This wholesome cowboy is demonstrating good trigger discipline. (h/t KK)
Progs really hate it when minorities go off the reservation, and start calling them out on their bullshit. Not to be outdone, socons bang natalism drum.

Someone has issues. Penis issues. Honesty issues. I can’t imagine being sad and resentful enough to create something like this. What’s worse is this got widely shared on social media as if it were somehow accurate.
Space News Roundup: High drama as Russian lab module tilts space station with errant thruster firings. Feds to Bezos: Suck it. Dinosaur aerospace company Boeing continues to have trouble getting it up. Womp, womp. (SLDs apply).

Actual map of free and universal healthcare. YMMV about actually getting that free and/or universal healthcare, though.
Totes not racist, nosiree. The assistant dean of the Columbia University School of Nursing says there needs to be a “multifactorial” approach when trying to convince people to get vaccinated. “We’re talking about communities of color. They want to see people who look like them, not only giving them information but also there to give the vaccines.” Also, youth ambassadors.

Actual map of spacefaring nations. Blue countries have their own launch vehicles, Yellow countries operate space vehicles launched by others and/or are working on launch vehicles.
Engineer and YouTuber Mark Rober has created a robot that can make domino murals at lightning speed, and has shown it off with a video of it arranging 100,000 dominoes into a Super Mario Bros.-themed mural in just over 24 hours. Rober says it would take a team of seven humans a week to do the same thing. (h/t Jimbo)
But this robot should be banned or taxed because it doesn’t provide universal healthcare or solve world hunger.

Crap artist and garbage human being Aimii “dropped some facts,” ie got pissy, about people appropriating the MBMC slogan for non-feminist causes. This is my response.
whaddup doh’
Someone drives a Prius.
Well of course it’s gay. Hello! But I also post cheesecake for you guys.
What do they mean by “free” and “universal”??
It’s the same thing as a “right”.
Humpty Dumpty had nothing on modern progs.
Taxpayer-funded and administered by an army of overpaid, incompetent, zero-accountability bureaucrats.
Apparently, they are making a distinction between the two though. In some places it’s “free but not universal”, and in Ghana it’s “universal” but not free.
I am really puzzled at the idea of sure, it’s free, but YOU can’t have any.
“free but not universal,” ie India. Not every village has a doctor or clinic. Underserved urban poor.
“Free” = “funded by stealing from non-consenting adults”
“Universal” = “people too poor because of the theft noted above can’t afford to opt out of the crappy government care” or “threaten to throw people in cages if they try to offer better quality services to consenting buyers”
Oh sure, free and universal in Iran and Saudi Arabia, but try getting a (((doc))).
As Tonio points out the word ‘available’ is not mentioned.
Thanks for the eye candy, KK and Tonio!
KK really takes the wrinkles out of my love-sausage.
He has a gun in each hand but only one holster. hmmm
You noticed that too, huh.
Cross-draw in front?
That’s fairly popular with the cowboy mob.
What guns? What holster?
I didn’t know you were an artist.
I’d hardly consider that art, even her originals, but thanks.
I have little talent for art, but a couple years ago I managed a few self-portraits.
It doesn’t look a thing like you.
I did say I have little talent for art.
You are good enough to not be in the Museum of Bad Art.
I think that qualifies as “damning with faint praise.”
That’s just a few blocks from here.
Having met him, I think the resemblance is uncanny.
There’s a video Jeff Sessions rushing in to rescue his granddaughter from the perv.
True Believers, Blinded by Ideology
One of the most fascinating questions about WW2 concerns when the Nazis realized they had lost the war. Some say the generals knew early as December 1941, when Operation Barbarossa was stopped before Moscow, that the great throw of the dice had failed. Others say civilian leaders came to it in 1942 when Case Blue failed to secure the oil they needed to fight on in the East. But most certainly the public moment had come by February 1943, when Joseph Goebbels delivered his famous “Total War” speech admitting that, far from attaining victory, the Reich would be very lucky to survive without a mobilization on a Communist scale.
It is characteristic of ideologies that no error is ever admitted. Goebbels’ solution was to flog the population to a superhuman effort, to double down under the same Fuhrer. Yet despite his cinematic reputation as an evil genius, Hitler was actually a dupe of his own wishful thinking. During a brief visit to Carl Mannerheim, commander-in-chief of the Finnish Defense Forces in the summer of 1942, Hitler admitted that he had completely underestimated the scale of the USSR.
Hitler was lousy at sizing up opponents, declaring war on the United States on December 11, 1941, with only a vague and uninformed idea of its capacity and strength.
So you are saying now is not the time to start a war in east Asia.
It’s never a good time to get involved in a land war in Asia.
*Gengis Khan laughs*
Steppe peoples have always bern good a conquest. Governing, not so much. See the Huns for reference.
(An off the cuff assessment of the Mongolian Empire: the only reason it made more than one generation is due to the fact that they coopted the Chinese bureaucracy.)
True, but the statement was about the land war, not the governance.
We’ve always been at war with east Asia!
I’ll dig up and post the audio link of that Hitler meeting with Mannerheim I found. It’s interesting stuff that almost got the Finnish fellow who recorded it in serious hot water (read: shot). One of the few Hitler audio recordings captured in his nontheatrical voice.
“It is characteristic of ideologies that no error is ever admitted.”
No shit.
So what is the exact ideology of the DoD?
Are we talking public-facing or internal?
“Just how big can I build this here rice bowl?”
