You (don’t) hate to see it.
The US Men’s basketball team won their quarterfinal. Ohio State’s quarterback room just got more crowded. Biles battles back for bronze on balance beam. The USWNT are sad they lost (unlike most people I know). The Yankees got smoked by the lowly Orioles. The Reds are right in the mix for a potential wild card spot. The Giants are a freaking juggernaut this year. And it’s good to see some Aussies acting like proper Aussies. You know, rather than letting their government lock them up like prisoners. Although they weren’t at home, so we’ll see how they act today. Or tomorrow, whatever day it is there in that crazy land. And that’s sports.

On her way to prison.
Big birthdays today include: man who gave us all a lift Elisha Otis, evolutionary teacher John Scopes, crooner Tony Bennett, wrestler Haystacks Calhoun, British TV personality Terry Wogan, actor Martin Sheen, businesswoman and ex-con (which was bullshit) Martha Stewart, hockey great Marcel Dionne, comedic filmmaker John Landis, Metallica’s James Hetfield, pitcher Rod Beck, infielder Troy Glaus, quarterback Tom Brady, and swimmer Ryan Lochte.
OK, now on to…the links!
I’m thinking of giving up the CNN daily link because they’ve basically gone insane over there. Let me know in the comments if you’d rather me dump it or keep it.

The only person who died from “1/6”.
The body count from the insurrection/attempted coup/boisterous protest continues to rise. LOL, just kidding. It’s still just one. And she was killed by a cop who could have done just about anything other than pulling his trigger. But that won’t stop people (like CNN!) from reframing the narrative. Listen, people commit suicide every day. And it’s not all Trump’s fault. In fact, none of them are.
They don’t like it, they can quit. Because they’re the ones who get to determine whether they’re being harassed and can arrest people for it. And now they can sue them on top of it? I’ve got a better idea: pass a law that says people can run over anybody who starts banging on their car hood and uses a mob to block streets and terrify motorists. Or simply pass a stand your ground law and stop making handguns so hard to own and carry in that shithole state.
Man, Belarus is a shithole. No offense to Belorussians, but damn. This is pretty much soviet-level shit right now. They need to overthrow these sociopaths.
If this is successful, I’ll be purchasing a 3d printer. Actually, if this is successful, we’ve failed as a society. Because it eliminates personal responsibility altogether and allows blame to be shifted to inanimate objects. And in this day and age, I’d give it 50/50 odds of succeeding.

He gots the plague.
Lake Tahoe chipmunks have the plague. Let’s be honest: the real plague is a bit west in Sacramento. But this is pretty fucked up too.
Is that where the devil sucked out his soul? Just kidding. Pulp Fiction rules are silly. I ascribe to Bubba Ho-Tep rules, where it’s sucked out of one’s asshole. Also, that movie is underrated. The second one mentioned, not the first. That’s overrated, IMO.
Yes. Please, please, please fight this! Not because you should prevail, but because the internet needs some fresh memes. And this will be a good place to secure them.
I hope everybody who left takes this to heart. Especially the ones who fled to Texas. Go home, people. It’s time for you to go home.
Under the current law, this suit has merit. Also, the current law is bullshit. Also also, these people can quit if they don’t like the conditions.
Here’s a happy little song for you. Go enjoy it and get your day off to a good start, dear friends!
At least 50/50. Venue shopping probably gets them a win, and (hopefully) a loss on appeal.
I think I’m gonna have less odds of winning when i have to sue to prevent being forced to participate in the medical experiment at my work. I’m hunting for a lawyer already. I’m not going to be bullied into allowing them to inject me with weird drugs that I don’t need. I bet a bunch of courts will allow them too, though.
You are not alone. Don’t let the media fool you otherwise.
MANY Americans have seen through this vaccine mandate.
My employer has a mandate by the end of the month but probably will have the fallback position of a daily negative test rather than firing hundreds of us.
Keep tabs on how many fully vaxxed take extended sick time off.
It’s illegal to either punish or reward people in order to induce them to participate in an experimental medical procedure. My next move is going to be a demand letter that requires them to notify me of all vaccine related policies and mandates in writing and signed and dated.
Nuremberg is old news guy. Shouldn’t be but is.
Ask why if things are this desperate and these drastic measures are needed why the decision to not come in has been not made….
I bet a bunch of courts will allow them too, though.
You mean the courts that found “three generations of imbeciles is enough” (excluding of course the actual author of that decision).
CNN, insane?
We’re going to see Donald Trump’s taxes. Or, to be totally clear about it, we are very likely to see the former president’s taxes – following a Friday ruling by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel’s office that said that the returns must be turned over to Congress.
“The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee has invoked sufficient reasons for requesting the former President’s tax information,” read the opinion, which is the latest development in a two-year fight between the Trump administration and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal over the billionaire businessman’s tax returns.
While Trump’s lawyers will no doubt fight the Justice Department ruling, the chances of Congress getting its hands on Trump’s returns went WAY up last Friday. And because Congress is Congress, if it gets the returns, you can be certain that some (or all) of the information in them will find its way into the public eye.
And that’s a Good Thing, because the rule of law is for chumps.
Somehow I don’t think Chris would be so gleeful at the prospect of the Pelosi family’s (or the Clintons’ or the Bidens’ or the Obamas’) returns entering the public domain.
What possible oversight reason could they have for getting a single page of his return other than for years he held office?
And even for those years, the need would be questionable.
Do these idiots not understand what’s going to happen when they’re out of power and the GOP does the same exact thing, once the precedent is set?
They assume they’re going to be there permanently.
Ha Ha! GOP take power and then do anything? Unless the Rino-Cons get primaried out you’re stuck with them. They’re already trying to rid themselves of that Milfy one from Colorado. I like her. She has spirit!
Except the GOP never does do the same thing to the Democrats. Say what you will about the Democrats in Congress, they’ve got lockstep voting and the will to pass some truly evil things.
I hope someone demands Obama, Clinton, and Biden’s taxes using this shit idea. Now we are going to have tp deal with mouth breathers pretending because he followed the tax laws and avoided paying “his fair share”, which is worse than anything when someone other than a team blue asshole does it…
They won’t be able to unless they purge the bureaucracy.
The bureaucracy is team blues enforcement class, so yeah, they will turn a blind eye yo any request to apply the law (or anything else equally), but I am hoping this is what forces some of the morons to realize that a system that is arbitrary eventually will get them too…
I might be dreaming, but I am hoping enough people are not so dumb that they don’t realize the inherent problem/threat in the system we now live in.
It sucks to always be trying to talk with a boot on your neck. Comes out all garbled.
I’m left to wonder exactly what it is about Jan 6th that is so torturing to the souls of the cops. Like maybe asking them to start a fight, make sure lots of propaganda footage was created and then making them lie to cover up the whole thing and knowing that the death of a young lady in absolutely unjustifiable circumstances is on their hands? Maybe. I know most cops don’t care much who gets steamrolled in the course of them “fighting crime,” but maybe we are witnessing the outer edge of what they can live with.
I don’t think that would drive them to suicide. Not without leaving a note that said as much. Maybe the note was kept under wraps. Or maybe they were Arkancided.
Yeah, it’s just hard to believe that 4 suicides per half year is a normal amount. Coupled with the crazy and deceptive actions their dept. has been taking ever since, it’s just a possibility.
Perhaps we underestimate the effect that people saying Mean Things About Them On The Internet can have.
There’s no reason to assume that any of the suicides had anything to do with the iNsuRrECtiOn.
I “wonder” if this is being played up for clicks. Cops and Jailers already have a high rate of suicide. It’s a stressful job, everybody hates you. 4 dead doesn’t seem too much out of the ordinary when you feature that there are probably a hundred thousand cops in Washington DC, plus about a hundred thousand more INO.
AI is racist. Frankly I’m more concerned about AI that decides to maximize paperclip production than AI that can accurately predict my self-reported race from my X-ray. It’s more interesting that to some of these researchers this machine learning ability is a “very bad thing”. I know that my little sister who recently graduated from medical school had implicit bias training drilled into her. The medical community teaches young doctors to accept that they are racist and to actively be seeking to challenge their omnipresent bias. This whole AI thing threatens that paradigm.
I personally think being racist is pretty low on the scary things AI could do this century but this guy disagrees. He is horrified.
