Yes, this is really a different girl than we used the other week. Some sports just have iconic poses.
After here, there be monsters. We totally understand if you just want to scroll down to the comments.

No, totally not Orwellian at all.
#BREAKING: From September 13, NSW residents that are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be given new freedoms. Residents of hotspots can leave home for an hour of recreation on top of their exercise hour, while people in other areas can meet five others outdoors.
The doctors who took part in Monday’s event said the vast majority of the cases they’re seeing most recently were among unvaccinated patients, many of whom have expressed regret about not having been vaccinated, WPTV reported.
Grandstanding Florida doctors stage fake walkout to protest the unvaxed. Fake walkout because they were not actually on duty at the time of the protest. But the threat is there. Every time they do something like this, every time you read tweets from people who want to withold treatment for the unvaxxed, think about the AIDS crisis and those who wanted to withold treatment from AIDS patients because filthy junkies and homos.
Too-Local News Department: Spotsylvania County, Virginia, School Board flee meeting after thirteen minutes when public comments, which they didn’t want to hear in the first place, go against their masking initiatives.
Mars Confidential: Mars rover Perseverance’s first collected sample was “not retained in the tube due to their [small] size.” NASA blames Mars. “The rock simply wasn’t our kind of rock.” Mars Confidential hears that line as if read by Sean Young as Rachael in “Blade Runner” (1982).
Residents of hotspots can leave home for an hour of recreation on top of their exercise hour
Once a penal colony always a penal colony.
I don’t know man, that’s a whole extra hour out and about before they beat you and toss you in jail. Sounds like a sweet deal.
This is how you get a serious case of learned helplessness.
Although I have heard that AUS police being authoritarian fucksticks is not a new development.
Well, when you have to deal with housos and bogans all day…
Housos is back? Nice!
+1 … And Justice for All
No linky?
Not music. Pacino.
many of whom have expressed regret about not having been vaccinated
Yeah, sure.
These people don’t have regrets about NOT getting the vaccine. It sure sounds like a risk decision each individual should make for themselves.
Channel 7 journalist hospitalised with pericarditis after Pfizer vaccine
The brother of my sister’s best friend in high school is in the hospital with the Wu Flu and pneumonia. He’s 44, weighs probably close to 400 lbs, is a habitual smoker/chawer, and was diagnosed with diabetes when he showed up sick (quel suprise!) Here’s a guy who is right in Covid’s wheelhouse who refused to get any vaccinations. So if you hear about a die-hard Trumper who died at the age of 44, don’t be surprised if he’s another one whose last words will be about how he should have vaxxed up.
You cant get rocks from sand, SCIENCE!
She was too rough with her drill, she rekt it.
She thought she had that rock pegged but it all fell apart on her.
She’s also a size queen.
“The rock simply wasn’t our kind of rock.”
NASA is not fan of Elton John?
Mars ain’t the kind a place to drill for rock?
But we want a rock!
Close enough
I wanna rock.
This made me so fucking pissed off (I’m drunk and about to go to bed!) They are still treating it like a fucking prison colony. How can we stand by and let this happen in good conscience?
Time to buy more ammo.
Aaaaaaand… done
Wait… there was a time to not by more ammo?
Between 10pm and 6am on average. Then again, that is why you can create bots to continue the purchases.
Because its’ on the other side of the planet and if the people there woun’t rise up I sure ain’t lifting a finger to help them?
Thanks a lot TH.
Other than leading by example and eradicating all covid restrictions in the US, I don’t know what we can do for Aussies.
Send the Marines?
Next nation building exercise?
The doctors who took part in Monday’s event said the vast majority of the cases they’re seeing most recently were among unvaccinated patients, many of whom have expressed regret about not having been vaccinated, WPTV reported.
Make them defend themselves against HIPAA violations
charges of HIPAA violations. Vaccination status is PHI.
As long as they don’t name individual patients I don’t think they’re in violation.
You’re probably right, but the process is the punishment.
They also were former life long Republicans who just couldn’t take Trump, former gun owners who can’t take the school shootings and former meat eaters who have gone vegan to save the planet, I’m sure…
13 minutes? That’s almost a full meeting!
This one ended in less than 2 minutes.
Progressives are pussies. News at 11.
Pacific Southwest Intercollegiate Choral Association?
Public Schooling Is Child Abuse
But I do like that one.
Pacific Southwest? So Chile, then?
New Zealand
* Consults compass and taps lens*
I got an error message.
Works for me.
Huh. I got a 404 page the first time, but not the second time.
If you want to spit, check out the video of Gov Blackface halfway down the page.
I had forgotten how condescending and patronizing he is.
ten minutes of that, the meeting was in recess.
Shelley is up for reelection this year. Hopefully she loses.