Most of my progressive friends are cheerleading the CDC Rent situation but are blind to the fact that this will increase costs for those who own properties and will enable corporate rental properties companies to gobble up the properties. And in a decade or so, the same progressive friend will be complaining about how most rentals are now under the ownership of some megacorp. And when you point out that their policies enabled this shit, they’ll never admit it nor take a step back to reassess their philosophy. They’ll just blame on the evil capitalists.
I have already had that conversation. The progressive in question has been doing the same thing since Jimmy Carter.
In our last conversation she said ” I dont care what the facts are, I will never change my mind.”
Useful idiots indeed.
But they want it to be fair so much!
“Hitler was lousy at sizing up opponents”
Hitler was a genius at bluffing and getting opponents to back down and surrender when he conquered the Ruhr Valley, Austria, and Czechoslovakia without firing a shot. Just marched the troops on in and dared anyone to do anything. Once everyone caught on to that, though, he picked fights with Russia and the U.S. that were catastrophically bad ideas.
“Hitler was a genius”.
I predict you will someday be cancelled for that.
Right… because without it, the same fascist leader that had been arming Britain and Russia, along with backfilling for withdrawn British forces, for several years and had put the armed forces on a war footing for nearly two years including calling up the Guard and conscripting during “peacetime”, wouldn’t have manufactured an excuse to declare war on Germany.
If Hitler had the sense to stop before invading Poland, he could have conquered several countries without firing a shot, and without giving the U.S. cause to declare war no matter how much FDR wanted that. Luckily, he vastly overreached.
Japan announced declarations of war on the United States and the British Empire later that day (December 8 in Tokyo), but the declarations were not delivered until the following day. The British government declared war on Japan immediately after learning that their territory had also been attacked, while the following day (December 8) the United States Congress declared war on Japan. On December 11, despite the fact they had no formal obligation to do so under the Tripartite Pact with Japan, Germany and Italy each declared war on the U.S., which responded with a declaration of war against Germany and Italy. – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor
Technically Germany went first.
I want to read the same fact pattern about modern American leftists. Was it when Merrick Garland butchered the eua law, or even earlier when Trump just kept winning all the battles he needed to? Was it when the states began anti fortfying elections, or when Gropy Joe blatantly violated the very recent SC decision?
Keegan’s Intelligence in War has a section on the V1 and V2 programs. They had working V1s pretty early, and if they had concentrated on them could well have bombed London flat. They were cheap and easy to make, and accurate and destructive enough. Although they could be countered.
There was no defense whatsoever against the V2s. Which, fortunately, were so far advanced (beyond what the Allies could even conceive of) that they barely got the bugs out before the war was over. Of interest, the V2s were launched from mobile batteries, making even preemptive bombing completely useless to shut them down.
The German jet fighters were a similar story. Nazi ineptitude kept them from being deployed as fast as they could have been. Although some were shot down, the Allies’ only real success against them was a bombing raid on their main airfield.
Would they have been war-winning weapons if they had been deployed faster and in greater numbers, as was definitely possible? Probably not. But still . . . .
The jets weren’t quite there yet. They used up their fuel so fast, they were only usable as homeland defense.
The same can be said for German Armor.
The Panther (not the Tiger) was the actual tank that set the standards for modern armor, with the right balance of mobility, firepower, and survivability.
But the execution and deployment was awful.
The Panther was probably the progenitor of the idea of a Main Battle Tank. That said, it was difficult to produce and even more difficult to maintain. It was engineered to such fine tolerances that it had a very low tolerance for actual field use and maintenance was considerably more man/hour intensive than anything the Allies fielded. That made the Panther less effective overall.
Fuel was a major problem for the german army. While most divisions used horses, there was not enough fuel for all the mechanized forces the germans did have available. Many mech units became nearly stationary because of fuel shortages.
Germans lost a bunch of tanks because they ran out of fuel and were left behind by crews with advancing allied units.
Most german tanks and vehicles ran on gasoline not diesel.
Had the allies bombed ploesti and oil production in hungry into oblivion, WWII for germany would have probably ended before 1945.
But only slightly less known is “Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line”.
A-ha-ha-ha…. klunk…
Hitler was lousy at sizing up opponents, declaring war on the United States on December 11, 1941, with only a vague and uninformed idea of its capacity and strength.
Declaring war on the US was not a mistake, as the US was already funding the Allied war effort, which was the US’s greatest contribution to the War in Europe. It is possible that Germany could have beat both the UK and the USSR if they were not being supplied by the US, and that supply was going to happen whether there was a state of war or not.
Japan, on the other hand, indeed made a mistake in attacking the US. While the US was assisting Japan’s enemies as well, Japan kind of needed its navy intact to keep its own supply lines going, which wasn’t going to happen in a hot war with the US.
Eh… I’m not so sure.
Yeah, FDR was already supplying the UK and USSR, and waving the red flag in front of Germany’s nose with the USN escorts of convoys to the Mid-Atlantic, but if Hitler hadn’t declared war and explicitly invoked the part of the Tripartite Pact that it didn’t count for aggressive wars, I think it would have been a hard sell to Congress to declare war on Germany as well as Japan.
And as such — there would have been a real “Pacific First!” strategy in play for domestic consumption if nothing else. Probably wouldn’t have cut shipment to Britain too much, but you wouldn’t have had Operation Torch or the 8th Air Force in play just off the top of my head, which at least might have bought Germany some time.
Of course — Hitler’s best option in 1941 was to not declare war on the US AND to shut up about the Slavs being untermenchen and actually treat the Ukranians et alia as liberated allies of convenience at a bare minimum. Those two combined might have actually made Barbarossa work out in the end. But I’m no expert.
I think it would have been a hard sell to Congress to declare war on Germany as well as Japan
Hard to say. My recollection is the Germans were sinking US-flagged ships in the Battle of the Atlantic before the declaration of war, although they didn’t show up our coast until after the declaration. I don’t think they sank any US warships before the declaration of war.