I have a hard time taking seriously anybody who writes a serious piece and uses parenthesis and emojis in the first paragraph. Call me crazy (??) but that’s how I feel.
For sure. He swallows the progressive left load and grins as it dribbles down his chin. But it sparked some interesting conversations on the twitter from smarter people.
That guy is an idiot. AI being used for medical diagnosis absolutely should be about to recognize race as racial genetics has a significant impact on possible medical conditions and risk factors, like sickle cell anemia.
I am actually cheering on the people demanding we stop using biology in medicine. Somehow, a system that ignores these critical items will self correct, if you know what I mean…
Maybe that is precisely why they are encouraging that system in their caring way…
*curses under breath*
I wish I had the time to discuss this topic with y’all. Probably much more edifying than the conversations I have with the “thought leaders” on this topic.
Reading that article makes me want to move to San Francisco, where I could be among truly wise and knowledgeable people.
And you could shit in the street!
Saw that twice last week. Dudes just barely pull their trousers down and leaning forward. Right in the middle of the sidewalk. Must be a junky thing.
Spray and pray.
Marking their territory.
Lost souls.
If Lukashenko is Europe’s last dictator does that mean Putin is not a dictator? Or are going old school and saying Russia isn’t part of Europe?
Those damned white supremacists what did it!
That tune has a dark message but back in the 80’s I used to always whisper-sing “Plop goes the turd!”
“What we all went through that day was traumatic, and if you are hurting, please take advantage of the counseling services that are available to us.”
If you were traumatized by that you should not be a cop.
The deaths mark four known suicides by officers who responded to the Capitol during the attack, and three known suicides by a DC officer specifically.
I’ll note that the method is never mentioned. ///Suicided
Everyone seems to lack a backbone/spine and always feel traumatized at everything and anything these days… Pussy world, and not in a good way…
That’s an interesting point I had not considered. Why is the method never mentioned? I found this:
If true (and everything around 1/6 smells like bs) this guy is basically a casualty of the protest. TBI leading to suicide. Why that isn’t mentioned more than the guy Sicknick who had a stroke, I couldn’t guess.
’cause it would so obviously sound like crying wolf, after the whole sad Sicknic story. Like, there’ve been lots and lots and lots of other violent protests with cops getting hit in the head. Where are all the deaths from those?
I personally lean more to blackjack’s “deep remorse over realizing you’ve been on the wrong side” theory above.
But if the remorse thing is true we surely will never hear about it.
But when cops clobber suspects with blunt objects, it’s totes cool, right?
I support dropping the CNN links. No good reason to encourage bad behavior.
The best reasons I can come up with are:
It’s fun to laugh at crazy people
Most other mainstream outlets are just as unhinged
We should be watching and laughing at the stupid shit: not censoring it or ourselves…
Just saying more clicks equal more breathless, insane rambling articles for monetary gain. Not that a Glibs shunning would hurt there bottom line or anything…I just feel dirty after giving them views, that’s all.
*sips coffee*
Maybe Archive them so they don’t get the clicks and we can still stew in the idiocy?
Man, it’s all I can do to put the links together. I don’t have the skill to archive then link a story. And even if I did, I’m pretty fucking lazy and couldn’t be relied on to do it.
People that don’t want to follow links can hover over them to see where they go, then skip the ones they don’t like…
Oh, I do that all the time. I usually skip links for CNN, the Guardian, and YT.
Not trying to guide you but that’s what Styx does. I get it that this is a lot of work! In fact, I think I owe the site some lupins today… We’ll see if I can remedy that in an hour or so.
I suppose we’re down to Slim Pickens nowadays, aren’t we?
*insert rodeo nuke ride gif here*
I don’t view them on any medium, so it’s good to know what MSM is up to. Also, laughter.
President Bumblefuck unifies and heals
President Biden accused Republicans of offering “fear and lies and broken promises” during remarks at a virtual Democratic National Committee event Monday evening, even as he touted a bipartisan infrastructure deal making its way through the Senate.
“We won in 2020 as a unified party, and as we look to 2022, we need to stay unified. The question the American people are going to be asking is whether we’re helping them and their families and do we understand what they’re going through, do we understand their problems, can we deliver for them,” Biden told the participants at the virtual fundraiser Monday evening.
“We just have to keep making our case,” Biden continued. “The Republican Party today offers nothing but fear and lies and broken promises. We have to keep cutting through the Republican fog that the government isn’t the problem and show that we the people, we the people, are always the solution.”
“I had to make some compromises, but it’s going to make a gigantic difference,” Biden said. “For example, it’s going to transform the economy. It’s over a trillion dollars. It’s going to eliminate all lead pipes in America so people have decent drinking water.”
America- what a shithole. Fortunately, I will wave my magic wand and sprinkle lots and lots of magic fairy dust, and make it a Paradise on Earth.
Meanwhile gas is a $1 a gallon more than it was 8 months ago.
That’s Cheeto president’s fault, because he refused to accept Obama’s claim that you couldn’t drill yourself out of a problem created by government policy designed to enrich a swath of criminals peddling crappy and dangerous half-baked clean green technology/energy shit that sucks. The left intends to force green tech on us, no matter how costly, destructive, ineffective/inefficient, or stupid. That’s not because they have faith this shit will do anything other than provide them with one of the most massive opportunities for grift and wealth transfers.
Gas prices are insane, but so are the prices of everything. This inflation pain is going to suck so much.
What inflation? The government has said that inflation is just a right wing myth propagated by greedy 1%’er business owners looking to make more profit off the noble unemployed people.
Our rock-ribbed defenders on the other side of the aisle just added another Trillion to the snowball. Wheeeeee! We’ve got an election up here in the land of the ice and snow. Wonder who’s gonna win, again?
Uh… OK. That came out of nowhere.
I wonder what else that nobody asked for is buried in there.
If you were up here it would be little Indian children.
Lead makes the water taste sweet.
But you know the drill. We need to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.
The plumbers union asked for that.
I wonder when plumbing became a federal issue, rather than something handled by the local water district, or at worst the State level.
Actually, no I don’t wonder.
See, he’s only mostly disconnected from reality. Except the part where he thinks “we the people” mean “the government.” That means he’s entirely disconnected from reality.
The Republican Party today offers nothing but fear and lies and broken promises
Progjection thy name is Joe.
that the government isn’t the problem
The government most assuredly IS the problem.
it’s going to transform the economy
For the worse, of course.
It’s going to eliminate all lead pipes in America so people have decent drinking water.
The fuck?
“If the Dayton shooter did not have such a large capacity magazine, he would not have been able to inflict the damage that he did,” said Ben Cooper, the attorney representing the families of five of the nine people killed. “No civilian needs a 100-round magazine. It’s only useful for the military or mass shootings.”
If the Nice, Fr. terrorist that drove a semi through a crowd didn’t have such a large amount of torque he would not have been able to run down so many people in such a short time.
Gas stations better not sell gas to drunks
A July ruling by the New Mexico Supreme Court found gas stations can be held liable for selling fuel to intoxicated drivers.
I assume the stations are self-serve for gasoline. So one might ask how exactly a station operator could possibly know.
It’s the wobble and chunder.
+1 for “chunder”!
How soon before they pass some make-work legislation that says drivers can’t pump their own gas (like Oregon and NJ) in order to “combat drunk driving”?
“$20 on pump 6? Sure, just blow into this machine first. Also, do you have any outstanding warrants or unpaid parking tickets? Let’s run your ID real quick.”
IDs are racist.
Facial recognition scans. Real ID is not mandatory yet.
Also racist.
Maybe they can get some of the tech out of the PA wine vending machines that aren’t in use anymore.
Breathalyze vending machines!? I vaguely remember seeing one at a PA Wegmans. What a terrible terrible idea.
There’s also the camera so the call center agent can compare that you are the same person as on the driver’s license you had to scan before blowing. All for something along the line of Yellowtail, at a bonus 50% “convenience fee”.
AI picking up on alcohol fumes and shutting a vehicle down just reeks of a free society! You know what sets off those sensors? Fucking windshield washer fluid.
I look forward to blowing into the new, improved gas pumps for my breathalyzer check.
Damn your nimble fingers!
