Good morning My Glibs and Gliberinas and what an absolutely fantastic day it is as today’s is my Sloopy’s Birthday! He shares his birthday with the greatest of all time Neil Armstrong, actress Maureen McCormick, and musician Adam Yauch.

Can this guy be an even bigger piece of shit?
Two Texas Texas House Democrats who abscond to DC are now vacationing in Portugal.
I’m sure the Fed’s answer to this will be to print even more.
The IRS seized $1.2 billion in crypto this fiscal year.

Jennifer Aniston’s friends no longer have to put up with her.
I don’t think the Olympics tanking is a reflection of the politics as much as it is cord-cutting.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a party song and go get Sloopy a birthday cake.
‘suh, Banjos
You know, wrestling pigs into the abyss and all that.
You become the shit?
That car is shit = that car is terrible and sucks
That car is the shit = that car is the best and awesome
A long way to go, but relevant?
You share it with one of my ex-brother in laws, and he is not a bad guy, so you must rock as well…
Thanks for the birthday wishes, dear wife. And I apologize to Neil for those mailboxes.
Happy Birthday, box-crusher!
Happy Birthday Sloop!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday!
Going once, going twice….
Going what, 51 or 52 times now?
Happy Birthday!
Hava happy, Sloop.
Happy Birthday Sloopy! And go Buckeyes!
Happy birthday!
Happy B-Day!
Happy birthday amigo
Good Morning, Banjos.
Happy Birthday Sloopy.
UCS, that’s awfully efficient for a bureaucrat. I second both sentiments.
How does one forget that they appeared on Chinese state propaganda? I’m starting to agree with those who say the federal and some state governments are utterly infiltrated top to bottom by CCP influence.
Good morning! Fortunately my life is not as yet dominated by the CCP.
How much more evidence of CCP cock gobbling do you need before you conclude that our top men are practically without exception all CCP owned whores?
It’s all very depressing. I can’t do anything about it. So that’s why I ignore it until it’s right in my face. Something is very wrong and we often just put our heads down and try to get through the day rather than say anything.
In the mean time, Wall Street, the political & academic class, and the entertainment and psyops masquerading as news entities have all been coopted by US dollars sent to China so the CCP could then turn around and make these people it’s virtual bitches by lavishing them with that cash. So many people have become massively rich selling us out to China. These are the same people that now see nothing wrong with a global order with China on top as long as they get to run the U.S. mandarinate for Beijing. Fucking evil. I am hoping the CCP keeps fucking up and the CHinese people kill them all sooner than later out of general principle so there can be a reckoning for those that sold America out too.
Sooner would be preferrable to later.
Later covers a lot of time.
It certainly helps to explain their hysteria against Trump, who was taking steps to curtail China’s influence.
If you were to lift up the Cathedral, on the bottom it would read “Made in China”.
It may not be that they are owned by the CCP, but they are beguiled by the power the CCP has in China, and dream of having that here.
I would bet most of them are on the CCP payroll in some form or another, which makes them vulnerable to CCP influence in multiple ways.
I doubt Swalwell is the only one with Chinese honeypots. As with him, they’re clearly targeting low level politicians and up and comers. Maybe I should run for the school board and see if the Confucius Institute will send over some coeds?
There are plenty of Chinese honeypots on Tinder, but they seem to be exclusively focusing on FOREX scams.
“Can this guy be an even bigger piece of shit?”
If he was then they would be giving him an even more powerful/important job. Like the one they gave Merick Garland, for example.
Isn’t it an old trick to put up a really bad nominee so you can pull him (or her) and replace with a just-slightly-less-bad one?
Happy Bday Sloopy. May the kids take care of you for the day. Keep up the good fight.
Worst news so far today. Aniston’s always been one of my very few celebrity crushes.
Meh, hot chicks have never really been the first choice for who ought to make serious decisions about policies. It’s only rarely that one has decent political instincts.
I think it’s more of a matter of actresses, models, etc. who have good opinions also have the sense to keep them to themselves.
ding, ding ding!!!
Women who go far in politics don’t do it on their looks.
Can’t you just hit it and quit it? It’s not like you need to marry her….
Everyone else in Hollywood already has…
Show me a beautiful woman…
…And I will show you a man sick of her shit.
Ah, the good ole’ days, when we had to fight for the right to party! Now, I’m fighting for my right to refuse experimental drugs that I don’t need and the ability to keep my personal health information private from my employer. A serious and stressful fight with the biggest powerbroker in Los Angeles. Not a party, at all.
Solid Adam Yauch tie-in.
I wish you strength, resolve, and luck.
You’re fighting the good fight. My brother is in the same situation, works for NYC. I told him last night to start hanging out here, an oasis of sanity in a crazy world.
We are so few and they are so many.
It’s easy to say Fight the Good Fight (resists urge to link to Triumph) from the sidelines as it is basically empty virtue signalling. I hope, if/when it comes time, I have the resolve and strength to do the right thing. And some of that resolve comes from seeing others doing the right thing. Please hang in there do what’s right to the best of your ability and knowledge.
I work for a private company in Texas but the home office is in New York.
The pressure to get the jab, both officially and un, is immense.
Happy Birthday Sloopy.
Mornin’, all. Happy birthday sloppy, enjoy that cake!
Autocorrect FTW!
He might be sloppy by day’s end celebrating his b-day… If I recall correctly from my married days it is also one of the two days (b-days & anniversaries) where a guy might get lucky…
… and be allowed some rest?
Ha ha ha. You win this time…
My wife asked what I wanted for my birthday. I said I wanted the house to myself for the day.
Happy B-Day homes. I may order Skyline in your honor. Getting old sucks,
Hang on.
Getting old beats the alternative.
Somedays I wonder if it doesn’t however considering the shit you put up with…..
Then I pour myself a drink and go looking for some young ladies to remind me of why the world keeps going round..
This, it beats the alternative,
As my late grandfather used to say, “The only thing worse than growing old is not growing old” He lived to be 96. Hope I inherit that longevity.
I made Cincinnati chili night before last. Had a humongous bowl of it and two coneys. It was awesome.
Blue Flamers incoming!
If it has pasta in it, it is not chili.
Skyline serves hamburger helper.
Haha yea, it’s unfortunate that they named it chili and gave everyone doomed expectations. It’s a Macedonian-Greek style meat sauce.
My theory is that they had to call it that because much of the American public in the ’20s was not too hot on “ethnic” cuisine, so they had to pass it off as a variant of a familiar American dish.
I make a version of it (less sweet and more oregano and hot peppers) and it’s pretty good on pasta. I even put it on roasted eggplant slices and topped with mozzarella one time; that came out awesome.
Happy B-day, Sloop.
“Two Texas Texas House Democrats who abscond to DC are now vacationing in Portugal.”
Queue some moron on the usual psyops channels masquerading as news outlets claiming to be an expert peddling a tall tale that going to Portugal is one of the ways to permanently cure yourself of Kung Flu, and telling you to believe how great these assholes are for taking that journey!….
It seems a bit odd that members of a group know to have a high infection rate for the ‘vid should then travel internationally, knowing that they might be passing out ‘vid germs to other people from all around the world. I had to double quarantine because I went to Florida and then my kid tested positive. Pretty sure they would not allow me to go to Europe.
You are a fucking serf class non entity. They are the top men. That’s the logic you should understand peasant. Now shut up and do as you are told before they cancel you to put you in your place.
A relative of mine is one of the biggest proponents of COVID restrictions I know – still wears a mask regularly, believes everything the government/NYT says, and bemoans that there’s no national vaccine passport system. His job is remote, so he spent most of this year bouncing around from one city to another staying at AirBNBs. The official CDC guidance was that “travelling increases your risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19”.
It’s truly a religion, and like all religions, it has adherents who loudly denounce the unbelievers and apostates while granting themselves a giant exemption to do whatever the hell they want.
Once you are one of the elect, you only have to worry about charges of heresy.
That terrible selfie that they took looks like every teacher’s lounge.
They look exactly as I expected.
Mortgage applications decreased 1.7 percent from last week
Of course they did. Why buy a home when you can live rent-free?
I’m super-pissed about the CDC moratorium and its outsize influence on the housing market. Government makes things so expensive for honest people that we all fall into the trap. It must be by design. This is the moral hazard, chump dilemma, gassed up as far as it has ever been.
Have no doubt this is part of the economic reset plan these fuckers are running…
Nothing good comes from this. They are teaching a bunch of already whiney entitled asshats to be even more dependent on government for free shit, while causing punishing damage to small operation mom & pop entities renting out a room or a house or two they have, while helping the big entities like Black Rock gobble up real-estate. The amount of evil/stupid shit going on, and all of it leading to the same disastrous concept of making the masses serfs dependent on their government masters, should be freaking out people, but most of them are either blind, distracted or complicit.