RC, the Germans sunk the Reuben James in October, ’41. Should have declared war on the SOBs then.
Laws on neutrality are fickle. America declared its neutrality yet openly assisted a waring power in violation of neutrality laws.
FDR hoped the germans sinking a US warship would allow americans to accept getting into WWII. Didnt work.
Of course — Hitler’s best option in 1941 was to not declare war on the US AND to shut up about the Slavs being untermenchen and actually treat the Ukranians et alia as liberated allies of convenience at a bare minimum.
Which raises the point that his biggest mistake really was all the racism. If he had the Slavs and the Jews on his side, he probably would have won the war with all that extra manpower and brainpower (after all, the Manhattan project idea was suggested to FDR by two Jews who had fled Europe to escape Hitler).
The atomic bombs required massive resources, sufficient uranium, and treasure to build. America could barely pull it off before conventional forces had defeated the germans and isolated the japanese troops to china, indonesia, and mainland japan.
Germany had the technical know how.
Depends on which germans. Many german generals kept their doubts to themselves until the german 6th Army was surrounded at stalingrad. Some generals were dismayed when Hitler started the war with russia, which setup a two-front war. Germans were very aware of germanys WWI two-front war situation and it led to massive starvation even after russia was knocked out of the war.
Propaganda kept many average germans out of touch with the realities of how the war was going. Some germans were literally shocked to see allied bombers or hear allied artillery in the near distance.
Btw: had japan violated their nonaggression pact with russia and invaded siberia in 1941, stalin might not have sent his last reserves to defend moscow. Stalin was ready to abandon Moscow. Had the germans had winter quarters in 1941, more german soldiers would have survived to fight russians in 1942 and perhaps make it to the urals.
This would likely not have altered the final outcome of WWII with the Axis losing but russians killed the most germans soldiers compared the the british and Americans. Russia being knocked out of WWII would have left a lot more seasoned german soldiers to fight the remaining allied armies. America probably would have dropped a nuke on berlin to try to end the war.
I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
But what about the gray countries spaceborne facilities? Are they walking into orbit?
Slingshots, d00d.
Of course, it’s all about that $$$: Moderna says ‘booster dose necessary’ before Winter
They can kiss my ass.
Don’t say that around Cuomo.
Gee… awfully similar to the annual “flu shot” people got in the Previous Times.
And they wonder why it looks awfully like the vaccine doesn’t add much to natural immunity, especially if you’re not in a high-risk group. So mysterious, that….
Third dose will have your microchip.
*activates 5G towers*
Depends on which horribly evil SC also-ran decided what the word “consequences” means.
Rise of the VARIANTS
Her voice tho….
“I dont know why Scott Peterson killed his wife, but I know why he chopped her head off- thats where the noise comes from.”
-some comedian
Sick but Funny,
Tall Cans!
I dig her. She’s got the Jersey attitude that I have a love/hate relationship with.
But this video is just bonkers. Every time I don’t think I can be shocked, something else shows up.
Stay for her commentary afterwards, it’s worth it.
I’m guessing she’s from Wisconsin though.
“”Female sailor at center of USS Bonhomme fire report: ‘Volatile and bi-polar’ seaman who ‘torched’ $1.2bn warship told investigators they were ENGAGED until she got pregnant by another man””
Volatile semen?
Not if if has a Reid Vapor Pressure below 9 psi (for gasoline).
Well, she did tell him that he no longer lit her fire.
US military shut down a highway in MI today to test aircraft agility on civilian roads. “This is believed to be the first time in history that modern Air Force aircraft have intentionally landed on a civilian roadway on U.S. soil.” — USAF Col. James Rossi
Fixed wing that is. The Black Helicopters have been doing it for years. /adjusts tinfoil cap.
So that was the screaming loud noise up the road, We thought it was a CG Helo going down,
Not so odd. The interstate highways are built to standards for aircraft to land on, not for civilian cars.
I thought that was a urban legend.
I think the tale I heard for every 10 mile stretch of highway X amount have to be straight…
Logistically moving the military would be more believable.
No, it is no legend. Pre-president Eisenhower was tasked to take some number of troops and move them from east coast to west coast to see how difficult it was and how long it would take. It was difficult and took too long. Our interstate system is the brain child of Eisenhower. Later updates included the ability to use sections of it as runways.
the more you know
It’s bullshit. Fighters have a wingspan of 32 ft and a height over 15’. Planes large enough for troop transport much wider, like 100 ft plus and are 40 ft high. Totes cool until your aircraft hits a light pole in the median. Or an overpass. Or an exit sign on the side of the road.
The left lane of the interstate is 14″ thick, the right lane about 9″ Tanks anyone?
Michigan roads are shit from high weight limitations for semis and rough winters. Throw a few tanks on them and they will really show their age.
As originally envisioned, the interstate system was to facilitate the deployment of troops. Imroving civilian travel was just a happy byproduct.
IIRC, not just aircraft, but overpasses are required to be high enough to allow certain military transports to pass underneath. State highway 17 in NY is a freeway (Southern Tier Expressway) running from Harriman to the PA border near Erie. The entire length was slated to be Interstate 86, but currently is so designated only west of Windsor; from Windsor to Harriman there are still signs which say “future 86”, because the overpasses don’t measure up to the standard.
Ever see the photos of semis stuck under overpasses? Having a standard minimum height makes sense for any road system.
