
Thanks, dude.
America hasn’t given anything to the world, some Americans may have, Norman Borlaug, Charles Mingus, or George Ballas para ejemplo, but America didn’t do shit.
Explain this?
Great song.
Products of the English schooling system, Limeys in everything but some jus sanguinis bullshit .
You said America. Blackjack delivered.
Face it, Hyp. You’re dead wrong on this. Maybe a little time in the desert will help.
Blackjack delivered Did he? Did he really? America (the Band) sucks, the two shitty songs you guys mentioned should be all the proof you need, but for Christs sakes they did Muskrat Love, even TedS’ would be embarrassed to link to one of their songs. Okay, maybe I’ll give you that Sandman song but really all that has going for it is the hook the rest of the song, what little there is that isn’t the hook, blows.
Sounds like butthurt to me.
I thought you said you was leavin’, hoss
That was a misconception (wishful thinking) on the part of others, I merely stated that the site was going to hell in a handbasket and surmised it probably wouldn’t be around much longer so I wondered where you other liberty loving, totally not feds, kids were going to go do your libertarianish interneting once the imminent collapse of had occurred. I never claimed I was taking my ball and going home.
Okay, but by that reasoning (and I’m not saying I disagree) no country has given the world anything. The only difference between America and those other countries is that the individuals who gave the world something have been dead long enough to be anonymous.
Ha. I was going to namecheck Norman Borlaug and the Green Revolution.
As it is, I guess I’m going to have to go with the Hot Pocket crisper sleeve.
Well, that beats my answer all to hell.
Let’s not politicize this.
“To the mayors, school superintendents, educators, local leaders who are standing up to the governors politicizing mask protection for our kids – thank you,” he said. …
“I know there are a lot of people trying to turn a public safety measure, that is children wearing masks in school so they can be safe, into a political dispute,” Biden said disapprovingly.
“This isn’t about politics; this is about keeping our children safe,” he continued.
Such a shame that “some people” turned health into a political issue. The nerve of those people.
Want to know when something IS about politics? When a politician – say, Joe Biden – talks about changing political policies – say, forcing kids to asphyxiate and become visually dehumanized.
And you know when something is both political and a terrible idea? When they trot out the phrase “for the children.”
Or, really, most anytime you hear something that can be described using several words starting with “poli”.
My policy preferences are just common sense. Your objections to my policy preferences are a needless injection of politics.
That’s an interesting take…
Imagine that 10 million people vote in the recall election and 5,000,001 vote to remove Mr. Newsom, while 4,999,999 vote to keep him in office. He will then be removed and the new governor will be whichever candidate gets the most votes on the second question. In a recent poll, the talk show host Larry Elder was leading with 18 percent among the nearly 50 candidates on the ballot. With 10 million people voting, Mr. Elder would receive the votes of 1.8 million people. Mr. Newsom would have the support of almost three times as many voters, but Mr. Elder would become the governor.
That scenario is not a wild hypothetical. Based on virtually every opinion poll, Mr. Newsom seems likely to have more votes to keep him in office than any other candidate will receive to replace him. But he may well lose the first question on the recall, effectively disenfranchising his supporters on the second question.
This is not just nonsensical and undemocratic. It is unconstitutional. It violates a core constitutional principle that has been followed for over 60 years: Every voter should have an equal ability to influence the outcome of the election.
States set their election rules including that of recall elections. I am pretty sure it is constitutional.
Yeah, but it doesn’t seem fair, so we should just ignore that law until it can be used on someone from the other party.
At which point Truth, Justice and the American Way will have been served!
Newsom keep douchebagging his way into it. Don’t want to get recalled? Do a decent job, or at least try. He’s got another huge scandal just breaking to day. Turns out he has been hanging out with PG&E’s P.R. reps after they got convicted of burning the whole fucking state down. He signed a bill that let’s them use state (tax payers) money to repay the victims of the fires. Something they still haven’t done, 3 years later. After having lied about fire mitigation measures by 690% and having his wife get a huge amount of money, directly from PG&E. He’s toast, unless the ballot harvesters guesstimate the right number of votes he needs, which will be tricky this time. They barely pulled off the 2020 presidential election, after all.
Only a small part of it.