If it were my goal to make the poor poorer and the rich richer, I couldn’t think of a better plan than this whole COVID regime.
They are trying to destroy two things: private property and contracts. The contracts not suspendible are those of the banks and other large industries that have poured cash through lobbying. Funny that. If those idiots think that will last forever they deserve what they get.
Well, it seems to be idiots all around….when the sociopathic pols get around to the large industries they will be cutting off their own water.
The Olympics tanking is a mix. There are many events i would watch if the coverage was for the whole event, not a 3 minute check in with 2 commercial interruptions. Maybe other NBC channels have it – but I cut back to the most basic cable.
Lets check back in on the game. Yep, it is still going. Now back to an in depth look at what it took to put on the Olympics.
This is the primary reason I no longer watch the Olympics. I’m not much of a sports fan in general, but I do appreciate the effort and am impressed by the accomplishments of the athletes. I don’t care about their back story, I want to see them compete and do amazing physical feats.
The sports I do take part in are largely individual competition/effort rather than team sports. For some reason, the Olympic coverage just can’t acknowledge that the interesting thing is the activity itself and the personal triumph of being able to do it. To compete against oneself, constantly pushing to get better, is what interests me most, secondarily to the actual feat of achievement.
The content of the “coverage” is what drove me away.
^^ This. I used the analogy of salt on a steak in a previous thread. If you add a little bit of human interest salt to the sport steak, it improves the experience. When you sprinkle ribbons of sport steak on top of a human interest salt lick, it’s impossible to consume.
The NBC channel coverage has been way too salty, with a heaping helping of wokeness and covid back-patting.
We haven’t watched much on Peacock, but supposedly it’s better, at least in this regard. Wife doesn’t care for the lower quality commentators, but I appreciate the focus on the sport.
The salt/steak analogy is very good.
Exactly. I quit watching when they were showing women’s figure skating practice instead of an actual competition in something else.
See, Obama, Barack and Biden, Joe, cross reference with Suburban Pseudo-Intellectual Soccer Mom, White.
Like NFL pre-season coverage where they interview a ‘Star’ player and you miss a great catch by a guy fighting for his job.
We need to cut from action on the field so we can show you the two guys who are supposed to be calling the action talk about something else.
Can this guy be an even bigger piece of shit?
He is almost like a cartoon villain.
There seems to be an abundance of those around today.
Biden sure has a knack for finding them and appointing them to high positions.
To be fair, Trump, or any of his recent predecessors, didn’t appoint the best people either.
Trump had some good ones, like DeVos.
Biden’s have been universally “the worst person you could possibly imagine in that position”.
So why don’t I have a cabient post then?!
Speling s a requirement?
Not if you’v seen the stuf political appointees put out.
Besides, they gets
secretariesexecutive assistants to proofread, if they actually have sense enough to make use of their assistance.Because you don’t haggle.
Some of them, I believe, were good people. You could even say, and some even do, there are good people on both sides.
Happy Birthday to the sloop!
I see there is a full court blitz going on in the Democrat’s propaganda wing against De Santis.
We will see but he keeps knocking it out of the park and they keep swinging and missing.
I saw some info yesterday pointing out that the problem team Biden has is that their campaign to tell people they were the ones that saved America from the Kung Flu can only work if there isn’t a successful opposite to be compared to. Neither Texas nor Florida went along with the destructive and idiotic shit that the WH pushed on everyone else, and yet – especially in the case of Florida, which has a disproportionately high number of elderly and should have had orders of magnitude higher deaths if the line peddled by the Branch Covidians about not locking down being equivalent to killing granny that team Biden peddles was accurate – they are doing far better than most of the places that complied and destroyed their economy.
It’s a desperate attempt at a preemptive takedown so they can peddle their lies without opposition that is destined to failure, because DeSantis is not going to roll over and play dead, but actually will go at them and call them out on their bullshit. It seems that the fucking globalist marxist cabal has not figured out that after people saw Trump not committing the usual act of Seppuku other republicans did when the left made up charges about them and then kicking them in the balls, many of those not too spineless will start doing the same. And DeSantis is not one of the people that is afraid to take them behind the shed and show them who their daddy is…
Thanks for the white pill.
Happy Birthday, you little hooligan.
FBI Warns Not To Download a Fake Vaccine Card. Here’s What They Look Like, So You Can Obey the Law.
Wel now, that was quite handy, thanks Drake,
Covfefe! to you Sir,
LOL. Reminds me of my days in banking, where we were subjected to quarterly fraud detection training. Basically a master class in money laundering, if you were interested in such things.
The CIA used to operate a web site that was basically a how-to on building a backwoods facility to refine cocaine and/or crack from coca leaves. I wonder if it’s still up?
For those not in the know, both my kid & I got an electronic communication from the medical provider I have as well as the location we took the vaccine at yesterday, within hours from each other, telling us they had an electronic record of it and were working on a way to share it with us so we could produce it on demand. This shit is frightening to me because it means that behind the scenes they are compiling a list of those that have and have not taken the fucking stupid thing. People that do not want it shouldn’t be getting fucked over by assholes in power.
That’s exactly what I though when I saw that… I remember being lectured on how important it was for our systems to be secure back in the days I worked for a health insurer and how scared they were of any liability. Now we have our own government pissing all over HIPAA….
HIPAA has nothing to do with it. It’s not being violated, didn’t need to be waived or amended.
Every single dose of the vaccine is registered by the manufacturer, as required by the EUA. The notion that those three databases haven’t been consolidated by the feds is ludicrous. Of course they have a list.
Yep, as do the health insurance companies, which is why they have my family’s covid vaxx status sitting on the front page of their portal.
There is no lying our way out of this to avoid conflict. It’s gonna be a fight.
One of the big problems re HIPPA is that it was sold as a privacy catch-all, and as you well know it really isn’t. And so people are legitimately going WTF? with all the quick turn-around to give up so many aspects of your medical privacy, which were in fact never covered by HIPPA.
Nothing more secure than an e-mail sent in the clear.
What law?
Law is made by legislators, not executive diktats.
Once upon a time, in the land of Eden…
Old times there away are speedin’?
Biden is LAW!
I will definitely not be sharing this information with everyone I know.
I used to work at a college where you had to buy a daily parking pass. I somehow got ahold of slips that looked an awful lot like them. I stopped doing that when they noticed one I put up was a week ahead of time and got a $110 ticket.
These carry a potential 10 year sentence, so not worth it.
Mentioned last night that my barber had her card out on display. Such information as vaccine lot number, tech name, and store ID were um, memorized.
“I dont understand why it’s the same. I guess the tech at CVS messed up or my SSN was stolen. No I did not provide insurance information because they said you didnt need it to get the shot”
I sat in on an ATF class for firearms dealers, on the various regulations concerning NFA weapons and what an 01 FFL can and cannot do with them.
Towards the end of the class:
ATF Firearms Branch agent (passing around handouts): “This is an AR-15 drop-in auto sear kit. If you see an AR with one of these installed, and it doesn’t have a tax stamp, it’s an illegal machine gun and you can’t take it for sale or service. This is really serious, if you get caught with one of these we consider it dealing in unregistered machine guns, and it’s a federal felony. Any questions?”
Gunsmith at the back: “Are these drawings to scale?”
There’s always one guy (at least).
The FBI is misrepresenting the law and lying their ass off. As usual. Not that it would stop them or a Preet.
Their vacation does not affect the lack of quorum that the House has in Austin that prevents the chamber from passing an elections bill. But it is at odds with Democrats’ insistence that they would use their time away to advocate for federal voting rights legislation in the nation’s capital.
Being present for a vote (i.e. doing their job) is super stressful.
Pandemic theatre.
It has been since the beginning.
I think since Pelosi went to Chinatown it’s been nothing but theatre.
Hug a Chinese
You’ll just want another hug an hour later.
you’re on a roll this Mornin’
I am pretty sure it started a lot earlier than that…
Jennifer Aniston’s friends no longer have to put up with her.
She may be an ignorant biotch but I’d still give her an injection, considering she is so fond of them.
Consider for a moment how much Botox she’s shot into her face over the years. It’s no wonder she’d be fine with an experimental vax.
I wouldn’t waste the time or touch her. She is an ignorant, arrogant and insufferable bitch. My time is better spent around the good people I know.
What if she offered you a blowy behind the Piggly Wiggly? Still made of such stern stuff?
Ten bucks says some of that makeup is covering up blisters around her lips, so….yeah, I am.
Happy birthday Sloopy thanks for all the work you and Banjos do to make my mornings better.
John Olerud, Carl Crawford, Nelson Briles, Rick Mahler, Mark Mulder, and Bernie Carbo.