From the wikipedia article:
Vertical clearance: The minimum vertical clearance under overhead structures, such as bridges, is 16 feet (4.9 m), including both paved shoulders and an allowance for extra layers of pavement. Through urban areas, at least one routing is to have 16-foot (4.9 m) clearances, but others may have a lesser clearance of 14 feet (4.3 m). Sign supports and pedestrian overpasses must be at least 17 feet (5.2 m) above the road, except on urban routes with lesser clearance, where they should be at least 1 foot (30 cm) higher than other objects. The cross bracing of truss bridges has a special additional clearance requirement of 17.5 feet (5.3 m).
Do semis require 16 feet?
Semis tend to be 13 feet if I recall correctly – when hauling a standard trailer and not some oversized load.
Yes, that was the original intent of the interstate system.
Except…. Never seems actually to have happened before. So, put me down for “odd” as well.
What the fuck does he mean, modern?
That is an A-10. A 50 year old airframe.
Other than C-130s and B-52s, you can’t get less modern.
Let’s see them do it with an F22.
I like to joke that the 22 in F22 stands for the necessary number of ground crew to turn it around for the next flight.
Have any of our Glibs of Japan posted People dying alone are going unnoticed longer amid pandemic?
VAGlibs: Are we on for Saturday?
I read that as Vag Glibs, just Say’n,
There are none.
I got “Vag Libs”.
I’m down.
Nice try, Fed.
You got me.
Gourmeltz in Fredericksburg. Give some business to the guy who resisted the mandates.
“North Korean defector Yeonmi Park reveals she was mugged in Chicago by three black women but when she restrained one she was called racist and forced by white bystanders to let her GO
A woman who defected from North Korea and came to the US says she was mugged by three black women outside a Saks Fifth Avenue store in Chicago last year but was prevented from calling the police by white bystanders because doing so was ‘racist.’
Yeonmi Park, the Columbia University student who along with her mother was sold into slavery by human traffickers after fleeing North Korea when she was just 13, alleges the incident took place during last summer’s looting in the Windy City.
Park alleged that police and prosecutors declined to charge the thief, but public records indicate that 29-year-old Lecretia Harris was sentenced to two years in prison after her arrest in connection with the incident.”
It looks like she’s had some work done.
She’s turning into a Realdoll which is a shame because she used to be kind of cute.
The Dystopian Quarantines That Crushed Olympic Dreams
Let me include some of the highlights. Also ZERO mention of hospitalizations let alone deaths.
I’ll have to dig up the NYT story about the intrepid reporter who discovers konbini food. I was a little skeptical but it really sounds like the IOC and the Tokyo organizers put zero thought into food service for the athletes, support staff, and hangers on. Well, except for the IOC cocktail parties.
No need on my account. I read the “gorillas in the mist” account already.
Now if he wanted to do an expose on the difficulty of finding ordinary butter popcorn, I’m all in.
G-d help us if a real-life plague ever breaks out.
Given the level of competence by our health “experts” they’ll conclude that death is the only true prevention method and will start recommending prophylactic genocide.
prophylactic genocide
Good band name. Also, “Save the Condoms” would be a good platform for a presidential campaign.
I was going to put in the WSJ comments, “well things have improved since Unit 731”, but thought better about it as it goes under my real name there.
‘G-d help us if a real-life plague ever breaks out.’
Don’t worry, they’re working on that. I’m starting to buy into the Great Reset theory that gets tossed around here. Too many rich and powerful people for too many decades have stated too many times that there’s too many people and too little resources.
The only thing holding them back from full-blown genocide is the fear that they might get swept up in the death count. Best to slow role it while consolidating power. Once they’ve made a plague level disease that has a solid antidote/vaccine available for the Chosen…game on, baby.
Huh, then they didn’t learn anything from black death. Peasants’ living standards rose and the nobilities’ fell.
You beat me to it.
Any news on the surgery?
They were running behind by 3.5 hours, she went in about an hour ago, and I haven’t heard anything yet. They said an hour is about the shortest it could possibly be.
Fine Tuned Authoritarianism will work this time.
What’s scares me the most is that wealthy national governments can directly control the movements and actions far more effectively than a Feudal/Caste/Imperial system flung from India to Ireland nearly 700 years ago.
I fear the peasant survivors of this iteration of Death Incarnate won’t be as Free to Gambol as our predecessors.
*adjusts tin-foil Space Suit*
You’re not wrong, but I don’t see the billionaires getting richer from there being fewer people.
Hoard land, currency and title now, control and monopolize the flow of power and money later?
Once you basically own everything wealth is refined to nothing more than Keeping Up With Your Peers?
I don’t blame them. I *hate* hotels today for that exact reason. I don’t fare well in an environment without fresh air. (Also a major reason I dislike the office.)
You are aware you live in NYC right?
Crap artist and garbage human being Aimii “dropped some facts,”
Ah, Aimii. Whatcha gonna do?
“Florida veterinarian, 40, pleads guilty to sexually abusing dogs in his care, possession of more than 1,600 files of child porn and making ‘crush videos’ where he tortured and trampled small animals to death”
Only 87 years? He is lucky I am not on the bench.
No fuckin’ lie.
To be fair, animal and child abusers don’t fare well in prison.
Damn dude. I thought maybe this was some 70 year-old white haired prick and I was going to say “when you get caught after all this time, isn’t your life just forfeit at that point”?
And then I saw the story and the guy is 40 years old. What a sick f*ck. Those poor animals in his care. Had it been one of mine, I can’t imagine the hatred coursring through my veins. In short, for these crimes I think his life is still forfeit. What a waste of skin and air.
Jesus, the depths some people will sink to to get their thrills.
Apparently he is stupid in addition to depraved and evil.
