A mellow tune for you.

Sploosh. (h/t KK)
This 1972 Cosmopolitan centerfold was the first mainstream pinup for straight women, back when feminism was about sexual liberation and not shrill hectoring. Cosmopolitan editor Helen Gurley Brown saw it as a victory for women whose “visual appetites” had been ignored by male magazine editors and proprietors.

Mars Rover Perseverance. This is the new one that deployed the helicopter, and will collect and package samples for future return by another mission.
NASA Mars rovers, space probes to get COVID-19 vax uploaded via Deep Space Network. Just kidding, but no more silly than this.
After a series of failures, NASA tells embarrassing has-been Boeing: “Get the fuck off my obstacle, Pyle.”
Wait, aren’t they on full lockdown and quarantine? Launch of NASA CAPSTONE lunar satellite quietly moved from Virginia to New Zealand. WTF? Because you know that personnel will have to accompany that to NZ. Wallops hosts bigger launches than this all the time, including unmanned cargo Dragon missions to ISS. Something just isn’t right, here.
Icky local school board defies virtuous state mandates on accommodation of transgender students, progs suddenly don’t like govt agencies going rogue. “Other parts of the [state] policies prohibit discrimination and limit when and if school staff can tell parents that their child is trans.” WTF? So, they’re supposed to cater to the kid’s preferred name and pronouns at school, but not in correspondence with parents? WTF, WTF, WTF?
Local Boy Makes Good: Our very own Ozy was on the TV to talk about planned mandatory COVID-19 vaxing for servicemembers (h/t BEAM). Buy his book, yo. Glibs has it from a reliable source that this isn’t the last we’ll hear from him on this topic.
This is a weak First. Everyone is off their game sometimes.
We did used to have “Manly Monday” from jesse.in.mb…
Well, now you have me in the 0800 (OTTZ) slot, so Mondays are still manly.
It was a different kind of manly though, oh never mind. Bears, smh.
And Spacy later on….
I remember those fondly. I’m trying to bring a bit of that back by alternating beefcake and cheesecake pix here. Shoutout to Jesse, wherever you are.
FWIW, I will never say no to Tom of Finland, Eric Kroll, Elmer Batters, etc..
We also had Thicc Thursdays.
All of this was back when we were still trying to earn the family friendly rating.
I seem to remember a Thot Thursday here and there.
NASA CAPSTONE lunar satellite. My guess they can’t get their teams out to Virginia because they won’t be allowed back in…
Back in the day when chest hair was an asset.
I miss those days.
It still is in certain circles. [makes secret ‘gay bear’ hand signal]
I was aware of that.
However, I don’t travel in those circles. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Works for my wife too. She thinks my chest isn’t hairy enough.
Having never had any, I’m at a loss.
Scruffy is not hairy?
Just the face. My father’s native American genes took over the chest area.
Your chest area’s decided to declare itself an autonomous region? A sovereign state? WITHOUT CHEST HAIR???
I’ve issued an ultimatum that unless hair is grown, there will be no further federal funding, but I’ve gotten no response.
I believe that means the response is “Your terms are acceptable”
I wear my rug proudly! /runs away giggling
There are women, and not just Kristen, that like chest hair.
I’m thinking of some ex-girlfriends of mine that liked mine. OK… they’re biased.
On the trans issue, the entire impetus has been to remove parents from any role in deciding or even advising their children in how to proceed. If that doesn’t reek of creeping pedophiles and crazies looking to ratify their own decisions, I don’t know what does.
That, it is.
And with any medical issue, there needs to be open, unencumbered dialogue between doctor and patient about what this treatment can do, what it can’t do, what problems are known to occur and how often, how it can go wrong, etc.
There’s a small group of activists who are calling this discussion “transphobic” and trying to shut it down, and there’s a much larger contingent of people who see this happening and don’t recognize the threat it poses.
You sound Vaxphobic.
Rules are for the proles….
“At the time, you know, men liked to look at women naked. Well, nobody talked about it, but women liked to look at men naked. I did,”
Women are pervs too.
Glibs has it from a reliable source that this isn’t the last we’ll hear from him on this topic.
Good job getting the plug in. Book sales.
Delays in NASA’s certification of the Electron rocket’s new autonomous flight safety system have kept Rocket Lab from beginning service from the Virginia launch base.
Imagine the situation where the logistical nightmare of moving your stuff halfway around the world and having to interact with New Zealand’s COVID-era customs and immigration protocols is preferable to waiting for NASA bureaucrats to get off their arses and let you launch from your home soil.
Elon completely agrees regarding NASA (and the FAA)
It’s better than having to go through Assawoman to get to the launch site.
It’s gotten to the point where I read the tranny stuff and I have no idea what they are talking about. Gibberish? I’m getting dementia?
I think it is the former and that is the point of it all.
It is really simple.
Crazy people say crazy stuff.
Maybe it’s the Bourbon talking, but I seem to recall something from Marcuse and the Frankfurt School about polymorphous perversity and the breakdown of sexual mores being used as a cudgel against traditional society, or whatever it was those monsters were doing.
That’s what I want to hear. Tequila talking on my end!
Dishonest cunte is dishonest and a cunte.
We all must be alarmed about what the future may hold for the women of Afghanistan. When the Taliban last ruled the country from the mid-1990s to 2001, they horrifically banned women from attending school, working or going outside without male chaperones, along with other oppressive measures — all enforced by beatings or worse. These grotesque rules are based on the Taliban’s “perversion” of Islam, as experts have noted.
Look, nobody is saying the GOP and the Taliban are equally bad. But in just the past few months, we’ve seen Republicans champion measures to deprive women of freedom over their own bodies, as well as oppose laws to protect women from violence and ensure that women are paid the same wages as men. And they’ve done so, at least in part, to impose their religious beliefs on all others.
Reps. McCarthy and Chabot had an opportunity to prove they are sincerely concerned with defending women’s rights in March by supporting the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. While 29 House Republicans voted for the law to protect women from domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment, McCarthy and Chabot voted against it.
Same goes for Elise Stefanik of New York, the highest-ranking woman in the House GOP leadership. She issued a statement Friday slamming President Joe Biden for, in her view, turning Afghanistan over to the Taliban, saying it threatens “the safety and security” of the women of that country. But when Stefanik had a chance to protect “the safety and security” of America’s women, she also voted no on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act.
Hm… Tell me what you think of this.
Ignore everything before the “but”
Republicans champion measures to deprive women of freedom over their own bodies
I though Republicans were generally against vaccine mandates.
“Violence Against Women Act”
Hmmm, with a name that good there’s got to be some insane bullshit hidden in there or a poison pill. Maybe that’s why they didn’t vote for it.
IIRC, there was a good bit of gun control snuck in there.
Thank Senator Biden.
Fuck you. I’m willing to bet without even checking anything that you’re in favor of vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations.
Newsflash: Sadistic assholes are that way to everybody, not just women. They will be killing men, women and children at a staggering pace. Why are we only concerned about women here?
I mean the Taliban, BTW. The republicans are just plain stupid, probably too stupid to even achieve evil.
World Ends. Women, Minorities Hardest Hit.
Bingo. Women have always been the primary victims of war.
It has been reported that the reason the President of Afghanistan fled is that the last time a President of Afghanistan was captured by the Taliban he was castrated before being killed. So yes, they are sadistic assholes to everybody.
That’s all I needed to see. Everything before that, and after that, are completely and totally invalid.
Citation, please
Citation, please
Citation, please
“The model policies say schools should affirm students who don’t identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, including using the names and pronouns they prefer and letting them use a bathroom matching their gender. Other parts of the policies prohibit discrimination and limit when and if school staff can tell parents that their child is trans.