All recent. You had to go to #12 to find someone born before WW2.
And I realize I date myself by calling someone who retired in 1978 “recent”.
I’ve been listening to books about the stone and bronze ages.
1978 is recent even though it predates me.
Context matters. The stone age is recent when talking age of universe.
6000 years is not that long in itself
I thought you were only 400-500
6 months is a pretty long time to my goldfish brain.
Yup. I’m lucky to get 15 minutes.
The stone age still exists in parts of the world.
Hey say whatever it takes to get yourself to agree to the date.
Used to draft Crawford in fantasy every year. This is gonna be the year!
Reposting for the morning folks, but it looks like the trademark battle between the Cleveland Guardians (men’s roller derby) and the Cleveland
IndiansGuardians (MLB) is heating up. The team in the majors filled a trademark application, which got followed up by a counterclaim by the team on skates. The team on skates also went full press with listing all sorts of merch, sending images of initial runs, and opening an online store to sell merch.They may wind up the richest men’s roller derby team in the world.
I cannot explain the failure to return to the Cleveland Spiders. Awesome name, even if the old Spiders were historically bad.
It’s not a superhero tie in. The more this goes on, the more I’m convinced that was the reasoning.
It’s not the same franchise. The Spiders were a different team, technically.
It would be like the Baltimore Ravens becoming the Baltimore Colts. They are truly the old Browns.
I like Guardians and the actual Guardian statues are pretty cool looking.
“They may wind up the richest men’s roller derby team in the world.”
No, no, that’d be the world’s richest BMX team.
men’s roller derby – gay?
James Caan? Maybe. Gene Kelly? Never.
This is awesome. My wife and many other people I know play roller derby. Every team is basically DIY, they form their own team, deal with the fundraising, schedule the games, etc. They are almost always short on cash. Hope these guys succeed.
I know I’m looking at buying some merch, and have started passing the word around to my friends who are Indians fans.
Ooh – get some Guardians merch, and have them change there name? That stuff’ll be near priceless.
But I guess that’s what you’re thinking.
Nope. To support the roller derby team, apply pressure to the baseball team to keep the Indians name, and to have some low grade trolling clothing to wear next year. The baseball team isn’t selling Guardians merch yet, and official merch isn’t expected until winter. Unofficial merch is all over the place for the baseball team, but I’ve only met a handful of people who like the new name.
They’re not keeping Indians. That ship has sailed.
The reason the team is even named the Indians is kind of dumb anyways. The 1913 Boston Braves were awful, and then in 1914 they won it all. Inspired by another team, the name was chosen by fans in a newspaper poll for 1915.
Sockalexis is a corollary, not a reason.
HBD Sloopster! Hug and kiss that beautiful family of yours!
NFL thinks Black people don’t live in the US.
NFL will play Black national anthem before every game this season, reports say
Speaking of ratings tanking….
Didn’t watch before but will double-dutch it now.
There is no such thing as a “black national anthem”.
I protest – where are the guido and mick national anthems? In honor of my ancestors, I am boycotting the NFL until Danny Boy and That’s Amore are played before every game.
Fuck that.
Just dissolve professional sports in acid.
I am part German. I am boycotting until they play Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen
before each game.
There’s a Gay National Anthem.
Where is this nation of “Black” and why should we play its anthem?
I can’t answer the why except to say why not, but here is the nation of Black
Fair is fair. I demand that they also play the Redneck National Anthem.
I skipped last year, was debating about following the NFL this year.
I’m out.
absolutely fantastic day it is as today’s is my Sloopy’s Birthday – the inevitable passage of time is nothing to celebrate.
That being said, Happy birthday. Although it is not yet the weekend and so one should not consume intoxicating substances, I think you can have a small glass of bubbly
“not yet the weekend and so one should not consume intoxicating substances” Are you kidding me?
Wake and Bake
Days that end in Y
Those are the Days you can imbibe,
Katie Herzog
Yes! Thought this was such a good idea I found a woman panhandling outside the Kroger and lectured her on how to start a podcast for 40 minutes
is trolling Ibram X. Kendi a form of critical racism?
As SugarFree said yesterday, podcasting is a step down from *anything*. Panhandling to Podcast? Step down.
I disagree. Tim Dillons podcast cracks me up-
Where is HM to tell us the real deal is Chaturbating?
Thank you for turning me on to him. Here he is, talking about the Olympics (absolutely NSFW) –
How magnanimous of him.
And people take this shit seriously.
Is she still the Duchess? I thought they stepped back from that.
I thought they
stepped backgot kicked out from that.This extremely hot summer cannot be good for wine production.
It’s been surprisingly mild and wet this summer locally.
It was hot until it wasn’t. Last week it felt like autumn coming on early, summer returns today and stays for the weekend.
Been mild here in FL, too. I don’t think it’s been hotter than 95 all year, which is wild hearing the temps they’re dealing with in the Pacific North West.
We had some brutal heat in late June – mid July, but it cooled off after that. Early this morning was downright chilly – 57 degrees according to my thermometer. Yesterday’s high was only 80, and today’s is supposed to be 84.
Extremely hot? Has it even crossed triple digits there?
Well I am talking about civilized lands
I think I got overheated today and felt ill for about an hour until I took a cold shower and lied down a little. I think my mistake was going into my basement room to squat and deadlift. I have no Ac there and while it was not that hot- 25C it was kind of humid and when I was done I was sweating like coming out of a sauna. After I cooled a little I went again outside to go to a store in the 37C weather and when I came back I was already starting to feel strange. Anyhoo
Make sure you are properly hydrated…. Virgin blood I hear makes a vampire feel centuries younger…
Hmmm…basements in the US stay at roughly cave temperature year round.
My old basement stayed at perfect ale fermentation temp.
that is weird. I mean just through the open window warm air comes in in summer so if it is 38 for several days outside the basement gets to 2. Never saw it above 25.5 though.
My basement hovered around 68F year round. That is 293.15 in proper metric units.
Just to clarify, there are only two acceptable temperature units, F and K.
Celcius and Rankine can fuck off.
I am always fascinated how people defend a silly scale like F
Pie, it is like musical taste. Whatever you learn or listen to in your formative years becomes ‘good’ or ‘right’.
Any scale works as long as it is consistent.
I learned in calories: 1 calorie raises one CC of water 1 degree F. Wait…wut?
And to further confuse the matter, a calorie in energy is different then the Calories printed on your food labels. The ones on the food labels are actually kcals
F is 0-100 in normal human range. Perfect for describing weather.
Kelvin is good for science because 0 is at, well, 0.
C has neither going for it.
F is 0-100 in normal human range. Perfect for describing weather. -utter horseshit
Do not give in to the Frog’s decimal fetishism. There is nothing especially easy about working with decimal scales. Now duodecimal scales actually do make sense as the most common fractions 1/2 1/3 and 1/4 work out to integers! Or go for broke and use the really old fashioned one and go sexagesimal! Sum like a Sumerian!
the decimal thing does not really apply to temperature
The decimal thing does apply to temperature. A metric degree is just too large, forcing you to add a decimals place to really understand the thermometer. That’s unacceptable, praise Fahrenheit.
The decimal thing does apply to temperature. – no. the decimal thing is about converting units. You use fractions of a degree but that is not the same thing. there are fractions used for F as well when reportin the hottest temperature eva was just broken by .1 F.
A metric degree is just too large, forcing you to add a decimals – not really. People don’t usually care about the decimals. 35 vs 35.4 C is the same damn temp
That’s unacceptable – it is equally arbitrary anyways
Is your basement below ground?
half bellow ground
we call it “demisol” in Romanian which literally means half bellow ground.
My brewing room peaks out at about 68F in late Aug to early Sep. It bottoms out at about 62F in Apr/May time frame.
Although we had one brutal winter and my brewing room dropped to 58. So Alt Bier time.
My garage would hold lager fermentation temps in the winter and saison fermentation temps in June.
I just had to watch the weather carefully for both.
It partly depends on the type of basement. Daylight basements don’t stay as cool, especially if the open side faces the sun. And the crazy, above ground basement thing probably doesn’t do much.
Hey, Sloopy – here ya go.
BIKINI BEACH AUSTRALIA Fashion Runway Show 2021 by DCSW @ SLS Hotel | Miami Swim Week, July 10th
No mention of Kaylieburrow, Astr[whatever] or the other one – this may be fake news.
Including one “Kiki McLean”
It’s ripped straight from Joemala.
Avoid speaking in public?
Bingo. Worst ever.
She was chosen because the VP is just a life insurance policy for the President.
Yep. That vapid Milfy one would have been a better choice. Sarah Palin, our lonely hearts turn to you…
Normally yes, Suthen, but given Joe’s age, failing health, and mental state, this VP pick was more important than Clinton Gore, or Obama Biden.