Nimble fingers and blowy! Lucky…
It’s a dadgum mystery
Just 45% of Americans now say the coronavirus situation in the US is getting better, a new Gallup poll finds, significantly down from the 89% who thought things were improving in June. The results mark the first time this year that Americans’ pessimism about the pandemic outweighed their optimism, although belief that the situation is improving remains higher than it was in any of Gallup’s polling on the question last year. In June, just 17% of the public expected disruption to travel, school, work and public events in the US to continue into 2022; now, 42% does.
Americans’ personal concerns about Covid-19 have also risen, the survey finds, although less dramatically. Just 29% say they’re even somewhat worried about getting the virus, up from 17% last month but far below the majorities that said the same through most of last year.
The findings come amid a new rise in cases driven by the rapid spread of the Delta variant, which has sent a surge of largely unvaccinated patients to hospitals and spurred a return to mask mandates in some locales. The pace of new vaccinations has also rebounded in the past two weeks.
Let me help you with that.
“The findings come amid a new rise in hysterical fearmongering news stories and press releases from the public health industrial complex ”
Wind-up monkeys beat their tin drums in a successful effort to terrorize the weak-minded.
The delta variant is a blessing. More infections, more natural immunity, fewer complications.
Do you still get natural immunity if you were previously vaccinated? As long as you have some kind of immune response, right? It seems crazy to me to try to prevent young children from getting infected. They have the best immune systems and would likely create powerful long-term natural immunities. Unless the powers that be truly know something sinister about this virus that they are unwilling to disclose, this is just good sense.
It’s an interesting question that I don’t think anyone has good data on yet. There is some discussion of taking the vaccines after recovering from COVID being a net negative in the long term as it suppresses the broad-spectrum antibodies to COVID in favor of the S protein specific ones. But I don’t think that’s a certainty yet.
Regardless, natural immunity is showing to be about seven times more resistant to delta than the immunity granted by the vaccines.
The thing about this that has completely left me without any faith in these people is the sudden reversal of close to a century of belief that natural immunity is the best kind of immunity, but vaccines were used because the side effect of the disease was far more destructive – or even deadly – than getting the natural immunity. That’s why so many people in the past opted to just let their kids get chicken pox instead of taking a vaccine, but chose to do the Polio vaccine. Risk management
And now with this Kung Flu, you suddenly have none of the things we used to know, not because we have discovered that we had things wrong, but clearly for political reasons. Have no doubt that the panic around Delta and the crazy behavior has more to do with rigging the next election again than it has to do with saving anyone. These are the people that believe the marixist trope that you need to kill off a large swath of those that choose not to comply or just are in the way of their power play.
I feel the next mask mandate coming. They will wait till after Labor Day, then the bs starts again.
Where I’m at:
Biden’s already trial-ballooning forced pricks.
I’m expecting more lockdowns (have been since it became obvious the casedemic would rise again).
If you have no idea why they are acting the way they are acting, let me point out that what they are doing is setting the runway up so they can
stealfortify the midterms like they did the 2020 election. It’s obvious that unless they have the largest amount of leeway to cheat that team blue is looking at an epic shellacking in 20222, and the globalist cabal is worried the republicans are too weak to fight the populous on the globalist agenda.November 2022 is so far away though. It seems crazy to me. November 2022 is almost as far away from now as the start of the pandemic is from today. That’d be like a double pandemic. We won’t stand for a double pandemic!
Comply or be terminated, citizen!
We’ve been hearing “the new normal” quite a bit. Pandora’s Box has been open and I don’t see mandates and lockdowns ever going away without bloody pushback from the population.
My prediction is you’ll eventually see Federal troops going into places like Florida and Texas if they don’t comply with a Federal mandate. If that seems hyperbolic, we’re now seeing the military in Australia going door to door against their own citizens.
The ruling class, the people in charge of government bureaucracies and part of the globalist movement, were frightened and shaken by the Trump phenomenon. The fucking unwashed serfs dared to defy their order and somehow won an election in a system they thought they had rigged to always favor them. Then Trump showed that if you actually don’t fold, but fight back, you can actually force these people to show their true nature and that they win because they cheat. This is an existential threat to the globalist cabal and their dream of a totalitarian system that leaves them in charge (and well off, because in their system only the powerful will have wealth) and is also hereditary.
They will not allow the unwashed serfs to threaten their racket again. Ever. And they would rather send us all back to the dark ages than let the people stand against the system they spend so long rigging in their favor. Fuck them all.
I want to fight them. I really do. But at the same time it’s fucking stupid to become a martyr, especially before the battle lines are drawn. So I’m just biding my time making sure I am as happy and healthy as I can be. I am not sure what else I can do. We have passed the point of no return for a large minority of Americans. We cannot unsee how ruthless and unethical our leaders are. Things that used to be funny jokes about authoritarian tendencies back in 2008 are now stark reality. It’s maddening to see all the cassandras proven right. I guess eventually we are all cassandra.
a new rise in cases driven by the rapid spread of the Delta variant
which has sent a surge of largely unvaccinated patients to hospitals
Yeah, sure…
…to get tested.
‘If you were traumatized by that you should not be a cop.’
Yep. Like somebody here said awhile back: All this has shown that the Capitol Police were nothing more than window dressing who never had to do more than shoo off a vagrant once in a blue moon. I’ve experienced more violence than that in out of control mosh pits not to mention bar fights. Maybe it’s just my Poor White Trash Privilege talking but I can’t imagine being traumatized by that event.
Don’t know why I Brooks’d that but fuck it, let’s run with it.
That’s okay I’m a peaceable man and I’ve been in far worse than what has been released from that fateful day. Jesus, we’d just call that going to the wrong party when I was a youngster. Nobody is offing themselves over the insurrection except perhaps the poor folk that have been rotting in a cell for the last seven months.
An acquaintance of mine (anti-war Code Pink hippie) had her shoulder dislocated by a Capitol Police thug. Back in the day when the anti-war left was anti-war, I mean.
Chilling in Charlotte, NC, after a 2.5 hour wait in line last night getting our cancelled connector flight rescheduled a day late.
Apparently the 3 inches of rain that dumped in Austin while we were gone fubared flights thru Dallas- Fort Worth, and still playing catch up with cascading rebookings.
Tencent tumbles after Chinese media calls online gaming “spiritual opium”
Given what the CCP does to drug dealers and addicts, that’s not an idle threat.
Jussie Smollett’s legal team used a news conference Monday to blast the actor’s prosecution in Cook County as “character assassination” and a waste of resources, and said they have proof that he is innocent.
Funny since that is what he did to the police with his little stunt.
He is counting that under a friendly administration, someone will let the few people left that think the system should not tolerate this shit, that they should back down and let him save face so the movement can use that to keep peddling the fact that white supremacists are everywhere attacking the poor and innocent…
I got a kick out of this:
The six defense attorneys at Monday’s news conference, hired by Smollett earlier this year, are all Black. That was a deliberate decision on the actor’s part, attorney Tamara Walker said.
“His parents were civil-rights activists, and he continued their cause,” she said. “It was important that his team was reflective … of what the society looks like in Chicago.”
There’s no white, brown, red, or yellow people in Chicago?
Are his lawyers bullet-riddled too?
That made me laugh. Thanks.
None that matter, and the system is only working when those people are dealt with.
Have the twatters changed in the last day or two? It wants me to login to see a full thread or more replies… Ain’t no one got time for that.
you were freeloading not signed in
I have a presence on there but I’ve never commented. I got drunk another night and really wanted to be an asshole but couldn’t pull the trigger.
Lots of overpaying again in the NBA free agency. Where the hell do they get all the money?
Three times is the charm: China!
Some of it is redirected taxpayer money from stadium subsidies.
Who cares.
Sloopy missed HoFer Harry Heilmann and also Ed McFarland and Matt Joyce.
Just below Beck are two 90s era Pirates, Sid Bread and Jim Gott.
At #8 on the WAR list is 19th century player with the all-time name: Silver Flint. Then boring 21st century Mark Reynolds.
Sid Bream.
Who is Chris Chan? Internet Personality Arrested on Incest Charges
Chan came out as transgender in 2016, legally changing her gender and coming out as bisexual shortly after.
According to sources, she has become an infamous trolling target due to her comics and behavior. Wikitubia claimed she was one of the most documented people on the internet.
And most recently, graphic texts and audio messages were leaked on the internet, in which Chan described molesting her own mother in great detail. She was arrested on Sunday and booked on a charge of incest.