Some of the church members and board members latched onto the idea that teachers and counselors would be forbidden from telling a transphobic parent if their child came out at school. School administrators say they’re planning to handle things as they have — encouraging students to work with school counselors and social workers to come up with a plan to tell their families.”
OK, let me see if I understand this correctly. The student is one gender at school, and the other at home? Is this like that Rose McGowan movie, Devil in the Flesh, where she leaves the house in conservative clothes, then shows at school in a slutty outfit? Because that’s not how transgender works.
Also, how many actual transgender students are they that they need a policy in the first place?
Notice the implication that the parents are troglodyte transphobics and the teachers and staff are enlightened good thinkers?
This is what the bureaucrats and public health officials think of you.
Considering it now garners attention and adoration among peers and it is all taken on what someone just says and not anything else, I would assume a lot.
It’s nearly an epidemic among middle school age girls.
Then they aren’t actually trans.
No kidding
But they’re being encouraged into this system that isolates them from their parents and reinforces their delusions, or even just social opportunism.
Whomever said “Trans is the new goth” pretty much hit the nail on the head.
Brrrrr brrrr b rrr argledy bargldy boobity bloop. These people dont know up from down, which shoe to put on which foot, a man from a woman. What Bezmenov said…no matter how much information you give them they cannot draw a sensible conclusion.
As I was told recently by a prog – facts dont matter.
That almost sounds like it’s designed to be be abused by a sociopath with an agenda.
There’s a lot of talk about getting rid of qualified immunity for police. I’m not averse to the idea. But, maybe they should also look at getting rid of it for politicians.
They’re encouraging children to “out” themselves for social esteem. This garbage is no different than facilitated writing.
Just wait until the recovered memory specialists get their hands on them in ten years or so.
That’s what I meant to say.
I’m waiting for the medical malpractice attorneys to get their hands on them.
The commie plan is to break the bonds of parental rights and to make sure kids trust the state and not their parents.
Commies in russia had kids ratting out their parents, then sent the little brainwashed kids to foster homes to be neglected.
Its evil as fuck and american commies deserve whats coming.
Kinda sad seeing Jeffy’s illusions about NYC being destroyed so rapidly:
December 24, 2019:
Compare this to last week:
Alas this is what complacency and ideological blindness will get you.
This Don Boudreaux article aged like Milk since if you read Cafe Hayek he is now saying that Manhattan is now under “Covidocratic tyranny”.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: any public policy that depends for its success on 100% compliance of the GenPop is doomed, and you need to get a new policy, fast.
How damage will it take before they realize this?
Doesn’t seem the elites will care until there is serious resistance which so far isn’t happening..
How much?
All of it.
Hell, the public policies against murder don’t get 100% compliance, even when the punishment is death. The idea that you even can get 100% compliance on anything should be laughed out of the room as foolishness.
It would be forgivable if Tucker at least acknowledged he’d missed something. But, he won’t. Ironically, for a libertarian, he’ll chalk it up to the wrong Top Men. Because, to acknowledge that there was something about New York (or Chicago or L.A. or San Francisco or any of our cosmopolitan metropolises) that made this sort of response inevitable would be too much of a blow to his worldview.
And I’m not saying this to dismiss our metropolises. There really is something genuinely awe-inspiring about the New York skyline. In some ways, it is a testament to human ingenuity and achievement. But, there’s something about them that sours that achievement, that turns it ugly and presumptuous.
But, there’s something about them that sours that achievement, that turns it ugly and presumptuous.
It’s the people.
People suck.
The issue is ironically that Tucker and Boudreaux are stuck in an overly romanticized and idealized past. Yes the cities did produce many liberals in the past but is that an inevitable law of history?
It is clear that Tucker and Boudreaux (along with Rothbard, Friedman, Hayek, Mises, Spencer, etc.) did not forsee the rise of the pajama class and that they would have actual power. Also they did not forsee that the “interpendence” wrought by urbanization might lead to terrible ideas bring spread.
Also they clearly overestimated the liberalizing effects of consumerism.
I mean judging from what I have read the “city air will set us free” mindset is based on the assumptions that: since urbanites have to deal with large groups of people an urbanite will believe in decentralized and limited government, urbanites must be literate and liberals are literate so urbanites will be liberal, also since an urbanite must buy food he will therefore be a laissez capitalist, urbanites also depend on imported goods so they will be free traders and therefore laissez Faire capitalists, urbanites depend of technology so liberal, war cuts off trade routes so urbanites will be antiwar too…
Here is Mises saying much of the stuff I have been talking about:
I am not sure if Mises is expressing his actual opinions or what the German liberals of the time felt though?
NYC was broken decades ago by a machine that throws billions of dollars at people in order to keep them unproductive. All for political power.
And it took Jeff Tucker and Don Boydreaux until now to realize that…
To be fair, I haven’t been to Manhattan since 2018, but Prospect Park is absolutely packed, with about 60%-70% masking at the BRIC Biggie Smalls tribute concert (Busta Rhymes, Lil Kim & Junior Mafia, The Lox, DJ Stretch Armstrong, DJ Steph Cakes, DJ Enuff).
Cities, being concentrations of people, will always be concentrations of the very best and very worst that mankind can produce.
When they are good they are very very good,
And when they are bad they are horrid.
Not so sure. I think the ratios of good, normal, and bad people are same in rural and cities just more people in cities.
On the other hand, if you choose to live in crime infested, shit covered streets and ignore the suffering of your fellow man, maybe you are just not normal or good.
In other words, only bad people can stand to live in cities.
Re-posting from the dead thread because it’s important to me. Women and children clearly visible in the photo of the 640 people in the C-17.
Yep, and right up front in the pic, too.
I have never been happier to be proven wrong.
I’m torn on that. On the one hand it is of course good that those people will not have to suffer at the hands of the Taliban. On the other hand, sending the message that you will be saved if you just push through will have (and already has had) serious negative side effects.
Disagree, Tulip.
Unless those are the last women, look at how many men are on that plane. That ain’t chivalry by a long shot. Sorry.
That picture doesn’t prove what you think it proves…unless those were the last women left in Kabul.
I’m pushing back at the ‘they left all the women’ behind scrap you were pushing, largely based on an old photos that had nothing to do with this. I’m arguing YOU don’t have the evidence you claim to have for your very ugly opinions. So out up, or shut up.
Doomed I tell you
Sens. Wicker, King, Hickenlooper test positive for Covid-19 after vaccination
Wicker, a Republican from Mississippi, and King, an independent from Maine who caucuses with Democrats, both tested positive for the virus following mild symptoms, according to their statements, released earlier in the day. Later on Thursday, Hickenlooper, a Democrat from Colorado, announced that he, too, tested positive following mild symptoms.
I won’t wish them ill, but I will note it would be a 2 fer 1 deal that would swing the Senate.
I certainly wouldn’t miss that idiot Hickenlooper.
In a sane world, people would see the vaccines don’t work like other vaccines. I guess there is some decent evidence they prevent more serious disease, but it’s pretty clear they don’t prevent transmission. I guess we’re not allowed to talk about that or just understand covid is going to do it’s thing regardless of the theater of masks, distancing, etc.
In the US the current hysterical push to mandate vaccines started exactly when mainstream sources admitted that the vaccines are not that effective and don’t prevent transmission.
We used to understand this when the flu came around every fall/winter.
*glances at television, sees five thousand nine hundred and seventy-second transmission of “LET’S KEEP OUR SCHOOLS COVID-FREE!” propaganda bit, bangs heads against desk*
In a sane world, people would see the vaccines
don’twork like other vaccines.People have their own longtime ideas of what vaccines are, how they work, side effects, and the efficacy. Like many simplistic assumed models, it has a number of flaws all along the way but mostly work or near enough that ordinary it isn’t examined closely. Except for religious nuts or crazy (precovid) antivaxxers.