OT: I haven’t worn athletic (tennis) shoes since I was a teenager, but now I find myself needing a pair. Nike and Reebok are out of course, and I suspect Adidas and Puma are in there in as well. By my limited research, it seems like K-Swiss and Mizuno are good, non-woke shoe companies where I can spend my money. Have any of you heard anything woke about these companies that I missed?
I have very very very very little power in this country, but my own little stand is to not spend my paltry $100 on woke corporatism in the hopes that enough “pissed-offs” do the same to make some sort of small statement.
New Balance? It’s the choice of middle-aged white dudes. In my case, because they actually make wide sizes.
I haven’t heard anything particularly woke from them.
Dunno about the other two companies.
Merrell is a little expensive, but makes really good stuff in the US.
Not aware of them jumping on the woke-wagon.
Merrells are awesome. I won’t wear any other company’s low-rise hiking boots.
Hmmm, reminds me that I need to get another pair before my latest go south.
They’re very light on the woke stuff. I found this on their site:
“We’re continuing our Pinnacle Membership with The Conservation Alliance and working alongside their team to deliver inclusive and equitable opportunities to grants for nationwide organizations that are preserving and protecting our natural spaces”
I often buy Brooks, and I’d put them it the lightly-to-medium wokeness range. They mention woke crap if you dig deep enough, but it’s not splashed all over their marketing.
When I see “nationwide organizations that are preserving and protecting our natural spaces” my hope is they sponsor a lot of nature preserves, etc (they seem to be huge on hiking). That, I can handle…. and I feel like “inclusive and equitable” are buzzwords on every US site that exists these days….
I’ll also check into Brooks, thanks trshmnstr
I’m guessing the most unwoke footwear are My Slippers.
I love mizuno . I also have merrel. Don’t know anything about woke status
If you go Mizuno, woot.com is doing a deal on them right now… Ends at midnight central time.
Thanks to each and all — I have some new names to look into….
I have never heard of any of those. I’m a basic bitch, I guess.
New Balance.
Also, consider high quality inserts (the type you order by size, not buy at the drugstore and cut to size).
“…enough “pissed-offs” do the same…”
Welcome to the club
I have been happy with Keen. I’m on my 5th pair of steel-toed athletic shoes in 13 years.
They are assembled in Portland, Ore., using materials sourced globally.
You can find other American made footwear here: https://www.madeinamerica.co/pages/thelist
They also make non-steel-toed shoes and boots.
I’m sure that Made in America list has been shared here before but I missed it…. Very helpful, as I’ve looked for that info all collected before, and didn’t find it. Thanks fellow pissed-off.
I heard about that. I didn’t know that he is a bit of an asshole.
That falls in the “STFU dude, you’re not helping” category.
It’s being spun as anti-gay, but he explicitly mentioned AOC and Harris as well as Buttgieg. Also, no word on how he feels about adoptive parents, or single parents.
Or infertile people who don’t have the resources for assisted reproduction or adoption.
It’s also a completely stupid stance from a SoCon point of view: why would you want to encourage people to procreate if the SoCons are already out procreating everyone else? If your kids are following in your footsteps, then just quietly wait for demographics to take its course.
The assistant dean of the Columbia University School of Nursing says there needs to be a “multifactorial” approach when trying to convince people to get vaccinated.
“We need to get the churches involved”.
Aren’t they (most of them) already on board? We (Catholics) were pretty much locked out for months beginning in March 2020. I don’t recall any pushback to the restrictions on freedom of worship; quite the opposite. There is only one true religion, and its’ shrine is in Washington D.C.
We (Catholics)
I suspect she’s referring to churches that are quite a bit more… boisterous.
There is that. Might have to go back to my Baptist roots…
Yeah, that is the dog-whistle being blown here. Along the same lines, those churches are one of the required stops for every Democrat hopeful in NYC, where you get to kiss the ring of Sharpton and the like.
“How can we make churchgoing even less popular?”
“Not you…”
Presumably she means the traditionally black denominations, AME(Z), NBC, etc.
errant thruster firings
I used to have those.
Then I got old.
My vicarious experience with free, universal health care based on my wife and my inlaws:
1) It ain’t free. You need to pay bribes in order to get an appointment. You need to bring your own silverware and sheets to the hospital.
2) The doctors aren’t very good. My mother-in-law myeloma. One of the symptoms is anemia. The doctor said the lack of red blood cells wasn’t a problem because she had plenty of white blood cells. This delayed diagnosis by over a year. When my son was born they tried to induce labor, but she was only dilated 3 cm, which made the chances of success about zero. I was able to find out the criteria under which dilation is likely to work with a short internet search, but the doctors were unaware. After 3 days of labor they finally did a C-Section.
3) Facilities aren’t as good. My wife shared a room with 3 other women when our son was born. When our daughter was born here, she had a private room. If we have “free” healthcare here, suburban moms aren’t going to be happy sharing rooms.
“The doctor said the lack of red blood cells wasn’t a problem because she had plenty of white blood cells.”
What in the fuck?
Yeah. That’s what I said.
Don’t you know, white cells can culturally apropriate from cells of color.
^^^Congratulations, you won the internet today.
Admittedly, that’s pretty good,
[golf clap]
What hellhole was this?
White (blood cell) privilege?
The high ups get pretty good healthcare while the masses get it “free” but that tends to range from slightly better than mediocre to freaking garbage. I’d rather go to an urgent care in downtown Detroit than to a Cuban hospital that’s utilized by average people.
Except in Detroit your car will get stolen, then you’ll get shot leaving the clinic.
What country is this?
Sounds like Dumbfuckistan
Without getting into too much detail, they were two neighboring countries on either side of the Iron Curtain in the 90s.
They’ll delude themselves and blame something other than their own political choices and free healthcare. See Canada.