I saw a podcast from Styxhexenhammer666 discussing this individual, and I have to admit that I am happy I never ran into anything this morons has done before. He sounds like a desperate idiot willing to do anything for attention.
Sonic + Pikachu = Sonichu
Molesting his mother?
That’s one sincerely fucked up individual.
It could be all made up.
Even if, that’s still fucked up.
Um, Chris Chan?
Are you suggesting that this is a 4chan op?
Possible I guess, since they are the masters of our universe.
Even though Chris Chan was a lolcow who got the shit trolled out of him by 4chan, and that affected his mental health, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t fucked in the head in the first place. Crazy people say often say crazy things, including making up elaborate stories about shit that never happened.
How can it be incest unless both people are charged? Sounds more like sexual assault to me.
Forgive me for never wanting to think about it.
One of Soros’ henchmen is also in court for sexual misbehaviour.
These people that like marxism and the power it gives them sure as fuck have kinky needs. Maybe that’s why they like marxism. When the system plays out it resembles the old system of serfdom, and we all know back when the nobility could invoke the principle of Prima Nocte. You can make a lot of real kinky shit legit that way…
They don’t even troll lures anymore. They just cast a gill-net.
Has it not occurred to them that there’s an entire industry of “teens” that would be more than willing to offer their services for such?
Defund the FBI.
Defund. Disband. Scatter the ashes to the four corners of the world, or farther.
“We’re not commies.” – Dems
Democrat congressmen and women protested Monday evening to urge President Joe Biden to extend the eviction moratorium, and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) spoke about Woody Guthrie, the writer of “This Land Is Your Land,” as a “communist” and a “socialist” before proceeding to lead the group in the iconic song.
Funny how they went from telling us we were all socialists after Obama won to now denying they are unless they are talking amongst themselves and feel they can say the horrible things they believe & want to do because the rest of the evil fuckers all share the same desire to punish those that force them to keep their real beliefs hidden.
They are “WINNING”.
CNN, insane? cont’d
Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson suggested to his constituents at a luncheon on Saturday that the FBI had advance knowledge of the January 6 insurrection but did nothing to thwart it.
Before making the statement, which was captured on video taken at the event, Johnson prefaced it by saying, “I don’t say this publicly.”
“So you think that the FBI had fully infiltrated the militias in Michigan and they didn’t know squat about what’s was happening on January 6 and what’s was happening with these groups,” Johnson told the crowd of constituents gathered around him toward the end of the event.
There is no evidence to support Johnson’s conspiracy claim.
The idea that the FBI is not dug into those widely known “fringe groups” is utterly preposterous.
If they truly were taken completely off guard, it’s time to zero out their budget and shut them down.
Look, they were busy snapping sexy pics of coworkers.
They can’t be everywhere at once.
This follows the media technique of framing discussions and effectively censoring information they don’t like that was used with Covid. The lab leak was hysterically attacked as racist, then dribbled out bit by bit until everyone knows it to be true, but the outrage was managed and minimized. I predict the same will happen here where we eventually find out the “insurrection” was sparked by actual Feds.
“Welcome to my parlor!” said the Spider to the Fly.
the FBI had advance knowledge of the January 6 insurrection but did nothing to thwart it.
Because they likely incited it.
Was it not announced that the 3-percenter semi-leader was an FBI informant? Was that memory-holed?
Hell, the Feebs basically created an organization from a Constitutionalist meme page on FB made up of FBI snitches and agents save for one poor sucker and planned a kidnapping plot against Gaultier Whitmer.
In short, the ‘militia’ problem in Michigan was so bad that the FBI had to create a group out of thin air in order to stop a plot that they planned.
Linky: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jul/28/plot-to-kidnap-gov-gretchen-whitmer-what-happens-w/
Holy shit? A Napolitano article with only 3 question marks? Has the world gone mad?
A spokesperson for Johnson’s office said that his comments were not an insinuation but instead him just raising questions. They did not provide CNN with any direct evidence to support the senator’s suggestion, only citing his outstanding request for the “Norfolk memo.”
The “Norfolk memo” is an FBI intelligence report circulated on January 5, which FBI Director Christopher Wray described in testimony to Congress as “raw, unverified, uncorroborated information” from online posts, which was notable enough for the FBI to share with law enforcement authorities at the Capitol Police and the Washington Metropolitan Police Department.
Johnson has repeatedly spread misinformation to downplay the deadly Capitol riot. In previous comments and interviews, he has repeatedly questioned whether the events of January 6 were really as violent as they appeared and tried to push a false narrative that rioters were not violent or armed.
We all know a phalanx of heavily armed insurrectionist mercenaries marched up the front steps of the Capitol in formation and blew the doors off the hinges with c4.
tried to push a false narrative that rioters were not violent or armed
There is no evidence that the Capitol invaders were armed. CNN once again pushing a false narrative while falsely accusing others of the same.
There were a few violent asshoes but I never saw anyone carrying.
Sure there were. The ones inside.
Everyone knows that if you capture and occupy Congress you are granted the reigns of the federal government. It’s civics 101, man!
You need a minimum of one guy wearing a Viking hat and acting out the fool to have that stick, however…
Fuck me I live in a world where stupidity has been bred into people so they could get them to buy the dumbest sort of bullshit peddled by the psyops people. Maybe that’s why they have gotten so bad at it. They have not had to work hard to do a good job because the low bar, and now they don’t know how to do better. Or maybe they are as dumb as the people they are trying to assign opinions to…
+1 secret Schoolhouse Rock episode
The only way she is “leggy” is if you compared her to a turkey.
And I think we can.
Turkey fucking?
Turduckin fuckin?
Is that a three or foursome?
“Laurel Hubbard is happy to return to a life of anonymity after fulfilling her dreams of competing in an Olympic Games – despite bowing out of the +87kg weightlifting division in last place.
The softly-spoken Kiwi – whose contentious qualification for the Tokyo Games has sparked urgent calls for rule changes – made history as the first transgender athlete to compete as a solo Olympian.
The 43-year-old, who transitioned in 2012, bombed out on Monday after failing to register a single valid snatch lift.”
“happy to return to a life of anonymity”
Goes back to being a guy, collects huge bets from his friends at the Pub…
It’s been done.
That pic may be NSF… anywhere, really
And for the love of God, don’t scroll down.
You’re not my supervisor!
Perhaps I need a supervisor.
butt belly
Compete against women in a test of strength. Finish last. Hide. Seems about right.
I though it was well understood that you have to make up bullshit reasons to impeach the president.
Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) called for Democrat President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to both be impeached on Monday, citing the administration’s continually worsening border crisis.
Roy tweeted out what he said were preliminary border numbers for the month of July, which he noted were subject to change.
“Total encounters: 205,029. Total known gotaways: 37,400,” Roy tweeted. “1.3 million for [Fiscal Year] 21 so far. Largest monthly encounter number since 2000.”
The numbers, if accurate, would be the largest total ever recorded by DHS, which was created in 2002 in response to the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks.
“What Joe Biden is doing at our border is impeachable,” Jesse Kelly, a political commentator, responded. “It’s more impeachable than Watergate. This is an attack on the sovereignty of America and it’s coming from the Oval Office. Republicans should move to impeach after 2022.”
I’d rather see him impeached for taking CCP money.
another Texan: born in Bethesda, one of Jefferson’s men, both of which could be forgiven
dorm RA = wet towel pre-Republican statist
as for the DHS, it’s like the ATF nonsense: it’s less that Chip is a monster and more that the bureau should not exist at all
“In sum…men generally have higher variance in reproductive success than women; cultural innovations such as herding and farming can increase that variance; and even in mainly monogamous societies, substantial variation in reproductive success occurs”
I certainly will be on the wrong side of the variance
Maybe he means this kind of herding:
Furry convention?
You know, I used to do some crazy shit for a laugh but I never took myself that seriously. I like that there are at least two black sheep in the herd…
Dating is tough. Could dressing up as a praying mantis help?
I would like a law that forces any politician who wants a law or regulation that requires the use of a call center to work in said call center for at least one whole shift.
Fuck that. Make them do a double in a collections call center.
Make them work Retention, be on the receiving end of angry calls.
I say after 1 year take a poll of the users and if there is not at least 60% satisfaction with he call-center the politician loses a finger or two toes, their choice
Oh Pie!