Mild symptoms. This vacc is just like flu vaccs. Maybe he helps prevent it, but it makes it milder if you still get it. And if you are young and healthy, no need to bother.
I stand behind my original assessment.
If I was 71, I would have been first in line to get it. At 51, I got it when it was convenient. At 31, I wouldn’t bother.
And I aint carrying around proof that I had it.
“BREAKING NEWS: THREE Senators test positive for COVID in breakthrough cases: Democrat Hickenlooper, Republican Wicker and Independent King all confirm positive tests in the space of hours”
They should have worn condoms.
You were so close…
A lambskin condom increases the sensation of closeness, but is less effective in virus transmission.
Isn’t that basically fucking a sheep?
Sort of a “turducken” thing inside a thing inside a thing kind of thing.
Only if she lies down on Broadway.
*Warfare state salivates*
The Nigerian president warned in his opinion piece that the U.S. departure from Afghanistan did not mean the so-called war on terror was winding down. He said said the threat is merely shifting to a new frontline – in Africa.
He cited the rising threat of terrorist groups in Africa, from Boko Haram in Nigeria and the Sahel region to al-Shabab in Somalia and a rising insurgency in Mozambique.
But Buhari lamented that Western allies, “bruised by their Middle East and Afghan experiences,” were not prioritizing Africa. …
“It is very likely that the developments in Afghanistan could definitely spur terrorist groups within Africa. It will embolden them, it will make them look at the bigger picture, which is the fact that resilience and a continuation of their efforts could lead to victory,” Adamu said.
But while Buhari praised U.S. airstrikes in July against al-Shabab in Somalia, he emphasized that U.S. military forces on the ground in Africa is not what is needed.
He said what Africa needs most is U.S. investment in infrastructure to help provide jobs and economic opportunities for the rapidly growing population.
Is he a prince with a great investment opportunity?
I miss the Nigerian princes. I put one on a conference call during a meeting and the entire room played him. Dude never broke character. Now it is non-stop car warranty calls. Booooring!
No mention of the anti-vaxxers?
We could give it a snappy name like, oh, “belt and road initiative”.
The US can’t save the world, and shouldn’t try to.
This 1972 Cosmopolitan centerfold was the first mainstream pinup for straight women, back when feminism was about sexual liberation and not shrill hectoring. Cosmopolitan editor Helen Gurley Brown saw it as a victory for women whose “visual appetites” had been ignored by male magazine editors and proprietors.
And now I’m wondering if women and girls made a habit of checking out men’s underwear ads. Because fair’s fair.
+1 Sears big catalog
That’s only my second h/t in, like, forever.
And I’ve been on the ‘Net since before it was “the ‘Net.”
Thanks, Tonio.
RIP Bill Freehan.
When Freehan retired following the 1976 season, he held the major league records for chances (10,714), putouts (9,941) and fielding average for a catcher (.993).
44.8 career WAR. Nice total. Hall of Pretty Damn Good.
He got 2 HoF votes in 1982. Seems low, but considering there were 12 future HoFers on the ballot, it makes sense.
He might not be in Cooperstown but from everything I read he was a Hall of Fame quality person. Married to his wife since 1963. Been battling dementia and has been in hospice care.
“Joe’s loses his grip on reality: President claims ‘no one is being killed’ in the Kabul airport chaos despite 12 confirmed deaths and says he can’t ‘recall’ if he was told to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan”
Good God.
Jill smothering him with a pillow would be a mercy at this point. Just let the poor bastard exit gracefully.
Never feel sorry for him.
This! A lifetime of graft, corruption, and “service to his constituents” means he deserves 100X more.
Jill’s pillow might be a mercy to us, though.
Surely these things will be entered in the database of Biden’s lies that WaPo is managing just like they did for Trump, right?
Before Bezos bought it, WaPo kept a list of Hilary’s lies. If I recall, it was six volumes long.
Not mine, wish it were though.
But Brawndo has what plants crave.
Nope. Impressively flat stomach.
Photoshop and plastic surgery can work wonders!
Icky local school board defies virtuous state mandates on accommodation of transgender students, progs suddenly don’t like govt agencies going rogue.
Just don’t leave those mask mandates to chance. They should be made inescapable, if need be, governor be damned.
“Turn in your weapons. We will protect you.”
Fatalities were reported on Thursday after the Taliban opened fire at an Independence Day rally in a regional Afghanistan town where protesters were flying the flag used by the former Western-backed government. …
The Islamist fighters’ actions reportedly left several people dead, whether by the gunfire or the stampede it caused. Al Jazeera claimed “at least two” fatalities and eight injured.
“Hundreds of people came out on the streets,” said eyewitness Mohammed Salim, as quoted by Reuters.
“At first I was scared and didn’t want to go but when I saw one of my neighbours joined in I took out the flag I have at home,” Salim recounted.
“Several people were killed and injured in the stampede and firing by the Taliban.”
“Turn in your weapons. We will protect you.”
Where have we heard that before?
Speaking of “cases” what’s the actual word on Abbot? Symptoms?
Basically asymptomatic according to that article.
The Republican released a Twitter video on Tuesday evening and said he has been tested daily, and today was his first positive test.
Abbott said the fact that he is fully vaccinated ‘may be one reason I’m really not feeling any symptoms right now. I have no fever, no aches and pains, no other types of symptoms’.
Or it was a false positive, because the media and medical community seem to ignore the exceptionally high likelihood of that happening when a person is tested on a daily basis.
“The US Capitol was put in lockdown on Thursday while police negotiated with a man in a pick-up truck demanding airstrikes in Afghanistan to ‘kick the Taliban’s a**’ and asking to speak to Joe Biden before he surrendered to police after a five hour standoff.
The man in the truck was 49-year-old Ray Roseberry from North Carolina. At 9.15am this morning, he drove his black pick-up truck onto the sidewalk outside the Library of Congress, opposite the Capitol building.
Congress is in recess so no elected officials are there but there are staffers who are still working in the Capitol buildings.
Roseberry called 911, reporting that he had a bomb and wanted to speak to the President. He then started a Facebook livestream – that has since been removed – but where he claimed he had a ‘tannerite bomb’ and wanted to speak to Joe Biden, saying the ‘revolution is here’ and complaining about the election.
He is demanding airstrikes in Afghanistan, where tens of thousands are waiting to be rescued by the US military after Biden’s decision to withdraw troops.
He surrendered to police shortly before 2.30pm. Police are yet to clear the area of ascertain if the bomb is real.
His wife told NBC that he had never voted in his life before Trump ran for office and that he was distraught over Biden’s election victory last year.
A police officer said at a press conference after Roseberry had surrendered that he had also recently mourned the loss of his mother. His family said he had other ‘issues’. Roseberry, a registered Republican, is now in custody. ”
He definitely had other issues.
He had issues and I feel for him because we just witnessed in real time someone having their worst day. This is tying in nicely for Dems and people out for blood regarding tHe INsurRection.
“His wife told NBC that he had never voted in his life before Trump ran for office and that he was distraught over Biden’s election victory last year.”
That is all we will hear from here on out about this.
Oh fuck. The Left is going to use this guy’s mental breakdown as a fucking cudgel to deflect from the failures of the economy and Afghanistan.
Nobody on the Right cares anymore and the number of people on the Left who do care is dwindling.
At this rate, give it a couple of years and more than 50% of people will not give a shit when somebody burns down the FBI and DOJ buildings.
I mean, ill care enough to drive over and dance a jig over the ruins.