I wish I could find a link to the old WDVE Confucius’ Birthday Song.
Oh what the hell, have some raw red meat to chew on.
But some of the Trumpists had guns [in their cars]!
had guns [in their cars] maybe, allegedly – but absolutely asserted without evidence.
Cars parked in lots well away from the site?
Cars parked 1,000 miles away in the garage, but they still had GUNS!
“hold on just for a moment”.
::runs two miles to grab gun in trunk::
Those wax-paper capacitors are why the Bendix electronic fuel injection was pulled from the 1957 AMC Rebel at the last minute.
Elon is stacking the starship, mega close cameras, must see S20!
Elon does nothing because he adds no value to spacex and also billionaires are bad and also his father was exploiting South Africa or something / prog
And now the progs want apartheid here. I cant keep up…
Soon we will have the NWFL and the NBFL along with segregated schools and signs over water fountains saying ‘Whites Only’.
Yeah, baby!
Here’s a good multi-cam view
Pretty cool, they have a bunch of TPS installed on the starship
Dammit, now someone’s going to have to write those reports.
They are stacking it, checking it out, then pull, it back down and finish it.
the S20 I mean,
That’s because they are not, in fact, “liberal”: Liberals Hate That You Have Rights
The bizarre contortions that the libs are going through to blame you for the virus because you selfishly refused to submit to their fussy commands illustrates, for the umpteenth time, an undeniable fact about these fascist-curious creeps. They hate hate hate the idea of rights, particularly yours. In fact, when they refer to rights, they often insist on encasing the word in quotation marks, as if it was some bizarre and alien concept those Jesus-gun-truck-cisnormative people from Iowabamaho invented under the influence of moonshine and the Holy Spirit.
Rights, they realize, are an intolerable obstacle to the things they want to do – especially when it’s inferiors like yourself asserting said rights. In this case, what they want to do is inject you, regardless of your choice, with a medicine that works intermittently but they want to inject you with it because it is not preventing the virus and therefore they need to prevent the virus and my head hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts. And they also want to wrap your face in a towel because that is the only thing that can protect them, despite the fact their faces are wrapped in towels already and that should protect them, and now my head really hurts.
It goes without saying that no one has a right to stick junk into your arm unless you give a thumbs up. I did, because I chose to. You should if you choose to, and you shouldn’t if you choose not to. See, it’s your right. Which means lib sissies with nothing better to do than fret about what you’re doing don’t have a say.
“Rights? What are those?” *Supreme Courts join hands ands gambol off into the distance*
“Rights, they realize, are an intolerable obstacle to the things they want to do…”
That sums it up nicely. They want their boot on your neck so they can take your wallet. I cant help but think there is some ulterior motive for wanting everyone vaccinated. I cant put my finger on it but the absurd conflicting arguments they make and their vehement insistence really raises a flag for me.
He’s not wrong. That’s why, try as I might, I can’t fully buy into the “a curse on both their houses” line of thinking. Conservatives are wrong. Progressives are at odds with libertarians. You can possibly correct one. The other sees ruining you as a feature. At core, conservatives at least understand the notion of individual rights. That’s at least the basis for a dialog in some common language.
I think looking at it as “two houses” is unrealistic. At this point, I’ve come around to concluding the eGOP (Romney, McConnell, Cheney, etc) are part of the same group as the Dems. They’re playing the role of controlled opposition to push through the same agenda. it’s one party with two different faces playing the American people.
There are some in the GOP who are not compromised. But they are few and not in the leadership.
This is correct. That is why I think utterly destroying the Neocon GOP makes sense. The lie of the controlled opposition needs to come down.
The eGOP (great reference, BTW) is the Washington Generals to the progressives Harlem Globetrotters. They’re there to provide the foil. The funny thing is I see as much contempt for the eGOP from conservatives as I do for conservatives from a lot of libertarians. I’ve made a joke to conservatives that judging libertarianism by the libertarian establishment is like judging conservatism by David Brooks, Jen Rubin, and, yeah, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney. But, it works the other way, too. I think a lot of libertarians judge conservatism by those guys.
I agree with you that the GOP isn’t representatives of conservatives. Same as big L Libertarian versus little l libertarian. When I hear “a curses on both houses”, I usually take it mean voting for neither the GOP or the Democrats. And I think the GOP is solidly in the compromised camp with few exceptions.
Up until recently, I would have said the same thing about liberals and democrats… that the democrats are not representative of liberals in this country. Wow was I wrong. Pretty much every liberal I know has jumped wholeheartedly into the most rabidly progressive parts of the Dem agenda.
Blackfoot, Idaho. The employees at Walmart are wearing masks.
I want to pretend there will be some sort of reckoning for the Foochys and Osterholms of the world, but I don’t honestly see it happening. They will go down in history as heroes, without whom tens of millions of lives might have been lost.
I am broadcasting from the comfort of of a Best Western not far from the banks of the Snek River. It took me one hundred and fifty per cent longer to get here with the truck and trailer than with the Racing Honda. 6 hours vs 4! I’m going to scope out some properties, and maybe get the haircut I so desperately need.
Enjoy! I wish I was back out west.
Blackfoot – racist?
How dare you slander a whole people like that.
Every Native tribe called the other ones disparaging names. Just like they all engaged in rape, murder and slavery. Fuck them. Fuck them to death.
Fuck them to death- what is you get syphilis?
“A man was arrested Wednesday for storming the US Capitol dressed in a George Washington costume during the January 6 insurrection.
Isaac Yoder, a locksmith from Nevada, Missouri, earlier admitted that he entered and exited the Capitol through a ‘west facing door’.
Federal agents used phone tracking and facial recognition to arrest Yoder following the riot on January 6. In an affidavit seen by Huffington Post, the FBI said that they received an anonymous tip on February 26 from someone who claimed an employee of Yoder Lock and Key was involved in the January 6 riot.”
“Squad member Cori Bush, who was with BLM trespassers on gun-toting St.Louis couple’s property, slams their pardon and says their ‘day will come'”
So you have one person walking around a public building, and another person trespassing on private property.
They are this close *thumb and index about 1/4″ apart*
It is known that if the G. Washington LARPer were to have made it into the chambers, that he would have reincarnated to the real G. Washington and slavery would again be law of the land.
A man was arrested Wednesday for storming the US Capitol dressed in a George Washington
Looks like he was cooperating with law enforcement (who probably let him in…) and generally being peaceful.
Send this terrorist to Gitmo.
“The Biden administration is developing a plan to require nearly all foreign visitors to the United States to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
The move would be part of eventually lifting travel restrictions that bar much of the world from entering the United States, a White House official told Reuters on Wednesday.”
That seems impossible to enforce.
I guess those coming across the southern borders aren’t visitors.
Nope. Residents , with full voting rights.
*Not applicable to visitors crossing the southern border.
Because that is totally not a restriction on travel.
And what of the people at the southern border who the admin is shipping around the country? ///rhetorical
I purchased a bottle of Irish whisky I never tried before but I think it is to hot for liquor. I never understood westerns where there were saloons in obviously hot climates like summertime arizona or something where people drank whisky. No air conditioning no ice no nothing. How the hell did they do it? Or maybe it is one of those inaccuracies in Hollywood movies, and they were in fact mostly drinking lemonade.
From my experience partying in the desert you typically want light beer for the daytime and bourbon at night.
All the old westerns were filmed in Southern CA where it is hot and dusty. Much of the real “Old West” was in the northern plains and mountains where there were 4 seasons.
A lot of it wasn’t even what we would consider “the West” today – a lot of cow towns of the 1800s were in places like Nebraska and Kansas.
*looks at Dodge City*
No argument here.
Do Nebraska and Kansas ever get a tad warm in summer? Because if yes my point stands.
“Do Nebraska and Kansas ever get a tad warm…”
Yes, Wichita had month-long stretches of triple digit temperatures.
[Old] Northwest = northwest of the Ohio River
emphasis on the “the”?
That would be the Olentangy River
I did not know there was more than one river in that area
Deadwood and Teddy Roosevelt’s western adventures were in the Dakotas.
I was in Deadwood the last week of April this year. It was snowing heavily. I was also there in early October last year and the morning temperature was below freezing. So my anecdotal evidence calls into question the idea of 4 seasons. Near as I can tell Dakota weather is 7 months winter, 3 months summer, and maybe, if you are lucky, a month each of spring and fall.
John Ford shot a lot in Monument Valley and The Searchers has prominent snow scenes.
See also Silverado, Outlaw Josey Wales, etc.
The funniest ones are MASH in the hills of Topanga and the Dukes of Hazzard driving around rural SoCal.
Booze keeps better in the brutal heat.