Can’t confirm but a Politico article states U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport,
“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official,
Incredibly stupid if true.
America is back, baby!
The adults are back in charge!!!!!
Meh… if you recognize the Taliban as the de facto government (and I think you have to at this point) and if they have exit visa checkpoints around the airport, I don’t see a lot of options there.
Yes, the best course would have been to get everyone out before the Taliban controls the area — but once they do?
On the gripping hand — I don’t run the DoD or State, so there may well be other options my two seconds on the internet don’t bring to mind… 😛
For citizens, sure. For anyone else, including Afghan green card holders, its a kill list.
If you believe the Taliban when they say they will hunt down American collaborators, then giving them a list helps virtually none of those people get out.
Afghans who helped Americans are just flat screwed now. They aren’t getting out. Their only hope is to not get caught. The list just made that a hell of a lot harder.
Traitorous if true
ISTR Biden gave Putin a list of things we’d be really pissed off if they got hacked.
No why in the fuck wouldn’t they set up a hardline to approve people as they show up at the checkpoint?
No, militants are like the Weathermen or the Black Panthers. The Taliban control Afghanistan. They are the de-facto government.
I’ve been trying to make this point with some GOP types who are frothing at the mouth about negotiating with terrorists.
You can imagine the results.
They’re no worse than the Saudis and we deal with them no problem.
The Taliban has effectively been the legitimate government since ~2015, longer in areas along the AF-PAK border and the hinterlands of the southern provinces.
Next up is ship locations in the South Pacific to the Chinese. I mean, why not..lets just go for the gusto!
These people are complete fucking morons.
Took me a minute to remember.
Spielberg can finally shoot the sequel to Schindler’s list, starring Schindler’s grandson as a State Dept drone selling out people to the Taliban.
Just tell the school board and the parents to head down to the Spotsylvania Courthouse. Usually a good place to settle governmental disputes and all, I’ll grant.
Last time something like that happened, Crispus Attucks ended up getting shot?
Monday evening’s meeting of the Spotsylvania County School Board ended after 13 minutes with no business conducted when the audience became unruly.
Damned dirty apes.
The Pottsylvania school board has a better way to deal with unruly citizens.
In a viral video filmed at the end of July, Nazar Mohammad, better known as Khasha Zwan, can be seen in the back of a car with an insurgent on either side of him – one of them brandishing a Kalashnikov machine gun.
According to Human Rights Watch, Zwan was killed by the Taliban at the end of July in Kandahar after that city fell to the jihadists.
He was known for routines that poked fun at the Taliban through song and dance, including some that were uploaded to his TikTok account.
In the video of his final moments, Mohammad continues to make jokes about the group after his capture, causing the Taliban fighter to his right to begin slapping him across the face.
He’s no Jimmy Kimmel, that’s for sure.
When you know the end of the story, why not get your last jabs in while you still can.
Needs more crying.
True. He didn’t have women in burqas jumping on a trampoline.
Kimmel was decades late to that party.
Somewhere in the distance, Gavin Newsome has gotten an unexplained erection.
On Aug. 12, State Health Commissioner M. Norman Oliver issued a public health order requiring that all students, teachers, staff and visitors in grades K–12 age 2 and older wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
Next, have some jackass from the unemployment bureau set the minimum wage.
Holy cow. I just had to send a 23 page fax at a UPS store.
It was $10 for the first 5 pages and then $1 for each additional page. Total $28.
Worth it though; I think I’ll win my appeal against California which is claiming they overpaid me $5k for Family Medical Leave this spring. I wrote in with my appeal letter a few weeks ago and they replied with a letter denying the appeal.
Crucially, their rejection letter included the name and phone number of an actual human. I called her today and she picked up on the first ring! And was helpful!!! I think she realized they actually underpaid me.
We shall see… but worth the $28 even if it’s just for not repaying the $5k.
“I called her today and she picked up on the first ring! And was helpful!!!”
Probably after you warned her that you knew Steve Smith and could arrange a “visit.”
Or just pointed out that she knows people working on the Navy emag railgun project. And the range of said project….
Sadly, railgun is dormant for the foreseeable future.
What I’m working on next is, shall we say, more permanent though, if less precise 🙂
“Precise” is for snipers. 😉
SMOD!!! Yes!
Rods From God
Still working on the second “O”.
Damn you.
Still working on the second “O”.
Are we not doing “phrasing” anymore?
The second “O” is typically silent
How about
Rods from God but close enough.
Surly Knott’s got it goin’ on.
Hah! Looks like they kicked the hornets’ nest. Hope you get a nice check.
If you have a scanner, you can use services like metrofax in the future and get confirmation on delivery. I pay $13/month for about a 1,000 page limit.