Who needs ballot harvesters now that we can print out our ballots at home.
The sooner that shitheel is gone the better. Blow your butthurt out of your ass somewhere else Berkley.
PoliSci Barbie has just learned that electoral systems have paradoxes
Does the ballot allow you to vote no on the recall and vote for a preferred replacement?
Yes it does, although Sen. Warren’s PSA for Newsom advised against doing so. Hoping that turns into shooting herself in both feet with one shot.
Who has been in charge of California the last 30-40 years and why haven’t they fixed this grossly undemocratic oversight?
The same people who keep blaming Reagan for the homeless problem even though he left the governor’s mansion something like 50 years ago.
The best thing America has given the world?
Fuck all. The phrase “nations” is a conceptual way of vastly simplifying the complex interactions of individuals, resulting in simple but wrong notions of how reality actually works, and often resulting in millions of dead people when pushed to its horrifying extremes.
America can’t give anything to any individuals, because theoretical concepts have no agency.
Specific people – say, Sam Walmart – have created innovative ways of organizing lots of other individuals. Except that wasn’t a “gift”, either, it was him getting rich by creating greater economic processes.
VA gov’t is assho.
A new public health order in Virginia will require all students and staff in K-12 schools to wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
The new order from State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver was announced on Thursday and will take effect immediately. It will remain in place until the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for schools change unless the order is amended or rescinded.
This news comes after several divisions announced plans to make face coverings optional, even though Gov. Ralph Northam said last week that a new state law requires school boards to fall in line with CDC recommendations to keep students safe. …
“We all share the same goal of keeping our schools open and keeping our students safe,” said Governor Northam in a statement. “That’s why the General Assembly passed this law with overwhelming bipartisan support. This Public Health Order makes it very clear that masks are required in all indoor K-12 settings, and Virginia expects all schools to comply. I’m grateful to the work of the General Assembly and the Health Department, and I look forward to a safe start to the school year.”
Shorter: Anyone who lives in a blue state is completely fucked, short term. After the exodus, who knows?
*looks at VA in the rear view mirror*
*flips double birds*
Airplanes, electric lights, the internet, paper clips, stop lights, mass production…what is the greatest thing America has given the world? Take your pick.
It is worth noting that many of the things America has given the world were from immigrants and minorities which never would have happened in any other country in the world.
^^^ Minorities who came here for the freedom and self-determination.
what is the greatest thing America has given the world?
I’ll go with what all the other good things possible, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Well you know, before our corrupted government allowed the Cabal to defecate on the Constitution and BoR, and wipe them on our faces. Followed by the willfully ignorant statist masses licking each other’s faces and declaring it to be the finest chocolate ever. Meanwhile, the swamp grows and grows, enjoying it’s power and security.
The zipper – the bane of every teenager since its inception
Zippers were never the problem that bra hooks were.
Fucking amateur.
General George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson.
Lysander Spooner
Adolphe Menjou.
“Weird” Al Yankovic.
By the way, here is another mesmerizing video of girls rollerskating.
If I were to get a pet bird it would definitely be a shoebill.
Got XY registered for his sophomore year. Two things:
1) masks ???
b) bus fobs … you badge in when you get on the bus. There is an app where parents can track the bus AND their kid. I’m quite sure the school does not monitor that. Not at all. Nosirreefob.
I’m pushing really hard to get our kids out of government schools. If our school pulls this shit, Mrs Stillhunter may cave. I don’t look forward to getting our kids used to homeschool but fuck if I’m gonna let the school abuse my kids anymore.
I am not suited to being able to homeschool (I’m a shit teacher and easily distracted) and my kid did not respond well to at-home instruction last year. He also needs to be around people. It is not good for him to be isolated.
“We can’t have cameras in the school – privacy concerns”, but here take this device that tracks your child throughout the day. k-bai
Oh, there are cameras, as XX found out, to her dismay.
I see. They have fully converted it to actually be like a prison. I was thinking that wouldn’t have happened until 2024 and beyond. I need to update my calendar.
Shit, I still remember the random K-9’s doing drug sweeps in the upscale private high school I went to. No 5-0 on site though.