Everything you have seen in western movies is bullshit. It is a mythical place that never existed.
You are just saying that because you cannot head-shot a dude with a revolver at 100 yards while on a galloping horse like people in the old west were able to
Or shoot a gun out of a villain’s hand.
Somewhere around here (may still be in a box) I have an old Gun Digest with an article from a guy who tried to duplicate some of those old Western shooting stunts from pulp novels and movies. Needless to say, none of them really worked, and as he pointed out, he was using modern carbines and revolvers with modern manufacturing tolerances and good, consistent ammo.
Paul Harrell tries shooting a knife out of a moving hand target. He does a lot better than I would.
To be fair, a lot of the folks in the Old West immigrated there from the American South, where it was still hot, although a lot more humid than arid, and whiskey was pretty popular. And my guess is that a lot of the folks in those towns would drink whiskey because alcohol is a disinfectant. If the water is of dubious quality, you’re going to want something to make it potable.
Tom Destry, Jr. drank milk!
I remember that Hell on Wheels tv show about building the first transcontinental railroad people would get drunk on whiskey sleep a few hours on the saloon floor and then the next day would work with pickaxes and shovels in the heat hungover, and there was no shade, it was in the sun. Dunno if accurate but I cannot even imagine the headache
“Hey look, mister. We serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast, and we don’t need any characters around to give the joint “atmosphere”. Is that clear, or do I have to slip you my left for a convincer?”
Get me, I’m givin’ out wings!
Thought complete, I don’t need it: Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Think you don’t want to get vaccinated? Think again
Eight months ago, while I was waiting for my turn to get the shot, the headlines were about the surging numbers of cases, hospitals buckling under pressure, dire predictions for more of the same in the months to come, and the politics of mask wearing.
Today, I’m heartbroken to read the same headlines: case numbers climbing, hospitals in some places inundated with patients, predictions of “the worst is yet to come,” and cries against mask mandates. And this time, vaccine mandates, too.
I want to be clear: This was not inevitable. Even without vaccines, the country became far sicker than it should have. The vaccines were supposed to wrap us with near-impenetrable armor and provide longer lasting protection. Of course, armor only works if you wear it, and the same is true of vaccines. …
One of the most common questions about the vaccine: What if I previously had Covid-19? It is a very fair question, and there is plenty of evidence showing that natural infection can provide good immunity. I want to be clear before I continue: By now you must realize that achieving immunity by naturally getting infected is a terrible idea and could land you in the hospital or worse. Vaccination is an exponentially safer way to achieve immunity. But, the question you are likely asking is more nuanced: Do you still need a vaccine if you already had Covid-19?
The official guidance from the CDC is yes. And, here is why. Existing data provides evidence that the vaccine will provide more durable immunity, and may also be protective against future variants.
These are always critically important metrics, and even more so now, as we deal with the Delta variant. Again, this isn’t dismissing the immunity from a previous Covid-19 infection, but making the case that adding a vaccine will provide better protection going forward. While the United States recommends a full two-dose course of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, some countries have recommended getting at least one shot in those with previously known Covid infections. The rationale is the original infection provided the same initial immunity as the first shot of a vaccine, and then a second shot would act as a powerful booster.
Way to ignore all prior research in virology.
“Existing data provides evidence that the vaccine will provide more durable immunity, and may also be protective against future variants.”
This is a straight up lie.
But if you take more boosters you get MOR immunity!
Unless you’re taking them from developing countries:
And it was nonsense then, and it’s nonsense now. Just how many times do you need to be lied to before you can recognize it?
Lick my balls, Sanjay.
“The vaccines were supposed to wrap us with near-impenetrable armor”
I was supposed to be born a billionaire.
Notice the careful nebulous wording of almost all of his claims. ‘supposed to’, ‘may’ , the rationale is, etc.
The other claims are outright false
I dont know what they could do to make me more suspicious.
“In the MSM, substitute WON’T for MAY”:
It worked once. Oh well, good advice. /Jimmy Dugan
case numbers climbing,
Irrelevant to whether there is a public health crisis.
hospitals in some places inundated with patients,
Outside of perhaps one or two localities, ‘Vid patients are not putting noticable strain on hospitals.
predictions of “the worst is yet to come,”
One, the boy is crying wolf again?
and cries against mask mandates.
Perhaps because they have been conclusively proven to fail?
And this time, vaccine mandates, too.
Gosh, an experimental vaccine now showing a material number of breakthrough infections, being flogged as part of the “worst is yet to come” narrative. You and the other panicmongers own, in every particular, the public health failures you are trying to blame the public for.
maybe it is one of those inaccuracies in Hollywood movies, and they were in fact mostly drinking lemonade.
I don’t think there were any lemon groves in Tombstone.
I mean archeology still has a long way to go maybe in time they will find some
Probably not, but citrus grows quite well around here, if you irrigate it.
In local controversies, the government published a sample of a new form of national ID which replaced the word sex with the word gen. Now I don’t care all that much but it always was sex and it should stay that way if at all on the id.
Is “Undead” an option?
Too many characters. To save space in the database they made the field one bit long. You’re either a 0 or a 1
I’m Gen X
Happy Birthday, Sloppy!
Arrrrgh. I hate this keyboard.
Way to ignore all prior research in virology.
They’re just making shit up.
Virology, immunology, epidemiology, pretty much any scientific field related to viral disease.
Why, its almost like the public health insiders knew it was an engineered virus that the old rules might not apply to, and threw out the old playbook. Which conveniently cleared the way for them to implement their wet dream of micromanaging every aspect of people’s lives.
Happy Birthday Sloopy!
Slovenia lost in the Olympic basketball. And here I was sort of rooting for them although I had no idea when the game was. Maybe if I was more active in my rooting it would have helped.
So long as the US WNT lost in football, the world is right.
They got bronze.
At least they won’t have to kneel for the Star Spangled Banner.
I didn’t know football was an Olympic sport.
Rugby is close.
I am seriously thinking about switching to rugby from football.
I find rugby interesting until they all lay in a pile and start humping eachother for minutes on end.
A true public menace.
In a new offensive against federal health authorities on Wednesday, DeSantis slammed US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advice that kids — including those under 12 who cannot be yet vaccinated — should wear masks in class. DeSantis has previously threatened to withhold funding for schools that require masks for students, vowing to defend the rights of parents to decide on masking for their own kids. It’s a stance that effectively allows individuals to decide whether to fight the virus, a position at odds with experience showing community action is the only way to stop the spread.
Taking his rhetoric up a notch, DeSantis also accused New York City, which is requiring proof of vaccination for entry to bars or restaurants, of creating a “bio-medical security state” that infringed the values of a free society.
“Joe Biden suggests if you don’t do locked down policies then you should ‘get out of the way.’ But let me tell you this, if you are coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I’m standing in your way,” said DeSantis, who has also accused the media of drumming up “hysteria” about his state’s plight. The comments, which ignited yet another politicized controversy over the pandemic, may be interpreted by critics as a new attempt by the governor to distract from bad news in his state.
But the worsening picture has not budged DeSantis from a consistent position that has made him a hero among conservatives who view mask guidance and pro-vaccine campaigns as infringing on individual civil liberties.
By choosing to stress the rights of parents over schools that want to impose mask requirements, and by signing an executive order to outlaw “vaccine passports,” DeSantis has made decisions through a political prism that downplays guidance by public health experts and the science of epidemiology.
Unquestioningly trust the experts. It’s the American way.
Wait, there’s still a Florida? I thought everyone in the state died as a result of the last time DeSantis didn’t blindly follow the orders of his betters. Or was it the time before that? Or the time before that?
They are all dead and underwater.
What bad news, specifically? They never say.
The same kind of nebulous bullshit they threw at Trump.
experience showing community action is the only way to stop the spread
Another lie. There has never been a successful attempt to stop the spread of a respiratory virus through “community action”.
short of us all living on farms miles away from our neighbors, communicable diseases are going to spread in a city or even a suburb, not matter what lockdowns are taken.
– this reminds me of the Civil War when farm boys were the ones who got sick versus the city conscripts, the latter who were exposed to multiple diseases all the time.
I’m tapping out dear friends. I just can’t take the Derp no more. Hope that you all have a chubby one (esp. you, Sloop!) We’ll talk tomorrow.
Happy Birthday, Sloop!
Happy birthday Sloop! We are all very lucky to have you here.
Something something now let them enforce it
Under intense pressure from liberal Democratic lawmakers and activists, Biden announced Tuesday that a revamped version of the eviction ban that expired on July 31 would be re-imposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a pandemic mitigation measure. His reversal came after senior administration officials had said for a week that such a move would be fruitless and perhaps unlawful as a result of a Supreme Court ruling in June.
One striking part of Biden’s announcement was his candor that the policy might well be illegal.