I’m a tad suspicious…
Maybe – I’ll ask Conspiracy Bob
Isn’t that Johnny Sins?
I mean, I have no idea who that is.
It’s Johnny Sins.
Look, those poor quadruplets already have the problem of having to share the same first name. Give them a break.
HOLY MACKEREL! That Army picture. I thought the French hat replaced the patrol cap many years ago, a 40+ year old E1/E2, and do E1/E2 go to the trouble of getting sewn-on rank insignia?
I’m sure there was some French stuff involved.
If you don’t start killing people I’m going to blow other people up!
This is way worse than that Bernie supporter shooting up the Republican softball game.
I don’t know if it was the walk, the rain, or the mental tirade where I cursed myself out for ninety minutes for being a lazy slob, but I’m calmer and less agitated now.
Plus, four miles.
Good going UCS. I need to get after it more. I have at least 10-15lbs I’d love to lose and I’m just plain sick of being so inactive.
Thank you.
I’ve had to just pick a time and force myself to stick to it. End of work day was my pick.
If I didn’t have to wait for a change (that was postponed from yesterday afternoon when someone didn’t show up), I’d be burning out some rage on a bicycle right now. As it stands, I’m probably taking tomorrow off and just heading out to ride all day.
I used to do long rides often. Even a couple centuries (RIP Huffman 100).
I need to get back on the bike.
And still waiting for the deployment since one thing that was supposed to have been done wasn’t. The guy who said he did it (of course) didn’t join the call.
Getting even more annoyed now.
And it’s now been an hour, and they fucked up the implementation so badly that no one pointed out that their menu options wouldn’t fucking work.
Rage full.
Wellness day tomorrow confirmed.
My money’s on the “four miles.”
I’m not doing anywhere near enough of that these days . . .
I was always told that exercise gets your endocrine system going, and endorphins get released (see also; runner’s high). Prolly got some dopamine banging around in that melon of yours, which is calming.
4 miles is impressive. Nice work, pilgrim.
Thank you.
I’m doing it because I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.
A few years ago, when I started my ersatz “low-carb” diet, I also began walking (which is humiliating for a former runner). All the days I didnt want to walk, and keep my ass on the couch or in front of a computer I told myself “Ok, put on your shoes and just walk to the corner. You’re not obligated to walk (x) miles.” As long as I could get over the hurdle of making the effort to step out the door, then it was on. Just get those first couple steps in, and the rest works itself out.
The first mile is the hardest, the last mile the easiest.
My hangup is I also feel humiliated when my distance is too short. The one mile days or just to the post office only reinforces that “you fat, lazy barstard” feeling. It doesn’t matter that it was 82 out and I was melting by the time I got home from the post office, 1.4 miles was too short.
You were seriously ill. Be kind to yourself. You’re setting the habit.
Absolutely. Even just being outside for that time does miraculous things for you.
I’ve heard it said, that the hardest exercise at the gym is opening the door. I believe it.
Atta boy! My walks are absolutely my sanity generator.
I’m still unhappy at these long gaps in my record of what is supposed to be a daily walk.
Doesn’t matter. You’re always just one walk away from back on track.
You may be a slob, but I gotta say that anyone who can mount a 90 minute tirade is not lazy. That takes stamina and dedication.
Also, four miles ain’t lazy either.
My mental image of Ozy now has to change.
I guess I know what two glibs look like in real life now, DEG and Ozy.
Yeah, I kept envisioning Ozy as an older, wiser, greyer and taller version of Tom Cruise in “A Few Good Men.”
Shorter, swarthier, and angrier…
GT is cuter than a lil’ ol’ bug’s ear. Luckily for her husband, I swore-off redheads after I divorced the former Ms. Tres.
She’s also about 250 lbs. below my weight class.
I look like my Avatar, oh it’s me in the avatar…..
I suspect the Marines covet his jawline for recruiting ads.
Wojak is halal.
Okay, clue in this clueless guy, what is a ‘wojak’?
Biden stumbling over his words…..”woah, jack”
Wojak is any variation of that cartoon guy pictured. Each different character is a different wojak. In this image a soyjack (soy wojak) talks to an Islamist chad wojak with the three main female wojaks behind him. It’s a meme format that forms a nice millennial – zoomer bridge.
I see.
“They meme better than the left” hahahahaha
Low bar.
One of the replies to that tweet is “Right wing memers be like: [GIF] Finally, a worthy opponent.”
I LOL’d.
That guy is a quality shitposter
“I can CONFIRM, as a DIRECT Q CORRESPONDENT, that Trump, the real secret president, had Biden installed purposefully for him to take the fall for the Afghan withdrawal (which the generals refused to do correctly).”
and now I know why I like him
“I think I just genetically can’t comply to things. I’m like 80% viking by blood, what do you want?”
Is Kojak halal?
He’s a Greek with a Polish name, they fucking hate him.
It’s only money
The U.S. Education Department announced Thursday that it is discharging the outstanding student loans of more than 323,000 borrowers who have significant, permanent disabilities, and will remove barriers for borrowers who qualify for this relief in the future. The announcement will erase some $5.8 billion in debt and marks a significant step toward fixing a troubled debt relief program meant to help borrowers with disabilities.
NPR’s reporting over the past two years has shown that a fraction of eligible borrowers have been getting the relief they’re entitled to under the federal Total and Permanent Disability Discharge program, which dates back to 1965. In fact, many borrowers didn’t know they were eligible at all.
“Today’s action removes a major barrier that prevented far too many borrowers with disabilities from receiving the total and permanent disability discharges they are entitled to under the law,” U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona.
The program is meant to wipe out the student loan debt of Americans who can no longer work due to a significant disability. But, until now, borrowers who qualified for the program had to apply for the relief.
Now, relief will become automatic for those who are identified through a data match with the Social Security Administration. The next match is in September, and based on those who were identified in June, the department expects more than 323,000 people to receive relief amounting to $5.8 billion.
Next, a wave of ADA suits against schools who decline to admit the disabled.
Another lap around the drain.
“I swear, my hands just fell off. Now gimmie.”
A guy at my gym is called “Conspiracy Bob”. He can be a crank – but predicted the endless covid madness in March 2020. When the gym reopened, I saw people have that exact conversation with him.
Does he spot them? ?
Bob’s too skinny – not a good choice.
Hey, I resemble that!
I, for one, am shocked.
“Taliban militants are intensifying a search for people they believe worked with U.S. and NATO forces, including among the crowds of Afghans at Kabul’s airport, and have threatened to kill or arrest their family members if they cannot find them, according to a confidential United Nations document,” the Times said Thursday. “The document, from a U.N. threat-assessment adviser, directly contradicted the militant group’s public assurances that it would not seek revenge on members and supporters of the toppled government.”
The Times added that the Taliban appear to have a “list of people” that they intend to “question and punish,” and Taliban fighters are going door-to-door “arresting and/or threatening to kill or arrest family members of target individuals unless they surrender themselves to the Taliban.”
I heard the Biden admin was sending a strongly worded letter to the Taliban. Trump would send one as well, but it would be attached to a hellfire missile. Biden (or whoever is pulling the strings) treats insolent GOP governors and other political opposition worse that he treats the Taliban.
They just want to find those people so they can grant them amnesty in person.
I heard the Biden admin was sending a strongly worded letter to the Taliban.
Or he’d ask them for pointers. I mean, isn’t “revenge on members and supporters of the toppled government” sort of a key element of Democratic policy at this point?
I wonder if giving the Taliban no quarter would have been a more effective way to fight them. I sometimes think the US is too nice these days to defeat a properly motivated enemy. A great deal of historic American victories were achieved by playing dirty, after all.