I must have had it good then. Open campus, no 5-0, no cameras (that we knew of), students typically could leave campus anytime…
Now when I drive by it when I visit home it looks like a prison.
We couldn’t leave the building – and who would want to, the neighborhood was kind of iffy – but there were no cops or drug-dogs or anything like that.
The 80s were a more innocent time.
80/90s were absolutely awesome. Maybe cause they were during my youth, but much more simple to navigate.
No cops, no metal detectors, nothing. And we still bitched about the teachers searching lockers and calling the cops when they found drugs harder than pot.
1 fulltime LEO and 2 part-time. Maybe 8 security guards. They would randomly blow into a classroom, dump out backpacks, and line everyone up to scanned by wands.
Freshman year we were allowed to go anywhere on the ground so often sat outside in the fresh air. By senior year, we were forced into the cafeteria and not allowed to stand once seated. Which was enforced by the security guards and LEO.
Half affluent suburban and half inner city ghetto.
*referring to lunch
We weren’t allowed to leave the campus during school hours (although there were ways to sneak out if you were a junior or knew someone with a car), The place was out in the middle of no where, with the closest places to go about 15-20 minutes out. About 75% affluent kids, 15% hilljacks, and 10% suburban kids with long ass bus rides.
I went to school in the Soviet Union. It had nothing in common with what you people are talking about. Of course, you could leave the building, no cops or dogs or security guards.
What’s America given the world.
You win comment of the day.
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
Can we have it back?
At my daughter’s daycare, due to Governor’ Pritzker’s edict, when she gets to the 2 year old class, she’ll have to wear a mask. I like the daycare a lot but taking her out wouldn’t do a damn thing because all the daycares have to do this bullshit. She’s not going to keep it on and I have no fucking intention teaching her how to wear one because fuck that shit. This is anti-science and anti-liberty as fuck but here we are being forced to comply with this bullshit because most of the state are filled with idiots who won’t hold the Governor or the Democrats accountable.
Can’t she identify as a 23 month old?
This is why I’m so glad my kid is eight and he’s been taught to tell them to fuck off himself. I just stroll in and say, yeah, “He’s a spirited kid and he hates masks. Why don’t you? They ain’t helping him, none.”
That’s a bunch of horseshit.
Sorry man.
My son has to wear one, but only to and from the classroom(????). Sadly all the ‘teachers’ are made to wear one (he’s 3). Had to mess with your language acquisition and mood regulation, not being able to see half of people’s faces.
Woah I could convince the wifey to give up her job and business, but that isn’t gonna happen. :/
The best thing America gave to the world: a blueprint for getting people to willingly partially enslave themselves, while having them believe they’re free?
Perhaps we *were* the freest gubmint system evah, and The Constitution, which I love, is still the best, but it’s time for the next thing.
And we are heavily armed. That’s at least one point in our favor.
And that next thing is…?
“If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.” -Silent Cal.
We need more of this kind of silence.
Unfortunately, the “consent of the governed” is easily distorted to mean “rule by the majority.”
The original Ho-Ho’s are the best thing America has given to the world.
Fight me.
Sno-Balls or GTFO
Coconut is the debbil.
Coconut needs chocolate, preferably dark chocolate. Mounds FTW.
Also Ding Dongs. I do not acknowledge the cowardly name change.
i don’t think it’s an accident that we all the sudden keep hearing about Arnie, right before the recall election. They are totally saying, “Hey, remember last time?”
It was quite serendipitous that he emerged
People seem to forget that the prison guard unions basically controlled California for many years. They are not to be underestimated.
That not really true in PA. The PA prison guard union is pretty new and inexperienced with the grifting. If I recall, the PSCOA didnt become a union until the early 2000s. Before that, the guards were attached to AFSCME.
Pushback for kickbacks honestly. The Unions will run this to get what they want and then throw their workers to the wolves.
Huh. Sorta interesting.
Vegas did it.
The girlfriend was very confused when I suggested we stop there to try out a cocktail bar.
The only drawback is that shipping containers are not completely bulletproof. They will stop pistol rounds but not most rifles.