“Jen Psaki defends Barack Obama’s 500-person 60th birthday party and dismisses fears star-studded bash could be a super-spreader event but Joe Biden WON’T attend”
“‘So it turns out Martha’s Vineyard is exempt from the new COVID rules’: Tucker Carlson SLAMS former President Obama over extravagant birthday bash that includes 500 guests and a performance by Pearl Jam”
Pearl Jam?
Pearl Jam sucks. Always has.
They had one OK album but that was 30 freaking years ago.
They must be the socialists go-to band. My SIL who is an avowed Bernie supporter loves them
There’s almost a pattern of the biggest Branch Covidian evangelists breaking the rules that they advocate for everyone else. I think there’s some moral licensing going on.
Same pattern persists in the AGW cultist movement…
They use it to fuck the idiots over, but they don’t believe the shit themselves…
Maybe they believe that if they force everyone else to live like cave hermits, then they won’t have to give up their lifestyle for either AGW or Kung Flu?
“Fox News drops analyst Andrew Napolitano after producer, 27, accused him of stroking his arm while making sexually suggestive comments in an elevator and accused Larry Kudlow of racial slurs”
Is the judge gay? Who is Larry Kudlow? Isn’t this guy white? Did the drugs fall out of his ass?
Who cares
Out of Kudlow’s ass? Most definitely.
its 2021. everyone is gay.
Not me! My sexuality is TBD
Didn’t read the article but did Judge Nap accuse Kudlow of using racial slurs while stroking a guy’s arm or did the guy also accuse Kudlow of using slurs? The Daily Mail is in desperate need of proofreaders.
Kudlow is Jack Benny if Jack Benny were a political hack.
Super spreader events.
“”No civilian needs a 100-round magazine,” a lawyer for the families said.”
Needs has got nothing to do with it.
We need a High Commission of Needs to establish what everyone needs
As long as I’m the chairman but that’s what (almost) everyone thinks.
chairperdaughter bigot
If the state has 50 round clips, yeah, you need 100 round ones.
How the Bobos Broke America
The creative class was supposed to foster progressive values and economic growth. Instead we got resentment, alienation, and endless political dysfunction.
By David Brooks
During the summer and fall of 2020, a series of boat parades—Trumptillas—cruised American waters in support of Donald Trump. The participants gathered rowdily in great clusters. They festooned their boats with flags—American flags, but also message flags: Don’t Tread on Me, No More Bullshit, images of Trump as Rambo.
In France, the anthropologist Nicolas Chemla calls this social type the “boubours,” the boorish bourgeoisie. If the elite bourgeois bohemians—the bobos—tend to have progressive values and metropolitan tastes, the boubours go out of their way to shock them with nativism, nationalism, and a willful lack of tact. Boubour leaders span the Western world: Trump in the U.S., Boris Johnson in the United Kingdom, Marine Le Pen in France, Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Matteo Salvini in Italy.
I read a paragraph and tapped out, BUT what is more revealing is to scroll to the bottom and see what the headlines are for the Atlantic now – and who the writers are.
HOLY SHIT!! It didn’t take that place long to become a complete commie-slurpfest. And talk about a complete disconnect from Reality…??
Here’s a sampling: “The Anti-vaccine Con Job Is Becoming Untenable”, “What I Heard in the White House Basement” by Alex Vindman, “Then the Birds Began to Die: I carried on for more than a year of the coronavirus pandemic, but I didn’t see the next plague coming,” by Elizabeth Bruenig, etc.
That place is literally catering to the insane.
Then you missed this strawman extraordinaire:
lol good one
Most tyrants and busybody fools think they’re doing the right thing or at least pretend they think that and the author of that drivel is no different.
Free speech —-> Hate speech laws
Open inquiry —-> Racist to insinuate the Wuhan lab leak theory
Tolerance of different veiwpoints —-> Twitter must censor any opinion other than mandatory vaccination
personal autonomy —> Black people are to stupid to get IDs to vote
Pluralism —> Globalism
0 for 5 there champ.
I did not read the whole thing myself I posted it here hoping others would enact my labor
David Brooks tends to crawl up his own asshole. I find his writing to be painfully indirect and circuitous.
And he’s a classist of the first order. He believes in the upper class and that he is of it. His schtick is being self-critical, always stating that they need to be better and save everyone else from themselves.
Nice to see Vindman has found his true calling as a political shill.
Pvt. Vindman is writing for The Atlantic now?
OFFS. Not that shit again.
The people are revolting!
We need a High Commission of Needs to establish what everyone needs
The Ministry of Plenty will perform that mission.
Mery Playa Swimwear Fashion Show Miami Swim Week 2021 Paraiso Miami Beach Full Show 4K
Skinny isn’t the same thing as being in shape. A lot of that jiggle is going to go south real soon.
In the immortal words of Warty, “you need to do more squats”.
let them jiggle it while young and worry about the rest alter.
Also squat racks in gyms are to few and to busy as is
You can get good results from body weight squats or just hoofing it up and down a fuckton of stairs.
You can get good results from body weight squats – not if you want strength or mass
Pistol squats, bruh.
“Senate Judiciary Chairman Denies Second Hearing on ATF Nominee, Attacks Reload for Publishing Report on Racism Allegations
President Joe Biden’s ATF nominee will not face further scrutiny from the Senate despite newly corroborated claims he made racist remarks during his time at the agency.
Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) said no on Monday to a request to bring nominee David Chipman back for a second hearing. The committee’s Republicans had unanimously requested a new hearing to investigate accusations Chipman had a complaint filed against him over racist remarks made while working for the agency. Durbin called the allegations “baseless” and attacked The Reload for publishing accounts of ATF agents discussing their knowledge of the situation.
Durbin accused The Reload of being an “extreme anti-gun safety website” and implied its sources were made up…”
Since gun control is racist, wouldn’t that make him more qualified?
No no. Gun rights are racist. Don’t you even ACLU, bro?
“As Durbin admits in his letter smearing @TheReloadSite, Chipman has already confirmed the existence of multiple Equal Employment Opportunity complaints against him. Multiple ATF agents have now said one allegation was he made racist remarks. No response from Chipman so far.”
We’ll keep this on file in case you refuse to do what you are told.
Robin Wigglesworth
Index funds have saved US investors $357bn in management fees over the past 25 years. And thats just the cost side of things. Index funds have also vastly outperformed the average active funds over that period.
Wigglesworth does not sound like a good proletariat name
No one beats the market for any significant length of time.
* Bogleheads all nod in agreement & go back to mostly ignoring their accounts *
I did read a book (The Four Pillars of Investing by William Bernstein) that strongly advised favoring index funds over mutual funds. The reasoning was that no mutual fund manager has ever shown a consistent ability to outperform the general market, and in fact the only constant is that some of them never beat the market.
Correct – actively managed funds do beat the market. Sometimes. For a while. Then they revert to the mean.
History is littered with former hot-shot fund managers who came crashing back to earth.
One of the things that bothers me terribly is how many people seem content to believe or accept the premise that somehow government can address the fact that life is not fair. At least in the old time religions, they understood anyone promising guaranteed equality of outcome was never possible, and told people justice would come in the afterlife. Today we have so many people that not only feel they are owed things, but are envious of those that succeed to a point that they are willing to side with & follow liars peddling the travesty that they will fix injustice somehow. The problem is that it is the very people pretending they mean to fix things that created the old and heavily corrupted unjust system they now rally against (big government colluding with private sector to pick winners & losers), and are now working hard to create an even more unjust one (double down on that winner & loser picking shit). What they plan to usher in will result in a a system with an elite class running things and the rest of us basically being treated as expendable cogs. But the cogs will all be beholden and equally miserable, which seems to appeal to so many people for some reason.
Have we fallen that hard & far that so many people are more content with a system that punishes those they are envious of for their success than one that gives them opportunities, especially in light of the last 100 years, the over 120 million bodies, and the 3 billion plus people that suffered under such systems? The participation trophy and self-esteem mentality truly destroyed the American spirit in too many people. Hard times are ahead regardless of how this plays out.
At this point, if the current administration or any of their media toads tell you the sun still rises in the East, I suggest staying up to check.
One of the things that bothers me terribly is how many people seem content to believe or accept the premise that somehow government can address the fact that life is not fair. – because fantasy is more attractive than reality.