Okay, clue in this clueless guy, what is a ‘wojak’?
The first thing I thought of was the guy from Barney Miller.
Wojo Wojciehowicz has nice taste in weaponry – https://youtu.be/W8ntMOtiQSY
Additional shocking revelations.
The Taliban has a hit list of known Christians they are targeting to pursue and kill. The US Embassy is defunct and there is no longer a safe place for believers to take refuge. All borders to neighboring countries are closed and all flights to and from have been halted, with the exception of private planes. People are fleeing into the mountains looking for asylum. They are fully reliant on God, who is the only One who can and will protect them.
The Taliban are going door-to-door taking women and children. The people must mark their house with an “X” if they have a girl over 12 years old, so that the Taliban can take them. If they find a young girl and the house was not marked they will execute the entire family. If a married woman 25 years or older has been found, the Taliban promptly kill her husband, do whatever they want to her, and then sell her as a sex slave.
Husbands and fathers have given their wives and daughters guns and told them that when the Taliban come, they can choose to kill them or kill themselves—it is their choice.
This seems a bit over the top to be true, yet I find it believable.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
It is Afghanistan. There is nothing extraordinary about those claims, but who knows?
I doubt it’s happening in Kabul, but I would not be surprised if it has happened in some of the far flung villages. I’ve been told that either the Koran or certain Hadiths do condone the taking of the women of infidels as the prize of war, so if true this would not at all be an extraordinary action on the part of the Taliban.
It does get murky at this point. I remember in the run up to Desert Storm, there were stories about the Iraqi army eating animals in the Kuwait zoo. Information is sometimes a weapon. But do they really need to exaggerate? Based on the number of people trying to escape, there were lots of bad things on the way. And there should be plenty of video documentation this time around.
It wouldn’t be the first time a Christian charity has trumped up charges of crimes against humanity in order to spur donations.
I saw the Kuwait City zoo. I don’t know about eating them, but there sure were a lot of dead animals.
All that would take would be the zookeepers running away or just not showing up to work.
The kind of thing that happens when a foreign army rolls into town.
Yeah, but these animals had bullet holes in them.
That is an important detail. I wasn’t going to write-in any additional information into your witnessing of events.
Since the fall of Kuwait wasn’t exactly a block by block slog, I don’t think the animals were just in the crossfire.
It does have a “babies pulled from incubators” feel to it.
That said, I hope it’s only propaganda.
Kill as many as you can. You’re going down anyway?
It does sound over the top, but if I were around during WW2 and heard stories about concentration camps, I would have said, “I don’t know. That sounds of the top.”
Which, in fact, is what most people said.
Can’t read because paywall, but headline tells me everything.
Also, pretty sure this was pointed out by not-the-NYT a long time ago.
It was.
Now do “masks”.
Exactly. The only thing a mask (non-N95) “might” do is diffuse the exhaled vapors over a larger volume of space. COVID concentration (viral load) is real thing, and I can sort of see the logic here, but I haven’t seen any definitive studies that shows that these masks make any significant difference. They definitely wouldn’t work on an inhaled breath without HEPA styled filters. So if a barrier does little to nothing, a porous mask can’t be effective either.
The studies, such as they are, are inconclusive.
Burn the heretic!
Every RCT has shown no statistically significant difference. That’s pretty conclusive.
I was trying to be charitable.
Do people forget that humans are supposed to share some degree of germs to make for strong immune systems?
I for one cant wait to drive 120 mph on atlanta interstates again when all the folks scared of sars-covid part II quarantine at home for two weeks.
“OnlyFans to Bar Sexually Explicit Videos Starting in October
OnlyFans is getting out of the pornography business.
Starting in October, the company will prohibit creators from posting material with sexually explicit conduct on its website, which many sex workers use to sell fans explicit content. They’ll still be allowed to put up nude photos and videos, provided they’re consistent with OnlyFans’ policy, the company said Thursday.
The popularity of the social-media service exploded during the pandemic as sex workers, musicians and online influencers used it to charge fans for exclusive access to photos, videos and other material. OnlyFans has attracted more than 130 million users.
That popularity also brought with it additional scrutiny, and OnlyFans is positioning itself more as a forum for musicians, fitness instructors and chefs than sex workers. While many of its most-popular creators post videos of themselves engaging in sexual behavior, several mainstream celebrities like Bella Thorne, Cardi B and Tyga have also set up accounts.
The changes are needed because of mounting pressure from banking partners and payment providers, according to the company. OnlyFans is trying to raise money from outside investors at a valuation of more than $1 billion.”
Who does pornhub bank with?
Perhaps they’re trying to go public and screw some investors instead.
That’s going to crash and burn.
Your site is known for porn. Going “No Porn, we want to go legit” will just drive off those users you want to leverage to make money.
There are plenty of other sites where you can charge for content that is not porn. This was their niche.
Does drugs falling out of people’s asses count as sexually explicit?
Rule 34 says yes.
I’m sensing an opportunity to fill an instant market demand…
Starting in October, the company will prohibit creators from posting material with sexually explicit conduct on its website, which many sex workers use to sell fans explicit content. They’ll still be allowed to put up nude photos and videos, provided they’re consistent with OnlyFans’ policy, the company said Thursday.
To me that sounds like trying to have your cake and eat it too.
Thanks, Tonio, for the lynx!
And your centerfold made me think of this Burt Reynolds screen gem.
“Major Canadian Media outlet claims 80% of black Canadians experience racism in the workplace and 87% of black Canadians do not want to return to the office due to the racist environment.”
…87% of black Canadians do not want to return to the office
due to the racist environmentbecause offices suck balls.”There are black Canadians?
When contacted, all both of them said the same thing.
87%. That’s more like 8 of them.
Descendants of the escaped slaves and immigrants from Africa and Caribbean…
You’re supposed to pull out the canadian census figures too.
Yeah, but they’re all from Jamaica and live in Toronto.
Trump’s last Secretary of Defense claims that Trump plan to pull out of Afghanistan was a “ruse.” Long story short – he claims the goal was to force the Afghan government to negotiate with the Taliban, and basically cede control to them. Taliban in exchange would become the dominant power in the country, but have to accept a permanent US anti-terrorism presence.
I don’t really buy this. I mean, if it could have been pulled off, it would have been a real coup for Trump. But there’s no way the Taliban was ever going to accept a permanent American presence as a way of life. I find it hard to believe that anyone really thought this was a realistic option. I think Miller is simply trying to defend his own reputation and pushing his own longshot dream ending for Afghanistan as the plan.
I swear I was gonna pull out! Sorry you own it for the next
1820 years.Just bought your book, sight unseen, Ozymandias. Will be here in a few days. Cheers mate.
Take your blood pressure meds before reading.
Ugh. Well, I always say, better to know than not know… Right?
I mean, that’s right, right?
it’s a good book
Yes it is.
Wasn’t happy with the ending though.
On the other hand, they do say that “ignorance is bliss”.
You can join the booming club! All 13 of us (including my mom… who hasn’t actually read it)
Portents and auguries
For the first time on record, precipitation on Saturday at the summit of Greenland — roughly two miles above sea level — fell as rain and not snow.
Temperatures at the Greenland summit over the weekend rose above freezing for the third time in less than a decade. The warm air fueled an extreme rain event that dumped 7 billion tons of water on the ice sheet, enough to fill the Reflecting Pool at the National Mall in Washington, DC, nearly 250,000 times.
It was the heaviest rainfall on the ice sheet since record keeping began in 1950, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, and the amount of ice mass lost on Sunday was seven times higher than normal for this time of year.
Ted Scambos, a senior research scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado, said this is evidence Greenland is warming rapidly.