I used to work for a bottom dump dirt trailer company. We had these air cylinders that we’d rebuild. You had to pump air carefully into them to take the the piston out and replace the seals. We used a container for our workshop. One day, a particular cylinder jus wouldn’t budge. I asked the guy who had been there forever and he told me to just wail on the air more. So, I laid into the the air chuck and finally the piston popped out and flew right through the wall of the container, across the whole yard about 70 feet and deep into the middle of a huge pile of dirt that got dumped out of a set of doubles. The rod was about and inch and a half diameter and it was three feet long. Solid steel. It had to weight thirty pounds. Scared the shit out of me. Went right through the wall of the steel container. This was maybe 1986 or so.
is a self-taught man who struggled with dyslexia as a kid…
Hey it worked for Biden so why not.
That’s where he got all his backwards assed ideas.
Who defends that shitbird? I can’t understand authoritarian sympathizers.
Newsome is the son of a judge and a lawyer. Yea…he was practically an orphan who had to teach himself to read, I’m sure.
The poor son of a state judge and attorney for Getty Oil. He grew up on the mean streets of Marin County. He was practically an orphan when the Gettys took him under their wing and started a winery. It’s a real riches to riches story.
There was a shooting with multiple victims in- *checks notes* – no this can’t be right- *checks again* – the UK?
One article does already refer to it as a “mass shooting”. Those Catholics just can’t catch a break right now.
At this moment, my choice for contributions from the USA would be Ben Franklin and John Moses Browning.
Given the current rate of inflation, will P. Diddy aka Diddy aka Puff Daddy aka Sean ‘Puffy’ Combs have to retitle his classic hit ‘All About the Benjamins’ to whichever progressive hero takes pride of place on the $100k bill?
Woodrow Wilson, appropriately enough.
I’m tempted to add Sam Colt, but nobody really compares to the DaVinci of Guns.
Christina Hendricks.
Oooh, get to see if California has cleaned their voter rolls again. Maybe this time I will vote. #RebelYell
they can figure out crew rotation and resupply later
Or they can go the Laika route. But I imagine that would be a greater hit to their international PR image than all their human rights abuses to date combined.
New Orleans to require COVID vaccines or negative tests for bars, Superdome, other venues
Beginning to look like an attack on vices or perceived vices (take out food, etc).
I’m really hoping Vegas holds off for at least another 5 weeks. It’s not like there’s a lot of industry out there other than vice and call centers.
So far…but with all these things dropping, I expect our Guv to have a sudden FOMO moment.
There’s a reason I put a timeframe in there. I’m also going to be avoiding any TicketMaster events based on their changing the terms of the tickets. I had no issue with the local venues continuing to do seated, mask required concerts after the mandates were lifted as they were honoring the tickets they sold. They’re also clearly indicating what’s required for upcoming events.
We got two things: Raiders game Saturday, so far the stadium just says masks and Viva as you know. Time will tell I guess.
I’ve been happy with how Viva has been running things so far. Optional stickers, specific web site to update as restrictions change, and being accommodating with ticket changes (for last year’s tickets, they offered a refund, or postponement to the next three shows).
Went to Timeloose’s event last weekend, contemplating Punk in Drublic outside of Pittsburgh in October, have tickets to the Slackers/Mustard Plug in November, and may have to pick up tickets for the DEVOtional.
Energy dome included in ticket price?
It’s probably a bit of a trek for you. But the first night is optional donation only, second night is ticketed, third day is a 5k down in Akron.
When can we ban fat people from public life? There’s as much science there as what these tards are doing.
You are too fat! Government mandates that you must only eat low-fat foods such as potaters, rice, bread, beans, and carn until such time as your BMI is Science™️-approved.
And there is “science” saying obesity is contagious. We sure don’t want to be anti-science.
Since New Orleans is only around a third white, where are the Democrats screaming “RACIST!!!”
In order for that to concern me I would have to go to New Orleans which isn’t going to happen.
In the comments tell us what you think is the best thing that America has given the world.
The Declaration of Independence. Outside of religious teachings, I don’t think there has been a more impactful treatise in world history. More than any other single event it is responsible for the creation of the modern liberal world order, both in the country it created and the countless other revolutions it inspired.
Reason is running an article attacking Paul’s criticism of cloth face masks.
If successful, the result will be mandatory N95 or n100 masks, not no mask mandates.