“The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster,” the president told reporters, before adding: “But there are several key scholars who think that it may and it’s worth the effort.”
It’s not illegal when the President does it.
SCOTUS needs to get off its ass and defend its turf because we’re headed to a very bad place.
But then the Washington Post will say mean things about John Roberts, and Lord knows he can’t endure that, the poor thing.
Any District Court in the country could issue a one page opinion citing SCOTUS and overturning the moratorium. What are they waiting for?
It’s a stance that effectively allows individuals to decide whether to fight the virus, a position at odds with experience showing community action is the only way to stop the spread.
Really? The virus doesn’t appear to give a fuck about your communitarian wet dreams.
It’s always ‘It takes a village so get on board or else’ with these collectivist shitbirds.
On Tuesday, the Swedish Public Health Agency announced that a third vaccine dose would likely be available to the public next year. However, vaccine expert Matti Sällberg has stated that people could need as many as five doses in the coming months and years.
“We do not know how long the vaccines will protect against serious illness and death. This means that we would rather be safe than uncertain,” he told Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. …
“On the one hand, we know that the virus will not disappear, and the Public Health Agency of Sweden has already flagged a third dose for at-risk groups,” Sällberg said.
“After receiving the second dose, the immune response slowly subsides. Within a year, it may be that many have lost their protection. We don’t know that yet, but if you get a third dose, it’s going to be activated again,” he added.
Maybe this is what happens when you try to “vaccinate” for a virus that mutates constantly and do so with something that is not an actual vaccine.
Yes, of course, let’s compound any unknown long-term effects from the vaccines before we fully understand them.
Bonkers. Makes me want to move to a country with no access to the vaccines just to get away from these lunatics.
The elixir of life! You’ll never get sick again.
Now take this
poisonvaccine or we’ll crush you.“We do not know how long the vaccines will protect against serious illness and death…”
How ’bout you get back to me when you do?
Exactly. Somehow the burden of proof has gotten flipped. It used to be that the people proposing a mandate, or even a recommendation, had to show how and why it was justified. Now, its the people who are skeptical about such things who have to prove something.
I had this conversation at work: “If we are going back to mandating masks, shouldn’t we show the evidence that they work?” The response was, essentially “No, the CDC ‘recommends’ it.” Experts speaking ex cathedra negate any need for evidence, and in fact mean that looking at the evidence is unmutual, or something.
By choosing to stress the rights of parents over schools that want to impose mask requirements, and by signing an executive order to outlaw “vaccine passports,” DeSantis has made decisions through a political prism that downplays guidance by public health experts and the science of epidemiology.
Or, if you look at it another way, it harkens back to an old American citizens’ tradition of saying, in the face of government overreach, “I don’t work for you. You work for me.”
the science of epidemiology
That would be the science that has shown masks don’t work, am I correct?
Many happy returns, Sloopmeister.
Thots ahoy!
today’s is my Sloopy’s Birthday!
I can’t believe no one said this yet. Too local! Also, happy birthday Sloppy Inca!
He shares his birthday with the greatest of all time Neil Armstrong
This explains everything.
I’d imagine that there are a great many things you do not understand.
Cooper said, “Yesterday, President Biden made a plea to some Republican governors. He said, ‘I say to these governors, please help, but if you aren’t going to help, at least get out of the way for people to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives.’ When you look at the state of Florida that is experiencing such a surge right now, the governor there signed an executive order that threatened to pull funding from schools that implement mask mandates. Does that make sense to you, especially for children under 12 years old?”
Gates said, “I’ve never understood being against masks as strongly as some people are. If you look at all the measures where there’s a certain cost to every one of these measures, and there’s a certain benefit in terms of saving lives and preventing diseases, I think wearing masks is one of the lowest cost and highest benefit things in this whole picture. ”
There are no negative mental or physical consequences to keeping one’s face covered with a cloth that is inundated with warm, moist air such that it functions like a bacteria incubator. It is known.
There is virtually no benefit to wearing a cloth mask.
a cloth that is inundated with warm, moist air such that it functions like a bacteria incubator
If you don’t want to wear underwear and socks, that’s your business. Normal people take baths and put on clean clothing at least once a day.
There is absolutely zero actual data showing that masks have been effective in stopping or even slowing the spread of the virus.
But let’s all pretend this has something to do with SCIENCE! and SAVING LIVES!
We have 100 years of studies exclusively showing they do not work, if anything can make things worse. That we have been doing so many studies for so long makes me think that many are desperate for the magic security blanket to work if only we wish harder one more time.
“You made a kite out of my blanket?!”
“”EXCLUSIVE: Lawsuit Filed Against Wake Forest University Over Coach Who Killed Man With One Punch
Despite Sandor’s blood on his hands, Jones was only charged and convicted of a misdemeanor: Three years of probation, 1,500 hours of community service, and a $1,000 fine were the full extent of his punishment.”
Killing someone is only a misdemeanor?
Jock privilege.
I don’t think that’s it.
Nah, the killer is a black guy and he only killed a white guy, so no big deal.
I don’t see that as anything short of a confession to second-degree murder. How the fuck did he get off?
Oh. Black privilege, I guess.
The underlying story is from Feb, 2020 – dunno why she’s churning this up now.
“The mother has been fighting current policy in New York City that treats one-punch deaths as third degree assaults, a misdemeanor crime.”
Perhaps it’s a shitty policy, but the sentence seems to be in-line with 3rd-degree assault.
I hope the mother prevails against NYC.
However, trying to put the arm on Wake Forest is shitty & I hope she loses. Even her “they should have known he was violent” claim is contradicted by they guy saying he had never been arrested before (if that was a lie, the WPIX didn’t follow up on it).
The Real One Punch Man!
Gates said, “I’ve never understood being against masks as strongly as some people are. If you look at all the measures where there’s a certain cost to every one of these measures, and there’s a certain benefit in terms of saving lives and preventing diseases, I think wearing masks is one of the lowest cost and highest benefit things in this whole picture. ”
Dear Bill-
If you’re so rich, why aren’t you smart?
Seriously, every part of that statement reveals a mindboggling credulity and incuriousness.
‘Noted autist doesn’t mind losing ability to read facial expressions’. Wow. I’m just shocked.
There is absolutely no evidence that cloth or surgical masks do any such thing.
Good morning, Banjos!
And a happy birthday to Sloopy! I should have known that someone with such exceptional taste in women and music was a Leo.
The bitcoin story is disturbing and confusing. How the hell do the Feds get access to the wallets?
I think you are correct that cord-cutting plays a part, but I still think a lot of former sports fanatics are burned out.
For Sloop!
How the hell do the Feds get access to the wallets?
OK I know this is going to be a shock, but David Brooks wrote something worth reading.
I have a feeling of deja vu on that one
So I missed it here and saw it over at RCP. Besides you couldn’t be as shocked as I am that Brooks wrote something intelligent.
Defending oneself against aggressors is not ‘acting badly’.
Agreed. He’s still a shitstain.
If I were dictator for a day, I’d impose a constitutional amendment – Any law that initiates coercion against the individual must include a provision mandating that every legislator who voted for it personally accepts legal financial liability for any consequences of the law. Similarly, any regulation that initiates coercion against the individual is assumed to carry personal legal financial liability for the senior leadership of the department or agency issuing the regulation.
If I were dictator for a day, I’d impose a constitutional amendment that if I point at a chick she has to bang me
This guy get what power is for…
It normally goes “If I were dictator for a day, I would pass a constitutional amendment making me dictator for life.”
My amendment would be a little different. Any legislator who votes for a law, and any governor or President who signs a law, is strictly liable, as a felony, for violating that law. And a private criminal action can be brought by any citizen against that legislator or executive. Any dismissal of such an action by a judge is subject to review by a panel of citizens who are not licensed attorneys. If the citizens overturn the judge’s decision, the judge is removed.
I would recommend a refinement – a felony on top of the penalty for violating the law.
Otherwise it’d be a nice loophole to reduce murder and treason charges to mere felonies.
*I know both are felonies, but they do get harsher penalties in of themselves than the average stock of felonious behaviour.
Amendment accepted. Motion is hereby amended. Any further discussion? No? Then I request that the Chairman call for a vote.
“Wife of Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Outraged Over Double Standard: Why Are Black Lives Matter Protesters Paid $70K After Being Banned From Capitol?
As hundreds of Trump supporters sit in DC jails cells for allegedly walking into the Capitol building while protesting results of the fraud-ridden 2020 election, Black Lives Matter activists will be awarded $70,000 after getting banned from the Iowa state capitol and fighting police officers.
BLM activists protested at the Iowa State Capitol last July against a law barring convicted felons from voting when they started attacking law enforcement officials. Following the altercation, Des Moines police arrested 17 of the protesters on charges of disorderly conduct or assault.