“What is going on is not simply a warm decade or two in a wandering climate pattern,” Scambos told CNN. “This is unprecedented.”
enough to fill the Reflecting Pool at the National Mall in Washington, DC, nearly 250,000 time
Think of all the public health experts you could drown.
Make Greenland a barren wasteland again.
I still think we should buy Greenland. Maybe they’ll take Puerto Rico in trade.
Hell yes. Then melt it down, start digging, and profit $$$.
Bottle the glacial ice and sell that too.
It’s chock full of heady goodness.
Breaking news…the last ice age is ending.
At this rate, give it a couple of years and more than 50% of people will not give a shit when somebody burns down the FBI and DOJ buildings.
I’m pretty much in “pyramid of skulls” territory.
Blood for the blood god!
I think I’ve already been chosen by Nurgle.
Thanks for the offer, though.
A thousand years ago, plans were set in motion to make you leave that comment. Sneeze, Changer Of The Ways FTW!
You mean liar and claimer of unearned credit.
Way to go, Ozy!
Yes – clear, concise, informative…
As human-caused climate change warms the planet, ice loss has rapidly increased. A major UN climate report released this month concluded that the burning of fossil fuels led to Greenland melting over the past two decades. A recent study published in the journal Cryosphere found Earth has lost a staggering 28 trillion tonnes of ice since the mid-1990s, a large portion of which was from the Arctic, including the Greenland ice sheet.
In July, the Greenland ice sheet experienced one of the most significant melting events in the past decade, losing more than 8.5 billion tons of surface mass in a single day, which was enough to submerge Florida in two inches of water. It was the third instance of extreme melting in the past decade, during which time the melting has stretched farther inland than the entire satellite era, which began in the 1970s.
“submerge Florida in two inches of water”? Where do the come up with this stuff?
Earth has lost a staggering 28 trillion tonnes of ice
It’s around here somewhere.
Since the 1970s – a cold point in the past century. They love that data point because it sounds so official to say the satellite record is the most accurate (because there is a grain of truth there) but it also happens to begin at an extreme point on a curve that is sinusoidal in form.
Related to the Cosmo centerfold?
The “coming ice age” made thick body hair trendy again.
Neanderthal Adaptations, Baby.
I’d like to have watched the scientists that day. They’re drinking the morning coffee, it’s just another day. At the end they’re wrapping it up and putting the science tools away. “Hey! Wasn’t there 8.5 billion tons more of ice this morning?” Yup, right over there! LOL.
which was enough to submerge Florida in two inches of water.
Uhh… if it was enough water to submerge FL in two inches of water, shouldn’t the state be underwater right now? Albeit only two inches.
No, because the earth is slightly bigger than Florida, and the water kind of went into the entire Ocean.
A quick calc says this volume of water would raise the oceans by 0.000768 inches. There’s a reason the article didn’t use a measure that was actually applicable.
There’s a reason the article didn’t use a measure that was actually applicable.
Right? I mean why not something like “enough water to bury an area the size the city limits of Eau Claire, WI under 50 miles of water”. That’s just as useful.
Also, when talking about large numbers, it helps to compare them to even larger numbers, to give one a sense of perspective.
Ask how much water’s in all of our oceans, and how much 28 trillion tonnes of ice compares to that larger total.
My figuring says that 28 trillion tonnes of ice (ignoring density for the moment, since this is back-of-the-envelope) occupies a volume of 28,000 cubic kilometres. (It would actually be a bit less ’cause ice isn’t as dense as water, but like I said, envelope stuff.) The volume of water in all of the Earth’s oceans is estimated at 1,322,000,000 cubic kilometres. 28,000/1,322,000,000 = 0.0000211800303, or 0.00212% of the Earth’s oceans’ present volume.
Hmmm. Having a hard time getting too worked up about this. I must be a shitlord.
Cripes, I’m not even drinking yet. ”A bit *more*…” Once it melts, it would be “a bit less…”
They asserted, without evidence.
I’m sure all that matter was just destroyed. *Poof* it’s just gone.
Not to worry, it’ll all be frozen again in a geological moment.
I don’t know, this might be the one where we finally break out of the current ice age.
That would be nice, but I don’t think it’s the way to bet.
Now I’m left wondering if straight women prefer different pinups than gay men. Because IIRC there were a few “beefcake” mags in existence prior to 1972, with several male magazine editors and proprietors publishing “health” magazines that I would have thought could have supplied the “visual appetites” Ms. Brown laments having been ignored.
Where is Ted S. and will he bring up Search For Beauty?
I’m sure someone has studied it.
There was lots of stuff to look at but it wasn’t aimed at women.
Surely those were aimed at dudes into working out.
Ma, we’re lifting, alright?
Heh Stern used to play that bit all the time.
Yeah, sure. ?
+1 Mr. Joyboy (q.v.)
If I recall Playgirl was supposedly for women, but gays were the ones actually buying it.
Well, I worked at a bookstore, and most of the people buying Playgirl were men. (Often “As a joke for a friend.”)
That’s a sufficient answer to me. Also, “as a joke for a friend” sort of works as a euphemism for what was probably going on, even though it was meant as an excuse/cover.
Cuz Burt!
My mom’s cool friend showed me her copy, during the Loni Anderson years.
That’s an angle I hadn’t considered: in the 1970s (and while less so even today) there would be many men that women (and men) would like to see more of who would not pose for a gay-oriented magazine but would pose for a straight-woman-oriented magazine. So I guess Ms. Brown had a point, even if it was not exactly the one she was explicitly making.
Er, Sally Field era.
Concurrent with release of Deliverance, so publicity.
Scott Horton is becoming one of my faves.
Last night on Kennedy.
Thanks for getting my Dander up Tundra! although I do like me some Kennedy…
“Our very own Ozy was on the TV to talk about planned mandatory COVID-19 vaxing for servicemembers (h/t BEAM).”
I , for one, am looking forward to Vaccinated Only water fountains and lunch counters.
Maybe I am slow but I never understood the urge to create second class citizens.
Helots gonna Helot……
They assume money and power are zero sum. Oppressing others results in more of the pie freeing up for the taking.
Thot Thursday haz sadz for OnlyFans.
Every time I walk into a warehouse filled with 20-gallon oil drums, in no time at all the drums all look the same.
Sad but true, soon they all look the same, except for the Redheads! Q brings them to me, and I adore….
When my son was in….uh…3rd grade? 4th? in order to give him a sense of scale I used a yoga ball to represent the sun and a .17caliber BB to represent the earth. Given that scale the two had to be placed 97 feet apart.
Warmistas…the sun would like to have a word. It has weather just like we do except that ours depends 100% on that of the sun. No, fuck y ou, I am not giving. you any money.
The Space and Rocket senter in Alabama has a similar scale model, of the whole solar system. The sun in is their lobby or by the door (I forget which) and the planets stretched out into the parking lot. On one of my stops there I had to park out by Pluto. That was a long hike.
Nobody has explained to me how the 4% of CO2 that humans contribute annually (which happens to be the same as the margin of variability of natural emissions) is somehow causing this warming. It relies on a hyperfragile climate system where positive feedback piles on positive feedback. Such a system wouldve run away long ago.
Not to worry. I have planted enough trees to soak up most of that CO2.
If you want a laugh, check out all the handwaving done around the fact that CO2 lags temperature, not the other way around.
Facts and reason dont matter. Give me your wallet.
Icky local school board defies virtuous state mandates on accommodation of transgender students, progs suddenly don’t like govt agencies going rogue.
I’m of the mind that school boards can do what they want, as long as they don’t expect to get paid for it. He who pays the piper calls the tune – if you don’t like the tune (and you may be entirely justified) then don’t rely on others’ funds.