I looked at the “virtual fax” services online but these docs included my SSN and paycheck information so I went with the old fashioned analog fax machine method.
I use FreedomVoice for my business phone number and virtual fax.
I think my printer/scanner has a fax built in. I never used it.
More explodey Jihadis.
According to unconfirmed preliminary reports, there have been additional explosions near the Kabul airport.
At least 12 American troops, all rumored to be Marines, were killed in the first two suicide blasts. No word yet on where the other explosions took place, or whether or not there are casualties.
Biden’s fucking incompetence just got a Marine Squad wiped out.
Looks like Kabul could be worse than Saigon. Now the problem is getting our own troops out, with a single runway open on at one airport
Its already far worse than Saigon.
The real question is whether Miss Kabul’s box office will exceed Miss Saigon’s.
BREAKING: Taliban spokesperson: “Several explosions were heard in Kabul in the evening. The blasts were carried out by US forces inside Kabul airport to destroy their belongings. Kabul residents are not worried.”
These are blasts not that long ago, not the bombings themselves. Hell of a day to start the destruction of your equipment. And why not just leave it? We left everything else…
Tucker on point.
Head Librarian In Charge
It had some dopey soccer mom who got elected because she claims she had a girlfriend in college.
If I were watching a movie of the Biden administration, I would think that him posing for pictures with Jimmy Carter was hamfisted foreshadowing, but here we are.
Guess who?
Why the Media Is Worse for Biden Than Trump
The mainstream media certainly gave Trump harsh and even overtly hostile coverage. But the mainstream media only describes roughly half the media landscape. The other half of the media is a right-wing messaging apparatus that makes no effort to follow traditional journalistic norms. Republicans communicate to their base through a media that functionally operates as part of their party, while Democrats communicate to their base through a media that still exerts substantial independence. If you want to understand the strange difficulty that Joe Biden’s sane, competent administration has in yielding measurably higher approval than Trump’s insane, incompetent presidency, the asymmetrical relationship between the two parties and their respective media environments is the most important place to start.
Sane? Competent?
Really hammering away on right-wing media apparatus the past couple of days.
through a media that still exerts substantial independence
Oh those crazy scamps at the Babylon Bee!
Substanstially independent from Fox News?
I could have concussed myself with the force of the facepalm that line nearly caused.
that makes no effort to follow traditional journalistic norms
Such as being mouthpieces for the Democratic party?
Republicans communicate to their base through a media that functionally operates as part of their party, while Democrats communicate to their base through a media that still exerts substantial independence.
Joe Biden’s sane, competent administration
Are you sure this is not the Bee?
Burton Cummings?
Randy Bachman! Rock and roll Mormon FTW!
>>other half of the media is a right-wing messaging apparatus that makes no effort to follow traditional journalistic norms
oh how I laughed.
something ROOSKIE something collusion headlines
Where is this other half of the media? You can’t even count Facebook and Twitter as “right-wing messaging” platforms any more.
I hope they were well-paid for this. Any self-respecting person would require a substantial sum of money indeed to put that out over their name.
I just can’t with this shit anymore https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1430988690080374794
Dear dudes – I like (many of) you just as you are, boob-staring & all.
Absolutely. And if guys had pants that showed some of the penis neck, girls would stare.
Seth McFarlane saw your boobs link.
The emasculation of boys continues.
Boys in the midst of puberty obviously looking at boobs… why I never!
They need a good role model…. to teach them how to do it without getting caught.
“This moment at the Little League World Series has the internet in stitches.
On Wednesday, two little league players were caught on ESPN cameras gazing at an image of a cleavage-bearing blonde on a cell phone — and their reactions to the photo have fans, along with former NBA player Rex Chapman, laughing.”
It’s not the story you think it is.
Dissension in the Affirmative Action ranks
ESPN has removed Rachel Nichols from NBA coverage and has canceled her show The Jump, the network confirmed Thursday.
This comes nearly two months after Nichols’ remarks became public in which she suggested that Maria Taylor was promoted because she is Black.
In early July, The New York Times reported on a recording of a conversation involving Nichols, an ESPN reporter. In the July 2020 recording, Nichols, who is white, is heard suggesting that Taylor got her job hosting the marquee program NBA Countdown during the NBA finals because she is Black.
Nichols was removed from her assignment after the comments became public.
She later apologized on The Jump, saying she respected her ESPN colleagues and noting that she was “deeply, deeply sorry” for “disappointing those I hurt, particularly Maria Taylor.”
“I was promoted because I’m good at what I do. You, on the other hand….”
Roller derby … On my bucket list right after belly dancing, LARPing at RenFest, and golfing.
I want to do LARPing like they do in the movie Role Models
Drinking booze in a gutter and pissing on walls? I haz confuze.