Citing a trespassing statute in state law, the Iowa State Patrol sent the protesters who were apprehended a letter banning them from setting foot on the Capitol grounds for up to a year…”
A bit of a misleading headline, but still.
Paging Ozy
Mengele is in awe.
That’s from December of 2020.
In other words, they were aware of potential risks and chose NOT to pass those on to the vaccinees.
Ok, earlier I said I didnt know what they could do to make me trust them less. Now I know. Informed consent it out.
They really do think of us as cattle.
“I never said actors were cattle. What I said was that they should be treated like cattle.”
Informed consent left the building when employers started mandating the vacks.
Oh, what’s that, you say? That they knew and didn’t give a fuck and gave it to the public anyway?
Oh no. Not that. Tell me it’s not true. I can’t believe it. Unpossible.
(How’s that?)
Bonne anniversaire, Monsieur Inca! ? ? ?
Maligayang kaarawan!
I’m sure this was covered yesterday or before?
Buried in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill: In-Car Breathalyzers
There better be a mandate for COVID detection as well.
“What’s the best way to inform teenagers about porn? Should there be age-appropriate porn as has been suggested so they can learn about consent and what’s respectful and what’s not? What do you think? Email us your opinions”
When I was a lad of 15 years porn certainly helped with my first sexual experience. At least I had _some_ idea of what to do. To bad she didn’t – the penis is not a windshield wiper. 😉
Depends on what the windshield you are wiping it against is, isn’t it?
She had lovely breasts but sadly it was her idea of a handjob.
Really fast or was she set on intermittent?
more like a half-hearted attempt. But she was, like me, only 15 and inexperienced. So ::shrugs::
It’s amazing what you can learn by watching farm animals.
I’m reminded of the story wherein a young farm lad was given a heifer on a lead, with instructions from his father to “take ‘er to the neighbor’s bull, get ‘er bred.” So he takes the heifer on over to the neighbor’s place, where he was embarassed to find that only the neighbor’s eighteen-year-old daughter was home.
“I know what you’re here for,” the daughter tells him, and leads him to the bull’s pen back of the barn. They put the heifer in the pen, and sit on the rail fence watching as the bull commences operations.
After a little bit the boy starts feeling pretty randy. Noticing him squirming, the girl asks him, “Something wrong?”
He points at the bull and heifer. “I wish I was-a doing that!”
The daughter replies, “Well, why not? It’s your heifer.”
Reminds me of the shipwrecked guy’s story…
Ship goes down, he is the only survivor and manages to rescue a bunch of equipment and animals that were on board, including a heifer, and because he is handy, he builds himself a pretty good living on the island he is on. He builds himself some real cool shelter, with the ability to store food for prolonged time, builds pens for his animals, and lives the high but simple life.
However, as time goes bye, he start feeling like he misses female companionship. And the more he thinks about it, the more he wants it. Talking to a freaking volleyball doesn’t make a dent in the need, so he starts noticing the heifer. He talks himself out of the idea for months before finally giving in to his lust. And that’s how the problems start…
He walks up to the heifer, lines it up, and realizes he is too short. He hurries off and makes himself a bench to stand on, then hurries back to do the needful. Lines the bench up, gets on it, then the heifer walks off and he is left holding it in his hands with no satisfaction. He tries to pen the animal in, but fails miserable adding to his frustration..
Weeks go bye as he unsuccessfully tries to do that act he craves and his failures are driving him mad. No matter what contraption he puts together in the end things fail and he feels like the coyote chasing the road runner. He is sitting there on the beach thinking up a possible solution when he notices a plane going down into the water less than a half mile away.
As he pays attention he notices a survivor come up and scream for help and that she can’t swim. He doesn’t miss a beat and jumps in, swims out to her and pulls her to shore. When he gets here there he realizes that she is passed out and not breathing, so he quickly gives her CPR at which point she revives.
The survivor turns out to be a young and stunningly beautiful woman and she realizes she owes her life to the guy. Grateful for his selfless act, she looks him in the eyes and tells him she will do anything, and she means anything, to thank him..
He starts jumping up & down with joy at this revelation, then points at the heifer and tells the beautiful and willing woman to hold the dang thing while he gets his bench so he finally can do what he had been denied for months……
No sheep available? /sheperd
the penis is not a windshield wiper.
What if you set it to intermittent and liberally use the washer fluid?
A pron thread with BBC and Woman in it. The jokes just write themselves.
Worth a listen It’s Byram Bridle talking about how the spike protein is escaping the shoulder vaccination site. It’s showing up in breastmilk as well.
I’m also seeing spurious reports of potential long term capillary damage from the spike proteins in the vaccines. Nothing has been verified, but based on what we already know about the spike proteins, the mechanism for such damage certainly exists. In short, we are potentially setting ourselves up for a major increase in cardiovascular and heart disease over the long term by broadly administering these treatments.
Well, the people in charge best hope they die before that all comes to pass. Far better to have your grave desecrated than to be subjected to the boats.
From what I’ve read the vaccines only make the spike proteins for a short period of time.
Also, don’t all IM vaccines escape the muscle?
1) Supposedly, the question is what damage is being done during that period and what are the long-term implications of such?
2) No
1) Supposedly, the question is what damage is being done during that period and what are the long-term implications of such?
Fair enough.
2) No
Are you sure?
I’m not absolutely certain, I’m going off Steve Kirsch in this case. So yes, it deserves further inspection.
But the mechanics are wholly different with mRNA vaccines. With traditional inactivated virus vaccines you receive a limited dose of the actual toxin that gets taken up by the capillaries and lymph nodes in the area of vaccination. Your body does not produce more of the toxin.
One major concern from the beginning of this vaccine effort is that the mRNA vaccines are using lipid nano-particles (LNP) to deliver the MRNA to the cells. The problem is that LNP can travel almost anywhere in the body, potentially getting past even the blood-brain barrier.
The mRNA then induces cells to start producing the spike protein, which we now know to be toxic by itself. But aside from that concern, the body’s immune system will attack the spike protein producing cells and kill them. This potentially creates a situation where the immune system targets cells you don’t want it to in sensitive areas (like nerves), leading to auto-immune problems down the road.
The upshot is that we don’t have a fucking clue what the long-term effects are and there are definite and warranted concerns about specific mechanisms of damage. Those concerns are compounded by the tissue studies which validate that mRNA is going all over the place.
Now we’re talking boosters, which would just amplify any of these issues that we don’t fully understand yet.
spike protein is escaping the shoulder vaccination site.
It has to.
The vaccine behaves like the virus in that the vaccine hijacks some number of cells to produce spike proteins. The spike protein circulates through the body. The immune system produces antibodies and T cells to fight the spike protein. The antibodies are temporary (months perhaps). The T Cells are forever (around for a very long time).
Good idea? Bad idea? Who fucking knows?
It should not be surprising in any way that the spike protein shows up throughout the body and in bodily excretions.
I’m looking for the reference, but it is my understanding that these vaccines were not sold that way.
The antigen response for a traditional vaccine stays fairly localized to the injection site. You don’t end up with inactivated flu virus in your ovaries.
A good article summarizing the concerns from months ago. Both pro and con.
Yikes is all I can say. Glad I haven’t vaxxed. EF and LH Jr. did though, the former for work reasons, the latter for school/summer camp. ::sigh::
Definitely was worth the listen, the potential of spike protein escaping is not good – it’s not clear how frequently this occurs, but it is certainly a risk that should be considered. Especially concerning to me is the ramifications for blood transfusions; I’m sure that the people berating us with incessant exhortations to get vaccinated for “the common good” are equally concerned about how blood containing spike proteins might affect surgical patients.
Enough with the conspiracy theories, Alex Jones. ///jk
“Cori Bush: I’m going to make sure I have private security but defunding the police needs to happen.”
Now they’re just straight up admitting it. Wow.
That woman is a complete lunatic. By that I mean she could probably be committed. She is clinically insane. This is our political class, ladies and gentlemen, a hodgepodge of the insane and personality disorders.
Sen. Dick Durbin’s Bill Would Make Dietary Supplements Prescription Only
Prescription requirements should be eliminated entirely. It just makes medicine more expensive.
Wasn’t this or something similar tried in ’94?
Yep, they also tried to make vitamins Rx only. IIRC, it was Sen. Orrin Hatch who did most of the heavy lifting needed to defeat the bill.
“Sorry there’s too much Vitamin C in those oranges, you need a script.”
What about the WF/Sprouts voting bloc?
Those are scheduled substances.
You go to a rape cage for having any.
“The federal government gave at least $2.7 million in taxpayer money to researchers who sought out minority babies who had been aborted in order to harvest their organs, according to internal documents released Tuesday.