Nope, Sullum.
What a disappointment.
Thot Thursday is the only thing that matters.
6 is the one I commented on a few days ago, God how gorgeous…
China’s crewed lunar lander
If the cheap crap I used to get off Amazon from China is any indication, you better believe it’s going to be a CRUDE LUNAR LANDER.
Having said that, everyone should just…. ignore. their. Lander.
I’m just trying to get some eyes narrowed at me.
Speaking of poor quality China imports, I like Don Boudreaux but is he talking a bunch of hooey about “capital surplus”? This assumes anyone else is plugged in just a little bit to the current watercooler economics chat.
NEW: Justice Amy Coney Barrett turns down request from students at Indiana University to block its vaccine mandate.
The comments on that are interesting.
If by interesting, you mean disheartening. Extremely disheartening.
Twitter, dude. IRL I’m hearing a lot of anger over this. Even from vaxxed proggies.
Yeah, I know, not representative. Every once in awhile I glance to see if there’s some common sense there. And then get drawn in. And get increasingly disheartened. Ah well, works finishing up, time to go drink away my sorrows. That’s not at all unhealthy, is it?
No, oddly enough it keeps the ‘vid at bay, too!
Can confirm.
Doubly confirmed
Like this?
Slippy Dip
I’d love to hear the argument for religious exemption on an mrna vaccine lmao
These people want to be part of a regime that has absolute control over its citizenry. And yes, I mean disheartening.
The most disheartening bit for me is the idea that you need a religious exemption and that might be acceptable, not the fact that this person doesn’t think there’s a religious reason to object. No, damn-it, I shouldn’t have to profess a religious based rational to exercise my sovereignty.
In German high schools, the Religion class requirement can be met by an Ethics class.
Makes sense to me. I am ethically opposed to this mandate and I agree it’s just as valid as any religious-based opposition.
Fantastic news. Anti-VAX people don’t have the right to terrorize those of us who have done the right thing and gotten vaccinated.
Imagine being this person.
Fantastic news. VAX people have the right to terrorize those of us who have not done the right thing and haven’t gotten vaccinated.
This is what they really mean. They enjoy the petty power they have been given. The free agency to be a bully finally.
They all view the students who didn’t want to get vaccinated with experimental drugs as making a political statement.
SCOTUS is too chickenshit to challenge decades of administrative overreach.
However, Gorsuch might have responded differently.
“SCOTUS is[…]chickenshit”
I’d like to remind everyone that tonight is supposed to be one of the top night for the Perseid meteor showers of 2021.
Go SMOD 2021!
Oh thanks! the sky is actually clear for once Yippee!
/looks at thunderstorm predictions for tonight and tomorrow
Yeah. This is day four of heavy thunderstorms and windstorms. Going outside means I’d see clouds.
About an hour ago the bottom dropped out here. The rain is so heavy the visibility is about 50 feet with frequent blinding lightning. It is Louisiana, shocking I know.
There’s been a couple of brown outs and power outages through the area through the week. Thankfully my expensive and sensitive equipment has a UPS, but we had gusts up to 50 MPH the past couple of days. Temps have been in the upper 80’s/lower 90’s. Tomorrow is supposed to be the end of the rain for a bit at least. Then back to more fscking rain most of next week.
Never complain about rain. We had a 4 year drought here and it killed everything not native that I had planted in my yard. Never complain about rain.
Even with a drought here, we’ve got more water then we can deal with. The Great Lakes are really, really big. The streams and rivers may have an issue, but we worry more about floods then droughts.
I sometimes complain about rain but only because it tends to blow through my windows. Stupidly, awnings are virtually non-existent around here.
Over/Under that the Taliban is being funded by the CCP?
Totally, they were in talks before the US left
Hell, they are probably funded by the CIA too, intentionally or unintentionally.
That was a second guess and a possible source. I figured both nations are dipping their toes. One to get in and the other to give us a black eye. You chose which is which
Partially through the ISI, Pakistan’s intel service:
More not on purpose than on purpose though.
As Scott Horton says, if you want to know who we’ll be fighting tomorrow, look at who we’re funding today.