Around here they used to have something called Derby Light, where you could learn all the skating skills without someone knocking you to the floor.
Yeah… no. A younger me could rollerskate like a champ… these days I look more like a giraffe walking moments after birth or a 14 y/o girl wearing heels to the Freshman Dance.
I think the time has come (at least around these parts) that when you say “golfing”, without specifying what kind, it defaults to the vainglorious frisbee aficionado variety.
Er, good idea to clarify.
Golfing where you smack little balls into holes with a big stick.
Disc, Not Frisbee you poser Cretin!
EF used to do the roller derby thing, same with my friend Kim.
The last time I saw Kim skate, she was wearing a thong and a short skirt. It kept the gentleman in the uh audience busy.
Did she also wear a looooooooong jacket?
*starts playing funky bassline*
There was kind of a conflict between the people who wanted it to be a more legitimate sport, and those who enjoyed the showmanship. The “sports” crowd pretty much won. These days you rarely see anyone skating in something other than spandex shorts as in the photo. But that will also keep the gentlemen busy. There is such a thing as a “derby butt”.
“derby butt”
Is that good? I’m going to guess it’s good.
If it is anything like squat booty, yeah, it’s good.
Google is your friend, add NSFW
This may be the first time a timeline at the beginning of a book made me want to read more
Don’t leave me hanging. Name the book, man!
LMGTFY – has to be one of the Dune books
I dunno. That doesn’t sound Druish…
That was my guess. I didn’t make it past the first one though.
I read a few follow-ups, nothing compares to the first.
It’s too bad cuz I love the original, and he has a couple other series that are worth sticking around for.
I found finishing God Emperor to be a slog and gave up after that.
But the first book really got into my head.
I was water-rationing for months afterward.
I made it thru 4. By 4, the universe has changed so dramatically that I wasn’t interested.
I guess 4-5-6 are sort of a separate trilogy, but I just didnt care enough to continue on.
I read all of the ones written by Frank Herbert. Some were very good, none were terrible, but none really came close to matching the greatness of the first book, IMO.
I’ve mostly stayed away from the ones his kid and Anderson wrote. I did read the Prelude series about the different houses. Getting some perspective on the culture of the home planets was interesting, but they’re missing the gravitas of the original novels.
4 is a standalone. 5-6-7 are a second trilogy. 7 was never written.
Is that from the prequels?
The Dune Encyclopedia
I think the most interesting thing is that is a timeline that counts down to something 7500 years(?) in the future.
Formation of the Spacing Guild.
Haha! Got ya hooked.
So he dropped a thousand bucks or whatever they were asking for that?
Yikes. Better be good.
.pdf. Yarr.
I like that the Roller Derby Girl’s arms say 69.
Continuing from this morning, looking over some more numbers from the preliminary Colorado redistricting: Weld County is getting abused. Its the dumping county to add bits to everyone else to make numbers work. Greeley is the biggest city in the county, but the west edge of the county also has a lot of Ft Collins suburbs and the SW corner are Denver suburbs.
Weld is part of 9 different state house districts. In one, it only has 5 residents. In two others, it has zero residents. Farms that cross borders? Planning for the future?
You hate to see it.
For those who don’t want to click through:
That’s a bigger admission than most will make.
Sam Harris
That girl looks like she gets the power down coming off the corner petty well.
The mechanics of it are very much like speed skating. It is amazing to behold. Also see: apex jump.
Republicans communicate to their base through a media that functionally operates as part of their party, while Democrats communicate to their base through a media that still exerts substantial independence.
With projection like that you could turn the moon into a billboARD.
I guess those montages of all the news networks using the exact same phrasing when reporting a story demonstrate their substantial independence.
NPR, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, Salon, NYT, WaPo, and a page and a half wall of text in the same vein.
I thought you were doing it for comedic effect.
I like the roller derby lass.
From September 13, NSW residents that are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be given new freedoms.
Go fuck yourself.
Australia needs Ned Kelly!
The doctors who took part in Monday’s event said the vast majority of the cases they’re seeing most recently were among unvaccinated patients, many of whom have expressed regret about not having been vaccinated, WPTV reported.
Hmm… I wonder what they actually said.
When I saw the doc, when she and I talked, the vaccine came up. For those who didn’t see, I had the ‘Rona with bacterial pneumonia. She wanted to know if my decision to not get the vaccine was intentional. I told her yes, and described the death rate data from the CDC for people in my age group which shows that the flu is more deadly to me than the ‘Rona. I pointed out I don’t get the flu shot, so given the flu is more deadly to me than the ‘Rona, why would I get the ‘Rona vaccine? I also said that maybe in ten years when I’m in a different demographic I’ll change my mind. Then I said, “Maybe I made the wrong decision because I wasn’t expecting pneumonia. On the other hand, pneumonia can be treated. I won’t get the vaccine at all now because once I recover I’ll have natural immunity.”