Where was this?
Clearly, that wasn’t real free, universal health care
And now for the taco-preferring Glibs.
Also for those who like tacos
Expected this. Am disappoint.
Huh… I was expecting this.
I was expecting the taco stand from ‘Son of the Beach’, my favorite show. I cant find the clip.
Briefly popular in the 80s; entertaining dozens of Germans ever since.
I thought it was going to be pics of hot Mexicans.
Actual map of free and universal healthcare.
Interestingly, according to the definitions in that article the US would have been considered to have universal healthcare while the Obamacare insurance mandate was in place, making it a light-green country. And I would think that an objective assessment of the US would put it in the blue category, for free but not universal (since I’m pretty sure Medicaid and Medicare mean people get certain medical services for free at point of sale).
If you have no income, you get free health care.
They are not being entirely (OK, at all) honest there.
Who in this country has no access to medical care? Anyone below a certain income level, even indigent, have access through Medicare/Medicaid.
The end result of govt healthcare, of course, is that the most expensive patients are culled. See: elderly put in infected nursing homes and the horror stories from the UK…
Leftists always cull the herd to be rid of the most expensive members of the herd.
I vaguely remember a woman’s account of her visit to Italy. Her daughter became very ill so she took the girl to the hospital. After not seeing a doctor for 3 or 4 days a nurse confided to her that she would be better off taking the daughter out of the hospital and just giving the child some aspirin. But hey, it is free and universal.
“The end result of govt healthcare, of course…” is that it will be another tool by which government attempts to control every aspect of our lives. “We’re paying for your healthcare, so you can’t eat that hamburger.” We’re already seeing this line of reasoning with vaccines.
We may not have UHC now, but the heavy hand of government has already done a good job of fucking things up.
Somehow I managed to have multiple surgeries, and frequent home visits from a doctor, by the time I was three. This, as the son of a single mother in 1956, back in the dark ages before prepaid health plans were ubiquitous. Granted there have since been great strides in surgical procedures and treatments for conditions once considered untreatable, but as far as I can tell the cost of basic treatments has been put out of reach for many due to stifling government interference. We call this “progress”.
In the US, its universal, regardless of OCare, and has been for quite awhile.
Any resident of the US is “assured” by law that they cannot be denied health care.
Not sure what they mean by “free”. In one sense, there’s no such thing anywhere – somebody always foots the bill. If they mean, as I suspect, that the recipient never has to pay anything out of pocket, well, that’s fully socialized healthcare.
The year is 2043 Covid variant phi beta epsilon is ravaging 0.0026% of the population, you go outside for your government mandated 30 minute exercise, it’s 1 a.m. not the best time, but they alternate your schedule so eventually everyone does get some sunlight. You quadruple mask and put on your plastic smock. You gaze longingly at the sky. A man riding his bicycle points his flashlight at you “Why aren’t you doing your stretches and cardio?” He asks, you recognize him as your neighbor (maybe, it’s been some time since you last saw anyone). “It’s because of people like you not obeying that the lockdowns have been extended another 4 years.” He mumbles through his layers of masks. He reports you to AlphabetGoogle and your social credit score drops 5 points, good luck buying bread this week.
Fauci at that stage is just a head in a jar that continues to run his fiefdom.
I finally get to see my Doctor, 6 weeks after I made the appt. Already been to the ER once, but I need to resolve my back issue while I can still walk. It takes me a few hours just to get out of bed now, then a painful walk for several hours, I can’t stand long enough to shower, so I sit. I still play in the afternoon, but every day it’s fewer and fewer holes, I have to stop, but I’m afraid of stopping, I don’t want to give up, I’m having too much fun, and it keeps me mentally healthy. This really sucks,
/Endeavour to perservere,
Yes, get to doctor or chiropractor ASAP.
I did , it took 6 weeks to get an appt.
You’ll get it sorted out. Back problems suck tho.
Good luck, I was supposed to see a specialist Monday, got the call yesterday “The Doctor needs to reschedule, how’s the 23rd?” which will be 10 weeks from the time my surgeon sent out the referral. Fun times
Yep, I was put on a list, or it would have been the 24th, good Luck!
Sorry I cannot provide more than best wishes, but I have a large supply from which you may draw indefinitely. Hang in there, dude.
You ever try those steroid injections the paind doctors give? I think they were called some type of epidural. They usually give me a few months of relief.
The pain goes from ok to OH Fuck in a matter of seconds, I get why people are addicted to opiods, it’s miserable,
I currently take no drugs other than my usual palliatives, Weed and Beer,
Sounds like a disc herniation. Surgery can be rough but if the pain is that bad it’s probably worth it.
Did you see the picture? i had no idea, but that disc is crushed on one side, hence my lerft hip pain, yikes!
The answer is fusion, I had it done in my neck, this is identical, a cadaver bone in place of the disc, and a 1447$ Titanium plate measuring
3″x 1.75″ but it works, Thanks Doctor Disney!
I hadn’t looked… ugh that looks awful.
Get that shit fused.
Thank You Sir!
Rob Portman is still asshoe.
After inserting a stupidly broad and destructive crypto tax provision in the “infrastructure” bill, he has come to the light and is now supporting the somewhat less stupidly broad and destructive changes proposed by Wyden and Loomis.
“There one was a man who went around warning the government and scientists were harvesting baby organs, funding China to make chimeric viruses, and deploying federal agents for domestic plots but all of social media banned him 3 years ago”
It is like in the movies and that one paranoid computer hacker that believes he is being spied on is vindicated when the NSA enlists him for his help and shows him that they were being spied on.