That’s one of the reasons Mrs. Animal and I live where we do now, well out of the way of the flying shit after it’s hit the fan. It wasn’t the main reason – it wasn’t even a major reason – but it’s part of the figuring.
Every government, on a long enough timeline, results in that.
Is that because the people turn stupid, soft, both, or something else straffinrun?
The people want security, not liberty.
I think the Founders understood that very well, and that’s why there’s this enumeration of rights that cannot be taken away. Their mistake was in thinking that a sufficient number of people would raise any meaningful opposition if the government decides they’re going to trample those rights.
The mistake was the elevation of democracy in our popular culture.
The mob wants what it wants, the piece of paper be damned.
I wouldn’t even recommend a parchment barrier in a sanitary napkin.
So they trade liberty for the promise of security, get an illusion of security, lose both, and then ask themselves WTF happened that they now are being told if they don’t comply with the masters demands, they will not get the shit they believe give them said security?
Fucking stupid people, I say…
De Touqueville got it right even if I can’t get his name right.
It’s amazing how some frog gallavanting around 1820s America understood us better than anyone then and most since.
They got their shining city on the hill. It’s filled will crooks and psychos, but it’s a nice house.
He was trying to understand how American Revolution turned out the way it did compared to the French.
I believe his main thesis was that America had strong local organizations and communities, whereas the French did not. Therefore the populace just went along with everything that happened at a national level and the worst excesses of such.
de Toke de Ville
It’s hubris to think that a mechanism designed by humans and implemented in this entropic universe can run on indefinitely without breaking and needing renewal. The irony of human social mechanisms including government is that they break down and reach maximum entropy more quickly and thoroughly when they are made more and more complex in attempts to control the rate and effects of that degradation. Our own tendency to work against entropy hastens its arrival.
It’s almost like shit has to fall apart for us to notice that it needs repair.
If a system is built on the foundations of its own implosion, you can’t claim “ah well, shit happens.” If a system is built on first principles to the best of your ability, well, that is life when it fails. In that case, you keep trying.
Any of you shitlords and uwokesters know some tools for making Youtue presentations?
It’s for a good cause, this is the question I was just asked:
/official shitlord from the south side of this hemisphere
Youtube presentations? It’s video. A camera and editing software.
LOL right? If Tulip and I can do it, including intro and editing…
I found the Movavi editing software to be fairly easy to use.
“The narrative outlined in the report is compelling. The Wuhan Institute of Virology came on the U.S. radar in January 2018 after State Department officials visited the lab and were alarmed by the lack of proper personnel and protocol to operate a high-containment laboratory safely. These cables also warned WIV was working on bat coronaviruses that could ignite a pandemic similar to the 2002 severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak, which also originated from a Chinese lab leak.”
The first SARS was from a lab leak?
Not only did it originate in that lab, but they genetically altered it to make it easier to jump to a human host. And they had help from US officials and ‘experts’ in covering it up to make sure it spread found the world before it could be contained.
Right now, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are already talking about a deadlier new virus that is inevitable. Do we get a new one, or do they just do further gain of function to make this one more deadly? When you see a new mutation of Covid 19 that is both more infectious and deadly, you can rest assured some one had their paws in that petri dish with malevolent intentions.
I still don’t get it. When a group of global elites have been telling all of us straight out they are going to rid the earth of 80% of the unwashed masses, you don’t believe them? I believe them. Great Reset, that does not mean some new bike trails. It means 7 billion dead people.
But that’s some Ozymandias-level evil. I guess people didn’t believe you-know-who either when he clearly stated his intentions to the world.
Hey, hey, hey. Let’s hold on a minute here…
IIRC the origin was not from a lab, but the last known outbreak of it was.
Just like smallpox.
I thought some lab tech caught it…
A National Labor Relations Board official is recommending that the results of the milestone union election at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama held earlier this year be scrapped and that a new election be held due to illegal misconduct on the part of the e-commerce giant.
The recommendation from an NLRB hearing officer, which has yet to be released by the NLRB, was conveyed in a press release by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, which was behind the union drive that Amazon soundly defeated in April. The NLRB did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The election, which took place by mail over a nearly two-month period due to the pandemic, received national attention, with celebrities, politicians – including President Joe Biden – and employees at other Amazon facilities lending public support to workers driving the unionization effort.
RWDSU filed formal objections with the NLRB after the vote was tallied in April, alleging Amazon’s conduct in the lead up to and during the election prevented “a free and uncoerced exercise of choice by the employees.” It called for the board to “set the election aside.”
In its release, the RWDSU said the officer presiding over the case determined Amazon (AMZN) violated labor law and will recommend that the results be set aside and a second election be held.
In earlier guidance from the NLRB on the process, Amazon and the union will have a chance to file exceptions. Then the NLRB’s regional director will issue a decision on the matter.
“Throughout the NLRB hearing, we heard compelling evidence how Amazon tried to illegally interfere with and intimidate workers as they sought to exercise their right to form a union. We support the hearing officer’s recommendation that the NLRB set aside the election results and direct a new election,” said Stuart Appelbaum, president of the RWDSU, in a statement Monday.
We’ll hobble Amazon, by hook or by crook.
Ah, the EU method: hold elections until the desired result is achieved and then cry about muh democracy if the opposition cries foul.
Am I allowed to hate Jeff Bezos and the grasping workers at the same time?
So, my question here is why is the union official announcing that Amazon broke the law and not the NLRB? I’m inclined to think the union might be trying to co-opt the decision by announcing that Amazon broke the law before the NLRB actually makes that determination. They probably think the administration will back them up and have the NLRB play ball. And they might well be right.
I genuinely think that if you understand anything truly, you can summarize it as a meme
Unrelated, but *snort*
The “omg me” in that meme gets me every time.
I’m too dull to get the reference.
Not really that much to get, just modern commentary on the classics.
I didn’t realize Ulysses was so swole
I have no idea why netflix recommended me the 2016 magnificent 7 flick but as I never seen it I said why not. It was all so very… uninteresting. Not terribly bad, but just meh. It had none of the things that made the original good. No chemistry for the actors, no roguish charm. Took itself way to seriously and just was not fun. Also I found it strange when they trained the villagers that of 40 men of the American frontier who all had rifles, not one of them knew how to shoot even a little bit. It was not believable. In the Japanese original and the 1960 the villagers were Japanese / Mexican peasants so it made sense they did not know how to use weapons. here it did not. Also when the bad guys came and attacked, all had revolvers. Not a rifle between them. And people accurately shot their revolvers at a distance from a galloping horse. I mean if a movie is not fun, at least make it more accurate. They even made Pratt bland. Would not recommend. I still like the 1960 one though.
1960 one rocks (as does Seven Samurai). I was disinclined to watch the re-make and you have solidified that.
It was more interested in peddling woke marxist anti-capitalist and PC racial shit than in telling a good story, and the whole thing comes crashing down because of that. Skip it. You will not regret that.
Also when the bad guy was saying stuff like democracy in America means capitalism and capitalism means god, so if you oppose me you oppose the will of god was lame as fuck. Off course Mexican bandits are no longer the bad guys. But the bad guy is better when not a caricature.
Netflix specializes in “meh”
All this talk about new, more deadly and highly concentrated viruses leads me back to a question I have asked before.
Based on a highly generalized notion of “entropy” wouldn’t we expect the opposite to be true?
My understanding was that evolutionary pressures would push it to be less deadly over time – gotta stop killing your hosts.
Not necessarily if it is bioengineered though to not lose the deadliness. One thing I think people have not asked is if more than one strain escaped (I believe so), and that since the Delta variant is more contagious than the previous strain (or two strains back when they actually were not politicizing this shit), it likely was released after the original strains. I am going to admit that I wouldn’t be surprised China released a new variant, in India of all places, because they were worried about taking it in the teeth and needed everyone distracted or trying hard to capitalize on using the new “crisis” to get rid of opposition to the globalist plot.
No because it is seeming they want a new plague to emerge to wipe out 30% of the global population. They just need to do GOF research to find it.
“more deadly”
The current death rate for Delta in most places in the US is 0.00% to 0.01%.
(among the vaccinated)
Canada’s ex-chief justice renews job on top Hong Kong court despite Beijing’s tightening grip
Some critics say McLachlin is helping prop up a system used to erase basic freedoms, while others argue that overseas judges are key to maintaining the independence of Hong Kong’s courts
Today, in Style Over Substance
General Electric just increased its stock price by more than $90 a share.