She said after that that current science is that natural immunity only lasts six to eight months. This was the only thing I think she got wrong. She also didn’t seem bothered by the fact that I decided against the vaccine.
I guess some folks could interpret that as my expressing regret that I didn’t get the vaccine.
Monday evening’s meeting of the Spotsylvania County School Board ended after 13 minutes with no business conducted when the audience became unruly.
It’s spreading.
Mars rover Perseverance’s first collected sample was “not retained in the tube due to their [small] size.”
Size matters, just not always in the way people think it matters.
If you don’t mind, are you susceptible to pneumonia in the past?
Only time in my life I’ve had it.
I had two bouts of bronchitis when younger. Once around 11 or 12, the other when I was 18.
Good to keep that in mind, I pretty much had exactly that when I was younger along with no pneumonia.
I’ve gone toe to toe with bronchitis more than a few times, but not in the last 20 years.
We all need some Ned Kelly.
More Ned Kelly.
At this point, I would even take Yahoo Serious.
“current science is that natural immunity only lasts six to eight months”. Or maybe we only have 6-8 months of data.
My first thought when she said that was, “Memory cells”, but I wasn’t going to say anything.
That is based on the lack of antibodies detectable by tests, I believe.
One of the casualties of the Great Enstupiding is our knowledge of immunology.
Too-Local News Department:
They ended the meeting when it got “unruly”
I wish there was a meeting that they had like this at my kids schools. Wouldve loved to get a little ornery and let some anger out on these assholes. Masks for all kids in the schools out here. I told the kids they can be homeschooled if they want. 2 outta three would rather wear the mask.
Life just got significantly more difficult. I’m one step closer to going completely off the grid.
Taking a break from the site for at least a few days. Too much doom and gloom and the funny isn’t soo funny right now.
You kids have fun, see ya later.
Good mental heath to you ya Trigger
Take care and don’t let all this get you down too much.
Dammit. I was hoping to launch Glib Flix and give people something more fun to criticize. Direct links yo B movies and all. I didn’t do the best job on my submission due to work priorities, so maybe it got binned. Maybe it will be on when you return to lighten the mood.
Oops, let me check the bin.
I did a better job and resubmitted. Thanks!
You do what you need to.
I hope your break helps.
See you when you get back!
Peace out, TH. Take as long as you need. Everyone should take breaks.
Agreed. See you later, TH.
We aren’t going anywhere.
All the best, TH.
Nope. Hourglass figure.
Maybe a 3 hourglass
Now I have the theme from Gilligan’s Island stuck in my head.
Paper from Vietnam on ‘Rona cases among vaccinated healthcare workers
Interpretation: Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people. Physical distancing measures remain critical to reduce SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant transmission.
Oops. At least the link works.
Pretty sure most of the vax in Vietnam are Sinovac – efficacy there is +/- 30%.
Sinovac was fifty percent brand new so no surprise.
The abstract doesn’t say what vaccine. In the keywords Sinovac is not mentioned. Astra-Zeneca is. Unfortunately, you need an account to download the paper. Comments say it is Astra-Zenaca.
Astra-Zeneca has been available in Vietnam since January 2021.
“Residents of hotspots can leave home for an hour of recreation on top of their exercise hour, while people in other areas can meet five others outdoors.”
I think North Koreans have more freedom than that. OK, Australians have food, but everything is trying to eat you. So that evens out.
“Touch your toes, Montag!”
UK: We are going to be the first to achieve Orwell’s utopian State.
AUS: Hold my beir.
Tom Woods says it better than I could
I’ll add my hobby horse to this, yet again. Tom gets 90% there but misses the cultural lesson. Secular pluralism has failed. It doesn’t beget tolerance. It begets a weak populace that has no moral fiber, easily conquered by the first huckster to show up with charisma and emotional appeal.
How do we restore and/or develop this society without becoming authoritarian?
Stare.. abyss.. something, something.
Honest question.
Parallel institutions?
1) massive decentralization (secession)
2) banning of public institutions that disseminate culture (schools, public broadcasting, ad council, etc)
3) restructuring of corporate code to a number of ends that could be their own article
4) complete teardown of the tax code
For many reasons, this isn’t viable short of a sea change happening in our culture. Thus my general pessimism about this country’s future.
Well, it’s either that or things are gonna get bloody.
I feel like we are in a really dangerous game of chicken right now.
Oh, I think things will get bloody on the way to the necessary culture change.