Not mentioned in the article, the state’s requirement for healthcare workers is illegal and is violation of state law that explicitly prohibits vaccination requirements.
As if icky laws made in the before time actually matter…
We are supposed to only ignore the laws I don’t like!
It was so long ago that no one can remember why it was added to the books. My guess, late 80’s… talk about an experimental HIV vaccine and if it was successful, that it would be mandated for high risk positions such as healthcare workers.
Man… I’m glad we got rid of the cunte who was pushing heavily for experimental HIV vaccinations.
What’s that you say?
This is going to be hilarious. The teacher’s union worthless leaches are absolutely convinced that rules like those are only for the serfs, not less intelligent that your average 5 year old elites like them. Listen to em scream, smell all that awful pants shitting.
Will there? I can imagine the teachers unions are 100% bought into this and look at it as an opportunity to eliminate wrong thinking pests.
The NEA-NH opposes vaccine mandates for teachers.
And… the talking points have flipped.
Of course they did. Their masters (as opposed to the poor sobs funding them) gave the union heads their marching orders.
Well fuck. RIP Sonny Chiba.
It is funny. When I think of my own death it does not scare me or bother me in the least. I have a very ‘So what’ attitude about it. It is other people’s passing that bothers me.
My daughter went as Beatrix Kiddo for Halloween one year. Everybody knew whom she was immediately. Pretty good for a then-15yo film.
How many people did she kill?
Pffftt. She couldn’t even take a fake sword to school.
Heh. really. 7th grade I dressed as Cortez and gave a speech on the Aztecs. My thesis was ” What happened to them was too good.” I had a cape, a helmet and wore a sword. A real sword, not a fake one. No one batted an eye. What a different country we live in now.
If she had a real sword, they’d probably have to let her take the fake one in.
RIP, that guy was awesome.
Glib meet up Saturday 1pm at True Food in Ballston. All DC, VA, and MD clubs welcome. Reply here or message me on the Forum. Come meet Deadhead (our resident ultra marathoner and poker expert.)
Glibs not clubs
What, we can’t even have clubs? We just cannot have nice things. I’d come down there, but I’m working all weekend, ):. I have to have a break sometime soon, I’m killing me.
All lawyers in the country thinking free speech is racist and Vax passports is freedom. What could go wrong?
So the ACLU writ large?
I asked an Englishman once “What happened to the empire the sun never set on?”
His answer: “You will see.”
How is that different from what they’re pumping out now?
Making it official…
^^ ding ding ding
Thank goodness this stopped with the Confederate Battle Flag…
Those Afghans we were talking about bringing here…maybe we could work out some kind of swap?
Only if the Hong Kongers are also included.
And maybe a country to be invaded later.
Greenland seems promising.
For folks interested.. despair.com is having another little sale – 16 month calendar for the price of 12 months. Always been my kind of humor.
Jeff Tucker a while ago wondered why the “Calamity” is happening. One reason seems is that a society that hates itself can’t function and a society filled with non-libertarians will be non-liberatian no matter what constitutional guarantees there are. Amazing how many so-called liberals and libertarians failed to see that happening since Progress and Change Are Good.
I dont think the people you are talking about are liberal or libertarian. A lot of people that like to hand those signs around their neck are no such thing.
Hang, not hand. ugh.
Also there were plenty of warning signs that a calamity might occur. But many of those warnings came from conservatives so those were dismissed as the whinings of reactionaries. Technocracy played a part: our experts went to the Right Schools, had the Right Social Attitudes and Said the Right Things so what could go wrong? And then there was plain old complacency. I imagine Jeff Tucker never really liked Bill deBlasio that much but he did not forsee that he would do what is doing right now.
“…did not foresee…”
“Yeah. See those steel rails on either side of where you are standing? See that really bright light in front of you? Hear that shrill whistle? Do you feel that vibration? Those are hints. “
Not to mention that spending, regulations and military spending were going up before the lockdowns happened with no signs of turning back so its not like the fiscal conservatives, limited government conservatives, minarchists or anti-war libertarians had reason to be optimistic about the future…
Thunderstorms predicted?
I mean, if Zeus is on his way… Hide your women.
I wish. Something to blow away this latest heat wave that isn’t actually an official one but feels like it with my AC dead.
Damn. My son has a super good telescope. I texted him that info….intermittent thuderstorms here and the sky is completely obscured by clouds.
Who rapes more? Zeus or STEVE SMITH?
Zeus has standards.
Evidently the pandemic has done a number on people’s dental hygiene. I was one of three people in the dentist office at the same time who hadn’t been to a dentist since before covid. The ultrasonic plaque blaster was in high demand.
Huh. I’ve been seen every six months. I was there the first week they reopened after state ordered shut downs. Man, they were super uptight that visit. The next was better. The last one I didn’t even bother with a mask. They did not hassle me about it.
My dentist wears some crazy outfit like he’s doing a space walk.
Any dentist that does not lean in to you with a drill in his hand and ask “Is it safe?’ needs to be in a different line of work.
They had a masks mandatory sign, but I ignored it and they didn’t hassle me. They made me wear sunglasses, which was weird. I get it from a not getting mouth spray in your eyes perspective, but I think some untainted safety glasses would’ve been better.
Theirs or your own?
Infected by your own spittle? ?https://i.pinimg.com/originals/78/88/f4/7888f4ed1be9e85f3c0c23cb85ab2b2f.png
Emotional and unprofessional statement, devoid of facts.
Zero follow up or questioning of the presented statement by reporter, including what have the hospital been doing to get ready for the past year and a half.
Gee, it’s almost like it’s solely emotional manipulation. GFY.
How is it that these people think they have any credibility?
Honestly, I’m not even sure what their goal is here. I don’t even think it’s propaganda, as the only call to action seems to be a throwaway line at the end for people to all do their part. It seems to just be pathetic self-indulgence. Masturbatory performance theater.
Get people to accept the mask mandate and get vaccinated (and accept a vaccine mandate). Also pity party.
I haven’t clicked your links, but I highly doubt that when he was talking about accepting changes, Hayek meant anything and everything new under the sun. As in, I don’t think he meant a liberal would accept fascism because it was new. I’d honestly guess that if context were actually provided, Hayek was referring to social and technological changes rather than the political. While he is a little too optimistic, I’d wager that you are (perhaps purposefully) confusing his point.
Well the problem is that once you admit that there are certain ideas that shouldn’t be changed such as inalienable rights or laissez Faire economics then that means you are acknowledging that the are in fact certain ideas, traditions, customs and social norms that are required to have a functioning society then that sounds awfully…reactionary
Social and technological changes can drive political changes too.
Also liberals have many times in the past dismissed warning signs of totalitarianism as reactionary nonsense. See Thomas Paine or the Russia Liberals of Tsarist Russia.
Also this raises the question: is something bad on it own merits or because it is old?
Also didn’t Hayek argue that fascism is in fact old-school authoritarianism so not a new idea at all?
And the fact that Communist and now lockdownism have been successful because they wrapped themselves in high-minded liberal ideals not something to be concerned about?
I mean, socialists and commies sell their ideas with high-minded liberal rhetoric. Or at least did until wokism. But the fact that you even point out that Hayek saw fascism/communism as something old despite them being sold as revolutionary changes kind of proves that you are perhaps taking Hayek’s quote about change a bit too literally. He obviously did not accept every change as progress.
Emotional and unprofessional statement, devoid of facts.
Don’t ask us why we did such a poor job of preparing for the things we have been shrieking about. Don’t ask us why we’re no better at treating this thing than we were eighteen months ago.
Covid? Hah! I’m more concerned with the skin Cancer on my forehead, gotta get that shit burned off!