GE stock (ticker: GE) will open for trading Monday at about $104 a share, after closing Friday at $12.95. The company completed its 1-for-8 reverse stock split Friday evening.
At the time the split was announced in March, CEO Larry Culp explained to Barron’s he wanted GE’s stock price and share count to be more comparable to peers. Honeywell International (HON) and Eaton (ETN), for instance, both have triple-digit stock prices.
I’m still deep underwater. Howsabout you fucking dummies engage in some bona fide wealth creation?
And- I didn’t even know the CEO’s name.
GE made a big mistake when they spun off their financial arm, GE Capital (or GE Money), which then renamed itself as Synchrony Bank. Synchrony has the stock symbol SYF. My wife worked for them before we retired and she owns a small amount of SYF stock, which has about doubled in value.
It will be back below $30 in a few months.
GE is a hollow company, and bailing from them when Immelt took over after Welch started the race to crater the company, was one of the best moves I made…
“Health Care and Nursing Home Worker Unions, Working Hard to Stop Vaccine Mandates
Great news, America. You know who else opposes a vaccine mandate in the workplace? Health Professionals and Allied Employees, New Jersey’s largest union of health care workers. The people who are most likely to come in contact with those infected with the Delta variant don’t want to be required to get the vaccine to continue employment.
Wait, it gets better! Workplace vaccine mandates are also opposed by SEIU 1199, which “represents the largest percentage of long term care workers in the State. Our nursing home members include certified nurses assistants, LPNs, Recreational Aides, Maintenance and Housekeepers. We also represent hundreds of Home Health Aides who also provide direct care to elderly and disabled individuals throughout the state.”
The good news is that the U.S. vaccinated a large majority of nursing home residents in the first months of the vaccination effort. The bad news is that nursing home residents are elderly and often have weaker immune systems, making them just more vulnerable to any kind of infection — and there are concerns about how long that vaccination will remain effective. And the level of vaccine reluctance among nursing home staffers is stunning: “Only 59 percent of nursing home staff are partially or fully vaccinated nationwide, and the percentages are much lower in some states.”
All across the country, we’re seeing employers implement mandatory vaccination requirements on their employees… except teachers and school employees, health care workers, and nursing home workers. Hey, why would we need to get those guys vaccinated, right?”
So the unions are rediscovering their proper role?
Who would have thunk it?
Regardless of administration or political Climate, most Unions are adverse to management just mandating without a little kickback for the big hogs.
Not sure why my autocorrect randomly capitalizes words
Woot! $50 American donated to the Glibs! You realize that it’s like $200 Canadian, right? Kidding! You guys are the best and I actually had a little extra mad money this pay day. Please keep it up.
Thank Judi too because it was her Pay-Pal.
Dont lie…you just want dirty panties
I can retrieve them from the teen-aged neighbors house anytime I wish. Just need to be all quiet-like.
Saw your latest tribulation. Have you considered mopping up the mess? ?
Just add water, makes it own sauce!
Vishnu H. Koresh.
I just woke up on the floor, between the couch and ottoman. Dip (grizzly) smeared across my face, and empties of Crown Royal and Milwaukees Beast Light.
Its Tuesday, right ?
No, Harlan says that it’s “Duesday’.
Yeah it’s Tuesday. You’re good.
Yes, Tuesday of next week.
They really need to stop giving me d̶a̶y̶s̶ nights off.
Goddamn. This border needs to open and I need to go drinkin’ with Tres one day.
Take the holy sacrament of the doomsday cult, or be cast out
Meatpacker Tyson Foods announced Tuesday that it will require its 120,000 U.S. employees to be vaccinated fully this year and will pay them a $200 bonus to do so.
The company said 56,000 U.S. employees have been vaccinated. Office workers face a deadline of Oct. 1 to be vaccinated fully, while plant employees have until Nov. 1.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday that the seven-day average of new infections surpassed last summer’s peak, before the country had access to vaccines. U.S. Covid cases, based on a seven-day moving average, reached 72,790 on Friday, according to the agency’s data. The delta variant is fueling the surge in cases, especially in areas with low vaccination rates.
“It is abundantly clear that getting vaccinated is the single most effective thing we can do to protect ourselves, our families and our communities,” CEO Donnie King said in a memo to employees.
Go on, just take it. Don’t you want to fit in? Don’t you want to live forever?
Mandates without liability, what could possibly go wrong?
It is abundantly clear that getting vaccinated is the single most effective thing we can do to protect ourselves.
Actually that is not clear at all, especially considering that most options are not actual vaccines.
Are they buying in or were they leaned on by the govt? Can’t tell at this point and a denial by execs means nothing. That’s why this needs to be stopped or we’re done.
Airshit One continues it’s CFIT
To be replaced with government approved items like vaccines and Plan B pills.
The U.K. Department of Health and Social Care last week confirmed that it will move forward with a plan to restrict where impulse sweets and snack foods and beverages can be displayed in shops and how they can be promoted, starting October 2022 as part of the government’s anti-obesity strategy.
Rule Britannia something something.
“Britannia Rules the Slaves”
Britannia would have trouble ruling the English Channel at this point.
Throughout the pandemic, many meat and poultry processing facilities have been forced to close temporarily after outbreaks of Covid-19 swept through their workforce. Conditions in the plants require employees to work closely together for hours at a time, making social distancing nearly impossible. Group housing and shared transportation to and from work also increase contact among workers.
As of July 30, at least 132 meatpacking workers who belonged to the United Food and Commercial Workers have died after contracting Covid according to the union.
132? Total?
How many have committed suicide, or died in car crashes?
So 1/10th of 1% of their workforce. And died after contracting Covid… not died from Covid.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio mandated inoculations for a range of indoor venues at a press conference Tuesday morning, requiring proof of vaccinations from employees and customers of indoor eateries, gyms, and entertainment centers.
The order goes into effect Aug. 16, with full enforcement beginning Sept. 13. De Blasio said that the mandate, known as the Key to NYC Pass, would encourage increased immunizations to combat the spread of the delta variant.
“When you hear those words, I want you to imagine the notion that, because someone’s vaccinated, they can do all the amazing things that are available in this city,” de Blasio said of the Key to NYC Pass.
De Blasio added that the city would begin inspecting businesses for compliance in mid-September. All affected customers and workers can either provide their vaccination cards or upload their proof of vaccination to the Excelsior Pass application.
Rule of Whim.
It’s what made America great.
I’m telling ya, people gonna get stabbed over this shit.
Stop whining, all they’re trying to do is coerce y’all Neanderthals into injecting undesired foreign substances into your bodies. What’s the prob?
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio mandated inoculations
I eagerly await the carrying out of his sentence at Nuremburg Trials 2.0.
Roxanne or Rosanna?
Roxanne for drinking game, Rosanna for weed game
Why not both, yo?
Roxanne= better vocals. Rosanna=better guitar solo. Gotta choose one.
Rosanna (except I don’t like the chorus as much as the verses)
Good call. Toto fills the rest up with so much fun that the chorus seems mundane.
Fine answer if the song was called Rongie.
I’d rather chew broken glass than hear Roxanne one more time.
Let no crisis go to waste, especially one with body counts, shapes disastrous political agendas….
AGW is a cult.
Yeah, definitely don’t look at things like this:
Am I allowed to hate Jeff Bezos and the grasping workers at the same time?
Everything Not Prohibited Is Mandatory.
So it’s just hate-fest from here on in in. Alright.
Too many references?
Helicopters have a weight limit. And I’m no longer hungry for lunch.
That would take out a city block.
OK, TC must be one heck of a pilot to compensate for that kind of load imbalance….
Active shooter at Pentagon Metro station
Delta variant?
Happened outdoors at the bus station. I’m going to place $ on a personal dispute of some kind and not a “mass shooting”
Maybe he didn’t want to show his vaccine card.
Or false flag. Everyone knows the Trumpistas are out for blood…
I blame Heller
Dont blame him. He only made non-lethal weapons like the shrinkinator
INSURGENT WHITE SUPREMASCIST! Story leads the news….. Until we find out it’s wrong, then it goes away and turns into something like road or work rage..
When I used to commute via Pentagon, the transit center was always a fun mix of bureaucrat commuters and crazy people. Now that there are many fewer commuters, I’m guessing the crazy/normal ratio has tipped.