The University of Pittsburgh targeted minorities in its request for infant organs—including those taken from full-term babies—to create a “pipeline” for fetal research. Researchers said they needed 50 percent of the donated fetuses to be minorities and specified that 25 percent must come from black women. The Pittsburgh metropolitan area is 85 percent white and 8 percent black. Researchers stressed the importance of maintaining organ blood flow in the request, which watchdogs say could violate federal law by asking doctors to illegally preserve organs during labor-inducing abortions.”
As a young idiot I was tentatively pro choice. I was not aware at that age of the evil that men can do. These fucking ghouls…these days I have my feet pretty firmly planted on the other side of the fence.
I would be shocked to learn that the money was not laundered through PP.
When people told me that kids would change me I was not prepared for the emotional onslaught. Now, when I read stuff like this, about kids killed in war zones, or similar stories I kind of go blind with anger. All those people were right.
Sounds pretty equitable, what’s the problem? /DEI council
There’s not enough wood chippers
I know legal ethics demands a zealous representation for the client, but that just deserves a bitch slap from Portland OR to Portland ME.
Who’s going to bitch slap him? The legal establishment that largely agrees with that view?
Spare me the sanctimony, Your Honor.
I have contempt for that court.
Lawyer: Capitol Cop Who Shot Ashli Babbitt ‘Ambushed’ Her on Jan. 6 Without Warning
If it had been a real mob bent on violence and murder, that would have been the point where every uniformed thug and their congressional lackeys were ripped limb from limb in a frenzy. But that didn’t happen. Because the unruly mob wasn’t interested in what the deep state alleges or the FBI instigators tried to push.
Eh, comment #36?
I’m late to the party.
No worries, Pie humbled me on a different link.
But I brought a $3 bottle of wine, and some $2 cheese on a plate!
Sloopy gets to be Sloppy on the downhill Slope.
Happy B-day Sir!
Yesterday I replaced the power supply capacitors in my 1946 radio. It looked as if someone else had already been in there and replaced all of the small caps, but not the main electrolytic cap. I mean that’s nice ‘n’ all but the hum was still there until I did my work on it.
Did they even have poly caps in 1946? Mica and ceramic caps almost never go bad.
But electrolytics, even from back then, frequently do.
I’ve just finished re-capping a Sony “tabletop” radio from 1978, and every single electrolytic cap in it was bad (all 18 of ’em), as well as a couple of ceramics which had failed. There were two major failure modes for the elctros: either the actual capacitance was wildly outside of the stated range/value for the cap, or the ESR on the electro in question was far, far higher than it was supposed to be. The ceramics were acting like dead shorts.
Works like a charm now.
Usually paper or paper-in-oil caps. These can go bad and leak (ie, not block DC quite %100).
Have you got it up to 88 mph yet?
I can’t drive 55!
but why?
because retro radios are cool with their bakelite shells? Also it’s fun to repair such old technology, making it good for another generation to enjoy.
YMMV, of course. Some people like old cars, old computers, old houses, etc instead of the latest ‘n’ greatest.
My biggest problem with retro radios – the lack of retro content for them.
That’s what my brother says: (to paraphrase): “these look cool but it isn’t like you can turn them on and listen to ‘The Shadow'”
There is a device one can buy so you can tune the radio to a certain band and listen to the audio outs of a cassette/CD/etc.
Put a satellite radio in a retro shell and tune it to ’40s Junction! ::looks around for jitterbug partner, remembers she can’t dance::
I would bet there’s a market for putting a bluetooth speaker in them, so the entire universe of online content can be played through them. Which includes no end of older music and radio shows.
Keep the old guts of the radio, and include it along with the retro-mod so it can be restored if someone wants.
Don’t even need to do that.
Just for yucks, I bought a little $10.00 “puck” (Bluetooth speaker), gutted it and removed the PCB, then put it into an old Sony AM transistor radio and fed the output of the “puck” to the radio’s speaker via a selectable switch. Worked great. The next step was to push all of the Bluetooth controls off of the PCB and get ’em onto the exterior of the radio, but I ran out of time, as that was when we were moving away from the Lower Mainland. As (bad) luck would have it, the radio went missing during the move. Easy enough to replicate, but I have other more urgent projects awaiting my bench, including some interior work on our microwave to
turn it into a death-rayalleviate some overheating problems we’re having with it.I’ve thought about taking the guts out of new electronics and making faux-antique “shells” for them (this is coming closer to reality as I continue to get better at woodworking).
I think my first attempt will be speakers – not too difficult. Just a wooden box with brass corner brackets would give it a nice Victrola aesthetic.
Thank you, and thank you Banjos, for all your work around here.
Tim Dillon On Simone Biles Quitting
Tulip and Lobot, after I left the Zoom last night I realized I kind of plagiarize reality, they did try to reboot Murder She Wrote with a Black lead already.
kind of plagiarize reality- were you drunk? otherwise that is unacceptable
clearly you haven’t been on enough zooms
Where you can see EF and LH doing whiskey shots.
Yours was better
No one is going to believe a black serial killer going around framing people for her murders.
HOLY MACKEREL! That’s delicious. 2014 wasn’t ready for the woke potential; now is the time to pitch that idea. Or, hear me out, woke reboots of the Matlock/ Diagnosis Murder franchises?
Where the NHS doctor kills scores of patients due to bureucratic incompetence and frames other people to avoid loss of public support?
Now you’re on the trolley! It could even be a musical; punctuated with hospital staff ignoring their duties to make synchronized dancing videos for Tiky taky.
A combo idea, I Like IT! Strong Black Trans lead is a lawyer by day and doctor by night, solving all the murders done by white supremacists!
What? No love for the Asians?
This is a show a about diversity, asians have no place there.
Damn can’t you make an allotment? Maybe you have a gimp, dressed in full leather and caged in the basement of Asian descent that the hero can work out his frustrations on in the name of equity?
They out to reboot The Fall Guy — instead of being a stunt man, he’s the guy at the studio responsible for deflecting accusations of sexual harrassment against the executives.
I work at a small manufacturer that requires a lot of manpower. Holy shit it’s hard to staff.
The 1/6 “investigation” – part of a show trial is making sire no truth sneaks in.
He’s just a dentist, not a real Doctor, he’s no expert.
Rand is just an optician. /spits
Genuinely didn’t know about the DDS part.
You need to have a PhD in Education from some lower tier university to be considered a DOCTOR.
Dr. Cosby agrees!
That’s Dr. William H. Cosby Jr.
(I remember that from the show credits)
At least he gave out [secret] prescriptions.
I think a doctor is anyone* who can prescribe: MD, DO, DDS/DMD, even DVM.
*probably not NP, usually not Ph.D
A doctor of psychology can prescribe certain meds in specific circumstances, also.
LH’s quick booze review: Old Crow bourbon
We know we have a/some Babylon Bee folks here, so at this point, I’m taking these as a compliment to the great humor of the Glib Hive Mind.
“Delta+ is not a streaming service nor is it an extra legroom seat on your next flight.”
Ka-boom. Keep laughing and yucking it up, Glibbies! Even in the face of the shitshow. Our ability to laugh really is God’s work; it’s the ability to find humor (however dark it may be) in the midst of the collapse of our culture and civilization.
The gabbers and folk tellers will once again be revered around the burning barrel.
Happy birthday, Sloopy!
And happy anniversary to Mrs. Hobbit, putting up with me for 49 years.
Happy anniversary! Next up, the big five-oh!
Did you pin a medal on her chest?
At Casa Patzer, we prefer jewelry. Pearl necklace for that special occasion.
What you did there, nope, not seeing it, not at all, refusing to see anything…
Neither can she after that gift.
WOW! Congratulations to the both of you.
Awesome! Happy anniversary to you and your lovely wife, Hobbit!
That’s awesome. Congrats to the both of you!
Thanks to all.
I was thinking – last night at 3AM – of writing a post about the “Death of Libertarianism”.
Given the masses love of big daddy/mommy government, I think that individual rights. free speech, etc are dying on the vine, to be replaced by an acceptance of “socialism-lite” , or hell, pretty much communism-lite.
Matt Welch gets hard.
Wot, Blairism?
So what if Dyson moves his factories to Malaysia?
Less thinking, more writing.
Wait, that didn’t come out right . . . .
Made it through the interview. Given 45 minutes to answer 6 questions, answered them just shy of 40 minutes. Staring at people on Zoom is fucking weird. I would rather the silence that comes with a phone interview.
So, how drunk were you?
Ha! Even my wife asked “How would they know!”
And? What was your score?
Wont know for a week and we don’t get scored. Its up to the selection official now. My guess, I wasn’t that clear on my management style which is make everyone better than me.
Happy Birthday Sloopy!!!!!