The kinds of changes this country needs can’t be made incrementally. I think that has become clear. It will take a crisis of some sort that dramatically changes nearly everything. whatever form that crisis takes, it will have to cause a lot of damage to drive the, what’s the term, “fundamental transformation” of this country from one speeding to totalitarianism to one that has a few generations of relative liberty.
And the odds that crisis will resolve in a pro-freedom direction are not good.
I’m not sure I agree. Think back to the Soviet Union. If you and I were talking in 1988 and one of us suggested that the SU would be gone in a couple years without a major war, the other would have died laughing.
Yet it did. We have states. States can refuse and start to peel away. Maybe not actual secession, but refusal to play anymore. How many people would it take to bring Leviathan to a grinding halt?
Probably fewer than you think.
And there is going to be a large percentage of people on the coasts saying, “Screw them. Let ’em go. We don’t need them. Those rubes are only holding back our socialist utopia.”
Do they have ciggies embossed with a dollar sign?
I think the real messy parts would be red border counties trying to leave blue states and vise versa.
And a lot of people like me who don’t have much to worry about anymore, and have no shits to give
The only real hope is that the left overreaches so far that they lose the support of all but the most mindless sycophant, It seems that the useful idiots are legion though.
“Those that know history are doomed to watch those that don’t repeat it.”
I think that’s the difference between late stage Soviet union and today. We’re not collapsing during a beaten down third generation of oppressed communist subjects. We’re just now entering end-stage fascism, and the zealots still reign. This is more like Spain than the Soviet Union.
So far, this is somewhat tracking what happened to the progressive movement a century ago.
Yup. Progressive Era 2.0. Are there two world wars on the horizon to galvanize some patriotism and avoid massive internal strife this time?
Sure, it’s COVID not vaccine mandates.
Just like last year bad things happened because of COVID not because of lockdowns.
Latest COVID surge is slowing job applications, fed survey shows — By Bloomberg
No kidding, it’d be interesting to see how people in general would act with informational guidance and no mandates but we don’t live in a world of counterfactuals.
What’s that? Sweden? I stand corrected.
Yeah, but Sweden is full of Swedes. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Breaking: Outback restaurants will begin locking customers in closets to recreate the authentic Australian experience
Oh, it shouldn’t be funny… but sometimes you just have to laugh. Good one.
“All rules. No rights.”
But the sign said No rules just right!
Fuck, it’s painful watching Biden speak.
I can’t bring myself to watch that shit.
Then stop doing it!
I watched just a couple minutes. Biden seemed to being somewhat okay until he suddenly stopped talking mid-sentence, bowed his head against the podium, and then covered his head with his hands for several seconds. Then he started swaying. Very weird.
I didn’t see that. At what point was that? I did have a refresh and lost video for 30 seconds or so.
I’m not sure the time but it was after he took the final question. The reporter asked if he took responsibility for the deaths of the marines today, noting there had been zero American deaths since Feb 2020 until now.
Biden said of course I take responsibility BUT and then started laying everything at Trump’s feet. At some point in his speech about OMB, he just stopped talking, dropped his head, and covered it with his hands.
Ah! Gotcah. I did zone out at the end there. I have to go watch that…sounds interesting. Like his meds/nap was wearing off and he couldn’t take anymore.
In this one instance I will forgive and not blame meds. While shitty, I don’t believe he wants dead troops and that the whole morning as details emerged was probably a really stressful day.
Just this one time
Yeah. When he was commiserating with the families of the fallen, I thought he showed some legit heartache and sorrow. I think he even got choked up a bit.
Yeah. He’ll be gone by the end of the year, unless they find some better, more effective psychotropic cocktail to keep him coherent.
I’ve mentioned this before, but our oldest is an emergency-care NP who sees lots of elderly folks, and deals with dementia patients a lot. She’s been saying for some time now that old Joe is showing the signs not of early, but advanced dementia – difficulty in word finding, sudden unfounded anger, inappropriate sexual comments/gestures. She’s also pointed out signs of some oddball drug cocktail, including IV marks on his hands visible on camera, bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils.
Somebody is guilty of elder abuse. My guess is Frau Doktor Professor Jill, enjoying her Edith Wilson cosplay, but who knows?
Fine, I’ll say it. I honestly didn’t think it was that bad. He showed great empathy when he spoke directly to the families that lost loved ones. He sounded presidential when he told ISIS-K we were going to come for them. He even took a few unscripted questions, including purposely calling on Peter Doocy from Fox.
To be sure, I’m no Biden fan but I begrudgingly think he did pretty good today.
Shut the fuck up, Libtard!
So, Americans are not completely stupid.
In the latest survey, pollster Bill McInturff pointed out her low positive rating, at 37%, and tweeted this morning, “VP Harris has lowest feeling thermometer of any first year VP going back to Gore in 1993 with an unprecedented ‘very negative’ rating on @NBCNews survey tracking.”