+1 Setec Astronomy
/Nelson laugh
If Pfizer had a competent board, he’d be filing for unemployment by Monday.
Old article. March.
Said he didn’t want to cut the line.
My bad. Looked current on the twitters.
Ah, thanks for spotting the date.
Still, Pfizer employees were all offered the vax directly (neighbor runs a lab there).
He waited until he would have been eligible based on age and health.
It’s an interesting conundrum cutting the line. He needs to lead the organization, but OTH optics of taking a dose from grandma.
Like all our politicans
A not small number are so ok’d they would have been eligible first anyhow.
That helps. I’d still wonder about the optics of the CEO not being the first Pfizer employee to get vacksed, but that’s well below the “call an executive committee meeting and fire this clown” line.
I know for a fact that Pfizer made the vax available to _all_ Pfizer employees right away. So he’s lying about “waiting his turn”.
““South Park” creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have set an expansive new deal with ViacomCBS’ MTV Entertainment Studios that calls for the pair to produce 14 movies for Paramount Plus based on the enduring Comedy Central animated franchise.
The pact also renews “South Park” as a series for Comedy Central through its 30th season in 2027. Bloomberg News reported that the deal was valued at $900 million over the six-year term.”
also ,HAHA!
That is how you destroy your brand.
At this point I’m sure they don’t care, and are laughing to the bank, Good on Them!
I ain’t knocking their rise and glorious application of their art. I just don’t think movies will be good and sour my love for some explosive diarrhea playing WoW.
I thought the last few seasons destroyed it. Is it any good any more?
Word on the street was they were trying to get out of a contract so they created SWJ/Woke Principle to make it as terrible as they could.
Some of their COVID stuff has been funny.
I need to start watching again. It used to be a damn fine show.
I missed the first couple seasons but the movie got me hooked. The first few seasons that I watched were amazing. We couldn’t wait to tune in to see what they would do next.
Something that could never happen today. Using Adobe Illustrator and being 17…making a cartoon book in civics class using Cartmen and other characters from SP to explain the 14th Amendment.
Not really. The PC Principle vs Randy the Macho Man Savage/Strong Woman episode was the last time I found the series interesting. They didn’t go completely woke or anything…just lost their edge.
Damn near a billion will do that to you, yo.
Sturgis!!!! You would think that after last year’s nothingburger, they wouldn’t bang the superspreader drums again.
Yes, yes, many of the characteristics of a superspreading event except for actual cases. 0.15% getting the Rona when there were 0 vaccinated people doesn’t really instill much fear does it?
Delta, Delta, Delta.
Epslon Delta Lambda, we are DOOOMMED!!!!
The rally, which starts Friday, has become a haven for those eager to escape coronavirus precautions.
Yep, I was wondering why a bunch of bikers would want to hang out together. Now it makes sense.
“had many characteristics of a superspreading event. ” and some old biker died out of it all and there was no grand uptick nationwide as it ended and those dirty fags (gotta give South Park a hattip) went home.
What I just read was that you have to lock down 700,000 innocent people for a week to (likely not) save at most 1 life. Duck that.
Pretty sure that one guy didn’t have 700,000 weeks left. This is how you fail at both consequentialist and deontological ethics at the same time.
Also shit writing like this doesn’t get critically thought of:
“But public health experts warned the massive gathering revved the virus far beyond those who chose to attend. One team of economists argued that the rally set off a chain reaction that resulted in 250,000 cases nationwide. However, that paper was not peer reviewed and was criticized by some top epidemiologists — as well as some bikers — for overestimating the rally’s impact.”
Start of with health experts, then point out a paper written by economist and then quietly mentioned it was a shit paper.
Don’t forget the three IIRC traffic fatalities! Orgy of death it was.
Someone’s got her hot & bothered tonight
She does have a moist and pink center glowing red hot.
There is a consistent flow of liquid from her hole
She is primed and ready to gush
Just the right kind of friction.
Kristen: Mike Rowe on why there are never protest at trade schools.
That should prime the pump
Gott dam.
Drugs..ass..don’t care.
Isn’t an H&K AR-15 a .223/5.56 round? Cause his description doesn’t match up to what I remember from firing off rounds with one at a range.
Certainly not an expert, but there are 7.62 variants. I’d assume 5.56 + hyperbole (not that one) + idiot.
Wouldn’t that make it an AR-10 or AR-30?
A “high-powered, semiautomatic AR-15-style rifle” could be anything. Although, I doubt anyone would rent a .458 SOCOM.
I would.
I meant I doubt any store would have one for rent.
A “high-powered, semiautomatic AR-15-style rifle” could be anything.
In my book, 5.56 is not “high powered”.
It isn’t, but there are plenty of semiautomatic AR-15-style rifles, including those built on actual AR-15 lowers, that aren’t 5.56.
Anyway, it’s probably just the usual journalist gun bullshit.
I’d say the odds of a range giving a novice anything other than a .223 to shoot are slim.
I’m not aware of one in an AR format.
There are dozens of .22LRs in the AR platform. I own three different ones.
Guess I never bothered to look
Given he never fired a weapon before I would assume that the gun store owner set him up with the 9mm and a 5.56 setup to play with.
Yep – could be a .308, which still wouldn’t kick that hard. It would be damn loud indoors.
Can confirm. However, I have a synthetic stock bolt action 308 that kicks more than i enjoy. My M1A is a pleasure to shoot.
You’re also not a huge pussy.
What a douche
Awesome, let the end of days begin and bring about Imhotep
All Hail SMOD, our Saviour!
I’d prefer Nyarlathotep.
Old gods, New Gods, at this piont what difference does it make?
From the Bee: Biden Calls On Cuomo To Resign: ‘Leave Some Women For The Rest Of Us’
All Hail the Bee.