You are a monster who is refusing to give these poor heroes time to pause and focus on their own self-care in a time of crisis.
This is what the CDC gets millions of dollars for. To tell you to cower in your home and put a face diaper on and take this “vaccine” that doesn’t actually stop you from spreading the disease.
But I dunno, it appeared that the CDC had a swift pandemic control plan down to a T since they were studying gun violence, climate change, obesity, and cigarette smoking – things that have nothing to do with infectious disease. If I had an employee who was doing other things that were not their primary job, I’d make sure that their primary job was done 110% first before I let them do other things.
And hey all those “public health experts” infesting the government departments of same had all that Very Useful Education as well.
It’s also incorrect. If the treatment was the same as it was in February or March or even April 2020, the mortality numbers would be much higher. Quite a bit of advancement since. Is there room for more, sure.
Who’s a REAL patriot?
Republican Rep. Mo Brooks on Thursday responded to a bomb threat that forced the evacuation of numerous buildings on Capitol Hill by saying he understands “citizenry anger directed at dictatorial Socialism.”
The statement quickly drew heated criticism toward Brooks, who voted to overturn the election of President Joe Biden and is facing a lawsuit from Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, who accuses him of helping to incite the deadly Capitol invasion on Jan. 6.
“Tell us you stand with the terrorist without telling us you stand with the terrorist,” Swalwell wrote on Twitter in response to Brooks’ statement.
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a Republican from Illinois, called Brooks’ statement “evil” in a Twitter post. Kinzinger was one of a handful of Republicans to vote for former President Donald Trump’s impeachment over the Capitol invasion.
Never admit culpability. Do not, under any circumstances, consider the possibility your actions may have consequences other than what you intended. They teach you that in Democratic Socialist boot camp, apparently.
Neocons aren’t very smart. Libertarians are largely parochial and narrow-minded. And leftists are completely crippled by lack of empathy.
Until Democraps are willing to repudiate the BLM/Antifa rioters who committed arson, robbery, assault, and murder, they can shut the fuck up.
This whole government by tweet needs to die a swift death.
Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of CaliforniaChina
That’s a new one
CaliforniaWell, this is … interesting.
Oh my God, coming soon?
That Hat took care of it.
*THUMBS UP* Now get into the van
To the point. I like it.
Aaaaand there you have it: “Non-New Zealanders screaming tyranny at a sovereign nation that they don’t belong to and aren’t subject to.”
We are not subjects no matter how much people like you want to think we are.
I honestly think that the time when violent revolution would have been justified came and went like over a year ago in the West. It’s very clear to me that no loss of liberty will actually provoke people to action. As long as people are able to live comfortable lives, we’re just going to keep going down the current path to serfdom. Economic collapse is the only thing that I believe will inspire action, but it aint going to produce a more libertarian society (shit – I’m sounding like Winston here). The opposite, really.
FBI Plant confirmed,
My post isn’t a call to any action. It’s the opposite as I think any violent movement is likely to produce something even worse than what we currently have. We aint getting more freedom in any of our lifetimes.
Bread and Circuses…we still have those. I have no idea when those luxuries reduce to the point of revolution but it isn’t anytime soon. Fiat Currency rules the day and as long as it’s spread globally we can dilute the effect for a little while longer.
Though I must say, the attempt to burn it all down in the name of immediate political expediency has been rather breathtaking.
Here is $600 a week to not work! Here is $500 a month for having kids!
Thermonuclear War?
The only way to win is not to play.
I’m going to steal Gunslinger’s quip and agree that government by tweet needs to stop. Especially by sneering, fake-hip tweet.
That is just enraging.
Yeah, that wouldn’t sit well with me if that came from my local sheriff’s department.
Absolute scum,
Some weird shit and France and England dunking with saying “we can do it”. I think it is playing on the fact that majority of Americans wanted out of Afghanistan and reading that as …. we out, what more do you want?
HAHAHAHA. nice TW twitter but worth it
Mo Brooks might want to do a little introspection, too, about whether the Republicans should maybe have taken a more proactive role in jerking the health bureaucracy’s chain. Perhaps they sought not to have given away their authority and responsibilities so easily.
I watched a Netflix doc on ‘The Malice in The Palace’, when Ron Artest went into the stands and beat up a fan (the wrong one) after he got a drink thrown at him. A few thoughts.
1. Even now, 17 years later, the players think it was ok for Artest to do that, and it’s so unfair people got mad at him.
2. They did the Media clip compilation of the Media calling them ‘Thugs’, and it was all orgs that lean to the left, except 1 clip from some Fox affiliate somewhere. Surely their must be clips of Bill O’Reilly or some other FAUX NEWS anchor saying something vaguely racist to offset this.
I found the media pearl clutching over that brawl to be more than a little over the top. But that’s generally how I view everything. Almost nothing in life is serious.
“Almost nothing in life is serious.” except the ability to earn a living and the potential of losing your home, and freezing this Winter, nope, not serious at all.
/and then the Food inflation kicks in…
I just saw it, and still do, that Artest was an entitled shit head. If you can’t can’t control your temper when some dick head throws a beer at you and then whine that a dickhead threw a beer at you, and everybody is so mean to you just because you beat up the wrong dickhead who didn’t throw a beer at you, you might be
a Rednecksomeone who isn’t all there.So, how much lesser is his offense if he manages to beat the right person?
Offense? That sounds like Law talk. I guess it would depend if Michigan was a Stand Your Ground or Duty to Retreat state at the time. But as a man? Doesn’t matter, it’s a pussy move.
Considering the whole thing started when Artest baited a player on the other team to take a swing at him, I always thought it was a lit bit disingenuous for Artest to get upset when someone baited him.
I dont think O’Reilly is racist. He has been known to treat staff like shit which means he is a super-asshole, but racist? No.
I thought it was weak sauce.
Doesn’t even come close to Mike Milbury, Terry O’Reilly, Peter McNab, and maybe one more(?) going into the stands at MSG, climbing the boards in skates, when someone threw something – a keychain I think – and hit one of the Bruins in the face as he was skating by. Someone on the B’s saw the guy through the glass and the beatings commenced.
The Artest thing was so pussy by comparison when I watched it that I couldn’t even take it seriously.
Milbury took a guy’s shoe off while the guy was kicking at him and let the guy have it with the shoe.
It was awesome.
I think fans who insert themselves ought to expect to get cracked by the players.
There are many instances of it in hockey history, at both the Forum and the Old Gahden.
I remember Cedric Maxwell getting into a fight with a fan during a playoff game in Philadelphia – and getting thrown out. He ended up series MVP, impressive being on a team with a young Larry Bird.
NOT getting thrown out.
Frisch’s Big Boy got my Swiss Miss right on the first try!?
And just like that GT wins euphemism of all time.
::takes a bow::
Hah! were I’m from it’s Bob’s Big Boy, Swiss Miss, Yummy,
It was TJ’s Big Boy where I’m from.
huh, interesting, I don’t think it was a franchise, so how did the name spread across America?
I looked it up. It was a franchise and there were a couple dozen different Big Boys.
Frisch’s is the regional Big Boy chain out of Cincinnati. It’s where my grandfather always took us out to eat, so I have a very strong sentimental attachment to it.
Last week it took the kitchen three tries to even get close to a correct Swiss Miss. It’s so hard to find good help these days.
I think they’ve changed the formula in the past 50 years.
And if you want an authentic Swiss Miss, have you tried asking our very own Servator?
Different Swiss Miss.
And I didn’t know our Swissy identified that way. ::insert “The More You Know” GIF::
Very different Swiss miss. Not my cup of cocoa, but perhaps glibfit?