You didn’t account for crazy bureaucrat commuters.
Those who thought lockdowns & mandates would hurt</em. Newsom. LOL.
Fuckin HTML
Robby Soave
I would much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much rather be required to show proof of vaccination than be required to wear a mask. And I suspect I’m not alone.
So libertarian.
But yet…gov is demanding both. Glad to see his logic is still flawed
Why not both will say the lefty. Why either would say the libertarian.
Shut up ya btichass Soave.
Nothing says “libertarian” like “papers please”.
Fuck Robbie. He should be impaled upon the member of a giant stallion, but I suspect that just reading this (Im sure he lurks here) that comment makes his prostate twitch.
14 year-old Tres Ver. 2.0 knows how to change a tire on the side of the road- Fruit Sushi was too worried about damaging his cuticles. Fuck him and that tiny dog, too.
To be faaaaaair…
He does say he opposes all measures but if forced to chose…
I’d much, much, much rather be raped orally than anally.
is a condom involved?
+1 cdentipede
(kinda drunk)
To be sure
“I oppose all measures, but . . . .”
It scans as support for a vaccine mandate.
Meanwhile, in Biden’s America…
The .gov is shipping covid across the country.
I can fake proof of vaccination more easily.
Not an option, apparently – neither vaccine nor mask mandates.
They are such limited, conventional thinkers. Its not terribly hard to make the case against masks (never worked, never will) and vaccines (risk/reward varies dramatically by individual). But, its beyond him, apparently.
American face mask manufacturers are warning that they will soon go broke without government support, potentially ceding domestic mask production amid a surge in COVID-19 cases.
Private companies and state and local governments favor Chinese masks, which cost just a fraction of American-made face coverings. The lack of demand has forced mask manufacturers to lay off more than 5,000 employees, and executives say the industry won’t make it to next year unless it is thrown a lifeline.
“With the virus getting worse, and we’re not even into the cold months, we’re really worried that this industry won’t be here to help when it’s needed most,” said Brent Dillie, managing partner at Premium-PPE and chairman of the recently formed American Mask Manufacturer’s Association (AMMA).
Premium-PPE, like many companies in the small U.S. mask industry, began manufacturing face coverings at the onset of the pandemic as the nation faced a mask shortage driven by China’s export restrictions. The Virginia Beach, Va., firm steadily ramped up its production to 1 million masks per day earlier this year, but it has since laid off most of its employees.
“The industry is in a situation where we are needed, there are shortages of masks, but we’re all laying off our employees and sitting on huge inventories of products that we can’t sell,” said Luis Arguello Jr., vice president of DemeTech.
Mask makers are pushing the Biden administration to buy hundreds of millions of masks currently sitting in storage to bolster the Strategic National Stockpile and keep the industry alive.
Their lobbying campaign comes as the delta variant surges across the U.S. and some localities and retail stores reimpose mask mandates for vaccinated individuals. The industry is appealing to President Biden’s pledge to buy American-made products and strengthen the nation’s supply chains.
Sure, what the hell.
Masks today, masks tomorrow, masks forever.
Can we get some puppies and kittens to lighten the mood
No, no, no, NO!
The whole mask thing is just a means to an end. So is the vaccine. This is all groundwork to lay the case for some serious fortifying come 2022 election….
But like I said above, that is soooooo long away. We have to stop. I can’t take it. It hurts.
They are counting on resistance dying out over time… They will beat you till your morale improves and you BEG them to mask your ass for ya!
With the virus getting worse
As a “might possibly be on the spectrum” kid I hated wearing turtlenecks so much. The mask brings back that childhood feeling. I loathe masks intensely.
Reacting to Lonzo Ball agreeing to a 4-year/$85M deal with the Bulls via sign-and-trade | First Take
I know no one cares bout basketball, hell I am starting to care less and less, but I linked this because the video reminds me of a certain meme.
I find it vaguely amusing that just about the only Glib who cares about the most American sport of basketball is a foreign Glib.
I care about basketball every 4 years when I root against the US men’s team.
the most American sport – no, bball is popular the world over. unlike baseball or american football or lacrosse or stuff like that.
Except football and baseball were heavily based on existing sports from other countries. Basketball was born & raised in the US of A
Lacrosse is definitively American, but it’s not nationally popular.
Basketball was born & raised in the US of A – irrelevant. popularity matters more than where it was invented. Football was not invented in South America but it is the biggest sport there.
His point was that basketball is truly an American sport, but Americans don’t seem to be too keen on it.
Basketball was born & raised in the US of A
KK got my reference.
Shooting at Pentagon https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/breaking-news-pentagon-currently-on-lockdown-after-shooting-event-near-building/ar-AAMTpZ0?ocid=uxbndlbing
This is what happens you have mass transit.
Someone upset that they didn’t pay attention to the “Next Train Green/Yellow” sign at L’Enfant?
oh this is nice, Taxed by the Mile again?
Virginia will have one starting next year. It will initially be voluntary for vehicles that get 25+ mpg in lieu of the highway fee they imposed on fuel-efficient vehicles starting in 2020. I’m sure it will eventually apply to every vehicle.
So Biden says no I’m not mandating but WH comes out and says it’s time to impose vaccines.
I think there will be pockets of America that say fuck it
White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator is assho.
White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients on Monday said it’s time to impose requirements to get more people vaccinated. …
“Last week the president called on states and local governments to use funding they have received, including from the American Rescue Plan, to give $100 to anyone who gets fully vaccinated,” Zientz said. “If financial incentives like these help us get more shots in arms, we should use them.”
Zients added, “But in addition to incentives, it’s time to impose some requirements based on the realities of different risks unvaccinated individuals pose versus those who have been vaccinated.”
The joke about camps is becoming less funny
Remember when we used to joke how ineffective the government was?
But in addition to incentives, it’s time to impose some requirements based on the realities of different risks unvaccinated individuals pose versus those who have been vaccinated.
So you treat them the same?
different risks unvaccinated individuals pose
Pose to who? Themselves? Other unvacksed? The vacksed?
It kind of matters.
Florida is gonna get real crowded.
‘The Offspring’ is assho.
Offspring drummer Pete Parada has been fired by the “punk” band Offspring for refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
Parada had been in the band for over fourteen years and is following the advice of his doctor who said that he should not get it due to his pre-existing conditions.
“Given my personal medical history and the side-effect profile of these jabs, my doctor has advised me not to get a shot at this time,” Parada wrote in a Twitter thread about his firing.
The drummer has already had the virus as well, meaning he is likely to have the antibodies.
“I caught the virus over a year ago, it was mild for me – so I am confident I’d be able to handle it again, but I’m not so certain I’d survive another post-vaccination round of Guillain-Barré Syndrome which dates back to my childhood and has evolved to be progressively worse over my lifetime. Unfortunately for me, (and my family – who is hoping to keep me around a bit longer) the risks far outweigh the benefits,” he wrote.
Pete Parada, Why Don’t You Get a Job?
The line “…give it to me baby..” was about vaccines?
Now he is Gone Away.
For his Bad Habit of being an individual
Much punk.
He’s probably better off because they’re a shit band.
So who believes the report just issued of Cuomo sexually harrasing women will cause him any damage?
Yeah, Tony Soprano died of a stroke and cancer finally took out Walter White.
It depends on many factors, like who would replace him.
I hear De Blasio will be available.
Here’s your daily dose of cute. https://youtu.be/dcSQQu4bGMo What a good girl she is!
New York City will require proof of vaccination for indoor dining and fitness. -https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/03/nyregion/nyc-vaccine-mandate.html
I ran out of paper listing the reasons to avoid New York.
Holy fuck shit this is the ultimate, ultimate hubris. Holy shit LOL
lol gotta give credit I guess.
No, debit only.
I always thought that Asshole Twitter was a joke.
I haven’t seen plans. Does it include 10,000+ sqft residence for him to stay in when in town?
I guess Cuomo’s letter of resignation got lost in the mail.
The difference between team blue and team red assholes is team blue assholes NEVER bend the knee, while team red assholes are spineless fucks. You have to take team blue assholes out to make them go away, cause they will fight. That’s something Trump, and old team blue guy, understood, and why he became such a boogieman to team blue assholes that lost their most potent weapon: the ability to badger/shame team red assholes into waving the French flag of surrender.