They really are the absolute best.
Uffda. In a just world, she’d be facing a recall vote tomorrow
Came back to the office this afternoon and found it’s 115F in there.
“Let’s turn off the A/C to save money”
/Pcs burn up,
Yeah, but what’s that in Celsius? ?
40C. is the break point for normal PCs, 105 in American,
Yes I know they can run hotter, I have run my gaming machines at 155 F, and said, time to shut down.
Modern day CPUs can run stressed to 80c, though I wouldn’t recommend it for an extended period of time (like hours).
40c is practically your CPU in idle.
“President” Biden multitasking – signing a bill and molesting a child simultaneously.
The Secret Service would have to gun me down before I let him with 50 yards of my child.
I still chuckle at the video of Jeff Sessions slaping Biden’s hands away from his granddaughter. Sessions is a cunte but he knew what was up…which means he remained silent for the go along to get along at the expense of the innocents of young girls…
Did I mention Jeff Sessions is a cunte?
What moron would allow a little girl to attend any function where Biden could get his mitts on her?
Or really any modern day political function. They are all creeps.
Limp Bizkit isn’t a particularly good band, but Re-Arranged is a great song.
I’ll give them credit for doing things their way.
Professor suggests it should be a federal hate crime to criticize Fauci and other government-funded scientists
[anguished Zoidberg groan]
Would that the concept of “hate crime” did not exist. Since it does, use the proper name: thoughtcrime.
Remember when the ACLU used to defend actual Nazi’s right to speech?
I’m not THAT old!
That’s one creepy looking motherfucker.
I’m willing to bet money his job is dependent on Fauci and that he is a supporter of GOF research.
Anonymous sources have informed us that the professor enjoys putting live maggots down his urethra.
*clears throat* Suck my balls
Well as long as it is easy to exercise your constitutional rights, how could anyone be against a few govt regulations?
Minnesoda Supreme Court says carry permits are OK
Now do voter ID.
Those are difficult to get.
No permitting at all is, apparently, unthinkable to this judge.
No way on this planet the judge would agree with that.
I suggest a great compromise – I’ll get vaccinated if all the pro-covid vaxxers buy guns.
But this robot should be banned or taxed because it doesn’t provide universal healthcare or solve world hunger.
You forgot vaxxing people and space flight. Thanks for the links Tonio!
Hot girl shooting guns.
Adventures in Online Dating
Me: It’s OK to fall apart. Tacos do and we love them.
Her: I will text you now.
She did. Score!
In other news,
Hawaiian homeless man arrested in case of mistaken identity spent years in mental hospital: report
“Yet, the more Mr. Spriestersbach vocalized his innocence by asserting that he is not Mr. Castleberry, the more he was declared delusional and psychotic by the H.S.H. staff and doctors and heavily medicated,” the petition said. “It was understandable that Mr. Spriestersbach was in an agitated state when he was being wrongfully incarcerated for Mr. Castleberry’s crime and despite his continual denial of being Mr. Castleberry and providing all of his relevant identification and places where he was located during Mr. Castleberry’s court appearances, no one would believe him or take any meaningful steps to verify his identity and determine that what Mr. Spriestersbach was telling the truth – he was not Mr. Castleberry.”
No one believed him — not even his various public defenders — until a hospital psychiatrist finally listened.
All it took were simple Google searches and a few phone calls to verify that Spriestersbach was on another island when Castleberry was initially arrested, according to the court document.
Did you get to see her taco?
The bigger question is, did it fall apart?
The Carnivale features a durable outer casing to prevent fall-apart.
With smooth talking like that, there’s no way he isn’t on the fast track to getting to taste her taco.
Smoother than a snake’s hips
Fun fact: the word taco comes from the Aztec word for folded.
I love you, Derpy. Just keep being you – you’re crushing it.
And the decline of the republic continues.
For a moment I was confused as to why the two of you were so upset over Derpy getting a date.
I hope that homeless d00d sues everybody involved in his incarceration out of existence, gets a really cool property along the beach somewhere with an absolutely fucking incredible lanai, and spends his final days hopefully squeezing some small joy out of his remaining time on this here Earth.
What assholes.
It’s like the Life of Brian: “Only the true Messiah would deny his own divinity…”
Hawaiian NutHouse Staff: “Only a crazy man would claim he was innocent…”
Interesting read:https://quillette.com/2021/07/08/as-a-gay-child-in-a-christian-cult-i-was-taught-to-hate-myself-then-i-joined-the-church-of-social-justice-and-nothing-changed/
If your name is Jacque, you probably shouldn’t be casting stones at the class fag.
That’s going to take a while to read, but thank you
Wasn’t that the one Joaquin Phoenix was in and had horror stories to tell?
DuckDuckGo is your friend. Next time, before commenting.
“Children of God” is the one that got their hooks into the Bottom family. Fun fact, they changed their name to Phoenix after getting out of the cult to signify they were starting a new life. Apparently they got Rose McGown too.
Ah yes, the COGs. Ran into those effers many times whilst I was in Bible College all those decades ago. Creepy as Hell.
That seems to have kind of a parallel with the Bari Weiss story about growing up in the Westboro Baptist Church.
Looks like some yutes have been lurking hereabouts.
Wifey is out of surgery. They didn’t find anything which is good and bad, but I’ll take the good.
Waiting to see her in person.
! Glad to hear she out. Now get outta her and kiss yer wife!
Good news!
Seconded. No news is usually good news when it comes to surgery. (It certainly was with my surgeries!)
Ah, okay. Not bad news is good news!
I hope she gets better soon.
Good news is good news!
Molto bene