Not super surprising, even the dimmest bulb can see she has the charisma of dead carp. We know she does not have the qualifications nor skill to clean the White House carpets, but most folks pick up on charisma.
That’s because of racism.
The faf is headed up again: http://hraun.vedur.is/ja/oroi/faf.gif.
But the clouds are cloudy. And it’s dark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqlFb8Cn4tc
1. Demand information
2. Courts grant on contingency of certain privacy constraints
3. Leak, leak, leak
4. Deplatformings, revocation of bank accounts, etc. occur
5. All nonleftists avoid political activism like the plague
Not good at all.
Alternate #5: Non-leftists decide to resort to the alternative to the soapbox and the ballot box.
That winds up a lot uglier. For everyone.
What you might call “kinetic” political activism.
Well, if you take away everything a man has, he’s got nothing to lose.
That you Bob Dylan?
No, I’ll defer to Animal on that one.
I’ve never listened to a Tim Pool podcast or watched one of his videos. Did he used to be the sidekick to Joe Rogan? I’ve never listened to him either.
Pool’s OK but he’s a waffler and a panicmonger. He was Rogan’s sidekick for the show where they beat up on Jack Dorsey but that’s not his usual gig and his schitck can get old.
And it seems like he has a cult following of people addicted to that panic and outrage but starved of principles and perspective.
I may have been a bit harsh, he’s not that bad to be honest. He’s happy to flirt with various third rails which is more than you can say with most in his profession and deserves some credit.
That would be unwise.
That’s essentially telegraphing your intention to implement gulags for dissidents.
SSL handshake failed.
Am I watching an old feeble man have a stroke on live TV? If so, i feel guilty for watching the slow motion snuff film that is the Biden administration
From the Tom Woods link:
Radical decentralization and secession, on the other hand, is what our betters call “extremist.” Yet these are the obvious and humane solution.
This is exactly the point I’ve made for a while now. We really aren’t one people anymore. We’re at least two. And one of the people trying to impose it’s way of life on the other can only be oppression. And that isn’t only toward my ideological opponents. If I were to try to govern them, I could only ever really be oppressive. I wouldn’t mean to be. It wouldn’t be what I would want to do. But simply my not telling them what to do would be an imposition to them. Our peoples are so different that governance for one is necessarily oppression of the other.
And it simply doesn’t have to be this way. America’s relationship with, say, Canada or Mexico has been cordial for generations, even though the peoples have vastly different cultures and politics. There’s no reason our separate peoples couldn’t have just as cordial relations. There’s no reason we couldn’t enjoy free trade policies with one another and mutual defense arrangements.
The status quo simply isn’t an equilibrium. Something has to change. The only alternatives I can see are one side or the other just goes away (I know that this is what the progressives are hoping for, but it’s simply delusional.), some sort of effective separation (Woods’ suggestion) or some sort of conquest and rule. Separation, disunion, is the only viable and moral option I can see of the three.
Jeff Deist said it recently:
I agree with separation as the solution but how do you deal with the ideologically imperialist mindset that the authoritarians have? We’re content with live and let live but they aren’t and are more than happy to impose their will on us the first chance they get.
If it comes to conquest and rule, we’re screwed. They’re much more aggressive and persistent than we are.
And they have the CIA and the upper echelons of the military on board, right? That sounds like fun.
If it comes to conquest and rule, we’re screwed. They’re much more aggressive and persistent than we are.
Yeah, but we do have the guns. Or at least we do in greater numbers.
I think the ideologically imperialist mindset has to be through separation. Sure the hardliners would be happy to invade to impose their will. But, I also think that enough of them aren’t so imperialist as to go to war over another country’s culture and governance.
If states secede it’s Civil War 2.0
*whistles Dixie*
After seeing how the Afghan war ended, I think 2.0 will end differently than 1.0.
Good point
Who would go to war to keep CA in?
It’s Wall Street that you have to watch out for. They so fight separation tooth and nail.
That’s Woods repeating Rothbard. He was pretty steadfast in his mantra of secession being the only real Constitutional limiting mechanism.
Three more years! Three more years!
You’re shitting me. She actually said that?
I snorted vodka-infused pop anyway.
I love funny people.
That thing needs a vibrator and it would be the #1 seller at adult novelty shops.
This guy sounds fun:
Do tell us what the time, cost, and scope of managing a planetary climate might be.
Only a few billions deaths plus turning back the clock to the 8th century?
I got to the course today and a buddy says “Bob, you got a tire going down” I said WTF? sure enough, one was going low and I was pissed!
I bought them 8 hours ago, and of course I have to wait til tomoorrow to get it resolved, I was gonna road trip, glad I didn’t yet.