The legs on that Roller Girl are absolutely Delicious, I’ll be in my bunk…
I just post one handed
Amateur, I am not even using hands to post this
Never typed with your toes? Geesh
Props, Tonio, for saying “government” schools, not “public” schools. Its my new thing to try to get people to use the accurate term. Anything to knock the shine off the mostly mediocre-to-dreadful government school complex.
It is the little things. On a positive note, my teens that are trying to get their drivers’ licenses are learning the painful experience of dealing with a government entity.
State schools, our Brit friends call them.
Our press department managed to get out two press releases today – one at 6:50pm and one at 7pm. These people need to get lives, and figure out how to get their work done during business hours.
But how else to get that OT and or shift differential?
Gotta dump the bad news when everyone is off at the bar.
Pink glow on the right – new fissure?
Much brighter now
Glow on the right side? Hmm maybe she has a friend?
A whole new hole?
It happens
I challenged #3 to a tag game tomorrow, it should be fun because I showed him how to play the mental game, which is why he has the #3 tag, but now I’m going to fuck his head up! as long as I hit well, and chatter in his ear, I should beat him!
I love this game!
So beautiful…should have sent a poet…
Skated out of work for the afternoon to pick up some sundries before the facegrabber returns tomorrow. Bought $3xx of liquor because fuck if I’m going back there when I have room in my closet.
Better than the original music video of this song.
That aint no shit #1 That was awesome!
Somehow PJ O’Rourke is involved with these people; he used to be funny and relevant, once.
That aint no shit #2. What happened to him? He used to be almost libertarian.
My guess is that P.J. has spent too much time hanging out with too many people who are too comfortable in their position. To put it shortly, he sold out.
Sad, but it happens. Kill your heros.
That seems to happen a lot these days. I am reminded of the people that thought Hitler and the National Socialists were the bees knees until after the war. Then they all denied their former support.
Cowardly sell-outs are cowardly.
I have recently been told that I say outrageous things. I responded with “Outrageous because they are true?” The response: “That doesn’t matter.”
Ok then.
Ha. I’ve had that.
PJ was absolutely a midwife for many a libertarian back in the 80s and 90s, myself included. I was always attracted to the founding documents, and O’Rourke distilled that into modern policy/culture discussions in essential books such as Parliament of Whores, which is still a great read, albeit dated. He was funny as hell. Now he’s just an aged guy in a Thurston Howell outfit with a martini glass in hand chatting up his NPR friends.
Lemme say it: I feel bad for the civilians getting massacred in Afghanistan right now, but I will be damned if we go back to that shithole.
Some warboner dooshbag on Fox News was crying crocodile tears about the poor Afghanis; what’s the end game asshole? We’ve been there for 20 fucking years, if the Afghan army isn’t ready to defend after that long it’s never gonna happen. Unless you plan on staying there forever (which he probably does) it’s far past time to get out.
That is putting it lightly in my opinion.
You put it:
We defeated the world’s strongest military forces in less than 4 years. We spent 20 years and 1 trillion dollars fucking around in a sandbox full of goat herders. There was never any intent on ‘winning’ in Afghanistan. The intent was always to loot the American taxpayer. Every one involved should be strung up.
The Taliban is not a military. They are the dominant society there. There should be free pass given to those who want to leave, and then leave them the fuck alone. Maybe they will come around maybe they won’t. Some places suck. It is known.
Is there any major power in history that hasn’t had drugs fall out of their ass in Afghanistan? How many idiots have told themselves ” It will work this time!”?
My point is the Taliban is a way of life. It is not a military as we think of them. It is religion. You can never kill a persons religion with force. This is what the idiots in charge do not understand and or do but as you implied, it sold a lot of bullets and made a bunch of people a lot of money which may have been the point the whole time. There are awesome muslims and then there are not awesome muslims. The Taliban falls into the latter.
More old-timey film colorized & stabilized
Skip to 30s for the good stuff. It would mean so much to be able to see your ancestors like that. I wonder if anyone is identifiable.
Getting old sucks, I just ate shit on my steps, and now I’m hobbling to clean up the mess,
Roller girl sure looks familiar. Isn’t that girl an actress? I have seen that face before.
It’s Lulu Lockjaw, of the Santa Cruz Derby Girls.