Solzhenitsyn always cheers me up.
I’ve got the Gulag Archipelago on my bookshelf. Trying to decide between it and Ozy’s recommended Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare to read next.
Churchill, always pick Churchill, never disappointed,
I’ve been reading GA for awhile. I can only do a little at a time.
Yeah… it’s like plugging through a WW1 book. Hard going.
Agreed. Even Carlin’s Blueprint For Armageddon was a hard slog. The carnage and waste are unimaginable.
Which is exactly why we need to remember.
Carlin is get ready to waste a lot of time kind of stuff, once I’m in I find it hard to leave, so I plan enough time to finish before I start.
He’s a hell of a storyteller. Must be God’s gift to history loving long haul truckers.
I can give Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare a hearty recommendation. I just finished the chapter on the Heidrich assassination.
Gulag is a tough read (listen). I’ve not finished yet. I jump around. Listening to Dear Reader now.
I just finished Dear Reader two days ago. The end of the book is just sad. Sad and powerful.
They are literally building camps.
There is already one in operation, near Darwin I think. They literally have people in spacesuit-looking outfits wheeling food to the happy-campers locked in their cabins.
Sounds like some good old fashioned arson is in order before they’re occupied.
Sitting with a bourbon watching my son on tv playing good first collegiate soccer game. /Warm and fuzzy.
His first. Stupid phone.
Blame the booze.
Congrats to you, man. Quite literally nothing more joyful than watching your kids succeed at something they poured their hearts and souls into.
Excellent! Other than it being soccer ? that sounds like a blast.
Vice are fucking clowns.
Nice timing, cunts.
Jesus. You know maybe we should wait a day before laying this at the feet of the Marines who are mourning the loss of at least 11….
Wall to wall OBE, they need it bad,
I’ll give that tweet dropped at 6:40am…but maybe take it down for a bit…
Nah, they can’t help themselves.
Garbage outfit, through and through.
Which is why I’m sure their definition of “neo-nazi” is garbage too.
A sock and some soap needs to be administered without prejudice
Baseball bats and pointy things,
I get the bat, but what does Jennifer Aniston’s nipples have to do with this?
Are you kidding? Her nipples are the only things holding this goddamn country together!
Fucking eh, fucking eh
I prefer a Super Patriotic Double G myself!
You could at least have some evidence.
WTF? https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.X-diu4hmpaOTh-gbHCz0GwHaL3%26pid%3DApi&f=1
I mean, we’re evidence based, aren’t we?
We are, Penguin.
For you.
Also for you.
Tundra, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
Our electric car future: GM Recalls Every Chevy Bolt Ever Made Over Faulty Batteries
Holeee shit. That’s some real money.
Was until the covid money printer went BRRRRRRR.
My poor pepper plants are not happy in these high 90s temps.
A bit of shade and some misters may help
They need full sun and misters would end up causing leaf burn.
They’ll survive. I watered them a bit and they perked up a lil.
The ghosts are ripening up now. The others aren’t too far behind.
“They’ll survive” so quit complaining, it’s hot everywhere, it’s called Summer,
Me neither. So over this.
Did you get your AC?
Yep ?
And it’s better than the last one.
So, it works? 😛
And even without the remote!
Yes, the dead one required the remote to accomplish anything more sophisticated than “On” and “Off”. The remote died about a week before the unit so that is all I had access to.
Really? I thought they liked high temps.
Of course, I’m thinking of spicy ones – Mexico & south of that doesn’t often do low temperatures.
They actually don’t. They’re a fall crop.
Good until they get into the 90s++
These are all super hots.
It’s OK if they droop. Water the ground in the morning.
And still no one losing their jobs. What a g-d mess.
Firings are an admission of incompetence.
There wouldn’t be anyone left.
Blinken isn’t looking good. He may not be fired, but he might be gone anyway.
On top of the suspension that teen one just finished, him and his brother missed the bus and took 4 damn hours to walk to school today. The walk is a bit over an hour.
House of OBE is not a fun place to be
Were they at least drinking and keeping company with loose women?
I could forgive that. I don’t have enough bourbon for this
Not good OBE, that sounds like they already found trouble, i.e. crowd, gotta nip that shit now or end up with my son or worse,
I’m worried Yusef is right.
Wonder if the blasts that the Taliban PR says were coming from inside the airport complex are destroying sensitive items in preparation to be overran.
No one knows. Other than official statements and random tweets, we have no clue
The Marine guards at Tehran did not open fire if I remember correctly.
Incredible lava rivers from the eruption earlier today
I’m glad they have a type of lava as Hawaii – one where you can get out of the way. Much better than Krakatoa, Vesuvius, or Pinatubo.
Volcano Music.